
二、准备工作在进行振动传感器的校准之前,需要准备以下工具和设备:1. 校准装置:包括校准机、校准台等;2. 校准质量块:用于校准传感器信号的幅值;3. 电缆和连接器:将传感器与校准装置相连接;4. 计算机及相关软件:用于数据采集和分析。
三、校准步骤下面将详细介绍振动传感器的校准步骤:步骤一:检查传感器状态1. 确保传感器外观完好无损;2. 检查传感器电缆连接是否良好;3. 检查传感器固定是否牢固。
步骤二:连接传感器至校准装置1. 将传感器与校准机通过电缆连接;2. 确保连接器的插入稳固可靠。
步骤三:设置校准参数1. 打开校准软件,并选中相应的传感器型号;2. 设置校准频率和振幅范围;3. 设置校准装置的输出参数。
步骤四:进行传感器校准1. 将校准质量块放置在校准台上;2. 启动校准装置,并记录传感器在各个频率下的振幅数值;3. 采集足够数量的数据,以确保校准结果的准确性。
步骤五:数据分析和校准结果判定1. 将采集到的数据导入计算机;2. 使用相关软件进行数据分析和处理;3. 判断校准结果是否合格,如超出允许误差范围,则需重新进行校准,直至满足要求。
校准报告应包括以下内容:1. 传感器型号和序列号;2. 校准时间和地点;3. 校准装置和质量块信息;4. 校准参数和结果;5. 校准人员签名和日期。
在校准之外,还需做到以下几点:1. 定期检查传感器外观和连接线路;2. 清洁传感器,避免灰尘和污垢积累;3. 避免传感器受到强烈的冲击或振动。

振动传感器使用方法说明书1. 简介振动传感器是一种用于检测振动信号的设备,广泛应用于机械设备、工业自动化、航空航天等领域。
2. 振动传感器的组成2.1 振动传感器主体:由外壳、内部电路和连接接口组成。
2.2 连接线:用于将传感器与数据采集设备连接。
3. 准备工作3.1 根据需要选择合适的振动传感器型号。
3.2 确保传感器与数据采集设备的连接线完好,没有损坏或者松脱的情况。
3.3 清理工作区域,确保传感器的安装位置干净、平整。
4. 安装振动传感器4.1 确定安装位置:根据需要监测的振动源,选择合适的位置进行安装。
4.2 清洁安装面:使用干净的布或纸巾清洁安装面,确保贴合紧密,防止杂质影响传感器的精度。
4.3 固定传感器:使用合适的固定装置(如螺丝)将传感器固定在安装位置上,确保传感器稳定。
5. 连接传感器5.1 将传感器的连接线与数据采集设备(如振动分析仪)的接口连接。
5.2 确保连接牢固:插头应完全插入接口,确保信号传输的准确性。
5.3 检查连接状态:确定连接没有松动或破损。
6. 设置参数6.1 按照数据采集设备的说明书,设置采样频率和采集范围等参数。
6.2 确保参数的准确性:根据实际需要进行合理的设置,以确保获取到准确的振动数据。
7. 操作步骤7.1 打开数据采集设备,并确认传感器连接正常。
7.2 将振动传感器靠近需要监测的振动源。
7.3 启动数据采集设备,开始记录振动数据。
7.4 观察数据采集设备显示的振动数据,注意异常波动或过大的振动幅值。
7.5 根据需要,可以对振动源进行改变或调整,并再次记录数据进行分析。
8. 数据分析与应用8.1 使用数据分析软件对采集的振动数据进行处理和分析。
8.2 比较不同时间点或不同设备之间的振动数据,找出异常或异常之前的预兆信号。
8.3 根据分析结果,判断设备的运行状况,及时采取修复或优化措施,提前预防故障。

6 维护、保养
a) 经常用干净的棉纱擦去传感器上的灰尘,使之保持清洁。 b) 当传感器工作不正常时,检查连线是否接触不良。
7 安全警示
在使用与维护中严禁改变电路和与电路有关的元器件规格、型号和参数。 不得与未经防爆联检的设备配接使用。
8 运输
包装后的传感器在避免雨雪直接淋袭的条件下,可适用于水运、陆运及空运等各种运输 方式。
2.1 传感器应能在下列环境中正常工作:
a)环境温度: 0℃~+40℃; b)平均相对湿度:不大于 95%(+25℃); c)大气压力:80kPa~106kPa; d)无显著振动和冲击的场合; e)煤矿井下有甲烷和煤尘爆炸性混合物,但无破坏绝缘的腐蚀性气体的场合;
2.2 传感器能承受的最恶劣的贮运条件为:
公司名称:徐州致拓自动化有限公司 公司地址:徐州市铜山区樵村文新庄 206 号 公司电话: 0516-83307999 公司邮编: 221116
4.2 速度测量范围:0~20mm/s; 4.3 基本误差:±10%(F.S); 4.4 频率范围:10~1000Hz; 4.5 输出信号:(4~20)mA(两线制电流型); 4.6 功能:传感器能够将振动信号转换成两线制电流信号进行传输。
5 接线方式
红 色 线 -------24V+
绿 色 线 ------- 信 号
本传感器适用于有瓦斯、煤尘爆炸危险的煤矿井下、露天煤矿、选煤厂等工作场所,选 用本安型电源供电;本传感器在爆炸性气体环境中严禁带电开盖。
1.3 型号说明
振动 传感器
1.4 防爆型式及防爆标志
防爆型式:矿用本质安全型,防爆标志为“Ex ib I Mb”。

