

故事讲述的是被关在前苏联监狱 的两只兔子基里连科和普京的生
两人与看守警卫一同展开欢 乐有趣的笑闹斗争。以前苏联社 会主义为背景,两只超级爆笑的
原本有一双胞胎兄弟基鲁列克 ,但被手下
之后继续劝说它吃鱼或者把鱼强塞进它嘴 里都会被它一顿海扁。
• <囚犯编号:541>
而休息一天,因而被标签为资本主义者而 获刑3年,实为一良好市民。

影片中几乎没有对白,只有 一些简单的配音,片中的兔子民 警和兔子老板偶尔会说出听不清
基里连科 普京 列宁格勒&柯曼尼奇 门
• <囚犯编号:04>
• 身穿红白条纹囚服,左耳穿着别针,脚穿 帆布鞋。无视普京的存在。有洁癖,爱帆



之后继续劝说它吃鱼或者把鱼强塞进它嘴 里都会被它一顿海扁。
• <囚犯编号:541>
• <囚犯编号:04>
• 身穿红白条纹囚服,左耳穿着别针,脚穿 帆布鞋。无视普京的存在。有洁癖,爱帆
原本有一双胞胎兄弟基鲁列克 ,但被手下
而休息一天,因而被标签为资本主义者而 获刑3年,实为一良好市民。

故事讲述的是被关在前苏联监狱 的两只兔子基里连科和普京的生
两人与看守警卫一同展开欢 乐有趣的笑闹斗争。以前苏联社 会主义为背景,两只超级爆笑的
影片中几乎没有对白,只有 一些简单的配音,片中的兔子民 警和兔子老板偶尔会说出听不清
基里连科 普京 列宁格勒&柯曼尼奇 门



4、家庭核心价值观,中国人强调亲情而《越狱》 所揭示的当代美国人的重要价值理念正是对亲密 家庭关系的肯定。
5、团队精神,《越狱》从迈克尔的个人营救计划开 始,逐渐发展为“八大员”的集体行动,尽管迈克 尔的智商很高, 但他同样需要团队的协作力量来完 成越狱计划。
6、正义之道,人性的善恶之争从来都是一个永恒 的主题。在多数情况下“善”能占据上风,我们的 所作所为会趋于善良,行事会符合法律和道德的要 求。
Sarah Wayne Calliess 维恩·卡里斯
角色Theodore Bagwell (t-bag)
人物特点: 1、变态杀人狂,极其凶残暴力。 2、拥有顽强的生命力,为了能活命不择手段。 3、有美好的爱情梦,想拥有一个温馨的家庭。
Robert Knepper 罗伯特·克奈普
角色狱警 Bellick 人物特点: 1、性格卑劣:嚣张、贪婪、冷酷、欺软 怕硬、卑鄙、胆小、狡猾、小气、无能。 2、虽然性格卑劣,但始终记挂年迈的母 亲。
男主角:Michael Scofield(迈克尔)
毕业学校:芝加哥的Loyola大学 学位:土木学士和土木硕士 职业:结构工程师 为了从监狱中救出自己无辜的哥哥,他甘愿抛下 远大的前程,丢弃自由,精心谋划救出哥哥林肯。 人物特点: 1、睿智沉稳,冷静果敢,有超人般的的机制头脑 和忍耐力,有时会流露出细腻温和一面。 2、上身有监狱建构地图纹身,有想象不到的硬线 索节点构思。 3、迈克尔以救赎者的姿态降临,他最光辉的不是 坚毅的外表,而是可敬可爱可畏的智慧。
Make Prison
迈克尔的哥哥林肯被认定犯有谋杀罪被投入 了FoxRiver监的死囚牢,但迈克尔却坚信兄 长是无辜的,在林肯的死刑执行日越来越逼 近时,迈克尔持枪闯入了一家银行,被捕入 狱后来到了林肯的身边。身为建筑工程师的 迈克尔参与了监狱的改造工程而对这里了若 指掌,设计了史上最完美的越狱计划,并集 中狱中其他七人一块越狱。


2.可能会造成系统不稳定,拥有很高系统权限的 同时,我们也伴随着系统崩溃的危险,这个道理 大家能理解吧?你可以修改它,但是你不能保证 永远正确的修改它。所以系统级的软件宁缺毋滥, 不了解用途的情况下不要乱安装。
3.在新的手机固件版本出来的时候,不能及时的 进行更新。每个新版本的固件,都会修复上一个 版本的越狱漏洞,使越狱失效。因此如果需要保 持越狱后的功能,要等待新的越狱程序发布的时 候,才能升级相应的手机固件版本。
4.可以更换主题、图标、短信铃声等等,打 造个性的手机。
5.可以借助第三方文件管理软件灵活的管理 系统或者其他文件。把iphone当移动硬盘 (u盘)。
1.费电,越狱后系统会常住一些进程保持越狱的 状态。视系统级软件(deb格式)安装的数量, 越狱后耗电速度约提升10% ~20%。提示:绝对 不要装pxl格式的软件。
这些软件或者是苹果商店因为某种理由而拒绝的(通常是因为违反 了苹果的清规戒律)或者开发者没有MAC系统,也可能是作者拒绝付100 美元才能发布他们的作品。而越狱后就能够使用这些软件了。
iPhone的iOS与其他手机系统(如Nokia的Symbian,Google的 Android等等最大的不同是,后两者是开放的用户权限,而iOS用户权限 极低。简单的说,后两者用户的权限是RW(读写),而iOS的用户权限 只有R(只读)。因此iOS的用户只能使用经过苹果验证(Apple Store中 购买的)的应用程序,其他行为对无法对系统进行更变. iOS这样的好处 是,对比其他系统如Nokia Symbian、Android等iso系统不越狱的情况下 稳定性极强,死机率极低...



In the third quarter
• About Kirilenko and Putin to Moscow, to enter a building plan to buy limited edition canvas shoes, the owner of the building is the former men Zilu Kirilenko were Love, who two years ago Kirilenko Brothers deep fry the pieces, which is why Kirilenko is mosaic and there are two reasons for the character, Zi Lu were Love Kirilenko and Putin intends to get rid of, and finally got the limited smooth Kirilenko Edition canvas shoes.
In the first quarter

About the cale background in August 26, 1961
-1961 on 27 August. Putin and the story
began to tell on Kirilenko in the prison
In the second quarter
• Putin the day before his sentence by Kirilenko in the magazine found a limited edition canvas shoes to be on sale and decided to escape, Putin also somehow keep pace, they start their drive to escape during the story.



