

3.Already, the presence of large number of
Third World immigrants produced chronic racial
tension in Great Britain.
大 大批第
此句中的already 被置于句首,句式显得,尤其是在标题的 写作上。标题必须言简意骇,故用多语法成分或词语 常被省略,主要是省虚词,留实词。大致有以下几种 情况:
1.略冠词。如: Patient loses heart, gets 3rd (= A patient loses heart, gets the 3rd ) 一病人两度移植心脏 37 killed in Italian plane crash (= 37 kill in an Italian plane crash) 一驾意大利飞机失事,37人丧生。 2.省略系动词。如: Courses on Practical Skill Popular with Students ( =Courses on Practical Skill Remain Popular with Students) 实用技能课程仍受学生欢迎 Cops under Fire( =Cops are under Fire)警察遭枪击
“对于每个美国人来说,这一天定是我们一生中最 值得骄傲的日子,”总统对宇航员们说,“在人类 历史上极其珍贵的时刻,地球上所有的人真正形成 了一体。” 5.“He has never acted as anything but a candidate,” say a senior Western diplomat. “He has always been an outsider looking in.” “他一直在做 候选人,”一位资深西方外交官说,“他总是站在 局外,却关注着局内。”

英译汉练习Sentence Translation.1. The clean perfection of fresh snowrecalls the world before it was man's.一场大雪刚下过,周围一片完美无瑕的银色世界,使人想起浩荡时代(太古时代)的情景。
2. Early in October a dusting of snowappears on the surrounding mountainsummits; gradually it worked its waylower until one morning we wake up tofind that the snow has reached us. 十月初,周围山峰铺了一层薄薄的雪,雪一天天向山下延伸。
3. Give the river a day, and it will giveyou a memory to last a lifetime. 花一天时间来游览这条河,它会给你留下终身难忘的印象。
腹有诗书气自华4.Below, lights gleam as they do nowhere else on the river. 在下面,万家灯火在河面上闪烁,这种景色别处看不到。
5. Such evidence convinces me that theancient Egyptians and their contemporaries were far more accomplished mariners than once believed. 这些实证使我确信,古代埃及人及其同时代人的航海技术之高明,远超人们想象。
6. I decided that photography and Iweren't meant for each other. My pictures were so dull. 我明白,我不是搞摄影的材料。

Course Name:Applied Translation 应用文体翻译2012级本科英语专业2013-2014学年上学期Content: Practical translation drills翻译方法实训(第二周)Goal: to employ translation skills covered in the previous week flexibly in translation practice. Emphasis: not to be confined to specific translation skills, but rather different versions are encouraged with special attention to the boldface in the following sentences.Assignment & Summary: First render the following into Chinese and do back-translation and finish translation diary after class.(1) Each of these U.S. companies is attempting to offer convenient services to customers by centering on their strong business lines._______________________________________________________________________________ (2) An increasing number of Japanese discount stores and other retailers import and sell low-priced Japanese music CDs pressed abroad._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (3) Long-term interest rates have soared almost fourfold in the past three months after the rates hit a record low in mid-June._______________________________________________________________________________ (4) The primary task facing WTO members at the latest meeting was to pave the way for a broad agreement on issues discussed at the trade round launched in 2001._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (5) The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nation’s economic growth, is a major concern._______________________________________________________________________________ (6) International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs._______________________________________________________________________________ (7) Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago._______________________________________________________________________________ (8) Huge investment costs, such as those for developing environment-friendly technology, have made it difficult for an automaker to survive competition on its own._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (9)This consideration decided our invitation to the mayor for the first China National Stone Products Fair._______________________________________________________________________________ (10) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we’dcertainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (11) The change in plan resulted from a misjudgment on the part of the firm’s top management on what the company’s employees and business partners wanted._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (12) The success or failure of terrestrial digital broadcasting hinges on the prices of television sets and the development of new services._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (13) A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (14) International countertrade is a practice whereby a supplier commits contractually—as a condition of sale—to reciprocate and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (15) A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (16) Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Translation Diary:Translation skills you consider the most useful and state the reasons_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Difficult points you find in the above drills_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Contrast the original version with the one the lecturer has explained and find out the differences ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please find time to do back-translation and try to commit useful English expressions to memory and write down the difficulties you encounter in the process._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。
汉英翻译-实用文体翻译 (1)

