奥瑞那集团光子技术有限公司OT503 使用说明书 V3.1

JTW-ZD-OT503点型定温火灾探测器使用说明书编号: OT503E-SS拟制:日期:审核:日期:批准:日期:深圳奥瑞那光子技术有限公司1.0 概述1.1 JTW-ZD-OT503定温火灾探测器(以下简称探测器) 是我公司成功研制的新一代智能火灾探测器,内置先进的MCU 微处理器,具有现场参数采集,自动检测探测器两端电压等功能,制造工艺采用先进的SMT 贴片技术。
1.2 该产品为定温火灾探测器, 符合《GB4716-2005》点型定温火灾探测器的技术要求, 产品类别: A2。
2.0 结构特征及工作原理 2.1壳体材料和颜色采用ABS 复合塑胶设计成型,外观美观、安装方便.同时也采用了完善的防潮湿、防腐蚀、防霉变等措施,对沿海高潮湿地区有着很好的防护能力。
2.3 主要部件该探测器是由负温度系数热敏电阻和一块线路板、外壳主要部件组成。
3.0 技术特征3.1 工作电压:DC20V-30V3.2 监视电流:≤250uA报警电流:≤2mA 3.3 线制:二线制,无极性3.4 环境条件:温 度 -10℃~+50℃。
相对湿度 ≤95%(40±2℃)3.5尺寸及重量直径:100mm 高度:37.9mm 重量:65g4.0 安装4.1 安装基础、条件及要求安装前探测器应保存在防尘、防潮、防霉的地方。
4.2 探测器的布线4.2.1 要求用截面积1mm 2以上的铜质双绞线,每米绞合节数为20~30,导线总电阻低于60Ω,总分布电容低于0.2uF 。
BENQ MS502、MX503中文版使用说明书

7 6. 7.
8 8.
9 9.
通风口 (冷空气入口) 扬声器格栅 前红外线遥控传感器 投影镜头
10. AC 电源插口
11. USB 端口
12. RGB 信号输出插口
13. RGB (PC) / 分量视频 (YpbPr /
14. RS232 控制端口
15. S- 视频输入插口
故障排除............................. 47
规格...................................... 48
投影机规格 ......................................... 48 外形尺寸 ............................................. 49 吊装...................................................... 49 分辨率表 ............................................. 50
投影机定位 ........................ 13
选择位置 ............................................. 13 获取首选投影图像尺寸..................... 14
连接 ...................................... 15
70% 的灯泡功率 • 其 3D 功能可对图像进行立体深度呈现,让您身临其境地观赏 3D 电影、视频和
体育赛事 • 无过滤器的设计降低了维护和操作成本 • Brilliant Color/VIDI 为用户呈现色彩更加鲜明的图像 • 隐藏式字幕可显示电视节目和视频的对话、解说和音效 • 墙面颜色校正功能可在不同预设颜色表面进行投影 • 快速自动搜索可提高信号检测速度 • 可选的密码保护功能 • 3D 色彩管理可按您的喜好进行色彩调节 • 可选快速冷却功能,能缩短投影机冷却时间 • 演示计时器使您能更好地控制演示时间 • 单键自动调整,可显示最佳图像质量 • 数码梯形失真校正,可校正失真变形的图像 • 为数据 / 视频显示提供可调节的颜色平衡控制 • 能够显示 1670 万颜色 • 多语言屏显 (OSD)菜单 • 可切换正常和省电模式,以降低功耗 • 当连接音频输入时,内置式扬声器可提供混合单声道音频 • 兼容分量 HDTV (YPbPr)

ST400M/H智能型测控仪表说明书苏州万龙集团有限公司SUZHOU W ANLONG GROUP CO.,LTD.2006-05-26目录一.概述 (4)二.产品特点 (4)1.ST400M/H智能测控仪表主体 (4)2.ST523B显示模块 (4)3.ST524B显示模块 (4)4.ST524M显示模块 (4)三.外观及尺寸 (5)1.ST400M/H测量本体 (5)2.ST523B显示模块 (5)3.ST524B显示模块 (5)四.产品选型 (6)五.ST400系列智能测控仪表的分类及主要技术性能 (8)六.产品功能 (9)1.ST400M/H测控仪表 (9)1.1测量功能(标配) (9)1.2控制功能(标配) (9)1.3通讯功能(增选) (9)1.4保护功能(可选) (9)2. ST523B (12)2.1显示功能 (12)2.2参数整定功能(密码保护) (13)2.3显示操作面板 (15)2.4菜单结构 (16)2.5控制功能 (17)3. ST524B (17)3.1显示功能 (17)3.2 参数整定功能(密码保护) (18)3.3控制功能 (20)4. 4显示操作面板 (20)4.ST524M (21)4.1功能总介 (21)4.2具体功能 (21)4.3 显示操作面板 (22)七.使用 (23)1.ST400M/H接线端子图 (23)2.ST400系列智能测控仪表与显示模块的连接 (24)4.典型接线方案 (24)1).3LN-3CT1 2).3LN-3CT2 (24)3).3LN-3CT3 4).2LN-1CT (25)5).2LL-3CT2 6).2LL-1CT (25)7).单相两线8).单相三线 (25)5.典型应用方案 (25)5.1 ST400M典型应用方案 (26)5.2 ST400H典型应用方案 (26)八.附录 (27)一.概述ST400M/H智能测控仪表(主要包括ST400M和ST400H两大类)采用交流采样技术,具有高精度的电压、电流、功率、电能等测量功能;可通过配置的总线实现“四遥”功能;与低压进线、馈线回路的断路器配合,实现分合闸操作与监控管理;通过编程“控制方式”可分别实现对框架断路器、塑壳断路器和接触器的控制;可以增选显示模块实现各种现场数据的显示。

