
1.Are you good at Building Materials, Rose?_______. But I will try to study it well this term.单选题(10 分)答案:B.Not very goodA.That's all rightB.Not very goodC.Quite well2.How are you?________单选题(10 分)答案:A.Fine, thanks.A.Fine, thanks.B.How do you do.C.Nice to meet you.3.Each apartment only__________15 to 30 square meters for one unit.单选题(10 分)答案:C.takesA.makeB.spendC.takes4.The __________ are eating _________ at the foot of the mountain.单选题(10 分)答案:A.sheep, grassA.sheep, grassB.sheeps, grassesC. sheeps, grass5. Could you please tell me something about the two_______?___________. They arc exchange students of No. 1 Middle School.单选题(10 分)答案:C.Germans; All rightA.Frenchmen; Yes, pleaseB.Germen; Not at allC.Germans; All right6.二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

________________________________________10我们小时候男孩子们喜欢扮警察________________________________________ 11蒂娜做了很多工作,但最后一无所获。
________________________________________12春节期间你增加了多少体重?________________________________________ 13孩子们把毯子铺在草地上,然后坐在草地上。
________________________________________ 14 这位老人经常给孩子们讲一些传统的民间故事。

电大开放英语I(1)平时作业--网络作业操作流程1、登录中央电大考试平台( ) ,打开形成性考核平台入口。
4、安装英语(1)光盘,然后双击桌面“This is English I”图标打开。
6、在一般单元Unit 1、2、3、4、5、7、8、9、10、11、13、14、15、16、17这15个单元中只要认真完毕Test Yourself 部分即可。
7、在复习与目测单元Unit 6、12、18这3单元中只需完毕Assesment部分即可。
一、课程阐明开放英语1多媒体学习系统供电大开放专科非英语专业旳学生使用, 一学期完毕,共3学分。

新一单词测试汉译英L1-L18 NAMEMARK1 原谅 e2 我(宾格)3 是的4 这5 你的,你们的(形容词性的)6 (女用)手提包7 请再说一遍p8 它9 感谢你(们)(词组)10 非常地(词组)11 钢笔12 铅笔13 书14 手表15 上衣,外套16 连衣裙17 裙子18 衬衣19 小汽车20 房子21 伞22 请23 这里24 我的(形容词性的)25 票26 号码27 五28 对不起的29 先生s30 衣帽存放处31 一套衣服32 学校33 老师34 儿子35 女儿36 好g37 早晨38 新的39 学生40 法国人41 德国人42 美好的n43 遇见44 日本人45 韩国人46 中国人47 也48 (产品的)牌号49 我(主格)50 名字51 什么52 国籍53 工作54 电脑键盘55 操作人员56 工程师57 警察58 女警察59 出租汽车司机60 空中小姐61 邮递员62 护士63 机械师64 理发师65 家庭妇女66 送牛奶的人67 怎样68 今天69 身体好70 美好的 f71 谢谢72 看见,见73 胖的74 女人75 瘦的76 高的77 矮的78 脏的79 干净的80 热的81 冷的82 老的83 年轻的84 忙的85 懒的86 谁的87 蓝色的88 大概89 白色的90 抓住91 父亲92 母亲93 女衬衫94 姐,妹95 领带96 兄,弟97 他的98 她的99 颜色100 绿色101 来102 楼上103 巧妙的,时髦的s 104 帽子105 相同的106 可爱的,秀丽的l 107 箱子 c108 地毯109 狗110 海关111 官员112 女孩,姑娘113 丹麦人114 朋友115 护照116 棕色的117 旅游者118 这些119 红色的120 灰色的121 黑色的123 黄色的124 橘黄色的125 勤奋的126 男人127 办公室128 助手 a129 雇员130 推销员。

国开(中央电大) 专科《人文英语1》网上形考(单元自测1 至8) 试题及答案单元自测1 Unit 1题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目一、选择填空[题目]—Hi! How are you doing. ?—________________[答案] C. I' m doing well.[题目]—Albert, this is Jim.—______________ Jim. ?[答案] B. How do you do,[题目]—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________[答案] A. nice to meet you too.[题目]—How about going to the class together. ?—_______________[答案] B. That sounds great.[题目]—What is your major. ?—_______________[答案] C. Education.[题目]Bai Mei don' t know Liu Hui, so Zhuang Hua _________ her to Liu Hui.[答案] A. introduce[题目]I _____________ an Open University student.[答案] A. am[题目]I enjoy__________ books in the library.[答案] B. reading[题目]I would _________ any weakness and any fear.[答案] B. overcome[题目]People can' t live without____________ sun.[答案] C. the[题目]She is ____________ General Manager of___________ big company.[答案] B. the, a[题目]Social workers should learn how to _________ people.[答案] C. look after[题目]They _____________ some social work at the weekends.[答案] A. do[题目]They work in the same company and they are __________ with each other. [答案] B. familiar[题目]When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.[答案] A. sick二、翻译题,每题10 分操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

国开电大人文英语1单元测试1-8满分答案单元测试1题目随机,请使用Ctrl+F组合键输入题目关键词查找答案一、选择填空题目:一Hi! HoW are you doing?That's all rightHow are you doing?I'm doi ng well.正确答案是:I'm doi ng well.题目:一Albert, this is Jim.—___________________ 』m?PIeaSed to See you,How do you do,Thank you,正确答案是:HOW do you do,题目:一Hi, Wang Xin, nice to meet you!—Hi, LiU Hui, _____________________________nice to meet you too.how do you do?rm fine, tha nk you.正确答案是:nice to meet you too.题目:一How about going to the class together?Of COUrSe not.That SoUndS great.I don't like it.正确答案是:That SOUndS great.题目:一What is your major?Li Mei .A fresh man .EdUCati on.题目:Bai Mei don't know LiU Hui, So ZhUa ng HUa __________________ her to LiU Hui. in troduce SPeak talk正确答案是:in troduce题目:I ___________________ an Open Un iversity StUde nt.amareis正确答案是:am题目:I enjoy ______________ books in the library.readreadi ngto read正确答案是:reading题目:I would ______________ any Weak ness and any fear.comeovercomethrow正确答案是:OVerCOme题目:People can't live WithOUt _________________ sun.aanthe正确答案是:the题目:She is _________________ Gen eral Man ager of ________________ big compa ny. a, anthe, aa, the正确答案是:the, a题目:Social WOrkerS should lear n how to _______________ people.look atlook intolook after题目:They ___________________ Some social Work at the Weekends.dodoesdid正确答案是:do题目:They work in the Same ComPa ny and they are _____________________ With each other. goodfamiliarin terested正确答案是:familiar题目:When you feel _______________ , you should go to See a doctor.SiCkSafeSad正确答案是:SiCk二、翻译题,每题10分操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

