SAT数学难题 hard math problem
sat最难数学题(实用版)目录1.SAT 简介2.SAT 数学考试的难度和范围3.SAT 最难数学题的特点4.如何准备和应对 SAT 最难数学题5.结论正文1.SAT 简介SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)是美国大学入学考试委员会(College Board)主办的一项全球性的大学入学考试,也被称为“美国高考”。
2.SAT 数学考试的难度和范围SAT 数学考试主要包括两个部分:数学(Math)和数学 2(Math 2)。
数学 2 部分则更侧重于考察学生的高等数学知识,如微积分、三角函数和复数等。
SAT 数学考试的难度相对较高,尤其是对于非英语国家的学生来说,因为考试语言是英语。
3.SAT 最难数学题的特点SAT 最难数学题通常具有以下特点:- 题目复杂:最难的数学题往往需要学生运用多个数学知识点,进行繁琐的计算和推理。
- 考查能力:这类题目旨在考查学生的逻辑思维能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力,而不仅仅是计算能力。
- 时间紧张:由于题目难度高,学生在解答这类题目时往往需要花费较长时间,而考试时间有限,这使得最难数学题更加具有挑战性。
4.如何准备和应对 SAT 最难数学题要想成功应对 SAT 最难数学题,学生需要:- 扎实掌握数学知识点:学生需要系统地学习 SAT 数学考试所涵盖的知识点,确保自己在面对各种题目时都有足够的知识储备。
- 提高解题技巧:学生需要通过大量的练习,熟悉各类题型的解题方法,提高自己的解题速度和准确率。
- 增强心理素质:面对难度较大的数学题,学生需要保持冷静,避免因为紧张而影响自己的发挥。
- 合理分配时间:在考试中,学生需要合理分配时间,尽量确保有足够的时间解答最难的数学题。
尽管sat 数学题中的绝大多数对中国考生难以形成真正的威胁,但很多考生经常由于某一术语的生疏或心情紧张等因素而在一道数学题上"卡壳"。
sat 数学考试的题目安排顺序是从易到难,题目的分值相同,所以考生在做某一个sat 数学选择题题目时,应该先跳过那些一时难以解决的题目。
例如下面这道题目:16. A sphere of radius r fits exactly into a right circular cylinder. If the height of the cylinder is equal to the diameter of the sphere, then the volume of the sphere is what fraction of the volume of the cylinder? (The volume of a sphere with radius r is 4/3*πr3.)解析:2/3,已知球的半径是r,求整好可以放入圆柱形中,圆柱的高是是球的直径,那么球的体积是圆柱的体积的比是多少?球的体积公式已给出4/3*πr3,还必须知道圆柱的体积公式是=πr2*h,圆柱的高是直径的长度2r.所以两个体积的比就是2/3其实想要解答这道题目按照上面总结的方法我们首先要读懂题目,不要错过关键词,完全理解之后找出做题的方向,必须要知道圆柱的体积公式,这道题的难点可能就是对于题目中词汇的理解,以及球和圆柱的体积公式了,所以大家在整理错题的时候就要记录下来,强化记忆,下次才会避免出错。
1.SAT 数学考试简介
2.SAT 数学中最难的题目类型
1.SAT 数学考试简介
SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)是美国大学入学考试的一种,其数学部分对于许多学生来说是一项挑战。
SAT 数学考试分为两部分,分别是数学(Math)和数学2(Math 2),总共有58 道题目,考试时间为80 分钟。
2.SAT 数学中最难的题目类型
在SAT 数学考试中,最难的题目通常涉及复杂的代数问题、需要高级几何知识的题目以及需要深入理解概率和统计学的题目。
要应对SAT 数学中最难的题目,学生需要做好充分的准备。
虽然SAT 数学考试中最难的题目可能让学生感到压力,但只要做好充分的准备,掌握解题技巧,就能应对这些挑战。
1. Algebra(代数)代数部分是SAT数学部分的重头戏之一,其中包含了一系列高中数学的基本知识和概念。
例题:给定一个二次方程 y = ax^2 + bx + c,已知该二次方程的图像经过点 P(1, 4) 和 Q(3, 16),求 a、b 和 c 的值。
解析:根据已知条件,我们可以列出两个方程:4 = a + b + c (代入点P的坐标)16 = 9a + 3b + c (代入点Q的坐标)通过联立这两个方程进行求解,我们可以得到 a、b 和 c 的值。
2. Geometry(几何)几何部分是SAT数学部分的另一个重要内容,主要考察学生对几何概念、图形性质和几何推理的理解。
例题:在一个平面直角坐标系中,点 A(-3, 2) 和点 B(4, -1) 分别为线段 AB 的两个端点。
如果点 C(-1, -5) 在线段 AB 上,求点 C 的坐标。
解析:通过计算 AB 的斜率和 AC 的斜率可以判断点 C 是否在线段AB 上。
然后可以通过线段的中点公式来计算点 C 的坐标。
3. Data Analysis(数据分析)数据分析部分是近年来SAT数学部分中新增的一部分内容,主要考察考生对数据收集、理解和分析的能力。
SAT考试数学题型与难度解析SAT 的数学部分在不考虑加试的情况下共有三个部分,总分800。
其中两个部分是选择题,每题5 个选项,只有1 个是正确答案;另一个部分由选择题与自答题共同组成。
整个数学部分共有44 道选择题和10 道自答题,总答题时间为70 分钟。
我们沿用《SA T 官方指南》上的题型分类进行解析,即数字运算,几何测量和数据分析等三大类别。
对于以上各种题型的难度,我们在此为大家做出一些简单的介绍:1、数字运算题是SAT 数学部分出现频率最高、也是最经常出难题的类型。
在很多题目中会将这三个概念混合出题,考察难度系数为 4 或5(难度系数5 为最难),所以一定要牢牢掌握它们的定义和特征。
实际上,SAT 数学部分在考察难度上波动并不明显,还是保持了一个非常标准化的出题节奏。
SAT Math word Problem
![SAT Math word Problem](
Questionsof Fractions, ratios, and proportions:1-5
1. At College X, the faculty-to-student ratio is 1:9. If two-third of the studentsarefemale and one-quarter of the faculty is female, what fraction of the combined students and faculty are female?
Diagram:suppose the length of the string is 12 in. mark every¼of the string, each length will be 3in.Cutevery 1/3 of the string, each length will be 4in. between¼and 1/3 will be 1in. and 2 in.
Math word Problem:Here is the general approach to any word problem:
1.Read through the whole question. Do this to get a sense of what’s going on. You want to know the basic situation described, the type of information you’ve been given, and—most important of all—what exactly you are being asking.