22、功能配置一览表保护模式下,A 继电器的触点(14#/15#)为常闭接点,一般串联在电动机控制接触器线圈回路中,但当控制器上电正常工作时,A 继电器立即得电吸合,仅在失电或发生故障保护后方再次断开。
②控制器不带通讯功能时型号为ST501,增选通讯功能时型号为ST502(Profibus-DP ),ST503(Modbus-RTU)S 500智能型电动机控制器保护模式方式使用说明书T33、控制器保护模式下的典型接线图保护模式下,控制器内A 继电器(14#、15#)常闭接点串在控制电机接触器的线圈回路中(CJ 接触器),在控制器得电工作时立即闭合,此时方允许电机工作;当过载等故障保护动作时A 继电器接点断开,控制电机接触器CJ 失电停车。
故障后需按一次复位按钮方可清除故障指示和故障接点信号,同时需等待电机热容冷却到允许再次起动值时,控制器内A 继电器才自动闭合,允许电机再次起动运行。
保护模式下控制器可据用户需要增选电压功能、电动机绕组热保护功能、漏电保护功4、ST522显示模块在保护方式下,ST522操作显示模块作为增选附件可与ST500配合使用(通过T9**~02串口线连接),通过ST522可以实时显示电机的各种运行参数;调整各种参数(保护定值、系统参数);检查各种故障信息/报警信息/DI 和DO 状态;查询各种管理信息。
保护方式下的ST522面板功能定义如下:S 500智能型电动机控制器保护模式方式使用说明书T41:液晶显示屏2:指示灯3:功能键4.1指示灯运行指示当前电动机处于正常工作状态,允许电动机进行操作控制。

ST500智能型电动机控制器技术说明书ST500智能型电动机控制器技术说明书北京瀚博英电力科技有限公司目录一、概述 (3)1.1用途及适用范围 (3)1.2主要性能介绍 (3)1.3主要功能模块 (3)二、产品分类及订购说明 (4)2.1 控制器的功能配置 (4)2.2控制器的面板及端子布置 (5)2.3控制器的端子号定义 (7)2.4控制器的定购选型说明 (9)一. 安装 (11)3.1控制器的外形及安装尺寸(100A) (11)3.2控制器的外形及安装尺寸(250A) (11)3.3ST522显示模块外形尺寸 (12)3.4ST500手持编程器的外形尺寸 (12)3.5外部电流互感器ZT40的外形及安装尺寸 (13)3.6外部漏电互感器ZT30的外形及安装尺寸 (13)3.7控制器与各种模块间的连接方式 (14)二. 技术参数 (17)4.1符号对照表 (17)4.2测量显示误差 (17)4.3保护设定参数 (18)4.4各种保护特性说明 (20)4.4.1过负载保护4.4.2缺相不平衡保护4.4.3接地漏电保护4.4.4欠电流保护4.4.5堵转保护4.4.6过热保护4.4.7欠压保护4.4.8过压保护4.4.9欠功率保护4.4.10起动加速超时保护4.4.11外部故障保护4.4.12相序保护五、特殊控制功能说明 (25)5.1 外部停车5.2 上电延时自动重起动5.3 欠压或失压延时重起动5.3 远程就地控制权限附录附录一 ST500智能电动机控制器的使用说明(保护模式)附录二 ST500智能电动机控制器的使用说明(直接起动)附录三 ST500智能电动机控制器的使用说明(双向/可逆起动) 附录四 ST500智能电动机控制器的使用说明(星三角起动)附录五 ST500智能电动机控制器的使用说明(自耦变压器起动) 附录六 ST500智能电动机控制器的使用说明(电阻降压起动) 附录七通讯规约一.概述1.1 用途及适用范围ST500系列智能型(电动机)控制器(以下简称控制器)。

CDA503系列产品使用说明-目录一、CDA503系列产品概述 (1)1.使用范围及条件 (1)2.特点 (1)3.外形尺寸 (1)4.运输、验收、存放、安装、维护 (1)二、CDA503电源单元 (1)1.主要功能及技术指标 (2)2.面板示意图 (2)1.主要功能及技术指标 (3)2.面板说明(面板功能按钮和指示灯的布置) (3)3.接线定义 (3)四、CDA503断路器控制单元 (4)1.主要功能及技术指标 (4)2.面板说明 (4)3.接线定义 (5)五、CDA503过流保护断路器控制单元 (5)1.主要技术指标 (5)2.主要功能 (5)3.面板说明 (5)4.LCD液晶显示及键盘操作 (6)5.接线定义7一、CDA503系列产品概述1.使用范围及条件海拔: 不大于2000m 环境温度: -25℃~+65℃相对湿度: 50%~95% 储存温度: -30℃~+85℃2、特点适用范围宽操作简便电机过流保护可远动控制合分闸操作抗震动、抗干扰能力强3.外形尺寸4.运输、验收、存放、安装、维护4.1 运输本产品必须包装运输, 不允许有强烈震动, 不允许倒置.4.2 验收(1)、开箱检查随机文件是否齐全....(2)、基本功能是否正常.注:随机文件..a.控制单元使用说明书一份.... b.合格证一份.4.3 存放产品应存放在室内清洁、干燥通风处, 存放时应小心, 谨防损坏.4.4 安全信息本产品为弱电设备, 但在现场安装、维护时, 附近有危险电压!本设备不能替代可见断开点, 工作时应遵循所在当地批准的安全规程;否则, 将因触高压导致严重人身伤亡.本手册并不能概括设备的安装、运行、维护等等的所有细节, 如有问题请与我公司联系.4.5安装步骤产品应安装在易操作的地方, 根据开关的位置的不同, 可安装在柱上的不同位置.安装步骤. (1)首先固定好控制单元.. (2)将外部接线接好.注: 本手册仅供参考, 如有更改, 恕不另行通知。