二、产品参数1. 测量范围:0-1000 Hz2. 灵敏度:0.5 mV/g3. 频率响应范围:10 Hz - 10 kHz4. 工作温度范围:-20℃至70℃5. 输出方式:模拟信号6. 电源要求:12-24V 直流电源三、产品结构电磁振动传感器主要由以下部分组成:1. 振动感应单元:负责感应振动信号;2. 信号处理单元:将感应到的振动信号转换为模拟信号;3. 输出接口:连接到外部设备。
四、产品安装及使用步骤1. 确保安装场所干燥、无振动干扰,并远离强电磁场。
2. 将电磁振动传感器的振动感应单元平稳地粘贴在需要测量振动的物体表面,确保良好的贴合度。
3. 将传感器的输出接口连接到外部设备的模拟输入端。
4. 将传感器的电源线连接到12-24V 直流电源,确保极性连接正确。
5. 打开外部设备的电源,并进行相应的设置。
6. 根据外部设备的要求,调整传感器的灵敏度和工作范围。
五、注意事项1. 在安装和使用过程中,严禁使用力量撞击或过度挤压传感器。
2. 请勿拆解传感器,否则会导致设备损坏或人身伤害。
3. 传感器的使用环境温度应在-20℃至70℃之间,超出范围会影响性能。
4. 如需更换传感器,请联系专业技术人员进行操作。
六、故障排除1. 如果传感器输出信号异常或无信号,请检查是否正常连接电源和信号线,并确保连接正确。
2. 如仍无法解决问题,请联系售后服务中心获取进一步帮助。
七、维护保养1. 定期检查传感器的安装状态,确保贴合度和连接可靠性。
2. 保持传感器表面清洁干燥,不得使用腐蚀性溶液进行清洗。
3. 如传感器长期不使用,请将其放置于干燥通风的地方,并避免受到机械振动。
八、报废处理1. 如需报废传感器,请联系当地相关部门进行处理,切勿随意丢弃。
科学实验室 机械振动传感器系列产品说明书

SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS1Bedienungsanleitung10/16 TL/ALF1 Dynamische Kraftsensoren2 Betriebselektronik MEC3 Steckernetzgerät 230 V(für1012850)nicht abgebildet: Steckernetz-gerät 115 V (für 1012851) 4 HF-KabelDas Paket Sensorik …Mechanische Schwingun-gen“entspricht den Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborge-räte nach DIN EN 61010 Teil 1. Er ist für den Betrieb in trockenen Räumen vorgesehen, die für elektrische Betriebsmittel geeignet sind.Bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch ist der sichere Betrieb der Ausstattung gewährleistet. Die Sicherheit ist jedoch nicht garantiert, wenndie Geräte unsachgemäß bedient oder unacht-sam behandelt werden. Das Ausstattungspaket Sensorik …Mechanische Schwingungen“ dient zur Aufzeichnungen und Analyse mechanischer Schwingungen mit einemOszilloskop. Hierzu werden Kraftsensoren ein-gesetzt, die Kräfte in Achsenrichtung dynamisch erfassen.Das Ausstattungspaket mit der Artikelnummer 1012850 ist für eine Netzspannung von 230 V (±10 %) ausgelegt, 1012851 für 115 V (±10 %).2.1 Dynamischer KraftsensorDie Dynamischen Kraftsensoren können an Stativstangen mit 10 mm Durchmesser oder auf der Traverse SW des Paketes Stativmaterial …Mechanische Schwingungen“ (1012849) befes-tigt werden. Sie funktionieren nach dem piezoe-lektrischen Prinzip.Eine Kraft am Haken generiert am Piezokristall eine Ladung, die der Kraft innerhalb Grenzen proportional ist. Infolge endlicher Übergangswi-derstände im Piezomaterial und des Impedanz-wandlers in der Betriebselektronik ergibt sich die dynamische Charakteristik.2Montage der dynamischen Kraftsensoren Die Montage der Sensoren ist für das Paket Sta-tivmaterial …Mechanische Schwingungen“ (1012849) optimiert (siehe Bedienungsanleitung-en der weiter unten genannten Pendel).Darüber hinaus können die Sensoren mittels Rändelschraube an Blechen oder Stäben mit 10 mm Durchmesser befestigt werden.Achtung! Die dynamischen Kraftsensoren dür-fen nicht mechanisch überlastet werden!∙ Den Krafthaken in axialer Richtung nicht mitmehr als 5 N und in Querrichtung nicht mit mehr als 1 N belasten.∙ Besonders bei der Montage und beim Ein-hängen von Schlaufen oder Federn am Krafthaken auf die maximal zulässigen Kräf-te achten.2.2 Betriebselektronik MECFig. 1 Betriebselektronik MEC 1a Anschluss für Steckernetzgerät1b Eingänge A und B für Dynamische Kraftsensor 1c Ausgänge A und B für Dynamische Kraftsensor 1d Ausgang ΔφAB für PhasendetektorVerstärkerkanäleIm Zusammenhang mit den Dynamischen Kraft-sensoren werden die Verstärkerkanäle A und B derBetriebselektronik MEC genutzt. Dort wer-den die Signale beider Kraftsensoren zur Dar-stellung mit einem Oszilloskop oder anderen Anzeigegeräten aufbereitet und hochohmig aus-geführt. Zusätzlich wird die Phasenlage zwischen beiden Signalen ausgewertet und als Gleich-spannungssignal ausgegeben. Die übrigen Ein- und Ausgänge haben hier keine Funktion.PhasendetektorEin Phasendetektor vergleicht die zeitlichen Verläufe der Signale A und B. In Abhängigkeit von der Phasendifferenz ΔφAB zwischen A und B liefert der Ausgang ΔφAB Gleichspannungswerte zwischen -8 V (∆φ = 0°) und +8 V (∆φ = 180°). 2 Dynamische Kraftsensoren 2 HF-Kabel1 Betriebselektronik MEC 1 Steckernetzgerät 12 V AC Dynamischer Kraftsensor Maximale Kraft in axialer Richtung: 5 N in radialer Richtung: 1 N Untere Grenzfrequenz: 0,2 Hz Anschluss: Klinkenstecker 3,5 mm Kabellänge 0,8 m Abmessungen: ca. 52 x 37 x 26 mm³ Masse: ca. 80 gBetriebselektronikSpannungsversorgung: über Steckernetzgerät Eingangsbuchsen: Klinkenbuchse 3,5 mm Ausgangsbuchsen: BNC Verstärker A, B: Ausgang ±8 V,Ri = 100 M Ω Ra = 1 kΩPhasendetektor XOR: Ausgang ±8 V,Ra = 1 kΩAbmessungen: ca. 65 x 100 x 40 mm³Steckernetzgerät für 1012850 Primärseite: 230 V, 50/60 Hz Sekundärseite: 12 V AC; 700 mASteckernetzgerät für 1012851 Primärseite: 115 V, 50/60 Hz Sekundärseite: 12 V AC; 500 mA∙ Betriebselektronik MEC nur mit dem mitge-lieferten Steckernetzgerät 12 V AC betrei-ben.3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Deutschland ▪ Technische Änderungen vorbehalten © Copyright 2016 3B Scientific GmbHZur Durchführung von Experimenten zu mecha-nischen Schwingungen sind die nachfolgenden Ausstattungen empfehlenswert. Hier wird durch den Einsatz eines USB-Oszilloskops erreicht, dass die Schwingungen mit der Oszilloskop-Software auf einem PC analysiert und ausgewer-tet werden können.Alternativ kann jedes beliebige Oszilloskop eing-esetzt werden.5.1 Wilberforce-Pendel1 Ergänzungssatz …Wilb erforce-Pendel“ 1012844 1 Stativmaterial …Mechanische Schwingungen“ 1012849 1 Sensorik …Mechanische Schwingungen“ @230V 1012850 oder @115V 1012851 1 USB-Oszilloskop 2x50 MHz 1017264 1 PC, Betriebssystem Win XP, Vista, Win 7 oder1 Analog Oszilloskop 2x 30 MHz 10027275.2 Physikalisches Pendel1 Ergänzungssatz …Physikalisches Pendel“ 1012853 1 Stativmaterial …Mechanische Schwingungen“ 1012849 1 Sensorik …Mechanische Schwingungen“ @230V 1012850 oder @115V 1012851 1 USB-Oszilloskop 2x50 MHz 1017264 1 PC, Betriebssystem Win XP, Vista, Win 7 oder1 Analog Oszilloskop 2x 30 MHz 10027275.3 Faden-Pendel1 Ergänzungssatz …Fadenpendel“10128541 Stativmaterial …Mechanische Schwingungen“ 1012849 1 Sensorik …Mechanische Schwingungen“ @230V 1012850 oder @115V 1012851 1 USB-Oszilloskop 2x50 MHz 1017264 1 PC, Betriebssystem Win XP, Vista, Win 7 oder1 Analog Oszilloskop 2x 30 MHz 1002727∙ Die Verpackung ist bei den örtlichen Recyc-lingstellen zu entsorgen. ∙Sofern das Gerät selbst verschrottet werden soll, so gehört dieses nicht in den normalen Hausmüll. Bei Nutzung in Privat-haushalten kann es bei den örtlichen öf-fentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträgernentsorgt werden.∙ Geltende Vorschriften zur Entsorgung von Elektroschrott einhalten.。

