
Creativity and Innovation
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: The Postmodern Craving for
Creativity 3. Text B: Design Thinking
Lead-in Discussion
1)What’s the difference between Creativity and Innovation? Read the next two slides for some clues.
Lead-in Discussion
3) What’s the meaning of “think outside the box”?
In a poll, “think outside the box” has been voted Britain’s most despised business jargon. What do you think is the possible reason?
For example, ipad has attracted billions of loyal customers with its cutting-edge, user-centered design. Thanks to its creative prowess, Apple’s ipad is now a 7 billion dollar business around the world.
Part I
Radiator Springs
Radiator Springs was once a popular rest area. However, in the early 1960’s, Interstate 40 built nearby greatly decreased traffic.
高级综合商务英语 彭青龙 Unit Information Technology

Part I
Words and Expressions
Para. 1-3
Para. 4-12
Para. 13-16 A brief recall of Steve’s early life and his ups and
Para. 17-28 A discussion of the reasons that make Steve Jobs
and the Apple a daunting success for rivals to compete.
An exploration of the art of Steve Jobs to turn technology into elegant consuming products and the success Apple is enjoying now. downs before returning to Apple in 1997.
Unit Four
Information Technology
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: Silicon Valley Visionary Who Put Apple on Top 3. Text B: Nokia at the Crossroads: Blazing Platforms
Part I
Sentence Interpretation
…both Mr. Jobs’ career and Apple,…were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall street. (Line 4, Para. 2)

Unit 8 Crisis ManagementText AA Crisis Made in JapanIn Japan there is a proverb, 'If it stinks, put a lid on it.' Alas, this seems to have been Toyota's approach to its burgeoning safety crisis, initially denying, minimizing and mitigating the problems involving brakes that don't brake and accelerators that have a mind of their own. President Akio Toyoda, grandson of the founder, was MIA for two weeks and the company has appeared less than forthcoming about critical safety issues, risking the trust of its customers world-wide.日本有句谚语:“要是闻着发臭,那就盖上盖子。
公司总裁丰田章男(Akio Toyoda)是丰田创始人的孙子,在危机发生的头两周成了失踪人员,公司对重大汽车安全问题的反应似乎不再那么积极,有负全球消费者对其的信任。
This has been a public-relations nightmare for Toyota, as its brand name has been synonymous with quality and reliability. Crisis management does not get any more woeful than this and the cost of this bungling so far-the $2 billion recall and the loss of 17% of share value since Jan. 21, when the gas-pedal recall was announced-is only a down payment on the final tally. The recall will surely expand, including cars produced in Japan. Lawsuits are being filed and an expensive settlement looms. And then there are the idle factories and empty showrooms to account for.对丰田来说,这是一场公共关系的噩梦,因为长久以来,丰田品牌一直是品质和可靠性的代名词。
高级综合商务英语I Unit8 Text A A Crisis Made in Japan

Unit 8 Crisis ManagementText AA Crisis Made in JapanIn Japan there is a proverb, 'If it stinks, put a lid on it.' Alas, this seems to have been Toyota's approach to its burgeoning safety crisis, initially denying, minimizing and mitigating the problems involving brakes that don't brake and accelerators that have a mind of their own. President Akio Toyoda, grandson of the founder, was MIA for two weeks and the company has appeared less than forthcoming about critical safety issues, risking the trust of its customers world-wide.日本有句谚语:“要是闻着发臭,那就盖上盖子。
公司总裁丰田章男(Akio Toyoda)是丰田创始人的孙子,在危机发生的头两周成了失踪人员,公司对重大汽车安全问题的反应似乎不再那么积极,有负全球消费者对其的信任。
This has been a public-relations nightmare for Toyota, as its brand name has been synonymous with quality and reliability. Crisis management does not get any more woeful than this and the cost of this bungling so far-the $2 billion recall and the loss of 17% of share value since Jan. 21, when the gas-pedal recall was announced-is only a down payment on the final tally. The recall will surely expand, including cars produced in Japan. Lawsuits are being filed and an expensive settlement looms. And then there are the idle factories and empty showrooms to account for.对丰田来说,这是一场公共关系的噩梦,因为长久以来,丰田品牌一直是品质和可靠性的代名词。
高级综合商务英语1 Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation

