5. GPS
8. ECDIS处理器
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1. ECDIS系统在船舶导航中的主要作用是提供实时准确的船舶位置信息,辅助航线规划,增强航行安全性。好处包括减少纸质海图的使用,提高导航效率,减少人为错误。
A. IMO性能标准
B. IEC测试标准
C. ITU通信标准
D. ISO质量标准
3. ECDIS系统可以接收哪些类型的导航数据?()
A. GPS数据
18. ECDIS系统中的航迹记录功能可以帮助船员进行以下哪些操作?()
ECDIS的海图显示分类有( )三种,可 由船员根据需要选择和控制。
• • • • A、显示基础 B、全部显示 C、显示基础 、标准显示、其他显示 D、其他显示
以下说法正确的是( )。
• A、本船符号是双色黑圆圈或比例船型、AIS 目标为绿色小三角 • B、航标为红色 • C、APRA目标为菱形 • D、海图作业与航行记录
矢量海图的主要特点包括( )。
• A、数据和可查询性、与存储介质无关 B、更加安全 • C、数据和可查询性、与存储介质无关、物 标可分类显示、可计算性 • D、显示美观
ECDIS显示中如何区分手工改正? 通 过( )。
• • • • A、物标颜色 B、显示的符号形状 C、带有橙色的斜杠或竖杠 D、文字标记
以下( )不是取代纸海图的条件。
• • • • A、满足 S-52 显示标准 B、经过类型认证的 ECDIS C、使用最新官方 ENC D、有适当备用配置
下面的描述除( )外都是 ECDIS数 据更新的正确方法。
• • • • A、通过手工修改或替换海图数据文件 B、通过光盘等介质读取更新数据 C、通过网络自动获取更新数据 D、通过手工输入改正信息
ECDIS的报警如何表现( )。
• • • • • • A、声音 B、颜色 C、闪烁 D、文字 E、特定符号 F、全部
电子海图的种类可分为( )类型。
• • • • A、扫描和印刷 B、数字与打印 C、光栅与矢量 D、电子与纸张
船舶航行过程中,ECDIS依据本船当 前保持的航向航速状态,针对预先 设置的( )进行防搁浅报警。
电子海图模拟卷(1-3)厦门海洋职业技术学院过渡期培训(ECDIS)模拟卷(一)班级姓名1.电子海图按出版单位的性质可分为:A.官方海图B.非官方海图C. A和BD. A和B都不是2.电子海图按数字化方法可分为:A.矢量海图B.光栅海图C. A和BD. A和B都不是3.以下哪些是矢量海图的特点:A. 矢量海图可以任意缩放而不产生失真;B.矢量海图是分层显示的;C. 矢量海图的制作较复杂;D.以上都是4.以下哪些是矢量海图的特点:A.矢量海图一般是通过矢量化得到的;B.矢量海图是分层显示的;C.显示数据详细完整,容易用于其他导航设备;D.以上都是5.以下哪些不是矢量海图的特点:A.矢量海图是纸质海图的复制品;B.数字信息文件是一种图像文件;C.不能任意旋转海图方向;D.以上都不是6.以下哪些是光栅海图的特点:A.光栅海图是纸质海图的复制品;B.数字信息文件是一种图像文件;C.不能任意旋转海图方向;D.以上都是7.以下哪些是光栅海图的特点:A.同纸质海图一样的精度和可靠性;B.数字信息文件是一种图像文件;C.占用的空间比矢量海图大;D.以上都是8.ENC指的是:A.电子海图B.电子海图系统C.电子海图显示与信息系统D.以上都不是9.ECS指的是:A.电子海图B.电子海图系统C.电子海图显示与信息系统D.以上都不是10.ECDIS指的是:A.电子海图B.电子海图系统C.电子海图显示与信息系统D.以上都不是11.电子海图系统应执行的相关标准主要源自一下哪些组织:A.国际海事组织B.国际海道测量组织C.国际电工委员会D.以上都是12.以下哪个是IHO的技术标准:B.WGS-84C.H-57D.以上都不是13.以下哪个是IHO的技术标准:A. WGS-84B. S-52C.H-57D.以上都不是14.以下哪些不是ECDIS系统的组成部分:A.中央处理器B.电子海图数据库及改正C.传感器D.以上都是15.以下哪些不是ECDIS系统的组成部分:A.中央处理器B.电子海图数据库及改正C. 输出终端设备D.以上都是16.以下哪些不是ECDIS系统的组成部分:A.中央处理器B. 电子海图数据库及改正器C. 输出终端设备D.显示卡17.以下哪个不属于ECDIS系统的输入传感器:A.GPSB.罗经C.计程仪D.显示器18. 以下哪个不属于ECDIS系统的输出终端:B.打印机C.GPSD.显示器19. SENC指的是:A.电子海图B.系统电子海图C.电子海图显示与信息系统D.以上都不是20.SENC应满足的功能包括:A.提供和更新海图信息B.显示比例、其他航行信息、颜色和符号C.显示模式和邻近区域的生成D.以上都是21.SENC应满足的功能包括:A.航线计划、监控和航程记录B.计算及精度C.性能试验、故障报警和指示D.以上都是22.SENC应满足的功能包括:A.航线计划、监控和航程记录B.后背布置C.与其他设备连接D.以上都是23.以下关于ECDIS替代纸质海图的条件,叙述有误的是:A.ECDIS符合相关标准,并通过型式认可B.船上只需具备一台可靠的,便于使用的ECDIS即可不配备纸质海图C.A和B都对D. A和B都不对24.以下关于ECDIS替代纸质海图的条件,叙述正确的是:A. ECDIS符合相关标准,并通过型式认可B. 需使用改正至最新的官方ENCC. ECDIS应可以简便和及时地做航线设计、航线监控和定位工作D. 以上都对25.以下关于ECDIS替代纸质海图的条件,叙述正确的是:A.ECDIS符合相关标准,并通过型式认可B.需使用改正至最新的官方ENCC.应能显示安全和有效航行所需的所有海图资料D. 以上都对26.以下哪个是海图数据的主要种类之一:A.TX-97B.WGS-84C.C50D.S-5727.以下哪个是海图数据的主要种类之一:A. WGS-84B.CM-93C. C50D. S-5728.以下哪个是海图数据的主要种类之一:A. WGS-84B. C50C. RNCD. S-5729.以下哪个是海图数据的主要种类之一:A. WGS-84B. C50C. S-57D.ENC30.TX-97格式海图数据是由哪个著名的生产商生产的数据格式:A.英国KHB.英国船商公司C.中国海兰信D.以上都不是31.CM-93格式海图数据是由哪个海图数据提供商提供的数据格式:A. 英国船商公司B. 英国KHC.挪威C-MAP公司D. 以上都不是32.目前世界上主要哪个部门生产RNC光栅海图数据:A.英国航道测量局(UKHO)B.美国国家海洋空间署(NOAA)C.A和B都是D.以上都不是33.目前各国海道测量部门生产的是哪种海图数据格式?A. TX-97B.CM-93C.RNCD.ENC34.目前中国哪个部门发布了中国电子海图数据:A. 中国海事局B. 国家海洋局C. 渔业局D.以上都不是35.目前中国哪个部门发布了中国电子海图数据:A. 国家海洋局B.中国航保部C. 渔业局36.在使用电子海图应用系统时,有些数据是必须经常显示的,用户不能随意删去,这些数据应包括以下哪个:A.岸线B.干出线C.等深线D.以上都是37.在使用电子海图应用系统时,有些数据是必须经常显示的,用户不能随意删去,这些数据应包括以下哪个:A.测深点B.本船安全等深线C.所有危险物D.以上都是.38在使用电子海图应用系统时,有些数据是必须经常显示的,用户不能随意删去,这些数据应包括以下哪个:A.航道界线B.分道通航制分隔线C.固定和漂浮的航标D.以上都是39.在使用电子海图应用系统时,有些数据是必须经常显示的,用户不能随意删去,这些数据应包括以下哪个:A.导航线B.雷达显著物标C.禁航区D.以上都是40.在使用电子海图应用系统时,有些数据是必须经常显示的,用户不能随意删去,这些数据应包括以下哪个:A.限航区B.管制区C.锚地41.在使用电子海图应用系统时,有些数据是必须经常显示的,用户不能随意删去,这些数据应包括以下哪个:A.深度单位B.注意、警告注记C.图幅范围D.以上都是42.在航线设计和航路监视期间用于ECDIS海图显示的SENC信息可分为:A.显示基础B.标准显示C.其他信息D.以上都是43.不能从显示中擦除的SENC信息指的是:A.显示基础B.标准显示C.其他信息D.以上都不是44.在用于航线设计和航路监视时可由航海人员根据需要显示或擦除的信息指的是:A.显示基础B.标准显示C.其他信息D.以上都不是45.IHO S-52规定,ECDIS至少要把所处理的全部信息分成几级?A.9B.10C.11D.1246.以下哪个是国际海道测量组织颁布的电子海图数据保护方案:B.S-57C.S-52D.以上都不是47.ENC可以通过_________进行改正:A.自动改正B.手工改正C.A和B都可以D.不可以改正48.电子海图的更新的一般是通过_________的方式进行:A.光盘更新B.电子邮件C.A和B都可以D. A和B都不行49.以下关于电子海图的更新说法正确的是:A.电子海图很先进,不需更新B.电子海图应该有船公司更新C.电子海图一年更新一次就可以D.以上说法均错50.以下关于电子海图的更新说法正确的是:A.电子海图很先进,不需更新B.电子海图应该有船公司更新C.电子海图也应该像纸质海图一样,以合适的间隔进行更新D.以上说法均错51.ECDIS可以与_______等导航设备的信号集成使用。
