

一些著名高等学府的中英文校训:Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science 北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment 清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强弘毅求是拓新Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然学无止境Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟励学敦行Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师行为世范Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice复旦大学(始建于1905年):博学而笃志切问而近思Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety暨南大学(创建于1906年):忠信笃敬Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity同济大学(创建于1907年):严谨求实团结创新Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能日新月异Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort 哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection厦门大学(创建于1921年):自强不息止于至善Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly中山大学(创建于1924年):博学审问慎思明辨笃行Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts中国人民大学(前身建于1937年):实事求是Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity北京理工大学(创建于1939年):团结勤奋求实创新Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively北京外国语大学(创建于1941年):团结紧张严肃活泼National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality国防科学技术大学(创建于1953年):奉献求实University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact中国科学技术大学(创建于1958年):红专并进理实交融National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Y our Intellect; Love Your Country and People国立台湾大学(前身建于1927年):敦品励学爱国爱人Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind香港理工大学(创建于1937年):开物成务励学利民我的归纳和体会:根据英语国家校训的语言特点,发现他们极少使用祈使句,而是喜欢名词、动词不定式或句子。

中国著名大学校训中英文对照翻译搜集了中国(包括港澳台地区)一些著名高等学府的中英文校训:Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强弘毅求是拓新Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然学无止境Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟励学敦行Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师行为世范Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting withSelf-practice复旦大学(始建于1905年):博学而笃志切问而近思Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety暨南大学(创建于1906年):忠信笃敬Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity同济大学(创建于1907年):严谨求实团结创新Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能日新月异Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection厦门大学(创建于1921年):自强不息止于至善Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly中山大学(创建于1924年):博学审问慎思明辨笃行Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts中国人民大学(前身建于1937年):实事求是Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity北京理工大学(创建于1939年):团结勤奋求实创新Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively北京外国语大学(创建于1941年):团结紧张严肃活泼National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality国防科学技术大学(创建于1953年):奉献求实University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact中国科学技术大学(创建于1958年):红专并进理实交融National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Your Intellect; Love Your Country and People国立台湾大学(前身建于1927年):敦品励学爱国爱人Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind香港理工大学(创建于1937年):开物成务励学利民。


南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能 日新月异
Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort
哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格 工夫到家
中山大学(创建于1924年):博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行
Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts
Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity
北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国 进步 民主 科学
Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment
清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息 厚德载物
Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations
Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science


2002 --- 2021年,我校共承担纵横向科技项目160余项,发表学术论文1180篇,出版学术著作45部,获得地市级以上奖励44项。

世界著名学府哈佛大学的校训是:Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth,中文翻译为"与柏拉图为友,与亚里士多德为友,更要与真理为友"。

中国著名大学校训Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强弘毅求是拓新Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然学无止境Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟励学敦行Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师行为世范Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice复旦大学(始建于1905年):博学而笃志切问而近思Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety暨南大学(创建于1906年):忠信笃敬Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity同济大学(创建于1907年):严谨求实团结创新Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能日新月异Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection厦门大学(创建于1921年):自强不息止于至善Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly中山大学(创建于1924年):博学审问慎思明辨笃行Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts中国人民大学(前身建于1937年):实事求是Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity北京理工大学(创建于1939年):团结勤奋求实创新Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively北京外国语大学(创建于1941年):团结紧张严肃活泼National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality国防科学技术大学(创建于1953年):奉献求实University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact中国科学技术大学(创建于1958年):红专并进理实交融National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Your Intellect; Love Your Country and People国立台湾大学(前身建于1927年):敦品励学爱国爱人Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind香港理工大学(创建于1937年):开物成务励学利民。


