原典英语The Little Mermaid小美人鱼单词与阅读练习

3.小美人鱼的故事TheLittleMermaidThe little mermaid lives in a beautiful castle in the deep blue sea. She lives with her five sisters and her father, the Merking. Her sisters tell her stories of the world.在深蓝色的大海,美丽的城堡小美人鱼生活。
They tell her stories of ships and people, stories of music and songs, stories of the sun, the moon and the stars. The little mermaid wants to go and see the world. ‘when can I swim up to see the world?’ says the little mermaid. ‘on your birthday,’ says her father.他们告诉她,船和人的故事,音乐和歌曲的故事,故事中的太阳,月亮和星星。
Very soon it is the little mermaid’s birthday. ‘I’m so happy,’ she says to her sisters. ‘Now I’m old enough to swim up and see the world.’ ‘yes, today is a special day,’ say her sisters.很快,这是小美人鱼的生日。

双语安徒生童话《海的女儿TheLittleMermaid》In the moonlight, when all on board were asleep, excepting the man at the helm, who was steering, she sat on the deck, gazing down through the clear water. She thought she could distinguish her father's castle, and upon it her aged grandmother, with the silver crown on her head, looking through the rushing tide at the keel of the vessel. Then her sisters came up on the waves, and gazed at her mournfully, wringing their white hands. She beckoned to them, and smiled, and wanted to tell them how happy and well off she was; but the cabin-boy approached, and when her sisters dived down he thought it was only the foam of the sea which he saw.The next morning the ship sailed into the harbor of a beautiful town belonging to the king whom the prince was going to visit. The church bells were ringing, and from the high towers sounded a flourish of trumpets; and soldiers, with flying colors and glittering bayonets, lined the rocks through which they passed. Every day was a festival; balls and entertainments followed one another.But the princess had not yet appeared. People said that she was being brought up and educated in a religious house, where she was learning every royal virtue. At last she came. Then the little mermaid, who was very anxious to see whether she was really beautiful, was obliged to acknowledge that she had never seen a more perfect vision of beauty. Her skin was delicately fair, and beneath her long dark eye-lashes her laughing blue eyes shone with truth and purity."It was you," said the prince, "who saved my life when I lay dead on the beach," and he folded his blushing bride in his arms."Oh, I am too happy," said he to the little mermaid; "my fondest hopes are all fulfilled. You will rejoice at my happiness; for your devotion to me is great and sincere."The little mermaid kissed his hand, and felt as if her heart were already broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea. All the church bells rung, and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal. Perfumed oil was burning in costly silver lamps on every altar. The priests waved the censers, while the bride and bridegroom joined their hands and received the blessing of the bishop. The little mermaid, dressed in silk and gold, held up the bride's train; but her ears heard nothing of the festive music, and her eyes saw not the holy ceremony; she thought of the night of death which was coming to her, and of all she had lost in the world. On the same evening the bride and bridegroom went on board ship; cannons were roaring, flags waving, and in the center of the ship a costly tent of purple and gold had been erected. It contained elegant couches, for the reception of the bridal pair during the night. The ship, with swelling sails and a favorable wind, glided away smoothly and lightly over the calm sea.When it grew dark a number of colored lamps were lit, and the sailors danced merrily on the deck. The little mermaid could not help thinking of her first rising out of the sea, when she had seen similar festivities and joys; and she joined in the dance, poised herself in the air as a swallow when he pursueshis prey, and all present cheered her with wonder. She had never danced so elegantly before. Her tender feet felt as if cut with sharp knives, but she cared not for it; a sharper pang had pierced through her heart. She knew this was the last evening she should ever see the prince, for whom she had forsaken her kindred and her home;she had given up her beautiful voice, and suffered unheard-of pain daily for him, while he knew nothing of it. This was the last evening that she would breathe the same air with him, or gaze on the starry sky and the deep sea; an eternal night, without a thought or a dream, awaited her: she had no soul and now she could never win one. All was joy and gayety on board ship till long after midnight; she laughed and danced with the rest, while the thoughts of death were in her heart.The prince kissed his beautiful bride, while she played with his raven hair, till they went arm-in-arm to rest in the splendid tent. Then all became still on board the ship; the helmsman, alone awake, stood at the helm. The little mermaid leaned her white arms on the edge of the vessel, and looked towards the east for the first blush of morning, for that first ray of dawn that would bring her death. She saw her sisters rising out of the flood: they were as pale as herself; but their long beautiful hair waved no more in the wind, and had been cut off."We have given our hair to the witch," said they, "to obtain help for you, that you may not die to-night. She has given us a knife: here it is, see it is very sharp. Before the sun rises you must plunge it into the heart of the prince; when the warm blood falls upon your feet they will grow together again, and form into a fish's tail, and you will be once more a mermaid, and return to us to live out your three hundred years before you die and change into the salt sea foam. Haste, then; he or you must die before sunrise. Our old grandmother moans so for you, that her white hair is falling off from sorrow, as ours fell under the witch's scissors. Kill the prince and come back; hasten: do you not see the first red streaks in the sky? In a few minutes the sun will rise, and you must die." And then they sighed deeply and mournfully,and sank down beneath the waves.The little mermaid drew back the crimson curtain of the tent, and beheld the fair bride with her head resting on the prince's breast. She bent down and kissed his fair brow, then looked at the sky on which the rosy dawn grew brighter and brighter; then she glanced at the sharp knife, and again fixed her eyes on the prince, who whispered the name of his bride in his dreams. She was in his thoughts, and the knife trembled in the hand of the little mermaid: then she flung it far away from her into the waves; the water turned red where it fell, and the drops that spurted up looked like blood. She cast one more lingering, half-fainting glance at the prince, and then threw herself from the ship into the sea, and thought her body was dissolving into foam.。


