

笔译期末复习资料Unit 4 conversion转换法1.I have no intension of wearying you with this matter. 2.It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal. 3.The The two two two leaders leaders leaders had had had a a a serious serious serious and and and frank frank frank exchange exchange exchange of of of views views views on on on Sino-U.S. Sino-U.S. relations and world affairs. 4.The basilica is a conglomeration of contrary styles and periods. 5.In In the the the exchange exchange exchange of of of cultures cultures cultures throughout throughout throughout the the the world, world, world, the the the study study study of of of foreign foreign languages is a must. 6.The thought of him always fills me with strength. (adverbial clause of time) 7.Urgent business prevented me from calling on you. 8.A day’s exploration convinced him that this was not the spot.9.A wet day brings out colorful light mackintoshes. Unit 5 addition增补法1.It is a part, and a very important part, of the air defense of our country. 2.Since gaining our independence, we have made every effort to overcome the servitude of our past. 3.The frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound are closely related. 4.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects. 5. This This report report report summed summed summed up up up the the the new new new achievements achievements achievements made made made in in in electron electron electron tubes, tubes, semiconductors and components. 6. The spirit of peaceful coexistence must embody the idea that states cannot be left to struggle on single-handed. 7. Theory is something, but practice is everything. 8. The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing. 9. He has in his vision the totality of every world problem, political, economic, human human……10. I t’s a bit fishy that she should have given away a villa like that.Unit 6 Omission省略法 1. Water passes from a liquid to solid state when it freezes. 2. You should keep calm even when you are in danger. 3. She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes. 4. Turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands. 5. Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill. 6. Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. 7. As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop dead. 8. It is ten to one that we will over-fulfil our production quota. 9. From 4℃ on down, water will decreasein density and increase in volume as it gets colder. 10. T here are a number of peculiarities about the surface features of the earth. 11. H e went out and shut the door gently behind him. unit 7 repetition 重复法2. 2. The The The use use use of of of atomic atomic atomic weapons weapons weapons is is is a a a clear clear clear violation violation violation of of of international international international law, law, in particular of the Geneva Convention; 3. Aerostatics is the study of how an object is supported in the air by buoyancy, that is, its ability to float in the air as a boat floats on water. 1. Despite his versatility of talent and shiftiness of purpose, this man has in his whole lifetime been wedded to the most fossilized routine. ; 2. 2. The The The solid solid solid friendship friendship friendship between between between our our our two two two countries countries countries took took took shape shape shape during during during our our protected struggles against colonialism, hegemonism, and outmoded relationships. 5. 5. Reading Reading Reading exerci exerci exercises ses ses one’s one’s one’s eyes; eyes; eyes; speaking, speaking, speaking, one’s one’s one’s tongue; tongue; tongue; while while while writing, writing, writing, one’s one’s mind.; 6. 6. Thales Thales Thales thought thought thought water water water was was was the the the beginning beginning beginning of of of everything; everything; everything; Anaximenes, Anaximenes, Anaximenes, air; air; Heraclitus, fire. 1. Radar is a newly developed technique by which people can see things beyond the visibility of them. ; 3. 3. W e W e have have have advocated advocated advocated the the the principle principle principle of of of peaceful peaceful peaceful co-existence, co-existence, co-existence, which which which is is is now now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. 19. He walked down the line shaking hands with each other and mumbling a few words that were inaudible.; 21. Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look. unit 8 Inversion 倒置法12. S he had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.; 13. S he was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in Haddington. 14. T hen one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep darkeyes and l ong long heavy clinging tresses. tresses. 15. B ernard Shaw was a well-known English playwright, who wrote many plays .; 16. A ir is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21 percent by volume.17. J ohn, who was sick yesterday , did not come to class.; 18. I n n a a a dispute dispute dispute between between between two two two states states with which one is friendly , , try try try not not not to to to get get involved.; 19. W e e maintain that no peace situation is permanent maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country.20. S he was s o so worried that she could hardly eat her supper.; 21. N ow that I think of it , we were wrong in turning down her proposal. unit 9 Negation 反译法22. S he did not l eave the letter here on purpose for you to read.; leave the letter here on purpose for you to read.; 23. Y ou cannot politely turn down the invitation to the conference. 24. U nder no circumstances would we give up our principles. would we give up our principles. 25. H e was grown into quite another creature from what he was.; 26. O ur work is still a long way from perfection.; perfection.; 27. I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. 28. A ll of the atoms of an element do not have exactly the same mass.; 29. E verything is not good, but equally everything is not bad. 30. I t is not to be denied that no sacrifice is too great to avert a catastrophe. to avert a catastrophe. 31. W hen I think of all the waste, words fail me. unit 10 Division拆译法 1. They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see. 2. I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 3. 3. The The The time time time could could could have have have been been been more more more profitably profitably profitably spent spent spent in in in making making making a a a detailed detailed investigation. (= if the time had been spent in making a detailed investigation, it could have been more profitable.) 