山东大学国内外合作交流十分活跃。学校积 极推进校校合作,先后与武汉大学等15所高校 建立全面合作关系,启动了包括本科生和研究 生互换培养(访学)、师资共享、科研合作等 内容的交流项目,现已接收国内14所高校访学 学生共1227人,派往国内9所高校访学学生共 914人。国际合作与交流不断加强,先后与美 国等40多个国家或地区的70多所大学建立了校 际协议关系,与100多个学术机构建立了学术 合作关系;近5年共有2000余人次出国(境) 访问、进修、参加学术会议及合作研究;接待 短期交流、访问考察人数达2500多人次
济南市山大南路27号 邮编250100
文学与新闻传播学院 历史文化学院 数学与系统科
学学院 物理学院 化学与化工学院 经济学院
生命科学学院 经济研究院(中心) 信息科学与工
程学院 环境科学与工程学院 晶体材料研究所 管理
环境研究院 马克思主义学院
学部 国际教育学院
电气工程学院 土建与水利学院
威海市文化西路180号 邮编264209
韩国学院 商学院
法学院 新ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้传播学院
翻译学院 艺术学院
院 机电与信息工程学院 空间科学与物理学院 继续教育学院 数学与统计学
院 国际教育学院
山东大学致力于培养中国最优秀的本科生和一流的研究 生。该校积极拓展素质教育,大力吸 引优质生源,发 挥综合性大学多学科交叉融合的优势,探索复合型人才 培养模式,不断完善创新创业人才培养体系,着力进行 教育创新,实行了本硕连读和本硕博连读、公共外语、 计算机实施分级教学,在全国高校首倡并大力推进“三 种经历”,即第二校园经历、海外求学经历、社会实践 经历,提高了学生的竞争力,稳步推进人才培养方案、 教学内容、专业和课程体系改革,人才培养质量明显提 高,为社会输送了大批优秀毕业生,毕业生深受社会的 欢迎。

1、综合排名根据2021年USNEWS全球大学排名,山东大学全球排名位列第 771 位,其中,在全球1500所大学中,该校在中国内地排名第 117-152 名。
2、学科排名根据QS2020年度世界大学排名专业排名,山东大学排名如下:(1)材料学专业全球排名第 101-150 位。
(2)化学专业全球排名第 251-300 位,排名国内第 26 位。
(3)机械、航空与制造工程专业全球排名第 301-350 位,排名国内第 31 位。
(4)电气与电子工程专业全球排名第 301-350 位,排名国内第 27 位。
(5)计算机科学与信息学专业全球排名第 301-350 位。
(6)数学专业全球排名第 351-400 位。
(7)物理学与天文学专业全球排名第 401-450 位。
(8)生命科学与医学专业全球排名第 451-500 位,排名国内第 45 位。
(9)土木与结构工程专业全球排名第 501-550 位。
(10)环境科学专业全球排名第 501-550 位。
3、鲁迅文化奖学金国内大学排名2019年,山东大学荣获第12届鲁迅文化奖学金国内大学排名第 5 位。
4、5G 城市应用创新大赛2020年,山东大学参加的全国5G城市应用创新大赛中,获得了“赛题一-智能交通运输”特等奖、二等奖、“赛题二-智慧城市安全”二等奖和“赛题四-智慧居家”三等奖,并被评为“优秀组织奖”。

国外著名大学校训(中英对照版)1、哈佛大学Harvard UniversityLet Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth。
与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友.2、杜尔大学Drew UniversityFreely have you received; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予3、夏威夷大学University of HawaiiAbove all nations is humanity人性超越国界或:人性超越种族4、斯坦佛大学Stanford Universitythe wind of freedom blowsaZ愿学术自由之风劲吹5、约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins UniversityThe truth shall make you free真理必叫你们得以自由这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由"英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free。
”(King James version)。
6、利哈伊大学Lehigh UniversityMan, the servant and interpreter of nature人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然7、北达科他大学University of North DakotaIntelligence, the Basis of Civilization才智是文明的基础8、麻省理工学院MITMind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手这真是工程院校的校训.反映了MIT的创建者的办学理想- 教育的内容一定要有它的实践意义。
9、华盛顿大学Washington UniversityStrength through Truth力量借助于真理10、康涅狄克大学University of ConnecticutHe who transplants sustains*“He who transplants sustains" 也是康州的州训,它反映了当初北美的殖民者的信念:上帝(He) ,把他们从英格兰迁移(transplant)到北美大陆,会继续帮助他们,供给(sustain)他们.用一个长句子表达这句话,可以是:“God, who transplants us, sustain us.”Or “God, who the colonists believed had Transplanted them from England to the New World, where he continued to sustain them.”11、佩斯大学Pace UniversityOpportunity机遇12、普林斯顿大学Princeton UniversityIn the Nation’s Service and in the Service of All Nations普林斯顿--为国家服务,为世界服务13、艾莫利大学Emory UniversityThe prudent heart will possess knowledge聪明人的心得知识* 美国是以基督教立国的国家,很多学校的校训都跟基督教的信仰有关,或是摘自圣经中的某段内容。


