
二、产品结构1. 压力表外观:压力表通常由表头、表身和连接装置组成。
2. 表头:显示压力数值,并设有刻度盘和指针。
3. 表身:固定表头和连接装置,通常采用金属材料制成。
4. 连接装置:与被测介质连接,通常是螺纹接口或法兰接口。
三、操作步骤1. 准备工作在进行压力测量之前,请确保以下准备工作已完成:- 将压力表与被测介质连接,确保连接牢固。
- 检查压力表是否正常运作,并确保指针在零刻度位置。
2. 测量压力(根据实际情况选择合适的测量方法,以下是一种常用方法的步骤)- 确定被测压力介质的性质(液体或气体)和量程范围。
- 打开被测压力介质供应,使其充满压力表。
- 观察压力表指针的位置,根据刻度盘上的刻度读取压力数值。
- 记录压力数值,可以根据需要进行多次测量以提高精确度。
3. 压力表的维护- 使用结束后,及时将压力表从被测介质中取出,并用清洁软布轻轻擦拭表面。
- 避免压力表受到外界冲击或水分侵入,以防止损坏或影响准确度。
- 定期检查压力表的准确度,并根据需要进行校正或更换。
四、注意事项1. 避免超过压力表的量程范围进行测量,以免损坏仪器。
2. 避免过大的冲击或振动,以保持压力表的准确度。
3. 注意压力表的工作温度范围,避免在超出范围的温度下使用。
4. 如遇到故障或不正常情况,请及时停止使用并咨询专业人士。
五、常见问题解答1. 问:为什么压力表指针不动?答:可能是压力表与被测介质连接松动或存在堵塞,请检查连接状态并进行清洗。
2. 问:为什么压力表指针不稳定?答:可能是被测介质存在脉动或压力波动,请检查被测介质的稳定性。
3. 其他问题请咨询售后服务。

测量完成后,将压力计(量程范围:-100~+1000)和“自动输出”分别存入对应的刻度盘内(数据存储量:4 G/ G/24 G)。
数字液晶显示时间为20 ms (分钟)和15 ms (分钟)时的数值的日期为零。
此时屏幕显示压力数值为0.01 kPa,此时屏幕处于“工作状态,时间刻度为1 min。

显 示 E--H
1.压 力 超 量 程 2.传 感 器 损 坏
数 值 跳 动 太快 采 样 速 度 太 快
长按"单位"键 4 秒钟,则显示上次清零之后记录的最大值 MAX,短按"单位"键,切换显示最小值MIN.再次短按"单 位"键退出记录显示。 在显示MAX或者MIN值时,长按"清零"键 4 秒清除记录, 重新进入下一个记录周期。
该款数字压力表是一款高精度智能型数字压力表,内 置高精度压力传感器,能够准确的实时显示压力,并且 具有精度高、长期稳定性好等特点。 该款数字压力表配备5位显示的大尺寸LCD液晶显示,
1 . 收到产品后,请检查包装及外形是否完好,并核对产 品型号和规格是否与您选购的产品相符。 2 . 按产品所提供的过程连接、电气连接和安装方式,将 产品正确可靠安装并接线。 3 . 本产品为电池供电,部分产品也可以使用电源供电。 4 . 使用过程中请注意产品的技术规范和使用条件,如允 许的介质温度、过载压力、供电电压等。 5 . 本产品属于精密器件,用户在使用时请不要自行拆卸, 更不能用硬物触碰膜片,以免造成产品的损坏。 6 . 在安装过程中,注意保护产品,不得强力安装或者拆 卸,否则容易损坏产品,特别是安装螺纹。 7 . 请用合适的扳手安装或拆卸,不得强行用手拧动壳体 来拧紧或者拆卸,否则造成的损害不在保修的范围。 8 . 开机后,一般需要数分钟产品方能稳定输出和正常工 作,这属于正常现象。 9 . 产品出现非正常现象,除非具备产品调节设备和技能, 否则请将产品联系我公司的售后技术人员。 10 . 在安装过程中可能会受到安装应力影响,安装完成 后,请先清零后再使用! ( !)未按照操作规范的非专业操作造成的产品损坏不 属于保修范围 。

二、压力表的结构和组成部分1. 刻度盘:用于显示压力值的刻度盘,通常以MPa或Psi为单位。
2. 指针:指示当前的压力值。
3. 进气口:将压力传递到压力表的入口接口。
4. 出气口:将测量过的压力释放出去,以免影响下次的测量。
三、使用前的准备1. 检查压力表是否完好无损,如果有任何损坏或异物,请不要使用。
2. 确保压力表的刻度盘清晰可见,指针灵活运动。
3. 检查进气口和出气口是否畅通无阻。
四、正确使用方法1. 将进气口与待测的压力系统相连接,确保连接紧固可靠,不漏气。
2. 慢慢打开压力系统的阀门,使气体缓慢进入压力表。
3. 观察刻度盘上指针的运动,当指针稳定在一个数值时,即可读取压力值。
4. 操作完成后,关闭压力系统的阀门,并将出气口打开,释放压力,然后将进气口与出气口分别拧紧。
五、使用注意事项1. 在测量前要检查压力表的刻度盘是否清晰可见,以免造成测量误差。
2. 使用前要确认进气口和出气口是紧闭的,以免泄漏导致不准确的测量结果。
3. 避免压力表受到剧烈震动或撞击,以免损坏仪器。
4. 不要将压力表暴露在过高或过低的温度环境中,以免影响其性能。
5. 定期校准压力表,确保其准确度和可靠性。
六、维护保养1. 每次使用后,使用清洁软布擦拭压力表的外表面。
2. 定期检查和更换压力表的密封圈和维修部件。
3. 不要将压力表存放在潮湿或有腐蚀性气体的环境中。
七、故障排除1. 如果压力表指针无法运动或运动不灵活,可能是内部零件出现故障,请联系售后服务部门进行维修。
2. 如果压力表显示的数值异常或不稳定,可能是测量系统存在问题,需要检查压力系统的阀门和管道连接。

YQF(N)- 60100150型前封式不锈钢(耐震)压力表产品说明书一、产品用途及特点:YQF-60,100,150型前封式不锈钢压力表(以下简称仪表),广泛应用于石油、化工、轻纺、造纸、冶金、医药、食品等行业。
3、仪表安装方式:YQF(N) –60,100,150:径向直接式。
YQF(N) -60Z,100Z,150Z:轴向直接式。
YQF(N) -60ZT,100ZT,150ZT:轴向嵌装式(轴向前边)。
b.振动条件:普通型GB/T17214.3 V.H.3,耐震型GB/T17214.3 V.H.4。
f.外壳防护等级:GB4208 IP66级。

1. 产品概述机械压力表是一种测量压力的工具,适用于工业、制造、实验室等领域的压力检测与监测。
2. 规格与参数- 压力范围:0~100MPa(可根据需求定制)- 精度等级:0.5级- 过载压力:150%FS- 工作温度范围:-20℃~60℃- 连接方式:螺纹连接(可选其他连接方式)- 材质:不锈钢(可选其他材质)3. 使用步骤3.1 准备工作- 检查机械压力表是否完好无损;- 检查连接管道是否牢固;- 确保压力表与被测介质兼容。
3.2 安装- 注重连接的可靠性,确保螺纹连接紧固;- 根据实际需求,选择合适的接口型号和尺寸;- 让压力表与被测介质之间的管道保持水平。
3.3 读数- 使用前,确认指针处于刻度零位,如不在零位应进行校准;- 视线垂直于指针,以正对指针指示的刻度;- 注意读数时避免产生视觉偏差。
4. 维护与保养4.1 日常保养- 定期清洁压力表,使用清洁干净的布擦拭外壳;- 避免机械振动和冲击;- 避免使用过大或过小的压力范围。
4.2 定期校准- 建议每年对机械压力表进行一次校准,以确保测量准确度;- 校准应由专业人员进行,确保使用精密的校准设备。
5. 注意事项- 避免超载使用,在量程之内使用压力表;- 避免机械压力表与腐蚀性介质接触,以免损坏仪表;- 避免机械压力表长时间暴露在高温或低温环境中,以免影响工作性能;- 避免与其他物体接触或碰撞。
6. 故障排除以下是一些常见的机械压力表故障及解决方法:- 指针抖动:可能是由于连接松动,应重新检查连接;- 读数不准确:可能是由于压力表失去标定,应重新进行校准;- 零位漂移:可能是由于机械部件磨损,应更换内部零件。