MermaidsA mermaid is the term for feminine whilst the masculine is merman. These are fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a human being and the tail of a fish. In European folklore, mermaids (sometimes called sirens) and mermen were natural beings who, like fairies, had magical and prophetic powers. They loved music and often sang. Though very long-lived, they were mortal and had no souls.Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods,storms, shipwrecks, and drownings. In other folktraditions (or sometimes within the same traditions),they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowingboons or falling in love with humans.Many folktales record marriages between mermaids(who might assume human form) and men. In most,the man steals the mermaid’s cap or belt, her comb or mirror. While the objects are hidden she lives with him; if she finds them she returns at once to the sea. In some variants the marriage lasts while certain agreed-upon conditions are fulfilled, and it ends when the conditions are broken. Though sometimes kindly, mermaids and mermen were usually dangerous to man. Their gifts brought misfortune, and, if offended, the beings caused floods or other disasters. To see one on a voyage was an omen of shipwreck. They sometimes lured mortals to death by drowning, as did the Lorelei of the Rhine, or enticed young people to live with them underwater, as did the mermaid whose image is carved on a bench in the church of Zennor, Cornwall, England.People have been fascinated with mermaids for a long period of time. That is the reason why mermaids have made its way into literature and modern movies.Popular mermaid moviesThe Little Mermaid is a 1989American animated musical fantasy film produced .It isbased on the 1837 Danish fairy tale of the samename by Hans Christian Andersen. The film tells thestory of a teenage mermaid princess named Ariel, whodreams of becoming human and falls in love with ahuman prince named Eric, which leads her to make amagic deal with the sea witch, Ursula, to become humanand be with him.It shows how sixteen year old mermaid princess Ariel isdissatisfied with underwater life in the kingdom ofAtlantica, a fantasy kingdom in the Atlantic Ocean. She isfascinated by the human world. With her bestfriend Flounder, Ariel collects human artifacts inher grotto. She ignores the warnings of her father KingTriton, the ruler of Atlantica, that contact between merpeople and humans is forbidden. One night, Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian, a crab who serves as Triton's adviser and court composer, travel to the ocean surface to watch a birthday celebration for Prince Eric. Ariel falls in love with Eric after watching him for a while. Suddenly a violent storm arrives, wrecking the ship, and knocking Eric overboard. Ariel rescues Eric and brings him to shore. She visits the sea witch Ursula in order to turn her into a human for three days in order to win the love of Prince Eric. This will be followed by a series of events as Ursula wants to prevent Ariel and Eric’s happiness.Splash is a 1984 American fantasy romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah as the main protagonists. It involves a young man who falls in love with a mysterious woman who is secretly a mermaid.It shows how in 1964, eight-year-old Allen Bauer(Hanks) and his family are taking a boat tour at CapeCod. Allen is fascinated by something below thesurface and jumps overboard. In the ocean, heencounters a young girl and inexplicably findshimself able to breathe underwater. However, Allen isrescued and pulled back to the surface, and the twoare separated. Since no one else saw the girl, Allen comes to believe the encounter was a near-death hallucination.In 1984, Allen is now co-owner of a wholesale fruit and vegetable business in New York City with his older brother Freddie. Through the years, Allen’s relationships have failed as he subconsciously seeks the connection he felt with the mysterious girl. Depressed after his latest breakup, Allen returns to Cape Cod, and goes for a boat trip. Allen falls into the sea and is knocked unconscious; his wallet drops onto the coral below. He wakes up on a beach, in the presence of a beautiful womanwho is unable to talk. After kissing him, she dives into the sea,where she transforms into a mermaid.The mermaid finds Allen's w allet, and uses a sunken ship’scharts to locate New York. She comes ashore at the Statue ofLiberty and is arrested for indecent exposure for she is notwearing any clothes. Using information from Allen’s wallet,the police contact him and the mysterious girl is released intohis care. She learns how to speak English from watchingtelevision, and is eager to explore the city. Unable to say