
国2011年4月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语及答案课程代码:05844 Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese. (10%) 1. in a detour 迂回 2. competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值 3. consignor 寄售人 4. customer mobility 客户流动性 5. escape clauses 豁免条款 6. share holders 股东 7. potential loss 潜在损失 8. carrying vessel 运载船只 9. negligent 粗心大意 10. specific duty 从量税 Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English. (10%) 11.债权国 The credit country 12.国际合同 International contract 13.定期付款/分阶段付款 Term payment 14.被保险人 The insured 15.人口计划 The population plan 16.特惠税 The preferential duty 17.基础设施项目 Infrastructure construction project 18.装箱单 Shipping list 19.破产 Disrupted 20.土地和劳动力 Land and labor forceⅢ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right. (10%) 21. facilities( d )a. the price or cost of transportation 22. premises( g ) b. easily to go bad 23. middleman( f ) c. not to do something that has been arranged ordecided upon 24. perishable ( b ) d. something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular service 25. access( j ) e. the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc. 26. controversy( i ) f. trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the customer 27. carriage( a ) g. a tract of land including its buildings 28. settlement( e ) h. an official group of persons who direct or supervise some activities of a firm 29. board( h ) i. public argument about something which many people disagree with 30. cancel( c ) j. a way by which a place, esp. property can be reached or entered or used Ⅳ. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English. (10%)31. term draft 远期汇票A draft which requires to pay after sight or in a given period of timeafter representation of relevant documents.32. transferable credit 可转让信用证Credit which can be transferred to other parties during the transportation of goods.33. direct quote 直接报价A certain amount of foreign currency, usually one unit or one hundredunit, is marked with equivalent amount of home currency.34. acquisition 收购Buying existing facilities35. GATT 关税和贸易总协定The General Agreement of Tariff and Trade. V. Answer the following questions in English. (20%)36. What are the five major modes of the modern freight transportation system?Water, air, road, rail, pipeline37. What do “valued” policies mean?Valued policies mean that a country provide investors with preferential policies for insured return in order to attract foreign investment.38. What is the purpose to establish GSP(the Generalized System of Preference)?The purpose of GSP is to help development of developing countries by provide tariff concession to them.39. What is the relationship between MNEs and their host countries?The relationship of MNEs and their host countries is interdependable and interactive. Ⅵ. Translate the following into Chinese. (15%)40. The Bank for International Settlement (BIS) is a unique institution.Many of its operations are of types normally performed by a commercial bank, but it is owned principally by central banks, and managed by central banks and its principal customers are central banks. The objects of BIS are to promote the cooperation among central banks and to provide additional facilities for international operations.国际结算银行是一个独特的机构。

全国2018年7月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语试题课程代码:05844Ⅰ.Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)1.trade mark2.Gross Domestic Product3.national income4.escape clause5.capital marketmissionance credit8.arbitration9.transshipment10.documentary collectionⅡ.Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)11.承运人12.发盘(报盘)13.货号14.商业发票15.期权16.清算系统(制度)17.知识产权18.储备货币19.卖出价20.增值税Ⅲ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10%)21.indemnity a. a person covered by an insurance policy22.ad valorem duties b. the amount paid by an insured for coverage under thecontract23.sight credit c. compensation for loss124.insured d. a credit by which payment can be made uponpresentation of the draft25.specialization e. the main body of a contract26.contract proper f. social or natural calamities that take place beyond thecontrol of a contracting party27.premium g. duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods28.force majeure h. to restrict one’s economic activities to certainparticular fields29.liberalization of trade i. those commodities not processed, or only slightlyprocessed, usually farm produce or raw materials30.primary commodities j. the act of government in lifting controls overimports and exportsⅣ.Make brief explanations of the following terms in English (10%)31.anti-dumping32.acquisition33.devaluation34.subrogate35.confirming bankⅤ.Answer the following questions in English (20%)36.What is licensing? Why do firms sometimes choose it as a means of entering a foreign market?37.What is Comparative Advantage?38.Describe briefly the characteristics of MNEs.39.What is the difference between D/P at sight and D/P after sight? Which is more favourable for the exporter?Ⅵ.Translate the following into Chinese(10%)40.In choosing a transportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria: speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability and cost. Thus if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes, thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that2are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each coordinated mode of transportation offers specific advantages to the shipper.41.The practical advantages exist due to the peculiar environment within which counter trade usually takes place. They quite likely disappear when the environment changes—as is happening now in many countries. Restructuring and the development of markets may therefore mean that the environment within which counter trade usually takes place is changing so as to reduce its frequency. Reduced ownership restrictions are likely to shift the organizational forms toward joint ventures and wholly-owned enterprises which possess production facilities. Improved knowledge, experience, and legal enforcement of contractual obligations will likely mean increasing use of longer term and more sophisticated explicit transaction contracts.Ⅶ.Translate the following into English(30%)42.加入世界贸易组织对中国有益,因为它将促进中国的改革和发展,提高商品和服务的质量,降低商品成本和服务费用,刺激投资和创造就业机会,改善法制。