November 2011© 2011 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.700G SeriesPressure GaugeUsers ManualLIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThis Fluke product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for three years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries, or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on Fluke’s behalf. To obtain service during the warranty period, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that Service Center with a description of the problem.THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, SUCH AS FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. FLUKE IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to you.Fluke CorporationP.O. Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 U.S.A. Fluke Europe B.V. P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands11/99Table of ContentsTitle Page Introduction (1)How to Contact Fluke (1)Standard Equipment (2)Safety Information (2)Hazard Location Information/Approvals (3)Special Conditions for Safe Use (3)Symbols (4)Display and Buttons (5)Operation (6)How to Setup the Product (6)Engineering Units (6)Set Auto Off (7)Show Battery Voltage (7)Display Actual Temperature (7)i700G SeriesUsers ManualSet Damping (7)Set Sample Rate (7)Set TARE (7)Function Lock (8)Supervisory Mode (8)Available Pressure Ranges (8)How to Set a Custom Engineering Unit or Scale (9)Battery Life (9)Maintenance (9)How to Clean the Product (9)How to Change the Batteries (10)Accessories (11)RS-232 Interface (11)Specifications (12)Available Input Ranges (12)Accuracy (12)Media Compatibility (12)Environmental (12)Mechanical Specifications (13)PI Ranges and Resolution (14)iiList of TablesTable Title Page (4)1. Symbolsand Buttons (5)2. Displayiii700G SeriesUsers ManualivList of FiguresTitle Page FigureProduct (5)1. TheBatteries (10)the2. Changev700G SeriesUsers ManualviIntroductionThe 700G Series Pressure Gauges (the Product) are high-accuracy digital pressure test gauges. Accurate to 0.05 % FS, the Products can be used as a calibration reference, or in any application where high-accuracy pressure measurement is required.The Product features user-configurable functions that include:• Samplingrate• Tare• Damping• Autooff•Min MaxWhen the Product is configured, you can lock its settings and use password protection to prevent configuration changes. How to Contact FlukeTo contact Fluke, call one of the following telephone numbers:•Technical Support USA: 1-800-44-FLUKE(1-800-443-5853)•Calibration/Repair USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE(1-888-993-5853)•Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853) •Europe: +31 402-675-200• Japan:+81-3-6714-3114• Singapore:+65-738-5655•Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500Or, visit Fluke’s website at .To register your product, visit .To view, print, or download the latest manual supplement, visit /usen/support/manuals.1700G Series Users Manual2Standard EquipmentThe Product ships with: • Protective Cover •Three AA Batteries (installed)• NPT/metric AdapterSafety InformationA Warning identifies conditions and procedures that are dangerous to the user. A Caution identifies conditions and procedures that can cause damage to the Product or the equipment under test.XW WarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury: •Use the Product only as specified, or the protection supplied by the Product can be compromised.• The battery door must be closed and locked before you operate the Product. •Replace the batteries when the low battery indicator ( )shows to prevent incorrect measurements.•Do not use and disable the Product if it is damaged.• Read all safety Information before youuse the Product.•Do not use the Product in damp or wet environments.W CautionTo avoid possible damage to Product or to equipment under test: •If the display reads “OL” the range limit is exceeded and the pressure source must immediately be removed. •Do not exceed the maximum torque allowed. Maximum torque allowed is 13,5 Nm = 10 ftlbs.Safety InformationHazard Location Information/ApprovalsEx Hazardous AreasAn Ex-hazardous area as used in this manual refers to an area made hazardous by the potential presence of flammable or explosive vapors. These areas are also referred to as hazardous locations, see NFPA 70 Article 500.) ® LR110460Class I, Div. 2, Groups A-D(II 3 G Ex nA IIB T6KEMA06ATEX0014XTa=–10°C...