
- Blue(蓝色):表示沮丧、忧郁或悲伤的情绪,例如:feeling blue (感到沮丧)。
- Red(红色):表示愤怒、热情或激动的情绪,例如:seeing red (勃然大怒)。
- Green(绿色):表示嫉妒、羡慕或不成熟的情绪,例如:green with envy(嫉妒得发绿)。
- Yellow(黄色):表示胆怯、懦弱或胆小的情绪,例如:yellow-bellied(胆小的)。
- 红色:表示喜庆、热烈或热情,例如:红色的旗帜(symbol of celebration)。
- 黄色:表示温暖、明亮或轻松,例如:黄色的阳光(warm and bright sunlight)。
- 蓝色:表示清新、冷静或深邃,例如:蓝色的天空(fresh and calm sky)。
- 绿色:表示生机、健康或环保,例如:绿色的植物(healthy and eco-friendly plants)。

例如,Mr. Brown is a very white man .He is looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him,he was in a brown study.I hope he’ll be in the pink again.短短一段话,竟含有五个颜色词,它们无一不体现着颜色词的隐喻功能。

以下是英语和汉语中一些常见颜色词的语用意义对比及其翻译:1. Red (红色)- In English, red is often associated with strong emotions such as love, anger, or passion. It can also symbolize danger or warning.-在汉语中,红色通常与吉祥、喜庆和幸福相关联。
2. Blue (蓝色)- In English, blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and sadness. It can also symbolize trust and reliability.-在汉语中,蓝色通常与冷静、清凉和悲伤相关联。
3. Yellow (黄色)- In English, yellow is often associated with brightness, happiness, and energy. It can also symbolize caution or warning.-在汉语中,黄色通常与明亮、快乐和活力相关联。
4. Green (绿色)- In English, green is often associated with nature, growth, and freshness. It can also symbolize envy or jealousy.-在汉语中,绿色通常与自然、成长和新鲜相关联。
5. Black (黑色)- In English, black is often associated with darkness, sadness, formality, and elegance. It can also symbolize mystery or power.-在汉语中,黑色通常与黑暗、悲伤、庄重和优雅相关联。

主要颜色词对比二: Green4 • 英语当中,绿色作为大家青睐的颜色,经常用 来指代跟植物有关的事物。 • Green belt 绿化带 • Green fingers 园艺技能 • Green lungs of the city 公园 • Green winter 没有下雪的冬天 • Green revolution 农业革命
主要颜色词对比一:红4 • 英汉语言中的红都可以表示 “身体健康”。例 如,汉语的 “红光满面”、 “面色红润”等; 英语中 “a fine old gentle man, with a face as red as a rose”意思是 “一位红光满面、精神矍铄的 老绅士”。
主要颜色词对比一:红5 • 英汉语里红色都可以用来表示情感,如 “脸红” (难为情),相当于英语的become red-faced/ turn red。但英语的 “see red”却不同于汉语的 “见红”,前者表示 “火冒三丈”之意,后者表 示 “妇女分娩前流血”,是一种委婉的说法。 • The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green. • 俗话说,夫妇吵得脸红耳赤之时,便是律师招 财进宝之日。
诗句中的颜色词1 • Vernal breezes green • 春风一吻泰河绿。 the Thames with a kiss. • 春风又绿江南岸。 • Spring wind of itself turns the south shore
诗句中的颜色词2 • 日出江花红胜火,春 来江水绿如兰。 • The sunshine basks the blooms in fiery glow; and the spring waters of blue as sapphire flow. • Two golden oriols sing amid the willows green; A row of white egrets fly into the blue sky.

英汉颜色词的语用意义对比及其翻译1. "Blue" - 蓝色- In English, "blue" can refer to feeling sad or down. For example, "I'm feeling blue today." (我今天感觉很沮丧。
) -在汉语中,没有直接用颜色词来表示情绪的惯用表达方式。
"2. "Green" - 绿色-在汉语中,绿色可以表示环保或可持续发展。
"3. "Red" - 红色- In English, "red" is often associated with anger or danger. For example, "He saw red when he found out what happened." (当他发现发生了什么事情时,他大发雷霆。
"4. "White" - 白色- In English, "white" can symbolize purity or innocence. For example, "The bride wore a beautiful white dress." (新娘穿着一件漂亮的白色婚纱。
"5. "Black" - 黑色- In English, "black" can represent something negative or illegal. For example, "He's involved in some black market activities." (他涉及了一些黑市活动。

