
试读(部分内容)第1章 语⾔和语⾔学习1.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The way we learn languages我们习得语⾔的⽅式2. Views on language语⾔观点3. The structural view of language结构主义语⾔理论4. The functional view of language功能主义语⾔理论5. The interactional view of language交互语⾔理论6. Common views on language learning关于语⾔学习的普遍观点7. Process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories强调过程的语⾔学习理论和强调条件的语⾔学习理论8. The behaviorist theory⾏为主义学习理论9. Cognitive theory认知学习理论10. Constructivist theory建构主义学习理论11. Socio-constructivist theory社会建构主义理论12. Qualities of a good language teacher⼀个好的语⾔⽼师必备的素养13. Teacher’s professional development教师专业技能发展本章考点:我们如何习得语⾔;结构主义语⾔理论;功能主义语⾔理论;交互语⾔理论;关于语⾔学习的普遍观点;强调过程的语⾔学习理论和强调条件的语⾔学习理论;⾏为主义学习理论;认知学习理论;建构主义学习理论;社会建构主义理论;成为⼀个好的语⾔⽼师所要具备的基本素质;教师专业技能发展图。

第2章交际教学原则与任务型语言教学2.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogy语言在日常生活中的使用与传统教学法2. The differences between language used in real life and language taught in the classroom日常生活语言与课堂语言的不同3. Definition of communicative competence and its five components交际能力的定义和它的五个组成部分4. Principles of Communicative Language Teaching交际语言教学的原则5. CLT and the teaching of language skills交际语言教学与语言能力教学6. Main features of communicative activities交际活动的主要特点7. T ask-based Language Teaching任务型语言教学8. Four components of a task任务的四个部分9. PPP and T ask-based Language Teaching介绍,练习和产出与任务型语言教学10. The steps to design tasks设计任务的步骤11. Appropriateness of CLT and TBLT in the Chinese context交际语言教学的恰当性和中文环境的任务型语言教学本章考点:语言在日常生活中的使用与传统教学法;日常生活语言与课堂语言的不同;交际能力的定义和它的五个组成部分;交际语言教学的原则;交际语言教学与语言能力教学;交际活动的主要特点;任务型语言教学;任务的四个部分;介绍,练习和产出与任务型语言教学的不同;设计任务的步骤;交际语言教学的恰当性和中文环境的任务型语言教学。

第13章综合技能13.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. Reasons for integrating the four skills整合四项技能的原因2. Ways to integrate the four skills整合这四项技能的方法3.Implications for teaching整合这四项技能对教学的启示4. Limitations of integrating the four skills整合这四项技能的缺陷本章考点:整合四项技能的原因;如何整合这四项技能;整合这四项技能对教学的启示;整合这四项技能的缺陷。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. Reasons for integrating the four skillsⅡ. Ways to integrate the four skillsⅢ. Implications for teaching1. Focus on discourse2. Adjusting the textbook contents3. Adjusting the timetableⅣ. Limitations of integrating the four skillsⅤ. ConclusionⅠ. Reasons for integrating the four skills|(整合四项技能的原因)【考点:整合四项技能的原因】In our daily lives, we are constantly performing tasks that involve a natural integration of language skills simply because skills are rarely used in isolation. One’s overall competence in a foreign language involves performing effectively a combination of the skills.我们在现实生活中完成的任务需要综合四项技能。

本章要点:1.How do we learn languages?我们如何习得语言?2.\^ews on language 语言观点3.The structural view of language 结构主义语言理论4.The functional view of language 功能主义语言理论5.The interactional view of language 交互语言理论6.What are the common views on language learning?关于语言学习的普遍观点7.process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories 强调过程的语言学习理论和强调条件的语言学习理论8.The behaviorist theory 行为主义学习理论9.Cognitive theory 认知学习理论10.Constructivist theory 建构主义理论11.Socio-constructivist theory 社会建构主义理论12.What makes a good language teacher?如何才能成为一个好的语言老师13.Teacher’s professional development教师专业技能发展本章考点:我们如何习得语言;我们如何习得语言;结构主义语言理论;功能主义语言理论;交互语言理论;关于语言学习的普遍观点;强调过程的语言学习理论和强调条件的语言学习理论;行为主义学习理论;认知学习理论;建构主义理论;社会建构主义理论;成为一个好的语言老师所要具备的基本素质;教师专业技能发展图本章内容索引:I . How do we learn languages?II.Views on language1.The structural view of language2.The functional view of language3.The interactional view of languageIII.Views on language learning and learning in general1.The behaviorist theory2.Cognitive theory3.Constructivist theory4.Socio-constructivist theoryIV.What makes a good language teacher?V.How can one become a good language teacher?VI. An overview of the bookphysical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receive, andthe atmosphere. Some researchers attempt to formulate teaching approaches directly from these theories. For example, the Natural Approach, T otal Physical Response, and the Silent Way are based on one or more dimensions of processes and conditions.Some researchers attempt to formulate teaching approaches directly from these theories.1.The behaviorist theory( Skinner)a stimulus-response theory of psychologyProposed by behavioral psychologist Skinner. He suggested that language is also a form of behavior. It can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli. This theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism.The key point of the theory of conditioning is that “you can train an animal to do anything (within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement,,One influential result is the audio-lingual method, which involves endless ‘listen and repeat’ drilling activities. The idea of this method is that language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised. This method is still used in many parts of the world today.2.Cognitive theory( Noam Chomsky):The term cognitive is to describe loosely methods in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat.A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.Though Chomsky’s theor y is not directly applied in language teaching, it has had a great impact on the profession.One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules. This idea is clearly in opposition to the audio-lingual method.3.Constructivist theoryThe constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his / her own experiences and what he / she already knows.It is believed that education is used to develop the mind, not just to rote recall what is learned.John Dewey believed that teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities. Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative, critical learners.4.Socio-constructivist theorySimilar to constructivist theory, socio-constructivist theory represented by Vygotsky (1978) emphasises interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of ‘Zone of Proximal Development,(ZPD) and scaffolding. In other words, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners.质和实体语境,如学生的数量、氛围等。

第4章教案设计与书写4.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The significance of lesson planning课程计划的重要性2. Principles for good lesson planning做好课程计划的准则3. Macro planning vs. micro planning宏观计划和微观计划4. Components of a lesson plan课程计划的构成因素5. Sample lesson plans课程计划的样本本章考点:课程计划的重要性;做好课程计划的准则;宏观计划和微观计划;课程计划的构成因素;课程计划的样本。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. The significance of lesson planning1. Definition of lesson planning2.The necessity of lesson planning for teachers3. Benefits of lesson planningⅡ. Principles for good lesson planningⅢ. Macro planning vs. micro planning1. Two levels of lesson planning2. The advantage of a concrete teaching planⅣ. Components of a lesson plan1. Background information2. T eaching aims3. Language contents and skills4. Stages and procedures5. T eaching aids6. End of lesson summary7. Optional activities and assignments8. After lesson reflectionⅤ. Sample lesson plansⅥ. ConclusionⅠ. The significance of lesson planning(课程计划的重要意义)1. Definition of lesson planning课程计划的定义Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques,activities and materials will be used in the class.课程计划就是提前决定在课堂上使用什么技巧、材料、进行什么活动。

第10章口语教学10.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. Characteristics of spoken language口语的特点2. Four common features of spoken language口语的四个共同特征3. Activities help prepare students for real-life speech in English 为学生做好日常口语准备的活动4. General principles of teaching speaking口语教学的普遍原则5. Two factors considered in designing speaking tasks设计口语任务要考虑的两个因素6. Common characteristics in successful speaking task成功的口语任务的共性7. Two types of communicative speaking activities两种不同类型的交际口语活动8. Some kinds of speaking activities几种不同类型的口语活动9. Advantages of using group in speaking tasks使用分组教学的优势本章考点:口语的特点及对教学的暗示;口语的四个共同特征;为学生做好日常口语准备的活动;口语教学的普遍原则;设计口语任务要考虑的两个因素;成功的口语任务的共性;两种不同类型的交际口语活动;几种不同类型的口语活动;使用分组教学的优势。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. Differences between spoken and written language1. Characteristics of spoken language2. Four common features of spoken language3. Activities helpful to prepare students for real-life speech in English4. Some implications to teachingⅡ. Principles for teaching speakingⅢ. Designing speaking tasks1. Two factors considered in designing speaking tasks2. Common characteristics in successful speaking tasksⅣ.Types of speaking tasks1. Two major purposes for listening2. Two types of communicative speaking activities3. Some kinds of speaking activities4. Other speaking activitiesⅤ.Organizing speaking tasksⅥ.ConclusionⅠ.Differences between spoken and written language (口语与书面语的区别)【考点:口语的特点及对教学的暗示】Speaking is a skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations.口语是用来判断学生在实际生活中使用最多的技能。