Part I
Disney’s Pixar has a magical way of not only touching the hearts of children, but also the hearts of adults through its animated movie Cars.
For example, ipad has attracted billions of loyal customers with its cutting-edge, user-centered design. Thanks to its creative prowess, Apple’s ipad is now a 7 billion dollar business around the world.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q4. In Para. 3, the author says “Today there is growing recognition that creativity…more than just decorative.” Do you think so? Can you illustrate your idea with some examples?
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. What’s the main idea of Part I (Para. 14)?
There is growing recognition that creativity which used to be considered diversion or decoration has now become a driving force of economy, infusing energy to people and businesses.
高级综合商务英语 彭青龙 Unit Globalization

Part I Questions about Part I
Q3. What is the meaning of “line business” (Para. 1)?
Line business or line of business, is a general term which often refers to a set of one or more highly related products which service a particular customer transaction or business need.
Part I Words and Expressions
entity (Line. 13, Para. 2) n. an entity is something that exists separately from
other things and has a clear identity of its own. In business, it refers to a person, partnership, organization, or business that has a legal and separately identifiable existence.
• Globalization brings trade conflicts.
Cultural Identity
• With different cultures around the world beginning to interact, our cultural identity is changed gradually through globalization.

❖Q2: What are internal and external counter-forces which hinder German economy?
❖ Internal: Little sign of substantive change in the system of labor relations, hindering productivity level
❖External: Low-cost competition from Asia and East Europe
Part II Words and Expressions
❖formidable (Para. 6) ❖adj. difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat ❖synonym: awesome ❖example:
As the workshop of world, China has become a formidable trading power to be reckoned with, causing other countries to view its massive potential market with hope and its cheap products with fear.
❖“A big dollop of cream on the cake” is slightly adapted from “icing on the cake”, which means “a second great thing that happens in addition to the first”.
高级综合商务英语unit ppt课件

Part I Sentence Interpretation
the level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual …. (Line 1, Para. 3)
The level of excitement for expecting his return was extraordinary, which had already become heated before he stepped onto the stage in January.
Para. 4-12 An exploration of the art of Steve Jobs to turn
technology into elegant consuming products and the
success Apple is enjoying now.
Para. 13-16 A brief recall of Steve’s early life and his ups and
Both his career and the company he founded were widely considered to have come to an end, and he would have nothing to do with high-tech in the future in the eyes of silicon valley entrepreneurs and the Wall Street investors.
downs before returning to Apple in 1997.
Para. 17-28 A discussion of the reasons that make Steve Jobs

Part I Words and Expressions
emaciated (line. 2, para.2) adj. extremely thin and weak because of illness or
lack of food 骨瘦如柴的
• ...horrific television pictures of emaciated prisoners. • The animals had lost weight noticeably, becoming lean,
almost emaciated.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement?
This was not the first time of comeback for him to Apple. Little more than a decade earlier, he made his first comeback and turned Apple from going bankruptcy to an enormous successful company. Therefore his recovery and comeback were highly anticipated.
downs before returning to Apple in 1997.
Unit4InformationTechnology(1) 高级综合商务英语

Unit Four
Information Technology
❖ What function of mobile phones do you use most often? ❖ What feature appeals to you the most when choosing to
the Apple a daunting success for rivals to compete.
Text A
Detailed Reading
Question 1
❖ Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement?
History of Apple
History of Apple
History of Apple
History of Apple
History of Apple
History of Apple
History of Apple
History of Apple
Text A
Structure Analysis
buy a new mobile phone? ❖ How important is mobile phone to your life?
Text A
❖ Silicon Valley Visionary Who Put Apple on Top
Silicon Valley
❖ n. a region in California south of San Francisco that is noted for its concentration of high-technology industries