精心整理-= 越狱 PRISON BREAK=-第一季 第一集完成了That's it.是的都会先画些小的东西they start with something small.“妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的"Mom",girlfriend's initials,something like that.而你不是Not you.才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套You get a full set of sleeves,all in a couple of months. 换了别人要做好几年呢Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.我没有好几年的工夫I don't have a few years.是个快餐厅It's a fast food restaurant.供应那些方形的汉堡those little squ我知道那是什么I know what it is.我不是在玩游戏I'm not playing games.打开Open it.先生,你袋子里已经有万美元的现金辩方完全不抗辩Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. Scofield先生,你肯定吗?Are you sure about this,Mr. Scofield?我肯定,法官大人I'm sure,Your Honor.法官大人我们想请求休庭Your Honor,we'd like to recess if we could. 我的委托人头脑有点不清楚My client's a bit confused at the moment. 我没有,法官大人Court's recessed until :.我们走Come on,Let's go.Mike叔叔?Uncle Mike?我没让你来I didn't want you to come.LJ 回家去Go home,LJ.我不想让你看到我这样I didn't want you to see this.说实话就一分钟One minute.你难道不明白吗?你刚才算是把生杀大权交到了那女的手上Don't you understand?她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.审判和惩罚对她来说是一回事的Justice and punishment are the same thing to her. 我知道I know.干吗不让我帮你?Why won't you let me help you?你一直对我很好You've been good to me.从小到大你...My whole life,you have...但是这次你得放手让我做好吗?but you've gotta let me deal with this.Okay? 鉴于你没有案底Given your lack of prior criminal conduct, 我很想给你缓刑鉴于此somewhere near your home here in Chicago.我尊重你的意见I'm willing to honor that.离那最近的一级监狱...The closest level one facility to...一级?Level one?那可是监管最严密的监狱法官大人That's maximum security,Your Honor.我说话时律师请不要打断I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me.我判年好了一个个的都进来检查是否携带窃听器All right,people,step inside the door and check yourself for bugs. 听见敲门声就出来下一个继续When you hear the knock,step out.Keep the line moving.我们可没一天时间和你们耗We ain't got all day to get this done.快点进去不要讲话Let's go. Move it. No more talking in line.快点五分钟之内冲个凉Move it. You got less than five minutes to take a shower.都动起来快点往前走姓名信教吗Never really thought about it.很好因为十诫在这狗屁不值Good,'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here. 我们这只有两诫We got two commandments and two only.第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日The first commandment is you got nothing coming. 那第二诫呢?What's the second commandment?参考第一诫See commandment number one.了解什么?服完刑我管辖内什么调也没有!There isn't any flying under my radar.那更好Good to know.嘿哪位兄弟上来装个空调?Hey,can a brother get some air conditioning up here,coach? 比吸毒妓女的热吻还要热It's hotter than a crack ho's mouth,man.空调就不管啦来个妓女也行啊To hell with the A.C.,man.Give me the crack ho.快点喂Fish!Ain't nobody gonna serve it for you.欢迎来到监狱乐园新来的Welcome to Prisneyland,Fish.你想谈谈吗?You wanna talk about it?不没什么好谈的No,it's not worth talking about.如果让你睡不着就非谈谈不可了If it's keeping you up,it is.哦其实...Oh,it's just...对不起,我不该跟你谈他的事I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about him.你怎么想是你的自由对吗?Hey,if it's on your mind,it's on your mind,right? 晚安Good night.所有狱警戒备All wings,guard coming out.所有狱警戒备All wings,guard coming out.Trey Street Deuces霸占着篮球场WoodsWho's the pet lover?他自己不承认不过他就是D.B. Cooper(D.B. Cooper是着名劫机大盗携带巨款跳伞而逃)He'll deny it,but he's D.B. Cooper.年前从飞机上跳伞下来Parachuted out of a plane years ago还带着万现金with a million and a half in cash.可他看上去不象坏人啊Doesn't look like the type.谁看上去就象啊?嘿好毙了耶Yeah.He's my new cellie.“大把商”跟贩卖部的有关系Wholesale's got it wired up out of commissary. 你要什么他能给你弄什么Anything you want,he can get it for you.你再一天到晚和别人说这事You keep handing out my jacket,我发誓打爆你的头(这里“头”和“葡萄”是同一个单词grape)I swear I'm gonna bust your grape.你在Napa县就算给你副防滑钉你也搞不动葡萄(Napa不不叫Linc“Linc the Sink?他们现在叫他这个?That what they're calling him now?是呀Yeah.他要是找你麻烦就差拿厨房砸你了...As in,he'll come at you with everything but the kitchen...白鬼佬Snowflake.在哪能找到他?Where can I find him?不行他们出来的唯一时间是做礼拜和P.I.Oh,no. The only time those boys get out is for chapel and P.I. P.I.是什么?监狱工厂Prison Industry.这帮人都得干活The guys that get along,get to work.刷刷漆拣拣废料做做床垫什么的You know,painting,scrapping,making mattresses,you name it. 新来的我要是你可不会太激动I wouldn't get excited,though,if I were you,Fish.因为是因为他是我哥哥Because he's my brother.-他们驳回上诉了-那就继续上诉They denied the motion.Then do it again.不行了没办法了I can't. That's it.月日就是...May . That's the date,man.就是That's the date they,uh... you know...我知道Swear to me.我发誓 MichaelI swear to you,Michael.可他们怎么会弄错了呢?But how did they get it wrong then?法庭上诉...The courts,the appeals...我不知道我不知道Don't know. Don't know.我现在仔细想来...All I keep thinking,looking back on it is,uh...“爱”“在酒店醉酒闹事了”的语境over "a liquor store again" context.不要太花哨的Except,you know,classy.其实我是向我女朋友求婚I'm proposing to my girl,if you gotta know. 写信求婚?In a letter?你还有别的好办法?You got a better way?面对面很有效呀ikng there用“激情”一词吧(激情:passion)Try "passion."哦哦“激情”“激情”这个酷Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. 激情?Passion.怎么写啊?How do you spell that?是“pash...”?没有“LJ等等相信我Trust me.都听明白了吧?We understand each other,then?是的周五Yeah. Friday.不是周六不是周日是周五Not Saturday. Not Sunday. Friday.完全明白Totally understood.我不要块块和块面额的I don't want hundreds,I don't want fives,I don't want ones.我知道警察!滚也许你可以听听我要说的Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say.你那我没什么想要的You got nothing I need.我可不这么想Wouldn't be too sure of that.看来我还真错了My mistake.还真是我需要的...一只鸭子Just what I need... a duck.监狱工厂 Abruzzi好了Maggio.什么事?Yeah? So?就是这个混蛋告发的AbruzziThat's the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi.是Fibanacci?That's Fibanacci?我以为这家伙死了I thought the punk was gone forever. 很明显有人找到他了Evidently,somebody found him.我叫姓Scofield 我看了你的档案Scofield. I read your report.那你是...?And you are?Tancredi医生Dr. Tancredi will do.Tancredi 跟州长一个姓?Tancredi like the governor?你们不会是亲戚吧?You're not related,are you?只是没想到什么?What?没什么Nothing. That was just my senior quote.原来是你说的啊?That was you?我一直以为是甘地说的This whole time,I was thinking it was Gandhi.你可真逗You're very funny.坐好了手压着别松我就回来Sit tight. Put direct pressure on that.I'll be back in a sec. 那么我们怎么安排?So,how do we play this?“看来我们以后会常见面了是吗?Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other,then,huh?是呀I guess so.Burrows的死刑一切准备就绪We're all clear on the Burrows execution.-很好-不过还有件事Good. Except for one thing.McMorrow主教还不知情Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold.the thing.这事就过去了it'll all be over.上帝之子将交给罪人The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men在十字架上处死三天后又复活and be crucified and,the third day,rise again. 他们记住了他留下的箴言你们也应该记住And they remembered his words,and so should you. 各位好愿上帝与你们同在Good day,gentlemen.May God be with you.MichaelWhy?Too formal.象问候贺卡Too greeting card.我们迟早得定下来make a decision sooner or later,you know.我们有的是时间呀,in time其实我们没有actually.到了某个时候I mean,at some point,亲爱的你是不是想推迟?Are you putting this off? 什么意思?What do you mean?我...我是说你是不是后悔了?I... I mean,are you having second thoughts? 没有亲爱的没有No. Honey,no.我没有I'm not.我也不知道怎么了不我爱你激情?嘿你自己也同意了Hey,you went for it.她说不定认为我在这变得女人气了She probably thinks I went sissy up in here. “激情”超过一个音节了"Passion." Got more than one syllable,废话太多too much talkin'.现在我改规矩了That's me from now on.以后只写单音节的词是不是Si or no.单音节One syllable,man.她应该周二就来探监了She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday.她以前总是提前打电话She's always calling me beforehand,告诉我她要过来letting me know she's coming.这次什么消息也没有This time,man,I ain't heard a peep.起来吧除非他对你做的事感兴趣Not unless he's real interested in what you got going on. Loyola的尖子生Top of your class at Loyola.获优等成绩Magna cum laude,in fact.我就纳闷了象你这么优秀的人才I can't help wondering what someone跑到这种鬼地方干什么with your credentials is doing in a place like this. 也许是几个月前拐错弯了写的是you put down 'unemployed.'这不是真的吧?That's not true,now,is it?我知道你其实是名结构工程师 ScofieldI know you're a structural engineer,Scofield.沙迦汗造了泰姬陵Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument 为了表达他对妻子永恒的爱to his undying love for his wife.我妻子很喜欢这个故事My wife is quite fond of the story.但我觉得我可以造出来I thought,you know,I could build it.月份就是我们结婚年纪念日Come June,it's our th anniversary.但是你看这...But here,look...问题是...you see,the problem is...我要是再造下去I build anymore,就要塌掉不行孩子Son,it's better for me to owe you one in here绝对比你欠我个人情要好than it is for you to owe me one,I can promise you that. 我倒愿意试试I'll take my chances.那么我们就没什么好说的了Then we're through here.警卫!Guard!两磅的大麻?Two pounds of pot?嘿Hey.谢谢听谁的说教?Warbucks老爹?<Daddy Warbucks是连载漫画《孤女安妮》里的亿万富翁> From who,old Daddy Warbucks?别这么说他是个好人Give him a chance. He's a good man.我们没有共同点We got nothing in common.你究竟是怎么了 LJ?Where is this coming from,LJ?上学期你还全是“优”可现在...Last semester you were getting almost all A's and now...妈...妈...Ma...别Don't.我和你对未来都充满了希望I'm about as excited by the prospect as you are,但是需要代价的but something's gotta give.你是个有潜力的孩子你不能就这么自毁前程You have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this. 万一他们把你关到Taylorville或Marion而不是这你怎么办?你和You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I've ever seen.他不让你在街头混What,he beats you up to keep you off the streets,你就跑到这个监狱来好跟他关在一起?so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him?干什么呢?To what?救他??我应该知道因为和你一样我曾经爱过他I deserve to know.I loved him as much as you did.我给过>And he threw it away.你有没有想过也许是因为你当初先离开了他You ever think maybe he was hurt that you left in the first place? 你别这么做Don't do this.不管你想干什么别干Whatever it is you're doing,don't do it. 还有更好的办法There's a better way.我已经提起上诉了主教他没用的就去查出究竟是谁要至他于死地You find out who's trying to bury him. 没人要至他于死地Nobody's trying to bury him.证据充足The evidence was there.证据是伪造的The evidence was cooked.探监时间结束Visiting hours are now over. 你多保重但我不能眼睁睁地看着哥哥死去But I can't watch him die. 我不会这么做的I won't do that.先生们...Gentlemen...Burrows的这个案子我能帮上什么忙吗?What is it about the Burrows situation that I can help you with? 据我们所知It's our understanding我在州长那有很大的影响力At least temporarily.如果囚犯需要我的干预If the inmate appeals to me for intervention,我又怎么能袖手旁观呢?how can I turn my back on him?你很喜欢拿问题去回答别人的问题You have a habit of answering a question with a question.你也很喜欢问那种越追究问题越多的问题And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions. 你是说您不打算那么做了?您...没错那么把自己的个人所得算到教会名下Taking personal capital gains under the church's tax shelter应该算是欺诈行为吧主教大人well,that would be fraud,wouldn't it,Your Excellency?我不会因为被恐吓而去放弃我的信仰I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs. 你休想谁也不可能Not by you or anyone else.敬佩啊Admirable.祝一切都好主教大人Someone found Fibanacci.我正看着他的照片呢I'm looking at the photos right now.这个混蛋留了胡子还戴着太阳镜Son of a bitch has a beard,sunglasses一看就知道是证人保护计划Witness Protection,if I ever saw.是谁发的信?Who was this someone?信封上没有写信人地址Oh,there's no return address on the envelope.就是Just.是呀你是我认识你吗?Do I know you?我认识你妻子没过世前I knew your wife before she passed.你认识Marla?You knew Marla?你是说Anne?You mean Anne?你怎么认识她的?How'd you know her?我们在波士顿谈过话东是西我保证Who are you?Michael ScofieldMichael Scofield.你怎么把它带到牢里?How'd you get it in here?首先不是“它”是“她”First off,she's not an it.她叫Marilyn自从监狱里允许犯人携带宠物She's Marilyn and she's grandfathered back from the days 她就被获准进来了便是You want the Cooper story?我没法告诉你因为我不是他I can't give it to you,'cause I'm not him.真可惜倒希望你是It's too bad.Sort of wish it was true.那人是个传奇人物The man's a legend.朋友我比你还希望我是呢Nowhere near as much as I wish it was true,friend.这样我就有万美元等着我了I'd have a million-five waiting for me on the outside.关你什么事?What do you care?好奇而已Just curious.Fibanacci在哪里?Where's Fibanacci?交易可不是这么作的That's not the way it works.他们要是敢动我 John...我就追着你不放They come at me,John... I'm coming after you.天That ought to be enough time to convince you of that fact. 天days.没错That's right.你还想说什么?Something you want to say?只是...It's just...我在高度安全禁闭区对你没什么价值I'm not of much value to you in the SHU.价值?恩...Improperly propagated.结合处过载了The joints are overloaded.它们压根无法提供They won't provide anywhere near。



