

























案件名称:伍斯特诉佐治亚州(WORCESTER v. THE STATE OF GEOGIA ), 31 U.S.515, 1832 WL 3389(U.S.Ga)案件时间:1832年案件背景:非印第安人伍斯特未经其所在的佐治亚州允许,进入切罗基印第安人部落保留区,被州法院判定有罪并处以四年重劳动监禁。





法官推理:1 切罗基部族等印第安部族是独立的政治共同体,在领土范围内有排他性的自治权:(1)在殖民时期,欧洲国家为了减少相互竞争确立了协调原则,但这些原则并不影响印第安人的权力与权利;(2)独立战争期间,大陆会议与切罗基部族之间所签订的条约中的部分措辞并不能被理解为切罗基部族放弃了其自治权;(3)宪法颁布后美国与切罗基部族签订的条约明确认识的了切罗基部族的自治权;(4)美国与印第安部族反复签署条约的实际状况说明美国承认其自治权。

2 切罗基部族是一个有自己领土的独特共同体,并有详细勘定的边境线,与切罗基部族的交往权力在于国会,因此佐治亚州强制干涉合众国与切罗基之间关系的法律违宪;3 依据违宪的法律进行的判决也是违宪的,应该被驳回并废止。

案件名称:约翰逊诉迈金托什案(Johnson v. M’Intosh ),(21 U.S. 543)案件时间:1818年案件背景:1773年和1775年一批投资者违反1763年英国国王公告和1779年弗吉尼亚议会关于不允许从印第安人手中购买土地的规定从弗吉尼亚州印第安人手中购买了土地。




英美判决书简介及其结构 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020判决书的种类:将法院判决结果,以文字记载成为书面司法文书,这种书面司法文书称为“判决书(Reports)”,判决后的案件一般通称为“案例(Case)”。

判决书的种类有两种,一为官方判决书(Official Report):法院将判决结果印成书面判决。

一为非官方判决书(Unofficial Report):由民间出版商将判决整理后出版成册,内容除了判决内容外,书商请专家整理并加上与本案有关的注解、法律条文、相关法院判决等,参考价值大于官方判决书。

官方判决书例如,美国联邦最高法院判决集,称为“United States Reports”(简称.);各州最高法院也会出版判决集,如密西根州最高法院判决集,称为“Michigan Reports”(简称“Mich.”);有些州第二审法院也出版判决集,如密西根州二审法院判决集,称为“Michigan Appeals Reports”(简称“Mich. App.”)。

美国现有3个比较大的法律图书出版商出版非官方判决书,第一家为“西方图书公司”(West Publishing Company),第二家为“律师出版公司”(Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company),第三家为“学徒殿堂图书公司”(Prentice Hall Inc.)。

例如西方图书公司整理出版《联邦最高法院判决集》,称为“Supreme Court Report”,(简称.);律师出版公司出版《联邦最高法院判决集》,称为“United States Reports Lawyers Edition”,(简称);这两套书是将联邦最高法院判决累积一段时间后,才出版成册。

有些判决集出版速度较快,一个星期整理出版一次;也有当天下午出版还未登录案号的当天判决,如“United States Law Weeks()”,“United States SupremeCourt Bulletin()”等。





本案以俄亥俄州的奥贝格费尔(Jim Obergefell)诉侯吉斯(Hodges, 州卫生部主任)为主,同时合并讨论了密西根州、肯塔基州、和田纳西州的三个案子。






















































二、案件经过1. 案件起因2004年,谷歌公司启动了一项名为“谷歌图书”的项目,旨在将世界各地的图书馆藏书数字化。


2005年,美国作家协会( Authors Guild )和出版社协会( Association of American Publishers )联名起诉谷歌公司,指控其未经授权扫描和上传大量图书,侵犯版权。

2. 法庭审理案件经过长达数年的审理。

法庭主要围绕以下几个争议点展开:(1)谷歌公司是否侵犯了版权人的复制权?(2)谷歌公司是否侵犯了版权人的公开传播权?(3)谷歌公司是否构成合理使用?3. 法庭判决2013年,美国纽约南区联邦法院作出判决,认为谷歌公司未经授权扫描和上传图书的行为侵犯了版权人的复制权和公开传播权。