中国著名大学校训(中英文对照)Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science 北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment 清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice复旦大学(始建于1905年):博学而笃志切问而近思Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be CreativeNanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely 南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟励学敦行Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能日新月异Zhejiang UNiversity:seek truth from facts rigorous and steadfast exert oneself being eager to make progress open up and be creative浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强弘毅求是拓新Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师行为世范Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly中山大学(创建于1924年):博学审问慎思明辨笃行Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge 山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然学无止境Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations武汉大学Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity 同济大学(创建于1907年):严谨求实团结创新Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort 哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection厦门大学(创建于1921年):自强不息止于至善Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts中国人民大学(前身建于1937年):实事求是Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity北京理工大学(创建于1939年):团结勤奋求实创新Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety暨南大学(创建于1906年):忠信笃敬Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively 北京外国语大学(创建于1941年):团结紧张严肃活泼National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality 国防科学技术大学(创建于1953年):奉献求实University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact中国科学技术大学(创建于1958年):红专并进理实交融National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Your Intellect; Love Your Country and People国立台湾大学(前身建于1927年):敦品励学爱国爱人Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind香港理工大学(创建于1937年):开物成务励学利民。
山东大学简介 PPT课件

山东-理 最低分 最高分 平均分 录取批 录取线
2011 567 666 633 第一 66 批
671 638 第一 58 批
数学与系统科学学院 物理学院
信息科学与工程学院 环境科学与工程学院
山东大学洪家楼校区(又称东区老校) 济南市洪家楼
哲学与社会发展学院 政治学与公共管理学院
老舍、臧克家、成仿吾、闻一多 中国石油天燃气集团董事长——蒋洁敏1982年毕业于山
东大学经济系 海信集团董事长——周厚健1982年7月毕业于山东大学
电子系 中华人民共和国财政部部长——项怀诚1960年7月山东
大学中文系 原江苏省省长——季允石1964-1969年山东大学物理系
Байду номын сангаас山东大学
学无止境 气有浩然
山东大学创建于清光绪27年(公元1901年), 初名山东大学堂,是继京师大学堂之后清朝政府 创建的第二所国立大学。山东大学是一所历史悠 久、学科齐全、学术实力雄厚、办学特色鲜明, 在海内外具有重要影响力的教育部直属全国重点 综合性大学,是首批进入国家“211工程”、 “985工程”和“珠峰计划”重点建设的高水平 大学之一。一百多年来,这所誉满海内外的百年 名校历经山东大学堂、国立青岛大学、国立山东 大学、山东大学等历史发展时期,迁徙分合、春 华秋实,成为中国现代大学教育的重要发祥地。

中国著名大学校训中英文对照大全Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment 清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强弘毅求是拓新Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然学无止境Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟励学敦行Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师行为世范Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice复旦大学(始建于1905年):博学而笃志切问而近思Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety暨南大学(创建于1906年):忠信笃敬Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity同济大学(创建于1907年):严谨求实团结创新Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能日新月异Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection厦门大学(创建于1921年):自强不息止于至善Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly中山大学(创建于1924年):博学审问慎思明辨笃行Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts中国人民大学(前身建于1937年):实事求是Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality andCreativity北京理工大学(创建于1939年):团结勤奋求实创新Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively北京外国语大学(创建于1941年):团结紧张严肃活泼National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality国防科学技术大学(创建于1953年):奉献求实University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact中国科学技术大学(创建于1958年):红专并进理实交融National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Your Intellect; Love Your Country and People国立台湾大学(前身建于1927年):敦品励学爱国爱人Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind香港理工大学(创建于1937年):开物成务励学利民。

