Riser pad
中心垫Center support pad
Valve gate system
热唧咀Heater nozzle
顶针ejector pin
扁顶针ejector blade
柔和哥flex core
托针stepped pin
司筒针ejector sleeve pin
司筒ejector sleeve
Cavity small iຫໍສະໝຸດ sert指镶在上模框中的小件
Core small insert
Cavity insert pin
Core insert pin
Support pin
Straight guide bush
Shoulder guide pin
英文课程库翻译对照(参考)一、学院/开课单位基础医学院:Preclinical Medicine School 临床医学院:Clinical Medical College 人文学院:College of Humanities 中药学院:College of Traditional Chinese Pharmacy针灸学院:College of Acupuncture and Moxibustion管理学院:School of Management护理学院:College of Nursing信息中心:Information Center 研究生部:Graduate faculty二、课程类别选修课:Selected Course必修课:Required Course专业基础课:Special Core Course专业课:Professional Course学位课:Degree course公共课:Public Course补本科课程:Supplement Undergraduate Courses三、专业名称1、中医:中医基础理论:Basic Theory of TCM中医临床基础:TCM Clinical Foundation中医医史文献:TCM History and Document 方剂学:Science of Formulae of Chinese Herbs中医诊断学:Diagnostics of TCM中医内科学:Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学:Surgery of TCM中医儿科学:Pediatrics of TCM中医妇科学:Gynecology of TCM中医骨伤科学:Orthopedics & Traumatology of TCM 中医五官科学:Otorhinolaryngology of TCM 针灸推拿学:Acupuncture & Moxibustion 民族医学:Ethnomedicine/ Medicine of Chinese Minorities临床中药学:Clinical Pharmacology of TCM 中医养生康复学:Health-preserving & Rehabilitation of TCM中医护理学:Nursing of TCM2、中西医结合:中西医结合基础:The basis of Integrative Medicine中西医结合临床:Clinical Science of Integrative Medicine3、药学:药物分析学:Pharmacoanalysis微生物与生化药学:Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy4、中药学:临床中药学:Clinical Pharmacology of TCM 中药化学:Chemistry of Chinese Meteria Medica中药药理学:Pharmacology of Chinese Meteria Medica中药制药学:Pharmaceutics of Chinese Meteria Medica中药生药学:Pharmacognostics of Chinese Meteria Medica5、公共管理:社会医学与卫生事业管理:Social Medical and Health Service Management四、学位类型科学学位:Science degree临床专业学位:Clinical professional degree五、学位层次:本科学位:Bachelor degree 硕士学位:Master's degree 博士学位:Doctor's degree/ Ph.D六、课程名称:1、公共课科学社会主义理论:Theories of Scientific Socialism自然辩证法:Nature Dialectics 现代科技革命与马克思主义:Modern Science and Technology Revolution and Marxism硕士英语:English for Master’s Degree 博士英语:English for Doctor’s Degree 博士日语:Japanese for Doctor’s Degree 博士二夕卜英语:Second Foreign Language for Doctor's Degree (English) 计算机应用:Application of Computer 医用统计学:Medical Statistics 名师大讲堂:Academician Lectures 科研思路与方法:Scientific Ideas and Methods/ Research Courses汉语水平考试:HSK2、专业课/专基课/选修课/学位课(1)基础医学院课程内经专题讲座:Forums and Lectures of Internal Classic难经学术思想:Academic Thoughts of NanJing中国古代哲学:Ancient Chinese Philosophy 中医基础专论:Monography of Basic TCM Theories伤寒论专题讲座:Treatise on Cold Diseases 金匮要略专题讲座:Treatise on Golden Chamber温病学专题讲座:Treatise on Warm Diseases中医训诂考据学:TCM Textology Exegesis 中国医学史:History of TCM 中医文献学:Philology of TCM 文献检索:Literature Retrieval 各家学说:Various Schools of TCM 中医医案:Medical Records of TCM 中医处方方法学:Prescription Methodology of TCM 中医辨证学:TCM Syndrome Differentiation 中医诊断古籍选读:Selected ancient readings of TCM Diagnosis中医内科学(中诊专业):Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine临床中药学:Clinical Pharmacology of TCM 神经生理学:Neurophysiology生物化学:Biochemistry生物化学实验:Biochemistry Experiment 医学分子生物学:Medical Molecular Biology分子生物学实验:Molecular Biology Experiment实验动物学:Experimental Zoology 神经解剖学:Neuroanatomy 局部解剖学:Medical Topography 头面部局部解剖学:Craniotopography医用细胞学基础:Medical Foundation of Cytology组织细胞分子学实验:Histiocyte Molecular Experiment病理生理学:Pathophysiology医学免疫学:Medical Immunology临床流行病学(DME):Clinical Epidemiology (DME)DME:Design, Measurement and Evaluation中医基础理论(补本科):The Basic Theory of TCM中医养生学概论:Introduction to TCM Health-preserving中医康复学概论:Introduction to TCM Rehabilitation中医饮食营养学:Nutriology of TCM循证医学:Evidence-based Medicine 核酸研究技术在中医药学的应用:Application of Nucleic Acid Research Techniques in TCM(2)临床医学院中医内科学专题讲座:Treatises on Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine 中医内科杂病研究:Miscellaneous Internal Diseases of TCM中医外科学专题讲座:Treatises on Traditional Chinese Surgery中医妇科学专题讲座:Treatises on TCM Gynecology中医儿科学专题讲座:Treatises on TCM Pediatrics西医内科学:Internal Medicine中西医结合内科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Internal Medicine中西医结合外科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Surgery中西医结合妇科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Gynecology中西医结合五官科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Otorhinolaryngology 针灸推拿学专题讲座:Treatises on Acupuncture and Massage中西医结合骨伤科专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Orthopedics and Traumatology 中西医结合儿科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Pediatrics 西医外科学:Surgery 临床病理学基础:Basic Theories of Clinical Pathology(3)针灸学院针灸学:Acupuncture 中医推拿学:Chinese Massage 实验针灸学:Experimental Acupuncture 针灸医籍各家学说:Various Schools of Acupuncture masterpieces 中医气功学:Qigong of TCM 针灸现代研究进展(博士):Modern Research Progress of Acupuncture and Moxibustion针刀疗法:Acupotomology therapy(4)管理学院高级统计学(一):Advanced Statistics (1)卫生经济理论与方法:Health Economic Theory and Method 社会医学:Social Medicine现代医院管理:Modern Hospital Management 卫生改革与卫生经济政策:Health Reform and Health Economic Policy卫生机构会计实务:Accounting Practice in Health Institution高等教育学:Higher Pedagogy教育管理学:Science of Educational Management药事管理学:Science of Pharmacy Administration药品知识产权实务:Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Practice高级数据库开发:Advanced Database Development高级网络技术:Advanced