
全新版大学英语听说教程第二册听力原文2-1-BWhy Don't Y ou Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Peter: Hi, Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you known. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can't always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main reason you work out? For your health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration.Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment -- sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time -- but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass.Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that.2-1-CWatching a GameAlan: Going to the football game today, Betty?Betty: No, but I'll be watching it on television with some friends.Alan: Weren't you able to get any tickets?Betty: I didn't try. I really don't go to games so often.Alan: But don't you enjoy going? Don't you find it exciting to be part of the crowd?Betty: Oh sure, nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that energy. But sometimes it's just too inconvenient getting into and out of the stadium before and after the game. And if you watch the game with friends, or at a bar or restaurant ...Alan: ... you've basically created your own crowd.Betty: That's right. Another reason why I like to watch sports on television is that I simply find it easier to follow the ac tion on TV.Alan: Y eah, sometimes it is a little difficult to keep track of the ball when you're sitting in the stands.Betty: Especially when your seats are high up in the grandstand, and far from the field.Alan: It's like you're watching from an airplane, sometimes.Betty: Also good sports commentators on television can add to your understanding and enjoyment of the game.Alan: After listening to you I'm starting to wonder how they are able to sell any tickets to these games!2-2-BDid Y ou Hear the Weather Forecast?Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting to get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic. Michelle: Y ou can't have a picnic without good weather. Y ou need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment. Alan: Y eah, sunshine -- but not too much! Do you remember last year?Michelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the sun.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold drinks. And then dozed off. Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off...Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently. Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short shower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad.2-2-CA ThunderstormLili: Look, Betty, the sky has turned completely black!Betty: Oh, wow. A big thunderstorm is coming. But I guess it won't last long.Lili: Yeah, maybe for about twenty minutes or so it's going to seem like it's the end of the world. And then the sun will come out again.Betty: I like storms like this. Summer is dramatic. What do you think, Lili?Lili: Y es, these storms do come quite suddenly in the summer. I often seem to get caught without an umbrella.Betty: But it's not so terribly getting caught in the rain occasionally in the summer. Now if you got all wet during a cold, dreary winter day -- that really would be horrible.Lili: True. Ah, it's starting to rain now. Here it comes. Y es, it's starting to pour.Betty: Here comes the lightning and thunder too.Lili: At least it's supposed to clear up later this afternoon, and to be fine this evening.Betty: That's good, because I'm going to meet some friends tonight.Lili: Well, most likely you will have a very pleasant evening, because this storm should take some of the humidity from the air.Betty: Y es, I must admit that these Chinese summers are very humid.Lili: More humid than in the US?Betty: Well, I can't speak about the whole country. But as far as New Y ork goes, I'd say that the weather here in Shanghai tends to be hotter and more humid.Lili: But I think our winters are milder.Betty: Y es, I'm sure they are. We probably also get more snow in New Y ork than you do here.2-3-BWhat about Dining Out?Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been?Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask... Do you have any plans for this Saturday?Kate: No, not yet, I don't think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend?Kate: That would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always seem to serve so much food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavy saucesKate: Y es, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide then where to eat.Peter: That's fine by me.2-3-CEating OutA: Well, here we are -- not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little.A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I went out for pizza at lunch and I'm still full.A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich.B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night too, but we had fast food at McDonald's, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken. B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have the chicken salad.A: Y es, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good.B: Oh, the prices are great, too. I'll have that as well.A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water.A: Italian food needs red wine. you know.B: But we have to go back to work.A: OK, a Coke then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.2-4-BGoing to See the DoctorD: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that I'm having trouble sleeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available?P: I've tried one or two, but they don't seem to help.D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months -- it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately?P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can't sleep.D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others.P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me.D: Have you been experiencing any other symptoms?P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: Y ou really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise?P: No, not very much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medication for your insomnia and your indigestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise programP: But I have neither the time nr the money to go to a gym.D: Y ou don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I think you'll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints.2-4-CEating ApplesY ou probably know a famous saying about the importance of eating apples. It is, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Now, a new American study shows eating apples may help fight cancer, too. Research scientists at Cornell University in New Y ork say a combination of chemicals found in apples is important for good health. The study shows that the combination of chemicals plays an important part in anti-cancer activity.The scientists say the chemicals are in both the skin and the flesh of apples. Results of the study were reported in the publication Nature. The Cornell researchers studied the chemicals, or extracts, taken from the skin and flesh of red apples grown in New Y ork State. They studied the effectiveness of the apple extracts in fighting cancer.The researchers treated colon (结肠) cancer cells with fifty milligrams of apple extract (苹果汁). Extracts from the apple skin reduced the growth of cancer cells by forty-three percent. Extracts from the fruit's flesh reduced the growth of cancer cells by twenty-nine percent.The researchers also treated human liver (肝) cancer cells with apple extract. Extracts from the apple skin reduced the growth of those cells by fifty-seven percent. Extracts from the fleshy part of the apple reduced the cancer cells by forty percent.Lead researcher Liu Ruihai said scientists have long known that apples are good for human health. He says some scientists are interested in testing single vitamins or other substances to see if they alone fight disease. He says his study shows no single substance works alone to reduce cancer. Instead, the combination of chemicals in apples is effective and eating fruit and vegetables is better than taking extra vitamin pills.2-5-BBackground MusicBackground music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. V ery soon it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere. Recently, how ever, it's becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can inc rease receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they would like to buy. Y et, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving -- unless, of course, the resulting indigestion leads to complaints2-5-CCeline DionCeline Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her parents, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had composed the song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The address was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more.Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not without difficulties. Record companies were at first less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, who mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great success. And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record in France.In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No. 1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Academy award. In 1996 she performed at the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997, she recorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously successful film.Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because Y ou Loved Me", "The Power of Love" and, of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On".2-6-BWho Is to Be Promoted?(The Personnel Department is having a meeting. Joan Black is the chairperson of the meeting. )Joan: I think John Jeffrey's already been with the company for 20 years. Surely he's not still expecting promotion. Do you agree, Peter?Peter: Well. in my opinion, John's always shown great loyalty to the company. It's time this was rewarded. What do you think, Clive?Clive: It's not just a question of loyalty. Would he be any good at the job? He would need to manage a small team -- he's got no experience of that yet.Peter: He never will have any experience unless we give him a chance!Joan: We can't afford to be sentimental. I don't think he's the man for the job. He's always been a follower, not a leader. Let's move on to the other candidates. Rita Hayden has already shown great personnel management skill, I feel, even if she's ... Peter: Oh, come on, Joan! Rita's still learning her trade! We can't afford to take a risk with someone so inexperienced. Clive: I agree with Peter. I favor Susan Palmer. She's got a lot of experience. She's already worked in the department on other occasions so she knows the ropes and she's ...Joan: But Susan's always struck me as a bit cautious. We need someone dynamic for this job.Peter: I'd agree with Clive. I think Susan Palmer would do a good job. Maybe she's a bit cautious but she's solid, reliable... We need those qualities too.Joan: Well, if you're both so sure, I suppose I'll have to agree. Still, we'll wait a week before confirming it just in case any other applicants put their names forward.2-6-CA Good SalesmanMr Stevenson was the owner of a general appliance store. He had seen many newly-weds coming into his store to shop for their first refrigerator, washer and dryer, and air-conditioner. Pen and pencil in hand, they would ask him a lot of questions about price, features and after-sale services, but they would usually walk away at the end of their inquiry.The other day a young couple came into his store. They asked him all the usual questions and he answered all of them patiently. But when he suggested an order at the end, they replied firmly, "We'll have to look around places first."Although feeling a bit disappointed, Mr Stevenson did not show it. Instead, he smiled, moved closer and said, "I know you will go to Discount Dan to look at the price tags. That's perfectly understandable. I do the same. In fact, they sell the same stuff as we do. But if you buy things there, there is something you will not get. And that is me. I come with everything I sell. I've been in the business for thirty years and in a few years' time I'm going to give my store to my daughter and son-in-law. I hope they will carry on the family business. I stand behind everything I sell and I will make sure that you will never regret buying things from me."After this short speech Mr Stevenson offered the young couple some ice cream to thank them for their interest.Impressed by his honesty and sincerity, the young couple decided to place an order.2-7-BFashion -- Image or Reality?Why do people spend so much money on fashion? Do they want to create an image or make sure they are not old-fashioned? Do people really judge each other by the clothes they wear? The billion-dollar fashion industry certainly tries to convince consumers that such judgements are made.Unfortunately, they may be right. A recent study using elementary school students was interesting. They said that people wearing Calvin Klein designer jeans were more handsome and successful than those wearing Wranglers. Levi-wearers were seen as sporty, fashionable and fun! Obviously we learn early that "Clothes make the man." In otherwords, clothes show age, outlook, status and income. However, clothes that look great on professional models may look terrible on the average buyer.Although beautiful clothes don't help physically, they are important for social and psychological effects. Expensive clothes can make the wearer feel like part of the high status group that sets taste and style. So you are buying an image of success. Y ou may really live a routine life, waking up in the morning feeling dull and ordinary. But when you dress in these expensive clothes, your mood brightens. Y ou feel good, ready to face another day with energy. Sound crazy? People who love clothes say it's true.Of course, a lot of people don't like high fashion. They'd rather spend their money on something practical. Which would you prefer -- the image or the reality?2-7-CPlatform ShoesIf you have been thinking that platform shoes are the newest fashion trend on the planet, then it is about time you found out something about these height boosters. Not only were they wildly popular during the noisy disco days of the 1970's, but they were also all the rage during the late 1400's to 1600's.The platform shoes that were the sign of high fashion in the 1600's were more practical than today's style symbols. They were worn over delicate shoes to protect them from getting dirty when walking in muddy or dusty streets.After going out of fashion in the 1600's, platforms returned to the style scene in the 1930's when designers such as Salvatore Ferragamo began breaking the rules of fashion. They re-emerged again towards the end of the 1960's and by 1975 were so common that men were also trying to balance on their massive heels.No matter how fashionable platforms are, they also have a reputation for creating problems. It is very easy to twist your ankle while wearing platforms and the damage this can do to your foot can be serious. In Japan, they have also brought about traffic problems as women wearing them while driving have been unable to brake quickly enough and as a result caused accidents!2-8-BLottery WinnersDo you dream of winning the lottery? So have millions of other people. Every day, millions of Americans buy lottery tickets. They are hoping to win $100,000, $1,000,000 or more. What happens after you win the lottery?When you win a million dollars, you don't receive a check for the total amount. Y ou receive $50, 000 a year for twenty years. Also, you must pay taxes. After taxes, you receive from $25,000 to $40,000 a year for twenty years. This is a lot of extra spending money.What have some people done with their money? Let's look at three past winners.Lisa K wanted to be an artist, but she didn't have enough money to go to art school. She was working at a job she didn't enjoy. In August, Lisa bought one ticket and won two million dollars. She quit her job three weeks later and is now attending art school.Mark L was a car salesman. He worked seven days a week and had little time for family life. After he won the lottery, he quit working. Now he spends his time bowling, working in the garden, and fixing things in his house. But, he's bored. He doesn't want to sell cars again, but he isn't sure what he wants to do with his life.Jack B is one of the small number of winners who did not quit his job. Jack still teaches at a school near his home. But now he and his wife take their children on an interesting vacation every year. And they don't worry about sending their children to college. They say that money brings security and gives a person opportunities, but it doesn't bring happiness.2-8-CAn Abandoned Newborn BabyA healthy newborn girl was discovered in Central Park yesterday morning. The baby was abandoned on the top of a rock shortly before dawn after the mother gave birth to her there.The police said that the baby was healthy and weighed 7 pounds. Now they were searching for the mother. A policeman said that they had never had anything like this before. They really didn't get babies left in the park. But they were just happythe baby was all right.The police rushed the baby to a nearby hospital. Fortunately she was OK. The police believed the baby was born l ess than half an hour before she was discovered. They also believed judging from the amount of blood found on the rock, that the mother might have given birth there. It was 70 degrees when the baby was found.Detectives were investigating whether the mother was a homeless woman who called a baby rescue hotline early yesterday. The head of Hope Foundation said that his hotline received a call about 5:30 a.m. from a young homeless woman in Manhattan. The caller asked, "How do I get rid of my baby?" She was apparently in labor. Then she was told to go to either a hospital or a fire station. But the woman was afraid she would be recognized there. The head also said that the woman wouldn't even tell him where he could possibly meet her since they had two teams that could help with the delivery, if necessary.2-11-BA Musician-turned EconomistAlan Greenspan, who has been Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board for over a decade, is regarded as one of the most important men by many people in the world.Greenspan was born on March 6, 1926. His father was a stockbroker and his mother worked in retailing. When he was 4 years old, his parents divorced and he was raised by his mother in New Y ork.Y oung Alan was a shy boy but he was very good at large numbers. When he was only five, his mother would get him to add two three-digit numbers in his headHe loved baseball and tennis. And, like his mother, he developed a deep appreciation for music. In the mid-1940s he studied briefly at a music school in New Y ork, and then toured the country for a year with a music band. Then he entered New Y ork University's School of Commerce and graduated with a degree in economics. He got a Master's degree at NYU in 1949, and shifted to Columbia University to work on his PhD. When his money ran low, he withdrew from graduate school and went to work for the National Industrial Conference Board. He eventually earned a PhD from NYU in 1977.In the mid-1950s Greenspan opened an economic consulting company. In 1987 he began to work in the Federal Government. Today his work as Chief of Federal Reserve Board is much the same as the work he did on Wall Street, trying to understand how the economy is working and what drives it; offering suggestions for improvement. He is, however, making less money.2-11-CEdwin HubbleEdwin Powell Hubble was a tall, elegant, athletic man. During his lifetime, his research was focused on nebulae, which are misty patches of light in the sky. In 1924, he announced the discovery of a star in a nebula. He calculated that this star was much further away than anyone had thought and that therefore the nebula was not inside our galaxy, but a galaxy of stars just like the Milky Way, only much further away. His discovery enabled the world to realize that the universe was much bigger than had been previously presumed.Hubble wanted to classify the galaxies according to their content, distance, shape and brightness patterns, and in his observations he made another great discovery: the galaxies were moving away from each other at a rate constant to the distance between them. This is known as Hubble's law. The greater the distance between them, the faster they move away from each other. This supported the big bang theory of how the universe came into being.Hubble died in 1953. To honor his great contribution to space exploration, his name was chosen for the world's most powerful space telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope.。

全新版大学英语听说教程第二册听力原文2-1-AStatement 1:Hello, welcome to "This Week's Sports". The big news this week is the basketball championship. It started on Friday. Los Angeles Lakers beat Philadelphia 76ers, 108 to 96. Lakers won.Statement 2:Utah Jazz played Miami Heat. Jazz lost the game. They lost by just one point. The score was 111 to 110.Statement 3:Detroit Pistons beat Indiana Pacers. The score was 135 to 130. Pistons won.Statement 4:And in the last game Houston Rockets played New York Knicks. Knicks won, 75 to 69. That's it for basketball action. Thank you.2-1-BWhy Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Peter: Hi, Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you known. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can't always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main reason you work out? For your health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration. Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment -- sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time -- but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass.Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that.2-1-CWatching a GameAlan: Going to the football game today, Betty?Betty: No, but I'll be watching it on television with some friends.Alan: Weren't you able to get any tickets?Betty: I didn't try. I really don't go to games so often.Alan: But don't you enjoy going? Don't you find it exciting to be part of the crowd?Betty: Oh sure, nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that energy. Butsometimes it's just too inconvenient getting into and out of the stadium before and after the game. And if you watch the game with friends, or at a bar or restaurant ...Alan: ... you've basically created your own crowd.Betty: That's right. Another reason why I like to watch sports on television is that I simply find it easier to follow the action on TV.Alan: Yeah, sometimes it is a little difficult to keep track of the ball when you're sitting in the stands.Betty: Especially when your seats are high up in the grandstand, and far from the field.Alan: It's like you're watching from an airplane, sometimes.Betty: Also good sports commentators on television can add to your understanding and enjoyment of the game.Alan: After listening to you I'm starting to wonder how they are able to sell any tickets to these games!2-2-A1. The weather today: a fine day is in store nearly everywhere, with the best of the sunshine in southern and central areas of Britain. A pleasant day, then, with long sunny periods developing. Light winds. There will be light winds with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, 64 degrees Fahrenheit.Looking at the outlook for the next few days, it will become mostly cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west.2. A storm in Changchun, capital of Northeast China's Jilin Province, claimed four lives on Sunday. The storm lasted about three minutes from around 8 p.m. The winds reached speeds of over a hundred miles an hour, causing serious damage and a widespread power failure.2-2-BDid You Hear the Weather Forecast?Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting to get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.Michelle: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment.Alan: Yeah, sunshine -- but not too much! Do you remember last year?Michelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the sun.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold drinks. And then dozed off.Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off...Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently. Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short shower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad.2-2-CA ThunderstormLili: Look, Betty, the sky has turned completely black!Betty: Oh, wow. A big thunderstorm is coming. But I guess it won't last long.Lili: Yeah, maybe for about twenty minutes or so it's going to seem like it's the end of the world. And then the sun will come out again.Betty: I like storms like this. Summer is dramatic. What do you think, Lili?Lili: Yes, these storms do come quite suddenly in the summer. I often seem to get caught without an umbrella.Betty: But it's not so terribly getting caught in the rain occasionally in the summer. Now if you got all wet during a cold, dreary winter day -- that really would be horrible.Lili: True. Ah, it's starting to rain now. Here it comes. Yes, it's starting to pour.Betty: Here comes the lightning and thunder too.Lili: At least it's supposed to clear up later this afternoon, and to be fine this evening.Betty: That's good, because I'm going to meet some friends tonight.Lili: Well, most likely you will have a very pleasant evening, because this storm should take some of the humidity from the air.Betty: Yes, I must admit that these Chinese summers are very humid.Lili: More humid than in the US?Betty: Well, I can't speak about the whole country. But as far as New York goes, I'd say that the weather here in Shanghai tends to be hotter and more humid.Lili: But I think our winters are milder.Betty: Yes, I'm sure they are. We probably also get more snow in New York than you do here.2-3-A1.M: Have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate?W: Yes, many times. Whenever my friends come to visit me, I'll take them there to eat.Q: Does the woman enjoy the food in that restaurant?2.W: Is there something wrong, sir?M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal.Q: Is the man satisfied with the restaurant's service?3.W: Where is the cake I made this morning?M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us?Q: Do the children like the cake?4.W: I hear you like chicken very much.M: Next to beef.Q: Does the man like chicken best?5.M: Have you tried this wine before?W: No, never. It's the first time, but it's really to my taste.Q: Does the woman like the wine?6.M: John, do you want a soda?W: Soda? I think it tastes like medicine.Q: Does John want a soda?7.W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched.M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty.Q: Does the man like the fish?8.M: Hi, Sue, would you like to eat out tonight?W: Oh, I'd really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening.Q: Will Sue eat out with the man tonight?2-3-BWhat about Dining Out?Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been?Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask... Do you have any plans for this Saturday?Kate: No, not yet, I don't think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend?Kate: That would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always seem to serve so much food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide then where to eat.Peter: That's fine by me.2-3-CEating OutA: Well, here we are -- not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little.A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I went out for pizza at lunch and I'm still full.A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich.B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night too, but we had fast food at McDonald's, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken.B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have the chicken salad.A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good.B: Oh, the prices are great, too. I'll have that as well.A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water.A: Italian food needs red wine. you know.B: But we have to go back to work.A: OK, a Coke then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.2-4-ADialogue 1:M: What's the trouble?W: I feel dizzy and my whole body aches.M: How long have you been sick?W: Two or three days now.M: How's your appetite?W: I've got no appetite. The sight of food simply turns my stomach. What's wrong with me?M: You seem to be generally run-down.Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?Dialogue 2:W: What's the matter, Jack? You look pale.M: Oh, I feel terrible.W: Why? What's the matter?M: I have a splitting headache and a sore throat.W: Why didn't you tell me?M: I thought they might go away, but I feel worse this morning. I'm aching all over.W: Hmm. You feel warm, too. You must have got a fever. There's a pretty bad flu going around, you know.Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?2-4-BGoing to See the DoctorD: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that I'm having trouble sleeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available?P: I've tried one or two, but they don't seem to help.D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months -- it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately?P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can't sleep.D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others.P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me.D: Have you been experiencing any other symptoms?P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise?P: No, not very much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medication for your insomnia and your indigestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise program.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I think you'll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints.2-4-CEating ApplesYou probably know a famous saying about the importance of eating apples. It is, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Now, a new American study shows eating apples may help fight cancer, too. Research scientists at Cornell University in New York say a combination of chemicals found in apples is important for good health. The study shows that the combination of chemicals plays an important part in anti-cancer activity.The scientists say the chemicals are in both the skin and the flesh of apples. Results of the study were reported in the publication Nature. The Cornell researchers studied the chemicals, or extracts, taken from the skin and flesh of red apples grown in New York State. They studied the effectiveness of the apple extracts in fighting cancer.The researchers treated colon (结肠) cancer cells with fifty milligrams of apple extract (苹果汁). Extracts from the apple skin reduced the growth of cancer cells by forty-three percent. Extracts from the fruit's flesh reduced the growth of cancer cells by twenty-nine percent.The researchers also treated human liver (肝) cancer cells with apple extract. Extracts from the apple skin reduced the growth of those cells by fifty-seven percent. Extracts from the fleshy part of the apple reduced the cancer cells by forty percent.Lead researcher Liu Ruihai said scientists have long known that apples are good for human health. He says some scientists are interested in testing single vitamins or other substances to see if they alone fight disease. He says his study shows no single substance works alone to reduce cancer. Instead, the combination of chemicals in apples is effective and eating fruit and vegetables is better than taking extra vitamin pills.2-5-A1. Most people like music. In fact, we are surrounded by it. It's on the radio and television and can be heard in stores and offices. However, not everyone likes the same kind of music.2. The manager of the music shop was called Brian Epstein. Because so many people had asked for a record by the Beatles, Epstein decided to go and listen to the group himself.3. Firstly I would like to talk about classical music and its representative composers, then I will move on to jazz music, and finally I will focus on pop music in the last century.4. We listen to exciting music and our hearts beat faster, our blood pressure rises, and our blood flows more quickly. In short, we're stimulated.2-5-BBackground MusicBackground music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. Very soon it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere. Recently, however, it's becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving -- unless, of course, the resulting indigestion leads to complaints.2-5-CCeline DionCeline Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her parents, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had composed the song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The address was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more.Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not without difficulties. Record companies were at first less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, who mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great success. And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record in France.In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No. 1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Academy award. In 1996 she performed at the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997, she recorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously successful film.Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because You Loved Me", "The Power of Love" and, of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On".2-6-AIdentifying the Major Event in a ConversationW: Here we are, Mr. Wang. This is a newly-built building.M: What a fine building! How many floors are there?W: Forty. Our company has offices on four floors in the building.M: Yours is really a big company.W: Yes, it is. The sales office is on the first floor. The marketing and accounting offices are on the second floor. And we have many other departments: personnel. research, etc. They are all on the 8th floor.M: Where's the manager's office?W: It's on the 9th floor.Passage:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our company. Our company was established in 1999. It is a joint-venture company specializing in sportswear. Most of our products are for young students; some are for adults. All our products sell well both at home and abroad. In recent years, we have expanded our markets from China to Southeast Asia, East Africa, North America, and South America.2-6-BWho Is to Be Promoted?(The Personnel Department is having a meeting. Joan Black is the chairperson of the meeting. ) Joan: I think John Jeffrey's already been with the company for 20 years. Surely he's not still expecting promotion. Do you agree, Peter?Peter: Well. in my opinion, John's always shown great loyalty to the company. It's time this was rewarded. What do you think, Clive?Clive: It's not just a question of loyalty. Would he be any good at the job? He would need to manage a small team -- he's got no experience of that yet.Peter: He never will have any experience unless we give him a chance!Joan: We can't afford to be sentimental. I don't think he's the man for the job. He's always been a follower, not a leader. Let's move on to the other candidates. Rita Hayden has already shown great personnel management skill, I feel, even if she's ...Peter: Oh, come on, Joan! Rita's still learning her trade! We can't afford to take a risk with someone so inexperienced.Clive: I agree with Peter. I favor Susan Palmer. She's got a lot of experience. She's already worked in the department on other occasions so she knows the ropes and she's ...Joan: But Susan's always struck me as a bit cautious. We need someone dynamic for this job. Peter: I'd agree with Clive. I think Susan Palmer would do a good job. Maybe she's a bit cautious but she's solid, reliable... We need those qualities too.Joan: Well, if you're both so sure, I suppose I'll have to agree. Still, we'll wait a week before confirming it just in case any other applicants put their names forward.2-6-CA Good SalesmanMr Stevenson was the owner of a general appliance store. He had seen many newly-weds coming into his store to shop for their first refrigerator, washer and dryer, and air-conditioner. Pen and pencil in hand, they would ask him a lot of questions about price, features and after-sale services, but they would usually walk away at the end of their inquiry.The other day a young couple came into his store. They asked him all the usual questions and he answered all of them patiently. But when he suggested an order at the end, they replied firmly, "We'll have to look around places first."Although feeling a bit disappointed, Mr Stevenson did not show it. Instead, he smiled, moved closer and said, "I know you will go to Discount Dan to look at the price tags. That's perfectly understandable. I do the same. In fact, they sell the same stuff as we do. But if you buy things there, there is something you will not get. And that is me. I come with everything I sell. I've been in the business for thirty years and in a few years' time I'm going to give my store to my daughter and son-in-law. I hope they will carry on the family business. I stand behind everything I sell and Iwill make sure that you will never regret buying things from me."After this short speech Mr Stevenson offered the young couple some ice cream to thank them for their interest.Impressed by his honesty and sincerity, the young couple decided to place an order.2-7-A DialogueM: Excuse me, do you have a T-shirt of this kind in a larger size?W: What size do you want?M: Medium.W: Pardon?M: I want a medium.W: Here's a medium in black. Do you like it?M: Well, I like the picture on the front, but I'd prefer a white one with a slogan on the front.W: Here's a white one in medium. And it's 100% cotton.M: Perfect. I'll take it.2-7-BFashion -- Image or Reality?Why do people spend so much money on fashion? Do they want to create an image or make sure they are not old-fashioned? Do people really judge each other by the clothes they wear? The billion-dollar fashion industry certainly tries to convince consumers that such judgements are made.Unfortunately, they may be right. A recent study using elementary school students was interesting. They said that people wearing Calvin Klein designer jeans were more handsome and successful than those wearing Wranglers. Levi-wearers were seen as sporty, fashionable and fun! Obviously we learn early that "Clothes make the man." In other words, clothes show age, outlook, status and income. However, clothes that look great on professional models may look terrible on the average buyer.Although beautiful clothes don't help physically, they are important for social and psychological effects. Expensive clothes can make the wearer feel like part of the high status group that sets taste and style. So you are buying an image of success. You may really live a routine life, waking up in the morning feeling dull and ordinary. But when you dress in these expensive clothes, your mood brightens. You feel good, ready to face another day with energy. Sound crazy? People who love clothes say it's true.Of course, a lot of people don't like high fashion. They'd rather spend their money on something practical. Which would you prefer -- the image or the reality?2-7-CPlatform ShoesIf you have been thinking that platform shoes are the newest fashion trend on the planet, then it is about time you found out something about these height boosters. Not only were they wildly popular during the noisy disco days of the 1970's, but they were also all the rage during the late 1400's to 1600's.The platform shoes that were the sign of high fashion in the 1600's were more practical than today's style symbols. They were worn over delicate shoes to protect them from getting dirty when walking in muddy or dusty streets.After going out of fashion in the 1600's, platforms returned to the style scene in the 1930's when designers such as Salvatore Ferragamo began breaking the rules of fashion. They re-emerged again towards the end of the 1960's and by 1975 were so common that men were also trying to balance on their massive heels.No matter how fashionable platforms are, they also have a reputation for creating problems. It is very easy to twist your ankle while wearing platforms and the damage this can do to your foot can be serious. In Japan, they have also brought about traffic problems as women wearing them while driving have been unable to brake quickly enough and as a result caused accidents!2-8-ANowadays, dieting is a popular practice in many countries. However, of the nearly 50 American adults currently dieting, only less than 10% will be able to maintain their weight loss for at least a year. Researchers in the Framingham Heart Study pointed out that losing and gaining weight again might be harmful to your heart. Over a 14-year period, they analyzed the weight changes and health of 3,130 people. They found that those adults whose weight shifted the most had about a 50% increased risk of developing heart disease than those whose weight remained more stable. For now the researchers are not sure how weight changes are linked to health problems, but they think that people who diet frequently may prefer high-fat foods. Losing and regaining weight may also cause an unhealthy distribution of body weight. Dieters may lose pounds from their legs only to regain weight in an area such as their stomach, which increases the risk of developing heart disease.2-8-BLottery WinnersDo you dream of winning the lottery? So have millions of other people. Every day, millions of Americans buy lottery tickets. They are hoping to win $100,000, $1,000,000 or more. What happens after you win the lottery?When you win a million dollars, you don't receive a check for the total amount. You receive $50, 000 a year for twenty years. Also, you must pay taxes. After taxes, you receive from $25,000 to $40,000 a year for twenty years. This is a lot of extra spending money.What have some people done with their money? Let's look at three past winners.Lisa K wanted to be an artist, but she didn't have enough money to go to art school. She was working at a job she didn't enjoy. In August, Lisa bought one ticket and won two million dollars. She quit her job three weeks later and is now attending art school.Mark L was a car salesman. He worked seven days a week and had little time for family life. After he won the lottery, he quit working. Now he spends his time bowling, working in the garden, and fixing things in his house. But, he's bored. He doesn't want to sell cars again, but he isn't sure what he wants to do with his life.Jack B is one of the small number of winners who did not quit his job. Jack still teaches at a school near his home. But now he and his wife take their children on an interesting vacation every year. And they don't worry about sending their children to college. They say that money brings security and gives a person opportunities, but it doesn't bring happiness.2-8-CAn Abandoned Newborn BabyA healthy newborn girl was discovered in Central Park yesterday morning. The baby was abandoned on the top of a rock shortly before dawn after the mother gave birth to her there.。

