作文资料Comparison and Contrast 比较和对照的写作
Comparison and Contrast

c) The sim-diff pattern: The writer puts all the similarities between the subjects together and all the differences together. This technique is suitable for those subjects whose similarities and differences are more balanced. In an essay using this pattern to organize the body part, the whole essay will be arranged in the following way:
大学英语四级作文指导之Comparison and Contrast

Directions: Write a composition on the topic
More Social Practice or More Certificates
You should write at least 150 words, and base on the following outቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱine:
1. 现在不少大学生非常重视社会实 践活动; 2. 但是仍有许多学生以学习为重 认为获取更多的证书才要紧; 请 3. 你的看法
-social practice -part-time job, volunteer -contact society -practical experiences
-to attend various training programs -apply for different certificates -getting more certificates to improve competence
第一段:提出两种不同的观点——追求高工资与 注重事业发展。 第二段:说明各自的理由。 第三段:支持第二种观点:立足长远,注重事业发
High School Life and College Life
Introduction •Introduction •Main Body Main Body -Differences -High school life **teaching methods **leaning methods -College life **teacher-student Conclusion relationship Sample writing 2 *Conclusion
comparison and contrast比较与对比写作讲解

How to write the details?
There are some distinct similarities between fast food and home cooked meals. The first similarity is that they both provide a variety of choices. There are a number of selections available in restaurants; salads, burgers, sandwiches and more. Similarly, if the ingredients are available, anything can be cooked in your own kitchen. Another similarity is that each can be relatively inexpensive. Fast food can be very cheap since many meals are under five dollars. In the same way, home cooked meals also can be reasonable especially if ingredients are carefully considered for the cost. Thirdly, both fast food and home cooked meals can be delicious. We know that many people enjoy the taste of fast food because it is popular around the world. Likewise, home cooked meals can certainly be yummy if they are prepared just as you like them.

比较和对比英文作文英文回答:Comparing and contrasting two different things or ideas is a common task in academic writing. It allows us to understand the similarities and differences between them, and helps us to gain a deeper insight into the topic at hand. In this essay, I will compare and contrast two popular forms of transportation: cars and bicycles.Firstly, let's discuss cars. Cars are widely used for transportation all over the world. They provide convenience and comfort, allowing us to travel long distances in a short amount of time. With a car, we have the freedom to go wherever we want, whenever we want. Additionally, cars are equipped with various safety features, such as airbags and seat belts, which ensure our protection in case of accidents. For example, I remember a time when I wasdriving my car and a reckless driver suddenly swerved into my lane. Thankfully, the airbag deployed and protected mefrom any serious injuries.On the other hand, bicycles offer a different set of advantages. Firstly, they are environmentally friendly and do not contribute to air pollution. By using bicycles instead of cars, we can reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment. Moreover, cycling is a great form of exercise. It helps to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and maintain a healthy weight. For instance, my friend decided to start cycling to work instead of driving. Within a few months, he noticed significant improvements in his fitness level and even lost some weight.In terms of cost, bicycles are much cheaper than cars. While cars require regular maintenance, insurance, and fuel expenses, bicycles only require occasional repairs and can be used without any additional costs. This makes bicycles a more affordable option for many people, especially those on a tight budget. Furthermore, bicycles are more maneuverable in congested areas and can easily navigate through traffic jams. This can save a lot of time during rush hours. As anexample, I used to live in a city with heavy traffic, and I found that using a bicycle to commute to work was much faster than driving a car.In conclusion, both cars and bicycles have their own advantages and disadvantages. Cars provide convenience, comfort, and safety, while bicycles are environmentally friendly, promote physical fitness, and are more cost-effective. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on individual preferences, needs, and circumstances. Whether we choose to drive a car or ride a bicycle, it is important to consider the impact on the environment, our health, and our finances.中文回答:比较和对比两种不同的事物或观点是学术写作中常见的任务。

