chmosky and his contributions (乔姆斯基对语言学贡献)

在分析了儿童学习语言的特征后,比如儿童能够理解和创造出大量从来没有听说过的词汇和句子,儿童在3-5岁左右就能够掌握母语的语法结构、自由会话等,他提出语言能力是人类的天赋能力,人天生存在一套潜在的语法规则,人脑天生配备有语言加工的内部装置,叫做语言习得机制(Language Acquisition Device),儿童出生时就带有LAD,LAD使得儿童能够根据接收到的语言输入,识别该语言的特征,自动进行归纳和总结,对语言规则进行假设,通过不断地验证这些假设而形成对语言的具体结构的整体把握,从而强化语言能力。

简述乔姆斯基的语言观全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是20世纪最为著名的语言学家之一,同时也是当代最重要的思想家之一。
第二篇示例:世界语言学史上,诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)一直被誉为最伟大的语言学家之一。

• 乔姆斯基是一位富有探索精神的 语言学家。最初,他用结构主义 的方法研究希伯莱语,后来发现 这种方法有很大的局限性,转而 探索新的方法,逐步建立起转换生成语法,1957年出版的《句法 结构》就是这一新方法的标志。 这种分析方法风靡全世界,冲垮 了结构语言学的支配地位,因而 被人们称为"乔姆斯基革命"。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
乔姆斯基革 命
• 他主张语言学家的研究对象应从语 言转为语法; • 研究范围应从观察现象转为描写和 解释现象; • 研究方向应从处理语言素材转到评 比语法假设。
• 1)对当时生物进化论数学等学科知识的 借鉴; • 2)对结构主义语法和行为主义语言学的 反动; • 3)对柏拉图的灵魂回忆说和笛卡尔的天 赋观念的扬弃; • 4)对惟理语法的继承.
• 每—个句子都有两个结构层次——深 层结构和表层结构.深层结构显示基本 的句法关系,决定句子的意义;表层结 构则表示用于交际中的句子的形式,决 定句子的语音等.句子的深层结构通过 转换规则变为表层结构,从而被感知和 传达.
• 语法是生成的,儿童生下来就具有一种 普遍语法,这种普遍语法的实质就是一 种大脑具有的与语言知识相关的特定 状态,一种使婴儿能学会人类任何语言 的物理及相应的心理机制.婴儿就是凭 借这个普遍语法去分析和理解后天语 言环境中的语言素材.婴儿言语获得过 程就是由普遍语法向个别语法转化的 过程.这个转化是由先天的“语言获得 装置”(language acquisition device,LAD) 实现的
• 乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky, 1928--),美国语言学家, 转换-生成语法的创始人。 1928年12月7日出生于美国 宾夕法尼亚州的费城。1951 年在宾夕法尼亚大学完成硕 士论文《现代希伯莱语语素 音位学》,1955年又在该校 完成博士论文《转换分析》, 获得博士学位。从1955年秋 天开始,他在麻省理工学院 工作,如今是麻省理工学院 语言学的荣誉退休教授。他 的《生成语法》被认为是20 世纪理论语言学研究上最伟 大的贡献。

简述乔姆斯基的语言观全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:著名的美国语言学家乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)对语言的研究以及他的语言观在当今语言学领域中占据着重要地位。
乔姆斯基的语言观主要集中在生成语法理论以及普世语言能力(Universal Grammar)的假设上。
第二篇示例:译者按:瓦茨拉夫·约瑟夫·乔姆斯基(Vaclav Jzef Czemski,1929-1997)是20世纪著名的语言学家、哲学家和认知心理学家,他对语言和思维之间的关系进行了深入观察和研究,提出了许多有关语言结构和意义的重要理论。
乔姆斯基 语言论 哲学基础

