数学建模美赛2012MCM B论文

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We develop a model to schedule trips down the Big Long River. The goalComputing Along the Big Long RiverChip JacksonLucas BourneTravis PetersWesternWashington UniversityBellingham,WAAdvisor: Edoh Y. AmiranAbstractis to optimally plan boat trips of varying duration and propulsion so as tomaximize the number of trips over the six-month season.We model the process by which groups travel from campsite to campsite.Subject to the given constraints, our algorithm outputs the optimal dailyschedule for each group on the river. By studying the algorithm’s long-termbehavior, we can compute a maximum number of trips, which we define asthe river’s carrying capacity.We apply our algorithm to a case study of the Grand Canyon, which hasmany attributes in common with the Big Long River.Finally, we examine the carrying capacity’s sensitivity to changes in thedistribution of propulsion methods, distribution of trip duration, and thenumber of campsites on the river.IntroductionWe address scheduling recreational trips down the Big Long River so asto maximize the number of trips. From First Launch to Final Exit (225 mi),participants take either an oar-powered rubber raft or a motorized boat.Trips last between 6 and 18 nights, with participants camping at designatedcampsites along the river. To ensure an authentic wilderness experience,at most one group at a time may occupy a campsite. This constraint limitsthe number of possible trips during the park’s six-month season.We model the situation and then compare our results to rivers withsimilar attributes, thus verifying that our approach yields desirable results.Our model is easily adaptable to find optimal trip schedules for riversof varying length, numbers of campsites, trip durations, and boat speeds.No two groups can occupy the same campsite at the same time.Campsites are distributed uniformly along the river.Trips are scheduled during a six-month period of the year.Group trips range from 6 to 18 nights.Motorized boats travel 8 mph on average.Oar-powered rubber rafts travel 4 mph on average.There are only two types of boats: oar-powered rubber rafts and motorizedTrips begin at First Launch and end at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream.*simulates river-trip scheduling as a function of a distribution of trip*can be applied to real-world rivers with similar attributes (i.e., the Grand*is flexible enough to simulate a wide range of feasible inputs; andWhat is the carrying capacity of the riverÿhe maximum number ofHow many new groups can start a river trip on any given day?How should trips of varying length and propulsion be scheduled toDefining the Problemmaximize the number of trips possible over a six-month season?groups that can be sent down the river during its six-month season?Model OverviewWe design a model thatCanyon);lengths (either 6, 12, or 18 days), a varying distribution of propulsionspeeds, and a varying number of campsites.The model predicts the number of trips over a six-month season. It alsoanswers questions about the carrying capacity of the river, advantageousdistributions of propulsion speeds and trip lengths, how many groups canstart a river trip each day, and how to schedule trips.ConstraintsThe problem specifies the following constraints:boats.AssumptionsWe can prescribe the ratio of oar-powered river rafts to motorized boats that go onto the river each day.There can be problems if too many oar-powered boats are launched with short trip lengths.The duration of a trip is either 12 days or 18 days for oar-powered rafts, and either 6 days or 12 days for motorized boats.This simplification still allows our model to produce meaningful results while letting us compare the effect of varying trip lengths.There can only be one group per campsite per night.This agrees with the desires of the river manager.Each day, a group can only move downstream or remain in its current campsiteÿt cannot move back upstream.This restricts the flow of groups to a single direction, greatly simplifying how we can move groups from campsite to campsite.Groups can travel only between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., a maximum of 9hours of travel per day (one hour is subtracted for breaks/lunch/etc.).This implies that per day, oar-powered rafts can travel at most 36 miles, and motorized boats at most 72 miles. This assumption allows us to determine which groups can reasonably reach a given campsite.Groups never travel farther than the distance that they can feasibly travelin a single day: 36 miles per day for oar-powered rafts and 72 miles per day for motorized boats.We ignore variables that could influence maximum daily travel distance, such as weather and river conditions.There is no way of accurately including these in the model.Campsites are distributed uniformly so that the distance between campsites is the length of the river divided by the number of campsites.We can thus represent the river as an array of equally-spaced campsites.A group must reach the end of the river on the final day of its trip:A group will not leave the river early even if able to.A group will not have a finish date past the desired trip length.This assumption fits what we believe is an important standard for theriver manager and for the quality of the trips.MethodsWe define some terms and phrases:Open campsite: Acampsite is open if there is no groupcurrently occupying it: Campsite cn is open if no group gi is assigned to cn.Moving to an open campsite: For a group gi, its campsite cn, moving to some other open campsite cm ÿ= cn is equivalent to assigning gi to the new campsite. Since a group can move only downstream, or remain at their current campsite, we must have m ÿ n.Waitlist: The waitlist for a given day is composed of the groups that are not yet on the river but will start their trip on the day when their ranking onthe waitlist and their ability to reach a campsite c includes them in theset Gc of groups that can reach campsite c, and the groups are deemed “the highest priority.” Waitlisted groups are initialized with a current campsite value of c0 (the zeroth campsite), and are assumed to have priority P = 1 until they are moved from the waitlist onto the river.Off the River: We consider the first space off of the river to be the “final campsite” cfinal, and it is always an open campsite (so that any number of groups can be assigned to it. This is consistent with the understanding that any number of groups can move off of the river in a single day.The Farthest Empty CampsiteOurscheduling algorithm uses an array as the data structure to represent the river, with each element of the array being a campsite. The algorithm begins each day by finding the open campsite c that is farthest down the river, then generates a set Gc of all groups that could potentially reach c that night. Thus,Gc = {gi | li +mi . c},where li is the groupÿs current location and mi is the maximum distance that the group can travel in one day.. The requirement that mi + li . c specifies that group gi must be able to reach campsite c in one day.. Gc can consist of groups on the river and groups on the waitlist.. If Gc = ., then we move to the next farthest empty campsite.located upstream, closer to the start of the river. The algorithm always runs from the end of the river up towards the start of the river.. IfGc ÿ= ., then the algorithm attempts tomovethe groupwith the highest priority to campsite c.The scheduling algorithm continues in this fashion until the farthestempty campsite is the zeroth campsite c0. At this point, every group that was able to move on the river that day has been moved to a campsite, and we start the algorithm again to simulate the next day.PriorityOnce a set Gc has been formed for a specific campsite c, the algorithm must decide which group to move to that campsite. The priority Pi is a measure of how far ahead or behind schedule group gi is:. Pi > 1: group gi is behind schedule;. Pi < 1: group gi is ahead of schedule;. Pi = 1: group gi is precisely on schedule.We attempt to move the group with the highest priority into c.Some examples of situations that arise, and how priority is used to resolve them, are outlined in Figures 1 and 2.Priorities and Other ConsiderationsOur algorithm always tries to move the group that is the most behind schedule, to try to ensure that each group is camped on the river for aFigure 1. The scheduling algorithm has found that the farthest open campsite is Campsite 6 and Groups A, B, and C can feasibly reach it. Group B has the highest priority, so we move Group B to Campsite 6.Figure 2. As the scheduling algorithm progresses past Campsite 6, it finds that the next farthest open campsite is Campsite 5. The algorithm has calculated that Groups A and C can feasibly reach it; since PA > PC, Group A is moved to Campsite 5.number of nights equal to its predetermined trip length. However, in someinstances it may not be ideal to move the group with highest priority tothe farthest feasible open campsite. Such is the case if the group with thehighest priority is ahead of schedule (P <1).We provide the following rules for handling group priorities:?If gi is behind schedule, i.e. Pi > 1, then move gi to c, its farthest reachableopen campsite.?If gi is ahead of schedule, i.e. Pi < 1, then calculate diai, the number ofnights that the group has already been on the river times the averagedistance per day that the group should travel to be on schedule. If theresult is greater than or equal (in miles) to the location of campsite c, thenmove gi to c. Doing so amounts to moving gi only in such a way that itis no longer ahead of schedule.?Regardless of Pi, if the chosen c = cfinal, then do not move gi unless ti =di. This feature ensures that giÿ trip will not end before its designatedend date.Theonecasewhere a groupÿ priority is disregardedisshownin Figure 3.Scheduling SimulationWe now demonstrate how our model could be used to schedule rivertrips.In the following example, we assume 50 campsites along the 225-mileriver, and we introduce 4 groups to the river each day. We project the tripFigure 3. The farthest open campsite is the campsite off the river. The algorithm finds that GroupD could move there, but GroupD has tD > dD.that is, GroupD is supposed to be on the river for12 nights but so far has spent only 11.so Group D remains on the river, at some campsite between 171 and 224 inclusive.schedules of the four specific groups that we introduce to the river on day25. We choose a midseason day to demonstrate our modelÿs stability overtime. The characteristics of the four groups are:. g1: motorized, t1 = 6;. g2: oar-powered, t2 = 18;. g3: motorized, t3 = 12;. g4: oar-powered, t4 = 12.Figure 5 shows each groupÿs campsite number and priority value foreach night spent on the river. For instance, the column labeled g2 givescampsite numbers for each of the nights of g2ÿs trip. We find that each giis off the river after spending exactly ti nights camping, and that P ÿ 1as di ÿ ti, showing that as time passes our algorithm attempts to get (andkeep) groups on schedule. Figures 6 and 7 display our results graphically.These findings are consistent with the intention of our method; we see inthis small-scale