history of the pre-Qin days , as well as those on Mohism,
Buddhism and Tao Yuanming, were motivated by his personal inclination, can the same be said of his younger days when he was a pupil chanting ancient Chinese books under a private tutor?
Practical Style (1)
1. 实用文体的语言特征 2. 实用文体翻译对译员的要求 3. 实用文体翻译
从 “我爱你”的表达 看汉语语言的多样性
我爱你 (普通)
我好钟意你 (广东) 恩欢喜你 (淮安)
偶安嫩 (江西)
我难繁你 (洛阳) 挖挨捏 (晋城) 阿拉呆个欢喜侬 (宁波) 我毛喜欢你的来 (杭州) 俺挺希罕嫩滴 (青岛 )
学问没有根底,趣味也很难滋生。任公先生的学问 之所以那样的博大精深,涉笔成趣,左右逢源,不 能不说一大部分得力于他的学问根底之打得坚固。
Generally speaking, the so-called interest begins to exist only when one is mature enough to engage in independent studies. It is improper, I am afraid, for young people to overstress the importance of interest

好的广告语翻译:1. Easier dusting by stre-e-etch.(除尘布)拉拉拉长,除尘力强。
2. One good banking ideas in Canada led us to another in London.加拿大非凡的银行概念,指引我们在伦敦再创辉煌。
分析:该口号在谚语:A good turn deserves another(善有善报)的基础上进行了较大的扩张。
3. All work and no play make a dull stay. (Ming Court大饭店)只工作不玩耍,生活单调无味。
分析:这则口号套用了英语中的一句著名谚语:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy(只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻)。
这家大饭店套用那句谚语,意在招徕客人,使他们逗留新加坡时去他们饭店,在那里可以尽情享受,以免旅途成为dull stay。
4. One man’s sushi is another man’s steak.(日本航空公司)寿司牛排,风味不同,任君选择。
分析:该例是日本航空公司对欧洲大陆的广告,即套用了One man’s meat is another man’s poison(一个人的佳肴却是另一个人的毒药)。

Practical Writings (2)
I. Review and homework checking II. Business letters III. Notices and notes IV. Summary V. Assignment
I.IIR. Geevnieerwal aInntrdodhuoctmioenwtooprrkacctihcaelcwkirnitigngs
you to examine it and to see if there are any mistak顺es致therein. I h敬o意pe you will favor me with a reply at your earliest convenience.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.
IO. nReevdiaeyw, Maenndchiuosmceawmoerbkacchkebcekfionrge school let out. His
mother called him to the loom and let him watch her AwwWscfotcoFeevhhmrreaMoeonvap孟很mnooilnwelltM母长ohgthtihneet.eah把一egdr孟nl’fn.sact”他 段w子iiomwkuan叫 时ns逐oey,ir,,fa到 间hde渐isstes,h织 ,ki成mseswet布孟dul长eusikcrudh机母eeh,diiesdfm旁突td一ioremmy,然anM次oscllyyte让用suh未nicbtedt他刀curi到runaitueog看子nt放sxuhdt,p自把sehe学blleaydce己布时ilcnawionl织 割ento间ihlddtth布 断h,就esbe“hrb。 ,eIm回sefecoyfe织 孟ah家ononmar’u了 子tse了d.eqmit,auiiinst d.

英译汉练习Sentence Translation.1. The clean perfection of fresh snowrecalls the world before it was man's.一场大雪刚下过,周围一片完美无瑕的银色世界,使人想起浩荡时代(太古时代)的情景。
2. Early in October a dusting of snowappears on the surrounding mountainsummits; gradually it worked its waylower until one morning we wake up tofind that the snow has reached us. 十月初,周围山峰铺了一层薄薄的雪,雪一天天向山下延伸。
3. Give the river a day, and it will giveyou a memory to last a lifetime. 花一天时间来游览这条河,它会给你留下终身难忘的印象。
4.Below, lights gleam as they do nowhereelse on the river. 在下面,万家灯火在河面上闪烁,这种景色别处看不到。
5. Such evidence convinces me that theancient Egyptians and their contemporaries were far more accomplished mariners than once believed. 这些实证使我确信,古代埃及人及其同时代人的航海技术之高明,远超人们想象。
6. I decided that photography and Iweren't meant for each other. My pictures were so dull. 我明白,我不是搞摄影的材料。