Chapter Four The Philosophical Foundation of Chomsky's Language ConceptAs a great linguist, Chomsky does make great contribution to the theory of linguistics. One of the reasons why his theories are so powerful and convincing, as we all know, is the solid philosophical bases.His brief commitments include realism, naturalism and mentalism, which render a range of implications for issues like the mind-body problem, innateness, the "private language" argument and the nature of language.In the following parts, this thesis will have an overview of the three stands in his thinking.4.2 RealismRealism is the first important view of Chomsky philosophy , for the reason that the concepts of language and entities put forward by Chomsky are the reflection of real features of the world.Chomsky was insistent on realism from the start. His position is that if one's best theory of some cognitive phenomena involved postulating, for instance, a representation X, then we have no more reason to doubt the existence of X on any a priori grounds.The constructs and entities that Chomsky put forward are just as those in chemistry and biology. They deal with the real features of the world. What he is concerned with is the empirical nature of linguistics, the internalized grammar in an individual's mind or the I-language rather than the social or collective E-language.In his study of realism, Chomsky devotes considerable attention to many indeterminism theses. For instance, Quine's view that it is impossible to decide among extensionally equivalent grammars and "Wittgensteinian"'s idea that it is never possible to decide which rules a system is following. Chomsky admonishes these criticisms by pointing out their lack of imagination in considering how one might go about empirically settling such questions.4.3 NaturalismChomsky finds that we will always learn more about human life and human personality from the study of language. Though linguistics is conducted in accordance with the methodology of the natural sciences, we cannot reduce linguistics to physics and other "hard" sciences.The naturalism of Chomsky was widely criticized by some distinguished philosophers including Willard Van Quine. Quine adopts a natural attitude whereas his position mistakenly rests on the assumption that properties of formal language can be found in all natural languages and that rules in linguistics are no more thandescriptive rules of language behaviors. As a matter of fact, the language he studies is just the E-language in the theory of Chomsky.2·1唯实论只有把Chomsky的唯实论观点与其它语言学理论做出的非唯实论的解释进行对比之后,我们才能看出它的重要性。

乔姆斯基对心理语言学的贡献2007-08-22 18:08:19 作者:zhaolixia来源:浏览次数:893 网友评论0条文字大小:【大】【中】【小】评分等级:无乔姆斯基对心理语言学的贡献张淑静1,崔艳菊2(1. 解放军外国语学院河南洛阳471003; 2.解放军信息工程大学基础部河南郑州450002)摘要:乔姆斯基是一位著名的语言学家。
关键词:乔姆斯基; 转换生成语法; 普遍语法; 心理语言学Abstract: Chomsky is a world famous linguist. His transformational generative grammar theory is well known all over the world, What is less well known, however, is his contribution to psycholinguistics: His transformational generative grammar theory shaped studies in experimental psycholinguistics of the first ten years: his universalgrammar theory enriched language acquisition theories and even today has a lot of followers. His contribution to psycholinguistics lies not only in his linguistic theory, but also in his critique of earlier research in the psychology of language and in his ideas about the relationships between linguistics and psychology. Without Chomsky,psycholinguistics would not be so prosperous.Key words: Chomsky; transformational generativegrammar; universal grammar; psycholinguistics.0. 引言众所周知,乔姆斯基是一位著名的语言学家同时他还是一位思想家、哲学家。

而转换生成语言学的创始人乔姆斯基无疑是其中最杰出的一位.一、乔姆斯基其人乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky, 1928-- ),美国语言学家,转换-生成语法的创始人。


• 与标准理论相比, 我们会发现这样几点:1)基 础部分没有发生根本性的变化,只是在细节 上有所完善,2)为了防止大量不合法的句子 的产生,转换规则中增加了一些限制规则,3) 格确定原则也是标准理论时期所没有的,4) 乔姆斯基现在把语义解释完全放到了表层 结构中,因此,表层结构变得比原来复杂多了.
• 我们都知道直角坐标系中的圆的公式 一旦a,b,c的值确定了,直角坐标系上的任何一点 (x,y)在不在这个圆上都是确定无疑的,乔姆斯基的 目标就是希望建立一种类似于圆的公式一样的简 单明确的语法规则,任何语句序列合法与否只要通 过它一检验就一目了然,而就像公式中的参数确定 以后,我们就可以得到在圆上的无数的点一样,这些 语法规则确定以后,我们就可以生成无数的合乎语 法的句子,职是之故,乔姆斯基的句法研究被称为生 成语法.
• 1)对当时生物进化论数学等学科知识的借鉴; • 2)对结构主义语法和行为主义语言学的反动; • 3)对柏拉图的灵魂回忆说和笛卡尔的天赋观 念的扬弃; • 4)对惟理语法的继承.
• 乔姆斯基认为语言是某种天赋,儿童天生 就具有一种学习语言的能力,叫做“语言 习得机制”(LAD)。这是一种很适合他们 学习语言的独特的知识。在乔姆斯基看来, 儿童生来就有一种独特的天赋才能。他们 不仅有一般的倾向和潜力,而且有着关于 世界本质的知识,尤其是关于语言本质的 知识。按照他的观点,对语言或语言结构 的研究能够揭示人类思维的本质。
• 2)乔姆斯基的规则既可以生成正确的句子, 也可以生成错误的句子.比如用 S→NP+VP, VP→V+NP两条规则,我们可 以得出John drinks wine.和Wine drinks John,这说明动词和名词之间有一定的选择.比如John married Mary 和Mary was married by john 的意思完全不同.前句中约翰是玛丽的新郎, 后一句中他们根本就不太可能生活在同一 屋檐下.