符合API 670要求的通用加速度计。
设计用于各种机器类型,具有0.5至10 kHz(+/-3dB)的宽频率响应、50g范围和13 kHz的安装共振。
Metrix SA6350高温加速度计适用于高达325C的温度。
三、产品特点提供5 Hz至10 kHz的频率响应,具有25 kHz的安装谐振,并提供与振动监测系统、电子开关和4-20mA信号调节器兼容的行业标准100 mV/g低阻抗输出。
Metrix 5485C高温速度传感器适用于高达375°C的温度。
Metrix 5485C是大多数GE重型工业燃气轮机的标准设备,包括Frame 3、Frame 5、Frame 6、Frame 7和Frame 9。

无需外接振动分析板:产品内部设计振动分析放大电路三、YT-JB3主要性能参数:1、工作电压:12VDC(红线V+ 屏蔽线V-);2、灵敏度:大于等于0.2g;3、频率范围:0.5HZ~20HZ;4、工作温度范围:-10℃~50℃;5、体积: 6.0㎝×4.5㎝×2.1㎝6、检测方向:全向。
7、信号输出:开关信号(黄/白线);8、输出脉冲宽度:与振动信号幅度成正比;控制防范:每只振动探测器可控制 10m 2 左右的房间。
灵敏度:在探测器警戒防范区内,以 60kg(±5kg)体重的人用≥1kg钢锤或其它工具打墙1-3次报警。
报警延时: 1-8秒;报警输出:继电器常闭(警戒为常闭、报警常开)。
误报率低:在电路中采用特殊信号处理电路,使之误报率最小警戒电流≦ 47mA,报警电流≦ 30mA。


二、工具准备在进行振动传感器安装之前,需要准备以下工具:1. 螺纹锁紧剂2. 扳手3. 螺丝刀4. 测量仪器(如示波器)5. 电缆夹具6. 电缆固定夹三、安装步骤1. 确定安装位置在选择安装位置时,需要考虑到以下因素:- 振动源的位置- 传感器应位于振动的最大振幅处- 避免有可能干扰传感器的因素,如热源或电源2. 清洁安装表面将安装表面清洁干净,去除油污和杂物,确保传感器能够紧密贴合。
3. 安装传感器- 将振动传感器放置在所选安装位置,并使用螺丝刀紧固。
- 如果需要,使用螺丝刀适当调节传感器的位置,使其与振动源最接近。
4. 使用锁紧剂为了确保传感器在振动过程中不松动,可以在螺纹上涂抹适量的螺纹锁紧剂。
5. 连接电缆- 将电缆插头插入传感器的电缆接口中。
- 使用电缆夹具将电缆固定在合适的位置,避免其在振动过程中被拉扯或损坏。
- 使用电缆固定夹将电缆固定在需要的位置上,确保其牢固可靠。
6. 连接到测量仪器- 将传感器的电缆连接到相应的测量设备上,如示波器。
- 确保连接牢固,并检查电缆是否损坏。
四、注意事项安装振动传感器时应注意以下事项:1. 尽量避免在振动传感器附近设置任何可能引起振动或干扰的设备。
2. 定期检查振动传感器的固定状态,以确保传感器没有松动或脱落的情况。
3. 使用合适的工具进行安装,避免因使用错误工具导致损坏传感器或无法固定传感器。
330400 330425 振动传感器 使用指南说明书

