5、宽泛模糊法:是将禁忌语旳所指从程度和范围上扩大,或是把详细事物说得 抽象些,有意模糊其意象。
个人问题----婚姻; 大脑病---神经病
1, 而说“去洗手间”(go to the bathroom) 2, 有事(do business) 3,以便(answer nature’s call)
人体缺陷,人们也常用委婉词语来谈论,以示礼貌。 1,肥胖旳(fat)人 常用plump,stout,out-size 或over-weight 来形容 2,对于一位身体清瘦旳妇女称之为slender或slim, 3,相貌丑陋旳(ugly)人说成homely或plain 4,耳朵聋旳(deaf)人说成hard of listening, 5,盲人(the blind )叫做the visually challenge
3、比喻法(Metaphorical Transfer)指把禁忌事物比作性质完全不同但又有某 些相同特点旳事物。
4、语意扬升法(inflating and magnifying)涉及用某些比较温和、刺激性较 少旳词语替代粗鄙难听旳禁忌语以求避讳和文雅,也涉及用美妙动听旳词语 替代中性词以迎合读者旳自尊和虚荣心理(尤指人们旳职称头衔时)
一,英语里看不到穷国poor nations,有旳只是 backward nations (滞后国家)
二,underdeveloped nations(欠发达国家) developing nations (发展中国家)
三,emerging nations (新兴国家)
四,在西方,工人罢工go on strike 被说成industrial action(工业行动),没有了一点“罢工”旳痕迹。
本科毕业论文第 1 页共 15 页1 IntroductionEuphemism, an appropriate language form created for perfect communicative effect and an important way to coordinate interpersonal relationship, is a common linguistic phenomenon existing in people’ s use of language.Euphemism appears first in ShiJing , so it has a long history. Chinese scholar Chen Wangdao defines “ euphemism ” and studies it from the perspective of rhetoric in The Origin of Rhetoric. In the 1970s and 1980s, affected by the foreign social linguistic theory, scholars who work on the study of social linguistics become interested in the special social function of euphemism. In Sociolinguistics , Chen Yuan discusses the profound historical and psycho-social background of euphemism, revealing its social essence of avoiding mentioning those unpleasant things or phenomena. In The Euphemism in Modern Chinese Language published in Chinese Language Learning, Shu Dingfang attempts to describe and discuss the structure and research scope of euphemism in modern Chinese language from the angle of modern linguistics for the first time.The study of euphemism at abroad also has a long history. In the 1580s, the English writer George Blunt created the word “ euphemism ” and presented the following definition: a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word. Referring to the historical cultural background of American society, American linguist Menken probes into the reason why several hundred euphemisms appear and become popular in The American Language published in 1936. The book A Dictionary of Euphemism and Other Doubletalk written by English linguist Hugh Rawson manifests the research achievements about euphemism of English and American linguists. The book not only reviews the study history of euphemism, but also makes an extensive discussion of the characteristics, definition and classification of it.Euphemism, as one form of language which contains affluent cultural connotations, must be the reflection of a specific culture. Euphemisms created in different cultural backgrounds reflect different cultural connotations and embodies the attitude towards life and life-style of people living in this specific language group. This thesis aims to contribute to a successful cross-cultural communication by helping people understand the appropriate interpretation of euphemisms.2 Euphemism and Culture2.1 Language and CultureCulture owns diverse kinds of carriers, such as art, language, literature and so on. Language, as the most important carrier, is intimately related to culture. The come into being and inheritance of culture are due to the appearance and development of language. There is no culture without language and no language without culture. At the same time, culture affects language all the time, making language become more accurate to adapt to the development and change of culture. The creation of culture cannot exist without the function of language, and the accumulation of culture is also conserved through language. As a result, language and culture are supplementary to each other and dependent on each other for existence.Language itself, as the carrier and a significant composition of culture, bears the special imprint of culture. Although language is the outcome of the development of social culture, language plays an essential role in the formation and development of culture. The language people use reflects their real thoughts towards what they talk about. Language, from a broad sense, symbolically stands for a people and makes up their historical and cultural backgrounds. Like a mirror, language reflects the culture of a people and reveals their ways of living.Culture is the keystone of language. Any kind of language cannot survive and developwithout the social culture environment, which language relies on. To a certain degree, social culture restricts language’ s evolution as well as perfection. Language itself has an influence on people ’ s ways of thinking and consequently impacts the culture. However, affected by culture greatly, language changes with culture undergoing in development and change. Just in the contemporary world, millions of the new words in various fields prove that rich and colorful cultures make all sorts of languages come into being.2.2 Euphemism and CultureThe word “ euphemism ” originated from the Greek. In Greek, the prefix “ eu ” means “ good ” with the root “ pheme ” meaning “ speech ” . As a result, the literal meaning of euphemism is “ to speak with good words or in a pleasant manner”(Neaman and Silver 1. Euphemism is a frequently used figure of speech, and there are other definitions of it. Allan and Burridge presents the following: “ a euphemism is used as an alternative to a dispreferred expression, in order to avoid possible loss of face: either one’ s own face or, through giving of fence, that of the audience, or of some third party”( Allan and Burridge 18.For the reason that the formation of English and Chinese euphemisms has various ways, euphemisms can be divided differently in accordance with different standards. The classification employed in this thesis is from Hugh