Network TechnologyQOL (生存质量)测量与评价:QOL Measurement and Evaluation 社会与发展心理学:Social and Developmental Psychology 宏微观经济分析:Macro and Micro Economic Analysis 现代企业管理:Modern Enterprise Management 医院质量与标准化管理:Hospital Quality and Standardized Management 财务分析与管理:Financial Analysis and Management高级统计学(二):Advanced Statistics (1)卫生事业管理:Health Service Management流行病学:Epidemiology卫生统计数据库分析与应用:HealthStatistics Database Analysis and Application 经济法律通论(民法、诉讼法、合同法):General Theory of Economic Laws(Civil law, procedural law and contract law)知识产权法:Intellectual Property Law 药品质量管理:Drug Quality Control 药事法学:Law of Pharmaceutical Affairs 计算机统计软件应用:Computer statistics software applications组织行为学:Science of Organizational Behavior人力资源管理:Human ResourceManagement技术经济学:Technical Economics 医药营销:Pharmaceutical Marketing 企业战略管理:Enterprise Strategic Management决策支持系统(信息管理):Decisionsupport systems (informationmanagement)教育心理学:Education Psychology 电子商务:E-commerce项目管理:Project Management 古代管理思想研究:Study on Ancient ManagementThought 论文写作:Essay writing健康教育与健康促进:Health Education andHealth Promotion现代管理理论:Modern ManagementTheory公共关系与危机管理:Public Relations andCrisis Management卫生服务成本研究与应用:Research andApplication on Cost of Health Services(5)中药学中药学专论:Monography of Science ofChinese Materia Medica分析测试技术:Analysis and TestTechnology中药化学专论:Monography of Chinese Pharmaceutical Chemistry 中药药理学专论:Monography of Traditional Chinese Pharmacology 中药制药学专论:Monography of Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics 中药生药学专论:Monography of Traditional Chinese Pharmacognostics临床中药学专论Monography of Clinical Science of Chinese Materia Medica 结构有机化学:Structure of Organic Chemistry波谱分析:Spectrum Analysis药性导论:Introduction of Drug Property 本草文献学:Philology of Chinese Materia Medica中医学选读:TCM Selected Readings 中药成分分析:Analysis of Chinese Materia Medica Components中药信息学:Informatics of Chinese Materia Medica中药炮制学专论:Monography of Processing Chinese Materia Medica中成药学专论:Monography of Science of Chinese Patent Drug生物药剂学:Biological Pharmacology 药用植物学专论:Monography of Medicinal Botany分子生药学:Molecular Pharmacognostics 植物化学分类:Classification of Plant Chemistry中药资源学专论:Monography of Chinese Materia Medica Resources中药显微鉴定:Microscopic Identification of Chinese Materia Medica中药品种论述:Chinese Varieties Treatise 中药生物技术:Chinese Biotechnology 生物制药专题:Special Subject on Biopharmaceutics药理学进展:Advancements of Pharmacology中药药效毒理研究思路与方法:Research Ideas and methods of Chinese Materia Medica Effect and Toxicology物理药剂学:Physical Pharmacology科研思路与方法(中药专业):Scientific ideas and Methods (for Chinese Materia Medica Profession)微生物与生化药学专论:Monography of Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacology 分子细胞生物学专论:Monography of Molecular Cell Biology中药生物技术应用:Biotechnology Applications in Chinese Materia Medica 蛋白质工程:Protein Engineering 计算机辅助药物设计:Computer-aided drug design微生物与生化药学研究方法:Microbial and Biochemical Pharmaceutical Research Methods药物分析专论:Monography of Drug Analysis药品质量控制:Drug Quality Control 中药成分体内代谢与分析:Vivo Metabolism and Analysis of Chinese Materia Medica Components 计算药物分析:Analysis of Drug Calculation生物药物分析:Biopharmaceutical Analysis 新药设计学:Science of New Drug Designing中药药理学:Chinese Pharmacology(6)护理学院护理研究进展:Nursing Research Progress 护理理论:Nursing Theory 护理教育:Nursing Education 中医临床护理概论:Introduction to TCM Clinical Nursing护理心理学:Nursing Psychology本翻译有不尽之处,欢迎各位老师同学提供更好的翻译建议!研究生部培养办2010-7-13。
中英文对照表标准件标准件((外购件) 1 电机 Motor (MOT) 2 伺服电机 Servomotor (sm) 3 减速箱 Redcking gear box 4 变速箱 Speed change bo x 、gearbox5 刹车刹车、、制动器制动器、、闸Brake 6 滚筒 Roller 7 电滚筒 Power roller 8 过渡滚筒罩 Shroud 9 皮带 Belt10 链轮 Sprocke t 、chain wheel11 链、链条 Chain 12 链条活扣 Chain link 13 护线链 Chainflex cables14 齿轮 Gear 15 减速齿轮 Reduction gear 16 传动齿轮 Transmission gear 17 直线轴 Linear shaft 18 直线轴承 Linear bearing19 轴承Bearing 20 滚珠轴承滚珠轴承、、球轴承Ball bearing 21 轴承端盖 Bearing end cover 22 轴承垫 Bearing gasket 23 轴套轴套、、衬套 Bus h 、bushing 24 轴承支架 Bearing rack 25 轴承座 Bearing base 26 直线轴承座 Shaft block 27 枕式带座轴承 Pillow block 28 法兰式带座轴承 Pillow handle 29 离合器离合器、、连轴器连轴器、、接合器 Clutch 30 联轴器联轴器、、联接器联接器、、连轴节 Coupling 31 万向联轴节万向联轴节、、万向轴接手Universal coupling 32 标准气缸 Standard cylinder (CYL)33 阻挡气缸 Stopper cylinder 34无杆气缸Rodless cylinder中英文对照中英文对照表表35 双杆气缸 Dual-rod cylinder 36 摆动气缸 Rotary cylinder 37 锁紧气缸 Fine lock cylinder 38 气缸套筒气缸套筒、、气缸衬筒 Cylinder linear 39 减震器减震器、、缓冲器Shock absorber 40 接头 Splin e 、joint (JT) 41 快速接头 Quick coupling socket42 管接头管接头、、管节管节、、套筒Socket 43 管子 Tube 44 塑料气管 Plastic tubing 45 插入式/螺纹接头Fitting/multiple distributor 46 电磁阀 Solenoid valve (SV)47 3、5通电磁阀3、5 Port solenoid valve48 止回阀止回阀、、逆止阀Check valve 49 节流阀 Flow control valve 50 减压阀 Regulating valve 51 压力调节阀 Pressure control valve (PCV)52 消音器消音器、、遏声器 Silencer 53 气动三联体 F.R.L. combination54 过滤器 Filter 55 铝型材 Aluminium profile 56 日光灯架 Fluorescent lamp frame 57 日光灯管 Fluorescent lamp pipe 58 双支日光灯 Double tube light 59插座Socke t 、outlet紧固件紧固件((联接件联接件)) 1 内六角螺栓 Hexago head bolt 2 外六角螺栓 Outside hex bolt 3 基础螺栓 Foudation bolt 4 扩开螺栓 Expansion bolt 5 板手螺栓 Wrench bolt 6拉紧螺栓Tightening screw7 调整螺栓Adjuster bol t、adjusting bolt8 方头螺栓Coach bolt9 内六角螺钉The inside hex screw10 十字半圆头螺钉Taping screw11 六角头螺钉Hexagon head screw12 自攻螺钉Taping-self screw13 埋头螺钉Countersunk screw (CSK SCREW)14 紧固螺钉Fastening screw15 夹紧螺钉Clamp screw16 调整螺钉Adjusting screw17 尖头螺钉Pointed screw18 木螺钉Wood bolt19 六角螺钉Hexagon nut20 盖头螺钉Cap nut21 锁紧螺钉Locknut22 平垫圈Flat washer23 弹垫圈Spring washer24 埋头垫圈Socket washer25 锁紧垫圈Locking washer气缸垫圈、、气缸垫片Cylinder washer26 气缸垫圈27 轴用挡圈External cirdip28 孔用挡圈Internal cirdip29 铆钉Rivet30 钉子Nail销钉、、接合销Pin31 销钉32 开口销Mouth pin33 保护销Pin cover34 止动销Stop pin35 销接Pin joint36 键Key材料1 导轨Guide、slide2 不锈钢板Stainless steel plate3 扁钢Flat bar4 棒钢Bar5 型钢Profile steel6 不等边角钢Unequal angle7 防滑板Checker plate8 料架Component holder rail9 铝型材Aluminium profile10 软管Flexpipe11 钢管Steel材料1 线槽Wire ducting2 脚轮Caste r、food whell把手、、闩、挡器Catc h、handle3 把手4 曲柄Crankfixed、、food5 地脚Ancho r、fixed6 法兰Flange7 阴/阳面法兰Male/female flange (M/P)8 张紧丝杆Tension bolt其它1 棉纱Cotton2 油漆Paint3 胶水Glue常用图形求面积、、体积公式常用图形求面积1 面积Area2 表面积Surface Area3。