4. They tried vainly to blame us for the break down in the truce talks. 5. Any comment on it should appropriately come from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 6. 6. Statistically Statistically Statistically significant significant significant correlation correlation correlation exists exists exists between between between vitamin vitamin vitamin deficiency deficiency deficiency and and disease. 7. 7. His His His article article article is is is a a a well-written well-written well-written composition composition composition with with with good good good organization organization organization and and and fine fine style. 8. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. 9. The difficulty of attainment increases the value of the object. 10. 10. Electronic Electronic Electronic computers, computers, computers, which which which have have have many many many advantages, advantages, advantages, cannot cannot cannot do do do creative creative work and replace man. 11. Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, moulds and bacteria. 12. There is an emergency exit in the roof of the car through which passengers can escape. unit 11 Condensation 缩译法1. 1. When When When we we we praise praise praise the the the Chinese Chinese Chinese leadership leadership leadership and and and the the the people, people, people, we we we are are are not not not merely merely being polite. 2. Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy. 3. The chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow. 4. 4. The The The imitation, imitation, imitation, or or or make-believe, make-believe, make-believe, of of of life life life which which which poetry poetry poetry offers offers offers constitutes constitutes constitutes an an ordered whole. 5. One “Take this” is better than two “I’ll give you”.unit 12 Translation of Passive Voice 被动式译法1. Gases are frequently regarded as compressible, liquids as incompressible. 2. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes. unit 13 Translation of Long Sentences 长句译法1. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should see a a greatly greatly greatly accelerated accelerated accelerated program program program for for for scien fic scien fic scien fic and and and technological technological technological co-opera on, co-opera on, aimed at wide-spread dissemina on of technology for mee ng the basic needs of man, such as nutri on, shelter, communica ons, health and sanita on. 2. The tendency of a body to continue in motion is clear to one who observes that that an an an automobile automobile automobile or or or a a a train train train moves moves moves for for for some some some distance distance distance even even even when when when brakes brakes brakes are are used to check this motion. 3. 3. There There There is is is no no no more more more difference, difference, difference, but but but there there there is is is just just just the the the same same same kind kind kind of of of difference, difference, between between the the the mental mental mental operations operations operations of of of a a a man man man of of of science science science and and and those those those of of of an an an ordinary ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who who weighs weighs weighs out out out his his his goods goods goods in in in common common common scales scales scales and and and the the the operations operations operations of of of a a a chemist chemist who who performs performs performs a a a difficult difficult difficult and and and complex complex complex analysis analysis analysis by by by means means means of of of his his his balance balance balance and and finely graduated weights. 。

考试题型:一.填空(Unit 1及diction, omission, restructure, conversion and amplification 5个定义)二.按要求翻译句子(英译汉、汉译英Unit 3 – Unit 8 课文例句和课后练习,数量过多,就不在这里打出来了,硬背工程量太大,主要在于理解各种方法应怎么用。
)三.连线(Unit 2, Unit 5, Unit 6)四.英译汉(课外)五.汉译英(Unit 1-Unit 8)各单元考试要点:Unit 1:汉译英:谚语谚语是广泛用于民间的短小、精悍的格言,通常经口头流传下来,大都反映了劳动人民的生活实践经验。
ProverbsProverbs are short, pithy sayings that are widely used by common people. Generally passed down by words of mouth, most proverbs reflect the practical experience of the lives of the working people. Similar to the characteristics of idioms, proverbs tend to be oral and easy to understand, thus appealing to all.To some extent, proverbs may reflect a nation’s geography, history, social system and attitudes. For example, people inhabiting the coastal areas and making a living on the sea tend to have more proverbs involving marine affairs, such as voyage on the sea, weathering the storm, fisheries, etc. While the proverbs of nomads, as in the case of Arabs, are closely related to deserts, grasslands, sheep, horses, camels and wolves. A society that esteems the elderly abounds with proverbs that praise the resourcefulness of the old. While a society that reduces women to low status is bound to have many proverbs which despite and disparage women.After all, people’s experience and perceptions of the world are similar in many respects. So, in spite of the fact that the Chinese and English-speaking people have different cultural backgrounds, there is a great deal of sameness or similarity in English and Chinese proverbs.Important definitions:Translation means a conversion of one language to another, i.e. the faithful representation in one language of what is written and said in another language.If a foreign language is generally accepted as a tool of life, translation then obviously serves as a dynamic means of employing this tool.Fanyi refers to either of the following things: subject, profession, works, activities and translator. Principles and criteria of translation: 信、达、雅(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance); 信、达、切(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness); 信、达、贴(faithfulness, expressiveness and fitness); 神似(spiritual conformity)and 化境(sublimed adaptation).Unit 2:汉译英:我们的历史伟业从19世纪中叶到20世纪中叶的100年间,中国人民的一切奋斗,都是为了实现祖国的独立和民族的解放,彻底结束民族屈辱的历史。

笔译说翻译复习资料01A(3 人组)说翻译(下)材料原文:要以经济体制改革为重点,区别情况,分类推进,抓好牵一发而动全身的举措,力求取得实质性进展,更多释放改革红利。
(118 字)译文:We will focus on economic structural reform, advance it on different fronts in a targeted wayin light of different conditions, take key measures that will have an overall impact, strive to make substantive progress and reap more benefits from reform.We will reform the business registration system nationwide and carry out registration of subscribed capital. Issuing an operating permit before a license, which was the practice in the past, will be replaced with the practice of license first, operating permit second. Annual inspections of businesses will be replaced by annual reporting to incentivize market actors.0 1B(3 人组)说翻译(下)材料原文:坚持放管并重,建立纵横联动协同管理机制,实现责任和权力同步下放、放活和监管同步到位。