SAT数学难题汇总及答案x^2 表示x 的平方,=!表示不等于。
pi 表示圆周率类型1:20. The least integer of a set of consecutive integers is -25. If the sum of these integers is 26, how many integers are in this set(A) 25(B) 26(C) 50(D) 51(E) 5214. Exactly 4 actors try out for the 4 parts in a play. If each actor can perform any one part and no one will perform more than one part, how many different assignments of actors are possible16. Set X has x members and set Y has y members. Set Z consists of all members that are in either set X or set Y with the exception of the k common members (k > 0). Which of the following represents the number of members in set Z(A) x + y + k (B)x + y - k (C) x +y + 2k (D) x + y- 2k(E) 2x + 2y - 2k20. There are 75 more women than men enrolled in Linden College. If there are n men enrolled, then, in terms of n, what percent of those enrolled are men17. A merchant sells three types of clocks that chime as indicated by the check marks in the table above. What is the total number of chimes of the inventory of clocks in the 90-minute period from 7:15 to 8:4518. If the 5 cards shown above are placed in a row so is never at eithe end, how many different arrangements are possible20. When 15 is divided by the positive integer k, the remainder is 3. For how many different values of k is this true(A) One (B)Two (C)Three (D)Four (E)Five17. On the number line above, there are 9 equal intervals between 0 and 1. What is the value of x19. If a, b. c, and f are four nonzero numbers, then all of the following proportions are equivalent EXCEPT (A)a/f=b/c(B)f/c=b/a (C)c/a=f/b(D)a/c=b/f(E)af/bc=1/18. If a and b are positive integers and what is the value of ab(A) 6 (B)12 (C)18 (D)24 (E)3616. After the first term, each term in a sequence is3 greater than 1/3 of the preceding term. If t is the first term of the sequence and t=!0. what is the ratio of the second term to the first term15. The Acme Plumbing Company will send a team of 3 plumbers to work on a certain job. The company has 4 experienced plumbers and 4 trainees. If a team consists of 1 experienced plumber and 2 trainees, how many different such teams are possiblep. r. and s are three different prime numbers greater than 2, and n = p * r * s, how many positive factors, including 1 and n. does n have18. If the sum of the consecutive integers from -22 to x, inclusive, is 72, what is the value of x(A) 23(B) 25(C) 50(D) 75(E) 9417. For all positive integers j and k. let j \R\ k be defined as the whole number remainder when j is divided by k. If 13 \R\k = 2, what is the value of k19, In a set of eleven different numbers, which of the following CANNOT affect the value of the median(A) Doubling each number(B) Increasing each number by 10(C) Increasing the smallest number only(D) Decreasing the largest number only(E) Increasing the largest number only15. A store charges $28 for a certain type of sweater. This price is 40 percent more than the amount it costs the store to buy one of these sweaters. At an end-of-season sale, store employees canpurchase any remaining sweaters at 30 percent off the store's cost How much would it cost an employee topurchase a sweater of this type at this sale(A) $(B)$ (C)$ (D)$ (E) $and Corinne stand back-to-back. They each take 10 steps in opposite directions away from each other and stop. Alice then turns around, walks toward Corinne. and