adjusting (shafting adjusting (shafting
rings,heavy range collars) rings,light range collars)
wire rope clips T-slot screws studs-metal (end=2d) hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread socket wrenches hexagon socket cap screws hexagon socket flat point hexagon socket cone point hexagon socket dog point hexagon socket cup point set screws with set screws with set screws with set screws with ISO2936 ISO4762 ISO4026 ISO4027 ISO4028 ISO4029 GB70-85 GB77-85 GB78-85 GB79-85 GB80-85 ISO299 GB900-88
重型侧面带孔圆螺母 侧面带孔圆螺母 卡头 T型槽螺钉 双头螺柱(牙长=2D) 内六角锥型闭锁螺钉 内六角直型闭锁螺钉 外六角锥型闭锁螺钉 外六角直型闭锁螺钉 内六角扳手 内六角圆柱头螺钉 内六角平端紧定螺钉 内六角尖端紧定螺钉 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 内六角凹端紧定螺钉 薄型盲螺母 开槽小圆柱头螺钉 开槽大圆柱头螺钉 开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉 开槽无头轴肩螺钉 焊接方螺母 焊接六角螺母 六角头螺栓(半牙) 六角头螺栓(全牙) 六角头螺母(1型) 细牙六角头螺母(1型) 开槽六角螺母 六角头薄螺母
Slotted set srews with full dog point
Slotted set srews with chamfered end
30 31 32
DIN431 DIN432 DIN433
Pip nuts with thread External tap Washers for cheese head screws Square taper washers for
Hexagon fitted bolts,long thread
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
DIN610 DIN653 DIN660 DIN661 DIN662 DIN674 DIN703 DIN705 DIN741 DIN787 DIN835
Hexagon fitted bolts short thread Knurled thumb screws thin type Round head rivets Contersunk head rivets Raised contersunk head rivets Mushroom head rivets Adjusting rings,heavy range(shafting collars) Adjusting rings,light range(shafting collars) Wire rope clips T-slot screws Studs-metal(end=2d)
Mushroom head squaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e neck bolts(carriage bolts) Flat countersunk nib bolts
Design:zhouyang November 2003外径(O.D.) 内径(I.D.) 水孔直径牙型(THREAD )螺纹底孔对应的inch mminch mm inch mm (美制细牙)mm PRO 标准BT-1050.125 3.1750.069 1.750.144 3.66#5-44 2.8T125L18BT-2100.187 4.8260.126 3.200.228 5.79#10-32 4.2T187L18BT-3400.250 6.350.170 4.320.3027.67 1/4-28 5.6T250L18BT-4500.3127.9250.214 5.440.3779.58 5/16-247.1T312L18BT-5700.43711.100.3077.800.53113.49 7/16-20 10.0T437L18T375L180.3759.530.273 6.93-11.8 3/8-24 8.7T625L180.62515.880.49512.57-20.255/8-2014.6型号螺纹外径底径肩格直径沉孔深度过孔 可供货范围#6-32 3.51 2.8 5.7444 1/4(6.35)3/8(9.53)1/2(12.7)1/4~1#8-32 4.17 3.5 6.865 4.7 5/8(15.88)3/4(19.05)7/8(22.23)1/4~1-1/2#10-24 4.83 3.97.93 5.5 5.3 1(25.4)1-1/4(31.75)1-1/2(38.1)3/8~21/4-20 6.35 5.29.537 6.8 1-3/4(44.98)2(50.8)2-1/4(57.15)3/8~35/16-187.94 6.611.998.5 2-1/2(63.5)2-3/4(69.85)3(76.2)3/8~3-1/23/8-169.538.014.2910.510 3-1/4(82.55)3-1/2(88.9)4(101.6)1/2~5,61/2-1312.711.019.051413.2 4-1/2(114.3)5(127)5-1/4(133.35)1/2~125/8-1115.8813.723.811716.5 5-1/2(139.7)5-3/4(146.05)6(152.4)1~5,...3/4-1019.0516.728.582020 6-1/2(165.1)7(177.8)7-1/2(190.5)2~5...1-825.422.538.12726.58(203.2)9(228.6)10(254)12(304.8)...注:高等级合金钢,热处理至HRC 38-45,供货规格最长12英寸,肩格高度等于外径尺寸。
Taper pins with threaded end
T-head bolts
Wing nuts America form
Wing nuts germany form
(coach screws)
Lifting eye bolts
Lifting eye nuts
Description in Chinese
Desciption in English
Round head rivets
Contersunk head rivets
Raised contersunk head rivets
Hexagon socket set screws with falt point
Exchangeable insert
Date indicator
Recycle marked pin
Core pin
Gas expeller
模胚mold base
上码模板top clamp plate
热流道框板heater spacer plate
水口板runner stripper plate
“A”板“A” Plate
推板stripper plate
托板support plate
凳仔方Spacer block
法兰Locating ring
唧咀sprue bushing
法兰唧咀Sprue bushing locating ring
加长唧咀extend sprue bushing
尽管以下大多数信息在后面的各单页中有详细的说明,但此处仍 特别列出作为快速比较参考。
说明 EX顶针 EX2 (1/32)至EX8 (7/64 ) EX顶针 EX9 (1/8)至EX32 (31/64) 长度-6英寸至18英寸
■ 将编号前缀与字母"M"以及所要的长度(M尺 寸)结合一起。
■ 增加一个后缀,以表示所要台肩的类型
— 无台肩则使用后缀NS(例如EX3M6NS, EX7M10NS)
— 对于1/2英寸台肩,则使用后缀12SH(例 如EX3M612SH, EX7M1012SH)
— 2英寸台肩则不应使用后缀(例如EX3M6, EX7M10)
表面65-74洛氏硬度 芯体50-55洛氏硬度 表面65-74洛氏硬度 芯体50-55洛氏硬度
表面处理 氮化处理
氮化处理 最小.001深
氮化处理 最小.001深
氮化处理 最小.001深
氮化处理 最小.001深
氮化处理 最小.001深
氮化处理 最小.001深
外径65-74洛氏硬度 内径30-35洛氏硬度
27/64 (.421) 11/16
7/16 (.437) 11/16
29/64 (.453) 11/16
15/32 (.468) 3/4
31/64 (.484) 3/4
1/2 (.500) 3/4
17/32 (.531) 3/4
9/16 (.562) 13/16
5/8 (.625) 7/8
11/16 (.687) 15/16
