国际贸易理论和实务双语教程第一章 国际贸易理论及政策-精选文档





第一节国际贸易的基本概念一、对外贸易与国际贸易1、对外贸易(Foreign Trade):它是指一个特定的国家(或地区)同其他国家(或地区)之间的商品和服务的交换活动。

2、国际贸易(International Trade):是指世界各国(或地区)之间商品和服务的交换活动。









三、总贸易体系与专门贸易体系按照统计进出口的标准不同,国际贸易可分为总贸易和专门贸易1、总贸易(General Trade):是以货物经过国境作为统计进出口的标准。


2、专门贸易(Special Trade):是以货物经过关境作为统计进出口的标准。




CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight,…named port of destination)成本加保险费、运费(……指 定目的港)
It means that the seller has the obligation to procure marine insurance against the risks of, losses of, or damage to the goods during the carriage.
under the CIF term. The seller delivered the goods on board the vessel on time and prepared all necessary documents. But the
vessel stranded and sank in a few hours after departure. The
The buyer shall pay the price against the documents
The seller fulfills his duty of delivering goods against the documents
Ⅲ 货交承运人的三个贸易术语
1)FCA(Free Carrier,…named place) 货交承运 人(…… 指定地点)
2)CIP(Carriage insurance Paid to,…named place of destination)运费、保险费付至 (……指定目的地)。
3) CPT (Carriage Paid To.…named place of destination)运费付至(……指定目的地)

国际贸易理论和实务双语教程第一章 国际贸易理论及政策 共75页

国际贸易理论和实务双语教程第一章   国际贸易理论及政策 共75页
《国际贸易理论与实务双语教程》 Theory and Practice of International
Trade Bilingual course
主编:傅龙海 郑佰青 罗治前 副主编:周宝玉 傅安妮 林晓怡
林晓怡 杨文华 对外经济贸易大学出版社
Chapter 1 International Trade Theories and Policies 国际贸易理论及政策
3.3 Entrepot Trade 转口贸易
An Entrepot is a business involving 3 parties which are the country of production, the country of consumption and the country of making entrepot trade. Sometimes, the merchandise is transported to the country of consumption from the country of the production though the 2 countries are not in direct business relationship as the third country has the business relationship with the 2 countries respectively.
3.2 Indirect Trade间接贸易
The indirect trade is the business trade made by the producing country and the consuming country through the third country. For some reasons such as political reasons and the inconvenience of communication between the 2 countries, the negotiation, contract conclusion and settlement in the business cannot be carried out directly between the export country and the import country without the involvement of the third country, the indirect trade is necessary .



2.Role-play Method
Set a training environment accessing to the actual scene of real work position , which can help understand the content of the roles and increasing the ability of problem-solving through taking participate in a role-play. For instance, students can be devided into several role-play groups, which act as the role of the exporter, the importer, the bank, and the forwarder respectively and etc. This can help to imitate the procedures of negotiation and payment in international trade contract. Through students’ participation and interactive communication, their action-response ability and psychological quality will be enhanced, as the same time students also will recognize their own disadvantages and weaknesses by mutual comments.
Section Three




















国际贸易政策理论与实务(第二版)-第1章 导论-精品文档

国际贸易政策理论与实务(第二版)-第1章  导论-精品文档
第1章 导论
1. 按从事贸易的角度不同分类: 对外贸易:是指一国或地区同其他国家或地 区进行商品或劳务的交换活动。 国际贸易:是指世界各国之间货物或服务交换 的活动。 2. 按商品形态不同分类: 有形贸易:物质形态,联合国共分成10类 无形贸易:主要指服务贸易,WTO分成12大类。
3. 按统计标准不同分类: 总贸易与专门贸易 总贸易--国境 专门贸易--关境 中国:国境大于关境 欧盟:关境大于国境 4. 按贸易形式分类: 一般贸易与加工贸易 一般贸易:长江三角洲 加工贸易:珠江三角洲
2019年底,中国外汇储备为6 099 亿美元,增长2 067亿美元,外汇占款 增加16 098亿人民币,比2019年多增4 639亿人民币,2019年1-6月,外贸顺 差396亿美元,但外汇储备增长近1 000亿美元,为7110亿美元。
• • • • • 以稳定国内经济为主,外贸为国内经济服务 汇率的风险由企业承担 汇率决定于外汇市场的供求 国际收支项目中只能是一个项目顺差 追求国内外经济双平衡
• 外汇储备枯竭,本币贬值。 • 国内货币紧缩,利率上升,失业加重。 • 逆差形成于贸易收支:造成国内失业, 形成于资本项目:国内资金紧张 • 办法:紧缩性财政政策-节省支出 • 紧缩性货币政策-提高贴现率 • -提高存款准备金比率
• • • • • • 国内经济和对外贸易的高速增长 巨额外汇储备 经常项目和资本项目双顺差体制 国际舆论:人民币升值可以拯救全世界 存贷款利率、存款准备金比例上升 通货膨胀压力
• • • • 马来西亚林吉特放弃与美元联系汇率 亚洲各国货币普遍上涨 欧美采购商转向印度等国采购 中国国内通货膨胀压力缓解