全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2Unit 1 Sports Part A]Listening StrategyIdentifying NumbersNumbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The a bility to catch the exact numbers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to pract ice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularl y the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese. You 're going to hear a passage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb.17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 1.98 meters ta ll and weighs 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season. In the 1986 season he shot 3041 points, the third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. Jordan guided his team to win six NBA championships during the 1990s, scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals. In 1 999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th c entury. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA s eason to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn't quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for five more years, h e once again announced his retirement in 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards.[ti:Unit 1 Part B]Listening Tasks A ConversationWhy Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the quest ions you hear.Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can' t always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main re ason you work out? For your health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always avery important consideration. Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, b ut it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mo stly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass. Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that. Questions1. What do you know about Peter?2. Where might the two speakers be having this conversation? Speaking Tasks Pair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1A: What's your plan for this evening?B: Well, there's a good game at the stadium but I haven't got a t icket yet.A: I'm going to the gym. Would you like to come along? I can get a guest pass for you. B: That's wonderful. I'd always wanted to w ork out in the new gym. Thank you very much. Conversation 2A: Hi, Xiao Wang. Fancy meeting you here! How are you doing?B: Can't complain. I'm busy with my experiments in the lab. But aft er work I often play some sports.A: Like what?B: Like swimming, running and sometimes tennis.A: Tennis? That's my favorite game. Say, what're you doing this week end? B: Nothing particular. I guess I'll probably just work in the lab. A: Come on. You need to relax. What about a game of tennis? B: OK.Conversation 3A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow, Bob? B: Not really. Why do you ask?A: Some of us are going motorcycling. Would you like to join us? B : Motorcycling? I've never done that. Isn't it a bit dangerous? A: Maybe, but it's really exciting.B: I enjoy jogging. It's more relaxing.A: That's a good form of exercise. It can help you stay in shape. B: Yes, it's also safer.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where app ropriate[ti:Unit 1 Part C] Test Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and c hoose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What a bout you? M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport. Q: What sport does the man like?2. W: You don't like boxing very much, do you? M: It's far from b eing my kind of sport. Q: What does the man mean?3. W: I think yesterday's football game was quite exciting. What abo ut you, John?M: You said it. But it was a bit long.Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess?M: I like the game, but I don't play it often enough. I'm afraid I'm not a very good chess player. Q: What does the man mean?5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. But recently I have faile d to keep up with football. W: Now you are busy with your golf ga mes.Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation?Unit 2 Food and Drinks Part AListening StrategyListening "Between the Lines"People do not always say directly what they mean. Very often, we ha ve to listen "between the lines". The English language offers many w ays for people to imply, rather than directly state, their meaning. To find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such thing s as the context, the meaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. For example, if someone says "I have an essay to write" in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context t hat he cannot accept the invitation. And if someone says "Andrew pas sed with flying colors" in reply to an inquiry about how Andrew did on a test, we can infer from the meaning of the idiom "to pass with flying colors" that Andrew did very well on the test. Often, i ntonation also helps to reveal the real meaning of a message. For e xample, "He is very clever" said with an ironic tone means just the opposite. You are going to hear eight short conversations between t wo speakers.Listen carefully and write down "Yes" or "No" to each of the follow ing questions. 1. M: Have you ever been to that big restaurant oppo site the school gate? W: Yes, many times.Whenever my friends come to visit me, I'll take them there to eat.2. W: Is there something wrong, sir?M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for ou r meal. 3. W: Where is the cake I made this morning?M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us?4. W: I hear you like chicken very much.M: Next to beef.5. M: Have you tried this wine before?W: No, never. It's my first time, but it's really to my taste. 6. W: John, do you want a soda? M: Soda? I think it tastes like me dicine. 7. W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched. M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty. 8. M: Hi, Sue, would you lik e to eat out tonight?W: Oh, I'd really like to, but my sister may come to visit me thi s evening..[ti:Unit 2 Part B] Listening Tasks A ConversationWhat About Dining Out?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences. Peter : Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been? Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And yo u?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have wePeter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask. Do you have any plan for this Saturday? Kate: No, not yet, I don't think so. Why? Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to di nner this weekend? Kate: That would be great. Do you have any parti cular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy . I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time . They always seem to serve so much food in Italian restaurants, an d you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet o n Saturday night, and decide then where to eat.Peter: That's fine by me.Speaking Tasks Pair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1(At the school canteen) A: What a crowd!B: This is the worst time. The morning classes are just over. Every body is hungry and rushes here to have lunch.A: That's true. I'm starving and I can't wait. I'd rather not stand in a long line. B: Why don't we have some fried noodles?A: Noodles are sold at No. 2 Box. No queue there, you see. B: Tha t's great. (At No. 2 Box)Counter hand: What can I get you? A: One plate of fried noodles, p lease. B: Make it two.Counter hand: OK. Two plates of fried noodles. Anything else? A: How much is the tomato soup?Counter hand: It's free. It goes with the noodles. A: I see. (to B ) Do you want any soup? B: Yes.A: (to counter hand) Two bowls of soup, please. Conversation 2(At a fast food restaurant)Counter hand: What can I do for you?Customer: I'll have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandw ich. Counter hand: Anything to drink? Customer: A small Sprite. No i ce, please. Counter hand: Okay. For here or to go? Customer: For he re. Conversation 3(At a Chinese restaurant)Waiter: Are you ready to order?A: Do you have any recommendations?Waiter: Yes. The Sichuan style crispy whole fish is very good. It's today's special.A: Mary, would you like to try that? I hear it's very good.B: Why not? And I'd like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. It's my favorite. Waiter: Okay. Anything else?A: What about some vegetables, Mary? B: Yes. How about spinach? A: Spinach is fine with me. Waiter: Anything to drink?A: Yes. I'd like one Bud Light, please. What'll you have, Mary? B: Orange juice, please.Waiter: One Bud Light and one orange juice. Is that right? A: Right .Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where app ropriate[ti:Unit 2 Part C]Test Your ListeningListen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the quest ions you hear. A: Well, here we are, not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little. A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and I'm still full. A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich. B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken.B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad.A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That soun ds good. B: Oh, the prices are great too. I'll have that as well. A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water. A: Italian foo d needs red wine, you know. B: But we have to go back to work. A : OK, a Coke for me then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first. Questions1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?2. Where doesthe conversation take place? 3. What will they order? Unit 3 Weather Part AListening StrategyListening for Important DetailsBesides understanding the main idea of a listening text, we often fi nd it necessary to grasp the important details as well. What counts as important details depends on the kind of information we want. G enerally speaking, if we are listening to the narration of an event, we need to sharpen our ears not only for what happened, but also when and where, how and why it happened. In listening to a weathe r report, on the other hand, the important details we should watch out for are the current weather conditions, temperature, and weather outlook. You're going to hear two short passages about weather. While listening, pay attention to such details as the weather conditions, temperature, weather outlook, damage caused by bad weather and so o n, and write them down in note form.Then complete the exercises in your book.1. The weather today: a fine day is in store nearly everywhere, with the best of the sunshine in southern and central areas of Britain . A pleasant day, then, with long sunny periods developing. There will be light winds with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius , 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Look at the outlook for the next few days: it will become mostly cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west.2. A storm in Changchun, capital of Northeast China's Jilin Province, claimed four lives on Sunday. The storm lasted about three hours f rom around 8 p.m. The winds reached speeds of over a hundred miles an hour, causing serious damage and a widespread power failure. [ti:Unit 3 Part B] Listening Tasks A ConversationDid You Hear the Forecast?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the quest ions you hear. Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting t o get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.Michelle: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sun shine for all the eating and games and entertainment.Alan: Yeah, sunshine —but not too much! Do you remember last yearMichelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the sun.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activi ties. All we wanted was cold drinks. And then we dozed off. Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off.Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in t he sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle: Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently. Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain? Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short shower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad. Questions1. What are Alan and Michelle mainly doing?2. What do you know ab out Alan?3. What can you infer from the conversation?Speaking TasksListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. Conversation 1A: What lovely weather we're having! Nice and cool. B: Yeah, I real ly like this kind of weather. A: What's the temperature today?B: The high is 26 and the low is 20. The weather forecast says th e good weather is likely to last, too.A: I hope so.Conversation 2A: It seems to be clearing up. All the dark clouds are gone and t he sun is coming out. B: Yes. Let's just hope it stays this way.I hate rainy days.A: I think it will continue to be fine for the next few days. Any how, that's what the weatherman says.B: That's great. Let's go for a walk, shall we?A: All right. Conversation 3A: It's hot and humid, isn't it? I can hardly breathe. B: Yeah. I feel suffocating too.A: Are summers always this hot here? It's almost like in the desert . B: Yes, especially in July and August. A: Well, what did the wea therman say? B: He said another heat wave is on the way. A: Oh no ! I hope not.B: How about going out to the beach to cool off?A: Good idea. Maybe it's the only place for this sort of weather. Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where app ropriate..[ti:Unit 3 Part CTest Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and c hoose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: It's been freezing for the last few days.M: Yes. And the forecast says there will be more snow next week, a ccompanied by strong winds. Q: What will the weather be like next w eek?2. M: We haven't had such a severe winter for a long time, have w e? W: No, and the forecast says it's going to get worse before it warms up. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. W: What if it rains hard? What are we going to do?M: I think it will clear up soon. But if it keeps raining, the wh ole thing will have to be cancelled. Q: What can we learn from theconversation?4. M: How was the weather when you left New York?W: It was very much like the weather in Beijing. You don't have to take a lot of clothes. Q: What can we learn from the conversation5. W: If it is this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon. M: The weather forecast says it will cloud over by noon. Q: What does the man mean?Unit 4 Music Part AListening StrategyListening for Signal WordsThe ability to identify signal words can help us follow the thread of the speaker's thought. People often use signal words or phrases l ike "but", "therefore" and "as a result" to add a comment that cont rasts with what has just been said or to signal what they are abou t to say is the result or cause of their previous remarks. Similarl y, words and phrases like "for example", "most importantly", "first", "second", "finally" and "then" usually signal that the speaker is g oing to provide an illustration or emphasize a certain point or disc uss several aspects of a certain topic. So we should pay attention to signal words in listening as they will prepare us for what is g oing to be said. You're going to hear four short passages.Listen carefully and write down the signal word(s) in each passage. Then choose a, b, c or d to indicate the function of the signal w ord(s) used in each of the passages.1. Most people like music. In fact, we are surrounded by it. It's on the radio and television and can be heard in stores and restaura nts. However, not everyone likes the same kind of music.2. The manager of the music shop was called Brian Epstein. Because so many people had asked for a record by the Sun, Epstein decided to go and listen to the group himself.3. Firstly I would like to talk about classical music and its repre sentative composers, then I will move on to jazz music, and finallyI will focus on pop music in the last century.4. We listen to exciting music and our hearts beat faster, our blood pressure rises, and our blood flows more quickly. In short, we're stimulated.[ti:Unit 4 Part B] Listening Tasks A PassageBackground MusicExercise 1Listen to the passage. As you listen, read the signal words in your book and put a tick () in the brackets after the ones you have heard.Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerfu l effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. Very soo n it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming diffic ult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music. To be gin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothingatmosphere. Recently, however, it's becoming a big business. An Americ an marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third. But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slo w down and have more opportunity to spot items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well adv ised to play faster music to keep the customers moving —unless, of course,the resulting indigestion leads to complaints. Questions1. Where was recorded background music first used?2. What was the original purpose of background music?3. What kind of music can have a powerful effect on customers in s hops?4. Why doesn't the same kind of music work in restaurants according to the passage?Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. Conversation 1A: Do you like English songs? B: I'm crazy about them.A: What's your favorite song?B: It's hard to say. There are so many beautiful songs. A: Who's y our favorite singer then?B: Sarah Brightman, undoubtedly. I do admire her, you know. I love all her songs. A: I like her, too, but not that much. Conversation 2A: Do you care for opera?B: Yes, I do, very much.A: Which do you like better, opera or musical?B: Opera.A: Do you just listen to it or go to performances?B: I prefer going to a performance. It has everything, color and sp ectacle and great music. A: Why don't we go and see Aida together? It's being performed at the Grand Theater. B: I've seen it already . It's excellent.A: Oh, lucky you! Conversation 3A: Do you enjoy listening to music?B: Yes, very much. I enjoy listening to music more than any other pastime.A: What's your favorite music?B: It depends. When I am in a good mood, I'd prefer something exci ting, with a fast rhythm. But if I feel low, I can only listen to something soft and quiet. A: Mm, me too.Now make similar conversations. Use the structures and expressions abo ve where appropriate. Your conversations should include the following points.[ti:Unit 4 Part C] Test Your ListeningListen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.Celine Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her parents, who both loved music, encourag ed her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had composed th e song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The address was tha t of ReneAngelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more. Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has be en steady, but not without difficulties. Record companies were at fir st less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, who mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great success. And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record inFrance. In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was select ed by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No.1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Acade my award. In 1996 she performed at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997 she recorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously successf ul film. Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because You Loved Me", "The Power of Love" and , of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On". Unit 5 Health Part AListening StrategyIdentifying the Relationship Between the Speakers in a Conversation Identifying the relationship between the speakers in a conversa tion is an important skill in listening comprehension. Although someti mes the conversation itself does not contain words that say exactly what the relationship is, we can rely on contextual clues to find i t out. Such clues include the degree of intimacy (e.g., how intimate ly the speakers address each other, what endearments are used), the degree of politeness (strangers tend to be more polite towards each other than friends or family members), and the particular situation ( at a doctor's consulting room, at a shop, etc.).Listen to the following conversations and choose the right answers to the questions that follow the conversations.1. M: What's the trouble?W: I feel dizzy and my whole body aches. M: How long have you bee n sick? W: Two or three days now.M: How's your appetite?W: I've got no appetite. The sight of food simply turns my stomach. What's wrong with me? M: You seem to be generally run-down.Q: What is the mnost probable relationship between the two speakers?2. W: What's the matter, Jack? You look pale. M: Oh, I feel terr ible.W: Why? What's the matter?M: I have a splitting headache and a sore throat. W: Why didn't yo u tell me?M: I thought they might go away, but I feel worse this morning. I' m aching all over.W: Hmm. You feel warm, too. You must have got a fever. There's a pretty bad flu going around, you know.Q: What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers? [ti:Unit 5 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationGoing to See the DoctorExercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to complete the statements. D: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest prob lem is that I'm having trouble sleeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available? P: I've tried one or two, but they don't seem to help. D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months —it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately? P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can 't sleep. D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others. P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me. D: Hav e you been experiencing any other symptoms? P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do yo u get much exercise? P: No, not very much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medications for your insomnia and your indi gestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise prog ram.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I think you'll find that diet and exerc ise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints.Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. Conversation 1D: What's wrong with you?P: I have a burning stomachache. And I feel like vomiting, too. D: How long has it been like this?P: Since yesterday.D: What did you eat yesterday? Did you eat seafood? P: Yes. I had some crabs at lunch and then I just felt terrible. D: Yours seems。
英语听力教程(第2册)Unit 2 听力原文

Unit 2 听力原文PartⅠBH—House agent W—Woman M—ManH: …right, if you’d just come this way.W: Thank you.M: Yes.H: Er…on the right here we have the…er…the bathroom, which as you can see is fully…fully fitted. If we just move forward now, we…er…come into the er…main … main bed-sitting room here. And…er…on the left here are dining room table and chairs.W: Oh yes.M: Yes.H: And er…straight ahead of us…um…foldaway double bed and mattress, which I think you’ll agree is quite a novel idea.M: Oh yes.H: And then…um…to…W: Behind the armchair.H: Yes, behind the armchair. To our right, um…in the corner there, a fitted wardrobe. And another one on my left here.W: On either side of the bed?H: Yes, that’s right. That’s right, so you can put all you…er…night attire or what … whatever jyou like in here.M: Yes, that’s good.H: (facing the door) Then, there…the…we have the sofa here…er…in front of the…um…the window.M: Oh, yes.H: Er…so there’s plenty of light coming through into the room and as you can see there’s a nice view through the windows there.W: No curtains, though.H: No curtains, but we’ve got roller blinds.W: Oh.H: Yes, they’re nice and straight forward. No problems about that—don’t have to wash them of course. And…um…on the left of the…er…sofa there, you can see nice coffee tables.H: If…if we move straight a … straight ahead, actually, into the …er… the kitchen you can see that um…on my left here we’ve got a washing machine, tumble dryer and …um…electric cooker…W: Oh yes.M: Mmm.H: All as you can see to the most modern designs. And there um…on the other side of the kitchen…um…refrigerator there in the…in the corner.M: Oh yeah, yes.W: Oh, what a nice little cubbyhole! Yes, very neat.H: Yes. Well…um… I don’t know whether you’ve got any questions. That’s it of course.W: Well, could…could we perhaps see the bathroom, because we…we didn’t see that?H: OK, yes, yes, Let’s…um…let’s go on out of here and…um…end up in the bathroom…CD—Dave R—RandallD: Hi Randall. (Hi.) Come on in.R: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house.D: Yep. I sure am. Ever since I cut back on my working hours to go to school, I’ve been really strapped for cash.R: Oh.D: Hey, let me show you the place. Uh, here’s the living room.R: Oh. It looks like you could use a new carpet…and those stains?D: Well, I’ve had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it needs to be cleaned, but I just don’t have the money to do it right now.R: Oh. And what about the kitchen?D: Right this way. Look. It’s completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except…R: What?D: Well, the refrigerator door is broken…a little bit…and it won’t shut all the way. It needs fixing, but don’t worry. I’ve just impoversihed by pushing a box against it to keep it shut.R: Hmm. Great.D: Ah. It isn’t that bad.R: Well how about the bathroom?D: Well…R: No, no. Don’t tell me. The toilet is clogged or the sink has a few leaks.D: No, those work fine, but, uh, the tile in the shower needs to be replaces, and the window needs fixing.R: Let me see. The tile…what? The window? Where’s the window pane?D: Well, that’s another slight problem. I’ve put up a piece of cardboard to keep out the (Hmmm) rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn up the heat. Well, you used to until the central heating went out. (Oh, boy.)R: Hey, I think I’ve seen enough. I can’t believe you’ve survived under these conditions.D: So what do you think? You really can’t beat a place like this for $450 a month. So it has its problems, but we can fix those.R: Uh, no thank you. I think I’ve seen enough.Part Ⅱ1. My dream house would be a canal boat. I’d like to wake up every morning and see the water. Erm, I’d paint it bright red, and it would have a little roof-garden for all my pot-plants.2. My ideal house would be modern, ermm, it would be made of bricks, and it would have white pillars outside the front door, and it would be detached…on yes, it would have a garage.3. My ideal home would be to live in a cottage in a small village by the sea. Er, somewhere like Cornwall, so it’s unspoilt and there are cliffs and trees around.4. I think if I could have any sort of house, I’d like one of those white-walled villas in Spain. (It’d) Be marvelous to be able to just fall out of bed and into the sea first thing in the morning. (It’d) Be absolutely great. All that heat. Marvelous.5. I’ve always wanted to live in a really big house in the country, a big family house with, er…at least two hundred years old, I think, with a big garden, and best of all I’d like to have a dry-stonewall around the garden. I’ve always lived dry-stone walls.6. D’you know, I may sound daft but what I’ve always wanted to do is live somewhere totally isolated, preferably somewhere enormous like a castle or something, you know, right out in…by the sea or even sort of in a little island, on an island, you know, out at sea, where you have to get there by a boat or something, where it’s cut off at high tide. I think it’d be really great. Questions1. According to the first speaker, in what color would her dream house be painted?2. Where would she put all her pot-plants?3. In the second speaker’s opinion, what would there be outside the front door of his ideal house?4. What would there be around the third speaker’s ideal home?5. When the fourth speaker got up in the morning, what would he do first?6. What is Spain famous for?7. According to the fifth speaker, what would she like to have around the garden of her dream house?8. How should one get to the last speaker’s ideal house?Part ⅢW—Wendy Stott H—House ownerW: Oh hello. (Hello.) My name’s Wendy Scott. Did the estate agent ring you and tell you I was coming?H: Oh yes, yes I was expecting you. Do come in. (Thank you.) Have you had the particulars and everything? Did the estate agent give you, you know, all the details?W: Oh yes. Yes I have, and I was rather interested; that was why I came round this afternoon. You seem to have decorated quite recently…H: Yes, oh, yes, it was decorated last year. Now this is the … this is the kitchen.W: Yes…er… What kitchen equipment are you leaving behind or are you going to take it all?H: Well, you know it rather depends on what I end up buying. I’ve got something in mind at the moment but as you know these things can take ages (Yes.) but the place I’m going to has no gas so I’ll probably be leaving this stove, this oven here.W: Is it…is it quite new? Have you had it long?H: Oh, no, not long. It’s about five or six years old. (I see.) I’ve found it very reliable but I shall be taking that fridge but you can see everything else. It’s a fully fitted kitchen.W: Yes, what about the dishwasher…um…is that a dishwasher under the sink?H: No, no, that’s a washing machine, I shall be taking that, yes, I will but there is plumbing for a washing machine. (Right.)W: Is the gas cooker the only gas appliance you’ve got?H: No, no, there is a gas fire but I don’t use it very much; it’s in the main room, the lounge.W: Oh. Right. That seems fine.H: Well, then across here if you’d like to come in with me, this is the sitting room. (Oh. Yes.) Well you can see for yourself it is really.W: Oh I like the windows, right down to the floor, that’s really nice…H: Yes, yes, they are nice. It’s got a very pleasant view and there’s a balcony you can sit out on in the summer. (Yes, it’s a nice view.) Yes, it is nice. Now then across here this is the smallest bedroom; (Yes.) there are three rooms, this is the smallest and it’s no more really than a box room but of course you can get a bed in.W: You could make it into a study. It would be more useful I think.H: Yes, well I think somebody else has got this room as a study. Then this…this is the second bedroom. (Yes.) As you can see it’s got a fitted cupboard and those shelves there they are also fitted.W: Have you got an airing cupboard anywhere?H: Oh. Yes, there’s one in the bathroom. I’ll show you that in a moment. (Oh right.) Now this is the third bedroom, this is the largest bedroom. (Oh.) Of course it’s got the wash basin, double fitted cupboard, plenty of space really, there, (Very nice.) and of course this room does take the double bed. Now…um…this is the bathroom. There’s the airing cupboard. (Is that the airing cupboard?) Yes, that’s right. It’s nice and warm in there; it’s rather small but I mean it is adequate, you know, and of course there is…there is the shower.W: Is that, did you put that in yourself or was it in with the flat?H: Oh, no. No that was in when the flat was built.W: Is it quite reliable? (Oh yes.) because I’ve had problems with a shower recently? (Yes, no I’ve never had problems with that. No. It’s really good.) Is it gas heated at the water point?H: No, that is electric. (Ah.)Statements:1. Wendy Stott knows nothing about the flat before she comes to have a look at it.2. The flat was decorated five or six years ago.3. The house owner has used the oven and the stove for about five or six years.4. The windows in the largest bedroom are right down to the floor.5. There is a balcony in the sitting-room.Part ⅥInterviewer: how important are property prices in the economy?Roy: In the UK, most people invest most of their money in their house. So property prices are extremely important.Interviewer: Mmm. What’s you view on the UK property market? Do you think prices are too high?Roy: Well, in recent years, prices have gone up…ten to twenty percent a year, um…in some years even more. But inflation has been just two or three percent a year. So I think it’s clear that, um…the bloom has to end.Interviewer: Mmm. The last property market crash, in the UK, was in the late 1980s, and it put the UK economy into a recession. Do you think the same thing will happen again.Roy: I don’t think prices will crash. The…the economic situation was different in the late 80s…interest rates rose quite fast just before property prices fell. Today the Bank of England is much more careful with… with changes in interest rates. The other important difference, I think, is that then unemployment was quite high. Today, it’s very low—about five percent. So I don’t think prices will crash, but it is possible they’ll fall a little. Or stay at the same level for a few years.Interviewer: Banks have lent people a lot of money in recent years. People have got big mortgages. Do you think there’ll be a problem? Will people have less money to spend in the future?Roy: Oh, certainly. Because the loan haven’t just been mortgages — people have also borrowed money to spend in the shops. So far, that’s helped the economy, because spending has been high. But at the end of the day, people will have to pay the money back. So I think we’ll see lowerconsumer spending over the next few years.PartⅤApartment manager: well, hi, Mr. Brown. How’s your apartment working out for you?Tenant: Well Mr. Nelson. That’s what I would like to talk to you about. (What?) Well, I want to talk to you about that noise! (Oh) You see. Would you mind talking to the tenant in 4B and ask him to keep his music down, especially after 10:00 o’clock at night?Apartment Manager: Ohhh. Who me?Tenant: Why yes. The music is blaring almost every night, and it should be your job as manager to take care of these things.Apartment Manager: Hey, I just collect the rent. Besides, the man living there is the owner’s son, and he’s a walking refrigerator. (Well . . .) Hey, I’ll see what I can do. Anything else?Tenant: Well, yes. Could you talk to the owners of the property next door about the pungent odor drifting this way.Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there’s nothing much I can do about that.Tenant: Well, what about the . . . . That, that noise.Apartment Manager: What noise? I don’t hear anything.Tenant: There, there it is again.Apartment Manager: What noise?Tenant: That noise.Apartment Manager: Oh, that noise. I guess the military has resumed its exercises on the artillery range.Tenant: You have to be kidding. Can’t anything be done about it?Apartment Manager: Why certainly. I’ve protested this activity, and these weekly (Weekly!) activities should cease . . . within the next three to five years.Tenant: Hey, you never told me about these problems before I signed the rental agreement.。