Rawson, who, in 1981, classified euphemisms into negative euphemisms and positive euphemisms in his book A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk from the aspect of semantics.The negative euphemisms, which are closely related to tabooed words, also can be called traditional euphemisms. What the negative euphemisms and tabooed words express are the same. If languages, like sex, disease, physical and psychological defects, are expressed in a direct way, they are called tabooed words, giving people asense of vulgarity and rudeness. But if the languages presented above are delivered in an indirect way, they are called euphemisms, granting people a feeling of connotation, elegance and politeness. For example, peo ple in western countries substitute “ sex ” with “ sleep with” or “ go to bed with” and use “ plain looking” or “ ordinary looking” to replace “ ugly ” .The positive euphemisms, also named as stylistic euphemisms, have no relationship with tabooed words. In fact, positive euphemisms are analogous to the words with a meaning of compliment. “I t tends to inflate and magnify the word meaning, making the euphemized seem altogether grander and more important than they really are ” (Hugh Rawson 1. In order to show politeness, respect or strive for cooperation, people apply beautiful words to express things which are unpleasant but not tabooed. In the past decades, positive euphemisms have been applied in such areas as education, occupation and unemployment. There are many euphemisms for some occupations with lower social status. A gardener who shaves trees and flowers can be called “ a landscape architect” . A garbage collector is often said to be “ a sanitation engineer” and a file clerk would be very happy to kn ow that she is “ a research consultant” .The concept of culture is so broad that defining the word “ culture ” seems to be a very difficult matter for us. Different people often see the same object in different lights. Many scholars have defined it. Linel l Davis defines culture as “ the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people”(24. According to Goodenough, culture is “whatever it is one has to know and believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members. Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of “ the end product of learning: know ledge” (167. The culture covers a broad spectrum and contains all the phenomena of the universe. All the things created by people and related toexperience, knowledge, science and technology as well as education and language, can be called culture.Euphemism is a language used pervasively in our daily life. It is not only a language phenomenon in both English and Chinese culture, but also is a kind of social culture. Language and culture are closely related to each other. Euphemism, as one form of language, is also greatly affected and shaped by culture in terms of the origin, growth and usage. Simultaneously, euphemism is a reflection of culture. Euphemism bears the weight of abundant cultural connotation for the reason that it deeply roots in the soil of a people’ s social culture. It is hard for people to make sense of the euphemisms if people do not have a notion of a country’ s culture. Shao Zhihong points out that he [Patrick Hartwell] considers euphemisms as “ a natural part of the social world of words ” and believes they tell us “ a good deal about the values of a culture” (305.3 Different Cultural Implications Reflected in English and Chinese EuphemismsLanguage is the carrier of culture and a mirror reflecting social culture. For this reason, euphemism, as a special form of language, must be the reflection of a specific culture. Language decides a nation ’ s cultural features, which gives rise to the phenomenon that English and Chinese euphemisms without exception will reflect the cultural differences of two nations as well.3.1 Different Concepts of ValueIn term of concept of value, western people live for their self-satisfaction. Once they cannot get the material insurance, they immediately think that their life will fall apart and that they cannot be mentioned in the same breath with their friends because they believe they are inferior to them. While, deeply affected by Confucianism, Chinese contend that the value of life lies in the contribution they do in their lives rather than the materialabu ndance. Euphemisms for “poverty” in English and Chinese reflect their different concepts of value.The word “ poverty ” in English is a terrible word which means “ there is neither powernor social status ” . In the western commercial societies, people hol d the belief that money talks and admit poverty directly incurs disdain. Although the society thinks highly of the view that everyone is equal and has his own civil right, the phenomenon that the gap between the poor and the rich keeps widening still exists. However, there is no person who would like to acknowledge that they do not have enough money to afford them a normal life. Therefore, people in West spare no effort to refrain from mentioning “ poverty ” for the sake of the poor themselves. The followin g example will show us how western people avoid “ poverty ” :“ I used to think I was poor.” She wrote. “ Then they told me I was not poor, I was needy. Then they said it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy, that I was culturally deprived. Then they told me deprived was a bad thing, that I was underprivileged. Then they told me underprivileged was overused, that I was disadvantaged. I still do not have a dime—but I have a great vocabulary.” (William and Mary 229In the short section of speech above, there are four euphemisms –“ needy ” ,“ culturally deprived ”, “ underprivileged ” and “ disadvantaged ” , which have the similar meaning as “ poor ” . All these words are just some indirect ways western people