


中国人喜欢喝茶,也常常用茶来招待朋友 和客人。茶叶是中国人生活中的必需品。 茶树原产于中国。中国人发现茶树后,起 初是把茶叶作为药用,后来才当做饮料。 花茶(scented tea) 是中国独有的一个茶类, 是在茶叶中加入香花熏制而成的。最有名 的花茶是福建产的茉莉花茶(jasmine tea)。 喝茶不但可以止渴,还能消除疲劳,帮助 消化。长期饮茶,对人的身体很有益处。
reference version
Chinese people like drinking tea and usually use it to entertain friends and guests. Tea is a necessity in Chinese life. Native to China, after its discovery by the Chinese, tea was first used as medication and later as a drink/beverage. Scented tea, made by smoking tea with fragrant flower, is unique to China. The best-known scented tea is jasmine tea produced in Fujian. Tea drinking can not only quench thirst, but also eliminate fatigue and help digestion. Regular tea drinking is good to health.








参考翻译From the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty,the Chinese government divided Chinese people intofour classes:landlord, peasant, craftsman andndlords and peasants constituted thetwo major classes, while merchants and craftsmen were collected into the two minorones.Theoretically,except for the position of the Emperor, nothing was hereditary.There was apartial restoration of feudalism when eminent families with large amounts of land and hugenumber of semi-serfs emerged.These familiesdominated important civilian and military positionsof the government,making the positions available to members of their own families and clans.Sincethe Tang dynasty,the government reformed the imperial examination system as an attempt toroot out this phenomenon.1.从理论上讲,除了帝位,其他身份都不能世袭:从理论上讲可翻译为theoretically;帝位可翻译为theposition of the Emperor;世袭可用 hereditary 表达。





大学英语四级翻译训练题(一)10月23曰,三星电子公司(Samsung Electronics)发表声明向中国消费者道歉,并作出对七款机型提供免费维修服务并延长保修期的承诺。

三星希望通过道歉维持其在中国智能手机(smart phone)市场的主导地位。




大学英语四级翻译训练题译文Samsung Electronics issued an apology to Chinese consumers on 23rd October, offering to provide free repairs and extended maintenances on seven models. With the apology, Samsung hopes to maintain its leading position in China's smart phone market. The company sold 30 million devices in China for a 17.7 percent market share last year. Samsung is not the first company that issued an apology and promised to improve services. Apple did the same thing before and thus evened up a vast number of new customers.1.第1句中的'“发表声明道歉”译作issue an apology言简意赅,不必直译为issue a statement to apologize。









参考翻译Agriculture is a vital industry in China. Chinas development of farming was throughout its history,which has played a key role in supporting its huge population. Today, China is both the worldslargest manufacturer and consumer of agricultural products. Chinas farmland accounts for 10% ofthe total farmland in the world, while it supports over 20% of the worlds population. This situationputs many pressures on China. Efforts have been made by China to increase the budget foragriculture, enlarge investments, and promote energy efficiency to relieve the strain.1.贯穿了整个中国历史:可翻译为throughout its history。

2.这种情况给中国带来了巨大压力:“情况”可用situation表示;“给中国带来了巨大压力”可译为put manypressures on China。





它始建于2000多年前的春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period),秦始皇统一中国之后联成万里长城。

汉、明两代(the Han and Ming Dynasties)又曾大规模修筑,因此它是世界上修建时间最长的一项古代工程。


②假日经济(Holiday Economy )是在节假日期间的一种全民消费行为,十分有助于中国的经济增长。





③孔子学院孔子学院((Confucius Institute)是中国在世界各地设立的教育和文化交流机构。





④中国面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是人口老龄化(aging population)。




人口老龄化将为养老院(nursing home)行业的发展带来良好的前景。


⑤网上购物(online shopping)是中国近几年来日益流行的新型购物方式。



英语四级翻译练习附答案1:据说,中国的舞狮(lion dance)起源于南北朝(the Southern and Northern Dynasties)时期,至今已有一千多年的历史了。




