



GWDC地面测试设备三相测试分离器(SK-V-401)操作手册(HBP PROJ. No.: 10080259)GWDC Ground Test Equipment Three-phase Test Separator (SK-V-401) Operation Manual(HBP PROJ. No.: 10080259)华油惠博普科技股份有限公司Beijing Oil HBP Science & Technology Co., Ltd2010年4月April, 2010目录C ontents1.设备图片 (1)1.Equipment photograph (1)2.三相测试分离器简介 (1)2. Brief introduction to three-phase test separator (1)3.技术参数 (3)3. Technical parameters (3)4.分离器的结构和原理 (8)4. Structure and principle of the separator (8)4.1分离器容器及内部元件 (8)4.1 Separator container and internal elements (8)4.2气路控制和计量系统 (12)4.2 Gas line control and metering system (12)4.3油路控制和计量系统 (26)4.3 Oil route control and metering system (26)4.4水路控制和计量系统 (29)4.4 Water route control and metering system (29)4.5安全系统 (29)4.5 Safety system (29)4.6仪表风系统 (30)4.6 Instrument air system (30)4.7进出口旁通管汇 (31)4.7 Bypass pipe joints of inlet or outlet (31)4.8原油收缩率测定仪 (31)4.8 Contraction percentage tester for crude oil (31)5.系统安装 (34)5. System installation (34)5.1撬体吊装 (34)5.1 Skid hoisting (34)5.2系统安装 (34)5.2 System installation (34)6.现场调试和试压 (35)6. Site commissioning and pressure test (35)7.投运前的准备工作 (39)7. Preparations before operation (39)8.正常运行、事故处理及维护 (40)8. Normal operation, accident disposal and maintenance (40)9.操作、维护、注意事项 (43)9. Notice to operation and maintenance (43)9.1投产前的准备工作 (43)9.1 Preparation before put into operation (43)9.2投产步骤 (47)9.2 Steps to put into operation (47)9.3停产步骤 (49)9.3Production stoppage steps (49)9.4操作维护注意事项 (49)9.4 Note to operation and maintenance (49)10附图 (50)10. Appendix figures (50)11附表:分离器仪表配置表 (50)11.Appendix table: Configuration table of separator meters (50)1.设备图片1.Equipment photograph2.三相测试分离器简介2. Brief i ntroduction to three-phase test separator三相测试分离器应用重力分离的原理将油气水三相分开。



H KJ L 260 5.0 25 115 256 6.0 30 162 256 8.0 40 162 256 10 50 162 256 10 60 162
* 更多(其他)产品请致电 上海民恩电气有限公司 021-51131223/4006265612
滤波器在工作过程中会发出类似振流器或变压器式的噪声,这是由于电流通过 滤波器内部电感线圈引起的,不会影响滤波器的效果!您可以放心使用!
安 装 位 置 示 意 图
--- 5A~250A(螺栓式)输入/输出滤波器安装说明
安装前请确定已仔细阅读过“滤波器使用说明” !!!
滤波器安装前请先阅读此注意事项!!! 1. 测试 上海民恩电气有限公司的每一只产品在出厂前均经过严格的测试,
2. 接地 滤波器在加电使用前必须保证安全地线的连接(具体连接方法参照 安装操作步骤说明的第二步),否则会造成人身伤害或财产损失;
3. 面接触 滤波器底面为金属表面,为保证滤波器的滤波效果,请尽可能的
A 240±2.0 290±2.0 290±2.0 290±2.0 290±2.0
BCDE F 300 360 394 120 210 350 410 444 120 210 350 446 475 120 210 350 456 485 120 210 350 456 485 120 210
G 235±2.0 230±2.0 230±2.0 230±2.0 230±2.0
变频器是个干扰源,也是个受扰源,或者是叫敏感设备。如果电网中的谐波频率过高、谐波含量 过大的情况下,
变频器就会发出过压、过流、过载等误报警。 (3)提高系统功率因数