PART ONE不同颜色的含义及相关的idiomsA.red(红色)1.无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。
因此,red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。
于是就有了这些词组:red figure:赤字red ink:赤字in the red:亏损red-ink entry:赤字分录red balance:赤字差额3.除此之外,还有如red cent:一分钱;red gold:纯金;red tip on stock market:指股票市场的最新情报catch someone red-handed当场抓住look through rose-colored/tinted spectacles抱乐观态度see red发怒red with rage愤怒red light危险信号,红灯;停止的命令red tape官样文章,繁文缛节roll out the red carpet铺开红地毯4.汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,不一定用“red”。
例如:红糖:brown sugar红茶:black tea红榜:honour roll红豆:love pea红运:good luck红利:dividend红事:wedding5.英语中的red翻译成汉语,有时也不能直译成“红色”,如:red wine:红酒red ruin:火灾red battle:血战red sky:彩霞B.black(黑色)1、在英语中经常有“不好的”、“坏的”、“邪恶的”这种意味。
例如:black out用墨等涂掉,熄灭灯光,眼前发黑,查禁black sheep害群之马,败家子black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场);由此派生出black market price:黑市价格2、另外,英语中,和红色墨水是记帐的意思相反,黑色还可表示盈利。

实物色彩词起初只是某些实物的名称,但因这些实物具有某些突出的色彩,故而衍生出新义来,不仅表示这些实物,而且也代指这些实物所具有的突出的色彩,如英语中的gold,silver,violet,orange,coffee等,汉语中的金黄、银白、桃红、橙色、米色等[2 ] 。
翻译是一种特殊的语言交流活动,著名翻译家尤金•奈达(Eugene Nida)将其总结为四个基本过程:(1)分析原文;(2)将原语转换成译语;(3)重新调整译文;(4)约请有代表性的读者检验译文。
如果译者确实理解了原文的涵义,又能得心应手地驾驭译语,翻译就是一个很自然的驾轻就熟的过程[3 ] 。

因此,为了照顾译入语读者的审美心理、保证接受的效果,David Hawkes在翻译《红楼梦》时有意做了如下变通:[原文贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵,刘姥姥刘姥姥醉卧怡红院[译文] Jia Baoyu tastes some superior tea at Green Bower Hermitage;And Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accommodation at Green Delights.(下画线均为笔者所加)在这儿译者将“红”译为“Green”,因为在西方人眼中,红色常意味着流血、危险、暴力,绿色等色彩才更具有喜庆、幸福、吉祥等联想意义。
1.red红色是汉民族喜欢的颜色,节庆日挂红灯,贴红色春联,结婚时新人都喜欢穿红色衣服,贴红喜字,以后生了孩子,亲朋好友要吃“红鸡蛋”,孩子长大了要讨“红包”等,因此凡是与吉祥、兴旺、热闹等有关的事物,在汉语中都喜欢用“红”来表示,如开门红(get success at the very beginning),红火(very busy and flurishing),红人(a favourite with sb in power),红颜(beautiful women),红事(wedding),红运(good luck),红光满面(to be healthy and energetic),等等。
虽然在英语中红色也表示欢乐和喜庆,如a red letter day(纪念日/大喜的日子),但没有汉语中的含义那样广泛。
如red battle (血战),red activities (暴力活动),The Red May(1968年巴黎学生运动),red belt(前苏联控制的东欧集团),red alert (空袭警报),red cross(红十字会),red light(危险信号),on red alert(准备遭受危险/应急状态),red tape(繁文缛节/官僚作风),red ink(赤字),see red (火冒三丈)。

1. 红色:- 在中国文化中,红色象征着喜庆、热情和好运。
例如:红包(red envelope)在中国是一种传统的礼物,通常装有红色纸币。
- 在英语中,红色通常与激情、力量和危险相关。
例如:红色的玫瑰(red rose)象征着爱情。
2. 黄色:- 在中国文化中,黄色象征着快乐、光明和土地的丰收。
例如:黄河(Yellow River)是中国的第二长河流。
- 在英语中,黄色通常与快乐、温暖和活力相关。
例如:黄色的太阳(yellow sun)象征着温暖和生命力。
3. 蓝色:- 在中国文化中,蓝色通常与清澈、深远和冷静相关。
例如:蓝天(blue sky)代表着晴朗和宁静。
- 在英语中,蓝色通常与平静、信任和冷静相关。
例如:蓝色的海洋(blue ocean)象征着广阔和深远。
4. 绿色:- 在中国文化中,绿色象征着生机、健康和自然。
例如:绿茶(green tea)在中国被视为一种健康饮品。
- 在英语中,绿色通常与自然、希望和新生相关。
例如:绿色的草地(green grass)代表着生机和活力。
5. 白色:- 在中国文化中,白色通常与纯洁、幸福和悼念相关。
例如:白色的鸽子(white dove)象征着和平与纯洁。
- 在英语中,白色通常与纯洁、清晰和无辜相关。
例如:白色的雪花(white snowflake)代表着纯净和洁白。