必修一Welcome Unit1.exchange /n./vt.2.lecture /n./vi./vt.3.registration / n.4.register / vt.& vi.5.sex /n.6.female /adj./ n.7.male / adj. /n.8.nationality / n.9.nation / n.10.designer / n.11.design / n./vt.12.campus / n.13.formal / adj.14.anxious / adj.15.annoyed / adj.16.annoy / vt.17.frightened / adj.18.p.m. / abbr.19.a.m. / a bbr.20.senior / adj. /n.21.senior high school22.at last23.outgoing / adj.24.impression / n.25.impress / vt. /vi.26.make an impression27.what if28.guy / n.29.concentrate/vi.& vt.30.concentrate on31.experiment / n.32.leave...alone33.awkward / adj.34.junior /adj./n.35.junior high school36.explore / vt.& vi.37.confident / adj.38.confidence / n.39.forward / adv.(also forwards) adj.40.look forward to41.take notes42.flash / n./ vi./vt. 43.flash cardanise[NAmE- ize] / vt. /vi.anisation[NAmE- ization]/n.46.goal / n.47.strategy / n.48.partner / n.49.improve / vi.&vt.50.curious /adj.pany / n.52.personality / n.53.style / n.54.revise / vt.& vi.Unit 11.teenage / adj.2.teenager / n.3.ballet / n.4.volunteer / n.5.debate / n. /vt.& vi.6.prefer / vt. (preferred; preferred;preferring)7.prefer…to …8.content / n. [pl]9.movement / n.10.greenhouse / n.11.clean up12.suitable / adj.13.suitable for14.actually / adv.15.challenge /n./vt.16.title /n.17.topic / n.18.freshman / n.19.confusing / adj.20.confuse / vt.21.confused / adj.22.fluent / adj.23.graduate / vi. & vt. /n.24.recommend / vt.25.sign up ( for sth)26.advanced / adj.27.advance / n. /vi./vt.28.literature / n.29.extra-curricular/adj.30.extra / adj.31.obviously / adv.32.quit /vi. & vt.(quit, quit)33.responsible / adj.34.responsibilit y / n.35.be responsible for36.solution / n.37.schedule /n./ vt.38.editor n.39.plate / n.40.adventur e /n.41.youth/n.42.survival/ n.43.expert /n. /adj.44.behaviour / n.45.generation /n.46.attract /vt.47.be attracted to48.focus / vi.& vt./ n.49.focus on50.addicted / adj.51.addict / n.52.addicted to53. adult / n./adj.Unit 21.castle /n.2.apply / vi. & vt./vt.3.apply for4.visa /n.5.rent /vt./vi./ n.6.pack / vi. & vt. /vt./ n.7.amazing / adj.8.amazed / adj.9.arrangement / n.10.extremely /adv.11.source / n.12.narrow /adj. /vi.& vt.13.flat /adj. /n.14.powerful /adj.15.empire / n.16.emperor / n.17.site /n.18.take control of19.official / adj./ n.20.recognise ( NAmE -ize) / vt.21.type /n./vi. & vt.22.flight / n.23.accommodation /n.24.unique / adj.25.path / n.26.destination /n.27.other than28.admire / vt.29.architecture / n.30.architect /n.31.brochure / n.32.package /n. /vt.33.package tour34.contact / vt./ n.35.civilisation( NAmE -ization) / n.36.make up37.soldier / n.38.transport /n.(especiallyBrE)(NAmEusually transportation)vt39.hike /vi./vt. /n.40.economy / n.41.economic /adj.42.credit / n.43.credit card44.detail / n.45.check in46.check out47.request /n. /vt.48.view / n.49.sight / n.50.statue / n.51.BCE(=before the Common Era)52.tomb / n.53.unearth / vt.ment / n. /vi.& vt.Unit 31.fitness / n.2.soccer / n.3.stadium /n.(pl. stadiums or stadia)4.boxing / n.5.badminton / n.6.event / n.7.come along8.ski / adj./vi.9.host / vt. /n.10.track /n./vt.& vi.11.track and field12.gym / n.13.gymnastics / n.14.work out15.sweat / vt./vi./ n.16.make it17.legend / n.18.athlete / n.19.master / n. /vt.20.set an example21.honour / n.22.glory /n.23.medal /n.24.championship / n.25.champion /n.26.determination / n.27.apart / adv.28.fall apart29.injure / vt.30.injured /adj.31.injury / n.32.captain / n.33.lose heart34.graceful / adj.35.strength / n.36.failure / n.37.give up38.compete / vi.39.make sense40.pretend / vi.& vt.41.pretend to do sth42.even if/though 43.million / num. 44.cheat /vi./ vt./ n. 45.audience / n. 46.positive /adj. 47.slim /adj.48.diet / n. /vi. 49.make a differenc e 50.rather / adv. 51.rather than 52.push-upn.( especiallyNAmE ) 53.cut ...out54.now and the n 55.compare …with/to 56.jog / vi. /n. 57.stress / n./ vt./vi. 58.error / n.Unit 41.disaster / n.2.tornado / n.(pl. -oes or -os)3.drought / n.4.landslide /n. ( landfall)5.slide / vi. & vt.6.tsunami /n.7.flood / n. /vi. /vt.8.volcanic eruption9.magnitude / n.10.rescue / n.& vt.11.damage / vt. /n.12.destroy / vt.13.evacuate / vt./vi.14.helicopter / n.15.death/ n.16.affect / vt.17.shelter / n. /vt. /vi.18.crack /n. / vi. & vt.19.as if20.ruin /n.&vt.21.in ruins22.percent/n./adj.&adv.23.brick /n.24.metal / n.25.shock / n./ vt.26.in shock27.electricity / n.28.trap /vt./ n.29.bury /vt.30.breathe / vi.& vt.31.revive / vt.& vi32.revival / n.33.effort /n.34.unify / vi.& vt.35.wisdom / n.36.context / n.37.suffer /vt. /vi.38.volcano / n. (pl. -oes or -os)39.erupt /vi.& vt.40.supply / n./ [pl.] vt.41.typhoon / n.42.in the open air 43.hurricane / n . 44.survive / vi. /vt. 45.power / n.46.tap / vi.& vt./n. 47.pipe / n.48.whistle / vi./ vt./ n. 49.emergency / n. 50.calm /adj. /vt.51.aid / n./vi.& vt. (formal) 52.kit /n. 53.first aid kit54.on hand55.crash /vt.& vi. / n. 56.sweep / vt. & vi.(swept, swept) 57.sweep away 58.wave / n. /vi.& vt. 59.strike / vi.& vt./n.(struck,stricken) 60.deliver / vt. & vi. /vt. 61.Summary/n. 62.effect /n.63.length /n.Unit 5 1. billion / n. 2. native /adj. / n. 3. attitude / n. 4. reference / n. 5. refer /vi./vt. (referred.referred ,referring) 6. refer to 7. system /n. 8. despite /prep. 9. ups and downs10. factor / n.11. based /adj. 12. base / vt./ n. 13. date back (to ...) 14. bone / n.15. shell / n.16. symbol / n.17. carve / vt. & vi18. dynasty / n.19. variety / n.20. major / adj. /n. /vi. 21. no matter where, who,what,etc, 22. dialect /n. 23. means /n.24. classic /adj. /n.25. regard / n. /vt. 26. character / n. 27. calligraphy / n. 28. global / adj. 29. affair / n.30. appreciate /vt. vi. 31. specific /adj.32. CE (Common Era) 33. struggle / n.&vi. 34. tongue /n. 35. point of view 36. semester / n. 37. gas / n. 38. petrol /n.39. subway /n.(BrE underground)40. apartment / n.(especially NAmE ) 41. pants n. [pl.] 42. beg / vt. 43. equal /n. /adj. 44. gap / n. 45. demand / n.vt.vi. 46. vocabulary / n. 47. description / n. 48. relate / vt. 49. relate to。

汉语 大小;尺码 碗 一(大)碗 豆腐 (可食用的)肉 饺子 粥;面糊 洋葱 鱼;鱼肉 烙饼;薄饼 世界 世界各地 n. 答案; v. 回答 不同的 蛋糕 蜡烛 年龄 许愿 吹 吹灭 如果; 将要;会 英国 糖果 幸运的 受欢迎的;普遍的 受欢迎;流行 切碎 想法;主意 给…带来好运 Unit 11 挤奶 奶牛 给奶牛挤奶 马 骑马 喂养;饲养 喂鸡 农民;农场主 相当;完全 许多
【教育部审定2012】人教版新课标七年级下册英语单元单词自检自测(汉英) 汉语 Unit 3
n. 火车 n. 公共汽车 n. 地铁 词组 乘地铁 v.骑 n.旅程 n. 自行车 num. 六十 num. 七十 num. 八十 num. 九十 num. 一百 n. 分钟 远;远的 adv.&adj. n. 千米;公里 adj. 新的;刚出现的 adj. 每一;每个 词组 每天 prep. 乘(交通工具) 词组 骑自行车 v. 开车 n. 小汽车;轿车 v. 居住;生活 n. 车站;停止 词组 认为 v. 横过;越过 n. 江;河 许多 adj. Pron. n. 村庄;村镇 词组 介于…之间 词组 在…和…之间 n. 桥 n. 小船 n. 索道 n. 年;岁 adj. 害怕;畏惧 prep. 像;怎么样 n. 村民 v. 离开 n. 梦想;睡梦 v. 做梦 adj. 真的;符合事实的 词组 实现;成为现实
词性 n. n. 词组 n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. 词组 v. &n. adj. n. n. n. 词组 v. 词组 conj. v. n. n. adj. adj. 词组 词组 n. 词组
Unit 10 n. 面条 n. 牛肉 n. 羊肉 n. 卷心菜;洋白菜 n. 土豆;马铃薯 n. 特色菜;特价品 adj. 特别的;特殊的 modal v. (表示意愿)愿意 (表示意愿)愿意;喜欢 modal v.