T-bag: He has a high IQ. In prison, he finds Michael's plans and stick to him. Michael is so brilliant but not get rid of him, a person just like a devil.
What can we learn from Prison Break?
We can learn lots of things from this TV series. Not just the pronunciation of English, but also the relationships in it. We can see the kinships between Michael and his brother Lincoln Burrows; Lincoln Borrows and his son LJ; Agent Mahone and his family… And also,the friendships between them——Michael, Scure, Lincoln, Mahone, T-bag, Charles…
Lincoln Burrows
If Michael is a some idealistic men, then Burrows is authentic just man.
Sucre, in order to love desperate, do very well in love and fellowship with his cute and humor.



No. 7 Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother. -Michael, 你能有今天都是因为你哥哥。 Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me. -也就是说,他有今天也是因为我。 (获悉真相,内心暗潮汹涌。越狱计划之芽。)
Prison Break
(越 狱)
It has four seasons of PRISON BREAK from now on . PRISON BREAK revolves around two brothers; one( Lincoln Burrows ) who was accused of murder wrongly and has been sentenced to death that he did not commit, and the other(Michael Scofield), a structural engineer, who devises an elaborate plan to break out Lincoln and prove him innocent of this sensational murder. From the on,they stepped onto the fugitive road……
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
No. 9
Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway? -你为什么这么想见他? Michael: Because he's my brother. -因为他是我哥哥。 (总觉得He’s my brother更像是一种宣誓,一 种对责任的声明不承受,一种对生命的分担,背 负不战斗。所以他们的战斗就此打响)



No. 4
No. 5 Friend of Sucre: You look like hell. -你看起来像是去拼命的。 Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas. -我可是从地狱逃出来的!我现在就要去维 加斯。 (Sucre对爱的执著让我感动。就像他说的, "She is the love of my life" 此生挚爱)
No. 1 Michael: You and me…It's real…
我和你……是真的 (Michael对Sara 深情而含蓄 to Lincoln:
Just have a little faith. 活得有信念点!
No. 3 Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here. 我只向上帝下跪。他可丌 在这! (带着尊严不骄傲离去,以 及自己的信念。从容赴死 前轻吻十字架的样子,像 是这一生都已获得救赎)
No. 8 T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed?I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out ofthe back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you,the person, that one who did all the terrible things,he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home. 你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗?我。。。曾经爱过你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重 新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的那一刻,那个做 尽坏事的人就已经死了,而我则获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成 了一个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我送迚这里,不这些人为伍时, 过去那个肮脏的罪人又将复活。 (天堂不地狱的一线之隔,原来是爱)



《越狱》基本成为了第一部拥有超高知名度的“生活伴随式”电视剧,也是拥有无数见证人的完 结剧集。 剧照 在这四年里(指2005-2009年),michael出入监狱数回,sara死了又活,lincon有了新女友, 《越狱》从好评如潮到尴尬无奈;在这四年里,米勒来华数次,T-BAG也登上了大银幕;在这四 年里,越来越多的国人开始看美剧,各类美剧分门别类的进入国内,美国与中国在美剧方面的时 差几乎只有10个小时,诸多美剧论坛和博客拔地而起;在这四年里,有些人跟着《越狱》度过了 自己的大学四年,有些人经历了结婚生子,有些人换了工作或者升了职。在它正式结束的时候, 剧情如何早已经不是重点,而是那种与己息息相关的空间人生嘎然而止的感慨,让终须一别却难 以言表的惆怅而来。
在这个过程中,迈克尔经历了种种磨难和考验。他与哥哥林肯的感人重逢,他们携手并肩,共同 对抗命运的无情。他们用亲情的力量,照亮了黑暗的前路。迈克尔的坚韧和毅力,让他最终收集 到了证据,成功地证明了哥哥林肯的清白。 《越狱》是一部深入浅出的电视剧,它用紧张刺激的剧情,展示了人性的光辉。它让我们看到, 即使在最黑暗的时刻,爱和坚持也能带来希望的光芒。迈克尔的故事,是一个关于拯救、信念、 爱与勇气的故事,他的经历和坚韧,让我们对生活充满了希望和期待。
在美剧迷的眼里,《越狱》不止是一部情节错综复杂、跌宕起伏的好剧,它更是一个时代的标志。 因为《越狱》,中国人知道了“季”这个概念,知道络上有个只干活不拿钱的“义工”字幕组, 知道拖沓弱智的韩国偶像剧之外,还有一种极具技术含量以及智慧的美剧。美剧的风潮随着《越 狱》开始在中国盛行。(都市快报评)



“You and me,it’s real.”
Srar: “I Love You” Michael :"God!I Love You Too." !
Wentworth Miller
Байду номын сангаас
• T-Bag appears in all four seasons of the series as a cunning, violent and manipulative psychopath, consistently underestimated by those around him.
Lincoln Burrows
• Lincoln is a high school drop-out and a convicted felon, who is wrongfully accused of and charged with the murder of Terence Steadman, the brother of the Vice President of the United States. Purcell was cast three days before the start of production and consequently, he was the last actor to join the original cast. He auditioned for the role while he had a recurring role as Tommy Ravetto on North Shore. Since working on John Doe, Purcell has had an amiable relationship with Fox. Hence, he was sent the pilot script of Prison Break. Scheuring's first impression of Purcell did not convince him as a fit for the role since the actor went to the audition with his hair styled and a tan. However, Purcell's acting won the role. He arrived on the set on the first day of filming with a shaved head, which amazed Scheuring with the physical likeness of the series' two leading actors.