use to avoid saying the word “ poor ” b ecause most people regard the possession of material wealth as the symbol to measure people’ s ability of survival.There are also many other euphemisms for “ poverty ” : “ hard up for money” , “ less well off ” , “ down on one ’ s luck ” , “ in a awkward financial situation ” , “ in reduced circumstances ” , “ badly off ” , “ the have-nots ” , “ man of modest means ” , “ negative saver ” and so on.By contrast, being poor does not seem to be a horrible thing in China. Chinese people embrace the perspective that though one is poor, he has lofty aspirations and believe that poverty can exercise people ’ s perseverance and character. Nevertheless, beingpoor is not a thing to be proud of, so there are only a few euphemisms for the word “ poverty ” in Chinese. The words used most frequently in Chinese are “ 揭不开锅” , “ 手头不便” , “ 拮据” and “ 囊中羞涩” . The small quantity of euphemisms for“ poverty ” may be relevant to the reason that the word in Chinese is not tabooed as that in English. Specific culture creates special language. China today is a country brimming with rich cultural elements, which makes the new euphemisms for “ poverty ” emerge. With the implementation of reform and opening-up and the rapid growth of economy, millionaires and even billionaires appea r in China. The word “ 富翁” sounds good, but the meaning of the word “ 负翁” has an entirely opposite meaning. Some people of the salariat are called “ 月光族” because they never have surplus salaries at the end of the month.3.2 Different Concepts of RankChina is a nation of courtesy with a cultural heritage running several thousand years and a nation which attaches importance to Confucian culture and feudal patriarch system. However, democracy, referring to freedom, equality and human right, is the main idea of western people. Euphemisms for “ address forms ” reflect the different social values of rank in English-speaking countries and China and also show the relationship among people.People in West have every confidence in the belief that all men are equal. This view stresses that citizens are equal both in laws and mentality, which means there is no rule to judge people whether they are noble or poor. Consequently, western people lay more emphasis on individuality, and they are not so conscious of the concept of familyhierarchy as Chinese to show their respect for seniority. No matter what people ’ s social status are, they can get along with each other like friends and call their names on a first-name basis. In western families, children usually call the ir parents’ names instead of“ father ” and “ mother ” when they grow up. However, the parents do not blame them for the change of titles; on the contrary, they feel that the relationshipbetween them and their children is cozy. Furthermore, the concept of address forms in West is relatively general and ambiguous. Men who are of the same generation of children’s parents are called “ uncle ” , women on the generation base are called “ aunt ” and their children are called “ cousin ” no matter what gender they are. The phenomenon that family members address each other directly regardless of the family hierarchy is a common occurrence in western families while it is not accepted in an old-fashioned Chinese family. The reason lies in that the address forms in English do not belong to the scope of language taboos.On the contrary, Chinese people pay much attention to the arrangement of rank, etiquette and the order of seniority and inferiority, which directly reflected in the“ address forms” . In ancient times, or dinary people were forbidden to address directly the names of emperors and government officials. They had to use other words to replace the name; otherwise, they would be punished because of showing no respect. For instance, in Tang Dynasty, the name of em peror is called “ 李世民” . In order to avoid the word “ 世” , people use “ 代” to take the place of “ 世” , substitute “ 世” with “ 人” and shorten the word “ 观世音” to “ 观音” when they write or communicate. Title taboos derive from the concept of the ancient patriarchal clan system. With the changes of times, this phenomenon has been no longer in existence, but some title taboos continue to be used even today. Nowadays, people always address other people in a way of adding the title of a post to show respect between the superior and the subordinate, the young and the old and even peers, such as “ 张局长” , “ 刘书记” and “ 赵老师” . When it comes to the relationship between friends, people usually address friends by adding “ 小” or“ 老” for the sake of intimacy, such as “ 小王” and “ 老李” . In a Chinese family, parents always educate their kids that they are not allowed to address the elders directly. The younger generation is obliged to call the older generation in terms of kinship to express their esteem, such as “爷爷” , “ 奶奶” , “ 爸爸” , “ 妈妈” , “ 叔叔” , “ 阿姨” , “ 舅舅” , “ 舅妈” . If people address other people’ s names directly, they will be considered as uneducated and impolite.