单元自测1题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目一、选词填空二、翻译题子问题 1:C; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:判断正误题子问题 1:T; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T 二、阅读理解:完形填空题子问题 1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 二、阅读理解:选择题子问题 1:C; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:B 单元自测2题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、翻译子问题 1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:B二、听录音子问题 1:part-time; 子问题2:special; 子问题3:need; 子问题4:look after; 子问题5:cool二、阅读理解:判断正误题子问题 1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T二、阅读理解:填空题子问题 1:C; 子问题2:E; 子问题3:D; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:A单元自测3题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、听录音子问题 1:mind; 子问题2:beginning; 子问题3:sure; 子问题4:best; 子问题5:friends二、阅读理解:判断题子问题 1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:F; 子问题5:T 二、阅读理解:选择题子问题 1:A; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:B 单元自测4题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、阅读理解:填空子问题 1:C; 子问题2:D; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:E; 子问题5:B 二、听录音,判断正误子问题 1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T 二、阅读理解:选择题子问题 1:A; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:B 单元自测5题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、翻译子问题 1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:A二、听录音子问题 1:mail; 子问题2:letter; 子问题3:August; 子问题4:visa; 子问题5:wonderful二、阅读理解:判断题子问题 1:T; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:F; 子问题5:T二、阅读理解:选择题子问题 1:A; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:A单元自测6题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、翻译子问题 1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C二、听录音子问题 1:ride; 子问题2:drinking; 子问题3:lives; 子问题4:safer; 子问题5:safely二、阅读理解:判断题子问题 1:F; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F二、阅读理解:完型填空子问题 1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:C单元自测7题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、听录音子问题 1:T; 子问题2:F; 子问题3:T; 子问题4:F; 子问题5:F 二、阅读理解:填写主题句子问题 1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:E; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:D 二、阅读理解:完型填空子问题 1:C; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:C 单元自测8题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目二、听录音子问题 1:traffic accident; 子问题2:too fast; 子问题3:driving; 子问题4:coming from; 子问题5:check on二、阅读理解:判断正误题子问题 1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F二、阅读理解:选择题子问题 1:C; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:A。
(光盘)Model Test 1-8 简易答案(10页)

