

高考英语复习课件:高考英语复习阅读理解课件 (48张)

高考英语复习课件:高考英语复习阅读理解课件 (48张)

Alexander Dobrindt, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles (自动驾驶车辆). They would define
the driver's role in such cars and govern how such cars perform in crashes where lives might be lost.
D. there was no hell
Organic agriculture has provided a solution to the harmful use of chemicals. Farmers cannot risk losing their crops to insects, ... Farmers release tiny pirate bugs, ladybugs, etc. into their farms. Genetically-modified (基因改变的) plants are another way to fight insect pests so that they are no longer attracted to the taste of the plants.
1. What does the underlined wordly mean?
A. Ready.
B. Unwilling.
C. Eager.
D. Disappointed.
In the evening, rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace, with golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink. Sedate though they are, rides at this time of day are still very impressive. As the sun's rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses, the romance of Africa comes to life.

高三英语高考备考复习 阅读理解课件(共281张PPT)

高三英语高考备考复习 阅读理解课件(共281张PPT)
抓手指游戏 规则:
1、左手出掌,掌心向下,右手伸出食指向 上,顶在旁边同学的掌心之下;
2、老师讲一段话出现“快乐”的时候,左 手迅速去抓旁边人的右手食指,同时, 右拥抱你的情绪
• 两只猴子同时关在笼子里,一只被捆住,不能 动;一只可以在笼子里活动。 实验者每隔20秒对猴子进行一次电击,每次放 电前5秒,笼里的红灯就会亮起。笼里有一个 开关,每当红灯亮起,只要按动开关就可以逃 出笼子。 可以活动的那只猴子发现了这个开关。实验在 不间断的进行,结果有一只猴子死了。
• 是哪一只猴子先死?为什么?
高空体验 • 情绪来源于人的心理感受,人的想法。
愤怒: 痛苦: 焦虑: 恐惧: 悲伤: 内疚: 委屈:
请接纳、拥抱 你的情绪!
比如,你看见一朵云飘过时,可以 说:“云啊,你知道吗?刚才 ……”

高三英语一轮复习---高考英语阅读表达解题指导教学课件 (共19张PPT)

高三英语一轮复习---高考英语阅读表达解题指导教学课件 (共19张PPT)
1. 无视要求 照搬原文 2. 词不达意 文不对题 3. 忽略语法 语言错误
以封闭性问题为主,据文 章内容作答,不作主观发 挥。
应试策略 规范 准确
信息获取→信息加工→信 息输出
1. 浏览全文,获取主要信 息
2)实词首字母大写:How to Deal with Stress
3)标题中一般不用句号,但其他标点要标出 。例如:
Fire! Why do we Need Dictionaries?
可采用时闻状语或时间状 in the field of
从作答。如:when,或 diabetes?(within 6 words)
between,after,during Possible version:
After her daughter
She retrained after her
建议:advice, suggestions, tips 情感:feeling, emotion
原因:reason, cause 目的:aim, purpose, goal 观点:opinion, view, attitude
结果:result, effect, consequence
方法:way, measure, solution, method
How does the author develop the text? (no more than 5 words)


选项中出现everyone all none 等绝对化的表达 因果倒置,强加因果关系/把主观观点等同于客观事实appear 选项中漏掉/改变原文中的范围/程度,从而改变语义
in the world 改为national
Fun Day
●注重用英语讲中国故事, 弘扬中国传统文化;
●宣扬体育和劳动精神, 传播正能量。
理解 主旨要

理解文中 具体信息
根据上下 文推断单 词和短语 的含义
做出判断 和推理
it possible for submarines to use their…( 潜水者的呼吸管
3. 标点符号: (1) We are on the night shift --- from midnight to 8 a.m.--- this week.( 夜班 )
Hale Waihona Puke (2) Although the hazards of the trip were many --- the unbearable heat, the lack of water, the possibility of getting lost, the presence of wild animals and poisonous snakes --- Collins nevertheless decided that she must go.( 危险 )
理解文章 的基本结

理解作者 的意图、 观点和态

高考英语阅读理解解题技巧 课件 38张PPT

高考英语阅读理解解题技巧 课件 38张PPT
B、干扰项 可能属从文中某些 (不完全的) 事 实或细节片面推出的错误结论。
C、干扰项 可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。
D、正确项 是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳 概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过 其实或以偏概全。
1. The main idea of the passage is ______. 2. Which of the following statements best summarizes the author’s main point? 3. This paragraph centers/focuses on ______. 4. This passage is chiefly concerned with ______. 5. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is ______. 6. What is the best title of the passage?
A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick
Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved.