DescriptionThese accelerometers are intended for critical machineryapplications where casing acceleration measurements arerequired, such as gear mesh monitoring. The 330400 isdesigned to address the requirements of AmericanPetroleum Institute Standard 670 for accelerometers. Itprovides an amplitude range of 50 g peak and a sensitivity of100 mV/g. The 330425 is identical except it provides a largeramplitude range (75 g peak) and a sensitivity of 25 mV/g.If housing measurements are being made for overallprotection of the machine, thought should be given tothe usefulness of the measurement for eachapplication. Most common machine malfunctions(imbalance, misalignment, etc.) originate at the rotorand cause an increase (or at least a change) in rotorvibration. In order for any housing measurementalone to be effective for overall machine protection, asignificant amount of rotor vibration must be faithfullytransmitted to the bearing housing or machinecasing, or more specifically, to the mounting locationof the transducer.In addition, care should be exercised in the physicalinstallation of the transducer. Improper installation can resultin a degradation of the transducer’s performance, and/ orthe generation of signals which do not represent actualmachine vibration. Integration of the output to velocity canworsen this. Extreme caution should be exercised ifintegrating to velocity. For high quality velocitymeasurements the 330500 Velomitor Sensor should be used.Upon request, we can provide engineering services todetermine the appropriateness of housing measurements forthe machine in question and/or to provide installationassistance.330400and330425AccelerometerAcceleration TransducersDatasheetBently Nevada Machinery Condition Monitoring141638Rev.YSpecificationsParameters are specified from +20 to +30 °C (+68 to +86 °F) and 100 Hz unless otherwise indicated.Operation outside the specified limits mayresult in false readings or loss of machinemonitoring.Electrical330400Sensitivity10.2 mV/m/s2 (100 mV/g) ±5%.Acceleration range 490 m/s2(50 g) peak overall acceleration within the 10 Hz to 15 kHz frequency span. Vibration at frequencies above 15 kHz, especially at the transducers resonance will significantly decrease this range.AmplitudeLinearity±1% to 490 m/ s2(50 g) peak.BroadbandNoise Floor(10 Hz to 15kHz)0.039 m/s2 (0.004 g) rms. 330425Sensitivity 2.5 mV/m/s2 (25 mV/g) ±5%.Acceleration Range 735 m/s2 (75 g) peak overall acceleration within the 10 Hz to 15 kHz frequency span. Vibration at frequencies above 15 kHz, especially at the transducer’s resonance, will significantly decrease this range.AmplitudeLinearity±1% to 735 m/s2 (75 g) peak. BroadbandNoise Floor (10 Hz to 15 kHz)0.098 m/s2 (0.01 g) rms.Both Units(shipped prior Bently Nevada recommendsinstalling with the Mountingbase to minimize base strainsensitivity for serial numbersNOT preceded by the letter“G”.305 metres (1000 ft) with noEnvironmental LimitsOperatingand storagetemperature-55°C to +121°C (-67°F to +250°F)Shock Survivability 49,050 m/s2 (5000 g) peak, maximum.Relative humidity 100% condensing, non-submerged. Case is hermetically sealed.Magnetic Field Susceptibility <2.21 mm/s2/gauss (225 mg/gauss) [50 gauss, 50-60Hz].IP Rating Equivalent to an IP 68 (Dust tight and watertight). Please note that this is for the sensor only and does not apply to the cable.PhysicalWeight (nocable)99 g (3.5 oz), typicalDiameter23 mm (0.93 in).Height59 mm (2.3 in), including mountingstud.Connector3-pin MIL-C-5015 Receptacle316L stainless steelMountingSurface32 minch rms.MountingTorque 4.1 N·m (3.0 ft·lb).Case Material316L stainless steelWeight (nocable)100 g (3.5 oz), typicalMountingAngle Any orientationCompliance and CertificationsFCCThis device complies with part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:l This device may not cause harmfulinterference.l This device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may causeundesired operation.EMCEMC Directive 2014/30/EURoHSRoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Maritime330400 and 330425 onlyABS 2009 Steel Vessels Rules1-1-4/7.7,4-8-3/1.11.1,4-9-7/13Hazardous Area ApprovalsFor the detailed listing of country and productspecific approvals, refer to the Approvals QuickReference Guide (108M1756) available from.CSA/NRTL/C190501 (Agency Approval Options 01 through 04)Intrinsically Safe Ex ia IIC T4:Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C, D.Class II, Group E, F and GClass IIIAEx ia IIC T4:Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C, D;Class II, Groups E, F, GClass IIIInstall per drawing 167536T4 @ -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +100 °C(-40 °F ≤ Ta ≤ +212 °F)IntrinsicallySafe andNon-IncendiveEx nL IIC T4Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and DAEx nA T4Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and DInstall per drawing 167536T4 @ -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +100 °C(-40 °F ≤ Ta ≤ +212 °F)330400,330425Ex ia IIC T4AEx ia IIC T4Class I, Div 1 Groups A, B, C and DClass II, Groups E, F, and GClass IIIT4 @ -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 100°CInstall per dwg 167538330500Ex ia IIC T4AEx ia IIC T4Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and DClass II, Groups E, F, GClass IIIInstall per dwg 167537T4 @ -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 100°CEx nL IIC T4AEx nA IIC T4Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, DInstall per dwg 167537T4 @ -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 100°C330525Ex ia IIC T4AEx ia IIC T4Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and DClass II, Groups E, F, GClass IIIT4 @ -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 100°CEx nL IIC T4AEx nA IIC T4Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, DInstall per dwg 167539T4 @ -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 100°CATEX/IECEx190501, 330400, 330425, 330500, 330525190501II 1 GEntity Parameters Ex ia IIC T4 GaII 3 DEx na IIC T4 GcEx tc III T130°C DcT4@ Ta = -55°C to 121°CZone 0/1 Zone 2 Ui= 30V Ui= 30V Ii= 200mA Ii= 200mA Pi= 0.75W Pi= 1.14W Ci-27.2nFLi= 0330400, 330425, 330500, 330525Entity ParametersII 1 GEx ia IIC T4 GaII 3 DEx na IIC T4 GcEx tc III T130°C DcT4@ Ta = -55°C to 121°CZone 0/1 Zone 2Ui= 28V Ui= 28VIi= 150mA Ii= 150mAPi= 0.84W Pi= 1.26WCi-10.8nFLi= 0Hazardous Area Conditions ofSafe UseATEX/IECExZone 0/1:Equipment must be connected to equipment,which meets the abovelisted entity parameters.The cables type A or B (in compliance with EN60079-25) must respect the cable parameterslisted with the entity parameters.Zone 2 :The supply electrical parameters shall notexceed the values mentioned in the tablesabove.Ordering InformationFor the detailed listing of country and productspecific approvals, refer to the Approvals QuickReference Guide (108M1756) available from.330400 Accelerometer330425 AccelerometerPart Number-AA-BBA: Mounting Thread Option0 1¼-28 UNF integral stud0 2M8 X 1 integral studB: Agency Approval Option0 0None0 5Multiple approvals (CSA, ATEX, IECEx,) Interconnect CablesPart Number-AAA: Cable Length Option in feetFor the cables listed below, order inincrements of 1.0 ft (305 mm). Examples:1 5 = 15 ft (4.57 m)2 0 = 20 ft (6.10 m)The following are standard lengthsNon-standard/custom lengths can alsobe ordered at additional cost.1305393-conductor shielded 18 AWG (1.0mm2) cable with 3-socket plug andfluorosilicone elastomer boot at oneend, terminal lugs at the other end.Minimum length of 2.0 ft (0.6 m),maximum length of 99 ft (30 m). Amanual is available to assist withinstallation of this cable (partnumber 133080-01).169253-conductor shielded 22 AWG (0.5mm2) cable with 3-socket plug atone end, terminal lugs at the otherend. Minimum length of 2.0 ft (0.6m), maximum length of 99 ft (30 m). 167103-conductor shielded 22 AWG (0.5mm2) armored cable with 3-socketplug at one end, terminal lugs at theother end. Minimum length of 3.0 ft(0.9 m), maximum length of 99 ft (30m).Accessories127088330400 and 330425 AccelerometerUser Guide00531080Mating connector for 330400 and330425 Accelerometers.37439-01For use with serial numbers NOTpreceded with the letter “G”.Mounting Base, ¼-28 to ¼-28.Reduces base strain sensitivity. 37439-02For use with serial numbers NOTpreceded with the letter “G”.Mounting Base, M8X1 to M8X1.Reduces base strain sensitivity. 43217Accelerometer Mounting Kit usedwith extension part number108576-01 and O-ring part number04290422 to allow room for the330400 or 330425 accelerometer.(See separate datasheet, document141630.)Graphs and FiguresFigure 1: Acceleration Transducer Dimensional DrawingDimensions are in millimetres (inches)Figure 2: Typical Amplitude ResponseFigure 3: 10 – 10,000 Hz Typical Amplitude Response DetailCopyright 2020 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.Bently Nevada and Orbit Logo are registered trademarks of Bently Nevada, a Baker Hughes Business, in the United States and other countries. The Baker Hughes l ogo is a trademark of Baker Hughes Company. All other product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Use of the trademarks does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the respective holders.Baker Hughes provides this information on an “as is” basis for general information purposes. Baker Hughes does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and makes no warranties of any kind, specific, implied or oral, to the fullest extent permissible by law, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use. Baker Hughes hereby disclaims any and all liability for any direct, indirect, consequential or special d amages, claims for lost profits, or third party claims arising from the use of the information, whether a claim is asserted in contract, tort, or otherwise. Baker Hughes reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your Baker Hughes representative for the most current information.The information contained in this document is the property of Baker Hughes and its affiliates; and is subject to change without prior notice. It is being supplied as a service to our customers and may not be altered or its content repackaged without t he express written consent of Baker Hughes. This product or associated products may be covered by one or more patents. See /legal.1631 Bently Parkway South, Minden, Nevada USA 89423Phone: 1.775.782.3611 or 1.800.227.5514 (US only)。