版本号 V1.0PSCONVERTER-I10/3三相储能变流器用户使用手册天津天海源电气技术有限责任公司Tianjin THY -Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd目录一关于本手册的说明 (1)1.1 前言 (2)1.2 内容介绍 (2)1.3 面向读者 (3)1.4 手册使用 (3)二安全须知 (4)2.1 用户须知 (5)2.2 安全标志约定 (5)2.3 安全注意事项 (6)三PSCONVERTER-I10/3三相储能变流器简介 (7)3.1 简介 (8)3.2 产品性能特点 (8)3.3 产品原理图 (10)四操作指导 (12)4.1 上电前检查 (13)4.2 上电操作 (14)4.3 断电操作 (15)4.4 变流器工作状态 (16)五触摸屏监视终端和上位机监控软件操作说明 (17)5.1 触摸屏监视终端 (18)5.1.1 触摸屏监视终端简介 (18)5.1.2 触摸屏监视终端操作步骤 (20)5.2 上位机监控软件 (20)5.2.2 上位机监控软件功能简介 (21)5.2.2 上位机监控软件功能操作步骤 (22)六故障诊断及排除 (23)6.1 故障和告警类型 (24)6.2 上位机监控软件故障 (25)6.3 其他故障 (25)七例行维护 (26)7.1 维护周期 (27)7.2 可视化检查系统状态 (27)7.2.1 变流器箱体 (27)7.2.2 变流器周围的环境 (28)7.3 接线端子紧固性检查 (28)7.3.1 内部器件检查 (28)7.3.2 插头的安装检查 (29)7.4断路器的检查与维护 (29)八典型应用 (30)8.1典型应用1:离网V/F控制模式 (31)8.1.1离网V/F控制模式简介 (31)8.1.2应用目的 (31)8.1.3应用接线图例 (31)8.1.4硬件与上位机操作步骤 (31)8.1.5实测波形 (32)8.2典型应用2:并网PQ控制模式 (34)8.2.1并网PQ控制模式简介 (34)8.2.2应用目的 (34)8.2.3应用接线图例 (34)8.2.4硬件与上位机操作步骤 (35)8.2.5实测波形 (35)8.3典型应用3:并网定电压充电控制模式 (37)8.3.1并网定电压充电控制模式简介 (37)8.3.2应用目的 (37)8.3.3应用接线图例 (37)8.3.4硬件与上位机操作步骤 (38)8.3.5实测波形 (39)8.4典型应用4:并网定电流充电控制模式 (40)8.4.1并网定电流充电控制模式简介 (40)8.4.2应用目的 (40)8.4.3应用接线图例 (40)8.4.4硬件与上位机操作步骤 (41)8.4.5实测波形 (41)九附录 (43)9.1 质量保证 (44)9.2 联系我们 (46)一关于本手册的说明本章概述本章介绍了PSCCONVERTER-I10/3三相储能变流器用户使用手册的主要内容、面向的读者、以及手册使用须知,以便帮助用户更好地阅读、使用本手册。















第四条工作环境使用三相分离器的工作环境应符合以下要求:1. 温度适宜,通风良好。

2. 干燥无尘。

3. 无可燃易爆物品。

4. 地面平整、干燥、无积水。

5. 周围环境无辐射源。

第三章操作程序第五条操作前准备1. 检查三相分离器的外观是否完好,无破损、断裂等现象。

2. 检查控制面板上的开关是否处于关闭状态。

3. 确保连接线接触良好,无松动、脱落等现象。

4. 检查工作环境是否符合要求。

第六条操作步骤1. 按照操作前准备中的步骤进行检查,确保无异常情况后,插上电源。

2. 打开控制面板上的电源开关。

3. 根据工作需求,将需要分离的三相电源连接到相应接口。

4. 打开相应的分离开关,即可实现三相电源的分离。

5. 操作完毕后,先关闭分离开关,再关闭控制面板上的电源开关。

6. 拔掉电源插头,结束操作。

第七条操作注意事项1. 操作前应检查设备的安全保护装置是否完好,如漏电保护器等。

2. 在操作过程中应注意观察设备运行状态,如异常情况应及时停止操作并汇报。

3. 禁止擅自更改设备的电源接口,避免电源连接错误导致设备损坏或人员伤害。

4. 禁止将湿手或带有泥沙物等接触设备,以免发生触电事故。

5. 在操作过程中应保持设备周围的环境整洁,禁止杂物堆放。





3 / 15
EP-DL 三相电参数采集模块使用说明书
三、 外形图及端子定义
1、 EP-DL 模块外形结构尺寸图如下:
2、 端子定义 端子号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 名 NC NC NC NC NC INIT*(SLT) DATA+ DATAVCC GND UGND NC UA NC UB NC UC NC NC NC 称 定 义

