
答选择题时,2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的 答案标号涂黑。
I.单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday. we had together there.A.What good timeB.What a good timeC.How good timeD.How a good2.-Why not live in your new house ?-Sounds a good idea ,but it.It wil be OK next month.A. will paintB.had paintedC.is being paintedD.has beendoctor.you should be doing these exercises,consult yourattention on your work.you change your mind,the less likely you are to focus your3.I f you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about the future,you miss the excellent opportunity.A.m ayB.needn'tC.couldD.mustn't4.after carefully,the plant can live through the winter.A.LookedB.LookingC.To lookD.Having looked5.N o sooner down to relax than her smartphone rang.A.Alice satB.sat AliceC.does Alice sitD.had Alice sat6.L ife in the city is tough for a parent kids aren't keeping up in school.A.h isB.of whomC.whoseD.of which7.一How amazing!You can't imagine一Really?little animals can eat much food.A.such;soB.such;suchC.so;suchD.so;so8.G eorge Orwell is best known for his two novels,Animal Farm and1984,were written and published toward the end of his life.of whichA.a llB.bothC.eachD.either9.I f you are in any doubt as toA.t hatB.ifC.whateverD.whether10.A.As my dad is known to only a few people in the town,his reputation among them is great.B.SinceC.WhileD.Unless11.Some people thinkmost frequentB.most frequentlyC.the, A. m ore frequentD.the more frequently12. It's 20years since I left my hometown ;it has changedA. a boveB.beyondC.withinmy recognition.D.over13. If youdifficulty now.to Mr .Smith more carefully ,you could work out the problem without anyA. l istenedB.listenC.had listenedD.have listened14. What is the relationship between "furniture"and "table"?A. AntonymyB. HyponymyC. PolysemyD. Synonymy15. The novel, Wuthering Heights, was written by.A. Emily BronteC. Jane AustenB. James JoyceD. Robert BrowningⅡ.完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

教师资格考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》课程试卷(含答案)__________学年第___学期考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:90 分钟年级专业_____________学号_____________ 姓名_____________1、单项选择题(36分,每题1分)1. Our _____ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60,most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smelland 50 percent of their taste buds.A. sensibleB. sensitiveC. senselessD. sensory答案:D解析:sensible意为“明智的,合情理的”;senseless意为“失去知觉的,不省人事的”:sensitive意为“敏感的”;sensory意为“感觉的,传递感觉的”。
2. When the whole area was _____ by flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.A. cut upB. cut offC. cut awayD. cut down答案:B解析:题干句子意思是说区域被洪水阻断了。
cut away意为“砍掉,剪掉”;cut down意为“减少,减低”;cut up意为“切、砍,使悲痛”;cut off意为“打断,阻隔”。
3. —Doctor, it seems _____ you like to work with animals. —Yes, I think animals should _____ as our friends.A. that regardB. what regardC. that be regardedD. what be regarded答案:C解析:it seems thatas if…为固定用法,表示“好像……”;答句中表示主语“被……”,应用被动语态。

2016年上半年中小学教师资格考试真题试卷《英语学科知识与教学能力》(初级中学)(满分150分)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.Walnuttrees____environmentstressessuchasdroughtbyproducingsignificantamountsofasubstancesimilar toaspirin.A.turntoB.confirmtoC.contributetoD.respondto2.Johnfeltgreat____abouthisupcomingtriptoSidney;indeed,hecouldhardlycontainhisenthusiasm.A.unrestB.uncertaintyC.anGietyD.eGcitement3.Theprofessor’s classroommannerwasquite____,neverrevealingthewarmthandplayfulnesssheshowedinprivate.A.livelyB.amiableC.formalD.cheerful4.Againas____inthiseGperiment,hedid n’t loseheart.A.hefailedB.didhefailC.hedidfailD.hadhefailed5.Taiwanlies____theeastofFujianandislargerthan____islandinChina.A.to;anyB.in;anyC.to;anyotherD.in;anyother6.JohnsonisamanofgreateGperience,____muchcanbelearned.A.forwhomB.forwhichC.fromthatD.fromwhom7.Whichofthefollowingshowsthecorrectsentencestressinnormalcases?A.Hisʹbrotherismyʹbestfriend.B.Theyʹhelponeʹanotherintheirwork.C.Theyhaveʹbeenintheʹcountrysiderecently.D.Sheʹthoughtherselfʹbetterʹthanʹanyoneelse.8.Thephrase“____”eGemplifiestheincompleteplosionatthejunctionofwords.A.goodmorningB.blackshirtC.deliciouscherryD.beautifuljacket9.Thesynonymouspair“____”differindegreeofformality.A.passaway and popoffB.accuse and chargeC.prison and jailD.tap and faucet10.Whenusingtheimperative“Turnitoff”togiveanorder,thespeakerhighlightsthe____oftheutterance.A.locutionaryactB.illocutionaryactC.perlocutionaryactD.indirectspeechact11.Fluentandappropriatelanguageuserequiresknowledgeof____andthissuggeststhatweshouldteachleGicalchunksratherthansinglewords.A.connotationB.denotationC.morphologyD.collocation12.“Underliningallthepastformverbsinthedialogue”isatypicaleGercisefocusingon____.eB.formC.meaningD.function13.Whichofthefollowingactivitiesmaybemoreappropriatetohelpstudentspracticeanewst ructureimmediatelyafterpresentationinclass?A.Roleplay.B.Groupdiscussion.C.Patterndrill.D.Writtenhomework.14.Whenteachingstudentshowtogiveappropriateresponsestoacongratulationoranapolog y,theteacherisprobablyteachingat____.A.leGicallevelB.sentencelevelC.grammaticallevelD.discourselevel15.Whichofthefollowingactivitiescanhelpdeveloptheskilloflisteningforgist?A.ListenandfindoutwhereJimlives.B.Listenanddecideonthebesttitleforthepassage.C.Listenandunderlinethewordsthespeakerstresses.D.Listentopairsofwordsandtelliftheyarethesame.16.WhenanEFLteacheraskshisstudents“HowdoyouknowthattheauthorlikedtheplacesincehedidnottelluseGplicitly?”,he/sheishelpingstudentstoreach____comprehension.A.literalB.evaluativeC.inferentialD.appreciative17.Whichofthefollowingtypesofquestionsaremostlyusedforcheckingliteralcomprehensi onoftheteGt?A.Displayquestions.B.Rhetoricalquestions.C.Evaluationquestions.D.Referentialquestions.18.Whichofthefollowingisatypicalfeatureofinformalwriting?A.Awell-organizedstructureispreferred.B.Shortandincompletesentencesarecommon.C.Technicaltermsanddefinitionsarerequired.D.Awiderangeofvocabularyandstructuralpatternsareused.19.Peer-editingduringclassisanimportantstepofthe____approachtoteaching.A.genre-basedB.content-basedC.process-orientedD.product-oriented20.Portfolios,dailyreportsandspeechdeliveringaretypicalmeansof____.A.norm-referencedtestB.criterion-referencedtestC.summativeassessmentD.formativeassessment阅读Passage1,完成第21~25小题。

2018上半年教师资格考试初中英语面试真题初中英语:Lin Fei's daily life一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will be able to describe their daily life and acquire some knowledge about listening strategies.Ability aim: Students can obtain the main idea quickly from the listening material and develop the ability of grasping detail information.Emotional aim: Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and be fond of taking part in kinds of practical activities.Teaching Key Points:Students can get the main idea and useful information from the listening material.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply these skills in their listening and apply these expression in their daily communication.Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, audio-lingual teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard, recorder and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing an English song It' my life, invite the whole students to clap when singing together and lead to the topic.Step 2: Pre-listening1.Free talk: Give students three minutes to talk about their own daily life and invite them to share it.2.Prediction: Let students work in pairs and ask them to predict Lin Fei's daily life.Step 3: While-listening1. Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them when Lin Fei gets up and whenhe goes to school, then let students to share answers.2.Listen to the tape for the second time and ask them to fill in the chart, then invite them to share their answers.Step 4: Production1.Retelling: Ask students to retell Lin Fei's daily life with the help of the chat in their own words, and teacher will give them 3 minutes to prepare it and 3 minutes later, invite some students to share their retelling in the front.2.Survey: Let students discuss their own daily life in the group of four and makea report in the form of chart. 8 minutes later teacher invites some groups to share the result of their reports.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : Invite a little teacher to help teacher make a summary of this class.Homework: Let students introduce their daily life to their parents and make a share in the next class.Blackboard design:初中英语:口语教学活动二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence structure “We have great bags for only ¥12! we have....for only....; You can buy...for only .... ”.Ability aim: Students can use these sentence structures to apply in their daily life.Emotional aim: Students will improve their confidence of learning English and not afraid of speaking English in Class.Teaching Key Points:Students know the expressions about describing great sale and master the sentence structure.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply the expressions into daily communication.Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Play a video about an advertisement of Huawei phone and invite students to talk about the content of this video.Then the teacher leads in the topic of “Huaxing’s great sale.”Step 2: Pre-speaking1.Show two pictures about Huaxing store and its great sale advertisement.2.Let students listen to the tape and find out what things are at great sale.3.Ask students to listen to the tape again and collect the useful expressions about great sale.Step 3:While-speaking1. Ask students to read Huaxing’s store’s advertisement actively and vividly.2. Let students talk about the expressions of great sale.3. Role-play: students work in pairs to make conversation.Suppose there is a situation that you own a store. One student is shop assistant, the other students is customer. Teacher will give them 8 minutes to prepare it.Step 4: Post-speakingShare and evaluation: Invite some students to perform the conversation in the front.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary: let them look at the blackboard and summarize this class.Homework: Ask students to design a poster of their own store’s great sale and share it next class.Blackboard design:初中英语《Attributive Clause》一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the structure of attributive Clause and understand what the relative words or antecedents are.Ability aim: Students can use the attributive clause to describe what happened in their daily life and make up more superior sentences.Emotional aim: Students will be inspired to study both English and putonghua very well so that they can solve problems they will meet abroad by themselves.Teaching Key Points:Students acquire the clause structure and know the relative words as well as antecedents.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply the structure into daily communication and get the differencebetween relative pronoun and adverb.Teaching Methods:题目来源于考生回忆Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Review: Show students two sentences. One is an adverbial clause of place that linked by where and the other is an attributive clause that also linked by where Where there is a will there is a way. Let them find out the differences or similarities between them and lead to what we’re going to learn today.Step 2: Presentation1. Read the passage briefly and and answer 3 questions. Where is the Ocean park? Who helped us? How was the ride? To lead the three underlined parts Then write down the three sentences students choose from the passage after reading.2.Explain the common parts of these three sentences and show the structure of attributive clause.3.Tell students that when the antecedent is a person or an object, we should choose different relative words. Also, they should understand the difference betweenattributive clause linked by where and the adverbial clause of place linked by where.题目来源于考生回忆Step 3: Practice1. Give them some sentences with blankets and let them choose the proper relative words.2. Show them several clauses and find out which are attributive clauses.Step 4: ProductionDiscussion and share: students work in pairs to describe their travel by using attributive clauses; teacher will give them 5 minutes to prepare it and 5 minutes later, invite some students to share their experiences.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.Homework:students find more rules about attributive clauses and prepare for the next class.Blackboard design:二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence pattern “can you” and some new words such as sing, play the piano and so on.Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability through group work.Emotional aim: Students will take part in the class actively and be fond of learning English.Key and difficult point: Students can master the sentence pattern and words and can take part into the class actively.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreeting: Good morning boys and girls, this is your beloved English teacher, Jessica.How are you today? Fine, I'm too. It is snowing right now right? The weather is getting colder and colder, so put on more clothes and don't catch cold ok? Otherwise you will lag behind for your English studying.Lead-in: 展示有关音乐会的图片:Sydney Opera House/ National opera house in Beijing1)what can you see in the pictures2) Where can we do in it?3) Do you like to enjoy a music show in our school?4) Let’s take a look of today’s class: musicians wanted for school music festival.Step 2: Pre-reading图片讲解单词:sing/ dance/ play the piano/1) What can you see in the pictures: 依次展示TF boys/ ballet/ 朗朗2) What is he/ she doing in the picture? 依次引出: sing/ dance/ play the piano.3) When you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usually producing words that fit a tune.4) When you dance, you move your body and feet in a way that follows a rhythm, usually in time to music.5) A piano is a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys. When you press these keys with your fingers, little hammers hit wire strings inside the piano, which vibrate to produce musical notes.Step 3: While-reading设置阅读问题:1) Which musical instruments are mentioned in the passage:The piano (Y), the trumpet (Y), the drums (Y). violin (X).2) who should you contact if you are interested: zhang heng3) The telephone number? 622-6033.Step4: Post-reading1) Do a survey: which musical instruments can your classmate play?2) Making a conversation by using the result of the survey: Do you want to go to the music festival?初中英语《My morning》二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students will know how to describe a day using proper conjunctions and tense.Students will master some words, such as waste, value... and a sentence structure: I usually + simple present tense.Ability aim:Students will improve their abilities of speaking and listening.Emotional aim:Students will be more confident in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will know how to introduce a day in English.Difficult Point: Students will use the sentence structure in real communicative situation.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Play a video about Tom’s day and ask students what kind of information have they caught.Step 2: Pre-listening1. Review the knowledge about simple present tense. Ask students to make sentences using simple present tense.ing pictures to explain some words: waste-value, brush.Step 3: While-listening1st listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and try to get the main idea of the passage and underline the conjunctions used.2nd listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and complete the timetable below.。