外语教学法复习笔记第一章总论The Nature of FLTM外语教学法的性质FLTM is a science which studies the processes and pattern of foreign language teaching ,aiming atrevealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching .that is to say ,it examines the practices and procedures in foreign language teaching;studies approaches ,methods and techniques; and also studies principles and belief that underlie them. In short ,FLTM is an inter-disciplinary scienceand it makes uses of theories of different subiects.学科性质It includes a lot of disciplines such as linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. Therefore, we say that FLTM is aninter- disciplinary science and it makes use of many subjects.语言研究的历史we are quite certain that ,according to the records available ,language study is at least more than 2500 years old.The goal of foreign language teaching—is to help the learner master the target language in the shortest possible time. What do we mean bymastering the target language? —We mean that the learner is able to have successful communications with others in the target language.Theories of Linguistics语言学理论Traditional linguistics: 传统语言学the traditional linguistics we mean the traditional study of language in ancient Greece. it has a tradition ofmore than 2000years. In the fifth century B.C. the ancient Greeks began to make a serious study of language in the realm of philosophy.古希腊的两个著名论战:one was between the naturalists and the conventionalists on the relations between form and meaning.The naturalistsargued that the forms of words reflected directly the nature of objects while the conventionalists thought that language was conventional and therewas no logic connection between form and meaning of words.The other was between the analogists and anomalists on the regularizes of language.— the analogists thought that language in general was regularand there were rules for people to follow while the anomalists thought that language was basically irregular and that was why there were so manyexception and irregularities in the Greek language.Natural of traditional linguistics传统语言学的特征:Trditional linguistics was practical in nature. People made a study of language in order to understand the classic words of ancient times and to teach students. They gave priority to the written form and used words as their starting point.They often took a prescriptive approach when they discussed rules of language.American structuralism 美国结构主义It started at the beginning of the 20th century in America. It became popular and influential in the 1930sand 40s through the world. The two forerunners of structuralism— Franz Boas and Edward Sapir. Franz Boas found that the traditional grammaticaltten forms, they weremodel could not be used to analyse the structures of those languages. Sapir found that although Indians’ languages had no wr very systematic and were very efficient in communications within their communities. The father of American structuralism — Leonard Bloomfield.He accepted the theories and principles of behaviourism. He characterized language and language acquisition in terms of behaviourist terminology.He thought language was a habit of verbal behaviour which consisted of a series of stimuli and responses. He argued that to acquire a language wasto form a habit of verbal behaviour and learning a second language was learning a new habit. He thought that speech was primary and writing was secondary.Transformational generative linguistics 转换生成论The transformational generative linguistics was first put forward by Noam Chomsky in 1957. He wrote a book Syntactic Structures to spread histheory. His main points---Chomsky assumes that children are born with a language acquisition device(LAD). This LAD is made up of generalprinciples called universal grammar. Once the child is born, the particular language environment will trigger the LAD. The child will use and test theprinciples again and again until his hypothesis agree with the actual grammar of the language. Chomsky has also made the distinction between thelinguistic competence and linguistic performance. ?linguistic competence refers to the internalized knowledge that at native speaker of thatlanguage processes. Linguistic performance refers to the actual utterance produced by the native speakers. Chomsky believes that linguistics shouldstudy the linguistic competence, not the performance, of the native speaker so as to set up a system of rules that will generate an infinite number of grammatical sentences. In order to gain the goal, Chomsky argues that we should use a deductive, hypothesis-testing approach should be used.Functional Linguistics 功能语言学It develops from the London School of linguistics and the precursor of it was Bronislaw Malinowski. Malinowski’s conclusionerances has no meaning at all if it is out of the context of situation. Itof any single word is to a very hign degree dependent on its context.‖ And an uttwas Malinowski who created the phrase ―context of situation‖. J.R.Firth, a linguist, approached the context of situation froma different point of view.He accepted Malinowski’s view and he thought the meaning of linguistic items depends on the context of situation. Firth’notion of function in context was by means of concept system. He believes any linguistic item has got two sets of context: the context of the otherpossible choices in a system and the context where the system itself occurs. People refer to his theory as system-structure theory. Halliday developedFirth’s theory of systemic linguistics and made progress in the study of context. He thought lingu istic events should be accounted for at three primary levels: substance, form and context. The substance is the material of language which can be phonic or grahic. The form is the organization of thesubstance into meaningful events. The context is the relation of the form to non-linguistic features of the situations in which the language operates,and the relation of form to linguistic features otherthan those of the item under attention. He also said that language has formal meaning andcontextual meaning.theformalmeaning of a linguistic item is its operation in the network of formal relations. The contextual meaning of an itemrefers to its relation to extra features, i.e. the context. Halliday thought a particular situation type consists of three dimensions: the ongoing socialactivity, the role relationship involved, and the sysbolic or rhetorical channel. He called these three dimensions ―field believes that there is a systematic relationship between the context and the text.Theories of Psychology心理学理论The first laboratory of experimental psychology was set up at the University of Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. It announced the official birth ofpsychology. It was opened by Willhelm Wundt.第一个心理实验室建立Gestalt psychology 格式塔心理学It was founded by a group of German psychologists in the 1920s. Their research was focused on the area of perception, aiming at the study of thes organized wholes relationship between parts and whole in people’s perception experience. They found that people perceived objects and scenes a‖ in English, to name theirorganized shape ” or “whole formbefore they noticed their component pars. They used the word Gestalt, which means ― school of psychology They argued that an object was not the sum of the individual parts. For example, an article is not the sum of individual wordsthat make up the article. So people’s mind should be understood in terms of a whole.oblems were Psychoanalysis心里分析It is theory of the mind put forward by Sigmund Freud. Freud found that many of his patients’ me caused by some disturbing events in their childhood. But the patients could not remember these disturbing events. The part of the mind which is outof the reach of consciousness was called by Freud the subconscious mind, Which was the most important concept in psychoanalysis. Freud dividedthe mind into conscious and unconscious mind and he was the first to study unconscious mind. Freud believed the contents of the unconscious mindconsist of buried memories and instinctive wishes and will influence the activities of the conscious mind. The basic approach of Freud was to analysethe irrational behaviour of the patients, including their dreams and slips of the tongue.Behaviourism 行为主义In 1913, the American psychologist John B. Watson publishe d an article ― Psychology as the Behaviourist Views it ‖. The article was regy consideration offormal introduction to behaviourism. Watson did a lot of experiments with nonhuman animals and animal’s behaviours without an oal of psychology set out in his articles was to understand the environmental conditions that would cause an animal tothe animal’s mind. The gbehave in a particular way. According to Watson, there was no fundamental difference between human behaviour and that of other animals.W atson’s ideas were accepted by many psychologists. The dominant position of behaviourism was maintained until the mid-1960s.The leader of behaviourism was Skinner. He developed a new kind of apparatus for studying learning in animals and a new way of describing the-behaviourism. The early behaviourists focused learning process. Watson’s theory is called classic behaviourism while Skinner’s theory is called neothe attention on the topic of learning and they tried to characterize learning in terms of stimuli and response. Stimuli are observable events in theworld that affect behaviour and responses are observable behavioural acts. Skinner argued that learning process could be divided into two kinds:classical conditioning and operant conditioning. In classical conditioning a stimulus that did not elicit a response comes to elicit a response. Byoperant conditioning the occurrence of a response will be determined by the consequences of the response. For example, we look up a word in