三、案例分析1. 版权侵权本案中,谷歌公司未经授权扫描和上传图书的行为侵犯了版权人的复制权和公开传播权。


2. 合理使用尽管谷歌公司的行为侵犯了版权人的复制权和公开传播权,但法庭认为其构成合理使用。










二、案件概述纽伦堡审判主要审理了以下几类案件:1. 纳粹德国的战争罪行:包括侵略战争、战争罪行、反人类罪等。

2. 纳粹德国的战争犯罪集团:包括纳粹党、冲锋队、党卫队等。

3. 纳粹德国的战争罪犯:包括希特勒、戈林、莱伊、弗兰克等。

三、审判过程1. 成立法庭:1945年11月,国际军事法庭在德国纽伦堡成立,由美、英、苏、法四国代表组成。

2. 审判程序:审判分为三个阶段:起诉、审理、判决。

3. 起诉:起诉方提交了大量的证据,包括纳粹德国的文件、照片、证言等。

4. 审理:法庭对案件进行了详细的审理,包括对证人的询问、对被告的质证等。

5. 判决:法庭根据审理结果,对被告进行了判决。

四、审判结果1. 纳粹德国的战争罪行:法庭认定纳粹德国犯有侵略战争、战争罪行、反人类罪等。

2. 纳粹德国的战争犯罪集团:法庭认定纳粹党、冲锋队、党卫队等犯有战争罪行。

3. 纳粹德国的战争罪犯:法庭对被告进行了判决,其中戈林、莱伊、弗兰克等人被判处死刑。

五、历史意义1. 纽伦堡审判为世界法律史树立了一个里程碑,它标志着人类对战争罪行的审判进入了一个新的阶段。

2. 纽伦堡审判确立了反人类罪、战争罪等国际罪行,为后来的国际刑事法庭提供了法律依据。

3. 纽伦堡审判对国际法的形成和发展产生了深远影响,推动了国际刑事司法的合作与交流。

4. 纽伦堡审判为世界和平与正义做出了重要贡献,为后世树立了法治的典范。






美国的审判制度——美国司法制度简介之三发布时间:2008-12-02 15:33:20一、美国民事审判制度美国联邦法院审理民事案件实行三级二审终审制。




















UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTSOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK-------------------------------------------------------xUNITED STATES,v. No. 10CR228-LTSDANIEL BONVENTRE. et al.,-------------------------------------------------------x纽约州南区美国联邦地区法院[1]-------------------------------------------------------x美利坚合众国诉案号:10CR228-LTS丹尼尔•布恩⽂切等-------------------------------------------------------xOPINION AND ORDER[2]意见与判决APPEARANCES:出庭⼈员:UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE[3], LAW OFFICES OF ANDREWSOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK J. FRISCH[4]纽约州南区 ANDREW J. FRISCH律师事务所美国联邦检察官办公室By: Matthew L. Schwartz, Esq.[5] By: Andrew J. Frisch, Esq.John T. Zach, Esq. Jeremy B. Sporn, Esq.Randall W. Jackson, Esq. Amanda Bassen, Esq.代表:Matthew L. Schwartz律师代表:Andrew J. Frisch律师John T. Zach律师 Jeremy B. Sporn律师Randall W. Jackson律师 Amanda Bassen律师One St. Andrew’s Plaza 40 Fulton Street, 23rd FloorNew York, NY 10007 New York, NY 10038Counsel for Daniel BonventreDaniel Bonventre的律师-and-与SERCARZ & RIOPELLE, LLP[6]By: Roland G. Riopelle, Esq.SERCARZ & RIOPELLE律师事务所代表:Roland G. Riopelle律师810 Seventh Avenue, Suite 620 New York, NY 10019Counsel for Annette BongiornoAnnette Bongiorno的律师-and-与DUANE MORRIS, LLP (NJ)By Eric R. Breslin, Esq.Melissa S. Geller, Esq.DUANE MORRIS律师事务所(新泽西州)代表:Eric R. Breslin律师Melissa S. Geller律师One Riverfront Plaza1037 Raymond Blvd., Suite 1800Newark, NJ 07102Counsel for Jo Ann CrupiJo Ann Crupi的律师LAW OFFICES OF GORDONMEHLER, PLLC[7]By: Gordon Mehler, Esq.Sarah Lum, Esq.GORDON MEHLER律师事务所代表:Gordon Mehler律师Sarah Lum律师747 Third Avenue, 32nd FloorNew York, NY 10019Counsel for Jerome O’HaraJerome O’Hara的律师-and-与KRANTZ AND BERMAN, LLPBy Larry H. Krantz, Esq.Kimberly A. Yuhas, Esq.KRANTZ AND BERMAN律师事务所代表:Larry H. Krantz律师Kimberly A. Yuhas律师747 Third Avenue, 32nd FloorNew York, NY 10017Counsel for George PerezGeorge Perez的律师LAURA TAYLOR SWAIN, UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE美国联邦地区法官劳拉•泰勒•斯韦恩After a more than five month trial, thirty-one counts of the above-captioned[8] Superseding Indictment[9] were submitted to the jury, and Defendants Daniel Bonventre (“Bonventre”), Annette Bongiorno (“Bongiorno”), Jo Ann Crupi (“Crupi”), Jerome O’Hara (“O’Hara”) and George Perez (“Perez,” collectively, “Defendants”) were convicted of each of the crimes with which they were charged. The charges included: conspiracy to defraud investment advisory clients and conspiracy to commit securities fraud; conspiracy to engage in accounting fraud and to defraud banks; conspiracy to commit tax fraud; securities fraud; falsifying the records of a broker-dealer; falsifying the records of an investment adviser; causing a false and misleading filing to be made with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”); bank fraud; making and subscribing to false income tax returns; corruptly obstructing the lawful administration of the internal revenue laws; and tax evasion. Fewer than all of the Defendants were charged in some of the counts.经过五个多⽉的审理,在向陪审团提交上⽂⽂⾸所述替代起诉书的三⼗⼀项指控罪⾏后,被告丹尼尔•布恩⽂切(“布恩⽂切”)、安内特•布恩乔诺(“布恩乔诺”)、乔•安•克鲁⽪(“克鲁⽪”)、杰洛⽶•欧哈拉(“欧哈拉”)和乔治•佩雷兹(“佩雷兹”,上述⼈员合称“被告”)被判犯有各⾃被指控的每⼀项罪⾏。



美国的审判制度——美国司法制度简介之三发布时间:2008-12-02 15:33:20一、美国民事审判制度美国联邦法院审理民事案件实行三级二审终审制。



















中图分类号 : 4 6 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :l 6 I9 (0 6 404 —5 D 1 0 一842 o ) ・ 80 0 0 0 20 年 2 1 06 月 0日,美国联邦巡回上诉法院 就美国对华 产品 “ 特保”第一案作出判决, 认 为美国总统就该 “ 特保 ”案不采取救济措施没有超出其法定权限,从而维持 了美 国国际 贸易法院相关裁定。本案标志着历时 3 年半的美国对我国特保第一案的结 束。对本案的分 析将有助于我国处理今后美国可能对我国的 。 保”措 施。 特
其 法 定 权 限 ,从 而 维特 T美 国 国 际 贸 易 法 院 相 关 裁 定 。 拳案 标 志 着历 时 3年 半 的
美国对我 国特保 第一案的结束。本文税该案的基本案情、美国上诉 法院簌决 的推 理作 7归 纳,并就该案的相关法律问题做 7简要评析 。 关键词 :特保 保障措施 ; 2 条款 41
超越制 造 商的受 益 。
2 0 年 4月 9日,Moin S se 03 t y tms 公司在 美 国 国际贸 易法院 起诉 美 国总统 和美 国 贸 o 易代表 ,对 美 国总统拒 绝采 取 贸易救 济措 施的决 定提 出司法 审查 。原 告认 为 ,总 统 的决定
超越 了第 4 1 2 条规 定 的授权 范 围 , 总统混 淆 了第 4 1 2 条规定 的 在特定 的情 况下 总统 可以 拒绝
20 0 4年 6月 3日,美 国国际 贸 易法院 作 出判 决 ,维 持 美 国总统 的决 定 。然 而 ,Moin t o
S se y tm公司不服 美 国 国际贸 易法院 的判决 , 即上 诉到 美 国联 邦巡 回上 诉法 院 , 求重 审 。 随 要
20 年 2月 1 06 0日,美 国联 邦 巡 回上 诉法 院就 美 国对华 座椅升 降装 置 “ 保 ”案的 司法 特