her real name in human language, she selects "Madison" from a Madison Avenue sign. She tells Allen that she will be in New York for "six fun-filled days until the moon is full"; unable to return home if she stays any longer. Despite Madison's occasionally outlandish behavior, she and Allen fall in love. They face different trials as people wants to expose Madison for being a mermaid.Mako Mermaid is an Australian series for childrenand teenagers. It shows how Zac is a teenage boywho decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware thatthree mermaids, Sirena, Nixie, and Lyla, guardiansof the island, are watching him. That night, when thefull moon rises, the boy comes into contact with themagic water of the Moon Pool. The followingmorning, Zac discovers that he has the ability to control and manipulate water. Later, after accidentally falling into the water, hefinds that he has also become a merman with a fish-liketail. His new-found merman abilities threaten to exposethe existence of merpeople. After their pod casts themout for allowing Zac to visit the island, the threemermaids, curious about living on land and motivatedto remove Zac's s powers, venture onto the land andlearn to live among humans.In series 2, the mermaids continue to discover Mako's secrets and learn more about the merman chamber. While Nixie and Lyla go in search of a new home, Sirena is left with Ondina and Mimmi, Mako mermaids who continue the effort to remove Zac's powers and reclaim the island for their pod. Evie, Zac's girlfriend, faces her own battles when she becomes a mermaid herself, and the others try to help her cope with the change.Write True or false for the following statement.1.In European folklore mermaids are also called sirens ………………………2. Mermaids were associated with having magical powers ………………………….3. People are not interested in mermaid stories ………………………..4. It is claimed that mermaid’s gifts brought badluck ………………………………5. Mako mermaid is an American series ………………………………..6. The Little Mermaid is based on a Danish fairytale …………………………..1.What is the female equivalent for mermaid?……………………………………………………………………………….2.What are mermaids?………………………………………………………………………………..3.What are mermaids associated with?……………………………………………………………………………..4.It is stated in the first paragraphs that ‘mermaids can be benevolent orbeneficent’. Using words of your own explain this statement………………………………………………………………………………...5.It is stated in the first paragraphs that mermaids can be associated with‘bestowing boons’. According to you what does this mean?………………………………………………………………………………..6.What has been brought forth in regards to mermaids and human marriage?……………………………………………………………………………….7.What did it mean to see a mermaid on a voyage?……………………………………………………………………………8.What does the carved mermaid image in England represent?……………………………………………………………………………9.When was The Little Mermaid released?…………………………………………………………………………….10.W hat genre is The Little Mermaid?………………………………………………………………………………11.W hat does the The Little Mermaid show?……………………………………………………………………………….12.‘Ariel collects human artifacts in her grotto’.Using a phrase of your ownexplain this statement.……………………………………………………………………………….13.W hat was King Triton’s warnin gs?………………………………………………………………………………..14.H ow does Ariel meet Prince Eric?………………………………………………………………………………..15.W hy does Ariel visit the sea witch?………………………………………………………………………………………16.W hen was the Splash movie released?……………………………………………………………………………………..17.W ho are the main actors in the Splash movie?……………………………………………………………………………………18.W hat is the plot of the Splash movie?……………………………………………………………………………………19.W hat happens to the eight year old Allen?…………………………………………………………………………………….20.It is stated that Allen ‘inexplicab ly finds himself able to breatheunderwater’. Using your own words explain this statement.……………………………………………………………………………………….21.W hy did Allen believe the encounter was a near death hallucination?……………………………………………………………………………………….22.W hy have Allen’s relationsh ips failed?………………………………………………………………………………………23.W hat happens when Allen goes back to Cape Cod?……………………………………………………………………………………..24.W hy is the mermaid arrested for indecent exposure?…………………………………………………………………………………….25.W hy is the mysterious girl released into Allan’s care?……………………………………………………………………………………..26.W hy does the mermaid select the name Madison?……………………………………………………………………………………..27.‘Despite Madison's occasionally outlandish behavior’. Using a statement ofyour own explain this phrase.……………………………………………………………………………………….28.W hat does the Mako mermaid portray?……………………………………………………………………………………….29.W hat does Zac discover the next morning?……………………………………………………………………………………….30.W hat happens in series 2 of Mako mermaid?………………………………………………………………………………………。