On C homsky’s View of LanguageAbstract: As a pioneer linguist,Noam Chomsky enjoys a position within linguistics probably unprecedented in the whole history of the subject. From his first book Syntactic Structures, published in 1957, he has been engaged in the linguistic study and brought many innovative ideas to linguistics, especially in the aspects of grammatical theory. His theory of grammar is undoubtedly the most dynamic and influential.This thesis reviews the development of Chomsky’s linguistic the ories and its philosophical foundation for linguistics, including his major contributions, like the theory of transformational-generative grammar that revolutionalized the scientific study of language. This systematic and historical overview of his linguistic studies will surely help to get a deeper understanding of Chomsky’s academic contributions and give a mathematically precise description of some of the most striking features of language.Key words: view of language; philosophical foundation for linguistics1.IntroductionNoam Chomsky is one of the most influential thinkers of modern times. The most cited writer in the humanities, his work has revolutionized the field of linguistics, and has dominated many other disciplines including politics and the philosophy of mind and human nature. He has also contributed significantly to our understanding of the abuse of power, and of the controlling effects of the mass media.Since the very day on which Chomsky’s theories were established, there have been many arguments. There are many faithful followers,while some people are radical objectors. Many researches have been made on his linguistic ideas and there have been quite a few breakthroughs. However, most of the study is limited to a certain developmental period of his theories, or an introduction of a certain theoretical work.This thesis aims to make an exploration of Chomsky’s linguistic ideas, which makes up for the limitation of previous researches. This is not only an exploration of a great linguist’s the ory, but also an exploration of the linguistic development since 1957. By doing this research, we can absorb some conducive experience and study methods.In the following chapter, I will make a comprehensive study of Chomsky’s linguistic revolution, namely the transformational grammar. In Chapter Three, we can see the major developmental phases of Chomsky’s linguistic ideas, from the transformational grammar, to Standard Theory, Extended Standard Theory, REST, GB to Minimalist Program. Chapter Four focuses on the philosophical foundation of his linguistic concept, which constitutes the bedrock on which the rest is built. In the last chapter, I will summarize the creative findings and the significance of them, including the great impact on the past and present linguistic study and the outlook of future development.2.Chomsky and His Linguistic Ideas2.1 BiographyNoam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His undergraduate and graduate years were spent at the University of Pennsylvania where he received his PhD in linguistics in 1955. During the years 1951 to 1955, Chomsky was a Junior Fellow of the Harvard University Society of Fellows. While a Junior Fellow hecompleted his doctoral dissertation entitled, "Transformational Analysis." The major theoretical viewpoints of the dissertation appeared in the monograph Syntactic Structure, which was published in 1957. This formed part of a more extensive work, The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory, circulated in mimeograph in 1955 and published in 1975.Chomsky received a faculty position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1955 and in 1961 was appointed full professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics (now the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy.) From 1966 to 1976 he held the Ferrari P. Ward Professorship of Modern Languages and Linguistics. In 1976 he was appointed Institute Professor.Chomsky has received honorary degrees from University of London, University of Chicago, Loyola University of Chicago, Swarthmore College, Delhi University, Bard College, University of Massachusetts, University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown University, Amherst College, Cambridge University, University of Buenos Aires, McGill University, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Columbia University, University of Connecticut, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, Harvard University, University of Calcutta, and Universidad Nacional De Colombia. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Science. In addition, he is a member of other professional and learned societies in the United States and abroad, and is a recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, the Helmholtz Medal, the Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker Award, the Ben Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science, and others.Alongside his career as a linguist, Chomsky has been active in left-wing politics. In 1965 he organized a citizen's committee to publicize tax refusal in protest to the war in Vietnam; four years later he published his first book on politics American Power and the New Mandarins. By the 1980's he had become both the most distinguished figure of American linguistics and one of the most influential left-wing critics of American foreign policy. He has been extremely prolific as a writer: his web-site in 2003 listed 33 book publications in linguistics (broadly construed), and although the individuation of his political books is complicated, their number definitely exceeds 40. According to a 1992 tabulation of sources from the previous 12 years in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Chomsky was the most frequently-cited person alive, and one of the eight most frequently-cited authors of all time.2.2 Linguistic Revolution2.2.1 Finite-State GrammarsThe aim of the linguistic theory by Chomsky in Syntactic Structures (1957) was essentially to describe syntax, to specify the grammatical rules underlying the construction of sentences. In Syntactic Structure, Chomsky discussed “three models for the description of language”. Before going to deal with these three models, we have to make clear about some assumptions. The first is the language that is described by a particular grammar as the set of all the sentences it generates. In principle, the set of sentences may be finite or infinite in number. However, English comprises an infinite number of sentences, because there are sentences and phrases in the language that can be extended indefinitely and will yet be accepted as perfectly normal by native speakers. The point is that no definite limit can be set to the length of English sentences. Therefore, intheory, the number of grammatical sentences in the language is infinite while the