1 (Slip Opinion) OCTOBER TERM, 2010SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as isbeing done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has beenprepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader.See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S. 321, 337. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATESSyllabusTHOMPSON v. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LPCERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FORTHE SIXTH CIRCUITNo. 09–291. Argued December 7, 2010—Decided January 24, 2011 After petitioner Thompson’s fiancée, Miriam Regalado, filed a sex dis­crimination charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Com­mission (EEOC) against their employer, respondent North American Stainless (NAS), NAS fired Thompson. He filed his own charge and a subsequent suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, claiming that NAS fired him to retaliate against Regalado for filing her charge. The District Court granted NAS summary judgment on the ground that third-party retaliation claims were not permitted by Title VII, which prohibits discrimination against an employee “because he has made a [Title VII] charge,” 42 U. S. C. §2000e–3(a), and which per­mits, inter alia, a “person claiming to be aggrieved . . . by [an] alleged employment practice” to file a civil action, §2000e–5(f)(1). The en banc Sixth Circuit affirmed, reasoning that Thompson was not enti­tled to sue NAS for retaliation because he had not engaged in any ac­tivity protected by the statute.Held:1. If the facts Thompson alleges are true, his firing by NAS consti­tuted unlawful retaliation. Title VII’s antiretaliation provision must be construed to cover a broad range of employer conduct. Burlington N. & S. F. R. Co. v. White, 548 U. S. 53. It prohibits any employer ac­tion that “ ‘well might have “dissuaded a reasonable worker from making or supporting a [discrimination] charge,” ’” id., at 68. That test must be applied in an objective fashion, to “avoi[d] the uncertain­ties and unfair discrepancies that can plague a judicial effort to de­termine a plaintiff’s unusual subjective feelings.” Id., at 68–69. A reasonable worker obviously might be dissuaded from engaging in protected activity if she knew that her fiancé would be fired. Pp. 2–4.2. Title VII grants Thompson a cause of action. Pp. 4–7.2 THOMPSONv. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LPSyllabus(a) For Title VII standing purposes, the term “person aggrieved” must be construed more narrowly than the outer boundaries of Arti­cle III. Dictum in Trafficante v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 409 U. S. 205, suggesting that Title VII’s aggrievement requirement reaches as far as Article III permits, is too expansive and the Court declines to follow it. At the other extreme, limiting “person aggrieved” to the person who was the subject of unlawful retaliation is an artificially narrow reading. A common usage of the term “person aggrieved” avoids both of these extremes. The Administrative Procedure Act, which authorizes suit to challenge a federal agency by any “person . . . adversely affected or aggrieved . . . within the meaning of a rele­vant statute,” 5 U. S. C. §702, establishes a regime under which a plaintiff may not sue unless he “falls within the ‘zone of interests’sought to be protected by the statutory provision whose violation forms the legal basis for his complaint,” Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation, 497 U. S. 871, 883. Title VII’s term “aggrieved” incorpo­rates that test, enabling suit by any plaintiff with an interest “ ‘ar­guably [sought] to be protected’ by the statutes,” National Credit Un-ion Admin. v. First Nat. Bank & Trust Co., 522 U. S. 479, 495, while excluding plaintiffs who might technically be injured in an Article III sense but whose interests are unrelated to Title VII’s statutory pro­hibitions. Pp. 4–7.(b) Applying that test here, Thompson falls within the zone of in­terests protected by Title VII. He was an employee of NAS, and Title VII’s purpose is to protect employees from their employers’ unlawful actions. Moreover, accepting the facts as alleged, Thompson is not an accidental victim of the retaliation. Hurting him was the unlawful act by which NAS punished Regalado. Thus, Thompson is a person aggrieved with standing to sue under Title VII. P. 7.567 F. 3d 804, reversed and remanded.S CALIA, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which all other Members joined, except K AGAN, J., who took no part in the considera­tion or decision of the case. G INSBURG, J., filed a concurring opinion, in which B REYER, J., joined.__________________________________Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)1Opinion of the CourtNOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the preliminary print of the United States Reports. Readers are requested to notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of the United States, Wash­ington, D. C. 20543, of any typographical or other formal errors, in order that corrections may be made before the preliminary print goes to press. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATESNo. 09–291ERIC L. THOMPSON, PETITIONER v. NORTHAMERICAN STAINLESS, LPON WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OFAPPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT[January 24, 2011]J USTICE S CALIA delivered the opinion of the Court.Until 2003, both petitioner Eric Thompson and his fiancée, Miriam Regalado, were employees of respondent North American Stainless (NAS). In February 2003, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)notified NAS that Regalado had filed a charge alleging sex discrimination. Three weeks later, NAS fired Thompson. Thompson then filed a charge with the EEOC. After conciliation efforts proved unsuccessful, he sued NAS in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,78 Stat. 253, 42 U. S. C. §2000e et seq ., claiming that NAS had fired him in order to retaliate against Regalado for filing her charge with the EEOC. The District Court granted summary judgment to NAS, concluding that Title VII “does not permit third party retaliation claims.” 435 F. Supp. 2d 633, 639 (ED Ky. 2006). After a panel of the Sixth Circuit reversed the District Court, the Sixth Circuit granted rehearing en banc and affirmed by a 10-to-6 vote.567 F. 3d 804 (2009). The court reasoned that because Thompson did not “engag[e] in any statutorily protected2 THOMPSONv. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LPOpinion of the Courtactivity, either on his own behalf or on behalf of Miriam Regalado,” he “is not included in the class of persons for whom Congress created a retaliation cause of action.” Id., at 807–808.We granted certiorari. 