Contrast和Comparison虽然都是修辞手法,但它们的用法和目 的不同。Contrast用于强调两个或多个相反或不同的方面之间的 差异,而Comparison则用于强调两个或多个相似或可比的方面 之间的相似之处。
在写作中,要避免将Contrast和Comparison混淆使用。 如果需要使用这两种修辞手法来表达相似的意思,可以尝 试将它们结合起来使用,例如在对比两个不同的事物时, 可以同时强调它们之间的相似之处和差异之处。
2. "有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活 着。"(臧克家《有的人》)通过生与死的对比,揭示
1. "黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明。"( 顾城《一代人》)这里通过“黑夜”与“光明”的对 比,表达了主人公对光明的执着追求。
将两个或多个相似的事物进行比较, 强调它们之间的相似点和共同点,以 加深读者对事物的理解和认识。
定义:Contrast是一种修辞手法,通过突出两个或多 个相反或截然不同的概念、事物或观点之间的差异,
Contrast强调差异和对比,通过突出相反或截然不同的特点来揭示事物的本质;而 Comparison则强调相似和关联,通过找出共同点或相似之处来建立联系和理解。在实 际应用中,Contrast和Comparison往往相互补充,共同构建文本的丰富性和深度。

compare or contrast? What is the purpose? What will make the essay
to a specific person.
Mum: my current car is a death trap! Do you want me to be the reason for the Cork traffic to be at a standstill? For this reason, I want you to consider helping me pay for my dream car, a 2011 Land Rover …
But lets just stay on the Pyramid
Let us for now just stay on the Maslow’s Pyramid…and see
How Compare and Contrast helps us make decisions
Make a Decision
Always choose two equal items—two cars, two Jobs, two people—not two unequal
items, like a car and an octopus.
Next, decide if you want to compare or contrast as your primary strategy. The
Do I want
this new
Unit 4 写作技巧之comparison and contrast-高中英语上外版2020必修三

Finally, a concluding sentence (结束句) —— whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation—— ends the paragraph. The essay, too, has a concluding
paragraph which ends the essay logically and satisfactorily. Although there are some exceptions (例外), most well written expository (说明文的) paragraphs and essays are
What is the argumentative article made up of ?
Topics or situation Opinions and reasons conclusion
个人观点:It’sno easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue.As for me,there’s some truth to both arguments.It’s advisable to ________.
My View on Studying Abroad
常见句型 表明观点:When it comes to
_________,different people hold different views. 展示观点:Some contend that ________.For
one thing,________.For another,_________.In spite of all these claims,others maintain that _________.They point out that _________.Another instance often cited is that ________.

Comparison and Contrast比较和对照的写作方法目标:掌握英语作文中比较和对照的写作方法(比较着重相似点,而对照强调不同之处);二.使用比较和对照写作方法的一般是说明文与论说文,常见的比较对照有两种方式:1. 块状比较方式(block method),先A后B,即A1, A2, A3...;B1,B2,B3...。
2. 逐点比较方式(point-by-point method),AB交错,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3...。
范文一:Country Life and City LifeIt is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life.Both have their merits and shortcomings.Living in the city has a great many advantages. First, you can enjoy various kinds of foods, both foreign and domestic. Second, there are morecultural activities in the city – you can go to the concert, the theatre, the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work. But city life has many problems, too.The overcrowded population, traffic jam, industrial pollution, and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness. Living in the country, however, you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want, you can certainly have a huge garden when a small green space seems a luxury in the city. In the country, you don’t have so mucn worr ies. You can enjoy the pleasure of work by planting seeds in the earth and watching them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food. But rural life may not be that perfect. Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are absolute left behind in some remotecorners of the world. You may again miss the parties, friends and movies in the city.Like anything else, country life and city life have their advantages and disadvantages. The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.范文二:Middle School Life and College LifeThere are many differences between middle school and the college. First,in middle school,we have to listen to what the teacher says in class, tounderstand the content of the text. But in college,we must study by ourselves before class. If not,we couldn't follow the teacher. Second,there are lots of rules in middle school. For example,we should wear the uniform,the girls must have their hair cut short,and we are not allowed to make boy- orgirlfriends. However,in college,we have more freedom. We can wear the clothes we like. And the girls could have long beautiful hair. We are also free to make boy or girlfriends. The third,in the middle school,we must study first.That means we could do nothing but study. In contrast,we have to doeverything by ourselves in college. That means we must plan our time carefully.There are also other differences between our school life and our college life.We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life.三.写作步骤1. 写前阶段:写作提纲1) 对两个对象或一个对象的两个方面进行比较与对照分析,找出相似点/不同之处。