Keys to Model Test OnePart I WritingSample:On Saving FoodAs we can see from the picture, a big tall man is throwing away leftovers which are quite a lot and seem delicious, while in the dustbin a skinny little man keeps his mouth wide open, eagerly waiting for something to eat. The picture implicitly raises the question of wasting food, which has been a major issue world wide.Food waste means wasting money as well as wasting precious resources. When food is thrown away, it becomes rubbish whic h can be harmful to the environment and people’s health. And it should also be noticed that there are millions of people suffering from hunger all over the world. Therefore, it’s shameful to waste food.For all of us, it’s meaningful to join in the “Clean Your Plate Campaign”, which helps us realize how difficult it is for a grain of rice to come on our plate and how important it is to save food. It’s wise to order a proper amount of food when dining out. If there’re leftovers, it’s better to take them home. To save food, we should start with ourselves and start from now.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1.A2. B3. D4. A5. C6. A7. C8. C9. A 10. B 11. D 12.A 13. D 14. B 15. CSection B16. D 17.A 18. D 19.B 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.C Section C26.reaches 27.a wide range of 28.advanced 29.isolation 30.Transforming 31.close to 32.profoundly 33.unreliable 34.gather data effectively 35.measurePart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.L 37.A 38.F 39.E 40.O 41.D 42.J 43.H 44.C 45.NSection B46.D 47.F 48.B 49.H 50.C 51.I 52.D 53.A 54.H 55.GSection C56.B 57.D 58.B 59.D 60.A 61.D 62.B 63.A 64.D 65.BPart IV TranslationIt’s recorded that Chinese lanterns originated from the period of the Western Han Dynasty 1800 years ago. In the Tang Dynasty, lanterns got connected with Buddhism, since when lighting lanterns has become a part of official activities to celebrate the Lantern Festival. Colored lanternsof different regions have their own distinctive styles and lanterns of different shapes also convey different messages. During the festival, riddles are written on some lanterns. To guess those riddles on lanterns is a traditional entertainment popular among people. Because of the festive atmosphere they bring, lanterns, especially the red ones, are also used in other festivals for decoration.Keys to Model Test TwoPart I WritingSample:Attend Your Classes RegularlyNowadays, it is very common that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And some students slip out of classrooms before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.As to the reason for that, both the students and the teachers have fault of their own. Compared with middle school students, college students have relatively more “freedom”. If they are not strict with themselves, they probably will oversleep in the morning, surf on the Internet or find other activities to entertain themselves during class hours. On the other hand, some teachers still conduct classes in the old fashioned way, which makes their classes so boring that many students fall asleep.Despite all those excuses for not attending classes regularly, I firmly believe that it is crucial for students to attend their classes regularly, for it ensures students to catch up with teachers in their learning. What’s more, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is imperative for students in their future jobs. Therefore, university students should attend classes regularly.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1.A2.C3. D4. A5. B6. B7. D8. D9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. DSection B16.B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. A Section C26. predict 27. outlive 28. explanation 29. are also linked to 30.length 31. a number of 32. photographed 33. perceived34. made no difference 35. tougherPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.M 37.G 38.K 39.F 40.I 41.L 42.O 43.D 44.A 45.ESection B46.G 47.C 48.A 49.D 50.E 51.E 52.B 53.I 54.H 55.F56.C 57.C 58.B 59.A 60.B 61.D 62.B 63.B 64.C 65.D Part IV TranslationThe 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar is the Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most important traditional festivals of China. According to researches, the Chinese have had the custom of celebrating the harvest during the autumn full moon since the Shang Dynasty. The celebration as a festival started to gain popularity during the early Tang Dynasty. Gradually, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become a day for family reunion, as Thanksgiving Day in the United States. In the evening, people hang up lanterns, sit around a table to have dinner and moon cakes when looking at the bright moon. The festival was listed as an “intangible cultural heritage” of China in 2006 and was made a Chinese public holiday in 2008.Keys to Model Test ThreePart I WritingSample:Employment Problem of College GraduatesAs we can see from the chart, the contract signing rate of both undergraduates and postgraduates in 2013 is obviously lower than that in 2012. The figures in the chart indicate that Chinese graduates are facing a tough problem of finding jobs in the fierce competition.The most direct reason of this problem is the increasing enrollment of college students. However, the job market gets shrinking, as a result of which a large number of students cannot get hired. At the same time, college students should also be held responsible for this, for they either have unrealistic expectations of jobs or they cannot meet the job requirements.As far as I’m concerned, pressure is not only an obstacle but also a motivity. As college students, we must work harder than ever before to keep our competitiveness. Meanwhile, the Government should try to promote employment of college graduates by working out preferential policies. Only through the combined efforts, can this problem be relieved and solved eventually.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A2.A 2.B3. D4. A5. B6. C7. A8. D9. C 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. ASection B16.B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C 21. A 22 .A 23. D 24 .A 25. D Section C26. are expected to 27. product 28. burning 29. agents30. ahead of 31. current 32. remain 33. approaches34. vital 35. makes good sensePart III Reading Comprehension36.D 37.L 38.I 39.A 40.H 41.O 42.M 43.C 44.G 45.ESection B46.B 47.H 48.B 49.I 50.D 51.E 52.G 53.E 54.I 55.ASection C56.C 57.C 58.A 59.B 60.C 61.D 62.A 63.C 64.A 65.B Part IV TranslationKunqu is one of the oldest forms of Chinese traditional operas. It was developed during the early Ming Dynasty and dominated Chinese theatre in the Ming and the Qing Dynasty. By far, it has had a history of more than 600 years. Many Chinese traditional operas, including Beijing opera, have been developed on the basis of Kunqu, for which it is reputed as “the mother of Chinese opera”. Kunqu was listed as “one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO in 2001. China has become one of the 19 countries to get such a special honor for the first time.Keys to Model Test FourPart I WritingSample:On TV Dating ShowsTV dating shows are getting increasingly popular among C hina’s national and local TV programs nowadays. The top-rated TV dating show —“If You Are the One”has attracted thousands of people to participate, and many more to watch.It’s easy to understand their popularity, for there is an increasing number of single men and women at marriageable age who are too busy to find their soul mates. What’s more, we cannot deny that these programs bring great entertainment and relaxation to the viewers. In contrast, some people are strongly opposed to them, arguing that the participants are not pursuing love but fame and that the programs promote some incorrect social and love values such as money-worship.From my point of view, such TV shows are just for entertainment and should not be confused with real life and the quest for marriage. But it should also be noted that those shows do reflect some realities in the fast-changing Chinese society. What we need to do is to face up to them instead of holding those shows responsible.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1. B2.C3. C4. B5. B6. D7. A8. D9. A 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. BSection B16.C 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.C Section C26. concluded 27. at higher risk of 28. actually 29. develop30. turns out to be 31. height 32. in poor shape 33. associated 34. professionals 35. look down onPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.J 37.L 38.G 39.F 40.K 41.B 42.C 43.M 44.D 45.ISection B46.C 47.C 48.I 49.E 50.C 51.D 52.G 53.A 54.F 55.BSection C56.C 57.D 58.C 59.B 60.A 61.B 62.D 63.B 64.C 65.CPart IV TranslationOne of China’s six ancient capital cities, Hangzhou has a history of more than 2, 000 years. It is well known to the world not only for the beauty of the West Lake but also for its cultural tr aditions. Reputed as “the home of silk” in China, Hangzhou boasts silk products in a great variety, among which the brocade is especially attractive. The earliest silk school in China Silkworm School was also located in Hangzhou. It was found in 1897, marking the beginning of China’s modern silk textiles education. Zhejiang Sci-tech University grew out of it.Keys to Model Test FivePart I WritingSample:An Application LetterJune 23, 2013Dear Sir or Madam,I’m sending this letter to apply for the part-time hotel receptionist position, which you advertised in the People’s Daily on Sunday.I believe I have the required qualities for the position. First of all, I am easy-going, kind-hearted and patient, which I think are the imperative traits for being a good waitress. At present, I am a junior majoring in Business Management from Zhejiang University. I work very hard and my academic performance is fairly good. I am familiar with Windows-based systems and am proficient with Office software, such as Word and Excel. Besides, I’ve passed CET-6 with high grades.As my resume indicates, last summer vacation I worked as a waitress at McDonald’s. The experience improved my capability and skill in communication and made me more confident. I am sure I am the right person for the job.If you consider me as an eligible applicant, I would be available for an interview any time at your convenience. My telephone number is 87766555 and I’m looking forward to your early reply.Yourssincerely,Li MingPart II Listening ComprehensionSection A1. C2. B3. B4. C5. A6. C7. C8. B9. B 10. C11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. DSection B16.A 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.D Section C26. more likely to 27. tend to 28. cruelty 29. surveyed30. engaged 31. Additionally 32. participants 33. taken into account 34. facility 35. based onPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.F 37.E 38.I 39.O 40.M 41.L 42.B 43.D 44.G 45.NSection B46.A 47.B 48. B 49. D 50. G 51. D 52. I 53. B 54. C 55. FSection C56.B 57.C 58.C 59.B 60.A 61.D 62.D 63.C 64.A 65.D Part IV TranslationTian’anmen Square is one of the largest city center squares in the world. It was first built in 1714 as the entrance gate to the imperial palace, connecting the expansive imperial “front courtyard” and the palace. Since the PRC was founded, Tian’anmen Square has experienced four renovation projects in 1958, 1976, 1981 and 2013. In feudal times, Tian’anmen played an important political role and was a place where ordinary people were forbidden to go. Now, besides its political importance, Tian’a nmen is also a good place for people to go and relax, and a must-see attraction for visitors to the capital.Keys to Model Test SixPart I WritingSample:Should Students Be Banned from Living off Campus?Nowadays, more and more college students choose to live off campus instead of living together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. They claim that the living conditions oncampus are unbearable while living off campus can bring them more convenience and freedom. They can do whatever they want in the house without disturbing others, such as cooking, playing games, watching movies.But others argue that students should be banned from living off campus, as it has many obvious disadvantages. First of all, it may be not safe for a student to live off campus without the supervision or help from faculty members. Secondly, if the students have no self-discipline, they may addict to computer games, or even gambling. Last but not least, compared with living on campus, it should be more expensive to rent an apartment outside.I tend to believe that it’s appropriate to simply ban students from living off campus, because college students, as young adults, should have their rights to choose after all. Universities need be more flexible about the administration of dorms and try to upgrade the overall conditions at the same time.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1. D2.B3. C4. D5. A6. B7. A8. B9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. BSection B16.A 17.D 18.C 19.C 20. B 21.A 22. D 23.B 24.D 25.C Section C26. forward 27. focused more strongly on 28. positive 29. research 30. attributes 31. undertaken 32. figure out 33. element 34. tied to 35. processPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.G 37.M 38.I 39.N 40.K 41.O 42.F 43.C 44.E 45.ASection B46.B 47.C 48. D 49.E 50.F 51. G 52.G 53.H 54. I 55. ISection C56.C 57.B 58.C 59.B 60.D 61.D 62.C 63.D 64.A 65.A Part IV TranslationConfucius is one of the greatest thinkers in ancient China, who is thought to be the founder of Confucianism. The Analects of Confucius, as a classic of Confucianism, was compiled by his disciples and second-generation disciples. It’s a record of Confucius’ philosophy, teachings and advises. For more than two thousand years, The Analects and Confucianism have had a profound impact on Chinese people and Chinese culture. The core concept of Confucianism “benevolence” is still mainstream values accepted by most people in today’s China.Keys to Model Test SevenPart I WritingSample:Personal Information LeakageStepping into the information age, we are enjoying the convenience brought by information technology. But at the same time we get more worried about the security of our privacy than ever before, since it’s not very difficult for a hacker to invade our computers, steal our files and information and then publicize them without being noticed at all.The danger of personal information leakage is obvious. Once our information is leaked, we will be continuously bombarded by anonymous messages or phone calls via mobile phones and other communication channels for private tutoring, apartment sales, insurance and so on. To make it worse, if our confidential information was made known to criminals, we might have major purchases made on our credit card, money withdrawn from our bank accounts, and even huge loans taken out in our name.So how can we protect our personal information? Some virus-killing software can protect us from being invaded. However, the best way is thinking before acting. For example, avoid filling out forms requiring private information for free trials or other promotions.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1. C2.C3. D4. B5. A6. B7.C8. C9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. CSection B16. A 17.D 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. D 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.B Section C26. planet 27. an average of 28. in the meantime 29. highways 30. widening 31. efficient 32. rather than 33. alternative 34. survive 35. introducedPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.E 37.B 38.N 39.K 40.G 41.J 42.D 43.A 44L 45.HSection B46.C 47.C 48. F 49.F 50.G 51. H 52.I 53.B 54.D 55.HSection C56.D 57.B 58.A 59.C 60.C 61.D 62.C 63.B 64.C 65.APart IV TranslationUrbanization is a process that is occurring in nearly every developing city in China, which on the one hand helps improve the life quality of many people and on the other hand supplies more job opportunities. This trend is expected to further boost the prospects of young people inthe country. As increasingly more people migrate to cities, the construction of housing and city infrastructure, including water and energy supplies, will be a focal point of urban development. The talent shortage has made urban planning and architecture one of the most high-paying majors for university graduates.Keys to Model Test EightPart I WritingSample:Should May Day Holiday Be Resumed to Seven Days?The week-long May Day Holiday was shortened to three days in 2007 so as to ease the burden of overcrowded tourist hotspots and add three traditional Chinese festivals like the Tomb-Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.However, some people are appealing to the Government for resuming the seven-day May Day Holiday. They claim that the significance of May Day is not only paying tribute to thousands of diligent workers, but also providing them an opportunity to get refreshed and get ready to welcome and embrace the coming work day with vibrancy and vigor. In that case, a three-day off, which is just one day more than normal weekend, would not make any difference to these people. Apart from that, the golden week could help boost the tourism industry as well as domestic consumption.Personally, I prefer to resume the May Day golden week, not only because it falls in the best season for traveling but also because it will be an effective measure to boost domestic demand, to increase employment and to revive tourism and other related industries.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1.B2.D3. B4. C5. A6. C7. A8. A9. B 10. D 17.C 12. D 13. D 14. C 15. ASection B16.C 17. D 18. A 19.D 20. D 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.D 25.C Section C26. beyond 27. more than ever 28. marvelous 29. regardless of 30. struggle 31. simplest 32. available 33. let alone34. immature 35. immediatelyPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36.C 37.H 38.K 39.N 40.O 41.B 42.G 43.L 44.A 45.ISection B46.A 47.C 48. B 49.D 50.C 51. D 52.C 53.C 54.D 55.FSection C56.C 57.B 58.C 59.A 60.C 61.B 62.D 63.A 64.C 65.C Part IV TranslationHigher education is undergoing transformation in China as technology and demographics change. With more education resources and fewer students, higher education is becoming increasingly available. Recruitment measures become more diversified, and studying aboard is becoming commonplace. Children now in elementary schools will accept a kind of higher education that is totally different from that of today. It is necessary to have students prepared for the challenges they will face. To achieve this end, how to reduce the workload and improve the overall quality of students are two key points.。


