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2009.05 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分13分)


1. How does the woman feel?

A. Surprised.

B. Light-hearted.

C. Worried.

2. What is the time now?

A. 8:45.

B. 9:00.

C. 9:15.

3. Which tie does the man take finally?

A. The blue one.

B. The yellow one.

C. The red one.

4. What does Mr. Adams most probably do?

A. A librarian.

B. A Chemistry teacher.

C. A repairman.

5. What does the woman think of the exhibition?

A. It is the best one she has ever been to.

B. It is the worst one she has ever been to.

C. It is no better than others.



6. What is the woman probably doing in the shop?

A. Helping her father.

B. Looking for a job.

C. Finding a bicycle.

7. Why does the man want to buy a bicycle?

A. To take part in a bicycle race.

B. To begin a cycling tour.

C. To go to work back and forth.


8. Where is the man going tomorrow morning?

A. To the Science Museum.

B. To Palace Museum.

C. To the Ocean Park.

9. What did the man do yesterday afternoon?

A. He went fishing in the park.

B. He went to the museum.

C. He showed the visitors around the city.

10. What does the woman think of restaurants in the city?

A. The service is not good.

B. The food is great.

C. The food is too expensive.


11. Why does Maggie go to Japan?

A. To visit her family.

B. To go to work.

C. To go on with her study.

12. Why doesn’t the woman think she could ever live in Japan?

A. It’s too far from home.

B. She’s worried about the language.

C. She doesn’t want to leave her dog.

13. What do you think of the man?

A. Narrow-minded.

B. Confident.

C. Warm-hearted.




14. — Some more wine?

— Thank you. ____________. I have to drive home.

A. With pleasure

B. That would be nice

C. I’d rather not

D. Just what I need

15.In order to save money, the poor girl gets up at _______ dawn every day and walks to the factory in

_______ distance.

A. the; /

B. a; a

C. /; the

D. a; the

16.There’s a ____________ in our family that we have a party on New Year’s Eve.

A. tradition

B. habit

C. custom

D. rule

17.Rather than ________ to the restaurant for dinner, I prefer ___________ at home.

A. going; staying

B. go; to stay

C. to go; to stay

D. go; stay

18.Though his English was poor, he managed ___________ himself _____________.

A. to make, understand

B. making; understanding

C. to make; understood

D. making; understood

19.She always argues ________ her husband _________ the education of their son.

A. to; for

B. to; about

C. with; against

D. with; about

20.Though we spent a lot, we think it ______ because we succeeded in the end.

A. worth

B. reasonable

C. beneficial

D. worthwhile

21.The newly-published book, which refers ______ basic English grammar, is ______ only for


A. as; meant

B. for; intended

C. to; intended

D. to; planned

22.As a result of the serious earthquake, two-thirds of the buildings in the area ___________.

A. need repairing

B. needs to repair

C. needs repairing

D. need to repair

23.Either his parents or he _______ to attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. are

B. have

C. is

D. had

24.Surprisingly, I _______ Yao Ming when I did some shopping in the supermarket the other day.

A. came across

B. came about

C. came up

D. came out

25.It is believed that Jay Chou is one of those who ____________ music.

A. has a gift for

B. have a gift for

C. has fun with

D. have a gift with

26.The teacher as well as the students _________ the results of the experiment.

A. are satisfied at

B. is satisfied at

C. are satisfied with

D. is satisfied with

27.Those who failed in the examination regretted ___________ their spare time building up a large


A. not to spend

B. not spending

C. to not spend

D. not spend

28.Many people at the meeting agreed to the suggestion ___________ a golden week of May Day


A. we had

B. that we have

C. we have

D. that we had

29.Only when our country has aircraft carriers (航空母舰), _____________ our distant islands more


A. we can guard

B. can we guard

C. we guard

D. do we guard

ng Lang appeared at Beijing Olympic opening ceremony (开幕式), _________ in front of

audience from all over the word.

A. performing

B. performed

C. to perform

D. perform

31.With so many big problems __________, the newly-elected American President Obama is having a

hard time now.

A. settled

B. to be settled

C. settling

D. to settle

32.There is still much to discuss and _________ we shall return to this topic at our next meeting.