2018年教师招聘中学英语考试试题及答案(卷一)Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Grammar 20%Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in the following. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1.—Could you help me do some cleaning tomorrow?—If I ( ) , I will do it.A.am freeB.will be freeC.will have timeD.had time2.Tim will call me as soon as he( )my package.A.receiveB.will receiveC.receivedD.receives3.The film was a good one, but I couldn’t understand it( )first.A.atB.withC.forD.on4. ( )away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.A.PickB.BringC.CarryD.Take5.There is a( )of impatience in the tone of his voice.A.dotB.hintC.notionD.phrase6.Mr.Smith asked his secretary to( )a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.A.invadeB.installC.insertD.inject7.Some people argue that the death does not( )necessarily reduce the number of murders.A.penaltyB.patternC.plotD.practice8.You may use the room as you like ( )you clean it up afterwards.A.so far asB.so long asC.in caseD.even if9.—Why does the Lake smell terrible?—Because it( ) large quantities of water.A.have pollutedB.is being pollutedC.has been pollutedD.have been polluted10.During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ( )bread for days.A.eat upB.give awayC.do withoutD.deal with11.Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems ( )themselves, and solve their problems( ) themselves.A.to; byB.by; toC.for; toD.in; on12.Because of the financial crisis, ( )days are gone local 5star hotels charged 6,000 Yuan for one night.A.ifB.whenC.whichD.since13.They’ve won their last three matches, ( )I find a bit surprising.A.thatB.whenC.whatD.which14.I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’tface( ) day like that.A.otherB.anotherC.the otherD.others15.Dr.Smith, together with his wife and daughters, ( )visit Beijing this summer.A.is going toB.are going toC.was going toD.were going to16.They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely ( )with each other.A.reconciledB.negotiatedC.associatedD.accommodatedⅡ.Reading Comprehension 20%Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the BEST CHOICE.Passage OneLisa was running late. Lisa, 25, had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown. But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warn. By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired—maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought. She rested herself against a post close to the tracks. Several yards away, Frank, 43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop. They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he。

2018年安徽省教师招聘考试《中学英语》真题及答案I .单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1.1 took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday.(B)we had together there.A.What good timeB. What a good timeC.How good timeD.How a good2. —Why not live in your new house?—Sounds a good idea,but it(C) .It will be OK next monthA. will paintB.had paintedC.is being paintedD.has been3.If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about th e future,You(D)miss the excellent opportunity.A.mayC. couldD.mustn't4.(A)after care fully,the plant can live through the winter.A. LookedB.LookingC.To lookD.Having looked5.No sooner(D)down to relax than her smartphone rang.A. Alice satB.at AliceC.does Alice sitD.had Alice sat6.Life in the city is tough for a parent(C)kids aren't keeping up in school.A. hisB.of whomC.whose7.—How amazing!You can't imagine(A)little animals can eat()much food.—Really?A.such;soB.such;suchC.so;suchD.so;so8.George Orwell is best known for his two novels,Animal Farm and 1984,(B)of which were written and published toward the end of his life.A. allB.bothC.eachD. either9.If you are in any doubt as to(D)you should be doing these exercises,consult your doctor.A. thatB.ifD. whether10. (C)my dad is known to only a few people in the town,his reputation among them is great.A.AsB. SinceC. WhileD.Unless11 .Some people thin you change your mind,the less likely you are to fo cus your attention on your work.(D)A.more frequentB.most frequentlyC.the most frequentD.the more frequently12.It's 20 years since I left my hometown;it has changed(B)my recognition.A. aboveB.beyondC. withinD.over13.If you(C)to Mr.Smith more carefully,you( )could work out theproblem without any difficulty now.A. listenedB. listenC.had listenedD.have listened14.What is the relationship between "furniture"and “table”?(B)A. AntonymyB.HyponymyC.PolysemyD. Synonymy15.The novel, Withering Heights,was written by(A).A. Emily BronteB. James JoyceC. Jane AustenD.Robert Browning。

take turns to do sth.为习惯搭配,意为“轮流去做某事”。
put有“说,表达”的意思,put it very well意为“说得很好”。
make“做,制造”,assume “假定,承担”,interpret“解释,口译”。