开放英语I(1)试点作业参考答案Unit 1 ~ Unit 5Unit 1一、填词。
1. na2. ta3. ta4. co5. il6. ti7. ca8. gh9. a 10. a三、阅读。
1 ~ 6: c, b, a, c, a, b.填词。
1. ea2. a3. oy4. ar5. ea6. ch7. er8. ig9. ee 10. ua三、阅读。
1 ~ 5: a, b, c, a, c.词语搭配。
1. reception 行李 3. plant 角落 5. personal computer 复印机 7. bussiness 首都 9. work late三、阅读四、听力。
1 ~ 5: c, b, c, a, c.Unit 4一、填词。
1. c2. ir3. I4. aw5. me6. an7. u8. vi9. ai 10. er二、选择。
1 ~ 5: b, a, c, a, c,6 ~ 10: b, c, a, c, c.三、阅读。
1 ~ 5: b, a, b, c, a.四、听力。
How, are , things, I’m, helpful, Have, got, parents,any, cousins, Do, have, I, do, 62, in.Unit 5一、词语搭配。
1、便利 convenient2、神经紧张的 nervous3、问题 problem4、打电话ring up5、寻找 look for6、有吸引力的 attractive7、修理 repair 8、搜寻hunt 9、独立的 separate二、选择。
1 ~ 5: c, a, a, a, b,6 ~ 10: c, b, a, c, c.三、阅读。
1 ~ 5: a, b, b, a, c.四、听力。
1 ~ 5: a, c, b, c, b.开放英语I(1)试点作业参考答案Unit 6一、选择填空。
1. Jame and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some coffee for them.2. A: Hel lo, I’m David Manning. Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you too. I’m Xiaoyan.3. A: What does your father do?B: He is responsible for the central computer system.4. A: Why don’t you go to an estate agent, then you’re talking face to face.B: Well,I don’t know.5. I go swimming on / Thursdays for two hours.6. I sometimes go to the pub on Friday with my colleagues.7. My cousin doesn’t enjoy watching serious (严肃的)TV programmes.8. I’ve got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see them?9. Mary has got brown eyes and golden hair.10. I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. What are you doing?11. A: Hello. I’m Paul. What’s your name?B: Hi. My name’s Rose. Are you from London?12. A: What is she doing right now.B: She is talking to Mary.13. A: The shower isn’t working.B:I’ll call the plumner.14. He often works in the evening.15. My mother is a doctor. She is in medicine.16. Polly enjoys playing the guitar in a band in her free time.17. A: What TV programmes do you like?B: I like watching London Lives.18. A: Are there two men in the room?B: No. there’s only one.19. My father is waiting for an importan t phone call at the moment. He can’t go tohave lunch with you. I’m afraid.20. A: What does your mother do?B: She is a clerk in a bank.21. A: What would you like, David?B: An orange juice.22. I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.23. M y husband doesn’t like shopping, but I like it very much.24. This is where you work Xiaoyan. That is your desk and this is mine25. John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new studentfrom Beijing.Rose: Hello, Linda. I’m pleased to meet you.Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.26. A: What does your mother do?B: She works in the Oxford University.27. A: Would you like to come to the shop one day?B: Yes, I’d like to. Thanks.28. London is the capital of Britain and it is a great city, too.29. Mr. Green is now on a holiday.30. A: Would you like a drink? Wine? Beer?B: A beer, please.31. Mr. Manning is working in Paris today and tomorrow.32. What’s your job? Are you British?33. I’m an engineer.34. This is his book. Could you give it to him?35. Does David like flying?36. I’ve got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see them?37. David is the only accountant in my son’s company.38. What would you like, tea or coffee?39. Is there a coffee machine in the room?40. We often have our supper at home.41. A: How about seeing a film this evening?B: Yes, that’s a good idea.42. A: What would you like, Polly?B: I’d like a glass of wine, thank you.43. Her name is Jane, She is from the USA.44. A: Hello, Linda, how are you?B: Very well, thank you. And you?45. A: What is she doing right now?B: She is talking to Mary.46. My aunt enjoys cooking for her friends at home.47. My uncle works in the IT Department. But now he is working in a plan for themarketing department.48. A: Hello, Xiaoyan. How are you. And how are things?B: Great, I’m fine. Everybody is very nice and helpful.49. A: Where is David?B: He is having lunch in the Chinese restaurant on the seventh floor.50. Why is she having lunch so early? It’s only 10 now.51. I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. What are you doing?52. A: What do you do?B: I am a policeman.53. A: Do you have any family?B: Yes, I do. My mother and my father live in Oxford.54. A: What do your parents do?B: My father is a manager, my mother is a nurse.55. She has a problem with the flat advertisement.56. I am working this e-mail to tell you about my new office.57. These people are my friends. Those people a re my husband’s friends.二、阅读。