本科毕业论文第 9 页共 15 页 3.3 Different Concepts of ReligionChristianity, a very prevailing religion in West, has a long-term and profound effect on the society, deeming that everybody is guilty and laying stress on a person ’ s imperfection and inherent evil tendency. In China, people mainly believe in Buddhism and Taoism, which guide people to establish perfect personality and even be Buddha and immoral by means of enhancing their self-cultivation. Each language has its own religious faith, which leads to the different uses of euphemisms for “ death ” .In West, people, from heads of state to the common people, almost all of them believe in Christianity which is dominant among the diverse religions. Christians deem that the value of human body is inferior to the soul for the reason that the fresh will die eventually, but the soul is immortal. They stick to the faith that their souls will enter into the heaven rather than hell after death if they make great efforts to do spiritual practice. Affected by this faith, they are confronted with death calmly. As a consequence, a large amount of English euphemisms for “ death ” come from the Bible and give expression to the basic Christian doctrine that people’ s lives given by God are destined to go through sin, indulgence and expiation, and people can only get saved in the other world after expi ating the sins. For example, the “ death ” is called “ to return to dust/earth” because God creates people with clay; “to pay the debt of nature” is a statement of “ death ” for the reason that people are born with sins and their death is to atone for sins. God is the master of the earth, so people have to “ be called to God ” or “ to answer the final summons ” after death. Other euphemisms for “ death ” contain “ go the way of allfresh” , “ to go to a better world” , “ be asleep in the Arms of God ” , “ go to one’ s final reward” and so on. All these euphemisms for “ death ” are the real portrayal of perfect lives western people believe in.Chinese people never have a unified faith for China is a country with many religions. Buddhism and Taoism make a large difference to Chinese culture. Buddhism, spreading into China since Tang Dynasty, is to set people free from the eternal cycle本科毕业论文第 10 页共 15 页 of birth and death. Buddhism advocates spiritual practice to live up to the highest realm, which is c alled “ 圆寂” or “ 灭度” in Chinese. That the Buddhists die peacefully with a gesture of sitting in meditation is called “ 坐化” , which indicates that they are not in dread of death. Other euphemisms for Buddhists’ death, which are too numerous to be listed,include “ 升天” , “ 殉道” and “ 登莲界” . Taoism, another religion Chinese people have a deep faith in, aims to live forever to be immortal, so it considers people’ s death as “ 仙逝” , “ 仙游” , “ 仙去” and so on. In addition, the view that people can be supernatural beings riding on white cranes when they pass away, results in the appearance of “ 骑鹤” , “ 化鹤” or “ 鹤化” . Taoism denies that there is no differences existing in the world and believes that a person’ s life is just from birth to death, so we have the expressions of “ 物化” , “ 隐化” and “ 遁化” . All the examples above reflect a fact that the diversity of religious belief is bound to generate the diversity of language.3.4 Different Concepts of TraditionPeople in West generally avoid asking others’ ag e for the reason that age is a sensitive topic in their eyes. On the contrary, people in China, who are familiar with the traditional customs of respecting the elderly, do not have many taboos in age. However, to be old will surely lead to death. As a result, each nation takes full advantage of euphemisms to prevent embarrassments of “ old age” from happening.Western culture pays much attention to youth, energy and creativity. The word “O ld ” is a derogatory term in western culture, which results in the p henomenon that people are aware of shunning the word especially on account of the serious aging of population in western societies, the increasing problems of social security and ability to provide for the aged as well as the advocation of family structure with DINK lifestyle. Western people are afraid of becoming old and their fear for becoming old has reached the degree of putting an end to the use of the word “ old ” . They meditate deeply on borrowing other words to express the word “ old ” in a tactful way. “ Old本科毕业论文第 11 页共 15 页people ” are addressed as “ senior citizens ” , “ seasoned men ” , “ well-preserved men ” , “ the advanced in age” and the like. They all get complimented for their “ longer life” . Even the “ old people ’ s home” can be called as “ nursing home” , “ home for adults” , “ rest home ” and “ adult communities”. Western people cherish the dream of never growing old, so they call the “ old women ” as “ distinguished women ” and the “ old men ” as “ distinguished men” . In ad dition, the euphemisms for “ old people” include “ golden age” , “ sunset years” , “ the mature” and “ the elderly” . In today’ s society where the young age is advocated, people attach more and more importance to the address of old men, which certainly gives rise to the increase of euphemisms for “ old ” .The euphemisms for “ old ” in China are not as abundant as those in West. Once in a while, people can see the statement in written form, such as “ 华发” , “ 黄昏恋” and “ 夕阳红” , but people are not very sensitive to the word “ old ” . Chinese people hold the view that being old is the honor of family and society. In China, people are deeply convinced that it is a traditional virtue to respect the old and take good care of children. As a result, people advocate the power and status of the old. Although the traditional family structure of four generations under one roof has been broken up in the modern society, the old generation is still the core member of a family. In Chinese culture, the word “ old ” has bee n equipped with the meaning of knowledge, maturity and reliance,which are reflected in Chinese by means of such expressions as “ 老当益壮” , “ 老成持重” and “ 老将出马,一个顶俩” . People in China are not in dread of talking about the age, naturally resulting in the p henomenon that the use of the word “ old ” in the society is not considered as a taboo. People call “ the old” “ 您老” and “ 老人家” to show a sense of respect. The word “ old ” in China can also convey the connotation of seniority and experience, which can be seen from “ 老师傅” , “ 老教授” and “ 老总” . Furthermore, Chinese people usually put the word “ old ” after family name to address the old people who have a high virtue and a glorious name to express their respect, such as “ 陈老” , and “ 李老” .ConclusionEuphemism, both a common linguistic phenomenon