英汉颜色词的语用意义对比及其翻译1. Red (红色):- Translation: 红色(hóng sè)2. Blue (蓝色):- In English, "blue" can evoke a feeling of sadness or melancholy. For example, "feeling blue" means feeling down or depressed.-在中文中,蓝色通常与清新、宁静和冷静的感觉相关,如“蓝天白云”、“心如止水”。
- Translation: 蓝色(lán sè)3. Green (绿色):- In English, "green" is often associated with nature, freshness, and environmental awareness. For example, "going green" means adopting environmentally-friendly practices.-在中文中,绿色通常代表生态环保、健康和希望的意义,如“绿油油的大地”、“绿色出行”。
- Translation: 绿色(lǜ sè)4. Yellow (黄色):- In English, "yellow" can have negative connotations, such as representing cowardice or caution. For example, calling someone "yellow-bellied" means calling them a coward.- Translation: 黄色(huáng sè)5. Black (黑色):- In English, "black" is often associated with darkness, mourning, or formality. For example, "in the black" means being financially profitable.-在中文中,黑色通常与悲伤、凝重和庄重相关,如“黑夜”、“一片漆黑”。

浅谈颜色词的英汉差异及翻译引言表示颜色色彩的词,英语应译为color terms而不能译为colorful terms (丰富多彩的词语)。
1、颜色词的特征1.1基本颜色词基本的颜色词在英语和汉语两种语言中都大致相同,大致上都有:赤(红):red;橙:orange;黄:yellow;绿:green;青:indigo(deep blue);蓝:blue;紫:purple(violet);白:white;黑:black;棕(褐):brown;灰:gray。
这一类的词语有:(1)表深浓:deep/dark;如:deep blue /dark blue 深蓝;deep green 深绿;(2)表浅淡:light/pale;如:light yellow淡黄;light blue 浅蓝;pale gray浅灰;pale white淡白。

white bear 北极熊
例:white day 吉利的日子 white nights不眠之夜 white elephant 无用累赘之物 white-smith 铅匠 white man 忠实可靠的人 a white-collar worker 脑力劳动者
He is a white-haired boy of the general manager.
②但在英语文化中,white 表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘在婚礼上穿白色礼服,代 表爱情的纯洁和婚姻的贞洁。英语中的 white 有时表达的含义,与汉语中 的“白色”没有什么关系
例: white lie 善意的谎言
white coffee 牛奶咖啡
white gas 无铅汽油
white city 游乐场
treat sb white 公正地对待某人
• 基本颜色词是指本来就可以表达事物色彩的词。英语和汉 语中对基本颜色词的分类差别不大 • 汉语中有:赤,橙,黄,绿,青,蓝,紫...... • 英语中有:red,white,black,green,yellow,blue, purple,gray,brown...
②Color Words with Colors of Objects(实物颜色词)
①white 在汉语和英语的联想意义中都有纯洁和清白的意思,但也有一些含义 上的不同。例如,汉民族文化中,白色与死亡、丧事相联系。如“红白喜 事”中的“白”指丧事(funeral),表示哀悼。

1. 红色(Red):文化内涵:红色在中国文化中象征吉祥、喜庆和热情。
翻译:Red例句:- 中国春节期间,人们会戴红色的衣物和饰品。
(During Chinese New Year, people wear red clothes and accessories.)- 红色玫瑰象征着爱情和浪漫。
(Red roses symbolize love and romance.)2. 黄色(Yellow):文化内涵:在中国文化中,黄色代表着皇室的权力和地位,也象征着丰收和富裕。
翻译:Yellow例句:- 中国传统文化中,黄色是皇家的颜色。
(In traditionalChinese culture, yellow is the color of royalty.)- 这个房间的墙壁涂成了明亮的黄色。
(The walls of this room are painted in a bright yellow color.)3. 蓝色(Blue):文化内涵:蓝色在西方文化中通常被视为冷静、平静和信任的象征。
翻译:Blue例句:- 我喜欢在晴朗的天空下看蓝色的海洋。
(I love looking at the blue ocean under a clear sky.)- 这个房间的墙壁漆成了深蓝色,给人一种宁静的感觉。
(The walls of this room are painted in a deep blue color, givinga sense of tranquility.)4. 绿色(Green):文化内涵:绿色在许多文化中都被视为生命、自然和希望的象征。