国际贸易理论与实务课程教案第一章:国际贸易基本概念与理论1.1 国际贸易的定义与分类1.2 国际贸易的基本要素与贸易方式1.3 国际贸易的理论基础1.4 国际贸易的利益与成本第二章:国际贸易政策与措施2.1 国际贸易政策的基本类型2.2 贸易保护主义与自由贸易政策2.3 国际贸易措施的种类与作用2.4 国际贸易政策的演变与趋势第三章:国际贸易协定与组织3.1 国际贸易协定的类型与内容3.2 世界贸易组织(WTO)的基本原则与职能3.3 国际贸易组织的运作机制与作用3.4 国际贸易协定与组织的现状与发展趋势第四章:国际贸易实务操作4.1 国际贸易合同的类型与内容4.2 国际贸易合同的磋商与签订4.3 国际贸易合同的履行与管理4.4 国际贸易支付方式与风险管理第五章:国际贸易促进与营销5.1 国际贸易促销的方式与策略5.2 国际市场营销环境分析5.3 国际市场产品策略与价格策略5.4 国际市场渠道策略与促销策略第六章:国际贸易理论与政策分析6.1 经典国际贸易理论的发展与评述6.2 现代国际贸易理论的探讨与实证分析6.3 国际贸易政策分析的方法与模型6.4 国际贸易政策制定的影响因素与决策过程第七章:国际贸易实务案例研究7.1 国际贸易实务中的经典案例解析7.2 贸易争端解决案例分析7.3 跨国公司国际贸易实务案例研究7.4 我国国际贸易实务案例的经验与启示第八章:国际贸易与区域经济发展8.1 区域贸易协定的形成与影响8.2 欧盟、北美自由贸易区等区域经济一体化的实践8.3 区域贸易政策对区域经济发展的作用与挑战8.4 我国区域贸易战略的选择与实施第九章:国际贸易与可持续发展9.1 国际贸易与环境保护的关系9.2 绿色贸易政策的理论与实践9.3 国际贸易对可持续发展影响的实证分析9.4 我国国际贸易与可持续发展的战略选择第十章:国际贸易的未来发展趋势10.1 全球价值链与贸易全球化10.2 数字贸易的发展与影响10.3 与国际贸易的未来10.4 我国应对国际贸易未来发展趋势的策略与建议重点解析:1. 国际贸易基本概念与理论:理解国际贸易的定义、分类、基本要素与贸易方式,掌握国际贸易的理论基础,分析国际贸易的利益与成本。

国际贸易理论与实务(英文版)(第四版) Ch.1 Introduction

国际贸易理论与实务(英文版)(第四版) Ch.1 Introduction

Trade policy (and policy effects)
Trade policy coordination Balance of payments (国际收支) Exchange rate determination
Part I
Part II

International capital market
Ch.09 Regional Economic Integration Ch.10 GATT & WTO
Ch.1 Overview of international trade §1 Merchandise trade
§2 Trade in commercial services §3 China’s foreign trade
Ch.06 Import Protection Policy: Tariffs Ch.07 Import Protection Policy: Non-tariff Barriers Ch.08 Export Promotion and Other Policies
International policy coordination
10% Agricultural products
34% Other manufactured goods
In 2016
US$ 15.96 tn. World merchandise exports US$ 15.71 tn. WTO members exports
Share of developing economies
AgHale Waihona Puke icultural products