三年级英语童话故事角色单选题20题1.The little mermaid has a beautiful _____.A.tailB.wingsC.hornsD.feet答案:A。
2.Snow White has _____ hair.A.blackB.brownC.blondeD.red答案:C。
3.Cinderella wears a beautiful _____.A.dressB.shirtC.pantsD.skirt答案:A。
4.The three little pigs build houses with _____.A.sticksB.bricksC.leavesD.stones答案:B。
5.The big bad wolf has sharp _____.A.teethB.earsC.eyesD.nose答案:A。

THE LITTLE MERMDIn the depths of the ocean, where the sunlight couldn't reach, there lived a beautiful mermaid named Ariel. She had long, flowing red hair and a voice that could enchant anyone who heard it. Ariel loved exploring the wonders of the sea, but she was always curious about the world above the waves.One day, while swimming near the surface, Ariel spotted a shipwreck. She swam closer and found a handsome prince trapped in the wreckage. Without hesitation, she saved him and brought him to shore. As she watched him from a distance, she fell deeply in love with him.Determined to be with the prince, Ariel visited the sea witch, Ursula, who offered her a deal. In exchange for her beautiful voice, Ursula would give Ariel legs and allow her to live on land for three days. However, if the prince didn't fall in love with her and kiss her within those three days, Ariel would belong to Ursula forever.Ariel agreed to the deal and left the sea. She found the prince and helped him recover from his injuries. As they spent time together, the prince fell in love with her, but he didn't know she was a mermaid. One night, as they danced under the moonlight, the prince promised to marry her.But as the third day approached, Ariel realized that she had forgotten to ask the prince to kiss her. Desperate, she ran to the sea witch, who reminded her of the consequences of her deal. Ariel begged Ursula to give her one more day, but Ursula refused.In a final act of love, Ariel sacrificed her voice to save the prince from Ursula's clutches. The prince, realizing what had happened, found Ariel and kissed her, breaking the spell. As they embraced, Ariel transformed into a mermaid and returned to the sea, but she knew that she would always have the prince's love in her heart.As the prince watched Ariel disappear into the depths of the ocean, he felt a deep sense of loss. He knew that he had to find a way to be with her, no matter what it took. With a heavy heart, he returned to his kingdom, determined to find a solution.Meanwhile, back in the sea, Ariel's sisters and friends gathered around her, offering their support and love. They knew that she had made the ultimate sacrifice for the prince, and they admired her courage and selflessness. Ariel, although heartbroken, found solace in their presence and the beauty of the ocean.One day, as the prince was walking along the shore, he stumbled upon a mysterious island. He followed a trail ofseashells and discovered a hidden cave. Inside the cave, he found a magic potion that could turn him into a merman. Without hesitation, he drank the potion and transformed into a merman, ready to search for Ariel in the sea.As the prince swam through the ocean, he encountered various sea creatures, including Ursula. She tried to tempt him with her powers, but the prince resisted and continued his search. Finally, he found Ariel and they were reunited in the embrace of the sea.Ariel and the prince realized that their love was stronger than any spell or curse. They decided to live together in the sea, where they could be together forever. They built a beautiful underwater palace and surrounded themselves with the love and support of their family and friends.And so, the little mermaid and her prince lived happily ever after, their love transcending the boundaries of the sea and the land. Their story became a legend, inspiring others to believe in the power of love and the magic of the sea.In the days that followed, the prince and Ariel worked together to create a harmonious blend of their two worlds. They invited sea creatures to the palace, where they shared stories and songs with the merfolk. Similarly, they visitedthe prince's kingdom, where they introduced the wonders of the sea to the landdwellers.The prince's subjects were amazed the beauty and magic of the underwater realm. They learned to respect and protect the ocean, understanding its importance for the balance of nature. The merfolk, in turn, learned about the customs and traditions of the land, enriching their own culture.As the years passed, the prince and Ariel's love only grew stronger. They had a family of their own, with children who had both human and mermaid traits. The children were raised to appreciate the beauty of both worlds and to be ambassadors of peace and understanding.And so, the legend of the little mermaid and her prince endured, a timeless tale of love, adventure, and the magic of the sea.。

小美人鱼little mermaid

Guard12:Hey ,get back here! F:Faster Corkscrew! A:ooh! F:Tropedo tube! Woo-woo. Not again! Guard1:There they are A:Fish launch! F:Thanks. A:No problem Guard2:This way F:My name is Flounder A:oh,I’m Ariel Oh, no F: no S:Princess Ariel! What is the meaning of this? F:princess? A:un… A:we weren’t doing anything S:NO? Then why were you trying to get way?
Little Mermaid(1)
Time:15~20min King Sebastian Ariel Flouder Guard1 Guard2 Mermaid (1~6)
F:live from the catfish club, it’s ~~~~~ Flounder!we love you flounder! Oh,boy Whoo! Oh,yeat! I’m hot, I know it A:Hey F:Aah A:Was that…what I think it was? F:Nope, whoops F:what A:that A:that sound F:Oh, that sound F:I was just… Haha…cleaning out these… But then you…hey! And then I F:And then the thing a majiggers just boppity boop ,bop,bap! A:can you do it again? Guard1:Halt! You’re in violation of the Triton Acts! Guard2:All music is forbidden in the Kingdom! F:Not good ! Swim!