实用文体翻译1.商务信函August 13,2003Vemeer ManufacturingCompany P. O. Box 200/3804New Sharon Road Pella, Iowa50219 U. S. A.Gentlemen:From the samples sent us on June 5, we have made selections, and have the pleasure of handing you the following order which we commend to your immediate and best attention, viz:500 chests Lipton Black Tea,500 sacks of Brazilian Coffee, not ground.Kindly forward these by fast freight. Enclosed please find a draft as per memorandum bill you sent us.Yours trulyMcFARLAND &CO.President(Signature) Dear Sirs:We received, on Nov. 11, 2000, with thanks, your check No. 006869 for RMB 36,000, in payment of our commission. The amount has been placed to your credit.Manager诸位先生:已收到12月14日贵方来信,获悉我方发出的货箱内装的钢笔并非贵方所定的型号,甚为抱歉。

实用文体翻译二求职信Subject: Application for the Position of XXXDear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the position of XXX that was advertised on your company's website. With a strong background in XXX and a passion for XXX, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team.I graduated from XXX University with a degree in XXX, where I developed a solid foundation in XXX knowledge and skills. During my time at university, I also had the opportunity to participate in XXX projects, which allowed me to further enhance my XXX abilities.In addition to my academic qualifications, I have also gained practical experience through internships at XXX companies. These experiences have equipped me with the necessary skills to handle XXX tasks and responsibilities effectively.One of my key strengths is my ability to XXX. In my previous roles, I was responsible for XXX, where I successfully XXX. I believe that my ability to XXX will enable me to contribute positively to your team.I am particularly drawn to this position at your company because XXX. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this role, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the requirements of the position. Please feel free to contact me at XXX or via email at XXX to schedule a convenient time for an interview.Sincerely,XXX。

1) There are four seasons in a year.一年有四季。
2) Now, heat is being added to the substance. 现在这种物质正在加热。
3) At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.一个正常的人每天至少需要两夸脱的水。
4) High-quality machines of various types are produced in our country.我国生产各种类型的优质机器。
(2)动词宾语译成主语5) An automobile must have a brake with high efficiency. 汽车的煞车必须高度有效。
6) Ice is not so dense as water and therefore it floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。
7) Two widely used alloys of copper are brass and bronze.黄铜和青铜是两种广泛使用的铜合金。
2、非谓语译成谓语(1)定语译成谓语8) Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon.锰对钢的强度的影响和矽相同。

第一条 定义 The Owner 指“业主” 。 The Contractor 指“承包商” 。 “工厂”指在附录×中指定的构成固定设备的 全部机器、设备和材料。 “工地”指按本合同用于建造工厂的全部地皮。
"The Works" shall mean the works to be done by the Contractor under this Contract. "The Contract Price" shall mean the total sum payable to the Contractor by the Owner for the Works.
第六条 检验 1. 承包商应该按法律和正常的工程惯例的要求, 负责工厂所有的检验和试验工作。
2. The Owner shall be entitled at all reasonable times and at its own cost to inspect, examine and test the materials and workmanship of the Plant under construction. Such inspection, examination or testing if made shall not release the Contractor from any obligation under the Contract.
3. 承包商应根据附录 ×中的日程安排施工。 4. 承包商应根据附录 ×中的规定为业主培 训工厂设备的操作和 维修人员。
5. The Contractor shall supply the Owner with the spare parts specified in Appendix (…). 6. The Contractor shall supply the Owner with the maintenance equipment specified in Appendix (…).

