
5.融情于 事,指 通过叙 述事件 来抒发 感情, 让感情 从具体 事件的 叙述中 自然地 流露出 来,感 染读者 。这种 渗透着 感情的 叙述, 读者品 味起来 就更觉 得真诚 可亲。
6.通过对 客观事 物的描 写或刻 画,间 接表现 出作者 的志向 、意愿 。采用 托物言 志,关 键是志 与物要 有某种 相同点 或相似 点,使 物能达 意而志 为物核 。托物 言志常 借用比 拟、象 征等手 法。
7.要写好 一篇记 叙文, 首先必 须确定 自己的 情感, 然后根 据自己 的情感 选择提 炼材料 ,再加 以细致 的描写 ,在必 要的地 方画龙 点睛地 穿插一 点议论 。
8.对任何 一篇记 叙文而 言,叙 述是骨 架,描 写是血 肉,而 抒情与 议论则 是灵魂 ,这四 者是缺 一不可 的。总 之,我 们要学 会综合 运用多 种表现 手法, 使我们 笔下的 文字显 得生动 活泼、 形象可 感、醒 人耳目 、启人 深思。
1. 称呼:Dear Sir or Madam/Yao Ming, 2. 首句:
I am writing to … 缩进式(空四个字母) 3. 结尾: Yours sincerely,
Li Hua 此三项经常会在作文纸上填好了,如果没有就按
1. 告知对方你的身份(不认识的情况) Dear Sir, I am a student… I am from Class…Grade 2… My name is…
1.当我们常常以为自己顶不住的时候 ,并不 是最后 的时刻 ,而是 我们的 精神崩 溃了。 那你只 要坚持 精神的 重整, 坚持精 神的出 发,其 实当我 们觉得 ,那是 万劫不 复的情 景,也 依然可 以去找 到它的 出口, 也依然 可以坚 持过来

I am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room./ I wish to make a complaint about…/ I am writing to draw your attention to….
(二)信纸格式: 日期:本月份的缩写 称呼(后面的标点是逗号,冒号):Dear Sir or Madam,
To whom it may concern,
正文:空4个字节或者顶格写,段与段之间空行) 签名:sincerely yours
▪ 书信写作的五点要求: 1、开门见山说意图 2、咨询/ 建议1、2、3、 3、不同内容可分段 4、感谢客气不可少 5、期待回信成老套
I am writing to you because I am unable to…./ I am terribly sorry that…./ I would like to express my apologies for not being able to….
4)询问: I would like to obtain /request/seek/inquire some information about…
forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, William Jeremy Smith
Mail box No.23, GX university Nanning, Guangxi , China 27 Dec, 2007
Writing—Practical Writing

I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you. The help you give me is sincerely valued. I hope everything will be well with you . Please let us know if you want more information.
指发信人的地址和日期。写在信纸的右 上角,可以从靠近信纸的中央写起。信头上 面要留空白。先写发信人地址。地址的写法 与汉语不同,要先写小地方,后写大地方。 在地址的下面写上日期。
年份应完全写出,不能简写。 月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。 月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为较短,不可缩写。 写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,……28, 29,30,31等,也可用序数词 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ……28th, 29th, 30th, 31lst等。 但最好用基数词,简单明了。
6.结束语(Complimentary Close)
结束语是写信人表示自己对收信人的一种 谦称,只占一行,低于正文一二行。第一 个词的开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。结 束语视写信人与收信人的关系而定
Yours (very) truly Yours (very) faithfully Yours (very) sincerely
高中英语书信作文 PPT课件 图文

1. 发出请求或建议
I hope you can take this matter into consideration. I would appreciate it if you could deal with it as soon as possible. I suggest/recommend that…
谢谢! 学妹给我打电话,说她又换工作了,这次是销售。电话里,她絮絮叨叨说着一年多来工作上的不如意,她说工作一点都不开心,找不到半点成就感。 末了,她问我:学姐,为什么想 找一份 自己热 爱的工 作这么 难呢? 我问她上一份工作干了多久,她 说不到 三个月 ,做的 还是行 政助理 的工作 ,工作 内容枯 燥乏味 不说, 还特别 容易得 罪人, 实在不 是自己 的理想 型。 我又问了她前几份工作辞职的原 因,结 果都是 大同小 异,不 是因为 工作乏 味,就 是同事 不好相 处,再 者就是 薪水太 低,发 展前景 堪忧。 粗略估计,这姑娘毕业不到一年 ,工作 却已经 换了四 五份, 还跨了 三个行 业。 但即使如此频繁的跳槽,她也仍 然没有 找不到 自己满 意的工 作。 2 我问她,心目中理想型的工作是 什么样 子的。 她说, 姐,你 知道苏 明玉吗 ?就是 《都挺 好》电 视剧里 的女老 大,我 就喜欢 她样子 的工作 ,有挑 战有成 就感, 有钱有 权,生 活自由 ,如果 给我那 样的工 作,我 会投入 我全部 的热情 。 听她说完,我尴尬的笑了笑。 其实每一个人都向往这样的成功 ,但这 姑娘却 本末倒 置了, 并不是 有了钱 有了权 有了成 就以后 才全力 以赴的 工作, 而是全 力以赴 工作, 投入了 自己的 全部以 后,才 有了地 位名望 钱财。 你要先投入,才会有收获,当你 真正投 入做一 件事后 ,会明 白两件 事:首 先你会 明白, 把