Unit 3 Property BoomText AI. Reading Comprehension1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T fortrue, an F for false, and an NG for not given.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) NG 6) F 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) T2.Essay Questions1)We can see from the index that for the first 100 years or so, prices go up and downbut gain very little overall. However, starting in the late 1990s, house prices began to soar unprecedentedly. Then after hitting the summit in the middle of the first decade of the new century, it started to plummet.2)Because property loans are relatively light on capital and backed by real assets. Inretail banking mortgages are thought to anchor long-term relationships with customers. And lending on commercial property is big enough for sales teams to meet their targets.3)The first lever is the institutional framework controlled by thegovernment—things like tax breaks, housing subsidies, land supply and the laws on recourse in the event of default. The second lever is the system of mortgage financing. And the third lever is the idea of macroprudential regulation which is already common in some parts of the world.4)It deprives first-time buyers and the self-employed of their right to raise a bankloan. As a consequence, they are encouraged to seek more expensive and unsecured method of financing. Some lenders also fret that if underwriting becomes too prescriptive, borrowers are relieved of taking responsibility for their own actions.5)Thanks to transaction taxes, property bubbles are helpful to exchequers and thejob markets when the property boom is under way.II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.1) replicate 2) fiscal 3) discretionary 4) unsustainable 5) volatile 6) transferable 7) mandate 8) default 9) liquidity 10) dampened III. Paraphrasing1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.1) It is not easy to find out the reasons for the property bubble, but few would dispute that easy credit played a part in driving up prices and making the bust worse.2) Imposing rigid limits on how much people can borrow either disenfranchises some—first-time buyers and the self-employed tend to suffer most—or increases the risks for those resorting to a more expensive, unsecured way of financing in order to bypass the regulation.3) Despite the evidence of Mr. Shiller’s chart, lots of financiers and politicians tried to convince themselves that things were not that bad this time.4) Still, it is relatively easy to cool down the property booms in emerging markets, where there are usually more people to help into homes than there are existing homeowners.5) Therefore financial regulators should be given clear authorized power to resist the pressures they will face when the next boom is under way.2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) Only if basic guarantee standards continue to be met, can more liberal financing regimes be a good thing (ask any young Italian who wants to buy a home).2) long-term fixed-rate mortgages are adopted by the Danish system, just like the American one, to protect borrowers from the risks of interest-rate fluctuation.3) It is also worried by some lenders that if banks impose too strict rules to guarantee the payment of loans, the borrowers would not bear responsibility for their own actions.4) Different from the universal excessiveness of property everywhere, the policy response to the property booms in the past decade will and should not be the same in different countries.5) In order to lower the amount of debt which is unavoidable in property, banks have to increase the amount of equity they hold.IV.Translation1.Sentence Translation1) 在银行的零售业务中,抵押贷款被认为是一项能有助于银行与客户建立长期关系的业务。

② Since then, China has embarked on a journey of strong economic growth for over 30 years.
Lead-in Discussion
3. Are you familiar with the following terms of economic system? Name a country / region for each category.
① Planned Economy / Command Economy ② Market Economy ③ Mixed Economy
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1: What was China’s economic situation like before 1979?
① China practiced planned economy. ② China was a poor, inward-looking country with low per
④ For distributors
Structural Analysis
Para. 1
Main Topics
China’s Biblioteka conomic growth in the past three decades is a miracle.