and a social culture, is created by different cultural backgrounds, moralities and values and reflects different cultural connotations and characteristics. At the same time, it is essential for people to realize the importance of the appropriate interpretation and application of euphemisms in cross-cultural communication.This thesis reveals the different cultural implications in the aspects of the concept of value, rank, religion and tradition reflected in English and Chinese euphemisms by comparing different euphemisms. Euphemisms for “ poor ” in English and Chinese tell us that western people have a stronger desire for money than Chinese people, and euphemisms for “ address forms ” give us some information tha t China is rigidly hierarchical while western countries are democratic and free. In addition, euphemisms for “ death ” show us the different religious cultures people in each country believe in and euphemisms for “ old ” explain the reason why the word “ old ” is tabooed in English but advocated in Chinese. All the comparisons between English and Chinese euphemisms suggest that the usage and goal of them are roughly similar in that both of them use nice words to replace the vulgar things which are likely to give people a sense of embarrassment, to make the language more elegant, polite and acceptable. However, thecomparison also shows that backgrounds for the usage of English and Chinese euphemisms do not go all the way, sometimes even are totally different. Euphemisms are adopted by people to render their speeches and manners to be rational, to promote the interpersonal relationship and to enhance the exchanges and cooperation. Understanding the deep implications reflected in English and Chinese euphemisms is beneficial to handle the language more skillfully and eliminate the negative effect produced by euphemisms in cross-cultural communication.Bibliography1 Allen, K. & K. Burridge. Euphemism and Dysphemism [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.2 Bolinger, D. Aspects of Language [M]. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1981.3 Davis, L. Doing Culture: Cross-Cultural Communication in Action [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.4 Fasold, R. The Sociolinguistics of Language [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.5 Goodenough, W. H. Cultural Anthropology and Linguistic [M]. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1957.6 Leech, G. N. Principles of Pragmatics[M]. 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Her patient and inspiring instruction and careful modification have greatly contributed to the completion of this thesis.Secondly, I should be thankful to all the other teachers at the department of English of the College, classmates and friends for their useful advice and kind help in my graduate studies. Their profound knowledge and enlightening academic achievements greatly benefited me.Finally, I owe a particular debt of gratitude to my parents, who have given me a lot of consideration and great encouragement during these four years. They are my intimate tutors on my life path.。
关键词:委婉语内容跨文化交际1. 引言委婉语( euphemism)一词发源于希腊语,意思是说好听的话,古希腊人在祭祀时,都得讲吉利话,即使用委婉语(张曲,2007)。
2. 英汉委婉语的不同点一般说来,英汉委婉语中的相同点远远多于其不同点。
2.1 年长由于美国是一个工业化国家,其文化是以个人主义为中心,独立与进步这两个品质被给予极高的重视。
因此,一些含单词“old”的英语短语都是贬义的,比如“ old-fashioned, old school, old gentleman”等。
关键词:委婉语;传统委婉语;文体委婉语;宗教文化委婉语(Euphemism)一词源自希腊语的前缀eu=well 和词根pheme=speaking。
一、委婉语的分类和功能英语委婉语一般可分为两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语(stylistic euphemisms)。
许多基督徒都相信“来世”和“原罪”之说,在他们看来,死亡就意味着"to go to heaven"(进天堂)、"to be called to Cod"(被召唤到上帝那) or "to cancel ones account"(销账)。
关键词:汉英委婉语;差异;原因一、跨文化角度下汉英委婉语的差异例说 1.关于“死亡” 这是个中西双方都要避讳的问题,虽同样是运用委婉语来避讳直说死亡,但其表述又有不同之处。
西方国家多信奉基督教,信奉“原罪说” 认为人生来有罪,要一直赎罪。
2.关于“谦敬” 谦敬语是委婉语的组成部分,中国人从古至今注意使用谦敬语,因为中国自古为礼仪之邦,文明古国,注重礼节,在言行上也十分注重,对对方用敬语,自己用谦语。
而西方国家注重效率,说话办事简单干练,也有语言特点的关系,你就是你,我就是我,不存在刻意的谦敬,对于别人的夸奖也欣然接受,如:“Thank you”。
而西方国家,多直接拒绝,并报以歉意,如:“sorry,I have to do my homework.”。
同音 或 同形 字 , 在 禁 忌 之 列 。 国 上 下 . 平 民 到 王 侯 , 都 全 从 都要 遵 守这 一 规定 , 则就有 杀 身 之祸 。 就 是 我们 通常 否 这 所 说 的 “ 讳 ” “ 讳 ” 比 如 中 国 的 第 一 个 皇 帝 秦 始 皇 国 或 公 。
关 键 词 : 汉委 婉 语 英
委 婉 语 “ u h mi 源 于 希 腊 语 , 中 , e ” 为 ep e s m” 其 “u 意
这 是 因 为 中 华 民 族 没 有 一 个 共 同 的 、 一 的 宗 教 信 仰 。虽 统 然 有道 教 、 教 、 斯 兰教 、 督 教 等 存在 , 是 信 仰 者在 佛 伊 基 但 全 民 族 人 口 中 所 占 比例 较 小 。 语 中 与 宗 教 有 关 的 委 婉 语 汉 大 多 和 死 亡 有 关 , 道 教 中 的 “ 化 ” “ 化 ” “ 仙 ”佛 如 遁 、羽 、升 ; 教 中 的“ 桀”“ 寂 ” 。这些 来 源于 宗教 的委 婉语 使用 涅 、圆 等
从 英 汉 委 婉 语 对 比 看 中 西 文 化 差 异
( 阳职业 技 术学 院 , 南 濮 阳 濮 河
摘 要 : 文 从 跨 文 化 的 角 度 对 比 了英 汉 委 婉 语 Biblioteka 本470 ) 5 0 0
有 关 。比 如 表 示 “ e t ” 死 亡 ) 委 婉 语 中就 有 很 多 是 与 上 d ah ( 的
“ 转 ” 《 言 与 语 言 学 词 典 》 “ 婉 语 ” 释 为 :用 一 婉 。 语 把 委 解 “ 种 不 明说 、 使 人感 到 愉 快或 者含 糊 的 说法 。 替 具有 令 能 代
例如,令人最忌讳的“死”(death)常用“pass away”,“to fall asleep”,“God rest his soul”“,fall asleep”“,to be with God”,“to go west with”等来表达,其目的即减少或消除人们对死亡的恐惧感,从而达到忌讳的交际功能。
委婉 语 , 称 婉 曲 , 讳 称 , 人 类社 会 中 普 遍 存 在 的 一 种 语 言 现 象 。 种 ” 又 或 是 的含 义 , 而后 者 则 不 带 有 歧 视 、 骂人 的 意 味 , 现 了 对 私 生 子 一 视 同 仁 体 英 文 ep e i 一 词 源 自 希 腊 语 , 头 “ u uh ms m 词 e ”的 意 思 是 “ od ( ) 词 干 的 态 度 。 而 这几 年 中 国人 用 “ 外 恋 ” “ 遇 ” “ 人 ” “ 婚 ” 委 婉 语 go ” 好 , 婚 、外 、情 、试 等
这些 都 反 映 出 了两 大 民 族 对 “ 死亡 ” 法 的相 似 之 处 。 看 中 、 两 国 对 婚 前 、 外 性 行 为 都 持 否 定 态 度 , 随 着 社 会 的 发 展 和 人 英 婚 但 们 思 想 的进 一 步 解 放 , 为 人 们逐 渐 认 可 和 接 受 。 这 一 点 从 a a ( 色 事 已 fi 桃 fr 件 ) ta l e 试 婚 ) 饰 中都 有 所 体 现 。 英 美 人 谈 及 “ 生 子 ” 词 时 不 、 lo ( i r v 掩 私 一 语言 和 文化 的理 解 , 我 们 教 学 更 具 意 义 。 对
参 考 文献 :
[ ] 炎 昌 , 润 清 . 言 与 文 化 [ . 语 教 学 与 研 究 出版 社 ,9 9 1邓 刘 语 M] 外 18 .
[ 孔庆成. 2] 委婉语现象的主体透视 [ . 国语 ,9 3 M] 外 19 . [] 3 张梦. 英美话语文化导人[ ] 许 昌学院学报 ,0 6 ( ) J. 20 ,3 .
用 一 种 令 人 愉 快 的 、温 和 的 、间 接 的 词 或 短 语 来 取 代 更 精 确 或 直 接 的 表
达。而汉语最早是在 《 诗经》 中就 出现 了委婉语 。汉语 中,委婉语可 以 说是 一种 修辞格 ,有很多运用委婉语 的手段 。李鑫华 曾在 《 英语修 辞格
学生考试作弊则 冠以 t eedo test d i h r)w r.汉语中可 odpn no r ohs( e h o ok
做小动作 ”等来代 替考试 作弊。美 国学生考 试不及 格 ,回家对 其 父母
说 :“ in’t k t” Idd maei .