国开电大人文英语1 单元测试1-8满分答案单元测试1题目随机,请使用Ctrl+F组合键输入题目关键词查找答案一、选择填空题目:—Hi! How are you doing?—________________That's all rightHow are you doing?I'm doing well.正确答案是:I'm doing well.题目:—Albert, this is Jim.—______________ Jim?Pleased to see you,How do you do,Thank you,正确答案是:How do you do,题目:—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________nice to meet you too.how do you do?I'm fine, thank you.正确答案是:nice to meet you too.题目:—How about going to the class together?—_______________Of course not.That sounds great.I don't like it.正确答案是:That sounds great.题目:—What is your major?—_______________Li Mei .A fresh man .Education.正确答案是:Education.题目:Bai Mei don't know Liu Hui, so Zhuang Hua _________ her to Liu Hui. introducespeaktalk正确答案是:introduce题目:I _____________ an Open University student.amareis正确答案是:am题目:I enjoy__________ books in the library.readreadingto read正确答案是:reading题目:I would _________ any weakness and any fear.comeovercomethrow正确答案是:overcome题目:People can't live without____________ sun.aanthe正确答案是:the题目:She is ____________ General Manager of___________ big company. a, anthe, aa, the正确答案是:the, a题目:Social workers should learn how to _________ people.look atlook intolook after正确答案是: look after题目:They _____________ some social work at the weekends.dodoesdid正确答案是:do题目:They work in the same company and they are __________ with each other. goodfamiliarinterested正确答案是:familiar题目:When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.sicksafeSad正确答案是:sick二、翻译题,每题10分操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

Lesson One: The Time MessageElwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。
1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control!译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。
2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem.译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。

Parent photo bus life half child woman toothParents photos buses lives haves children women teeth2、频度副词often,always,sometimes等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。
(1)在动词to be之后:Are you always at home on Sunday?(2)在实意动词之前:I sometimes go to London.(3)在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前。
I do not often go to work by bus.、3、请写现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。
He is talking to a customer.(2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻江没有进行。
LiJun is working on a new database at the moment ,but right now she is sleeping.4、请用学过的功能句型介绍你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。
请用英语写(略)开放英语I(1)作业1第一部分交际用语1. A2. B3. B4. B5. A第二部分词汇与结构6. B7. A8. C9 .C10. C 11 .B 12 .B13. C14 .C15. C16. B17. A 18. B 19. B20. A 21. B22. A23. C24. C 25. A第三部分句型变换26. He is a manager.Is he a manager?27. She usually goes to work by bus.Does she usually go to work by bus?28. There are fifty students in the class.Are there fifty students in the class?29. They have a large house.Have they a large house? / Do you have a large house?30. He’s currently working on TV advertisements.Is he currently working on TV advertisements?第四部分阅读理解31.B32.A33.A34.B 35.B 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.C第五部分翻译41--45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。

国开(中央电大) 专科《人文英语1》网上形考(单元自测1 至8) 试题及答案单元自测1 Unit 1题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目一、选择填空[题目]—Hi! How are you doing. ?—________________[答案] C. I' m doing well.[题目]—Albert, this is Jim.—______________ Jim. ?[答案] B. How do you do,[题目]—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________[答案] A. nice to meet you too.[题目]—How about going to the class together. ?—_______________[答案] B. That sounds great.[题目]—What is your major. ?—_______________[答案] C. Education.[题目]Bai Mei don' t know Liu Hui, so Zhuang Hua _________ her to Liu Hui.[答案] A. introduce[题目]I _____________ an Open University student.[答案] A. am[题目]I enjoy__________ books in the library.[答案] B. reading[题目]I would _________ any weakness and any fear.[答案] B. overcome[题目]People can' t live without____________ sun.[答案] C. the[题目]She is ____________ General Manager of___________ big company.[答案] B. the, a[题目]Social workers should learn how to _________ people.[答案] C. look after[题目]They _____________ some social work at the weekends.[答案] A. do[题目]They work in the same company and they are __________ with each other. [答案] B. familiar[题目]When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.[答案] A. sick二、翻译题,每题10 分操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

英语I(1)08秋机考复习资料(2)光盘翻译题(一)汉译英:UNIT 61 我来给他们打电话。
I’ll call them.2 我是护士。
I’m a nurse.3 明天下午去踢足球怎么样?What / How about playing football tomorrow afternoon?4 你为什么不去市场部。
Why don’t you go to the Marketing Department?5 他现在正在访问纽约办事处。
He is visiting the New York office right now.6 我今天要干到七点种。
I’ll work until7 o’clock.7 萨丽是个警官吗?Is Sally a police officer?8去看电影怎么样?What / How about going to the cinema/ seeing a film?9 你为什么不去试一试?Why don’t you have a try?10 我父亲是医生。
My father is a doctor.11 你为什么不去找房地产经纪人?Why don’t you go to an estate agent?12 玛丽在度假。
Mary is having a holiday now.13 你为什么不去跟他们面谈?Why don’t you go and talk to them face to face?14 我这个星期要来修理。
I’ll repair it this week.15 你的老师是美国人吗?Is your teacher from USA?16 今晚去跳舞怎么样?What/ How about going dancing this evening?17 你为什么不去看医生?Why don’t you go to see a doctor?18 她眼下在培训一个中国同事。