基础英语(国贸)自学考试真题试卷含答案总分:100分题量:50题一、单选题(共49题,共98分)1.Nodiscountwillbegranted_youplaceanorderformorethan1000dozen.A.ifB.unlessC.whetherD.butfor正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析2.When_thecontract,pleaseincludethearbitrationclause.A.draftB.draftingC.todraftD.drafted正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析3.Wehavereceivednews_thatthewoolmarketonyoursideisshowingsignsofrecov ery.A.toaneffectB.tothiseffectC.tothateffectD.totheeffect正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析4.PleaseopenyourL/Cimmediatelytofacilitate_.A.ourshippingarrangementB.forshipmentC.toarrangeshipmenttoarrangeshipment正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析5._anorderfor100piecesormore,weallowaspecialdiscountof5%forpaymentbyL /C.A.AtB.InC.OnD.From正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析6.Ifyoucanimproveyourpriceby3%,weshallbepreparedto_for5,000metrictons .A.bookwithyouanorderB.bookyourorderC.beinthemarketD.placeaorderwithyou正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析7.Wesuggestthatyou_ourrepresentativeinBeijingforyourrequirements.A.willcontactB.contactingC.contactwithD.contact正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析8._crowdedorders.wehavesoldoutallthegoodsscheduledforshipmentwithinth isyear.A.AsaresultofB.InresultofC.WiththeresultofD.Asresultof正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析9.Undernocircumstances,_goodsontheirownaccount.A.themiddlemenwillbuyB.willthemiddlemenbuyC.themiddlemenwouldbuyD.willbuythemiddlemen正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析10.Thisagreementshallbecancelledincasethesecondpartyfailstoselltheagr eedquantitywithinsixmonths.A.uptoB.toC.atD.with正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析11.ThegoodsunderL/CNo.1234lefthere_.A.inagoodconditionB.ingoodconditionsC.ingoodconditionD.inthegoodcondition正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析12.Pleaseseethatsuchan_doesnotoccuragain.A.mistakeB.negligenceC.oversightD.carelessness正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析13.Ourclientsaskedustobringdownourpricesbecausetheyconsiderthem_.A.onthehighsideB.outoflinewithC.arerunninghighD.arerunninghigh正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析14.Incaseyoucanmakeareduction_5%_yourprice,wemaystrikethedealwithyou.A.of,ofB.by,byC.of,inD.for,for正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析15.Ifbusinesshadbeencarriedouttooursatisfaction,we_torenewtheAgencyAg reement.A.hadagreedB.alreadyagreedC.shallagreeD.shouldhaveagreed正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析16._appreciatingyourorder,wemustpointoutthatourpriceshavealreadybeenc uttoaminimum.A.HowB.WhileC.SinceweareD.Anyway正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析17.WecouldmanagetoarrangetheshipmentinAugust,subjecttoyourL/C_usnotla terthanJuly15.A.reachesB.beingreachedC.reachingD.reach正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析18.Wearesorrytofindthatthedamage_thegoodswascausedbyheavyrainduringtr ansportation.A.onB.forC.aboutD.to正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析19.Notuntilthismorning_yourL/C.Wecan_makeshipmentasstipulatedinthecon tract.A.wereceive,notB.wehavereceived,neverC.didwereceive,hardlyD.hadwereceived,certainly正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析20._wewouldliketoassistyou,wedonotthinkthereisroomforareductioninourp rice.A.EvenB.AsC.MuchD.Muchas正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析21.AccordingtoUCP600,theconfirmingbankmustnegotiateand/orhonor()A.iftheissuingbankagreestonegotiateand/orhonorB..iftheapplicantagreestonegotiateand/orhonorC.ifithasreceivedacomplyingpresentationfromthepresenterD.ifthebeneficiaryhasshippedthestipulatedgoodsontime正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析22.Underdocumentarycollection,thedraftmustbe()A.sightdraftB.timedraftC.banker’sdraftD.banker’sdraft正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析23.AccordingtoCISG,theinternationalbusinesspersoncan()beforetheofferr eachestheofferee.A.withdrawhis/herofferB.revokehis/herofferC.withdrawhis/hercontractD.revokehis/hercontract正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析24.AccordingtoUCP600,underL/C,thepayerofthedraftis().A.thebuyerB.theadvisingbankC.thenegotiatingbankD..theissuingbank正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析25.IftheCIFvalueinainternationalcontractisUSD9000000,andthereisn’tanyspecialtermsandconditionsaboutinsurance,thenaccordingtoINCOTERMS2 000,thesellercouldinsurethegoodsfor().D9000000againstFPAD10000000againstWPAD9000000againstWPAD9900000againstTPND正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析26.AccordingtoCISG,theacceptancecanbesubmitted()A.inwrittenformB.orallyC.inwrittenformorbesentorally正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析27.Inthefollowingpaymentterms,()isthesafesttermtotheseller.A.Paymentagainstdocuments,at30daysaftersightB.PaymentbyT/T,at30daysafterarrivalofgoodsC.Paymentagainstdocuments,at30daysfromthedateofB/LD.PaymentbyacceptanceL/C,at30daysaftersight正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析28.UnderCFRcontract,thegoodsaredamagedduringmarinetransportandthebuyersufferslossesestimatedatUSD1000duetonaturalcalamity,USD800duetofortu itousaccidents,andUSD2000duetoextraneousrisks.Ifthebuyerhasinsuredthe goodsforUSD1000000againstWPAbeforeshiment,thentheinsurershouldpay()co mpensationtothebuyer.D3800D1800D3000D2800正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析29.Inthefollowingstatementsaboutloadinganddischargingchargesincharter party,()iscorrect.A.F.I.meanstheshippershouldunloadthegoodsbyhimself.B.F.O.meanstheshippershouldloadthegoodsbyhimself.C.Thetimecharterpartyshouldn’tstipulatetermsaboutthesecharges.D.Theship-ownerisn’tresponsibleforthesechargesintrampshipping.正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析30.Countersampleismadeby()whichcanhelpavoiddisputesoverthequalityofgo odsinthefuturetransaction.A.thebuyerB.thesellerC.thecarrierD.theofferer正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析31.Themoreorlessclauseisaclausethatstipulatesthat().A.thequantitydeliveredcanbemoreorlesswithin5percent.B.thequantitydeliveredcanbemoreorlesswithin10percentC.thequantitydeliveredcanbemoreorlesswithin3percentD.thequantitydeliveredcanbemoreorlesswithincertainextent正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析32.Salesbydescriptionandillustrationisapplicableto()most.A.wheatB.medicalapparatusC.mineraloreD.ordinarystainlesssteelcup正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析33.Neutralpackingisadoptedto().A.preventcorrosionbyacidsoralkaliB.breaktariffandnon-tariffbarriersofexportingcountriesC.breaktariffandnon-tariffbarriersofimportingcountriesD.A,BandCareallright正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析34.Merchantvesselscanbedividedintolinersandtramps,andtotheownerofcarg o,()provedtobeamoreconvenientmeansofinternationalcargodistribution.A.linersB..trampsC.noneofthem正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析35._____issuggestedthathehishomework.A.It;finishedB.It;finishC.That;finishD.That;finished正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析36.Itwasnotuntilthebeginningofthemeeting_____herealized_____Itoldhimw astheonlypossiblewaytodealwiththeproblem.A.that;whatB.what;thatC.when;whatD.when;that正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析37.ThepopulationofChinaislargerthan______oftheUnitedStates.A.thisB.thatC.theseD.those正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析38.Youmaysendmeane-mailorjustgivemeacall.willdo.A.NeitherB.EachC.AnyD.Either正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析39.Christmasis___specialholidaywhen____wholefamilyaresupposedtogettog ether.A.the,theB.a,aC.the,aD.a,the正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析40.Theaccidentwas____hiscarelessdriving.A.duetoB.becauseC.becauseofD.BothAandC正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析41.Afterlivingthereforoneyear,theyhave________there.A.accustomedtoworkingB.accustomedtoworkC.beenaccustomedtoworkingD.beenaccustomedtowork正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析42.Helosthiswayintheforest,buthemanagedtogetthroughit______.pletelyB.eventuallyC.quicklyD.automatically正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析43.----I_____togoforawalk.---ButI_____goingshopping.A.wouldlike;feellikeB.feellike;feellikeC.feellike;wouldlikeD.wouldlike;wouldlike正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析44.Withmymoney______,Iwentbackhome.A.ranoutofB.ranoutC.runningoutofD.runningout正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析45.Tomkeptquietabouttheaccident________losehisjob.A.sonotastoB.soasnottoC.soastonotD.notsoasto正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析46.Alongwiththeletterwashispromise_____hewouldvisitmethiscomingChrist mas.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.whether正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析47.He’sgothimselfintoadangeroussituationheislikelytobeaccusedofmeetingsomeo ne.A.whereB.whichC.whileD.why正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析48.Thestudentsintheclasswere_____fourgroupsbeforetheystartedthegame.A.dividedintoB.separatedintoC.dividedfromD.separatedfrom正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析49.Onlythen______theimportanceofmyhealth.A.IhadrealizedB.hadIrealizedC.IrealizedD.didIrealize正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析二、判断题(共1题,共2分)50.AccordingtoINCOTERMS2000,underFOBcontract,thebuyerhasnoobligationt ocontractforinsuranceandpaytheinsurancepremium.答案:正确- 11 -。

广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料国际商务英语试卷(一)课程代码:05844I. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)1.International business2.GDP3.Free trade area4.Multinational corporation5.Specialization6.specific duty7.roll on roll off8.EDI9.article number10.auctionⅡ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English (10%)11.返倾销12.最惠国条款13.贴现14.充分就业15.保兑信用证16.零库存17.代位,取代18.保护主义19.免除条款(豁免条款)20.证券交易所Ⅲ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right (10%)21.contracting party a. amount above what is estimated as necessary22.gilts b. a business concern owned or controlled in wholeor in part by another concern23.cyclical c. recurring in cycles24.affiliate d. stocks issued by government25.legal action e. an action taken against some one in accordancewith the law.26.margin f. a country or firm that signs a legal agreement27.pooling g. a trace of land including its buildings28.verified data h. a set of international rules for the interpretation oftrade terms29.Incoterms i. authentic materials30.premises j. a combination of funds formed for common advantageⅣ. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English(10%)31.MFN32. Invisible trade33.firm offer34.open account35.L/CⅤ. Answer the following questions in English(20%)36. Was China a low -income country a few years ago? How about now?37. Can you explain the word “negotiable” in the p hrase “negotiable transport? document” ?38. What is the most common form of non-tariff barriers? Explain it in a few words.39. What is economy of scale? What is the relation between economy of scale and trade?Ⅵ.Translate the following into Chinese(15%)40. Documentary collection is a means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.The exporter sends the bill of exchange and the shipping documents to his bank, which forwards them to a bank in the customer’s country. This bank, or the exporter’s agents in the country concerned, takes the documents to the customer. If it is a sight bill the customer pays the amount directly. If it is a time bill he signs the bill, which means he has “accepted” it for payment within a certain specified time. In return for either payment or acceptance of payment, the customer is handed the shipping documents which give title to the goods.Ⅶ. Translate the following into English(25%)41. 在国际贸易中进出口双方都面临风险,因为总存在对方不履约的可能42. 对于一笔具体交易来说,信用证不一定是最理想的付款方式。