adictionary because we can find out the meaning of the word in it.Cognitive psychology认知理论ize, remember andThe term cognition means knowledge and cognitive psychology can be defined as the study of people’s ability to acquire, organ use knowledge to guide their behaviour. The most important factor that has made cognitive psychology the dominant approach is the development ofthe computer technology. The brain works in a similar way to process information. The brain receives information through senses, processes it andsends it out as behaviour actions.The American linguist Noam Chomsky greatly influenced cognitive psychology. In his book Syntax Structure (1957) Chomsky argued that language should be viewed as a system of mental rules which are wired into the brain as a result of evolution. Cognitive psychologists maintain that all therelationship among stimuli, responses and consequences are learned and are integrated into the animal’s knowledge.There are two principal types of cognitive structures—schemas and concepts. Schemas refer to sets of rules that define particular categories of behaviour. Concepts are rules that describe properties of events and their relation with one another. Children acquire schemas and concepts byinteracting with their environment with the help of two process — assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation refers to the process by which newitem are added to a concept or schema. Accommodation refers to the process by which the existing concept or schema is changed on the basis of new information.Theories of Second Language Acquisition二语获得论The habit formation theory It comes from the behaviourist psychology and was very popular in the 1950s and 60s. According to behaviourists,learning a second language means the formation of a set of linguistics habits. Imitation and practice play an important role in the process ofhabit-formation. According to the habit-formation theory, the old habit—mother tongue of the learner will either facilitate or get in the way of thesecond language learning. Negative transfer means the learner transfers the ways of expression in the mother tongue to the target language. They willcause errors.The hypothesis of linguistic universals 语言共性说It believed that there exist certain linguistic properties which are true to all the natural languages in the world. The hypothesis of linguisticuniversals is born of the study of linguistic universals. Core grammar and peripheral grammar: Chomsky divides the grammar of a natural languageinto core grammar and peripheral grammar. According to him, human beings are born with a language acquisition device which consists of a set ofgeneral principles. The core grammar of a natural language agrees with the inborn set of general principles while the peripheral grammar can not be governed by the language acquisition device. The core grammar agrees with the inborn general principles and is much easier to learn.The acculturation theory 文化认同说The meaning of the theory: By acculturation they mean that individuals of one culture have to go through the process of modification in attitudes, knowledge, and behaviour in order to function well in another culture. It involves social and psychological adaptations. The relation betweenacculturation and second language acquisition: The degree of acculturation will control the degree of second language acquisition. Factors whichdetermine the degree of acculturation success: The social and psychological distance play a decisive role in acculturation success. Negativepsychological factors that will increase the psychological distance: language shock, culture shock, low motivation and high boundaries.The discourse theory 话语交际说It was put forward by Hatch in the late 1970s. It was developed from Halliday’s theory of first language acquisition. The theory believes there islittle difference between the first language acquisition process and the process of second language acquisition — only through communicationdiscourses.The monitor theory 监控理论It was put forward by Krashen in the late 1970s. The theory consists of the following five hypotheses:①The acquisition-learning hypothesis The theory claims that adult learners of a second language have to ways of developing their competence —acquisition and learning. The basic distinction between language acquisition and language learning is whether the learner pays a conscious attentionto the rules of the target language. Acquisition refers to the subconscious process in which learners develop their language proficiency. Learningrefers to the conscious process in which learners acquire the knowledge of rules of the target language. ②The monitor hypothesis Differentfunctions— According to Krashen, acquisition is responsible for the fluency of the utterances produced by speakers while learning is responsible forthe accuracy of the speeches or passages. Three conditions — In order to perform this monitor function, language learners have to satisfy at leastthree conditions: sufficient time to monitor his production, to have his focus on form, and to have clear knowledge of the rules of the target language.③The natural order hypothesis Same order — The hypothesis claims that foreign language learners acquire the rules of the target language in thesame order no matter where, when and how they are learning the language. Speed —In Krashen’s point of view, language teaching cannot changethe natural order of language acquisition. It can only facilitate the speed of acquisition. ④The input hypothesis Language input and language acquisition— According to Krashen, the only way for people to acquire a language is by understanding messages or receiving comprehensive input.They move from their current level to the next level by understanding input. ⑤The affective filter hypothesis Purpose — It attempts to explain the variation in speed of language acquisition among individuals of the same group. The three affective factors which determines the speed of success —motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety. Influence of the three factors — learners with high motivation, self-confidence, and low anxiety will domuch better than those that are unmotivated, lacking in self-confidence and concerned too much with failure. That is to say, learners with a lowaffective filter will get more input than learners with a high affective filter.The cognitive hypothesis 认知假说①Cognitive psychologists regard learning as a cognitive process because they think it involves internal presentations which offer regulation and guidance for performance. ②Notions — In the cognitive theory, automaticity and restructuring are themost important notions because learners have to select appropriate vocabulary, grammatical rules and conventions governing language use. ③Modes — Cognitive psychologists think the process of language communication is a kind of information processing. When processing information,people use two ways which are called automatic and controlled modes. Teaching and practice will help the learner to acquire the automaticprocessing capacity. ④Different stages — The cognitive theory holds that language learning at the beginning stage involves more of the process of automaticity while at the advanced stage it involves more of the process of restructuring.A Brief History of Foreign Language Teaching(外语教学的简要历史)The Reform Movement(1882-1906) Grammar-Translation Method — It was the first method used at the end of the 18th century. The principalaim was to help learners to acquire a reading knowledge of the target language. This method did not pay attention to the importance of speech. Theprimary of speech — In 1882, Victor published a pamphlet entitled Language Teaching Must Start A Fresh Which started the reform movement. The principles of the movement were the primacy of speech and the absolute priority of an oral method in the classroom.Modern language teaching and research (1906-1940) During this period, the teaching of English as a second /foreign language because a profession. There appeared a number of world-famous scholars and books. Harold Palmer tried out the Oral Method in his teaching.Structural language teaching (1940-1970) In this period, structural language teaching was used as the main method and its theoretical basis was American structuralism and behaviourism. During the Second World War, American structuralists created a new method, called AudiolingugualMethod, In the 1950s, a new method called Transformational Generative Linguistics was born. It criticized the Audilingual Method.generative linguistics started a revolution. And Communicative language teaching (1970- ) At the end of 1950s, Chomsky’s transformationalthen the end of 1960s, cognitive psychology came into being. They caused the appearance of a new teaching method. ①Communicative language teaching This is probably the main trend dominating the language teaching profession today. ②New theories of second language acquisitionond language Influenced by Chomsky’s hypothesis of language acquisition device(LAD) and the cognitive psychology, many new theories of secacquisition were introduced in the 1970s. ③New methods of language teaching Communicative language teaching is the main trend in this period.But there are some other methods which are also tried. ④New approach to language syllabus While some applied linguists were trying to find thebest way to teach languages, some other applied linguists began to design the notional syllabus. ⑤Exploration of the human relations People haverealized that relations between teachers and students, and relations among the students themselves are very important in language teaching. They tryto find the better relations among them.1-What are the function and result of the two controversies in ancient Greece? 