第 2 章 技术参数
2.1 PMAC503M1 参数说明
精度等级 漏电通道数 剩余电流动作值 ln( mA) 剩余电流预警值 lno(mA) 温度探测器报警范围 电压(V) 电流(A)
0.5 级 1路 100 ~1000 mA ,调节步长 1mA lno=1/2 ln 测量范围: 0~150 ℃,动作范围:55~140℃ ,±1℃ 三相四线,相电压 AC220V,精确至小数点后两位 四位显示,根据数值大小切换小数点位,精确至小 数点后三位
侧面 83.5mm
安装方式为面板式安装,方便操作观察,开孔尺寸为 90mm x 90mm。
第 1 章 产品介绍
1.1 产品设计说明 PMAC503 M 系列电气火灾监控探测器 (以下简称探测器 )主 要应用于低压 配电系统 (380/220VAC) 的漏电保护 和基本电参数 的测量。该系列探测器在实现漏电及温度等保护功能之外,还提 供对三相电压、电流、功率与电度等电量参数的监控。提供基于 RS485 或 C-MBUS 的 Modbus-RTU 协议的通讯, 也可与 Profibus 协议转换模块连接,实现 Profibus 通信,集中监控,系统管理。 PMAC503 M 系列电气火灾监控探测器 (剩余电流、温度探 测防火监控器)分为 PMAC503M1 ,PMAC503M4 ,PMAC503M8 等三种类型,分别提供一路,四路和八路的漏电监控通道,满足 了各种保护现场的需求。 该系列探测器采用先进的微电子技术,利用电子元件测量控 制电流大小及温度,以毫秒的速度检测线路的漏电情况及配电箱 内的温度,当被控制线路漏电,或监测点温度过高而发热时,该 系统会发出报警信号直至自动切断电源, 提供的消防联动功能, 可远程切断故障点的电源,将故障排除在起火之前,彻底消除电 气火灾之隐患! 支持 Modbus-RTU 协议的通讯, 使得用户可以方便的将探测 器进行组网管理,为实现系统自动化作了必要的准备,实时监控 现场的变化,同时为与 FAS 消防系统数据连接打下了基础。 PMAC503 M 系列电气火灾监控探测器是一个多功能的可靠 的测控装置,是彻底替代传统的空气开关、漏电开关的革命性产 品。适用于学校、商厦、工厂车间、集贸市场、工矿企业、国家

CDA503系列产品使用说明-目录一、CDA503系列产品概述 (1)1、使用范围及条件 (1)2、特点 (1)3、外形尺寸 (1)4、运输、验收、存放、安装、维护 (1)二、CDA503电源单元 (1)1、主要功能及技术指标 (2)2、面板示意图 (2)3、接线定义 (2)三、CDA503负荷开关控制单元 (2)1、主要功能及技术指标 (3)2、面板说明(面板功能按钮和指示灯的布置) (3)3、接线定义 (3)四、CDA503断路器控制单元 (4)1、主要功能及技术指标 (4)2、面板说明 (4)3、接线定义 (5)五、CDA503过流保护断路器控制单元 (5)1、主要技术指标 (5)2、主要功能 (5)3、面板说明 (5)4、LCD液晶显示及键盘操作 (6)5、接线定义 (7)1、使用范围及条件海拔:不大于2000m 环境温度: -25℃~+65℃相对湿度: 50%~95% 储存温度: -30℃~+85℃2、特点适用范围宽操作简便电机过流保护可远动控制合分闸操作抗震动、抗干扰能力强3、外形尺寸4、运输、验收、存放、安装、维护4.1 运输本产品必须包装运输,不允许有强烈震动,不允许倒置.4.2 验收(1)、开箱检查随机文件是否齐全. (2)、基本功能是否正常.注:随机文件: a. 控制单元使用说明书一份. b. 合格证一份.4.3 存放产品应存放在室内清洁、干燥通风处,存放时应小心,谨防损坏.4.4 安全信息本产品为弱电设备,但在现场安装、维护时,附近有危险电压!本设备不能替代可见断开点,工作时应遵循所在当地批准的安全规程;否则,将因触高压导致严重人身伤亡.本手册并不能概括设备的安装、运行、维护等等的所有细节,如有问题请与我公司联系.4.5安装步骤产品应安装在易操作的地方,根据开关的位置的不同,可安装在柱上的不同位置.安装步骤:(1)首先固定好控制单元. (2)将外部接线接好.注:本手册仅供参考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。

地面 密封阀工作位 45 度
主令开关 主令开关 主令开关
-LK401-6 点 -LK401-7 点 -LK401-8 点
地面 地面 地面
压力检 75 度测位 振动电机工作位 150 度 终止补偿位 110 度
主令开关 -LK401-9 点
地面 倾翻减速位 135 度
接近开关 接近开关
-SQ402 -SQ401
9 装机容量一览表--------------- 30
1 系统概述 翻车机是一种大型自动卸车系统,可翻卸 50t~60t 铁路敞车所装载的散粒
物料,广泛应用于发电厂、港口、冶金、煤炭焦化等大型现代化企业。本翻 车机卸车系统为单车“C”型折返式翻车卸车系统,该系统由“C”型翻车机、 拨车机(重车调车机)、迁车台、推车机(空车调车机)、夹轮器等单机设备组成。 其平面布置图如图 1-1 所示,本系统总装机容量 560kW。
图 1-1 卸车系统平面布置图 翻车机的作用是翻卸已定位于其上一节车辆;拨车机的作用是完成牵调 整列重车,并牵调已经解列的一节重车于翻车机上以及推送已翻毕的一节空 车至迁车台上;迁车台的作用是将已定位于其上的一节空车迁送至空车线; 推车机的作用是将迁车台迁送至空车线的一节空车推出迁车台并在空车线集 结成列。夹轮器是将一列重车定位于铁路线上。 2 主要技术性能 整个系统设计卸车能力见机械说明书。
=U1D-SQ406、=U1D-SQ407、=U1D-SQ408 发出信号,=U1D-YA1、=U1D-YA2、 =U1D-YA6、=U1D-YA7 失电。 ⑼ 当翻车机返回到零位后,电磁阀=U1D-YA1、=U1D-YA4 得电,靠车油缸 缩 回 原 位 , 限 位 开 关 =U1D-SQ409 、 =U1D-SQ410 发 出 信 号 =U1D-YA1 、 =U1D-YA4 失电。 3.4.2 拨车机