必修一UNIT1survey n________________________ addup________________________upset adj________________________.vt.________________________ ignore vt________________________calm vt.vi________________________adj.________________________ calm(?)down________________________ havegotto________________________ concern v________________________ beconcernedabout_____________________ walkthedog________________________ loose adj________________________ vetn________________________gothrough________________________ Amsterdam n________________________ Netherlands n________________________ Jewish adj________________________ Germanadj________________________n________________________ Nazi n.________________________adj________________________. setdown________________________series n________________________ aseriesof________________________ outdoors adv________________________ spellbind vt________________________ onpurpose________________________ inorderto________________________ dusk n________________________ atdusk________________________ thunderv________________________n________________________ entire adj________________________ entirelyadv________________________ power n________________________ facetoface________________________ curtain n________________________ dustyadj________________________ nolonger\not?anylonger__________________ partner n________________________settle vi________________________vt________________________ suffer vt&vi________________________ sufferfrom________________________ loneliness n________________________ highway n________________________ recover vt&vi________________________ get\betiredof________________________ pack vt&vi________________________n________________________ pack(sth)up________________________ suitcase n________________________ overcoat n________________________ teenagern________________________ getalongwith________________________ gossip n________________________ fallinlove________________________ exactly adv________________________ disagree vi________________________ grateful adj________________________ dislike n________________________vt________________________ joinin________________________tip n.________________________vt.________________________ secondlyadv________________________ swap vt________________________item n________________________UNIT2subway n________________________ elevator n________________________ petrol n________________________gas n________________________ official adj________________________ voyage n________________________ conquer vt________________________ becauseof________________________ native adj________________________.n________________________ comeup________________________ apartment n________________________ actually adv________________________ AD________________________ base vt________________________n________________________gradual adj________________________ graduallyadv________________________ Danish n________________________adj.________________________ enrich vt________________________ vocabulary n________________________ Shakespeare________________________ makeuseof________________________ spelling n________________________latter adj________________________ identity n________________________fluent adj________________________ fluently adv________________________ Singapore n________________________ Malaysia n________________________ suchas________________________frequent adj________________________ frequently adv________________________ usage n________________________ command n________________________ request n________________________vt________________________ dialect n________________________ expression n________________________ midwestern adj________________________ African adj________________________n________________________ Spanish adj________________________n________________________ playapart(in)________________________ eastern adj________________________ southeastern adj________________________ northwestern adj________________________ recognizevt________________________lorry n________________________ Houston n________________________ Texas n________________________accent n________________________catfish n________________________ lightning n________________________ straight adj________________________adv________________________ block n________________________unit3journal n________________________ transport n________________________vt________________________ prefer vt________________________ disadvantagen________________________ fare n________________________ route n________________________flow vi____________n______________ eversince________________________ persuadevt________________________ cycle vi________________________ graduate vi________________________n________________________ finally ________________________ schedule n________________________vt________________________ fond adj________________________ befondof________________________ shortcoming n______________________ stubborn adj________________________ organize vt________________________ careabout________________________ detail n___________________________ source n________________________ determine vt________________________ changeone’smindjourney n________________________ altitude n________________________ makeupone’smindgivein________________________atlas n________________________ glacier n________________________ Tibetan adj________________________n________________________ rapids n________________________ valley n________________________ waterfall n________________________ pace vi________________________n________________________vi________________________ meander n_______________________ delta n________________________ attitude.n________________________ Qomolangman____________________ boilvi________________________forecast n&vt______________________ parcel n________________________ insurance n________________________ wool n________________________ asusual________________________ reliable adj________________________ view n________________________vt________________________ pillow n________________________ midnight n________________________ atmidnight________________________ flame n________________________ beneath prep________________________ Laos n________________________ Laotiann____________adj____________ temple n________________________ cave n________________________ UNIT4earthquake n________________________ quake n________________________ rightaway________________________ well n________________________crack n________________________vt,vi________________________ farmyard n________________________ pipe n________________________burst vi________________________n________________________ million n________________________ event n________________________asif________________________ atanend________________________ nation n________________________ canal n________________________ steam n________________________ruinn___________vt____________inruins________________________ sufferingn________________________ extreme adj________________________ injure vt________________________ survivor n________________________ destroy vt________________________ brick n________________________ dam n________________________ track n________________________ useless adj________________________ shockvt__________n______________ rescue vt__________n________________ trap vt____________n________________ electricity n________________________ disaster n________________________ digout________________________bury vt________________________mine n________________________miner n________________________ shelter n________________________a(great)numberof____________________ title n________________________ reporter n________________________bar n________________________damage n__________vt_____________ frighten vt________________________ frightened adj________________________ frightening adj________________________ congratulation n_______________________ judge n________________________ sincerely adv________________________ express vt_____________n____________ outline n________________________ headline n________________________ cyclist n________________________ UNIT5quality n________________________ warm-hearted adj___________________ mean adj________________________ active adj________________________easy-going adj________________________ self n________________________selfish adj________________________ selfless adj________________________ selflesslyadv________________________ devote vt________________________ devoted adj________________________ Bible________________________invader n________________________ found vt________________________ republic n________________________ principle n________________________ nationalism n________________________ livelihood n________________________ peaceful adj________________________ giant adj________________________ mankind n________________________ lawyer n________________________ guidance n________________________ legal adj________________________ fee n________________________ passbookn________________________ outofwork________________________ helpful adj________________________ youth n________________________ league n________________________stage n________________________vote vt____________n____________ attack vt________________________ violence n________________________ asamatteroffact____________________ blowup________________________equal adj________________________ introuble________________________ willing adj________________________ unfair adj________________________ turnto________________________ quote n________________________ releasevt________________________ loseheart________________________blanket n________________________educate vt________________________educated adj________________________ cometopower________________________ beg vi________________________ relative n________________________ terror n________________________ cruelty n________________________ reward n____________vt____________ setup________________________ sentencevt________________________ besentencedto____________________anti-________________________ anti-black adj________________________ president n________________________ NobelPeacePrize_____________________ opinion n________________________。