1. What is translation?Translation is a bridge which connects people speaking different languages in the process of exchanging ideas. It makes it possible for different people speaking different languages to communicate with each other through the representation of the original language. Translation is to convey the information of one language (the source language ) in another language (target/receptor language) so that readers can get the information that the original author expresses and also have the same understanding as the original readers.2. What is the nature of translation?1 subject of curriculumtranslation is a science, just as any subject is , with its own rules, laws and principles for the translators to abide by.2 some specific pieces of translationit is like an art, with each piece manifesting its own charms and style in the creative hands of the translator;3 a processa craft or skill. because the process of translation has its peculiarity, and none of its rules and principles are universally applicable. Besides it entails a lot of practice---particular craftsmanship and skills which are displayed by touches of different translators.3. How many categories do you think translation can be divided into, and what are they?In terms of languages ,it can be divided into two categories:☐native languages (source languages)☐foreign languages (source/target languages)In terms of mode:☐oral interpretation☐written translation☐machine translationIn terms of materials to be translated, there are the followings:☐a) translation of scientific materials☐b) translation of literary works: such as novels, stories, prose, poetry, drama, etc.☐C) translation of political essays: such as treatises on social problems, reports, speeches, etc.☐d) translation of practical writing: such as official documents, contracts and agreements, notices, receipts, etc.In terms of disposal:☐full-text translation (全文翻译),☐abridged translation (摘译), or☐adapted translation (编译).4.Which is easier, translating or speaking and writing? Why?5. What are the characteristics of translation?人云亦云不容更改先理解,后动笔克服原语的干扰Examples:☐white lie☐white elephant☐electric pole☐utility pole☐yellow press☐美人计☐步行街7What is the translation theory?Translation theory refers to the study of the internal inherent laws of translation, the finding of the problems often met with in translating and the solutions to them. (It also helps people to understand the laws and solve different kinds of problems in their translation.)8.What are the translation techniques?The translation techniques refer to the experience that people have accumulated in their long-time translating work, which include diction (选词用句), amplification (增词), omission, repetition, conversion, restructuring (重组), negation (正说反译, 反说正译), division(长句拆译), etc.11 What is the relationship between translation theory and translation techniques?In the point view of Eugene A. Nida, the famous American translator, “translation practice without an adequate theroy produces only haphazard results, while theroy without practice is completely sterile” (Nide, 1969). (缺少理论指导的翻译是随意的翻译, 离开实践的理论是毫无根据用处的理论。
《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导 - 萧山电大

浙江广播电视大学英语专业(开放专科)《英语翻译基础》期末复习一、考试题型和模拟题1. 选择题:10题,每题2分,共20分。
2. 问答题:1题,共10分。
3. 段落翻译(英译汉):2段,共40分。
一、选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案):1. 明朝末年的翻译家徐光启主要从事--- ---的翻译。
A. 佛教经典B. 文学作品C. 科技著作D. 哲学著作2. 《马氏文通》的作者马建忠提出了“--- ---”的翻译观点。
A. 善译B. 化境C. 神似D. 信、达、雅3. 出版后即风靡海内的《巴黎茶花女遗事》是-- ----的译作。
A.严复 B. 林纾C. 林语堂D. 梁实秋4.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于-- ----的形式。
A. 词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段5. 翻译是一种()的交际活动。
A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会6. 翻译的理想单位是:__________。
()A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词7.下列四个语言特点中,---- --不是广告英语的特点。
A. 多祈使句B. 多后置定语C. 多新词汇D. 多常用词汇8. 鲁迅曾提出过“------- --------”的翻译观点。
A. 宁顺而不信B. 宁信而不顺C. 与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信D. 忠实、通顺、得体9.“Do you see any green in my eye?”可以翻译为:__ _____。
A. 你从我的眼睛里看到绿颜色吗?B. 你以为我是好欺骗的吗?C. 你从我的眼睛里看到嫉妒的感觉吗?D. 你以为我在嫉妒你吗?10. “Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.” 意思为( )。


笔译1.文化翻译的三种方式:1)Domestication: substituting. Transform characteristic ingredients into one kind of culture to some contents which people are familiar with in another kind. It is to use the words and expressions that have the same frequency of use with the source words and expressions but generally we use some words and expressions with certain cultural color to translate the primitive words and expressions. 轻如鸿毛:as light as a feather;火上浇油:add fuel to the flames.2)Foreignization: grafting. A kind of translation that transmits information of one culture and language maintaining its original appearance to another culture and language.例:go to law for a sheep, you lose a cow.为一只羊打官司,却损失了一头牛。
An ivory tower. 象牙塔3) Compensation: combining. 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮:three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhege Liang, the ancient master mind.2.understanding of translating in lithe of information theory.Translating is a domain of liberal arts and the Information theory:is a science.Translating consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the message of the source language . Information, a term with many meanings depending on context, is as a rule closely related to such concepts as message, meaning, knowledge and so on .Information’sStandard is Reliability and Validity while Translation’s Standard is Faithfulness; Expressiveness; Elegance.In short , Translating is a system where the information flows from the source languge to the target language. Translating is to convey the information in the source language into the target language, rather than just to change the languages. The information to be conveyed includes: linguistic, formal, cultural, stylistic, etc.American characterThe hurrying about in pursuit of wealth ~ How this trait leads to immoralityThe serious manner of Americans ~ Their underlying kindnessInformality in social situations ~ Physical appearanceActive: for anyone who has been to the US, one thing he cannot fail to notice about Americans is their orientation to action. Americans seem to be always busy doing something.Ambitious: Americans advance in their careers and are driven by motivations. The American hold such belief that one is what one does, which propels the Americans and gives the culture its quality of drivenness, and Americans have a recurrent need to prove themselves and thereby attain an identity through success and achievement.Optimistic: the optimism holds that trying to do something about a condition or problem will almost invariably bring success in solving it, which seem to be specifically American.。