INFO: 信息:电容器数据AUTO: 自动:自动模式MANUAL: 手动:手动模式SETUP ALARM:报警:报警闪烁NT: NT:目标功率因数EXPORT:1-14:1-14:输出回路数操作:PFR-AX 控制器的操作可以通过以下四个键来实现在主菜单中你可以通过▼▲键来选择不同的主菜单菜单以及菜单内容的选择可以通过按右键实现,按左键可以返回的上一级菜单参数设置的进入在光标闪烁的时候可以通过▼▲键进行数值设置通过左右键移动光标当光标在右边位置的时候可以通过键来保存设置当光标在左边位置的时候可以通过左键来取消设置运行:在该控制器通电后,准备工作开始进行,通过右键可以结束准备工作进程,然后控制器开始自动巡检,控制器投切所有输出路数,并进行检定,通过该程序所有输出回路被使用,并对电压电流连接路径的进行校验,在自检后,控制器从无功功率开始时刻对电容器的容量和大小进行识别和检测当准备工作完成或者被强行结束之后,控制器将在没有自检的情况下开始工作。
没有使用的输出回路以及不带F-off 标志的回路将被认为是缺省状态。
SETUP 参数设置参数设置:送电后的初始界面,用▼▲将显示屏右边的菜单调至SETUP,然后按一下右键进入100的菜单,再按一下右键进入100的子菜单,用▼▲可以查找需要修改的参数,如上图,选中需要修改的参数时,按右键进入修改模式,可以用▼▲按键修改闪烁的数值,用右键可以切换数值的位数,修改完成后按右键保存,按左键退出该菜单。
100菜单中的子菜单如下:Un 线电压基准值(电网电压默认值400,没有特殊情况,请不要修改)CT 电流互感器变比(如互感器是2000/5,就设400)PT 电压互感器变比(默认值为1,不需要修改)Ai 自检状态PFC 功率因数控制(运行状态/停止状态,默认为on )CP1 目标功率因数(设置完成后需要注意CP1的后面应该显示i,如果显示c则需要更改)ST 投切延时(根据现场需要设置)如果设置完以后控制器不能正常工作,或者显示的功率因数不对,则需要设置200~600中的一些参数。

3.2 功能键起动A 在本地权限下,此按键可以控制电动机起动运行。
3.3 ST500控制器的参数设定和参数查询在直接起动模式下,控制器通过ST522显示模块的四个功能键可实现参数测量、报警查询、故障查询、管理信息、DI/DO状态查询、保护定值设置、起动参数设置、系统参数设置等功能。

产品特点采用16位高性能工业级微处理器、专用协议芯片、专用集成电路,直接采样三相交流电流、三相交流电压、热电阻值、4-20mA 模拟量、漏电流值;计算电流不平衡率、接地电流;保护功能:产品内置多种保护功能,仅需简单选择即可实现保护的投入或退出、报警或跳闸; 过载 “时间-电流特性”符合GB/T14048.4 -2003标准,并增加更多脱扣级别,满足重载起动要求; “t E 时间保护”符合增安型防爆电动机的热过载保护标准GB3636.3-2000;“温度保护”更直接监控电动机的发热情况,符合标准GB/T14048.X -200X 《低压开关设备和控制设备 旋转电机装入式热保护控制单元》;“漏电流保护”,通过专用互感器取样,检测灵敏度更高,符合GB/T14048.4 -2001附录B 要求; 工艺联锁控制保护,通过输入开关量、输入4-20mA 模拟量实现部分非电量的工艺联锁控制保护; 合理的起动保护,自动判别起动过程,有效区分起动电流和故障电流,保证保护功能不发生误动作,同时采用起动超时和起动过流多种方式实现起动保护。

RS-485 / 1 A RS-232 RS-485/RS-422 B C D E
1 RS-422
1 RS-485
F 2
2 /
2 RS-422
UT-503 UT-503
3 UT-503
UT-503 UT-503 UT-503
ND503 说明书

■ 全面强大词典功能
※ 内含数部版权词典、多本常用词典、五门外国语词典, 还可登陆诺亚教育网(),下载数百部网络专 业词典。 ※ 全面内置诺亚舟公司独创“UD-STECH”跨辞典联合搜 索引擎技术,真正实现一键跳查,联合多本词典关联查找,潇洒 遨游词海间。
36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 40 41 41 41 41 41 42 44 44 44
十 产品规格........................................ 45 十一 售后服务...................................... 45 附录A 附录B 附录C 附录D 简易故障排除方法. ............................ 产品常见问题. ................................ 五笔字型键盘字根总图. ........................ 环保使用说明. ................................ 46 47 49 50
■ 娱乐助理工具各项全能
※ 娱乐:高音质的MP3播放、图书文本阅读,我的博客随意 写,同时拥有强大的资料浏览功能,休闲的益智游戏。 ※ 助理:名片电话、备忘记事、学习课表、日程管理、还有 计算、时间、闹钟等丰富的个人数字助理功能,让您忙碌的学习或 工作井井有条,是您随身携带的移动“小秘书”。 ※ 工具:集资源管理、偏好设置、产品信息等于一体,整机 功能操作简单、便捷,让您使用起来得心应手。
Ԩࠅິዂ૰ᇀփ༵ืĂྜׂႠీLjഽࣅĂᆫࣅׂࠀ ీLjຫກዐፕถᅜᇨዃాඹྺጚLjᅺُԍାܔԨຫ ກዐ׃ຎాڦඹႜ߀ܸփᇨံཚኪڦ૧ăک౷ჱঞ ᇣྪ! ူሜֱੂፌႎӲԨຫກă ԨׂాዃຕጨଙಕٷLjᅙঢ়ࡗԨࠅິ߾ፕටᇵڦጮဦอࢃ तၯܔLjසධᆶኮتLjݑ൩ଌժኸኟă ැၙକ߸ܠሺኵޜခLj൩࠲ጀԨࠅິྪበă