simulation that our algorithm produces desirable results.Case StudyThe Grand CanyonThe Grand Canyon is an ideal case study for our model, since it sharesmany characteristics with the Big Long River. The Canyonÿs primary riverrafting stretch is 226 miles, it has 235 campsites, and it is open approximatelysix months of the year. It allows tourists to travel by motorized boat or byoar-powered river raft for a maximum of 12 or 18 days, respectively [Jalbertet al. 2006].Using the parameters of the Grand Canyon, we test our model by runninga number of simulations. We alter the number of groups placed on thewater each day, attempting to find the carrying capacity for the river.theFigure 7. Priority values of groups over the course of each trip. Values converge to P = 1 due to the algorithm’s attempt to keep groups on schedule.maximumnumber of possible trips over a six-month season. The main constraintis that each trip must last the group’s planned trip duration. Duringits summer season, the Grand Canyon typically places six new groups onthe water each day [Jalbert et al. 2006], so we use this value for our first simulation.In each simulation, we use an equal number of motorized boatsand oar-powered rafts, along with an equal distribution of trip lengths.Our model predicts the number of groups that make it off the river(completed trips), how many trips arrive past their desired end date (latetrips), and the number of groups that did not make it off the waitlist (totalleft on waitlist). These values change as we vary the number of new groupsplaced on the water each day (groups/day).Table 1 indicates that a maximum of 18 groups can be sent down theriver each day. Over the course of the six-month season, this amounts to nearly 3,000 trips. Increasing groups/day above 18 is likely to cause latetrips (some groups are still on the river when our simulation ends) and long waitlists. In Simulation 1, we send 1,080 groups down river (6 groups/day?80 days) but only 996 groups make it off; the other groups began near the end of the six-month period and did not reach the end of their trip beforethe end of the season. These groups have negligible impact on our results and we ignore them.Sensitivity Analysis of Carrying CapacityManagers of the Big Long River are faced with a similar task to that of the managers of the Grand Canyon. Therefore, by finding an optimal solutionfor the Grand Canyon, we may also have found an optimal solution forthe Big Long River. However, this optimal solution is based on two key assumptions:?Each day, we put approximately the same number of groups onto theriver; and?the river has about one campsite per mile.We can make these assumptions for the Grand Canyon because they are true for the Grand Canyon, but we do not know if they are true for the Big Long River.To deal with these unknowns,wecreate Table 3. Its values are generatedby fixing the number Y of campsites on the river and the ratio R of oarpowered rafts to motorized boats launched each day, and then increasingthe number of trips added to the river each day until the river reaches peak carrying capacity.The peak carrying capacities in Table 3 can be visualized as points ina three-dimensional space, and we can find a best-fit surface that passes (nearly) through the data points. This best-fit surface allows us to estimatethe peak carrying capacity M of the river for interpolated values. Essentially, it givesM as a function of Y and R and shows how sensitiveM is tochanges in Y and/or R. Figure 7 is a contour diagram of this surface.The ridge along the vertical line R = 1 : 1 predicts that for any givenvalue of Y between 100 and 300, the river will have an optimal value ofM when R = 1 : 1. Unfortunately, the formula for this best-fit surface is rather complex, and it doesn’t do an accurate job of extrapolating beyond the data of Table 3; so it is not a particularly useful tool for the peak carrying capacity for other values ofR. The best method to predict the peak carrying capacity is just to use our scheduling algorithm.Sensitivity Analysis of Carrying Capacity re R and DWe have treatedM as a function ofR and Y , but it is still unknown to us how M is affected by the mix of trip durations of groups on the river (D).For example, if we scheduled trips of either 6 or 12 days, how would this affect M? The river managers want to know what mix of trips of varying duration and speed will utilize the river in the best way possible.We use our scheduling algorithm to attempt to answer this question.We fix the number of campsites at 200 and determine the peak carrying capacity for values of R andD. The results of this simulation are displayed in Table 4.Table 4 is intended to address the question of what mix of trip durations and speeds will yield a maximum carrying capacity. For example: If the river managers are currently scheduling trips of length?6, 12, or 18: Capacity could be increased either by increasing R to be closer to 1:1 or by decreasing D to be closer to ? or 12.?12 or 18: Decrease D to be closer to ? or 12.?6 or 12: Increase R to be closer to 4:1.ConclusionThe river managers have asked how many more trips can be added tothe Big Long Riverÿ season. Without knowing the specifics ofhowthe river is currently being managed, we cannot give an exact answer. However, by applying our modelto a study of the GrandCanyon,wefound results which could be extrapolated to the context of the Big Long River. Specifically, the managers of the Big Long River could add approximately (3,000 - X) groups to the rafting season, where X is the current number of trips and 3,000 is the capacity predicted by our scheduling algorithm. Additionally, we modeled how certain variables are related to each other; M, D, R, and Y . River managers could refer to our figures and tables to see how they could change their current values of D, R, and Y to achieve a greater carrying capacity for the Big Long River.We also addressed scheduling campsite placement for groups moving down the Big Long River through an algorithm which uses priority values to move groups downstream in an orderly manner.Limitations and Error AnalysisCarrying Capacity OverestimationOur model has several limitations. It assumes that the capacity of theriver is constrained only by the number of campsites, the trip durations,and the transportation methods. We maximize the river’s carrying capacity, even if this means that nearly every campsite is occupied each night.This may not be ideal, potentially leading to congestion or environmental degradation of the river. Because of this, our model may overestimate the maximum number of trips possible over long periods of time. Environmental ConcernsOur case study of the Grand Canyon is evidence that our model omits variables. We are confident that the Grand Canyon could provide enough campsites for 3,000 trips over a six-month period, as predicted by our algorithm. However, since the actual figure is around 1,000 trips [Jalbert et al.2006], the error is likely due to factors outside of campsite capacity, perhaps environmental concerns.Neglect of River SpeedAnother variable that our model ignores is the speed of the river. Riverspeed increases with the depth and slope of the river channel, makingour assumption of constant maximum daily travel distance impossible [Wikipedia 2012]. When a river experiences high flow, river speeds can double, and entire campsites can end up under water [National Park Service 2008]. Again, the results of our model don’t reflect these issues. ReferencesC.U. Boulder Dept. of Applied Mathematics. n.d. Fitting a surface to scatteredx-y-z data points. /computing/Mathematica/Fit/ .Jalbert, Linda, Lenore Grover-Bullington, and Lori Crystal, et al. 2006. Colorado River management plan. 2006./grca/parkmgmt/upload/CRMPIF_s.pdf .National Park Service. 2008. Grand Canyon National Park. High flowriver permit information. /grca/naturescience/high_flow2008-permit.htm .Sullivan, Steve. 2011. Grand Canyon River Statistics Calendar Year 2010./grca/planyourvisit/upload/Calendar_Year_2010_River_Statistics.pdf .Wikipedia. 2012. River. /wiki/River .Memo to Managers of the Big Long RiverIn response to your questions regarding trip scheduling and river capacity,we are writing to inform you of our findings.Our primary accomplishment is the development of a scheduling algorithm.If implemented at Big Long River, it could advise park rangerson how to optimally schedule trips of varying length and propulsion. Theoptimal schedule will maximize the number of trips possible over the sixmonth season.Our algorithm is flexible, taking a variety of different inputs. Theseinclude the number and availability of campsites, and parameters associatedwith each tour group. Given the necessary inputs, we can output adaily schedule. In essence, our algorithm does this by using the state of theriver from the previous day. Schedules consist of campsite assignments foreach group on the river, as well those waiting to begin their trip. Given knowledge of future waitlists, our algorithm can output schedules monthsin advance, allowing managementto schedule the precise campsite locationof any group on any future date.Sparing you the mathematical details, allow us to say simply that ouralgorithm uses a priority system. It prioritizes groups who are behindschedule by allowing them to move to further campsites, and holds backgroups who are ahead of schedule. In this way, it ensures that all trips willbe completed in precisely the length of time the passenger had planned for.But scheduling is only part of what our algorithm can do. It can alsocompute a maximum number of possible trips over the six-month season.We call this the carrying capacity of the river. If we find we are below ourcarrying capacity, our algorithm can tell us how many more groups wecould be adding to the water each day. Conversely, if we are experiencingriver congestion, we can determine how many fewer groups we should beadding each day to get things running smoothly again.An interesting finding of our algorithm is how the ratio of oar-poweredriver rafts to motorized boats affects the number of trips we can send downstream. When dealing with an even distribution of trip durations (from 6 to18 days), we recommend a 1:1 ratio to maximize the river’s carrying capacity.If the distribution is skewed towards shorter trip durations, then ourmodel predicts that increasing towards a 4:1 ratio will cause the carryingcapacity to increase. If the distribution is skewed the opposite way, towards longer trip durations, then the carrying capacity of the river will always beless than in the previous two cases—so this is not recommended.Our algorithm has been thoroughly tested, and we believe that it isa powerful tool for determining the river’s carrying capacity, optimizing daily schedules, and ensuring that people will be able to complete their trip as planned while enjoying a true wilderness experience.Sincerely yours,Team 13955。

2012年美国数学建模题目中文版第一篇:2012年美国数学建模题目解析2012年美国数学建模竞赛题目分为3个部分:A、B、C 部分,其中A、B两部分每个题目都设计成了开放式问题,而C部分则是两道严谨的数学证明题目。
数学建模美赛2012MCM B论文