number of words in the vocabulary of English is finite. There is also assumption that the distinct operations that are involved in the generation of English sentences are finite in number. If the grammar is to consist of a finite set of rules operating upon a finite vocabulary and is to be capable of generating an infinite set of sentences, it follows that at least some of the rules must be applicable more than once in the generation of the same sentences. These rules and the structures that they generate are recursive in nature.The simplest grammars that Chomsky discusses are capable of generating an infinite set of sentences by means of a finite number of recursive rules operating upon a finite vocabulary. These are what he calls finite-state grammars. Chomsky gradually found out the inadequacy of finite-grammars because there are certain regular processes of sentence formation in English that cannot be accounted for within the framework of finite-state grammar.Chomsky gradually found out the inadequacy of finite-grammars because there are certain regular processes of sentence formation in English that cannot be accounted for within the framework of finite-state grammar.2.2.2 Phrase Structure GrammarIn order to make up for the deficiency of finite-state grammars, Chomsky made the second of his “three models for the description of language”, phrase structure grammar. There are sets of sentences that can be generated by a phrase structure grammar but not by a finite-state grammar. As we all know, the first task of Chomsky's syntax is to account for the speaker's understanding of the internal structure ofsentences. In the view of Chomsky, sentences are not unordered strings of words, rather the words and morphemes are grouped into functional constituents such as the subject of the sentence, the predicate, the direct object, and so on. Two strings of elements may have the same linear structure but differ with respect to their phrase structure, and the difference in their phrase structure may be semantically relevant. This phenomenon is “constructional homonymity” in Syntactic Structures or structural ambiguity. With this mode of syntactic structure, Chomsky is the first to show how it could be formalized by means of a system of generative rules and to Chomsky claims that the phrase structure rules constructed by the grammarian "represent" the speaker’s competence. Though phrase structure were already implicit, such rules were not adequate to account for all the syntactical facts of natural languages.Phrase structure rules alone could not account for the various sorts of cases such as "I like her cooking" and "John is eager to please." John R. Searle made some analyses in Chomsky’s Revolution in Linguistic s. First, within such a grammar there is no natural way to describe the ambiguities in a sentence such as "I like her cooking." Phrase structure rules alone would provide only one derivation for this sentence; but as the sentence is syntactically ambiguous, the grammar should reflect that fact by providing several different syntactical derivations and hence several different syntactical descriptions. Secondly, phrase structure grammars have no way to picture the differences between "John is easy to please" and "John is eager to please." Though the sentences are syntactically different, phrase structure rules alone would give them similar phrase markers. Thirdly, just as in the above examples surface similarities conceal underlying differences that cannot be revealed by phrase structure grammar, so surface differences also conceal underlyingsimilarities. For example, in spite of the different word order and the addition of certain elements, the sentence "The book will be read by the boy" and the sentence "The boy will read the book" have much in common: they both mean the same thing—the only difference is that one is in the passive mood and the other in the active mood. Phrase structure grammars alone give us no way to picture this similarity.They would give us two unrelated descriptions of these two sentences. Chomsky has not been able to prove the possibility that there are sentences that cannot be generated by phrase structure. But in Syntactic Structures, he claims there are sentences that can only be desc ribed “clumsily” within the framework of phrase structure grammar, in an unrevealing or ad hoc way.2.2.3 Transformational GrammarAs the last one of “three models for the description of language”, transformational grammar, which is far more complex than phrase structure grammar, yields a “simpler” description of certain sentences.A transformational grammar doesn’t consist only of transformational rules, but a set of phrase structure rules as well. Different phrase markers produced by the phrase structure rules are transformed into the same phrase marker by the application of the transformational rules. One of the advantages the earlier version of transformational grammar presented in Syntactic Structures was that it could account more satisfactorily than phrase structure grammar for certain type of structural ambiguity. For example, “Flying planes can be dangerous” is ambiguous. (To fly planes can be dangerous and Planes that are flying can be dangerous). The structurally ambiguous sentences can be accounted for rather nicely in terms of transformational grammar. Instead of generating two unrelatedphrase markers by phrase structure rules, we can construct a simpler grammar by showing how both the active and the passive can be derived from the same underlying phrase marker. Instead of rewriting one element as a string of elements, a transformational rule maps one phrase marker into another. Transformational rules therefore apply after the phrase structure rules have been applied; they operate on the output of the phrase structure rules of the grammar.One of the advantages the earlier version of transformational grammar presented in Syntactic Structures was that it could account more satisfactorily than phrase structure grammar for certain type of structural ambiguity. For example, “Flying planes can be dangerous” is ambiguous. ( To fly planes can be dangerous and Planes that are flying can be dangerous). The structurally ambiguous sentences can be accounted for rather nicely in terms of transformational grammar. With the introduction of transformational rules, Chomsky's grammars are often called“transformational grammars”.3. Major Developmental Phases of Chomsky's Linguistic TheorySince the turning out of his first book Syntactic Structure in which he formulated his transformational grammar, Chomsky has updated his extensively-applied linguistic notions with more lectures given and books issued. It is commonly recognized to be five phases.Phase One: Transformational GrammarIt is impossible to understand C homsky’s linguistic notions without understanding his transformational