我一生中只干我想干而不是别人想干的事儿。 并且,我不是戴着脚镣的杀人犯。我可以杀死严 重危害过我的人,而不是无辜的妇女、孩子。
• 长官,什么叫文明?你以为我们有电梯、飞机、地铁,就 能说明法国比接待我们、照顾我们的人文明?据我看,这 个村子里每个生活在大自然中的穷人,都有更多人道主义 的文明、更高尚的情操、更多的谅解,尽管他们缺乏那些 机械化的文明,他们虽说没有得到人类进步的利益,但他 们比那些所谓文明的人要善良多了。如果巴黎大学的文学 士要有一副给我判刑的总检察长的心肠,我宁可喜欢这里 的文盲也不喜欢他。文盲毕竟是个人,可文学士已经忘了 这点儿。
《越狱》有史以来最好看的越狱小说。最惊人、最感人的史 诗之一。 ——美国《展望》 杂志这位新同行是个大师。 ——诺贝尔文学奖得主/莫里亚克 一部完美之作,引领我们穿越痛苦、恐惧、泪水和希望。 故事叙述得仿佛一个童话,王子是笼中的蝴蝶,而那些巫师则 化装为看守。 ——知名导演/弗朗索瓦· 特吕弗 这是一部稀有之作,四百页的阅读,读来却毫无倦意。流 放到魔鬼岛、囚禁在水淹的地牢、被饥馑折磨、屡屡挫败的逃 亡、生与死的搏斗……然而,心中有希望,就永远有希望。 ——《书评周刊》
罗密欧· 萨尔维加之死
• 我毫无顾忌地喊:“萨尔维加!罗密欧!你在哪儿?”没有 人答应。我像泄了气的皮球,躺在路上·· ·天哪!朋友,你在哪 里?我又没命地喊:“你在哪儿?”回答我的风、海、浪。 我在那里,呆若木鸡,不知道过了多长时间,精神、身体都 垮了·· ·我站起来,对着风,对着狂怒的、涤荡的一切的海浪, 伸出拳头,大骂上帝:“混蛋,下流,卑鄙,无耻,你这么 整我不害羞吗?你,你就是好心的上帝?无耻的东西,对, 你就是这样!残忍、该死的家伙!堕落、下流的坯子!我再 也不提你的名字!你不配!”



史泰龙饰演的角色为了追求自由 ,不断寻找逃脱的机会,展现出 对自由的渴望 由,还涉及到对正义的追求和对 人性的尊重。
史泰龙饰演的角色在逃脱过程中,不 仅为自己争取自由,还帮助其他囚犯 一起逃脱,展现出对正义的坚守。
囚犯通过与狱警的交流,激发自己的求生欲望, 从而更加坚定地寻求逃脱。
电影中的囚犯通过团队合作和有效的沟通,共同 应对困境,提高了越狱成功的概率。
在电影中,囚犯们为了共同越狱,互相配合、分工合作, 充分发挥各自的优势。他们共同制定计划、解决难题,最 终成功逃脱。
通过狱警之间的合作,他们能够更好地履行职责、提高工作效率,确保 监狱的安全和稳定。这种合作精神也是电影所要传达的重要价值观之一 。
在电影中,囚犯和狱警的团队合作对于情节的发展和结局起到了至关重要的作用。囚犯之 间的合作使他们能够成功越狱,而狱警之间的合作则帮助他们迅速抓捕逃犯。
• 《金蝉脱壳》简介 • 电影中的越狱技巧 • 电影中的心理学应用 • 电影中的团队合作 • 电影中的道德观探讨
电影《金蝉脱壳》的故事背景设 定在20世纪90年代,这个时期是 美国监狱制度最为严苛的时期。
• 雷·布雷斯林在监狱中度过数年,为了重获自由,他开始策划一 场惊天大逃亡。在寻找逃亡路线的过程中,他结识了霍兰德·霍 克斯,两人结为生死之交,共同策划并实施了越狱行动。在逃 亡过程中,他们遭遇了重重困难和危险,但凭借着智慧和勇气 ,最终成功逃脱。



越狱篇外篇——逃离up sea第四章——市区(下)......前情提要:wei坐在电脑前,双⼿飞快的击打着键盘,⾳箱⾥不时跳出新消息的提⽰⾳,屏幕上显⽰着他和另⼀个⼈的聊天框:“好好盯着他们”“是,我知道”“及时向我报告你们的⽅位和动态”“嗯”“他们有没有怀疑你”“我不知道,应该没有吧”“好,那你⾃⼰⼩⼼”“好的”“早点休息,这将是个⾟苦的任务,做好了你会得到你应得的奖励”“嗯......”wei关掉了对话框,靠在椅⼦上,点燃了⼀根烟,随着烟雾得升腾,他陷⼊了深深的回忆......4年前,⼀个清晨,⼀间⼩⿊屋中的⼀张⿇将桌旁,lei,wei,bao,liang围坐着,zhu在旁边看着电脑,lei带着点疲倦说这最后⼀把了,打完吃早饭去,wei看了眼⾯前的筹码,寻思⾃⼰掩饰得很好,这是第⼀次和他们打牌,不能发挥全部实⼒所以赢得不多,正准备起⾝收钱,谁知⾯前的3⼈把筹码全都往中间⼀推:“⾛,切早饭起。





在up sea,脑⼒训练是这群⼈聚在⼀起除了跟⾷物打仗外最经常做的事。



项目管理案例分析--根据电影《越狱》 ppt课件

项目管理案例分析--根据电影《越狱》  ppt课件
件事情处理不好,都有可能使越狱功败垂成。所有这些需求, 迈克尔都能提供。找到共同点后,迈克尔·斯科菲尔德又靠着 信任和相互的依存关系游刃于其中。这种信赖以及他对干系人
Project Management
• 项目目标达到
– 取得真经,修成正果
• 高层领导的全力支持
– 如来、唐太宗、观音
• 项目组人力资源结构合理,管理得当
– 技术高手、项目润滑剂、老实人
• 善于利用外部资源
Project Management
– 少言寡语,不善于交流 – 在项目组只能干技术含量低的活(能力一般)
Project Management
Project Management
• 普通成员(项目辅助人员)




美国电视连续剧《越狱》(共4季)和法国作家昂利·沙里叶的小说《越狱》;还可以指的是一种让Iphone手机免费破解使用APP STORE软件的程序和美剧改编《越狱》游戏版。

目录[隐藏]电视剧Iphone越狱同名游戏小说图书信息电视剧Iphone越狱同名游戏小说图书信息[编辑本段]电视剧基本信息片名:《Prison Break》译名:《越狱》地区:美国类型:剧情/犯罪片长:从2005年8月29日起播出出品:福克斯(Fox)导演:桑福德-布克斯塔弗、博比-罗斯、布莱特-雷纳级别:USA:TV-14版权所有:Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation越狱全集播放(已更新完毕) 第一季22集第二季22集第三季13集第四季2 2集特别篇:最后一越中国时间每周六播出9月2号(首播日)连播两集,每周一集。

目前由凤凰卫视中文台每星期1~5晚上6:30播出(播出3季后停播)片尾曲:《lay it down slow》越狱主要演员:温特沃什·厄尔·米勒三世——饰迈克尔-斯科菲尔德多米尼克-珀塞尔——饰林肯-巴罗斯彼得.斯多马瑞——饰约翰-阿布兹阿马里·诺拉斯克——饰菲尔南多-苏克雷斯塔西-基齐——饰亨利-波普罗宾·托尼——饰维罗妮卡-多诺万马歇尔·奥尔曼——饰小林肯-巴罗斯(LJ)韦德·威廉姆斯——饰布拉德-贝里克维恩-卡里斯——饰萨拉-唐克里迪罗伯特-奈普——饰“茶包”瑟多-巴格韦尔威廉·菲德内尔William Fichtner——饰Alexander Mahone 马宏洛克蒙-邓巴Rockmond Dunbar——饰C-Note本杰明·富兰克林保罗·安德斯坦——饰保罗-基德曼所获奖项2006年全美民选奖最受欢迎新进电视影集奖提名2006年金球奖最佳剧情类电视影集最佳剧情类电视影集男主角-文特沃斯·米勒(Wentworth Miller)2006年艾迪奖最佳商业电视台一小时影集剪辑奖(第1集,入狱(Pilot),马克·哈夫瑞契)2006年土星奖最佳电视网影集最佳电视男主角-文特沃斯·米勒(Wentworth Miller)2006年电视影评人奖最佳新进电视影集角色介绍Michael Scofield编号:94941所在位置:普通犯人A区,40号牢房所犯罪行:持枪抢劫刑期:5年剩余刑期:5年距可保释时间:2年6个月注释:迈克·斯科菲尔德的教育背景会让人奇怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪行。

《prison break》 全英文 英语 教学精品PPT课件

《prison break》 全英文  英语 教学精品PPT课件
• His libido is extremely pertinacious. He does not allow any risk factors to hurt himself. Once he finds threats around him, he will settle every problem cruelly and ruthlessly, even if selfmutilation. Hence, he is not only more wiser man than Michael, but also he is a strong man who lacks one hand for a long time.
• T-bag: He has a high IQ. In prison, he finds Michael's plans and stick to him. Michael is so brilliant but even not get rid of him, who is a person just like a devil;
Of Puerto Rican descent, Sucre grew up in Chicago where he had several run-ins with the law. However, he later finds a steady job at a warehouse and his girlfriend, Maricruz Delgado. He ends up in prison after he attempts to rob a liquor store. In the flashback episode, "Brother's Keeper", it is revealed that the reason Sucre had held up the store was to get enough money to pay for an engagement ring for Maricruz. His cousin Hector then tips him off to the cops, as he was also infatuated with Maricruz. After his incarceration, Sucre has conjugal visits from Maricruz, but is occasionally worried about her seeming indecision about her future with him, as she is contemplating dating Hector.