线——信号线。 第四步:加电测试
敲击 ATM 机力度大小的调节方法: 将电位器调至中间位置,逆时针调节
灵敏度高,顺时针灵敏度低,这样反复微 调使之满意为止。
调节完后可用工具(铁锤)连续敲击 保险柜 3-5 次,要反复测试。
探测器灵敏度要调到适中,使其适应 当地环境; 1. 供 电 电 源应 是独 立 的 电 源 , 在 12VDC,不要低于 11V,可选摄像机 专用电源 DC12 1000mA 或是开关电 源,
ATM 机振动入侵探测器
使 用 说 明 书
1|. 概述
ATM 机震动传感器,通过公安部检 测报告,EMC 认证是银行入围产品,是用 来检测入侵者用工具破坏 ATM 机等设备 所产生的机械冲击而引起报警的探测装 置。本产品适用于不同结构的 ATM 机等设 备的防范,有效地防止 ATM 机等设 备的砸、打、撬等的破坏活动的防范。 YT-JB3 用来检测入侵者用工具破坏 ATM 机时产生振动信号触发振动探测器报警具 备 2 组输出。该机具有通用接口,能与其 它报警控制器、报警主机,110 联动以及电 话自动拔号机配用。可以直接驱动警号, 警笛,喇叭等设备,已广泛应用于全国各 省市银行 ATM 机、金库、博物馆、保险柜、 玻璃、墙体、移动基站、驾校电子碰撞、
2|. 分类:
振动传感器一体化 ATM 机振动入侵探 测器;
3|. 技术指标及功能:
1. 探测范围:每只振动探测器(或振 动传感器)可控制大小不同结构的 ATM 机及保险柜等。 3
2. 灵敏度:在探测器警戒防范区内, 以 60kg(±5kg)体重的人用铁制工 具敲击、撬或钻等方式破坏 ATM 机 设备 1-3 次报警。