grammar which is undoubtedly a milestone in the history of modern linguistics. Prior to the publication of Syntactic Structure in 1957, the linguistic study was mainly concernedwith structuralism. Structural linguistics, with its insistence on objective methods of verification and precisely specified techniques of discovery, derives from the "behavioral sciences" approach to the study of man, and is also largely a consequence of the philosophical assumptions of logical positivism.During that period, most American linguists, according to Chomsky,defined the task of linguistics as “collecting language elements and classifying them”(Chomsky 1970:100). The approach was the mechanic procedure to find the language truth and discipline. Linguistics was a kind of verbal botany. Linguists at that time were just giving a description of a language by colleting data, colleting a large number of utterances of language. These utterances were always recorded on a tape recorder or in a phonetic script. The second step was to classify these elements of language at different linguistic levels, from the units of sounds, the phonemes, to the morphemes, then to the sequences of word classes. The study target was the rich language elements and structuralism was inductive with a word-grammar.However, with the language ability as the study target, TG aims to establish some theories, by means of which we can make sure which rules form the basis of language structure. The aim of linguistic theory was to provide the linguist with a set of rigorous methods, a set of discovery procedures which he would use to extract from the "corpus" the phonemes, the morphemes, and so on. Its approach is putting forward hypothesis which is to be tested by native language speakers. Therefore, TG is a deductive language-category grammar which can explain infinite sentences with limited analyses.John R. Searle concludes that:Chomsky argued that since any language contains an infinite number of sentences, any "corpus," even if it contained as many sentences as there are in all the books of the Library of Congress, would still be trivially small. Instead of the appropriate subject matter of linguistics being a randomly or arbitrarily selected set of sentences, the proper object of study was the speaker's underlying knowledge of the language, his "linguistic competence" that enables him to produce and understand sentences he has never heard before.(Searle 1972: 29) Once the conception of the "corpus" as the subject matter is rejected, then the notion of mechanical procedures for discovering linguistic truths goes as well. Chomsky argues that no science has a mechanical procedure for discovering the truth anyway. Rather, what happens is that the scientist formulates hypotheses and tests them against evidence. Linguistics is no different: the linguist makes conjectures about linguistic facts and tests them against the evidence provided by native speakers of the language. He has in short a procedure for evaluating rival hypotheses, but no procedure for discovering true theories by mechanically processing evidence.The Transformational Grammar can be expressed in the following way: a. Two levels of representation of the structure of sentences: an underlying, more abstract form, termed 'deep structure', and the actual form of the sentence produced, called 'surface structure'. Deep structure is represented in the form of a hierarchical tree diagram, or "phrase structure tree," depicting the abstract grammatical relationships between the words and phrases within a sentence.b. A system of formal rules specifying how deep structures are to be transformed into surface structures.Like a revolution, the transformational grammar established the basis for other subsequent theories of human grammatical knowledge. Since Chomsky's original presentation, many different theories have emerged. With the notion of a transformation remaining a central element in most models, concepts like deep structure and surface structure, phrase structure tree, phrase structure rules, verb phrase, noun phrase, creativity/ productivity became the grammatical elements in language study.Phase Two: Language Competence and Performance; Standard TheoryIn Aspects of the Theory of Syntax in 1965, Chomsky put forward two sets of concepts, which are now widely known. One is competence and performance and the other deep structure and surface structure. Chomsky defines competence as the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his or her language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.According to Chomsky,speakers have internalized a set of rules about their language. This rule system enables them to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences and recognize sentences that are ungrammatical and ambiguous. Chomsky holds that linguists should study the ideal speaker's competence, because the speaker's performance is too haphazard to be studied. Thus, the task of the linguists is to discover the speaker's internalized rules. Competence is independent from performance. The difference between them is like that between knowledge of language and use of that language. Although the investigation of competence is challenging because of the complexity of our knowledge of language, performance is observable. From this point,Chomsky began to look at language from a psychological point of view and consider linguistic competence as a property of the mind of a speaker.In order to explain the difference between "performance" (all sentences that an individual will ever use) and "competence" (all sentences that an individual can utter, but will not necessarily utter), Chomsky emphasizes the existence of some innate knowledge. Chomsky proves that the grammar of a natural language cannot be reduced to a finite-state automaton. He then argues for the existence of two levels of language: an underlying deep structure, which accounts for the fundamental syntactic relationships among language components, and a surface structure, which accounts for the sentences that are actually uttered, and which is generated by transformations of elements in the deep structure. Transformational analysis does overcome the limitations of phrase structure.Chomsky divides the knowledge of language into two components: a universal grammar, which is the knowledge of language possessed by every human, and a set of parameter values and a lexicon, which together constitute the knowledge of a particular language. On the whole, the various components of the grammar as articulated in Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965) are: the base component, transformational rules, the lexicon (the set of lexical items with syntactic, semantic, and phonological information), semantic interpretation rules, and the phonological component. Then comes the other distinctive feature