2 / 15
EP-DL 三相电参数采集模块使用说明书
一、 主要性能简介
EP-DL 模块是一智能型三相电参数数据综合采集模块;三表法准确测量三相三线制或三相四线制交流电路中的三 相电流、三相电压(真有效值) 、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数、有功电度等电参数。 EP-DL 模块是一款高性价比的智能电参数变送器,能替代过去的电流、电压、功率、 功率因数、电量等一系列 变送器及测量这些变送器标准输出信号的模入模块,可大大降低系统成本 , 方便现场布线,提高系统的可靠性。可同 时与其他厂家的控制模块挂在同一 485 总线上,且便于计算机编程,使您轻松地构建自己的测控系统。 采用电磁隔离和光电隔离技术,电压输入、电流输入及输出三方完全隔离。
输入信号 三相交流 50/60Hz 电压、电流。输入频率:45~75Hz。 电压量程(相电压) : 250V,其它可选量程 60V、100V。 电流量程: 5A 信号处理: 16 位 A/D 转换,6 通道,每通道均以 4KHz 速率同步交流采样,真有效值测量; 数据更新:模块实时数据的更新周期可设置(40mS~1000mS,每步为 10mS) ;此功能可通过我公司“Epower 系列产品测试软件”MODBUS-RTU 协议中的配置界面进行配置;更新周期默认为 250ms。 过载能力:1.4 倍量程输入可正确测量;瞬间(<10 周波)电流 5 倍,电压 3 倍量程不损坏。 通讯输出 输出数据:三相相电压 Ua、Ub、Uc;三相电流 Ia、Ib、Ic;有功功率 P、无功功率 Q、功率因数 PF、各相有 功功率 Pa、Pb、Pc;正反向有功电度等电参数。 输出接口:RS-485 二线制 ± 15KV ESD 保护、 或 RS-232 三线制 ± 2KV ESD 保护。 通讯速率(Bps) :1200、2400、4800、9600、19200; 通讯协议: ASCII 码格通讯、十六进制通讯(AY-01)、MODBUS-RTU 通讯,3 种通讯协议可同时识别使用,无 需配置。 测量精度 电流、电压:0.2 级 ; 其它电量:0.5 级; 参数设定 模块地址、通讯速率可通过通讯接口设定;有功电量底数可通过通讯接口清 0。 模块供电电源 DC +10~30V 消耗电流小于 70mA,最高输入电压不得超过+32V。 隔离电压 输入-输出:1000VDC。电流输入、电压输入、AC 电源输入、通讯接口输出之间均相互隔离。 外型尺寸:122mm *69mm * 73mm 安装方式:DIN 导轨卡装 工作温度:-20℃~70℃ 存储温度:-40℃~85℃ 相对湿度:-5%~95%不结露


Rplified ChinRSe Ver: 1.0
前言.................................................................................. 4
安全须知............................................................................ 5
2.安装配线....................................................................... 14
2-1. 安装环境注意事项................................................................................14 2-2. 适当的散热及维修空间.........................................................................14 2-3. 连接配线...............................................................................................15 2-4. 接线位置及其规格................................................................................18
本维护手册的目的在說明Resine RS33 & RS34 有源式濾波器之运作原理、安装配线及操 作说明。 对于可能出现之各种不正常讯息,「Resine RS33 & RS34 有源式滤波器维护手册」均加以 说明。这些讯息可协助客服工程师进行故障排除。至于Resine RS33 & RS34 有源式濾波器更详细的讯息,请参阅相关档:








1.2 适用范围错误!未指定书签。

1.3 满足的标准错误!未指定书签。

1.4 产品型号定义错误!未指定书签。



2.1 运输及储存错误!未指定书签。

2.1.1 运输错误!未指定书签。

2.1.2 储存错误!未指定书签。

2.2 机械安装错误!未指定书签。

2.2.1 环境要求错误!未指定书签。

2.2.2 设备外型尺寸及柜体安装错误!未指定书签。

2.3 电气安装错误!未指定书签。

2.3.1 联接配线错误!未指定书签。

2.3.2 负载含有并联电容器组或无源滤波装置的接线错误!未指定书签。

2.3.3 双母联供电的接线错误!未指定书签。

2.3.4 并机配线错误!未指定书签。

2.3.3 接线位置错误!未指定书签。


3.1 运行原理错误!未指定书签。

3.2 系统结构错误!未指定书签。


4.1 人机界面概述错误!未指定书签。



4.4 监控界面错误!未指定书签。

4.5 系统参数错误!未指定书签。

4.5.1 电源侧参数错误!未指定书签。

4.5.2 负载侧参数错误!未指定书签。

4.5.3 侧参数错误!未指定书签。

4.5.4 联机状态错误!未指定书签。






DL599 True RMS 三相峰值电流计测仪说明手册说明书

DL599 True RMS 三相峰值电流计测仪说明手册说明书

ENGLISHDL599Wireless TRMS Clamp Meter w/ 3-Phase & Unbalanced Motor Tests1-800-547-5740•email:****************FUNCTIONS (3)FEATURES (3)GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (3)IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNINGS (4)SYMBOLS (5)CATEGORY DEFINITIONS (5)OVERVIEW .....................................................................................6 - 7 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSNon-Contact Voltage (7)Voltage: 1000V AC/DC (8)Frequency (Hz) / Duty Cycle (9)Low Z (Low Impedance) (10)Low Pass Filter (10)AC/DC Amps: <600A – Jaw (11)AC/DC Microamps: <2000μA (12)Zero DC Amps (12)LRA Inrush (13)Phase Rotation (13)Voltage Unbalance (14)Current Unbalance (14)Resistance: < 60MΩ (15)Temperature F˚/C˚ (15)Diode (16)Capacitance (17) (17)ContinuityApp Overview (18)Test Lead Notes (19)FCC/IC (19)WARRANTY (20)BATTERY REPLACEMENT (20)DISPOSAL (20)CLEANING (20)STORAGE (20)• True RMS• 1000V AC/DC• 600A AC/DC• Differential temperature • AC/DC microamps: 2000µA • Capacitance: 9999µF • Frequency: 99.99kHz • Duty cycle• Diode test• Audible continuity • NCV• LRA Inrush• DC Zero• Temperature range: -328˚ to 2462˚F • Resistance: 60MΩ• 3-Phase Rotation Test• Motor Unbalanced Test• Low Z (Low Impedance)• Low Pass Filter• Wireless capability • Free App• Dual display• Auto/Manual ranging • Worklight• Back light• Low battery indicator • Data Hold • Auto power off• Test lead storage• Auto calibration• Built-in Magnet w/ hanging strap • Visible high-voltage alert• Input jack locks• Min/Max/Avg• Auto selection (voltage & amps)•Operating Temperature: 32˚ to 122˚F (0˚ to 50˚C)•Storage Temperature: -4˚ to 140˚F (-20˚ to 60˚C)• Operating Humidity: <80%•Pollution Degree: 2•Display: 3 5/6 digits 6,000 count•Back light: Yes•Refresh Rate: 3/sec•Over-range: “OL” is displayed•Apo: Auto power off after 30 minutes of use.•Dimensions: 9.45” x 2.58” x 1.67”•Item Weight: 0.926 lb.•CAT Rating: CATIV 600V•Certifications: cETLus UL 61010-1: 2012, IP42, 6 ft. Drop Protection •Battery Type: (AAA) 4•Test Leads: Test leads w/ alligator clips & back probesUse ATL58 test leads w/ ABP3 back probes andAAC3 alligator clips.ATL55, ATL57 and ATLTX will not work with DL599Read entire Safety Notes section regarding potential hazards and proper instructions before using this meter. In this manual the word “WARNING” is used to indicate conditions or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word “CAUTION” is used to indicate conditions or actions that may damage this instrument.WARNINGTo ensure safe operation and service of the tester, follow these instructions. Failure to observe these warnings can result in severe injury or death.WARNING• Before each use, verify meter operation by measuring a known voltage or current.• Never use the meter on a circuit with voltages that exceed the category based rating of this meter.• Do not use this meter during electrical storms or in wet weather.• Do not use the meter or test leads if they appear damaged.• Ensure meter leads are fully seated and keep fingers away from the metal probe contact when making measurements. Always grip the leads behind the finger guards molded into the probe. For information on test lead shields instructions on page 19.• Do not open the meter to replace batteries while the probes are connected. • Use caution when working with voltages above 60 DC or 25 AC RMS. Such voltages pose shock hazards.• To avoid false readings that can lead to electrical shock, replace batteries if a low battery indicator appears.• Unless measuring voltage or current, shut off and lockout power before measuring resistance or capacitance.• Always adhere to national and local safety codes. Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent shock and arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.• Always turn off power to a circuit or assembly under test before cutting, unsoldering or breaking the current path. Even small amounts of current can be dangerous.• Always disconnect the live test lead before disconnecting the common test lead from the circuit.• In the event of electrical shock, ALWAYS bring the victim to the emergency room for evaluation, regardless of victim’s apparent recovery. Electrical shock can cause unstable heart rhythms that may need medical attention.• If any of the following occur during testing, turn off the power source to the circuit being tested: arcing, flame, smoke, extreme heat, smell of burning materials or discoloration or melting of components.WARNINGHigher voltages and currents require greater awareness of physical safety hazards. Before connecting the test leads; turn off power to the circuit under test, set meter to the desired function and range; connect the test leads tothe meter first, then connect to the circuit under test. Reapply power. If an erroneous reading is observed, disconnect power immediately and recheck all settings and connections.WARNINGThis meter is designed to provide HVAC/R technicians with the capabilities they need to diagnose and repair HVAC/R system. Observe all recommended safety procedures that include proper lockout utilization and use of personal protective equipment that includes safety glasses, gloves and flame resistant clothing.AC (Alternating current)DC (Direct current)Negative AC/DC Voltage or CurrentAuto-ranging Overload: Range ExceededkHz Low pass Filter BT Wireless Connection Auto power off Active Non-Contact VoltageLow Battery Hold/Capture ValueMinimum measured value displayed Maximum measured value displayedDuty Cycle Hertz/FrequencyVoltage InrushAmperage Ohms/ResistanceDiode CapacitanceNanofaradµF MicrofaradMicroamps ContinuityDegrees Fahrenheit Degrees CelsiusMega (x106 or 1,000,000)Milli (x10-3 or 0.001)Kilo (x103 or 1,000)Micro (x10-6 or 0.000001)Warning or Caution GroundDangerous Levels Double Insulation(Protection to Class II) Safe for disconnect fromlive conductors No reading detected AVG Average EF Electric FieldT1Temperature input 1T2Temperature input 2 M Mega Ohms k Kilo OhmsMeasurement Category Short-Circuit(typical) kA