561 U. S. ___ (2010).ITitle VII provides that “[i]t shall be an unlawful em­ployment practice for an employer to discriminate against any of his employees . . . because he has made a charge” under Title VII. 42 U. S. C. §2000e–3(a). The statute permits “a person claiming to be aggrieved” to file a charge with the EEOC alleging that the employer committed an unlawful employment practice, and, if the EEOC declines to sue the employer, it permits a civil action to “be brought . . . by the person claiming to be aggrieved . . . by the al­leged unlawful employment practice.” §2000e–5(b), (f)(1).It is undisputed that Regalado’s filing of a charge with the EEOC was protected conduct under Title VII. In the procedural posture of this case, we are also required to assume that NAS fired Thompson in order to retaliate against Regalado for filing a charge of discrimination. This case therefore presents two questions: First, did NAS’s firing of Thompson constitute unlawful retaliation? And second, if it did, does Title VII grant Thompson a cause of action?IIWith regard to the first question, we have little diffi­culty concluding that if the facts alleged by Thompson are true, then NAS’s firing of Thompson violated Title VII. In Burlington N. & S. F. R. Co. v. White, 548 U. S. 53 (2006), we held that Title VII’s antiretaliation provision must be construed to cover a broad range of employer conduct. We reached that conclusion by contrasting the text of Title3Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Opinion of the CourtVII’s antiretaliation provision with its substantive antidis­crimination provision. Title VII prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin “‘with respect to . . . compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment,’” and discriminatory practices that would “‘deprive any individual of employment oppor­tunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee.’” Id., at 62 (quoting 42 U. S. C. §2000e–2(a) (emphasis deleted)). In contrast, Title VII’s antiretaliation provision prohibits an employer from “‘discriminat[ing] against any of his employees’” for engaging in protected conduct, without specifying the employer acts that are prohibited. 548 U. S., at 62 (quoting §2000e–3(a) (empha­sis deleted)). Based on this textual distinction and our understanding of the antiretaliation provision’s purpose, we held that “the antiretaliation provision, unlike the substantive provision, is not limited to discriminatory actions that affect the terms and conditions of employ­ment.” Id., at 64. Rather, Title VII’s antiretaliation pro­vision prohibits any employer action that “well might have dissuaded a reasonable worker from making or supporting a charge of discrimination.” Id., at 68 (internal quotation marks omitted).We think it obvious that a reasonable worker might be dissuaded from engaging in protected activity if she knew that her fiancé would be fired. Indeed, NAS does not dispute that Thompson’s firing meets the standard set forth in Burlington. Tr. of Oral Arg. 30. NAS raises the concern, however, that prohibiting reprisals against third parties will lead to difficult line-drawing problems con­cerning the types of relationships entitled to protection. Perhaps retaliating against an employee by firing his fiancée would dissuade the employee from engaging in protected activity, but what about firing an employee’s girlfriend, close friend, or trusted co-worker? Applying the Burlington standard to third-party reprisals, NAS argues,4 THOMPSONv. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LPOpinion of the Courtwill place the employer at risk any time it fires any em­ployee who happens to have a connection to a different employee who filed a charge with the EEOC.Although we acknowledge the force of this point, we do not think it justifies a categorical rule that third-party reprisals do not violate Title VII. As explained above, we adopted a broad standard in Burlington because Title VII’s antiretaliation provision is worded broadly. We think there is no textual basis for making an exception to it for third-party reprisals, and a preference for clear rules cannot justify departing from statutory text.We must also decline to identify a fixed class of relation­ships for which third-party reprisals are unlawful. We expect that firing a close family member will almost al­ways meet the Burlington standard, and inflicting a milder reprisal on a mere acquaintance will almost never do so, but beyond that we are reluctant to generalize. As we explained in Burlington, 548 U. S., at 69, “the signifi­cance of any given act of retaliation will often depend upon the particular circumstances.” Given the broad statutory text and the variety of workplace contexts in which re­taliation may occur, Title VII’s antiretaliation provision is simply not reducible to a comprehensive set of clear rules. We emphasize, however, that “the provision’s standard for judging harm must be objective,” so as to “avoi[d] the uncertainties and unfair discrepancies that can plague a judicial effort to determine a plaintiff’s unusual subjective feelings.” Id., at 68–69.IIIThe more difficult question in this case is whether Thompson may sue NAS for its alleged violation of Title VII. The statute provides that “a civil action may be brought . . . by the person claiming to be aggrieved.” 42 U. S. C. §2000e–5(f)(1). The Sixth Circuit concluded that this provision was merely a reiteration of the requirement5Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Opinion of the Courtthat the plaintiff have Article III standing. 567 F. 3d, at 808, n. 1. We do not understand how that can be. The provision unquestionably permits a person “claiming to be aggrieved” to bring “a civil action.” It is arguable that the aggrievement referred to is nothing more than the mini­mal Article III standing, which consists of injury in fact caused by the defendant and remediable by the court. See Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U. S. 555, 560–561 (1992). But Thompson’s claim undoubtedly meets those requirements, so if that is indeed all that aggrievement consists of, he may sue.We have suggested in dictum that the Title VII ag­grievement requirement conferred a right to sue on all who satisfied Article III standing. Trafficante v. Metro-politan Life Ins. Co., 409 U. S. 205 (1972), involved the “person aggrieved” provision of Title VIII (the Fair Hous­ing Act) rather than Title VII. In deciding the case, how­ever, we relied upon, and cited with approval, a Third Circuit opinion involving Title VII, which, we said, “con­cluded that the words used showed ‘a congressional intention to define standing as broadly as is permitted by Article III of the Constitution.’ ” Id., at 209 (quoting Hackett v. McGuire Bros., Inc., 445 F. 2d 442, 446 (1971)). We think that dictum regarding Title VII was too expan­sive. Indeed, the Trafficante opinion did not adhere to it in expressing its Title VIII holding that residents of an apartment complex could sue the owner for his racial discrimination against prospective tenants. The opinion said that the “person aggrieved” of Title VIII was coexten­sive with Article III “insofar as tenants of the same hous-ing unit that is charged with discrimination are con-cerned.” 