上半年教师资格证《初中英语》考试真题库及答案(通用版)—、单选题(在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一个最符合题目要求的选项)1.Would you ** a cup of coffee_ shall we get down to business rightaway?A.orB.andC.thenD.otherwise[答案] A2.Which of the following *** short vowel in English?A./j/B./e/C./au/D./w/[答案] B 3.Mr. Smith is surprised to ***** Siamak has written_ essays on Victorian novels in his class.A.the nextB.the otherC.the mostD.the more[答案] C4.That prestigious university has made it clear to all aoolicants that***★can be_ for a scholarship this一quarter without a good internship.A.eligibleB.legiblepliablepliant[答案] A5.We are very sorry to announce that a couple of showrooms in thecastle are closed for ****A.permanentlyB.curentlyC.eventuallyD.perpetually6.Which of the following two-syllable words has adifferent stress patternfrom the***?A.TyphoonB.balloonC.shampooD.crayon[答案]D7.Alex specializes in_ medical science in this graduate school and plansto ****_doctor upon graduation. A.a...theB.the...aC./..aD.a...[答案] C8.The reason why 1 want**** up the plan is__ if i don' t, my employerwill be mad at me.A.becauseB.thatC.forD.since[答案] B9.Which of the *** correctly describes ***semantic features of the word"girl"?A.[-Human-Male- Adult]B.[+Human+Male-Adult]C.[+Human-Male+Adult]D.[+Human-Male-Adult][答案] D10.What is the relationship between the two sentences “The stress is on documentary and rightly so. Arty photographs are a bore."A.Phenomenon-reasonB.Problem-solutionC.Instrument-achievementD.Cause-consequence[答案] A11.Like and bike, bat and pat, look and book are examples ofused in teaching pronunciation. A.alliterationB.rhythmC.weak formsD.minimal pairs[答案] D12.When students are ***to listen to a *** and read after it, they ** doingA.free practiceB.guided practiceC.meaningful practiceD.controlled practice[答案] D13.When designing a **, teachers should take the following aspectsinto*****EXCEPT_.A.pacing and groupingB.materials and sourcesC.learning skills and strategiesD.teachers' interest and preferences[答案] D14.Which of the *** activities is suitable to be conducted ** the"****"stage?A.DebatingB.****C.****D.Repeating[答案] A15.Which of the fo1*** might be most appropriate to developing students*** *thinking through reading?A.Students read a story and study grammar rules.B.Students listen to a story and read it aloud.C.Students read a story and evaluate it.D.Students read a story and recite it. .[答案] C16.When a**** says,"Sory, 1 didn"t get what you said.Can you say it***?" , he/she is__A.offering an opinionB.asking for adviceC.asking for clarificationD.checking instruction[答案] C17.When students take an end-of-term exam to assess how well they have learnt in the past term, they are taking a(n)A.aptitude testB.proficiency testC.placement testD.achievement test[答案] D18.Which of the **** is least important in developing school-basedteaching ****?A.Students' level and interest.B.Teachers' professional expertise.C.The aim and need of your school.D.The form of the teaching materials.[答案] D19.Which of the *** strategies *** best facilitate peer learning in writing?A.Asking students to their peers' writing.B Providing students with an evaluation checklist.C.Encouraging students to give only positive feedback.D.Instructing students to focus on only one type of eror.[答案] A20.According to the Input Hypothesis, a teacher shouldA.provide students with whatever materials he/she can findB.choose language materials lower than students' current levelC.provide students with as much authentic language as possibleD.choose language materials a lttle higher than students' current level [答案] D阅读理解,回答21-25题Passage 1I taught in a public*** for 10 years. Now, preparing pre-service teachers, I have a different perspective on their lives. Here are some truths I share with them.As a young teacher, I ** that loving to be with kids would be enough to get me through long days. I discovered early on that teaching is ahardjob **.It'S so much more than helping kids and creating engaging assignments; it is conferences,***grading and paperwork.No one told me that annual class pictures would document my out-of-date clothes, unfashionable hairstyles, and fluctuating body mass. Luckily, in my younger years, I instead mindlessly tossed them in a ** drawer and let them accumulate over the years, I am so glad I did. Those embarrassing class pictures now make up the bulk of my "why I love teaching" emergency box. On a day when I need some reminding of why I keep plugging along, I pull those *** out and flip through the memories I made with them. Don' t get me wrong, there are some pictures that make me ask, "How did weever survive?" But even those moments make me smile because we did survive and, in many cases,we thrived. They are a great reminder of how my work and passion have influenced those students'lives.You have to come to the classroom with a deep understanding of your role and how it extends.Early on in my career, I complained to a colleague that I was a classroom teacher, so why was I being asked to be a mom, nurse, custodian, therapist,social worker, cheer leader, and judge and jury? Mycolleague said,***are what the kids need you to be at that moment." At the time, her advice didn' t help,but I later realized how right she was. Students are people too, and just like us grown-ups. Be empathetic and take care of your students' needs.That is the unwritten role of the teacher. I'm probably not the first or last teacher to strive for perfection in every***** spent too much time in my younger days thinking that once I had more experience with the curriculum, once I had a different mix of students, and once I mastered classroom ****. I would be able to deliver flawless lessons. What I have come to realize is that the land of perfect lessons doesn' t exist. We are human beings who are tasked with working with other*****. That adds up to a whole lot of fallible human beings in one classroom. You' II never be able to predict how every student **** in every moment or how you will adjust to the hurdles you face each day. Be as gentle, patient, and *** with yourself as you are with your students. Those children in ** you are also the ***joy of their families.You've been given the privilege of educating them.Parents are not hiding the good ones at home and sending you the rambunctious ones for ****. Youare getting the best they' ve got. Spend time building relationships.You will want to quit and plan a new *** that has nothing to do with kid,****twice as much and provides the freedom to use the restroom on a whim. You' II**a time when you will sit down to eat lunch. ****..I hope you will spend some time thinking about your "bigger purpose." And with that *** of purpose, I hope that you will pause and remember what brought you to the profession in the first place.21. What has made the **** * understand those ***** roles of a teacher?A.Her students' expectations.B.Her collague' S timely advice.C.Her sympathy with her students.D.Her awareness of student' s needs. [答案] D22. Why does the *** call her desk drawer an“emergency box” in Paragraph 4?A.Because it reminds her of her purpose of teaching when something unexpressed occurs.B.Because it wakes up her memory of how they have pulled themselves through hard times.C.Because it brings back her old and unfashionable image as a young teacher.D.Because it records all sacrifices she has made for her students over the years.[答案] A23. Which of the **** summarizes the *** idea of Paragraph 5?A.The notion of perfect lessons is not well grounded at all.B.Good classroom management is essential to flawless lessons.C.Kids are unaware of the mistakes their teachers make in class.D.Both teachers and students tend to make mistakes in classroom.[答案] A24. What does the author *** to share with pre-service teachers at****end of the****7A.Teachers are free to decide whether to quit or continue their jobs.B.Don' t easily give up your teaching career considering its significance.C.Don' t enter the workforce if you are not prepared with a bigger purpose.D.Teachers are able to find jobs that are less demanding yet more rewarding.[答案] B25. Which of the following******in meaning to.the underlined phrase "take a toll on "in the 1a*****.A.Be in charge ofB.Be dependent onC.Have an effect onD.Take advantage of[答案] C阅读理解,回答26-30题Passage 2As a species, **** *incredibly smart. We tell stories, create magnificent art and astounding technology,build cities, and explore space. We haven't been around nearly as long as many other species, but in many respects we' ve accomplished more than any *. We eat them and they don' t eat us. We even run scientific***on them--and are thinking about re-creating **** those that have gone extinct. But our intelligence comes with a curious caveat: our babies are among the dumbest-or,rather,the most helpless--that exist. A baby******an stand within an hour of birth, and can even***** flee predators on its frst day of life. A baby monkey can grasp its mother and hang on for protection and nourishment. **** infantcan' t even hold up its own head.The evolution of ***intelligence isn' t something that Celeste Kidd had ever pondered. A developmental cognitive scientist who currently works at the University of Rochester, her work had focussed mostly on learning and decision-making in children. Over years of ***oung children, she became impressed with the average child' s level of sophistication. But when she looked at the ****sh encountered, she saw a baffling **** of helplessness: How *** *they be so incompetent one second and so so soon ***** One day, she posed the question to her colleague Steven Piantadosi."Both of us wondered what could possibly justify the degree of helplessness human infants ** she told me ****. "Even other primate babies, like baby chimps, which are close in evolutionary terms, can cling onto their moms." She began to see a contradiction: ***are born quite helpless, far more so than any other primate, but, fairly early on, we start becoming quite smart, again far more so than any other primate. What if this weren' t *** so much as a causal pathway? That' s the argument that Kidd and ***make in their new paper, published in a June issue of PNAS.Humans become so intelligent because *** infantsare so incredibly helpless, they argue; the one necessitates the other. The theory is startling, but it isn't entirely new. *** have been pondering the peculiarities of our birth and its evolutionary significance for ***some ***. Humans *** to the subset of mammals,**** viviparous mammals, that give live birth to their young. This*** that infants must grow to a mature enough state inside the body to be born, but they can' t be so big that they are unable to come out. This leads to a trade-of: the more******an animal is, the larger its head generally is, but the birth canal imposes an upper limit o1n just how large that head can***it gets stuck. The brain, therefore,must keep maturing, and th*****continue growing,long after birth. *** intelligent an animal will eventually be, the mor*****immature its brain is at birth.Researchers have long known **** * trade-off,***** the connection between brain size and neural density and intelligence. For instance,Robin **** found that the ratio of neocortical volume to brain size can predict the social-group size in a**** of species, **** bats, cetaceans, and primates,while Simon Reader has demonstrated links in tool use and innovation to brain size in primates. Kidd and * **** new idea is that increased helplessness******mandates increased **** in parents--and that a runawayselection dynamic can account for both. Natural selection favors humans with ******because those humans tend to be smarter. This may create evolutionary incentives for babies**** born at an even earlier developmental stage,**** require more intelligence to ***.* This creates the dynamic: over time,helpless babies make parents more ****.which makes babies more helpless, which makes the***** intelligent, and so on.26.According to paragraph 1, *** of the following is true?A.Some species are smarter than human beings.B. Extinct species have been re-created by scientists.C.Babies of other species are smarter than human infants.D.Fewer species are earlier inhabitants than human beings.[答案] C27. What surprised* *** Kidd regarding children's *** maturation?A.Infants' helplessness when they are born.B.Children' S high intelligence when they grow up.C.Children' S leap from helplessness to sophistication.D.Children' S incompetence in learning and decision-making.[答案] C28. What can we *** form Paragraph 3 ** *brain development?A.Babies' helplessness at birth is an indication of human intelligenceB.Other mammal brains are more mature than human brain at birth.C.Only itelligent mammals give live birth to their babies.D.All animal brains are equally immature at their birth.[答案] A29. What is the main **** author intends toconvey?A.Newborns helplessness facilitates the development of parent' s intelligence.B.The 1arger the brain of a species, the larger its social-group size.rge brain size contributes to better tool use and innovation.D.Human beings with large brains are not necessarily smarter.[答案] A30. Which of *** following title ***describes the passage?A.Why are babies so dumb if humans are so smart?B.Why do babies learn faster than other mammal babies?C.Why is human' S intelligence higher than that of other animals?D.Why is the development of human brains slower than that of other animals?[答案] A 简答题针对相关问题作出简明扼要的回答。

初中英语《New school life》考题
初中英语《Lin Fei's daily life?》考题
初中英语《Attributive Clause》考题
初中英语《A butterfly》
初中英语《How much are these shoes 》考题

I.单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday. we had together there.A.What good timeB.What a good timeC.How good timeD.How a good2.-Why not live in your new house ?-Sounds a good idea ,but it.It wil be OK next month.A. will paintB.had paintedC.is being paintedD.has beendoctor.you should be doing these exercises,consult yourattention on your work.you change your mind,the less likely you are to focus your3.I f you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about the future,you miss the excellent opportunity.A.m ayB.needn'tC.couldD.mustn't4.after carefully,the plant can live through the winter.A.LookedB.LookingC.To lookD.Having looked5.N o sooner down to relax than her smartphone rang.A.Alice satB.sat AliceC.does Alice sitD.had Alice sat6.L ife in the city is tough for a parent kids aren't keeping up in school.A.h isB.of whomC.whoseD.of which7.一How amazing!You can't imagine一Really?little animals can eat much food.A.such;soB.such;suchC.so;suchD.so;so8.G eorge Orwell is best known for his two novels,Animal Farm and1984,were written and published toward the end of his life.of whichA.a llB.bothC.eachD.either9.I f you are in any doubt as toA.t hatB.ifC.whateverD.whether10.A.As my dad is known to only a few people in the town,his reputation among them is great.B.SinceC.WhileD.Unless11.Some people thinkmost frequentB.most frequentlyC.the, A. m ore frequentD.the more frequently12. It's 20years since I left my hometown ;it has changedA. a boveB.beyondC.withinmy recognition.D.over13. If youdifficulty now.to Mr .Smith more carefully ,you could work out the problem without anyA. l istenedB.listenC.had listenedD.have listened14. What is the relationship between "furniture"and "table"?A. AntonymyB. HyponymyC. PolysemyD. Synonymy15. The novel, Wuthering Heights, was written by.A. Emily BronteC. Jane AustenB. James JoyceD. Robert BrowningⅡ.完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. The similarity between the English consonants(江南博哥)/p/,/b/,and/m/is that they are all ______.A.fricativeB.plosivebial-dentalD.bilabial正确答案:D[解析] /p/,/b/,/m/,/w/都属于双唇音。
2. Which of the following is a back vowel in English?A.B.C.D.正确答案:B[解析] 属于中元音,/e/属于前元音,只有属于后元音。
3. There is only one playground slide in this school, so the students have to take ______ to use it.A.turnsB.the turnC.a turnD.the turns正确答案:A[解析] take turns to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“轮流去做某事”。
4. Out of everyone's expectation, Johnson suddenly returned ______a rainy night.A.atB.inC.onD.during正确答案:C[解析] 考查介词辨析。
5. She ______ it very well when she described her younger brother as "brilliant but lazy".A.putB.madeC.assumedD.interpreted正确答案:A[解析] put it well“说的好”。