广州2024年04版小学三年级上册英语第1单元自测题[含答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The clock says it is ______ o'clock. (two)2、Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. Bird答案:B3、What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Eiffel TowerC. Leaning Tower of PisaD. Burj Khalifa4、听力题:A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______.5、填空题:I love _______ (冬天) because of the snow.6、填空题:The flowers in the garden are _______ and cheerful, making me happy.7、What is the main gas found in the Sun?A. OxygenB. HydrogenC. NitrogenD. Carbon dioxide8、What do you call a person who studies plants?A. BiologistB. BotanistC. GeologistD. Zoologist答案: B9、What is the capital of the USA?A. New YorkB. Washington D.C.C. Los AngelesD. Chicago答案:B10、What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. JerryB. MickeyC. DonaldD. Goofy11、听力题:We like to listen to ___. (music)12、What do we call a scientist who studies climate?A. MeteorologistB. ClimatologistC. Environmental ScientistD. Geologist13、What do we call the study of plants?A. BiologyB. BotanyC. ZoologyD. Ecology答案:B. Botany14、How many faces does a cube have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 12答案:B15、听力题:The girl loves to ________.16、听力题:Potential energy is stored energy, while kinetic energy is _______ energy.17、填空题:A ______ (猴子) can swing from branch to branch.18、选择题:What is the weather like when it rains?A. SunnyB. CloudyC. WetD. Windy19、填空题:The butterfly is very ______.20、填空题:I enjoy playing ______ during the holidays.21、听力题:The ________ (piano) sounds beautiful.22、填空题:I like to learn about different ______ (文化) from around the world.23、听力题:Insects undergo metamorphosis to become ______.24、填空题:The ________ was a defining battle in the history of modern warfare.25、填空题:I love to ________ (画画) with crayons.26、听力题:The box is ___. (big)27、填空题:The ________ is a friend to all who visit.28、What is the main language spoken in Brazil?A. SpanishB. EnglishC. PortugueseD. French29、What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Eiffel TowerC. Leaning TowerD. Burj Khalifa答案:A30、What is a baby frog called?A. TadpoleB. KittenC. PuppyD. Calf31、填空题:The first Olympic champion was _______. (科罗比乌斯)32、听力题:A solvent dissolves a solute to form a _____.33、What do you call a small, cozy home?A. MansionB. CottageC. ApartmentD. Villa答案:B34、填空题:My favorite writer is _______ (名字). 她的书很 _______ (形容词).35、填空题:The gerbil is a type of _______ (宠物) rodent.36、填空题:I have a big ______ (气球) for my birthday party. It is my favorite ______ (颜色).37、What is the name of the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro?A. Christ the RedeemerB. Statue of LibertyC. DavidD. Venus de Milo答案:A38、听力题:My favorite color is _____ (green/yellow).My dad loves to share his __________ (经验) in life.40、填空题:Certain plants can purify the ______ (空气).41、填空题:A __________ (无机化合物) does not primarily contain carbon.42、填空题:We have a ______ (有趣的) science experiment to do.43、填空题:I love to visit the ________ (艺术馆) to see paintings.44、听力题:Snakes are _______ and slither on the ground.45、 (Industrial) Revolution changed how goods were produced. 填空题:The ____46、听力题:Chemical changes are often accompanied by observable _____ such as color change or gas production.47、What is the capital of Norway?A. CopenhagenB. StockholmC. OsloD. Helsinki答案:C48、听力题:The ________ (goal) is achievable.49、听力题:The ____ has a shiny shell and is found in gardens.50、填空题:Vegetables like carrots grow _____ (在地下).51、听力题:My brother is a ______. He enjoys running.I admire my grandma for her __________ (智慧).53、Which of these is a cold drink?A. TeaB. CoffeeC. LemonadeD. Soup54、What do we call the distance across a circle through its center?A. CircumferenceB. DiameterC. RadiusD. Area答案:B55、填空题:My favorite way to celebrate is ______.56、What do you call a story that is made up?A. BiographyB. FictionC. NonfictionD. History答案: B57、填空题:The country known for its tulip fields is ________(以郁金香田闻名的国家是________).58、填空题:The ______ (森林) is home to many species.59、填空题:My favorite _____ (玩具) is a robot.60、填空题:The ______ (小鹰) soars high in the ______ (天空), searching for its prey.61、听力题:A __________ is a deep hole in the ground made by mining.62、Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. GrapeD. Orange答案:B63、听力题:The _______ is the center of our solar system.64、听力题:The _______ can provide a sense of connection to nature.65、填空题:The river is ________ (流动).66、What is the capital of Belize?A. BelmopanB. Belize CityC. Orange WalkD. San Ignacio答案: A. Belmopan67、听力题:The five senses can help us observe _____ properties.68、填空题:The _____ (小羊) is very fluffy.69、What is the name of the spacecraft that studied the outer planets?A. Voyager 1B. Voyager 2C. Pioneer 10D. New Horizons70、What do you call a person who studies economics?A. EconomistB. AccountantC. BusinessmanD. Investor答案: A71、填空题:My cousin's name is . (我表哥的名字是)72、填空题:The squirrel collects acorns for _________. (冬天)73、填空题:I share my toys with my __________. (兄弟姐妹)74、填空题:________ (农业研究) informs practices.75、What is the value of 7 × 6?A. 42B. 48C. 54D. 60答案:A76、填空题:My favorite animal is a ______ (兔子) because they are adorable.77、听力题:The dog is ______ (wagging) its tail happily.78、填空题:My favorite game is _______ (视频游戏).79、What is the main language spoken in the United States?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. German答案:C80、听力题:The _______ of an object can be changed by adding or removing mass.81、What is the opposite of 'big'?A. SmallB. LargeC. HugeD. Tall答案:A82、听力题:The chemical reaction that occurs in batteries is an example of a _____ reaction.83、听力题:My cousin is a ______. She loves to help out at school.84、What do you call a triangular-shaped snack made of corn?A. TortillaB. WaffleC. BiscuitD. Cracker答案:A85、听力题:The _______ is colorful and attracts many insects.86、What is the name of the famous American author known for his horror stories?A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Mark TwainC. Ernest HemingwayD. F. Scott Fitzgerald答案: A87、听力题:The children are ________ in the playground.88、填空题:In spring, flowers start to __________ (开放).89、听力题:The chemical symbol for silver is _______.90、填空题:A ________ (火山口) is the opening of a volcano.91、填空题:I like to play with my ________ at home.92、填空题:I can ______ (制定) plans for my future.93、填空题:The __________ (历史的展望) shapes our vision for the future.94、听力题:A mixture is made up of two or more substances that are ______ together.95、填空题:A _____ (小猫) is very curious.96、填空题:Tokyo is a bustling _____ city.97、听力题:I see a _____ (bird/fish) in the tree.98、填空题:The _______ (马) neighs in the barn.99、听力题:A _______ is a reaction that combines several elements to form a compound.100、Which element is essential for fire?A. WaterB. AirC. EarthD. Fire答案:B。
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英语I(1)08秋机考复习资料(2)光盘翻译题(一)汉译英:UNIT 61 我来给他们打电话。
I’ll call them.2 我是护士。
I’m a nurse.3 明天下午去踢足球怎么样?What / How about playing football tomorrow afternoon?4 你为什么不去市场部。
Why don’t you go to the Marketing Department?5 他现在正在访问纽约办事处。
He is visiting the New York office right now.6 我今天要干到七点种。
I’ll work until7 o’clock.7 萨丽是个警官吗?Is Sally a police officer?8去看电影怎么样?What / How about going to the cinema/ seeing a film?9 你为什么不去试一试?Why don’t you have a try?10 我父亲是医生。
My father is a doctor.11 你为什么不去找房地产经纪人?Why don’t you go to an estate agent?12 玛丽在度假。
Mary is having a holiday now.13 你为什么不去跟他们面谈?Why don’t you go and talk to them face to face?14 我这个星期要来修理。
I’ll repair it this week.15 你的老师是美国人吗?Is your teacher from USA?16 今晚去跳舞怎么样?What/ How about going dancing this evening?17 你为什么不去看医生?Why don’t you go to see a doctor?18 她眼下在培训一个中国同事。
She is currently training a Chinese colleague.19 房租一月五百磅。
The rent costs/ is 500 pounds a month.20 他不是建筑师,他是工程师。
He isn’t an architect. He is an engineer.21 先给玛丽打个电话怎么样?What / How about making a call to Mary/ calling Mary first?22 大卫此刻在睡觉。
David is sleeping now.23 我要来打扫。
I’ll clean it.24 他们是工程师。
They are engineers.25 去看看这个公寓怎么样?How / What about seeing the flat?26 你为什么不搞个计划?Why don’t you make a plan?27 在酒吧见面怎么样?What/ How about meeting at the bar?UNIT 121.她很漂亮。
She is beautiful.2.要我准备一些中国菜吗?Shall I prepare someChinese food?3.我可以用厨房的炊具吗?Can I use the cookers inthe kitchen.4.他们喜欢看英语电影吗?Do they like watchingEnglish films?5.我的女儿有点腼腆My daughter is a bit/ a little shy.6.她中等个。
She is average height.7.要我把计算机放在桌子上吗?Shall I put thecomputer on the desk?8.十二点种以前我可以去吃午饭吗?Can I go tohave lunch before 12 o’clock.9.我喜欢在小咖啡屋里读报。
I like/ love readingnewspaper in cafes.10.你的男朋友健谈吗?Is your boyfriend talkative/a talkative person.11.她很苗条。
She is slim.12.要我开灯吗?Shall I turn on the lights?13.我可以在办公楼前停车吗?Can I park in frontof the office building?14.我的儿子不太自信。
My son is not very confident.15.他个子高吗?Is he tall?16.我的父母不喜欢旅游。
My parents don’t liketraveling.17.我的数学老师很风趣。
My maths teacher is veryfunny/ interesting.18.我可以用你卧室里的卫生间吗?Can I use the toilet/bathroom in your bedroom?19.要我跟他谈谈吗?Shall I talk to him?20.他的儿子聪明吗?Is his son clever smart?21.她戴眼镜吗?Does she wear glasses?22.你喜欢读英文报吗?Do you like reading Englishnewspapers?23.我的表兄很外向。
My cousin is very outgoing.24.他留长头发吗?Does he have long hair?25.要我在电影院外面等你吗?Shall I wait for you outside the cinema?26.我可以用客厅的电话吗?Can I use the phone in the sitting room?27.我不喜欢逛街买东西。
I don’t like going shopping/I hate going shopping.28.我可以在花园里吸烟吗?Can I smoke in thegarden?29.她不喜欢向别人借东西。
She doesn’t like/ hatesborrowing things from others.UNIT 181. You work too hard. Why don’t you (你为什么不)take a holiday?2. A: Would you like a cup of tea?你要喝杯茶吗?)B: Yes, please. Thank you.3. A: What’s the weather like(天气怎么样)in Londontoday?B: It’s cold and it’s raining.4. A: Hello. I’d like to speak to Mr. John West, please.B: Who’s calling, please?(您是哪位?)5. My friend works in computers.(在计算机行业工作)6. A: Shall we take the lift?B: Sorry. The lift isn’t working.(不运转了)7. A: How are you feeling today? (你今天感觉怎么样?)B: I’m feeling much better. Thanks.8. A: The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree. It’s not quiet enough. (不够安静)9. A: Would you like to go to the pub after work?B: Yes, that’s a good idea.(这主意不错)10. A: I’m not interested in football.B: Neither am I.(我也不喜欢)11. A: What does he look like?(他长什么样儿)B: He’s very tall with blue eyes and short beard.12. A: How long does it take to go/ get to your office bytube/ subways.(乘地铁去你的办公室)B: It takes about half an hour.13. A: Why don’t we(我们为什么不)have a party tocelebrate his birthday?B: Yes, the weather is good for a barbecue.14. A: Shanghai is fast and exotic, don’t you think so?B: Yes, but it is not as exciting as(不如伦敦那样令人兴奋)London.15. A: I’m not good at training.B: Neither am I.(我也不擅长)16. A: Could you speak to Xiaoyan, please?B: I’m afraid Xiaoyan is not in. Can I take amessage?(我能转达吗)17. Who is responsible for (谁负责)advertising.18. A: Are you free on Thursday? I’d like to discuss thenew flat with you.B: Thursday is fine.(星期四可以)19. A: Which of these two do you prefer(你更喜欢)?B: I prefer the green one.20. A: What’s the matter?B: I am not feeling well(我感觉不舒服). I’ve gota toothache21. A: Can I speak to Sally, please?B: I’m afraid she is out/ She is not in(她外出了).22. A: Are you free(你有空吗) on Saturday?B: I’m afraid not. I have to go to the English classeson Saturday.23. David Smith isn’t go od at(不擅长) webmanagement.24. Could you ask him to call me before seven(在7点前给我打电话) this evening?25. I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve got a cold/ I’vecaught a cold(我得了感冒)26. A: Shall I(要不要我来) pick you up?B: Yes, please.27. A: Can I speak to Jane, please?B: I’m sorry she’s not in. Would you like to leavea message(您要留言吗)?28. What would you like to drink(你想喝点什么),wine or beer?( 二) 英译汉。