Camping along the Big Long RiverSummaryIn this paper,the problem that allows more parties entering recreation system is investigated.In order to let park managers have better arrangements on camping for parties,the problem is divided into four sections to consider.The first section is the description of the process for single-party's rafting.That is, formulating a Status Transfer Equation of a party based on the state of the arriving time at any campsite.Furthermore,we analyze the encounter situations between two parties.Next we build up a simulation model according to the analysis above.Setting that there are recreation sites though the river,count the encounter times when a new party enters this recreation system,and judge whether there exists campsites available for them to station.If the times of encounter between parties are small and the campsite is available,the managers give them a good schedule and permit their rafting,or else, putting off the small interval time t∆until the party satisfies the conditions.Then solve the problem by the method of computer simulation.We imitate the whole process of rafting for every party,and obtain different numbers of parties,every party's schedule arrangement,travelling time,numbers of every campsite's usage, ratio of these two kinds of rafting boats,and time intervals between two parties' starting time under various numbers of campsites after several times of simulation. Hence,explore the changing law between the numbers of parties(X)and the numbers of campsites(Y)that X ascends rapidly in the first period followed by Y's increasing and the curve tends to be steady and finally looks like a S curve.In the end of our paper,we make sensitive analysis by changing parameters of simulation and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our model,and write a memo to river managers on the arrangements of rafting.Key words:Camping;Computer Simulation;Status Transfer Equation1IntroductionThe number of visits to outdoor recreation areas has increased dramatically in last three decades.Among all those outdoor activities,rafting is often chose as a family get-together during May to September.Rafting or white water rafting is a kind of interesting and challenging recreational outdoor activity,which uses an inflatable raft to navigate a river or sea [1].It is very popular in the world,especially in occidental countries.This activity is commonly considered an extreme sport that usually done to thrill and excite the raft passengers on white water or different degrees of rough water.It can be dangerous.During the peak period,there are many tourists coming to experience rafting.In order to satisfy tourists to the maximum,we must make full use of our facilities in hand,which means we must do the utmost to utilize the campsites in the best way possible.What's more,to make more people feel the wildness life,we should minimize the encounters to the best extent;meanwhile no two sets of parties can occupy the same campsite at the same time.It is naturally coming into mind that we should consider where to stop,and when to stop of a party [2].In previous studies [3-5],many researchers have simulated the outdoor creation based on real-life data,because the approach is dynamic,stochastic,and discrete-event,and most recreation systems share these traits.But there exists little research aiming at describing the way that visitors travel and distribute themselves within a recreation system [6].Hence,in our paper,we consider the whole process of parties in detail and simulate every party ’s behavior,including the location of their campsites,and how long it will last for them to stay in a campsite to finish their itineraries.Meanwhile minimize the numbers of encounters.Aiming at showing the whole process of rafting,we firstly focus on analyzing the situation s of a single-party's rafting by using status transfer equation,then consider the problems of two parties'encounters on the river.Finally,after several times of simulation on the whole process of rafting,we obtain the optimal value of X .2Symbols and DefinitionsIn this section,we will give some basic symbols and definitions in the following for the convenience.Table 1.Variable Definition Symbols Definitioni v i p j i q ,S dThe velocity of oar or motor0-1variables on choosing rafting transportation0-1variables on the occupation of campsitesLength of the riverAverage distance between two campsites3General AssumptionsIn order to have a better study on this paper,we simplify our model by thefollowing assumptions:1)19:00to 07:00is people's sleeping time,during this time,people are stationedin the campsite.The total time of sleeping is 12hours,as rafting is an exiting sport game,after a day's entertainment,people have cost a lot of energy,and nearly tired out.So in order to have a better recreation for the next day,we set that people begin their trip at 07:00,and end at 19:00for a day's schedule.2)Oar-powered rubber rafts and motorized parties can successfully raft from FirstLaunch to Final Exit,there exist no accident over the whole trips.3)All the rubber rafts and motorized boats have the same exterior except velocities;we regard a rubber raft or a motorized boat as a party and don't consider the tourists individuals on the parties.4)There is only one entrance for parties to enter the recreation system.5)Regardless of the effects that the physical features of the river brings to oar andmotorized parties,that is to say we ignore the stream ’s propulsion and resistance to both kinds of rafting boats.Oar and motorized parties can keep the average velocity of 4mph and 8mph.6)Divide the whole river into N segments.4Analysis of This Rafting ProblemRafting is a very popular spots game world-wide.In the peak period of rafting,there are more people choosing to raft,it often causes congestion that not all people can raft at any time they want.Hence,it is important for managers to set an optimal schedule for every party (from our assumptions,we regard a rafting boat as a party)in advance.Meanwhile,the parties need to experience wildness life,so the managers should arrange the schedules which minimize the encounters'time between parties to the best extent.What's more,no two sets of parties can occupy the same site at the same time.Our aim is to determine an optimal mix of trips over varying duration (measured YXNj i t ,jT t∆KNumbers of campsites Numbers of parties Numbers of attraction sites Time of the i th party finishing the whole trip ranges from6days to 18daysRandom staying time at each campsiteDelay time of rafting from beginning Threshold value of encounterin nights on the river.That is to say,we must obtain an optimal value of X through lots of trails.This optimal value represents that the campsites have a high usage while more people are available to raft.The Long Big River is 225miles long,if we discuss the river as a whole and consider all the parties together,it will be difficult for us to have a clear recognition on parties'behaviors.Hence,we divide the river into N attraction sites.Each of the attraction sites has Y/N campsites since the campsites are uniformly distributed throughout the river corridor.So build up a model based on single-party ’s behavior of rafting in small distance.At last,we can use computer simulation to imitate more complex situations with various rafting boats and large quantities of parties.5Mathematic Models5.1Rafting of the Single-party Model (Status Transfer Equation [7])From the previous analysis,in order to have a clear recognition of the whole rafting process,we must analyze every single-party's state at any time.In this model,we consider the situation that a single-party rafts from the First Launch to the Final Exit.So we formulate a model that focus on the behavior of one single-party.For a single-party,it must satisfy the following equation:status transfer equation.it represents the relationships between its former state and the latter state.State here means:when the i th party arrives at the j th campsites,the party may occupy the j th campsite or not.As a party can choose two kinds of transportation to raft:oar-powered rubber rafts(i v =4mph)and motorized rafts(i v =8mph).i v is the velocity of the rafting boats,and i p is the 0-1variables of the selecting for boats.Therefore,we can obtainthe following equation:)1(84i i i p p v −+=(i=1,2,…,X ).(1)where i p =0if the i th party uses motorized boat as their rafting tool,at thistime i v =8mph ;while i p =1when ,the i th party rafts with oar-powered rubber raft with i v =4mph.In fact,Eq.(1)denotes which kind of rafting boat a party can choose.A party not only has choice on rafting boats,but also can select where to camp based on whether the campsites are occupied or not.The following formulation shows the situation whether this party chooses this campsite or not:⎩⎨⎧=party previous a by occupied is campsite the 0,party previous a by occupied not is campsite the q ij ,1(2)where i =1,2,…,X ;j =1,2,…,Y .Where the next one can’t set their camp at this place anymore,that is to say thelatter party’s behavior is determined by the former one.As campsites are fairly uniformly distributed throughout the river corridor,hence,we discrete the whole river into segments,and regard Y campsites as Y nodes which leaves out (Y +1)intervals.Finally we get the average distance between th e j th campsite and (j+1)th campsite:1+=Y Sd (3)where is the length of the river,and its value is 225miles.What’s more,the trip-days for a party is not infinite,it has fluctuating intervals:h t h j i 432144,≤≤(4)where is the t i ,j itinerary time for a party ranges from 144hours to 432hours (6to 18nights).From Eq.(1),(2)and (3),the status transfer equation is given as follows:),...2,1,,...2,1(11,1,,Y j X i T q v d t t j j i i j i j i ==×++=−−−(5)The i th party’s arriving time at the j th campsite is determined by the time when the i th arrived at (j-1)campsite,the time interval i v d ,and the time T j-1random generated by computer shown in Eq.