考题一(语法课)二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: By the end of the class, students can muster knowledge of if-clause.Ability aim: Students can use if-clause in their daily life.Emotional aim: Students will feel the happiness of learning English in joyful, free and open atmosphere, and will be confident to express in English.Teaching Key Points:Students can know the structure, function and tense of if-clause. Teaching Difficult Point:Students can put the new knowledge into practice.Teaching Methods:Tasked-based Teaching Method, Communicative Approach.Teaching Aids:The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead-inGreeting with the students.Sing a song for students- if you are happy. Ask them “Did you hear the word-if” to lead in the class.Step 2: PresentationLet the students read the passage and find out sentences with “if”. Then teacher will ask students write these sentences on the blackboard. Thenfind out the similarities among these sentences.According to the answers from students, teacher make a brief summary:1.If-clause means condition and the main clause is the result. 2. The main clause and if-clause have the same tense. However, if it describes things in the future, the main clause uses the Simple Future Tense and if-clause use the Simple Present Tense.Step 3: PracticeRead the sentences by themselves and practice with neighbors.Step 4: ProductionUse the sentence and structure what we learned today to make a conversation with your neighbor and invite some students performance it.Step 5: Summary and homeworkSummary: Sum up what we have learned today.Homework: After class, teach these sentences to their parents.Blackboard Design:考题二(听说课)二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the expression of date and the sentence structure: -What is ...’s birthday? -It is ...Ability aim:Students will improve their abilities of speaking and listening. Emotional aim:Students will be more confident in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master how to express a date in English.Difficult Point: Students will use the sentence structure in daily life. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Ask students if today is anyone’s birthday. And invite the whole class to sing a ‘Happy Birthday’ song to him or her.Step 2: Pre-listening1. Review the knowledge about ordinal numeral: write some numbers on the blackboard and ask students to change the cardinal numeral into ordinal numeral.2. Ask students to look at the picture in the textbook to predict what the dialogue may be about.Step 3: While-listening考题三(口语课)二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: students will know the top ic of “you are never too young to start doing things that you don’t know how to do before”.Ability aim: students can increase the speaking ability through talking the topic.Emotional aim: students will develop their awareness of starting doingthings as soon as possible.Key and difficult point:Key point: students can increase the speaking ability through talking the topic.Difficult point: students will develop their awareness of starting doing things as soon as possible.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreet the students.Show several pictures of the famous golf player Tiger Woods, the musician Mozart, and the great Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo when they are young, and let students guess who they are, then the teacher tells students that they started doing their interest in a young age. Then lead the topic ofthe class.Step 2: Pre-speakingFirstly, read the passage then conclude and make clear the topic of the speaking class— you are never too young to start doing things that you don’t know to do before. Secondly, the teacher gives several aspects ofthe topic, including what the event is they have experienced in a young age, when they started doing it, how they did it and what achievements they havegot through it. Thirdly, the teacher gives an example. students talk about topic at several aspects above in groups.Step 3: While-speaking1. One student ask the questions about the topic at every single aspect above, the other student answer, then exchange.2. Students talk about the topic at several aspects above to their partners.3. Survey and report. One student makes a survey about the event in a young age of other group members, and take down notes.Step4: Post-speaking1. self—report: talk about the event that they started doing in a young age.2. peer—report: ask some students in different groups to have a repot of other students’ e vents in a young age.Step 5: Summary and HomeworkTell students we should start doing things as soon as possible.Homework: students think about more events they’d like to start.Blackboard design:考题四(阅读课)二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence pattern “can you” and some new words such as sing, play the piano and so on.Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability through group work.Emotional aim: Students will take part in the class actively and be fond of learning English.Key and difficult point: Students can master the sentence pattern and words and can take part into the class actively.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreeting: Good morning boys and girls, this is your beloved English teacher, Jessica. How are you today? Fine, I'm too. It is snowing right now right? The weather is getting colder and colder, so put on more clothes and don't catch cold ok? Otherwise you will lag behind for your English studying.Lead-in: 展示有关音乐会的图片:Sydney Opera House/ National opera house in Beijing1)what can you see in the pictures2) Where can we do in it?3) Do you like to enjoy a music show in our school?4) Let’s take a look of today’s class: musicians wanted for school music festival.Step 2: Pre-reading图片讲解单词:sing/ dance/ play the piano/1) What can you see in the pictures: 依次展示TF boys/ ballet/ 朗朗2) What is he/ she doing in the picture? 依次引出: sing/ dance/ play the piano.3) When you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usuallyproducing words that fit a tune.4) When you dance, you move your body and feet in a way that follows a rhythm, usually in time to music.5) A piano is a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys. When you press these keys with your fingers, little hammers hit wirestrings inside the piano, which vibrate to produce musical notes.Step 3: While-reading设置阅读问题:1) Which musical instruments are mentioned in the passage:The piano (Y), the trumpet (Y), the drums (Y). violin (X).2) who should you contact if you are interested: zhang heng3) The telephone number? 622-6033.Step4: Post-reading1) Do a survey: which musical instruments can your classmate play?2) Making a conversation by using the result of the survey: Do you want to go to the music festival?Blackboard design:考题五(写作课)。

take turns to do sth.为习惯搭配,意为“轮流去做某事”。
put有“说,表达”的意思,put it very well意为“说得很好”。
make“做,制造”,assume “假定,承担”,interpret“解释,口译”。

上半年教师资格证《初中英语》考试真题库及答案(通用版)— 、单选题(在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一个最符合题目要求的选项)1.Would you ** a cup of coffee_ shall we get down to business rightaway?A.orB.andC.thenD.otherwise[答案] A2.Which of the following *** short vowel in English?A./j/B./e/C./au/D./w/[答案] B 3.Mr. Smith is surprised to ***** Siamak has written_ essays on Victorian novels in his class.A.the nextB.the otherC.the mostD.the more[答案] C4.That prestigious university has made it clear to all aoolicants that ***★can be_ for a scholarship this一quarter without a good internship.A.eligibleB.legiblepliablepliant[答案] A5.We are very sorry to announce that a couple of showrooms in thecastle are closed for ****A.permanentlyB.curentlyC.eventuallyD.perpetually6.Which of the following two-syllable words has adifferent stress patternfrom the***?A.TyphoonB.balloonC.shampooD.crayon[答案]D7.Alex specializes in_ medical science in this graduate school and plansto ****_doctor upon graduation.A.a...theB.the...aC./..aD.a...[答案] C8.The reason why 1 want**** up the plan is__ if i don' t, my employerwill be mad at me.A.becauseB.thatC.forD.since[答案] B9.Which of the *** correctly describes ***semantic features of the word"girl"?A.[-Human-Male- Adult]B.[+Human+Male-Adult]C.[+Human-Male+Adult]D.[+Human-Male-Adult][答案] D10.What is the relationship between the two sentences “The stress is on documentary and rightly so. Arty photographs are a bore."A.Phenomenon-reasonB.Problem-solutionC.Instrument-achievementD.Cause-consequence[答案] A11.Like and bike, bat and pat, look and book are examples ofused in teaching pronunciation.A.alliterationB.rhythmC.weak formsD.minimal pairs[答案] D12.When students are ***to listen to a *** and read after it, they ** doingA.free practiceB.guided practiceC.meaningful practiceD.controlled practice[答案] D13.When designing a **, teachers should take the following aspects into*****EXCEPT_.A.pacing and groupingB.materials and sourcesC.learning skills and strategiesD.teachers' interest and preferences[答案] D14.Which of the *** activities is suitable to be conducted ** the"****"stage?A.DebatingB.****C.****D.Repeating[答案] A15.Which of the fo1*** might be most appropriate to developing students*** *thinking through reading?A.Students read a story and study grammar rules.B.Students listen to a story and read it aloud.C.Students read a story and evaluate it.D.Students read a story and recite it. .[答案] C16.When a**** says,"Sory, 1 didn"t get what you said.Can you say it***?" , he/she is__A.offering an opinionB.asking for adviceC.asking for clarificationD.checking instruction[答案] C17.When students take an end-of-term exam to assess how well they have learnt in the past term, they are taking a(n)A.aptitude testB.proficiency testC.placement testD.achievement test[答案] D18.Which of the **** is least important in developing school-basedteaching ****?A.Students' level and interest.B.Teachers' professional expertise.C.The aim and need of your school.D.The form of the teaching materials.[答案] D19.Which of the *** strategies *** best facilitate peer learning in writing?A.Asking students to their peers' writing.B Providing students with an evaluation checklist.C.Encouraging students to give only positive feedback.D.Instructing students to focus on only one type of eror.[答案] A20.According to the Input Hypothesis, a teacher shouldA.provide students with whatever materials he/she can findB.choose language materials lower than students' current levelC.provide students with as much authentic language as possibleD.choose language materials a lttle higher than students' current level[答案] D阅读理解,回答21-25题Passage 1I taught in a public*** for 10 years. Now, preparing pre-service teachers, I have a different perspective on their lives. Here are some truths I share with them.As a young teacher, I ** that loving to be with kids would be enough to get me through long days. I discovered early on that teaching is a hardjob **.It'Sso much more than helping kids and creating engaging assignments; it is conferences,***grading and paperwork.No one told me that annual class pictures would document my out-of-date clothes, unfashionable hairstyles, and fluctuating body mass. Luckily, in my younger years, I instead mindlessly tossed them in a ** drawer and let them accumulate over the years, I am so glad I did. Those embarrassing class pictures now make up the bulk of my "why I love teaching" emergency box. On a day when I need some reminding of why I keep plugging along, I pull those *** out and flip through the memories I made with them. Don' t get me wrong, there are some pictures that make me ask, "How did weever survive?" But even those moments make me smile because we did survive and, in many cases,we thrived. They are a great reminder of how my work and passion have influenced those students'lives.You have to come to the classroom with a deep understanding of your role and how it extends.Early on in my career, I complained to a colleague that I was a classroom teacher, so why was I being asked to be a mom, nurse, custodian, therapist,social worker, cheer leader, and judge and jury? Mycolleague said,***are what the kids need you to be at that moment." At the time, her advice didn' t help,but I later realized how right she was. Students are people too, and just like us grown-ups. Be empathetic and take care of your students' needs.That is the unwritten role of the teacher.I'm probably not the first or last teacher to strive for perfection in every ***** spent too much time in my younger days thinking that once I had more experience with the curriculum, once I had a different mix of students, and once I mastered classroom ****. I would be able to deliver flawless lessons. What I have come to realize is that the land of perfect lessons doesn' t exist. We are human beings who are tasked with working with other*****. That adds up to a whole lot of fallible human beings in one classroom. You' II never be able to predict how every student **** in every moment or how you will adjust to the hurdles you face each day. Be as gentle, patient, and *** with yourself as you are with your students.Those children in ** you are also the ***joy of their families.You've been given the privilege of educating them.Parents are not hiding the good ones at home and sending you the rambunctious ones for ****. Youare getting the best they' ve got. Spend time building relationships.You will want to quit and plan a new *** that has nothing to do with kid,****twice as much and provides the freedom to use the restroom on a whim. You' II**a time when you will sit down to eat lunch. ****..I hope you will spend some time thinking about your "bigger purpose." And with that *** of purpose, I hope that you will pause and remember what brought you to the profession in the first place.21. What has made the **** * understand those ***** roles of a teacher?A.Her students' expectations.B.Her collague' S timely advice.C.Her sympathy with her students.D.Her awareness of student' s needs.[答案] D 22. Why does the *** call her desk drawer an“emergency box” in Paragraph 4?A.Because it reminds her of her purpose of teaching when something unexpressed occurs.B.Because it wakes up her memory of how they have pulled themselves through hard times.C.Because it brings back her old and unfashionable image as a young teacher.D.Because it records all sacrifices she has made for her students over the years.[答案] A23. Which of the **** summarizes the *** idea of Paragraph 5?A.The notion of perfect lessons is not well grounded at all.B.Good classroom management is essential to flawless lessons.C.Kids are unaware of the mistakes their teachers make in class.D.Both teachers and students tend to make mistakes in classroom.[答案] A24. What does the author *** to share with pre-service teachers at****end of the****7A.Teachers are free to decide whether to quit or continue their jobs.B.Don' t easily give up your teaching career considering its significance.C.Don' t enter the workforce if you are not prepared with a bigger purpose.D.Teachers are able to find jobs that are less demanding yet more rewarding.[答案] B25. Which of the following******in meaning to.the underlined phrase "take a toll on "in the 1a*****.A.Be in charge ofB.Be dependent onC.Have an effect onD.Take advantage of[答案] C阅读理解,回答26-30题Passage 2As a species, **** *incredibly smart. We tell stories, create magnificent art and astounding technology,build cities, and explore space. We haven't been around nearly as long as many other species, but in many respects we' ve accomplished more than any *. We eat them and they don' t eat us. We even run scientific***on them--and are thinking about re-creating**** those that have gone extinct. But our intelligence comes with a curious caveat: our babies are among the dumbest-or,rather,the most helpless--that exist. A baby******an stand within an hour of birth, and can even***** flee predators on its frst day of life. A baby monkey can grasp its mother and hang on for protection and nourishment. **** infantcan' t even hold up its own head.The evolution of ***intelligence isn' t something that Celeste Kidd had ever pondered. A developmental cognitive scientist who currently works at the University of Rochester, her work had focussed mostly on learning and decision-making in children. Over years of ***oung children, she became impressed with the average child' s level of sophistication. But when she looked at the ****sh encountered, she saw a baffling **** ofhelplessness: How *** *they be so incompetent one second and so so soon ***** One day, she posed the question to her colleague Steven Piantadosi."Both of us wondered what could possibly justify the degree of helplessness human infants ** she told me ****. "Even other primate babies, like baby chimps, which are close in evolutionary terms, can cling onto their moms." She began to see a contradiction: ***are born quite helpless, far more so than any other primate, but, fairly early on, we start becoming quite smart, again far more so than any other primate. What if this weren' t *** so much as a causal pathway?That' s the argument that Kidd and ***make in their new paper, published in a June issue of PNAS.Humans become so intelligent because *** infants are so incredibly helpless, they argue; the one necessitates the other.The theory is startling, but it isn't entirely new. *** have been pondering the peculiarities of our birth and its evolutionary significance for ***some ***. Humans *** to the subset of mammals,**** viviparous mammals, that give live birth to their young. This*** that infants must grow to a mature enough state inside the body to be born, but they can' t be so big that they are unable to come out. This leads to a trade-of: the more******an animal is, the larger its head generally is, but the birth canal imposes an upper limit o1n just how large that head can***it gets stuck. The brain, therefore,must keep maturing, and th*****continue growing,long after birth. *** intelligent an animal will eventually be, the mor*****immature its brain is at birth.Researchers have long known **** * trade-off,***** the connection between brain size and neural density and intelligence. For instance, Robin **** found that the ratio of neocortical volume to brain size can predict the social-group size in a**** of species, **** bats, cetaceans, and primates,while Simon Reader has demonstrated links in tool use and innovation to brain size in primates. Kidd and * **** new idea is that increased helplessness******mandates increased **** in parents--and that a runawayselection dynamic can account for both. Natural selection favors humans with ******because those humans tend to be smarter. This may create evolutionary incentives for babies**** born at an even earlier developmental stage,**** require more intelligence to ***.* This creates the dynamic: over time,helpless babies make parents more ****.which makes babies more helpless, which makes the***** intelligent, and so on.26.According to paragraph 1, *** of the following is true?A.Some species are smarter than human beings.B. Extinct species have been re-created by scientists.C.Babies of other species are smarter than human infants.D.Fewer species are earlier inhabitants than human beings.[答案] C27. What surprised* *** Kidd regarding children's *** maturation?A.Infants' helplessness when they are born.B.Children' S high intelligence when they grow up.C.Children' S leap from helplessness to sophistication.D.Children' S incompetence in learning and decision-making. [答案] C28. What can we *** form Paragraph 3 ** *brain development?A.Babies' helplessness at birth is an indication of human intelligenceB.Other mammal brains are more mature than human brain at birth.C.Only itelligent mammals give live birth to their babies.D.All animal brains are equally immature at their birth.[答案] A29. What is the main **** author intends toconvey?A.Newborns helplessness facilitates the development of parent' s intelligence.B.The 1arger the brain of a species, the larger its social-group size.rge brain size contributes to better tool use and innovation.D.Human beings with large brains are not necessarily smarter.[答案] A30. Which of *** following title ***describes the passage?A.Why are babies so dumb if humans are so smart?B.Why do babies learn faster than other mammal babies?C.Why is human' S intelligence higher than that of other animals?D.Why is the development of human brains slower than that of other animals?[答案] A简答题针对相关问题作出简明扼要的回答。