全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2Unit 1 Sports Part A]Listening StrategyIdentifying NumbersNumbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The ability to catch the exact num bers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to pra ctice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularly the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers yo u hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese. You're going to hear a p assage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers.Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb.17, 1963, in Broo klyn, New York. He is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls tea m for the 1984 season. In the 1986 season he shot 3041 points, the third highest score ever. He w as named NBA Slam Dunk Champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. Jordan guided his team to win six NBA championships during the 1990s, s coring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals. In 1999, he was named th e greatest North American athlete of the 20th century. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of th e 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn't quite as g ood as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for f ive more years, he once again announced his retirement in 1999. But he returned for two more N BA games in 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards.[ti:Unit 1 Part B]Listening Tasks A ConversationWhy Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. I try to go three times a w eek, but I'm busy so I can't always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main reason you work out? For y our health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration . Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look bett er, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a ti me but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by m yself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, b ut only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass. Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that. Questions1. What do you know about Peter?2. Where might the two speakers be having this conversation?Speaking Tasks Pair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner.Conversation 1A: What's your plan for this evening?B: Well, there's a good game at the stadium but I haven't got a ticket yet.A: I'm going to the gym. Would you like to come along? I can get a guest pass for you. B: That's w onderful. I'd always wanted to work out in the new gym. Thank you very much. Conversation 2 A: Hi, Xiao Wang. Fancy meeting you here! How are you doing?B: Can't complain. I'm busy with my experiments in the lab. But after work I often play some spor ts.A: Like what?B: Like swimming, running and sometimes tennis.A: Tennis? That's my favorite game. Say, what're you doing this weekend? B: Nothing particular. I guess I'll probably just work in the lab. A: Come on. You need to relax. What about a game of ten nis? B: OK.Conversation 3A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow, Bob? B: Not really. Why do you ask?A: Some of us are going motorcycling. Would you like to join us? B: Motorcycling? I've never done that. Isn't it a bit dangerous? A: Maybe, but it's really exciting.B: I enjoy jogging. It's more relaxing.A: That's a good form of exercise. It can help you stay in shape. B: Yes, it's also safer.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:Unit 1 Part C]Test Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my f avorite sport. Q: What sport does the man like?2. W: You don't like boxing very much, do you? M: It's far from being my kind of sport. Q: What d oes the man mean?3. W: I think yesterday's football game was quite exciting. What about you, John?M: You said it. But it was a bit long.Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess?M: I like the game, but I don't play it often enough. I'm afraid I'm not a very good chess player. Q: What does the man mean?5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high schooldays. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you are busy with your golf gam es.Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation?Unit 2 Food and Drinks Part AListening StrategyListening "Between the Lines"People do not always say directly what they mean. Very often, we have to listen "between the lin es". The English language offers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state, their m eaning. To find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such things as the context, the m eaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. For example, if someone says "I have an essay to wri te" in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context that he cannot acc ept the invitation. And if someone says "Andrew passed with flying colors" in reply to an inquiry a bout how Andrew did on a test, we can infer from the meaning of the idiom "to pass with flying c olors" that Andrew did very well on the test. Often, intonation also helps to reveal the real meani ng of a message. For example, "He is very clever" said with an ironic tone means just the opposite . You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers.Listen carefully and write down "Yes" or "No" to each of the following questions. 1. M: Have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate? W: Yes, many times.Whenever my friends come to visit me, I'll take them there to eat. 2. W: Is there something wron g, sir?M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal. 3. W: Where is the cake I made this morning?M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us?4. W: I hear you like chicken very much.M: Next to beef.5. M: Have you tried this wine before?W: No, never. It's my first time, but it's really to my taste. 6. W: John, do you want a soda? M: Sod a? I think it tastes like medicine. 7. W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched. M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty. 8. M: Hi, Sue, would you like to eat out tonight?W: Oh, I'd really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening..[ti:Unit 2 Part B] Listening Tasks A ConversationWhat About Dining Out?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences. Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been? Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask. Do you have any plan for this Saturday? Kate: No, n ot yet, I don't think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend? Kate: Tha t would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always seem to serve somuch food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much o il or cream or heavy sauces.Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide th en where to eat.Peter: That's fine by me.Speaking Tasks Pair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner.Conversation 1(At the school canteen) A: What a crowd!B: This is the worst time. The morning classes are just over. Everybody is hungry and rushes here t o have lunch.A: That's true. I'm starving and I can't wait. I'd rather not stand in a long line. B: Why don't we hav e some fried noodles?A: Noodles are sold at No. 2 Box. No queue there, you see. B: That's great. (At No. 2 Box) Counter hand: What can I get you? A: One plate of fried noodles, please. B: Make it two. Counter hand: OK. Two plates of fried noodles. Anything else? A: How much is the tomato soup? Counter hand: It's free. It goes with the noodles. A: I see. (to B) Do you want any soup? B: Yes. A: (to counter hand) Two bowls of soup, please. Conversation 2(At a fast food restaurant)Counter hand: What can I do for you?Customer: I'll have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich. Counter hand: Anything to drink? Customer: A small Sprite. No ice, please. Counter hand: Okay. For here or to go? Custo mer: For here. Conversation 3(At a Chinese restaurant)Waiter: Are you ready to order?A: Do you have any recommendations?Waiter: Yes. The Sichuan style crispy whole fish is very good. It's today's special.A: Mary, would you like to try that? I hear it's very good.B: Why not? And I'd like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. It's my favorite. Waiter: Okay. Anything else?A: What about some vegetables, Mary? B: Yes. How about spinach? A: Spinach is fine with me. W aiter: Anything to drink?A: Yes. I'd like one Bud Light, please. What'll you have, Mary? B: Orange juice, please. Waiter: One Bud Light and one orange juice. Is that right? A: Right.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:Unit 2 Part C]Test Your ListeningListen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. A: Well, here we are, not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little. A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and I'm still full. A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich. B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried C hicken.B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad.A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good. B: Oh, the prices are great too. I'll have that as well. A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water. A: Italian food needs red wine, you know. B: But w e have to go back to work. A: OK, a Coke for me then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first. Questions1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?2. Where does the conversation take plac e?3. What will they order?Unit 3 Weather Part AListening StrategyListening for Important DetailsBesides understanding the main idea of a listening text, we often find it necessary to grasp the im portant details as well. What counts as important details depends on the kind of information we want. Generally speaking, if we are listening to the narration of an event, we need to sharpen our ears not only for what happened, but also when and where, how and why it happened. In listeni ng to a weather report, on the other hand, the important details we should watch out for are the current weather conditions, temperature, and weather outlook. You're going to hear two short p assages about weather. While listening, pay attention to such details as the weather conditions, t emperature, weather outlook, damage caused by bad weather and so on, and write them down i n note form.Then complete the exercises in your book.1. The weather today: a fine day is in store nearly everywhere, with the best of the sunshine in so uthern and central areas of Britain. A pleasant day, then, with long sunny periods developing. Th ere will be light winds with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, 64 degrees Fahrenheit . Look at the outlook for the next few days: it will become mostly cloudy with heavy showers mov ing in from the west.2. A storm in Changchun, capital of Northeast China's Jilin Province, claimed four lives on Sunday. The storm lasted about three hours from around 8 p.m. The winds reached speeds of over a hund red miles an hour, causing serious damage and a widespread power failure.[ti:Unit 3 Part B] Listening Tasks A ConversationDid You Hear the Forecast?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting to get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.Michelle: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment.Alan: Yeah, sunshine — but not too much! Do you remember last year?Michelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the s un.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold d rinks. And then we dozed off.Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off.Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle: Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently.Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short s hower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad. Questions1. What are Alan and Michelle mainly doing?2. What do you know about Alan?3. What can you infer from the conversation?Speaking TasksListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner. Conversation 1A: What lovely weather we're having! Nice and cool. B: Yeah, I really like this kind of weather. A: What's the temperature today?B: The high is 26 and the low is 20. The weather forecast says the good weather is likely to last, to o.A: I hope so.Conversation 2A: It seems to be clearing up. All the dark clouds are gone and the sun is coming out. B: Yes. Let's j ust hope it stays this way. I hate rainy days.A: I think it will continue to be fine for the next few days. Anyhow, that's what the weatherman sa ys.B: That's great. Let's go for a walk, shall we? A: All right.Conversation 3A: It's hot and humid, isn't it? I can hardly breathe. B: Yeah. I feel suffocating too.A: Are summers always this hot here? It's almost like in the desert. B: Yes, especially in July and A ugust. A: Well, what did the weatherman say? B: He said another heat wave is on the way. A: Oh no! I hope not.B: How about going out to the beach to cool off?A: Good idea. Maybe it's the only place for this sort of weather.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate..[ti:Unit 3 Part CTest Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: It's been freezing for the last few days.M: Yes. And the forecast says there will be more snow next week, accompanied by strong winds. Q: What will the weather be like next week?2. M: We haven't had such a severe winter for a long time, have we? W: No, and the forecast saysit's going to get worse before it warms up. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. W: What if it rains hard? What are we going to do?M: I think it will clear up soon. But if it keeps raining, the whole thing will have to be cancelled. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?4. M: How was the weather when you left New York?W: It was very much like the weather in Beijing. You don't have to take a lot of clothes. Q: What c an we learn from the conversation?5. W: If it is this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon . M: The weather forecast says it will cloud over by noon. Q: What does the man mean?Unit 4 Music Part AListening StrategyListening for Signal WordsThe ability to identify signal words can help us follow the thread of the speaker's thought. People often use signal words or phrases like "but", "therefore" and "as a result" to add a comment that contrasts with what has just been said or to signal what they are about to say is the result or caus e of their previous remarks. Similarly, words and phrases like "for example", "most importantly", " first", "second", "finally" and "then" usually signal that the speaker is going to provide an illustrati on or emphasize a certain point or discuss several aspects of a certain topic. So we should pay att ention to signal words in listening as they will prepare us for what is going to be said. You're going to hear four short passages.Listen carefully and write down the signal word(s) in each passage. Then choose a, b, c or d to ind icate the function of the signal word(s) used in each of the passages.1. Most people like music. In fact, we are surrounded by it. It's on the radio and television and ca n be heard in stores and restaurants. However, not everyone likes the same kind of music.2. The manager of the music shop was called Brian Epstein. Because so many people had asked fo r a record by the Sun, Epstein decided to go and listen to the group himself.3. Firstly I would like to talk about classical music and its representative composers, then I will mo ve on to jazz music, and finally I will focus on pop music in the last century.4. We listen to exciting music and our hearts beat faster, our blood pressure rises, and our blood f lows more quickly. In short, we're stimulated.[ti:Unit 4 Part B] Listening Tasks A PassageBackground MusicExercise 1Listen to the passage. As you listen, read the signal words in your book and put a tick () in the bra ckets after the ones you have heard.Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. V ery soon it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music. To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere. Recently, however, it's becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third. But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spo t items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sale s. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving — unless, of course,the resulting indigestion leads to complaints. Questions1. Where was recorded background music first used?2. What was the original purpose of backgr ound music?3. What kind of music can have a powerful effect on customers in shops?4. Why doesn't the same kind of music work in restaurants according to the passage? Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner. Conversation 1A: Do you like English songs? B: I'm crazy about them.A: What's your favorite song?B: It's hard to say. There are so many beautiful songs. A: Who's your favorite singer then?B: Sarah Brightman, undoubtedly. I do admire her, you know. I love all her songs. A: I like her, too, but not that much. Conversation 2A: Do you care for opera?B: Yes, I do, very much.A: Which do you like better, opera or musical?B: Opera.A: Do you just listen to it or go to performances?B: I prefer going to a performance. It has everything, color and spectacle and great music. A: Why don't we go and see Aida together? It's being performed at the Grand Theater. B: I've seen it alre ady. It's excellent.A: Oh, lucky you! Conversation 3A: Do you enjoy listening to music?B: Yes, very much. I enjoy listening to music more than any other pastime.A: What's your favorite music?B: It depends. When I am in a good mood, I'd prefer something exciting, with a fast rhythm. But if I feel low, I can only listen to something soft and quiet. A: Mm, me too.Now make similar conversations. Use the structures and expressions above where appropriate. Y our conversations should include the following points.[ti:Unit 4 Part C] Test Your ListeningListen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.Celine Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her pare nts, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had comp osed the song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The ad dress was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more. Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not without difficultie s. Record companies were at first less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, wh o mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great succe ss. And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record inFrance. In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No.1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Academy award. In 19 96 she performed at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997 she r ecorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously suc cessful film. Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a gr eat many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because You Loved Me", "The Power of Love" and, of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On".Unit 5 Health Part AListening StrategyIdentifying the Relationship Between the Speakers in a ConversationIdentifying the relationship between the speakers in a conversation is an important skill in liste ning comprehension. Although sometimes the conversation itself does not contain words that sa y exactly what the relationship is, we can rely on contextual clues to find it out. Such clues includ e the degree of intimacy (e.g., how intimately the speakers address each other, what endearment s are used), the degree of politeness (strangers tend to be more polite towards each other than fr iends or family members), and the particular situation (at a doctor's consulting room, at a shop, e tc.).Listen to the following conversations and choose the right answers to the questions that follow the conversations.1. M: What's the trouble?W: I feel dizzy and my whole body aches. M: How long have you been sick? W: Two or three days now.M: How's your appetite?W: I've got no appetite. The sight of food simply turns my stomach. What's wrong with me? M: Y ou seem to be generally run-down.Q: What is the mnost probable relationship between the two speakers? 2. W: What's the matter, Jack? You look pale. M: Oh, I feel terrible.W: Why? What's the matter?M: I have a splitting headache and a sore throat. W: Why didn't you tell me?M: I thought they might go away, but I feel worse this morning. I'm aching all over.W: Hmm. You feel warm, too. You must have got a fever. There's a pretty bad flu going around, yo u know.Q: What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?[ti:Unit 5 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationGoing to See the DoctorExercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to complete the statements. D: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that I'm having trouble sl eeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available? P: I've tried one or two, but they don 't seem to help. D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months — it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately? P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can't sleep. D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others. P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me. D: Have you been experiencing any other symp toms? P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise? P: No, not ve ry much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medications for your insomnia and your indigestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise program.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I thi nk you'll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints. Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner. Conversation 1D: What's wrong with you?P: I have a burning stomachache. And I feel like vomiting, too. D: How long has it been like this? P: Since yesterday.D: What did you eat yesterday? Did you eat seafood? P: Yes. I had some crabs at lunch and then I just felt terrible. D: Yours seems to be a minor case of food poisoning.P: What do you think I should do, doctor?D: I'll give you some medications for your stomachache and indigestion. And don't eat any seafoo d for the next week or so.P: I won't, doctor. Thank you.Conversation 2D: What seems to be the problem?P: I hurt my left foot yesterday. I missed one step while coming down the stairs.D: (after examining the foot) You have a sprained ankle. It's slightly swollen. How does it feel? P: Rather painful there. What should I do, doctor?D: I'll give you an X-ray to see if there is anything wrong with the bone.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate.[ti:Unit 5 Part C] Test Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: Jane kept coughing and couldn't go to sleep all night. M: She must be sick. I hope she's bett er today.Q: What do you know about Jane? 2. M: I haven't seen Jack for ages.W: Neither have I. But I heard he had been in hospital for three weeks. Q: What do you learn fro。

听⼒教程第⼆册unit2听⼒原⽂Unit 2Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accenta . It's on top of the bookcase.b. With milk, please.c. At five past one.d. At five past one.e. It's on top of the bookcase.f. With milk, please.Exercise:1.f2.c3.e4.b5.a6.dPart2 Listening and Note-takingRalph NaderRalph Nader is a man of few possessions. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment. He doesn't have a car or a TV set. He doesn't have many clothes and he doesn't care about money when he makes a lot of money, he gives it away. He doesn't smoke and he works from six in the morning until late at night, seven days a week: he is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.When he went to parties as a young man, people complained that all he talked about was the dangers of cars, and how bad car design caused the deaths of so many people each year. After he graduated from Harvard, he published an article entitled "Unsafe at Any Speed," which was about a car called Corvair. Later, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how many deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer. In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make car safer.After this success, Nader became interested in something very different. This was thequality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods like sausages and hamburgers. A year later, in 1967, again because of Nader's work, a law was passed to ensure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Nader's efforts. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines -- these are the pipes that take gas across the country from one town to another. The second was to protect people from radiation --that is, the dangerous radiation which may leak from nuclear sources. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry -- that is, the chicken and turkey meat.Ralph Nader, now one of the most influential people in the United States, has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Exercise A:1. Ralph Nader is a man of few possessions.2. He is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.3. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer.4. A law was passed to ensure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat.5. Ralph Nader has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Exercise B:Ralph NaderI.Ralph Nader, a man of few possessionsA. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment.B. He doesn't have a car or a TV set.C. He doesn't have many clothes.D. He doesn't care about money.II. His early efforts to make car saferA.He talked about the dangers of cars, and how bad car design causedthe deaths of so many people each year at parties.B.After he graduated from Harvard, he published an article entitled"Unsafe at Any speed.ter, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed howmany deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars.D. In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make carssafer.III. His interests in something very differentA. The quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods likesausages and hamburgersB. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Nader's efforts.a. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines.b. The second was to protect people from radiation.c. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry.IV. Ralph Nader. one of the most influential people in the United StatesA. He has set a wonderful example of what determined men andwomen can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1Give Them Time to Get to Know YouFather: Well, whose fault do you think it is, then?Daughter: I don't know.Father: It couldn't be yours?Daughter: What? That I feel lonely because I haven't any friends there?Father: No, that you haven't got any friends.Daughter: But I've told you! They're not very friendly there. They never talk to me!They just leave me alone.Father: But why?Daughter: How should I know?Father: Isn't it possible it's because you're not very friendly towards them? Daughter: What do you mean?Father: Have you talked to them? Have you tried to make conversation? Daughter: I've told you! They're not interested in talking to me.Father: How do you know?Daughter: Because ... for example ... at lunch time, they all sit together in v groups! Father: Yes, but why don't you sit with one of the groups?Daughter: Don't be silly. I couldn't. It would be awful!Father: why?Daughter: It just would. That's all.Father: How do you know?Daughter: I just do!Father: Well, you'll never make friends if you don't try, will you? I mean, you've got to meet them, too, at least half way. Daughter: It just wouldn't work!Father: You know what I think. I think you're just saying that because you're impatient.Daughter: Impatient? Me?Father: Yes, impatient. You always have been, ever since you were a child. If you don't get what you want immediately, you get depressed and you give up tooeasily!Daughter: Look, if you came with me some morning, you'd understand ...Father: You've only been there for four weeks. These things take time. Daughter: I know, but I still feel ...Father: Listen, give them time to get to know you ... and give yourself time get to know them, and things will change. Believe me!1.T2.T3.F4.T5.T6.TDialogue 2 GesturesNumber 1Woman: You know, a "nod" -- moving your head up and down -- means “yes” in most places, but not everywhere. Did you know that in Greece a nod means "no"? Man: It means "no" in Greece? I'm surprised.Number 2Man: I didn't know "raised eyebrows" means "yes" in Tonga. It means something very different in Peru.Woman: Yeah? What does it mean there?Man: Money. "Raised eyebrows" is a gesture for money in Peru.Woman: Hmm.Number 3Woman: Um, Alberto, you said that "tapping your head" means "I'm thinking" in Argentina.Man: That's right.Woman: You'd better be careful about using that gesture here in Canada. It means someone is crazy.Man: Oh, it means "crazy" in Canada? I didn't know that. I'll be careful.Number 4Man: You know, it's interesting that in the Netherlands, "tapping your elbow" means you can't depend on someone. In Colombia, they use the same gesture, but ithas a different meaning.Woman: What does it mean in Colombia?Man: Well, it means someone is cheap. That person doesn't like to spend money. Woman: Oh.Number 5Woman: Here's an interesting one. You know how "circling your head" means that a person's crazy?Man: Yeah.Woman: Guess what it means in the Netherlands.Man: The Netherlands? I have no idea.Woman: It means someone is calling on the telephone. You know, like dialing a phone. Man: That's interesting.Number 6Man: So "flicking your chin" means "go away" in Italy, rightWoman: Yes.Man: Guess what it means in Brazil.Woman: In Brazil? I don't know.Man: That's right.Woman: Huh?Man: In Brazil, "flicking your chin" means "I don't know."Woman: "I don't know" is the meaning?Man: Right.Number 7Woman: Well, everything is "thumbs up" for my trip to Nigeria. I've never been to Africa before. I'm really looking forward to it.Man: Ah, you'd better be careful with that expression in Nigeria.Woman: Huh?Man: Thumbs up. In Nigeria, it means ... um ... well, it has a very bad meaning.Don't use that gesture. It will get you into a lot of trouble.Woman: Oh, thanks for telling me.Number 8Man: You said "tossing your head" means "come here" for Germans? Woman: That's right. But there are some other meanings. In India, it means "yes."But it has the opposite meaning in Italy. In Italy it means "no."Man: Hmm, "yes" in India, "no" in Italy. Isn't it interesting how the same thing can have such different meanings? Woman: It sure is.Part 2 passagesWhy Shouldn't you Go by First Impressions?One shouldn't always go by* first impressions. In my hometown there lived a giant of a man with huge hands and a manner so fierce and unfriendly that he always sat alone in any public place. Yet to those who knew him, he was a kind and generous friend. In the same way one should never assume* that somebody who looks inoffensive is always going to behave in an inoffensive manner.Recently my young brother, who works for a famous American airline, was reminded of this truth. The plane was overbooked and for once all the passengers turned up. So my brotherhad the difficult task of choosing three passengers and informing them that they couldn't travel on the flight in question*. Knowing that the young are generally impatient and often aggressive, my brother chose three elderly travelers, an English couple and a little old American lady.The English couple accepted the situation and went to have a drink while waiting for the next flight. Then my brother approached the American lady, whose name was Mrs. Pepper, with a sad smile on his face, "Mrs. Pepper? May I have a few words? I'm afraid we have a problem.""A problem? What de you mean, we have a problem, young man?"“Would you like to come into the office” asked my brother, sensing that this was not going to be easy."Oh, very well, but only for a moment. I have a plane to catch, you know.""Er ... yes." My brother explained the position.The little lady looked at him with steely, blue eyes. "Young man," she said. "I don't believe you are aware that you are talking to Mrs Katherine Pepper, widow of General Arnold Pepper, of the United States Army Air Force and I'd like to inform you, further, that the President of your airline was a personal friend of the General's. In the circumstances I'd advise you to sort this out* right away, otherwise you're going to be in a lot of trouble. Do I make myself clear?" Exercise A:Appearances are often deceptive. In this passage, the two examples tell us the reason why we shouldn't go by first impressions.Exercise B:I.C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. BExercise C:1. To those who knew him, he was a kind and generous friend.2. The plane was overbooked and for once all the passengers turned up. So he had thedifficult task of choosing three passengers and informing them that they couldn’t travel on the flight in question.3. They had a very close relationship.4. Probably he would never trust his first impressions again.Part 3 NewsNews ltem 1The simultaneous* bombings of three underground trains and a double-decker bus in London three years ago are imprinted* on the minds of many people in Britain.But our memories of the attacks are unreliable, according to a study from Portsmouth University. 40% of British students questioned about the events remembered seeing CCTV footage* of the bus bomb - footage which never existed. A further 28% claimed to have seen a non-existent computerized reconstruction.Some even recalled specific details of the attacks, which none of them witnessed."Memories are not like videotape you can rewind and replay for perfect recall," said lead researcher James Ost. "Because of this, they are not reliable enough to form the basis of legal decisions."Exercise A:This news item is about the false memories that British people have about the attacks happened in London three years age. Exercise B:The simultaneous bombings of three underground trains and a double-decker bus in London three years ago are well remembered by many people in Britain.But our memories of the attacks cannot be trusted, according to a study from Portsmouth University. When questioned about the events 40% of British students remembered seeing CCTV footage of the bus bomb----footage which never existed. A further 28% claimed to have seen a non-existent computerized reconstruction. Some even recalled specific details of the attacks, which none of them witnessed. James Ost, the lead researcher, therefore concluded that memories are not reliable enough to form the basis of legal decision.News Item 2China begins three days of mourning for earthquake victims in Sichuan province, with a three-minute silence and half-mast flags.For three minutes a collective wail * was heard across the town of Beichuan as ° raid sirens* and car horns sounded the exact time when the earthquake hit China one week ago. Workers here laid wreaths* outsidethe town's school. At 2:28 in the afternoon, last Monday, it was engulfed* in a landslide*, hundreds of children died.To the side of the mourners, bodies lay waiting to be buried. Rescue work has resumed and two women were found alive here this morning, but these glimmers* of hope are increasingly rare. The aftershocks* continue.Exercise A:This news about the mourning for earthquake victims in Sichuan, ChinaExercise B:1.The Chinese people mourned the earthquake victims with a three-minute silence andhalf-mast flags.2.At 2:28 p.m., last Monday.3.Hundreds of children were killed in a landslide.4.The hopes of finding more people alive were increasingly rare.5.No, aftershocks continued.News Item 3Indonesia is expected to announce stronger security measures Wednesday after a deadly bombing in Jakarta*. At least 13 people were killed when a car bomb exploded near a hotel. 149 people were injured. The hotel is operated by a United States company. The governor of Jakarta said it was very likely that the bomber was killed in the attack. Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri visited the damaged hotel. Buildings nearby also were damaged. Theexplosion comes 2 days before an Indonesian court decides the first case connected to the deadly bombings last year in Bali*. Those attacks killed 202 people.Exercise A:This news item is about the 2nd serious bombing that took place in Indonesia within 2 years.Exercise B:1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T6. TSection three oral worksRetellingAs Susan and her daughter Jenny walked around the park they were hounded by beggars. The girl was shocked when she saw a skeletal young beggar woman wrapped in a gray shawl*. Her eyes were sunken* and she held out a bony hand like she was receiving communion, As she did, her shawl fell away revealing a young child standing under it.Jenny just started throwing her money into that bony hand. Susan grabbed her before she could start taking off her jewelry, and the mother decided to have a talk with her about the beggars when they got back to the hotel.They boarded the return bus. They were stopped at a red light when Jenny stood straight up and screamed, "Mother? Susan went to her window and she pointed to a taxi next to the bus. There, in air conditioned comfort, sat the beggar woman with her child next to her, eating an ice cream cone.。