Comparison and Contrast比较和对照的写作方法A Brief IntroductionDefinitions of comparison and contrast comparison: You are asked to explain how two or more things are alike. Contrast: You are asked to explain how two or more things are different.一.目标:掌握英语作文中比较和对照的写作方法(比较着重相似点,而对照强调不同之处);二.使用比较和对照写作方法的一般是说明文与论说文,常见的比较对照有两种方式:1. 块状比较方式(block presentation or the subject-by-subject),先A后B,即A1, A2, A3...;B1,B2,B3...。
2. 逐点比较方式(alternating presentation or the point-by-point),AB交错,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3...。
Comparison and contrast is a method that is often used by writers to analyze the similarities and differences between two subjects. To compare isto bring out the similarities between two things,and to contrast,which is a form of comparison,is to emphasize the differences between them. As a result,we can understand the two subjects better than we would do if we just examine the two individually.In writing a comparison and contrast essay,you may emphasize either the similarities or the differences between the two subjects,or if you like,you may include in your essay both the similarities and differences. No matter what you may emphasize in your essay,remember you should make a point in your essay,that is,there should be a purpose for making the comparison and the contrast. If the two items are too similar or too different,there won’t be any point in comparing or contrasting them.Three purposes for making a comparison and contrast:A. To present information about something unfamiliar by comparing it with something familiar.B. To show the superiority of one thing by comparing it with another.C. To show the reader of the similarities and differences of two things to help the reader understand or evaluate them.The organization of a comparison and contrast essay:A .How to introduce a comparison and contrast essayYou can introduce your comparison and contrast essay by explaining clear your purpose for making the comparison and/or contrast. You can also present the background information that promotes you to write the essay.B. How to organize the body of a comparison and contrast essay:When you come to the body of a comparison and contrast essay,you should follow the following two steps:Identifying the points:If you don’t know what points to compare and/or contrast about the subjects,you can create a list of potential points for each of the subjects. Then you can rearrange these points.2. Choosing an effective pattern to organize the similarities and differences. a)The subject-by-subject pattern:to present each of the two subjects separately,that is,to present first about one of the subjects,covering the points completely,then proceed to the other subject,also covering all thepoints completely. In general,this way works better in short essays where few aspects are considered,or where the writer’s interest is in the whole. Its pattern is like the following:b)The point-by-point pattern:to discuss the two subjects for each point of comparison and contrast,that is,you write about the first point in terms of the similarities and differences between the two subjects,then proceed to the next point,and so on. This way is preferable in long essays where many aspects are mentioned,for a long discussion of the various aspects of one item puts too much burden on the reader’s memory. Its pattern is like the following:c)The sim-diff pattern:The writer puts all the similarities between the subjects together and all the differences together. This technique is suitable for those subjects whose similarities and differences are more balanced. In an essay using this pattern to organize the body part,the whole essay will be arranged in the following way:IntroductionSimilaritiesDifferencesConclusionC. How to end a comparison and contrast essay:Your conclusion should help your readers draw conclusions. You may propose an action,stimulate the reader or make a generalization. You can also restate your purpose in a fresh way.Country Life and City LifeIt is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life. Both have their merits and shortcomings.Living in the city has a great many advantages. First, you can enjoy various kinds of foods, both foreign and domestic. Second, there are more cultural activities in the city –you can go to the concert, the theatre, the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work. But city life has many problems, too. The overcrowded population, traffic jam, industrial pollution, and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness. Living in the country, however, you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want, you can certainly have a huge garden when a small green space seems a luxury in the city. In the country, you don’t have so much worries. You can enjoy the pleasure of work by planting seeds in the earth and watching them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food. But rural life may not be that perfect. Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are absolute left behind in some remote corners of the world. You may again miss the parties, friends and movies in the city.Like anything else, country life and city life have their advantages and disadvantages. The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.Middle School Life and College LifeThere are many differences between middle school and the college. First,in middle school,we have to listen to what the teacher says in class, to understand the content of the text. But in college,we must study by ourselves before class. If not,we couldn't follow the teacher. Second,there are lots of rules in middle school. For example,we should wear the uniform,the girls must have their hair cut short,and we are not allowed to make boy- or girlfriends. However,in college,we have more freedom. We can wear the clothes we like. And the girls could have long beautiful hair. We are also free to make boy or girlfriends. The third,in the middle school,we must study first. That means we could do nothing but study.In contrast,we have to do everything by ourselves in college. That means we must plan our time carefully. There are also other differences between our school life and our college life. We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life.三.写作步骤1. 写前阶段:写作提纲1) 对两个对象或一个对象的两个方面进行比较与对照分析,找出相似点/不同之处。
作文资料Comparison and Contrast 比较和对照的写作