(5).It is a dynamic process and determined by its previous behavior.5.2The Analysis of Two Parties Parties’’Encounter on the River Our goal is to making full use of the campsites.Hence,the objective of all the formulation is to maximize the quantities of trips (parties )X while consider getting rid of the congestion.If we reduce the numbers of the encounters among parties,there will be no congestion.In order to achieve this goal,we analysis the situations of when two parties’to encounter,and where they will encounter.In order to create a wildness environment for parties to experience wildness life,managers arrange a schedule that can make any two parties have minimal encounters with each other.Encounter is that parties meet at the same place and at the same time.Regarding the river as a whole is not convenient to study,hence,our discussion is based on a small distance where distance=d (Eq.3),between the j th and (j+1)th campsites.Finally the encounter problem of the whole river is transferred into small fractions.On analyzing encounter problem in d and count numbers of each encounter in d together,we get a clear recognition of the whole process and the total numbers of encounter of two parties.The following Figure 1represents random two parties rafting in d :Figure 1.Random two parties'encounter or not on the riverThe i th party arrives at j th campsite (t j k ,-t j i ,)time earlier than the k th party reaches the j th campsite.After t time,interval distance between the i th party and the k th party can be denoted by the following function:)()(t t t v t v t S ij kj i k j +−×−×=∆(6)Where k,i =1,2,…,X ,j =1,2,…,Y .k i ≠.Whether the two parties stationed on the j th campsite and(j +1)th campsite are based on the state of the campsites’occupation,yields we obtain:⎩⎨⎧=×01,,j k j i q q (i,k =1,2,…,X ;j =1,2,…,Y ;k ≠i )(7)Note that Eq.6is constrained by Eq.7,for different value of )(t S J ∆andj k j i q q ,,×we can obtain the different cases as follows:Case 1:⎩⎨⎧=×=∆10)(,,j k j i j q q t S (8)Which means both the i th and k th party don’t choose the j th campsite,they are rafting on the river.Hence,when the interval distance between the two parties is 0,that is )(t S J ∆=0,they encounter at a certain place in d on the river.Cases2:⎩⎨⎧=×=∆00)(,,j k j i j q q t S (9)Although the interval distance between the two parties is 0,the j th campsite is occupied by the i th party or the k th party.That is one of them stop to camp at a certain place throughout the river corridor.Hence,there is no possibility for them to encounter on the river.Cases 3:⎩⎨⎧=×≠∆10)(,,j k j i j q q t S ⎩⎨⎧=×≠∆00)(,,j k j i j q q t S (10)No matter the j th campsite is occupied or not for )(t S J ∆≠0,that is at the same time,they are not at the same place.Hence,they will not encounter at any place in d .5.3Overview of Computer Simulation Modeling to Rafting5.3.1Computer SimulationSimulation modeling is a kind of method to imitate the real-word process or a system.This approach is especially suited to those tasks which are too complex for direct observation,manipulation,or even analytical mathematical analysis (Banks and Carson 1984,Law and Kelton 1991,Pidd 1992).The most appropriate approach for simulating out-door recreation is dynamic,stochastic,and discrete-event model,since most recreation systems share these traits.In all,simulation models can reflect the real-world accurately.5.3.2Simulation for the Whole Process of Parties on Rafting [8]This simulation can approximate show a party’s behavior on the river under a wide rang of conditions.From the analysis of the previous study,we have known that the next party’s behavior is affected by the former one.Hence,when the first party enters the rafting system,there is no encounter,and it can choose every campsite.then the second party comes into the rafting system ,at this time,we must consider the encounter between them,and the limit on choosing the campsite.As time goes by,more and more parties enter this system to raft which lead to a more complex situation.A party who satisfies the following two conditions will be removed from the current order to the next order.So he can’t “finish his trip”right away.The two conditions are as follows:(1)He chooses a campsite where has been occupied by other parties.(2)He has two many encounters with other parties.So in order to determine typical trip itineraries for various types of rafting boat ,campsite,and time intervals (See Trip Schedule Sheet 1),we need to perform a series of trails run that can represent the real-life process of rafting based on these considerations,.A main flowchart of the program is shown in Figure 2.Figure2.Main simulation flowchartAfter several times of simulation,we obtain the optimal X(the numbers of campsites),minimal E(Encounter)and TP(Trip Time).Followed by Figure2,we simulate the behavior of a party whether it can enterthe rafting system or not in Figure3.Figure3.Sub flowchart5.3.3The Results of SimulationAfter simulating the whole process of parties rafting on the river,we get three figures(Figure4,Figure5and Figure6)to present the results.In order to simulate the rafting process more conveniently,we divide the whole river into31segments(31attraction sites),and input an initial value of Y=155(numbers of campsites),where there are5campsites in every attraction sites.We represent the times of campsites occupied by various parties on Figure2by coordinates(x,y),where x is the order of the campsites from0to155(these campsites are all uniformly distributed thorough the corridor),and y is the numbers of each campsite occupied by different parties.For example,(140,1100)represents that at the campsite,there exists nearly1100times of occupation in total by parties over180days. Hence,the following Figure4shows the times of campsites’usage from March to September.Figure4.Numbers of campsites'usage during six-month period from March to SeptemberFrom Figure4,The numbers of campsites’usage can be identified the efficiency of every campsites’usage.The higher usage of the campsites,the higher efficiency they are.Based on these,we give a simple suggestion to managers(see in Memo to Managers).Figure5.the ratio of usage on campsites with time going byFigure5shows the changes of the ratio on campsites.when t=0,the campsites are not used,but with time going by,the ratio of the usage of campsites becomes higher and higher.We can also obtain that when t>20,the ratio keeps on a steady level of65%;but when t >176,the ratio comes down,that is,there are little parties entering the recreation system.In all,these changes are rational very much,and have high coincidence with real-world.Then we obtain1599parties arranged into recreation system after inputting the initial value Y=155,and set orders to every party from number0to number1599.Plotting every party's travelling time of the whole process on a map by simulating,as follows:Figure6.Every party’s travelling timeFigure6shows the itinerary of the travelling time,most of the travelling time is fluctuating between13days and15.3days,and most of travelling time are concentrated around14days.In order to create an outdoor life for all parties,we should minimize the numbers of encounter among different parties based on equations(6)and(7):So we get every party’s numbers of encounter by coordinates(x,y),where x is the order of the parties from0to1600,y is the numbers of encounters.Shown in Figure7,as follows:Figure7.Every party’s numbers of encounterFigure7shows every party’s numbers of encounter at each campsite.From this figure,we can know that the numbers of their encounter are relatively less,the highest one is8times,and most of the parties don’t encounter during their trips,which is coincident with the real-world data.Finally,according to the travelling time of a party from March to September,we set a plan for river managers to arrange the number of parties.Hence,by simulating the model,we obtain the results by coordinate(x,y),where y is the days of travelling time,x is the numbers of parties on every day.The figure is shown as follows:Figure8.Simulation on travelling days versus the numbers of parties From Figure8.we set a suitable plan for river manager,which also provide reference on his managements.6Sensitive AnalyzeSensitive analysis is very critical in mathematical modeling,it is a way to gauge the robustness of a model with respect to assumptions about the data and parameters. We try several times of simulation to get different numbers of parties on changing the numbers of campsites ceaselessly.Thus using the simulative data,we get the relationship between the numbers of campsites and parties by fitting.On the basis of this fitting,we revise the maximal encounter times(Threshold value)continually,and can also get the results of the relationships between the numbers of campsites and parties by fitting.Finally,we obtain a Figure9denoting the relations of Y(numbers of campsites)and X(numbers of parties),as follows:Figure9.Sensitive analysis under different threshold values Given the permitted maximal numbers of encounters(threshold value=K),we obtain the relationships between Y(numbers of campsites)and X(numbers of trips). For example,when K=1,it means no encounters are allowed on the river when rafting;when K=2,there is less than2chances for the boats to meet.So we can define the K=4,6,8to describe the sensitivity of our model.From Figure9,we get the information that with the increase of K,the numbers of boats available to rafts till increase.But when K>6,the change of the numbers of boats is inconspicuous,which is not the main factor having appreciable impact on the numbers of boats.>In all,when the numbers of campsites(Y)are less than250,they would have a great effect on the numbers of boats.But in the diverse situations,like when Y>250, the effect caused by adding the numbers of campsites to hold more boats is not notable.When K<6,the numbers of boats available increases with the ascending of K, While K>6,the numbers of boats don’t have great change.Take all these factors into consideration,it reflects that the numbers of the boats can’t exceed its upper limit.Increase the numbers of campsites and numbers of encounter blindly can’t bring back more profits.7Strengths and WeaknessesStrengthsOur model has achieved all of the goals we set initially effectively.It is not only fast and could handle large quantities of data,but also has the flexibility we desire.Though we don’t test all possibilities,if we had chosen to input the numbers of campsites data into our program,we could have produced high-quality results with virtually no added difficulty.Aswell,our method was robust.Based on general assumptions we have made in previous task,we consider a party’s state in the first place,then simulate the whole process of rafting.It is an exact reflection of the real-world.Hence,our main model's strength is its enormousedibility and stability and there are some key strengths:(1)The flowchart represents the whole process of rafting by given different initialvalues.It not only makes it possible to develop trip itineraries that are statistically more representatives of the total population of river trips,but also eliminates the tedious task of manual writing.(2)Our model focuses on parties’behavior and interactions between each other,notthe managers on the arrangement of rafting,which can also get satisfactory and high-quality results.(3)Our model makes full use of campsites,while avoid too many encounters,whichleads to rational arrangements.WeaknessesOn the one hand,although we list the model's comprehensive simulation as a strength,it is paradoxically also the most notable weakness since we don’t take into account the carrying capacity of the water when simulates,and suppose that a river can bear as much weight as possible.But in reality,that is impossible.On the other hand,our results are not optimal,but relative optimal.8ConclusionsAfter a serial of trials,we get different values of X based on the general assumptions we make.By comparing them,we choose a relative better one.From this problem,it verifies the important use of simulation especially in complex situations. Here we consider if we change some of the assumptions,it may lead to various results. For example,(a)Let the velocity of this two kinds of boats submit to normal distribution.In this paper,the average velocity of oar-powered rubber rafts and motorized boats are 4mphand8mph,respectively.But in real-world,the speed of the boats can’t get rid of the impacts from external force like stream’s propulsion and resistance.Hence,they keep on changing all the time.