+55°C Special Conditions for Safe UseMisuseIf the Product is exposed to overpressure or sudden physical shock (such as being dropped) examine it for any damage that can cause a safety concern. If necessary, return the Product for evaluation to Fluke. Refer to the How to Contact Fluke section.W WarningTo prevent possible fire, or personal injury:•Do not use the Product with flammable substances.•The Product is intended for installation only in locations providing adequateprotection against the entry of solidforeign objects or water capable ofimpairing safety.Users ManualSymbolsSymbols used on the Product and in this manual areexplained in Table 1.Table 1. SymbolsSymbol Meaning SymbolMeaning W Risk of danger. Important information. See manual. P Conforms to European Union directives.X Hazardous voltage. Risk of electrical shock. )Conforms to relevant North AmericanSafety Standards.f Pressure ~Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Go to Fluke’s website for recycling information.Conforms to relevant Australian standards. (Conforms to ATEX requirementsDisplay and ButtonsDisplay and ButtonsThe Display and Buttons are shown in Figure 1. The Buttons are explained in Table 2.gsn001.epsFigure 1. The ProductTable 2. Display and ButtonsItem FunctionPush to turn the Product on. Push again toturn it off.Zeros the display. In Configure Mode, pushthe button to move forward through themenus.MIN MAX records minimum and maximumpressure values and saves them inmemory. Push to show maximum(MAX) indication. Push again to showminimum (MIN) indication. After 2 seconds,the gauge goes back to live operation.To clear the MIN MAX memory values,push and hold for 2 seconds until CLris shown.In Configure Mode, push ( ) to movebackward through the menus.Users ManualTable 2. Display and Buttons (Cont)Item FunctionPush to go to setup and configurationmenus.Push to make a selection. When the Product is not in Configuration mode, push to turn on the backlight. Push again to turn off the backlight.NPT Connector Pressure Display Engineering Units Bargraph OperationThe subsequent sections tell you how to operate the Product. Push to turn on the Product.The analog bar graph at the bottom of the display shows the applied-pressure level relative to the full range of the gauge.NoteIf you record a Tare value, the pressure shownis not the actual pressure applied.How to Setup the ProductBefore you use the product, it is necessary to configure it for your application. Push to go to the Setup menu. Each time is pushed, the display goes to the subsequent function. Push or to change the parameter value. When a parameter is set, push to exit the configuration menu or to move to the next parameter.Engineering UnitsThe Product’s default engineering unit shows psi. To change this, push and to move through the 23 standard engineering units plus one custom unit/scale. When the necessary unit shows, push or . Pressure now shows in the chosen engineering units. See the Specifications section for a list of available engineering units. See the Supervisory Mode section for instructions to set up custom units.OperationSet Auto OffAuto Off can be set in 1-minute increments from 1 to 30 minutes or you can turn off the function for continuous Product operation. The Product is configured for 30 minutes. Push and to set the necessary interval. The “off” position is at the low end of the selections, less than 1 minute.Show Battery VoltageActual battery voltage and a percent-of-life bargraph show the battery charge. No adjustments are made in this parameter.Display Actual TemperatureThe