新概念第二册 PPTL81 Escape

新概念第二册 PPTL81 Escape

(1)灌木丛 玫瑰丛 a rose bush
beat around the bush = beat about the bush
绕弯子说话,拐弯抹角说话 bushy adj. 灌木丛生的;茂密的
rapid adj. 迅速、快速、敏捷的 在西欧生育率曾快速下降(decline)。 There was a rapid decline in the birth rate in Western Europe. 他快速地看了我一眼。 He took a rapid glance at me . 她的反应很灵敏。 Her reaction was rapid.
bold (1) adj. 大胆、不知害怕、有勇气的 bold to do sth 胆敢做某事 = It is bold of sb to do sth 你真大胆竟敢独自去爬那座山 It is bold of you to climb that mountain alone . (2)adj. (女性) 厚颜无耻、冒失的 多么厚颜无耻的女人! What a bold woman she is ! • (3) adj. 笔画粗的 用粗体把重点的词标出来。 Highlight the important words in bold.
(1)n. 制服 在我們的学校所有学生必须穿校服 All the students must wear uniforms at our school. (2) adj. 相同的、同行的 相同重量的箱子 The boxes are uniform in weight. (3)adj. 不变的、一定的 它必须在恒温的条件下干燥 It should dry at a uniform temperature.



Season 1, Episode 6: Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 1 Diamond: Just a few more rides. 就再多玩几次吧Oh, great! Great!噢太棒了!Then you have to wrap it up. wrap: 包,裹玩好了就该走了-Kellerman: Oh, Adam's getting bigger, huh?噢Adam 看上去长大了点Ten. Hmm十岁嗯?-Diamond: Not here别在这里说-Kellerman: We need a favor. favor: 好意,帮助,喜好我们要你帮忙了-man: Been out of the life for years You know that.我已经好久不干这事了你知道的-Kellerman: I know. Problem is Diamond,我知道问题在于Diamondno one's gonna believe that after I take the heroin I have in my pocketgonna=going to: 将要heroin: 海洛因pocket: 口袋我已经把毒品放在了你停在那边的and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you have parked over there. reasonably: 相当地minivan: 小型货车mini:小的微型van: 货车park: 停车那辆价值不菲的小货车的工具箱里了谁会相信你呢I will cuff you.cuff=handcuff: 逮捕我会当场逮捕你I will drag you out of here in frontof everyone.drag: 拖当着那么多人的面把你拖走-Diamond: What do you need?你要我做什么?-President: What America needs美国当前需要的是is an environmentally friendly,environmentally: 在环境方面一种环保的logistically feasible,logistically: 后勤地,逻辑地feasible: 可行的,可能的具可行性的and economically responsiblealternative fuel source.economically: 在经济上responsible: 负责任的alternative: 替换物fuel: 燃料source: 来源,能源且经济上能负担的全新的替代燃料and despite the contentions ofsome...despite: 尽管contention: 所持的论点尽管有人坚持认为...-Veronica: Leave a message, I'llcall you back. Thanks.请留言我会尽快回电谢谢配合-Wendy: Hi, it’s Wendy.嗨是WendyI know you wanted to work withno distractions,distraction: 分心我知道你在专心工作so don't pick up.所以不用接起来I just wanted to let you know thatNick Savrinn left six messages foryou today.我只是要告诉你Nick Savrinn今天给你留言了 6 次-Veronica: What did you tell him?你跟他说什么了?-Wendy: Oh, uh, what you said tosay that you were in a meeting.嗯...就按照你说的说你在开会-Veronica: Look, if he comes bythe office tomorrow,好要是他明天来办公室找我tell him I'm not there, okay?跟他说我不在知道么?-Wendy: Okay. Good night,Veronica.好的晚安Veronica-Veronica: Thanks, Wendy.多谢Wendy-Berwick: Bed check查床了-Nike: Do you want to tell mewhy you haven't returned any ofmy phone calls?你是不是该跟我解释一下为什么我的电话一个都没回?-Veronica: Look, I reallyappreciate everything you've done,okay?appreciate: 感激好吧我真的很感谢你为此所做的一切But II don't want your helpanymore.anymore: 不在但我不再需要你的帮助了-Nike: My help anymore...不再需要帮助...do you really think I hadsomething to do with that missingtape?你真的认定带子的失踪跟我有关?-Veronica: No, look, I'm justgonna go grab a cup of coffee,grab: 抓去美国人喝咖啡喜欢用grab这个词没有我要去喝杯咖啡and get back to work, okay? I don't have time for this right now. 然后回来继续工作我现在真的没空跟你谈这个-Nike: VeronicaVeronicaJust wait a second.请等一下Will you hold on a second?你能听我说两句吗?Listen, why do you avoid...? avoid: 逃避你为什么要...?-Veronica: Don't touch me, all right?别碰我行吗?-Lucas: Everything okay, Miss Donovan需要帮助吗Donovan 小姐?-Veronica: Lucas, do you mind walking me back inside?Lucas 你能陪我进去吗?-Lucas: Take a walk, pal.pal: 伙计去散个步吧伙计You're being paranoid. paranoid: 像患妄想狂的你在胡思乱想-CO: Show some skin, Scofield. skin: 皮肤露个头出来ScofieldHey Scofield.嗨Scofield-Michael: I'm trying to sleep, boss.boss: 老大,头儿我正失眠呢老大I can't get through the wall, Sucre. 我无法通过那墙Sucre-Fernando: What do you mean, you can't get through the wall?你什么意思你无法通过那墙? -Michael: I know how to do it.我虽然有办法I just don't have the time to do it.但却没有足够的时间-Fernando: We're locked up. Allwe got is time我们被囚禁着时间可多的是-Michael: You don't understand.你不明白I planned this break on aschedule.plan: 计划break: 休息,中断schedule: 时间表我本来计划周密Constantly coming up here forcount won't let me doconstantly: 经常地但这里一直要点名what I need to do to get throughthat wall.get through: 穿过我根本没时间做事If I'm not back on schedule,我要是不能按照计划行事which means we're through thatwall by the end of the day manna,manna: 明天,不久以后我们就永远通不过那道墙we're not getting out of here.这样我们就甭指望出去了-Fernando: Look, there are threethings for certain in life-唉有三件事是无法逃避的death, taxes and count.tax: 税收count: 点名,数数死亡税收...还有点名Only way to stop count is...避免点名的唯一方法就是...-Michael: What?什么?-Fernando: Never mind. It’s a badidea.算了还是不说了不是个好主意-Michael: Worse than the idea oflosing Maricruz比失去Maricruz 还糟糕?-Fernando: A lockdown.lockdown: [美国英语](对犯人的)一级防范禁闭(期);单独关押戒严We get gen pop locked down for aday,我们得想法搞出一天戒严来you'll have all the time you need.那你就有充足的时间了-Michael: And no count不点名?-Fernando: Bulls don't even comeby.谁也不会来打扰Only one problem问题在于-Michael: How do we get alockdown?怎样才能搞出戒严?-Fernando: Can you get to theprison ac unit?ac= alternating current: 交流电unit: 单位,单元你能到监狱的电源控制单元吗?-Michael: Maybe.也许-Fernando: You want a lockdown,you got to get the inmates riledup.inmates: 囚犯rile: 使浑浊使焦急要戒严就得让这帮人惹点事And if you want to piss off themeat in concrete,concrete: 凝结物;混凝土这就好像加热冷藏箱里的肉turn up the heat.heat: 热,热度把温度调高点吧-John: I thought you were retired.retire: 退休我还以为你已经金盆洗手了-Diamond: Never mind me.别管我了Some heavy hitters want this done, so that means I want it done.上头交待这样我也只好照办No screw ups.不许失败-John: For you, Diamond, it's not a problem,既然你开口了Diamond 肯定能搞定Burrows is as good as dead放心吧Burrows 死定了-Sarah: Hottest April on record global: 全球性的这真是最热的一个四月-Michael: Global warming全球性气候变暖-Sarah: Probably. You got a minute?也许吧你有时间吗?-Michael: About five years worth. 有大约有5年的时间-Sarah: Sure, right, um... you never told me Lincoln Burrows is your brother.不好意思嗯...你没告诉过我Lincoln Burrows 是你哥哥-Michael: It never came up.只是没想到提这事-Sarah: Right.好吧I'm curious if that isn't because of my father.curious: 好奇的我很好奇是不是跟我父亲有关He may not be the one pulling the switch,switch: 开关他可能不是起决定作用的but you and I both know he has the power to grant clemency,power: 权力,力量grant: 批准clemency: 开恩但是你我都知道他可以手下留情and he won't, and he never does.但他却不选择这样做他从不宽大为怀-Michael: My old man was anabusive drunk who abandoned hisfamily.abusive: 滥用(或妄用、误用)的drunk: 喝醉了的abandon:遗弃我那老兄酗酒成性抛弃了家庭I don't judge anyone by theirfather's actions,judge: 裁决,判定action: 行为我不会根据一个人父亲的所作所为Or inactionsinaction: 不作为或不作不为来影响我对那个人的看法If that was your concernconcern: 担心你放心了-Sarah: Just so you know, I don'tagree with his politics.politics: 政治只是想让你知道我对他政治上那套做法不能认同I'm sorry about your brother.对你哥哥的事我深表遗憾-Michael: I appreciate that.appreciate: 感激谢谢-Sarah: Hey, this isn't much.嗨这虽然不算什么I have to give Lincoln a weeklycheckup now.weekly: 每周的,一周一次的checkup: 健康检查不过我现在每周都要给Lincoln做检查If you want, I could schedulethose visits to end right beforeyou come in for your shots.schedule: 时间安排shots: 这里指打针要是你希望的话我可以安排一下时间,把检查安排在你来注射之前That way, uh, you could at leastsee each other, even if it's just inpassing.这样嗯...你们至少能互相见个面就算在走廊里也好-Michael: Thank you.谢谢你-Trumpets: Greetings from thekitchen, fish.greetings: 问候,招呼kitchen:厨房厨房用品伙计-Geary: Theodore Bagwelltransferred back from theinfirmary.transfer: 转移infirmary: 医务室Theodore Bagwell 由病房转送回来-Prisoner: We got you a little "getwell" gift.我们给你准备了一件小小的"康复"礼物-T-Bag: It's just the right size.大小正好Thank you, boys多谢你们I'll catch up with you later.晚点再来找你们What's your name?你叫什么名字?-Seth: Seth.Seth-T-Bag: You new, Seth新来的Seth?Scared? Look at me, boy. scared: 害怕的害怕么? 看着我小子You probably heard stories about me.probably: 可能你大概已经听说过关于我的事情They're not all true.但真实性却不尽然What do you say we go for a walk?我们去散散步怎么样?-CO: Your cocounsel's already here.cocounsel: 协理律师你的合作辩护律师已经来了-Veronica: Excuse me? 什么? What the hell are you doing here? client: 委托人你来这里到底要做什么?-Nike: I'm talking to my client.我在跟我的委托人谈话-Veronica: Don't talk to him.