(b)Add and reduce campsites to improve the ratio of usage on campsites.By analyzing and simulating,the usage of each campsite is different which may lead to waste or congestion at a campsite.Hence,we can adjust the distribution of campsites to arrive the best use.A Memo to River ManagersOur simulation model is with high edibility and stability in many occasions.It can imitate every party’s behavior when rafting so as to make a clear recognition of the process.Internal Workings of The ModelInputsOur model needs to input initial value of Y,as well as the numbers of attraction sites. Algorithm(Figure2,and Figure3)Our algorithm represents the whole process of rafting,so we can use it to simulate the process of rafting by inputting various initial values.OutputsBased on the algorithm in our paper,our model will output the relative optimalnumbers of parties X.Furthermore,we can also get other information,such as the interval time between two parties at First Launch,a detailed schedule for each party of rafting,the relationship between X and Y and so on.Summary and RecommendationsAfter100times of simulating,we come to two conclusions:(a)The numbers of parties(X)have relations with the numbers of campsites(Y), that is to say,with the increasing of Y,the increasing speed of X goes fast at the first place and then goes down,finally it tends to be steady.Hence,we advice river managers to adjust the numbers of campsites properly to get the optimal numbers of parties.(b)Add campsites to the high usage of the former campsites and deduce campsites at the low usage of the former campsites.From Figure4,we know that the ratios of every campsites are different,some campsites are frequently used,but some are not.Thus we can infer that the scenic views are attractive,and have attracted lots of parties camping at the campsite.so we can add campsites to this nodes.Else the campsites with low usage have lost attractions which we should reduce the numbers of campsites at those nodes.References[1]KarloŠimović,Wikipedia,Rafting,/wiki/Rafting.[2] C.A.Roberts and R.Gimblett,Computer Simulation for Rafting Traffic on theColorado River,COMPUTER SIMULATION FOR RAFTING TRAFFIC,2001, 19-30.[3] C.A.Roberts,D.Stallman,J.A.Bieri.Modeling complex human-environmentinteractions:the Grand Canyon river trip simulator,Ecological Modeling153(2002)181-196.[4]J.A.Bieri and C.A.Roberts,Using the Grand Canyon River Trip Simulator toTest New Launch Scheduleson the Colorado River,Washington DC,AWISMagazine,Vol.29,No.3,2000,6-10.[5] A.H.Underhill and A.B.Xaba,The Wilderness Simulation Model as aManagement Tool for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park,NATIONAL PARK SERVICE/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Unit SupportProject CONTRIBUTION NO.034/03.[6] B.Wang and R.E.Manning,Computer Simulation Modeling for RecreationManagement:A Study on Carriage Road Use in Acadia National Park,Maine,USA,USA,Vermont05405,1999.[7]M.M.Meerschaert,Mathematical Modeling(Third Edition).China MachinePress publishing,2009.[8]A.H.Underhill,The Wilderness Use Simulation Model Applied to Colorado RiverBoating in Grand Canyon National Park,USA,Environmental Management Vol.10,No.3,1986,367-374.。


我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): C我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):贵州电力职业技术学院参赛队员(打印并签名) :1. 樊清松2. 温淑敏3. 陈慧婷指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):朱卫红日期: 2012 年 09 月 09日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):脑卒中发病环境因素分析及干预摘要为了探索脑卒中(俗称脑中风)的发病情况、分布规律以及对高危人群提出预警和干预的建议方案,分析脑卒中高危人群发病的环境因素,通过建立数学模型,进而研究脑卒中与气温、气压、相对湿度之间的关系,降低脑卒中高危人群的发病率,并帮助健康人了解自己得脑卒中的风险程度。

Dedicated Pipeline for Trip ArrangementSummaryIn the problem of camping, we should set reasonable schedule which can not only increase the utilization of campsites but also meet people's needs. Meanwhile, the carrying capacity of the river is also required. To solve the problem, this thesis will build optimization model with maximum campsite's utilization and river trips as the model's target function.The specific steps are as follows:step1: Determine the number of campsites Y. We use Computer Emulation Simulation to solve this problem by making full use of the given conditions that trips will spend6 to 18 nights on the river and the river is 225 miles long. We get 29 sets of data through programming, then curve fitting them by SPSS software. By comparing the value of sig. and adjusting R square and so on, the ideal number of the campsites is got .Step2: By using the number of the campsites 39 as well as the goal programming equation built in the first step, we get the number of river trips that are allowed to enter, namely the carrying capacity of the river.Step3: By using the campsites 39, we adjust the campsites of different camping program and then divide them into 4 kinds through clustering analysis using SPSS. Then we select representatives in various types of camping programs according to repetition rate and the average transfer rate. So we streamline the camping programs into the problem of goal programming for 6, 8, 11, 12, 16 nights.Step4: In those five camping programs, 39 campsites which will not repeat are distributed in 3 dedicated pipelines . The first line accounts for 12 campsites and can only be available for 6 or 12 nights trip. Each day, a couple of 6 nights trips are distributed, and the starting trip camps the campsites in turn according to the even number of the pipeline while the secondary trip camps in turn according to the odd number. The second pipeline accounting for 16 campsites is arranged just as the first one .Under the premise of guaranteeing the variety of camping project, trips start as a pipeline to make the total number of trips camping in this line the biggest and the utilization of the campsites maximum. There are 11 campsites in the third pipeline which are available for 6 to 11 nights trip.According to the above analysis, the carrying capacity of Dedicated Pipeline, namely C_line, is less than that of the river, namely C_river, within 180 days. the park managers need to grasp passenger flow(P) of the river in the following period(T) and calculate P/( C_line/T)The best distribution program: the best utirlization of campsites is P/( C_line/T) in one period.According to the best utilization of campsites, The best distribution program can be got.Key words: Cluster Analysis, Bus Rapid, Transit Pipeline System, Curve Fitting , Computer Emulation SimulationContentsI. Introduction (3)1.1Restatement of the problem (3)1.2 Theory knowledge introduction (3)II. Definitions and Key terms (4)1,The conditions given (4)2,Symbol definition (4)III. General Assumptions (4)IV Model Design (5)4.1Model Establishment (5)4.2 Model Solution (6)4.2.1.To determine Y (6)4.2.1 To Determine the Camping program (11)4.2.3 To find capacity of the river (15)4.2.3 Determine Dedicated Pipeline (15)4.3 Strength and Weakness............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 Methods of the Analysis
As investigators, we now know well about the 83nodes, 400 links over 21,000 words of message traffic, 15 topics (three have been deemed to be suspicious), 7 known conspirators, and 8known non-conspirators. We now call the known information about the company INTELLIGENCE. From the practice, the method which is always used in the intelligence work is a combination of qualitative reasoning and quantified reasoning, that is called Analytic Hierarchy Process (called AHP in the later part). At the same time, we also use Structural Model Analysis (SMA).
1.3 Assumptions
There is only linguistic communication between people. Body language never exists. People can talk to each other freely, without the liof known conspiractors and non-conspiractors is correct. The talk happens only between two people. Talks between 3 or over 3 members never exists.

封一答卷编号(参赛学校填写):答卷编号(竞赛组委会填写):论文题目:C组别:本科生参赛队员信息(必填):姓名参赛队员1 沈倩参赛队员2 王青原参赛队员3 付新新参赛学校:黑龙江工程学院封二答卷编号(参赛学校填写):答卷编号(竞赛组委会填写):评阅情况(学校评阅专家填写):学校评阅1.学校评阅2.学校评阅3.评阅情况(联赛评阅专家填写):联赛评阅1.联赛评阅2.联赛评阅3.2012年“深圳杯”全国大学生数学建模夏令营C题:3D仿真机房建模问题分析摘要随着经济的发展、计算机的普及,人们对数据的处理越来越多。

我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): A我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):辽宁省大连海事大学参赛队员(打印并签名) :1.2.3.指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):日期:年月日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):2012高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):赛区评阅记录(可供赛区评阅时使用):评阅人评分备注全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):葡萄酒的评价摘要葡萄酒质量的评定一般是由有资质评酒员在对葡萄酒进行品尝后分类指标打分,然后求和得到其总分而确定,酿酒葡萄的好坏与所酿葡萄酒的质量有直接的关系,葡萄酒和酿酒葡萄检测的理化指标会在一定程度上反映葡萄酒和葡萄的质量。

首先,我们运用了布尔代数(Boolean Algebra),将每个话题被谈论的与否表示为1 和0,即如果某个话题被某人谈论,则其相应位置的值为1 ,反之为0 。
最后得到每个成员后都跟上一个15位只有0 和1 的数(其中的每一位都代表一个话题)。
然后设定一个15位的布尔数,其三个可疑话题的位置为1 其余位置为0 。
一、问题重述与理解1.1 问题重述题目的背景是ICM组织在进行对一项密谋犯罪的调查。
2012年美国大学生数学建模竞赛国际一等奖(Meritorious Winner)获奖论文

AbstractFirstly, we analyze the reasons why leaves have various shapes from the perspective of Genetics and Heredity.Secondly, we take shape and phyllotaxy as standards to classify leaves and then innovatively build the Profile-quantitative Model based on five parameters of leaves and Phyllotaxy-quantitative Model based on three types of Phyllotaxy which make the classification standard precise.Thirdly, to find out whether the shape ‘minimize’ the overlapping area, we build the model based on photosynthesis and come to the conclusion that the leaf shape have relation with the overlapping area. Then we use the Profile-quantitative Model to describe the leaf shape and Phyllotaxy-quantitative Model to describe the ‘distribution of leaves’, and use B-P Neural Network to solve the relation. Finally, we find that, when Phyllotaxy is determined, the leaf shape has certain choices.Fourthly, based on Fractal Geometry, we assume that the profile of a leaf is similar to the profile of the tree. Then we build the tree-Profile-quantitative Model, and use SPSS to analyze the parameters between Profile-quantitative Model and tree-Profile-quantitative Model, and finally come to the conclusion that the profile of leaves has strong correlation to that of trees at certain general characteristics.Fifthly, to calculate the total mass of leaves, the key problem is to find a reasonable geometry model through the complex structure of trees. According to the reference, the Fractal theory could be used to find out the relationship between the branches. So we build the Fractal Model and get the relational expression between the mass leaves of a branch and that of the total leaves. To get the relational expression between leaf mass and the size characteristics, the Fractal Model is again used to analyze the relation between branches and trunk. Finally get the relational expression between leaf mass and the size characteristics.Key words:Leaf shape, Profile-quantitative Model, Phyllotaxy-quantitative Model, B-P Neural Network , Fractal,ContentThe Leaves of a Tree ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2012 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛 MCM