Unit Nine Internet and Our LifeLead-in1. Look at the caricatures and discuss with your partner(s) what advantages and / or disadvantages Internet search giants have brought to us. Advantages and / or disadvantages1 Advantage: People can get information easily and readily on Internet.Disadvantage: People will stop using their heads and will simply steal stuff from Internet.2 Disadvantage: People would just stay at home Googling, and quit outdooractivities. Too much Internet surfing will break up family relationship.3 Disadvantage: People become addicted to Internet Surfing and will get mentaland physical illness.4 Advantage: You can get any information instantly from Google, includingmedical advices.Disadvantage: Doctors and many other professionals will lose their jobs. 5 Disadvantage: Internet surfing could be dangerous and deceptive.6 Advantage: Information tech can speed up people‘s life so much that we canhardly keep pace with it. 2. Internet Addiction TestFinish the following test to find out how addicted you are to Internet. 10-24 points: You are an ave rage online user.25-39 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet.40-50 points: Your Internet usage is causing significant problems in your life.Tips: Students may have few minutes‘ free discussion on the item. And then the teacher may ask s ome of them to report their test results and analyze if the given evaluation criteria are reliable or n ot. If not, what other factors should be considered too.Text AI.Reading Comprehension1. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you get fro m the text. 1) D 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) A2. Essay Questions1) Google is now confronted with both internal and external challenges: The first external challenge involves placating regulators, who fret that it may be abusing its considerable power, and Google is now undergoing investigations conducted respectively by European Union and Texas‘s govern ment; the second one is how to find new sources of growth. So far, the company has been dependi ng only on search-related advertising for its revenue, which could be very dangerous and may lea d the company to collapse; thirdly, it is also being threatened by the newly arising online informati on forces such as Facebook and Apple; last but not least, the company is also seeing barriers in ma ss media, who are now thinking twice before licensing content to Google. As the company grows big, it is becoming more and more bureaucratic. Decision-making process becomes slower and inn ovations are always delayed. Some people in Googleplex complain that it is impossible to get thin gs done and Google has lost some of its star managers; some employees even reckon that Google i s going through ―a Darwinian evolution‖ that could make it harder to attract top talent in the future.2) Because it is difficult now for Google to find new sources of revenue and profit to replace those from its old products. Besides, Google‘s share price has stopped to rise. 3) It‘s too early to say tha t yet. Although the firm‘s revenue growth slowed from 56% in 2007 to 9% last year, it was still res pectable considering that the global economy fell howling off a cliff. And there are signs that the company is picking up steam again: Its third-quarter revenue rose by 23% to $7.3 billion, which be at most analysts‘ expectations.4) To achieve sustainable growth, Google has adopted many solutions: By acquiring several co mpanies to enlarge its business scope. By developing the mobile web services.By developing and applying new technology to mobile online services. By investing in othe r businesses, such as wind-energy project.II.Blank-fillingComplete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessa ry.1) flotation 2) conventional 3) unorthodox 4) fret 5) deride6) stagnate 7) caustically 8) made headlines 9) resonate 10) quirkyIII.Paraphrasing1. Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words. 1) Just during this year, Google has surprised the world by investing in a wind-energy project off the east coast of A merica and by testing self-driving cars.2) Google has been able to afford to make such extraordinary achievements thanks to its amazingl y successful online-search business.3) Google‘s business has spread into almost every corner of the web services, with a leg in everyth ing from online search and e-mail to social networking and web-based software applications, or ap ps.4) Much of its growth has been organic, but Google also has spent some money on purchasing oth er businesses.5) All this has turned Google into an important company that others can not neglect.2. Sentence transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) The new technology will increase considerably the total number of online searches if it is widel y accepted and becomes popular.2) The price that people rumored for the technology sounds a bit too high, but this price will bring in some fund that Google needs badly now to invest in the local search service, as it is weaker in t his field.3) Google launched Google Instant earlier this year which can strengthen Google‘s online search s ervice as it can display the search results before the users finish entering their requirements, which can save a few seconds from the previous search services.4) ―The advice I got from every McKinsey consultant is that I ‘m investing my money into too many businesses,‖ says Jonathan Rosenberg, Google ‘s head of product management.5) By acquiring small companies, Google has been able to purchase more businesses and strengthe n its skills and knowledge in those areas.IV.Translation1. Sentence Translation1) 在美国德克萨斯州,谷歌公司也面临着一项类似的调查,也在与一些网络旅游公司较量。

Practical, Efficient
Ambitious, Energetic Imaginative, Idealistic
Prentice Hall, 2001
Chapter 8
Mechanic, Farmer, Assembly-Line Worker
Lead-in Hints
Success isn’t always about matching a job to a personality; it can also result from the personality opening up more opportunities in the work force -- often through effective networking. Extroverts tend to have a much larger network than introverts, affecting the number of external connections they have to the work force. This will place them at a distinct advantage if it means they wind up with more occupational choices.
Para. 6-45 Alan was confronted with three job opportunities and wondered which one was the most suitable for him.
_高级综合商务英语1_参考答案-Unit 1-副本