Product is temperature compensated This parameter shows the temperature measured by the internal sensor. Push or to show degrees F or C.Set DampingSelections are “on” and “off” . Damping smooths readings from pulsating pressure sources. Set Sample RateThis function finds how often pressure is sampled and the display is updated. Selections are 0.5, 1, 3, and 10 samples/second. Note that 10/second gives the fastest response time.Set TareUse this function to set a constant offset value which is then subtracted from the measured pressure. For example, if a tare is set at 30 psi, and the measured pressure is 37 psi, 7 psi is shown.A pressure of 27 psi is shown as -3 psi.Push and to set the tare value. The value, is based on the engineering units and resolution selected for display. Tare value can be set to the maximum range of the gauge.For safety, the bar graph always shows the actual pressure based on the full range of the gauge regardless of the tare position. This is done to make sure that even with a “0” reading pressure is being applied to the gauge.Users ManualFunction LockWhen set, access to each of the settable parameters above can be turned “off” to prevent unauthorized configuration changes. This is done with password protection in Supervisory mode. Push to access Supervisory mode or to go back to normal operation. Supervisory ModeIf necessary, each user-configurable parameter can be edited when you receive the Product. Some parameters are locked and must be unlocked to configure them. Use Supervisory mode to do this.When you are in the Configure menu, and FUnC LOCK is shown, it means that there are locked parameters.To disable function lock:1. Push . 0 PWRD is then shown.2. The password “101” is required to unlockSupervisory mode. Push to put in the passwordentry. Hold or down to move faster through the selections by a factor of 10. When you stop thecounter, push and again to move forward orbackward by a factor of 1. The password is factoryset and cannot be changed.3. Push .From this point each parameter can be locked or unlocked. Push and to select UnLOC or LOC for each parameter. To move to the next parameter, push .You can access, lock, or unlock these functions: •Zero function (enable/disable)•Set pressure units (enable/disable)•Auto shutdown adjustment (enable/disable) •Damping settings (enable/disable)•Sample rate setting (enable/disable)•Tare setting (enable/disable)•Custom engineering units (set scale factor)When a function is locked, it cannot be accessed or changed from its current condition until you go to Supervisory Mode and unlock it.Available Pressure RangesAvailable pressure ranges are listed in the Specifications section.Battery LifeHow to Set a Custom Engineering Unit or Scale The last menu selection in Supervisory mode isSET FACTR. You can set a multiplier factor from 0.001 to 100 to make a custom scale. The set factor is multiplied by the psi measured and the result is shown. Example: 40 psi is the equivalent of 1000 lbs of product in a tank. You want to show the product weight with a 100 psi gauge. If you set a factor of 25, 40 psi pressure would show as 1000 (40 x 25). The engineering unit shown is Cust (custom).Battery LifeBattery life is approximately 1500 hours (60 days) of continuous operation with the backlight off. With intermittent operation, batteries could last a year or more. When the battery voltage is low, the low-battery icon ( ) shows on the top left of the display. To replace the batteries, see the How to Change the Batteries section. MaintenanceHow to Clean the ProductClean the Product with a soft cloth dampened with water or water and weak soap.W CautionTo prevent possible damage to the Product,do not use solvents or abrasive cleansers.W CautionFor safe operation and maintenance of theproduct:•Repair the Product before use if thebattery leaks.