ShockTec 震动探测器
1. 选择有意安装的位置,确保表面清洁并平整所有的参差不齐。
L E D T A M P E R A L A R M - 12V +L E D
J 1
12V 流
GREEN 绿色指示报警状态
RED 红色灵敏度过低指示
ORANGE 橙色灵敏度过高指示
LH-ST-485 振动传感器说明书

振动传感器说明书适用型号:LH-ST-485修订记录:目录1.产品介绍 (2)2.规格参数 (2)3.产品尺寸 (3)4.485通信协议与数据格式 (3)4.1.通讯基本参数 (4)4.2.数据帧格式定义 (4)4.3.寄存器地址 (5)4.4.参数读取 (6)5.电气接线 (7)6.售后服务 (7)6.1.售后服务承诺 (7)6.2.免责声明 (8)6.3.联系方式 (8)1.产品介绍485型温振传感器是选用高性能的MEMS芯片,采用嵌入式技术、温度传感技术、振动传感技术开发生产的一款高性能、抗干扰和复合型振动传感器。
杭州爱华仪器 AWA14400 型振动传感器 说明书

AWA14400型振动传感器使用说明书(AQV3.851.000ss)杭州爱华仪器有限公司2004年8月1 概述AWA14400型加速度传感器是一种压电换能器,它将振动的加速度转换成与之成比例的电压输出。
2 主要技术性能(1)灵敏度:40mV/m・s-2(2)频率范围:1Hz~300Hz(3)动态范围:0.0003m/s2~10m/s2(50~140dB,以10-6m/s2为参考)(4)横向灵敏度比:不大于6%(5)工作电压:+4V~+20V(6)安装方式:垂直放置或水平放置(7)外形尺寸:60×60×65(mm)(8)质量:550g3 使用方法3.1 安装:将传感器按箭头方向垂直放置在平坦坚实的地面上,或放置在被测振动物体的表面,可以测量垂直方向振动。
3.2 连接电缆线:将电缆线一端连接到传感器,另一端连接到仪器上。
3.3 由仪器读数可得被测物体的振动加速度值。
4 灵敏度标准4.1 加速度传感器出厂时已对灵敏度进行校准,校准值为40mV/m・s-2。
4.2 如果使用时间超过一年,或其它必要情况,可按以下方法进行校准。

三.设置和调试:1.振动次数:前3位DIP开关设置触发报警的振动次数1次振动触发报警: 1-OFF,2-OFF,3-OFF2次振动触发报警: 1-ON, 2-OFF,3-OFF4次振动触发报警: 1-OFF,2-ON, 3-OFF6次振动触发报警: 1-OFF,2-OFF,3-ON2.报警锁存复位:第4位DIP一般设置为:OFF。