Unit 1 GlobalizationLead-in1. Quiz1) B 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) A2. A Mini CaseSuggested answers:●As Zara continues to expand, it might have to open other distribution centers onother continents. Language, culture, and work relations may vary significantly from the closely-managed operation currently in place in Spain. The company may run into more specific challenges in accommodating customers‘requirements due to a lack of cultural sensitivity. Zara‘s expansion globally may pose the challenge of moving from a more centralized management style to a more global style.●Lorena needs to ensure that she has a truly international team in place withmembers from both multilingual and multicultural background; draw up a plan on how global logistics will support global expansion; start a succession plan and train new logistics managers who could be ready to take on overseas responsibilities; and encourage store managers to include suggestions on cultural specifics which may help in making the final product and brand expansion successful.Text AI.Reading Comprehension1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T fortrue, an F for false, and an NG for not given.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) NG2.Essay Questions1)The modern multinational companies have had passed through three phases. Firstcame the 19th-century ―international model‖, with firms based in their home country and selling goods through overseas sales offices. This was followed by the classic multinational firm in which the parent company created smaller versions of itself in countries around the world. And now it has been replaced by a single integrated global entity in which the firm will move people and jobs anywhere in the world, based on the right cost, the right skills and the right business environment.2)The big attractions from emerging markets are low-cost labor, highly skilledpersonnel, and a chance to cooperate with the government as a potential customer.3)They are lacking the management talents who can practice and support businessoperating models that will allow them to generate profitable growth in more mature markets over the long term.4)The single biggest challenge facing Western multinationals is the lack ofemerging-market experience in their senior ranks. Moreover, multinationals have great trouble retaining the managers they do have in emerging markets.―Well-trained, good, honest people are scarce in emerging markets. Multinationals are better at training these people than emerging-market companies, which prefer to poach them once they are trained.‖II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.1) cutting-edge 2) commoditized 3) aggressive 4) forge 5) benchmark 6) blueprint 7) expatriates 8) deploy 9) ferocious 10) substantial III.Paraphrasing1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.1) ―In the 97 years of the company‘s history, never had a particular kind of product or merchandise been managed outside the U.S.,‖he says excitedly, noting that ―Latin America now reports to Shanghai.‖2) But the assault on its services business led by a trio of Indian outsourcing upstarts, Tata Consulting Services, Infosys and Wipro, posed a big threat to the field that might be the main sources of growth for the company as expected by Mr. Palmisano.3) In many emerging markets the most attractive potential customer is the government, because of the government‘s urgent needs to improve the infrastructure facilities in a wide range, from the mobile telephone networks to roads, airports and ports, energy and water supply.4) A 2007 study of China‘s top 200 publicly traded companies found that it is still difficult even for the leading companies in China to compete with those global giants.5) American multinationals now have a ―ferocious interest in attracting non-Americans to the board‖, but they can find only a few qualified executives from the European countries, not to mention those from emerging markets.2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) Because of the fact that hot labor markets in emerging markets are causing extremely high turnover rates, every big multinational is aiming to win the ―war for talent‖ and taking it as one of the most urgent issues.2) It is believed that as a big multinational company it enjoys advantages in recruiting and retaining talented managers than the local competitors.3) Despite the growth of their revenue which increased on the back of China‘s continued economic growth, they could only create half of the value of their global competitors.4) No longer the ―young bucks or retirement-posing types‖as they used to be,nowadays the expatriate managers appointed by multinationals to work in emerging markets are generally of a much higher quality.5) Compared with those old multinationals, the firms in emerging markets are typically lacking the depth of management talent, though the founders are often impressive.IV.Translation1.Sentence Translation1) 这一雄心勃勃的策略是对来自新兴市场的激烈竞争做出的回应。
_高级综合商务英语1_参考答案-Unit 6-副本