两个功夫武术家(Kung Fu martial artists)可以组成一头狮子。




参考翻译:It is said that the lion dance in China originated in the Southern and Northern Dynasties with ahistory of more than one thousand years. The lions represent joy and happiness.From thefourth day to the fifteenth of the New Year, lion dance groups would tour from village to villagein ancient China.The lion itself consists of a head and a body. Every lion was made up of twoKung Fu martial artists qualified with a solidskill in Kung Fu.During the lion dance, music isplayed and each of the lions moods and moves has its own rhythm.1.据说,中国的舞狮起源于南北朝时期:据说可译为itis said that, it is+v.-ed+that为英语中常见的一个表达方式,意思是据,如,it is reported that(据报道)、it is heard that(据听说)、it is believedthat(人们认为,据信)。



专四历年翻译题1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically priv ate-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely d etermine what shall be produced by spending their money in the market place for those goods and services that they want most.[参考译文] 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。

2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individu al consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize prof its and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that tog ether determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.[参考译文] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求与商人试图最大化其利润的欲望和个人想最大化其收入效用的欲望相结合,一起决定了什么应该被制造,以及资源如何被用来制造它们。

3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in re ducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by sel ler-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more con sumers to buy the product.[参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能提供的供给,而这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费者购买产品。



4级考试题型翻译及答案一、翻译题1. 请将以下中文句子翻译成英文。


答案:The Chinese government has always been committed to promoting educational equity.(2)随着科技的发展,人们的生活越来越便利。

答案:With the development of technology, people's lives are becoming more and more convenient.2. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文。

(1)The rapid growth of the economy has led to a significant increase in the standard of living.答案:经济的快速增长导致了生活水平的显著提高。

(2)In order to protect the environment, we should take effective measures.答案:为了保护环境,我们应该采取有效的措施。

二、答案解析1. 对于中文翻译成英文的句子,考生需要注意时态和语态的转换,同时要确保翻译的准确性和流畅性。

(1)“一直致力于”在英文中通常翻译为“has always been committed to”,表示持续的动作。

(2)“随着科技的发展”在英文中使用“With the development of technology”来表达,而“越来越便利”则翻译为“becoming more and more convenient”。

2. 对于英文翻译成中文的句子,考生需要注意词汇的准确选择和句子结构的合理布局。

(1)“rapid growth”翻译为“快速增长”,“significant increase”翻译为“显著提高”,“standard of living”翻译为“生活水平”。



1. 中国面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是人口老龄化(aging population)。



人口老龄化将为养老院(nursing home)行业的发展带来良好的前景。


Aging population is one of the most severe challenges in China. According to the experts, within four decades, China will have nearly 500 million elderly people, which accounts for one third of the total population. Such a situation will undoubtedly put huge pressure on the economic growth of China, but it also means more business opportunities. The fast-growing numbers of elderly people will bring a very good prospect for the industry of nursing homes. Based on rough statistics, half a billion elderly people can at least bring the industry an economic benefit of 500 billion every month.2. 国画(Chinese painting)指中国传统绘画,历史悠久,远在2000多年前的战国时期(Warring States Period)就出现了画在丝织品上的绘画。



大学英语四级翻译练习题及答案大学英语四级翻译练习题及答案「篇一」1.By the end of this year ___________(这本书将出版)。

2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在现代社会发挥重要作用)。

3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(终于从云层后面露出来了)。

4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房间乱扔东西)。

5.An enclosed,smoke-filled room has levels of harmful gas________________(是平时的50倍)。

答案解析:1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out时态和被动语态:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判断要用将来完成时,而book与publish之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态will have been published。

如果用come out 表达的话不必用被动式。

“出版”的表达常用publish或come out。

2.play an important/essential role in modern society“发挥作用”的表达为play a role in。

“重要的”表达可以用important 或essential;“现代社会”的'表达为modern society。

3.emerged from behind the clouds at last考查介词:为了准确表达方位,from后面可接另外一个介词宾语,behind the clouds整体表示一个位置;云层后面。