•Remove batteries to prevent batteryleakage and damage to the Product if itis not used for an extended period.•Be sure that the battery polarity iscorrect to prevent battery leakage.•Have an approved technician repair the Product.Users ManualHow to Change the BatteriesXW WarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire, orpersonal injury, batteries must only bechanged in an area known to be non-hazardous. Explosion hazard.To change the batteries, see Figure 2:1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the captivescrew on the battery door.2. Remove the battery door.3. Replace the three AA batteries.4. Install the battery door again.5. Tighten the captive screw.gsn002.epsFigure 2. Change the BatteriesAccessories AccessoriesRS-232 InterfaceThe Product includes an RS-232 interface. Remove theProduct holster and the input jack is on the back of theProduct. You can use serial communication to configureand calibrate the Product and move measurement datafrom the Product to a PC. An RS-232/USB cable is soldseparately and includes 700G/TRACK Software. Forspecifications on the interface, see the Specificationssection.XW WarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire, orpersonal injury, do not use the RS-232interface in hazardous areas.Users ManualSpecificationsAvailable Input RangesSee PI Ranges and Resolution for available ranges in psi plus equivalent ranges and resolution for all engineering units. AccuracyPositive Pressure ............................................................................ ±0.05 % FSVacuum .......................................................................................... ±0.1 % FSTemperature Compensation ........................................................... 15 °C to 35 °C (59 °F to 95 °F) to rated accuracyNote: For temperatures from -10 °C to 15 °C and 35 °C to 55 °C, add .003 % FS/°CMedia Compatibility15, 30 psi ........................................................................................ any clean dry non-corrosive gas100, 300, 1000 psi .......................................................................... any liquids or gases compatible with 316 stainless steel Above 1000 psi ............................................................................... any non-flammable, non-toxic, non-explosive, non-oxidizing liquid or gas compatible with 316 stainless steel. EnvironmentalOperating Temperature .................................................................. -10 °C to +55 °C (14 °F to 131 °F)Storage .......................................................................................... -20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)Humidity ......................................................................................... 10 % to 95 % RH Non-condensingPollution Degree (2)Agency Approvals ........................................................................... P, , )(Mechanical SpecificationsDimensions .................................................................................... 11.4 x 12.7 (cm), depth = 3.7 cm(4.5 x 5 (in), depth= 1.5 in)PressureConnection ............................................................................. ¼in NPT MaleHousing .................................................................................. C ast ZNALDisplay5-1/2 Digits, 16.53 mm (0.65 in) high20-Segment bar graph, 0 to 100 %PowerBattery ................................................................................... t hree size AA alkaline batteriesBattery Life ............................................................................ 