新标准大学英语视听说教程2 听力原文Unit 1 College cultureInside viewConversation 1Janet :So this is the Cherwell Boathouse – it’s lovely! And look at those people punting! It looksquite easy.Mark :I’m not so sure about that! Janet, there’s something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you.Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We’ve decided to get involved.Janet :Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity but studentsdon’t usually do that.Mark :Students often do that here. Anyway, we’re thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet :Sponsored punting! What’s that?Kate :Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something – like run a long distance. So peoplewould be sponsoring students to punt.Janet :What a great idea! I’d love to join you!Mark :That’s why we’re telling you about it. So that’s decided then. Let’s make a list of thingswe need to do.Kate :I’ll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark :Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I’ve gotone here.Kate :That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that? Mark :I’ll do that. What have we got so far?Kate :Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form… Um … We have to decide where the punt will start from.Mark :Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It's a very beautiful route from here, apparently. Kate :I’m with you on that.Janet :Me too …Conversation2Janet :I’m not used to boats – Woah!Mark :Whoops!Kate :Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing!Mark :Sorry! I didn’t mean to. … OK, we’re off!Kate :Maybe I should do the punting.Mark :It’s fine. I’ve got the hang of it now – give me a chance.Kate :Well, I’d like to have a go.Mark :Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if youwant to. Kate :Yes, great.Janet :You’re really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic! It’s exactly how I imagined lifehere! Look over there – isn’t it lovely!Kate :Yes, it is.…Janet :Kate, everything’s organized, isn’t it, for collecting the sponsorship money?Kate :Yes, I’ve arranged for people to get the money to me by next Friday – if they haven’t paidonline. I’ll count it all up.Janet :Good. We’d better have a meeting soon after that, don’t you think? How much have weraised?Kate :About 600.Janet:Fantastic! I’m so enjoying this!Mark :Hey guys, I’ve got a suggestion – how about moving over to the bank and we can have ourpicnic! Hey, look, there’s Louise and Sophie!Mark :Whoo …Girls: Mark!Janet :Are you all right?Mark :Er … Of course I’m all right. Kate, I think it’s your turn to punt! Outside viewV/O (画外音)Harvard University in Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. We spoke to Alex Jude, the university’s Head of Communications. He explained that Harvard looks for the best and most talented students from around the world. AlexHarvard actually seeks students from around the world, the best students that we can find, to study chemistry, or study literature, or study government, or business. Our business school is particularly well-known around the world, as is the medical school and law school, so, um, and, and the Kennedy School of government, for the John F. Kennedy School of Government, so, er, we do seek very, very talented students and we have open doors for them.V/O (画外音)We asked five students at Harvard to tell us what kind of social life they have. AshleyUm, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I, I live nearby anyway, so I see a lot of my friends, and … Um, there’s a good social life here if you look for it. I go to the gym, run. So that’s what I do. AdamIt is whatever you want it to be. It’s good. If you wanna go out party, do anything you can. If you wanna sit in your room and study all night like my friend over here,you can also do that. BrianSocially, like you said, it’s, it’s a lot of what you make it. Um, we don’t have fraternities here, and so, you know, that’s, it’s obviously not as social. There’s not as many parties as there would be on another campus. Um, but on a Friday or Saturday night, there, there, there will be a party. Usually we end up studying until about 10 o’clock. And then we, and then we’ll go out and have fun maybe, or just watch a movie with friends, or, you know, whatever is going on for the night. Jodie Not everyone would agree with me, obviously, but it’s, I think it’s a fun place to be.Interviewer: Have you made a lot of friends?Jodie : Oh, definitely.Interview. :Mm.Jodie: Many.Interviewer: What, what do you do with your friends?Jodie: Um, well, I like to go to concerts. I’m in three music groups, so I have lots of rehearsalsduring the week for that. Um, just do, you know, some fun things, on the weekend. V/O (画外音)We asked the Harvard students if they use the Internet.Ashley: Um, I, I use it a fairly good amount. Um, our library system is online, so I use that a lot.And a lot of my classes, you know, have to do research papers. You can find a lot of information on there, so.Interviewer: So how often do you use it, a week, a day?Ashley: Um, I use it probably on more of a weekly basis. Maybe three or four times a week.Brian: Oh yes, definitely. We live through the Internet actually. Well, I do a lot of researchthrough the Internet, follow my stocks on the Internet. Um, well, even though is not officially Internet, we, that’s how we communicate a lot at college, so, through the .John: Um, I use the internet mostly for, er, I’d say, sort of leisure purposes.I mean, I play, um, I use it for a lot of, I don’t, we don’t have TV in my room, so I use it, uh, uh, go to the CNN website, keep up on current events, things like that. Uh, I also, uh, you know, there’s some little games to play over the Internet. Um, just um, I go to espn. to see what’s happening, follow the Boston Red Sox, things like that. Um, I think a lot of courses use it to post things, but I, I don’t usually use it that much for research, or things. I tend to use the libraries for such things, so.Listening inPassage 1Voice-overHi, I’m Nick Carter, and this is SUR, your university radio station. This morning we went around campus to ask freshers – now half-way through their first year –the question, ―How are you finding uni?‖ Here are some of the answers we got. Speaker 1It’s cool. It’s everything I hoped it would be. I’m very ambitious, I want to be a journalist and I want to get to the top of the profession. I’ve started writing for the university newspaper so I’ve got my foot on the ladder already. Speaker 2I’m working hard and the teaching is as good as I expected. And I’ve made some good friends. But I’m very homesick. I’m Nigerian and my family’s so far away.I went home at Christmas for a month – that really helped, but man, I miss my family so much.Speaker 3“How am I finding uni?‖ It’s great. It’s not perfect, nothing is, but, like, I’ve got a brilliant social life, just brilliant, and I’ve made lots of friends. For the first few months I just didn’t do, really enough work. But I – I talked about it with my parents and I’m working harder now and getting good grades. Speaker 4Actually, I’ve been quite lonely to be honest. I’m a bit shy … everyone else seemed to find it so easy to make friends straight away. But things have been better recently – yeah, they have. I’ve joined a couple of clubs and like, it really helps to get to know people when you have shared interests. So, yeah – I’m feeling a lot happier now.Speaker 5Uni’s great, I love it. My only problem – and it’s quite a big problem – is money. My parents are both unemployed so, you know, they can’t help me financially. My grant just isn’t – it’s just not enough for me to live on, so I’ve taken a part-time job as a waitress – a lot of people I know, like a lot, have had to do the same.I don’t want to have huge debts at the end.Speaker 6I love my subject, History, and I’m, I’m getting fantastic teaching here. I want to be a university lecturer and that means I have to get a first. I have a good social life but work definitely comes first for me.Passage 2Oxford and Cambridge – two universities so similar that they are often spoken of together as “Oxbridge‖. They’re both in the UK, fairly near London, and both regularly come top in any ranking of the world’s best universities.The two universities began within a century of each other. Oxford University, now 900 years old, was founded towards the end of the 11th century. In 1209 there was a dispute between the university and the townspeople of Oxford. As a result, some of the Oxford teachers left and founded a university in the town of Cambridge, some 84 miles away. Ever since then, the two institutions have been very competitive. Unlike most modern universities, both Oxford and Cambridge consist of a large number of colleges. Oxford has 39 and Cambridge 31. Many of these colleges have old and very beautiful architecture, and large numbers of tourists visit them.In all UK universities, you need good grades in the national exams taken at 18. Butto get into Oxford and Cambridge, it’s not enough to get A grades in your exams. You also have to go for a long interview. In these interviews, students need to show that they are creative and capable of original thinking.Through the centuries, both universities have made huge contributions to British cultural life. They have produced great writers, world leaders and politicians. Cambridge, in particular, has produced scientists whose discoveries and inventions have changed our lives.Among the great university institutions is the world’s most famous debating society, the Oxford Union, where undergraduates get a chance to practise speaking in public. Cambridge’s comedy clubFootlights has produced many first-class comedians, while some of the UK’s most famous actors and actresses began their careers at The Oxford University Dramatic Society, known as OUDS. Then there’s the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place every year in March or April, and is watched on television all over the UK. So with all this excellence in so many fields, it’s not surprising that the ambition of clever students all over the world is to attend either one of these great universities.Unit 2 Mixed feelingsInside viewConversation 1Kate :Come in. Hey, Janet.Janet :Hi Kate, are you busy?Kate :Yes, I’m just doing an essay. But it’s great to see you. So what’s new? Janet :Well, nothing much.Kate :You look a bit fed up. What’s bugging you?Janet :Well, I had a phone call from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happens everytime they call, and it gets me down.Kate :I’m sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, but Ialways feel miserable after the call.Janet :My dad doesn’t say much, and I want to speak to him, but I wish I knew what to say. Kate :Don’t let it get to you. My dad doesn’t say much on the phone either.I call, he answersthe phone, and says, ―Hi, I’ll pass you to your mother.‖ It’s really irritating. Janet :But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hear his voice.Kate :Just tell him what you’re up to.Janet :Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford. Sometimes I feel like a moody teenager.Kate :Try not to worry about it, Janet. It’s normal to feel like that. I understand how you feel, butI bet everything will be fine next term. You’ll get used to it. Hey, why don’t you do what I do?Janet :What’s that?Kate :When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I getto hear his voice!Janet :Maybe. I’m sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye! Kate :Wait a minute …!Conversation 2Kate :I think I may have upset Janet last night.Mark : What happened?Kate :She came to see me. I was busy doing an essay but I was really pleased to see her. She’dhad a call from home, and said she was feeling homesick.Mark : Poor kid! It must be tough on you guys, living so far away from home. Kate :I tried to make her laugh, told her not to worry about it, and that it was normal to feelmiserable. Suddenly she looked miserable, and then she got up and said, ―I must go now‖ and left my room. It was really sudden. I felt as if I’d said something wrong.Mark :Maybe she was just being polite. It was probably because she realized you were workingand didn’t want to disturb you.Kate :I just wonder if she found it difficult to talk about her feelings with me. Maybe I shouldn’thave tried to make her laugh? Perhaps she thought I wasn’t taking her seriously. Mark :I wouldn’t worry about it. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you were astudent at college in China?Kate :I know. That’s why I feel bad. If only she had stayed longer! I wish I could have helped her more.Janet :Hey, everyone!Mark :Hi Janet, you look cheerful!Janet :Yes, I’ve just got my essay back. I got an alpha minus!Kate :What an amazing grade! Well done.Mark :I’m really happy for you, Janet.Janet :I feel on top of the world!Outside viewSebastienHi. I’m Sebastien. I’m from Germany. Um, the idea of IQ of a measure of your brain power has been around for a while, but recently there’s been this new idea of the EQ – your emotional quotient. And by now, it’s actually almost being regarded as more important. If you look at it, businesses will … Well, they will prefer employing people with great EQ. Well, of course, IQ cannot be disregarded, but um, EQ does have its importance as well. Uh, I believe that, um, … I mean, people, most people will have, um, their basic means of communicating with other people. Most people are somewhat socially adept, and just like most people have, you know, a basic general knowledge. But then, what I think really is the difference betweenIQ and EQ, I mean, you can have a ―brainiac‖, and they will be great at most things they do, but if you just can’t get along with him, if you just can’t communicate with him, I mean, you know, he’s not really that useful.KimHi. This is Kim. I’m originally from Korea, and I was raised in California. And today, we are going to talk about the differences between IQ and EQ – IQ meaning your intelligence, EQ meaning your emotions. Now, in … When I was, when I was a little, little boy in Korea, I had to take … I think I’d taken like two or three IQ tests before the age of ten, which is when I moved to California. So, I guess we stress a lot of importance on intelligence, on having great IQ scores. But after I moved to the States, I learnt how to associate with people, and along the lines that this word EQ came up, you know, emotional, caring about … It’s basically how you deal with people, how you make people feel, and how people make you feel. I think they’re equally as, as important, but it seems that in the Eastern world they kind of stress on that a lot more back in the days. But I think again, you know, now that with Internet and people are communicating so much faster, there’s a better mixture of the two I think. There’s a stress on EQ in Korea as well, and a stress on IQ in the States. Thank you.TedHello. My name is Ted, and I’m from the United States of America. Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about IQ or EQ – which is most important, or which is more important. Now, for a long time when I was growing up, people said, ―IQ. What’s your IQ? Take an IQ test.‖ But then EQ, your emotions, how you interact with people, that became very important. And I think they’re … that people might be onto something with that, because your EQ – how you deal with people, how you interact with people – is important. Now, a big part of this, in my opinion, is listening.I know I’m talking a lot right now, but if you want to get along well with people, you have to listen to them, so just take a minute, maybe shut your mouth for a minute, and listen to others, and then you can understand and communicate with them in a better way. So, part of EQ, I think, is listening – listening to others – and it can be more important than IQ.Listening inPassage 1Presenter: We’re fortunate to have as our guest today Dr Jenna Hudson, who has just written a book about how colours affect us in our surroundings, especially in the world of advertising. It’s called Market Colours. Dr Hudson, which are the most common colours in advertising and marketing?Dr Hudson :Well, of course, it depends what image the marketing team wish to project with their products. So for example, we often think of blue as a cold colour, but it also makes you feel peaceful, quiet, and it doesn’t suggest strong emotions. So it’s a favourite for banks and insurance companies, who wish to suggest the image that they are trustworthy. And for selling products, it’s often used to suggest something is pure and fresh.Presenter: What about red?Dr Hudson: You can sell almost anything with red. It’s a hot colour, which suggests a feeling of energy and even passion. It grabs your attention, and can make people buy almost anything. You often see red on magazine covers. But if you use it too much, it looks cheap and may make people tired. And orange has a similar effect to red, it’s upbeat and happy, it suggests pleasant feelings and images. Most people react well to orange, and it’s especially popular in advertising and on packaging for baked food.Presenter: What about yellow, for instance?Dr Hudson: Yellow is the colour of sunshine and it’s a positive, happy colour, so it’s used a lot in advertising. But it’s also often used for warning signs, direction signs, and so on, where you have to read the message quickly and at a distance. Presenter: What about less popular colours for advertising?Dr Hudson: Surprisingly, green isn’t used much in advertising except for garden products. It’s friendly and restful. It can be cool and soothing, the colour of apples and mint, but it can also be quite strong and many people associate it with unpleasant ideas of decay or slimy creatures. But most colours are not primary colours, they’re a combination. Absolutely. So yellow-orange is common, and often used to give animpression of style and class, it looks like gold. But it’s not often used in letters because it’s not very strong. And yellow-green reminds people of feeling sick. Blue-green works well as a cool colour, suggesting freshness, and is sometimes used for toothpaste products, bathroom products, food and household cleaning products. It has many of the advantages of blue without the disadvantages of green.Presenter: Fascinating!Thank you very much, Dr Hudson. Market Colours by Dr Jenna Hudson is on sale from next week, priced £15.99 …Passage 2Presenter :What makes you embarrassed, Sally?Sally :Oh, I’m easily embarrassed. If anybody notices me or looks at me, I get very embarrassed.When people sing me Happy Birthday on my birthday, I get very embarrassed. Presenter :And what makes you upset?Sally :When people are selfish, people who think only of themselves. And cruelty – I can’tbear people who are cruel, especially to animals or children.Presenter :Jake, what makes you depressed?Jake :I hate it when it rains, and I don’t like people who look down on me, who think they’resuperior to me without any reason.Presenter :And what makes you angry?Jake :When people don’t behave properly in public, bad behaviour like dropping litter or peoplepushing each other on the bus or the train.Presenter :Andrew, what makes you cheerful?Andrew :I like to see everyone around me being happy and having a positive attitudetowards thefuture, optimistic people.Presenter :And what makes you jealous?Andrew :Well, to be honest, I just never feel jealous. I can’t see the point of it.Presenter :Monica, what makes you proud?Monica :I’m proud when I’m successful, especially in my work. Being recognized by my bossfor what I can do makes me feel really proud. Oh, and my family. I’m very proud of them.Presenter :And what makes you nervous?Monica :Every time I teach a new class. The night before I’m very nervous. You don’t knowwhat the kids are going to be like and how they might behave, or if they’re going to like you.Presenter :Anything else?Monica :Doing interviews like this.Unit 3 Crime watchInside viewConversation 1Kate :So, what did you think of the movie?Mark :It was good but I thought it was too long.Kate :Yes, me too.Kate :Hey, where’s my bike? I don’t believe it! It’s gone!Mark :It was next to mine, you chained it up!Kate :Someone’s stolen it! Oh, how could they!Mark: Oh, Kate!Kate :How could someone have done this! The creep!Mark :It’s a really mean thing to do, steal a bike.Kate :It was a mountain bike and it cost a fortune – I don’t have the money to buy another one. Mark :Listen, I’ll go down the street and see if I can see anyone with it. Why don’t you go intothat shop and see if they’ve seen anything suspicious? I’ll be back in a minute. Kate :OK.…Kate :Well?Mark :No luck. What did they say in the shop?Kate :I asked the shopkeeper if she’d seen anything –Mark :And?Kate :She said she hadn’t. I guess it was a long shot. She advised me to report it to the police.But according to her, bikes get stolen all the time around here.Mark :Listen, let’s get back so you can report it.Kate :I’ve got no bike. I’m just so upset!Mark :It’s not far to college. Come on!Conversation 2Mark :So did you ring the police?Kate :Yes. I went to the police station to report it.Mark :What did they say?Kate :No one’s found it. This woman said that Oxford has the fifth highest rate of bike theftin the country!Mark :You’re joking!Kate :That’s what she said.Mark :What else did she say?Kate :She told me that sometimes you do get bikes back – the thieves use them and then abandonthem, apparently, and then people find them and report them.Mark :So you might get it back.Kate :I hope so, Mark, I really do. It’s just too much you know? But … um … what else? Shetold me to go to this sale they have of abandoned bikes. She thinks I might find it there. But it’s only every two months, I can’t wait till then! Honestly, Mark, I’m really furious! Mark :You can always buy a cheap bike on eBay.Kate :Hello … Speaking … You found it! Where was it? Is it …? Oh, that’s fantastic news!There was a lamp and a basket on it … Right … OK, thank you, I’ll be in tomorrow morning to pick it up. Unbelievable! This guy found it!Mark :Brilliant! Was that the police?Kate :Yes. What they said was, someone dumped it outside this guy’s backyard. Mark :That’s so strange!Kate :The lamp’s been stolen and the basket.Mark :Forget about it! You’re lucky to get it back!Outside viewPart 1Presenter: Dodgy deals aren’t the only problems associated with doorstep sellers. Your doorstep presents these unannounced visitors with a real opportunity to undertake distraction burglary where they often pose as bogus officials to gain access to your home.I’m joined now by Ian Holt, from Thames Valley Police. Ian, just outline for me what does distraction burglary actually entail?Ian Holt: Well basically what happens is, somebody uses a story to get inside somebody’s house and then they steal items, usually cash or small items of jewellery. Presenter: And what are the different techniques that are commonly used?Ian Holt: Well basically the er … the people that commit this crime move from area to area, er … they will look at an area, they will try and pick a particular target and they can find that by looking at property, it may beer, an uncut garden, it may be repairs that need doing to the property. Something that indicates that there’s, there’s a vulnerable person in there. It … usually, it’s an elderly person that lives there.Presenter: Is this quite a common problem now?Ian Holt: It is becoming more common. To get it in perspective, of the 14,000 burglaries that were in Thames Valley last year, we had reported 800 crimes of distraction burglary. But, it … there’s a slight increase this year over last year’s figures.Presenter: OK, you mentioned some of the victims being elderly. What other people are targeted? Ian Holt: Well, unfortunately, with this type of offence, it is the vulnerable in society and the elderly. The, the national average, if there’s such a thing as a, a victim for this type of crime, is a white female aged 81 years. Part 2Presenter: And what about things that people can do to prevent it happening, basically?Ian Holt: Well the things they can do are very, very simple. The difficulty comes, is that some of these people, er … it’s very difficult for them to remember what to do. But the three things we, we always say is: stop, chain and check. And that’s stop before you open the door to make sure who’s on the other side. Always apply a chain. If you haven’t got a chain, fit a chain to the door, or a door bar if you’ve got difficulty in handling a chain with arthritic fingers.But also when you answer the door, check the identity of the person there. Generally the offenders say they are from the Water Board or from utilities. They may say they’re from a charity or even from local authority. But generally, a utility will be in uniform.Ask for their identification. A genuine person will not mind you doing that and will wait until you can check them out. If you do need to check them, phone the number on, on your last bill. What won’t happen is that if it is a bogus caller, they will become unnerved by this reaction and they will leave.Presenter: OK and there’s also a couple of gadgets new on the market that also can help as well.Just talk us through that.Ian Holt:Certainly, yes. The … a spy er … viewer is fairly standard. But for elderly who may have poor eyesight there’s a spyscope which actually makes it a lot easier for them to see who’s outside. As I mentioned before about the door bar, again, it can be easier to apply than the chain. Very reasonable priced er, and something that is fairly new … as I mentioned before it’s very difficult for some of these people to remember what they have to do when they go to the door and that’s why they become victims. And this item is called a Memo Minder and actually you can record a message on there and it’s nice to have a grand-daughter or somebody to record a message, but every time the person approaches the door it reminds them with a voice to say ―Put your chain on.‖Listening inPassage 1Patrick :I read a funny story today in the paper – true story.Steve :Go on, then.Patrick :OK. This 72-year old guy stole a pair of trousers from a department store in Paris. Asecurity man saw him and alerted the police and they were waiting for him when he came out of the shop. The shoplifter started running, but the policeman soon caught up with him. The man then bit the policeman on his arm several times.Steve :He bit the policeman?Patrick :Yes – you have to remember, he was 72.Steve :I’d forgotten that.Patrick :Problem was, it didn’t hurt the policeman at all, ’cause the guy had forgotten to put hisfalse teeth in before he left home.Steve :Very funny!Patrick :And the moral of the story is –Steve :Always remember to wear your false teeth if you’re going to bite someone. Patrick :That’s good. I read a funny crime story the other day. Let’s see … yeah …this guy … this guy robbed a supermarket somewhere in America – I can’t remember where exactly – anyway, he got away with about 4,000 dollars. The next week the local newspaper reported the story but said he’d stolen 6,000 dollars. The thief rang the newspaper office to complain. He said, ―Look, I only took 4,000 dollars. I’m wondering if the supermarket manager took another 2,000 and said I’d taken it. I did not take 6,000, I promise you.‖Steve :He was probably telling the truth.Patrick :He probably was. Anyway, the newspaper managed to keep the guy talking while theyrang the police. And the police traced the call – the guy was ringing from a phone booth – and they arrested him while he was still talking to the newspaper. Steve :That’s good. Stupid guy! I’ve got another true story … This – this –old guy was in courtfor some crime – and he fell asleep. His case began and his lawyer stood up and said, ―My client pleads not guilty.‖ The man suddenly woke up, but wasn’t sure what was happening. He jumped up and shouted, ―I plead guilty! I plead guilty!‖Patrick :So what happened?Steve :The judge allowed him to plead not guilty.Patrick :That’s the best, I think.Passage 2Presenter :You’re listening to Kevin Fallon and my topic for today is street crime. Beingmugged is something that can happen to anyone – and it’s a very frightening experience. So it’s positive when you hear of someone who was attacked by amugger and defeated them – especially when that person is a woman. Anna Blackwas attacked by a mugger. She’s here to tell us about it. How long ago did this happen, Anna?Anna: Just over a week ago. The day it happened, I was coming home from work a bit。

Homework Listening
Task 1 1.A
Task 2 1.D
Task 3
1.answer a question
3.copies of all school records
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
9 10
二 long conversation
三 passage
Unit 8
一.short conversations
6 7
9 10
二 long conversation
三 passage
Task 2 1.B
Task 3
1.federal government
cation reform law
3.be forced to
4.place top importance on
5.calls for
6.main goal
7.by 40 percent
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
二 long conversation
三 passage
Unit 3 一、short conversations