古希腊两个著名论争的功能和结果?One controversy was between the naturalists and the conventionalists. The naturalists argued that the form of words reflected the nature of objects.The conventionalists thought that language was conventional and there was no logic connection between form and meaning of words. The othercontroversy was between the analogiata and the anomalists on the regularities of language. The analogists claimed language was regular and thereguage and led them to thewere rules for people to follow. The anomalists maintained there were no rules . Their debate roused people’s interest in lan detailed study of Greek. The direct result was the appearance of a book of Greek grammar.2 What are the main features of traditional linguistics?传统语言学的主要特征Traditional Linguistics was practical in nature. People made astudy of language in order to read classic works. Traditional linguists believed that the written form of language was superior to spoken form. Theytried to set up principles and standards for people to use language correctly.3-What are the contributions made by Franz Boas, Edward Sapir and Leonard Bloomfield to the development of American structuralism?这些人对美国结构主义发展的贡献d that theFranz Boas and Edward Sapir were forerunners of American structuralism. Boas studied the American Indians’ languages and fo traditional grammatical model could not be used to analyse the structure of those languages. He had to describe those language as they were used.This started American structuralism. Leonard Bloomfield accepted the theories and principles of Franz Boas. He argued that linguists shoulddescribe instead of prescribing what people say and should take an inductive approach in analyzing data. In 1933, he published the book Language.It soon became the bible of American structuralism.4-What is the influence of behaviourism over American structuralism? 行为主义对美国结构主义的影响In 1933, the American psychologist John Watson published an article entitled Psychology as Behaviourist Views It . This was the formalintroduction behaviourism. Watson believed we had no direct way to observe the animal’s mind. We could only observe the animal the external environmental conditions. Behaviourists studied the relation between stimuli and responses. They divided learning process into twokinds. One kind is now called classic conditioning. The other is called operant conditioning. Behaviourism helped the development of structuralism.乔姆斯基对母语获得的解释5-- What is Chomsky’s explanation of the first language acquisition process?Chomsky assumes that children are born with a language acquisition device (LAD). This LAD is made up of a set of general principles calleduniversal grammar. When the child is born, the particular language environment will trigger the LAD. C hildren’s language acquisition process completes when the universal grammar is successfully transformed into the grammar of a particular language.6-What is the difference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance? 语言能力和语言应用的不同Linguistic competence refers to the internalized knowledge of the language that a native speaker of that language possesses. Linguistic performancerefers to the actural utterance produced by the native speakers.7-How does transformational generative linguistics differ in research methods?在研究方法上转换生成语言学有什么不同?Transformational generative linguistics opposes the structuralist method of taking linguistic performance as the goal. It also attacks the inductive approach. It believes that linguistics should study the linguistic competence, not the performance, of the native speaker and try to set up a system ofrules that will generate an infinite number of grammatical sentences.8--What is the main feature of functional linguistics?功能语言学的特征Functional linguistics, founded by Malinowski and devel oped by Firth, believes ―the meaning of any single word is to a high degree dependent onoint of view is that linguisticits context‖ It introduced the phrase ―context of situation‖. The theory is based on the notion of function in context. Its pevents should be accounted for at three primary levels: substance, form and context. The theory also divides a particular situation type into three dimensions.9--What is the basic theory of Gestalt psychology? 格式塔心理学的主要理论Gestalt psychology appeared in the 1920s. Its research was focused on the area of perception, aiming at the exploration of the relationship betweenscenes as organized wholes before they noticed theirparts and whole in people’s perceptional experience. It claimed that people received objects andcomponent parts. The word Gestalt means ―organized shape‖ or ―whole form ‖ in English.10--What is the basic theory of psychoanalysis? 心里分析的主要理论The basic theory of psychoanalysis is put forward by Freud. The theorydivided the mind into conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind is only a very small part of the whole mind while the rest remains unconscious. Psychoanalysis aims to analyse the irrational behavour of patients.11--What are the principles of behaviourism? 行为主义的原则The principles of behaviourism are as follow: Psychologists should study whatcould be observed publicly and objectively instead of considering animal’s mental events because these things could not be seen. Behaviourismbelieves that the study should be focused on learning and the relation between stimuli and responses.12--What is the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning? 经典性和操作性条件反射的区别Classical conditioningmeans the stimulus that does not elicit a response comes to elicit a response after it is paired several times with a stimulus that already elicited aresponse. Operant conditioning means the occurrence of a response will be determined by the consequence of the response.13-- What are the three factors that have helped to set up the cognitive psychology? 认知心理学发展的三个前提条件The three factors arehe American linguistthe development of computer technology, Jean Piaget’s research work on the reasoning abilities of children, and the work of tChomsky.14--How does the cognitive psychology explain the acquisition of knowledge? 认知心理学如何解释知识获得The term cognitive meanswledge to guide their knowledge and cognitive psychology can be defined as the study of people’s ability to acquire, organize, remember and use kno behaviour. As for the acquisition of knowledge, cognitive psychology believes that there are two principal types of cognitive structures which arecalled schemas and concepts. The schemas refer to sets of rules that define categories of behaviour and concepts are rules that describe properties of events and their relations with one another. Children acquire schemas and concepts by interacting with their environment with the help of two processes — assimilation and accommodation.15--How does the habit-formation theory explain the second language acquisition process?习惯养成论如何解释二语获得过程Habit-formation theory was put forward by a group of behaviorists. According to their theory, learning a second language means the formation of a new set of linguistic habits. Imitation and practice play n important role in the process of habit-formation. Imitation will help learners identify the association between stimuli and responses while practice will reinforce the association and help learners to form the new linguistic habit.语言共性说The hypothesis says there 16--how does the hypothesis of linguistic universals explain the second language acquisition process?exist certain linguistic properties which are true to all natural languages into core grammar and peripheral grammar. Human beings are born with a language acquisition device (LAD). The second language learners usually acquire the core grammar of the target language and then the peripheral grammar. The core grammar of the learner’s mother tongue will help the learners to learn the target language.17--How does the acculturation theory explain the second language acquisition? 文化传递说Acculturation means individuals of one culture have to go through the process of modification in attitudes, knowledge and behavior in order to do well in another culture. It believes that second language acquisition is just one aspect of acculturation and the degree of acculturation will control the degree of second language acquisition.18--How does the discourse theory explain the second language acquisition process? 