三年级英语童话人物练习题40题含答案解析1.Snow White has ____ hair.A.blackB.brownC.yellowD.white答案解析:D。
Snow White 是白雪公主,她有白色的头发。
选项A 黑色、选项B 棕色、选项C 黄色都不符合白雪公主的外貌特征。
2.Cinderella wears ____ shoes.A.redB.blueC.whiteD.glass答案解析:D。
Cinderella 是灰姑娘,她穿着玻璃鞋。
选项A 红色、选项B 蓝色、选项C 白色都不是灰姑娘所穿鞋子的颜色。
3.The Little Mermaid has ____ tail.A.redB.greenC.blueD.purple答案解析:B。
The Little Mermaid 是小美人鱼,她有绿色的尾巴。
选项 A 红色、选项C 蓝色、选项D 紫色都不符合小美人鱼的外貌4.Pinocchio has a ____ nose.A.longB.shortC.thinD.thick答案解析:A。
Pinocchio 是匹诺曹,他有一个长长的鼻子。
选项B 短的、选项C 瘦的、选项D 厚的都不符合匹诺曹的外貌特征。
5.The Ugly Duckling turns into a beautiful ____.A.duckB.swanC.chickenD.pigeon答案解析:B。
The Ugly Duckling 是丑小鸭,最后它变成了一只美丽的天鹅。
选项A 鸭子、选项C 鸡、选项D 鸽子都不符合。
6.Red Riding Hood wears a ____ cloak.A.redB.blueC.greenD.yellow答案解析:A。
Red Riding Hood 是小红帽,她穿着一件红色的披风。
选项B 蓝色、选项C 绿色、选项D 黄色都不符合小红帽的外7.The Three Little Pigs build houses with ____.A.strawB.woodC.bricksD.all of the above答案解析:D。
The Little Mermaid 海的女儿 小美人鱼 小学生 英文演讲

The Little Mermaid (海的女儿)
Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep .
The Little Mermaid (海的女儿)
lived a beautiful and kind little mermaid. She saved a prince one day and fell in love with him .
The Little Mermaid (海的女儿)
The Little Mermaid (海的女儿)
Little mermaid was heart-broken, but she could not tell the prince that she was his real benefactor (救命恩人). At that time, her sisters appeared and gave her a knife which was from the sea witch, they told her to kill the prince before sunrise and let the warm blood fall upon her feet ,or she could become salt sea foam .
In order to pursue the prince, she decided to be a real human , so she went to the sea witch for help .
the little mermaid英文原版

the little mermaid英文原版Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little mermaid who lived in the depths of the ocean. She had always been fascinated by the human world and longed to be a part of it. One day, she happened to come across a shipwreck and saw a handsome prince floating in the water. She immediately fell in love with him and knew that she had to do whatever it took to be with him.Determined to be with the prince, the little mermaid made a deal with the sea witch. The witch agreed to give her a pair of legs in exchange for her voice. The mermaid agreed without hesitation, as she believed that true love would conquer all.As soon as she gained her legs, the little mermaid made her way to the surface. However, without her voice, she could not communicate with the prince. Despite the challenges, she refused to give up and tried to get his attention through gestures and expressions. She danced and twirled, hoping that her movements would speak louder than words.Days turned into weeks, and the little mermaid's determination started to waver. She realized that being human came with its own set of difficulties. She had to learn how to walk, eat, and even speak all over again. It was a frustrating and painful process, but she persisted, fueled by her love for the prince.One day, the prince encountered a princess from a neighboring kingdom. Instantly captivated by her beauty, he decided to marry her. The little mermaid's heart shattered into a million pieces as shewitnessed their love blossoming before her eyes. She knew that she had lost her chance at true happiness.Heartbroken, the little mermaid contemplated returning to the sea and reclaiming her tail. However, she realized that she had come too far to turn back now. Despite the pain, she chose to stay on land and endure the hardships of being human, knowing that she could never truly be a part of their world.Years went by, and the little mermaid became a mere shadow of her former self. Her voice was forever lost, and she felt as though she had lost her own identity. She had sacrificed everything for a love that was never meant to be.Although the little mermaid's story is a tragic one, it teaches us a valuable lesson about the power of selflessness and the consequences of making sacrifices for love. It reminds us that true love is not always reciprocated and that sometimes, we must let go of our own desires for the sake of someone else's happiness.In the end, the little mermaid may not have gotten her happily ever after, but her story lives on as a reminder that love knows no boundaries and that sometimes, the hardest decisions are the ones that define us.。
英语童话故事 the little mermaid 小美人鱼

英语童话故事 the little mermaid 小美人鱼"The Little Mermaid" is a popular fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. It tells the story of a young mermaid who is willing to give up her life under the sea in order to gain a human soul and immortal life.The story begins with the little mermaid, Ariel, whofalls in love with a human prince after saving him from drowning. She desires to become human herself so that she can be with him. In order to fulfill her wish, she seeks help from the sea witch who agrees to turn her into a human in exchange for her voice.As a human, Ariel faces various challenges, as she cannot speak or sing without her voice. Despite the obstacles, she captures the prince's attention and they develop a closefriendship. However, the prince ultimately falls in love with another princess, causing great heartbreak for Ariel.To make matters worse, the little mermaid's deal with the sea witch comes with a consequence. If the prince does not marry her and profess his love for her, she will turn back into a mermaid and become the sea witch's prisoner forever. On the day of the prince's wedding, Ariel is devastated when she realizes that he is marrying the princess instead.However, her selfless actions and pure heart earn her a chance at forgiveness. Her sisters sacrifice their beautiful hair to the sea witch in exchange for a magical knife, which Ariel can use to regain her mermaid form. Instead of killing the prince, as instructed by the sea witch, Ariel decides to let him live and throws herself into the ocean.The little mermaid is then transformed into a spirit of the air, gaining the possibility of obtaining a soul through good deeds. In the end, she learns that immortality and theprince's love were not the most important things in life. Her love, sacrifice, and selflessness prove to be her true strengths.。