409 U. S., at 209 (emphasis added). Later opinions, we must acknowledge, reiterate that the term “aggrieved” in Title VIII reaches as far as Article III per­mits, see Bennett v. Spear, 520 U. S. 154, 165–166 (1997); Gladstone, Realtors v. Village of Bellwood, 441 U. S. 91,6 THOMPSONv. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LPOpinion of the Court109 (1979), though the holdings of those cases are com­patible with the “zone of interests” limitation that we discuss below. In any event, it is Title VII rather than Title VIII that is before us here, and as to that we are surely not bound by the Trafficante dictum.We now find that this dictum was ill-considered, and we decline to follow it. If any person injured in the Article III sense by a Title VII violation could sue, absurd conse­quences would follow. For example, a shareholder would be able to sue a company for firing a valuable employee for racially discriminatory reasons, so long as he could show that the value of his stock decreased as a consequence. At oral argument Thompson acknowledged that such a suit would not lie, Tr. of Oral Arg. 5–6. We agree, and there­fore conclude that the term “aggrieved” must be construed more narrowly than the outer boundaries of Article III.At the other extreme from the position that “person aggrieved” means anyone with Article III standing, NAS argues that it is a term of art that refers only to the em­ployee who engaged in the protected activity. We know of no other context in which the words carry this artificially narrow meaning, and if that is what Congress intended it would more naturally have said “person claiming to have been discriminated against” rather than “person claiming to be aggrieved.” We see no basis in text or prior practice for limiting the latter phrase to the person who was the subject of unlawful retaliation. Moreover, such a reading contradicts the very holding of Trafficante, which was that residents of an apartment complex were “person[s] ag­grieved” by discrimination against prospective tenants. We see no reason why the same phrase in Title VII should be given a narrower meaning.In our view there is a common usage of the term “person aggrieved” that avoids the extremity of equating it with Article III and yet is fully consistent with our application of the term in Trafficante. The Administrative Procedure7Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Opinion of the CourtAct, 5 U. S. C. §551 et seq., authorizes suit to challenge a federal agency by any “person . . . adversely affected or aggrieved . . . within the meaning of a relevant statute.” §702. We have held that this language establishes a regime under which a plaintiff may not sue unless he “falls within the ‘zone of interests’ sought to be protected by the statutory provision whose violation forms the legal basis for his complaint.” Lujan v. National Wildlife Fed-eration, 497 U. S. 871, 883 (1990). We have described the “zone of interests” test as denying a right of review “if the plaintiff’s interests are so marginally related to or in­consistent with the purposes implicit in the statute that it cannot reasonably be assumed that Congress intended to permit the suit.” Clarke v. Securities Industry Assn., 479 U. S. 388, 399–400 (1987). We hold that the term “ag­grieved” in Title VII incorporates this test, enabling suit by any plaintiff with an interest “arguably [sought] to be protected by the statutes,” National Credit Union Admin. v. First Nat. Bank & Trust Co., 522 U. S. 479, 495 (1998) (internal quotation marks omitted), while excluding plain­tiffs who might technically be injured in an Article III sense but whose interests are unrelated to the statutory prohibitions in Title VII.Applying that test here, we conclude that Thompson falls within the zone of interests protected by Title VII. Thompson was an employee of NAS, and the purpose of Title VII is to protect employees from their employers’unlawful actions. Moreover, accepting the facts as alleged, Thompson is not an accidental victim of the retaliation—collateral damage, so to speak, of the employer’s unlawful act. To the contrary, injuring him was the employer’s intended means of harming Regalado. Hurting him was the unlawful act by which the employer punished her. In those circumstances, we think Thompson well within the zone of interests sought to be protected by Title VII. He is a person aggrieved with standing to sue.8 THOMPSONv. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LPOpinion of the Court* * *The judgment of the Sixth Circuit is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.It is so ordered. J USTICE K AGAN took no part in the consideration or decision of this case._________________ _________________ 1Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)G INSBURG, J., concurringSUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATESNo. 09–291ERIC L. THOMPSON, PETITIONER v. NORTHAMERICAN STAINLESS, LPON WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OFAPPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT[January 24, 2011]J USTICE G INSBURG, with whom J USTICE B REYER joins, concurring.I join the Court’s opinion, and add a fortifying observa-tion: Today’s decision accords with the longstanding views of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that administers Title VII. In its Compliance Manual, the EEOC counsels that Title VII “prohibit[s] retaliation against someone so closely related to or associated with the person exercising his or her statutory rights that it would discourage or prevent the person from pursuing those rights.” Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 12–13 (quoting EEOC Compli-ance Manual §8–II(C)(3) (1998)). Such retaliation “can be challenged,” the Manual affirms, “by both the individual who engaged in protected activity and the relative, where both are employees.” Id., at 25–26 (quoting Compliance Manual §8–II(B)(3)(c)). The EEOC’s statements in the Manual merit deference under Skidmore v. Swift & Co., 323 U. S. 134 (1944). See Federal Express Corp. v. Holowecki, 552 U. S. 389, 399–400 (2008). The EEOC’s interpretation of Title VII, I further note, is consistent with interpretations of analogous statutes by other federal agencies. See, e.g., NLRB v. Advertisers Mfg. Co., 823 F. 2d 1086, 1088–1089 (CA7 1987) (adopting NLRB’s position that retaliation against a relative violates the Nationalv. NORTH AMERICAN STAINLESS, LP2 THOMPSONG INSBURG, J., concurringLabor Relations Act); Tasty Baking Co. v. NLRB, 254 F. 3d 114, 127–128 (CADC 2001) (same), cited in Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 11.。



