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Slow Sheep: Dear students, we will have our vacation tomorrow. During the vacation, please listen to your parents, do your homework well, p ay attention to traffic, and don‘t go too far when you are travelling.Especially, beware of the horrible big bad wolf outside! (拿出灰太狼照片)Rem ember, run away when you see such animal! He‘s really dangerous!

众小羊:知道了,村长。All the little Sheep: We get it,mayor.

慢羊羊:嗯?你们怎么好像没到齐呀?有谁没来吗?Slow Sheep: Eh? It seems someone is absent. Who‘s not here?

沸羊羊:哎呀,是懒羊羊,懒羊羊还没来。Sturdy Sheep: Alas, it‘s Lazy, Lazy is still not here.慢羊羊:他在哪儿呢?Slow Sheep: Where‘s he?


Happy Sheep: Let me see! (拿出单筒望远镜,喜羊羊看到懒羊羊正在森林里的吊床上吹着电风扇睡觉呢…… ) Mayor, Lazy is sleeping there!

慢羊羊:喜羊羊,把他带回来!Slow Sheep:Happy, bring him back!

喜羊羊:是的,村长!Happy Sheep: Yes, sir!


喜羊羊:村长,他还是在睡觉啊……Happy Sheep: Mayor, he‘s still sleeping…

慢羊羊:真是岂有此理,实在是太懒了!把臭草拿来!Slow Sheep: Outrageous, how lazy he is! Bring me the smelly grass!

喜羊羊:(飞快地去了又回来)来了!Happy Sheep: (飞快地去了又回来 ) Here you are! (慢羊羊用镊子夹了一片臭草,放到懒羊羊的鼻孔上。懒羊羊被熏醒了……)

懒羊羊:臭死了…(不耐烦地醒来)Lazy Sheep: How smelly…



Red Wolf: Sheep… Fat Sheep… What fat sheep they are… Such many fat sheep… One, two, thr ee…

灰太狼:老婆,您就别数了,数一年都数不完呢。没想到原来饿狼传说是真的……青青草原果然有好多好多的羊啊……今天晚上可以吃涮羊肉了,明天我们可以做羊排,后天我们做……Grey Wolf: My darling, don‘t count it, you can‘t finish doing it even for a year. I never expected that the legend of hungry wolves is really true… There really are so many sheep on the Verdant Grassland… We can have an instant-boiled mutton tonight, and lamb steak tomorrow, and the day after…

红太狼:你说的高兴,什么时候你去抓一只来呀?Red Wolf: It‘s easy said th an done. Why not catch one?


Grey Wolf: Take it easy. The sheep can‘t go anywhere else, for there is only such grassland.红太狼:可是……那道铁门你怎么过去呀?Red Wolf: But… How can you go across that gate?灰太狼:什么……铁门?这个……(突然想出主意了)啊!(翻出一本书来,看完之后奸笑)根据这本太太太太太太爷爷的著作《捉羊一百法》的记载,羊是很容易骗的,只要有一张羊皮——由于时间关系我也准备好了——我呀就装成他们的亲戚,然后……嘻嘻嘻……

Grey Wolf: What? Gate? Er… ( 突然想出主意了) Ah! (翻出一本书来,看完之后奸笑) According to this great-great-great-great grandfather‘s work Catch a Sheep with 100 Metho ds, it‘s easy to cheat a sheep, as long as you‘ve got a sheepskin –I‘ve prepared this because time‘s limited –I would dress up as their relatives, and then…Ha, ha, ha…

红太狼:亲戚有什么用。我姑妈来的时候你招待过吗?Red Wolf: It‘s useless to dress up as a

relative. Have you served my aunt when she came?


Grey Wolf: Not at all, here it writes: ‗To allure him with their favourites‘, and I‘ve prepared them too…


Red Wolf: Why are you still laughing? Quick, catch the s heep! I‘m really hungry!

灰太狼:是!老婆!不过饿点也好啊。Grey Wolf: Yes, dear! But it‘s also good to be hungry.

红太狼:为什么?Red Wolf: Why?

灰太狼:减肥呀!(说完树枝折断了,两狼掉到地上……)Grey Wolf: It will lose weight!



(灰太狼穿上羊皮,装束成大婶,小心翼翼地跨过木板桥,来到羊村大铁门。懒羊羊正在门口吊床上吹着电风扇,呼呼大睡。)灰太狼:小肥羊,你叫什么名字?Grey Wolf: Little fat sheep, what‘s your name?

懒羊羊:(没有起床,也不睁开眼睛)我叫懒羊羊。Lazy Sheep: (没有起床,也不睁开眼睛)

My name is Lazy Sheep.


Grey Wolf: Hey, open the door, please? Please, open the door! (没有反应。大喊) OPEN THE DOOR!!

懒羊羊:叫什么!没看见有门铃呀?Lazy Sheep: Why s houting? Don‘t you see the doorbell?

灰太狼:(按了门铃)怎么还睡呀?我不是按了门铃了吗?Grey Wolf: (按了门铃) Why are

you still sleeping? I‘ve already pressed the doorbell!


Lazy Sheep: I‘ve told you that there is a doorbell, not saying I‘ll open the door for yo u.


喜羊羊:大婶,您找谁呀?Happy Sheep: Excuse me, who are you looking for?

灰太狼:我是你们村长的亲戚。Grey Wolf: I‘m a relative of your mayor.

喜羊羊:村长的亲戚?好的,我马上去告诉他。(飞奔回去)Happy Sheep: A relative of the mayor? OK, I‘ll go back to tell him. (飞奔回去)

灰太狼:喂……你就不能先开开门吗?Grey Wolf: Hey… Can‘t you open the door first?


慢羊羊:什么?我们的亲戚?Slow Sheep: What? Our Relative?

喜羊羊:嗯,那位大婶是这么说的。Happy Sheep: Yes, she said like that.


Slow Sheep: Oh, can it be? According to the family tree, the nearest distant relative is from 300 years ago.

喜羊羊:这个我不太清楚,是大婶说认识您的。Happy Sheep: I‘m not sure, but the aunt said

that she knows you.

慢羊羊:那就去看看吧。(喜羊羊又瞬间跑去了)你等等我呀。Slow Sheep: Let‘s see then. (喜羊羊又瞬间跑去了) Wait for me!