六年级英语童话理解练习题50题含答案解析1.The little mermaid is known for being _____.A.brave and kindB.cruel and selfishzy and carelessD.shy and timid答案解析:A。
选项B 中“cruel and selfish”( 残忍和自私)不符合小美人鱼的形象;选项C 中“lazy and careless”( 懒惰和粗心)也不是小美人鱼的特点;选项D 中“shy and timid”(害羞和胆小)也不准确,小美人鱼虽然有时候会害羞,但在追求爱情时很勇敢。
2.Cinderella is often described as _____.A.mean and jealousB.patient and hardworkingC.arrogant and proudD.cowardly and weak答案解析:B。
选项 A 中“mean and jealous” 刻薄和嫉妒)不是灰姑娘的性格;选项C 中“arrogant and proud” 傲慢和自负)与灰姑娘不符;选项D 中“cowardly and weak” 胆小和软弱)不准确,灰姑娘虽然一开始处境艰难,但她很坚强。
3.Snow White is famous for her _____.A.cunning and slyB.beauty and kindnessC.ugliness and wickednessD.anger and impatience答案解析:B。
选项 A 中“cunning and sly” 狡猾和诡诈)不符合白雪公主的形象;选项C 中“ugliness and wickedness”(丑陋和邪恶)是反派的特点;选项D 中“anger and impatience” 愤怒和急躁)也不是白雪公主的性格。

小美人鱼英语作文5年级English: "The Little Mermaid" is a classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It tells the story of a young mermaid princess named Ariel who dreams of becoming human. She falls in love with a human prince, Prince Eric, and makes a deal with the sea witch, Ursula, to trade her voice for legs. Despite the challenges she faces on land, including losing her voice and the threat of Ursula's revenge, Ariel's love for Prince Eric remains strong. In the end, Ariel's selflessness and bravery win out, and she is able to defeat Ursula and become human permanently, marrying Prince Eric and living happily ever after.Translated content: 《小美人鱼》是汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生的经典童话故事。

三年级英语童话人物练习题30题含答案解析1.She is very beautiful. She has long hair and big eyes. Who is she?A.CinderellaB.Snow WhiteC.The Little Mermaid答案解析:B。
Snow White 白雪公主通常被描述为有着长长的头发和大大的眼睛。
Cinderella 灰姑娘通常被描述为有着漂亮的裙子和玻璃鞋,不是长头发和大眼睛的典型代表。
The Little Mermaid 小美人鱼通常被描述为有着红色的头发和鱼尾巴,也不符合长头发大眼睛的特征。
2.He is short and fat. He has a big nose. Who is he?A.HanselB.GretelC.Pinocchio答案解析:C。
Pinocchio 匹诺曹通常被描述为矮胖且有一个大鼻子。
Hansel 和Gretel 通常被描述为勇敢的孩子,但没有矮胖和大鼻子的特征。
3.She is very tall and thin. She has long legs and a small head. Who is she?A.The Queen in Snow WhiteB.The witch in Hansel and GretelC.The Fairy Godmother in Cinderella答案解析:A。
Snow White 中的皇后通常被描述为很高很瘦,有长腿和小头。
Hansel 和Gretel 中的女巫通常被描述为丑陋和邪恶,没有高瘦长腿小头的特征。
Cinderella 中的仙女教母通常被描述为善良和有魔法,也不是高瘦长腿小头的特征。
4.He is very strong. He has big muscles and short hair. Who is he?A.The Giant in Jack and the BeanstalkB.The Prince in CinderellaC.The Huntsman in Snow White答案解析:A。

六年级英语文学作品单选题30题1.In "The Little Mermaid", what does the little mermaid trade for legs?A.her voiceB.her hairC.her crownD.her necklace答案:A。
选项B 头发、选项C 皇冠、选项D 项链在故事中都不是用来交换双腿的物品。
2.In "Cinderella", what time does Cinderella have to leave the ball?A.midnightB.eleven o'clockC.two o'clockD.three o'clock答案:A。
选项B 十一点、选项C 两点、选项D 三点都不是灰姑娘离开舞会的时间。
3.In "Snow White", who is jealous of Snow White's beauty?A.the queenB.the princessC.the witchD.the dwarf答案:A。
选项B 公主不是嫉妒白雪公主的人,选项C 女巫在这个故事中不是因为嫉妒白雪公主的美貌而行动,选项D 小矮人是帮助白雪公主的。
4.In "The Three Little Pigs", what material does the first little pig build his house with?A.strawB.woodC.bricksD.stone答案:A。
选项B 木头是第二只小猪用的材料,选项C 砖头、选项D 石头不是第一只小猪建造房子的材料。