aLocation in thebuilding installationII< 10Circuits connected to mains socketoutlets and similar points in the MAINSinstallationIII< 50Mains distributions parts of the building IV> 50Source of the mains installation in thebuildingA. Clamp: Measure inductive AC/DC current. Opens to 1.25” (32.0mm).B. Conductor Alignment Marks: Use to aid the visual alignment of a c onductor when measuring inductive amperage. Greatest accuracy i s achieved when the conductor inside the clamp is centered at the intersection of these marks.C. Worklight: Lights clamp area in dark work environments.D. Category Max Indicator: Maximum CAT Rating for clamp jaw.E. NCV Alert Light: Indicates voltage when in NCV (Non Contact Voltage) mode and High Voltage alert.F. Clamp Lever: Opens and closes current clamp jaw.NOTE: The clamp uses a high-tension spring to close the jaw. Do not allow fingers or objects to become pinched in the base as the jaws close.G. Rotary Selector Dial: Set Rotary Selector Dial desired function H. SELECT/Wireless (BT) Button :• Press to select AC or DC on Low Z setting, AC or DC on voltage setting, AC or DC on Amps setting.• Press to activate Ohms, Continuity, Diode, Capacitance on Ohms/Continuity/Diode/Capacitance setting; AC or DC on Low amps setting; T1, T2, T1 - T2 on temperature setting. • Press and Hold to activate Wireless mode.I. Range/Mode/kHz Button:• Press to set manual range desired• Press and hold Range/Mode/kHz Button to activate Low filter mode J. Min/Max/Test Button:• Press to capture Max reading• Press again to capture Min reading • Press again to capture Avg reading • Press and hold return to Live readings• Press and hold Min/Max/Test Button and Range/Mode/kHz Button to activate Motor measurement test modeI LK. Category Max Indicator: Maximum CAT Rating for input jacks.L. Test Lead Input Jacks: Multifunction and Positive input jacks.• Multifunction input port used for measuring: AC or DC volts, resistance, continuity, diode, capacitance, AC or DC µA.M. Wire Separation Tab/ NCV sensor: Use to isolate an individual wire from a bundle for testing. NCV sensor detects live voltage.N. T est Lead HolderO. Hand Guide: Used as a point of reference for the operator’s safety.P. Hold/Worklight/ Back light Button:• Press to hold the reading on the display. Press again to return to livereading.• Press and hold to turn on Worklight and Back light. Press and holdagain to turn off.• Worklight and Backlight turn off after 60 seconds.Q. Display:• High contrast dual display with backlit.• Amps (AC/DC) reading will always display on upper display.R. LRA Inrush/Zero/˚C/˚F/Hz/Duty Button:• Press to Zero the DC Amps reading.• Press to enter LRA Inrush mode (See page 13 for details)(must be in AC Volts mode first).• Press again to return to live readings.• Press and hold to select ˚F or ˚C in temperature settingS. K-Type Temperature Probe Inputs: T1 (Left) and T2 (Right))T. Input Jack Lock: Switch to use Temperature or Test lead inputsU. Built-in versatile magnet to use as a mount or as a strapV. Battery Cover: Easy access for replacing batteries without breaking calibration seal.W. Battery Compartment Latches:X. Serial NumberNCV Sensor in the tip.• Rotate Rotary Selector Dial to NCV position move the tip of the clamp meter near voltage source.• Non-Contact Voltage Detection is used to detect power with sensor located in the tip of the clamp head, indicates positive response with both an Audible and Visual alert.• Do not use Non-contact voltage detector to determine if there is current on the wire. Detection operation could be affected by socket design, insulation thickness, type or other factors.• Voltage indicator light may also light when voltage (>AC/DC 30V) is present on the meter’s input jack or from an external interference such as motors, flashlights, etc.WARNING• Use CATIII rated test leads or higher.• Do not attempt to measure more than 1000V AC/1000V DC.• Keep hands below line when measuring high current levels.• Select AC or DC Voltage.WARNING• High Voltage indicator will display and audible alert will sound over 600V AC/DC• AC/DC and High Voltage indicator will display (without audible alert) over30V AC/DCAC VoltsUse CAT III rated leads or higher.Press the SELECT button to select AC voltage, press and hold the button for Frequency and Duty Cycle modes.WARNINGDo not attempt to measure more than 1000V AC/1000V DC.Frequency Measurement - Test lead input Sensitivity: 1.8VrmsFrequency Measurement - Jaw inputdd Low Pass Filter• Opposing currents cancel each other (use line-splitter when necessary). • Keep hands below guard when measuring high current levels.• Do not attempt to measure more than 600A AC / 600A DC.AC Amps Measurement - Jaw inputMinimum Current for Clamp Measurement: 0.3ADC Amps Measurement - Jaw inputWARNING• Do not attempt to measure more than 2000µA.Select DC current.• Press to zero any offset in Amps DC.• Used to monitor change from present displayed value.• Required during DC Amps measurement to establish a zero level. WARNINGDo not use DC Zero mode at amps greater than 600A DC.Zero DC Amps• Press SELECT x1 = • Press SELECT x2 =• Press ZERO = DC Amps Zero• Press SELECT x1 =The UEi LRA Inrush is programmed to properly capture the starting current for compressor motors.• Select AC Amps.• Select the range capable of capturing the maximum value.• Press the ZERO button – INRUSH will now be shown on the screen.• Activate the compressor and read value on the display.• Press the Zero button to return to live readings.Phase Rotation1. Set Dial to V range2. Press and hold RANGE and MIN/MAX button to enter Phase rotation mode. Upper display shows “3Pha”3. Press Min/Max button to enter standby modeUpper display blinks “L1L2”NOTE: Each of steps 4 -5 needs to be conducted within 5 seconds. If not, the display will indicate “oVEr” and the meter will finish the testing.4. Connect test leads to any two lines (L1 – L2) of 3-Phase voltage lines.A beep indicates stable voltage is captured, and the Upper display shows “L1L3”5. Remove Red test lead from the voltage lineA beep and “L3” blinking on display will indicate test is ready.6. Connect Red test lead to the third voltage line (L1 – L3)A beep indicates test is completeUpper display indicates phase status (Forward or Reverse).1. Set the Dial to V range2. Press and hold RANGE and MIN/MAX button to enter Phase rotation mode. Press RANGE button to enter Voltage Unbalance test modeUpper display indicates “V1V2”Press Min/Max button to enter Testing standby mode.