2012 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2012 MCM A: The Leaves of a Tree“How much do the leaves on a tree weigh?” How might one estimate the actual weight of the leaves (or for that matter any other parts of the tree)? How might one classify leaves? Build a mathematical model to describe and classify leaves. Consider and answer the following:▪Why do leaves have the various shapes that they have?▪Do the shapes “minimize” overlapping individual shadows that are cast, so as to maximize exposure? Does the distrib ution of leaves within the “volume” of the tree and its branches effect the shape?▪Speaking of profiles, is leaf shape (general characteristics) related to tree profile/branching structure?▪How would you estimate the leaf mass of a tree? Is there a correlation between the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree (height, mass, volume defined by the profile)?In addition to your one page summary sheet prepare a one page letter to an editor of a scientific journal outlining your key findings.2012 MCM B: Camping along the Big Long RiverVisitors to the Big Long River (225 miles) can enjoy scenic views and exciting white water rapids. The river is inaccessible to hikers, so the only way to enjoy it is to take a river trip that requires several days of camping. River trips all start at First Launch and exit the river at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream. Passengers take either oar- powered rubber rafts, which travel on average 4 mph or motorized boats, which travel on average 8 mph. The trips range from 6 to 18 nights of camping on the river, start to finish.. The government agency responsible for managing this river wants every trip to enjoy a wilderness experience, with minimal contact with other groups of boats on the river. Currently, X trips travel down the Big Long River each year during a six month period (the rest of the year it is too cold for river trips). There are Y camp sites on the Big Long River, distributed fairly uniformly throughout the river corridor. Given the rise in popularity of river rafting, the park managers have been asked to allow more trips to travel down the river. They want to determine how they might schedule an optimal mix of trips, of varying duration (measured in nights on the river) and propulsion (motor or oar) that will utilize the campsites in the best way possible. In other words, how many more boat trips could be added to the Big Long River’s rafting season? The river managers have hired you to advise them on ways in which to develop the best schedule and on ways in which to determine the carrying capacity of the river, remembering that no two sets of campers can occupy the same siteat the same time. In addition to your one page summary sheet, prepare a one page memo to the managers of the river describing your key findings.。

浅析2012年美国大学生数学建模大赛 B题

规定过夜天数与露营点 失败,全随机 失败,与浆和马达正相关(从资料),解决。
理解题目(美?中?) 解题方向与思路(normal? special?) 资料与信息收集 头脑风暴(brain storm) 算法分析与模型建立 论文写作 建议与心得 Q&A
• Given the rise in popularity of river rafting, the park managers have been asked to allow more trips to travel down the river. They want to PROBLEM B: Camping determine how they might schedule an optimal mix of trips, of varying along the Big Long duration (measured in nights on the river) and propulsion (motor or River oar) that will utilize the campsites in the best way possible. In other words, how many more boat trips could be added to the Big Long River’s rafting season? The river managers have hired you to advise them on ways in which to develop the best schedule and on ways in which to determine the carrying capacity of the river, remembering that no two sets of campers can occupy the same site at the same time. In addition to your one page summary sheet, prepare a one page memo to the managers of the river describing your key findings.

2013 Contest ProblemsMCM PROBLEMSPROBLEM A: The Ultimate Brownie PanWhen baking in a rectangular pan heat is concentrated in the 4 corners and the product gets overcooked at the corners (and to a lesser extent at the edges). In a round pan the heat is distributed evenly over the entire outer edge and the product is not overcooked at the edges. However, since most ovens are rectangular in shape using round pans is not efficient with respect to using the space in an oven.Develop a model to show the distribution of heat across the outer edge of a pan for pans of different shapes - rectangular to circular and other shapes in between.Assume1. A width to length ratio of W/L for the oven which is rectangular in shape.2. Each pan must have an area of A.3. Initially two racks in the oven, evenly spaced.Develop a model that can be used to select the best type of pan (shape) under the following conditions:1. Maximize number of pans that can fit in the oven (N)2. Maximize even distribution of heat (H) for the pan3. Optimize a combination of conditions (1) and (2) where weights p and (1- p) are assigned to illustrate how the results vary with different valuesof W/L and p.In addition to your MCM formatted solution, prepare a one to two page advertising sheet for the new Brownie Gourmet Magazine highlighting your design and results.PROBLEM B: Water, Water, EverywhereFresh water is the limiting constraint for development in much of the world. Build a mathematical model for determining an effective, feasible, and cost-efficient water strategy for 2013 to meet the projected water needs of [pick one country from the list below] in 2025, and identify the best water strategy. In particular, your mathematical model must address storage andmovement; de-salinization; and conservation. If possible, use your model to discuss the economic, physical, and environmental implications of your strategy. Provide a non-technical position paper to governmental leadership outlining your approach, its feasibility and costs, and why it is the “best water strategy choice.”Countries: United States, China, Russia, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia。

2012 Contest ProblemsMCM PROBLEMSPROBLEM A: The Leaves of a Tree"How much do the leaves on a tree weigh?" How might one estimate the actual weight of the leaves (or for that matter any other parts of the tree)? How might one classify leaves? Build a mathematical model to describe and classify leaves. Consider and answer the following:?6?1 Why do leaves have the various shapes that they have??6?1 Do the shapes “minimize” overlapping in dividual shadows that are cast, so as to maximize exposure? Does the distribution of leaves within the “volume” of the tree and its branches effect the shape??6?1 Speaking of profiles, is leaf shape (general characteristics) related to tree profile/branching structure??6?1 How would you estimate the leaf mass of a tree? Is there a correlation between the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree (height, mass, volume defined by the profile)?In addition to your one page summary sheet prepare a one page letter to an editor of a scientific journal outlining your key findings.PROBLEM B: Camping along the Big Long RiverVisitors to the Big Long River (225 miles) can enjoy scenic views and exciting white water rapids. The river is inaccessible to hikers, so the only way to enjoy it is to take a river trip that requires several days of camping. River trips all start at First Launch and exit the river at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream. Passengers take either oar- powered rubber rafts, which travel on average 4 mph or motorized boats, which travel on average 8 mph. The trips range from 6 to 18 nights of camping on the river, start to finish.. The government agency responsible for managing this river wants every trip to enjoy a wilderness experience, with minimal contact with other groups of boats on the river. Currently, X trips travel down the Big Long River each year during a six month period (the rest of the year it is too cold for river trips). There are Y camp sites on the Big Long River, distributed fairly uniformly throughout the river corridor. Given the rise in popularity of river rafting, the park managers have been asked to allow more trips to travel down the river. They want to determine how they might schedule an optimal mix of trips, of varying duration (measured in nights on the river) and propulsion (motor or oar) that will utilize the campsites in the best way possible. In other words, how many more boat trips could be added to the Big Long River’s rafting season? The river managers have hired you to advise them on ways in which to develop the best schedule and on ways in which to determine the carrying capacity of the river, remembering that no two sets of campers can occupy the same site at the same time. In additionto your one page summary sheet, prepare a one page memo to the managers of the river describing your key findings.ICM PROBLEMPROBLEM C: Modeling for Crime BustingClick the title below to download a ZIP file containing the 2012 ICM Problem.Your ICM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet and your solution cannot exceed 20 pages for a maximum of 21 pages.Modeling for Crime BustingA“多少钱,树上的叶子重?”你如何估计的实际重量的叶(或对任何其他部分的树)?你如何分类的叶子?建立一个数学模型,描述和分类的叶子。
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Camping along the Big Long RiverSummaryIn this paper, the problem that allows more parties entering recreation system is investigated. In order to let park managers have better arrangements on camping for parties, the problem is divided into four sections to consider.The first section is the description of the process for single-party's rafting. That is, formulating a Status Transfer Equation of a party based on the state of the arriving time at any campsite. Furthermore, we analyze the encounter situations between two parties.Next we build up a simulation model according to the analysis above. Setting that there are recreation sites though the river, count the encounter times when a new party enters this recreation system, and judge whether there exists campsites available for them to station. If the times of encounter between parties are small and the campsite is available, the managers give them a good schedule and permit their rafting, or else, putting off the small interval time t until the party satisfies the conditions.Then solve the problem by the method of computer simulation. We imitate the whole process of rafting for every party, and obtain different numbers of parties, every party's schedule arrangement, travelling time, numbers of every campsite's usage, ratio of these two kinds of rafting boats, and time intervals between two parties' starting time under various numbers of campsites after several times of simulation. Hence, explore the changing law between the numbers of parties (X) and the numbers of campsites (Y) that X ascends rapidly in the first period followed by Y's increasing and the curve tends to be steady and finally looks like a S curve.In the end of our paper, we make sensitive analysis by changing parameters of simulation and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our model, and write a memo to river managers on the arrangements of rafting.Key words: Camping;Computer Simulation; Status Transfer Equation1 IntroductionThe number of visits to outdoor recreation areas has increased dramatically in last three decades. Among all those outdoor activities, rafting is often chose as a family get-together during May to September. Rafting or white water rafting is a kind of interesting and challenging recreational outdoor activity, which uses an inflatable raft to navigate a river or sea [1]. It is very popular in the world, especially in occidental