9. ABC
10. ABCD
11. ABC
12. ABC
13. ABC
14. ABCD
15. ABCD
16. ABCD
17. ABC
18. ABCD
19. ABC
20. ABC
2. GPS信号
4. GPS接收器
A. VHF通信
B. HF通信
C. MF通信
A. 2187.5kHz
B. 4125kHz
C. 5680kHz
A、取得所有参与人员的一致同意 B、利用所有可利用的资源
A、取得所有参与人员的一致同意 B、特别关注主要人员的建议
D、B, C 正确
D、B, C 都是
15、失误链的形成是(The error chain is)____。
A、未制定和落实航线设计 B、未安排足够称职的了望人员
A ①②③④ B ①②③
C ①②④
电子海图题库 第三次 版
单选题(目前72个,未完待续)1.how do you get information on an ENC object(buoy-beacon-berth etc)on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I right click on the use chart function in the route planning tool.B.I click on the chart info in the instant access batC.I enter click on the object.D.I right click on the object估计答案:D正确答案:2.where can you find a list of the manual updates that have been applied to the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the chart legendB.In the manual update windowC.In the chart catalogueD.In the chart display menu估计答案:B正确答案:3.how can you see if a chart object i cteated using manual updates?A.the manual update will be larger than any other chart objectsB.It is always shown in redC.It will have a special orange markerD.There is no way i can see if a chart object is created using manual updates估计答案:C正确答案:4.How do you add navigation chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are require to do so by notices to mariners?A.i can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weekly updateB.I use the manual update functionC.I use the user chart functionD.I use the chart edit function估计答案:我估计选B 老大选D正确答案:5.how can you verity which route is being monitored?A.by clicking on the “route”and then on “route info”in the quick access sidebar in Plan modeB.The mame of the route will be displayed in the status barC.By clicking on “route”and then on “route info” in the quick access sidebar in Navi modeD.I can not get information on the route which is being monitored 估计答案:C6.where do you switch between multicolor and two color setting for the chart?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In basic settingD.In chart display估计答案:C 网上选C正确答案:C7.what should you remember to set up first when planning a route?A.the setting for the voyage logB.The alarm level in the operation submenuC.The safety contour in the route planing toolD.The radar overlay估计答案:C正确答案:C8.Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in ship and route parameters?A.chart alignment 排列图B.Safety contourC.D.Safety depth估计答案:C9.When do you use a manual update?A.always when i have to update my chartsB.When i receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is not yet included in the official weekly updatesC.I should never use manual updatesD.When i have to update the software of the ECDIS估计答案:B正确答案:10.How do you hide(not delete) a manual update objetc?A.i select clear from the manual update menuB.I select undo last from the manual update menuC.I deselect that general type of chart object in the chart display dialogueD.I deselect the option from the symbol display dialogue估计答案:A正确答案:11.Can you create a manual update from an AIS safety message shown on the ECDIS?A.yes-by manually creating the objectB.Yes-by letting the ECDIS creat the