一 概述 .................................................................................................................................3
3.1 保护特性 ........................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1 过载长延时保护 ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.2 短路短延时保护 ..................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.3 瞬时保护特性 ......................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.4 MCR 和 HSISC 保护 ................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.5 中性线保护 ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.1.6 接地保护 ................................................................................................................................. 15 3.1.7 漏电保护 ................................................................................................................................. 16 3.1.8 接地报警 ................................................................................................................................. 17 3.1.9 漏电报警 ................................................................................................................................. 18 3.1.10 电流不平衡保护 .................................................................................................................. 18 3.1.11 需用电流保护 ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.12 欠压保护 ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.1.13 过压保护 ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.1.14 电压不平衡保护 ................................................................................................................... 22 3.1.15 欠频,过频保护 ................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.16 逆功率保护 ........................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.17 相序保护 ............................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.18 负载监控保护特性 ............................................................................................................... 24
Tracer MP503控制器用户指南说明书

T racer™ Controller MP503 Input/OutputCopyright© 2012 Trane. All rights reserved.This document and the information in it are the property of Trane and may not be usedor reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of Trane. Trane reservesthe right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its content withoutobligation to notify any person of such revision or change.T rademarksTrane and its logo are trademarks of Trane in the United States and other countries. Alltrademarks referenced in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.Revision SummaryBAS-PRC009-EN (30 May 2012)Cost Savings: Update to mount plate and metal enclosure to remove metal screw/nut and useplastic PEM nut. Change to figure illustrations.T able of ContentsProduct Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Universal Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Binary outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Network Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Dimensions and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Operating Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Storage Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Analog-to-Digital Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Power Supply for Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Agency Listings/Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Product OverviewThe Tracer MP503 input/output (I/O) module is a configurable, multi-purpose device used toprovide data monitoring and binary control as part of a building automation system (BAS).Communication between the module and a BAS occurs over a LonTalk communication link.The Tracer MP503 I/O module is in a compact enclosure. It can monitor a wide variety of sensedconditions and provide equipment start/stop, or other switched states, based on communicatedcommands from a peer device or higher level BAS.The Tracer MP503 I/O module includes four universal inputs and four binary outputs. Universal InputsEach of the four universal inputs can be configured for use with any of the following:•Trane 10 kW thermistor temperature sensor•0–20 mA or 0–10 Vdc sensor•Binary (dry-contact) deviceBinary outputsEach of the four binary outputs can be controlled independently, as commanded from a peercontrol device or higher level BASFeaturesApplication FlexibilityTracer MP503 I/O modules may be located anywhere in a building, wherever up to four monitoringand/or four binary control points are needed. By connecting the Tracer MP503 to a LonTalk network,input data can be sent from and commands can be sent to the Tracer MP503.The Tracer MP503 I/O module can be used in a wide variety of monitoring and control applications.Typical applications include monitoring of the following:•Room, duct, or water temperatures•Relative humidity in rooms or ductwork•Pressure sensing, including duct static pressure and hydronic differential pressures•Status of fan or pump operationThe outputs can be used for on/off functions including:•Fan control•Pump control•Lighting control•Staging of heating or cooling equipment.Easy InstallationThe Tracer MP503 is suitable for indoor mounting in a variety of locations. Screw terminals that areclearly labeled ensure that wires are connected quickly and accurately. A compact enclosure designsimplifies installation in small spacesConfigurable InputsEach of the four universal inputs can be easily configured using the Trane Tracker (BMTK) light-commercial system controller or the Rover service software tool. Each input is individuallyselectable for input signal type, and the value of the input signal is then transmitted to any otherpeer device on the LonTalk network or BAS.Internal 24 Vdc Sensor Power SupplyThe Tracer MP503 has a built-in 80 mA, 24 Vdc power supply capable of powering 4–20 mAtransmitting sensors. This capability eliminates the need for auxiliary power supplies. Any of thefour inputs can be used with 4–20 mA sensors.12-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) ConversionThe four universal inputs of the Tracer MP503 provide very precise sensing of measured variablesthrough the use of high-resolution analog-to-digital converters.Output Status LEDsLight-emitting diodes (LEDs) located on the Tracer MP503 board indicate the status of each of thefour binary outputs. An LED lights up whenever its respective binary output is energized. With aglance at these visual indicators, you can tell if the associated controlled device is on or off.Output Default OptionsEach of the four binary outputs has a default state provided to ensure fail-safe operation ofcontrolled equipment in the event of a system-level communications loss. The output can beconfigured to default to off or on, or can maintain its current state.Wide Ambient Operating T emperaturesThe Tracer MP503 has an extended operating temperature range from –40°F to 158°F (from –40°Cto 70°C). Because of this extended range, the module can be placed in locations not suitable forFeaturesother building control modules. If the module is used outdoors, it should be placed in a suitableNEMA-4 enclosure (not included), for weather protection.InteroperabilityThe Tracer MP503 I/O module communicates using the LonTalk FTT-10A communication protocol.The Trane implementation of this protocol is also referred to as Comm5. Comm5 allows thecontrollers to operate in peer-to-peer configuration and to communicate with other compatiblebuilding control systems. The module supports LonMark standard network variable types (SNVTs),allowing the module to be used with the Trane Tracer Summit and Tracker (BMTK) building controlsystems, as well as other building control systems that support the LonTalk protocol.Wiring DiagramTypical relay on/off0–10 Vdc sensorNetwork ArchitectureThe Tracer MP503 can operate on a Tracer Summit building automation system (shown below), aTracker (BMTK) system, or as part of a peer-to-peer network.The Tracer MP503 can be configured using the Rover service tool for Tracer controllers or other PC-based service tools compliant with the EIA/CEA-860 standard. This tool can be connected at anyaccessible location on the LonTalk Comm5 communication link.•Carbon dioxide (CO2)Dimensions and SpecificationsDimensionsPlastic Cover Model Dimensions•Height: 5.375 in. (137 mm) Width: 6.875 in. (175 mm) Depth: 2.0 in. (51 mm)Metal Enclosure Model DimensionsHeight: 9.0 in. (25 mm) Width: 10.37 in. (263 mm) Depth: 2.25 in. (58 mm)5.625 in.(143 mm)6.3 in (160 mm)5.375 in.(137 mm)2.0 in.(51 mm)6.875 in.(175 mm)6.875 in.(175 mm)Dimensions and SpecificationsPower•Supply: 20–30 Vac (24 Vac nominal) at 50/60 Hz•Consumption: 10 VA plus 12VA (maximum) per binary output Operating Environment•Temperature: From -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C)•Relative humidity: From 5 to 95% non-condensing Storage Environment•Temperature: From –40 to 185°F (–40 to 85°C)•Relative humidity: From 5% to 95% non-condensing Analog-to-Digital Conversion•12-bit resolutionPower Supply for Inputs•24Vdc,80mAOutputs•24 Vac powered relays (12 VA maximum)Agency Listings/ComplianceCE Immunity:EN 50082-1:1997CE Emissions:EN 50081-1:1992 (CISPR 22)EN 61000-3-2, EN 610003-3UL/C-UL listed:Energy management systemUL 94-5V (UL flammability rating for plenum use)FCC Part 15, Class ADimensions and Specifications BAS-PRC009-EN 12 Jun 201211Trane optimizes the performance of homes and buildings around the world. A business of Ingersoll Rand, the leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy efficient environments, Trane offers a broad portfolio of advanced controls and HVAC systems, comprehensive building services, and parts. For more information, visit .Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices that reduce waste.© 2012 Trane. All rights reserved.BAS-PRC009-EN 12 Jun 2012Supersedes BAS-PRC009-EN (23 Aug 2010)。
CTL503 User Manual (using EPIC 21 software)说明书