关键词:颜色词;文化差异;翻译对比;翻译方法一、翻译对比1.红 red2.绿色 greengreen 还有其他的释义:green soap 软肥皂;green room 演员休息室;green fingers 园艺技能;a greengrocer 蔬菜商;green stick 骨折;green horn 傻子;green line (军)轰炸线,敌我分界线;green house 温室,暖房;a green old age 老当益壮。
4.蓝色 blue二、翻译方法通过对三原色红绿蓝和红黄蓝(两种不通的分类方式)在英汉中的翻译对比,我们不难看出,在翻译的过程中主要运用了以下的四种方法:1.直译法顾名思义,直译法就是把英语的颜色词,直接转换成汉语的意思。
如:red cross 红十字;bluecollar jobs 体力劳动(蓝领工人)。
如:black coffee 纯咖啡;green eye “红眼”;a blue monday 倒霉的周一。
如:her eyes became moist.她的眼圈红了。

浅谈颜色词的英汉对比摘要: 颜色与人类的生活息息相关,是人类认识世界的一个重要途径。
关键词: 颜色英汉含义颜色是人们对客观世界的一种感知,与人类的生活息息相关。
一、白色( white)白色(white)在英语中代表光明,给人一种幸福美好的感觉。
如新娘的白色婚纱(white wedding)、头顶白色光环的天使(white angle)、美国的白宫(The White House)、白皮书(white paper)、吉日(white day)等,都有被祝福和被保护之意。
白色在汉语中虽说也有白衣天使、白马王子等词来表明白色的积极意义;但在更多的情况下,白色多象征着贬义,如白色与死亡、丧事相联系,如“红白喜事”中的“白”指丧事,表示哀悼;它还代表轻视和不满,如白了他一眼,白吃白喝;同时还具有政治的色彩,如白色恐怖(white terror)、白党 (white party)等。
如a white lie (善意的谎言)、The white coffee(加牛奶的咖啡);而汉语中有些与“白”字搭配的词语,实际上与white所表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义,如白开水(plain boiled water)、白菜(Chinese cabbage)、白搭(no use)。
二、黑色( black)黑色(black)在英语中黑色代表黑暗、邪恶、痛苦与不幸,如 A black day(极糟糕的一天)、black economy(黑市)、blackmail(讹诈)、black art(巫术)。

此外,基本颜色词还拥有大量的同义词或近义词。如英语中的red近义词有200种之多,常见的就有crimson深红、cardinal深红、scarlet腥红、vermilion朱红、 rubious 深红、pink粉红、bloody血红 ruddy微红色,而汉语红色的近义词却只有40多个。
green meat:鲜肉
a green hand:新手
green back:美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)(用于口语)
green power:“金钱的力量”或“财团”
green stamp:指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名
blue laws:蓝法(指禁止在星期日从事商业交易的美国法律)
blue-sky law:蓝法(指美国各州为管理股票所制定的股票发行控制法)
blue sky bargaining:漫天讨价(指谈判或其它交易中提出根本不切实际的或不合理的要求,使协议无法达成)
D. green(绿色)
black in face脸色铁青 white coffee牛奶咖啡
to be looking green苍白,脸上有病色
to be blue in the face with cFra bibliotekld冻得发紫
white meat色浅的嫩牛肉、猪肉或煮熟的鸡鸭肉
a white Christmas 大雪纷飞的圣诞节