Protero-915Wireless vibration sensorsOperating instructions (translation) Product contentsCordless motion sensor for awnings, bat-tery-operated with 2 x Mignon LR6 1.5V, fixing set and instruction manual. Safety instructionsPlease read this operating manual carefully as the procedure in this manual is a prereq-uisite for correct use of the product.Only operate the transmitter within sight of the awning drive!The figures in this operating manual are for illustration purposes only. The illustrations may differ from your product with respect to minor details and are provided for general information only.elero GmbH continuously strives to improve all products. As a result, the specifications, features and technology of this product may be changed at any time. The information in this operating manual is based on current information at the time of publication. No claims can be derived from the tech-nical data, images and information in this operating manual.&$87,21Intended use / Foreseeable misuse Only to be used for switching elero radio drives. Do not make any changes to the unit. Do not allow the device to fall, do not drill into the device and do not immerse in liquids. The manufacturer will not assume liability for damage caused by the above.FunctionThe Protero-915 is a battery-operated radio transmitter with sensors.It protects the awning by causing it to auto-matically retract when it is rattled by heavy winds or when water collects on the fabric (inclination change). A sensitivity threshold is used to detect the triggering event. The Protero 915 has been designed exclusively for use in conjunction with articulated arm awnings with a box or cartridge.ProgrammingBidirectional radio systemA bidirectional radio system transmits radio signals to a radio receiver and enables feed-back from the radio receiver to the transmit-ter. The radio signal can be sent directly to the target receiver. The target receiver car-ries out the command and sends a confirma -tion back to the transmitter (only when button is pressed). In order for bidirectional radio mode to work, all of the components involved must be able to transmit and receive radio signals. Whether bidirectional operation is possible depends on the bidirectional com-munication capability of the receiver.Compatibility with the following elero radio drives or receivers:SunTop 868 from V25, VariEco 868 from V20, Combio 868 RM from V79, Revio 868 from V12.Unidirectional radio systemA unidirectional radio system transmits radio signals to radio receivers. However, unlike in a bidirectional radio system, the radio receiver cannot send any messages to the transmitter.Parallel operation of both radio modes is not possible. After pressing the button P , the Protero-915 decides whether uni or bidirec-tional radio system will be used.Change to the other radio operating mode by deleting all transmitters (Protero-915 and hand/wall transmitters) from the receiver (press OPEN +DOWN/CLOSE +STOP +P for 6 seconds), then program again. Assembly and commissioningCheck compatibility of the accessories used before assembly.• Screwed in (with screws from the fixing set) or glued to one end of the outside or inside of the drop profile without hindering the closing of the awning.• Drill 2 holes in the drop profile according to the selected fixing element at the specified distance: Fix the base plate with the en-graved arrow “oben/up” pointing upwards (the longitudinal axis of the Protero-915 is parallel to the drop profile).Important: The batteries are not activated at delivery.• To activate, remove the insulating strips on the battery contacts.Make sure the radio link is unobstructed. Do not operate any devices on the same radio frequency nearby (e.g., wireless head-phones).• Programming the Protero-915 to the re-ceiver: see “Programming the transmitter/channel”.• Test regularly to ensure that the sensor is working properly.The Protero-915 can only protect the awning from sudden wind gusts to a limited degree due to the awning's travel time.• In the event of an impending storm, en-sure that the awning remains in a retract-ed position.After commissioning, check that the thresh-olds set allow the awning to retract. The fac t ory default setting ensures safe operation in most applications.Programming the transmitter / channel Requirement: The elero awning drive must be set and 1 elero radio transmitter must already be programmed. The Protero-915 can theoreti-cally be programmes on multiple elero awning drives. However, it is recommended for the sensor to only be programmed to the receiver on 1 awning. Important:Do not press the programming button P be-fore the receiver is in programming mode. If the receiver is not in programming mode, the transmitter channel will change to unidirection-al operation. To return to the initial state, press the STOP button and the programming button P simultaneously for 6 seconds until the LED indicator illuminates.1. Press the OPEN button, DOWN/CLOSE button and the programming button P simultaneously for 3 seconds on the trans-mitter that has already been programmed to the receiver. The LED illuminates briefly. The receiver is in programming mode.2. Press the programming button P on the Protero-915 for at least 1 second until the LED illuminates. The receiver is now in programming mode and indicates this by extending and retracting.3. Press the OPEN button (max. 1 second) after the retraction starts. The blind will stop.4. Press the DOWN/CLOSE button (max. 1 second) after the extension starts. The blind will stop. The Protero-915 is programmed. Housing base plateFollow these instructions for safe and proper use. Keep the instructions for future reference.Setting the wind sensitivity and inclina-tion sensitivityThe Protero-915 is delivered with a basic factory setting. Following assembly and commissioning, it is necessary to adjust the sensitivity of the awning to inclination and wind to suit the local conditions. There must be no wind when doing this. Wind sensitivity:1. Drive the awning to the outer end position. When this has been reached, the Prote-ro-915 will reference within 210 seconds. It is essential to wait until this time has elapsed!2. Now manually move the drop profile with the mounted Protero-915 in order to mim-ic vibrations similar to those that should cause the awning to retract.3. Depending upon the result (too sensitive or too insensitive), change the basic fac-tory setting of the “acceleration” threshold switch.Inclination sensitivity:1. Now drive the awning back to the outer end position. Wait for at least 210 seconds for the Protero-915 to reference again.2. Check the preset inclination sensitivity of 1° by very slowly pressing the drop profile in the outer end position downwards as far as the point of inclination you find accept -able and holding it there.The awning will retract after at least 210 seconds (position alarm).3. Depending upon the result (too sensitive or too insensitive), change the basic facto-ry setting of the “angle” threshold switch.Important:• Every setting that is changed must be checked.• Test regularly to ensure that the sensors are working properly. The awning is like-wise protected against the wind during extension and retraction.DisposalBatteries and old units may not be disposed of with household waste.1. Dispose of packaging in the recycling bin for cardboard and paper.2. Dispose of old batteries in the recycling bin for used batteries or have a retailer recycle them.3. Dispose of old units at an electronic waste recycling facility or have a retailer recycle them.ServiceIf malfunctions have occurred or the device has been damaged despite proper handling, contact your dealer or manufacturer. elero GmbH Antriebstechnik Maybachstr. 30 73278 Schlierbach Deutschland / Germany Tel: +49 (0) 7021 9539-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7021 9539-212 www.elero.de *************Notes on troubleshootingRepairPlease specify the item number, item de-scription, type of fault, situational circum-stances, presumed cause, unusual events prior to the problem. CleaningClean the device with a damp cloth only. Do not use cleaning agents because they can damage the plastic. WarrantyWithin the legal warranty period, we will remedy any defects caused by material or manufacturing defects by repairing or replac-ing the unit. Unauthorised modifications will void the warranty. ProgrammingTimeout after alarmIf the awning is retracted following an “posi-tion or acceleration alarm”, extension is only possible again after a timeout of approx. 15 minutes. During the timeout, any extension is stopped automatically after approximately 3 seconds and an automatic forced retraction takes place (locking movement).The timeout can be ended earlier as follows: • During the locking movement, press the STOP button on the programmed trans-mitter and then press the OPEN button. After reaching the upper end position the drive switches off, after which the time-out is ended.• On a programmed wall transmitter, move the Auto/Manual sliding switch to the other position and then back again.• On a programmes hand-held transmitter, use the selection button to switch from automatic mode to manual mode. Replacing the batteryIf the extension of the awning is interrupt-ed twice (loss movement), this is a sign of nearly empty batteries, that are in need of replacement.If the awning can no longer be extended (3 seconds extension, 1 second stop, 1 sec-ond extension, then retraction to upper end position), the batteries must be replaced. 1. If the awning is retracted, press the extension button on the hand/wall trans-mitter.2. The awning extends for approx. 3 seconds and stops briefly due to the absence of wind monitoring.3. The awning subsequently retracts. Im-mediately press the STOP button (while retracting). The awning now stops in this position.4. Disconnect the drive from the power supply.5. Unscrew central sheet metal screw with a suitable tool. Remove housing and silicone seal.6. Change the batteries. Use only Mignon LR6 (not rechargeable) batteries. Pay attention to correct polarity.7. Replace housing and silicone seal on the base plate.8. Restore power supply for drive. 9. Check entire functionality.After a battery change, the Protero-915 remains programmed on the drive. 10. D ispose of used batteries in accordance with environmental regulations.Status LED on printed circuit board When the status LED is illuminated, this indi c ates a radio signal. The same indicator light also indicates the operating mode of the receiver as follows: Inclination sensitivity when awningis stopped Wind sensitivity when awning is stopped OPEN buttonSTOP buttonDOWN/CLOSE buttonProgramming button PTransmit LEDProtero-915FCC / ICFCC ID: YBU2896IC: 8929A- 2896USA (FCC)Statement acc. to. FCC 15.19This device (elero Protero-915) complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules . Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Canada, Inn ov at io n, S cie n ce and Eco n omic Developme nt (IS ED)R SS Ge n Issu e5, S ec t.8.4This device(elero Protero-915) contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:(1) This device may not cause interference(2) This device must accept any interference, including interfe-rence that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil(elero Protero-915) contient des émetteurs / récepteurs exemptés de licence conformes aux RSS (RSS) d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada. Le fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférences(2) Cet appareil doit accter toutes lesinterférences, y compris celles susceptibles de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable de l'appareil.Caution:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’sau thority to operate the equipment.Information:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help。
Qolsys IQ SHOCK-S 震动传感器说明书