上半年教师资格证《初中英语》考试真题库及答案(通用版)— 、单选题(在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一个最符合题目要求的选项)1.Would you ** a cup of coffee_ shall we get down to business rightaway?A.orB.andC.thenD.otherwise[答案] A2.Which of the following *** short vowel in English?A./j/B./e/C./au/D./w/[答案] B3.Mr. Smith is surprised to ***** Siamak has written_ essays on Victorian novels in his class.A.the nextB.the otherC.the mostD.the more[答案] C4.That prestigious university has made it clear to all aoolicants that ***★can be_ for a scholarship this一quarter without a good internship.A.eligibleB.legiblepliablepliant[答案] A5.We are very sorry to announce that a couple of showrooms in thecastle are closed for ****A.permanentlyB.curentlyC.eventuallyD.perpetually6.Which of the following two-syllable words has adifferent stress patternfrom the***?A.TyphoonB.balloonC.shampooD.crayon[答案]D 7.Alex specializes in_ medical science in this graduate school and plansto ****_doctor upon graduation.A.a...theB.the...aC./..aD.a...[答案] C8.The reason why 1 want**** up the plan is__ if i don' t, my employerwill be mad at me.A.becauseB.thatC.forD.since[答案] B9.Which of the *** correctly describes ***semantic features of the word"girl"?A.[-Human-Male- Adult]B.[+Human+Male-Adult]C.[+Human-Male+Adult]D.[+Human-Male-Adult][答案] D10.What is the relationship between the two sentences “The stress is on documentary and rightly so. Arty photographs are a bore."A.Phenomenon-reasonB.Problem-solutionC.Instrument-achievementD.Cause-consequence[答案] A 11.Like and bike, bat and pat, look and book are examples ofused in teaching pronunciation.A.alliterationB.rhythmC.weak formsD.minimal pairs[答案] D12.When students are ***to listen to a *** and read after it, they ** doingA.free practiceB.guided practiceC.meaningful practiceD.controlled practice[答案] D13.When designing a **, teachers should take the following aspects into*****EXCEPT_.A.pacing and groupingB.materials and sourcesC.learning skills and strategiesD.teachers' interest and preferences[答案] D14.Which of the *** activities is suitable to be conducted ** the"****"stage?A.DebatingB.****C.****D.Repeating[答案] A 15.Which of the fo1*** might be most appropriate to developing students*** *thinking through reading?A.Students read a story and study grammar rules.B.Students listen to a story and read it aloud.C.Students read a story and evaluate it.D.Students read a story and recite it. .[答案] C16.When a**** says,"Sory, 1 didn"t get what you said.Can you say it***?" , he/she is__A.offering an opinionB.asking for adviceC.asking for clarificationD.checking instruction[答案] C17.When students take an end-of-term exam to assess how well they have learnt in the past term, they are taking a(n)A.aptitude testB.proficiency testC.placement testD.achievement test[答案] D18.Which of the **** is least important in developing school-basedteaching ****?A.Students' level and interest.B.Teachers' professional expertise.C.The aim and need of your school.D.The form of the teaching materials.[答案] D 19.Which of the *** strategies *** best facilitate peer learning in writing?A.Asking students to their peers' writing.B Providing students with an evaluation checklist.C.Encouraging students to give only positive feedback.D.Instructing students to focus on only one type of eror.[答案] A20.According to the Input Hypothesis, a teacher shouldA.provide students with whatever materials he/she can findB.choose language materials lower than students' current levelC.provide students with as much authentic language as possibleD.choose language materials a lttle higher than students' current level[答案] D阅读理解,回答21-25题Passage 1I taught in a public*** for 10 years. Now, preparing pre-service teachers, I have a different perspective on their lives. Here are some truths I share with them.As a young teacher, I ** that loving to be with kids would be enough to get me through long days. I discovered early on that teaching is a hardjob **.It'S so much more than helping kids and creating engaging assignments; it is conferences,***grading and paperwork.No one told me that annual class pictures would document my out-of-date clothes, unfashionable hairstyles, and fluctuating body mass. Luckily, in my younger years, I instead mindlessly tossed them in a ** drawer and let them accumulate over the years, I am so glad I did. Those embarrassing class pictures now make up the bulk of my "why I love teaching" emergency box. On a day when I need some reminding of why I keep plugging along, I pull those *** out and flip through the memories I made with them. Don' t get me wrong, there are somepictures that make me ask, "How did we ever survive?" But even those moments make me smile because we did survive and, in many cases,we thrived. They are a great reminder of how my work and passion have influenced those students'lives.You have to come to the classroom with a deep understanding of your role and how it extends.Early on in my career, I complained to a colleaguethat I was a classroom teacher, so why was I being asked to be a mom, nurse, custodian, therapist,social worker, cheer leader, and judge and jury? Mycolleague said,***are what the kids need you to be at that moment." At the time, her advice didn' t help,but I later realized how right she was. Students are people too, and just like us grown-ups. Be empathetic and take care of your students' needs.That is the unwritten role of the teacher.I'm probably not the first or last teacher to strive for perfection in every ***** spent too much time in my younger days thinking that once I had more experience with the curriculum, once I had a different mix of students, and once I mastered classroom ****. I would be able todeliver flawless lessons. What I have come to realize is that the land of perfect lessons doesn' t exist. We are human beings who are tasked with working with other*****. That adds up to a whole lot of fallible human beings in one classroom. You' II never be able to predict how every student **** in every moment or how you will adjust to the hurdles you face each day. Be as gentle, patient, and *** withyourself as you are with your students.Those children in ** you are also the ***joy of their families.You've been given the privilege of educating them.Parents are not hiding the good ones at home and sending you the rambunctious ones for ****. Youare getting the best they' ve got. Spend time building relationships. You will want to quit and plan a new *** that has nothing to do with kid,****twice as much and provides the freedom to use the restroom on a whim. You' II**a time when you will sit down to eat lunch. ****..I hope you will spend some time thinking about your "bigger purpose." And with that *** of purpose, I hope that you will pause and remember what brought you to the profession in the first place.21. What has made the **** * understand those ***** roles of a teacher?A.Her students' expectations.B.Her collague' S timely advice.C.Her sympathy with her students.D.Her awareness of student' s needs.[答案] D22. Why does the *** call her desk drawer an“emergency box” in Paragraph 4?A.Because it reminds her of her purpose of teaching when something unexpressed occurs.B.Because it wakes up her memory of how they have pulled themselves through hard times.C.Because it brings back her old and unfashionable image as a young teacher.D.Because it records all sacrifices she has made for her students over the years.[答案] A23. Which of the **** summarizes the *** idea of Paragraph 5?A.The notion of perfect lessons is not well grounded at all.B.Good classroom management is essential to flawless lessons.C.Kids are unaware of the mistakes their teachers make in class.D.Both teachers and students tend to make mistakes in classroom.[答案] A24. What does the author *** to share with pre-service teachersat****end of the****7A.Teachers are free to decide whether to quit or continue their jobs.B.Don' t easily give up your teaching career considering its significance.C.Don' t enter the workforce if you are not prepared with a bigger purpose.D.Teachers are able to find jobs that are less demanding yet more rewarding.[答案] B25. Which of the following******in meaning to.the underlined phrase "take a toll on "in the 1a*****.A.Be in charge ofB.Be dependent onC.Have an effect onD.Take advantage of[答案] C阅读理解,回答26-30题Passage 2As a species, **** *incredibly smart. We tell stories, create magnificent art and astounding technology,build cities, and explore space. We haven't been around nearly as long as many other species, but in many respects we' ve accomplished more than any *. We eat them and they don' t eat us. We even run scientific***on them--and are thinking about re-creating**** those that have gone extinct. But our intelligence comes with a curious caveat: our babies are among the dumbest-or,rather,the most helpless--that exist. A baby******an stand within an hour of birth, and can even***** flee predators on its frst day of life. A baby monkey can grasp its mother and hang on for protection and nourishment. **** infantcan' t even hold up its own head.The evolution of ***intelligence isn' t something that Celeste Kidd had ever pondered. A developmental cognitive scientist who currently works at the University of Rochester, her work had focussed mostly on learning and decision-making in children. Over years of ***oung children, she became impressed with the average child' s level of sophistication. But when she looked at the ****sh encountered, she saw a baffling **** ofhelplessness: How *** *they be so incompetent one second and so so soon ***** One day, she posed the question to her colleague Steven Piantadosi."Both of us wondered what could possibly justify the degree of helplessness human infants ** she told me ****. "Even other primate babies, like baby chimps, which are close in evolutionary terms, can cling onto their moms." She began to see a contradiction: ***are born quite helpless, far more so than any other primate, but, fairly early on, we start becoming quite smart, again far more so than any other primate. What if this weren' t *** so much as a causal pathway?That' s the argument that Kidd and ***make in their new paper, published in a June issue of PNAS.Humans become so intelligent because *** infantsare so incredibly helpless, they argue; the one necessitates the other.The theory is startling, but it isn't entirely new. *** have been pondering the peculiarities of our birth and its evolutionary significance for ***some ***. Humans *** to the subset of mammals,**** viviparous mammals, that give live birth to their young. This*** that infants must grow to a mature enough state inside the body to be born, but they can' t be so big that they are unable to come out. This leads to a trade-of: the more******an animal is, the larger its head generally is, but the birth canal imposes an upper limit o1n just how large that head can***it gets stuck. The brain, therefore,must keep maturing, andth*****continue growing,long after birth. *** intelligent an animal will eventually be, the mor*****immature its brain is at birth. Researchers have long known **** * trade-off,***** the connection between brain size and neural density and intelligence. For instance, Robin **** found that the ratio of neocortical volume to brain size can predict the social-group size in a**** of species, **** bats, cetaceans, and primates,while Simon Reader has demonstrated links in tool use and innovation to brain size in primates. Kidd and * **** new idea is that increased helplessness******mandates increased **** in parents--and that a runawayselection dynamic can account for both. Natural selection favors humans with ******because those humans tend to be smarter. This may create evolutionary incentives for babies**** born at an even earlier developmental stage,**** require more intelligence to ***.* This creates the dynamic: over time,helpless babies make parents more****.which makes babies more helpless, which makes the***** intelligent, and so on.26.According to paragraph 1, *** of the following is true?A.Some species are smarter than human beings.B. Extinct species have been re-created by scientists.C.Babies of other species are smarter than human infants.D.Fewer species are earlier inhabitants than human beings.[答案] C27. What surprised* *** Kidd regarding children's *** maturation?A.Infants' helplessness when they are born.B.Children' S high intelligence when they grow up.C.Children' S leap from helplessness to sophistication.D.Children' S incompetence in learning and decision-making.[答案] C28. What can we *** form Paragraph 3 ** *brain development?A.Babies' helplessness at birth is an indication of human intelligenceB.Other mammal brains are more mature than human brain at birth.C.Only itelligent mammals give live birth to their babies.D.All animal brains are equally immature at their birth.[答案] A29. What is the main **** author intends toconvey?A.Newborns helplessness facilitates the development of parent' s intelligence.B.The 1arger the brain of a species, the larger its social-group size.rge brain size contributes to better tool use and innovation.D.Human beings with large brains are not necessarily smarter.[答案] A30. Which of *** following title ***describes the passage?A.Why are babies so dumb if humans are so smart?B.Why do babies learn faster than other mammal babies?C.Why is human' S intelligence higher than that of other animals?D.Why is the development of human brains slower than that of other animals?[答案] A简答题针对相关问题作出简明扼要的回答。