1. It is + 形容词+ that【例句】________________ (可想而知)that knowledge plays an important role in our life.【答案】It is conceivable2. It is+ 形容词+to do/ doing 【例句】She had said what (一切有必要说的话).【答案】it was necessary to say3. 倍数词+ more + 名词/形容词+than【例句】Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills ______________ (比死于车祸的人多七倍) each year.【答案】seven times more people than automobile accidents4. (not )as/ so⋯as 和⋯⋯(不)一样【例句】The environmental problems ______________ (没有他们在报告中说得那么严重).【答案】are not as serious as they suggested in their report5. no more⋯than 与⋯⋯一样不【例句】She (也同样不宜当经理) a schoolgirl would be.【答案】is no more fit to be a manager than6. Nothing is more ⋯than 没有比⋯⋯更⋯⋯的;⋯⋯是最⋯⋯的【例句】(没有比⋯⋯更重要) to receive education.【答案】Nothing is more important than7. 感官动词+of+ 名词【例句】They hurriedly escaped into ______________ (充满恐怖气氛的山洞).【答案】a cave that smelt of terror8. without/ not so much as 甚至没有【例句】Disappointed with her husband ,Mary left home ______________ (甚至都没有回头看他一眼).【答案】without so much as looking back at him9. only to find/ see 结果却;没想到会【例句】He spent almost all his money to buy the hen which was said to be able to lay gold eggs, __________ (没想到这只鸡根本不会下蛋).【答案】only to find it could not lay eggs at all10. It is undoubted that/ There is no doubt that 毫无疑问,⋯⋯【例句】________________ (毫无疑问) war can be avoided if we get down to peace talk.【答案】There is no doubt that11. rather than 而不是⋯⋯【例句】________________ (与其追求金钱的享乐),we should focus on the improvement ofourselves.【答案】Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness12. (The )chances are that 很可能⋯⋯【例句】________________ (她很可能已经知道了), and there is no need for us to keep the secret.【答案】Chances are that she has already known it13. It occurred to sb. that 突然想到⋯⋯【例句】________________ (玛丽从来没有想到)she would become a princess someday.【答案】It had never occurred to Marry14. not⋯but ⋯不是⋯⋯而是⋯⋯【例句】To our disappointment, ______________ (这个计划带来的不是进步而是破坏).【答案】the plan caused not development but destruction15. When it comes to⋯提及,当提到⋯⋯的时候【例句】(谈到物理学), I know nothing.【答案】When it comes to physics16. be not much of a⋯是个不太好的⋯⋯【例句】 ________________ (麦克不是个好老师) for he often skips from one subject to another.【答案】Mike is not much of a teacher1. By the time you get to New York, I ________ (已经动身去) London.2. It ' s ttihmaet ________ (采取措施) about the traffic problem downtown.3. ___________ (正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with thesituation.4. What a lovely party! It is worth _______________ (牢记一生).5. His remarks left me ________________ (想知道他的真实目的).6. In May 2005, the local government ________ (发起一场公共辩论) the future direction ofthe official sports policy.7. The boy will soon find out that real life is seldom ________ (像广告片里描绘的那样简单).8. In no way _____________ (她愿意为所发生的事情承担责任).9. Ms Mennell was as much _______________ (既是我的老师也是朋友).10. If only the train had arrived on time, _______________ (事故就会避免了).11. At no time _______________ (我们不能忽略年轻一代的教育).12. Buildings consume ______________ (工业所用能量的一半).13. Mr. Martin _______________ (后悔因为这个错误责怪他秘书), for he soon discovered itwas his own fault.14. We would be enjoying the concert now _____________ (要不是你误了公共汽车).15. How can I ___________ (说服你相信她的诚实呢)?16. The school prefer that _____________ (老师们有心理学学位).17. TV, ___________ (如果使用得当的话), can stimulate a child 