Comparison and Contrast 比较和对照的写作1.目标:掌握英语作文中比较和对照的写作方法(比较相似点,对照强调不同之处)2.使用比较和对照写作方法一般是说明文和议论文,常见的比较对照有两种方式:1.块状比较方式:(block method )先A 后B,即A1,A2,A3----; B1,B2,B3----。
2.逐点比较方式:(point-by-point method ) AB交错,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3----范文一:(块状比较法)Country life and City lifeIt is really hard to say which is better than the other,city life or rural life .Both have their merits and shortcomings .living in the city has a great many advantages .,First ,you can enjoy various kinds of foods,both foreign and domestic .Second, there are more cultural activities in the city —you can go to the concert ,the theatre ,the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work .But city life has many problems too. The overcrowded population ,traffic jam , industrial pollution ,and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness .living in the country ,however ,you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want ,you can certainly have a huge garden while asmall green space seems a luxury in the city .In the country ,you don’t have so much worries .You can enjoy the pleasure of work by planting seeds in the soil and watching them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food .But rural life may not perfect .Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are absolute left behind in some remote corners of the world .You may again miss the parties ,friends and movies in the city .Like anything else ,country life and city life have their Advantages and disadvantages .The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasure of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.范文二:(逐点比较法)Middle School life and college LifeThere are many differences between middle school and the college .First , in the middle school , we have to listen to what the teacher says in class to understand the content of the text .But in college ,we must study by ourselves before class. If not ,we couldn’t follow the teacher .Second ,there are lots of rules in the middle school .For example , we should wear the uniform ,the girls must have their hair cut short .and we are not allowed to make boy-girl friends . However ,in college ,we have more freedom .We can wear the clothes we like .And the girls could have longbeautiful hair . We are also free to make boy or girlfriends .The third ,in the middle school ,we must study first .That means we could do nothing but study .In contrast ,we have to do everything by ourselves in college .That means we must plan our time carefully .There are also other differences between our school life and our college life .We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life .。