1. 英译汉Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature so Marx discovered the law of development of human history, the simple fact , hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc; that, therefore the production of the immediate material means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.英译汉:正如达尔文发现有机自然界的发展规律一样,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律,即历来繁茂芜杂的意识形态所掩盖着的一个简单事实:人们首先要吃、要喝、要穿、要住,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等等;所以,生产直接与生活有关部门的物质用品,会为一个民族或一个时代带来一定的经济发展,这两者又构成了国家制度、法律观念、艺术以及宗教思想的基础。
《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导 - 萧山电大讲解

浙江广播电视大学英语专业(开放专科)《英语翻译基础》期末复习一、考试题型和模拟题1. 选择题:10题,每题2分,共20分。
2. 问答题:1题,共10分。
3. 段落翻译(英译汉):2段,共40分。
一、选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案):1. 明朝末年的翻译家徐光启主要从事--- ---的翻译。
A. 佛教经典B. 文学作品C. 科技著作D. 哲学著作2. 《马氏文通》的作者马建忠提出了“--- ---”的翻译观点。
A. 善译B. 化境C. 神似D. 信、达、雅3. 出版后即风靡海内的《巴黎茶花女遗事》是-- ----的译作。
A.严复 B. 林纾C. 林语堂D. 梁实秋4.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于-- ----的形式。
A. 词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段5. 翻译是一种()的交际活动。
A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会6. 翻译的理想单位是:__________。
()A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词7.下列四个语言特点中,---- --不是广告英语的特点。
A. 多祈使句B. 多后置定语C. 多新词汇D. 多常用词汇8. 鲁迅曾提出过“------- --------”的翻译观点。
A. 宁顺而不信B. 宁信而不顺C. 与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信D. 忠实、通顺、得体9.“Do you see any green in my eye?”可以翻译为:__ _____。
A. 你从我的眼睛里看到绿颜色吗?B. 你以为我是好欺骗的吗?C. 你从我的眼睛里看到嫉妒的感觉吗?D. 你以为我在嫉妒你吗?10. “Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.” 意思为( )。

笔译考试内容分享一、翻译理论1. 翻译的三种概念是什么,区别是什么?奈达对翻译下的概念是什么,属于三种中的哪一种?答:(1)三种概念:普通概念:翻译,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为,是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。
“动态对等”中的对等包括四个方面: 1. 词汇对等;2. 句法对等;3. 篇章对等;4.文体对等。
2. 翻译的三种策略是什么,英语的相对词语是什么?请举3-5个英语句子来说明这三种策略的不同。
答:三种策略:直译literal translation、意译free translation、借译(归化)domesticated translation. 举例:(1)Seeing is believing.直译:看到的就是可信的。

在复习语言知识时,可以从以下几个方面入手:1. 词汇复习:扩大词汇量是非常重要的。
2. 语法复习:语法是语言的骨架,它决定了句子的结构和表达方式。
3. 句法复习:句法是语言中句子的结构和组织方式。
背景知识的复习可以从以下几个方面进行:1. 行业知识:根据自己的兴趣和需求,选择一两个行业进行深入了解。
2. 文化知识:不同文化之间存在着差异,了解不同文化的习俗、价值观、历史等有助于更好地理解原文,并进行准确的翻译。
3. 专业知识:如果要从事特定领域的笔译工作,了解该领域的专业知识是必要的。
以下是一些常用的翻译技巧:1. 理解原文:在进行翻译之前,先要仔细阅读和理解原文。


A. 语内翻译B. 语际翻译C. 符际翻译D. 以上选项都正确2. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。
A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水3.“This is a specia l offer and is not subjec t to our usual discou nts”请问下面哪个译文最合适?________。
A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。
B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。
C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。
D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。
5. _________提出了“美化之艺术,创优似竞赛”的翻译理念。
A.尤金.奈达B.泰特勒C.许渊冲D.鲁迅6. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_____。
A.赤脚医生:barefo ot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tigerC.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in seaD B C D C D7.哪句话的描述是正确的?______。

《翻译理论与实践(笔译》复习辅导一、考试题型和模拟题1. 选择题:10题,每题 2分,共 20分。
2. 问答题:2题,每题 15分,共 30分。
范围主要包括直译与意译问题, 翻译的标准,比如玄奘对翻译事业的贡献等等。
3. 段落翻译(英译汉 :1段,共 50分。
选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案 :1. 明朝末年的翻译家徐光启主要从事 ---C---的翻译。
A. 佛教经典B. 文学作品C. 科技著作D. 哲学著作2. 《马氏文通》的作者马建忠提出了“ ---A---”的翻译观点。
A. 善译B. 化境C. 神似D. 信、达、雅3. 出版后即风靡海内的《巴黎茶花女遗事》是 --B----的译作。
A .严复 B. 林纾C. 林语堂D. 梁实秋4. “意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于 --D----的形式。
A. 词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段5. 翻译是一种(A 的交际活动。
A . 跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言C . 跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会6. 翻译的理想单位是:__________。
(A . 篇章 B. 句子 C. 词语 D. 单词7. 下列四个语言特点中, ----B--不是广告英语的特点。
A. 多祈使句B. 多后置定语C. 多新词汇D. 多常用词汇8. 鲁迅曾提出过“ -------B--------”的翻译观点。
A. 宁顺而不信B. 宁信而不顺C. 与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信D. 忠实、通顺、得体9. 在下列四组特点中, ---D---组符合英语语言的实际情况。
A. 重意合,多主动结构,多动态词,多重复,多生物词作主语B. 重形合,多主动结构,多动态词,多替代,多物称词作主语C. 重意合,多被动结构,多静态词,多重复,多生物词作主语D. 重形合,多被动结构,多静态词,多替代,多物称词作主语10. 下列四种语言特点, ----B----不符合英语语言的实际情况。

笔译考试时间60分钟I. Word Choice(每题/空2分,共20 分)II. Phrase Translation(每题/空2分,共10 分)III. Sentence Translation(每题/空3分,共30 分)IV. Reading Comprehension(每题/空2分,共10 分)V. Paragraph Translation (每题/空30分,共30 分)PPT 演示文稿中课堂练习部分英译汉句子翻译练习Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up on flavorful Mexican food and beer.一些美国人越过国境线,只是为了吃点可口的墨西哥食物,喝点墨西哥啤酒。
His perfect grades at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition-free Oxford University.由于在中学成绩优异,他进入了免费的牛津大学学习。
He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.我们又一次领略了他那广博的知识,丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。
Rockets have found application for exploration of the universe.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。
Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their missions.美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计,是在完成使命后,在大气层中焚毁。
Stevenson was eloquent and elegant—but soft.史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。
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笔译理论课参考资料I. Write definitions of the following terms.1. Accuracy (准确) –A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original.2. Adaptation (改编) – A term traditionally used to refer to any target text in which a particularly free translation strategy has been adopted. The term usually implies that considerable changes have been made in order to make the text more suitable for a specific audience or for the particular purpose behind the translation.3. Agent (经纪人) –A term used to refer to the person who is “in an intermediary position between a translator and an end user of a translation”.4. Autotranslation (自译) – A term used to refer to the translation of an original work into another language by the author him-/her/self.5. Back-translation (回译) – A term used to refer to a process in which a text which has been translated into a given language is retranslated into the source text.6. Calque (仿造;借译) –A term used to denote the process whereby the individual elements of an source language item are translated literally to produce a target language equivalent.7. Close translation (贴近翻译) –A term used to refer to translation strategies which favor exact