第1篇一、案件背景美国诉麦克劳德案(United States v. McLeod)是美国最高法院在1991年审理的一起涉及联邦法律与州法律冲突的案件。


二、案件事实1990年,美国联邦政府颁布了《犯罪控制法》(Crime Control Act),该法规定:任何在美国境内进行的电信诈骗行为,无论诈骗金额大小,都将受到联邦法律的管辖。











四、案例分析1. 联邦法律与州法律的关系美国诉麦克劳德案反映了联邦法律与州法律在管辖权上的冲突。







根据这一理论,Kean 声称他在犯罪时处于一种“双重代理”的状态,即他的行为实际上是在代表他的律师进行的一种模拟犯罪。







四、案例分析1. 双重代理理论的争议性“双重代理”理论在英国法律史上具有争议性。



2. 案件审理过程中的争议在审理过程中,法官和陪审团对“双重代理”理论产生了分歧。



3. 判决结果的合理性判决结果在一定程度上体现了英国法律的严谨性。



五、启示1. 法律的严谨性该案例表明,英国法律在审理案件时,注重法律的严谨性和公正性。


2. 代理关系的规范该案例提醒我们,代理关系在法律实践中具有重要意义。



尼克斯诉威廉姆斯案与“必然发现”例外“必然发现”例外,亦称“不可避免地发现”例外或“假设的独立来源”例外,是美国联邦最高法院在1984年的尼克斯诉威廉姆斯案(Nix v. Williams,467 U.S. 431)案的裁决中认可的。



一、判例溯源一个10岁的小女孩帕梅拉(Pamela)在美国爱荷华州的戴斯莫尼斯(Des Moines)失踪,警察在迪文波特(Davenport)逮捕了犯罪嫌疑人威廉姆斯,并通知其律师要把犯罪嫌疑人带回戴斯莫尼斯,但不会对他进行讯问。







在对该案的第二次审判中,威廉姆斯再次向联邦地区法院寻求人身保护令救济,该法院驳回了他的申请,但美国第八巡回上诉法院在接下来的审理中推翻了这一判决,理由是:“必然发现”例外的适用必须以警察没有“恶意”(bad faith)为前提,而法院纪录并不能支持该项事实(即警察并非以恶意行为取得证据)。









1973年,水门事件的主要涉案人员之一、尼克松的前竞选顾问约翰·埃利希曼(John Ehrlichman)因涉嫌妨碍司法公正而被起诉。




三、法院判决美国联邦法院审理了此案,并作出了如下判决:1. 行政特权不能成为拒绝交出录音带的理由。

2. 尼克松必须交出录音带,以供调查。

3. 法院有权对录音带进行审查,以确保录音带内容与调查无关。

四、案例分析1. 行政特权在美国法律体系中具有重要地位。



2. 行政特权与个人隐私权、国家利益等原则存在冲突。


3. 本案对美国政治和法律体系产生了深远影响。


五、案例英译Case Name: United States v. NixonI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusal to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic NationalCommittee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusal to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question theintegrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusal to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic NationalCommittee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the第2篇Case Summary:In the case of Johnson v. Smith, the plaintiff, Johnson, filed a lawsuit against the defendant, Smith, alleging negligence and breach of contract. The case revolves around an agreement between the parties to build a residential property, which ultimately did not meet the agreed-upon standards.English Text:---Johnson v. SmithCourt of First InstanceCase No. 2021-12345Facts:The plaintiff, Johnson, entered into a contract with the defendant, Smith, in 2019. The contract was for the construction of a residential property at Johnson's residence. The agreement specified the scope of work, the quality of materials to be used, and the deadline for completion.According to the contract, the property was to be completed within six months from the date of the agreement. However, after the deadline, the property was not ready for occupancy. Johnson conducted a thorough inspection of the property and found several defects, including cracksin the walls, improper wiring, and substandard plumbing.Johnson notified Smith of the defects and requested that they be corrected. Smith acknowledged the issues but failed to rectify themwithin a reasonable time. As a result, Johnson hired a third-partycontractor to make the necessary repairs, which cost him an additional $15,000.Johnson brought a lawsuit against Smith, claiming negligence and breach of contract. He sought damages for the cost of repairs, as well as for the mental distress caused by the delays and substandard workmanship.Defendant's Argument:Smith argued that the defects were minor and that they did notconstitute a breach of contract. He further claimed that any defects were the result of unforeseen circumstances beyond his control and that he had acted diligently to correct the issues.Plaintiff's Argument:Johnson's attorney argued that the defects were significant and directly resulted from Smith's negligence. He contended that the contract clearly specified the standards to which the property was to be built, and that Smith failed to meet these standards. The attorney also emphasized that the delays and additional costs incurred were a direct consequence of Smith's breach of contract.Judgment:The court found in favor of Johnson on both counts of negligence and breach of contract. The court held that Smith's failure to meet the agreed-upon standards for the construction of the property was a clear breach of contract. Additionally, the court found that the defects were not minor and that they had caused Johnson significant distress and financial hardship.The court awarded Johnson damages in the amount of $15,000 for the cost of repairs and an additional $5,000 for mental distress. The court also ordered Smith to pay Johnson's legal fees, which were estimated to be $10,000.Conclusion:This case highlights the importance of clear and specific contracts in construction projects. It serves as a reminder to contractors and homeowners alike that failure to meet the agreed-upon standards can lead to legal action and significant financial consequences.---中文翻译:---约翰逊诉史密斯案初审法院案号:2021-12345事实:原告约翰逊于2019年与被告史密斯签订了合同,合同内容是在约翰逊的住所建造一栋住宅。