标准件中英对照表assistant system:(外挂零件)oil cylinder油缸 mold leg模脚 cylinder气缸 limit switch限位开关magnet valve电磁阀restoration先复位机构 windpipe nipple气管接头cooling system:(运水系统)conduit喷水管运水 copper plug堵铜CORE COOLING模芯水路helix blade螺旋隔水片MB COOLING模胚水路 nipple水管接头o ring胶圈 plug铜止塞ejector system:(顶出系统)air jet valve气顶 ejector bar方顶 ejector blade扁顶ejector pin圆顶ejector sleeve司筒 ejector sleeve-double带肩司筒 shoulder ejector pin双托顶针mold base(模胚):mold part system(模具部分系统)angle wedge挤压块 counter计数器date code日期章eye bolt吊环ko insert顶棍孔镶件lettering产品材质识别标记rubber spring弹弓胶 limiting block顶出行程限位块spring弹簧 stop pin垃圾钉 support pillar支撑柱open&closed system(开锁系统)DIY latch自制机械开闭器mold lock锁模块Nylon Lock拉胶pulling plate外挂拉板standard latch标准机械开闭器orientation system(定位系统)side guide侧面0°导向块side lock侧面0°定位块straight lock pin 0°定位柱taper block顶面斜度定位块taper lock pin锥形定位器top lock顶面0°定位块plastic system(塑料系统)Locating ring定位圈pin gate点胶口sprue唧嘴slag well梅花桩冷料井sprue puller拉料针screw system(螺丝)ball screw波珠螺丝flat screw平头螺丝 plug screw喉牙螺丝screw杯头螺丝set screw无头螺丝 shoulder bolt等高螺丝slide system(滑动系统)guide block行位导向块 limit block行位挡块outside spring外挂弹簧press bar行位压条slide lock 限位夹 slide retainer行位限位small slide小行位。
(飞行人员专用)座舱内仪表板中英文对照来源:荆宇程的日志1.HDG:Heading航向导航模式2.1/2BANK1/2坡度3.B/C Back Course反航道4.FLC Flight Level Change改变飞行高度层5.ALT altitude高度模式6.NAV navigation导航模式7.APPR approach进近模式8.FD Flight Director f飞行指引9.Spd Chg speed change速度变更10.VS vertical speed升降速度11.Master warning reset主警告复位12.Mastre caution reset主警戒复位13.TAWS terrain alert warning system地形警戒警告系统14.inhibit抑制15.chronometer计时钟16.gmt greenwich mean time格林尼治时间 local time当地时间18.ft flight time飞行时间 elapsed time航程时间20.sel slect选择21.ctl control控制22.angle of attack迎角23.emer emergency紧急情况munication通讯25.pass passenger乘客26.spkr speaker扬声器27.hf high frequency高频 side tone抑制29.hdph head phone耳机30.auto自动31.ADF automatic direction finder自动定向仪32.DME distance measuring equiprment测距仪33.MKR marker radio beacon无线电指点标34.INENT identification识别35.baro barometric大气压力36.std standard pressure标准气压37.REFS更新系统38.adv advance预选39.brg bearing航向40.radar雷达41.gcs42.range范围43.push按压44.pull拉出45.mtrs meter米46.pfd primary flight display主飞行显示47.48.tlt tilt倾斜49.windshileld bleed air风挡引气50.left off左侧关位max最大位51.RIGHT OFF/MAX右侧关位/最大位52.DISPLAY显示53.PFD/MFD DIM PFD/MFD背景光调暗旋钮54.AHRS:Attitude heading reference system姿态航向基准系统55.AHRS REV/NORM:reverse/norm反向位/正常位56.DADC:digital air data computer大气数据计算机57.DADC REV/NORM大气数据计算机伺服位/正常位58.REV TO PFD/NORM/REV TO MFD转向PFD界面/正常位/转向MFD界面59.DME HOLD/SELECTED DME保持位/数据选择位60.DME ON/OFF DME开位/关位61.FLOOD LTS flood light泛光灯62.FLOOD LTS DIM泛光灯调暗旋钮63.PANEL LIGHT CONTROL仪表板灯光控制64.NIGHT DIM ON/OFF昼夜转换开关开位/关位65.LEFT DIM左侧面板调暗旋钮66.CENTER DIM中央面板调暗旋钮67.RIGHT DIM右侧面板调暗旋钮68.EL electric lights电子设备灯69.STBY standby备用70.HSI:horizontal situation indicator水平状态指示器71.STBY HSI DIM备用HIS背景光调暗旋钮72.LIGHTS灯光73.PASS SAFETY:passenger safety乘客安全灯74.PASS SAFETY/OFF/SEAT BELT乘客灯安全位/关位/座椅安全带灯位75.TAIL FLOOD尾翼泛光灯76.LANDING着陆灯77.LANDING L/OFF/RECOG/TAXI:left/recognition/taxi 左着陆灯开位/关位/左侧识别灯/左侧滑行灯78.PULL RAIN拉出风挡除雨79.CONTROL LOCK舵面控制锁解除80.CONTOROL LOCK PULL/UNLOCK 水平拉出舵面控制锁/解除舵面锁81.EMER BRAKE PULL:emergency brake pull 紧急控制锁解除82.VOLTAGE:voltage电压83.BATT:battery电池84.GEN:generator发电机85.L GEN/BATT/R GEN:Left generator/battery/right generator左发电机位/电池位/右发电机位86.DC VOLTS:direct current voltage直流电压87.DC AMPS:direct current ampere直流电流88.TEST测试89.ANNU:annunciator警告板90.ANTI SKID:ANTI-SKID防滞刹车测试91.OVER SPEED超速测试92.W/S:windshield风挡加温测试93.FIRE WARN火警测试94.LDG GEAR:landing gear起落架测试95.BATT TEMP:battery temperature电瓶超温测试96.AOA:angle of attack迎角测试97.SPARE备份98.DC POWER:直流电源99.L GEN/OFF/RESET左发电机位/关位/复位100.BATT/OFF/EMER电池位/关位/紧急位101.R GEN/OFF/RESET右发电机/关位/复位102.AVIONICS POWER无线电总电门104.GYRO:gyroscope陀螺105.STBY GURO:standby gyroscope备用陀螺OFF:关TEST:测试106.FUEL TRANSFER:燃油交输107.L TANK:left tank左油箱L ENG:left engine左发动机OFF:关R TANK:right tank右油箱R ENG:right engine右发动机108.FUEL BOOST:燃油泵109.L ON:Left boost on左燃油泵开OFF:关NORM:normal正常R ON:Right boost on右燃油泵开OFF:关NORM:normal正常110.ENGINE START:发动机启动111.DISENGAGE:断开112.START DISG:start disengage启动断开113.IGNITION:点火114.L ON:左发点火位NORM:正常115.R ON:右发点火位NORM:正常116.ANTI—ICE/DE—ICE:防冰/除冰117.PITOT&STATIC:空速管和全静压加温OFF:关118.BLEED HI:风挡引气高位OFF:关LOW:低119.ALCOHOL ON:酒精开OFF:关120.WING XFLOW:机翼交输OFF:关121.L WING/ENG:左机翼和发动机OFF:关ENG ON:只是左发动机122.R WING/ENG:右机翼和发动机OFF:关ENG ON:只是右发动机123.TAIL AUTO:尾翼除冰自动OFF:关MANNUL:人工124.EXTERIOR LIGHT:外部灯光125.BEACON:信号灯126.ANTI—COLL:anti-collision防撞灯127.NAV:navigation light航行灯128.WING INSP:wing inspection机翼观察灯129.L AHRS SLAVE:left attitude heading reference system slave左航向基准系统伺服130.MANNUL:人工AUTO:自动131.L SLEW:左旋转伺服R SLEW:右旋转伺服132.PARK BRAKE PULL:停留刹车拔出设置133.MAP LIGHT DIMMER:阅图灯134.MIC HEAD SET:microphone耳机话筒设置MIC OXY MASK:oxygen mask氧气面罩话筒设置135.HEAD SET PHONE/MIC耳机/话筒136.OXYGEN CONTROL VALVE:氧气控制活门137.EMER OXY:emergency应急氧气位138.CREW ONLY:机组专用NORMAL:正常MANUAL:人工释放139.BATTERY:电瓶断开电门NORMAL正常DISC:disconnect断开。
3毫米 3.2毫米 3.5毫米 3.7毫米
英寸* 等值
.0276 .0315 .354 .0394 .0433 .0472 .0512 .0551 .0591 .0630 .0669 .0709 .0748 .0787 .0827 .0866 .0906 .0945 .0984 .1063 .1181 .1260 .1378 .1457
顶针 EJP-EHN, EJP-ELH…第6-7页 带肩顶针 EJP-EHN, EJP-ELH…第8-9页 芯针 CRP-EHH, CRP-ECS..第10-11页 司筒 EJS-EHN, EJS-ELH…第12-13页 扁顶针 EJB-EHN, EJB-ELH…第14-15页
带有内螺纹的管钉 WZ7005 …第30页
DHR74(无半径) ....................................39 DHR76(15.5毫米半径) ...............................39 DHR78(40.0毫米半径) ...............................39
垫圈-管销 R091…第29页
凸台肩的自润滑导套 GDB-ECL…第24页
止位盘 R18…第35页
附录D 钢--一般钢类名称..................................D1 钢相互参照信息....................................D1 附录E 表面纹理--表面光洁度...............................E1