correspondence between the source language and target la nguage linguistic units over an emphasis on conveying the overall meaning or spirit of the source text.8. Commission (委托) – A termed used to refer to the specifications which the translator works with when producing a target text.9. Communicative translation (交际翻译;传意翻译) –a term used to refer to any approach which views translation as a “communicative process which takes place within a social context”.10. Correspondence (对应) –A term used to refer to the relationship which exists between elements of source language and target language in some way considered to be counterparts of each other.11. Cultural borrowing (文化借用) –A term used to describe the type of cultural transposition in which an source language expression is transferred verbatim into the target language because it is not possible to translate it by a suitable target language equivalent.12. Cultural substitution (文化替换) –A term used to refer to the use of a real world referent from the receptor culture for an unknown referent of the original, both of the referents having the same function.13. Direct translation (直接翻译) –a term used to refer to the type of translation procedure in which a TT is produced directly from the original ST, rather than via another, intermediate translation in another language.14. Documentary translation (文献型翻译) –A term used to refer to the translation which serves as “a document of [a source culture] communication between the author and the source text recipient”. Thus in this type of translation the target text recipient becomes a mere observer of a “past communicative action”, as the source text (or possibly only certain aspects of the source text) is reproduced without any attempt to make adjustments in the light of the target contexts. WORD-FOR-WORD and other types of LITERARL translation, as well as “exoticising translation’, which tries to preserve the “local color”of the source text, are all examples of documentary translation; what all such types of translation have in common is that they focus on certain aspects or features of the source text, while ignoring others.15. Domesticating translation (归化翻译;归化) – A term used to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for the target language readers.16. Dynamic equivalence (动态对等)– A term used to refer to the quality of translation which characterizes a translation in which the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors.17. Equivalence (对等)–A term used to describe the nature and the extent of the relationships which exist between source language and target language texts or smaller linguistic units.18. Faithfulness (忠实) –A term used to refer to the extent to which a target text can be considered a fair correspondence of source text according to some criterion.19. Fidelity (忠实)–A term used to refer to the extent to which a target text can be considered a fair correspondence of source text according to some criterion.20. Foreignizing translation (异化翻译;异化) – A term used to refer to the type of translation in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.21. Formal equivalence (形式对等) – A term used to refer to the quality of atranslation in which the features of the form of the source text have been mechanically reproduced in the receptor language.22. Free translation (意译)– A term used to refer to sense-for-sense translation.23. Gist translation (要旨翻译) –A term used to refer to a style of translation in which the target text expresses a condensed version of the contents of the source text.24. Idiomatic translation (地道翻译) –A term used to refer to a translation strategy which aims for a target text which reads as naturally as possible.25. Indirect translation (间接翻译;中介翻译;中继翻译;转译) – a term used to refer to the procedure whereby a text is not translated directly from an original text, but via an intermediate translation in another language.26. Instrumental translation (工具型翻译) –A term used to refer to the translation which is intended to fulfill a new communicative purpose in the target culture “without the recipient being conscious of reading or hearing a text which, in a different form, was used before in a different communicative action”. As such it is “a communicative instrument in its own right” rather than merely a documentary record of the source text author’s action of communication with the source culture recipients.27. Interlinear translation (逐行翻译)–A type of extremely literal translation in which target language words are arranged line by line below or above the source text items to which they correspond.28. Interlingual translation (语际翻译) –A term used to refer to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other languages.29. Intersemiotic translation (符际翻译)– A term used to refer to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of nonverbal sign systems.30. Intralingual translation (语内翻译) –A term used to refer to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language.31. Literal translation (直译)– A term used to refer to word-for-word translation.32. Naturalness (通顺;自然) – A term used to refer to the extent to which a translation is expressed in clear, unforced terms in the target language.33. Original language (原语)-- A term used to refer to the language in which the source text is written.34. Pseudotranslation (伪译) – A term used to refer to target texts which are regardedin the target culture as translations though no genuine source texts exist for them. 35. Receptor language (译语;译入语) –A term used to refer to the language into which a message is translated from the original language.36. Skopos theory (目的论)–A term used to refer to an approach to translation. Skopos theory stresses the interactional, pragmatic aspects of translation, arguing that the shape of the target text should above all be determined by the function or “skopos” that it is intended to fulfill in the target context.37. Source language (原语) – A term used to refer to the language in which the source text is written.38. Source text (原文本)– A term used to refer to the text to be translated.39. Target language (目的语;的语;译语;译入语) –A term used to refer to the language which is being translated into.40. Target text (译本)– A term used to refer to the text to be translated into.41. Translatability (可译性) – A term used to discuss the extent to which it is possible to translate either individual words and phrases or entire texts from one language to another.42. Translation as rewriting (翻译即改写) –A term used to refer to the translation which reinterpret, alter or manipulate an original text in some way.43. Translation Studies (翻译研究) –A