自考英语《国际商法》真题及答案解析卷面总分:68分答题时间:50分钟试卷题量:25题一、单选题(共19题,共38分)题目1:I would love ________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A.to goB.to have goneC.goingD.having gone正确答案:B本题解析:本题考查非谓语动词与虚拟语气。
would love to do 为一固定搭配形式,其中不定式表示想要做的动作。
但此句中but连接的句子说明其实动作并没有发生,所以这里要用虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,选用B 项。
题目2:He bought a house for his children ________A.lived inB.to live inC.livedD.to live正确答案:B本题解析:本题属于动词不定式复合结构做后置定语。
in 不可省略。
题目3:The traffic was held up for more than thirty minutes, ________ caused me to arrive late.A. itB.thatC.whatD.which正确答案:D本题解析:非限制性定语从句引导词的选取。
题目4:There are many sales this season, during which stores will lower their _______ prices.A.normalB.generalC.ordinaryual正确答案:A本题解析:A 正常的、平常的B 普通的、一般的C 普通的D 寻常的、通常的题目5:Imports will be allowed in proportion _______ exports.A. toB.forC.outD.of正确答案:A本题解析:in proportion to :按…的比例,与…成正比。

商务英语自考试题及答案****一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a common business greeting?A. Good morningB. How do you doC. Nice to meet youD. What's up答案:D2. In a business meeting, which of the following is NOT appropriate behavior?A. Arriving on timeB. Taking notesC. Interrupting othersD. Asking questions答案:C3. What is the most important factor in business negotiations?A. PreparationB. PersuasionC. BargainingD. Closing the deal答案:A4. Which of the following is NOT a typical business document?A. Business proposalB. Sales reportC. NovelD. Financial statement答案:C5. What is the best way to start a business presentation?A. By telling a jokeB. By stating the objectiveC. By sharing personal storiesD. By asking questions答案:B6. In business correspondence, which of the following is NOT a polite way to end a letter?A. Yours sincerelyB. Best regardsC. See you soonD. Yours faithfully答案:C7. What is the main purpose of a business plan?A. To secure fundingB. To outline goalsC. To describe productsD. To list expenses答案:A8. Which of the following is NOT a key element of a successful marketing strategy?A. Market researchB. Product differentiationC. Pricing strategyD. Employee training答案:D9. What is the most effective way to handle a customer complaint?A. Ignoring itB. Apologizing and offering a solutionC. Defending the companyD. Blaming the customer答案:B10. What is the primary goal of a business ethics policy?A. To increase profitsB. To improve customer satisfactionC. To ensure legal complianceD. To foster a positive work environment答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. When making a business phone call, it's important to introduce yourself and state the _______ of your call clearly.答案:purpose12. In business writing, the KISS principle stands for "Keep It Simple and _______."答案:Straightforward13. A _______ is a formal request for a meeting, usually sent in advance.答案:agenda14. The _______ clause in a contract outlines the terms under which the contract can be terminated.答案:termination15. A _______ is a type of insurance that covers a business's financial losses due to the inability to operate after a disaster.答案:business interruption16. The _______ is the part of a business plan that describes the company's mission and vision.答案:executive summary17. In a business context, _______ refers to the process of identifying and understanding the needs of customers.答案:market research18. A _______ is a financial statement that shows a company's revenues, expenses, and profit or loss over a specific period.答案:income statement19. _______ is the practice of offering a product or service at a low price to attract customers, with the intention of making a profit on subsequent sales.答案:loss leader20. The _______ is the part of a business plan that outlines the company's marketing and sales strategies.答案:marketing plan三、阅读理解题(每题5分,共30分)阅读以下商务场景对话,回答问题。

2023年自考专业(国贸)《国际商务英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】We take the liberty____writing to you with a hope to get your best offers for Chinese bicycles.A.toB. inC.ofD.with2.【单选题】The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _______ color TV sets.A.aboutB. forC.ofD.as3.【单选题】Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit ______ you.A.getsesC.arrivesD. reaches4.【单选题】We agree to the amendments to the contract _____requested in your letter of May5.A.asB.likeC. to beD. when5.【单选题】Our bank offers minimum interest ______ for seller financing and for loans of cash.A.levelsB.ratesC.basesD.percentage6.【单选题】We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking____the safe arrival of all your orders in the future.A.insureB. assureC.sureD.ensure7.【单选题】On receipt of your instruction, we shall carry out this order ______.A.in returnB.without least delayC.with least delayD.without delays8.【单选题】The importer will go to the wharf and____delivery of the goods.A.makeB.effectC.fulfillD.take9.【单选题】After unpacking the case we found the goods did not____with the original sample.pareB. matchC.agreeD.measure10.【单选题】____shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment.A.RegardingB.CoveringC.ConcerningD. Referring11.【单选题】We cannot accept any fresh orders _______ heavy commitments.A.due toB.owing toC.becauseD.on account of12.【单选题】Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you____trans-shipment at Hong Kong.A.may acceptB.acceptC.must acceptD. can accept13.【单选题】Many international companies produce a large number of products, often divided into product________.A.categoriesB.mixC.brandsD.lines14.【单选题】We would like to take this ______ to establish business relations with you.A.openingB.opportunityC. stepD.advantage15.【单选题】We have received your enquiry of October 15_____we learn that you are interested in our Sewing Machines.A.from whichB.in whichC. whichD.at which16.【单选题】______our catalogues for your reference.A.EnclosingB. Please find encloseC.Enclosed please findD.Enclosure17.【单选题】No discount will be allowed ____ you could place an order for more than 5,000pcs.A.untilB. exceptC.besidesD.unless18.【单选题】The credit of letter will be confirmed by the Bank of China, Shanghai, that will _______your draft on the documents at sight for the amount of your invoice.A. acceptB.pay forC. receiveD.obtain19.【单选题】To comply with your request, we are quoting you _____.A.as followingB.as followC. as followsD.follow20.【单选题】As we are ____ the market for Table cloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation。