别跟他说话-Burrows: Veronica... Veronica...-Veronica: we don't know anything about this guy.我们对这个家伙的情况一无所知-Burrows: He found something that can help us out.但他找到了一些线索也许会有帮助-Veronica: You have one minute. 给你一分钟-Nike: I've been going over the incident report from the night of the murder,incident: 事件murder: 谋杀我又看了案发当晚的事件记录报告and somebody made an anonymous phone call to the localcopsanonymous: local: 地方的,当地的cop: 警察当时是有人匿名打点话给了警局claiming to see Lincoln runningaway from the garage with bloodypants.claim: 声称garage: 停车场bloody: 血迹的pants: 裤子声称看见Lincoln 从停车场跑了出来还穿着染上鲜血的裤子-Veronica: We've been throughthis.这个我们早已研究过了Look, you can't crossexamine awitness if you don't know who itis.crossexamine: 盘问witness:证人而且你都不知道这个证人的身份怎么对他进行盘问-Nike: We don't need to knowwho he is, we know where he is.他是谁并不重要因为我们知道了他的位置-Veronica: What do you mean?什么意思?-Nike: Well, it took some doing,嗯...虽然花了些功夫but a P.I. Friend of mine trackedthat phone call back to the policedepartment.P.I =private investigator: 私家侦探track: 追踪但我一个做私家侦探的朋友帮我查了那个电话的来源Whoever made that call couldn'thave seen Lincoln running fromthe garage that night.不管打电话的是谁都不可能看见Lincoln 从停车场跑出来-Veronica: How do you know?你怎么知道?-Nike: Because the phone callcame from Washington, D.C.D.C=District of Columbia: 哥伦比亚特区因为电话的来源是华盛顿特区-Fernando: You were supposed toturn off the a/c,只是让你关了电源not turn on the furnace.furnace: 暖气你是不是连暖气也打开了-Seth: It's getting so hot in here.这里块热死了-T-Bag: I say you could talk,cherry?cherry: [美国俚语]初学者;无经验者我允许你讲话了小样?You'll know when I want you toopen your mouth.我让你说的时候你才能说Geary!Geary!You got to do something about theheat.你得想想办法热死了-Geary: doing the best we can.我们已经尽力了-T-Bag: Your best is garbage.garbage: 垃圾尽力了? 简直在放屁It's a hundred degrees in here.degree: 度这里已经快超过100度了(华氏)-Geary: Look like I got frostbiteto you?frostbite: 冻伤觉得我有办法让你凉快点?Line up! 列队!-T-Bag: Why don't you transfer usall someplace cooler...?transfer: 转移someplace: 某处你怎么还不把我们送到凉快点的地方去呢...like Africa? 例如非洲?-Geary: Get your ass on the line, convict.ass: 屁股convict: 囚犯他妈的给我排好All of you, hit that line!你们都给我排好!-T-Bag: We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified, all right?temperature: 气温situation: 情况rectify: 改正,整顿等气温的问题解决了我们就服从安排-Mack: Hey, Bellick, this is Mack in cell block.cell: 牢房block: 街区,地区嗨Bellick 我是Mack 在囚室区We got some cons popping off. con=convict: 囚犯有几个家伙要惹事-Berwick: Give 'em a smack, throw 'em on the line and write 'em up.smack: 拍打击打扁他们一顿把他们丢回去再把名单记下来If you can't handle it, don't cash your paycheck this week. handle: 处理paycheck: 工资你要是搞不定你这礼拜就别想拿钱了This is not a good time, Doc. Doc=doctor这真不是时候医生-Sarah: Oh, I just got a call a prisoner was suffering from heat exhaustion.suffer: 遭受exhaustion: 疲惫噢我刚收到电话一个囚犯中暑了-Berwick: He's faking it.fake: 假装他装的-Sarah: Is that your medicalopinion? opinion: 意见这是你的诊断么?-Berwick: We got a bunch ofoverheated cons getting loud inthe AWing.overheat: 过热我们在 A 翼有一大堆头脑发热的家伙-Sarah: I don't blame them. It's anoven in there.blame: 责怪oven: 烤箱这不能怪他们那里就像个烤箱-Berwick: Everything's undercontrol,我们能控制but you should go back to theinfirmary building.infirmary: 医务室但你还是先回医务室吧When things calm down,等事情处理好了I'll have your patients transferredfrom sick bay.patient: 病人transfer: 转移我会把你的病人从病区转到你那的I'm just looking out for your bestinterests. interests: 利益我这是为你着想-Sarah: And I appreciate that,um...appreciate: 感激我深表感谢嗯...but, officer Bellick,officer: 官员但是...Bellick 长官you and I both know that it'sillegal to deny a prisoner medicalcare,illegal: 不合法的deny: 拒绝给予prisoner: 囚犯你我都知道对囚犯医疗呼救置之不理是违法的and you could lose your job overit.你可能因此丢了饭碗And I'm just looking out for yourbest interests.我也是在为你着想-Berwick: Go right on in.那就进来吧-Sarah: Thank you, sir. 谢谢长官-Geary: Don't being a baby, TBag.别像小孩一样TBagIt's ain't that hot. 也不是很热-T-Bag: Not that hot?!还不热?!When this guy woke up thismorning,这个家伙今天早上起来的时候he was white! 还是白种人!-Geary: You want to cool off?你想要凉快?-T-Bag: We'll step back when weget some wind blowing in here.blowing: 吹风等这里有风了我们就回去-Geary: All right, that's it!Lockdown!lockdown: 一级防范禁闭好吧没办法了! 戒严!Everyone back to your cells!所有人都回房间!I said everyone back to your cellsnow, convicts!我说你们所有人都给我回房间去!Lockdown! 戒严!-Fernando: You got yourlockdown, bro.bro=brother: 兄弟,伙计你要的戒严开始了伙计-Michael: You're coming with me.你也一起来-Fernando: What? 什么?I'm the lookout, man, that's it. lookout: 监视者我是放风的伙计我得放风-Michael: I need you down there. 我需要你一起下来It's a twoman job.得两个人来做这事Let's hang a sheet.sheet: 床单,布挂块布吧-Fernando: Nnno way, man.不行伙计You only hang a sheet when you and your cellie want to get friendly, you know?cellie=cellmate: 狱友只有在和室友卿卿我我的时候才有需要挂窗帘-Michael: You want to protect your prison rep,protect: 保护rep=reputation: 名誉你觉得在这里的名誉重要or you want to get out of here?还是逃出去重要?-Berwick: What the hell's going on in here?这里到底出什么事了?-Geary: Well, these inmates became belligerent and they refused to back in.inmate: 囚犯belligerent: 好战的refuse: 拒绝这些犯人们来劲了不肯回去-Berwick: You locked it down with inmates still out of their cells?inmate: 同狱犯人cell: 牢房他们没回房间你就锁门了?-Geary: We can handle 20 outofcontrol inmates easier than 300.handle: 处理outofcontrol:失去控制我们处理20个失控的犯人总比处理300个人要好-T-Bag: Listen up, bros, listen up.Bellick, I got one for you.听着伙计听着Bellick 这是关于你的What do you call a piece of whitetrash who couldn't pass the cops'examtrash: 废物,垃圾cop: 警察我们是怎么称呼一只连警察资格考试都通不过and now makes less than amailman? mailman: 邮递员赚得钱还不如邮递员多的白种猪的呢?A.C.O 狱警-Berwick: Get your hands of thefence. fence: 围栏把你们的手拿开-T-Bag: Suck it, pig!suck: 吮吸,使耗竭滚你的猪!-Berwick: You know, Teddy, youreally let me down,跟你说Teddy 你真的很令我失望and that's hard to do, because Idon't expect much..expect: 期望虽然那对你是难了点...from the inbred child of a retard.inbred: 天生的retard: [美国俚语]弱智者,智力迟钝者因为你天生智障That's right, Teddy.是这样的TeddyI read your psych records...psych: 心理我看你了的档案...about how your daddy raped hismongoloid sister,rape: 强奸mongoloid: 先天愚型(样)的上面记载了你父亲强奸了他那白痴姐姐and then nine months later,然后过了九个月little Teddy pops out.小Teddy就蹦出来了-T-Bag: I'm going to kill you!我他妈的要宰了你!-Berwick: It's hotter than hell.hell: 地狱这里真是比地狱还热They'll wear themselves outeventually.wear:耗损eventually:终于,最后他们这样早晚先把自己给热死-Burrows: The call was a fake.fake: 伪造物,假货那个电话是假的What about a stay of executionoror...stay: 停止execution: 死刑是不是能凭此申请缓刑或者...?-Nike: No, no, it's legallyinsufficient.legally: 在法律地,合法地insufficient: 不充足不行法律依据还不充足-Burrows: What the hell doesthat...mean?这到底是...什么意思?What the hell does that mean?到底什么意思?-Veronica: It means theprosecution could point out theevidence from your criminal trial.prosecution: 起诉evidence:证据意思就是检控方提出了你的犯罪证据Okay? The blood, the video, thegunvideo: 视频,录影带懂吗? 血迹录影带还有枪A questionable phone call is not going to stack up to that. questionable: 可疑的那个有疑问的电话并不能否定那些证据-Burrows: But it's something, right?absolutely: 完全地但至少能说明些问题对么?-Nike: Absolutely 当然We got an area code,code: 代码我们有了地区代码and my contact is going to track that number to someplace more specific-contact: 熟人track: 追踪specific: 具体然后我的朋友能根据这个查到更加确切的位置a building, a neighborhood, a blockneighborhood: 附近,临近一幢楼...一个街区... 或是某个单元to the person who made this phone call.直到找到这个打电话的人为止-Burrows: What happens next? flight: 航班接下来呢?-Nike: We need to catch the next flight to D.Ccatch: 赶上我们得赶上下一班去华盛顿的班机That is, of course, if you trust me now.trust: 相信当然前提是你必须相信我-T-Bag: It's coming! 机会来了! It's coming! It's coming!机会来了! 机会来了!Get on the train! 抓住时机! Come on! 来呀!Get on the train! 抓住时机!Get on the train! 抓住时机!-Berwick: Let's get to my office.去我办公室T-Bag: Oh, just what I thought.哦和我想的一样The piglets are scared of the bigbad wolf.piglet: 小猪小猪害怕大灰狼Big bad wolf! 大灰狼!Get on the train! 抓住时机!-Michael: Come on. 快点-Westmoreland: Marilyn, no!Marilyn 别出去!-Berwick: Whose keys are those?那是谁的钥匙?-Mack: I guess in thecommotion...commotion: 暴乱我估计是在暴动的时候...-Geary: How many rounds do youthink you're going to get off?round: 回合你觉得在他们手底下before they get their hands onyou?你能过几招?