term used to describe the discipline which concerns itself with problems raised by the production and description of translations.44. Translationese (翻译体)– A term used to refer to the target language usage which because of its obvious reliance on features of the source language is perceived as unnatural, impenetrable or even comical.45. Unit of translation (翻译单位)–A term used to refer to the linguistic level at which the source text is recodified in the target language.II. Answer the following questions briefly.1. What is the nature of translation?Translation is an intentional, interpersonal, intercultural interaction based on the source text.2. Why is translation regarded as a means of intercultural communication?In the translation action, two different cultures are involved –the source cultureand the target culture. There are similarities and differences between these cultures. Actually translation should be done so as to bridge the gap between these two cultures.3. What is skopos?Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”. According to Skopostheorie ( the theory that applies the notion of Skopos to translation), the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose or Skopos of the overall translation action. Hence, skopos is the determining factor of any translation action.4. What a role does skopos play in translation?Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”. According to Skopostheorie ( the theory that applies the notion of Skopos to translation), the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose or Skopos of the overall translation action. Hence, skopos is the determining factor of any translation action.5. Why is translation regarded as a purposeful interaction?Translation as an interaction is purposeful. It is intended to change a situation, for instance to bridge the gap between the source text and the target readers.6. Why is translation a commission?Translation is an purposeful interaction. It is intended to change a situation. Hence, translation can be regarded as an action to fulfill a commission. In some cases, the commission is explicitly expressed; but in some other cases, it is just implied. Nevertheless, translation is a commission. It should be done on the basis of the commission stating firstly the purpose of the target text and secondly the conditions under which this purpose should be achieved.7. What is source-oriented evaluation of translation?It is a kind of evaluation of the translation concerning whether the translation is faithful to the source text or not.8. What is target language/culture-oriented of translation?It means that the translation is oriented toward the target language/culture. That is, the translation is done with regard to the appropriateness of the target text in the target language/culture.9. What is function-oriented evaluation of translation?It means that the evaluation of a specific translation is based on the function the target text does in the target culture.10. Who are the participants of translation?There are various participants in translation. The main participants are the initiator, the translator, the target reader, the source text writer, the user and so on.11. What roles do the participants play in translation?There are various participants in translation. The main participants are the initiator, the translator, the target reader, the source text writer, the user and so on. In the translation action, such participants are functional. In the translation action, these participants are interactive. Some may affect and/or be affected by others. And o ne of them may play the leading role.12. What a role does the initiator/commissioner play in translation?The initiator/commissioner is the organizer of a specific translation activity. He/She does play a dominant role in translation.13. What a role doe the translator play in translation?A translator plays a certain role in translation. In some cases, he/she is invisible; and in some other cases, he/she is visible. It depends on the specific conditions which are determined by the translation purpose.14. What a role does the user play in translation?The user is one of the participants in translation. He/She does play a certain role in translation. In certain cases, he/she is also the initiator/commissioner of the translation. And he/she even play the leading role in translation. It depends on the purpose of the specific translation.15. What a role doe the target reader play in translation?The target reader is one of the participants of translation. He/She plays a certain role in translation. If the translation is function-oriented and/or target-language/-culture oriented, he/she will play a very important role and even the leading role in translation. If the translation is source-oriented, he/she may even play no any role in the translation.16. Why is translation regarded as a decision-making activity?Translation is regarded as decision-making activity because it is a seen as a choice which needs to be taken between a number of possible solutions to a given problem encountered while translating a text, and which will influence subsequent choices by opening up or closing off other options dependent on the initial selection made.17. What is the relationship between language and culture in translation?Translation is an interlingual and intercultural interaction. The source language and culture and the target language and culture are involved in translation. Hence translation is not merely an interlingual interaction. Language and culture are closed related with each other.18. Why is translation an intercultural interaction?Translation is an intercultural interaction because both the source and target cultures are involved in translation. And there are many differences between these two cultures in many cases. Hence translation as an intercultural interaction should be done to bridge the gap between the two cultures.19. What a role does the source text play in translation?The source text is the basis of translation. It does play a very important role in translation. Nevertheless, it is not always the foremost and only basis of translation. It depends on the specific translation purpose.20. What a role may the source culture play in translation?The source culture plays a role in translation. In certain cases, it even plays an important role. It depends on the purpose of translation. If it is source-oriented, the source culture may even play a dominant role. If the translation is target-language/culture oriented, the source culture may be less important than the target culture in