山东大学大一英语教材Mountain East University English Textbook for FreshmenIntroduction:As one of the leading universities in China, Mountain East University (hereafter referred to as "the university") has developed an outstanding English language program for its first-year students. This textbook offers comprehensive language learning materials and exercises to enhance students' English proficiency. Throughout this article, we will explore the contents, features, and benefits of the English textbook used by first-year students at Mountain East University.Chapter 1: Basic GrammarThe textbook begins with an in-depth review of basic grammar rules. Students will learn about subjects, verbs, tenses, adjectives, adverbs, and sentence structures. The chapter includes various exercises to practice applying these grammar concepts accurately.Chapter 2: Listening and Speaking SkillsIn this chapter, students will focus on enhancing their listening and speaking skills. The textbook provides a wide range of listening materials, including dialogues, interviews, and speeches, catering to different learning preferences. With interactive exercises, students can improve their pronunciation, vocabulary, and overall understanding of the English language.Chapter 3: Reading ComprehensionChapter 3 aims to improve students' reading comprehension abilities. It introduces various reading strategies and encourages students to analyze and interpret texts effectively. The textbook offers a diverse selection of reading materials, including articles, short stories, and academic texts. Through targeted exercises, students can strengthen their comprehension and critical thinking skills.Chapter 4: Writing SkillsDeveloping strong writing skills is vital in any language acquisition process. In this chapter, students will learn how to write coherent paragraphs, essays, and reports. The textbook emphasizes the importance of proper grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures. Moreover, it provides step-by-step guidance on organizing ideas and developing arguments effectively.Chapter 5: Vocabulary ExpansionExpanding vocabulary is essential for improving English fluency. This chapter offers a wide range of vocabulary-building exercises, including synonyms, antonyms, word families, and collocations. The textbook focuses on both general and academic vocabulary relevant to various fields of study, ensuring students acquire a broad lexicon.Chapter 6: Cultural AwarenessUnderstanding cultural differences is an integral part of second language learning. Chapter 6 introduces students to different cultural aspects of English-speaking countries. It explores traditions, customs, etiquette, and social norms, fostering a global mindset among the students. The textbookincorporates engaging activities and discussions to encourage intercultural understanding.Chapter 7: Language PracticeTo reinforce what students have learned throughout the textbook, Chapter 7 provides extensive language practice exercises. These exercises cover all language skills including grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They enable students to consolidate their knowledge, enhance their accuracy, and gain confidence in using English.Conclusion:The English textbook used in the first-year curriculum at Mountain East University prioritizes holistic language development. With its comprehensive contents, interactive exercises, and cultural awareness sections, the textbook facilitates a balanced and effective language learning experience. Students will undoubtedly benefit from the meticulously designed materials, enabling them to become proficient and confident English speakers.。