Comparison and Contrast比较和对照的写作方法目标:掌握英语作文中比较和对照的写作方法(比较着重相似点,而对照强调不同之处);二.使用比较和对照写作方法的一般是说明文与论说文,常见的比较对照有两种方式:1. 块状比较方式(block method),先A后B,即A1, A2, A3...;B1,B2,B3...。
2. 逐点比较方式(point-by-point method),AB交错,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3...。
范文一:Country Life and City LifeIt is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life.Both have their merits and shortcomings.Living in the city has a great many advantages. First, you can enjoy various kinds of foods, both foreign and domestic. Second, there are morecultural activities in the city – you can go to the concert, the theatre, the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work. But city life has many problems, too.The overcrowded population, traffic jam, industrial pollution, and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness. Living in the country, however, you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want, you can certainly have a huge garden when a small green space seems a luxury in the city. In the country, you don’t have so mucn worries. You can enjoy the pleasure of work by planting seeds in the earth and watching them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food. But rural life may not be that perfect. Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are absolute left behind in some remotecorners of the world. You may again miss the parties, friends and movies in the city.Like anything else, country life and city life have their advantages and disadvantages. The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.范文二:Middle School Life and College LifeThere are many differences between middle school and the college. First,in middle school,we have to listen to what the teacher says in class, tounderstand the content of the text. But in college,we must study by ourselves before class. If not,we couldn't follow the teacher. Second,there are lots of rules in middle school. For example,we should wear the uniform,the girls must have their hair cut short,and we are not allowed to make boy- orgirlfriends. However,in college,we have more freedom. We can wear theclothes we like. And the girls could have long beautiful hair. We are also free to make boy or girlfriends. The third,in the middle school,we must study first.That means we could do nothing but study. In contrast,we have to doeverything by ourselves in college. That means we must plan our time carefully.There are also other differences between our school life and our college life.We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life.三.写作步骤1. 写前阶段:写作提纲1) 对两个对象或一个对象的两个方面进行比较与对照分析,找出相似点/不同之处。

对照对比英语作文Contrast and Comparison。
In today's world, people are constantly comparing and contrasting things. It can be anything from products, services, or even people. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of contrast and comparison in our lives, and how it can help us make better decisions.Firstly, contrast and comparison are essential in decision-making. When we are presented with multiple options, we tend to compare and contrast them to see which one is the best. For example, when buying a new phone, we compare the features, price, and brand of different models to make an informed decision. By doing so, we can choose the phone that best suits our needs and budget.Moreover, contrast and comparison can help us understand the differences between things. For instance, when studying history, we compare and contrast differenteras to understand how they differ from each other. This helps us gain a deeper understanding of the past and how it has shaped the present.Additionally, contrast and comparison can help us appreciate the uniqueness of things. When we compare and contrast two things, we can see the differences and similarities between them. This can help us appreciatetheir individuality and beauty. For example, when comparing two pieces of art, we can appreciate the unique style and creativity of each artist.However, contrast and comparison can also have negative effects. It can lead to a sense of superiority or inferiority. When we compare ourselves to others, we may feel inferior if we do not measure up to their standards. On the other hand, if we feel that we are better than others, it can lead to arrogance and a lack of empathy.In conclusion, contrast and comparison are essential in our lives. It helps us make informed decisions, understand differences, and appreciate uniqueness. However, we must bemindful of the negative effects it can have on our self-esteem and relationships with others. By using contrast and comparison in a healthy way, we can lead a more fulfilling life.。
8 Compare and Contrast 1对比比较作文

My sister and I look alike, have common hobbies, and enjoy the same foods.
Make the comparison or contrast interesting.
Be sure that your essay has a purpose. Ask yourself this important question: Why would anyone want to read this comparison or contrast? Consider giving the essay a specific audience. Imagine the the essay is a Plea to a specific person.
It’s a Journey
Mum: my current car is a death trap! Do you want me to be the reason for the Cork traffic to be at a standstill? For this reason, I want you to consider helping me pay for my dream car, a 2011 Land Rover …
this new
car … ?
Do I want
… or do I want my old car?
Do you want this guy … ?
… or do you want that
Do I prefer this girl … ?
… or do I prefer this