Experiencing English Listening &SpeakingLevel 04 Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.”Alice: Look, there he is.Jean: Who?Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about.Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with?Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him.Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi.Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before.Jean: We have? Where?Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party.Jean: Oh, Sam.Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore?Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago.Robert: Oh—Oh, really?Unit 2 Personality “What do you like about him?”Sheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: Yeah, what’s he like?Tall?Handsome?Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot?Sheri: No—But he has a nice smile—Dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute. Jeremy: And that’s what you like about him?Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this really sad part, and, and he—Cried.Jeremy: He cried?Sheri: Yeah, he just cried and he didn’t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh—You like that, huh? Well, I cry at movies, too!Unit 3 Home “The view is great.”Sean: This is Sean McCain, live with Julie Morris, from Gemini One, the internatonal space station. Julie, can you hear me?Julie: Yes, I can hear you.Sean: Julie, can you tell us, what is it like living on the Gemini One?Julie: The Gemini One is wonderful. It’s not so different from living on Earth, really. We have jobs, friends, entertainment, natural beauty. And we have all the modern conveniences that you have on Earth.Sean: What modern conveniences?Julie: Well, we have movie theaters, game centers, music clubs, shops, restaurants—Sean: How about food? How do you get your food?Julie: I go shopping, just like everyone on Earth. You can get any type of food here.Sean: Is food expensive?Julie: Some of it is. The stuff that’s imported from Earth is very expensive. Likea banana from Earth can cost $100. But most food is really cheap. Sean: Do you miss getting away to the countryside or the mountains? Don’t you miss nature?Julie: Well, we have lots of nature up here. I can go hiking and mountain biking, riding in the hills, take a swim in a beautiful lake. It’s really beautiful up here.Sean: How do people get around up there?Julie: Oh, just like we do down there. We have electric cars and trains, but not airplanes.Sean: What do you like most about living in the space station?Julie: Well, the air is clean. There’s no pollution, and it’s easy to get around. It’s really an ideal world.Sean: And what do you like least?Julie: Well, it’s kind of expensive to fly home to Earth to see my parents for the holidays.Unit 4 Technology “How does it work?”Cindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It’s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? You can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little.Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I lived with a Thai friend and his family. I had such a great experience I want to go back.Cindy: Why? What was your experience like?Dave: Well, I started to learn some Thai—And practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice—You know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles—They even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The people were beautiful.Everything was beautiful. It changed my life.Cindy: But I’ve always heard that Thai was impossible to learn.Dave: Maybe for some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, everything is different, but I really want to learn it. I want to understand more when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way about learning French. Maybe I should study another language.Dave: No, Cindy, it’s not the language. You’ve just got to get into it.Unit 5 Nationalities “All around the world”Steve: I can’t believe these people. I can’t believe what they do.Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about? What is it this time? Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. I’m so sick of the clerk wrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, then putting those bags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping that bag shut. I can’t take it anymore. It’s crazy and it’s bad for the environment.Trish: How long have you been living here? Don’t you know that’s the way it is? Steve: I just want them to stick ‘emin a napkin for me, so I can eat while I’m walking to class.Trish: There you go again. Don’t you know it’s rude to eat while you walk? Steve: I’m so tired of this place. I don’t have time to sit down and eat. Peoplehere are too inflexible, and they have too many rules.Trish: Yeah, right, Steve, so you’re gonna convert everybody here to your way of doing things?Steve: Yeah, there has to be more individual freedom to do whatever you want.Trish: Why don’t you just relax and go with the flow?Steve: Go with the flow? The whole system is a waste of my time. The clerks here should learn how to be more efficient, like in the U.S.Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerks were really rude. They just ignore you, and seem offended if you want anything. Don’t you think it’sbetter this way?Steve: Are you kidding?Trish: Well, I kind of like it. It’s nice to relax and enjoy the moment while your packages are being wrapped. I like all of the traditions, and the care and attention that people give you, and the manners. To me, it’s a wonderful place to live.Steve: I think you’re nuts.Trish: You’re not gonna last long, mate.Unit 6 Identity “What’s your number?”Int: So, Ms. Spencer, why did you apply for this job at CNN?Amy: Well, I’ve always wanted to be a journalist, and I like traveling. And, you can interview lots of important people.Int: Tell me about your experience in journalism.Amy: Um—Well, I make a newsletter for my family. And I worked on my high school newspaper. And I read a lot of newspapers and newsmagazines —Int: Do you think you’re qualified for the prestige of this job?Amy: Absolutely. I’ve taken acting lessons. And I look good on camera. And I travel a lot so I think I’d be good as a foreign correspondent.Int: What about teamwork? Have you ever worked as part of a team?Amy: Of course, I was really great at sports in high school, and—Int: You don’t seem to have much experience as a writer.Amy: Well, that’s not exactly true. I write a lot of e-mail to my friends.Int: And you haven’t taken any journalism courses, have you?Amy: Well, I took a class in modern film, and one in communications, or something like that.Int: Well, thanks, Ms. Spencer. We’ll be in touch.Unit 7 Family “I really take after my dad.”Nate: Are these your parents?Jane: Yeah, that’s my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom—Especially your eyes, very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you—Nate: And the same figure—Same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but I really take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’ve both very adventurous. My dad was, like, into motorcycles when he was younger—And he was in one of those, you know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang?Jane: Yeah—But that was before he was married. I’ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, I’ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding—My dad and I even went skydiving once.We didn’t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us!Unit 8 Directions “Are you lost?”Woman: Moshi —moshi. Gengosentea —Father: Hello —Hello —Veronica —veron —Ve-ro-ni-ca Smith —Is Veronica Smith there, please?Woman: Ah, Ah —Veronica —sensei —Veronica —sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please ——Father: [muttering to himself]Wait a moment? What’s wrong? Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?Veronica: Yes, Dad. It’s me.Father: Where is this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the right number?Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you’re luky I’m here now.Dad, I told you. Don’t call the school number. Remember?Father: Yes, but you didn’t give me your home phone number. Why didn’t you call me?Veronica: I just got here a few days ago —Okay, let me give it to you. Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It’s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123.Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that’s 81 —and then —and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a place yet?Veronica: Yeah. Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Father: Um —yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It’s one dash one dash one fifty-five —Uegahara B356.Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait. One —one what? Why is it so long? Veronica: Dad, I’ve got to go I’ll send it to you by e-mail. Bye.[Kiss sound]Father: But, what’s your e-mail address?Unit 9 Jobs “The benefits are great!”Kevin: Hey, Cathy, I found a good place for a vacation this summer.Cathy: What is it?Kevin: It’s called Camp Star.Cathy: Hmmm. Looks pretty. But what can you do there?Kevin: It’s kind of isolated.Cathy: Isolated? What do you mean?Kevin: It’s off the coast, and you have to take a boat to get there. This week’s program is that you hike and hear lectures and talk about current issues.Cathy: Where do you stay? Tents?Kevin: No, it’s an old hotel. They have a couple of rules, though.Cathy: Uh-huh?Kevin: It says here there’s no TV and you can’t use any electrical appliances. Cathy: No TV? And no electrical —Wait a minute. What about my notebook computer?Kevin: No, no computers, and there’s only one telephone on the whole island. Cathy: What? So I won’t be able to check my e-mail either?Kevin: You’ll get by. It’ll be fun! Look, you can read, and talk, and think. And every morning you go for a long hike.Cathy: Ahh. Sounds like work.Kevin: I think it would be relaxing. I’d like to get away from the phone for a week. And I think it’d be good for you.Cathy: So you’re telling me there’s no TV, no computers, and I have to wake up every morning to go hiking. Why on earth would anybody want to go there?Unit 10 Style “It means a lot to me.”Jean: I’m ready, are you? Why don’t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I never take it off. I wear it all the time. I’ve had it since I was a kid.Jean: Really? You’re worn it since you were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I lived in India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And, well, the doctor at first did n’t want to treat me because —Jean: What: Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: Yeah, well, that’s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I —Jean: A witch doctor?Chandra: Yeah, well, I guess you could call her a —I don’t know, a spiritual healer. She was an old woman in our village. And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I could get better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better.Jean: I don’t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn’t either for a while. But you know what? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while. And then, I started to get sick again. And I didn’t get better. I was just sick all the time. And then I remembered the necklace, and I put it on. And after that, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 11 Travel “They lost my luggage!”Angela: I’m thinking about going to Costa Rica —Trevor: Great. I went to Costa Rica once —but I had a terrible time getting there —Angela: Oh, yeah? What happened?Trevor: Well, when I got to the airport, I realized I didn’t have my passport —Angela: Oh no.Trevor: So I called a friend —and he broke into my house —Got my passport and brought it to me. But I missed that flight so I had to stay overnight in San Francisco.Angela: Oh, that’s too bad.Trevor: Yeah. So I got the flight the next day —and of course on the way we had engine trouble —so we had to stop in Mexico City —I was stuck there for another, like, 22hours while they got the part.Angela: Oh, my gosh!Trevor: And I mean stuck. They wouldn’t even let us out of the airport —Angela: You’re kidding!Trevor: I’m telling you. So finally, we, like, after all this time, I got to Costa Rica two days late and-Angela: And don’t tell me, your luggage isn’t there.Trevor: You guessed it. I go into the airline office to complain and there was this really wonderful woman working at the counter.Angela: Oh, yeah?Trevor: And she was really nice and helped me out —Angela: Mm-hmm —Trevor: ——and we sort of hit it off —Angela: Yeah? And then what?Trevor: About two months later we got married!Unit 12 Food “What’s for dinner?”Rob: Hey, Tony! What’s up?Tony: Hey, Rob. Check this out. I got a package from my Mom.Rob: Oh, yes! Cookies, I hope.Tony: Nah, it’s a cookbook. Twenty-Minute Meals. It’s perfect for us, don’t you think?Rob: Yeah, I guess. But I wish she would’ve sent you cookies instead. Tony: Think about it, though. No more instant ramen, no more fast-food burgers. Twenty minutes in the kitchen, and voila! We have a well-balanced meal. Are you in?Rob: Whatever you say, Chef Tony. Let’s have a look. How about this? Super Nachos. Now that’s my kind of food.Tony: All right! Let’s get started. What do we need?Rob: What we really need is for you to find a girlfriend who can cook.Tony: Yeah, right. And then you’ll find one, too, and they can take turns cooking for us. So what are the ingredients?Rob: Hmm —chips, salsa, can of chili, and shredded cheese. Thatsounds easy enough.Tony: Well, we’ve got half a bag of nacho chips. Think that’s enough?Rob: It’ll have to be. Let’s see what’s in the fridge. We’ve got lots of soda —Half a submarine sandwich —Cheese! We’ve got that —Oh, it’s kind of moldy, though.Tony: Kind of? It’s green! Do we have any chili?Rob: Sorry, man, I think I ate it the other night.Tony: That wasn’t yours. Anyway, I had a coupla cans. There must be at least one left.Rob: Let’s see —Box of cereal —some instant ramen —and a jar of peanut butter. That’s it.Tony: Oh, rats. It looks like we can’t have nachos tonight after all.Rob: I guess not. Well, what’s it gonna be? Instant ramen for the third night in a row?With peanut butter?Tony: I’m so sick of that junk! Let’s go to the supermarket and get what we need to make Super Nachos.Rob: Yeah, and on the way, let’s stop for hamburgers or a pizza.Tony: Yeah, cool.Unit 13 Schedules “I’ll pencil it in.”Manager: Ok, time to get up, women! Your public is waiting for you!Woman1: Huh? What day is it?Manager: It’s Wednesday. We’re in Middleburg. Ohio, tonight at the Summer Fest in the town park.Woman2: Yeah. Hope it doesn’t rain.Manager: Then tomorrow it’s up to Cleveland to play for Sarah’s induction into the Hall of Fame, followed by an autograph signing session.Woman1: Wish it was us being inducted. The first all-girl rock band in the Rockand Roll Hall of Fame —What’s on for Friday?Manager: Friday we have to be in the studio in Akron. We’re doing a live online chat on . Come on guys. You’ll love it. It’s at 4:00, and then we’ve in the Starlight Dome that night.Woman1: Where are we playing Saturday?Manager: Pittsburgh, at the Waterfront Fair. We’ll be there Sunday afternoon, too.Woman2: This schedule is brutal. When do we get a day off?Manager: Hah! We’re booked through the weekend, but we have a light schedule on Monday. We just have to drive out to record the new CD in St. Louis, but at least you can sleep on the bus. Hmm?Unit 14 Weather “It’s raining cats and dogs.”Alex: Grandma, what are these pictures?G: These are pictures of Alaska.Alex: That’s where you grew up, right?G: That’s right, dear —I lived there until I was 19 years old.Alex: Is that you in this picture?G: Yes, that’s me —And my sister Ruth —and our dog, Kusko. That was outbehind our house.Alex: Wow. It looks cold!G: Yes, that was in the winter —and it was cold —It snowed a lot! And boy,Kuskojust loved the snow. Ruth and I and Kuskoused to play in the snow for hours.Alex: Did you make snowmen?G: Oh, we made some great snowmen —Alex: Is that you in this picture, too?G: Yes, that’s me and Ruth again —I guess we were both in high school then ——Alex: Where are you?G: We were hiking near Seward —We hiked a lot in those days.Alex: But where’s the snow?G: Well, it doesn’t snow ALL the time in Alaska, you know. That was in the springtime —Spring was a great time for hiking —It was a little muddy, though —Alex: Oh ——G: Look, here’s a picture of Ruth now, outside her house.Alex: That’s Aunt Ruth’s house, in Alaska? I thought everybody lived in igloos! G: (laughing) Oh, no. Most people live in regular houses! —aren’t those flowers lovely?Alex: You mean, flowers grow there too?G: Of course. In the summer everything just blooms —it’s sunny and the weather is warm —Alex: Warm? You mean, it was warm enough to go swimming?G: Oh, we all went swimming in July and August —the water was cold —But swimming was so much fun —Alex: Was summer your favorite season?G: You know, I love all the seasons, but I think my favorite season was autumn.The leaves in the mountains turning to gold —I always loved that sign of the changing seasons —Look, here’s a picture of the mountains near our house in the fall —Alex: Wow, Grandma, I’d like to go to Alaska sometime.G: Well, Alex, I’ve got an idea. Let’s go to Alaska together sometime.Alex: Yeah, Grandma, that’d be great.Unit 15 Lifestyle “It’s so convenient.”[music]——Okay, sit back in your chair. And let your hands rest loosely in your lap. Close your eyes. Now lift your shoulders up and then let them fall. Breathe in, filling your lungs with air. Now let your breath out very slowly. Imagine you are on a beach. See the sand, the trees and the water. Feel the soft sand below you. Let your feet sink into the sand. Look at the gentle waves in the water. The waves are coming in ——and going out. You’re breathing slowly and calmly, like the waves ——Feel the warm sun on your skin. Oh, you feel good. You’re relaxed. You’re well and happy. Now, see yourself slowly leaving the beach. Your body is warm and relaxed. You come back to your daily life with new energy and joy. And now, slowly, open your eyes.。

[al:全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2]Unit 1 SportsPart A]Listening StrategyIdentifying NumbersNumbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The ability to catch the exact numbers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to practice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularly the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese. You're going to hear a passage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers.Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb.17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season. In the 1986 season he shot 3041 points, the third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. Jordan guided his team to win six NBA championships during the 1990s, scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals. In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn't quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for five more years, he once again announced his retirement in 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards.[ti:Unit 1 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationWhy Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can't always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main reason you work out? For your health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration. Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass.Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that.Questions1. What do you know about Peter?2. Where might the two speakers be having this conversation?Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1A: What's your plan for this evening?B: Well, there's a good game at the stadium but I haven't got a ticket yet.A: I'm going to the gym. Would you like to come along? I can get a guest pass for you.B: That's wonderful. I'd always wanted to work out in the new gym. Thank you very much. Conversation 2A: Hi, Xiao Wang. Fancy meeting you here! How are you doing?B: Can't complain. I'm busy with my experiments in the lab. But after work I often play some sports.A: Like what?B: Like swimming, running and sometimes tennis.A: Tennis? That's my favorite game. Say, what're you doing this weekend?B: Nothing particular. I guess I'll probably just work in the lab.A: Come on. You need to relax. What about a game of tennis?B: OK.Conversation 3A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow, Bob?B: Not really. Why do you ask?A: Some of us are going motorcycling. Would you like to join us?B: Motorcycling? I've never done that. Isn't it a bit dangerous?A: Maybe, but it's really exciting.B: I enjoy jogging. It's more relaxing.A: That's a good form of exercise. It can help you stay in shape.B: Yes, it's also safer.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:Unit 1 Part C]Test Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you?M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport.Q: What sport does the man like?2. W: You don't like boxing very much, do you?M: It's far from being my kind of sport.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: I think yesterday's football game was quite exciting.What about you, John?M: You said it. But it was a bit long.Q: What does the man think about the football game?4. W: Do you like to play chess?M: I like the game, but I don't play it often enough. I'm afraid I'm not a very good chess player. Q: What does the man mean?5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. But recently I have failed to keep up with football.W: Now you are busy with your golf games.Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation?Unit 2 Food and DrinksPart AListening StrategyListening "Between the Lines"People do not always say directly what they mean. Very often, we have to listen "between the lines". The English language offers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state, their meaning. To find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such things as the context, the meaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. For example, if someone says "I have an essay to write" in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context that he cannot accept the invitation. And if someone says "Andrew passed with flying colors" in reply to an inquiry about how Andrew did on a test, we can infer from the meaning of the idiom "to pass with flying colors" that Andrew did very well on the test. Often, intonation also helps to reveal the real meaning of a message. For example, "He is very clever" said with an ironic tone means just the opposite. You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers.Listen carefully and write down "Yes" or "No" to each of the following questions.1. M: Have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate?W: Yes, many times.Whenever my friends come to visit me, I'll take them there to eat.2. W: Is there something wrong, sir?M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal.3. W: Where is the cake I made this morning?M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us?4. W: I hear you like chicken very much.M: Next to beef.5. M: Have you tried this wine before?W: No, never. It's my first time, but it's really to my taste.6. W: John, do you want a soda?M: Soda? I think it tastes like medicine.7. W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched.M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty.8. M: Hi, Sue, would you like to eat out tonight?W: Oh, I'd really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening..[ti:Unit 2 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationWhat About Dining Out?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences.Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been?Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask. Do you have any plan for this Saturday?Kate: No, not yet, I don't think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend?Kate: That would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always seem to serve so much food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide then where to eat.Peter: That's fine by me.Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1(At the school canteen)A: What a crowd!B: This is the worst time. The morning classes are just over. Everybody is hungry and rushes here to have lunch.A: That's true. I'm starving and I can't wait. I'd rather not stand in a long line.B: Why don't we have some fried noodles?A: Noodles are sold at No. 2 Box. No queue there, you see.B: That's great.(At No. 2 Box)Counter hand: What can I get you?A: One plate of fried noodles, please.B: Make it two.Counter hand: OK. Two plates of fried noodles. Anything else?A: How much is the tomato soup?Counter hand: It's free. It goes with the noodles.A: I see. (to B) Do you want any soup?B: Yes.A: (to counter hand) Two bowls of soup, please.Conversation 2(At a fast food restaurant)Counter hand: What can I do for you?Customer: I'll have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich.Counter hand: Anything to drink?Customer: A small Sprite. No ice, please.Counter hand: Okay. For here or to go?Customer: For here.Conversation 3(At a Chinese restaurant)Waiter: Are you ready to order?A: Do you have any recommendations?Waiter: Yes. The Sichuan style crispy whole fish is very good.It's today's special.A: Mary, would you like to try that? I hear it's very good.B: Why not? And I'd like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. It's my favorite.Waiter: Okay. Anything else?A: What about some vegetables, Mary?B: Yes. How about spinach?A: Spinach is fine with me.Waiter: Anything to drink?A: Yes. I'd like one Bud Light, please. What'll you have, Mary?B: Orange juice, please.Waiter: One Bud Light and one orange juice. Is that right?A: Right.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:Unit 2 Part C]Test Your ListeningListen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.A: Well, here we are, not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little.A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and I'm still full.A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich.B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken.B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad.A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good.B: Oh, the prices are great too. I'll have that as well.A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water.A: Italian food needs red wine, you know.B: But we have to go back to work.A: OK, a Coke for me then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.Questions1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?2. Where does the conversation take place?3. What will they order?Unit 3 WeatherPart AListening StrategyListening for Important DetailsBesides understanding the main idea of a listening text, we often find it necessary to grasp the important details as well. What counts as important details depends on the kind of information we want. Generally speaking, if we are listening to the narration of an event, we need to sharpen our ears not only for what happened, but also when and where, how and why it happened. In listening to a weather report, on the other hand, the important details we should watch out for are the current weather conditions, temperature, and weather outlook. You're going to hear two short passages about weather. While listening, pay attention to such details as the weather conditions, temperature, weather outlook, damage caused by bad weather and so on, and write them down in note form.Then complete the exercises in your book.1. The weather today: a fine day is in store nearly everywhere, with the best of the sunshine in southern and central areas of Britain. A pleasant day, then, with long sunny periods developing. There will be light winds with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Look at the outlook for the next few days: it will become mostly cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west.2. A storm in Changchun, capital of Northeast China's Jilin Province, claimed four lives on Sunday. The storm lasted about three hours from around 8 p.m. The winds reached speeds of over a hundred miles an hour, causing serious damage and a widespread power failure.[ti:Unit 3 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationDid You Hear the Forecast?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting to get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.Michelle: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment.Alan: Yeah, sunshine — but not too much! Do you remember last year?Michelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the sun.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold drinks. And then we dozed off.Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off.Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle: Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently.Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short shower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad.Questions1. What are Alan and Michelle mainly doing?2. What do you know about Alan?3. What can you infer from the conversation?Speaking TasksListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1A: What lovely weather we're having! Nice and cool.B: Yeah, I really like this kind of weather.A: What's the temperature today?B: The high is 26 and the low is 20. The weather forecast says the good weather is likely to last, too.A: I hope so.Conversation 2A: It seems to be clearing up. All the dark clouds are gone and the sun is coming out.B: Yes. Let's just hope it stays this way. I hate rainy days.A: I think it will continue to be fine for the next few days. Anyhow, that's what the weatherman says.B: That's great. Let's go for a walk, shall we?A: All right.Conversation 3A: It's hot and humid, isn't it? I can hardly breathe.B: Yeah. I feel suffocating too.A: Are summers always this hot here? It's almost like in the desert.B: Yes, especially in July and August.A: Well, what did the weatherman say?B: He said another heat wave is on the way.A: Oh no! I hope not.B: How about going out to the beach to cool off?A: Good idea. Maybe it's the only place for this sort of weather.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate..[ti:Unit 3 Part CTest Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: It's been freezing for the last few days.M: Yes. And the forecast says there will be more snow next week, accompanied by strong winds. Q: What will the weather be like next week?2. M: We haven't had such a severe winter for a long time, have we?W: No, and the forecast says it's going to get worse before it warms up.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. W: What if it rains hard? What are we going to do?M: I think it will clear up soon. But if it keeps raining, the whole thing will have to be cancelled. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?4. M: How was the weather when you left New York?W: It was very much like the weather in Beijing. You don't have to take a lot of clothes.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?5. W: If it is this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon. M: The weather forecast says it will cloud over by noon.Q: What does the man mean?Unit 4 MusicPart AListening StrategyListening for Signal WordsThe ability to identify signal words can help us follow the thread of the speaker's thought. People often use signal words or phrases like "but", "therefore" and "as a result" to add a comment that contrasts with what has just been said or to signal what they are about to say is the result or cause of their previous remarks. Similarly, words and phrases like "for example", "most importantly", "first", "second", "finally" and "then" usually signal that the speaker is going to provide an illustration or emphasize a certain point or discuss several aspects of a certain topic. So we should pay attention to signal words in listening as they will prepare us for what is going to be said. You're going to hear four short passages.Listen carefully and write down the signal word(s) in each passage. Then choose a, b, c or d to indicate the function of the signal word(s) used in each of the passages.1. Most people like music. In fact, we are surrounded by it. It's on the radio and television and can be heard in stores and restaurants. However, not everyone likes the same kind of music.2. The manager of the music shop was called Brian Epstein. Because so many people had asked for a record by the Sun, Epstein decided to go and listen to the group himself.3. Firstly I would like to talk about classical music and its representative composers, then I will move on to jazz music, and finally I will focus on pop music in the last century.4. We listen to exciting music and our hearts beat faster, our blood pressure rises, and our blood flows more quickly. In short, we're stimulated.[ti:Unit 4 Part B]Listening TasksA PassageBackground MusicExercise 1Listen to the passage. As you listen, read the signal words in your book and put a tick () in the brackets after the ones you have heard.Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. Very soon it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music. To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere. Recently, however, it's becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third. But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving — unless, of course,the resulting indigestion leads to complaints.Questions1. Where was recorded background music first used?2. What was the original purpose of background music?3. What kind of music can have a powerful effect on customers in shops?4. Why doesn't the same kind of music work in restaurants according to the passage?Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1A: Do you like English songs?B: I'm crazy about them.A: What's your favorite song?B: It's hard to say. There are so many beautiful songs.A: Who's your favorite singer then?B: Sarah Brightman, undoubtedly. I do admire her, you know. I love all her songs.A: I like her, too, but not that much.Conversation 2A: Do you care for opera?B: Yes, I do, very much.A: Which do you like better, opera or musical?B: Opera.A: Do you just listen to it or go to performances?B: I prefer going to a performance. It has everything, color and spectacle and great music.A: Why don't we go and see Aida together? It's being performed at the Grand Theater.B: I've seen it already. It's excellent.A: Oh, lucky you!Conversation 3A: Do you enjoy listening to music?B: Yes, very much. I enjoy listening to music more than any other pastime.A: What's your favorite music?B: It depends. When I am in a good mood, I'd prefer something exciting, with a fast rhythm. But if I feel low, I can only listen to something soft and quiet.A: Mm, me too.Now make similar conversations. Use the structures and expressions above where appropriate. Your conversations should include the following points.[ti:Unit 4 Part C]Test Your ListeningListen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.Celine Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her parents, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had composed the song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The address was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more. Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not without difficulties. Record companies were at first less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, who mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great success. And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record inFrance. In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No.1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Academy award. In 1996 she performed at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997 she recorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously successful film. Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because You Loved Me", "The Power of Love" and, of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On".Unit 5 HealthPart AListening StrategyIdentifying the Relationship Between the Speakers in a Conversation Identifying the relationship between the speakers in a conversation is an important skill in listening comprehension. Although sometimes the conversation itself does not contain words that say exactly what the relationship is, we can rely on contextual clues to find it out. Such clues include the degree of intimacy (e.g., how intimately the speakers address each other, what endearments are used), the degree of politeness (strangers tend to be more polite towards each other than friends or family members), and the particular situation (at a doctor's consulting room, at a shop, etc.).Listen to the following conversations and choose the right answers to the questions that follow the conversations.1. M: What's the trouble?W: I feel dizzy and my whole body aches.M: How long have you been sick?W: Two or three days now.M: How's your appetite?W: I've got no appetite. The sight of food simply turns my stomach. What's wrong with me?M: You seem to be generally run-down.Q: What is the mnost probable relationship between the two speakers?2. W: What's the matter, Jack? You look pale.M: Oh, I feel terrible.W: Why? What's the matter?M: I have a splitting headache and a sore throat.W: Why didn't you tell me?M: I thought they might go away, but I feel worse this morning. I'm aching all over.W: Hmm. You feel warm, too. You must have got a fever. There's a pretty bad flu going around, you know.Q: What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?[ti:Unit 5 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationGoing to See the DoctorExercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to complete the statements.D: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that I'm having trouble sleeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available?P: I've tried one or two, but they don't seem to help.D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months — it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately?P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can't sleep.D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others.P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me.D: Have you been experiencing any other symptoms?P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise?P: No, not very much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medications for your insomnia and your indigestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise program.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you.I think you'll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints.Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.Conversation 1D: What's wrong with you?P: I have a burning stomachache. And I feel like vomiting, too.D: How long has it been like this?P: Since yesterday.D: What did you eat yesterday? Did you eat seafood?P: Yes. I had some crabs at lunch and then I just felt terrible.D: Yours seems to be a minor case of food poisoning.P: What do you think I should do, doctor?D: I'll give you some medications for your stomachache and indigestion. And don't eat any seafood for the next week or so.。

Unit 2-Conversation 1Kate :Come in. Hey, Janet.Ja n et: Hi Kate, are you busy?Kate : Yes, I'm just doing an essay. But it's great to see you. So what's new?Janet:Well, nothing much.Kate :You look a bit fed up. What's bugging you?Janet: Well, I had a phone call from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happens every time they call, and it gets me down.Kate : I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, but I always feel miserable after the call.Janet: My dad doesn't say much, and I want to speak to him, but I wish I knew what to say.Kate : Don't let it get to you. My dad doesn't say much onthe phone either. I call, he answers the phone, and says, "Hi,I'll pass you to your mother." It's really irritating.Janet: But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hearhis voice.Kate:Just tell him what you're up to.Janet: Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford. Sometimes I feel like a moody teenager. Kate : Try not to worry about it, Janet. It's normal to feel like that. I understand how you feel, but I bet everything will be fine next term. You'll get used to it. Hey, why don't you do what I do? Janet:What's that?Kate : When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I get to hear his voice!Janet: Maybe. I'm sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye!Kate :Wait a minute ...!Unit 2-Conversation 2Kate :I think I may have upset Janet last night.Mark :What happened?Kate : She came to see me. I was busy doing an essay but I was really pleased to see her. She'd had a call fromhome, and said she was feeling homesick.Mark : Poor kid! It must be tough when you guys living sofar away from home.Kate : I tried to make her laugh, told her not to worry aboutit, and that it was normal to feel miserable. Suddenlyshe looked miserable, and then she got up and said, "Imust go now" and left my room. It was really sudden. I feltas if I'd said something wrong.Mark: Maybe she was just being polite. It was probably because she realized you were working and didn't want to disturb you.Kate : I just wonder if she found it difficult to talk about her feelings with me. Maybe I shouldn't have tried tomake her laugh? Perhaps she thought I wasn't taking her seriously.Mark : I wouldn't worry about it. Put yourself in her shoes.How would you feel if you were a student at college in China?Kate: I know. That's why I feel bad. If only she had stayed longer! I wish I could have helped her more.Janet:Hey, everyone!Mark :Hi Janet, you look cheerful!Janet: Yes, I've just got my essay back. I got an alpha minus! Kate:What an amazing grade! Well done.Mark :I'm really happy for you, Janet.Janet:I feel on top of the world!Unit 2-Outside viewSebastienHi. I'm Sebastien. I'm from Germany. Um, the idea of IQ of a measure of your brain power has been around for a while, but recently there's been this new idea of the EQ - your emotional quotient. And by now, it's actually almost being regarded as more important. If you look at it, businesses will... Well, they will prefer employing people with great EQ. Well,of course, IQ cannot be disregarded, but um, EQ does have its importance as well. Uh, I believe that, um,... I mean, people, most people will have, um, their basic means of communicating with other people. Most people are somewhat socially adept, and just like most people have, you know, a basic general knowledge. But then, what I think really is the difference between IQ and EQ, I mean, you can have a "brainiac", and they will be great at most things they do, butif you just can't get along with him, if you just can't communicate with him, I mean, you know, he's not really that useful.KimHi. This is Kim. I'm originally from Korea, and I was raised in California. And today, we are going to talk aboutthe differences between IQ and EQ -IQ meaning your intelligence, EQ meaning your emotions. Now, in ... WhenI was, when I was a little, little boy in Korea, I had totake ... I think I'd taken like two or three IQ tests before the age often, which is when I moved to California. So, I guesswe stress a lot of importance on intelligence, on havinggreat IQ1 scores. But after I moved to the States, I learnthow to associate with people, and along the lines that this word EQ came up, you know, emotional, caring lout... It's basically how you deal with people, how you make people feel, and how people make you feel. t hink they're equally as, as important, but it seems that in the Eastern world they kind of stress on that a lot more back in the days . But Ithink again, you know, now that with Internet and peopleare communicating so much faster, there's a better mixtureof the two I link.There's a stress on EQ in Korea as well,and a stress on IQ in the States. Thank you.TedHello. My name is Ted, and I'm from the United Statesof America. Today, I'm going to talk a little bit about IQ orEQ - which is most important, or which is more important. Now, for a long time when I was growing up, people said, "IQ. What's your IQ? Take an IQ test." But then EQ, your emotions, how you interact with people, that became very important. And I think they're ... that people might be onto something with that, because your EQ - how you deal with people, how you interact with people - is important. Now, abig part of this, in my opinion, is listening. I know I'm talkinga lot right now, but if you want to get along well with people, you have to listen to them, so just take a minute, maybe shut your mouth for a minute, and listen to others, and then youcan understand and communicate with them in a better way. So, part of EQ, I think, is listening - listening to others - and it can be more important than IQ.Unit 2-Listening inNews reportAccording to recent studies,the number one fear people have above everything else, including death, is of public speaking. People can become very anxious when they have to speak in front of an audience. The symptoms can range from slight nervousness with hands shaking or sweating to full-on panic: the heart beating very quickly, the body shaking, the inability to speak or move.The symptoms of fear of public speaking can begin before the event. People imagine that they will forget what they are going to say, or imagine that the audience will see how nervous they look and will think badly of them. The cause of their fear of public speaking is their belief that they will fail and be embarrassed.Researchers say that the fear of public speaking is associated with the fear of rejection. People who have to stand up in front of an audience believe that the audience will not like them or will not like what they say, and will reject or make fun of them.1What is the news report mainly about?2Why do people fear public speaking according to researchers?Passage 1Presenter We're fortunate to have as our guest today Dr Jenna Hudson, who has just written a book about how colours affect us in our surroundings, especially in the world of advertising. It's called Market Colours. Dr Hudson, which are the most common colours in advertising and marketing?Dr Hudson Well, of course, it depends what image the marketing team wish to project with their products. So for example, we often think of blue as a cold colour, but it also makes you feel peaceful, quiet, and it doesn't suggeststrong emotions. So it's a favourite for banks and insurance companies, who wish to suggest the image that they are trustworthy. And for selling products, it's often used tosuggest something is pure and fresh.Presenter What about red?Dr Hudson You can sell almost anything with red.It's a hot colour, which suggests a feeling of energy and even passion. It grabs your attention, and can make people buy almost anything. You often see red on magazine covers. But if you use it too much, it looks cheap and may make people tired. And orange has a similar effect to red, it's upbeat andhappy, it suggests pleasant feelings and images. Most people react well to orange, and it's especially popular in advertisingand on packaging for baked food.Presenter What about yellow, for instance?Dr Hudson Yellow is the colour of sunshine and it's a positive, happy colour, so it's used a lot in advertising. But it'salso often used for warning signs, direction signs, and so on, where you have to read the message quickly and at a distance. Presenter What about less popular colours for advertising?Dr Hudson Surprisingly, green isn't used much in advertising except for garden products, It's friendly and restful. It can be cool and soothing, the colour of apples and mint, but it can also be quite strong and many peopleassociate it with unpleasant ideas of decay or slimy creatures. Presenter But most colours are not primary colours,they're a combination.Dr Hudson Absolutely. So yellow-orange is common, and often used to give an impression of style and class, it looks like gold. But it's not often used in letters because it's not very strong. And yellow-green reminds people of feeling sick. Blue-green works well as a cool colour, suggesting freshness, and is sometimes used for toothpaste products, bathroom products, food and household cleaning products. It has many of the advantages of blue without the disadvantages of green. Presenter Fascinating. Thank you very much, Dr Hudson. Market Colours by Dr Jenna Hudson is on sale from next week, priced15.£99...Passage2Presenter What makes you embarrassed, Sally?Sally Oh, I'm easily embarrassed. If anybody notices me or looks at me, I get very embarrassed. When people singme Happy Birthday on my birthday, I get very embarrassed. Presenter And what makes you upset?Sally When people are selfish, people who think only of themselves. And cruelty -I can't bear people who are cruel, especially to animals or children.Presenter Jake, what makes you depressed?Jake I hate it when it rains, and I don't like people who look down on me, who think they're superior to me without any reason.Presenter And what makes you angry?Jake When people don't behave properly in public, bad behaviour like dropping litter or people pushing each other on the bus or the train.Presenter Andrew, what makes you cheerful?Andrew I like to see everyone around me being happyand having a positive attitude towards the future, optimistic people.Presenter And what makes you jealous?Andrew Well, to be honest, I just never feel jealous. I can't see the point of it.Presenter Monica, what makes you proud?Monica I'm proud when I'm successful, especially in my work. Being recognized by my boss for what I can do makes me feel really proud. Oh, and my family. I'm very proud of them.Presenter And what makes you nervous?Monica Every time I teach a new class. Thenight before I'm very nervous. You don't know whatthe kids are going to be like and how they might behave, or if they're going to like you.Presenter Anything else?Monica Doing interviews like this.。