安徽省所属大学:1、合肥工业大学HeFei University of Technology2、中国科学技术大学China Science & Technology University3、安徽大学University Of Anhui4、安徽工业大学Anhui University of Technology5、安徽农业大学Agricultural University Of Anhui6、安徽医科大学Medical University Of Anhui7、安徽师范大学Anhui Normal University8、安徽理工大学Anhui University of Science and Technology9、皖西学院Western Anhui University10、安徽工程科技学院 Anhui University of Engineering Science & Technology北京市所属大学:1、北京大学Beijing University2、中国人民大学Renmin University Of China3、清华大学Tsinghua University4、北京交通大学Beijing Jiaotong University5、北京科技大学University Of Science and Technology Beijing6、中国石油大学China University Of Petroleum Beijing7、北京邮电大学Beijing University Of Posts and Telecommunications9、中国农业大学China Agricultural University10、北京林业大学 Beijing Forestry University11、北京中医药大学 Beijing University Of Chinese Medicine12、北京师范大学 Beijing Normal University13、北京外国语大学 Beijing Foreign Studies University14、北京语言大学 Beijing Language and Culture University15、对外经济贸易大学 University Of International Business and Economics16、中央财经大学 The Central University Of Finance and Economics17、中国政法大学 China University Of Political Science and Law18、中央民族大学 Central University For Nationalities19、中国协和医科大学 Chinese Peking Union Medical College20、北京体育大学 Beijing Sport University重庆市所属大学:1、重庆大学University Of Chongqing2、西南师范大学Southwestern Normal University3、重庆工商大学Industrial and Commercial University Of Chongqing4、西南农业大学Agricultural University Of Southwest5、重庆医科大学Medical University Of Chongqing6、西南政法大学Southwest Politics and Law University7、重庆文理学院Institute Of Unity and Coherence In Writing Of Chongqing8、重庆三峡学院Chongqing Sanxia Institute9、重庆交通学院Traffic Institutes Of Chongqing10、重庆邮电学院 Post and Telecommunications Institutes Of Chongqing福建省所属大学:1、福建工程学院Fujian University of Technology2、厦门大学Xiamen University3、华侨大学Huaqiao University4、福建农林大学University Of Agriculture and Forestry In Fujian5、集美大学Collects The American University6、福州大学University Of Fuzhou7、仰恩大学Yang'en University8、福建医科大学Medical University Of Fujian9、福建师范大学Fujian Normal University10、福建中医学院 Colleges Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Of Fujian 广东省所属大学:1、中山大学Zhongshan University2、华南理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of South China3、暨南大学Ji'nan University4、汕头大学University Of Shantou5、深圳大学Shenzhen University6、五邑大学Five City University7、广东工业大学Guangdong University of Technology8、华南农业大学Agricultural University Of South China9、湛江海洋大学Marine University Of Zhanjiang10、广州中医药大学 Traditional Chinese Medicine University OfGuangzhou11、广州大学 Guangzhou University广西省所属大学:1、广西大学Guangxi University2、广西医科大学Guangxi Medical University3、广西师范大学Guangxi Normal University4、桂林电子工业学院Electronic Engineering Institutes Of Guilin5、桂林工学院Technical Colleges Of Guilin6、广西工学院Guangxi Technical College7、广西中医学院Colleges Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Of Guangxi8、桂林医学院Medical Colleges Of Guilin9、右江民族医学院National Medical College Of Right Rivers10、广西师范学院 Guangxi Teachers College海南省所属大学:1、海南大学University Of Hainan2、华南热带农业大学Tropical Agricultural University Of South China3、海南医学院Hainan Medical College4、海南师范学院Hainan Teachers College河北省所属大学:1、华北电力大学 North China Electric Power University2、河北大学 University Of Hebei3、河北工业大学 Hebei University of Technology4、燕山大学 University On The Mountain Of Swallows5、河北科技大学 University Of Science and Technology Of Hebei6、河北农业大学 Agricultural University Of Hebei7、河北医科大学 Hebei Medical University8、河北师范大学 Hebei Normal University9、河北经贸大学 University Of Business & Economics In Hebei10、中国人民武装警察部队学院Chinese People 'S Institute Of Armed Police Force11、中央司法警官学院Central Judicial Police Officer's Institutes12、河北理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Hebei13、河北工程学院Hebei University of Technology14、石家庄铁道学院Railway Institutes Of Shijiazhuang15、河北建筑工程学院Hebei Institute Of Civil Engineering河南省所属大学:1、郑州大学Zhengzhou University2、河南大学He'nan University3、河南农业大学Agricultural University Of He'nan4、河南师范大学He'nan Normal University5、河南理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of He'nan6、河南科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of He'nan7、华北水利水电学院North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power8、河南工业大学He'nan University of Technology9、郑州轻工业学院Light Engineering Institutes Of Zhengzhou10、郑州航空工业管理学院 Management Colleges Of Aircraft Industry Of Zhengzhou湖南省所属大学:1、中南大学Middle and Southern University2、湖南大学Hunan University3、湘潭大学University Of Xiangtan4、吉首大学University Of Jishou5、南华大学University Of Nanhua6、湖南农业大学Agricultural University Of Hunan7、湖南师范大学Hunan Normal University8、长沙理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Changsha9、株洲工学院Technical Colleges Of Zhuzhou10、湖南科技大学 University Of Science and Technology Of Hunan11、长沙理工大学 Changsha University江苏省所属大学:1、南京大学Nanjing