Frequency: 319.5MHz Battery: 3V lithium CR123A Magnet gap: 1 inch maxOperating Temperature: 32°-110°F (0°-45°C) Operating Humidity: 5-85% RH non-condensing Compatible with Qolsys control panelsSupervisory signal interval: 60 min (approximately) Potentiometer: Shock sensitivity adjustment✓Exterior Doors✓Sliding glass doorsWindows✓✓✓IQ SHOCK-S QUICK INSTALL GUIDECHOOSEINSTALLATION LOCATIONThis is a quick guide for experienced installers only. Refer to (login required)Three dip switches allow you to customize the behavior of this device:STEP 2DIP SWITCHCONFIGURATIONSPECIFICATIONSSTEP 1DS#1 - Test Mode:Enables sensitivity testmode. Please note, when test mode is enabled (ON) the IQ Shock will NOT transmit signals to the IQ Panel. This mode is only used for initial installation of the shock sensor.ON: OFF: Disables sensitivitytest mode.DS#2 - Pre-Warn:ON: Enables pre-warnsounder and red LED. OFF: Disables pre-warnsounder and red LED.DS#3 - Reed Switch:ON: OFF: Enables reed switch. Disables reed switch.SENSORMAGNETTAMPER SWITCHPOTENTIOMETERSHOCK SENSORDIPSWITCHESLEDBUZZERBATTERYIMPORTANT NOTE:The IQ Shock is intended to be installed on doors with or without glass inserts and on window frames but not on the actual glass surface.Adjusting the Shock Sensitivity:Adjust the shock sensitivity from the final mounting position. Test shock sensitivity by moving dip switch 1 to ON (enable test mode). While in this mode a short beep and green LED will flash when the unit detects a pre-warn threshold. A long beep and red LED will flash when the unit detects a shock level strong enough to trigger an alarm at the control panel. Please note that no RF transmission from the sensor occurs during sensitivity test mode.Gently hit (using the palm of your hand) the surface on which the device is installed. Gradually increase the pressure or turn the shock sensitivity adjustment dial clockwise with a small screwdriver until the desired response is obtained. Ensure that the device is not triggered by accidental vibration (e.g., wind, birds, window coverings) hitting the protected window or surface. Normal traffic or operation of the door/window should not trip the shock sensor. When testing the sensitivity of the unit, do not cause stress or damage to the mounting surface or to the glass. WARNING: In order to avoid personal injury while testing sensitivity, do not apply pressure to glass inserts or windows.Move dip switch 1 to OFF (disable test mode) once shock sensitivity has been set to the desired level. Verify that the IQ Shock properly communicates properly with the IQ Panel.Open/close magnetTap coverOR STEP 3OPENDEVICE CASINGSTEP 5SECURESENSOR & MAGNETDocument#: IQSS-QG-10-10 Revision#: 10/10/17 Issue Date: OCT 2017Qolsys Product #: QS1138-840Qolsys Inc. proprietary.Reproduction without permission is not permitted.FCC ID: 2ABBZ-RF-ARSHK IC: 11817A-RFARSHK**********************CONTACT TECH SUPPORTGOT QUESTIONS?This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada exempts de licence standard RSS (s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris celles pouvant causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.Push tab to open the device.MagnetSensor1” MAX Place your panel in “autolearn" modeCustomize name and settings as desired andtouch “ADD”ADDSTEP 7ADJUST SHOCK SENSITIVITYSTEP 4PULL BATTERY TABSTEP 6LEARNINTO PANEL*If dip switch #1 is on, no RF transmission is generated by the sensor and it will not auto learn. Dip switch #3 must be on for the reed switch to work.。
HG-021 无线振动感应探头使用说明.

HG-021 无线振动感应探头使用说明 请将振动感应探头垂直90°角粘贴在相对稳定的物体上,如玻璃、私人柜桶内、保险柜上,当受到外力震动或摇晃,促使探头内置开关接合,指示灯发亮并向主机发出报警信号。
注意事项:使用前请将12V (23A )电池按正确方向装进探头,探头安装于室内。
主要参数:外观尺寸:6×3.4×1.2CM 电源: 12V23A 电池1粒 工作温度:-10度C —60度C 发射距离:80MHG-021 无线振动感应探头使用说明请将振动感应探头垂直90°角粘贴在相对稳定的物体上,如玻璃、私人柜桶内、保险柜上,当受到外力震动或摇晃,促使探头内置开关接合,指示灯发亮并向主机发出报警信号。
注意事项:使用前请将12V (23A )电池按正确方向装进探头,探头安装于室内。
主要参数:外观尺寸:6×3.4×1.2CM 电源: 12V23A 电池1粒 工作温度:-10度C —60度C 发射距离:80MHG-021 无线振动感应探头使用说明 请将振动感应探头垂直90°角粘贴在相对稳定的物体上,如玻璃、私人柜桶内、保险柜上,当受到外力震动或摇晃,促使探头内置开关接合,指示灯发亮并向主机发出报警信号。
注意事项:使用前请将12V (23A )电池按正确方向装进探头,探头安装于室内。
主要参数:外观尺寸:6×3.4×1.2CM 电源: 12V23A 电池1粒 工作温度:-10度C —60度C 发射距离:80MHG-021 无线振动感应探头使用说明请将振动感应探头垂直90°角粘贴在相对稳定的物体上,如玻璃、私人柜桶内、保险柜上,当受到外力震动或摇晃,促使探头内置开关接合,指示灯发亮并向主机发出报警信号。
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1、工作电压:12VDC(红线V+ 屏蔽线V-);
5、体积: 6.0㎝×4.5㎝×2.1㎝
控制防范:每只振动探测器可控制 10m 2 左右的房间。
灵敏度:在探测器警戒防范区内,以 60kg(±5kg)体重的人用≥1kg钢锤或其它工具打墙1-3次报警。
报警延时: 1-8秒;
警戒电流≦ 47mA,报警电流≦ 30mA。