人教版 高三英语 阅读理解专题 课件(共27张PPT)

人教版 高三英语 阅读理解专题 课件(共27张PPT)

C.being made to read too much
Hale Waihona Puke D.being made to read aloud before others
If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and
stars,we would go in darkness happily,the midnight world as
A.The Magic Light
B.The Orange Haze
C.The Disappearing Night D.The Rhythms of Nature
———— pollution causes us to lose sight of our true place in the universe, ——————————— to forget the scale of our being,which is best measured against the
D.had to stay at home with the light of the moon
2015浙江C片段(7) Living in a glare of our own making,we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural heritage—the light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night. In a very real sense,light


【名校课堂】获奖PPT-高三英语新高 考复习 课件第 十五章 阅读理 解课件 (最新 版本) 推荐
【名校课堂】获奖PPT-高三英语新高 考复习 课件第 十五章 阅读理 解课件 (最新 版本) 推荐
( A ) 22. What can visitors do at Abbot Hall Art Gallery & Museum? A. Enjoy Ronney's works. B. Have some interactive fun. C. Attend a famous festival. D. Learn the history of a family
【名校课堂】获奖PPT-高三英语新高 考复习 课件第 十五章 阅读理 解课件 (最新 版本) 推荐
【名校课堂】获奖PPT-高三英语新高 考复习 课件第 十五章 阅读理 解课件 (最新 版本) 推荐
Dove Cottage & The wordsworth Museum Discover William Wordsworth's inspirational home. Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage, walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum. Visit the shop and relax in the café. Exhibitions, events and family activities throughout the year. Open:Daily, 09:30—17:30 (last admission 17:00) Town:Grasmere



考点 类型 考点一 细节事实
题型 直接事实题
方法与技巧 抓住题干文字信息
结合上下文提供的语境和信息进行简单的概括 和判断 1.抓住并正确理解与数据有关的信息含义。2. 弄清众多信息中的有用信息,和干扰信息。3. 不要孤立看待数字信息,要抓关键用语。
主旨理解 考点二 或写作意图
高考英语阅 读理解
一、考纲解读 二、解题策略 三、体裁导读 四、真题典例
阅读理解核心是“理解”。“理解”既包括能准确把握所读材料的表 层(字面意思)内容,还要理解内在含义;又包括能概括文章的主旨大 意,能对语篇、文段的内部结构进行逻辑分析,推断出段落大意、文 章主旨、作者的观点意图及文中未表达的事实、结论。阅读理解材料 内容真实新潮,选材贴近生活,贴近时代,渗透文化意识,强调实际 应用。大致涉及人物趣事、中外交流、社会文化、语言习惯、历史事 件、日常生活、新闻广告、科普知识等等。在体裁上,记叙文、说明 文、议论文和应用文各占一定的比例。
• 4)科学方法图示判断题
• 科普说明文常出现科学方法图示判断题,这种试题或以生物依赖关学—科—网 系为命题题点,要求考生判断正确的生物依赖关系;或以工艺流程为命题题点, 要求考生判断正确的流程顺序,或以生产方法为命题题点,要求考生判断正确 的生产方法;或以机械配制为命题题点,要求考生判断正确的机械配制。解题 时一定要认真阅读分析原文对生物依赖关系、发明创造诞生过程和工艺流程过 程的介绍,并且边读边画简易草图,以提高理解准确率。分析备选项时应对照 原文介绍情况,找出各图不同之处,以便最终做出正确判断。


推理判断题和深度细节理解题,应采用段落阅读法。这种阅读方法不是一句一 句地翻译句子中的单词,而是理解整句或几句的连贯意思,从而抓住段落的核心。
阅读理解总容量较大,共近1500字。要想在一定时间内完成四篇文章,必须要 有速度作为保证。对于四篇阅读理解文章的阅读量加上一篇七到五的阅读量,考 试说明建议所用时间为35分钟,所以这五篇文章的题目要在日常训练中的规定时 间内完成。
cook in the kitchen. Students must clean up after cooking. This is
not the responsibility of housekeeping staff. Kitchens that are not
kept clean may be closed for use. With the exception of using a
A. very clean B. just cleaned by the landlord C. tidy and comfortable D. dirty and full of insects
① This article is particularly written for ___. ② When the writer says … he really means ___. ③ The author’s attitude to… is that ___. ④ What kind of atmosphere does the writer want to create in this passage? ⑤ What is the tone of the writer / passage ? ⑥ The writer’s purpose in writing this story is ___.