“V1V2” will blink on displayNOTE: Steps 3 - 4 needs completed within 30 seconds. If not, the display will indicate “oVEr” and the meter will finish the testing.3. Connect test leads to any two lines (V1 – V2) of the 3-Phase voltage linesA beep indicates stable voltage is captured, and the Upper display shows “V1V3”4. Remove Red Test lead from the voltage lineA beep and “V1V3” blinking on display will indicate test is ready. Connect the Red test lead to the third voltage line (V1 – V3)5. A beep indicates test is completeUpper display will indicate test result (PASS or FAIL)Lower display will indicate the percentage:PASS % unbalance <2%FAIL % unbalance > 2%% V unbalance = (Max deviation from Avg Voltages/Avg Voltage) x 1001. Set the Dial to A range2. Press and hold RANGE and MIN/MAX to enter Current Unbalance test mode Lower Display will indicate “A”3. Press Min/Max button to enter testing standby mode“-A1-” will blink on displayNOTE: Each of steps 4 – 6 needs to be conducted within 30 seconds. If not, the display will indicate “oVEr” and the meter will finish the testing.4. Clamp the jaw around current line (A1)A beep indicates stable current is captured, and the Lower display shows “-A2-“Remove clamp jaw from current lineA beep and “-A2-“ blinking on display will indicate test is ready.5. Clamp the jaw around current line (A2)A beep indicates stable current is captured, and the Lower display shows “-A3-“Remove clamp jaw from the current lineA beep and “-A3-“ blinking on display will indicate test is ready.6. Clamp the jaw around current line (A3)A beep indicates stable current is capturedUpper display indicates test results (PASS or FAIL)Lower display will indicate the percentage:PASS % unbalance <10%FAIL % unbalance > 10%% I unbalance = (Max deviation from Avg Currents/Avg Currents) x 100WARNING• Disconnect test lead probes from voltage source and meter. • Move Input Jack Locks to “TEMP” setting.• Use K-Type thermocouple temperature probes only.• Stated accuracy does not account for thermocouple accuracy.Temperature F˚/C˚GOOD DIODE• Forward voltage drop if forward biased.• “O.L.” if reverse biased.Diode Test • Press SELECT x2 =WARNING To avoid damaging the meter or equipment under test, safely discharge Capacitors before measuring capacitance. Large value capacitors should be discharged through an appropriate resistance load. Use the DCVoltage function to confirm the capacitor discharge.• Buzzer sounds at less than < 40Ω.WARNING• Do not measure resistance on a live circuit.Continuity• In the App stores Google Play and the App Store, search “DL599”.• App is compatible with iOS® 12.0 and up and Android™ 6.0 and up.• If searching for the iPad version, you may have to filter for “iPhone” only.• Turn on DL599 and launch the DL599 App on device.• On DL599, Press and hold SELECT / BT. Beep confirms wireless mode activated. BT shows in display.• On Device, Press CONNECT • Devices should pair.A F G HB DECA. Menu screen• Connection Status • Settings screen • Info (Manual) • UEi AppB. BT connection indicationC. Graphing screen: View live graphingD. Display: Reading mirrors DL599 displayE. Function Buttons: Operation mirrors DL599 function buttons• 3-Phase Rotation, Voltage Unbalance and Current Unbalance test processes must be started from the meter, but can be completed from the App screen.F. Log screen• Tap to select a log file to view• Swipe left to edit (rename or add memo notes) or delete SUMMARY: Default• In the summary screen, the red/ button is for displaying a graph of the JAW measurement value, and the black / button is for displaying a graph of the Test lead Input jack measurement value.• Each graph can be shown or hidden by pressing the button. SAMPLE: View individual samples from readings To exit to main menu G. Record / Stop ButtonH. Sample count: Only visible while logging•Ensure the test lead shield is pressed firmly in place. Failure to use the CAT IV shield increases arc-flash risk.CAT II Measurement Locations• CAT IV shields may be removed for CAT II locations. This will allow testingon recessed conductors such as standard wall outlets. Take care not to loseWARNING: Test Lead category protections apply only to test leads and should not be confused with the meter’s specific CAT rating. Observe themaximum category protection indicated on the meter the test leads are plugged into.CAUTION : If the test leads need to be replaced, you must use a new one which should meet EN 61010-031 standard, rated CATIII 1000V or better.NOTE: DL599 works with UEi ATL58 test leads, ABP3 back probes and AAC3 alligator clips.ABP3 Back Probes screw-on to test leads, after removing CATIV shields from test leads. Back Probes come with covers on probe tips.FCC INFORMATIONNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in any particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that mayThe DL599 is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. If within the warranty period your instrument should become inoperative from such defects, the unit will be repaired or replaced at UEi’s option. This warranty covers normal use and does not cover damage which occurs in shipment or failure which results from alteration, tampering, accident, misuse, abuse, neglect or improper maintenance. Batteries and consequential damage resulting from failed batteries are not covered by warranty.Any implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the express warranty. UEi shall not be liable for loss of use of the instrument or other incidental or consequential damages, expenses, or economic loss, or for any claim or claims for such damage, expenses or economic loss.Warranty only covers hardware and does not extend to software applications.A purchase receipt or other proof of original purchase date will be required before warranty repairs will be rendered. Instruments out of warranty will be repaired (when repairable) for a service charge.For more information on warranty and service, contact:•Email:****************1-800-547-5740This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.DisposalCAUTION:This symbol indicates that equipment and its accessories shall be subject to separate collection and correct disposal.CleaningPeriodically clean your meter’s case using a damp cloth. DO NOT use abrasive, flammable liquids, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents as they may damage the finish, impair safety, or affect the reliability of the structural components.StorageRemove the batteries when instrument is not in use for a prolonged period of time. Do not expose to high temperatures or humidity. After a period of storage in extreme conditions exceeding the limits mentioned in the General Specifications section, allow the instrument to return to normal operating conditions before using it.。