reaches her in 17 steps. The length of one of Alice's steps is how many times the length of one of Corinne's steps (All of Alice's steps are the same length and all of Corinne's steps are the same length.)14. If n and p are integers greater than 1 and if p is a factor of both n +3 and n + 10. what is the value of p(A) 3 (B)7 (C)10(D) 13(E) 3016. In a mixture of peanuts and cashews, the ratio by weight of peanuts to cashews is 5 to 2. How many pounds of cashews will there be in 4 pounds of this mixture14. How many integers greater than 20 and less than 30 are each the product of exactly two different numbers, both of which are prime(A) Zero (B)One (C)Two (D)Three (E)Four20. If k is a positive integer, which of the following must represent an even integer that is twice the value of an odd integer(A) 2k(B) 2k + 3(C) 2k+ 4(D) 4k+1 (E)4k+ 2类型2:18. The shaded region in the figure above is bounded by the x‐axis, the line x = 4, and the graph of y = f(x).If the point (a, b) lies in the shaded region, which of the following must be trueI. a < 4 II. b < a III. b < f(a)(A) I only(B) III only(C) I and II only (D)I and III only (E)I. II, and III19. At a bottling company, machine A fills, a bottle with spring water and machine B accepts the bottleonly if the number of fluid ounces is between 1178and1218If machine B accepts abottlecontaining n fluid ounces, which of the following describes all possible values of n7. Dwayne has a newspaper route for which he collects k dollars each day. From this amount he pays out k/3 dollars per day for the cost of the papers, and he saves the rest of the money. In terms of k, how many days will it take Dwayne to save $1,00017. In the xy-coordinate plane, the graph of x = y*y -4 intersects line l at (0, p) and (5, t). What is the greatest possible value of the slope of l18. Esther drove to work in the morning at an average speed of 45 miles per hour. She returned home in the evening along the same route and averaged 30 miles per hour. If Esther spent a total of one hour commuting to and from work, how many miles did Esther drive to work in the morning14. If (a + b)^ = (a - b) ^, which of the following must be true (A) b = 0(B) a + b = 1(C) a - b = 1(D) a^2 + b^2 = 1(E) a^2 - b^2 = 115. The figure above shows the graphs of y = x*x and y = a - x*x for some constant a. If the length ofPQ is equal to 6, what is the value of a(A) 6(B) 9 (C)12 (D)1518. During a sale, a customer can buy one shirt for x dollars. Each additional shirt the customer buys costs z dollars less than the first shirt. For example, the cost of the second shirt is x - z dollars. Which of the following represents the customer's cost, in dollars, for n shirts bought during this sale16. Let the function h be defined by h(x) = 14 + x^2/4. If h(2m) = 9m, what is one possible value of m16. If x is an integer greater than 1 and if y = x + 1/x, which of the following must be true I.y =! x II. y is an integer. III. xy > x^2(A) I only(B) III only(C) I and II only (D)I and III only (E) I,II, and III6. If m and k are positive and 10(m^2)*k^-1= 100m, what is m^-1! in terms of k(A) k/10(B) k/90(C) k^10 (D)1/10k(E) 1/90k8. The figure above shows the graph of a quadratic function f that has a minimum at the point (1,1). If f(b) = f(3), which of the following could be the value of b(A) -3(B) -2(C) -1(D) 1(E) 516. If a + 2b is equal to 125 percent of 4b, what is the value of a/b's biology