注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。
2. 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。
Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)1. territory economies 区域经济体2. absolute advantage 绝对利益3. double assurance of payment 双重保证付款4. counter trade 对销贸易5. contract carrier 契约承运人6. transferable credit 可转让信用证7. anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施8. certificate of quality 质量证明书9. value chain 价值链10. clean draft 光票Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)11. 优惠期/宽限期grace period12. 清关custom clearance13. 分批装运partial shipment14. 即期信用证sight credit15. 保险单insurance policy16. 买入价buying rate17. 所得税income tax18. 消费主义/消费Consumerism19. 许可经营licensing20. 投资收益return on investmentⅢ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10%)e21. specific duties a. purchasing power parityd22. gold reserves b. getting goods off a carrieri23. royalty c. money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and servicesa24. PPP d. the stock of gold coin and bullion (gold bars) held by a note-issuing bank in a country on the gold standardj25. clean credit e. duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size, etc. of the goodsh26. intellectual property f. absolutely necessaryb27. unload g. the person to whom a draft is drawng28. drawee h. certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, and copyrightc29. money circulation i. money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu., at an agreed percentage of the selling price of the productf 30. indispensable j. a credit that does not require shipping documents for paymentⅣ. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English (10%)31. shipping markswhat is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportation32. underwritera person who carries on insurance as a business33. mobilitycapacity that can move or be moved easily and quickly from place to place34. reimbursepay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent35. CIFCost Insurance and FreightⅤ. Answer the following questions in English(20%)36. What does the term “Triad” refer to? What is meant by Quad?The term Triad refers to the three richest regions of the world the United States, the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportunities.Some people extend the scope of Triad to include Canada and name the broadened grouping Quad.37. What is the most common form of non-tariff barriers? Explain it in a few words.Quotas or quantitative restrictions are the most common form of non-tariff barriers.A quota limits the imports or exports of a commodity during a given period of time.38. Why is it necessary to have Incoterms?The prupose of Incoterms is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade39. What are the major factors that may influence the exchange rate?a.international balance of payment. It has a direct bearing on the supply and demand offoreign exchange.b.Inflation. It is closely related to the real value of the currencyand the competitiveness of the commodity.c.Interest rate. Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attractshort term international fund, increasing the exchange rate o f one’s own currency and viceversa.The above factors may work alone or collectively.Ⅵ. Translate the following into Chinese (15%)40. MFN means most-favored-nation which is a tariff treatment. It is bilaterally given and provides for the lowest tariff in the tariff code. It is important to understand that the term most-favored-nation gives the impression that the tariffs involved are the lowest, it is in fact not the cast. MFN is not really special but is just normal trading status. GSP(generalized system of preferences) establishes even lower tariffs than MFN.最惠国待遇意味着大多数最惠国关税待遇,这是一个。

全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷9(总分:92.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.trade fairs(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:贸易洽谈会)解析:解析:trade意为“贸易”;fair意为“展览会,洽谈会”。
2.production approach(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:生产方式)解析:解析:production意为“生产”;approach意为“方式,方法”。
3.in bulk(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:散装)解析:解析:bulk意为“散装的”。
weight(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:净重)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材常见商务词语表。
5.confirmed letter of credit(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:保兑信用证)解析:解析:同定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材第十二课单词表。
6.counter offer(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:还盘)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材第八课单词表。
7.specific duty(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:从量税)解析:解析:specific意为“具体的”;duty意为“税收”。
8.short-sea maritime transport(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:近海运输)解析:解析:short-sea意为“近海的”;maritime意为“海事的”;transport意为“运输”。

课程代码:5844I. Translate the following words and expressions: (10%)(i) From English into Chinese:1. usance credit2. certificate of origin3. intermediate products4. compensation trade5. securities(ii) From Chinese into English:6.经济一体化7.母公司8.还盘9.保兑行10.充分就业II. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)( )11. preference a. a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports orexports of a commodity( )12. mandate b. a practical advantage given to one over others( )13. quota c. social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party( )14. affiliate d. authority given to perform a duty( )15. force majeure e. a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in part by another concernIII. Make brief explanations of the following terms and give the full name of the abbreviation in English: (20%)16. gross domestic product (GDP)17. direct exchange rate18. bill of exchange19. insurable interest20. ICCIV. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list (Youis a direct exchange of goods of approximately (22)________ value between parties, with no (23) ________ involved. Such transactions were the very essence of business at times during which no money — that is, no common medium of (24)________ —existed or was available. Over time, money emerged as a convenient (25)________ that unlinked transactions from individual parties and their joint timing and (26)________ permitted greater flexibility in trading activities. Repeatedly, however, we can see returns to the barter system as a (27)________ of environmentcircumstances. Conditions that encourage such business activities are (28) of money, lack of value of or faith (29) ________ money, lack of acceptability of money as an exchange medium, or greater ease of transaction (30)________ using goods.V. Translate the following into English: (25%)31. 就出口商的利益而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利。

商务英语自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "B2B" stands for ________.A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Consumer to ConsumerD. Consumer to Business答案:A2. In international trade, "FOB" refers to ________.A. Free on BoardB. Free of BoardC. Freight on BoardD. Freight of Board答案:A3. The abbreviation "CEO" stands for ________.A. Chief Executive OfficerB. Chief Executive OfficerC. Chief Executive OfficerD. Chief Executive Officer答案:A4. Which of the following is not a form of payment in international trade?A. Letter of CreditB. Cash in AdvanceC. ConsignmentD. Barter答案:D5. The term "TQM" stands for ________.A. Total Quality ManagementB. Total Quantity ManagementC. Total Quality MonitoringD. Total Quantity Monitoring答案:A6. "CIF" in international trade means ________.A. Cost, Insurance, and FreightB. Cost, Insurance, FreightC. Cost, Insurance, and FreightD. Cost, Insurance, Freight答案:A7. Which of the following is not a type of business letter?A. Sales LetterB. MemoC. Proposal LetterD. Invoice答案:B8. "MOQ" stands for ________.A. Minimum Order QuantityB. Maximum Order QuantityC. Maximum Order QualityD. Minimum Order Quality答案:A9. The term "ROI" stands for ________.A. Return on InvestmentB. Risk of InvestmentC. Rate of InvestmentD. Result of Investment答案:A10. In a business context, "RFQ" stands for ________.A. Request for QuotationB. Request for QuestionC. Request for QualificationD. Request for Quantity答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. When a company offers a product or service to another business, it is known as ________.答案:B2B2. The term used for the point at which the buyer and seller agree on the price of goods and the delivery terms is________.答案:contract3. The process of improving the quality and efficiency of a service or product is known as ________.答案:quality management4. The document that guarantees payment for goods shipped is called a ________.答案:letter of credit5. The minimum number of units a manufacturer will produce ata set price is known as the ________.答案:MOQ6. The acronym for a document that lists the details of a transaction and is used to bill the buyer is ________.答案:invoice7. The process of exchanging goods or services for other goods or services without using money is called ________.答案:barter8. The term used to describe the act of selling goods to customers directly is ________.答案:retail9. The process of managing the entire life cycle of a product from inception to disposal is known as ________.答案:product lifecycle management10. The term used to describe the process of identifying potential customers and persuading them to buy a product or service is ________.答案:marketing三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain the concept of "outsourcing" in business.答案:Outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring another company to perform tasks that were traditionally performedin-house. It is a strategic initiative aimed at reducing costs, improving efficiency, and allowing a company to focus on its core competencies.2. What are the key components of a business proposal?答案:A business proposal typically includes an executive summary, problem statement, solution overview, implementation plan, cost analysis, benefits, and a call to action.3. Describe the role of a sales manager in a company.答案:A sales manager is responsible for leading a sales team, setting sales goals, developing sales strategies, training sales personnel, and monitoring sales performance to ensurethe company meets its revenue targets.四、论述题(共30分)Discuss the importance of effective communication in international business.答案:Effective communication is crucial in international business as it helps to build relationships, resolve misunderstandings, and facilitate negotiations. It also aidsin the clear conveyance of information, which is vital forsuccessful transactions and collaborations across different cultures and languages.。

