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Li Ming is a middle student. He is one of the t_____ students in his class. He likes reading very much. He reads f_____ and science books as well. His school h____ a very nice library. He often b_____ books and reads there.

Li Ming h_____ has a lot of books at home. Most of them were given to him as p______ by his parents and friends. He also bought some new books himself. He takes care of books. He takes e____ more care of the library books. He never makes them d____. He always r_____ them in time. He knows they are r_____ by many students.


One Sunday afternoon Peter put on his hat, took hi stick and went to the park. He w____ for half an hour and felt a little tired. He saw a chair u____ a big tree and went towards it. S______ he saw a man in front of him walking towards the chair too. He s_____ to run for fear that the man would take the seat b____ him. When he saw a man running towards the chair, that man b____ to run too. But Peter ran even f______ and soon got ahead of him. That man ran after him and told him loudly not to sit down. But Peter did not pay any a______. That man came up. Peter saw he was a workman of the park. He had a b____ in his hand. It said, “WET PAINT” How s_____ Peter was!


A lady once wrote a long story and sent it to a famous editor. After a few weeks the story was r_____ to her. The lady was angry. She wrote to the editor:

“Dear sir,

Yesterday you sent b_____ a story of mine. How do you know that the story is not g____ You did not read it. B____ I sent it to you. I pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20. This was a t____ to see whether you would r_____ read the story. When it came back yesterday, the pages were s____ pasted together. Do you read all the s____ this way”

The editor wrote back.

“Dear madam,

At breakfast when I open an egg, I don’t have to eat a___ the egg in order to find out it is b____.”


Not every student in the United States speaks English. When Li Dayou was in s_____ in New York, his o____ language was Chinese. He could not understand the l_____ because his teachers did not speak Chinese. Li Dayou complained to the Supereme Court. The court a_____ with Li Dayou and ruled that all s______ must give the special help to students who do not speak English.

Today students like Li Dayou r_____ special help until they learn e_____

English. If they speak Chinese, Japanese, o___ any other language, they usually have teachers who can e______ their lessons in their own languages. In many American schools several languages are u_____ in the classrooms.


Many people live and work in areas where the weather is usually p_____. They expect the summers to be warm and the winters c____. There tare some places, however, where the weather is severe. In some of the northern and eastern states it may s____ so much that cars and homes are n____ buried and p____ are not able to go to work or to a____ school until the roads are cleared. The p____ is just the opposite during the summer. The t______ may be so high in a few areas that people can d___ little more than complain about the weather.


There are groups of young people in many places who give their t____ to help others. For example, they do the shopping for people who are s____ or old. Often these people are very l_____ and are thankful for some company. They enjoy having someone to t____ to from time to time. At the university there was such a g____. Ally j____ it and helped many old people in this way. Then a new p_____ was introduced. The students o_____ decorate old people’s homes if the local government p___ for the paint, brushes and paper. After some d______ they all agreed.