2018年安徽省教师招聘考试《中学英语》真题及答案I .单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1.1 XXX.(B)XXX.A.What good timeB. What a good timeC.How good timeD.How a good2.—Why not live in your new house?—Sounds a good idea,but it(C) .It will be OK next monthA. will paintB.had paintedC.is being paintedD.has been3.If you are curious about the history of our school or concernedabout th e future,You(D)miss XXX.A.mayB.XXX'tC. couldD.XXX't4.(A)after care fully,the plant can live through the winter.A. XXXB.LookingXXXD.Having XXX5.No sooner(D)down to relax than her smartphone rang.A. Alice satB.at AliceC.does Alice sitD.had Alice sat6.Life in the city is tough for a parent(C)kids XXX.A. hisB.of whomC.whoseD.of which7.—How amazing!You can't imagine(A)little animals can eat()muchfood.—Really?A.such;soB.such;suchC.so;suchD.so;so8.George Orwell is best known for his two novels,Animal Farm and1984,(B)of which were written and published toward the end of his life.A. allB.bothC.eachD. either9.If you are in any doubt as to(D)you should be doing theseexercises,XXX.A. thatB.ifC. whateverD. whether10. (C)my dad is known to only a few people in the town,hisreputation among them is great.A.AsB. SinceC. WhileD.Unless11 .Some people thin you change your mind,the less likely you are tofo cus your attention on your work.(D)A.more frequentB.most frequentlyC.XXX frequentD.the XXX12.It's 20 years since I left my hometown;it has changed(B)myrecognition.A. aboveB.beyondC. withinD.over13.If you(C)to Mr.Smith more carefully,you( )could work out theproblem without any difficulty now.A. XXXB. listenC.had listenedD.have listened14.What is XXX "furniture"andA. AntonymyB.XXXC.XXXD. XXX15.XXX, Withering Heights,was written by(A).A. Emily BronteB. XXXC. Jane XXXD.XXX Browningtable”?(B)“II .完形填空(共15小题,每题1分,总分值15分)XXX of years ago,but the legacy of the peas still lives on.It took place at the Biltmore Hotel,which.to myeight-year-old(16),was just about a place to eat.My grandmother, mymother, and I were having lunch the after shopping. I grandly (17) aSalisbury steak, (18) about the knowledge that XXX gravy (肉汁).When brought to the ta ble,it was (19) by a plate of peas which I have always hated. It is acomplete(20) to me why anyone would( 21) eat p eas. And I was XXX.“Eat your peas,”my (22)said.“Mother,”said my mother in a low voice.“He doesn’t like pe as.Leave him (23) My grandmother did not reply, but looked me in the eye, and uttered the fateful words that (24) my life:“I’llpay you five dollars can eat those peas”I began to force myself to eat them. And I found my mother seemeda bit (25) .which made me XXX. Every single pea made me want to throw up. (26) the magic a 1image of five dollars floated before me,I finally finished every last on e ofthem.XXX (27) me the five dollars with a flourish (夸大举措). Afew weeks later, XXX, atdinner, XXX,steaming bowl of peas. She offered me some peas,and I naturally(28)She fixed me with a cold eye as she heaped a huge XXX the words that still( 29) in my head today.“Y ou atethem for (30),”she said.“You can eat them for love.”XXXXXX18. A. XXX19.A.XXXXXXXXXaggressivelyXXX23.XXXXXXXXXXXX27. A XXXXXX declinedXXXXXX参考谜底:BADCBACBDABADCDXXX.阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)AXXX rising levels of carbon dioxide and other pla-net-XXX.XXX grew rice XXX set carbon dioxide levels t-XXX for our planet by the end of the century.They found that the result-ing rice crops hadlowe r than normal levels of vitarmins?XXX sa i-d the effects of planet-warming gasses XXX,XXX st Asia. These peoplegenerally eat the most ric-e andhave the least com plex diet,XXX millionprople might be at risk of having little protein or XXX.One of these scientists,Sam Myers of Harvard University in the American state of Massachus-ets, said the findings like this are an example o XXX“My concer-n is, there are many more surprises to come,”he said. Myers XXX, loss of som-e species, destruction of forests, and other XXX change all the natural systems that living organisms ha-ve grown to depend on over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our ow-n health.The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of dim ate change. One way, Kob-ayashi said is to grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to higher carbon dioxide levels.31 .According to Paragraph 2,who will XXX-warming gasses?A.XXX.B.Not only Chinese but also Japanese.C.People in the United States of America.D.XXX.32. What conclusion can be drawn from what Sam Myers said?A.XXX problems rarely result from XXX.B.Poor people eat the least rice and have the most complex diets.C.Changing natural XXX.D.XXXproduction.33. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A.XXX.B.XXX.XXX the results of the study.D.XXX.34. What does the text mainly tell us?A.Warming gasses increases food production.B.Some XXX.C.Rising levels of carbon XXX.D.XXX XXX.BXXX.A study of 3.4 million people between the ages of 40 and 80 found that having a dog was associated with a 23% XXX disease and a 20% lower risk of dying from any cause overthe 12 years of the study. Previous XXX-sion both linked to an XXX.XXX stress,XXX(园固醉)XXXby a review of dozens of studies to XXX" wasXXX heart disease: XXX-researchers note anas-XXX,say goldfish owners-forcxample,perhaps only people who are fit in the first place buy XXX.Tove Fall, XXX (流行病学家)and the leading author ofthis latest study, saysXXX,XXX between those with and without dogs. The XXX having a dogwas on people living alone.“It seems that a dog can be asubstitutefor living with other people in terms of reducing the risk of dying,"saysFall.'’Dogs encourage you to walk,they provide social support and theymake life more meaningful.If y ou have a dog,you XXX people. If you do get ill and g o into hospital and you have adog,there’XXX to try to get back home."35.What has the Swedish study found about keeping a dog?(B)A.It may increase the risk of heart disease.B.It XXX.C.It can cure people of mental diseases.D.It can make its own a lot younger.36.Why is the example of“dog owners and goldfish owners”mentioned?(D)A.To point out only healthy people will keep a dog.B.XXX.C.To find out the XXX.D.XXX37.What does Tove Fall try to tell us?(A)A.People living alone may get a lot out of keeping a dog.B.People XXX skills.C.XXX.D.People have a XXX.38. What can be a suitable title for the text?(D)A.Every dog has its day.B.Give a dog a bad name.C.Is a dog really human's best friend?D.Is owning a dog good for your health?CAt universities across the US, the class 2012,is celebrating the end ofcoll ege. But, for the estima-ted 1.8 million students XXX in 2008 is still casting a long shadow ov er their futures.Almost five years after the crisis XXX,XXX rate is still above 8 perce-nt while that for resent university graduates is stuck at 6.8 percent. For many young Americans,the promise of a degree has XXX gettheir first job, still burdened by student debt. What is worse,XXXof high XXX the rest of their career- and have an XXX.XXX-year-old Chelsea Katz,who XXX Maryland in the aut-umn,said she took into account theeconomy an d possible dett when XXX.A XXX University found that about a quarter of the employed graduates saidtheir position was below their level of XXXhad expected, and a quarter said they had to acept a job XXX d in order to find work. These conditions are making young peoplehard to pay back the student loans that have become very XXX.In the past decade,published prices for tuituon fees have risen by 2 9percent at private school-s and 72 percent at public insitutions,accorlin gto the College Board. The public universities,once XXX for middle and low-incomestude nts, have been hard hit by deep cuts to state budgets that havetransferre d more of the cost burden on to students and their families.39.What does the underlined word "that77 in Paragraph 2 referto?(B)A.XXX financial crisis.B.XXX XXX.C.The promise of a degree.D.The shadow over their future.40.What is the prospect of many American college graduates' futurecare er?(A)A. Disappointing.B. Unclear.XXX.D. Positive.41.Why is it difficult for young people to repay their studentloans?(C)A.The interest rates of their student loans are much higher.B.Most of them don't want to find work after XXX.C.Their income growth can't keep up with rising tuition fees.D.Most of the graduates can’t find work because of their majors.42.What can we leam about the public XXX?(D)A.They have been cutting the XXX.B.They charge low-income students nothing.C.They fond their students from poor families.D.They are on a much tighter budget than beforeIV翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)43.We have two XXX danger.44.They are placed in the mouth and the nose,ready to direct us XXX food.45 .If we followed the leading of these XXX be much better for many of us.46.Too many people force XXX beer,pepper and tea,none of which are liked by children.47.Our taste for them is not a natural one,and many of the XXX.43.我们具有两种觉得来XXX我们躲避风险。