experiment involved timing 12 hamsters in a maze. Each hamster received at least one practice before being timed. The scatter plot above shows the time each hamster took to complete the maze and the corresponding number of practices that each hamster received. Based on the data, which of the following functions best models the relationship between t, the number of seconds to complete the maze, and p, the number of practices(A) t(p) = 44 (B)t(p) = p (C) t(p)= 44p(D) t(p) = p/44(E) t(p)= p+ 4420. For all numbers .t and v. let the operation □be defined by x □v = xy - y If a and b re positive integers, which of the following can be equal to zeroI. a □bII. (a + b) □bIIl. a □(a + b)(A) I only(B) II only (C)IIl only (D) Iand ll (E) Iand IIl18. In the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle. Points A and C lie on the graph of y = p*x^3, where p is a constant. If the area of ABCD is 4, what is the value of p19. If k, n, x, and y are positive numbers satisfying x ^(-4/3)= k^-2 and y^(4/3) = n^2, what is (xy)^(-2/3 in terms of n and k(A) 1 (B)1/2 (C)3/2(D) 6/5(E) 38. The price of ground coffee beans is d dollars for 8 ounces and each ounce makes c cups of brewed coffee. In terms of c and d. what is the dollar cost of the ground coffee beans required to make 1 cup of brewed coffee15. Ifx^2-y^2 = 10 and x +y = 5. what is the value of x - y18. The average (arithmetic mean) of the test scores of a class of p students is 70. and the average of the test scores of a class of n students is 92. When the scores of both classes are combined, the average score is 86.What is the value of p/n14. Which of the following is equivalent to h(m + 1)(A) g(m)(B) g(m) + l(C) g(m)-1 (D)h(m)+1 (E)h(m)-1has containers of two different sizes. The total capacity of 16 containers of-one size is x gallons, and the total capacity of 8 containers of the other size is also x gallons, and x > 0. In terms of x, what is the capacity, in gallons, of each of the larger containers(A) 4x(B) 2x(C)x/2(D)x/8(E)x/1618. Let the function f be defined by f(x) = x^2+ 18. If m is a positive number such that f(2m) = 2f(m), what is the value of m19. The cost of maintenance on an automobile increases each year by 10 percent, and Andrew paid S300 this year for maintenance on his automobile. If the cost c for maintenance on Andrew's automobile n years from now is given by the function c(n) = 300x^n, what is the value of x(A) (B)(C) (D)(E) 30xy = 7 and x- y = 5. then x^2*y-xy^2= (A) 2(B) 12(C) 24(D) 35(E) 7017. Line m (not shown) passes through O and intersects AB between A and B. What is one possible value of the slope of line m17. If k and h are constants and x^2+kx+7is equivalent to(x + 1)(x + h). what is the value of k(A) 0(B) 1(C) 7(D) 8(E) It cannot be determined from the information given.(A) 1 (B)5 (C)24 (D)25 (E)2616. To celebrate a colleague's graduation, the m coworkers in an office agreed to contribute equally toa catered lunch that costs a total of y dollars. If p of the coworkers fail to contribute, which of the following represents the additional amount, in dollars, that each of the remaining coworkers must contribute to pay for the lunch类型318. In the xy-coordinate plane, the distance between point B(10, 18) and point A(x, 3) is 17. What is one possible value of x16. The pattern shown above is composed of rectangles. This pattern is used repeatedly to completely cover a rectangular region 12L