Faced with / Facing so much difficulty, I have to turn to you
for help. Would you like to ___________ so that / in order that
_________? In the meanwhile / Meanwhile, ___________.
11. 克服恐惧
12. 取得巨大的进步_m__a_k_e__g_r_e_a_t_p__r_o_g_r_e_s_s___
13. 渴望做某事
be anxiou_s_t_o_d__o_s_t_h_._/__lo_n__g_t_o__d_o__s_th.
5. 面临困难
6. 忙于做某事
be busy doing__s_t_h_._/_b_e__e_n_g_a_g__e_d_i_n__d_o_i_ng sth. 7. 为某事做准备 _p_r_e_p_a__r_e_f_o_r__st_h_._________ 8. 集中精力 _c_o_n_c_e_n__tr_a__te__o_n__/_f_o_c_u_s__o_n 9. 学以致用 _p__u_t_…__i_n_t_o_u_s_e___________ 10. 让某人失望 _l_e_t_s_b_.__d_o_w__n_____________
3. 不幸的是,我觉得做某事很困难。
3. Unfortunately, I find/feel it quite
difficult/hard to do sth.

商务英语信函结构课件English:The structure of a business English letter typically consists of the following key elements: sender's address, date, recipient's address, salutation, body of the letter, complimentary close, and sender's signature. Firstly, the sender's address is placed at the top right corner of the letter and includes the sender's name, company name, address, phone number, and email address. Next, the date is written below the sender's address on the right-hand side. The recipient's address is then aligned with the left margin, followed by the salutation, which is typically "Dear" followed by the recipient's name. The body of the letter contains the main message or purpose of the letter, written in a clear and concise manner. It is important to use formal language and maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. The complimentary close is located at the end of the letter and is followed by the sender's signature.中文翻译:商务英语信函的结构通常包括以下关键要素:发件人地址、日期、收件人地址、称呼、信函正文、结束语、发件人签名。

1. 确定收信人姓名 2. 简述感谢内容 3. 表达对对方的感谢之情 4. 结尾问候
书信是一种文学形式,可以展现 人的情感和思想。
书信能够在人与人之间建立情感 共鸣。
书信不仅是现代社会的交流方式, 更是连接人们的历史纽带。
3 避免口语化语言
书信是正式的交流方式,需要避免使用口语 化语言。
4 邮戳和邮寄标签
在书写地址时,要注意给出足够的邮戳和邮 寄标签。
通过学习英语书信的格式和注意事项,我们可以更好地在国际交流中表达自 己的思想和情感。
《英语书信的格式》PPT 课件
通过本课件,我们将学习英语书信的格式和注意事项,为更好地表达思想和 情感做好准备。
1. 头部信息 2. 称呼 3. 正文 4. 结尾
要注意在书写时选择简洁明了、 不拖泥带水的表达方式。
书信是正式的交流方式,需要 避免使用口语化语言。

Professor Lawerence S. Cohen
Yale University School of Medicine 333 Cedar Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06510 U.S.A
Zhao Min
Medical English Writing 医学英语写作
第十章 医用函件 (Medical Correspondence)
英文书信的种类 英文书信的格式 几种常用的信件
书信是一种应用非常广泛的应用文形式之一。 英文书信的种类很多,但可以把它们归为两大类, 一类是私人书信(personal letters),另一类是商 务书信(business letters),英文书信主要包括自 荐信、申请信、邀请信、投诉信、证明信、感谢 信、介绍信、说明书、推荐信、求职信、祝贺信 等。
对收信人的称呼 (Salutation)
收信人 男士 未婚女性 已婚女性 婚姻状况不详的女性 有职业头衔 单位负责人,但不知其姓氏
Interstate Products, Inc. 511 Interstate Court Sarasota, FL 34240 USA
Shandong Foreign Trade (Holdings) Corporation Limited 51,TAIPING ROAD QINGDAO, 266001 CHINA
位置: 美式:在信头和收信人名称地址之间 英式:通常在收信人名称地址之下
均可以齐头,也可以靠右 写法: 美式:月-日-年 英式:日-月-年 年之前用逗号。 日期可有下列几种写法: ① Oct. 20, 2004; ② 10 May., 2004; ③ 3rd June, 2004; ④ Sept. 16th, 2004 其中,①最为通用。