1,500 hours without backlight (continuous on),2,000 hours at slow sample ratePI Ranges and ResolutionNumber 700G04 700G05 700G06 700G27 700G07 700G08 700G29 700G30 700G31 Model100003000 5000 Range 15 30 100 300 500 1000PressureRange -14 -14 -12 -12 -12 -14 -14 -14 -14 Vacuum10000 1000015000 Pressure 500 500 1000 2000 2000 10000Burst150006000 10000ProofPressure 60 60 200 600 1000 2000EngineeringFactorUnitpsi 1 15.000 30.000 100.00 300.00 500.00 1000.0 3000.0 5000.0 10000bar 0.06894757 1.0342 2.0684 6.8948 20.684 34.474 68.948 206.84 344.74 689.48 mbar 68.94757 1034.2 2068.4 6894.8 20684 34474 68948 * * *kPa 6.894757 103.42 206.84 689.48 2068.4 3447.4 6894.8 20684 34474 68948 Mpa 0.006894757 0.1034 0.2068 0.6895 2.0684 3.4474 6.8948 20.684 34.474 68.948kg/cm2 0.07030697 1.0546 2.1092 7.0307 21.092 35.153 70.307 210.92 351.53 703.07 @0°C 51.71507 775.73 1551.5 5171.5 15515 25858 51715 * * * mmHg0°C 2.03603 30.540 61.081 203.60 610.81 1018.0 2036.0 6108.1 10180 20360 @inHg4°C 70.3089 1054.6 2109.3 7030.9 21093 35154 70309 * * * @cmH2O@20°C 70.4336 1056.5 2113.0 7043.4 21130 35217 70434 * * *cmH2O4°C 703.089 10546 21093 70309 * * * * * * @mmH2O20°C 704.336 10565 21130 70434 * * * * * * mmH2O@@4°C 0.703089 10.546 21.093 70.309 210.93 351.54 703.09 2109.3 3515.4 7030.9 mH2O20°C 0.704336 10.565 21.130 70.434 211.30 352.17 704.34 2113.0 3521.7 7043.4 @mH2O4°C 27.68067 415.21 830.42 2768.1 8304.2 13840 27681 83042 * *inH2O@@20°C 27.72977 415.95 831.89 2773.0 8318.9 13865 27730 83189 * *inH2O60°F 27.70759 415.61 831.23 2770.8 8312.3 13854 27708 83123 * *inH2O@ftH2O4°C 2.306726 34.601 69.202 230.67 692.02 1153.4 2306.7 6920.2 11534 23067 @20°C 2.310814 34.662 69.324 231.08 693.24 1155.4 2310.8 6932.4 11554 23108 ftH2O@60°F 2.308966 34.634 69.269 230.90 692.69 1154.5 2309.0 6926.9 11545 23090 @ftH2OSeaWater 2.24719101 33.708 67.416 224.72 674.16 1123.6 2247.2 6741.6 11236 22472 ftWater 0.68494382 10.274 20.548 68.494 205.48 342.47 684.94 2054.8 3424.7 6849.4 SeamTorr 51.71507 775.73 1551.5 5171.5 15515 25858 51715 * * *。
700G 系列压力表使用说明书

700G SeriesPressure Gauges用户手册November 2011, Rev. 2, 8/17 (Simplified Chinese)© 2011-2017 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.在正常使用和维护条件下,Fluke公司保证每一个产品都没有材料缺陷和制造工艺问题。

二、产品型号与规格1. 产品型号:SMC-YZ012. 量程范围:0-100MPa3. 精度等级:0.5级4. 工作电源:DC 3.6V5. 显示方式:LCD液晶显示6. 输出信号:RS485三、操作说明1. 开机:将压力表的电源开关拨至“ON”位置,等待约3秒后,压力表将自动开机。
2. 关机:将压力表的电源开关拨至“OFF”位置,等待约3秒后,压力表将自动关机。
3. 测量:将压力表的测量接口连接到待测压力源,压力表将自动测量并显示压力值。
4. 设置:通过按压压力表上的“SET”键,可进入参数设置模式。
四、维护与保养1. 使用过程中,请勿让压力表受到撞击、摔打等强烈冲击,以免损坏压力表。
2. 请定期检查压力表的连接线、接头等部件,如有损坏或磨损,请及时更换。
3. 请定期清洁压力表的外壳和显示屏幕,保持压力表的清洁。
4. 请定期检查压力表的电池电量,当电池电量低于30%时,请及时更换电池。
五、注意事项1. 本压力表仅适用于测量压力,严禁用于其他目的。
2. 在测量过程中,请勿让压力表过载,以免损坏压力表。
3. 请勿擅自拆卸、改装压力表,如有需要,请与本公司联系。
4. 请妥善保管本说明书,以备日后参考。
六、附件1. 压力表x 12. 测量连接线x 13. 说明书x 1感谢您对本公司的支持,祝您使用愉快!如有任何问题,请随时与本公司联系。

二、技术参数1. 压力范围:0-1000 PSI2. 精确度:±0.5% FS3. 输出信号:4-20mA4. 介质温度:-20℃至80℃5. 过载能力:150% FS6. 连接方式:G1/4"螺纹7. 防护等级:IP65三、安装步骤1. 在安装之前,请确保断开电源并确认工作区域安全。
2. 使用合适的工具进行压力表的固定,避免损坏设备。
四、使用方法1. 电源接入:将PN3002的电源线连接到合适的电源接口。
2. 参数设定:根据实际需求,使用压力表上的多功能按键进行相关参数的设定,例如单位选择、量程设定等。
3. 压力测量:将被测量液体或气体与PN3002连接好,通过压力表上的数字显示屏即可读取当前压力值。
五、注意事项1. 请勿在PN3002的工作范围之外使用,以免造成设备损坏或人身伤害。
2. 在操作和维护压力表时,请确保按照相关安全规范进行。
3. 在设备长时间不使用时,请检查压力表的存储环境是否符合要求。
六、维护保养1. 定期检查连接管路是否松动,如有松动,请及时拧紧。
2. 定期清洗压力表外观,使用柔软的布进行擦拭,避免使用化学溶剂。
3. 如需更换零部件,请联系售后服务中心进行维修。
七、故障排除故障:压力表无法正常工作可能原因及解决方法:1. 电源问题:请检查电源连接是否正常,确认电源是否供应稳定。
2. 参数设置错误:请按照说明书重新设定相关参数。
3. 传感器故障:如上述步骤均正常,可能是传感器损坏,请联系售后服务中心进行维修。
八、安全警示1. 在操作和维护压力表时,请遵循所有安全操作规程。
2. 请勿在有毒、易燃或爆炸性环境中使用该设备。
3. 请勿将该设备作为安全保证用于关键环境。

篇一:远传压力表-0.1~0.9 ,-0.1~1.5 ,-0.1~2.4工作条件(1)环境温度:-40~60℃(2)工作压力:静负荷:用至测量上限值的3/4交变负荷:用至测量上限值的2/3短时压力:用至测量上限值(3)相对温度:<85%结构原理本电阻远传压力表由一个弹簧管压力表和一个滑线电阻式发送器等所组成.电阻远传压力表机械部分的作用与一般弹簧管压力表相同。

三、安装与调试1. 选择合适的安装位置:根据需求和环境条件,选择一个稳固、光线充足的位置来安装压力表。
2. 连接压力管道:将压力表的压力连接口与待测流体系统的压力管道连接紧密,并确保连接牢固、密封完好。