translation.21. What a role may the target language play in translation?The target language does play a role in translation. And in certain cases, it even plays the dominant role if the translation is target language oriented. It depends on the purpose of translation.22. What is the relationship between the source text and target text?The target text is translated into on the basis of the source text. And in many cases there are correspondence between them.III. Answer each of the following questions with about 150 English words.1. What is the relationship between translation action and translation theories?Translation action and translation theories are related with each other. On the one hand, the translation theories come from translation actions. On the other hand, translation theories may be helpful for the translation action. (略)2. What a role may the translation theories play in translator training?The translation theories may be helpful in the translator training. They may be helpful in guiding the trainees’perspectives on translation. Nevertheless, we should see that not all translation theories are suitable in translator training. And translation theories cannot guarantee one to become a qualified translator if he/she do insufficient translation activities. (略)3. What a role does translation play in our society?Translation plays a very important role in our society. Actually it is a driving force of our society. Thanks to translation, there are international cooperation and exchanges and development of our society. (略)4. How can the translator know the specific purpose of translation?The translator should try to make sure the specific task of translation concerning with the reason of the translation, the requirements of the initiator and the expectation of the target readers and so on. (略)5. In what condition(s) should the translator be source-oriented in his/her translation?In cases when the source text is the foremost and even only basis of the translation. (略)6. Is there always an absolute correspondence between the source text and the target text?No. It depends on the specific situation and purpose of translation. If the translation is source-oriented, there will be close and even absolute correspondence between the source text and the target text. If not, there may not be such correspondence, and even no correspondence between them. (略)7. What is the relationship between the source text writer, the translator and target reader?There exist relationship between them. Nevertheless, the relationship is not clear. It depends on the specific translation activity. (略)8. Show your understanding of the term “bi-culturalism” in translation.Bi-culturalism is concerned with in translation studies. According to the scholars, a qualified translator should know both the original and target cultures well. Ideally, he/she should be a bi-culturalist. Otherwise, there may be problems in his/her translation. And his/her translation may not be successful. (略)9. How can one become a bi-culturalist?One can become a bi-culturalist by trying two understand the two cultures well. What is most important is that he/she should first of all have a good perspective of the two cultures concerned. That is, he/she should be open-minded and be just in viewing the two cultures. And then, he/she should try two gain the two cultures. Especially he/she should know and be aware of the gaps between the two cultures and know how to bridge the gaps. (略)10.What is the difference between domesticating translation strategy and foreignizingtranslation strategy?They are two different translation strategies. Domesticating translation strategy is adopted to make a transparent and fluent style in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for the target language readers. With foreignizing translation strategy, the target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.11. In what condition(s) may the domesticating translation strategy be appliedimproperly?If the translation is source-oriented. Specifically, if the original linguistic/cultural features needed to be kept. (略)12. How important is the foreignizing translation strategy?It may be helpful to make the readers feel the “strangeness”of the source language/culture. It may also helpful to reform the target language/culture. (略)13.In what condition(s) should the foreignizing translation strategy be dominating intranslation?In certain cases, the foreignizing translation strategy may be dominantly applied in translation if the translation is intended to keep the “strangeness”of the original linguistic and cultural features. (略)14. How can a college student become a qualified translator?In order to be a qualified translator, a college student should try to be well prepared for translation actions. Basically, he/she should meet the following requirements:First, he/she should be good at both the foreign language and Chinese. Second, he/she should know the background information/knowledge as much as possible. Third, he/she should work hard. Fourth, he/she should have a proper understanding of translation. Fifth, he/she should be law-abiding. Sixth, he/she should be skillful of IT. (略)15. What roles does INTERNET play in translation?Internet plays a very important role in translation. Today we live in an e-era. That is, the paper-era is being replaced. In such an e-era, IT is indispensable. Without the information technologies including internet, we cannot imagine how inefficient our translation would be. Specifically, with internet, we can easily search the information we need, we can make use of the email and other forms to communicate with those involved in the translation action efficiently. (略)16. What a role may the translation software play in translation?The translation software is useful in translation. In practice, it is increasingly used. It is particularly useful in translation actions of those non-literary texts, for instance, contract, resume, introductions and so on. It is more efficient to use such software. (略)17. What is the difference between formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence?Formal equivalence is a term used to refer to the quality of a translation in which the features of the form of the source text have been mechanically reproduced in the receptor language. Dynamic equivalence is a term used to refer to the quality of translation which characterizes a translation in which the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor isessentially like that of the original receptors. (略)18. Why is there Chinglish?There are different causes to