• 位于段首:一般而言,以演绎法撰写的文章, 主题句往往在文章的开头,即先点出主题,然 后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。判断第一句是 否为主题句,可具体分析段落的首句与第二, 三句的关系;如果从第二句就开始对第一句进 行说明,论述或描述,那第一句就是主题句。
• 有些段落,在主题句后面有明显引出细节的信 号词,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。
that_____. • The passage/ text is mainly about_____. • What’s the article mainly about ?
• ③解题提示
• 主题句一般出现在文章的开头或结尾。主题句 具有简洁性、概括性的特点。主题句在文章中 的位置主要有以下几种情况:
• 位于段尾:有些文章会在开头列举事实, 然后通 过论证阐述作者的核心论点。因此,如果第一 句话不是概括性的或综合性的话,最好快速读 一读段落的最后一个句子,看看它是否具备主 题句的特征。如果它具备主題句的特征,段落 的主题思想就很容易确定了。一般说来,当一 种观点不易向人解释清楚或不易被人接受时, 主题句便会到段落的末尾才出现。
stated? • ②预测推理判断题 • 根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,
• What do you think will happen if/when…? • At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to


6.猜词 A.The word … in paragraph … can be replaced by_______ B.The word … in paragraph … means__________
7.排序 What is the right time order of the following events?
A.The best headline for this article is__________
B.What can be the best title of the
5.推测文章出处 A.The passage is most probably taken from_______ B.It can be concluded that the passage is most probably part of__
teEl.lThe fusirasbtotuwto__p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p.hs of the text mainly
paFs.sWahgaet__i_s__t_h?e subject discussed in the
2021/6/7 purpose of the author is__________ B.The writer wrote this article in order to_______ C.In writing this passage,the author intends to_____________. D.In writing this passage ,the writer is trying to___________. E.It can be concluded that the passage is mainly written for______
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3 If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color TV. Only $79. Two days sale. Hu-rry.” However, when you go to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he has another model. A much better set which is “just right for you” It costs $395. This sales trick is called “bait and switch”. Buyers are baited with a sales advertisement, and then they are switched to another more expensive one. Buying things on sale needs careful consideration of the goods and the reason for the sale. The paragraph could be entitled _________. A. Buyer Beware B. Closeout(出清存货) Sale C. Crime Pays D. Buying a TV Set
2 Often no one looks more guilty than t he innocent. On the other hand, nobody may look more innocent than a professi-onal criminal. And the man who knows “everything” may really only be trying to hide his own weakness. So, it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearance
How to get the main idea of a paragraph?
Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illness), cancer, cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems. For example, it can give one a “smoker’s cough”. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for cigarette smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it?
How To Get The Main Idea? 如何做主旨大意题? 如何做主旨大意题
• 做此类题目时, 做此类题目时,首先要搞清是问某一段还 是全文的大意,可利用文中主要信息来把握文脉, 是全文的大意,可利用文中主要信息来把握文脉, 进行综合归纳,概括文章的主题。如有标题,标 进行综合归纳,概括文章的主题。如有标题, 题中的蕴含的信息往往是关键信息。另外, 题中的蕴含的信息往往是关键信息。另外,任何 一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此, 一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多 文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中 心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它, 心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它,便 容易抓住文章的中心。 容易抓住文章的中心。
第三: 第三 要学会借助文章的结构来把握中 心思想。段落中心思想常常由主题句 心思想。段落中心思想常常由主题句 ( Topic sentence)来表达。主题句常常 来表达。 来表达 出现在段首(60%--90%)或段尾处 有时 或段尾处, 出现在段首 或段尾处 也在段落中间。同样, 也在段落中间。同样 一篇文章的中心 思想也常常在开始段或结尾段点出 也常常在开始段或结尾段点出。 思想也常常在开始段或结尾段点出。因 在阅读中, 此, 在阅读中 我们要对文章的开始段和 结尾段及段落的主题句给予特别的注意。 结尾段及段落的主题句给予特别的注意。
Types Of Paragraph Structures
type The position of the topic
At the beginning At the end In the middle No clear topic sentence
Passage B(NMET2003)
Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the children’s department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the children’s department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. and success of the programthe four classes Example Those who attended three of received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 4
Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida. The main idea of this paragraph is that ______. detail A. Tom, who had studied at Paris Universities for four years, moved to another university. detail B. Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from Harvard Law School and later from Boston College. C. Tom was an excellent student when he studied at Berlin university. detail D. Tom received an excellent education.
Passage B(NMET2003)
Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the children’s department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the children’s department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who Example of success of the received attended threeandthe four classes program a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager. 59. What is mainly discussed in the text?