of the second phase is the establishment of the Standard Theory, which defines a grammar as made of a syntactic component (phrase structure rules, lexicon and transformational component), a semantic component and a phonological component. The deep structure of a sentence is a tree (thephrase marker) that contains all the words that will appear in its surface structure.By including an account of the relation between sound and meaning in the construction of a grammar, Chomsky started coupling syntax and semantics. In this sense the "standard theory" syntax provides the mechanisms for transforming a meaning (a deep structure) into a phonetic representation (a surface structure).Phase Three: Extended Standard TheoryIn early transformational generative grammar, it was assumed that all semantic interpretation would be done off deep structure, but with the proposals for the extended standard theory (EST) of Chomsky came the realization that certain aspects of semantic interpretation, such as focus and presupposition and scope of quantifiers, must be done off surface structure. More recent developments suggest that EST did not go far enough. In Reflections on Language 1975, Chomsky made a good non-technical review of the EST and various philosophical issues related to generative grammar.In fact, the label 'Extended Standard Theory' was used for a while during the 1970's to describe a particular stage in the evolution of the framework. Over the next 15 years, the framework experienced great revision and changes.Phase Four: REST, GBBy the early 1980's a framework of syntactic theory had been developed, which became different enough to require a completely new presentation and a distinctive period.In 1980 Chomsky delivered a series of lectures at Pisa which were published in the subsequent year under the title 'Lectures on Government and Binding'. These lectures essentially presented the new framework for the first time in an organized, relatively coherent form. As a result, the title of the book was very swiftly given to the framework, which consequently is referred to by many as 'Government & Binding' or 'GB'. GB theory develops directly and without a radical break from earlier work in transformational generative grammar, in particular, from research that falls within the framework of the Extended Standard Theory.Government theory deals with the relationship between a syntactic head (e.g., a verb or preposition) and its dependents and binding theory, the relations among anaphors, pronominals, referring expressions, and their possible antecedents in sentences. 'Government & Binding' has been taken for the label 'Revised, Extended Standard Theory', often abbreviated 'REST'. Chomsky (1985) published Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use, in which the concepts of principles and parameters approach, typically abbreviated `P&P' or `PPA', took the place of former rules.The principle advantage of the Principle and Parameters framework lies in its potential for solving "Plato's Problem": how children can acquire their first language with such remarkable speed and efficiency. The principles do not generalize but the approach might be suggestive both in its achievements and apparent boundaries. Along with developments in other fields, especially immunology, it is regarded as a task of selection rather than that of instruction. The idea can be expressed like: everything is already laid out in the child's mind and the acquisition of knowledge lies in selecting particular choices from what has been laid out.Phase Five: Minimalist ProgramIn the 1990s Chomsky formulated a "Minimalist Program" in an attempt to simplify the symbolic representations of the language facility. The MP remains a version of the P&P model and thus enjoys the benefit of reducing the tension between descriptive and explanatory adequacy. Specific rules and constructions were being abstracted and subsumed under parameterised principles, which were then attributed to the initial state of the language faculty. In general, there are two aspects of this program: first, the minimisation of linguistic levels; second, the economy principles of derivation and representation.Although Chomsky's core ideas and their psychological implications have already formed during the first half of the 20th century, he never stops his revision of his own inventions. Minimalism is a manifestation of Chomsky's intellectual vigor in revision and regarded as the most radical of the periodic upheavals in his thinking.Although this paper have divided the development of Chomsky's language notions into the above five phases, it is no doubt that he has never stopped his devotion to language study and we also see the Post-Chomsky Linguistics which included three major tendencies. The first tendency is generative semantics, which motivates syntactic rules by means of semantic evidence. The second one is the upholding of the viewpoint like "Deep structures are universal" and "All languages have the same deep structure."A third tendency is the constantly increasing employment of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of modern formal logic and formal semantics.4. The Philosophical Foundation of Chomsky's Language ConceptAs a great linguist, Chomsky does make great contribution to the theory of linguistics. One of the reasons why his theories are so powerful and convincing, as we all know, is the solid philosophical bases. His brief commitments include realism, naturalism and mentalism, which render a range of implications for issues like the mind-body problem, innateness, the "private language" argument and the nature of language. In the following parts, this thesis will have an overview of the three stands in his thinking.4.1 RealismRealism is the first important view of Chomsky philosophy , for the reason that the concepts of language and entities put forward by Chomsky are the reflection of real features of the world. Chomsky was insistent on realism from the start. His position is that if one's best theory of some cognitive phenomena involved postulating, for instance, a representation X, then we have no more reason to doubt the existence of X on any a priori grounds.The constructs and entities that Chomsky put forward are just as those in chemistry and biology. They deal with the real features of the world. What he is concerned with is the empirical nature of linguistics, the internalized grammar in an individual's mind or the I-language rather than the social or collective E-language.In his study of realism, Chomsky devotes considerable attention to many indeterminism theses, for instance, Quine's (1972 442) view that it is impossible to decide among extensionally equivalent grammars and "Wittgensteinian"s (1978 31) idea that it is never possible to decide which rules a system is following. Chomsky admonishes these criticisms。