Passage one: College Life1 If life were a colorful drawing, college life would be one of the brightest colors. If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be one of the most beautiful words. College life is an especially important period of time. If you make good use of your golden time in college, you will learn a lot of things not only in the textbooks, but also outside the textbooks; not only in theory, but also in practice.2 When you become a college student, it means you begin to lead another new life, and learn to support yourself. You need to be used to the new surroundings. You must try everything by yourself. You must learn to stand on your feet with no walking stick.3 College is just like a small society. Living under the same sun, we need to be sociable. So it is necessary for us to communicate with others. Social communication is not easier to learn than other skills. If you can keep smiling, others will also be more ready to help you. Speaking also plays an important role in communication. Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.4 As a small society, college is of course full of competition. As a college student, you will face hunting for your job very soon. College students try to exercise before entering the big society. The purpose is to test both their knowledge and ability. When you see them working hard to get good academic scores and taking part in all sorts of activities to sharpen their ability, how can you stand in the same place? Some students even find some part-time jobs to practice themselves and get more social experiences.5 We must get more and more knowledge and learn techniques to deal with the new situation. “Time and tide wait for no man!” We must treasure every minute of our coll ege life. If you want to be successful in the near future, you should get involved not only in school subjects but also in outside class activities.6 College is a mountain of treasures. If you pay attention to your college life, you will pick up a lot of precious stones named knowledge, good sense, cooperative spirit and determination.Passage two: My Campus Life1. In my 18 years of life, there have been many things. University days are the best part of them. I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. I at once fell in love with it.2. Firstly, studying on the campus gives me lots of pleasure. After some very arduous military training,I became absolutely absorbed in my studies. Different from high school courses, the courses in university are specific and interesting. I can get information not only from teachers in class, but also outside of class, such as in the library, on the Internet and so on. These courses arouse my insatiable desire for knowledge and make me learn and digest as much as I can. To be frank, I had some difficulties in keeping up with my teachers at first, but later with the help of my teachers, I made remarkable progress.3. Secondly, social activities on campus provide me with more chances to learn. I will never forget the days I served as a volunteer at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. After some training in Chinese history and language skills both in Japanese and English, I endeavored to serve our distinguished guests from all over the world enthusiastically. I was a volunteer as well as a disseminator of our splendid culture. There was no doubt that I came across many difficulties at first, such as humid weather, language barriers and so on. Thanks to other volunteers’ help, I overcame those difficulties. When it was time to depart, I couldn’t help bursting into tears, because I had developed a deep friendship with other volunteers. This precious experience made me aware of the huge responsibility on my shoulders.4. Besides study and social practice, there are entertainment as well. I do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. We also write a play and put it on in our spare time.5. Finally, I want to say that although there are some difficulties or setbacks during my university days, campus life has been the most splendid time in my life so far.Passage Three:太空探秘Space is the most hostile environment we will ever explore. Even a single five-hour space walk requires months of training, and a vast technical backup to keep it safe. The astronauts and cosmonauts who live aboard the ISS will be there for only a few weeks or months; if we want to travel into deep space it could take years.First we’ll have to find out just how long the human body can survive in a weightless environment. In zero gravity, four pints of body fluid rush from the legs to the head where it stays for the duration of the mission. Astronauts often feel as if they have a permanent cold, and disorientation can become a major problem.In space there’s no physical sensation to let you know when you’re upside down and astronauts have to rely on visual clues from their surroundings. A few hours after reaching orbit, one in three of all astronauts will experience space sickness---a feeling rather like carsickness. And weightless conditions lead to calcium being leached from the bones, and problems with the astronauts’ immune systems.Trillions of rocky fragments—meteoroids—roam our Solar System at speeds of up to 150,000 miles an hour. A meteoroid no bigger than a grain of salt could pierce a spaceship window. Protection from the extreme hazards of space is going to need some clever technology. Space is also full of lethal radiation---X-rays, gamma rays and the high-speed particles called cosmic rays.补充知识-通知的书写方法(不用翻译)Notice (通知)通知是一种公告性的应用文。

练习材料第一单元地理篇No Giant SkyscrapersChicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Its buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance1. California is earthquake country2.The San Andreas Fault3 is a cause of earthquakes. It is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger4.The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city. They looked at the buildings that did not fall in the earthquake5 and they learned more about building in California.Tall buildings can be dangerous6 in earthquakes. Today California has codes7 that say how a building must be built and how tall it can be.Los Angeles has several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move8 a little and everyone takes a deep breath. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened. People who grew up in California say, “We’re used to it!”Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder9. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Bonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission Church. The Century City Complex is near the ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build in California.水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。

Homework 1将下列句子译成英文或中文,注意运用所学的翻译方法和技巧:1)他可不是个饭桶!He really is somebody.2)Bruce was taken up above the salt.人们邀请布罗斯到上席就坐。
3)I went to a reception at the embassy and I was sitting above the salt.我出席了大使馆举办的一个招待会,并有幸到上席就坐。
4)The researchers reckon that bosses themselves are as much to blame as anybody for this state of affairs.研究人员认为,老板们自己也应该对这种状况负责。
Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its applicability to many fields of science and its adaptability to practical uses.6)我们应当避免犯不必要的错误。
We must avoid making mistakes in our work.7)It was another one of those Catch-22 situations, you’re dammed if you do and you’re dammed if you don’t.这真是又一个左右为难的尴尬局面,做也倒霉,不做也倒霉。
8)There on the floor was a newspaper. She unfolded it. It looked familiar. It was China Daily.她瞧见地板上有张报纸,打开一看,挺熟悉,原来是张中国日报。