杭州教师招聘真题卷中学英语(杭州统考2018年1月)杭州教师招聘真题卷中学英语(杭州统考2018年1月)(2018 年1 月)中学英语学科试题卷考生须知:1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分为100 分,考试时间120 分钟。
一、完形填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选择最佳选项,并将答案写在答题纸上。
I believe that we should talk to strangers.By engaging in unexpected friendly conversation with strangers, our lives can be affectedin ways that are extraordinary. I learned this___1___and life-changing experience during mysecond year of college.I am a student and part-time waitress inChicago, and Ispend most of my time at workengaging in as little real conversation aspossible. Thisis not done on purpose, ___2___ ,instinctively. Growingup, I was usedto__3____such as "Don't talk to strangers" and "Mind yourown business." As a result,I don't talk tounknown people at work__4____ taking orders and theoccasional weather chat.One night alittle old man, probably in his 80s, came in and sat in my__5____. I took hisorder and went on my way. But I noticedthat he came in,week after week, and always sat at one of my tables.___6___I began having shortconversations with my new guest.His name was Mr. Rogers, but he __7____ that I callhim Don. I learned that he and his wife had gone to dinner and a movie every Saturday. Since she had died,he ___8___ this tradition alone. I began looking forwardto him coming in and telling me hismovie __9____.As the weeks went on, I began to sit and really talk with Don. Wetalked about his wife, his days flying in the war, his son who hadgrown and moved away. Eventually we began to talk about my ambitions; going to school and theexpectations of my__10____ .About fourmonths after meeting Mr. Rogers, I received acall at home from a nurse, telling me that Don was in intensive care at Chicago's Mercy Hospital. Iimmediately drove to the hospital to see him. The first thing he didwas thank me for __11___ himtovisit thedoctor __12____ I didn't know what he was referringto. Then I remembered thatabout three weeksearlier Don was___13_____ about chest pains and I gave him the number fora doctor I know.Sincemeeting Don I have learned that strangers can become acquaintances andeven friends I recently found myself___14_____ talking tocustomers at the restaurant. I've had a lot more fun, the time has gone by faster,and I've gotten toknow some ofthe people I see on a regular basis. Dontaught me that life can bemuch more _15__ if I engage infriendly conversations. After all,I became more than just his waitress.I becamehis friend.1.A.valuable B.interesting C.funny D.cruel2.A.or rather B.worse still C.but rather D.or else3.A.greetings B.promises C.praises D.phrases4.A.beneath B.beyond C.behind D.before5.A.section B.table C.order D.charge6.A.Immediately B.Politely C.Unwillingly D.Slowly7.A.begged B.suggested C.insisted D.required8.A.carried on B.reflected on C.called on D.relied on9.A.tickets B.ideas C.background D.reviews10.A.problems B.Future C.homework D.sadness11.A.inviting B.introducing C.urging D.requesting12.A.So far B.At first C.Right now D.Justnow/doc/b918833103.htmlplaining B.wondering C.learning D.joking14.A.really B.clumsily C.Seriously D.Shyly15.A.touching B.Boring C.Optimistic D.enjoyable二、阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题2 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选择最佳选项,并将答案写在答题纸上。