3. 缓慢加压:在安装完毕后,缓慢逐渐加压,观察压力表的指针是否随着压力的增加而逐渐上升。
4. 校准:如果发现压力表显示的数值与实际压力存在较大偏差,可以使用专业的校准设备进行调整,确保准确度。
四、操作步骤1. 开始测量前,请确保压力表的指针停在刻度盘上的零刻度位置。
2. 打开待测流体系统的阀门,使其与压力表连接起来。
3. 等待一段时间,直到压力稳定下来。
4. 完成测量后,关闭待测流体系统的阀门,释放压力,并将压力表上的指针归零。
五、注意事项1. 在操作压力表时,应注意保持清洁,并避免受到剐蹭、振动或过度冲击。
2. 请勿将压力表暴露在高温、腐蚀性或易爆环境中,以免影响其正常使用寿命。
3. 定期检查压力表的密封性能,确保连接口不漏气。
4. 如需更换压力表,请按照厂家提供的技术要求进行操作,并遵循相关安全规程。
六、维护与保养1. 定期检查压力表的表面和连接口,如发现任何破损或异常情况,请立即停止使用,并进行修理或更换。
2. 清洁压力表时,请使用温水和中性清洁剂轻轻擦拭,切勿使用有机溶剂或腐蚀性清洁剂。
3. 不使用时,建议将压力表放置在干燥、通风良好的环境中,并避免直射阳光。
七、故障排除1. 如果压力表的指针无法运动或运动不灵敏,请检查是否有异物堵塞或损坏的部件,如有需要,请联系厂家或专业人员进行维修。

拆卸,务必要使用螺丝扳手。 如果用压力表的外箱强力扭动,可以导致显示度错乱,请务必注意。 安装压力表请选在振动、潮气、灰尘和杂质等较少的场所。 另外、有必要在机器运转情况下进行更换 点检的时候,应安装水位管,如果是应用于蒸汽 空气等的 时,请安装排水管 排气口等,根据使用情况酌情考虑。
压力表使用说明书 1. 概要 把薄壁管压至扁平并且弯曲成圆弧状,将其一端封闭,然后从另一端加压时,被封闭的一端会以和压力
基本相当的比例活动。把这个简单的原理用于压力测定的波顿管压力表构造简单,而且适用范围非常广泛, 以至于凡是说到压力表,一般就是说波顿管压力表,这种表已经非常普及了。
另外,波顿管压力表的使用领域极其广泛,除工业领域外,还有车辆、船舶、飞机、农机具、医疗器具 等。
2) 波顿管压力表的压力测定上限 被测定压力没有变动的情况下,最高刻度的约 3/4。 被测定压力有变动的情况下,最高刻度的约 2/3。
4. 关于点检和保修 1) 指针不动的情况
内机的磨损或破损、小齿轮、扇形面的脱落、波顿管或者液体接触部位的泄漏 有必要由厂家进行修理
2) 表示度的错乱情况 波顿管的老化或者变形、内机的磨损或者损坏等 将指针修好、或者使用0点修正装置在现场进行应急修正

该压力表具有以下特点:1. 高精度测量:本压力表采用先进的传感技术,具有高精度的压力测量能力,可满足各种精确测量需求。
2. 耐用可靠:采用优质材料和精密工艺制造,确保了产品的耐用性和可靠性。
3. 易于安装和使用:本压力表结构简单、尺寸小巧,安装方便。
二、使用须知1. 安装位置:在安装压力表之前,请确保选择合适的位置。
2. 连接方法:使用合适的工具将压力表与管道连接,确保连接牢固、密封良好,避免泄露问题。
3. 测量范围:在使用压力表之前,请确保该压力表的测量范围符合您所测量液体或气体系统的压力要求。
4. 充气和排气:在测量气体系统中的压力时,先将压力表中的气体排空,确保压力表内部没有气泡存在。
5. 清洁维护:请定期清洁压力表,并避免使用腐蚀性物质接触该设备。
三、操作步骤1. 打开阀门:在测量液体或气体压力之前,请先打开管道的阀门,确保系统中的液体或气体能够流通。
2. 连接压力表:使用合适的工具将压力表与管道连接,确保连接牢固、密封良好。
3. 读取压力值:打开压力表的观察窗,您将能够看到压力表上显示的压力数值。
4. 关闭阀门:在测量完毕后,请关闭管道的阀门,避免不必要的泄露。



一、使用操作方法1.仪表操作面板:2.仪表按键功能介绍:2.1 常规按键功能介绍:“开关”键:开关机功能键,当仪表不使用时可以关闭采样以延长使用寿命;当仪表配置参数时,该键作为数字上翻键使用;按住此键1S 内显示“OFF”仪表进入关机状态;再次按下此键显示“-ON-”,仪表进入测量状态;“校零”键,此按键普通状态下用于校零功能,用户不要轻易单独使用。
“设置”键:参数设置键,具体说明如下2.2及32.2 .设置参数状态下的各按键功能:“设置”键:按住此键1S内仪表进入设置状态。
3.仪表参数设置操作方法:3.1设置数据采集间隔1)按住“设置”按键,1秒内显示“-bb-”2)按“开关”键,显示“0001”,此时进入密码输入状态,输入不一样的密码,则将对不同的参数进行设置;3)输入设置采集时间间隔的密码(密码通常为:“1200”)a. 按“开关”键1次(加1),显示显示“0001”,再按“校零”键向左移动一位,此时显示“0011”;如此用“开关”键加1,用“校准”键移位。
b. 同a步,直至显示“1200”c. 按“设置”键,显示“SPEd”1秒,然后显示当前已设定的数据采集间隔“xxxx”,(默认设为30秒,用户根据自己的使用使用寿命情况设定),然后仪表进入采集时间设置,d. 按“开关”键1次(加1),显示“0001”,再按“校零”键向左移动一位,此时显示“0011”;如此用“开关”键加1,用“校准”键移位。
e. 同d步,输入采集间隔(单位为秒);f. 按“设置”键,对输入的参数进行保存,并显示“bbbb”,表明参数设置成功,2秒后设备进入正常的数据采集状态;3.2 设置设备对应的目标接收RTU地址,此参数决定了本设备所对应的RTU。
1)按住“设置”按键,一秒内显示“-bb-”2)按“开关”键,显示“0001”,此时进入密码输入状态,输入不一样的密码,则将对不同的参数进行设置;3)输入设置目标RTU地址的密码(密码通常为:“1300”)a. 按“开关”键1次(加1),显示“0001”,再按“校零”键向左移动一位,此时显示“0011”,如此用“开关”键加1,用“校准”键移位。
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3. Operating elementsBarksdale GmbHDorn-Assenheimer Strasse 27D-61203 Reichelsheim / GermanyTel.: +49 - 60 35 - 9 49-0Fax: +49 - 60 35 - 9 49-111 and 9 49-113e-mail: info@barksdale.dewww.barksdale.deUDS 38-digit 14-segment displayCover screwsSignT rend arrowsMenu buttons20-part bargraphoptional Pg 13,5Pressure conn.Pg 13,5Pressure conn.4 x ø4,538,5Switchpoint display SP1...SP4Dimensions (in mm)1. Product description2. Starting operationsIntended applications-The pressure switch / trip amplifier is a device to monitor system pressure, temperature, flow, level,etc. and has four switching outputs and one analog output.-The pressure switch is only to be installed in systems where the maximum pressure Pmax is notexceeded (according to the values on the type label).-The trip amplifier is only to be connected to input signals according to the values on the type label atthe bottom side of the device.-Attention: This device is not designed to be used as the only safety relevant element in pressurizedsystems according PED 97/23/EC.Only assemble or disassemble the device when depressurized!-The pressure switch should be installed and operated only by authorized personel.