全国2018年4月自学考试国际商务英语试题课程代码:05844Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)1. customs area2. roll on-roll off traffic3. amendment4. gold standard5. gilt-edged stocks6. compound duties7. discount rate8. certificate of quality9. national treatment10. cost economiesⅡ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)11.世界银行12. 互利贸易13. 保兑信用证14. 装船通知15. 增值税16. 追溯到17. 原产地港口18. 货物保险19. 商品交易会20. 目的地Ⅲ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10%)21. integration a. the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns22. voluntary offer b. connecting with the sea or navigation123. draft c. producing optimum results for the expenditure24. viability d. combining into a whole25. investment e. a person or an organization etc. that receives something26. export earnings f. the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract27. maritime g. an offer made on the initiative of the offerer28. premium h. money earned on the sale of goods to other countries29. cost-effective i. ability to succeed in operation30. recipient j. an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of moneyⅣ. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English (10%)31. absolute advantage32. irrevocable credit33. indemnity34. green field strategy35. APECⅤ. Answer the following questions in English(20%)36. Why is it necessary to revise Incoterms in 1990?37. Why was the Special Drawing Right created?38. What contents should be included in a firm offer?39. What does international business refer to?Ⅵ. Translate the following into Chinese (15%)40. In insurance of all risks, the insurer is responsible for total or partial loss or damage to the insured goods arising from natural elements or from sea perils, including all losses caused by accidents to the carrying vessels or craft or by any external causes. But it does not, as its name suggests, really cover all risks.41. The term Triad refers to the three richest regions of the world, the United States, the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportunities. Any international enterprise must bear Triad in mind if they want to be successful in the increasingly competitive world market.Ⅶ. Translate the following into English(25%)242.在正常的市场交易中,由于使用货币及市场手段,货物的买与卖是分别进行的。

全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷5(总分:92.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.management contract(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:管理合同)解析:解析:management意为“管理”;contract意为“契约,合同”。
2.factors of production(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:生产要素)解析:解析:factors意为“要素”;production意为“生产”。
3.Pacific Rim(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:环太平洋圈)解析:解析:Pacific意为“太平洋”;rim指环形物的边缘。
4.shareholders(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:股东)解析:解析:shareholders意为“股东,股票持有人”。
5.credit worthiness(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:资信可靠状况)解析:解析:credit意为“贷款,信誉”;worthiness意为“值得,有价值”。
6.D/A(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:承兑交单)解析:解析:专业商务术语7.unit price(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:单价)解析:解析:unit意为“单位,单元”;price意为“价格”。
8.face value(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:面值)解析:解析:face意为“表面,面”;value意为“价值”。

全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷2(总分:92.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.stock exchange(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:证券交易所)解析:解析:stock意为“股票”;exchange意为“交易所”。
2.the most-favored nation clause(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:最惠国条款)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语。
3.International Monetary Fund(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:国际货币基金组织)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语。
4.equity investment(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:股权投资)解析:解析:equity指股东的利益,即股东拥有的资产净值。
5.risk transfer mechanism(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:风险转移机制)解析:解析:risk意为“风险”;transfer意为“转移,传递”;mechanism意为“结构,机制,机能”。
6.financial resources(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:资金)解析:解析:专业商务术语。
7.raw materials(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:原材料)解析:解析:raw意为“未加工的”,material意为“材料”。
8.IBRD(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:国际复兴开发银行)解析:解析:全称为“the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development”.9.insurable interest(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:可保险权益)解析:解析:insurable意为“可保险的”;interest有“利益,权益”之意,也译作“可保利益”。

2023年自考专业(国贸)《基础英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】Merchant vessels can be divided into liners and tramps, and to the owner of cargo, ( ) proved to be a more convenient means of international cargo distribution .A.linersB..trampsC.none of them2.【单选题】We could manage to arrange the shipment in August, subject to your L/C _ us not later than July 15.A.reachesB.being reachedC.reachingD.reach3.【单选题】The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.A.thisB. thatC. theseD.those4.【单选题】After living there for one year, they have________there.A.accustomed to workingB.accustomed to workC. been accustomed to workingD.been accustomed to work5.【单选题】According to UCP 600, the confirming bank must negotiate and/or honor ( )A.if the issuing bank agrees to negotiate and/or honorB..if the applicant agrees to negotiate and/or honorC.if it has received a complying presentation from the presenterD.if the beneficiary has shipped the stipulated goods on time6.【单选题】_ an order for 100 pieces or more, we allow a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C.A.AtB. InC.OnD. From7.【单选题】This agreement shall be cancelled in case the second party fails to sell the agreed quantity within six months.A.up toB.toC.atD.with8.【单选题】The term of FOB should be followed by ( ) in a international trade contract.A.vd port of shipmentd port of destinationd place of destination9.【单选题】_ appreciating your order, we must point out that our prices have already been cut to a minimum.A.HowB.WhileC.Since we areD.Anyway10.【单选题】Under documentary collection, the draft must be ( )A.sight draftB.time draftC.banker ’s draftD.banker ’s draft11.【单选题】The students in the class were _____four groups before they started the game.A.divided intoB.separated intoC. divided fromD.separated from12.【单选题】Along with the letter was his promise _____he would visit me this coming Christmas.A.whichB.whatC.thatD. whether13.【单选题】_____is suggested that he his homework.A.It; finishedB. It; finishC. That; finishD. That; finished14.【单选题】He lost his way in the forest, but he managed to get through it______.A. completelyB.eventuallyC.quicklyD.automatically15.【单选题】Christmas is ___special holiday when ____whole family are supposed to get together.A.the, theB.a, aC.the, aD.a, the16.【单选题】With my money ______, I went back home.A.ran out ofB. ran outC.running out ofD.running out17.【单选题】Only then ______the importance of my health.A.I had realizedB. had I realizedC. I realizedD.did I realize18.【单选题】If you can improve your price by 3%, we shall be prepared to _ for 5,000 metric tons.A.book with you an orderB.book your orderC.be in the marketD.place a order with you19.【单选题】When _ the contract, please include the arbitration clause.A.draftB.draftingC.to draftD. drafted20.【单选题】Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job.A. so not as toB.so as not toC.so as to notD.not so as to第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】We are sorry to find that the damage _ the goods was caused by heavyrain during transportation.A.onB.forC.aboutD.to2.【单选题】_ crowded orders. we have sold out all the goods scheduled for shipment within this year.A.As a result ofB.In result ofC.With the result ofD.As result of3.【单选题】_ we would like to assist you, we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.A.EvenB.AsC.MuchD.Much as4.【单选题】If the CIF value in a international contract is USD 9 000 000, and there isn’t any special terms and conditions about insurance, then according to INCOTERMS 2000, the seller could insure the goods for ( ) .D 9 000 000 against FPAD 10 000 000 against WPAD 9 000 000 against WPAD 9 900 000 against TPND5.【单选题】We have received news _ that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.A. to an effectB.to this effectC. to that effectD. to the effect6.【单选题】In the following payment terms, ( ) is the safest term to the seller.A.Payment against documents, at 30 days after sightB.Payment by T/T, at 30 days after arrival of goodsC.Payment against documents, at 30 days from the date of B/LD.Payment by acceptance L/C, at 30 days after sight7.【单选题】Under no circumstances, _ goods on their own account.A.the middlemen will buyB.will the middlemen buyC.the middlemen would buyD.will buy the middlemen8.【单选题】No discount will be granted _ you place an order for more than 1000 dozen.A.ifB.unlessC.whetherD.but for9.【单选题】According to CISG, the acceptance can be submitted ( )A.in written formB.orallyC.in written form or be sent orally10.【单选题】Please see that such an _ does not occur again.A.mistakeB.negligenceC.oversightD.carelessness11.【单选题】We suggest that you _ our representative in Beijing for your requirements.A.will contactB.contactingC.contact withD.contact12.【单选题】In case you can make a reduction _ 5% _ your price, we may strike the deal with you.A.of, ofB.by, byC.of, inD.for, for13.【单选题】----I _____to go for a walk.---But I_____ going shopping.A.would like; feel likeB. feel like; feel likeC.feel like; would likeD.would like; would like14.【单选题】It was not until the beginning of the meeting _____ he realized _____ I told him was the only possible way to deal with the problem.A.that; whatB.what; thatC.when; whatD. when; that15.【单选题】Under CFR contract, the goods are damaged during marine transport and the buyer suffers losses estimated at USD 1 000 due to natural calamity, USD 800 due to fortuitous accidents, and USD 2 000 due to extraneous risks.If the buyer has insured the goods for USD 1 000 000 against WPA before shiment, then the insurer should pay ( ) compensation to the buyer.D 3800D 1800D 3000D 280016.【单选题】According to UCP 600, under L/C, the payer of the draft is ( ) .A.the buyerB.the advising bankC.the negotiating bankD..the issuing bank17.【单选题】In the following statements about loading and discharging charges in charter party, ( ) is correct.A.F.I.means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B.F.O.means the shipper should load the goods by himself.C.The time charter party shouldn ’t stipulate terms about these charges .D.The ship- owner isn ’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.18.【单选题】He’s got himself into a dangerous situation he is likely to be accused of meeting someone.A.whereB.whichC.whileD. why19.【单选题】The more or less clause is a clause that stipulates that ( ).A.the quantity delivered can be more or less within 5 percent.B.the quantity delivered can be more or less within 10 percentC.the quantity delivered can be more or less within 3 percentD.the quantity delivered can be more or less within certain extent20.【单选题】The goods under L/C No.1234 left here _.A.in a good conditionB.in good conditionsC.in good conditionD.in the good condition第1卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:A2.正确答案:C3.正确答案:B4.正确答案:C5.正确答案:C6.正确答案:C7.正确答案:A8.正确答案:B9.正确答案:B10.正确答案:D11.正确答案:A12.正确答案:C13.正确答案:B14.正确答案:B15.正确答案:D16.正确答案:D17.正确答案:D18.正确答案:B19.正确答案:B20.正确答案:B第2卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:D2.正确答案:A3.正确答案:D4.正确答案:B5.正确答案:A6.正确答案:D7.正确答案:B8.正确答案:B9.正确答案:C10.正确答案:C11.正确答案:D12.正确答案:C13.正确答案:A14.正确答案:A15.正确答案:B16.正确答案:D17.正确答案:C18.正确答案:A19.正确答案:D20.正确答案:C。