Practice writing skills: Through extensive writing exercises, one can master various writing techniques, such as paragraph organization, sentence structure, rhetorical devices, etc.
Dictionaries are the most related resources for checking correct spellings, and they also provide information on variant spellings and their usage
Grammar rules
English grammar rules govern the structure and usage of words in sentences, including subject verb agreements, advance usage, tense usage, and voice usage
The uppercase letters "A", "C", "E", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Z" are written with two lines

The Manager Barminster Bank Ltd London EC2 5BP England
5) Attention Line (经办人)
商务和官方信函虽然写给公司或政府机构, 商务和官方信函虽然写给公司或政府机构,但常常由某个 成员收阅并办理信中事务。若写上经办人姓名, 成员收阅并办理信中事务。若写上经办人姓名,可以加 快信函的处理。 快信函的处理。经办人姓名一般置于封内地址和称呼之 可左齐,缩行,也可居中。可全部大写, 间,可左齐,缩行,也可居中。可全部大写,也可有大 小写并下划线。 后可用冒号或破折号, 小写并下划线。Attention 后可用冒号或破折号,也可 不用标点。例如: 不用标点。例如:
We are awaiting your good news. We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Please remember me to your family. Should there be anything else we can do for you, please let us know. We look forward to your confirmation at your earliest convenience. 如果信函的正文很长,需要续页时,则需 如果信函的正文很长,需要续页时, 要注意以下细节: 要注意以下细节:
Dr. Johnson - 2 - June 2, 2003 Page 2 International Trading Co. Ltd. May 8, 2002 International Trading Co. Ltd. July 8, 2003 Page 2

Begin with a formal meeting, state your purpose for writing, provide a brief overview of your qualifications, highlight any relevant experience or skills, and end with a call for action or expression of graduation
Address the recipient formally, using appropriate titles and terms of respect
Use referential language, avoiding statements that may sound coherent or causative
Begin with a warm meeting, express your graduation, provide specific examples of what you are pregnant for, and end with a single closure
Thank you letter
The signature at the end of a letter is usually the name or abbreviation of the writer.
If the writer represents an organization or company, the name of the representative organization or company should be indicated before signing.

business letter requires the same kind of exactness and clarity that all good
writing does. It must be clear, well-organized interesting, and grammatically correct.
How To Write English Letters Properly
Letter writing has been used for centuries in communicating across the great oceans, as well as many other facets of communication. Letter writing has a way of bringing people together, but it can also destroy relationships and people. That is why it is so
2. Parts of a letter
2.1 Heading The heading, consisting of the address of the writer and the date of the letter, usually goes at the upper right-hand side of a letter. It may either take the block style or the indented style. It may or may not have end punctuation. If
2. Parts of a letter
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• The help and advice you gave to us, and the introductions you arranged for us, were both very useful and made us feel at home. Thank you for all you have done . If have chance, welcome to China and we will give you the best treatment, too.
Yours Li Hua
• I'm glad to invite you. to ……
• thank you for……
• I would like to tell you something about ……
• Could you give me some advice on.....
Tips: 1、使用顺序词:First,…… Second,……
Third,…… 2、多用连接词,转折词 Then, and , so , but,
However, Therefore …… 3、把长句切成短句来写,注意主谓宾齐全。
• 四、结束语(第三段):
• 建议意见类:In my opinion, I think we must…….. Please write back soon and tell me your advice. I hope ……
• 朋友类: I must stop here. Please write back soon and tell me all your news. I hope we can get together some day.
五、祝福: Best wishes! Best wishes to you and your family!
• 英文书信通常包括六个部分: • Heading(信头—称呼), • Theme(首段:打招呼,点题), • Body of Letter(第二段:信的正文), • Complementary Close(第三段:结束
语), • Wishes (祝福) • Signature(签名)
一、称呼 :
Dear Sir: Dear Madam:
Dear editor:
Dear Mr... Dear Mrs ...
Dear Aunt/Uncle
Dear Tom
I'm a senior high school student of Grade rom XX Middle School.
• I must stop here, hope we can meet together some time next year.
• Best wishes to you and your students.
yours, Li Hua.
• Dear Bill:
• Hello, long time not see, I miss you very much. Hope everything is fine. I’m writing to invite you to have a trip to Beijing with me.
• I have booked two tickets for a travel to Beijing for my brother and me through China Travel Agency, but my brother will be busy next week. So he can not go with me.I would be glad if you can go traveling with me. You said you're interested in Beijing, didn't you?
Long time not see. I miss you very much. How are you now?
I‘m writing to ……
要有一个中心思想,内容表达清楚,语言简单明了, 要有条理,态度诚恳礼貌。给亲友的信还应该亲切热情, 适当发表自己的感想或穿插一些形容和评价,以增加字
• Please write back soon and tell me your decision.
• Best wishes!
Yours: Li Hua
• The reason why ……is that……
• I think we should……
• On the one hand,… On the other hand……
• I like……best becau.se……
Thanks Letter
• Dear Mr. Smith
• Remember me ? My name is Li Hua, a senior high school student from China. I am writing to you just to tell you how much I appreciate the warm welcome from you and your students last week when we visited your school.