Task 1 1.D
Task 2 1.C
Task 3
1.the age, size and future
2.seventy years ago
3.increase with distance
te that month
4.witnessing a miracle
7.special occasions
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.D
Task 2 1.D
Task 2 1.B
Task 3
1.they care about
2.performed marriages .
3.wait longer to get married
4.bring people together
5.plan a blind date
6.follow their cultural traditions
6.fighting 7.three
Homework Listening

全新版大学英语听说教程2-test1-2听力原文LtD大学英语〔第二版〕听说教程听力原文Test 1Part ADirections: You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers. Each will be read only once. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what you have heard. Listen once and choose the right answer to the question you hear. (8 points)1.M: You like music, don’t you, Sally?W: Yes. Classical and light music. But now what you hear everywhere is only noisy music. I can’t stand it.Q: What does the woman mean?2.W: I think I’ll wear my red blouse to the party tonight.M: Why don’t you wear the blue one? I think you look in better in it.Q: What does the man mean?3.W: How do you like the pie you’ve had?M: Never have I had such a delicious pie.Q: What does the man mean?4.W: Oh, Peter. I’m hungry. I can’t walk any further.M: How about getting something to eat in the restaurant just round the corner by the parking lot?Q: Where are the two speakers?5.W: Nice day, isn’t it? Want to join us for a swim?M: Would you mind waiting for a minute while I get prepared?Q: What does the woman mean?6.W: Hi, Tony. Haven’t seen you for some time. How have you been?M: I have a car accident last week, but only some minor injuries.Q: What happened to Tony?7.W: Maggie, could you forward this mail to Professor Wang?M: Sorry, Phil. My computer has broken down. But I’ll do it as soon as I have it fixed.Q: What does the woman mean?8.W: I’ve been under the weather for quite a few days. I thought mycold was going away. But it seems to get worse now.M: You’ve been complaining too much. Why didn’t you make an appointment with the doctor earlier?Q: What does the man mean?Part BDirections: You’ll hear two conversations. Each will be read once. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.(7 points)Conversation 1Alan: Are you going to the football game today, Betty?Betty: No, Alan. But I’ll be watching it on television with some friends. Alan: Weren’t you able to get any tickets?Betty: I didn’t try. I really don’t go to games so often.Alan: But don’t you enjoy going? Don’t you find it exciting to be part of the crowd?Betty: Oh, that’s for sure. Nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that energy. But sometimes it’s just too inconvenient getting into and out of the stadium before and after the game. And if you watch the game with friends, or at a bar or restaurant…Alan: …you’ve basically created your own crowd.Betty: That’s right. Another reason why I like to watch games on television is that I simply find it easier to follow the action on TV.Alan: Yeah, sometimes it is a little difficult to keep track of the ball when you’re sitting in the stands.Betty: Especially when your seats are high up in the grandstand and far from the field.Alan: It’s like you’re watching from an airplane, sometimes. Betty: Also, good sports commentators on television can add to your understanding and enjoyment of the game.Alan: After listening to you, I’m starting to wonder how they are able to sell any tickets to these games!Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.9.What do you know about the two speakers?10. What are the two speakers talking about?11. Why does Betty prefer to watch games on TV?12. What can you learn from the conversation?Conversation 2W: OK, everyone. Please be quiet. Today we’re so pleased to have Tom Johnson here to talk to us. He is going to share some safety tips with us. OK, Tom, they’re all yours.Tom: Thanks. Good morning everyone! I’m Tom Johnson, and I’m a firefighter at Station 11. Well, we live in California. As we know there are a lot of earthquakes here. Many are small. But, if there’sa strong earthquake, what should we do? Does anyone know?Girl: I know! I know! Get under a strong piece of furniture—like a desk or a table.Tom: That’s right. What else?Boy: Move away from the windows. They are so dangerous because they can break.Tom: Good, good. What about after an earthquake then? What should you do?Boy: Well, we shouldn’t use matches.Tom: Why not?Boy: Because many terrible fires start after an earthquake.Girl: Yeah, and when the shaking stops, don’t go outside.Tom: Exactly. A lot of people run to the stores for food and water after an earthquake. But it’s not safe. It’s better to stay indoors.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you’ve heard.13. What is the speaker talking about?14. Which of the following are the students advised to do if there’sa strong earthquake?15. What are the students advised to do after an earthquake?Part CWhat do twenty million people around the world have in common? The answer is they all use the Internet.In fact from your desk, you can check the weather in Rio, buy stocks in Hong Kong, or see the latest exhibition in the Louvre museum in Paris. Also, specialist users like language teachers can discuss the latest classroom techniques and activities. On a more serious note, doctors in African can get up-to-the-second information on medical research around the world.All you need is a basic computer, a modem and the software to a phone line. With a single key stroke you’re online and you don’t have to wait long for information. Delivery time for e-mail from Europe to the USA is about 10 seconds. But is it expensive?Not really –a typical online monthly charge fee in the US can be as low as$10.What’s really extraordinary about the Internet is the amount andvariety of information available. You can find out about kite flying in Korea, the prices of hotels in Pakistan, and the best plays on Broadway. You can use electronic bulletin boards to join in political debates, get advice about love, or even analyze your favorite sports teams’performance. Services are available that allow you to do your banking, reserve airline tickets, and even shop for a Mother’s Day gift.Part DPassage 1In some countries video games are fast becoming a social problem. They are banned in the Philippines and Indonesia. In Japan, those who are under 15 years old are forbidden to use the public machines at night. City elders across the United States are campaigning to restrict their numbers, while the Hong Kong government is proposing to license their operation. These video games are causing children to waste their money on them. Even adults are lured into spending working hours playing them.In Singapore, the battle of man against the machines takes place in licensed amusement centers, mostly located in shopping centers. According to one estimated, each establishment can make between $250 and $1,500 a day. The schoolchildren in uniforms there are not allowed into these centers. However, one cannot help noticing that the majority of those who are often found in these places are youngsters. Many of them are schoolchildren who have changed out of their uniforms. Some play for the fun of it, others have turned them into a form of gambling, and some are hopelessly addicted to them.Now kids and adults alike play these games in the privacy of their homes. Video game sets have invaded most homes. The question that must be asked is: Have they any education value?Passage 2Amy Johnson was a pioneer airwoman in Britain. She was born on July 1, 1903, in Yorkshire and lived there until 1923 when she went to Sheffield University to study for a BA. After graduation she took a job as a secretary to a London lawyer. At the same time she became interested in flying. Soon her hobby became a determination, not simply to make a career in aviation, but to succeed in some project which would prove to the world that women could be as competent as men in a male-dominated field in those days.Early in 1930, she chose her objective: to fly to Australia all by herself and to break the previous record of 16 days. Her parents and some of her friends lent her money to buy a used airplane.Amy set off on May 5, 1930. Her route took her over Vienna and Baghdad. She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert. Six days later she landed in India. After experiencing muchhardship, she finally reached Australia on May 24, completing a flight of 11,000 miles. She was the first woman to fly alone to Australia. In later years, she set several other records in flight history.During World WarⅡ, Amy joined other professional pilots to serve her country. Her flying duties consisted of transporting aircraft from factories to British air bases. It was during one of those flights in 1941 that Amy crashed into a river and was drowned, a tragic and early end to the life of Britain’s most famous women pilot.Passage 3Bargaining customs are very different around the world. Few tourists would go shopping in another country without knowing the exchange rate. However, many travelers do not learn anything about the local shopping customs the place they are visiting before spending money. Understanding when it is OK to bargain can save you a lot of money and make your shopping experience much more enjoyable.In some countries, bargaining is an important of part of the shopping culture. In others, bargaining is not done at all. Here is a bargaining guide for some countries around the world:Morocco: Bargaining is always expected in the shopping markets. Here bargaining is more than just getting the best price. If you go into a shop and agree to the first price a seller offers, the seller may not be happy. For Moroccans, bargaining is a form of entertainment; it is a game of skill, a little bit of acting, and it is a chance to chat about the weather, business, and family. So be sure to have fun and try to get a better price!Switzerland: Bargaining is not the custom here. Shop clerks can almost never give you a lower price. However, some hotels may give you a lower rate during the less popular times of the year. It cannot hurt to ask.Tahiti: Bargaining is not appropriate in the South Pacific. In fact, it is considered disrespectful to ask for a better price. In the food markets, sellers will even take their fruits and vegetables back home with them, rather than give a discount!Test 2Part ADirections: You are going to hear eight short conversations between twospeakers. Each will be read only once. After each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what you have heard. Listen once and choose the rightanswer to the question you hear. (8 points)1.M: Do you feel like jogging with me this afternoon?W: I’d love to, but I have to go to my cousin’s. She’s got theflu and I have to look after her baby.Q: What will the woman do?2.M: What a remarkable performance the young pianist gave inCarnegie Hall!W: I felt the same way.Q: How did the woman think of the performance?3.M: Is it going to be a warm day tomorrow, Bill?W: A warm day? Haven’t you listened to the weather forecast?Q: What does Bill think of the weather tomorrow?4.M: The food in this restaurant is really horrible. I wish we’d goto the school canteen.W: Well, food isn’t everything, is it? It’s so nice to get awayfrom the noise once in a while.Q: What does the woman mean?5.M: Would you like to try some banana pie? It’s very good.W: I’m sorry but I don’t care much for dessert.Q: What does the woman mean?6.M: I can’t figure out why those youngsters are so eager to go afterbrand name clothing. It really doesn’t make sense to spendso much money on it.W: You’re right. Especially nowadays when styles change so quickly.Q: On what do the two speakers agree?7.M: The flowers are so lovely. And I like the music too. Thanking youfor inviting me here.W: It’s a pleasure. Shall we order some soup first?Q: Where does the conversation take place?8.M: You know I’m majoring in business and I really need to take acourse in computer science. But the trouble is I hate thecomputer.It’s so complicated.W: You need to know something about the computer first. You’ll findit very useful once you understand how it works. I can guaranteeyou that.Q: What can you learn from the conversation?Part BDirections: You’ll hear two conversations. Each will be read once.Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.(7 points)Conversation 1W: Ah, Mr. Stone. Do come in and sit down.M: Thank you.W: How are you? Are you still feeling very tired all the time?M: Yes, I am. Occasionally I have a pain in the chest.W: Well, your blood pressure is very high. And if you don’t change your lifestyle, you’re going to have a heart attack sooner or later.M: Oh, dear. What do I have to do?W: Well, there are three things that you ought to do. First, stop smoking.Secondly, you really must lose weight, and you must reduce the amountof fat that you eat. And lastly, you must take more exercise.M: What sort of exercise should I do?W: Walking is best. You should walk about three miles four or five timesa week.M: But I don’t have time. I’m just so busy at work.W: That’s another thing. You mustn’t work so hard. Look, take this information and read it through. Then make an appointment to see ourlifestyle consultant. She will work out a full diet and exerciseprogram for you. And don’t worry. That’s the last thing you shoulddo. I’ll see you again next month.M: OK, Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.W: Goodbye.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.9.What cause the man’s problem according to the doctor?10. Which of the following does the doctor tell the man to do?11. What do you know about the man?Conversation 2M: Hi, Marry. Do you like music?W: Yes, very much, especially classical music.M: Do you like rock music?W: No, it’s too noisy. What about you?M: I like it very much. You know rock stars play exciting music and their unusual clothes impress me a lot. I often go to their concerts. W: I don’t understand why rock stars are so famous.M: It’s because of their fans. They go to their concerts, buy their records and wear the same kind of clothes.W: I see. Did you watch TV last night?M: No, I didn’t. What was on?W: Zed Hawks was interviewed on TV.M: Really? He’s one of my favorite stars and he’s world famous. At leastI suppose so. He’s given concerts in 12 countries and sold over 20million records. What did he say in the TV interview?W: He didn’t say anything actually. During the interview the hostess suggested that Zed should behave better because his fans imitate him.Believe it or not. He reacted very angrily. And he walked out. The interview lasted less than two minutes.M: He really behaved badly. I’m so disappointed. Doesn’t he know rock stars need the public? They earn money from the public. So why shouldn’t the public criticize them? They shouldn’t complain when they are criticized. If they do, they’ll lose their fans.W: You said it.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.12. What do you know about the woman?13. Why are rock stars famous according to the man?14. What did Zed Hawks do during the TV interview?15. Which of the following is true of the man?Part CThe weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast.It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. Fortunately, as Britain does not experience extreme weather conditions, it is never very cold or very hot. The temperature rarely rises above 32℃ in summer, or falls below—10℃ in winter.Summers are generally cool, but due to global warming they are starting to get drier and hotter. Hot weather causes terrible jams on the roads as Britons rush to the coastal resorts.Winters are generally mild, with the most frequent snowfalls in the Scottish Highlands, where it is possible to go skiing. People enjoy discussing the snow, complaining about the cold and comparing the weather conditions with previous winters.Contrary to the popular opinion, it does not rain all the time. There is certainly steady rainfall throughout most of the year, but the months from September to January are the wettest. Thanks to the rain, Britain has a richly fertile countryside which is famous for its deep green colour.Part DPassage 1People's understanding of health also becomes deeper with the progress in scientific research. Recently the term "health" has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. It no longer means just the absence of illness. Today, health means the well-being of your body, your mind and your relationship with other people. This new concept of health is closely related to another term-quality of life. Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life.Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on the quality of a person's life? One reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life that people can now expect. Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer, healthier lives. Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. You could have expected on average to live until about the age of 47. In contrast, if you were born in the year 1999, you could expect to live to the age of 75.Passage 2I often dreamed about what the world would be like one hundred years from now. I’m sure it will have changed a lot. For example, I think many people will be living in space. In fact, I imagine that all the advanced countries will have established space cities by then. On Earth, in my opinion, most people will be communicating in English “online〞 by computers and videophones.As for my country, I think life will have also changed in many ways. First of all, the population will be decreasing. People will have fewer children and everyone will be living in smaller, high-tech communities.In general, cities will have become much smaller. I also think most of the environmental and transportation problems of today’s big cities will have been solved. In fact, I think life in my country will be a lot healthier. If I’m lucky, maybe I’ll still be living.Passage 3Earthquakes are something that most people fear. In the world there are some places that have few or no earthquakes. However, most places in the world have earthquakes regularly. Some places, like Iran and Guatemala, have them frequently. Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous.The most talked about earthquake in the United Stated was the one that hit San Francisco in 1906. But the strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska.Strong earthquakes can kill a great many people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded happened in Portugal. Around 20, 000 people died. And in 1923, the great Kanto Earthquake in Japan claimed 142,000 lives.Earthquakes are not the only acts of nature which we fear. Floods, tidal waves and bad storms also cause us to be afraid, as they often claim many lives and do great damage to the environment. But they probably do not worry us as much as earthquakes, especially in modern times. The reason is that we often know they are coming. We have some warning. Someday we may be able to know when an earthquake is coming. However, so far no sure way is known to predict an earthquake. When one comes, it is a surprise. People cannot prepare for it, so hundreds of lives may be lost in earthquakes such as those in China in 1976 and in 2021.。

新标准大学英语视听说教程(2)听力原文_U n i t+3N e w15521Unit 3-Conversation 1Kate: Are you on your way to the boathouse? Janet: No. What's happening?Kate: There's a practice race to help choose who will row on the college team. Mark really wants a place on the team, so he has to row well today. And I'm going to watch.Janet: Well, I'd like to, but I have an essay to finish.Kate: That's too bad! I know how you feel. Janet: Maybe I can come later?Kate: Sure. I'm thinking of having lunch in the boathouse bar, and then watching the rowing all afternoon.Janet: How do I get to the boathouse? Kate: It's easy. Can you see where we are on the map? Here, look!Janet: OK, which way round are we standing? ... Yes, got it!Kate: OK, go down Catte Street, and turn right into the High Street. Go along the High Street and turn left into St Aldates. Walk along St Aldates, past Christ Church College until you get to Folly Bridge.Janet: I see.Kate: Then when you get to the bridge, cross over the river ... turn left and walk along the river bank. Keep going along the river ... And you're there! The boathouses are on the right, and the Hertford College Boathouse is the last one along. You can't miss it.Janet: Thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing the rowing.Kate: No problem. We shouldn't miss the rowing —it's a great university tradition! Janet: I know, Mark was telling me.Kate: Like the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities every year.Janet: Of course! The great rivals!Kate: The Boat Race has been going for years, maybe nearly 200 years.Janet: And Oxford won it this year!Kate: Yes, but Cambridge was very close behind. Anyway see you later, down by the river.Janet: Bye.Unit 3-Conversation 2Kate: So the rules are ... the boats follow each other and the one behind has to bump the one in front ... just like that one has done. Janet: Is that Mark's boat?Kate: Yes! Look, his boat is about to bump the one in front! Well done!Mark: Hi you guys!仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2Kate: Fantastic, Mark. You were amazing!Mark: Well,we won the practice race, but I'm worried about getting a place on the team.The problem is that there are at least three other people on the team who have rowed before.And I can't help thinking that they were better than me.Janet: Don't worry, Mark. Everything will be OK.Mark: And then I hurt my knee getting into the boat.Janet: Oh, I'm so sorry!Kate: Too bad, but it's only a scratch. Listen up, Janet is right. No need to get nervous, Mark. You were the strongest looking guy in the boat today. Chill out!Mark: Hey, they're putting the team list on the door.Janet: Let's go over and see.Mark: No, you go! I can't bear to look! Kate: OK.Kate: Hey, Mark, great news! You got a place on the college team!Janet: Congratulations!Kate: That's great, Mark, you deserve it. You trained so hard.Mark: I can't believe it! Unit 3-Outside viewPart 1Narrator: A historic moment, and yet he made it so easy. Usain Bolt became the firstman to successfully defend both the100- and 200-meter Olympic sprinttitles, and he went on to anchorJamaica’s winning run in the four by100 hundred meters relay in worldrecord time. At the end of that race,Bolt gave a nod to another track starwith a “Mobot” gesture, signature ofMo Farah, who became only theseventh person ever to win the 5000and 10000 double, in front of anecstatic home crowd.Mo Farah: I t’s not going to affect me, I’m the same to old Mo, nothing’s going tochange. It just means you’ve got twogood medals and…but som ethingyou’ve worked so hard for, I’m justgoing to enjoy it.Narrator: Also a legend in the making, Kenyan David Rudisha, who smashed the 800meters record which had stood since1976.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢3Swimmer Michael Phelps broke another long-standing record. He became theworld’s most successful Olympian with22 medals, 18 of them gold, breakingthe record set in 1968. His lastpodium before retiring was anemotional moment.Phelps: Yeah, as soon as I stepped up, ah,onto the podium, I…I could feel thetears starts coming. And, you know, Isaid to Nathan, I said, “Uh-oh, herethey come. This could be…this couldbe pretty brutal up here.” And theyjust started coming. And I tried tofight it but then I just…I just decidedjust to let it go.Part 2Narrator: Tears too for cyclist Chris Hoy, who became Britain’s most successfulOlympian, with six golds. And thenthere were also moment of anguishand frustration. China’s star hurdler LiuXiang crash out of his secondconsecutive Olympics, and Brazil’sfootballers once again failed to liftgold. These games were also marked bywomen. Teenagers Ye Shiwen, KatieLedecky and Missy Franklin set recordtimes in the pool. Saudi Arabia, Bruneiand Qatar sent female athletes foe thefirst time. Women’s boxing became anOlympic sport. And British poster girlJessica Ennis gave the home nation adefining moment when she tookheptathlon gold. She was at theforefront of the team GB’s biggestmedals haul of modern times, comingthird in the medal table. The UnitedStates regained their place at the top,with China coming second. For somethough, it wasn’t about the medals.But it’s the taking part that counts.Unit 3-Listening inNews reportThere’s a new fitness trend in Australia called “crunning”. It’s a new sport that combines crawling and running that involves using your hands and feet on the ground. The idea was started by Melbourne resident Shaun McCarthy, and he hopes it will spread to other countries.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢4McCarthy can’t prove that crunning is more beneficial than traditional running. However, he believes that it is a better way to exercise because it involves using your upper body as well as your lower body. Therefore it provides a complete body workout. He also said that crunning burns more calories than running.Experts aren’t sure if crunning is actually a safe exercise for people. Unlike animals, humans are not built to move on all four limbs. People’s wrists are not as strong as their ankles, and crunning can place a large amount of pressure on the wrists as well as their elbows and shoulders. It could result in an injury to the lower back, shoulders, elbows or wrists.1 What do we learn about the new sport?2 What do experts think about the new sport?Passage 1Speaker 1 And David Seaman is in goal forthe Englandteam down to our right... it's difficult to getused to the changeof team colours here ... I'm looking at thewhite shorts and thinking they're English players, but they're not.For thismatch it's the Germans who are wearing white.I hope theEnglish players don't have the same problem,we don't wantthem to pass the ball to the Germans. NowGascoigne forEngland passes to McManaman for the firsttime ...McManaman is immediately surrounded bythree Germandefenders ... he brings the ball to the near side of the pitch ...still McManaman for England, crosses the ballto Pearce ...Pearce takes a shot! ... saved by the GermanZiegler, andpicked up by Ince only 25 yards away from the Germangoal... good effort by Ince, aims at the goal! ...and Kopke, theGerman goalkeeper pushes the ball over thetop of the goal.So a comer kick for England.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢5Speaker 2 A great shot by Ince, I'm sure he knows that Pearce set that up for him, but Kopke put the shot out of danger.Speaker 1 He does like to punch the ball, that Kopke in the German goal... England's first corner of this semi-final... Gascoigne will take it... Here comes the comer kick from Gascoigne ... and Shearer's there and Alan Shearer scores for England ... England have scored after only two minutes' play ... with a comer kick by Gascoigne ... aimed at the near post, and Alan Shearer heads the ball into the German goal ,.. It's an absolute dream start for the semi-final ... Shearer has got his fifth goal of the tournament... Would you believe it? It's England one, Germany nil!Passage 2Matt Now it's time for Critic's Choice, with news and reviews about the latest films. Good evening, Jack, seen anything good at the cinema this week?Jack Good evening Matt, yes, I've seen one of the best sports films of recent years.Matt Sports films? That's not usually a type of film which appeals to you. Jack You're right, but this time it's different. I've been to see a film about mountain climbing, it's not really your typical sports film. It's more man against the mountain.Matt Tell us more.Jack I've been to see Touching the Void, which is the story of a pair of mountain climbers in the Peruvian Andes.Matt Is it a true story?Jack Yes, it is. In 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates set out to climb the 7,000-metre Siula Grande mountain in the Peruvian Andes. Simpson and Yates were young, fit and confident they would succeed.Matt So what happens?Jack Simpson and Yates' style of climbing involved moving quickly up a mountain with very few supplies and no base camps, which is risky. You can't make any mistakes.Matt I think I can guess what happens next. Jack And sure enough after climbing well for three and a half days, disaster strikes. Simpson falls and breaks his right leg. With no food or water, the climbers know they have to get off the mountain - fast. Yates is determined to find a way to get his friend home, and he has to lower Simpson down the mountain. Simpson仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢6is in agony, but Yates has no choice except to ignore his partner's cries of pain because otherwise he'll die.Well, for a while, things go well. But suddenly Simpson, at the end of the rope, fails to respond to Yates' signal. Yates is unable to move any further and has no idea why Simpson is not responding. So Yates holds on with all of his strength, all too aware that eventually his strength would give out and both would fall.But what Yates doesn't know is that he has lowered Simpson over the edge of a crevasse. Simpson is hanging in mid-air from the vertical face of the mountain. He's unable to climb back up the rope and he's got frostbitten fingers and can't communicate with Yates above him.Matt So what happens?Jack Well, I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone whohasn't seen it yet.Matt But...Jack But Yates hangs onto the rope for an hour, gettingweaker. For any climber, cutting the rope that binds him to his partner is unthinkable.Matt Sounds very exciting. So what about the directionand the filming?Jack The director is Kevin Macdonald, and he tells thestory by cutting from interviews to shots of the climb itself.But it's the message of the film which interests me. You see,in the end, the impression left by the film is astonishment thata human being could do what Joe did, which isto survive.Matt Thanks Jack, this week's Critic's Choice isTouching the Void, on general release in all cinemas from nextWeek.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢7。