全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷4(总分:92.00 ,做题时间:90 分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10 ,分数:20.00)mon pool(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:共同基金)解析:解析:commo意为“共有的” ;pool意为“共用物,共有款”2.periodic' payments(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:分期付款)解析:解析:periodic 意为“周期的,定期的” ;payment 意为“付款,支付”3.open account(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:记账交易)解析:解析:专业商务术语,固定译法。
account 意为“账户”4.absolute profit(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:绝对利润)解析:解析:absolute 意为“绝对的”;profit 意为“利润”5.additional tax(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:附加税)解析:解析:additional 意为“附加的”;tax 意为“税”6.agency agreement(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:代理协定)解析:解析:agency 意为“代理,中介” ;agreement 意为“协定”7. all risks(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:一切险,全险,综合险)解析:解析:all 意为“全部,所有” ;risk 意为“风险”8. attract funds(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:吸引资金)解析:解析:attract 意为“吸引”;fund 意为“基金,资金”9. basic law(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:基本法)解析:解析:basic 意为“基础的”;law 意为“法律”10. business law(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:商法)解析:解析:business 意为“商业”;law 意为“法律”。

全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷1(总分:92.00 ,做题时间:90 分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10 ,分数:20.00)1. grace period(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:宽限期)解析:解析:grace 本身有“宽限期”的意思,period 有“期限”的意思。
2. Generalized System of Preferences(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:普惠制)解析:解析:固定商务术语,详见教材第二十一课课后单词表。
3. competitive devaluation(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:竞争性贬值)解析:解析:competitive 意为“竞争的”;devaluation 意为“贬值”。
4. financial market(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:金融市场)解析:解析:financial 意为“金融的”;market 意为“市场”。
5.international economic environment(分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:国际经济环境)解析:解析:international 意为"国际的";economic意为"经济的";environment 意为“环境" 6.international specialization (分数: 2.00 )填空项1: _________________ (正确答案:正确答案:国际专门化)解析:解析:international 意为“国际的”;specialization 意为“专门化,特殊化” 。

自考商务英语试题及答案商务英语自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. In international business, what does "FOB" stand for?A. Free on BoardB. Freight on BoardC. Friend of BusinessD. Full of Benefits答案:A. Free on Board2. Which of the following is not a typical form of business negotiation?A. Face-to-faceB. EmailC. TelephoneD. Telepathy答案:D. Telepathy3. The term "B2B" refers to:A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business Travel Bureau答案:A. Business to Business4. What is the primary purpose of a SWOT analysis in business?A. To identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threatsB. To analyze financial statementsC. To conduct market researchD. To create a business plan答案:A. To identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats5. In business English, "PIE" can stand for:A. Product, Investment, ExpenseB. Price, Income, ExpenseC. Product, Income, ExpenseD. Profit, Investment, Expense答案:C. Product, Income, Expense6. The phrase "due diligence" in a business context usually refers to:A. The process of investigating a company before acquiring itB. The process of paying bills on timeC. The process of conducting a financial auditD. The process of performing a market survey答案:A. The process of investigating a company before acquiring it7. Which of the following is a common method of payment ininternational trade?A. Cash on Delivery (COD)B. Letter of Credit (LC)C. BarterD. All of the above答案:D. All of the above8. A "sole proprietorship" is a type of business structure where:A. There is only one owner who is fully responsible for the businessB. The business is owned and operated by a married coupleC. The business is a partnership with two or more individualsD. The business is a corporation with shareholders答案:A. There is only one owner who is fully responsible for the business9. "EBITDA" stands for:A. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and AmortizationB. Economic Business Income, Taxes, Depreciation, and AmortizationC. Employee Benefits Including Taxes, Depreciation, and AmortizationD. Equity Before Interest, Taxes, and Depreciation, and Amortization答案:A. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation,and Amortization10. The "4Ps" of marketing refer to:A. Product, Price, Place, PromotionB. People, Process, Physical evidence, PerformanceC. Planning, Positioning, Pricing, ProductD. Product, Price, Placement, Partnership答案:A. Product, Price, Place, Promotion二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. The international business term "CIF" stands for_______________________.答案:Cost, Insurance, and Freight12. A(n) _________________ is a document that provides evidence of the terms of a shipment and serves as a contract between the seller and the buyer.答案:Bill of Lading13. In business, "ROI" refers to _________________________.答案:Return on Investment14. The process of systematically gathering and analyzing information about a market is known as _________________.答案:Market Research15. A "joint venture" is a business arrangement in which_________________________.答案:Two or more businesses agree to pool their resources for a specific project16. The term "venture capital" refers to funds that are available for investment in new or struggling businesses, with the expectation of _________________________.答案:High returns in the form of equity or debt17. A "trade deficit" occurs when a country's_________________________ is greater than its exports.答案:Imports18. "GDP" stands for _________________________.答案:Gross Domestic Product19. In business, "DPO" can stand for_________________________.答案:Days Payable Outstanding20. A "franchise" is a type of business where the owner receives the right to operate a business that is part of a larger network, in exchange for a fee and the agreement to follow certain _________________________.答案:Operating procedures and standards。