和对比的英文作文英文:When it comes to the topic of comparison, there are different aspects to consider. First of all, we can compare things based on their similarities and differences. For instance, we can compare two cars in terms of their price, performance, and features. On the one hand, they may have similar prices, but one of them might have better performance or more advanced features. On the other hand, they may have different prices, but one of them might be more fuel-efficient or have a better safety rating.Secondly, we can compare things based on their advantages and disadvantages. For example, we can compare two smartphones in terms of their battery life, camera quality, and user interface. One of them might have a longer battery life, but its camera quality might not be as good as the other one. Or one of them might have a more user-friendly interface, but it might be more expensivethan the other one.In my opinion, comparison is a useful tool fordecision-making. By comparing different options, we can weigh their pros and cons and make a more informed choice. However, we should also be aware of our own preferences and needs. What might be important to one person might not be as important to another person. Therefore, we should take into account our own priorities when making a comparison.中文:谈到比较这个话题,有不同的方面需要考虑。

– Brainstorming – Drafting – Revising
• Suggested Activities/Homework
What You Should Know
Comparison-contrast is a common method of development that involves focusing on similarities and differences---or more likely on one or the other---in order to make a point.
which contrasts KFC and McDonald’s. ________________________________________________
Activity 2: Look at your topic sentence once again. Does it
generalize the central idea in your writing? Is it a point of
You may use the following chart to help you find out the useful information.
Location Food Price Service
Coupons Dinning Environment
Other suggested topics
Dalian Department Store vs. MACAL (Victory Plaza) Hymall vs. Walmart (or Carrefour) Two big hotels you’ve worked for

对比对照都英语作文Comparison and contrast are two fundamental literary techniques that writers utilize to explore the relationships between different subjects, ideas, or concepts. These methods allow authors to highlight both the similarities and differences between their chosen topics, providing readers with a deeper understanding and a more nuanced perspective. Through the skillful use of comparison and contrast, writers can uncover hidden connections, challenge preconceived notions, and offer new insights that can broaden the reader's understanding of the world.At its core, comparison involves examining the ways in which two or more subjects are alike, while contrast focuses on the ways in which they differ. By employing these techniques, writers can engage the reader's critical thinking skills and encourage a more active and engaged reading experience. Comparison can reveal the common ground between seemingly disparate ideas, allowing the reader to draw connections and find common ground. Contrast, on the other hand, can highlight the unique qualities of each subject, underscoring their distinct features and challenging the reader toconsider alternative perspectives.One of the key advantages of using comparison and contrast in writing is the ability to clarify complex ideas and concepts. By breaking down a topic into its constituent parts and examining the relationships between them, writers can help readers navigate the intricacies of a subject matter and gain a deeper understanding. This is particularly useful in academic or scholarly writing, where the goal is to present information in a clear and accessible manner, allowing readers to engage with the material on a more meaningful level.Moreover, comparison and contrast can be used to develop persuasive arguments and support critical analysis. By drawing parallels or highlighting differences between two or more subjects, writers can build a compelling case for their perspective, challenging the reader to reconsider their own assumptions and biases. This technique is often employed in literary criticism, where scholars use comparison and contrast to explore the nuances of a text, examining its themes, characters, and stylistic elements in relation to other works or cultural contexts.In the realm of creative writing, comparison and contrast can be used to evoke vivid imagery, create compelling character studies, and explore the complexities of the human experience. Writers may use these techniques to juxtapose the familiar and the unfamiliar, theordinary and the extraordinary, or the past and the present, inviting the reader to engage with the work on a deeper emotional and intellectual level.One particularly effective use of comparison and contrast in creative writing is the exploration of cultural, social, or political differences. By examining the similarities and differences between diverse perspectives, writers can shed light on the shared experiences that unite us, as well as the unique challenges and perspectives that shape our individual and collective identities. This approach can foster greater understanding, empathy, and appreciation for the diversity of the human experience.In conclusion, the use of comparison and contrast in writing is a powerful tool that can enhance the reader's understanding, challenge their assumptions, and spark new insights. Whether in academic, critical, or creative contexts, these techniques allow writers to explore the nuances of their subject matter, offering readers a more multifaceted and engaging experience. By mastering the art of comparison and contrast, writers can create works that are not only informative and persuasive, but also deeply resonant and transformative.。