全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2Unit 1 Sports Part A]Listening StrategyIdentifying NumbersNumbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The ability to catch the exact num bers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to pra ctice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularly the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers yo u hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese. You're going to hear a p assage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers.Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb.17, 1963, in Broo klyn, New York. He is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls tea m for the 1984 season. In the 1986 season he shot 3041 points, the third highest score ever. He w as named NBA Slam Dunk Champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. Jordan guided his team to win six NBA championships during the 1990s, s coring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals. In 1999, he was named th e greatest North American athlete of the 20th century. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of th e 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn't quite as g ood as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for f ive more years, he once again announced his retirement in 1999. But he returned for two more N BA games in 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards.[ti:Unit 1 Part B]Listening Tasks A ConversationWhy Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. I try to go three times a w eek, but I'm busy so I can't always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main reason you work out? For y our health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration . Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look bett er, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a ti me but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by m yself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, b ut only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass. Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that. Questions1. What do you know about Peter?2. Where might the two speakers be having this conversation?Speaking Tasks Pair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner.Conversation 1A: What's your plan for this evening?B: Well, there's a good game at the stadium but I haven't got a ticket yet.A: I'm going to the gym. Would you like to come along? I can get a guest pass for you. B: That's w onderful. I'd always wanted to work out in the new gym. Thank you very much. Conversation 2 A: Hi, Xiao Wang. Fancy meeting you here! How are you doing?B: Can't complain. I'm busy with my experiments in the lab. But after work I often play some spor ts.A: Like what?B: Like swimming, running and sometimes tennis.A: Tennis? That's my favorite game. Say, what're you doing this weekend? B: Nothing particular. I guess I'll probably just work in the lab. A: Come on. You need to relax. What about a game of tenn is? B: OK.Conversation 3A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow, Bob? B: Not really. Why do you ask?A: Some of us are going motorcycling. Would you like to join us? B: Motorcycling? I've never done that. Isn't it a bit dangerous? A: Maybe, but it's really exciting.B: I enjoy jogging. It's more relaxing.A: That's a good form of exercise. It can help you stay in shape. B: Yes, it's also safer.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:Unit 1 Part C]Test Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my f avorite sport. Q: What sport does the man like?2. W: You don't like boxing very much, do you? M: It's far from being my kind of sport. Q: What d oes the man mean?3. W: I think yesterday's football game was quite exciting. What about you, John?M: You said it. But it was a bit long.Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess?M: I like the game, but I don't play it often enough. I'm afraid I'm not a very good chess player. Q: What does the man mean?5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high schooldays. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you are busy with your golf gam es.Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation?Unit 2 Food and Drinks Part AListening StrategyListening "Between the Lines"People do not always say directly what they mean. Very often, we have to listen "between the lin es". The English language offers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state, their m eaning. To find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such things as the context, the m eaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. For example, if someone says "I have an essay to wri te" in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context that he cannot acc ept the invitation. And if someone says "Andrew passed with flying colors" in reply to an inquiry a bout how Andrew did on a test, we can infer from the meaning of the idiom "to pass with flying c olors" that Andrew did very well on the test. Often, intonation also helps to reveal the real meani ng of a message. For example, "He is very clever" said with an ironic tone means just the opposite . You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers.Listen carefully and write down "Yes" or "No" to each of the following questions. 1. M: Have you e ver been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate? W: Yes, many times.Whenever my friends come to visit me, I'll take them there to eat. 2. W: Is there something wron g, sir?M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal. 3. W: Where is the cake I made this morning?M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us?4. W: I hear you like chicken very much.M: Next to beef.5. M: Have you tried this wine before?W: No, never. It's my first time, but it's really to my taste. 6. W: John, do you want a soda? M: Sod a? I think it tastes like medicine. 7. W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched. M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty. 8. M: Hi, Sue, would you like to eat out tonight?W: Oh, I'd really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening..[ti:Unit 2 Part B] Listening Tasks A ConversationWhat About Dining Out?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences. Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been? Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask. Do you have any plan for this Saturday? Kate: No, n ot yet, I don't think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend? Kate: Tha t would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always seem to serve somuch food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oi l or cream or heavy sauces.Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide th en where to eat.Peter: That's fine by me.Speaking Tasks Pair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner.Conversation 1(At the school canteen) A: What a crowd!B: This is the worst time. The morning classes are just over. Everybody is hungry and rushes here t o have lunch.A: That's true. I'm starving and I can't wait. I'd rather not stand in a long line. B: Why don't we hav e some fried noodles?A: Noodles are sold at No. 2 Box. No queue there, you see. B: That's great. (At No. 2 Box) Counter hand: What can I get you? A: One plate of fried noodles, please. B: Make it two. Counter hand: OK. Two plates of fried noodles. Anything else? A: How much is the tomato soup? Counter hand: It's free. It goes with the noodles. A: I see. (to B) Do you want any soup? B: Yes. A: (to counter hand) Two bowls of soup, please. Conversation 2(At a fast food restaurant)Counter hand: What can I do for you?Customer: I'll have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich. Counter hand: Anything to drink? Customer: A small Sprite. No ice, please. Counter hand: Okay. For here or to go? Custo mer: For here. Conversation 3(At a Chinese restaurant)Waiter: Are you ready to order?A: Do you have any recommendations?Waiter: Yes. The Sichuan style crispy whole fish is very good. It's today's special.A: Mary, would you like to try that? I hear it's very good.B: Why not? And I'd like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. It's my favorite. Waiter: Okay. Anything else?A: What about some vegetables, Mary? B: Yes. How about spinach? A: Spinach is fine with me. W aiter: Anything to drink?A: Yes. I'd like one Bud Light, please. What'll you have, Mary? B: Orange juice, please. Waiter: One Bud Light and one orange juice. Is that right? A: Right.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:Unit 2 Part C]Test Your ListeningListen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. A: Well, here we are, not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little. A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and I'm still full. A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich. B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried C hicken.B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad.A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good. B: Oh, the prices are great too. I'll have that as well. A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water. A: Italian food needs red wine, you know. B: But w e have to go back to work. A: OK, a Coke for me then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first. Questions1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?2. Where does the conversation take place3. What will they orderUnit 3 Weather Part AListening StrategyListening for Important DetailsBesides understanding the main idea of a listening text, we often find it necessary to grasp the im portant details as well. What counts as important details depends on the kind of information we want. Generally speaking, if we are listening to the narration of an event, we need to sharpen our ears not only for what happened, but also when and where, how and why it happened. In listeni ng to a weather report, on the other hand, the important details we should watch out for are the current weather conditions, temperature, and weather outlook. You're going to hear two short pa ssages about weather. While listening, pay attention to such details as the weather conditions, te mperature, weather outlook, damage caused by bad weather and so on, and write them down in note form.Then complete the exercises in your book.1. The weather today: a fine day is in store nearly everywhere, with the best of the sunshine in so uthern and central areas of Britain. A pleasant day, then, with long sunny periods developing. Th ere will be light winds with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, 64 degrees Fahrenheit . Look at the outlook for the next few days: it will become mostly cloudy with heavy showers mov ing in from the west.2. A storm in Changchun, capital of Northeast China's Jilin Province, claimed four lives on Sunday. The storm lasted about three hours from around 8 p.m. The winds reached speeds of over a hund red miles an hour, causing serious damage and a widespread power failure.[ti:Unit 3 Part B] Listening Tasks A ConversationDid You Hear the Forecast?Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting to get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.Michelle: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment.Alan: Yeah, sunshine — but not too much! Do you remember last year?Michelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the s un.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold dr inks. And then we dozed off.Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off.Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle: Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently.Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short s hower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad. Questions1. What are Alan and Michelle mainly doing?2. What do you know about Alan?3. What can you infer from the conversation?Speaking TasksListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner. Conversation 1A: What lovely weather we're having! Nice and cool. B: Yeah, I really like this kind of weather. A: What's the temperature today?B: The high is 26 and the low is 20. The weather forecast says the good weather is likely to last, to o.A: I hope so.Conversation 2A: It seems to be clearing up. All the dark clouds are gone and the sun is coming out. B: Yes. Let's j ust hope it stays this way. I hate rainy days.A: I think it will continue to be fine for the next few days. Anyhow, that's what the weatherman sa ys.B: That's great. Let's go for a walk, shall we? A: All right.Conversation 3A: It's hot and humid, isn't it? I can hardly breathe. B: Yeah. I feel suffocating too.A: Are summers always this hot here? It's almost like in the desert. B: Yes, especially in July and A ugust. A: Well, what did the weatherman say? B: He said another heat wave is on the way. A: Oh no! I hope not.B: How about going out to the beach to cool off?A: Good idea. Maybe it's the only place for this sort of weather.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate..[ti:Unit 3 Part CTest Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: It's been freezing for the last few days.M: Yes. And the forecast says there will be more snow next week, accompanied by strong winds. Q: What will the weather be like next week?2. M: We haven't had such a severe winter for a long time, have we? W: No, and the forecast saysit's going to get worse before it warms up. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. W: What if it rains hard? What are we going to do?M: I think it will clear up soon. But if it keeps raining, the whole thing will have to be cancelled. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?4. M: How was the weather when you left New York?W: It was very much like the weather in Beijing. You don't have to take a lot of clothes. Q: What c an we learn from the conversation?5. W: If it is this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon . M: The weather forecast says it will cloud over by noon. Q: What does the man mean?Unit 4 Music Part AListening StrategyListening for Signal WordsThe ability to identify signal words can help us follow the thread of the speaker's thought. People often use signal words or phrases like "but", "therefore" and "as a result" to add a comment that contrasts with what has just been said or to signal what they are about to say is the result or caus e of their previous remarks. Similarly, words and phrases like "for example", "most importantly", " first", "second", "finally" and "then" usually signal that the speaker is going to provide an illustrati on or emphasize a certain point or discuss several aspects of a certain topic. So we should pay att ention to signal words in listening as they will prepare us for what is going to be said. You're going to hear four short passages.Listen carefully and write down the signal word(s) in each passage. Then choose a, b, c or d to ind icate the function of the signal word(s) used in each of the passages.1. Most people like music. In fact, we are surrounded by it. It's on the radio and television and ca n be heard in stores and restaurants. However, not everyone likes the same kind of music.2. The manager of the music shop was called Brian Epstein. Because so many people had asked fo r a record by the Sun, Epstein decided to go and listen to the group himself.3. Firstly I would like to talk about classical music and its representative composers, then I will mo ve on to jazz music, and finally I will focus on pop music in the last century.4. We listen to exciting music and our hearts beat faster, our blood pressure rises, and our blood f lows more quickly. In short, we're stimulated.[ti:Unit 4 Part B] Listening Tasks A PassageBackground MusicExercise 1Listen to the passage. As you listen, read the signal words in your book and put a tick () in the bra ckets after the ones you have heard.Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. V ery soon it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music. To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere. Recently, however, it's becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third. But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spo t items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales . So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving — unless, of course,the resulting indigestion leads to complaints. Questions1. Where was recorded background music first used?2. What was the original purpose of backgro und music?3. What kind of music can have a powerful effect on customers in shops?4. Why doesn't the same kind of music work in restaurants according to the passage? Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner. Conversation 1A: Do you like English songs? B: I'm crazy about them.A: What's your favorite song?B: It's hard to say. There are so many beautiful songs. A: Who's your favorite singer then?B: Sarah Brightman, undoubtedly. I do admire her, you know. I love all her songs. A: I like her, too, but not that much. Conversation 2A: Do you care for opera?B: Yes, I do, very much.A: Which do you like better, opera or musical?B: Opera.A: Do you just listen to it or go to performances?B: I prefer going to a performance. It has everything, color and spectacle and great music. A: Why don't we go and see Aida together? It's being performed at the Grand Theater. B: I've seen it alrea dy. It's excellent.A: Oh, lucky you! Conversation 3A: Do you enjoy listening to music?B: Yes, very much. I enjoy listening to music more than any other pastime.A: What's your favorite music?B: It depends. When I am in a good mood, I'd prefer something exciting, with a fast rhythm. But if I feel low, I can only listen to something soft and quiet. A: Mm, me too.Now make similar conversations. Use the structures and expressions above where appropriate. Yo ur conversations should include the following points.[ti:Unit 4 Part C] Test Your ListeningListen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.Celine Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her pare nts, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had comp osed the song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The ad dress was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more. Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not without difficultie s. Record companies were at first less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, who mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great success . And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record inFrance. In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No.1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Academy award. In 19 96 she performed at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997 she r ecorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously suc cessful film. Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a gr eat many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because You Loved Me", "The Power o f Love" and, of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On".Unit 5 Health Part AListening StrategyIdentifying the Relationship Between the Speakers in a ConversationIdentifying the relationship between the speakers in a conversation is an important skill in liste ning comprehension. Although sometimes the conversation itself does not contain words that say exactly what the relationship is, we can rely on contextual clues to find it out. Such clues include the degree of intimacy (e.g., how intimately the speakers address each other, what endearments are used), the degree of politeness (strangers tend to be more polite towards each other than frie nds or family members), and the particular situation (at a doctor's consulting room, at a shop, etc .).Listen to the following conversations and choose the right answers to the questions that follow the conversations.1. M: What's the trouble?W: I feel dizzy and my whole body aches. M: How long have you been sick? W: Two or three days now.M: How's your appetite?W: I've got no appetite. The sight of food simply turns my stomach. What's wrong with me? M: Yo u seem to be generally run-down.Q: What is the mnost probable relationship between the two speakers? 2. W: What's the matter, Jack? You look pale. M: Oh, I feel terrible.W: Why? What's the matter?M: I have a splitting headache and a sore throat. W: Why didn't you tell me?M: I thought they might go away, but I feel worse this morning. I'm aching all over.W: Hmm. You feel warm, too. You must have got a fever. There's a pretty bad flu going around, yo u know.Q: What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?[ti:Unit 5 Part B]Listening TasksA ConversationGoing to See the DoctorExercise 1Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to complete the statements. D: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that I'm having trouble sl eeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available? P: I've tried one or two, but they don 't seem to help. D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months — it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately? P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can't sleep. D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others. P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me. D: Have you been experiencing any other symp toms? P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise? P: No, not ve ry much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medications for your insomnia and your indigestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise program.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I thi nk you'll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints. Speaking TasksPair WorkListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with yo ur partner. Conversation 1D: What's wrong with you?P: I have a burning stomachache. And I feel like vomiting, too. D: How long has it been like this? P: Since yesterday.D: What did you eat yesterday? Did you eat seafood? P: Yes. I had some crabs at lunch and then I j ust felt terrible. D: Yours seems to be a minor case of food poisoning.P: What do you think I should do, doctor?D: I'll give you some medications for your stomachache and indigestion. And don't eat any seafoo d for the next week or so.P: I won't, doctor. Thank you.Conversation 2D: What seems to be the problem?P: I hurt my left foot yesterday. I missed one step while coming down the stairs.D: (after examining the foot) You have a sprained ankle. It's slightly swollen. How does it feel? P: R ather painful there. What should I do, doctor?D: I'll give you an X-ray to see if there is anything wrong with the bone.Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and express ions above in your conversations where appropriate.[ti:Unit 5 Part C] Test Your ListeningYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. W: Jane kept coughing and couldn't go to sleep all night. M: She must be sick. I hope she's bett er today.Q: What do you know about Jane? 2. M: I haven't seen Jack for ages.W: Neither have I. But I heard he had been in hospital for three weeks. Q: What do you learn fro。