-Berwick: This is Bellick.Bellick 呼叫Our wing has been breached.wing: (建筑物)侧翼breach:突破,攻破我们这一侧发生暴动I want AWing evacuated and shutdown.evacuate: 疏散我需要关闭 A 翼全体撤退All access to BWing cut off now.access: 通道现在关闭所有通向 B 翼的通道-Sarah: We'll get some fluids intoyou, you'll be good as new, okay?fluids: 液体我们会给你补充一些水份你就什么事儿都没有了好吧?Nod your head if you believe me.nod: 点头相信我的话就点点头Good man. 好孩子What can we do for you today?今天怎么了?This where it hurts?就是这儿受伤了?-Theo: A little higher and to theleft 有一点靠上和靠左-Sarah: You're three weekspostop.postop=post operation: 手术后你刚做完手术三周Your knee is being held togetherby a rod and three screws.knee: 膝盖screw: 螺丝rod:杆你的膝盖是被一个杆和三个螺丝铆在一起的I'm saying tenderness is normal,no more meds.tenderness: 敏感的normal:正常meds: medication药物所以敏感是正常的不用再用药了Okay... why are you back?好...你为什么回来?-CO: Inmates in cell block havecompromisedinmate: 同狱犯人block: 街区compromised: 妥协囚区的犯人已经被戒严lockdown and breached AWingthrough the guard station.犯人们攻陷了 A 翼的看守站AWing is shutting down.A 翼正在关闭-Black Prisoner: It's popping offup in gen pop!gen pop: 大牢房囚区出乱子了!That's what I'm talking about, baby.我说的就是那个宝贝儿-Michael: Somewhere on the other side of this wall这面墙背面的某个地方is the main drainage pipe to the prison's old sewer system. drainage: 排水系统pipe: 管道sewer: 下水道system: 系统就是通向监狱原有下水系统的主排水管道We can get through this wall, we can get into the pipe.如果我们能通过这面墙我们就能到管道里去We can get into the pipe, we can get into the infirmary. infirmary: 医务室如果我们能到管道里去我们就能进到医务室里If we can get to the infirmary,如果我们能进到医务室then we can get out of here.那我们就能逃出去-Bob: Sorry, all visitors have to leave the facilityvisitor: 访问者facility: 设施抱歉所有来探视的人都必须离开You have to leave.你必须得离开There's a minor disturbance in cell block.minor: 较小的disturbance: 骚乱在囚区出现在小规模的骚乱AWing is being shut down for safety purposes.safety: 安全purposes: 意图,目的安全起见A翼正在被封闭-Burrows: AWing? Veronica,Michael is thereA 翼? Veronica Michael在那边-Veronica: Will you be okay?他会没事儿吗?-Bob: You have to leave now你现在就得离开-Burrows: Go to D.C. It's all wegot.去华盛顿我们全押在那上了I'll take care of Michael, Allright?我会照顾好Michael 的好吧?-Veronica: Okay. 好的-Burrows: Please. 有劳了-Bob: Sorry about cutting youshort.不好意思减少你会面时间了-Burrows: Bob, how many timeshave I told you not to apologize?apologize: 道歉Bob 我跟你说了多少次了不用道歉It makes you look weak.weak: 弱的那样会让你显得弱势Now what's going on?minor: 较小的出什么事儿了?-Bob: Like I said, it's a minordisturbance.就像我说的小规模骚乱-Burrows: Minor disturbance? Mybrother's in gen pop, give it to mestraight.小规模骚乱? 我弟弟在囚区跟我说实话-Bob: Some clowns breached cellblock.clown: 小丑,粗鲁的人breach: 突破,攻破几个混蛋突破了囚区But they won't get anywhere.但是他们哪儿也去不了We always have locked doors oneither end.either: 两方的我们把两边的门都已经锁住了There's nothing to worry about.没什么好担心的-Burrows: Son of a bitch.bitch: 母狗,泼妇,婊子混球-CO: Additional sections ofAWing have been compromised.additional: 另外的section:地区compromise: 退让;妥协A 翼又有一个区被占领-T-Bag: I'll be damned.damn: [神学](上帝)降罚,罚…入地狱上帝会惩罚我的A rookie C.O., and it ain't evenChristmas. rookie: 新手一个菜鸟狱警还没到圣诞呢-Burrows: Get the cuffs off. Giveme the keycuff: 手铐把手铐去掉把钥匙给我Get out of here, T-Bag.滚出去T-Bag-T-Bag: Oh, I seeyou found himfirst, finder's keepers?哦我明白了...你先找到他的先到先得?You know, I respect that. I do.respect: 尊敬你知道我非常同意我真的同意But, uh 但是嗯...I think we can work somethingout.我想我们能搞出点什么-Burrows: What you got?你有什么?-T-Bag: Oh, I can make your lastfew weeks on earth, quite, quiteenjoyable.enjoyable: 愉快的哦我可以让你活着的最后几周非常非常开心Get you some Demerol, some... demerol: 杜冷丁,止痛剂给你点儿麻醉剂一些...you know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.forget: 忘记你知道能让你忘掉那个大电椅-Burrows: No deal. deal: 交易没商量-T-Bag: You've got to learn the art of negotiating.art: 艺术negotiate: 谈判你得学学谈判的艺术Lesson one 课程一Bargaining positionbargain:讲价;谈判position:立场谈判地位Yours just changed.change: 改变你的地位刚好变了-All: Make him pay! 扁他!-Burrows: What are you doing?你要干嘛?Hey! Listen or you're not gonna make it.gonna= going to: 将会嘿! 听着你出不去的-T-Bag: No blood needs to spill, sink.spill: 溢出sink: 水槽,藏污纳垢的地方不用流血的小子-Burrows: Then walk away.那就走开-T-Bag: We both know that ain't gonna happen.我们都明白那是不可能的-Fernando: That's one big pile of concrete.concrete: 混凝土那是一大块的混凝土How do you know where the pipe is?你怎么知道那管道在哪儿?-Michael: I got someone to showus where it is.我找了个人告诉我们在哪儿-Fernando: Oh, really? Who?哦真的? 是谁?-Sarah: Infection's not so bad,infection: 感染,传染病感染不是很严重but I'm going to give you a shot ofpenicillin just to make sure, okay?shot: [美国英语](疫苗等的)注射penicillin: 青霉素但是为了保险我会给你打一针青霉素好吧?-Prisoner: Thanks, Doc.谢谢医生-Rizzo: This is Rizzo.这里是RizzoDoes anyone need back up, over?需不需要撤退?-CO: Negative, AWing isevacuating and locked down.negative: 否定的evacuate: 撤退不需要 A 翼正在关闭撤离Remain in BWing.remain: 逗留,留下留在 B 翼-Black Prisoner: What's up, Doc.?怎么了医生?Bitch. 婊子Come on, Doc. 来呀医生-Sarah: You don't want to do this.你不该这么做-Prisoner: We're sorry. 抱歉This line is experiencing technicaldifficulties.experience: 经历technical:技术性的difficulty: 困难这条线出现技术故障-T-Bag: You ever see one of themsafari shows,safari: 狩猎show: 演出,节目你有没有看过狩猎节目where a bunch of cheetahs justjump all up on an antelope?cheetahs: 印度豹antelope:羚羊一群的猎豹扑向一只羚羊?Guess which one you are?猜猜你是哪一边儿?Tough little gorilla, ain't he?tough: 强健的,健壮的gorilla:大猩猩;[美国俚语]暴徒,有权有势的要人是个硬汉是吧?-Fernando: I was raised to believehe devil's got some crazy power,raise: 抚养长大devil: 魔鬼,恶魔crazy: 疯狂的power:力量我从小就相信恶魔有些可怕的力量but I don't think shining him onthis wall is gonna bring it down.shine: 发光,照耀但是我可不认为把它照到墙上就会把墙放倒Not unless he's got asledgehammer with him.unless: 除非sledgehammer:大锤除非他再有个大锤-Michael: We don't need asledgehammer.我们不需要大锤Fernando: What the hell am Isupposed to do with this?我到底要用这东西干什么?-CO: Sick bay, reportreport: 报告病区回复?Sick bay, please report. Comeon!病区请回复快!Everything okay一切正常?You know what to say你知道该怎么说-Rizzo: All clear in sick bay. Over.病区一切正常通话结束-CO: Roger that.roger: 收到了收到-Fernando: Let the bulls worry about the noise.bull: [美国俚语]警察,监狱看守noise: 噪声让那些狱警去管暴乱吧You worry about how you're gonna drill through a sixinch concrete walldrill: 在…钻孔inch: 英寸concrete: 水泥,混凝土你来想想怎么才能钻透一个6英寸的水泥墙with what used to be an eggbeater.eggbeater: 打蛋机就用个打蛋器-Michael: We just need a few small holes.我们只需要钻几个小洞-Fernando: How are we going to fit through a few small holes? fit: 被容纳,大小适合我们怎么从几个小洞里钻过去? -Michael: Ever hear of tensile strength? tensile: 夸张力听说过"抗张强度"吗?Hooke's law of elasticity elasticity: 弹性胡克弹性定律?-Fernando: What do you think?你在想什么?-Michael: If we drill holes in strategic locations,strategic: 关键的location: 位置如果我们在几个重点位置钻孔we compromise the loadcarryingcapacity of the wall.loadcarrying: 载重的,负荷的capacity: 承受力,容量我们就能破坏掉这个墙的承重能力Fernando: How about speakingEnglish? 说英语好不好?-Michael: We'll be able to breakthrough the part of the wall thatcovers the pipe opening.cover: 掩盖opening: 口,入口我们就能够突破掩住管道入口的墙Give me that. 把那个给我We go in through the tip of eachhorn, horn: 角tip: 头,尖我们钻进每个角的尖the eyes, the end of the nose,眼睛鼻子的末端the bottom of the fangs and thebraids.bottom: 底部fang: 尖牙braid: 辫子牙和辫子的下端It makes a kind of "X."这就形成了一个"X"形Let's get to it. 开始吧-Pope: If I can get dirt in therewith some of the newer firepowerthe state's issued...如果我能用政府下发的新的武器抓到里面的那些人渣...-Berwick: Oh, yeah, so we canend the riots today and start thefuneral tomorrow?riot: 暴乱funeral: 葬礼哦是的那我们就能结束今天的暴乱开始明天的葬礼?I can contain this, sir.contain: 牵制,遏制,制止我能控制住的先生-CO: I've got a call for you.有你的电话-Pope: Not now. 现在不接-CO: I think you should take this,boss. 我想你得接老大It's the governor.governor: 州长是市长打来的-Pope: Governor 市长-Sarah’s father: Where's mydaughter? 我女儿在哪儿?-Pope: Not to worry, sir, she'sfine.别担心先生她很好She's in sick bay in BWing.她在 B 翼的病区It's a completely different part ofthe facility.completely:彻底地facility:设施那和暴乱是在完全不同的区域It's, uh, totally locked off from thedisturbance.totally: 完全地locked: 紧闭的disturbance: 骚乱那里嗯已经完全与骚乱所在区域隔开了-Sarah’s father: Disturbance?That's what you're calling a riotnowadays?nowadays: 现在骚乱? 这就是你们现在对暴乱的叫法?Can any of these animals get toher?那些畜牲们能接触到她吗?-Pope: Sir, it's impossible foranyone from AWing to get intosick bay. impossible: 不可能德先生没人能从 A 翼进入到病区的The guard there assures us thateverything is fine. assure: 保证那里面的警卫报告了那里一切都好We have everything under control,governor. 我们都能处理的市。