话语情境说The discourse theory argues that there is little difference between the first language acquisition process and the process of the second language acquisition –only through communication discourse can the learner acquire the second language.19---What are the five hypothesis of the monitor theory? They are the acquisition –learning hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis, and the affective filter hypothesis.20--How does the cognitive theory explain the second language acquisition process? The cognitive theory claims that second language learning should be regarded as the acquisition of a complex cognitive skill. The process of second language acquisition is a process in which the internal representations are being restructured constantly. The acquisition involves two process- automaticity and restructuring. Language learning at the beginning stage involves none of the process of restructuring.21-What are the principles and consequences of the Reform Movement? The principles of the Reform Movement were the primacy of speech,the centrality of the connected text as the kernel of the language teaching process, and the absolute priority of an oral method in the classroom. The consequences were great. Many people took part in the reform and movement. A lot of book were published. An applied linguistic approach to language teaching began to take shape.22--What’s the contribution made by Daniel Jones and Harold Palmer to the development of Daniel Jones teaching? Daniel Jones was the first one that helped to make a profession the teaching of English as a second /foreign language. And he did a lot of research on the profession of foreign language teaching. He wrote a number of books from his research. Harold Palmer tried out the Oral Method in his teaching and did his research on the English vocabulary. He published a lot of books on methods of language teaching and textbooks.23 What are the reasons for the rise and fall of Audiolingual Method? Audiolingual Method comes from the theories and ideas of behaviourism and structurism. It was very popular in the 1950s. Towards the end of the 1950s, transformational generative linguistics started a war against it and finally brought it down from its dominant position.24-What are the main trends of applied linguistic research in the present period? In the present period, applied linguists have began to study foreign language teaching from different perspectives. New ideas and new trends appear very quickly. The new trends include communicative language teaching, new approaches to language syllabus and exploration of human relations, in foreign language teaching.第一章语法翻译法1.教材the teaching material are arranged according to grammar system.2.理论基础:theory of language is traditional linguistics.\theory of learning is Faculty Psychology.3.核心focus: grammar is regarded as the core of language ,grammar is the main content in f l classroom.4.语言技巧language skills: reading and writing are emphasized because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study,little attention is paid to speaking and listening.5.教学过程的方法teaching process techniques: reading.\ translation .\deductive teaching for grammar.\analysis and comparision \memorization\reading comprehension questions\ written work\6. 主要实践技巧main the principal practice technique : translation from and into the target language7.教学单位the sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning.8.most important aspect of language :the written form of language is most important aspect of language.9.本族语的应用the teacher use the native language of students as the main medium of instruction.10.强调重点the teacher emphasizes accuracy rather than fluceny.11.最终目的objectives: the ultimate purpose of G-T method is to enable the learners to read and translate the literature, the other object are to provide students with good mental exercises that helps to develop their minds and to gain a better understanding of the first language.Background背景--The history of the Grammar-Translation Method is not fully and carefully documented.There is evidence that grammar analysis and translation began to be the basic procedures in foreign language teaching from the 16th century, when modern languages such as French, Italian and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe. The modern languages provided one of the conditions for grammar analysis and th e application of grammatical rules in translation exercises in teaching Latin.The second impetus for the procedures of grammar analysis and translation in teaching Latin came from the social needs of European countries. The main purpose of learning Latin was to study the classical culture, which was worshipped in the Renaissance. Grammar analysis and translation proved to be effective means in study foreign culture through literary works.Some people believed that the mind of human beings could be trained by logical analysis of the classic language, extensive memorization of complicated rules and paradigms and translation between languages.Only in the late 18th century did the regular combination of grammar rules with translation into the target language become the principal practice technique. Therefore, it is accepted by most experts of foreign language teaching that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the 18th century. In the 19th century, more experts of foreign language teaching adopted the strategy of combining grammar rules with translation and the Grammar-Translation Method became the principal method of teaching modern languages in schools.Definition定义--It is a method of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. At one time it was called classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.Main features主要特点-- ?Grammar is the core of language, and language materials are arranged according to the grammar system. ?The main teaching activities are analysis, explanation and translation. ?The major practice is translating from and into the target language. ?The teaching。

王蔷《英语教学法教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解-第1~3章【圣才出品】第1章语⾔和语⾔学习1.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The way we learn languages我们习得语⾔的⽅式2. Views on language语⾔观点3. The structural view of language结构主义语⾔理论4. The functional view of language功能主义语⾔理论5. The interactional view of language交互语⾔理论6. Common views on language learning关于语⾔学习的普遍观点7. Process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories 强调过程的语⾔学习理论和强调条件的语⾔学习理论8. The behaviorist theory⾏为主义学习理论9. Cognitive theory认知学习理论10. Constructivist theory建构主义学习理论11. Socio-constructivist theory社会建构主义理论12. Qualities of a good language teacher⼀个好的语⾔⽼师必备的素养13. Teacher’s professional development教师专业技能发展本章考点:我们如何习得语⾔;结构主义语⾔理论;功能主义语⾔理论;交互语⾔理论;关于语⾔学习的普遍观点;强调过程的语⾔学习理论和强调条件的语⾔学习理论;⾏为主义学习理论;认知学习理论;建构主义学习理论;社会建构主义理论;成为⼀个好的语⾔⽼师所要具备的基本素质;教师专业技能发展图。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. The way we learn languagesⅡ. Views on language1. The structural view of language2. The functional view of language3. The interactional view of languageⅢ. Views on language learning and learning in general1. Research on language learning2. Common views on language learning and learning in general(1)Behaviorist theory(2)Cognitive theory(3)Constructivist theory(4)Socio-constructivist theoryⅣ. Qualities of a good language teacherⅤ. Development of a good language teacherⅥ. An overview of the bookThis chapter serves as an introduction for setting the scene for this methodology course. It discusses issues concerning views on language and language learning or learning in general with the belief that such views will affect teachers’ ways of teaching and thus learners’ ways of learning. The qualities of a good language teacher are also discussed in order to raise the participants’ awareness of what is required for a good English teacher.这⼀章主要是介绍教学法的⽅法论,其中讨论的问题涉及语⾔和语⾔学习的观点,或者⼀般学习及这些观点对教师教学⽅式和学习者学习⽅式的影响,本章也讨论了⼀个好的英语教师应具备的素质,以提⾼语⾔教学参与者对优秀英语教师相关要求的意识。

王蔷《英语教学法教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解-第11~13章【圣才出品】第11章阅读教学11.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. Reading aloud and silent reading朗读和默读2. Features of effective readers有效率的读者的特征3. Strategies involved in reading comprehension 阅读理解策略4. Two broad levels in reading两种阅读⽔平5. The role of vocabulary in reading词汇在阅读中的作⽤6. Sight vocabulary视觉词汇7. Three models of teaching reading三种阅读教学模式8. Three stages involved in T eaching Reading阅读教学的三个阶段9. Pre-reading activities读前活动10. While-reading activities读中活动11. Purposes of transition device转换⼿法的⽬的12. The classification of Reading comprehension questions阅读理解题的分类13. Types of post-reading activities读后活动类型本章考点:朗读和默读;有效率的读者的特征;阅读理解策略;两种阅读⽔平;词汇在阅读中的作⽤;视觉词汇;三种阅读教学模式;阅读教学的三个阶段;读前活动;读中活动;转换⼿法的⽬的;阅读理解题的分类;读后活动类型。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. Reflecting on your own reading experiencesⅡ. The way of reading1. Reading aloud and silent reading2. Features of effective readersⅢ. The content of readingⅣ. Strategies involved in reading comprehension1. Definition of reading2. Two broad levels in readingⅤ. The role of vocabulary in reading1. The importance of vocabulary2. Sight vocabularyⅥ. Principles and models for teaching reading1. Three models of teaching reading2. Three stages involved in teaching reading Ⅶ. Pre-reading activities1. Definition of pre-reading activities2. Predicting3. Setting the scene4. Skimming5. Scanning6. Summary on pre-reading activitiesⅧ. Whi le-reading activities1. Information transfer2. Purposes of transition device3. Reading comprehension questions4. Understanding references5. Making inferences6. Summary on while-reading activitiesⅨ. Post-reading activities1. Objectives2. Requirements3. Types of post-reading activitiesⅩ. ConclusionⅠ. Reflecting on your own reading experiences (反思⾃⼰的阅读经验)All of us began reading in our first language at a very early age and we all have experiences of being influenced by certain authors or particular books.我们在很⼩的时候开始⽤母语阅读了,我们都受到某些作者或书籍的影响。