国际贸易理论与实务教案第一章:国际贸易的基本概念与理论基础1.1 国际贸易的定义与分类1.2 国际贸易的基本要素与主体1.3 国际贸易的理论基础:绝对优势理论、比较优势理论、要素禀赋理论1.4 国际贸易政策:自由贸易政策、保护贸易政策第二章:国际贸易的法律与组织2.1 国际贸易法的基本原则与主要内容2.2 国际贸易组织:世界贸易组织(WTO)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)、世界银行(World Bank)2.3 国际贸易规则:关税与贸易总协定(GATT)、世界贸易组织协定(WTO Agreements)2.4 国际贸易争端解决机制第三章:国际贸易的支付与结算3.1 国际贸易支付工具:汇票、本票、支票、信用证3.2 国际贸易结算方式:汇付、托收、信用证支付3.3 国际贸易结算中的风险与防范3.4 国际贸易结算的电子化与现代化第四章:国际贸易的运输与保险4.1 国际贸易运输方式:海运、空运、陆运、多式联运4.2 国际贸易运输单证:提单、海运单、航空运单、多式联运单证4.3 国际贸易保险:海上保险、货物运输保险、信用保险4.4 国际贸易保险的索赔与理赔第五章:国际贸易实务操作5.1 出口准备:商品定价、出口许可证、装运单据5.2 出口促销:广告、展销、电子商务5.3 进口程序:进口许可证、关税、进口税收制度5.4 国际贸易合同的履行与管理第六章:国际市场营销6.1 国际市场环境分析:政治、经济、文化、法律因素6.2 国际市场细分、目标市场选择与市场定位6.3 国际市场营销策略:产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、分销渠道策略6.4 国际电子商务与网络营销第七章:国际金融与外汇风险管理7.1 国际金融市场:货币市场、资本市场、外汇市场7.2 国际金融工具:汇票、债券、股票、衍生金融工具7.3 外汇风险管理:汇率风险、利率风险、货币风险7.4 外汇衍生品:远期合约、期权、期货第八章:国际投资与跨国企业8.1 国际投资的形式与动机:直接投资、间接投资、组合投资8.2 国际投资环境分析:政治风险、经济风险、法律风险8.3 跨国企业的组织结构与管理:全球战略、区域战略、国家战略8.4 跨国企业与国际贸易:国际贸易与国际生产、全球供应链管理第九章:区域经济一体化9.1 区域经济一体化的概念与类型:自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济联盟9.2 主要区域经济一体化组织:欧盟、北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)、亚太经济合作组织(APEC)9.3 区域经济一体化的影响:贸易创造、贸易转移、投资流动、政策协调9.4 中国与区域经济一体化:一带一路倡议、中国-东盟自由贸易区、中国-非洲经贸合作区第十章:国际贸易实务案例分析10.1 出口导向型企业的案例分析10.2 跨国公司的国际市场进入策略案例分析10.3 贸易争端的案例分析与解决策略10.4 电子商务在国际贸易中的应用案例分析重点和难点解析重点一:国际贸易的基本概念与理论基础补充说明:这些理论是国际贸易学科的基础,理解这些理论对于掌握国际贸易的核心原理至关重要。

国际贸易理论与实务(英文版)Ch.8 Argument against free trade

国际贸易理论与实务(英文版)Ch.8 Argument against free trade
To assure continued domestic production in the event of a war. If imports are not restricted during normal times, they may capture the lion’s
share of the market .
If protection temporarily, firms realize sufficient economies of scale (internal or external)
Eventually per-unit costs fall, home industry becomes an exporter. At this point protection can be removed. Consumers finance the expansion, but more than repaid when the
How to identify the industry? Agriculture. Steel? Ships? Planes? (at one time or another) watch industry Policies other than tariffs?
e.g. Goods could be stockpiled, like the U.S.
Thus, no guarantee the improvement of BOT.
Any other approaches to improve BOT?
If the deficit is a macroeconomic problem, then increase Y, reduce spending (C+I+G)
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International trade is the exchange of goods and services happened between the countries or regions across world, including visible products(substantial products) and invisible products (such as labor, technology, consultation etc.). For the traditional international trade, it only refers to the exchange of the goods in variety between countries and regions, not including services; In a modern international trade, the exchange covers the goods as well as services of different countries and regions over the world.
Lesson 1 Basic Concepts of International Trade 国际贸易的基本概 念 1.International trade , Foreign trade and Overseas Trade 国际贸易、对外贸易和海外贸易
1.1 International Trade (also named World Trade) 国际贸易
2.3 Transit Trade过境贸易
During the business between the country of production and the country of consumption, the transportation will be carried out usually through the third country while the third country charges for the transportation. Then the business is regarded as the transit trade by the third country. For instance, the business trade between the inland country and the non-neighboring countries has to be completed through the third country’s frontier, consequently the kind of business will be classified as the transit trade by the customs of the third country.
According to the different movement directions of the goods, international trade is classified into export trade, import trade, and transit trade.
2.1 Export Trade出口贸易
2.2 Import Trade进口贸易
The business of buying the merchandise(including services) from abroad market, and imputing to domestic market is called as import trade or imput trade.
The business of selling the merchandise including services produced or proceeded in domestic market to abroad market is called as Export Trade or Output Trade.
《国际贸易理论与实务双语教程》 Theory and Practice of International Trade Bilingual course
主编:傅龙海 郑佰青 罗治前 副主编:周宝玉 傅安妮 林晓怡 林晓怡 杨文华 对外经济贸易大学出版社
Chapter 1 International Trade Theories and Policies 国际贸易理论及政策

1.2. Foreign Trade (also named import and export business) 对外贸易
Foreign trade refers to the exchange activitiy about the goods and services operated by one country or region with other countries or regions. Foreign trade means the business activity regarded on the side of one country. For example, the trade between China and other countries, usually called as Chinese Foreign Trade. International trade is the business activity regarded all over the world,
1.3. Overseas Trade海外贸易 The foreign trade developed by the insular countries such as Japan, UK is named as Overseas Trade.
2. Export Trade, Import Trade, Transit Trade 出口贸易、进口贸易、过境贸易