对比对照英语作文Comparing and Contrasting.When it comes to comparing and contrasting, there are many different approaches that can be taken. Some people like to focus on the similarities between two things, while others prefer to highlight the differences. There is no right or wrong way to approach this type of writing, as long as you are able to clearly communicate your ideas to your audience.One way to compare and contrast is to look at the physical characteristics of two things. For example, if you were comparing two different types of flowers, you might describe how they look, their size, and their color. By focusing on these details, you can help your readers visualize the differences between the two flowers.Another approach is to compare and contrast the functions of two things. For instance, if you werecomparing a car and a bicycle, you might talk about how they both get you from one place to another, but a car is faster and can carry more people and things. Meanwhile, a bicycle is more environmentally friendly and can be easier to park and store.You can also compare and contrast the histories of two things. For example, if you were comparing two countries, you might discuss their different political systems, cultural traditions, and economic development. By exploring these differences, you can help your readers understand how the two countries have evolved over time.No matter what approach you take, it's important to be clear and concise in your writing. Use specific examples and details to support your points, and make sure that your comparisons and contrasts are relevant and meaningful. With practice, you can become an expert at comparing and contrasting, and use this skill to analyze and understand the world around you.。
8 Compare and Contrast 1对比比较作文

But lets just stay on the Pyramid
Let us for now just stay on the Maslow’s Pyramid…and see
How Compare and Contrast helps us make decisions
Make a Decision
A contrast shows how two things are different
Choosing a Topic
When you choose a topic, be sure not to choose two totally unrelated subjects. You must start with subjects that have some basic similarities. „ Two movies „ Two short stories (book and movie)
Do I want
this new
car … ?
… or do I want my
old car?
Do you want
this guy … ?
… or do you
want that guy?
Do I prefer
this girl … ?
… or do I
prefer this girl?
Do I want to stay
My Dog is like a vacuum cleaner.
Even though my little nephew Alex is many years my junior, he and I
have much in common.
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Comparison and Contrast 比较和对照的写作
1.块状比较方式:(block method )先A 后B,即A1,A2,A3----; B1,B2,
2.逐点比较方式:(point-by-point method ) AB交错,即A1,B1;A2,
Country life and City life
It is really hard to say which is better than the other,city life or rural life .Both have their merits and shortcomings .living in the city has a great many advantages .,First ,you can enjoy various kinds of foods,both foreign and domestic .Second, there are more cultural activities in the city —you can go to the concert ,the theatre ,the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work .But city life has many problems too. The overcrowded population ,traffic jam , industrial pollution ,and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness .living in the country ,however ,you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want ,you can certainly have a huge garden while a
small green space seems a luxury in the city .In the country ,you don’t have so much worries .You can enjoy the pleasure of work by planting seeds in the soil and watching them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food .But rural life may not perfect .Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are absolute left behind in some remote corners of the world .You may again miss the parties ,friends and movies in the city .
Like anything else ,country life and city life have their Advantages and disadvantages .The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasure of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.
Middle School life and college Life
There are many differences between middle school and the college .First , in the middle school , we have to listen to what the teacher says in class to understand the content of the text .But in college ,we must study by ourselves before class. If not ,we couldn’t follow the teacher .Second ,there are lots of rules in the middle school .For example , we should wear the uniform ,the girls must have their hair cut short .and we are not allowed to make boy-girl friends . However ,in college ,we have more freedom .We can wear the clothes we like .And the girls could have long
beautiful hair . We are also free to make boy or girlfriends .The third ,in the middle school ,we must study first .That means we could do nothing but study .In contrast ,we have to do everything by ourselves in college .That means we must plan our time carefully .There are also other differences between our school life and our college life .We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life .。