教学法笔记精校版HowtoTeachEnglishHow to Teach English笔记整理Unit One How to be a good teacherWhat makes a good teacher?How should teachers talk to students?How should teachers give instructions?Who should talk in class?What are the best kinds of lesson?How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?What makes a good teacher?Focus on moral education;Teachers’ character and personality;Care more about their students’ learning than their own teaching.How to be a good teacherHow should teachers talk to students?Rough-tuning:Unconscious simplification which both parents and teachers make;The modification of language that is suitable to students of different levelPhysical movement:Gestures, expressions, mimeHow should teachers give instructions?Rules: simple & logicalCheck:ask one to repeat your instructionask someone to translation your instruction into the students’native languageWho should talk in class?Maximise STT (Student Talking Time)Minimise TTT (T eacher Talking Time)Who should talk in class?What is good TTT?Good TTT must follow the rule of “comprehensive input”The Input hypothesis is Stephen Krashen's attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second language. In other words, this hypothesis is Krashen's explanation of how second language acquisition takes place. So, the Input hypothesis is only concerned with 'acquisition', not 'learning'.According to this hypothesis, the learner improves and progresses along the 'natural order' when he/she receives second language 'input' that is one step beyond his/her current stage of linguistic competence.For example, if a learner is at a stage 'i', then acquisition takes place when he/she is exposed to 'Comprehensible Input' that belongs to level 'i + 1'.What are the best kinds of lesson?Try your best to break boredom:Change your clothes;Bahaving calmly and slowly one day if you are normally noisy and energitec;Variety of your class:Keep balance between predictable safety and unexpected variety.How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?A balance has to be struck between teachers attempting to achieve what they set out to achieve on the one hand andresponding to what students are saying or doing on the other.Be flexible if your plan is interrupted by students.How important is the students’ motivation?What is motivation?Motivation refers to elements that push students to do learning activities.According to the source of motivation, it can be divided into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.Gardener and Lamber classified motivation of foreign language acquisition into instrumental motivation(工具型动机) and integrative motivation(融入型动机) from the perspective of social linguistics.Learners with instrumental motivation aim to reach their goal and treat the language just as one kind of tool, such as finding a good job and so on.Learners with integrative motivation desire to mix with the culture of the second/ foreign language and always show deep interest in the culture and people influenced by this language.How important is the students’ motivation?Conclusions of Gardner and Lamber’s theory:Highly motivated students do better than ones without any motivation at all.Integrative motivation was more powerful than Instrumental motivation.How important is the students’ motivation?How to provoke students’ interest and involvement in the class?Choice of topic, activity and linguistic content that students are interested in;Incentive mechanism: verbal commendation, honor, materialreward, examinationHow to help students?Homework;Reading assignment;Practical activitiesWho is responsible for learning?Unit Four Lesson Planning4.4.1 Teaching aimsThe first thing to do in lesson planning is to decide the aims of a lesson, which include what language components to present, what communicative skills to practise, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used.Questions:What do you think are the aims of this part of the lesson?Three different teachers are about to teach the lesson. Below are their introductions to the lesson. Which teacher has the clearest idea of the aims of the lesson?Teacher A: T oday we are going to learn Lesson 15. It’s question and answ er practice using a substitution table.Teacher B: Today we are going to practise present simple questions with “when…” and other time expressions.Teacher C: Today we are going to practise asking and answering questions using the present simple tense, so that we will learn how to talk about everyday activities.Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation1. The role of pronunciation in language learning.2. The goal of teaching pronunciation.3.The aspects of pronunciation we need to teach.4. The ways to help student to improve pronunciation.6.1 The role of pronunciationWhy do learners make pronunciation errors?A particular sound may not exist in the mother tongue, so that the learners are not used to forming it and therefore tends to substitute the nearest equivalent he or she knows.A sound does exist in the mother tongue, but not as a separate phoneme---the learner does not perceive it as a distinct sound that makes a difference to meaning.(sheep/ship) The learners have the actual sounds right, but have not learnt the stress patterns of the word or group of words, or they are using an intonation from their mother tongue which is inappropriate to the target language.What should be taught to the beginners, pronunciation or phonetic?Pronunciation is more important than phonetic. Stress and intonation are as important as the sounds themselves and should be taught from the very beginning.Whether pronunciation needs special attention or focus in language teaching depends on manyLearners whose native language has similar sounds to English are less likely to have problems with pronunciation.Learners who have more exposure to English need less focus on pronunciation.Adult learners need more focus on pronunciation because they are more likely to substitute English sounds with sounds from their native language.Beginning Chinese learners of English should focus on pronunciation and their ability to identify and produce English sounds themselves, because phonetic transcripts are more abstract and less meaningful. When should we teach phonetic?Phonetic rules regarding what sounds a letter or a cluster ofletters should be pronounced are helpful for students to develop the ability to cope with English pronunciation and they should be introduced at a suitable stage. Beginners of English, specially young learners, should be avoided to teach phonetic.Stress and intonation are as important as the sounds themselves and should be taught from the very beginning.In the example below, differe nt intonations for “Sorry” indicate different meanings. A neutral tone would6.2 The goal of teaching pronunciation1. What’s considered as a good pronunciation?A good pronunciation means:1) to pronounce correctly all the speech sounds of the language and all the combinations in their proper order not only isolated words, but also in sentences;2) to pronounce sentences fluently at the speed required by the situation with correct stresses, linking of sounds, rhythm, pauses and intonation.As a matter of fact, most Chinese learners of English do not have enough exposure to English to acquire native-like pronunciation.2. Why most learners of English as a foreign language cannot acquire native-like English pronunciation?Critical period hypothesisThe amount of exposure to EnglishIndividual ability.Critical Period HypothesisAccording to Chomsky’s theory, if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age, then due to changes such as maturation of the brain and speech organs, it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker.The amount of exposure to EnglishIt is another factor that determines if the students can acquire native-like English pronunciation. At the present time, most Chinese learners of English do not have enough exposure to English to acquire native-like pronunciation.6.3 Aspects of Pronunciation1. Single Stress i.e. important , complain, medicine2. Main stress and secondary stress i.e. interpretation3. Double stress i.e. thir teen, Chi nese4. Varieties of English i.e. advertisement (Br. E) advertisement(Am. E)5. Stress shifts i.e. import (n.), import (v.) record (n.), record (v.)6. Stress for emphasis i.e. I’m a teacher because I like people.7. Sentence stress: content words vs. structural wordsIntonation1. Falling intonation(statements, special questions, exclamation, commands)2. Rising intonation(general questions, requests, remarks of concern andapology, partings)3. Combined intonation(tag questions, compound sentences)Read the following sentences:You haven’t finished, / have you?Where there is a will, / there is a way.She can speak fairly well,/ but by no means perfect.6.4 Practising soundsPerception practiceUsing minimal pairsWhich order?Same or different?Odd man outCompletionProduction practiceListen and repeatFill in the blanksMake up sentencesUse meaningful contextUse picturesUse tongue twistersPerception