英文名称对应标准Square head bolts GB/T 8-88 C 级Flat countersunk square neck bolts GB/T 10-88 沉头沉带榫螺栓Flate countersunk nib bolts GB/T 11-88 (大)半圆头方颈螺栓Cup head square neck (with large head)bolt GB/T 14/15-88六角头铰制孔用螺栓Hexagon fit boltsGB/T 27-88 A 和B 级六角头螺杆带铰制孔用螺栓(细杆)Hexagon fit bolts with split pin hole on shank(Reduced shank) GB/T 28-88 A 和B 级十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓Cross recessed hexagon bolts with indentation GB/T 29.2-88 A 和B 级六角头头部带孔螺栓Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head GB/T 32.1-88 A 和B 级T 型槽用螺栓Bolt for T-slot GB/T 35.1-88 B 级加强半圆头方颈螺栓Strengthened cap head square neck bolts GB/T 794.1-93 活节螺栓Eye bolts GB/T798-88地角螺栓Eyelet bolts GB/T799-88头角头螺栓Hexagon head bolts GB/T5780-2000 C 级六角头法兰面螺栓Hexagon flange bolts GB/T5789-86 B 级外六角花法兰面螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolt with small flangeDIN 34801-9918.久美特Geomet 19.耐落Nylok 陆锈宝Rupst 20.翡丽雅特 ViridAct 21.美加力Magni 沉头方劲螺栓中文名称一.孔别三.常用名称1.螺丝类方头螺栓1.割沟Slotted2.十字穴 Phillips3.米字穴 Pozidriv(cross recess)4.十字割沟 Slotted phillips5.四角孔Square6.十字方孔 Square phillips7.六角孔hexagon8.方孔割沟Square slotted9.梅花穴Six-lobe 10.三角孔Triangle 11.Y 型槽Y-type 12.斜Y 槽Tri-wing 13.五等角5-Point 二,电镀1.电镀锌Zinc plated2.白皮Plain finished3.五彩Yellow zinc plated4.镀镍Nickel plated5.热浸锌Hot dip galvanized6.黑锌Black zinc plated7.镀黑Black finished8.染黑Black oxide9.(黑)磷酸盐(black)Phosphated 10.黄铜 Brass 11.镀青蓝Unichrome plated 12.古铜A.C Brontze 13.青古铜Antique brass 14.机械镀锌Mechanical galvanized 15.绿锌Green zinc plated 16.电锌腊Zinc plated&waxed 17.达克锈Dacrotizing plated英文名称对应标准双头螺柱bm=1d Double end studs-bm=1d GB/T 897-88等长双头螺柱 B 级Double end studs(clamping type)-product grade A GB/T 901-88螺杆Thread rods GB/T 15389-943.螺钉类英文名称对应标准开槽圆柱头螺钉Slotted cheese head screws GB/T65-2000开槽沉头螺钉Slotted countersunk flat head screws (common head style) GB/T68-2000 eqv ISO 2009-94开槽半沉头螺钉Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style)GB/T69-2000 eqv ISO 2010-94内六角圆柱头螺钉Hexagon socket head cap screws GB/T70.1-2000 eqv ISO 4762.2-97内六角平圆头螺钉Hexagon socket button head screws GB/T70.2-2000 eqv ISO 7380-97内六角沉头螺钉Hexagon socket countersunk head screws GB/T70.3-2000 eqv ISO 10642-97十字槽盘头螺钉Pan head screw with cross recess GB/T818-2000 eqv ISO 7045-94十字槽半沉头螺钉Countersunk raised head screws(common head style)with cross recess GB/T820-2000 eqv ISO 7047-94十字槽圆柱头螺钉Cheese head screws with cross recess GB/T822-2000 eqv ISO 7048-94滚花高头螺钉Knurled thumb screws GB 834-88滚花平头螺钉Knurled screws GB 835-88内六角花形盘头螺钉Hexagon lobular socket pan head scerws GB 2672-86内六角圆柱头轴肩螺钉Hexagon socket head shoulder scerws GB/T 5281-854.自攻螺钉 英文名称对应标准十字槽盘头盘自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screws GB 845-85十字槽沉头盘自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head tapping screws GB 846-85十字槽盘头盘自攻锁紧螺钉Cross recessed pan head thread forming screws GB 6560-86十字槽凹穴六角头自攻螺钉Cross recessed hexagon head tapping screws with indentationGB 9456-98十字槽自攻螺钉-刮削端(用于精密机械)cross recessed tapping screws-scrape point(fasters for fine mechanics)GB/T 13806-2墙板自攻螺钉Dry wall screws GB/T14210-93十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head self-drilling tapping screws GB/T15856.1-95六角凸缘自攻螺钉Hexagon head tapping screws with collarGB/T16824.1-97 eqv ISO 7053-92中文名称中文名称中文名称英文名称对应标准方螺母-C 级Square nuts-product grade C GB/T39-88六角螺母-C 级Hexagon nuts-product grade C GB/T41-2000eqv ISO 4034-99六角厚螺母Hexagon thick nuts GB/T56-88六角薄螺母Hexagon thin nuts GB/T6172.1-2000eqvISO 4035-99蝶形螺母Wing nuts GB/T 62-88组合式盖形螺母Acorn nutsGB/T 802-88球面六角螺母Hexagon nut with raised face GB/T 804-88滚花高螺母kunrled nut with collarGB/T 806-881型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert).style 1GB/T889.1-2000eqv 7040-97盖形螺母Acorn nutsGB/T 923-88六角薄螺母 无倒角Hexagon thin nuts (unchamfered)GB/T6174-2000eqvISO 4036-99六 角法兰面螺母Hexagon nuts with flangeGB/T6177.1-2000eqv ISO 4161-991型六角开槽螺母Hexagon slotted and castle nuts.style1GB/T 6178-86全金属六角锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts GB/T 6184-2000eqv ISO 7719-97焊接方螺母square weld nut GB/T 13680-92焊接六角螺母Hexagon weld nuts GB/T 13681-92平头铆螺母Flat head riveted nuts GB/T 17880.1-996.挡圈 英文名称对应标准锥销锁紧挡圈Lock ring with corne pin GB/T 883-86轴肩挡圈Rings for shouderGB/T 891-86螺钉紧固轴端挡圈Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw GB/T 893.1-86孔用弹性挡圈-A 型Circlips for holes -typeA GB/T 894.1-86轴用弹性挡圈Circlips for shaft -typeA GB/T 895-2-86开口挡圈"E"ringsGB/T 896-86钢丝锁圈Round coire circlips GB/T 921-86夹紧挡圈Crip ringsGB/T 960-86中文名称中文名称英文名称对应标准弹簧垫圈(标准型)Single coil spring lock washers (normal type)GB/T 93-87平垫圈-C 级Plain washersGB/T 95-85eqv ISO 7091-2000大平垫圈Plain washers-large series GB/T 96-85 A 和B 级鞍形弹性垫圈Curved spring washers GB/T 860-87内齿锁紧垫圈Lock washers internal teethGB/T 861.1-87内锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washers internal teeth GB/T 861.2-87外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washers external teeth GB/T 862.2-87波型弹性垫圈Wave spring washersGB/T 955-87锥形锁紧垫圈Countersunk external toothed look washersGB/T 956.1-87锥形锯齿锁紧垫圈Countersunk serrated external toothed lock washers GB/T 956.2-878.销英文名称对应标准开口销Split pins GB/T 91-2000eqvISO1234-97圆锥销Taper pinsGB/T 117-2000eqvISO2339-86螺纹圆柱销Paraller pins with external thread GB/T 878-86销轴Clevis pins with head GB/T 882-86平头铆钉Flat head rivetsGB/T 109-86平锥头铆钉(粗制)Cone-head rivets-black GB/T 864-86空心铆钉Tubular rivetsGB/T 876-86封闭型扁圆头抽芯铆钉Mushroom head break mandred closed end blind rivets GB/T 12615-90开口型沉头抽芯铆钉120 deg flush head break mandrel blind rivetsGB/T 12617-90中文名称中文名称9.紧固件-组合件和连接副英文名称对应标准中文名称钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steel structures GB/T1230-91钢结构用高强度大六角头螺母High strength large hexagon nuts for steel stuctures GB/T1229-91钢结构用高强度大六角头垫圈High strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-91钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures GB/T3632-95十字槽盘头螺钉,弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件Cross recessed pan head screw ,single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies GB/T 9074-.4-88无头焊钉Headless for stud welding GB/T 10432-89圆柱头焊钉Cheese head studs for stud welding GB/T 10433-89机械焊接螺钉Weld screws with metric thread DIN 34817-2001。