-For wall mounting remove the four front cover screws and the front cover. Then fasten the device withfour screws to the wall and finally remount the front cover. T o damp strong vibrations shock mountsmust be used.-Mount the pressure connection (G 1/4 female) of the UDS 3 to the pressure system with a flexible pipeand tighten with a 45 Nm torque. For pressure peaks damping screws must be used.-UAS 3: Connect the sensor to the 3-pin cube plug at the bottom side of the device.-The electrical connection (supply, analog output switching contacts) must be carried out according tothe connection tables depicted on the top of the device by removing the cover cap and insert the cablethrough the cable gland PG 13,5. If required, additional cable glands can be installed in the cover capby breaking out the perforated cavities.-The electrical connection must be carried out in accordance with the VDE 0100 regulations. In order toensure trouble-free operation it is essential to connect the protective lead.When operating from 230 V AC loads at the switch contacts independent cables must be installed forsupply and switches (cover cap with two cable screw connections).-If inductive loads (magnets, contactors, etc.) are connected to the switch relays, suitable protectivedevices (varistors etc.) must be provided.Item-Nr.: 923-1196Software version: V1. or higherIndex C, 05. 05. 2004Specifications are subject tochanges without notice.Plug 3-pinDIN 4365038,5Display ErrorCausemax Positive excess of the measuring range The measured value exceeds the max. of the rangemin Negative excess of the measuring range The measured value is lower than the min. of the range anao Failure of the analog outputOutput loop is not closed or short circuitedsens Sensor failure (internal)Sensor bridge not in balance, might be been overloade data Stored data failure (EEProm)(internal)Memory failure prog Processor failure (internal)Microcontroller failure calCalibration failure(internal)Calibration values are wrong4. OperationAfter the unit is switched on, the unit starts an automatic self-test.The device is menu operated and configured by the three keys on the front.With the …M“ key (= mode) you change between the operation / indicating level to the dialog values and the adjusted / actual values. With the keys (…⇑“ = up) and (…⇓“= down) you change between the dialog values in the menu or change the values / functions in the menus.A change of any configuration starts always with the M-Mode and indicated by the flashing cursor. After a change has been made the M-mode key must be pressed to confirm each configuration; to set numbers,each digit has to be confirmed with the M-Mode before adjusting the next one. By confirming the last digit the new configuration will be stored in the memory.Pushing the down key at the end of the sub-menu the software will switch automatically to the main-menu.For a quick termination of programming you can change into the measuring mode from any level in the menu by pressing the M-key for 5 seconds.If the dialog is not continued within two minutes the device automatically returns to the measuring mode without accepting the new values (see also: …List of functions“).5. Key lockActivating the (…⇑“ = up) and (…⇓“ = down) keys together for more than 5 seconds will block any changings in all menues; shown by …LOCK“ in the display.In this mode, all configuration values can be checked only, but not changed.Repeating this action will unlock the configuration menu and shown by …UNLK“ in the display.6. Error handlingThe internal self-check software will monitor the proper functioning of the unit. When any of the following failures will occur, the flashing display will indicate the following text:List of functionsFor manufacturer onlyMenu Structure UAS 3Measuring modeIf UNIT not TEXT。