Chinglish. First, the translator is not good at English. Second, he/she may not know the English culture well. Third, he/she is not aware of the specific translation purpose. Fourth, he/she may not have a good understanding of the nature of translation. (略)IV. Comment on one of the following statements with about 100 English words.1. Those who can translate do translation; those who cannot translate teach the translation course; and those who cannot teach translation do researches on translation.Such a statement shows a prejudice against those who teach translation and those who do researches on translation. According to such a statement, a translator can not be trained and the translation theories are useless for translators and those who want to be translators. Such a statement is wrong. Actually a translator can be trained. And translation theories in certain cases are helpful for translation actions and translator training. (略)2. Anyone who is good at both the source language and the target language can be a qualified translator.Such a statement is not appropriate. It is true that a qualified translator should be good at both the source and target languages. However, it is not enough for a person to be a qualified translator. There are more requirements on him/her. He/She should know the background information as much as possible. He/She should work hard. He/She should try to be a bi-culturalist. He/She should have a proper understanding of translation. He/She should have a good habit of translation. (略)3.Our English majors are better than the non-majors in translating, for our English isbetter than theirs.This statement is wrong. Translation is not merely an interlingual activity. For instance, the background information does play an important role in translation. In may cases, the non-majors may be better than our English majors in understanding and even in expressing the text concerning with one specific field. (略)4. A translator should always be invisible in translation.The translator is not always invisible. A translator plays a certain role in translation. In some cases, he/she is invisible; and in some other cases, he/she is visible. It depends on the specific conditions which are determined by the translation purpose. (略)5. One should always be faithful to the source text in his/her translation, for the source text is always the foremost and only important basis of translation.The statement is very traditional. Many traditional translators and scholars of translation hold such an opinion because they believe translation is a transfer of theoriginal meaning in another language. However, such an understanding may not be appropriate in certain cases. It doesn’t disclose the nature of translation. Actually translation is an intentional, interpersonal, intercultural interaction based on the original text. That is, even though it is the basis of translation, the original text may not always be the foremost and only basis of translation. It depends. In certain cases, it may not be the foremost and only basis of translation. And it may not be necessary for a translator to be faithful to the original text all the time.(略)6. The meaning of the source text is always fixed. In other words, its meaning is unchangeable. Hence there can only be one qualified translation for one source text.Such a statement is not always right. In certain cases, the meaning of the source text is changeable. Even though the meaning of the source text is fixed, the translation action may be done for specific purposes which may require the translated version may be somehow different from the original in meaning. Hence we cannot say there is only one qualified translation for one source text. It depends. ( 略)7. No matter in what cases, the translator should always follow the initiator in his/her translation. That is, the translator can never say NO to the initiator.This statement is wrong. It is true that the initiator plays a very important role in translation. Nevertheless, the translator is not always passive and invisible in translation. He/she is active in translation. In certain cases, he/she may discuss and even argue with the initiator. And he/she even has the right to say NO to the initiator. (略)8. One needn’t take into consideration of the target readers’response in his/her translation, for in many cases, he/she doesn’t know who the target readers are.The statement is wrong. The target readers as one of the participants in translation do play a certain role in translation. And in certain cases, they even play the leading role in translation. It depends on the purpose of the translation. For instance, if the translation is function-oriented, the target readers play an important role in the translation. (略)9. Foreignizing translation may make some target texts strange in expressions, so we should try to avoid it in translation.This statement is not appropriate. Foreignizing as a translation strategy is different from domesticating. Both of them are applied in translation. It depends on the translation purposes. In certain cases domesticating is welcomed and in some other cases foreignizing is welcomed. Even though foreignizing translation may make some target texts strange in expressions, it is functional because it has the advantages including keeping the form of the original language and the “strangeness”of the original culture and shaping the target language and culture. (略)10. We should always follow the domesticating translation strategy in our translation.This statement is not appropriate. Domesticating translation strategy andforeignizing translation strategy are two rather different strategies in translation. In certain cases, domesticating translation strategy may be used and in turn foriegnizing translation strategy may be abandoned. In some other cases, domesticating translation strategy may play a more important role in one translation. However, in some other cases, foreignizing translation strategy may be welcomed in certain translation activities. It depends on the purposes and situations of translation. (略)11. The translation techniques and skills derived from literary translation can be fully applied to non-literary translation.The statement is wrong. Translation is diversified. Specific translational activities may be different from one another. The evaluation of translation is rather different from one another. Translational purposes may be rather diversified. Hence the techniques and skills derived from literary translation can/cannot be used in other translational activities which are different from literary translation. (略)。