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The worst people in Fox River
Poor man Genius
Theodore Bagwell
An FBI agent A wife and a son
The First Season
The Second Season
The Third Season
The Forth Season
2、Can you tell us which one do you like best? 3、What can you learn from it?
Wise sometimes
The daughter of the governor A doctor in prison She fall in love with Michael
Michael’s roommate in prison
A very cute man and he love his girlfriend
Michael Scofield
A structural engineer
Handsome and smart Genius kindhearted
Lincoln Burrows
Strong man Michael's brother and he is accused of murder.In fact,he was innocent
The second season mainly talk about things that happen to everyone on the run way. In the end, because of the money ,some peoples get together.
The third season mainly talks about Michael rescues a person named whistler in the sonar jail in panama exchanged for his girlfriend and his nephew‘s life who are hostages. At the same time, Lincoln and other friends in the outside offer help.
The forth season focuses on story that the two brothers and others try their best to get Scylla which contains lots of advanced science and technology. At last they defeat the company and acquire freedom
我觉得我一生就像一枚在铁轨上的硬币,每天火车来来往 往从我身上轧过,从上面压、翻过来压,可总是轧不平。
We are the slave of our statue, Living in the prison of our own creating.
1、What kinds of TV shows do your favorite?
The way to success
Clear goals 、 thoughtful plan and faith Collaboration and others’ help Size up the situation
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Family is of the most important for everyone and is warm harbor to everyone
The deepest love between Michael and Dr. SaraTancredi;Scure and his girlfriend;Tbag and the woman he loved most…
Prison Break
Brief introduction The main members of Prison Break Synopsis What can we learn from prison break? Classic White
Prison break produced by fox and directed by Sanford bookstafer is an American TV series. The main actors are Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell etc, The American TV series has four seasons, released in August 2005, which is a story about rescue.
when Lincoln Burrows was accused of murder wrongly and had been sentenced to death, Michael Scofield devised an elaborate plan to break out Lincoln and made it.
---------欲变世界,先ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ其身
T-bag:I‘ve just been a penny on the train track my entire life and the ’ole Union Pacific keeps on comin’,every day, back and forth, runnin’ me over, runnin’ me down, but I will not flatten. "