⑤工作 、社会地位方面 :对生活的贫富、职业的贵贱 ,倾 向于低调 陈述 而不直 言 不讳 。如对 贫穷 ,英语 有 dsdatgd n e r i gd iavnae ,u dr il e , p ve 汉语有 “ 手头拮据” 。有 一部分职业委 婉语 ,将一些平凡 的职业名 称予 以改头换 面 ,以此 克服 自卑感 。比如 h i desr( ar rs e 女理 发员 ) 被誉 为 b at i 美容师 ) ok( eui a c n( 、co 炊事员 )被称作 ce 厨师 ) air( hf( 、jnt 守门 o
与汉语相 比而言 ,英语拥有更 多的关于性方面的词汇 ,这可能与人们对
性 抱 有 更 开 放 、更 随 意 的 态度 有 关 。
和悦耳 。《 津高 阶英 汉双解词 典》 对该词 的解 释是 “ s o p a n, 牛 ue f l s t ea
m l r n i c w rso h ae lc f oea c rt o i c o e ” 即 i o dr t od r rs s npa eo r c u a r r t n s . d i e p i m e de
标签:英汉委婉语;社会文化;对比;异同1 委婉语的概念委婉语其实是一种修辞方法,被广泛的应用在英汉的语言当中,并且在英汉语言中占据着非常重要的地位。
2 英汉委婉语产生的因素2.1 避讳心理委婉语的形成其实就是在现如今社会的发展过程中,对于一些避讳性的东西所使用的语言,也可以叫做禁忌心理,一般情况下都是对于人心理上恐惧或者避讳的东西所使用的语言。
2.2 掩饰心理委婉语具有的最大特征就是用词比较模糊,常常会让听到的人产生一些语言上的误解,所以也就存在着一定程度上的欺骗性。
为提高某些 职业 的社会地位 , 人们往往使用委 “ 委婉语 ” 即使用语气和缓 的 、 听的 、 , 好 含混 的 、 圈子 的 、 人 平也在不断提高。 兜 令 愉快 的或不得罪人 的说 法去替代生硬 的 、 俗的 、 粗 不便直说 的 、 婉语来加以美化。在汉 语和英语 中都有大量关于职业名称的委 这类委婉语通 过夸 张 、 大 , 其显得 比它们所代表 的真 夸 使 令人不快的说法。 而在《 牛津简明英语辞典》 中对“u hmi 一 婉语 , ep e s m” 把 词 的定 义是 :S btu o f l o vgeo u daot x rs 实事物更体 面、更重要 。这种现 象在现代英 语 中俯拾 皆是 : “ ustt no mi r au ro n bu pe— ii d r e a d( 或 o ske e( 称为 dm schl( o et e 家务 助 i p s n o rh r i c oeepes ntu bt td” 英 语 和 汉 m i 女仆 ) hue ep r女管 家 ) i r as r tn ,xrsi s ust e.在 of h od e o h s i u 、 a—h l p( 或 i —n e 住家帮手 )一般 服务 v p ; 语 中都有为数众 多的委婉语 , 且它们有共 同的意义领域 , 比如死 手 ) dy e 白天帮工 ) l e i hl( ev e c ma g r服务管理人员 )bthr屠夫 ) 改 ;uce( 也 亡、 人体敏感部位 、 泌排泄 、 分 疾病与伤残 、 罪与罚 、 战乱 灾祸 、 性 员也 升级为 sri nae(
上则存在着较大 的差异 。这是 因为英语 和汉语 国家在历史 、 文
3有 关 “ 老 ” . 年 的委 婉 老 , 老 的委婉语相 当 丰富 。如 : no s ir e 化、 思维 、 心理等诸 多方面都存 在差异。本文拟从社会 问题 中的 iz ,dat e nt , em t e s sn d te a i hg h u e ma 汉语中类 失业 、 职业 以及生理现象 中的年老 、 死亡 四个方面 的委婉语进行 ci n avn g eae t a r, ao e n 等。 似“ 年老” 的委婉语也很多 , : 如 古稀之年 , 高龄 、 高寿 、 桑榆 、 夕阳 英 汉 对 比分 析 。 红等。 表示“ 年老 ” 的委婉语英汉差别非常 明显 。 尊敬老人是一个 1有关“ . 失业” 的委婉语 。 由于社会价 值观的不 同 , 英汉两 种语言 中有 关“ 失业” 的委 国家文 明的表现 ,然而 由于文化 的不 同 ,对老年人 的称 呼也 不 汉语 可用“ +姓 氏” “ 老 和 姓氏 +老 ” 的形 婉语表达也不尽相 同。西方 国家属私有制社会 , 劳动力流动大 , 同。从 表达形式上看 , 前者是表示尊敬 和亲切 , 后者是对德高望重 的敬称如 “ 王老 、 失业也相对频繁 , 有关 “ 失业” 的委婉语就 比较多 , 表达方式也五 式 , 等 这些表达方式是汉语 所特有 的。 从文化差异上看 , 英美 花A I 。如果丢 掉一份工作 ,再 找一 份新工作 ,就 叫“ e en 刘老 ” , ' - J b t e w 忌讳 o 一 词 , 们费尽心机借用其 他词汇来委婉地表 l d 他 jb” os或者“ e enso s两场放 映或演出之间的歇息 )或者“o 人怕老 , bt e w( w h ” t 老 老人” 这一概念 。 可在 中国 ,老 ” “ 字带敬 意, 是资历 和地位 b ee pn a e rj t在发展一个新规划 )等。失业者可向 示“ 、 e vl ig nwp e ( d o o c ” 人们有时还倚老卖老 , 以老为荣。 如什么“ 老板 、 老大 、 老 政府要求一定的救济金 , 官方就称这些失业者为“lmat 提出 的象征。 c i ns a ( 老师 、 老师傅” 。当然 , 等 随着 时代 的发展 , 国人也 开始怕 中 要求 者 )。在英 国失业 者被称 为“ e esotnt( ” h l r e t s f u a 比较不幸 的 总 、 老 了。m tr 在英语中表示 “ a e u 成熟” “ 、年长 ” 。可在 中国的老人 人 )。中国经历 了漫长的封建时代 , ” 工人 阶级出现得较晚 , 因此 “ ” 古代几乎没有关 于失 业的委婉语 ,只是到 了现代社会才逐渐 出 无论 自称“ 成熟” 或被称为 “ , 成熟” 都可能成为笑料 。从这一点 , 现 了一些。 在现代汉语中 , 有关失业 的委婉语大多是由官方 文件 也能看出英汉委婉语 的一些差异 。 4有 关“ . 死亡” 的委婉语。 和新闻媒体率先采用 而流行起 来的 ,如 2 世纪 7 年代 出现 的 O 0 人们认 为人 的最大不幸莫过 于死亡 ,死”是人们最忌讳的 “ “ 待业 ” “ 、待业青年 ”改革开放 以来的“ 岗” “ ; 下 、下岗职工” 。 等 虽 因此在语言交际中人们总是 回避“ 死亡 ” 二字 , 都尽可能用 然 同是指“ 失业者” 用的却是不 同的表达方式 , , 反映 出不 同社会 字眼。 经济体制和人们价值观 的转变 。 2 在 0世纪 7 0年代 , 国是计划 委婉语代之 。 我 英汉语 中表示 “ 死亡” 的委婉语都非常丰富。 英语中 经济体制 , 一个 “ 字充分说 明了人 们在计划 经济体制 下消极 有 :odpr,eatrm tew r , rvr 待” g ,e at prf o df ee d o h l o s a e p s w y b e t n sl , ot h s h 等待的传统观念 ; 一个“ ” 下 字折射 出改革开放 以来 , 国有企业的 die s , a sa a , r a e o e’ a t g e