countries. This activity is commonly considered an extreme sport that usually done to thrill and excite the raft passengers on white water or different degrees of rough water. It can be dangerous.During the peak period, there are many tourists coming to experience rafting. In order to satisfy tourists to the maximum, we must make full use of our facilities in hand, which means we must do the utmost to utilize the campsites in the best way possible. What's more, to make more people feel the wildness life, we should minimize the encounters to the best extent; meanwhile no two sets of parties can occupy the same campsite at the same time. It is naturally coming into mind that we should consider where to stop, and when to stop of a party [2].In previous studies [3-5],many researchers have simulated the outdoor creation based on real-life data, because the approach is dynamic, stochastic, and discrete-event, and most recreation systems share these traits. But there exists little research aiming at describing the way that visitors travel and distribute themselves within a recreation system [6]. Hence, in our paper, we consider the whole process of parties in detail and simulate every party ’s behavior, including the location of their campsites, and how long it will last for them to stay in a campsite to finish their itineraries. Meanwhile minimize the numbers of encounters.Aiming at showing the whole process of rafting, we firstly focus on analyzing the situation s of a single-party's rafting by using status transfer equation, then consider the problems of two parties' encounters on the river. Finally, after several times of simulation on the whole process of rafting, we obtain the optimal value of X . 2 Symbols and DefinitionsIn this section, we will give some basic symbols and definitions in the following for the convenience.Table 1. Variable Definition SymbolsDefinition i vi pj i q , S dThe velocity of oar or motor 0-1 variables on choosing rafting transportation 0-1 variables on the occupation of campsitesLength of the riverAverage distance between two campsites3 General AssumptionsIn order to have a better study on this paper, we simplify our model by the following assumptions:1) 19 : 00 to 07: 00 is people's sleeping time, during this time, people are stationedin the campsite. The total time of sleeping is 12 hours, as rafting is an exiting sport game, after a day's entertainment, people have cost a lot of energy, and nearly tired out. So in order to have a better recreation for the next day, we set that people begin their trip at 07:00, and end at 19:00 for a day's schedule.2) Oar- powered rubber rafts and motorized parties can successfully raft from FirstLaunch to Final Exit, there exist no accident over the whole trips.3) All the rubber rafts and motorized boats have the same exterior except velocities;we regard a rubber raft or a motorized boat as a party and don't consider the tourists individuals on the parties.4) There is only one entrance for parties to enter the recreation system.5) Regardless of the effects that the physical features of the river brings to oar andmotorized parties, that is to say we ignore the stream ’s propulsion and resistance to both kinds of rafting boats. Oar and motorized parties can keep the average velocity of 4 mph and 8mph.6) Divide the whole river into N segments.4 Analysis of This Rafting ProblemRafting is a very popular spots game world-wide. In the peak period of rafting, there are more people choosing to raft, it often causes congestion that not all people can raft at any time they want. Hence, it is important for managers to set an optimal schedule for every party (from our assumptions, we regard a rafting boat as a party) in advance. Meanwhile, the parties need to experience wildness life, so the managers should arrange the schedules which minimize the encounters' time between parties to the best extent. What's more, no two sets of parties can occupy the same site at the same time.Our aim is to determine an optimal mix of trips over varying duration (measured YXNj i t ,j TtK Numbers of campsites Numbers of parties Numbers of attraction sites Time of the i th party finishing the whole trip ranges from6 days to 18 days Random staying time at each campsite Delay time of rafting from beginning Threshold value of encounterin nights on the river. That is to say,we must obtain an optimal value of X through lots of trails. This optimal value represents that the campsites have a high usage while more people are available to raft.The Long Big River is 225 miles long, if we discuss the river as a whole and consider all the parties together, it will be difficult for us to have a clear recognition on parties' behaviors. Hence, we divide the river into N attraction sites. Each of the attraction sites has Y/N campsites since the campsites are uniformly distributed throughout the river corridor. So build up a model based on single-party ’s behavior of rafting in small distance. At last, we can use computer simulation to imitate more complex situations with various rafting boats and large quantities of parties. 5 Mathematic Models5.1 Rafting of the Single-party Model (Status Transfer Equation [7])From the previous analysis, in order to have a clear recognition of the whole rafting process, we must analyze every single-party's state at any time.In this model, we consider the situation that a single-party rafts from the First Launch to the Final Exit. So we formulate a model that focus on the behavior of one single-party.For a single-party, it must satisfy the following equation: status transfer equation. it represents the relationships between its former state and the latter state. State here means: when the i th party arrives at the j th campsites, the party may occupy the j th campsite or not.As a party can choose two kinds of transportation to raft: oar- powered rubber rafts(i v =4mph) and motorized rafts(i v =8mph). i v is the velocity of the rafting boats,and i p is the 0-1 variables of the selecting for boats. Therefore, we can obtainthe following equation:)1(84i i i p p v -+= (i=1,2,…,X ). (1) where i p =0 if the i th party uses motorized boat as their rafting tool, at thistime i v =8mph ; while i p =1 when , the i th party rafts with oar- powered rubber raft with i v =4mph. In fact, Eq.(1) denotes which kind of rafting boat a party can choose.A party not only has choice on rafting boats, but also can select where to camp based on whether the campsites are occupied or not. The following formulation shows the situation whether this party chooses this campsite or not:⎩⎨⎧=p a r t y p r e v i o u s a b y o c c u pi e d is campsite the 0,party previous a by occupied not is campsite the q ij ,1 (2) where i =1,2,…,X ; j =1,2,…,Y .Where the next one can’t set their camp at this place anymore, that is to say thelatter party’s behavior is determined by the former one.As campsites are fairly uniformly distributed throughout the river corridor, hence, we discrete the whole river into segments, and regard Y campsites as Y nodes which leaves out (Y +1) intervals. Finally we get the average distance between th e j th campsite and (j+1)th campsite:1+=Y S d (3) where is the length of the river, and its value is 225 miles.What’s more, the trip -days for a party is not infinite, it has fluctuating intervals: h t h j i 432144,≤≤ (4) where is the t i ,j itinerary time for a party ranges from 144 hours to 432 hours (6 to 18 nights).From Eq.(1), (2) and (3), the status transfer equation is given as follows: ),...2,1,,...2,1(11,1,,Y j X i T q v d t t j j i i j i j i ==⨯++=--- (5)The i th party’s arriving time at the j th campsite is determined by the time when the i th arrived at (j-1)campsite, the time interval i v d , and the time T j-1 random generated by computer shown in Eq.(5). It is a dynamic process and determined by its previous behavior.5.2 The Analysis of Two Parties’ Encounter on the RiverOur goal is to making full use of the campsites. Hence, the objective of all the formulation is to maximize the quantities of trips (parties )X while consider getting rid of the congestion. If we reduce the numbers of the encounters among parties, there will be no congestion. In order to achieve this goal, we analysis the situations of when two parties’ to encounter, and where they will enco unter.In order to create a wildness environment for parties to experience wildness life, managers arrange a schedule that can make any two parties have minimal encounters with each other. Encounter is that parties meet at the same place and at the same time. Regarding the river as a whole is not convenient to study, hence, our discussion is based on a small distance where distance=d (Eq.3), between the j th and ( j+1)th campsites. Finally the encounter problem of the whole river is transferred into small fractions. On analyzing encounter problem in d and count numbers of each encounter in d together, we get a clear recognition of the whole process and the total numbers of encounter of two parties.The following Figure 1 represents random two parties rafting in d :Figure 1. Random two parties' encounter or not on the riverThe i th party arrives at j th campsite (t j k ,-t j i ,) time earlier than the k th party reaches the j th campsite. After t time, interval distance between the i th party and the k th party can be denoted by the following function:)()(t t t v t v t S ij kj i k j +-⨯-⨯=∆ (6) Where k,i =1,2,…,X , j =1,2,…,Y . k i ≠.Whether the two parties stationed on the j th campsite and(j +1)th campsite are based on the state of the campsites’occupation, yields we obtain:⎩⎨⎧=⨯01,,j k j i q q ( i,k =1,2,…,X ; j =1,2,…,Y ; k ≠i ) (7)Note that Eq.6 is constrained by Eq.7, for different value of )(t S J ∆ andj k j i q q ,,⨯we can obtain the different cases as follows:Case 1:⎩⎨⎧=⨯=∆10)(,,j k ji j q q t S (8) Which means both the i th and k th party don’t choose the j th campsite, they arerafting on the river. Hence, when the interval distance between the two parties is 0, that is )(t S J ∆=0,they encounter at a certain place in d on the river.Cases2:⎩⎨⎧=⨯=∆00)(,,j k ji j q q t S (9) Although the interval distance between the two parties is 0, the j th campsite is occupied by the i th party or the k th party. That is one of them stop to camp at a certain place throughout the river corridor. Hence, there is no possibility for them to encounter on the river.Cases 3:⎩⎨⎧=⨯≠∆10)(,,j k j i j q q t S⎩⎨⎧=⨯≠∆00)(,,j k j i j q q t S (10) No matter the j th campsite is occupied or not for )(t S J ∆≠0 , that is at the same time, they are not at the same place. Hence, they will not encounter at any place in d .5. 