practicePerception practice is aimed at developing the students’ ability to identify and distinguish betw een different sounds. Correct perception of sounds is vital for listening comprehension. Below are some examples of perception practice of English sounds.Using minimal pairs.Minimal pairs are two words which have only one different sound. The teacher reads either word2. Which order?The teacher reads each group of words in different order and the students mark the words with 1, 2, 3 .The teacher can read the words several times in different order.3. Same or differentThe teacher reads pairs of words and asks the students to tell if the pairs of words are the same or different.The words should not be written out.Here is an example(D for “different” and S for “same”):met meet (D)well well (S)well will (D)4. Odd one outThe teacher reads a group of words a time and the students identify the different word or sound.The words are not written out.Below are some examples:bit bit bit pit (No.4 is different.)lid led lid lid (No. 2 is different.)bag bag back bag (No. 3 is different.)5. CompletionThe teacher reads a series of words which have only one different sound. The students complete the words they hear.Here is an example:_ate _ate _ate _ate _ate _ate _ate _ateFor the words:gate late mate fate date hate rate and KateProduction practiceProduction practice is aimed at developing students’ abi lity to produce sounds. Producing distinct and understandable sounds is very important for effective communication.Here are some types of production practice activities:Listen and repeatFill in the blanksMake up sentencesUse meaningful contextUse picturesUse tongue twistersListen and repeatThe students repeat what the teacher says, the content with taps or the English songs.This activity can practice individual sounds, words, and sentences.Fill in the blanksThe students fill in the blanks in sentences with words which contain certain sound.Here is an example:a. Children love to _play_ games.b. Black and white make _grey_d. Hurry up. Don’t be _late_for school.e. We study in the same class. We are _classmates_.Make up sentencesThe students are given a group of words containing the same sound or similar sounds.They should make up sentences as many from the given words as possible.The sentences do not have to be realistically meaningful and logical.Humourous sentences are preferred.Use meaningful contextThe sounds to focus on are embedded in a meaningful context and students perform meaning tasks. Students can role play the dialogue:A: What’s wrong with you, Ann?B: I hate this horrible job.A: What job?B: Washing socks.A: What do you want to do?B: I want a holiday.Use picturesThe students produce meaningful language based on pictures.Use tongue twistersTongue twisters are fun and motivating, and the relaxing atmosphere halps students overcome inhibition. Give students a few minutes to practice by themselves, then ask them to perform in front of the whole class.Examples of tongue twistersShe sells sea shells on the seashore.Five wives drank five bottles of fine wine.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?6.5 Practising stress and intonationPractising stressWord-level stress: stress the proper syllable in multi- syllabic wordsPhrase-level stressThe most important thing in practicing stress is making the students be aware of where to stress the word or phrase. Below are three ways to show the stress pattern of words, phrases and sentences.Use gestures. The teacher can indicate the stress by clapping hands or using arm movements as if conducting music.Use the voice. The teacher can raise the voice to indicate stress. This can be done with some exaggeration sometimes.Use the blackboard. The teacher can highlight the stress by underlining them or writing them with colored chalks or in different size.Practicing intonationIntonation can greatly affect the invention of the speaker’s message. Intonation is used by native speakers to express meanings in many subtle ways such as surprise, complaint, sarcasm, friendliness,and is very difficult to teach.Ways to indicate change of intonation:Use rising or falling arrows, such as and .Mark change of intonation is to draw lines as shown below.Unit7 Teaching GrammarIn this unit, we are going to discuss how to teach grammar. Although grammar is usually integrated with the teaching of other language components, we still consider it necessary to introduce ways to “focus on form”. We will mainly talk about the following:1. The role of grammar in ELT2. Methods for grammar presentation3. Methods for grammar practice7.1 The role of grammar in ELTDiscussion:Why do we learn grammar? (The importance of grammar)B. Can’t we learn English without learning its grammar, as we do with mother tongue?Before trying to find out how something can be done it isnecessary to decide whether it should be done, the value of grammar in foreign language teaching has been a focusof debate for decades and no conclusion is in sight.Task 1:Read the following assumption about grammar in English learning and decide if you agree with them or not. When youhave finished, compare results with your partner. Try to give your7.2 Grammar presentation methodsAs we know grammar is so complicated that we need various methods to teach it. Among the methods for teaching grammar, the deductive method and the inductive method have been discussed and used most frequently..Deductive method (演绎法)Present the rules Explain Example Apply the rules Conclusion Examplea. 强调句句型结构It + is(was) +被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子其他成分b. Take a sentence as an example to explain the structurec. For instanceIt was your sister that (whom) Tom met in the zoo yesterday.It was in the zoo that Tom met your sister yesterday.Read the two sentences and try to find the differences between them.d. Apply in the practice____________that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A: During the 1960s B: That it was in the 1960sC: It was in the 1960s D: It was the 1960se. EvaluateDeductive method⑴The deductive meth od relies or reasoning, analyzing and comparing.⑵How to teach:First, the teacher writes an example on the board or draws attention to an example in the textbook. Then teacher explains the underlying rules regarding the forms and positions of certainstructural words. The explanations are often done in the student’s native language and using grammatical terms. Sometimes, comparisons are made between the native language and the target language or between the newly presented structure and previously learned structures.Finally the students practice applying the rule to produce sentences with given prompts.⑶The deductive method is often criticized:a. it teaches grammar in an isolated way;b. little attention is paid to meaning;c. the practice is often mechanical.⑷The method is not without merits.a. it could be very successful with selected and motivated students.b. it could save time when students are confronted with a grammar rule which is complex but which has to be learned.c. it may help to incre ase students’ confidence in those examinations which are written with accuracy as the main criterion of success.B. Inductive method(归纳法)1.Present the rule in the contest.2.Give more examples.3. Ask students to focus on the use of the structure.4. Apply the structure to produce sentences.5. Get the students to work out the rule.6. Elicit theInductive method⑴In the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. It is believed that the rules will become evident if the studentsare given enough appropriate examples.⑵How to teach:For example, in order to present the two forms" this is” and “these are”, the teacher will first hold up a book, saying “This is a book.” He will do the sa me showing other objects.Then the teacher holds up several books and says “These are books.” After several similar examples, it is hoped students will understand “These are” is used with plural forms of nouns.Then students are invited to apply the newly learned structure to produce sentences with given visual aids or verbal prompts. The teacher tries to say nothing except to correct when necessary.Finally, but optionally, the teacher may elicit the grammar rule from the students.