大学英语听力教程2原文第一部分1.Woman:This is my family. I'm married. My husband's name is Bill. We have two children — a boy and a girl.Our little girl is six years old, and our little boyis four. Jennie goes to kindergarten, and Aaron goesto nursery school. My father lives with us. Grandpa'sgreat with the kids. He loves playing with them andtaking them to the park or the zoo.2.Man:This is a picture of me and my three sons. We're ata soccer game. Orlando is twelve, Louis is ten, andCarlos is nine. All three of them really like sports.Orlando and Louis play baseball. Carlos is intoskating.3.Man:This is my wife June, and these are my three children. Terri on the right is the oldest. She's in highschool. She's very involved in music. She's in the orchestra. Rachel — she's the one in the middle —is twelve now. And this is my son Peter. He's oneyear older than Rachel. Rachel and Peter are bothin junior high school. Time really flies. June andI have been married for twenty years now.4.Woman:This is a picture of me with my three kids. The girls, Jill and Anne, are both in high school. This is Jillon the right. She'll graduate next year. Anne is twoyears younger. My son Dan is in college. It seemslike the kids are never home. I see them for dinnerand sometimes on Saturday mornings, but that's aboutit. They're really busy and have a lot of friends.第二部分John:It's super, Mary. It's just what I wanted.Mary:Well, I know you said your old calculator was no good any more.John:Well, it wasn't that it was no good. It just wouldn't do all the things I need to do at work.And it certainly wouldn't remember telephonenumbers for me like this one.Mary:I suppose you're going to start putting innumbers straightaway.John:I've put in one while we've been chatting. I've put in our solicitor's number. You know howoften I need to call him on company contracts.Mary:So what others are you going to put in?John:Well, number one. Accountant, I think. Mary:The company's accountant?John:Yes. Now just let me put in the number. That's it.Mary:And number two, the bank.John:OK. Bank. Now, that's 345674. Oh ... And number 3, the doctor.Mary:Yes. His number's, er, let me think. 76763. And then the dentist, of course.John:What's that? Number 4, isn't it? Dentist. Mary:Yes, the number's 239023. I remember, becauseI rang yesterday about Robbie's appointment. John:That's fine. And now — the garage. 757412. Mary:And then how about the station number? You're always hunting around for that in a panic. John:Yes, you're right. What is the number anyway? Mary:Oh, I can't remember. I'll just look it up in the telephone directory.John:All right. Now, number 7, the flower shop, I think. Yes,florist. And that's 989024. Oh, Imustn't forget the new London office number.So that's number 8, new London office. Mary:John, here's the station number. 546534. John:546534. Thanks. Now that was number 6 on my list. Mary:How far have you got now?John:Well, I've added a couple more. The next one will be 9.Mary:What about Bill and Sue?John:No, I can always remember their number. But I always have to look up John and Jane's number.What is it?Mary:John and Jane ... John and Jane ... I know, 21463.John:OK. 21463. John and Jane. And one more perhaps? Mary:The hairdresser?John:Why do I need the hairdresser's number? No, I thought this was my pocket calculator. Oh, Itell you one number we do need quite often —the sports club!Mary:the sports club!John:Great minds think alike! OK, number 10. Sports Club. And that's —Mary:675645.John:675645. Well that's enough for the moment, Ithink. Now, as it's my birthday, what abouttaking me out for a meal?Mary:I don't think I can remember the telephone number of our favorite restaurant!第三部分Josephine: We did feel far more stability in our lives, because you see ... in these days I thinkthere's always a concern that families willseparate or something, but in those daysnobody expected the families to separate. Gertrude: Of course there may have been smoking,drinking and drug-taking years ago, but itwas all kept very quiet, nobody knew anythingabout it. But these days there really isn'tthe family life that we used to have. Thechildren seem to do more as they like whetherthey know it's right or wrong. Oh, things arevery different I think.Question: What was your parents' role in family life? Josephine: Well, my mother actually didn't do atremendous amount in the house, but she diddo a great deal of work outside and she wasvery interested, for example, in the NursingAssociation collecting money for it. We hadsomebody who looked after us and then we alsohad someone who did the cleaning. Gertrude: Well, we lived in a flat, we only had three rooms and a bathroom. Father worked on therailway at Victoria Station and my motherdidn't work, obviously. My father's wage Ithink was about two pounds a week and Isuppose our rent was about twelve shillingsa week, you know as rent was - I'm going backa good many years. We didn't have an easylife, you know and I think that's why mymother went out so much with her friends. Itwas a relief for her, you know really. Question: Did you have a close relationship with your parents?Josephine: In a sense I would say not very close but we, at that time, didn't feel that way, we didn'tthink about it very much I don't think. Ithink today people are much closer to theirparents and talk about everything, which wedidn't. Then, of course, we used to play alot of games, because we didn't have atelevision or even a radio and we would playgames in the evenings rather than haveconversation, I think.Question: Was there more discipline in families inthose days?Josephine: Oh yes, I do think so, yes. We were much moredisciplined and we went about as a family andit wasn't until I was probably about 18 beforeI would actually go out with any friends ofmy own.Statements:1. Seventy years ago young people often smoked and drank in front of others.2. Apart from a great deal of work outside, Josephine's mother also looked after her children and did the cleaning in the house.3. Gertrude's father earned two pounds a week.4. Gertrude's family had to pay ten shillings a week for their flat.5. Young people seventy years ago deeply felt that they did not have a very close relationship with their parents.6. Nowadays people are much closer to their parents and talk about everything to them.第五部分Woman:Well, my brother was six years younger than I, and er, I think that when he was little I wasquite jealous of him. I remember he had beautifulred curls (mm) ... my mother used to coo overhim. One day a friend and I played, erm, barbershop, and, erm, my mother must have been away,she must have been in the kitchen or something(mm) and we got these scissors and sat my brotherdown and kept him quiet and (strapped him down)... That's right, and cut off all his curls, yousee. And my mother just was so upset, and in factit's the first ... I think it’s one of the fewtimes I've ever seen my father really angry.Man:What happened to you?Woman:Oh ... I was sent to my room for a whole week you know, it was terrible.Man But was that the sort of pattern, weren't you close to your brother at all?Woman:Well as I grew older I think that er I just ignored him ...Man:What about ... you've got an older brother too, did ... were they close, the two brothers? Woman:No, no my brother's just a couple of years older than I ... so the two of us were closer and wethought we were both very grown up and he wasjust a ... a kid ... so we deliberately, I think,kind of ignored him. And then I left, I left homewhen he was only still a schoolboy, he was onlyfifteen (mm) and I went to live in England andhe eventually went to live in Brazil and I reallydid lose contact with him for a long time.Man:What was he doing down there?Woman:Well, he was a travel agent, so he went down there to work ... And, erm, I didn't, I can't evenremember, erm sending a card, even, when he gotmarried. But I re ... I do remember that lateron my mother was showing me pictures of hiswedding, 'cause my mother and father went downthere (uh huh) to the wedding, and er, there wasthis guy on the photos with a beard and glasses,and I said,"Oh, who's this then?" 'cause Ithought it was the bride's brother or somethinglike this (mm) ... and my mother said frostily,"That ... is your brother!" (laughter)Questions for memory test:1. According to the passage, how many brothers does the lady have?2. When the sister saw her mother coo over her younger brother, how did she feel?3. What's her father's reaction when he got to know that the sister had cut off her younger brother's hair?4. How old was her younger brother when she left home?5. Where did her brother eventually live?6. Who was the guy on the photos with a beard and glasses?第二单元第一部分When parents make a lot of rules about their children's behavior, they make trouble for themselves. I used to spend half my time making sure my rules were obeyed, and the other half answering questions like "Jack can get up whenever he likes, so why can't I?" or "Why can't I play with Angela? Jack's mum doesn'tmind who he plays with" or "Jack can drink anything he likes. Why can't I drink wine too?"Jack's mum, I decided, was a wise woman. I started saying things like "Of course, dear. You can drink as much wine as you like" and "No, I don't mind how late you get up" and "Yes, dear, you can play with Angela as often as you like."The results have been marvelous. They don't want to get up late any more, they've decided they don't like wine, and, most important, they've stopped playing with Angela. I've now realized (as Jack's mum realized a long time ago) that they only wanted to do all these nasty things because they weren't allowed to.第二部分Radio presenter: Good afternoon. And welcome to our midweekphone-in. In today's program we're goingto concentrate on personal problems. Andhere with me in the studio I've got TessaColbeck, who writes the agony columnin Flash magazine, and Doctor Maurice Rex,Student Medical Adviser at the Universityof Norfolk.The number to ring with your problem is ohone, if you're outside London, two two two,two one two two. And we have our first calleron the line, and it's Rosemary, I think,er calling from Manchester. HelloRosemary.Rosemary: Hello.How can we help you, Rosemary?Radiopresenter:Rosemary: Well, it's my dad. He won't let me stay out after ten o'clock at night and all myfriends can stay out much longer than that.I always have to go home first. It's reallyembarrassing …Tessa: Hello, Rosemary, love. Rosemary, how old are you dear?Rosemary: I'm fifteen in two month's time.Tessa: And where do you go at night — when you go out?Rosemary: Just to my friend's house, usually. But everyone else can stay there much laterthan me. I have to leave at about quarterto ten.Tessa: And does this friend of yours … does she live near you?Rosemary: It takes about ten minutes to walk from her house to ours.Tessa: I see. You live in Brighton, wasn't it?Well, Brighton's …Rosemary: No. Manchester … I live in Manchester.Tessa: Oh. I'm sorry, love. I'm getting mixed up.Yes, well Manchester's quite a rough city,isn't it? I mean, your dad …Rosemary: No. Not really. Not where we live it isn't.I don't live in the City Center or anythinglike that. And Christine's house is in avery quiet part.Tessa: Christine. That's your friend, is it? Rosemary: Yeah. That's right. I mean, I know my dad gets worried but it's perfectly safe.Maurice: Rosemary. Have you talked about this with your dad?Rosemary: No. He just shouts and then he says he won't let me go out at all if I can't come homeon time.Maurice: Why don't you just try to sit down quietly with your dad — sometime when he's relaxed- and just have a quiet chat about it? He'llprobably explain why he worries about you.It isn't always safe for young girls to goout at night.Tessa: Yes. And maybe you could persuade him tocome and pick you up from Christine's houseonce or twice.Rosemary: Yes. I don't think he'll agree to that, butI'll talk to him about it. Thanks.第三部分1.Discipline needs to be there in a certain amount but toomuch of it can be a bad thing I think and I certainly do get too much of it occasionally.2.I think talking to them, trying to explain why you're upset,what it is they have done wrong is better than hitting them, because if you hit them they learn to hit other things, other people, you, and I don't think that is a solution to anything.3.My experience as, as, as a mother now is you can, you cantalk with a child very much and, and the child is going to understand much more than you believe, even if it is a one-year-old or two-years-old child. And I think it's um it's a very bad thing punishing children, because it remains being er an awfully er dark experience, and so it was it for me too, because when I'm thinking about my parents I can't help thinking about these days where they punished me.4.I wouldn't be as strict as my dad was, definitely not, cosI don't think that works. That only makes you rebel.5.Well, there's smacking and smacking. I don't at all agreewith beating a child, but I do think sometimes a quick, short smack on the hand or arm is better than a long drawn-out moan. It's quick and the child understands it.6.I can't really defend it when I, when I hit my child, I don'tdo it often but something about it makes me think that it's not … a terrible thing to do. I mean, what are thealternatives? You can shout at your child, you can try to sit down and reason with your child, which is incredibly difficult if you're trying to talk to a two-year-old. Or what else can you do? You can send them out of the room, you can send them up to their room, you can not let them … have any pudding for the dinner, or something, but I mean to me a little spank, to me it's quick, it's honest, it'sphysical, but having said all that I still try not to do it.第五部分Louisa:She doesn't let me watch that much TV afterschool, which is really annoying because mostof my friends watch Home andAway and Neighbors but I only get to watch oneof them. I sometimes don't — I mean I think that'sreally unfair so sometimes I just watch bothanyway.Mother:First and foremost, Louisa watches a fair amount of television whether she thinks she's deprivedor not, she must watch at least 45 minutes perday. And when I'm not around you know I know thechild sneaks in a fair amount more than that.So she gets in a fair amount of television,certainly on the weekends. But I am of theopinion that television, very very very fewprograms will teach them anything. And I thinkwhen a child is under your care for 18 years it'sthe parents' responsibility to make sure thatthe input is of value, and I don't thinktelevision, much television is of any value atall, I think reading a book and doing her pianolessons are far more valuable than watchingcrummy American soap operas.Questions for memory test:1. How many TV plays are mentioned?2. For how long a time does Louisa watch TV per day?3. Does Louisa try to get more time to watch TV?4. Which activities does Louisa's mother think arefar more valuable?My parents gave me a lot of free time. After dinner, during the week when I was say even 15 years old they would let me go out until ten o'clock and they would never ask where I went. I would smoke cigarettes and drink beer, at 15 years old I would hang out in the ... in the localpubs and these were type of things that I don't think were too good for me at that time. I think my parents should have, you know, maybe at least showed an interest as to where I was going. They never even asked where I was going and they, they gave me a lot of free time, andI think that they, they felt that this was a thing thatwas being a good parent. But I think that teenagers are very naive, and I was as a teenager very naive, and I think I could haveused a little more direction from them.These days a lot of parents think they should be lenient with their children, they should let them grow andexperience on their own. And I think that's what myparents were doing, I think there's a Biblical saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child" and I think that really applies. And I think you need to direct especially young people. They can be thrown into such a harsh world,especially if you live in a city. I lived in a very small village and it was still a rough crowd that I found in that village. And my parents never asked questions, and if they only knew they would be shocked.Statements:1. When the boy was 15 years old, he could stay outuntil ten o'clock.2. At the age of 15, the boy was not allowed tosmoke cigarettes or drink beer.3. The boy thought his parents were very goodbecause they gave him a lot of free time.4. The boy lived in a very crowded city.第三单元第一部分House agent: … right, if you'd just come this way.Woman: Thank you.Man: Yes.House agent: Er… on the right here we have the … er … the bathroom, which as you can see is fully … fullyfitted. If we just move forward now, we … er …come into the er … main … main bed-sitting roomhere. And… er … on the left are dining room tableand chairs.Woman: Oh yes.Man: Yes.House agent: And er… straight ahead of us … um … foldaway double bed and mattress, which I think you'llagree is quite a novel idea.Man: Oh yes.House agent: And then… um… to …Woman: Behind the armchair.House agent: Yes, behind the armchair. To our righ t, um … in the corner there, a fitted wardrobe. And anotherone on my left here.Woman: On either side of the bed?House agent: Yes, that's right. That's right, so you can put all your … er … night attire or what… whateveryou like in there.Man: Yes, that's good.House agent: Then, there … the … we have the sofa here … er … in front of the … um … the window.Man: Oh yes.House agent: Er … so there's plenty of light coming through into the room and as you can see there's a niceview through the windows there.Woman: No curtains, though.House agent: No curtains, but we've got roller blinds.Woman: Oh.House agent: Yes, they're nice and straight forward. Noproblems about that — don't have to wash themof course. And … um … on the left of the … er… sofa ther e, you can see nice coffee tables.If … if we move straight a … straight ahead, actually, into the … er … the kitchen you cansee that um … on my left here we've got a washingmachine, tumble dryer and … um … electric cooker…Woman: Oh,yes.Man: Mmm.House agent: All as you can see to the most modern designs.And there um… on the other side of the kitchen…um… refrigerator there in the… in the corner.Man: Oh yeah, yes.Woman: Oh, what a nice little cubbyhole! Yes, very neat. House agent: Yes. Well… um… I don't know whether you've got any questions. That's it of course.Woman: Well, could… could we perhaps see the bathroom, because we… we didn't see that?House agent: OK, yes, yes. Let's… um… let's go on out of here and… um… end up in the bathroom …第二部分1.My dream house would be a canal boat. I'd like to wake up everymorning and see the water. Erm, I'd paint it bright red, and it would have a little roof-garden for all my pot-plants.2. My ideal house would be modern, ermm, it would be made of bricks,and it would have white pillars outside the front door. And it would be detached … oh yes, it would have a garage.3. My ideal home would be to live in a cottage in a small villageby the sea. Er, somewhere like Cornwall, so it's unspoilt and there are cliffs and trees around.4. I think if I could have any sort of house, I'd like one of thosewhite-walled villas in Spain. (It'd) Be marvelous to be able to just fall out of bed and into the sea first thing in the morning.(It'd) Be absolutely great. All that heat. Marvelous.5. I've always wanted to live in a really big house in the country,a big family house with, erm … at least two hundred years old, Ithink, with a big garden, and best of all I'd like to have a dry-stone wall around the garden. I've always loved dry-stone walls.6. D'you know, I may sound daft but what I've always wanted to dois live somewhere totally isolated, preferably somewhere enormous like a castle or something, you know, right out in … by the sea or even sort of in a little island, on an island, you know, out at sea, where you have to get there by a boat or something, where it's cut off at high tide. I think it'd be really great.Questions:1.According to the first speaker, in what color would her dream house be painted?2. Where would she put all her pot-plants?3. In the second speaker's opinion, what would there be outside the front door of his idealhouse?4. What would there be around the third speaker's ideal home?5. When the fourth speaker got up in the morning, what would he do first?6. What is Spain famous for?7. According to the fifth speaker, what would she like to have around the garden of her dreamhouse?8. How should one get to the last speaker's ideal house?第三部分Wendy Stott:Oh hello. (Hello.) My name's Wendy Stott. Did the estate agent ring you and tell you I was coming? House owner:Oh yes, yes I was expecting you. Do come in. (Thank you.) Have you had the particulars andeverything? Did the estate agent give you, you。
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第一部分1.Woman: This is my family. I'm married. My husband's nameis Bill. We have two children — a boy and a girl.Our little girl is six years old, and our little boyis four. Jennie goes to kindergarten, and Aaron goesto nursery school. My father lives with us. Grandpa'sgreat with the kids. He loves playing with them andtaking them to the park or the zoo.2.Man: This is a picture of me and my three sons. We're ata soccer game. Orlando is twelve, Louis is ten, andCarlos is nine. All three of them really like sports.Orlando and Louis play baseball. Carlos is intoskating.3.Man: This is my wife June, and these are my three children.Terri on the right is the oldest. She's in highschool. She's very involved in music. She's in theorchestra. Rachel — she's the one in the middle —is twelve now. And this is my son Peter. He's oneyear older than Rachel. Rachel and Peter are bothin junior high school. Time really flies. June andI have been married for twenty years now.4.Woman: This is a picture of me with my three kids. The girls,Jill and Anne, are both in high school. This is Jillon the right. She'll graduate next year. Anne is twoyears younger. My son Dan is in college. It seemslike the kids are never home. I see them for dinnerand sometimes on Saturday mornings, but that's aboutit. They're really busy and have a lot of friends. 第二部分John: It's super, Mary. It's just what I wanted.Mary: Well, I know you said your old calculator was no good any more.John: Well, it wasn't that it was no good. It just wouldn't do all the things I need to do at work.And it certainly wouldn't remember telephonenumbers for me like this one.Mary: I suppose you're going to start putting innumbers straightaway.John: I've put in one while we've been chatting. I've put in our solicitor's number. You know howoften I need to call him on company contracts.Mary: So what others are you going to put in?John: Well, number one. Accountant, I think. Mary: The company's accountant?John: Yes. Now just let me put in the number. That's it.Mary: And number two, the bank.John: OK. Bank. Now, that's 345674. Oh ... And number 3, the doctor.Mary: Yes. His number's, er, let me think. 76763. And then the dentist, of course.John: What's that? Number 4, isn't it? Dentist. Mary: Yes, the number's 239023. I remember, becauseI rang yesterday about Robbie's appointment. John: That's fine. And now — the garage. 757412. Mary: And then how about the station number? You're always hunting around for that in a panic. John: Yes, you're right. What is the number anyway? Mary: Oh, I can't remember. I'll just look it up in the telephone directory.John: All right. Now, number 7, the flower shop, I think. Yes, florist. And that's 989024. Oh, Imustn't forget the new London office number.So that's number 8, new London office. Mary: John, here's the station number. 546534. John: 546534. Thanks. Now that was number 6 on my list.Mary: How far have you got now?John: Well, I've added a couple more. The next one will be 9.Mary: What about Bill and Sue?John: No, I can always remember their number. But I always have to look up John and Jane's number.What is it?Mary: John and Jane ... John and Jane ... I know, 21463.John: OK. 21463. John and Jane. And one more perhaps? Mary: The hairdresser?John: Why do I need the hairdresser's number? No, I thought this was my pocket calculator. Oh, Itell you one number we do need quite often —the sports club!Mary: the sports club!John: Great minds think alike! OK, number 10. Sports Club. And that's —Mary: 675645.John: 675645. Well that's enough for the moment, I think. Now, as it's my birthday, what abouttaking me out for a meal?Mary: I don't think I can remember the telephone number of our favorite restaurant!第三部分Josephine: We did feel far more stability in our lives, because you see ... in these days I thinkthere's always a concern that families willseparate or something, but in those daysnobody expected the families to separate.Gertrude: Of course there may have been smoking,drinking and drug-taking years ago, but itwas all kept very quiet, nobody knew anythingabout it. But these days there really isn'tthe family life that we used to have. Thechildren seem to do more as they like whetherthey know it's right or wrong. Oh, things arevery different I think.Question: What was your parents' role in family life? Josephine: Well, my mother actually didn't do atremendous amount in the house, but she diddo a great deal of work outside and she wasvery interested, for example, in the NursingAssociation collecting money for it. We hadsomebody who looked after us and then we alsohad someone who did the cleaning.Gertrude: Well, we lived in a flat, we only had three rooms and a bathroom. Father worked on therailway at Victoria Station and my motherdidn't work, obviously. My father's wage Ithink was about two pounds a week and Isuppose our rent was about twelve shillingsa week, you know as rent was - I'm going backa good many years. We didn't have an easylife, you know and I think that's why mymother went out so much with her friends. Itwas a relief for her, you know really.Question: Did you have a close relationship with your parents?Josephine: In a sense I would say not very close but we,at that time, didn't feel that way, we didn'tthink about it very much I don't think. Ithink today people are much closer to theirparents and talk about everything, which wedidn't. Then, of course, we used to play alot of games, because we didn't have atelevision or even a radio and we would playgames in the evenings rather than haveconversation, I think.Question: Was there more discipline in families inthose days?Josephine: Oh yes, I do think so, yes. We were much moredisciplined and we went about as a family andit wasn't until I was probably about 18before I would actually go out with anyfriends of my own.Statements:1. Seventy years ago young people often smoked and drank in front of others.2. Apart from a great deal of work outside, Josephine's mother also looked after her children and did the cleaning in the house.3. Gertrude's father earned two pounds a week.4. Gertrude's family had to pay ten shillings a week for their flat.5. Young people seventy years ago deeply felt that they did not have a very close relationship with their parents.6. Nowadays people are much closer to their parents and talk about everything to them.第五部分Woman: Well, my brother was six years younger than I, and er, I think that when he was little I wasquite jealous of him. I remember he had beautifulred curls (mm) ... my mother used to coo overhim. One day a friend and I played, erm, barbershop, and, erm, my mother must have been away,she must have been in the kitchen or something(mm) and we got these scissors and sat my brotherdown and kept him quiet and (strapped himdown) ... That's right, and cut off all his curls,you see. And my mother just was so upset, andin fact it's the first ... I think it’s one ofthe few times I've ever seen my father reallyangry.Man: What happened to you?Woman: Oh ... I was sent to my room for a whole week you know, it was terrible.Man But was that the sort of pattern, weren't you close to your brother at all?Woman: Well as I grew older I think that er I just ignored him ...Man: What about ... you've got an older brother too, did ... were they close, the two brothers? Woman: No, no my brother's just a couple of years older than I ... so the two of us were closer and wethought we were both very grown up and he wasjust a ... a kid ... so we deliberately, I think,kind of ignored him. And then I left, I left homewhen he was only still a schoolboy, he was onlyfifteen (mm) and I went to live in England andhe eventually went to live in Brazil and I reallydid lose contact with him for a long time.Man: What was he doing down there?Woman: Well, he was a travel agent, so he went down there to work ... And, erm, I didn't, I can't evenremember, erm sending a card, even, when he gotmarried. But I re ... I do remember that lateron my mother was showing me pictures of hiswedding, 'cause my mother and father went downthere (uh huh) to the wedding, and er, there wasthis guy on the photos with a beard and glasses,and I said,"Oh, who's this then?" 'cause Ithought it was the bride's brother or somethinglike this (mm) ... and my mother said frostily,"That ... is your brother!" (laughter)Questions for memory test:1. According to the passage, how many brothers does the lady have?2. When the sister saw her mother coo over her younger brother, how did she feel?3. What's her father's reaction when he got to know that the sister had cut off her younger brother's hair?4. How old was her younger brother when she left home?5. Where did her brother eventually live?6. Who was the guy on the photos with a beard and glasses?第二单元第一部分When parents make a lot of rules about theirchildren's behavior, they make trouble for themselves.I used to spend half my time making sure my rules wereobeyed, and the other half answering questions like"Jack can get up whenever he likes, so why can't I?" or "Why can't I play with Angela? Jack's mum doesn't mind who he plays with" or "Jack can drink anything he likes.Why can't I drink wine too?"Jack's mum, I decided, was a wise woman. I started saying things like "Of course, dear. You can drink as much wine as you like" and "No, I don't mind how late you get up" and "Yes, dear, you can play with Angela as often as you like."The results have been marvelous. They don't want to get up late any more, they've decided they don't like wine, and, most important, they've stopped playing with Angela. I've now realized (as Jack's mum realized a long time ago) that they only wanted to do all these nasty things because they weren't allowed to.第二部分Radio presenter: G ood afternoon. And welcome to our midweek phone-in. In today's program we're going to concentrate on personal problems. And here with me in the studio I've got Tessa Colbeck, who writes the agony columnin Flash magazine, and Doctor Maurice Rex, Student Medical Adviser at the University of Norfolk.T he number to ring with your problem is oh one, if you're outside London, two two two, two one two two. And we have our first caller on the line, and it's Rosemary, Ithink, er calling from Manchester. HelloRosemary.Rosemary: H ello.H ow can we help you, Rosemary?Radiopresenter:Rosemary: W ell, it's my dad. He won't let me stay out after ten o'clock at night and all myfriends can stay out much longer than that.I always have to go home first. It's reallyembarrassing …Tessa: H ello, Rosemary, love. Rosemary, how old are you dear?Rosemary: I'm fifteen in two month's time.Tessa: A nd where do you go at night —when you go out?Rosemary: J ust to my friend's house, usually. But everyone else can stay there much laterthan me. I have to leave at about quarterto ten.Tessa: A nd does this friend of yours … does she live near you?Rosemary: I t takes about ten minutes to walk from her house to ours.Tessa: I see. You live in Brighton, wasn't it?Well, Brighton's …Rosemary: N o. Manchester … I live in Manchester.Tessa: O h. I'm sorry, love. I'm getting mixed up.Yes, well Manchester's quite a rough city,isn't it? I mean, your dad …Rosemary: N o. Not really. Not where we live it isn't.I don't live in the City Center or anythinglike that. And Christine's house is in avery quiet part.Tessa: C hristine. That's your friend, is it? Rosemary: Y eah. That's right. I mean, I know my dad gets worried but it's perfectly safe.Maurice: R osemary. Have you talked about this with your dad?Rosemary: N o. He just shouts and then he says he won't let me go out at all if I can't come homeon time.Maurice: W hy don't you just try to sit down quietlywith your dad —sometime when he's relaxed- and just have a quiet chat about it? He'llprobably explain why he worries about you.It isn't always safe for young girls to goout at night.Tessa: Y es. And maybe you could persuade him tocome and pick you up from Christine's houseonce or twice.Rosemary: Y es. I don't think he'll agree to that, butI'll talk to him about it. Thanks.第三部分1. Discipline needs to be there in a certain amount but toomuch of it can be a bad thing I think and I certainly do get too much of it occasionally.2. I think talking to them, trying to explain why you're upset,what it is they have done wrong is better than hitting them, because if you hit them they learn to hit other things, other people, you, and I don't think that is a solution to anything.3. My experience as, as, as a mother now is you can, you cantalk with a child very much and, and the child is going to understand much more than you believe, even if it is a one-year-old or two-years-old child. And I think it's um it's a very bad thing punishing children, because it remains being er an awfully er dark experience, and so it was it for me too, because when I'm thinking about my parents I can't help thinking about these days where they punished me.4. I wouldn't be as strict as my dad was, definitely not, cosI don't think that works. That only makes you rebel.5. Well, there's smacking and smacking. I don't at all agreewith beating a child, but I do think sometimes a quick, short smack on the hand or arm is better than a long drawn-out moan. It's quick and the child understands it.6. I can't really defend it when I, when I hit my child, I don'tdo it often but something about it makes me think that it's not … a terrible thing to do. I mean, what are thealternatives? You can shout at your child, you can try to sit down and reason with your child, which is incredibly difficult if you're trying to talk to a two-year-old. Or what else can you do? You can send them out of the room, you can send them up to their r oom, you can not let them …have any pudding for the dinner, or something, but I mean to me a little spank, to me it's quick, it's honest, it's physical, but having said all that I still try not to do it.第五部分Louisa: She doesn't let me watch that much TV after school, which is really annoying because mostof my friends watch Home andAway and Neighbors but I only get to watch oneof them. I sometimes don't — I mean I thinkthat's really unfair so sometimes I just watchboth anyway.Mother: First and foremost, Louisa watches a fair amount of television whether she thinks she's deprivedor not, she must watch at least 45 minutes perday. And when I'm not around you know I knowthe child sneaks in a fair amount more than that.So she gets in a fair amount of television,certainly on the weekends. But I am of theopinion that television, very very very fewprograms will teach them anything. And I thinkwhen a child is under your care for 18 yearsit's the parents' responsibility to make surethat the input is of value, and I don't thinktelevision, much television is of any value atall, I think reading a book and doing her pianolessons are far more valuable than watchingcrummy American soap operas.Questions for memory test:1. How many TV plays are mentioned?2. For how long a time does Louisa watch TV per day?3. Does Louisa try to get more time to watch TV?4. Which activities does Louisa's mother think arefar more valuable?My parents gave me a lot of free time. After dinner, during the week when I was say even 15 years old theywould let me go out until ten o'clock and they would never ask where I went. I would smoke cigarettes and drink beer, at 15 years old I would hang out in the ... in the local pubs and these were type of things that I don't think were too good for me at that time. I think my parents should have, you know, maybe at least showed an interest as to where I was going. They never even asked where I was going and they, they gave me a lot of free time, andI think that they, they felt that this was a thing thatwas being a good parent. But I think that teenagers are very naive, and I was as a teenager very naive, and I think I could have used a little more direction from them. These days a lot of parents think they should be lenient with their children, they should let them grow and experience on their own. And I think that's what my parents were doing, I think there's a Biblical saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child" and I think that really applies. And I think you need to direct especially young people. They can be thrown into such a harsh world,especially if you live in a city. I lived in a very small village and it was still a rough crowd that I found in that village. And my parents never asked questions, and if they only knew they would be shocked.Statements:1. When the boy was 15 years old, he could stay outuntil ten o'clock.2. At the age of 15, the boy was not allowed tosmoke cigarettes or drink beer.3. The boy thought his parents were very goodbecause they gave him a lot of free time.4. The boy lived in a very crowded city.第三单元第一部分House agent: … right, if you'd just come this way.Woman: T hank you.Man: Y es.House agent: E r… on the right here we have the … er … the bathroom, which as you can see is fully … fullyfitted. If we just move forward now, we … er …com e into the er … main … main bed-sitting roomhere. And… er … on the left are dining room tableand chairs.Woman: O h yes.Man: Y es.House agent: A nd er… straight ahead of us … um … foldaway double bed and mattress, which I think you'llagree is quite a novel idea.Man: O h yes.House agent: A nd then… um… to …Woman: B ehind the armchair.House agent: Y es, behind the armchair. To our right, um … in the corner there, a fitted wardrobe. And anotherone on my left here.Woman: O n either side of the bed?House agent: Y es, that's right. That's right, so you can put all your … er … night attire or what… whateveryou like in there.Man: Y es, that's good.House agent: T hen, there … the … we have the sofa here … er …in front of the … um … the window.Man: O h yes.House agent: E r … so there's plenty of light coming through into the room and as you can see there's a niceview through the windows there.Woman: N o curtains, though.House agent: N o curtains, but we've got roller blinds.Woman: O h.House agent: Y es, they're nice and straight forward. Noproblems about that — don't have to wash themof course. And … um … on the left of the … er …sofa there, you can see nice coffee tables.I f … if we move straight a … st raight ahead,actually, into the … er … the kitchen you cansee that um … on my left here we've got a washingmachine, tumble dryer and … um … electric cooker …Woman: O h,yes.Man: M mm.House agent: A ll as you can see to the most modern designs.A nd there um… on the other side of the kitchen…um… refrigerator there in the… in the corner.Man: O h yeah, yes.Woman: O h, what a nice little cubbyhole! Yes, very neat. House agent: Y es. Well… um… I don't know whether you've gotany questions. That's it of course.Woman: W ell, could… could we perhaps see the bathroom, because we… we didn't see that?House agent: O K, yes, yes. Let's… um… let's go on out of here and… um… end up in the bathroom …第二部分1.My dream house would be a canal boat. I'd like to wake up everymorning and see the water. Erm, I'd paint it bright red, and it would have a little roof-garden for all my pot-plants.2. My ideal house would be modern, ermm, it would be made of bricks,and it would have white pillars outside the front door. And it would be detached … oh yes, it would have a garage.3. My ideal home would be to live in a cottage in a small villageby the sea. Er, somewhere like Cornwall, so it's unspoilt and there are cliffs and trees around.4. I think if I could have any sort of house, I'd like one of thosewhite-walled villas in Spain. (It'd) Be marvelous to be able to just fall out of bed and into the sea first thing in the morning.(It'd) Be absolutely great. All that heat. Marvelous.5. I've always wanted to live in a really big house in the country,a big family house with, erm … at least two hundred years old, Ithink, with a big garden, and best of all I'd like to have a dry-stone wall around the garden. I've always loved dry-stone walls.6. D'you know, I may sound daft but what I've always wanted to dois live somewhere totally isolated, preferably somewhere enormous like a castle or something, you know, right out in … by the sea or even sort of in a little island, on an island, you know, out at sea, where you have to get there by a boat or something, where it's cut off at high tide. I think it'd be really great.Questions:1.According to the first speaker, in what color would her dream house be painted?2. Where would she put all her pot-plants?3. In the second speaker's opinion, what would there be outside the front door of his idealhouse?4. What would there be around the third speaker's ideal home?5. When the fourth speaker got up in the morning, what would he do first?6. What is Spain famous for?7. According to the fifth speaker, what would she like to have around the garden of her dreamhouse?8. How should one get to the last speaker's ideal house?第三部分Wendy Stott: O h hello. (Hello.) My name's Wendy Stott. Did the estate agent ring you and tell you I was coming?House owner: O h yes, yes I was expecting you. Do come in. (Thank you.) Have you had the particulars andeverything? Did the estate agent give you, youknow, all the details?Wendy Stott: O h yes. Yes I have, and I was rather interested;that was why I came round this afternoon. You seemto have decorated quite recently …House owner: Y es, oh, yes, it was decorated last year. Now this is the … this is the kitchen.Wendy Stott: Y es … er … What kit chen equipment are you leaving behind or are you going to take it all?House owner: W ell, you know it rather depends on what I end up buying. I've got something in mind at themoment but as you know these things can take ages(Yes.) but the place I'm going to has no gas soI'll probably be leaving this stove, this ovenhere.Wendy Stott: I s it ... is it quite new? Have you had it long? House owner: O h, no, not long. It's about five or six years old. (I see.) I've found it very reliable but Ishall be taking that fridge but you can seeeverything else. It's a fully fitted kitchen …Wendy Stott: Y es, what about the dishwasher … um … is that a dishwasher under the sink?House owner: N o, no, that's a washing machine, I shall be taking that, yes, I will, but there is plumbingfor a washing machine. (Right.)Wendy Stott: I s the gas cooker the only gas appliance you've got?House owner: N o, no, there is a gas fire but I don't use it very much; it's in the main room, the lounge. Wendy Stott: O h. Right. That seems fine.House owner: W ell, then across here if you'd like to come in with me, this is the sitting room. (Oh. Yes.) Wellyou can see for yourself it is really.Wendy Stott: O h I like the windows, right down to the floor, that's really nice …House owner: Y es, yes, they are nice. It's got a very pleasant view and there's a balcony you can sit out on inthe summer. (Yes, it's a nice view.) Yes, it isnice. Now then across here this is the smallestbedroom; (Yes.) there are three rooms, this isthe smallest and it's no more really than a boxroom but of course you can get a bed in.Wendy Stott: Y ou could make it into a study. It would be more useful I think.House owner: Y es, well I think somebody else has got this room as a study. Then this… this is the second bedroom.(Yes.) As you can see it's got a fitted cupboardand those shelves there they are also fitted. Wendy Stott: H ave you got an airing cupboard anywhere? House owner: O h. Yes, there's one in the bathroom. I'll show you that in a moment. (Oh right.) Now this is thethird bedroom, this is the largest bedroom. (Oh.)Of course it's got the wash basin, double fittedcupboard, plenty of space really, there, (Verynice.) and of course this room does take thedouble bed. Now … um … this is the bathro om.There's the airing cupboard. (Is that the airingcupboard?) Yes, that's right. It's nice and warmin there; it's rather small but I mean it isadequate, you know, and of course there is … thereis the shower.Wendy Stott: I s that, did you put that in yourself or was it in with the flat?House owner: O h, no. No that was in when the flat was built. Wendy Stott: I s it quite reliable (Oh, yes.) because I've had problems with a shower recently? (Yes, no I'venever had problems with that. No. It's reallygood.) Is it gas heated at the water point? House owner: N o, that is electric. (Ah.)Statements:1. Wendy Stott knows nothing about the flat before she comes to have a look at it.2. The flat was decorated five or six years ago.3. The house owner has used the oven and the stove for about five or six years.4. The windows in the largest bedroom are right down to the floor.5. There is a balcony in the sitting-room.第四单元第一部分Sam: I won't be able to do the exam tomorrow.I just don't feel that I'm ready.Counselor: You say that you don't feel ready fortomorrow's exam ... what do you feellike right now?Sam: Well, I'm angry with myself because I'mgoing to have to quit the exam and,well, I guess I'm anxious. Yes, I feelvery anxious.Counselor: When you think about this anxiety, whatimage do you have of yourself?Sam: Well, I see myself trying to explainto my Dad why I didn't make the gradeon this course ... and I see him gettingangry ... and, well, I start to feelI've let him down again.Counselor: You don't feel ready for your exam, youfeel anxious and you don't want to letyour Dad down again. Tell me about thelast time you let your Dad down. Sam: Oh, well, it was a year ago ... He'dentered me for a chess competition andI got knocked out in the first match ...he was angry because he'd told all hisfriends how good I was.Counselor: What did you tell him ... as anexplanation when you lost the chessgame?Sam: I told him that I wasn't ready to playin that league.Counselor: And now you are preparing to tell himthat you're not ready to sit thisexamination?Sam: Yes, I suppose I am.Counselor: O.K. Sam, so what you are saying to meis that you feel reluctant to take theexam tomorrow because you do not likethe thought of having to explain a poorgrade or a failure to your father. Isthat right, Sam?Sam: Yes. That's exactly it.Mrs.Daniels:Oh, hello, you must be Tracey's parents?Mr. Thompson: Er, yes. Are you her class teacher, Mrs. Daniels?Mrs. Daniels: Yes, that's right. Now, just let me find my notes. As you know I don't actually teach Tracey, but I do see her every day before classes begin. Is there anything。