(1) 摘译汉译英剑桥大学出版社是隶属于剑桥大学的印刷出版单位,它是剑桥大学不可或缺的部分,具有与大学一样的目标:增进知识、提升教育、促进学习和研究水平。
Translated version 1:Cambridge University Press is the printing and publishing house of the University of Cambridge. It is an integrate part of the University and also share with it the similar objectives, that is to enhance knowledge, to advance education and to improve learning and research. For centuries the Press has extended the research and teaching activities of the University by making available worldwide through its printing and publishing a remarkable range of academic and educational books, journals, examinations papers and Bibles.Translated version 2: As the printing and publishing house and an integrate part of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Press shares similar objectives with the University in advancing knowledge , education, learning and research. For centuries, the Press has extended the research and teaching activities of it by making available worldwide a remarkable range of publications.解析:这篇汉译英例文摘自一篇关于宣传剑桥大学的文章。

3,In a later class, Keating asked Neil to read the introduction to their poetry textbook, an essay full of all the nonsenses, and encouraged his students to rip the introductory essay out of their textbooks which he thinks of nothing but “excrement”.
Dead Poets Society
The Original Text
1,Dead Poets Society, a 1989 film set in 1959 at a conservative and aristocratic boys prep school, telling the story of an English teacher who inspires his students to change their lives of conformity through his teaching of poetry and literature. The movie is a modern interpretation of the Transcendentalist Movement.

2应用文翻译例子第一篇:2应用文翻译例子应用文例子1.Dear Sir,We wish to draw your attention to the result of inspection made by CCIB Shanghai of the consignment of sulphur under Contract No.OXHJ73091 MC Shipped per s.s.“Sanming” and discharged at Shanghai:purity: 99.81% which is 0.09% lower than 99.9%stipulated in the contract;acidity: 0.066% which is 0.056% higher than the contracted 0.01%;hydrocarbon: 0.101% which is higher by 0.031% than 0.075% as stipulated in the contract.On the strength of the Inspection Certificate No.221003 in one original and the Freight Account enclosed herewith we file a claim against you for the following amounts:1.goods value on FOB basis:US $ 2046.002.freight:805.783.insurance premium:9.154.inspection fee:2720.60totalUS $ 5,581.53If you do not challenge the claim after your certification please credit by remittance the said total amount in compensation to our account at the Bank of China, Beijing.Yours faithfully(signature)先生:OXHJ73091 MC合同项目下的硫磺由SANMING轮运卸上海,希望贵方能对中国上海进出口商品检验局检验的结果予以重视。

练习材料第一单元地理篇No Giant SkyscrapersChicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Its buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance1. California is earthquake country2.The San Andreas Fault3 is a cause of earthquakes. It is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger4.The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city. They looked at the buildings that did not fall in the earthquake5 and they learned more about building in California.Tall buildings can be dangerous6 in earthquakes. Today California has codes7 that say how a building must be built and how tall it can be.Los Angeles has several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move8 a little and everyone takes a deep breath. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened. People who grew up in California say, “We’re used to it!”Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder9. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Bonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission Church. The Century City Complex is near the ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build in California.水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。