's imagina. tion18. It 'esb datable ____________ (改革是否改善了现状).19. It looks ____________ (彷佛她刚从外太空回来似的).20. ______________ (被他模棱两可的指令搞昏了头), we did not know which of the tworoads to take.21. ___________ (如果我和我兄弟之间出现争吵),my dad settles it.22. ___________ (与成年人学习外语相比), children do not seem to have muchadvantageous conditions, but they usually achieve higher proficiency levels.23. _____________ (就外表而言),Jack and his younger brother have little in common.24. He came to the meeting ________ (不顾重病).25. Then I found myself ________ (被许多男孩子包围着).26. The old man regretted ___________ (一事无成) in his life.27. Many big cities in the world ___________ (正面临淡水资源短缺).28. This novel ______________ (据说已经翻译成十多种外语).29. _____________________________ The little girl went home, (在母亲的陪同下).30. __________________________________________________ The employees of this company work very hard, ________________________________________ (其中百分之八十来自贫困地区).[解答] 答案主要考点练习(一)1. should have left for 将来完成时2. some measures be/ were taken, something be/was done 虚拟语气、高端词汇和短语3. It is because she is too inexperienced 强调结构4. remembering all my life 结构be worth doing sth5. wondering about his real purpose 结构leave someone doing sth6. initiated/start a public debate on 高端词汇和短语7. as simple as it is depicted/described in commercials/ads 比较结构8. was she willing to take responsibility for what had happened 倒装句9. a friend to me as a teacher 特殊比较结构10. the accident would have been avoided 虚拟语气11. should we neglect the education of the younger generation 部分倒装、高端词汇和短语12. half the energy used by industries 比较结构13. regretted having blamed/regretted blaming his secretary for the mistake 单词regret 的用法14. if you had not missed the bus 虚拟语气15. convince you of her honesty/convince you that she is honest 高端词汇和短语练习(二)16. its teachers have a degree in psychology 高端词汇和短语17. if properly used 条件状语18. whether or not the reforms have improved conditions 让步性条件状语从句19. as if she had just come back from outer space 虚拟语气20. Confused by his ambiguous direction/instructions 高端词汇和短语21. If any quarrel arises between my brother and me 假设条件状语从句22. Compared with adults learning foreign languages / adult language learners23. As far as the appearance is concerned 结构as far as⋯is concerned24. despite his serious illness in spite of his serious illness 结构despite 或in spite of 的用法25. surrounded by many boys 分词结构作宾语补足语26. being nowhere / having achieved nothing 结构regret doing sth27. are facing the problem of water shortage 高端词汇和短语28. is said to have been translated into more than ten foreign languages 动词不定式的被动式29. accompanied by her mother 高端词汇和短语30. 80 percent of whom come from the poor areas 定语从句1. __________________________________________ Everyone has his inherent ability , (只是很容易被习惯所掩盖2. __________________________________________ The importance of traffic safety , (无论如何强调都不为过)3.In my opinion , _____________ (打电动玩具既浪费时间也有害健康).4. _________________________________ T here is no doubt that (近视是一个很严重的问题)among the youth of ourcountry.5. ________________________________________________ According to my personal experience , _________________________________________________ (微笑已带给我许多好处).答案与解析:1. which is easily concealed by habits 每个人都有与生俱来的能力,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖。