一、英语委婉语的定义【1】《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第四版增补版)》解释中说Euphemism 一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(=good, sounding well,好的,好听的)和词pheme(=speech or saying,话语或好话)。
Euphemism 字面上的意思就是“use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases of more accurate or direct ones(用好听的话或令人愉快的方式表达)。
【2】刘寅齐,在《外语与外语教学》中提及,美国学者Hugh Rawson 曾说:“委婉语如此深深地嵌入我们的语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即使那些自诩为直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天。
所以下面大致分成以下四种类别:(一)人生在世最基本的:生老病死直接表达委婉表达die (死) pass awayill(病)under the weatherold (老) advanced in age(二)身体方面的缺陷在交谈方面为了顾及对方的自尊心和感受,对对方的身体缺陷不能直陈其事。
关键词:英语;汉语;委婉语;对比研究A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms Abstract: Euphemism is not only a widespread linguistic phenomenon, but also a social and cultural phenomenon. It is a mirror of a particular society. English and Chinese euphemisms have many similarities but more differences on forms and connotations because of different cultural tradition and historic background. This paper makes a comparative study of the cultural differences between English and Chinese euphemism from its origin, the way of its formation, its forms, contents and cultural significances.Key Words: English; Chinese; euphemisms; contrastive study0. 引言到目前为止,有关委婉语的研究已有许多,现有的研究主要是从语义学、社会语言学和语用学等角度进行的,。
2 、委婉语 所体 现的文 化差 异性 由于文化 具有 鲜 明的 民族 性 ,不 同的文化 呈现 出不 同 的文化形 态 ,这种文 化形 态上 的差异 反应 到语 言层 面为语 言 差异 。英汉 民族 的委婉 语都 是在特 定 的社会 自然环 境和 特 定 的文 化背 景 下形成 的, 因此两种 存在 着文化 差 异。这 种 差异可 以体 现在 以下几个 方面 : ( 1 )在 命 名和 称 谓方 面 。中 国人 很少 直 接称 呼 自己 长 辈或祖 先 的名字 ,这是 因为 中华 民族 向来尊 祖敬 宗,命 名 和称谓 禁忌 深深 扎根在 社会 文化 之 中,因此 不能 直呼长 辈 的姓名 ,取 名字 时也要 避开 先辈 曾用过 的字和 谐音 等 , 否 则会被 视为 不敬 。晚辈 称呼 长辈时 , 以辈分称 谓代 替名 字 的称谓 ,如 “ 爷爷” “ 奶奶 ” “ 爸爸” “ 妈妈 ”,既表 明辈分 ,也表 现 出尊敬之 意 。而 英美 国家 则没有 这方 面 的 禁 忌 ,辈 分低 的人 可 以直 呼 辈分高 的人 的名字 ,不 同社会 二 、中西文化共 性与差 异性 在英 汉委婉语 中的体 地 位 的人 之 间也可 以直 呼其名 。人们 不会 觉得这 是 不尊重 的表 现 ,反而 会觉得 这样更 加亲 昵 ,能拉近 彼此 的距离 。 现 由于 人类 社会发 展 的进程 存在着 共性 与差 异性 , 因此 ( 2 )对 待老 龄 的态 度 方面 。 中 国文化 认 为年 长 的人 文化 上也存 在 着共性 与差 异性 ,这在 英汉 委婉 语 中都有充 为 智者 ,年老代 表着 智慧 , 因此 老年 人普遍 受到 尊重 和照 分 的体 现 。 顾 ,人们 也喜欢 用 “ 老 ”字代表 尊敬 ,如 “ 老 同志 ”、 “ 老 l 、委 婉语所 体现 的文 化共性 干 部 ”、 “ 老 师傅 ”等 , “ 老 ”字加 在姓 氏后面 更表 示对 张 老 ”, “ 叶老 ”。而英 美人 崇 尚年轻 , 委婉 语在 英汉 两种语 言 中使用 的功 能相似 ,这 些功 能 人 的尊敬 ,如 “ 认 为年老 象征 着 “ 衰败 ” “ 落 寞 ” “ 孤独 ”和 “ 死 亡 ”, 体现 了人 类文 化 的共 性 ,即文 化 中存 在 的语 言的禁 忌和 语 因此对 于 “ o l d ”一 词十 分 的 忌讳 。老 人 不 能说成 是 “ o l d 言 的美化 ,语 言要避 免 冒犯和伤 害他 人等 。 ( 1 ) 避 讳功 能 。 在 英语 和汉语 中都 有存在 着一 些 “ 不 p e o p l e ”而是 “ s e n i o r c i t i z e n ”。在 英语 里表达 “ 上 了年 纪 ” 可直 言 ”的词 , 比如 说在 基督 教盛行 的西 方社 会 ,上帝 的 的委 婉语 也 比汉 语 中要多 ,如 “ b e g e t t i n g o n ”, “ f e e l i n g n e ’s a g e ”.“ f a r a d v a n c e d i na g e ”等 。 