University2、东南大学Southeast China University3、中国矿业大学China Mining University4、河海大学River Sea University5、江南大学University Of The South6、南京农业大学Agricultural University Of Nanjing7、中国药科大学China Medicine University8、南京理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Nanjing9、南京航空航天大学Nanjing Aero-Space University10、苏州大学 University Of Suzhou江西省所属大学:1、南昌大学University Of Nanchang2、华东交通大学Traffic University Of East China3、江西农业大学Agricultural University Of Jiangxi4、江西师范大学Jiangxi Normal University5、江西财经大学Finance and Economics University Of Jiangxi6、江西理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Jiangxi7、东华理工学院East China Institute Of Technology8、南昌航空工业学院Aviation Engineering Institutes Of Nanchang9、景德镇陶瓷学院Ceramic Institutes Of Jingdezhen10、南昌工程学院 Nanchang University of Technology辽宁省所属大学:1、大连理工大学Institute Of Technology Of Dalian2、东北大学Northeastern University3、大连海事大学Maritime Affairs University Of Dalian4、辽宁大学Liaoning University5、大连大学University Of Dalian6、沈阳大学University Of Shenyang7、辽宁工程技术大学Liaoning Project Technology University8、沈阳工业大学Shenyang University of Technology9、沈阳农业大学Agricultural University Of Shenyang10、中国医科大学 Chinese Medical Sciences University内蒙古自治区所属大学:1、内蒙古大学University Of The Inner Mongol2、内蒙古民族大学National University Of The Inner Mongol3、内蒙古工业大学Inner Mongol University of Technology4、内蒙古农业大学Agricultural University Of The Inner Mongol5、内蒙古师范大学Inner Mongol Normal University6、内蒙古科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of The Inner Mongol7、内蒙古医学院Medical Colleges Of The Inner Mongol8、内蒙古财经学院Finance and Economics Institute Of The Inner Mongol9、赤峰学院Institutes Of Chifeng10、呼伦贝尔学院 Institutes Of HulunBuir山东省所属大学:1、青岛港湾职业技术学院Technological Institute Of Qingdao Harbor2、山东大学Shandong University3、中国海洋大学Chinese Marine University4、青岛大学University Of Qingdao5、山东科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Shandong6、烟台大学University Of Yantai7、济南大学University Of Ji'nan8、山东农业大学Shandong Agricultural University9、山东中医药大学Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine University10、山东师范大学 Shandong Normal University山西省所属大学:1、山西大学University Of Shanxi2、太原理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Taiyuan3、山西农业大学Agricultural University Of Shanxi4、山西医科大学Mountain Western Medicine S University5、山西师范大学Shanxi Normal University6、山西财经大学Shanxi Finance and Economics University7、中北大学Beijing University Studies8、太原科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Taiyuan9、长治医学院Manages The Medical College Long10、山西中医学院 Colleges Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Of Shanxi 上海市所属大学:1、复旦大学Fudan University2、同济大学Tongji University3、上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University4、华东理工大学East China University Of Science5、东华大学Donghua University6、华东师范大学East China Normal University7、上海外国语大学Shanghai International Studies University8、上海财经大学Shanghai University Of Finance9、上海大学Shanghai University10、上海理工大学 Shanghai University Of Technology11、上海工程技术大学 Shanghai University Of Engineering Science12、上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University13、上海海事大学 Shanghai Maritime University14、上海电力学院 Shanghai University Of Electric Power15、上海应用技术学院 Shanghai Institute Of Technology16、上海对外贸易学院 Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade17、华东政法学院 East China University Of Politics and Law18、上海体育学院 Shanghai University Of Sport19、上海音乐学院 Shanghai Conservatory Of Music20、上海戏剧学院 Shanghai Theatre Academy天津市所属大学:1、南开大学Nankai University2、天津大学University Of Tianjin3、天津工业大学Tianjin University of Technology4、天津理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Tianjin5、天津医科大学Medical University Of Tianjin6、天津师范大学Tianjin Normal University7、天津科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Tianjin8、天津财经大学Finance and Economics University Of Tianjin9、中国民用航空学院Civil Aeronautical Engineering Institutes Of China10、天津城市建设学院 Urban Construction Institutes Of Tianjin武汉市所属大学:1、武汉大学Wuhan University2、中南财经政法大学Zhongnan University Of Economics & Law3、华中科技大学Central China University Science and Technology4、武汉理工大学Wuhan University Of Technology5、中国地质大学China University Of Geosciences6、华中农业大学Central China Agricultural University7、华中师范大学Central China Normal University8、湖北大学Hubei University9、长江大学Changjiang University10、江汉大学 Jianghan University11、武汉科技大学 Wuhan University Of Technology12、中南民族大学 South-Center University For Nationalities13、湖北工业大学 Hubei University Of Technology14、武汉化工学院 Wuhan Institute Of Technology15、武汉科技学院 Wuhan University Of Science and Engineering16、武汉工业学院 Wuhan University of Technology18、湖北中医学院 Hubei College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine19、湖北师范学院 Hubei Normal University20、武汉体育学院 Wuhan Institute Of Sport21、湖北美术学院 Hubei Institute Of Fine Acts22、武汉音乐学院 Wuhan Conservatory Of Music23、湖北民族学院 Hubei Institute For Nationalities浙江省所属大学:1、浙江大学Zhejiang University2、宁波大学University Of Ningbo3、浙江工业大学Zhejiang University of Technology4、浙江师范大学Zhejiang Normal University5、杭州电子科技大学Electronic University Of Science &Technology Of Hangzhou6、浙江理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Zhejiang7、嘉兴学院Institutes Of Jiaxing8、中国计量学院China Measures The Institute9、浙江科技学院Scientific and Technological Institutes Of Zhejiang10、浙江海洋学院 Oceanography Institute Of Zhejiang11、杭州大学 Hangzhou University。
