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She saw right through him. 她看穿了他。

Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇心害死了一只猫。(太好奇并不是一件好事。)He’s a little down in the dumps. 他有点沮丧。

The country was experiencing brain drain. 那个国家经历了人才外流。He’s his own man. 他自己做主。

He’s a square peg in a round hole. 他跟周围的人格格不入。

United we stand, divided we fall. 团结则存,分裂则亡。

We’re all in the same boat. 我们处境相同。

She’s got itchy feet. 她呆不住了,想尽快走。

They’re on the road. 他们正在旅途上。

It took the world by storm. 它使世人为之倾倒。

Everybody’s getting into the act. 人人都参与。

He’s just beating his head against the wall. 他只是在枉费心机。

That theory doesn’t hold water. 那个理论站不住脚。

She put her best foot forward. 她全力以赴。

All systems go. 一切就绪。

That scared the living daylights out of me. 那把我吓个半死。

He turned over a new leaf. 他改过自新了

She’s on the warpath. 她正在气头上,要找人发火。

That left a bad taste in my mouth. 那件事给我留下了一个坏印象。

Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

Boys will be boys. 孩子总是孩子嘛!

She set him straight. 她帮他正确认识事情。

That threw her for a loop. 那令她大吃一惊。

Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

The sky’s the limit. 花钱没底。

He gave her a left-handed compliment. 他虚情假意地恭维了她一句。

She put him in his place. 她煞掉他的气焰,使他安分守己。

She followed in her father’s footsteps. 她继承了父亲的事业。

They were forced to eat their words. 他们被迫收回以前说过的话。

Her words went in one ear and out the other. 她的话被当作耳边风。

He stood his ground. 他坚持立场,毫不让步。

Let’s jazz it up a little. 我们让它变得生动些吧。

He’s got the blues. 他变得闷闷不乐。

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜于七分治疗。Talk is cheap. 光说不做毫无意义。

She was sawing logs all night. 她整晚鼾声不断。

Your love is better than chocolate. 你的爱比巧克力还甜蜜。

It’s a real godsend. 这是上天的恩赐。

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。

He’s got money to burn. 他的钱多得花不完。

She gave him the business. 她把他训斥了一顿。

Keep a stiff upper lip. 要坚定沉着。

She handled him with kid gloves. 她小心谨慎地对待他。

Keep your wits about you. 保持冷静。

Cross your fingers. 祈求好运吧。

It was a labor of love. 这份工作是出于爱好而做的。

We were really in the dark. 我们真的一无所知。

They really hung in there. 他们真的毫不退却。

He gave her a snow job. 他用花言巧语蒙骗她。

She was left on her own to sink or swim. 她被任由自生自灭。

Who knows what might happen in the heat of the moment? 谁知道情急之下会发生什么事?

He only cries once in a blue moon. 他很少哭。

All’s fair in love and war. 恋爱和战争是不择手段的。

He never had a fighting chance. 他从没有机会一博。

She’s a big cheese. 她是个重要人物。

In advance ahead of time,beforehand

It’s not child’s play. 这不是简单的事。

She’s a busy beaver. 她工作很努力。

Where’s the beef? 抱怨的主要原因是什么?

They’ll have to beef up their defences. 他们必须强化他们的辩词。This stuff is the cat’s meow. 这个东西太棒了!

The university beefed up its staff. 那所大学扩充了不少人员。

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. 他们说笔锋胜于武力。Let’s cut to the chase. 我们言归正传。