名字 J e h o v a h( 耶 和华 )是 最大 的禁 忌 ,于 是 产 生 了许 多 o 委婉 词语 ,如 t h e A l mi g h t y( 万能 者 )、t h e S u p r e me B e i n g 三 、结语 随着 科技 的进 步 ,通 信 的发展 ,世界越 来越 成 为一个 ( 至 高无上 者 )、 H o l y o n e( 至圣者 ) 、t h e E t e na r l ( 永生者 ) 地 球村 ”,各 国各 民族 的交往 日益 频繁 ,文化 交流 不断 等 。在 中国古 代 ,君主 、帝王 的名 字也是 要忌 讳 的,如 秦 “ 始皇赢 政为 了避 免 “ 政” 字 的读音 , 改“ 正月 ” 为“ 端月” 。 加深 。语 言是文 化 的一面 的镜 子,通 过委婉 语 的 中西文化 ( 2 ) 礼貌 功能 。 在 交流 中为 了避免伤 害他 人的面 子 , 对 比研究 ,我们 能够 了解 到 中西 国家 和 民族 人们 的社会 习 应 该选 择 委 婉 的表 达 避 免 伤 害他 人 的面 子 ,这 就 是 委婉 俗和 心理 ,帮助 我们 了解 中西方 的思 维方 式、道 德观和 价 语 的 礼貌 功 能 。 如在 英 语 中 ,对 于 肥 胖 的 人 ,人 们 常用 值观 的共 性和 差异性 。因此 ,通 过对 比 中西文化 中 的委 婉 p l u m p , s t o u t , o u t - s i z e , o v e r - w e i g h t 来 表述 ,而 不 直接 说 f a t ; 语使 用 ,不仅 能提高 我们对 西方 文化 的认识 和 了解 ,也有 对 于 比较底 层 的职业 ,人 们也 常用委 婉 的说法 来代 替 ,比 利 于提高 我们 自身 的语言能 力和 交际能 力 。
在英语中,我们可以看到“be no longer with us”“go the way of all flesh”“join the majority”。
英语中的“死亡”委婉语通常采用抽象名词或短语来表达,如“pass away”、“depart from this world”、“gone forever”等。
英语中的“死亡”委婉语往往强调死亡的抽象性和精神性,如“pass away”意味着离开这个现实世界,而汉语中的“死亡”委婉语更注重死亡的现实性和不可避免性,如“不在了”传达了生命终结的意味。
把事 实 掩 盖起 来 的修 饰 手 段 它 不 仅是 一 种 社 会语 言 现 象 ,更 是 一种 文 化 现 象 。 委 婉 语 的 分 类 和功 能 英 语委 婉 语一 般 可 分 为两 大 类 :传 统 委婉语( a iin le p e s )[ t dt a u h mims; 文体委婉 r o  ̄ 1 语( yi i e p e i ) s l t u h m s 。所谓传统委婉语 , t sc ms 是与禁 忌语密切相 关的 。如生 、死 、病 、性 等禁 忌事 物 ,如果直 接表 达 ,就是 禁忌 语 , 给 人 的感 觉是 粗 鄙 、 生硬 、无礼 ;反之 如 果 间接 表 达 ,就 是 委婉 语 ,给 人的 印 象是 典 雅 、含 蓄 、 中听 、有 礼 。 所谓 文 体委 婉 语 ,实际 上是 恭 维 语 ,溢 美 之 词与 禁 忌语 无 关。委 婉语的功 能有 : 讳 功能 、避俗功 避 能 或 雅化 功 能 、礼 貌 功能 、掩 饰功 能 和 褒 扬功 能 ( 淡化 或 夸张功 能 ) 死亡是 人类 普 。 遍 面 临 的 重 大 问 题 之 一 , 在 日 常 生 活 中 时 有 发 生 。 由 于 英 汉 两 种 文 化 背 景 不 同 , 所 反映 出 的 对死 亡 的 看 法 存 在 很大 差 异 。 二 .英 汉两 种 语言 死 亡委 婉 语 不 同 的
圜 吼
: 幽
文0 张 慧婷 ( 焦作大学外 国语学院 河南焦作 )
英汉 “ 亡”委婉语 文化对 比分 析 死
摘 要 :委婉 语是 人 类 社会 中存 在 的一 委 婉 语 , 皆 出 于 此 。 英语中 “ 死”的很 多委婉 :b s f i e ae n he a ms o Js s,b se p i t H y, e a le n he va e 委 婉 语 的使 用 上也 存 在 许 多差 异 。 本文 对 t r f eu n Abr ha ’ s b s m , b o oe o a m oo e pr m td t 中 西 委 婉 语 跨 文 化 现 象 进 行 了 对 比 研 究 , be i
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S.167 浅谈《欲望号街车》所阐述的欲望168 浅析英文电影在高中英语教学应用169 论《简爱》对当代女性爱情观的启示170 欲望与死亡——对马丁伊登的精神分析171 交际教学法在高中英语语法教学中的研究172 商务交际中you-attitude的语用功能探讨173 语篇分析在阅读教学中的运用174 《红字》中替罪羊形象的分析175 视角转换理论在英文电影字幕中汉译的应用176 矛盾与挣扎的悲剧——浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中的主人公艾米丽177 麦当劳成功之道178 从功能对等理论看幽默语言的翻译179 《蝇王》中火的象征意义的转变180 从功能对等视角浅析法律翻译中的文化因素181 论爱伦坡的恐怖小说创作及其特点182 美国黑人英语在美国电影中的应用183 Impact of Latin on English V ocabulary184 《夏日鸟笼》的女性主义解读185 《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色词的蕴义186 《紫色》中的女性主义解读187 从中美送礼习俗分析两国文化价值观的差异188 从历届美国总统访华演说探讨其对中国所传递的价值观189 扼杀在萌芽中的期许—“一小时里故事”中的女权渴望190 商务英语报道中的情态意义分析191 托马斯哈代与张爱玲作品中女性悲剧命运对比研究——以苔丝和顾曼桢为例192 论《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝悲剧原因193 动物习语在英汉文化中的异同分析194 隐喻认知理论与英语词汇教学195 浅析好莱坞英雄主义中的传统英雄和反英雄形象196 莎士比亚:男权神话的守望者—莎士比亚戏剧的女性主义解读197 英汉委婉语的跨文化对比研究198 在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生199 英语词汇的文化内涵及词汇教学200 A Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs Based on Nida's Fuctional Equivalence Theory。