He likes to eat rice and vegetables.
Shall we go shopping together?

This question is difficult to answer.

Tomorrow will be a sunny day, we can go for an outing.

We need more time to complete this project.

Our communication is beneficial for both parties.

This suggestion is worth considering.

They are developing marketing strategies for the new product.

This city has many historical relics.

We need to find the best solution to this problem.。

英语四级考试翻译题 句型训练 (含答案)

英语四级考试翻译题 句型训练  (含答案)

句型1.The first time _____________________ the island , we were deeply impressed by itsbreath-taking scenery. (foot)我们第一次踏上这个岛屿,就被她美丽的景色吸引了。

2. I was just about to go to the airport when _________________________ that I had left my passport in the living room. (occur)我刚要出发去机场,这时我突然想起我把护照落在起居室了。

3. We haven’t heard from him for a long time. I wonder _______________________ . (become) 我们很长时间没有收到他的来信了。


4. I was still sleeping _______________________ , and then it spread quickly. (break)我还在睡觉突然火灾发生了并且蔓延得很快。

5.It is not the first time _______________________ to me, so I have good reasons to doubt his words. (tell)这不是他第一次对我撒谎,因此我有理由怀疑他说的话。

6.Every time ______________________ , remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. (feel)每当你想抽烟的时候,要提醒自己你是不抽烟的人。

7. ___________________ we should take to promote the awareness of environment protection?(measure)你认为我们应当采取什么措施来提高环保意识呢?8.It’s difficult to imagine the trouble that a single mother had _________________ five children. (bring)很难想像一位单亲妈妈抚养五名孩子成长的艰辛。








黄河流域(river basin)是中国古代文明的诞生地,也是中国早期历史上最繁荣的地区。



参考译文The Yellow River ranks the third longest in Asia and the sixth longest in the world. The word “yellow” describes the muddy water of the river. The Yellow River,one of several rivers for China to live on,originates from Qinghai,flows through nine provinces, and finally pours into the Bohai Sea. The river basin is not only the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization,but also the most prosperous region in the early history of China. However,due to the frequent devastating floods, it has caused many disasters. In the past few decades,the government has taken various measures to prevent disasters.大学英语四级翻译真题及答案2四级翻译真题珠江是华南一大河系,流经广州市,是中国第三长的河流,仅次于长江和黄河。



英语四级考试的翻译练习题及参考答案英语四级考试的翻译练习题及参考答案「篇一」Every Dog Has Its SayKimiko Fukuda,a Japanese girl,always wondered what her dog was trying to say。

Whenever she put on makeup,it would pull at her sleeve. (46)When the dog barks,she glances at a small electronic gadget(装置)The following“human”translation appears on its screen:“Please take me with you.”I realized that‘S how he was feeling.“said Fukuda。

The gadget is called Bowlingual ,and it translates dog barks into feelings.People laughed when the Japanese toymaker Takara Company made the world‘s first dog.human translation machine in 20xx But 300.000 Japanese dog owners bought it. (47)“Nobody else had thought about it,”said Masahiko Kajita,who works for Takara.“We spend SO much time training dogs to understand ou r orders;what would it be like if we could understand dogs?Bowlingual has two parts. (48)The translation is done in the gadget using a database(资料库)containing every kind of bark。



大学英语四级翻译练习题及参考答案大学英语四级翻译练习题及参考答案1上海位于长江入海口(river mouth),是中国最大的城市,同时也是一座历史文化名城和著名的旅游城市。



东方明珠电视塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower)是上海的标志性建筑,矗立立在黄浦江边,塔髙468米,是目前世界第三、亚洲第一髙塔。

外滩(The Bund)是上海最著名的旅游景点之—,其建筑风格多样,有古今,有中外,享有“万国建筑博览会”之称。

参考翻译:Located in the river mouth of the Yangtze River,Shanghai is Chinas largest city and a famoushistorical, cultural and tourist city. It is Chinaslargest economic center, the most important nationalindustrial base, and an important center of trade,finance and culture as well. Shanghai is the worlds third largest port. The Oriental Pearl TVTower is a landmark in Shanghai. It stands along the Huangpu River, with a height of 468meters, and it is the worlds third highest and Asias highest tower. The Bund is one ofShanghais most famous tourist attractions. The architectural style there is diverse, bothancient and modern, home and abroad, thus making the Bund enjoy the title of the“exhibition of the worlds architecture”.1.位于长江入海口:可译为located in the river mouth ofthe Yangtze River。



英语四级翻译练习及答案Section 11.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应)his new conditions.2. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________( 牢记一生).3. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________( 他们也不会同意).4. His remarks left me ____________________________( 想知道他的真实目的).5. If you had_____________________ ( 听从了我的劝告,你现在就不会陷入麻烦中了).Section 1答案及解析:1. (should) adapt himself to【句型】suggest作“建议”时,其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型"suggest that sb.(should)do sth.”结构;从suggest还可以联想到宾语从句中同样要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise等。

【短语】adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于,其他搭配:adapt from 根据……改写/改编2. remembering all my life【单词】Be worth doing…/值得做某事,还有说法是worth sth. 如:He is worth the praise.3. neither will they【单词】neither表示“两者都不”,表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。