2023年自考专业(国贸)《外贸英语写作》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】In the end I ______ a good effort to pass the examination .A.didB.hadC.madeed2.【单选题】—What's the weather going to be like at the weekend ?— ______ .A..I don't think we have had much snowB.The storm won't last too long .C.It's going to be very cold and cloudyD.We are to be caught in a heavy rain3.【单选题】I ______ going for a walk after supper . Do you want to go together with me ?A.had to beB.would likeC.feel likeD.prefer to4.【单选题】How long did the concert ______ ?A.gostC..takeD.make5.【单选题】—Is there anything else I can do for you ?— ______ .A.Never mindB.No, thanksC.Nothing for youD.Yes ,thanks a lot6.【单选题】We need friends to ________, or we will feel lonely.A.chatB. chat toC. danceD.dance to7.【单选题】_____ of the two brothers would like to take _____ of the two apples on the table .A.None ,the biggerB.No one ,a biggerC.Each ,the biggestD.Neither ,the bigger8.【单选题】The product doesn’t work _______ it says in the advertisement.A. as fast asB.as well asC. as good asD.as carefully as9.【单选题】Mother was______ doing the cooking when I came in .A.madeB..toldC.busyD..ready10.【单选题】Children should _________waste water.A.tell not toB. be told don’C.be told to don’D. be told not to11.【单选题】—Would you mind my sitting here ?— ______ .A.Yes ,sit hereB.No ,you can'tC.No ,of course notD.Yes ,you are welcome12.【单选题】--Can I speak to Mr Smith, please?--_________. He is giving a talk at a meeting.A.I think so.B. I hope not.C.With pleasure.D. I ’ m afraid not.13.【单选题】The school _________ we met a famous scientist is not big.A.whichB.on whichC.whoseD.where14.【单选题】I'll never do ______ .A.things of this sortB.these sorts of a thingC.this sort of the thingD.this sort of a thing15.16.【单选题】The sign at the entrance to the building says “The pets_____________!”A. Keep outB.Keep onC.Keep offD. Keep away17.【单选题】We _________ the lessons _________ of last month.A.finished, in the endB.had finished, to the endC. had finished, by the endD. will finish, at the end18.【单选题】--Mike, you’ ve got so many beautiful stamps.--Yeah. I _________ collect stamps when I was in primary school.A.was used toB. used toC.am used toD. used19.【单选题】You should grow different plants in_____ same field _____ each ether .A.the ,nextB.a ,the nextC.x ,next toD.the ,next to20.【单选题】Generally , the weather in Britain is_____ too cold in winter _____ too hot in summer .A.not only ,but alsoB..neither ,norC.either ,orD.both ,and第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】--It ’ s said that all the hotels are filled with tourists.--Don’ t worry! I _________ a room in Mianzhou Hotel.A.have bookedB. will bookC. boughtD. am asking2.【单选题】He asked me _________.A.who did kick the first goal in the World CupB.when was the APEC meeting heldC.when China became a member of the WTOD.where will the 2008 Olympics be held.3.【单选题】Our country is no longer what it _____.ed to beB.would beed toD.is4.【单选题】If you go to see the film“ Harry Potter if we _________a holiday tomorrow.”A.so we will; haveB. so will we; haveC.so do we; haveD.so will we; will have5.【单选题】_____ seen ,it will never be forgotten.A.OnceB.AfterC.ThoughD.Unless6.【单选题】Only 5 _____ of the population of America _____ farmers .A.percent ,areB.percents ,isC.percent ,isD..percents ,are7.【单选题】_____ girl in white is _____ friend of mine. And we are also classmates.A.The ,theB. A, theC.A , /D.The, a8.9.【单选题】I'm sorry I've forgotten to post your letter .—Never mind . _____ post it myself .A.I'm going toB. I am about to go andC..I'll go andD.I am to go to10.【单选题】What _________ in Iraq? Have you read the _________ news?A.happened, lateB. was happened, laterC. happened, latestD.has happened, last11.【单选题】Pop music is _____ he likes most .A.musicB.the musicC.oneD.the music C.one12.【单选题】The teacher asked the children_____ they_____ the things in the lad that morning .A.if ,had touchedB.where did ,touchC.when ,touchD.when did ,touched13.【单选题】You'd better stop doing the job if it goes______ your will .A.withB.awayC.againstD.for14.【单选题】______ progress you have make this term!A.How bigB.What greatC.How rapidD.What a rapid15.【单选题】There are many islands______ the coast of China.A.inB.fromC. offD.away16.【单选题】—Why have you changed so much ?—You don't know I ______ a hard life in the last ten years .A.hadB.ledC..had livedD.have led17.【单选题】The progress he has made in maths is much greater than ______ in English .A.the oneB.thatC.he hasD..it18.【单选题】------- Is this Mr Lee ’s dictionary?------- It ___________. Look! His name is on the cover.A. must be hersB.must be hisC.could be hersD.mustn’t be his19.【单选题】When he saw me then ,he asked me what_____ .A.the matter wasB..the matter isC.is the matterD.was the matter20.【单选题】Will it be_____ before the professor returns ?A.some timesB.sometimeC.some timeD.sometimes第1卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:C2.正确答案:C3.正确答案:C4.正确答案:B5.正确答案:B6.正确答案:B7.正确答案:D8.正确答案:B9.正确答案:C10.正确答案:D11.正确答案:C12.正确答案:D13.正确答案:D14.正确答案:A16.正确答案:A17.正确答案:C18.正确答案:B19.正确答案:D20.正确答案:B第2卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:A2.正确答案:C3.正确答案:A4.正确答案:B5.正确答案:A6.正确答案:C7.正确答案:D9.正确答案:C10.正确答案:C11.正确答案:B12.正确答案:A13.正确答案:C14.正确答案:B15.正确答案:C16.正确答案:D17.正确答案:B18.正确答案:B19.正确答案:D20.正确答案:C。