CTL503 User Manual (using EPIC 21 software) -work in progressTable of contents Notices (3)Copyright (3)Part number (3)Issue (3)Location (3)Published by (3)Notes (3)Trademark acknowledgement (3)Purpose of manual (4)Safety warnings (4)Getting Started (5)System requirements (5)Getting help (6)Introduction (7)Welcome (7)Before you start (8)New in Software (9)Installation sequence (10)Installing the Software (11)Installing the USB driver (12)Earthing for function and safety (13)Operation (14)Selecting Instrument (14)Selecting Serial COM Port (15)Connecting Instrument (16)Check for updates (17)Calibration loading (17)Control Ribbon (19)Auto Capture (20)Auto Test (21)Menu Bar (21)File (22)New topic (23)Technical (24)NoticesCopyright© Electron Plus Design Limited 2018-2021This manual (or part thereof) may not be reproduced by any means (electronic or photographic, including translation into a foreign language) without prior written consent and agreement from Electron Plus Design Limited as set-out in United Kingdom and international copyright laws.Part numberCTL503 (EPIC 21) User Manual - work in progressIssue21.012, December 2021LocationThe latest version of this document can be found on our website: Published byElectron Plus Design LimitedUnit 8 Manor Farm Business CentreManor LaneStuttonSuffolkIP9 2TDUKHereafter referred to as Electron Plus.Notes∙We frequently update our manuals and add new features and improvements as they available, please ensure that you check our website for an updated version of thisdocument, especially if updating your Electron Plus software.∙We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this manual’s contents. If you find any errors, have suggestions for expanding on a feature, or feel that we can improve it’s contents then please contact us at *********************∙Copying or reproducing this document or any part of this document without written permission of Electron Plus is strictly prohibited.Trademark acknowledgementElectron Plus fully recognises and acknowledges any trademark(s) of the respective trademark holder.Windows TM is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Transzorb TM is a trademark of Vishay General Semiconductor, LLC.Purpose of manualThe purpose of this manual is to enable you to safely setup, configure and operate your Electron Plus instrument, associated software and/or accessories.Please pay particular attention to any section with a warning symbol.Safety warningsWarnings, cautions and notes are colour coded through-out this manual. These are divided into several categories and are described below:CAUTION - Damage may occur to your equipment or any DUT (device under test).Getting StartedSystem requirementsWe recommend at least Windows 7 operating system (however, we know of Windows XP and 32 bit machines working well with EPIC). EPIC is available in both 32 bit and 64 bit from the Electron Plus website.1x USB 2.0 type A (common) for connection to the instrument, at 0.0AScreen resolution of at least 1440(W) x 900(H), it will work with others, but you risk some of the CONTROL RIBBON items not being visible.EPIC uses the PC sound card for various alerts, although it will operate correctly without sound.Getting helpHelp is available by email (preferably) or via*********************from UK: 01473 327100international telephone: +44 1473 327 100If you are experiencing an issue with EPIC, please email a copy of the following files (see below) found in the EPIC installation folder along with a description of the problem.log.txtbugreport.txtThis will help us understand your problem and provide a quicker fix.IntroductionWelcomeCongratulations and thank you for purchasing an Electron Plus product.Please take a few minutes to read the ‘Before You Start’ section of this manual, especially as misusing this product can result in damage to it, your device-under-test or potentially place you in-danger.Before you startPlease ensure you use the power supply adaptor supplied. It is important that this device is powered with 11.75 to 12.5V, damage may occur if you exceed 12.5V.Do not over-tighten the RED/BLUE/BLACK terminal post connections. You won't end up with better curves and you will risk damaging the instrument.If you wish to make a permanent safety connection to EARTH read Earthing for function and safety section.Like most 'old-style' curve tracers, the CTL503 is capable ofgenerating voltages in excess of 100V, users are expected to be fully aware of the risks posed by these higher voltages and theprecautions and procedures required to maintain the safety of personal operating the instrument and those nearby.New in SoftwareEPIC covers most Electron Plus instruments and not all instruments are updated between versions.V21.012Bug fixesASA - addition of manual modeV21.011Bug fixesCTL503 - Vgs vs Id (at fixed Vds) mode addedCTL503 - updates to status displayCTL503 - removal of DEVTEST button/function.V21.010Bug fixesAddition of version compiled for 32 bit systemsCTL503 added to EPICASA200/240 - addition of SIGNAL/COMMON to EDIT pageV21.009Bug fixesSPA100 added to EPICREF50X added to EPICV21.008Bug fixesInstallation sequencePlease install the EPIC software and the associated USB driver software BEFORE connecting your device to a computer.You do not need to remove a previous copy of EPIC, the new copy will overwrite the necessary existing file(s). The "settings.txt" file will only be created if it is not present.When EPIC is first