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1Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Per CuriamSUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES GARY SWARTHOUT, WARDEN v. DAMON COOKEMATTHEW CATE, SECRETARY, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ANDREHABILITATION v. ELIJAH CLAY ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITEDSTATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUITNo. 10–333. Decided January 24, 2011P ER C URIAM.ICalifornia’s parole statute provides that the Board of Prison Terms “shall set a release date unless it determines that . . . consideration of the public safety requires a more lengthy period of incarceration.” Cal. Penal Code Ann. §3041(b) (West Supp. 2010). If the Board denies parole, the prisoner can seek judicial review in a state habeas petition. The California Supreme Court has explained that “the standard of review properly is characterized as whether ‘some evidence’ supports the conclusion that the inmate is unsuitable for parole because he or she currently is dangerous.” In re Lawrence, 44 Cal. 4th 1181, 1191, 190 P. 3d 535, 539 (2008). See also In re Shaputis, 44 Cal. 4th 1241, 1253–1254, 190 P. 3d 573, 580 (2008); In re Rosen-krantz, 29 Cal. 4th 616, 625–626, 59 P. 3d 174, 183 (2002).ARespondent Damon Cooke was convicted of attempted first-degree murder in 1991, and a California court sen-tenced him to an indeterminate term of seven years to life in prison with the possibility of parole. In November 2002, the board determined that Cooke was not yet suitable for parole, basing its decision on the “especially cruel and callous manner” of his commitment offense, App. to Pet.2 SWARTHOUTv. COOKEPer Curiamfor Cert. 50a; his failure to participate fully in rehabilita-tive programs; his failure to develop marketable skills; and three incidents of misconduct while in prison. The board admitted that Cooke had received a favorable psy-chological report, but it dismissed the report as not credi-ble because it included several inconsistent and erroneous statements.Cooke filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in State Superior Court. The court denied his petition. “The record indicates,” it said, “that there was some evidence, including but certainly not limited to the life offense, to support the board’s denial.” Id., at 42a. Cooke subse-quently filed a habeas petition with the California Court of Appeal and a petition for direct review by the California Supreme Court. Both were denied.In October 2004, Cooke filed a federal habeas petition pursuant to 28 U. S. C. §2254 challenging the parole board’s determination. The District Court denied his petition. The Ninth Circuit reversed, holding that Cali-fornia’s parole statute created a liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause, and that “California’s ‘some evidence’ requirement” was a “component” of that feder-ally protected liberty interest. Cooke v. Solis, 606 F. 3d 1206, 1213 (2010). It then concluded that the state court had made an “unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence” under §2254(d)(2) by finding any evidence at all that Cooke would pose a threat to public safety if released. Id., at 1215.BRespondent Elijah Clay was convicted of first-degree murder in 1978, and a California court sentenced him to imprisonment for seven years to life with the possibility of parole. In 2003, the board found Clay suitable for parole, but the Governor exercised his authority to review the case and found Clay unsuitable for parole. See Cal.3Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Per CuriamConst., Art. 5, §8(b); Cal. Penal Code Ann. §3041.2 (West 2000). The Governor cited the gravity of Clay’s crime; his extensive criminal history, which reflected “the culmi-nation of a life of crime,” App. to Pet. for Cert. 116a; his failure to participate fully in self-help programs; and his unrealistic plans for employment and housing after being paroled. Regarding the last factor, the Governor con-cluded that Clay would be likely to return to crime, given his propensity for substance abuse and lack of a viable means of employment.Clay filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in State Superior Court. That court denied Clay’s petition, as did the California Court of Appeal. The California Supreme Court denied review.Clay subsequently filed a federal petition for a writ of habeas corpus, which the District Court granted. The District Court concluded that the Governor’s reliance on the nature of Clay’s long-past commitment offense vio-lated Clay’s right to due process, and dismissed each of the other factors the Governor cited as unsupported by the record. The Ninth Circuit affirmed, agreeing with the District Court’s conclusion that “the Governor’s decision was an unreasonable application of California’s ‘some evidence’ rule and was an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented.” Clay v. Kane, 384 Fed. Appx. 544, 546 (2010).IIIn granting habeas relief based on its conclusion that the state courts had misapplied California’s “some evi-dence” rule, the Ninth Circuit must have assumed either that federal habeas relief is available for an error of state law, or that correct application of the State’s “some evi-dence” standard is required by the federal Due Process Clause. Neither assumption is correct.As to the first: The habeas statute “unambiguously4 SWARTHOUTv. COOKEPer Curiamprovides that a federal court may issue a writ of habeas corpus to a state prisoner ‘only on the ground that he is in custody in violation of the Constitution or laws or treaties of the United States.’” Wilson v. Corcoran, 562 U. S. ___, ___ (2010) (per curiam) (slip op., at 4) (quoting 28 U. S. C. §2254(a)). “We have stated many times that ‘federal habeas corpus relief does not lie for errors of state law.’” Estelle v. McGuire, 502 U. S. 62, 67 (1991) (quoting Lewis v. Jeffers, 497 U. S. 764, 780 (1990)).As for the Due Process Clause, standard analysis under that provision proceeds in two steps: We first ask whether there exists a liberty or property interest of which a per-son has been deprived, and if so we ask whether the procedures followed by the State were constitutionally sufficient. Kentucky Dept. of Corrections v. Thompson, 490 U. S. 454, 460 (1989). Here, the Ninth Circuit held that California law creates a liberty interest in parole, see 606 F. 3d, at 1213. While we have no need to review that holding here, it is a reasonable application of our cases. See Board of Pardons v. Allen, 482 U. S. 369, 373–381 (1987); Greenholtz v. Inmates of Neb. Penal and Correc-tional Complex, 442 U. S. 1, 12 (1979).Whatever liberty interest exists is, of course, a state interest created by California law. There is no right under the Federal Constitution to be conditionally released before the expiration of a valid sentence, and the States are under no duty to offer parole to their prisoners. Id., at 7. When, however, a State creates a liberty interest, the Due Process Clause requires fair procedures for its vindi-cation—and federal courts will review the application of those constitutionally required procedures. In the context of parole, we have held that the procedures required are minimal. In Greenholtz, we found that a prisoner subject to a parole statute similar to California’s received ade-quate process when he was allowed an opportunity to be heard and was provided a statement of the reasons why5Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Per Curiamparole was denied. 