2020年10月全国自考国际商务英语真题及答案词组英译汉1.conference【正确答案】(正式)会议(尤指年会)2.multinational corporation【正确答案】跨国公司petitive devaluation【正确答案】竞争性贬值4.start from scratch【正确答案】白手起家/从零开始5.hinterland【正确答案】内地6.financial resources【正确答案】资金7.standing committee【正确答案】常务委员会8.action program【正确答案】行动纲领9.bankrupt【正确答案】破产的10.idle funds【正确答案】游资/闲散资金词组汉译英11.货运收据【正确答案】cargo receipt12.清洁浮动【正确答案】clean float13.管理合同【正确答案】management contract14.租赁贸易【正确答案】leasing trade15.经济全球化【正确答案】economic globalization16.目的地【正确答案】destination17.成本经济【正确答案】cost economies/economy18.大额存单【正确答案】certificate of deposit19.(汇率)直接标价【正确答案】direct quote20.股票交易所【正确答案】stock exchange配对题a. business dealings between individuals or firmsb. ed paper money issuedby a bank, usu. the country's central bank c. irregular movement of (prices, exchange rates etc.) d. equal in value, on the same level e. becoming due f. fail to carry out an obligation g. benefits from combining different business es, normally claimed by the promoters of mergers h. a multinational compa ny whose national identity has been blurred i. the stock of gold coin and bul lion (gold bars) held by a note-issuing bank in a country on the gold standard j. an account of probable fut ure income and expenditure during a stated period, usu. a year used as a gu ide in making financial arrangements【正确答案】21.maturity【正确答案】e22.budget【正确答案】j23.banknote【正确答案】b24.par【正确答案】d25.default【正确答案】i26.synergy【正确答案】g27.gold reserves【正确答案】fmercial intercourse【正确答案】a29.world company【正确答案】h30.fluctuation【正确答案】c名词解释32.deposit【正确答案】Deposit refers to money paid as part payment that is owed.33.barriertotrade【正确答案】Barrier to trade refers to any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.34.consignee【正确答案】Consignee is the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped.35.affiliate【正确答案】Affiliate refers to a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in par t by another concern.36.CFR【正确答案】CFR: cost and freight简答题37.What major challenges does China still face despite all its achievements?【正确答案】China still faces the following big challenges: the protectionist measures in s ome countries, competition from the banking and insurance industries, and challenges from agriculture.38.What is a tariff?【正确答案】A tariff is a tax imposed on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a customs area which usually coincides with the area of a country.39.How does the letter of credit offer security to the buyer and the seller? 【正确答案】The seller has the security to get paid provided he presents impeccable doc uments while the buyer has the security to get the goods required through the documents he stipulates in the credit.40.Explain the concepts of GNP and GDP respectively.【正确答案】GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the prop erty and labor owned by the residents of an economy. GDP refers to the ma rket value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.句子英译汉41.A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the re levant parties. It is enforceable by law, and any party that fails to fulfill his c ontractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation. 【正确答案】合同是对有关当事人规定了约束性责任的一种协定。
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国2011年4月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语及答案课程代码:05844 Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese. (10%) 1. in a detour 迂回 2. competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值 3. consignor 寄售人 4. customer mobility 客户流动性 5. escape clauses 豁免条款 6. share holders 股东 7. potential loss 潜在损失 8. carrying vessel 运载船只 9. negligent 粗心大意 10. specific duty 从量税 Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English. (10%) 11.债权国 The credit country 12.国际合同 International contract 13.定期付款/分阶段付款 Term payment 14.被保险人 The insured 15.人口计划 The population plan 16.特惠税 The preferential duty 17.基础设施项目 Infrastructure construction project 18.装箱单 Shipping list 19.破产 Disrupted 20.土地和劳动力 Land and labor forceⅢ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right. (10%) 21. facilities( d )a. the price or cost of transportation 22. premises( g ) b. easily to go bad 23. middleman( f ) c. not to do something that has been arranged ordecided upon 24. perishable ( b ) d. something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular service 25. access( j ) e. the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc. 26. controversy( i ) f. trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the customer 27. carriage( a ) g. a tract of land including its buildings 28. settlement( e ) h. an official group of persons who direct or supervise some activities of a firm 29. board( h ) i. public argument about something which many people disagree with 30. cancel( c ) j. a way by which a place, esp. property can be reached or entered or used Ⅳ. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English. (10%)31. term draft 远期汇票A draft which requires to pay after sight or in a given period of timeafter representation of relevant documents.32. transferable credit 可转让信用证Credit which can be transferred to other parties during the transportation of goods.33. direct quote 直接报价A certain amount of foreign currency, usually one unit or one hundredunit, is marked with equivalent amount of home currency.34. acquisition 收购Buying existing facilities35. GATT 关税和贸易总协定The General Agreement of Tariff and Trade. V. Answer the following questions in English. (20%)36. What are the five major modes of the modern freight transportation system?Water, air, road, rail, pipeline37. What do “valued” policies mean?Valued policies mean that a country provide investors with preferential policies for insured return in order to attract foreign investment.38. What is the purpose to establish GSP(the Generalized System of Preference)?The purpose of GSP is to help development of developing countries by provide tariff concession to them.39. What is the relationship between MNEs and their host countries?The relationship of MNEs and their host countries is interdependable and interactive. Ⅵ. Translate the following into Chinese. (15%)40. The Bank for International Settlement (BIS) is a unique institution.Many of its operations are of types normally performed by a commercial bank, but it is owned principally by central banks, and managed by central banks and its principal customers are central banks. The objects of BIS are to promote the cooperation among central banks and to provide additional facilities for international operations.国际结算银行是一个独特的机构。
41. In the 1970s and 1980s counter trade was different from the oldpractice although some similarities remained. Current counter trade partners are not necessarily familiar partners and goods exchanged are sometimes vertically related. Current counter trade can be categorized as follows.20世纪七八十年代,对销贸易尽管保留一些与过去相似的地方,但它却与过去明显不同。
Ⅶ. Translate the following into English. (25%)42.跨国公司是在一个以上国家拥有、控制和经营资产的商业组织。
MNC refers to an commercial organization which owns, controls and manages asset in more other one country.43.世界各国被世界银行分为三大领域:高收入国家,中等收入国家和低收入国家。
Countries in the world are grouped into four categaries by the World Bank:high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries.44.企业投保的主要刺激是他们可以腾出资金,进行其他项目的投资。
The main stimulas for intreprises to insure is that they can release their funds and invest in other projects.45.信用证的付款方式对买卖双方都提供了保障。
The payment of credit provides assurance to both the buyers and the sellers.46.世界上任何一个地方任何一种社会的经济增长都与利用运输有直接的关系。
In any place of the world, the economic growth of any society has a direct relation with the adoption of transportation.全国2010年7月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语试题课程代码:05844Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)1. income distribution of a market 市场收入分布2. set forth 陈述,阐明3. clean credit 光票信用证4. equity investment 股权投资5. akin to 同类,近似6. endowment of nature 自然的赋予7. all risks 一切险8. non-trade settlement 非贸易结算9. standing committee 常务委员会10. comparative advantage 比较利益Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)11.自由贸易区 free trade zone12. 进口税 import duty13. 开证银行 opening bank14. 中间产品 intermediate product15. 对外直接投资 foreign direct investment16. 技术转让 transfer of technology17. 特别提款权 special drawing rights18. 制成品 finished goods19. 外汇短缺 foreign exchange shortage20. 配额限制 quota restraintⅢ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations onthe right(10%)21. productive a. one in which one of the parties agrees to supply, at thecontract price, a complete product ready for use,such as a new home, factory, ship, etc.22. primary commodities b. absence of agreement23. hyperinflation c. to substitute a claim against one person for a claim againstanother person24. discrepancy d. a person who owns money25. practitioner e. producing in high efficiency or in large quantity26. turnkey project f. those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed,usually farm produce or raw materials27. constitute g. money held aside to meet future demand28. subrogate h. make up; amount to; form29. reserve i. a person engaged in the practice of a profession oroccupation30. debtor j. soaring of prices beyond control21.__e____ 22. ___f___23. ___j___24. ___b___25. __i____26. __a____27. ___h___28. ___c___29. ___g___30. __d____Ⅳ. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full nameof the abbreviation in English (10%)31. drawback:a tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all thesignatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating countries. 32. confirmed credit:If a credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank, it is a confirmed credit.33. dirty float:The central banks take various measures to intervene in the price of its currency, the current practice is often called a managed float or dirty float. 34. international licensing:In international licensing, a firm release the right to use its intellectual property to an firm in another country. Such property may be trademarks, brand names patents, copyrights, or technology.35. IMF:Short for International Monetary Fund, was created in December, 1945 to oversee the functioning of the international monetary system.Ⅴ. Answer the following questions in English(20%)36. Why is it necessary to change the term “marine insurance” into “transportation insurance”?Because goods do not go overseas solely by sea – air transport takes an increasing share of cargo these days. Similarly export cargo moves to the hinterland in the same way.37. What institutions does the World Bank Group consist of?The World Bank Group consists of three affiliates: the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Grantee Agency (MIGA).38. Why does the exporter sometimes require a confirmed letter of credit? Because the credit mount is too large or because the exporter does not fully trust the opening bank.39. What are the two wheels of APEC?The two wheels are trade and investment liberation and facilitation and economic and technical cooperation.Ⅵ. Translate the following into Chinese (15%)40. It should be noted, however, that the existence of a letter of credit is not a guarantee of payment to anyone. Its existence only assures payment to the beneficiary if the terms and conditions of the letter of credit are fulfilled. In addition, a letter of credit does not insure that the materials purchased will be those invoiced or shipped.然而应该注意到,有了信用证并不能保证对任何人付款,信用证只保证在其条款得到满足的情况下对受益人付款。