关键词:乔姆斯基; 转化生成语法; 交际能力中图分类号:H09 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-3315(2019)06-163-00120世纪50年代乔姆斯基的语言学理论逐渐取代了结构主义语言学。

2016年第3期(总第146期)/五月号现代哲学MODERNPHILOSOPHYNo 32016/GeneralNo 146/May乔姆斯基方案的笛卡尔贡献刘小涛【摘要】笛卡尔究竟为乔姆斯基语言研究方案作出了何种贡献?这个问题对于乔姆斯基语言哲学研究和理性主义思想史研究有重要意义。
【关键词】语言能力;语言知识;理智主义;笛卡尔;乔姆斯基中图分类号:B712 59 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-7660(2016)03-0098-07一自《笛卡尔语言学》(1966)出版以后,在相当长一段时间里,乔姆斯基称自己的语言研究纲领是“理性主义的(rationalistic)”;甚至,按照詹姆士·麦吉利夫雷(JamesMcGilvray)的判断,乔姆斯基晚些时候的“生物语言学”旗号也不过是“笛卡尔语言学”的“升级”而已①。

乔姆斯基对心理语言学的贡献2007-08-22 18:08:19 作者:zhaolixia来源:浏览次数:893 网友评论0条文字大小:【大】【中】【小】评分等级:无乔姆斯基对心理语言学的贡献张淑静1,崔艳菊2(1. 解放军外国语学院河南洛阳471003; 2.解放军信息工程大学基础部河南郑州450002)摘要:乔姆斯基是一位著名的语言学家。
关键词:乔姆斯基; 转换生成语法; 普遍语法; 心理语言学Abstract: Chomsky is a world famous linguist. His transformational generative grammar theory is well known all over the world, What is less well known, however, is his contribution to psycholinguistics: His transformational generative grammar theory shaped studies in experimental psycholinguistics of the first ten years: his universalgrammar theory enriched language acquisition theories and even today has a lot of followers. His contribution to psycholinguistics lies not only in his linguistic theory, but also in his critique of earlier research in the psychology of language and in his ideas about the relationships between linguistics and psychology. Without Chomsky,psycholinguistics would not be so prosperous.Key words: Chomsky; transformational generativegrammar; universal grammar; psycholinguistics.0. 引言众所周知,乔姆斯基是一位著名的语言学家同时他还是一位思想家、哲学家。