442 U. S., at 16. “The Constitution,” we held, “does not require more.” Ibid. Cooke and Clay received at least this amount of process: They were al-lowed to speak at their parole hearings and to contest the evidence against them, were afforded access to their re-cords in advance, and were notified as to the reasons why parole was denied. 606 F. 3d, at 1208–1212; App. to Pet. for Cert. 69a–80a; Cal. Penal Code Ann. §§3041, 3041.5 (West Supp. 2010).That should have been the beginning and the end of the federal habeas courts’ inquiry into whether Cooke and Clay received due process. Instead, however, the Court of Appeals reviewed the state courts’ decisions on the merits and concluded that they had unreasonably determined the facts in light of the evidence. See 606 F. 3d, at 1213–1216; 384 Fed. Appx., at 545–546. Other Ninth Circuit cases have done the same. See, e.g., Pearson v. Muntz, 606 F. 3d 606, 611 (2010). No opinion of ours supports converting California’s “some evidence” rule into a substantive fed-eral requirement. The liberty interest at issue here is the interest in receiving parole when the California standards for parole have been met, and the minimum procedures adequate for due-process protection of that interest are those set forth in Greenholtz.* See Hayward v. Marshall, ——————*Cooke and Clay argue that the greater protections afforded to the revocation of good-time credits should apply, citing In re Rosenkrantz, 29 Cal. 4th 616, 657–658, 59 P. 3d 174, 205 (2002), a California Su-preme Court case that refers to our good-time-credits decision in Superintendent, Mass. Correctional Institution at Walpole v. Hill, 472 U. S. 445 (1985). But Rosenkrantz did not purport to equate Califor-nia’s parole system with good-time credits. It cites Hill twice. The first citation merely observes that the court relied upon Hill in an earlier opinion adopting the “some evidence” test for decisions to revoke parole that had previously been granted. 29 Cal. 4th, at 656, 59 P. 3d, at 204. The second citation, which does occur in the part of the opinion discuss-ing the need for “some evidence” review in parole decisions, simply borrows language from Hill to support the proposition that “ ‘[r]equiring6 SWARTHOUTv. COOKEPer Curiam603 F. 3d 546, 559 (CA9 2010) (en banc). Greenholtz did not inquire into whether the constitutionally requisite procedures provided by Nebraska produced the result that the evidence required; a fortiori it is no federal concern here whether California’s “some evidence” rule of judicial review (a procedure beyond what the Constitution de-mands) was correctly applied.It will not do to pronounce California’s “some evidence” rule to be “a component” of the liberty interest, 606 F. 3d, at 1213. Such reasoning would subject to federal-court merits review the application of all state-prescribed proce-dures in cases involving liberty or property interests, including (of course) those in criminal prosecutions. That has never been the law. To the contrary, we have long recognized that “a ‘mere error of state law’ is not a denial of due process.” Engle v. Isaac, 456 U. S. 107, 121, n. 21 (1982); see also Estelle, 502 U. S., at 67–68. Because the only federal right at issue is procedural, the relevant inquiry is what process Cooke and Clay received, not whether the state court decided the case correctly.The Ninth Circuit’s questionable finding that there was no evidence in the record supporting the parole denials is irrelevant unless there is a federal right at stake, as §2254(a) requires. See id., at 67. The short of the matter is that the responsibility for assuring that the constitu-tionally adequate procedures governing California’s parole system are properly applied rests with California courts, and is no part of the Ninth Circuit’s business.The petition for a writ of certiorari and respondents’ ——————a modicum of evidence’ ” can “ ‘help to prevent arbitrary deprivations.’ ”29 Cal. 4th, at 658, 59 P. 3d, at 205 (quoting Hill, 472 U. S., at 455). In any event, the question of which due process requirements apply is one of federal law, not California law; and neither of these citations comes close to addressing that question. Any doubt on that score is resolved by a subsequent footnote stating that the court’s decision is premised only on state law. 29 Cal. 4th, at 658, n. 12, 59 P. 3d, at 205, n. 12.7Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)Per Curiammotions for leave to proceed in forma pauperis are granted.The judgments below areReversed.Cite as: 562 U. S. ____ (2011)1G INSBURG, J., concurringSUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES GARY SWARTHOUT, WARDEN v. DAMON COOKEMATTHEW CATE, SECRETARY, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ANDREHABILITATION v. ELIJAH CLAY ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITEDSTATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUITNo. 10–333. Decided January 24, 2011J USTICE G INSBURG, concurring.In Superintendent, Mass. Correctional Institution at Walpole v. Hill, 472 U. S. 445, 455 (1985), this Court held that, to comply with due process, revocation of a prisoner’s good time credits must be supported by “some evidence.” If California law entitled prisoners to parole upon satisfac-tion of specified criteria, then Hill would be closely in point. See In re Rosenkrantz, 29 Cal. 4th 616, 657–658, 59 P. 3d 174, 205 (2002). The Ninth Circuit, however, has determined that for California’s parole system, as for Nebraska’s, Greenholtz v. Inmates of Neb. Penal and Correctional Complex, 442 U. S. 1 (1979), is the controlling precedent. Hayward v. Marshall, 603 F. 3d 546, 559–561 (2010) (en banc)). Given that determination, I agree that today’s summary disposition is in order.。