object antomaticallyC.Yes-either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create itautomaticallyD.No估计答案:A正确答案:12.which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A.gyro logB.Engine logC.Ship’s logD.Details log估计答案:D正确答案:D13.How do you update your vector charts on the FURUNO ECDIS using the ENC update CD?A.i use the autoload functionB.I cteate a manual update from the information on the CDC.I creat a user chartD.I import the information using the chart details function in the chart catalogue估计答案:A正确答案:14.can you edit the user chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode?A.YesB.Only if the user chart is not linked to a route planC.Yes if the user chart contains no tidal informationD.No估计答案:D正确答案:15.Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring function?A.NoB.Yes,but i must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interfering with the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDISC.Yes,if i create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the file on a normal offrice PCD.Yes,if i select copy from monitor in the route plan menu and edit the copy.when copying is completed i select-exchange with monitor in the plan menu估计答案:D正确答案:16.Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i can record my position manually on the ENCSB.I can set the ECDIS to automatically shoosing a safety contour based on my setting of ship’s maximum draftC.I can set ship’s maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in charts where there is not sufficient air draftD.I can send a copy of my route plan to an AIS target as a safety message估计答案:C正确答案:17.which informatin can you find in VECTOR CHART LEGEND?A.T&P noticeC.WarningD.Safety contour setting估计答案:B正确答案:B18.Where do you select the color Palette(颜色暗淡模式)used to display the charts?A.in chart legendB.In chart displayC.In quick accessor barD.In chart catalogue估计答案:C 网上选C正确答案:C19.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.horizontal datumB.Safety depther permit numberD.License number估计答案:A正确答案:A20.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.shallow waterB.Chart nameC.Chart viewing dateD.Depth contour估计答案:B正确答案:B21.Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A.notice to marinerB.Presentation library edition numberC.Chart edition & update dateD.Safety contour setting估计答案:C正确答案:C22.How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENC?A.there is an”ENC data available”indication in the own ship functions boxB.there is an”RNC data ”indication in the own ship functions boxC.The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if i am not viewing an ENCD.There is no special indication in the own ship functions box估计答案:A 网上选D正确答案:23.How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the Logs?A.by opening the voyage log and entering the current positionB.By right clicking on own ship icon on the use interfaceC.By press the record button on the control unitD.By using the record position event function of the event log估计答案:D正确答案:24.What is a Manual Update?A.A manual update is an update applied using the manual function in load & update chartsB.A manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from information received from pilot-a navtex message-a VHF broadcast etc.C.A manual update is an update to the charts by an official representative of the chart producerD.A manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of FURUNO ECDIS估计答案:B正确答案:25.What should you do if you have to leave your planned route during a voyage?A.switch off the FURUNO ECDIS and concentrate on