Vacon Plc 24 小时支持热线:+358-40-8371 150 • 电子邮箱: vacon@
注意!当变频器连接主电源时,除电隔离的输入与输出端子外,所有的内部组件与组件板都接有高电压,接触这些带电 组件极端危险,可能造成严重人身伤害或死亡。 I/O端子与主电源的高电压隔离,即使变频器与主电源断开连接,继电输出与其它的I/O端子也可能带有高电压。 禁止对Vacon_SIN_B滤波器进行任何耐电压测试(绝缘电阻测试)。 Vacon_RFI_A0滤波器只能用于接地的供电装置。 对于未接地(IT)的供电装置,请联系Vacon代表或Vacon公司。
NX 变频器
射频滤波器 DU/DT-滤波器
注:专业人员是指在安装和/或调试功率传动系统方面(包括 EMC 方面)拥有必要的技术的人员或机构。
EMC 等级 L:符合类别 3 的要求:额定电压低于 1000V 的 PDS,适用于第二环境,不适用于第一环境。
EMC 等级 N:符合类别 4 的要求:额定电压大于等于 1000V 或额定电流大于等于 400 A 的 PDS,适用于第 二环境,不适用于第一环境。注意在这种情况下标准的满足要具体情况具体对待。
DUT 250 4 A 0 P
0=封闭等级 0 = IP00 2 = IP20
A=滤波器类型 A=输入滤波器 B=输出滤波器