units long and 10L units wide. How many rectangles of dimension L by W are needed(A) 30 (B)36 (C)100 (D)150 (E)18018. In the figure above, AB = BC and DE = EF = DF If the measure of /.ABC is 30° and the measure of /.BDE is 50°, what is the measure of /DFA(A) 30°(B) 35°(C) 40°(D) 45°(E) 50°17. The three-dimensional figure above has two parallel bases and 18 edges. Line segments are to be drawn connecting vertex V with each of the other 11 vertices in the figure. How many of these segments will not lie on an edge of the figure15. In the figure above, what is the sum. in terms of n, of the degree measures of the four angles marked with arrows(A) n(B) 2n(O 180 - n (D)360 - n (E)360 - 2n16. The figure above consists of two circles that have the same center. If the shaded area is 64pi square inches and the smaller circle has a radius of 6 inches, what is the radius, in inches, of the larger circle20. The figures above show the graphs of the functions f and g. The function f is defined by f(x) = x^3 - 4x. The function g is defined by g(x) = f(x + h) + k, where h and k it are constants. What is the value of hk(A) -6(B) -3(C) -2(D) 3(E) 615. The cube shown above has edges of length 2, and A and 8 are midpoints of two of the edges. What is the length of AB (not shown)the figure above, arc SBT is one quarter of a circle with center R and radius 6. If the length plus the width of rectangle ABCR is 8. then the perimeter of the shaded region is(A) 8 - 3pi(B) 10+3pi(C) 14+3pi(D) 1 + 6pi(E) 12+6pi16. In rectangle ABCD, point E is the midpoint of BC. If the area of quadrilateral ABED is 2/3, what is the area of rectangle ABCD(A)1/2(B) 3/4(C) 8/9(D) 1(E)8/3ABCD lies in the xy -coordinate plane so that its sides are not parallel to the axes. What is the product of the slopes of all four sides of rectangle ABCD(A) -2(B) -1(C)0 (D)1 (E) 216. In the figure above, y+z=(A)180(B)195(C)215(D)230(E)24518. The figure above shows part of a circle whose circumference is 45. If arcs of length 2 and length b continue to alternate around the ensure circle so that there are 18 arcs of each length, what is the degree measure of each of the arcs of length b(A) 4° (B)6°(C)10°(D)16°(E)20°20. If the five line segments in the figure above are all congruent, what is the ratio of the length of AC (not shown) to the length of BD(A) 2^ to 1 (B)3^ to 1 (C) 2^to 2 (D) 3^ to2(E)3^ to 2^0..515. In the figure above, EBCD is a square and AE =8 What is the area of EBCD18. In the figure above, if the legs of triangle ABC are parallel to the axes, which of the following could be the lengths of the sides of triangle ABC(A) 2. 29^ (B) 2.5, and 7(C) 3,3,and3*2^(D) 3, 4, and 5(E) 4, 5, and 41^类型4:18. If the average (arithmetic mean) of x and y is k, which of the following is the average of x, y, and z(A)(2k+z)/3 (B)(2k+z)/2(C) (k+z)/3(D)(k+z)/2(E) 2(k+z)/3Number of Siblings Numberof Students03 16 22 31table above shows how many students in a class of 12 preschoolers had 0,1, 2, or 3 siblings. Later, a new student joined the class, and the average (arithmetic mean) number of siblings per student became equal to the median number of siblings per student. How many siblings did thenew student have(A)(B)1(C)2(D)3(E)418. The table above shows student enrollment at Weston High School from 1992 through 1996. If the median enrollment for the five years was 1351, and no two years had the same enrollment what is the greatest possible value for x【答案】类型1题号答案类型2题号答案类型3题号答案类型4题号答案20E18A20E18A 14246D18B8A。