我最喜欢的童话小美人鱼一年级英语作文 The Little Mermaid":The Little Mermaid is a beloved fairy tale that has captivated audiences of all ages for generations. Written by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, this enchanting story follows the journey of a young mermaid who dreams of exploring the human world above the sea. With its themes of sacrifice, love, and the power of transformation, The Little Mermaid has become a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers and viewers alike.At the heart of the story is the mermaid protagonist, whose curiosity and longing for the human world drive the narrative forward. From the moment she lays eyes on the handsome prince, the mermaid is captivated, and she makes the difficult decision to give up her voice and undergo a painful transformation in order to have a chance at winning his love. This selfless act of sacrifice is a testament to the depth of her feelings and the strength of her determination.As the mermaid navigates the challenges of her new life on land, she must confront the harsh realities of the human world. She faces rejection, betrayal, and the constant threat of losing her chance athappiness. Yet, through it all, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of the prince's affection, driven by a deep and abiding love that transcends the boundaries of their two worlds.One of the most poignant and memorable aspects of The Little Mermaid is the way in which Andersen explores the themes of transformation and the cost of achieving one's dreams. The mermaid's physical transformation, from a graceful creature of the sea to a human with legs, is a metaphor for the personal and emotional changes she must undergo in order to find her place in the world. The pain and sacrifice she endures, both literally and figuratively, are a testament to the depth of her commitment and the power of her love.Moreover, the story's exploration of the mermaid's inner turmoil and the conflict between her desire for the human world and her loyalty to her family and her own kind is a powerful commentary on the universal human experience of navigating the tension between personal fulfillment and societal expectations. The mermaid's struggle to reconcile her own dreams and desires with the demands of her family and her community is a poignant reflection of the challenges we all face in our own lives.Beyond its thematic depth, The Little Mermaid is also a visually stunning and imaginative work of storytelling. Andersen's vividdescriptions of the underwater kingdom and the human world above create a rich and immersive world that captivates the reader's imagination. The contrast between the serene beauty of the mermaid's underwater home and the bustling, vibrant human world adds to the sense of wonder and adventure that permeates the narrative.Moreover, the story's use of magical realism, with the inclusion of fantastical elements such as the sea witch and the mermaid's transformation, adds to the sense of enchantment and wonder that is central to the fairy tale genre. These elements, combined with the story's exploration of universal themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of dreams, make The Little Mermaid a truly timeless and captivating work of literature.Ultimately, the enduring appeal of The Little Mermaid lies in its ability to touch the hearts and imaginations of readers of all ages. Whether it is the mermaid's bravery and determination, the poignancy of her unrequited love, or the sheer beauty and wonder of the underwater world she inhabits, the story continues to resonate with audiences around the world. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of the fairy tale genre, and it is a work that will continue to inspire and delight readers for generations to come.。