Rucklicht 尾灯 Tail light
Nebellicht 前雾灯 Front foglight
Nebel-rucklicht 后雾灯 Rear foglight
Kennzeichenbeleuchtung 牌照灯 Nameplate light
OBC On-Board Computer 随车自诊电脑
RPS Rollover Protection System 翻车防护装置
EML Electronic Engine Power Control 电子引擎功率控制
U-batt Battery Voltage 电瓶供电电压(BU,BV)
U-vers Power Supply 系统供应电源(PW)
VL Full Load 全负荷
Notprogramm 引擎紧急操作程式 Engine fail-safe prog
Kuhlwasserstand 冷却液面低 Coolant water
Kiihlwasserstand 冷却水位低 Check coolant level
Kuhlwasser Temp 引擎水温过高 Coolant temperature
IB 车内灯光控制器
IHKR-F3 电脑恒温系统
Bremsbelage 刹车片磨损 Check brake linings
Sicherheitsgurt 系安全带 Fasten seat belts
Kofferklappe auf/olffen 行李箱未关 Boot lid open
Tur auf/offen 车门未关 door open
DAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access 按需分配多址访问
DAMPS Digital Adanced Mobile Phone System 数字高级移动电话系统
DAP Data Access Point 数据接入点
DCR Destination Call Routing 按目标选择路由
DCR Dynamically Controlled Routing 动态控制路由
DCS Desktop Conferencing System 桌式会议系统
DCS Digital Cellular System 数字蜂窝系统
DCS Digital Communication System 数字通信系统
DCS Digital Cross-connect System 数字交叉连接系统
DCS Dynamic Channel Selection 动态信道选择
DCS Dynamic Channel Stealing 动态信道挪用
DCT Data Communication Terminal 数据通信终端
DDN Distributed Data Network 分布式数据网
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System 动态域名系统
DDOS Distributed Deny Of Service 分布式拒绝服务
DDOV Digital Data Over Voice 话音传送数字数据
DEDFA Distributed Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 分布式掺铒光纤放大器
DEK Data Encryption Key 数据加密密钥
模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析4.9 辅助装置模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析模具零件的中英文标准命名及其功用解析压铸 die-cast注塑 injection铸件 casting/cast/起泡/气泡 bubble/blister/airbubble缺料 short-shots/undershot浇不足/*铸 under-founding多料 superfluities/superfluous material(alloy)/ Over flow顶针痕 ejector(pins) mark花纹 flow mark/flow line冷纹 cold mark/cold streak油纹 oil streak走水纹 splash mark银纹 silver streaks霜纹 splay mark夹水纹 silver streaks/flow line/weld line扣模/粘模sticking ( ie. Part stick in cavity side; sprue is sticking) 砂眼/气眼 air hole(塑胶件)弯曲/变形 warping/warpage变形 deformation翅曲 warp/warped凸痕 convex mark凹位/凹陷 sink mark/披锋 flashing批损 pare-mark/cutmark批凹 pare off黑点/黑纹 black spots发白 white mark烧焦 burnmarks刮花/刮痕 scratch mark擦痕/擦伤 rub-mark/brush-burn / Galling裂缝 cracking错位(合模线) Parting line misalignment / mismatch 哑色 dull color表面变光滑(喷油面) glossy finishing表面 sruface/outside缩水/收缩 sinkmark/shrinkage/shrink mark色粉 colourant色母 color master batch颜色 colour/color零件污糟 dirty mark on part顶白 stressmark/ejector mark屈曲 bent夹模线移位 part line misalignment胶件料厚不均 uneven wall thickness水口料 grinding material / recycle material混色 contamination mark以下内容参考即可模具方面:定位圈 locating ring唧嘴 spruebush (浇口套)A板 Aplate (定模板)B板 Bplate(动模板)方铁 spacer block (垫铁)底板 bottom clamp plate(动模底板) 面板 top clamp plate(定模底板)顶针 ejector pin(顶杆)直边钉 guide pin (导柱)托司 shoulder guide bush(导套)直司 straight guide bush(导柱)回针 returnpin(回程杆)细水口边钉 support pin(副导柱)蓝弹簧 blue spring(回程弹簧)水口推板 runner stripper plate(卸流道板) 中边钉 ejector guide pin (顶板导柱)顶针板 ejector retainer plate(顶杆固定板) 顶针底板 ejectorplate(顶杆垫板)撑头 support pollar(支撑柱)垃圾钉 stop pin (限位钉)呵 core (后模肉内镶件)后模肉 back mold body(后模镶件)前模肉 cavity(前模镶件)扣鸡 P-lock模芯 Parting Core局部视图 Partial View冷料# Cold Slag线切割 Wire E.D.M轮廊 Contour螺纹孔 Tapping Hole连接件 Fittings斜针 Angle Pin接合 Engage替换镶件Interchangeable Mold Inserts指定吨位的注塑机 Specific Press水嘴接头 Water Fittings螺纹 Eyebolt Thread回针 Return Pin二级顶出针 Sub-Leaderd Pin加硬 Harden唧嘴 Sprue设计筒图Preliminary Design 名称块表 Title Block 版本标识 Revision Level材料清单BOM制模 Build Mold手动滑块 Hand loaded Slide漏水测试 Leak Test流道排气 Runner Vents抛光 Draw Polish侧抽芯 Side Action加强筋 Rib三角撑 Gusset柱子 Boss出模斜度 Draft外廊 Contour落单会议 Kick-Off Meeting装卸孔 Handling Hole运输安全带 Mold strap码模槽 Clamp Slot撑头 Support Pillar螺牙1/2-13 Eye Bolt 1/2-13Tap导柱位 Leader Pin Location偏移量 Offset水塞 Water Line Plug撬模槽 Ply Slot重新加工 Reworked配件 Components补偿 Compensation平面度 Parallel倒角 Chamfer模胚 Mold Base热嘴 Hot nozzle火花机 Edm熔接线 Welding line压机 Press晒纹 Texture梯形 Trapezoid凸缘、法兰 Flange方铁 Spacer Block顶针板 Ejector Plate顶针底板 Ejector Retainer Plate垫板 Retainer Plate后模镶针 Core Pin拉圾钉 Stop Pin有托顶针 Shoulder Ejector Pin顶针板导套 Guided Ejection Bushing针板导柱 Guided Ejection Leader Pin 唧嘴 Sprue Bushing三板模延伸式唧嘴 Extension Nozzle Bushing 水口板导套 Runner Stripper Plate Bushing 定位圈(法兰) Locating Ring管钉(定位销) Dowel Pin管状管钉 Tubular Dowel吊环 Safety Hoist Ring日期印 Dating Insert环保印 Recycling Insert气顶 Air Poppet Valve截水口镶件 Runner Shut-Off Insert早回 Early Ejector Return 加速项 Accelerated Ejector客户 Client产品名 Part Name产品编号 Part No缩水 Shrinkage版本 Rev模胚 Mold Base下模镶件 Core Block上模镶件 Cavity Block小镶件 Sub-Insert下模小镶件 Core Sub-Insert上模小镶件 Cavity Sub-Insert行位 Slide行位镶件 Slide Insert压条 Gib压紧块(铲机) Wedge block硬片(摩擦片) Wear Plate水口镶件 Runner Bar弹簧 Spring水口勾针 Sprue Puller Pin顶针 Ejector Pin撑头 Support Pillar直身锁 Straight