一道80%中国考生都做错了的SAT数学题往往在SAT考试中,数学部分对于中国学生来说可谓是信心十足的强项部分,然而,这道数学题2005年10月SAT考试第五个section 里面的第20题,正确率竟然不到18%!大家来回顾下往年的考题吧!原题如下:If j, k, and n areconsecutive integers such that 0 < j < k < n and the units(ones) digit of the product jn is 9,what is the units digit ofk? (RT0510_S05_Q20-M)(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 3(E) 4针对此题,SAT考试专家郑峻华给予了详细讲解:我想有相当多的学生可能首先是没有读懂这道题,units digit指的是我们说的“位”,ones的意思是“个位”。
这道题还原成中文意思是:如果j,k和n是三个连续整数且满足0 < j < k < n这一条件,同时j与n相乘所得的积个位数是9,请问k这个数字的个位数是多少?答案是从0-4这五个连续数字中进行选择。
4、除非另有规定,对于任何函数f 的值域都是所有实数x 的集合,并使得f(x) 是实数。
可能用到的公式:1、If 4(t+u)+ 3 =19,then t+u=如果4(t+u)+ 3 =19, 那么t+u=A 3B 4C 5D 6E 72、如图,三条直线相交于一点。
如果f=85,e=25,那么a 的值是多少?A 60B 65C 70D 75E 853、如果玛丽开车行驶n 英里用了t 小时,那么下列哪个可以表示她行驶的平均速度,英里/小时?A n/tB t/nC 1/ntD ntE n²t4、如果a 是一个奇数,b 是一个偶数,那么选项中哪一个是奇数?A 3bB a+3C 2(a+b)D a+2bE 2a+b5、在平面坐标内,F(—2,1),G(1,4),H(4,1)在以P为圆心的圆上,那么点P的坐标是什么?A(0,0)B(1,1)C(1,2)D(1,—2)E(2.5,2.5)6、如图,如果-3≤x≤6,那么x 有几个值,使得f(x)=2?A 零B 一个C 两个D 三个E 三个以上7、如果t 和t+2 的算术平均值是x, t 和t-2的算术平均值是y,那么x 和y 的算术平均值是多少?A 1B 1/2C tD t+1/2E 2t8、对于任何数x 和y,假设x△y=x²+xy+y²,那么(3△1)△1等于多少?A 5B 13C 27D 170E 1839、摩根的植物在一年之内从42厘米长到57厘米。
SAT数学难题有多难SAT数学重点考察的能力是数学思维和具体的解决问题的能力,题目的考察形式是44个选择题和10个grid-in questions。
If j, k, and n are consecutive integers such that 0 < j < k < n and the units (ones)digit of the product jn is 9, what is the units digit of k?(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 3(E) 4针对此题,专家们分析了出错的原因,大部分的学生首先是没有读懂这道题,units digit指的是我们说的“位”,ones的意思是“个位”。
所以我们先要把题目的意思搞清楚:如果j,k和n是三个连续整数且满足0 < j < k < n这一条件,同时j与n相乘所得的积个位数是9,请问k这个数字的个位数是多少?答案是从0~4这五个连续数字中进行选择。
在回答SAT 数学题时,需要注意解题的方法和步骤。
1. 复杂计算:在SAT数学考试中,有时会涉及到较为复杂的计算,例如多
2. 抽象数学概念:SAT数学考试中有时会涉及到一些比较抽象的数学概念,例如代数、几何、概率等。
3. 图表和数据解读:SAT数学考试中有时会涉及到图表和数据的解读,例如柱状图、折线图、饼图等。
比如a more than b的表达式是a+b,而a less than b的表达式是b-a,很多中国考生在这里出错。
再比如在decimal representation里,tenths digit既能表示十位数,也能表示小数点后第一位,即十分位,如09年1月S8第15题。
还有同学提出least possible value是“最小值”还是“最不可能的值”,从求解的角度自然是前者。
注意题目中问的是difference of a and b还是sum of a and b,最后求的是radius还是diameter,area还是perimeter,正确答案往往只有一步之遥。
比如Section 3的前5题都是在探讨解一元一次方程,二元一次方程和一元二次方程,只需要计算或者带入x的值即可解出。
三角函数依旧是考察定义,如section3 第9题就是给出边长求正弦值。
多项式的化简着重考察了指数函数和多元函数,如section3 14题和section 4 12题,熟背公式就能解决。
几何类题目依旧考察了圆,如section3 的38题将圆和三角形结合起来,需要注意半径的位置。
section 4的8题,11题考了圆的方程式。
同时相似三角形如section 3 的15题考的是直角三角形的相似,比较容易直观看出。
值得注意的是section 4 14和25题考了很少见的实验结论类题目,纯文字题且篇幅较长,比较考验学生的阅读能力和辨析数据的能力,需要仔细阅读题干和选项。
单位换算是以长度单位为主,结合了比例考点,如section 4 16题。
本次考试表格类题目比较少,函数图像出现的比较多,如section 4 21,23,28,36,37题,都列出了一次函数或者二次函数的图像,需要学生掌握基本的斜率,交点,截距,顶点等知识,辨别出函数图像的特点。
亚太SAT数学部分本次SAT考试数学部分难度略高, 尤其是section 4,整体难度上超过了目前大部分真题。
SAT数学难题汇总及答案x^2 表示x 的平方,=!表示不等于.pi 表示圆周率类型 1:20. The least integer of a set of consecutive integers is —25. If the sum of these integers is 26, how many integers are in this set?(A) 25 (B) 26(C)50 (D) 51(E) 5214. Exactly 4 actors try out for the 4 parts in a play. If each actor can perform any one part and no one will perform more than one part, how many different assignments of actors are possible?16. Set X has x members and set Y has y members. Set Z consists of all members that are in either set X or set Y with the exception of the k common members (k > 0)。
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3. The graphs of two linear functions, f and g, are perpendicular. If f (2) = 4 and f (−4) = 1, which of the following could define g?