⑶. It is believed the in ductive method is more effective in that students discover the grammar rules themselves while engaged in language use. This is especially true with grammatical regularities which are easily perceived, understood and applied.In practice, the distinguish between the deductive method and the inductive method is not always apparent. Perhaps a blend between the two is indeed more appropriate.7.3 Grammar PracticeIt is widely believed that practice is of vital importance in the teaching and learning grammar. But what is practice? What kind of practice is most effective? How can practice be conducted in a language classroom?According to Ur. “practice may be defined as any kind of engaging with the language on the part of the learn er, usually under the teacher supervision, whose primary objective is to consolidate learning” (Ur, 1988:11).Before we make a further study of practice. We should remember that one way to teach grammar is by means of Presentation Practice ProductionPresentation stage:Introduce new language, focusing on its meaning, form and function. It’s important that the students understand the new language.Practice stage:Students work through activities from being controlled to being free in order to practice the new language in different situations. The emphasis at this stage is on accuracy.Production stage:Students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language. The emphasis at this stage is on use and fluency.Ur further predicts that the following factors contribute to successful practice:Pre-learning. Practice is more effective when new language is clearly perceived and taken into short-term memory by the learners.Volume and repetition. The more language the learners are exposed to or produce, the more they are likely to learn. The learners should have plenty of time and opportunities to listen, speak, read and write. Success-orientation. Practice is most effective if it is based on successful practice. Heterogeneity. Practice should be able to elicit different sentences and generate different levels of answers from different learners.hints and prompts.Interest. Interest is an essential feature of successful practice. Learners who are bored find it difficult to concentrate and theirattention wanders.Mechanical PracticeMechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.In SUBSTITUTION DRILLS, the students substitute a part in a structure so that they get to know that part functions in a sentence. Sometimes certain prompts are given. Below is an example:Substitute the underlined part with the proper forms of the given words.green lawn clean house pretty garden nice flowersIn this exercise, the students are expected to produce sentences like:Mrs. Green has the greenest lawn in town.Mrs. Green has the cleanest house in town.Mrs. Green has the prettiest garden in town.Mrs. Green has the nicest flowers in town.When doing substitution drills, the students also need to change the forms of the given prompts. It is believed that substitution drills that involve changes in forms are effective than those in which students simply replace the target part with another word.The transformation drills, the students change a given structure in a way so that they are exposed to another similar structure. The type of exercise helps the students to have a deeper understanding of how the structures are formed and how they are used. Below is an example of transformation:Change the following sentences into the past tense. Use the adv. given in the brackets.Now he lives in London.(last year, Paris)We have English and math today. (Yesterday, music and P.E) He gets up at seven. (This morning, eight)Last year he lived in Paris.Yesterday we had music and P.E.This morning he got up at eight.Meaningful PracticeIn meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meanings though the students “keep an eye on ” the way newly learned structures that are used in the process.Meaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice. For example, after the presentation and mechanical practice of adjective comparatives and superlatives.Using prompts for practiceUsing prompts has also proved to be an effective way of grammar practice.The prompts can be pictures, mimes, tables or key words. Practice based on prompts is usually meaningful practice.Using picture prompts.Using mime or gestures as promptsUsing information sheet as promptsUsing chained phrases for story tellingUsing created situations①Using picture prompts: the students are asked to produce sentences based on the pictures provided.②Using mime or gestures as prompts: the teacher can invite the students to ask questions like: “what were you doing at 7o’clock yesterday evening?”or “What do you like to do in your spare time?”instead of answering the questions direc tly the teacher acts out the answers by miming and invites the students to guess the answers.③Using information sheet as prompts: Students can be asked to describe each person using the information provided and then add and tell each other their own likes.④Using key phrase or key words as prompts: The students are asked to produce language based on pictures and key phrase provided by the teachers.How many? playgroundboysgirlschildren⑤Using chained phrase for story telling. The students try to tell a story based on given prompts. Here is an example:7 o’clock –got up –had breakfast –hurried to school –school closed –surprised--?⑥Using created situations. In classroom situations, it is very difficult to find a real need and a real purpose for genuine communication in English among the students. However, teachers can create a situation for students to practice the language in a communicative way.Unit 8 Teaching V ocabularyAims of the unit:Although vocabulary is usually integrated with the teaching of reading, we still consider it necessary to introduce ways to learn and consolidate vocabulary.Assumptions about vocabulary and vocabulary building.Methods for presenting new vocabulary items.Ways to consolidate vocabulary;Ways to help students develop vocabulary building strategies.8.1 V ocabulary and vocabulary buildingUnlike the controversial role of grammar in foreign language learning, the role of vocabulary seems to have received more consistent understanding. However, uncertainty still remains regarding what constitutes a vocabulary item, which vocabulary items should be taught and learned, and how vocabulary can be taught and learned most effectively.Task IRead the following assumptions about vocabulary in English learning and decide if you agree with them or not.。

第7章语法教学7.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The role of grammar in language learning语法在语言教学中的角色2. Grammar presentation: the deductive method; the inductive method; the guided discovery method 演示法:演绎法,归纳法和引导发现法3. Distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge隐性知识与显性知识的差异4. New approaches to teaching grammar新的语法教学5. Grammar practice: Mechanical practice; Meaningful practice; Using prompts for practice语法练习:机械性练习;意义性练习;使用提示本章考点:语法在语言教学中的角色;演示法:演绎法,归纳法和引导发现法及它们的优缺点;隐性知识与显性知识的差异;新的语法教学;语法练习:机械性练习;意义性练习;使用提示。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. The role of grammar in language learningⅡ. Grammar presentation1. The deductive method2. The inductive method3. The guided discovery method4. Distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge5. New approaches to teaching grammarⅢ. Grammar practice1. Mechanical practice2. Meaningful practice3. Using prompts for practiceⅣ. ConclusionⅠ. The role of grammar in language learning(语法在语言教学中的角色)【考点:语法在语言教学中的角色】Despite many different views about the role of grammar in language learning, the importance of grammar cannot be denied. Grammatical competence is essential for communication.人们对语法在外语教学中的价值众说纷纭,意见不一,尽管如此,语法的重要性是不言而喻的。

第3章国家英语课程标准3.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. Syllabus and curriculum教学大纲和课程设置2. A brief history of foreign language teaching in China中国外语教学简史3. Designing principles for the National English Curriculum国家英语课程设置原则4. Goals and objectives of English language teaching英语语言教学的目标5. Design of the National English Curriculum国家英语课程的设置6. Challenges facing English language teachers英语语言教师所面临的挑战本章考点:教学大纲和课程设置;中国外语教学简史;国家英语课程设置原则;英语语言教学的目标;英语语言教师所面临的挑战和解决办法。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. A brief history of foreign language teaching in China1. The differences between syllabus and curriculum2. Foreign language teaching in ChinaⅡ. Designing principles for the National English CurriculumⅢ. Goals and objectives of English language teachingⅣ. Design of the National English CurriculumⅤ. Performance standards for different levels of competenceⅥ. Challenges facing English language teachersⅦ. ConclusionⅠ. A brief history of foreign language teaching in China(中国外语教学简史)1. The differences between syllabus and curriculum教学大纲和课程设置的不同A syllabus is a specification of what takes place in the classroom, which usually contains the aims and contents of teaching and sometimes contains suggestions of methodology.教学大纲具体规定了课堂教学内容,通常包括对于教学目标和教学内容,有时还包括教学方法的建议。


王蔷《英语教学法教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解-第4~6章【圣才出品】第4章教案设计与书写4.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The significance of lesson planning课程计划的重要性2. Principles for good lesson planning做好课程计划的准则3. Macro planning vs. micro planning宏观计划和微观计划4. Components of a lesson plan课程计划的构成因素5. Sample lesson plans课程计划的样本本章考点:课程计划的重要性;做好课程计划的准则;宏观计划和微观计划;课程计划的构成因素;课程计划的样本。
本章内容索引:Ⅰ. The significance of lesson planning1. Definition of lesson planning2.The necessity of lesson planning for teachers3. Benefits of lesson planningⅡ. Principles for good lesson planningⅢ. Macro planning vs. micro planning1. Two levels of lesson planning2. The advantage of a concrete teaching planⅣ. Components of a lesson plan1. Background information2. T eaching aims3. Language contents and skills4. Stages and procedures5. T eaching aids6. End of lesson summary7. Optional activities and assignments8. After lesson reflectionⅤ. Sample lesson plansⅥ. ConclusionⅠ. The significance of lesson planning(课程计划的重要意义)1. Definition of lesson planning课程计划的定义Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques,activities and materials will be used in the class.课程计划就是提前决定在课堂上使⽤什么技巧、材料、进⾏什么活动。