interlock斜度锁 Tapped interlock锁模板 Safety Bar‘O’令(密封圈) O'Ring喉塞 Plug隔水片 Baffle波子螺丝(行位定位螺丝) Ball-Catched 斜顶 Lifter控制开关 Switch成型热固性塑胶模具 Thermoset Mold三板模 3-Plat Mold分型面 Parting Line司筒 Ejector Sleeve垫圈 Washer熔接线(夹水纹) Weldline勾针 Sucker Pin回针板 Retainer Plate顶出板 Knock -Out Plate电动安全开关Electrical-Safety Switch 脱开 Cut Of Position预先决定 Preload缓冲器 Bumper衬垫 Cushion公差 Tolerance突然性动作 Slam销针 Dowel钩槽 Gib精磨 Finished通框 Through Pocket粘后模 Sticking Core粘水口 Sticking Sprue夹水纹 Weld Line变形 Warpage走水不平均 Filling Uneven 走不齐 Short Shot挂成品 Part Hanging漏水 Water Leakage刮花(擦伤) Galling漏电 Ele Leakage困气 Air Trapping温度 Temperature注塑模 Injection Mold入水 Gate试板 Sampling / mold trial 压力 Pressure倒圆 Fillet顶棍 Ejector顶白 Stress Mark粘前模 Sticking Cav名称块表 Title Block版本标识 Revision Level材料清单 Stock List斜导柱(斜边) Angle PinA板 A'plateB板 B'plate倒扣 Under-Cut披峰 Flash氮化 Nitride不规则四边形Trapezoid雕刻 Engraving出模角 Draft分模面 Parting Line擦位 Shut-Off(S/0)导套 Bushing回针 Return Pin加硬 Harden丝印 Silkprint不干胶 Adhesive Sticker导向针 Guide Din公差 Tolerance线切割 Wire-Cut电火花 Edm抛光 Polishing蚀纹 Texture探热针 Thermocouple三打螺丝毫(限螺丝) Stripper Bolt司筒 Ejector Sleeve导柱 Leader Pin冷料井 Cold Slag线切割 Wire E.D.M.螺纹孔 Tapping Hole连接件 Fittings斜针 Angle Pin接合 Engage替换镶件 Interchangeable Mold Inserts 指定吨位的注塑机 Specific Press水嘴接头 Water Fittings螺纹 Eyebolt Thread回针 Stop Pin二级顶出针 Sub-Leader Pin镶件 Mold Insert锁定位 Lock楔子(铲鸡) Wedge高产量模量 High Volume Running Mold剖面图 Cross Section模具结构 Mold Construction模芯 Parting Core局部视图 Partial View热流道 Manifold热嘴 Hot Nozzle型腔数 Cav No模号 Mold No胶料 Material尺寸 Dimension重要尺寸 Critical Dimension雕刻 Engrave托司 EJ.GUIDE PIN模具专业英语入水:gate 进入位:gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口:pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug 插座:connector socket密封/封料:seal三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connectorplug/socker四、模具零件:mold components三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板:support plate螺丝:screw 管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针:ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架):mold base 上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert 行位(滑块):slide镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate撑头: support pillar 唧嘴:sprue bushing挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch产品成形不良用语英汉对照aberration 色差atomization ?化bank mark ?料纹bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking scab 涂料疤blister 起泡 blooming 起霜low hole 破孔 blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑 burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕galling 毛边glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折叠straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹10. cast steel 铸钢13. bronze 青铜14. brass 黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢plate电镀mold成型注塑模部分中英文对照塑料成形模具mould for plastics热塑性塑料模mould for thermoplastics热固性塑料模mould for thermosets压缩模compression mould压注模、传递模transfer mould注射模injection mould热塑性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoplastics热固性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoses模具专业英语入水:gate 进入位:gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口:pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug 插座:connector socket密封/封料:seal三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板:support plate螺丝:screw 管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架):mold base 上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert 行位(滑块):slide镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate撑头: support pillar 唧嘴:sprue bushing挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure feeder 水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch模具钢材及零件英语模具钢材alloy tool steel 合金工具钢aluminium alloy 铝合金钢carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢prehardened steel 顶硬钢silicon steel sheet 硅钢板stainless steel 不锈钢。
不光边no polishing.['pɔliʃ]幼砂fine sand太阳砂radiation brushing.[reidi'eiʃən]打字stamped.[stæmp]光令mirror finishing光滑表面smooth surface光边polishing光边直砂6—12polished brushing光边圆砂circular polished brushing防水度water-resistant level直砂6-12 brushing砂纹sand brushing涂油add grease .[ɡri:s]镀黑black chrome plating .[krəʊm]填黑油black filled鱼鳞纹armor brushing.['ɑ:mə]圆砂circular brushing蚀字chemical etching .['etʃɪŋ]喷砂sand brushing横砂3-9brushing镭射字体laser二、表面(Dial)分位字尾minute struck日历窗date frame .[freim]字印marking字钉index.['indeks表面surface表面加工ackground finishing面底色background color面厚dial thickness面窗dial ring时位字尾hour struck牌子名brand name点dot镶唛applied logo钻石diamond钻石托diamond bushings三、表针(Hand)山型顶faceted分针minute hand平顶flat百分秒针chromo second hand .['krəuməu]夜光luminous .['lu:minəs]秒针second hand针高hand height四、底盖(Caseback)刀口位opening slot内字印inside marking外字印outside marking波子底back snap底保护贴back protective sticker .['st i kə]底匙眼back key slot底盖caseback螺丝screw螺丝牙screw thread .[θred]米底point snap湾形底curved caseback .[kə:v]五、表带(caseband /wristket /band)中珠center link皮带strap/leather皮带扣利口tongue皮带环loop扣制buckle ['bʌkl]尾珠end piece拆生珠removable link/adjustable link表带caseband /wristket /band潜水扣dive buckle单接皮带扣deploy .