工艺与设备化 工 设 计 通 讯Technology and EquipmentChemical Engineering Design Communications·114·第45卷第2期2019年2月1 引言目前海上油气田平台所使用的滤波器主要包括无源滤波和有源滤波两种,下述将分别进行简介。

2 无源滤波器无源滤波器是利用电阻、电抗器和电容器元器件构成的滤波电路。



无源滤波器按接线形式可分为电容滤波器、电厂滤波电路、L 型RC 滤波电路、π形RC 滤波电路、多节π形RC 滤波电路、π形LC 滤波电路。





3 有源滤波器有源滤波器主要作用不仅能动态追踪并抑制谐波,而且可以补偿电网中较低的无功分量。



50 70 50 30 15 15
50 70 50 30 15 15
1.抗电强度:线---地:2000VDC/10S 线---线:2000VDC/10S
3.插入损耗:பைடு நூலகம்
0.15 0.5 1 5 10 30
1.额定工作电压:440/250VAC 三相三线50/60Hz
50 70 50 30 15 15
50 70 50 30 15 15
50 70 50 30 15 15
50 70 50 30 15 15









其数据的可靠性由12位AD决定,比如实测值为5V,用5格(纵轴共有10格)显示波形,则使用的AD点数为5*212/10=2048测试用的数据位的精度为1/2048=0.05%,对5V 输入误差值约为2.4mV。







缺点:存储波形较大时,存储速度较慢,时间5min,采样率50 kS/s,数据长度1M波形,csv文件大小约214M,存储时间约需要10min。

























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