如:If you won't go, neither will I.4. wondering about his real purpose【单词】leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态;leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事5. followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.【句型】虚拟语气在if 引导的条件句中的用法(对现在的虚拟)从句:if + 主语+ 动词的过去式(be 用were) + ……主句:主语+ would (should, could , might) + 动词原形+ ……此题为混合虚拟语气:if条件句为对过去的情况的虚拟,用过去完成时(had done);主句的结果是对现在的虚拟,用“主语+ would (should, could , might) + 动词原形+ ……”Section 21.Though a skilled worker, _____________________ (他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis.2.He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, ____________________( 也从未屈服于任何困难).3.The little boy next door has been beating his drum for a whole morning, which got on my nerves so much _____________________ (以至于我无法集中注意力学习).4.The scientist tried to convince us that a tiger would not attack us _____________________ ( 除非它走途无路).5.The nation’ s population continues to rise _____________________ (以每年1200 万人的速度).Section 2答案和讲解:1. he was dismissed/fired/sacked【单词】主要考察“解雇”的表达方法。

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Exercise 1
1.____________________(要是妈妈知道了怎么办)?Doyou think s
2.Thesize ofthe audience,_______________________(如
我们所预料的那样), was wellover onethousand.
3.I’dliketo___________________(利用这次机会) tot
hank youallforyour cooperation.
4.How manytimes have I told you ___________________(不要在大街
5.Pleasekeep all medicines ____________________(孩子够不着的
Exercise 2
1.Millions of dollars in the city bank ____________________(据
说被偷了)during theblackout yesterday.
2.I would have comesooner but _____________________(我不知道你
3.CertainlyI’ll come, but Iamafraid I shall be______
4.Hehad to _________________________(丢下他的家人) when he w
ent abroad towork.
5.___________________(众所周知), too muchstress can cause
Exercise 3
1.__________________(吃的药越多), theworse I seemto feel.
2.Thecar was repaired but________________________(不
3.Thelarge vase inwhich he kept his umbrella for many yea
rs _________________(原来是) a valuable piece of Chinesepott ery.
4.__________________________(直到1986年) thattabletennis
was accepted as a regularpartof the OlympicGames.
5.Do you knowthat something strange happened to that company
Exercise 4
1.________________________(在去纽约的路上), hecalled on h
is unclein Chicago.
2.I found it difficult _____________________(改掉这个坏习惯).
3.We______________________(堵了半小时)inthe traffic and
so we arrivedlate.
4._________________________(如果他下午来),I should ask him
tohelpsolve thisproblem.
5.Silveristhe best conductorofelectricity,copper______
Exercise 5
1.Life shrinksor expands ______________________(与…成比例)
2.Itwas essentialthat the application forms _________
3.I decided togo to thelibrary assoon as I____________
4.Jean did not have time togo tothe concert last nightbecause
shewas __________________________(忙着准备考试).
5.We regret to inform you thatthematerials you order
ed are _______________________(没有存货).
1.It’s hightime that we_________________________(采
取坚决措施)toprotect ourenvironment.
2.Joe’s father, along withhistwo uncles, ___________________
_____(要求他留下) inNew York onemore day.
3.At first,the speaker wasreferring to the problemofpol
lutionin the country,but halfwayinherspeech,she sudd enly _______________________(转向另一个话题).
4.Walter offered usa liftwhenhe was leaving the office, bu
tour work _____________________(没完成),we declinedthe offer.
5.Features suchasheight,weight, and skin color____________
1._________________________(受一所美国大学的邀请),I finally fl
ew toSan Francisco on August 6,1998.
2.Students or teachers can participate in excursions to love
ly beaches aroundtheisland_____________________(定期). 3.The newcomersfound it impossible to _______________
_______(适应那里的气候)sufficientlyto makepermanent ho mes inthe newcountry.
4.Sheis goingto spendthewinter holidays in Hainan,_
5.HongKong, ____________________________(1997年回归祖国), is
oneofthe mostimportantcommercial andfinancialcentersinAsia.。