started, it will build a number of files (unless they are already there from a previous installation) in the installation directory.If upgrading from EPIC V21.009 or earlier please be aware that the new program EXE is called either EPIC32.EXE or EPIC64.EXE and that previous shortcuts might not work or will link to previous EPIC.EXEElectron Plus products require a USB connection to a PC running EPIC (our proprietary software) in order to function.EPIC now comes in two compiled versions (since version 21.010):EPIC64 - for 64 bit Windows installations & PC's (we recommend this).EPIC32 - for 32 bit legacy Windows machines.You can download the latest copy of EPIC for free from, EPIC is being constantly revised with new features, updates and bug fixes.1. Select which variant you wish to use go ahead and download it (typically by double-clicking on the ZIP file named something like: Install_EPIC21010_64.ZIP)2. Open the downloaded file (typically Windows will recognise the ZIP format and open the file and display the contents like a folder), double click the EXE file - typically called Install_EPIC21010_64.exe)3. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.Before starting EPIC, we recommend installing any USB drivers, see next section for details.This manual MAY NOT represent the most up-to-date features and screen-shots, if something is unclear, please contact ****************** and we will promptly try to assist you.The product covered in this document communicates with the host PC via USB using an WCH CH340 bridge IC.A copy of the official WCH device driver is available from the SOFTWARE section of our website (, device drivers can also be downloaded directly from WCH’s website (/downloads/category/30.html). The driver we use with Windows machines is: CH341SER and is available as .EXE or a .ZIPEarthing for function and safetyFor functional and/or safety reasons you may wish to EARTH the casing of your Electron Plus instrument. This is not necessary under most normal operating conditions.In this case, we recommend loosening (and re-tightening) the M3 stainless steel chassis screw (2mm HEX drive) and fitting an earthing wire using either ring terminal or spade terminal.If in doubt please contact Electron Plus for further details.CautionUSB 0V, rear panel, front panel, casing and any external power supply 0V are all the same potential and connected via low impedances (PCB, metalwork, etc.) - Avoid creating 'ground loops' with your setup!OperationSelecting InstrumentWhen EPIC is first installed it will initially start in ASA100 mode.To change this:INSTRUMENT > CHANGE INSTRUMENT and select the actual instrument you wish to use, you will then have to close and reopen EPIC for this to take effect.Technical NoteVariable used in settings.txt: ActiveInstrument=ASA100Selecting Serial COM PortTo connect to the instrument you will need to select a COM port:INSTRUMENT > SELECT COM PORTthen this pop-up window will appear:Follow the on-screen prompts in sequence (for either 'Method 1' or 'Method 2') to find and select the appropriate COM port and save your selection. When you have finished, either close the pop-up window or click the main window (the pop-up will close automatically). Technical NoteEach Electron Plus instrument type that uses a COM serial port has it's own entry in "settings.txt", e.g. CTL_ComPort=3Connecting InstrumentTo connect to the instrument you can use the options in the MENU or the button on the CONTROL RIBBON.INSTRUMENT > CONNECT to connect, or DISCONNECT to disconnect.orAn error message will be displayed if EPIC cannot open a serial port to the instrument -this can be caused by the following:1. Not having the serial port driver installed or2. Wrong (or no) serial port COM number being selected or3. No instrument attached or powered on.Ensure the correct driver is installed, the correct COM port is selected (Selecting Serial COM Port section).Check for updatesOnce per day EPIC will check if there is a newer version available. This feature maybe disabled or re-enabled here:UTILITIES > DAILY UPDATE CHECKTick will enable EPIC to perform the daily update check, unticking will prevent EPIC from performing the daily update check.Technical NoteIn "settings.txt": CheckWebsiteForUpdate=1 or 0 determines if this function is enabled/disabled. DateOfLastUpdateCheck=04/11/2021 is self-explanatory.If function is enabled and date <> today a small file called"version.txt" is downloaded from "". This contains the current revision of EPIC also the current revision for each product where a change/update has been made.Calibration loadingWhen the CTL503 is first connected during an EPIC session it will automatically download all the necessary calibration coefficients. This happens in the 'background' and the user need not think about it.The status of the background download from the CTL503 is displayed in the Status window (seen below).If a particular CTL503 has not been used with a particular installation of EPIC, then the calibration download must complete before accurate results can be obtained.Technical NoteEPIC will wait for two copies of the calibration file to download before comparing them with each other and the existing copy of"CTL_cal.txt" in the EPIC folder, if both downloaded copies areidentical and there is a discrepancy with "CTL_cal.txt" EPIC willControl RibbonAuto CaptureAuto Test Menu BarFileNew topicTechnical。
Robot System Products AB Swivel S350 M0633-1 技术说明书