I. ab · a−1
11. For all x and y, let the operation x y be equal to the 2x
whole number remainder obtained when finding . y
If s is an even integer and the value of 7 s = 2,
4. If (x − h)(x + k) = x2 − 16, what is the value of h + k?
(A) −8 (B) −4 (C) 0 (D) 4 (E) 8
A (–1,0)
C (3,0)
2. For all n, let n∗ be defined as n∗ = n2 − n − 2. If a and b are positive integers and a b, which of the following could be true?
B xº
(A) −5 (B) −4 (C) −3 (D) 1 (E) 3
22. A small circle, A, is rolled around the circumference of a larger circle, B, as shown in the figure above. Circle A starts at the position indicated “Start” and makes two complete rotations, coming to rest at the position marked “Stop”. If the ratio of the areas of A to B is 1 to 25, what is the value of x?
14. A student is weighing large and small marbles. While weighing one large marble with 8 small marbles, the student discovers that the large marble’s weight is 5 times the average (arithmetic mean) of the weight of the small marbles. The large marble’s weight is what fraction of the total weight of the 9 marbles?
(B) 6 √√
(C) 6 3 − 3 2 √
(D) 6 3 √
(E) 6 3 + 6
17. The function f is defined as f (x) = (x − n)(x + m) for all values of x. If the function g is defined as g(x) = f (x) + 3, what is the y-intercept of the graph of g in terms of n and m?
what is a possible value of s?
II. 0
III. 1
O 30º
12. In the figure above, OPQR is a square, and PS is the arc of a circle with center O. If the length of arc PS is π, the area of the shaded sector is what fraction of the area of OPQR?
(A) g(x) = − 1 x + 4 2
(B) g(x) = −x + 1 (C) g(x) = −2x + 4 (D) g(x) = 2x − 3 (E) g(x) = x + 5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
-3 -2 -1 -1 -2
5. A portion of the graph of the function h is shown in the xy-plane above. If h(4) − h(s) = 4, which of the following could be the value of s?
1. In the figure below, the graph of y = kx2 intersects triangle ABC at B. If AB = BC and the area of triangle ABC is 6, what is the value of k?
y = kx2
(A) 3n + 3m (B) 3n − 3m (C) 3nm (D) 3 − nm
nm (E)
(A) −10 (B) −8 (C) −6 (D) 0 (E) 5
a, b, b − a, −a, . . .
18. In the sequence above, each term after the first two is obtained by finding the difference between the two previous terms. If a = 3 and b = 4, what is the sum of the first 200 terms of this sequence?
beginning of the week?
6. In the figure above, three identical circles of radius 8 with centers O, P and Q are tangent to each other. What is the area of the shaded region bound by the circles?
21. An antique coin collector has a number of coins and several display cases. If he puts one coin in each case, there are four coins left out of the cases. If instead he puts three coins in each case, all coins are placed, and there are six empty cases left over. How many coins does the collector have?
g(x) = x2 + c h(x) = g(x − 5) + 3
A Start
19. The equations of two functions, g and h, are shown above, where c is a constant integer. If the graph of h has two solutions, what is the maximum possible value of c?
h ?
8. For integers a and b where a > 0 and b ≥ 0, let the
பைடு நூலகம்be defined as a
ab .
following could be the value of a b?
B 105º
Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
16. In the figure above, triangle ABC and parallelogram CDEF are constructed with B, C, and F along the same lin√e. If the ratio of CF : BC = 1 : 2 and DE = 2 3, what is the area of triangle ABC? √ (A) 3 2
-3 -2 -1 -1
10. The figure above shows the graphs of the functions f
and g. If g is defined in terms of a transformation of
f (x+h)+k,
(–1,0) D
15. In the figure above, rectangle ABCD lies on the coordinate plane with point D located at the origin. If AB = AE = ED, what is the area of quadrilateral BC DE ?
π (A)