Unit 6 Commercial LitigationLead-inText AI. Reading Comprehension1. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you get from the text.1) B 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) B 6) B 7) D 8) A2. Essay Questions1) Firstly, managing litigation risks entails making a dispassionate assessment of reality. It is critical for the client to establish a constructive relationship with counsel and perceive counsel as an objective and dispassionate advocate for reason and prudence. Secondly, it is important to make a risk assessment at the outset of a transaction. Counsel can easily identify and provide for litigation risks if they prevail upon the client to take the long view of its business associations. Counsel must assess the client‘s transaction partners and their business relationships and abide by the golden rule of contemporary commercial world ―business is business‖. Thirdly, counsel should pay close attention to the manner in which risks are allocated in the contract it is considering. Counsel can make a cost assessment based on experience with past litigation. Still another method is to outsource litigation services to local counsel under a fee arrangement that allows the client to budget for litigation costs on a long-term basis. Under some circumstances, the best way of lowering litigation riskis to be prepared to be engaged in a litigation that could have substantial deterrence value.2) The litigation perspective is more cynical than the corporate attorney‘s perspective defined by a much narrower time frame. Corporate attorneys are often left to take a snapshot of the business relationship at a point in time. The litigator, on the other hand, is compelled to view the business relationship like a motion picture: at the beginning, the litigation parties have high expectations; in the middle, the parties are disillusioned and subjected to a sense of injustice; in the end, personal and professional relationships are ruined by mistrust.3) In certain litigation areas, such as personal injury, products liability and class actions, contingency fee arrangements apparently drive the litigation. But in commercial litigation, where contract damages have upper limits and there is no component of pain and suffering, contingency fee arrangements do not drive attorneys to undertake litigation services. After all, time is money to lawyers on contingency who must weigh the prospects of a case against the value of the time needed to achieve it. One exception is that if the purpose of the litigation is to harass and the quality of legal work is not a concern, a young and ambitious lawyer would be willing to work on contingency. In conclusion, it is hard to say that contingency fee arrangements promote a higher percentage of frivolous litigation in the U.S., but it is very likely that a party with logical and rational evidential support will resort to litigation for the settlement of dispute.4) Firstly, counsel can make a cost assessment based on experience with past litigation. The cost of past litigation may provide a benchmark for the costs of any similar future litigation. Secondly, outsourcing litigation services to local counsel under a fee arrangement allows the client to budget for litigation costs on a long-term basis. Thirdly, counsel can determine a priori the circumstances under which the client is prepared to engage in a litigation for the purpose of discouraging other litigations.II. Word DerivationComplete the following sentences with the words given in the brackets. Change the form when necessary.1. burdensome2. litigious3. disillusioned4. invulnerability5. dispassionate6. adornment7. de-emphasis8. ambiguity9. simplistic 10. irrationalityIII. Paraphrasing1. Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words. 1) To limit litigation risk it is therefore critical for the client to perceive counsel as being not merely a tool to get things done, but as an impersonal and impartial supporter for sound sense and good discretion.2) To the extent that the counsel can persuade the client to take the long view of its business associations, there is a greater prospect that risks can be easily ascertained and prepared for.3) For the most part, however, I would say that most contingency-fee-based lawyers are more biased than is generally perceived to be and are more likely to work for a client only when there is a fairly good chance of victory.4) What the corporate client often fails to appreciate is the lesson that even if a party probably has a feeble or untrue case, it is possible for it to begin a legal action.5) The purpose of this kind of litigation is not just about winning based on the facts presented in evidence but about creating heavy burden of high costs which compels a favorable settlement.2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structure given.1) The lawyer, therefore, should take a significant first step toward evaluating tangible risks through an evaluation of the personality of the client.2) Assuming the existence of a near perfect flow of material information between client and counsel deriving from a constructive relationship between them, the next source of risk is the litigation environment in which the transaction is taking place.3) One important real or imagined source of unpredictability is the degree of a business‘s vulnerability to litigation and therefore its exposure to an unexpected level of litigation-related costs.4) Time is, after all, money even to lawyers on contingency because they must weigh whether the prospect of a substantial recovery and settlement is worthwhile considering the value of the time needed to achieve it.5) The reason why such litigation is often uneconomical is that the litigant‘s expenses are absolutely far more than compensatory damages it could ever realistically expect to recover, nevertheless, as a deterrent such actions have a greater value than what can make up for their short-term costs.IV. Translation1. Sentence Translation1)在最糟的情况下,律师被认为是一个惹人讨厌的人,律师和希腊神话中能够预言凶事的卡珊德拉一样能浇灭人们谈生意的一腔热情。
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Part I Sentence Interpretation
…both Mr. Jobs’ career and Apple,…were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall street. (Line 4, Para. 2)
• Are you using a smart phone, such as the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy?
• What applications do you use most often?
• Do you think the using of smart phone has changed your life style?
downs before returning to Apple in 1997.
Para. 17-28 A discussion of the reasons that make Steve Jobs
and the Apple a daunting success for rivals to
Part I Words and Expressions
cap (Line 2, Para.1) v. lie at the top of… example:
• He capped his friend’s story with an even more exciting one.
• She capped her rage when she heard her husband’s cheating on her.
Part I Words and Expressions
sideline (Line 1, Para.2) v. remove from the center of activity or attention 使靠边,使降格,不重视 example:
• He was under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined..
What are the pros and cons of using smart phones?
Structural Analysis
Main Topics
Para. 1-3
A brief introduction of the coming back of Steve Jobs after his temporary leave of the company because of the illness.
Unit Four
Information Technology
1. Lead-in
2. Text A: Silicon Valley Visionary Who Put Apple on Top
3. Text B: Nokia at the Crossroads: Blazing Platforms
Part I Sentence Interpretation
the level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual …. (Line 1, Para. 3)
The level of excitement for expecting his return was extraordinary, which had already become heated before he stepped onto the stage in January.
• What they fear is that environment policy will be sidelined until it is too late.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement?
This was not the first time of comeback for him to Apple. Little more than a decade earlier, he made his first comeback and turned Apple from going bankruptcy to an enormous successful company. Therefore his recovery and comeback were highly anticipated.
Para. 4-12 An exploration of the art of Steve Jobs to turn
technology into elegant consuming products and the
success Apple is enjoying now.
Para. 13-16 A brief recall of Steve’s early life and his ups and
Both his career and the company he founded were widely considered to have come to an end, and he would have nothing to do with high-tech in the future in the eyes of silicon valley entrepreneurs and the Wall Street investors.