• Salary wanted, RMB ¥7000 a month
• Should my application be regarded favourably, I shall endeavour to justify the confidence you may repose in me.
Sincerely yours,
X X大学汉语教授
• Gentlemen,
• From your advertisement in yesterday’s China Daily, I find that you are wanting an English translator in your office. I ask to offer myself as a candidate for the post.
Yours sincerely,
Edwin Halleck
• 敬启者:
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好的广告语翻译:1. Easier dusting by stre-e-etch.(除尘布)拉拉拉长,除尘力强。
2. One good banking ideas in Canada led us to another in London.加拿大非凡的银行概念,指引我们在伦敦再创辉煌。
分析:该口号在谚语:A good turn deserves another(善有善报)的基础上进行了较大的扩张。
3. All work and no play make a dull stay. (Ming Court大饭店)只工作不玩耍,生活单调无味。
分析:这则口号套用了英语中的一句著名谚语:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy(只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻)。
这家大饭店套用那句谚语,意在招徕客人,使他们逗留新加坡时去他们饭店,在那里可以尽情享受,以免旅途成为dull stay。
4. One man’s sushi is another man’s steak.(日本航空公司)寿司牛排,风味不同,任君选择。
分析:该例是日本航空公司对欧洲大陆的广告,即套用了One man’s meat is another man’s poison(一个人的佳肴却是另一个人的毒药)。
5. Where there is a South,there is a way. (南方科技咨询服务公司)有了南方,就有了办法。
分析:该广告套用了英语中常见的一句谚语:“Where there is a will,there is a way.”。
不好的广告语翻译:1. Mount Bagong Tofu is in vogue all the ages, white and jade pure, like fine-congealed grease, delicate, and tasty and secretion.八公豆腐,老幼皆宜,洁白如玉,爽滑如油,味美可口,让人垂涎三尺。
2. It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you. (派克笔)它不会在你口袋里漏油,令你尴尬。
3. Jiuhua Buddhist Tea, moistens the world and clears the heart!九华佛茶,润世清心!分析:广告词中的“润”取其“泽被”之意,不能简单地理解为“湿润”。
因此建议将该句译文改为:Jiuhua Buddhist Tea benefits the world and refreshes the mind.4. “Yaya”Brand assistant condiment for “PickleFish”is a product researched, improved and developed by my company.“丫丫”牌酸菜鱼佐料是我公司经不断探索,改进,反复研制而成的产品。
用“Pickle Fish”来翻译“酸菜鱼”看似完全对等,但实际上外国人从“Pickle Fish”这个短语不会明白到底是什么菜,所以必须采用增译法,译为“Fish slices with pickle”。
此外,“我公司”翻译成“my company”也很不高明,不符合英语的表达习惯,建议改为“our company”或“us”。
因此上述译文建议改为:Our product, “Yaya”Brand condiment for “fishslices with pickle”, was developed after painstaking research and refinement.5. 本品即购即食,食用方便。
(微波加热薯条)Open and eat immediately.分析:这则广告的英文翻译忽略了“食用方便”这个言语行为的语用意义。
这里的immediately 不符合语境。
因此上述译文建议改为:Always ready to serve.好的商标翻译:1. 飞龙:Pharon(制药)分析:著名药品企业沈阳飞龙,由于“龙”在汉英文化中含义不同,没有意译为“Flying Dragon”。
“Pharon”不仅与“飞龙”谐音,而且Phar - 来自Pharmaceutical (医药的) ,- on 则是药品商标的常用后缀。
2. 四通电脑:Stone分析:“四通”在汉语文化中有多种有益联想,可以理解为“四通八达”。
3. 宜家:IKEA分析:即便在瑞典也很少有人知道它的意思,而中文翻译者却赋予它“宜家”这一美好的含义。
实际上,IKEA本来是该品牌的创始人Ingvar Kamprad和他的农村Elmtaryd及其村庄Agunnaryd名字的首字母组成的。
之子于归,宜其室家”这么怡心的名字,怡情的价格,怡身的产品,在这个并不怎么宜居的国家,怎么能不让人人见人爱呢?4. 依云矿泉水:Evian分析:Evian是法国东南部小镇,日内瓦湖岸,阿尔卑斯山边,依山傍云的地方出产的矿泉水。
5. 蓝鸟汽车:Blue Bird分析:该名取自于比利时作家Maurice Materlinek于1911年所获诺贝尔文学奖的童话剧“Blue Bird”剧中,剧中Blue Bird象征未来幸福。
不好的商标翻译:1. 藕粉:Lotus Root Starch(西湖藕粉中的一个牌子)分析:杭州的西湖藕粉是出名的滋养品,历史上曾作为“贡粉”每年进献给皇帝,但对英美人士来说却鲜为人知,原因在于starch(淀粉)一词,因为多吃starch容易发胖,而许多西方人都怕发胖。
2. 金鸡牌闹钟:Golden Cock分析:鸡是中国人的属相之一,在国人的心中并无贬义,只是近几年来“鸡”成了“妓”的代称,可是报晓的雄鸡,常常是咏诗绘画的主题,所以金鸡牌闹钟中的鸡本取名于“报晓”之意。
因为在英语中cock一词除了指代雄鸡外,还指雄性生殖器官,这样的商标品牌不仅有损于产品的形象和荣誉,而且能直接影响产品的销路, 因此这种商品投放到英美市场以后,顾客寥寥无几。
3. 必胜客:Pizza Hut分析:Pizza Hut如今译成“必胜客”,在意义上脱离了快餐的味道,在音色上丧失了中国人对其原有的熟悉与亲切感,倒不如译成“比萨饼”实在,“比萨”是音译,“饼”用来描述食品的种类;这样既可表达意大利是该美食的故乡,又能借助比萨斜塔的名声唤起食客对意大利美丽风光的联想。
5. 金凤牌自行车:Golden Phoenix Bike分析:凤凰是中国人心中的吉祥鸟,与龙、麒麟一样,总是给人们带来美好的联想。
而该自行车名牌为“凤凰牌”的话,且出口时直接翻译为Phoenix的话, 可以想象销路不会太好。