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Introduction to Shandong UniversityShandong University, established in 1901, is one of the initiative universities of modern Chinese higher education. It’s a key comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, as well as a member university of Project 211 and Project 985, two national key construction projects to support the development of high-quality universities.Shandong University comprises 8 campuses (Jinan Central Campus, Hongjialou Campus, Baotuquan Campus, Qianfoshan Campus, Software Campus, Xinglongshan Campus, Qingdao Campus and Weihai Campus) in three different cities (Jinan, Qingdao and Weihai), covering an area of over 800 hectares (including 300 hectares of the Qingdao campus and the construction is in progress). The university currently enjoys a teaching and administrative staff of 7782. Its full-time student population totals up to 60,000, of which over 40,000 are undergraduates, 16,000 are postgraduates and about 2,000 are international students.Shandong University is one of those of the largest ranges of academic disciplines in China. There are at present 12 general disciplines for undergraduates and postgraduates, namely philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and arts. There are 40 first-level doctoral programs, 55 first-level master’s degree programs, 3 professional doctoral degree programs, 27 professional master’s degree programs, 118 programsfor undergraduates, 38 mobile post-doctoral research stations, forming a complete system for cultivation of talent. The university currently has 38 schools and 4 affiliated hospitals.Shandong University pays great attention to international cooperation. It has established friendly relationships with more than 100 universities of over 50 different countries. Through the Cooperation Plans for Famous Universities around the world, Shandong University has been succeed to go into partnerships with more than ten first class universities , including Yale University , University of Chicago, University of Toronto , ENS Paris, Normale sup' etc. In order to promote cultural communication and inter-civilizations dialogues, Shandong University has built up eight Confucius Institutes in America, France, the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, South Korea and Mongolia since 2005.JinanJinan city is the capital city of Shandong Province, known as an economic province along eastern coast of China. It has a population of more than six million. With a history of 2,600 years, Jinan city is on the list of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities published by Chinese government. Jinan city is also appreciated as the Spring City. 700 natural springs decorate the old city and among them you can find the finest spring of the world, the Baotu Spring.QufuQufu is a city in southwestern Shandong province, about 170 kilometers far from south of the provincial capital Jinan. It is the hometown of Confucius, who is a great Chinese thinker and educator. Qufu is listed as one of the first batch of Chinese historical and cultural city in 1982.Mansion of Confucius, Temple of Confucius and Cemetery of Confucius Mansion of Confucius, Temple of Confucius and Cemetery of Confucius are famous World Heritage.Temple of Confucius is a temple to worship Confucius and commendConfucianism, which was constructed in 478 B.C. and was finished during Ming and Qing period. From Han Dynasty, governors made it a tradition to hold special ceremonies to show homage to Confucius. After hundreds of times’ reconstruction and extension, Temple of Confucius now covers an area of 140,000 square meters.Mansion of Confucius is where the direct descendants of Confucius lived. It is the oldest, largest and the best preserved ancient building which combined official office with residence. It covers an area of 124,700 square meters.Cemetery of Confucius is Confucius’s family graveyard lasting for two thousand years. With an area of 2,000,000 square meters and more than 100,000 tombs, it is now the longest and largest family graveyard across the world.。