基本颜色词(basic color words) 实物颜色词(color words with
colors of objects) 色差颜色词(color words in shades)
深、暗、浅、淡、鲜 -ish(如yellowish;purplish )
二、常用颜色词的文化含义及 翻译:红色
red-letter days 节日
red-blooded 精力充沛的;血气方刚
in the red 健康,强壮
a red-carpet reception
roll out the red carpet for sb.
Color expressions in daily life
白 话 ?
Color expressions in daily life
染 色 馒 头?
Color expressions in daily life
黄脸婆 yellow faced woman? one’s wife 打黑 beat the black? crack down on evil forces 扫黄 sweep the yellow? Wipe out pornography; crack down on
汉译英时必须注意其细微差别和用法,做出恰 当的选择。
“我有什么心事呢?”盛淑君满脸飞红地抵赖。 “What cares have I got?” She blushed as
she denied them. 邓秀梅气得红了脸。 Teng Hsiu-mei flushed with anger.
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Comparison and Translation of English andChinese Color WordAbstractThe tendency of worldwide economic globalization has been intensified, and people have close exchanges in almost every fields. The role of culture in the interaction between people from all nations is becoming extremely crucial. This paper discusses the translating and contrast of color words in China and the West, which mostly involves three sections, the definition and the differences of color words, the contrast with color words and methods used in translation in English and Chinese. Meanwhile, the first part contains three respects, namely, the definition, categories that consists of basic color words, color words with colors of objects and color words in shades, as well as the reasons for the discrepancies in color words, which includes the different ethnic beliefs lead to differences in color words, influence of different modes of thinking and representation on color words and influence of different political systems and social differences on color words. And the second part mainly covers six respects, namely, the various implication and usage of color words in these two languages, such as red, black, white, yellow, blue and green. Ultimately, the last part involves two respects, namely, literary translation and free translation that contains cultural equivalence and functional equivalence. By comparing and translating color words about these two kinds of languages, this essay, for one thing, will aim at making a profound analysis of the discrepancies about the utilization of color words about the two languages and the reasons for the discrepancies; for another, the writer expects to offer tiny advice and references on color words in the future.Key Words: Chinese and English color words, comparison, translation摘要随着世界经济全球化的发展,各国人民在政治、经济和文化之间的交往日益密切。
关键词:中英颜色词; 比较; 翻译1.IntroductionIt is inextricable for language and culture, which influences each other. Language is the product of cultural evolution and its survival cannot be parted in the environment of society and culture on which it relies. Through the translation and comparison of color words in various culture, this paper will explore the discrepancies between color words, reasons for these diversities, and means in translating. This article aims to analyze the internal differences about color words in these two languages, and how to use these color words appropriately to avoid misuse or misconception in communicating or writing.2.Literature ReviewIn terms of the study of the Chinese colors, there are some of the studies.Liu Yunquan (刘云泉, 1990) discusses the relationship between the evolution of Chinese color vocabulary and its essential attributes such as characteristics and art, literature, science and society, which has a far-reaching influence on studying color words in the near future.Yin Yonglong (尹泳龙, 1997), elaborates a comprehensive analysis of China since ancient times spread more than 2000 color names, and he is the first to classify colors as three color name systems. Mr. Yin not only explains more than 2000 kinds of colors in detail, but also conveys the color tone and saturation.As regard to the study of English color words, there are some lists of studies:Zhang Peiji (张培基, 1980) commits himself to researching western color words from the perspective of Chinese and comes up with a comprehensive explanation from the etymology, composition and evolution about English color words.In recent years, there are more and more comparative studies on Chinese and English color words:Gu Jiazu (顾嘉祖, 2002), probes into the influence of Chinese and western national culture on the development of Chinese and English color words from macro and micro perspectives. Simultaneously, he puts forward the ethnic diversities revealed by color words in intercultural exchange.Chen Jiazhen (陈嘉珍,2011) deems that color words not only express simple object attributes, but also conveys some implications about society and culture. Through the point of color, people can see the religious beliefs, moral code and aesthetic conceptions of various societies.Scholars and researchers mentioned above have provided a host of research methods and theories to study contrast and translating about color words in English and Chinese. Their contributions are of great significance and are very helpful to our research on Chinese and English color words.3. The Definition of Color Words and the Differences3.1 DefinitionColor words are part of speech classified according to the conceptual meaning. They are served to represent various things’ natural color in most instances. However, language is the product of culture and its existence and evolution is married tightly with the social and cultural surroundings. Therefore, color words possess their specific senses in different states and regions because it is affected tremendously by these cultural elements. Through color words, people will comprehend their rich implication and extension, as well as the profound national cultural psychology and emotional color contained