3 Overview of Computer Simulation Modeling to Rafting5.3.1 Computer SimulationSimulation modeling is a kind of method to imitate the real-word process or a system. This approach is especially suited to those tasks which are too complex for direct observation, manipulation, or even analytical mathematical analysis (Banks and Carson 1984, Law and Kelton 1991, Pidd 1992).The most appropriate approach for simulating out-door recreation is dynamic, stochastic, and discrete-event model, since most recreation systems share these traits. In all, simulation models can reflect the real-world accurately.5.3.2 Simulation for the Whole Process of Parties on Rafting [8]This simulation can approximate show a party’s behavior on the river under a wide rang of conditions. From the analysis of the previous study, we have known that the next party’s behavior is affected by the former one. Hence, when the first party enters the rafting system, there is no encounter, and it can choose every campsite. then the second party comes into the rafting system , at this time, we must consider the encounter between them, and the limit on choosing the campsite. As time goes by, more and more parties enter this system to raft which lead to a more complex situation. A party who satisfies the following two conditions will be removed from the current order to the next order. So he can’t “finish his trip” right away. The two conditions are as follows:(1) He chooses a campsite where has been occupied by other parties.(2) He has two many encounters with other parties.So in order to determine typical trip itineraries for various types of rafting boat ,campsite, and time intervals (See Trip Schedule Sheet 1),we need to perform a series of trails run that can represent the real-life process of rafting based on these considerations,. A main flowchart of the program is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. Main simulation flowchartAfter several times of simulation, we obtain the optimal X (the numbers of campsites), minimal E(Encounter) and TP (Trip Time).Followed by Figure 2, we simulate the behavior of a party whether it can enterthe rafting system or not in Figure 3.Figure 3.Sub flowchart5.3.3 The Results of SimulationAfter simulating the whole process of parties rafting on the river, we get three figures (Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6) to present the results.In order to simulate the rafting process more conveniently, we divide the whole river into 31 segments (31 attraction sites), and input an initial value of Y=155(numbers of campsites), where there are 5 campsites in every attraction sites.We represent the times of campsites occupied by various parties on Figure 2 by coordinates( x, y), where x is the order of the campsites from 0 to 155(these campsites are all uniformly distributed thorough the corridor), and y is the numbers of each campsite occupied by different parties. For example, (140,1100)represents that at the campsite, there exists nearly 1100 times of occupation in total by parties over 180days. Hence, the following Figure 4 shows the times of campsites’ usage from March to September.Figure 4.Numbers of campsites' usage during six-month period from March to SeptemberFrom Figure 4, The numbers of campsites’ usage can be identified the efficiency of every campsites’ usage. The higher usage of the campsites, the higher efficiency they are. Based on these, we give a simple suggestion to managers (see in Memo to Managers).Figure 5. the ratio of usage on campsites with time going byFigure 5 shows the changes of the ratio on campsites. when t =0, the campsites are not used , but with time going by, the ratio of the usage of campsites becomes higher and higher.We can also obtain that when t >20, the ratio keeps on a steady level of 65% ; but when t >176 , the ratio comes down, that is, there are little parties entering the recreation system. In all, these changes are rational very much, and have high coincidence with real-world.Then we obtain 1599 parties arranged into recreation system after inputting the initial value Y=155, and set orders to every party from number 0 to number 1599. Plotting every party's travelling time of the whole process on a map by simulating, as follows:Figure 6. Every party’s travelling timeFigure 6 shows the itinerary of the travelling time, most of the travelling time is fluctuating between 13days and 15.3 days, and most of travelling time are concentrated around 14 days.In order to create an outdoor life for all parties, we should minimize the numbers of encounter among different parties based on equations (6) and (7):So we get every party’s numbers of encounter by coordinates ( x, y), where x is the order of the parties from 0 to 1600, y is the numbers of encounters. Shown in Figure 7, as follows:Figure 7. Every party’s numbers of encounterFigure 7 shows every party’s numbers of encounter at each campsite. From this figure, we can know that the numbers of their encounter are relatively less, the highest one is 8 times, and most of the parties don’t encounter during their trips, which is coincident with the real-world data.Finally, according to the travelling time of a party from March to September, we set a plan for river managers to arrange the number of parties. Hence, by simulating the model, we obtain the results by coordinate ( x, y), where y is the days of travelling time, x is the numbers of parties on every day. The figure is shown as follows:Figure 8. Simulation on travelling days versus the numbers of parties From Figure 8.we set a suitable plan for river manager, which also provide reference on his managements.6 Sensitive AnalyzeSensitive analysis is very critical in mathematical modeling, it is a way to gauge the robustness of a model with respect to assumptions about the data and parameters. We try several times of simulation to get different numbers of parties on changing the numbers of campsites ceaselessly. Thus using the simulative data, we get the relationship between the numbers of campsites and parties by fitting. On the basis of this fitting, we revise the maximal encounter times (Threshold value) continually, and can also get the results of the relationships between the numbers of campsites and parties by fitting. Finally, we obtain a Figure 9denoting the relations of Y (numbers of campsites)and X(numbers of parties), as follows:Figure 9 .Sensitive analysis under different threshold values Given the permitted maximal numbers of encounters (threshold value= K), we obtain the relationships between Y(numbers of campsites) and X( numbers of trips). For example, when K=1 , it means no encounters are allowed on the river when rafting; when K=2, there is less than 2 chances for the boats to meet. So we can define the K=4,6,8 to describe the sensitivity of our model.From Figure 9, we get the information that with the increase of K , the numbers of boats available to rafts till increase. But when K>6 , the change of the numbers of boats is inconspicuous, which is not the main factor having appreciable impact on theIn all, when the numbers of campsites ( Y ) are less than 250, they would have a great effect on the numbers of boats. But in the diverse situations, like when Y>250 , the effect caused by adding the numbers of campsites to hold more boats is not notable.When K<6 , the numbers of boats available increases with the ascending of K , While K>6 , the numbers of boats don’t have g reat change .Take all these factors into consideration, it reflects that the numbers of the boats can’t exceed its upper limit. Increase the numbers of campsites and numbers of encounter blindly can’t bring back more profits.7 Strengths and WeaknessesStrengthsOur model has achieved all of the goals we set initially effectively. It is not only fast and could handle large quantities of data, but also has the flexibility we desire.Though we don’t test all possibilities, if we had chosen to inpu t the numbers of campsites data into our program, we could have produced high-quality results with virtually no added difficulty. Aswell, our method was robust.Based on general assumptions we have made in previous task, we consider a party’s state in the first place, then simulate the whole process of rafting. It is an exact reflection of the real-world. Hence, our main model's strength is its enormousedibility and stability and there are some key strengths:(1) The flowchart represents the whole process of rafting by given different initialvalues. It not only makes it possible to develop trip itineraries that are statistically more representatives of the total population of river trips, but also eliminates the tedious task of manual writing .(2)Our m odel focuses on parties’ behavior and interactions between each other, notthe managers on the arrangement of rafting, which can also get satisfactory and high-quality results.(3) Our model makes full use of campsites, while avoid too many encounters, whichleads to rational arrangements.WeaknessesOn the one hand, although we list the model's comprehensive simulation as a strength, it is paradoxically also the most notable weakness since we don’t take into account the carrying capacity of the water when simulates, and suppose that a river can bear as much weight as possible. But in reality, that is impossible. On the other hand, our results are not optimal, but relative optimal.8 ConclusionsAfter a serial of trials, we get different values of X based on the general assumptions we make. By comparing them, we choose a relative better one. From this problem, it verifies the important use of simulation especially in complex situations. Here we consider if we change some of the assumptions, it may lead to various results. For example,(a) Let the velocity of this two kinds of boats submit to normal distribution.In this paper, the average velocity of oar- powered rubber rafts and motorized boats are 4mphand 8mph, respectively. But in real-world, the speed of the boats can’t get rid of the impacts from external force like stream’s propulsion and resistance. Hence, they keep on changing all the time.(b) Add and reduce campsites to improve the ratio of usage on campsites. By analyzing and simulating, the usage of each campsite is different which may lead to waste or congestion at a campsite. Hence, we can adjust the distribution of campsites to arrive the best use.A Memo to River ManagersOur simulation model is with high edibility and stability in many occasions. It can imitate every party’s behavior when rafting so as to make a clear recognition of the process.Internal Workings of The ModelInputsOur model needs to input initial value of Y , as well as the numbers of attraction sites. Algorithm ( Figure 2, and Figure 3)Our algorithm represents the whole process of rafting, so we can use it to simulate the process of rafting by inputting various initial values.OutputsBased on the algorithm in our paper, our model will output the relative optimalnumbers of parties X. Furthermore, we can also get other information, such as the interval time between two parties at First Launch, a detailed schedule for each party of rafting , the relationship between X and Y and so on.Summary and RecommendationsAfter 100 times of simulating, we come to two conclusions:(a) The numbers of parties (X) have relations with the numbers of campsites(Y), that is to say, with the increasing of Y , the increasing speed of X goes fast at the first place and then goes down, finally it tends to be steady. Hence, we advice river managers to adjust the numbers of campsites properly to get the optimal numbers of parties.(b) Add campsites to the high usage of the former campsites and deduce campsites at the low usage of the former campsites. From Figure 4, we know that the ratios of every campsites are different, some campsites are frequently used, but some are not. 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