2018年安徽教师招聘考试中学英语真题(总分:120.00,做题时间:150分钟)一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday.()we had together there.A.What good timeB.What a good time √C.How good timeD.How a good解析:2.—Why not live in your new house?—Sounds a good idea,but it().It will be OK next month.A.will paintB.had paintedC.is being painted √D.has been解析:3.If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about the future,You()miss the excellent opportunity.A.mayB.needn'tC.couldD.mustn't √解析:4.()after care fully,the plant can live through the winter.A.Looked √B.LookingC.To lookD.Having looked解析:5.No sooner()down to relax than her smartphone rang.A.Alice satB.at AliceC.does Alice sitD.had Alice sat √解析:6.Life in the city is tough for a parent()kids aren't keeping up in school.A.hisB.of whomC.whose √D.of which解析:7.—How amazing!You can't imagine()little animals can eat()much food.—Really?A.such;so √B.such;suchC.so;suchD.so;so解析:8.George Orwell is best known for his two novels,Animal Farm and 1984,()of which were written and published toward the end of his life.A.allB.both √C.eachD.either解析:9.If you are in any doubt as to()you should be doing these exercises,consult your doctor.A.thatB.ifC.whateverD.whether √解析:10.()my dad is known to only a few people in the town,his reputation among them is great.A.AsB.SinceC.While √D.Unless解析:11.Some people thin you change your mind,the less likely you are to fo cus your attention on your work.()A.more frequentB.most frequentlyC.the most frequentD.the more frequently √解析:12.It's 20 years since I left my hometown;it has changed()my recognition.A.aboveB.beyond √C.withinD.over解析:13.If you()to Mr.Smith more carefully,you could work out the problem without any difficulty now.B.listenC.had listened √D.have listened解析:14.What is the relationship between "furniture"and “table”?()A.AntonymyB.Hyponymy √C.PolysemyD.Synonymy解析:15.The novel, Withering Heights,was written by().A.Emily Bronte √B.James JoyceC.Jane AustenD.Robert Browning解析:二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)(总题数:1,分数:15.00)My grandmother passed away a couple of years ago,but the legacy o f the peas still lives on.It took place at the Biltmore Hotel,which.to my eight-year-old(16),was just about a place to eat.My grandmother, my mother, and I were having lunch the after shopping. I grandly (17) a Salisbury steak, (18) about the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy (肉汁).When brought to the ta ble, it was (19) by a plate of peas which I have always hated. It is a complete (20) to me why anyone would( 21) eat p eas. And I was certainly not about to eat them. “Eat your peas,” my (22)said.“Mother,” said my mother in a low voice. “He doesn’t like peas. Leave him (23) My grandmother did not reply, but looked me in the eye, and uttered the fateful words that (24) my life: “I’ll pay you five dollars can eat those peas ”I began to force myself to eat them. And I found my mother seeme dabit (25) .which made me nervous.But my grandmother had a satisfied look. Every single pea made me want to throw up. (26) the magic a 1 image of five dollars floated before me,I finally finished every last on e of them.My grandmother (27) me the five dollars with a flourish (夸张动作). A few weeks later, my grandmother left for aunt Lilian’s. That night, at dinner, my mother served two of my favorite foods along with a big, steaming bowl of peas. She offered me some peas,and I naturally(28) She fixed me with a cold eye as she heaped a huge pile of peas onto my plate. Then came the words that still( 29) in my head today.“You ate them for (30),”she said.“You can eat them for love.”(分数:15)(1).(分数:1)A.dreamB.mind √C.imagination解析:(2).(分数:1)A.ordered √B.roastedC.soldD.swallowed解析:(3).(分数:1)A.curiousB.doubtfulC.disappointedD.confident √解析:(4).(分数:1)A.protectedB.controlledC.accompanied √D.strengthened 解析:(5).(分数:1)A.honorB.mystery √C.disasterD.relief解析:(6).(分数:1)A.voluntarily √B.urgentlyC.peacefullyD.aggressively 解析:(7).(分数:1)A.motherB.waiterC.grandmother √D.aunt解析:(8).(分数:1)A.busyB.alone √C.hungry解析:(9).(分数:1)A.extendedB.abandonedC.minedD.changed √解析:(10).(分数:1)A.annoyed √B.pleasedC.confusedD.interested 解析:(11).(分数:1)A.orB.but √C.soD.for解析:(12).(分数:1)A.handed √B.chargedC.finedD.borrowed解析:(13).(分数:1)A.acceptedB.returnedC.apologizedD.declined √解析:(14).(分数:1)A.talkB.growC.ring √D.shrink解析:(15).(分数:1)A.tasteB.respectC.kindnessD.money √解析:三、阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)(总题数:3,分数:24.00)AStudies have shown that higher temperatures from climate change an d weather extremes will r-educe food production.But scientists are finding that rising levels of carbon dioxide and otherpla-net-warming gasses t hreaten food quality.The researchers grew rice plants in a controlled environment.They se t carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet b y the end of the century.They found that the resulting rice crops had lowe r than normal levels of vitarmins?minerals and prolein.The researchers said the effects of planet-warming gasses would be most severe for the po orest citizens in some of the least developed countries, mainly in Southea st Asia. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least com plex diet,they noted.Scientists estimated that almost 150 millionprople might be at risk of having little protein or zinc in their diet by 2050.One of these scientists,Sam Myers of Harvard University in the Ame rican state of Massachusets, said the findings like this are an example o f the surprises climate change creates.“My concern is, there are many m ore surprises to come,” he said. Myers noted that pollution, loss of some species, destruction of forests, and other human activities are likely to produce unexpected problems.He said that you cannot completely chan ge all the natural systems that living organisms have grown to depend o n over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our own health.The new study suggests away to lower the nutritional harm of dim at echange. One way, Kobayashi said is to grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to higher carbon dioxide levels.(分数:8)(1).According to Paragraph 2,who will suffer most severe effects of plane t-warming gasses?(分数:2)A.The poorest citizens in Singapore.B.Not only Chinese but also Japanese.C.People in the United States of America.D.People in Indonesia. Cambodia and Laos. √解析:(2).What conclusion can be drawn from what Sam Myers said?(分数:2)A.Unexpected problems rarely result from human activities.B.Poor people eat the least rice and have the most complex diets.C.Changing natural systems may affect our own health eventually. √D.Higher temperatures from climate change-benefit food production.解析:(3).What is the purpose of the last paragraph?(分数:2)A.To advocate further research.B.To suggest a possible solution. √C.To confirm the results of the study.D.To promote an appropriate lifestyle.解析:(4).What does the text mainly tell us?(分数:2)A.Warming gasses increases food production.B.Some scientific experiments have been carried out.C.Rising levels of carbon dioxide threaten food quality. √D.The nutritional harm of climate change has been lowered.解析:BAcording to a Swedish study that says dog ownership could reduce heart disease.A study of 3.4 million people between the ages of 40 and 8 0 found that having a dog was associated with a 23% reduction in death fr om heart disease and a 20% lower risk of dying from any cause over the 12 years of the study. Previous studies have suggested dogs relieve social isolation and depres-sion both linked to an increased risk of heart disease and early death.Dog owners show better responses to stress,have higher levels of physical activity and slightly lower cholesterol(胆固醇)levels.The American Heart Asociation was sufficiently swayed by a review of dozens of studies to release a statement in 2013 saying that owning a dog" was probably associated with a reduced risk of heart disease: Their reluctance to more strongly approve dog ownership is because most studies are w hat is called observational-researchers note anas-sociation?but can't prove causation.This means that other factors might explain why dog owners are healthier than,say goldfish owners-for cxample,perhaps only people who are fit in the first place buy pets that need daily walkies.Tove Fall, an epidemiologist (流行病学家)and the leading author of this latest study, says they tried their bestto allow for any differences in education,existing ilhea 1th and lifestyles between those with and without dogs. The study found the biggest positive impact of having a dog was on people living alone.“It seems that a dog can be asubstitute for living with other people in terms of reducing the risk of dying,"says Fall.'’Dogs encourage you to walk,they provide social support and they make life more meaningful.If y ou have a dog,you inleract more with other people. If you do get ill and go into hospital and you have a dog,there’s ahuge motivation to try to get back home."(分数:8)(1).What has the Swedish study found about keeping a dog?(分数:2)A.It may increase the risk of heart disease.B.It may be beneficial to people's health. √C.It can cure people of mental diseases.D.It can make its own a lot younger.解析:(2).Why is the example of “dog owners and goldfish owners” mentioned?(分数:2)A.To point out only healthy people will keep a dog.B.To prove dog owners are healthier than fish owners.C.To find out the differences between keeping a dog and goldfish.D.To suggest the findings of dog ownership need to be further confirmed √解析:(3).What does Tove Fall try to tell us?(分数:2)A.People living alone may get a lot out of keeping a dog. √B.People interact with their dogs to improve social skills.C.People keeping dogs tend to go to hospital less.D.People have a similar lifestyle with their dogs.解析:(4).What can be a suitable title for the text?(分数:2)A.Every dog has its day.B.Give a dog a bad name.C.Is a dog really human's best friend?D.Is owning a dog good for your health? √解析:CAt universities across the US, the class 2012,is celebrating the end of coll ege. But, for the estimated 1.8 million students receiving bachelor's de gree this spring.the financial crisis that unfolded during their first year on campus in 2008 is still casting a long shadow ov er their futures.Almost five years after the crisis began,the overall unenmployment r ate is still above 8 percent while that for resent university graduates is st uck at 6.8 percent. For many young Americans,the promise of a degree has turned to disappointment as they find themseIves strugaling to get their first job, still burdened by student debt. What is worse,studies show that graduating at a time of high unemploymeat can damage a young person’searning power for the rest of their career and have an impact on the broader econony as well.Seventeen-year-old Chelsea Katz,who planned to atend the Univemity of Maryland in the autumn,said she took into account the economy an d possible dett when picking school and choosing her degree.A survey from Rutgers University found that about a quarter of the e mployed graduates said their position was below their level of education a quarter said they were earning less than they had expected, and a quarter said they had to acept a job outside their ficld in order to find work. These conditions are making young people hard to pay back the student loans that have become very common in higher education because rising tuition fees surpass inco me growth.In the past decade,published prices for tuituon fees have risen by 29 percent at private schools and 72 percent at public insitutions,accorling to the College Board. The public universities,once seen as a ticket to higher earnings for middle and low-income stude nts, have been hard hit by deep cuts to state budgets that have transferred more of the cost burden on to students and their families.(分数:8)(1).What does the underlined word "that77 in Paragraph 2 refer to?(分数:2)A.The financial crisis.B.The unemployment rate. √C.The promise of a degree.D.The shadow over their future.解析:(2).What is the prospect of many American college graduates' future care er?(分数:2)A.Disappointing. √B.Unclear.C.Hopeful.D.Positive.解析:(3).Why is it difficult for young people to repay their student loans?(C)(分数:2)A.The interest rates of their student loans are much higher.B.Most of them don't want to find work after leaving college.C.Their income growth can't keep up with rising tuition fees. √D.Most of the graduates can’t find work because of their majors.解析:(4).What can we leam about the public universities according to the text?(分数:2)A.They have been cutting the tuition fees.B.They charge low-income students nothing.C.They fond their students from poor families.D.They are on a much tighter budget than before. √解析:四、翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)(总题数:5,分数:10.00)16.We have two senses guarding us from danger.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(我们拥有两种感觉来帮助我们规避危险。
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1.The similarity between the English consonants/p/,/b/,and/m/is that they are all().A.fricativeB.plosivebial-dentalD.bilabial2.Which of the following is a back vowel in English?()A./ə:/B./ɔ:/C./ʌ/D./e/3.There is only one playground slide in this school,so the students have to take()to use it.A.turnsB.the turnsC.a turnD.the turn4.Out of everyone’s expectation,Johnson suddenly returned()a rainy night.A.atB.inC.onD.during5.She()it very well when she described her younger brother as“brilliant but lazy”.A.putB.madeC.assumedD.interpreted6.We don’t think()possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.thisB.thatC.itsD.it7.()the same mistakes in the annual financial report again made his boss very angry.A.His having madeB.He having madeC.He had madeD.He has made8.I would have told him the answer,but I()so busy then.A.had beenB.wereC.wasD.would be9.The use of the expression“I won’t bore you with all the detail…”includes that people usually observe the()maxim in their daily conversations.A.QuantityB.QualityC.RelevanceD.Manner10.Which of the following is an evaluative move used by a teacher in class to comment on students’performance?()A.Initiation move.B.Follow-up move.C.Framing move.D.Repair move.l l.Which of the following activities is NOT typical of the Task-Based Language Teaching method? ()A.Problem-solving activities.B.Opinion exchange activities.rmation-gap activities.D.Pattern practice activities.12.If a teacher shows students how to do an activity before they start doing it,he/she is using the technique of().A.presentationB.demonstrationC.elicitationD.evaluation13.When a teacher asks students to discuss how a text is organized,he/she is most likely to help them ().A.evaluate the content of the textB.analyze the structure of the passageC.understand the intention of the writerD.distinguish the facts from the opinions14.Which of the following practices can encourage students to read an article critically?()A.Evaluating its point of view.B.Finding out the facts.C.Finding detailed information.D.Doing translation exercises.15.Which of the following is a display question used by teachers in class?()A.If you were the girl in the story,would you behave like her?B.do you like this story Girl the Thumb,why or why not?C.do you agree that the girl was a kind-hearted person?D.What happened to the girl at the end of the story?16.Which of the following would a teacher encourage students to do in order to develop their cognitive strategies?()A.To make a study plan.B.To summalize a story.C.To read a text aloud.D.To do pattern drills.17.Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?()A.Paraphrasing sentences.B.Translating sentences.C.Unscrambling sentences.D.Transforming sentences.18.The advantages of pair and group work include all of the following EXCEPT().A.interaction with peersB.variety and dynamismC.an increase in language practiceD.opportunities to guarantee accuracy19.Which of the following should a teacher avoid when his/her focus is on developing students’ability to use words appropriately?()A.Teaching both the spoken and written form.B.Teaching words in context and giving examples.C.Presenting the form,meaning,and use of a word.D.Asking students to memorize bilingual word lists.20.Which of the following practices is most likely to encourage students’cooperation in learning? ()A.Doing a project.B.Having a dictation.C.Taking a test.D.Copying a text.请阅读Passage1,完成第21~25小题。
Passage1In recent years,however,society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merely sort and rank students.We have discovered that students in the bottom one-third to one-half of the rank order—plus all who drop out before being ranked—fail to develop the foundational reading,writing,and mathematical proficiencies needed to survive in,let alone contribute to,an increasingly technicallycomplex and ethnically diverse culture.So today,in asking schools to leave no child behind,society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our“academic achievement standards”.Every state has them,and,as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for making sure that all students meet them.To be clear,the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process.For the foreseeable future,students will still be ranked at the end of high school.However,society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.The implications of this change in mission for the role of assessment are profound.Assessment and grading procedures designed to permit only a few students to succeed(those at the top of the rank-order distribution)must now be revised to permit the possibility that all students could succeed at some appropriate level.Furthermore,procedures that permitted(perhaps even encouraged)some students to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replaced by others that promote hope and continuous effort.In short,the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.The students’mission is no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race.At least part of their goal must be to become competent.Teachers must believe that all students can achieve a certain level of academic success,must bring all of their students to believe this of themselves,must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiated instruction,and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificial scarcity of success.Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperation and collaboration must come into play.The driving forces must be confidence,optimism,and persistence—for all,not just for some.All students must come to believe that they can succeed at learning if they try.They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success,however small.This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.21.What do the“academic achievement standards”in Paragraph1refer to?()A.The driving dynamic forces for all students who need to survive in society.B.Confidence,optimism,and persistence that students need in order to succeed.C.Differentiated levels of competence specified for students with different abilities.D.The missions of students who want to beat others in their achievement race in school.22.Which of the following would happen due to the change in mission for the role of assessment? ()A.Most students would achieve a certain level of academic success.cators would raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution.C.Teachers would help low achievers to beat high achievers successfully.D.Schools would eliminate sorting and ranking from the schooling process.23.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word“accommodate”in paragraph 4?()A.Adapt.B.Match.C.Accept.D.Understand.24.Which is meant by the author about the emotional promise of assessment for students?()A.To reach a minimum level of achievement.B.To build up their confidence in success.C.To enable them to compete with others.D.To help them realize their goals.25.Which of the following is likely to be the title of this passage?()A.Formative AssessmentB.Success in Meeting StandardsC.A New Mission of AssessmentD.Limitations of Current School Ranking请阅读Passage2,完成第26~30小题。