in them.3.2 ClassificationAlthough the variety and quantity of color words are extremely abundant and the differences among them are great, there are obvious similarities in the cognition of color words among human beings, and the sort of color is largely alike. Color words is generally classified into three kinds: Basic Color Words, Color Words with Colors of Objects, and Color Words in Shades (Ding Feng, Jiang Lijun, 2005: 85-86).3.2.1 Basic Color TermsThe basic color words are what specially utilized to represent things’ color. On behalf of the extensive colors, they have a special generality and are frequently used in communication. The general basic color words in English can generally be discovered in Chinese. People have the same concept of basic color because of their aesthesia of color. It refers to those color words which expresses the feeling of things. The basic color words has little difference between two languages. There are 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,and there are red, white, black, green, yellow, blue, purple, gray, brown correspondingly.3.2.2 Color Words with Colors of ObjectsColor words with colors of objects are used to represent the color of natural objects. The color of them is distinctive, and its name represents the object and refers to a color. The natural object represents the natural color of the word. The physical color words are far more than the basic color words, and most English physical color words have the corresponding words in Chinese. For example, silver means“银白”, gold means “金色”, and lead-gray means “铅灰”(Ding Feng, Jiang Lijun, 2005: 86). These colors are widely employed inlife and literature.3.2.3 Color Words in ShadesColor Words in Shades refer to the differences between light and shade by the natural light or white light from the sun shining on various colors. In English, we use the wor d “shade” to indicate a slight shade of this color. These kinds of words are: (1) deep expression: deep, dark; (2) light expression: light, pale; (3) clear expression: bright and vivid.3.3 The Reason for the Difference between English and Chinese Color WordsOwing to the contrasts in geographical features, customs and folkways and religious faiths in different conditions, diverse colors have individual visual links and meanings for persons. Therefore, it is necessary to give greatly particular focus about the differences in translation. In addition, in English, words or phrases composed by color words often have their special meaning or idiomatic usage, which shouldn’t be neglected in the translating of color words.3.3.1 Different Ethnic Beliefs Lead to Differences in color wordsIt is inextricable between color words and daily life, and each color word holds a unique aesthetic function. In aesthetic judgment, people develop a specific standard to the form factor of color, and each nation has a folkloric interest in color and even worship. Different nations comprehend this adoration distinctly correspondingly.3.3.2 The Influence of Different Ways of Thinking and Expression on Color WordsSince each nation or country has its own unusual way of expression and thought, and this difference will affect people’s expression and cognition of things. There are many different concepts for the observation and use of color words. People in British culture are used to formal analysis, highlighting the subjective role and taking the subject as the center, while the thinking habits of the Chinese people are often grasped as a whole, starting from reality and paying attention to the integration of subject and object. For example, black tea is not called “黑茶” in China.3.3.3 The Influence of Different Political Systems and Social Differences on Color WordsLanguage, a social phenomenon, proceeds and develops with the society. The innovation of the political system and the economic system, and the social diversity and unification, will advance its development. The same color word may add new meanings with the development of society, and the same social and cultural system can also be used with different color words. Color words are utilized regularly in economic andpolitics. For example, red ink is the deficit and in the black is the profit.4. The Comparison with English and Chinese Color WordsBecause color words originated from people's conception and understanding of the natural scene they are familiar with, when they mention something, people can often think of its color. when some specific colors are mentioned, they often recall public of particular things. Therefore, it is safe to say that color words are connected with each other. In all countries or regions’ languages, there are abundant meanings about color words. Color words in English and Chinese are affluent in meaning and wide in utilization. There are some basic colors, such as red, orange, yellow, black, green, cyan, blue, purple and white. This paper aims to use six basic color including red, black, white, green, blue and yellow in the psychological association of meaning, symbolic meaning, positive and negative meaning, implication meaning etc.4.1 RedRed, as we all know, is an important color word in both cultures, while it has the contrasting meaning in some cases.In Chinese, red is often linked with happiness and auspiciousness, such as the traditional red wedding symbol, red candle, red veil, and the red robe of the bride and groom (Deng Yanchang, 1989: 64). These expressions bring atmosphere of weddings festive and warmness, but also make people think of the day after the wedd ing over the more prosperous. In addition, “red” is often linked with politics by all accounts, which embodies the revolution and progress, such as “China’s red army” is the English expression of “红军”, “red regime” means “红色政权”.However, from the viewpoint of westerners, red is the sign of blood and fire, which can be implied as a derogatory term, showing violence, blood, cruelty and fire, such as “red hands” is the translation of “血腥的手”. Red can even mean lascivious or vulgar, for example, “red light district” is “红灯区”. This is a well-known euphemism for the city’s sex scene. A representative example, the Dream of The Red Chamber, is one of the four masterpieces of China. It has two versions: Dream of The Red Chamber and The Stone Story. The latter is more widely known for foreigner because it considers the cultural differences between the two aspects of the red. The latter version is more likely to preserve the style of the original work. (Luo Feng, 2004: 152)4.2 BlackContrary to the metaphorical meaning of the word red, black is featured with identical meaning amongdifferent cultures. It manifests death, suffering and grief for the most part.In Chinese traditional psychology, black is always associated with “bad, dark, vicious and direful things”. For example, “gang, gangway, slang” often refers to gangsters or the language they communicate with in Chinese. The “black shop” is often associated with the “murder and robbery of the inn” in early vernacular novels,The meaning of black in English is similar to that of Chinese. And some of them are even equivalent in meaning and form: “black market” refers to “黑市”(指非法交易), “black hand” means “黑手党”, “black hearted” is “黑心肠的”. Black also signifies disaster, gloom and misfortune such as the “black sheep”, which means “败家子,害群之马” in English. The first day students go to school is called black Monday, its Chinese expression is “黑色星期一”. On September 13, 1873, the stock market in New York City plunged, accompanied by the cosmopolitan economic crisis, and giant business buildings became known as Black Friday, namely“黑色星期五”.4.3 WhiteThe meaning of white has a great similarity in many cultures, which mainly refers to innocence and chasteness. However, there are some subtle disparities in some cases.In traditional Chinese, it represents purity, justice, light and kindness. White is also related to funeral, evil, lowliness, poverty and other semantics. Besides, white still has derogatory senses that is linked with vain. The “white face” is opposite to the “black face”, symbolizing treachery and betrayal in traditional Chinese operas.The symbolic meaning of white mainly rests with the color itself in the western culture, which is the manifestation of god and angels, purity and goodliness, happiness and beauty.It was believed that sleeping in white pajamas would ensure a good night’s sleep in ancient Greece. The angels always own white wings and white rings suspended above their heads in the bible stories. White wedding gowns and gloves will be worn by brides. In a western story, there is a hero who wins the sympathy and love of children all over the world. She is called Snow White and is the representation of wisdom and beauty.White also carries the meaning of goodwill, luck or peace in English. For example, an auspicious day can be represented as a white day, A kind lie can be represented as white lie, and a happy day can be represented as a day marked with a white stone.In addition, white also reflects power in English such as The White House in the United States. Whitehall refers to the British government on behalf of the British government, which is the mark of British power. The white paper is an official record drew by western countries.4.4 Y ellowIn the Han, yellow manifests the emperor, the paramount power and status representing authority and majesty, which holds a bitterly crucial part in most Chinese people’s hearts. Except for the emperor, ordinary people cannot use yellow casually. Due to the similarity of yellow and gold, yellow symbolizes wealth, brilliance and auspiciousness.In addition, when it comes to the word “yellow”, from Chinese people’s perspectives, it will be associated with vulgar, obscene and vulgar words related to sex, or with unhealthy books, works, songs and pictures. Fo r example, “yellow books” is the meaning of “黄色书籍” and “yellow music” is “黄色音乐”.In English, yellow is connected with the clothes which is worn by Juda who betrayed Jesus. Therefore, its connotation is not auspicious. In addition, this color word also refers to the vulgar press and books. For example, yellow press refers to vulgar books, and yellow pages refer to the telephone book of shops, restaurants, merchants and organizations. Besides, yellow mainly means unreliable and timid. For instance, the timid person is yellow-livered.4.5 BlueThe association of blue in various cultures is extremely distinct. Blue has little augmented meaning in Chinese, while in English it is a color with abundant meaningsChinese people like to associate blue with good reverie and vision because of the sea and sky. Therefore, blue in Chinese culture gives people the association of “tranquility and happiness” like “blue dream”, refers to a wonderful dream.Blue is special in English. Therefore, we should focus more on its special meaning in the course of translating. For example, “blue book” in American English refers to blue books containing the names of celebrities and governmental officials. Also, blue in English is often used to refer to a person’s mood of depression and sadness. Blue is also commonly employed in English to indicate high social status, power or royal people. Blue also has pornographic, vulgar and nasty meaning.However, it is worth noting that some phrases in English containing the word “blue” do not have th e meaning of “忧郁”. For example, a blue movie does not refer to a sorrowful movie, but indicates an indelicate content, suggestive or descriptive action, which is equivalent to the Chinese word “yellow film” (Wang Ling,2004: 92).4.6 GreenGreen symbolizes kindness, hope or vitality. Its symbolic meaning is almost the same. It is normal that green has become the topic of the environment (Jiang Bingqing, 2002: 66). It symbolizes the tranquility of the countryside and the harmony of the nature. For example, “green peace organization” is translated into “绿色和平组织” .However, green has a quite distinct meaning in English, which refers to jealousy and envy. It is always transferred into “green-eyed” rather than “red-eyed” in Chinese. Furthermore, du e to the color of dollar bills, from American people’s perspectives, green represents fortune and power. Therefore, the dollar bill could be expressed as green back. Moreover, it is referred to young, ignorant and inexperienced unseasoned people. For examp le, the meaning of the sentence “the new teacher is green at her job” is that“这位新来的老师对她的工作还没有经验”.5. Methods Used in Translation of Chinese and English Color WordsThe translation is nothing more than expressing the cultural information of a language into another, that is for sure that every translation cannot be separated from culture. Through the disparity of color words, we can see that due to different national psychology or aesthetic standards, the symbolic meaning and emotional color of color words in these two languages are quite different, which is a big difficulty that English learners and translators must overcome. We should try to eliminate the obstacles and minimize the distortion in the process of communication. In the process of reproducing the source language of the target language, due to the differences, the cultural atmosphere of the target and the source is various. When understanding the original information and the author's creative intention, we will inevitably have subjective intention, and sometimes we can adopt unique processing methods to reflect our own style. When it comes to the disparities, we aim to try our best to hold common ground. On the premise to keep loyal to the original text, it is advisable for people to exert themselves to innovate.5.1 Literary TranslationWhen giving the thought of the original text, the basic form and syntax structure about the translating should be accordant with the original. For instance, “White House” refers to “白宫”, “Red Cross” denotes “红十字会”, “green tea” implies “绿茶” and “yellow line” means “黄线”.5.2 Free TranslationFree translation mentions that the comprehension and grasp of the idea of the original text, the slipping and rebuilding of the external structure of the former and then leading the translating to an exclusive and plain formation. In other words, to break through the shell of a language and dig out its connotative meaning (Xiao Aiping, 2001: 89). Free translation can be classified as many kinds, among which the two most essential parts are equivalence related to culture and function.5.2.1 Cultural equivalenceSometimes, diverse color words are utilized to convey the same thing. Therefore, translators should give more attention to the customary habits of color words in different national cultures to avoid dead translation when dealing with color words. For example, “红榜” is not translatable into red roll, the idiomatic representation in English is honorable, and the relative form of “红娘”is “go-between lover”, not red woman(Quan Yu, 2004: 83). And “black tea” cannot be translated into “黑茶”in Chinese, but should be “红茶”. It is because Chinese give emphasis about the content. This black tea refers to the color of the tea in the eyes of westerners because they follow the interest the appearance of the color. The tea is mostly black before the bubble, so foreigners call it black tea. And similarly, “brown sugar” is “红糖”, “brown bread” means “黑面包”, and “black and blue” means“青一块紫一块”.This phenomenon is due to the different aesthetic tastes in English and Chinese cultures. Chinese pay close attention to the beauty of symmetry. Poems and couplets are the concentrated reflection of the desire of symmetry. The use of color words in English tends to be accurate.5.2.2 Functional EquivalenceFunctional equivalence is to transfer texts with specific colors about the original to that with the identical meaning but without cultural color in the target. The culture that is contained about the color in the former is decided by the specific background about history and culture. Therefore, if the reader lack of some specific knowledge or the background, it will have difficulty to comprehend the real intentions of the color word. Therefore, if the target language cannot express the color words of the original at first hand, functional equivalent translation method will be put to use. For e xample, “black leg” means “骗子”, “black dog” means “不开心的人”or “忧郁的人”, “black Smith” is “铁匠”, “white rage” means “震怒”, “a white lie” means “善意的谎言”, “a white night” refers to “不眠之夜” and “a white elephant” is “花消巨大却毫无实用价值的物品”(Zhang Junxing, 2004: 66).6. ConclusionIt is proverbial that the translation of color words involves two languages as well as two cultures. The accurate translating of color words has an exactly essential impact on the understanding and acceptance of the people. For example, in the current international trade, the combination and decoration of colors is very delicate, such as Japanese avoid yellow and American avoid black. If people have some mistiness about that, it will bring harmfulness about the trade and even influence the impression about a country. Therefore, we should study and master the knowledge about the translation of color words with great care to accurately apply them in real life.Previous researchers and scholars have completed lots of researches about color words from different viewpoint. 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