1957年,美国麻省理工学院的青年教授诺姆·乔姆斯基(noam chomsky)发表的仅有108页的专著《句法结构》不仅在美国语言学界引起了强烈反响,而且迅速波及欧、亚、澳各洲, 并很快越出语言学的范围, 影响到数学、社会学、哲学、心理学、神经生理学和计算机科学的广大领域。
《句法结构》的发表被誉为‘乔姆斯基革命’的开端, 标志着生成语言学的诞生。
乔姆斯基语言学理论是典型的解释性科学理论, 具有鲜明的‘纯科学’色彩, 其目的是要建立一种人类语言所共有的普遍原则――普遍语法。
心智主义(mentalism)认识论的基本含义是: 小孩生下来之前, 大脑就具有遗传下来的人种属性, 其中包括一个可以使人在后天环境作用下
学会使用人类语言的生物学属性, 因此人的语言能力的获得和形
乔姆斯基的观点 -回复

乔姆斯基的观点-回复'乔姆斯基的观点'是什么?乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是一位美国语言学家、政治评论家和社会活动家。
在这篇文章中,我们将回答以下问题:- 乔姆斯基对于语言和思维之间关系的观点是什么?- 乔姆斯基的政治观点是什么?- 乔姆斯基对社会问题的立场是什么?- 乔姆斯基的观点受到了什么样的批评和争议?乔姆斯基对于语言和思维之间关系的观点:乔姆斯基认为,语言是人类思维的一种表达形式。
他提出了“普遍语法”(Universal Grammar)的理论,认为人类天生具备语言的能力,而不仅仅是通过学习环境来获得。

时间:2008年11月19日星期三地点:教一107主讲人:Fu xiaoge Chen qian主持人:Huang yan指导老师:锁麟囊观众评分(各类指数均为满分5分):学术指数:4.5分;逻辑指数:4.5分;表达指数:4.5分;魅力指数:4分乔姆斯基语言学第一部分乔姆斯基其人(主讲人:付晓歌)一、生平1928年12月7日生于费城的一个犹太人家庭。
1954年乔姆斯基开始写《语言理论的逻辑结构》(The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory)一书,乔姆斯基的成名作《句法结构》就是这部著作的缩写本。

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In 1953 : further work During the year of 1955 : obtained a position at MIT, taught for 19 years Between 1965 and1973 : against the Vietnamese policy of the US
Surface structure
deep structure
• Surface structure: syntactic structure • Deep structure: more abstract and complicated • eg, John is eager to please. John is easy to please . Structurally similar sentences might vary in the meaning, for they have quite different deep structures
Noam Chomsky
Developed by -----
陈娇 陈竞 董琴 黄莉萍 黄昕 李丹 李东蔚 李雪 李 娅茜 李应琴 李玉 李芝 廖鑫 罗津 莫雨婷 庞婷 任 婵 佘思雅 Class12
American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and activist
Transformational-generative Linguistics
“Language Acquisition Device” (LAD)
Transformational generative linguistics
• Surface structure and Deep structure
• The inadequacy of structuralism
• Fail to explain some common linguistics facts and phenomena. eg. why children acquire their first language in a few years?
Born:Dec.7.1928 :
in Philadelphia
His father: William Chomsky, an emigrant from Russia His wife: Carol Schatz
Between 1940 and1945 :acquainted with the workings of the
socialist- anarchist
Between 1945 and1950 : a student at the University of Pennsylvania and
began his study of linguistics proofread developed
In 1951 :accepted nomination by Goodman as a Junior Fellow to Harvard
• It is made up of a set of general principles called universal grammar • This can be adopted to all the languages in the world • Manage to be accounted for the facts which structuralism can’t explain
the father of modern linguistics
A revolution in the linguistics
Chomsky studied in the structuralism atmosphere while he was not satisfied with the theory of structuralism
• e.g.
He is crying. He saw Mary with the microphone. With the microphone, he saw Mary. Flying planes is very dangerous. It is dangerous to fly planes. Planes that are flying is dangerous.
universal grammar
• • • • • definition run fast 跑得快 e.g. a red apple 红苹果 be innate to make up LAD LAD + outside language input = the ability of language learning
Competence and Performance • Competence refers to a to produce and understand an infinite number of sentences
• Performance refers to the specific
Deep structure vs Surface structure
• meaning • a sentence
surface structure one deep structure one surface structure two
surface structure one deep structure two surface structure two