[di'plɔi]边珠side link实心珠solid link珠宝扣jewellery buckle蝴蝶扣butterfly buckle双开蝴蝶扣hidden butterfly pushed button头珠starting piece壳:Case表胚:watch blank表圈:watch bezel表面:dial晌圈:springed metal ring内影:metal case decoratiue ring不锈钢实心表带:stainless steel semi-solid band包边带:side-wrapped band包边不锈钢表带:side-wrapped stainless steel band 织网表带:mesh band芯片:chip钨钢:tungsten steel皮表带:leather strap皮带扣:buckle forstap霸的:crown霸管:crown tube霸芯及驳管:stem and stem extension胶内影:housing/movement holder蓝宝石玻璃:sapphire crystal普通玻璃:ordinary glass凸晶玻璃:eye glass底盖:back cover生耳:spring bar生耳杆:T-bars with studs orscrews拆生钢枝:s/s pins and shafts拆生锣丝:removable screwed pin搓花钢枝:s/s knurled pins弹簧扣:spring buckel龟壳扣:clasps蝴蝶扣:folding clasps /butterfly style buckle 鸭嘴扣:duck-mouth buckle圆头饰钉:cabochon机芯:movement移印:padprinting吸塑包装:blister&packaging真空镀膜:vacuum coating蚀麦:etchedtrade mark單卜:dome len雙卜:curved len箭咀arrow .['ærəu]六、配件电池battery螺丝的头screw crown螺钉screw pin螺丝耳杆screw spring bar单胶圈的头single o-ring crown双胶圈的头double o-ring crown按的push button八角线octagon thread .['ɔktə,gɔn]八角形的octagon六角形的hexagon填夜光油luminous filled机芯movement实配机芯casing针pin软O-Ring soft o-ring硬o-ring rigid o-ring软胶I令soft plastic I-ring硬胶I令rigid I-ring白色I令white I-ring半透明I令semi-transparent I-ring发夹hair pin贴纸tape双面胶double side tape大头针friction pin字母通capsa pin-pipe(tube)压罩compression on holder[kəm'preʃən]内罩movement holder螺丝巴管screw tubeT行巴管T-tube巴芯stem湾生耳banded spring bar生耳spring bar无托生耳free stand spring bar单托生耳single stand spring bar双托生耳dual stand spring bar ['dju:əl]平头连斜巴flat head with chamfer平头巴的flat head圆头巴的round headT形巴的T-crown丝印玻璃silk screen glass镀膜玻璃plating glass单卜玻璃one side curved glass双卜玻璃both side curved glass蓝宝石水晶sapphire crystal .['sæf,aɪə]玻璃glass白板玻璃mineral glass水晶玻璃crystal glass七、组立(装配)不防水water proof failed不动formfit加防水油add silicon oil半跌half drop全跌full drop玻璃不配壳glass not fitting on case装配assembly配合fitting配带caseband fitting壳带配合不良poor fitting for case band 八、性能(function)拉力pull force顶力retention force.[ri'tenʃən]横拉力horizontal pull force .[,hɔri'zɔntəl]防水测试不合格water test failed防潮water resist退return九、结构面平flat surface镶石圈stone top ringO-ring 坑o-ring ditch/ groove刀口位开在opening notch at .[nɔtʃ]刀口位opening slot大身3-9case side wall大身面3-9case surface细身面6-12case surface细身6-12case side wall开面opening开粗roughing内耳款inner lug width内映reflector内影圈erflector ring丝吼inside diameter .[dai'æmitə]圈bezel弹珠结构ball structure止口高position for snap胶水glue展开长度open-up length压缩长度compressed length外耳款outer lug width避针为hand clearance夜光luminescent顶圈top ring壳耳case lug单卜upper curve bottom .[kə:v]石拓stone bushing巴孔crown opening圆壳round case方壳square case异形壳irregular case底平flat bottom企身为standing point字深=0.5depth of text=0.50有电池托w/battery strop没电池托w/o battery strop耳长lug diameter叉耳fork legs耳吼lug hole耳底lug case耳面lug surface耳脚lug stand耳款lug width检验尺寸inspection size加工尺寸production size按的位position for push button 玻璃位glass position石爪prong假螺钉decorating screw十、缺陷不足够insufficient [ɪnsə'fɪʃənt]磨罍over polishing电镀不良poor plating车线不良poor stitching ['stitʃiŋ]太长too long太短too short太小too small污物dirts利边sharp edge批锋burr.[bɜ:]甩字钉index fall out松loose花scratched表面脱色dial discolor欠缺missing出问题found problems打磨不良poor polishing砂孔sand hole砂过界over brushing打磨错误wrong polishing突出protruded.[prəʊ'tru:d]振刀纹rough turning mark氧化斑点oxidize spot.['ɔksɪ,daɪz]破裂crack起泡bubble崩dented脱落come off倾斜poor printing损坏damaged紧tight轻微minor胶水过多excessive glue断裂broken蜡屎wax严重major变形deformed十一、其它反面图reversed view正常normal名称title制图drafter注意打磨caution on finishing待定T.B.A玻璃外围尺寸outer glass diameter要点remark规格format标准/正规standard检查/签名checker进出口import/export时装表fashion watch经典表classic watch运动表sports watch女/男装women/man model女/男装lady /gents model童装kids watch电子表digital watch日本/瑞士机芯Japan or Swiss movement 日本石英Japan quartz唛头logo/marking士啤spare parts大/小尺寸big/small size抛光polishing/shiny电镀plating防水water resistant功能function皮料/色卡material collection目录catalogue/catalog参考reference附上的附件attached/attachment图片/相片picture/photo方形/圆形square/round shaped椭圆oval .['əuvəl]有/无按的with/ without pusher产品/生产production/product彩图colourful drawing表面设计dial design确认/再次确认conform/double confirm 取消/保留cancel/keep订单order翻单repeat order新订单new order新款new model原始订单original order同样板一样same as sample样品sample出货样shipment sample确认样approval sample假版dummy sample .['dʌmi:]包装packing装箱单packing list发票invoice毛重/净重gross or net weight艺术字artwork单词/字母,信word /letter纸盒paper box小贴纸small sticker标签label吊牌hangtagPP胶袋polybag气泡袋bubble bag详细资料details间电tow-tone透明的transparent时间time多功能计时chrono中间middle左边left右边right1>表壳加工处理电镀(Electro-plating)电染(Anode-oxidizing)蚀字(Acid Etching)镶石(Stone setting/mounting)丝印(Silk printing)烧焊(Solder/Braze)烧青(Epoxy)线切割(Wire-Cut)2>表面内影(Inner Ring)太阳纹底纹(Sunray)油压底纹(Deep press pattern/texture pattern)搪瓷面(Enamel)半消光(Semi-Glossy)镶钉(植钉/真钉/铆钉)(Applied Index Riveted)贴钉(UP钉)(UP labeling)车CD纹(眼钉)(Circular /CD pattern)啤凸(Emboss)3>表针(Hands)时针(Hour hand)分针(Minute hand)长秒针(Second hand)小秒针(small hand)浅绿色夜光(Light green luminous)白夜光(White Luminous)4>表带(Watch band)不锈钢带(S/S band )(Bracelet)实芯钢带(Solid S/S band)包边钢带(Rolled S/S band)片钢带(Folded S/S band)弹弓带(Spring buckle)保险带(Safety buckle)实芯蝴蝶扣(Solid butterfly buckle)成表配件中英文对照1>成表(Completed Watch)石英表(Quartz Watch)计时码表(Chronograph watch)自动表(Automatic Watch)跳字行针表(Analogical Digital Watch)2>表壳壳胚(Blank)玻璃(Glass)普通玻璃(Mineral Glass)蓝宝石玻璃(Sapphire Glass)半蓝宝石玻璃(Semi-sapphire glass)I令(I ring)霸的(表冠)(Crown)霸的管(Crown Tube)按的(Pusher)壳圈(Bezel)分圈(Top Ring)锑片(Aluminium foil)机芯罩(Movement Holder)底盖(Case Back)铜底盖(S/S case back)透视底盖(See-through case back)锁底盖(Screw back)O令(O-ring)(Gasket)生耳/钢闩(End-piece/pin)3>表壳打磨拉沙(Hair Brushed)12/6H方向直沙(912/6H vertical brushed) 3/9H方向横沙(3/6H horizontal brushed)圆沙(Circle brushed)喷沙(Fine Sand Blasted)光令(Satin/Polish)。