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abandoned drives[ə'bændənd] [draivs]废巷道
abrasion resistance[ə'breiʒən][ri'zistəns] 抗磨蚀能力abrasive [ə'breisiv] 磨料
absorbent[əb'sɔ:bənt] 吸收剂
accessory equipment[ək'sesəri] [i'kwipmənt] 补助设备accessory minerals[ək'sesəri] ['minərəls] 副矿物
access ramp ['ækses] [ræmp] 出入沟
accidental explosion [,æksi'dentəl] [ik'spləuʒən] 意外爆炸
acid mine water['æsid] [main] ['wɔ:tə]酸性矿水
acid resistant['æsid] [ri'zistənt] 耐酸的
acid rock ['æsid] [rɔk]酸性岩
activated charcoal['æktiveitid] ['tʃɑ:kəul] 活性煤
activator['æktiveitə] 活化剂
adamellite [,ædə'melait] 石英二长石
adamic earth ['ædəmik] [ə:θ]红粘土
adhere [əd'hiə] 粘着
adhesion force[əd'hi:ʒən] [fɔ:s] 粘附力
Adit ['ædit]平硐An adit is a horizontal or nearly horizontal entrance to a mine.
adit collar ['ædit] ['kɔlə]平硐口
adit cut mining ['ædit] [kʌt] ['mainiŋ]平硐开采
adjustable prop [ə'dʒʌstəbl] [prɔp] 伸缩式支柱
anisotropic [ə,naisəu'trɔpik] .各向异性的
adobe blasting [ə'dəubi] ['blɑ:stiŋ] 裸露装药爆破
adobe shot [ə'dəubi] [ʃɔt] 裸露装药爆破
advancement[əd'vɑ:nsmənt, əd'væns-] 掘进
advancing along the strike[əd'vɑ:nsiŋ] [ə'lɔŋ] [straik] 沿走向掘进AFC- 工作面皮带输送机The armored face conveyor. Used on the coal face of an underground mine to protect the workers and convey the coal to the crusher
Agate ['æɡət] 玛瑙
Agglomerate [ə'ɡlɔmərət, -reit, ə'ɡlɔməreit] 火山角砾岩aggregate thickness['æɡriɡət, 'æɡriɡeit] ['θiknis]总厚度
Air Crossing- [εə] ['krɔ:siŋ] 气流交汇点A place where return air and fresh cross over but are still divided.
air flow [εə] [fləu] 气流
air intake [εə] ['inteik] 进气口
air leg [εə] [leɡ]风动钻架
air vent [εə] [vent] 气孔,排气口
Alunite ['æljunait]明矾石
angle of dip['æŋɡl] [dip] 倾角
anthracite['ænθrəsait] 无烟煤
anticlinorium[,æntiklai'nɔ:riəm] 复背斜
asbestos[æz'bestɔs] 石棉
asphyxia[æs'fiksiə], suffocation[,sʌfə'keiʃən], gassing ['ɡæsiŋ]窒息
associate bed [ə'səuʃi,eitid] [bed] 伴生层
auger drill ['ɔ:ɡə] [dril] 螺旋钻
auger mining ['ɔ:ɡə] ['mainiŋ]螺旋钻采矿法
augite['ɔ:dʒait] 辉石
autoclave ['ɔ:təkleiv]: 高压灭菌器 a closed strong vessel for conducting chemical reactions under high pressure and temperature. back fill [bæk] [fil]:采空区充填classified tailings or waste rock used to fill voids created by underground mining.
backfill cure ['bækfil] [kjuə] 回填物凝固
Back [bæk]巷道顶部The back is the roof or overhead surface of an underground excavation.
Backhoe [bækhəu] 反铲挖土机
ball mill [bɔ:l] [mil] 球磨厂: a rotating horizontal cylinder in which ore is ground using various types of grinding media including iron balls.
Basalt ['bæsɔ:lt] 玄武岩
basset['bæsit] 露头
Batter['bætə] 平台坡面
Baulk- [bɔ:k] 方形木材支柱Squared, round or half round timber beam set across roadway for roof support.
bauxite ['bɔ:ksait] 铝土矿
BCM实立方米'krɔ:s bank cubic meters
Bed [bed] ,deposit [di'pɔzit], field ['fi:ld]矿床
Bedding ['bediŋ] 层理
bedrock [,bed'rɔk] 基岩
Bench crest [bentʃ] [krest] 台阶坡顶
Bench height [bentʃ] [hait] 台阶高度
Bench slope [bentʃ] [sləup] 台阶坡面角
Bench toe [bentʃ] [təu] 台阶坡底
Benching ['bentʃiŋ] 切割巷道底部Stripping the floor. Mining the floor of a drive to lower its level/elevation.
beneficiation machinery [beni,fiʃi'eiʃən] [mə'ʃi:nəri] 选矿机械beneficiation method [beni,fiʃi'eiʃən] ['meθəd] 选矿方法beneficiation reagent[beni,fiʃi'eiʃən] [ri:'eidʒənt] 选矿试剂beneficiation [beni,fiʃi'eiʃən] 选矿
Berm interval [bə:m] ['intəvəl] 平台高度
Berms [bə:ms] 平台
Berryman- ['berimæn]电瓶车司机 The troop transport that ferries the workers from the surface to the coal face or around the mine. BFS 银行可贷款程度的可行性研究bankable feasibility study bio-concentration ['baiəu-,kɔnsən'treiʃən] 生物选矿
biotite ['baiətait] 黑云母
Blast Engineering ['blæst] [,endʒi'niəriŋ]爆破工程
blast hole['blæst] [həul] 钻孔
Blasting Patterns['blɑ:stiŋ] ['pætəns] 布孔方式
Blasting ['blɑ:stiŋ] 爆破
block cave method [blɔk] [keiv] ['meθəd] 崩落采矿法
Block Model [blɔk] ['mɔdəl] 块段模型Geology Block model, The tonnes, grade and metal generate by software package.
Boot End [bu:t] [end] 受料漏斗- The receiving hopper situated at the end of the panel conveyor. It accepts the coal from the shuttle car
Bord-[bɔ:d] Bord, from bord and pillar mining.
Borer ['bɔ:rə], drill [dril], drilling machine ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]钻机
bore plug ['bɔ:rə][plʌɡ]钻孔岩样
boring ['bɔ:riŋ] , drilling ['driliŋ] 钻探、钻进
boundary ['baundəri] 分界线
Box cut [bɔks] [kʌt] ,开段沟,井口区
Brattice-['brætis]防火服A fire resistant fabric or cloth Brattice['brætis]屏蔽墙A temporary wall of light construction, usually made from Hessian or loose weave fabric. Brattices are usually installed to separate intake (fresh) and exhaust airflows. brazil[brə'zil] 黄铁矿
Breccia ['bretʃiə] 角砾岩: rock consisting of fragments, more or less angular, in a matrix of finer-grained material or of cementing material.
brow [brau] 巷道与采空区衔接处
brown coal[braun] [kəul] 褐煤
hematite ['hemətait, 'hi:m-] 赤铁矿
Brushing ['brʌʃiŋ] 扩大巷道Digging up the bottom or taking out the