The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice and should not be regarded as an undertaking from Robot System Products AB. Robot System Products AB assumes no responsibility for errors that may occur in this document.Robot System Products AB bears no responsibility for damage that is incurred by the use of this document, or the software or hardware described in this document.The document, or parts of it, may not be reproduced or copied without prior permission from Robot System Products AB. It may neither be imparted to a third party, nor otherwise be used without authorization. Infringement hereof will be subject to action in accordance with theapplicable laws.Further copies of this document can be obtained from Robot System Products AB atcurrent prices.© Robot System Products ABRobot Systems Products ABIsolatorvägen 4SE-721 37 VästeråsSwedenCONTENTS1 INTRODUCTION (5)1.1 Documents (6)1.2 Complementary Equipment (6)2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (7)2.1 Description of swivels (7)2.1.1 Coordinate System Definition (7)2.1.2 Swivel S350-1. Article no: P0636 (8)2.1.3 Swivel 350-8. Article no: P0609 (9)2.1.4 Swivel S350-1E. Article no: P0633 (10)2.1.5 Swivel S350-8E. Article no: P0610 (11)2.1.6 Pneumatic diagram swivel P0636 and P0633 (12)2.1.7 Pneumatic diagram swivel P0609 and P0610 (12)2.1.8 Circuit diagram E0168-002 for P0633 and P0610 (13)2.2 Options for swivel tool changer (14)2.2.1 Robot adaptation kit (14)2.2.2 Limitation of Robot movements (14)3 SPARE PARTS (15)3.1 Part list for swivel P0636 and P0633 (15)3.2 Part list for swivel P0609 and P0610 (16)1 INTRODUCTIONRobot System Products is a front-rank provider of peripheral products for high performance robot applications. We provide complete system solutions for your robot installations, aiming to improve your productivity with the most reliable and cost-effective tooling on the market. Continuously we explore emerging technologies, working with leading edge design.Robot System Products has a wide range of standard robot peripheral products:•Tool changers•Swivels•Swivel tool changers•CiRo•Grippers•Hose Packages•Valve units•Tool systems•Tool parking systemsRobot System Products’ tool changers are constructed to maximize the flexibility and reliability of your robot fleet. Through our patented locking device TrueConnect™ robustness and high safety are combined with low weight and compactness. With our swivels compressed air, water, electrical and data signals as well as weld and servo power are transferred to your tools with robot motion capabilities fully maintained. Our Swivel tool changers unite the TrueConnect™ mechanism with our swivel technology, combining the best out of the two technologies. With RSP’s cost-effective CiRo, cables and hoses can be freely selected with high robot flexibility maintained, and space requirements reduced. Our integrated Tool systems are delivered as complete plug-and-play solutions designed for quick and simple installation.Robot System Products’ product lines are available for all major robot brands and come with complete documentation. 3D-models for simulation are available for download at:.M0633-1 version 3.1 51.1 DocumentsThis Technical Description contains product information and data, drawings, circuit and pneumatic diagrams and lists of spare parts. In the document Installation and Maintenance (M0415-1) procedures for mounting, installation and replacement of equipment are described together with descriptions of inspection, cleaning and lubrication activities including recommended maintenance intervals.1.2 Complementary EquipmentComplementary equipment is described in separate documents.6 M0633-1 version 3.1M0633-1 version 3.172 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS2.1 Description of swivelsThis document presents the Robot System Products ’ S350-1, S350-8, S350-1E and S350-8E swivels, which are dedicated for material handling especially when a lot of robot movements are performed. When using an RSP swivel compressed air and electric signals will be directlyavailable at the tool without limiting the axis 6 rotation or the robot’s working range. With RSP’s hose packages there is no need to consider loose, hanging cables and hoses duringprogramming. In addition, the design and installation time for the system integrator will be significantly reduced.The swivel S350-1 and S350-8, transfers compressed air to the tool. They can also be equipped with transfer of electrical signals to the tool, the electrical versions are designated ’E’. The swivels S350-1 and S350-8 cannot transport fluids.For swivels rotation stops, which prohibits the swivels to rotate in relation to the robot, are mandatory. Depending on robot model adaptation plates between the swivel and the robot flange may be needed. Adaptation kits including both rotation stops and, when required,adaptation plates are available from RSP. Likewise presented are connection kits to facilitate electrical installation.2.1.1 Coordinate System DefinitionA swivel adds load to the robot. If the arm and tool loads are not stated correctly during programming the behaviour of the robot and the wear of the equipment will be affected.Information about weight and centre of gravity can, in accordance with the co-ordinate system stated below, be found in the technical specification tables of the swivel.NOTE!For the swivel the origo is situated on the surface in the centre of the robotmounting flange.2.1.2 Swivel S350-1. Article no: P0636Technical data8 M0633-1 version Swivel 350-8. Article no: P0609Technical dataM0633-1 version 3.1 92.1.4 Swivel S350-1E. Article no: P0633Technical data10 M0633-1 version Swivel S350-8E. Article no: P0610Technical data2.1.6 Pneumatic diagram swivel P0636 and P06332.1.7 Pneumatic diagram swivel P0609 and P06102.1.8 Circuit diagram E0168-002 for P0633 and P06102.2 Options for swivel tool changer2.2.1 Robot adaptation kitA robot adaptation kit is mandatory for mounting of a swivel to a robot. The adaptation kits always include rotation stops which are prohibiting the swivel to rotate in relation to the robots. Dependent on robot model an adaptation kit may also include an adaptation plate for other bolt circles. Robot adaptation kits are available from RSP.NOTE! Dependent on robot model and rotation stop, there can be limitations onthe freedom of movement of axis 5. Contact Robot System Products for moreinformation.2.2.2 Limitation of Robot movementsThere can be some limitations on the movement of axis 5 for some robot models. Contact Robot System Products for more information.3 SPARE PARTS3.1 Part list for swivel P0636 and P06333.2 Part list for swivel P0609 and P0610。