美人鱼英语阅读理解及答案"Mermaid" in the human legend is a beautiful creature with a fish tail, it is charming, kind, often in the vast sea for the beloved lover sad singing... in fact, "mermaid" is the manatee living in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean waters, some people also call it "Ni Gen".Kate, a Spanish Marine zoologist, 39, was locked up in a sea boat. The sea ship was supposed to help Kate come to the "Mermaid" Island to study the "Mermaid". But two days ago, captain Shozke suddenly contact with the infamous poaching of rare animals and the legal non-Montreal company season, conspired to capture the "mermaid". While they collect the double, Kate cleverly saves the manatee with perfume, which is locked up by them.Late at night, Kate was suddenly awakened by a violent bump, and she immediately realized that the Taost was in a sea storm. Kate smashed the door desperately, with someone opening it in the chaos, presumably afraid she could not escape. Kate rushed up the deck, I saw the sea clouds, the wind, the air thunder, torrential rain, two ships up and down the sea, like two leaves insignificant, and the more terrible isthe storm momentum, obviously, two ships accidentally broke into the whirlpool of the storm!On the "Tast", Shozke and the four crew formed a mess, not knowing where the center of the wind tea and the edge of the storm. Only by experience along the waves full rudder forward, but the bow of the wave is getting higher and higher, has reached more than 3 meters.At this critical moment, Kate seemed to hear a burst of song, she was surprised, thought it was her own sleep, but the song was continuous, in the waves, a rustling song was vaguely cool, as if a infatuated girl waiting to return at night. Kate woke up- -it was the Manatee singing! Catamine in a flash of light, myth "mermaid" can simply measure the storm, it will lead the ship to safe waters. Kate immediately ran to the cockpit and shouted toward Shozke at the helm, " Listen! It's them! It's the manatee... " Shozke questioned. Without explaining to him, Kate rushed to turn on the searchlight and searched carefully over the sea. After the ship crossed several peaks, everyone was stunned. They saw that, about 200 meters away from the ship, a group of dark animals were swimming along with the waves inShozke ordered the ship to approach faster. It was indeeda group of manatees, about a dozen men, who were trying to swim in one direction, swimming and looking back at the fishing boat, as if greeting them to go quickly.Kate shouted, " Follow them! Follow them!" Shozke seemed to understand what, and immediately ordered the crew: " Full rudder forward, follow the manatee! And sent a trailing signal to Dick.In the rough sea, the manateatees swimming in front, two boats followed, they seem to know, not fast, leisurely, with the waves, as if surfing in the sea- -what a scene it is! Kate secretly lamented that the Creator is really fair, that is, the human beings who are the spirit of all things at certain times are not as dull as the seemingly ignorant animals.After a few hours, the light on the sea became brighter and brighter, and the sea became more and more calm.Finally, Kate said, " You know what? In Greek mythology, it has always been said that "the mermaid" can bring good luck to him and become more beautiful... "When not spoke for a long time, he turned and shouted," Turn the rudder, turn back!"e idioms to describe the points in the following sentences.(1)This is a critical moment.()(2)Kate suddenly enlightened.()(3)After the ship crossed several peaks, everyone was shocked.()2.Change the following sentences with points into rest.(1)Shozk and the four crew members were in a mess.()(2)Shozke looked skeptical.()3. Understand the meaning of drawing line words in context.(1) Two ships tossed up and down the sea, like two leaves.(2) Kate has a flash of electric light in her brain.4. What kind of person is Kate?5. What kind of enlightenment does this short essay give to you?6.At last, Kate said, " You know what? In Greek mythology, people have always said that 'mermaid' can bring good luck to those close to it, and it will make people close to it more beautiful... ".answer:1, (1)(Hang by a thread)(2)(Suddenly enlightened)(3) (Day is dumbfounded)2. (1) (Ants on hot pan-round)(2) (The second Monk- -puzzled)3. (1) Not worth mentioning(2) Suddenly wake up4.Kate is a knowledgeable person who loves the animals, and his politics is fighting against all the bad people who destroy the nature and harm the animals.5.We should be kind to animals, coexist peacefully with nature, and benefit the nature, so that we will also get the return of nature.6.Animals can also make friends with human beings, if you are good to it, it will also be good to you.。
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soon 不久,很快 birthday 生日 足够地
swim 游泳
world 世界 today 今天
special 特别的
fly 飞
sky hear water 天空 听见 水
splash 飞溅
beach 海滩
laugh 大笑
The little mermaid swims ___ and ___ and ____. She sees the _____, the ___ and _______ stars. The world ______ is wonderful. What does she see?
底部,末端 总是,一直
bottom always
stay 逗留 alone 独自
1. 2. 3.
What does the little mermaid want to do ?
What does the sisters say to her?
beach 海滩 tired 累的
open 打开
smile 微笑
stay 停留
storm 暴风雨 story 故事
beautiful 漂亮的
light 灯
music dance 音乐 跳舞
Where do the little mermaid and the prince swim to? How is the prince?
By: Michael Zhang
mermaid castle 城堡
live in 居住在……
deep 深的
sea 大海 story 故事 world 世界
tell ship
告诉 轮船
music 太阳
song 歌曲
sun moon 月亮
mermaid have 有 leg 腿 dance 跳舞
handsome 英俊的
silly 愚蠢的
never 从来不 secret 秘密 merwitch 海巫
must 必须
give tail 给 尾巴
What does the little mermaid say?
wonderful 精彩
1. 2. 3.
What does the little mermaid say? What does her sisters say? The little mermaid sees ___ in the sky and ____ flying in the sky. She hears _________ and ____________.
The sea becomes _____ and there are big _____. What does the little mermaid hear?
What does the little mermaid see?
What happened to the ship? What happened to the prince? What happened to the little mermaid?
1. 2. 3. 4.
Where does the little mermaid live in? Where is the castle? Who does she live with? Her sisters tell her stories of the _____. Stories of _____ and _____, stories of ____ and _____, stories of the ____, the ____ and the _____. When can the little mermaid swim up to see the world?
turn over 把……翻过来
fall into
deep 深的 save 挽救
quickly 快速地
Suddenly the sky becomes ____ and the wind _____.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. hear?
suddenly 突然 become dark wind 风 blow 吹 变得 黑暗的
rough 粗暴的
wave 波浪
thunder lightning
雷 闪电
storm 暴风雨
She sees ___________and _______.
The world is __________.
the next day mermaid tell 告诉
at night
dark 黑暗的,深色的
one of ……之一
nothing 什么也没有
4. 5.
What does the prince do?
What does the prince say? The little mermaid tell her sisters about the story of the ____, the ____, the ____, the ____ and the _____.
What does the little mermaid say?
dark 黑暗的 thousands of 成千上万 world 世界 wonderful 精彩的,极好的 then 然后
play 玩 dance 跳舞 prince 王子 handsome 英俊的 with 和,有