the radarB.Disable the routing monitoring on the RURUNO ECDISC.Change the display of the FURUNO ECDIS to all IMO all otherD.Configue and enable the check area function to assis me in scaning the ENCS for danger to navigation and hazardous objects估计答案:D正确答案:26.Which operation can you perform(进行)on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I can record target ship’s position in the voyage log automaticallyB.I can record a position fix manually bu using just one distance and one bearingC.I can playback my past voyage track on the chartsD.I can send my route plan and user chart and notes to FURUNOGPS for displaying the GPS估计答案:C正确答案:27.Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoring?A.nowhere-because i must never change the setting for the safety contourB.In the setting menu and i can only change the setting if i have the service passwordC.In chart alertD.In the route planing tool估计答案:C正确答案:28.Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDIS?A.blue ENC symbolsB.standard ENC symbolsC.orange ENC symbolsD.red ENC symbols估计答案:C正确答案:29.Which setting can be changed in Sensors?A.log stabilization modeB.Safety contour settingC.Safety depth settingD.Kalmen filter setting估计答案:A正确答案:A30.Where do you change the Ship Outlines(轮廓)?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol displayD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案:C31.Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route plan?A.yes in the ship and route parameters of menuB.In chart displayC.Yes in optimization parametersD.Yes in the route planing tool估计答案:A正确答案:A32.Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A.magtinec variationB.Base CD numberC.Permit expiration dateD.Safety contour setting估计答案:A正确答案:33.Where do you change the Velocity Vectors style?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol displayD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案:C34.Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDD(硬盘驱动器)?A.on the internetB.The chief officer will knowC.In the chart catalogueD.In the chart display menu估计答案:C 或D(可能性比较大) 网上选C正确答案:35.How do you document(记录) your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I use my paper logbook as documentationB.I use my paper logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentationC.I use the tracking function in the symbol displayD.I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts估计答案:D正确答案:36.Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A.i can use the record function to record special events in the voyage logB.I can create and save a screen shot(截屏) for future referenceC.I can view and print a copy of details logD.I can connect the ECDIS to the internat and upload all documentation to an external storage估计答案:A正确答案:37.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.magnetic variationB.Safety contour settingC.Quality of dataD.T&P notice估计答案:A正确答案: A38.How can you reset the odometer?A.I can reset the odometer from the voyage tab of the menuB.I can reset the odometer from the sensor setting dialogueC.I can reset the odometer from the symbol display dialogueD.I can reset the odometer from the quick access sidebar估计答案:A正确答案: A39.Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A.NoB.Yes but only if i have two ECDISC.Yes the routing planing function is independent(不相关联的) from the route monitoring functionD.Yes but i must select the safety contour for both route plan估计答案:C正确答案: C40.Where do you find information on the software version of the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the voyage logB.In the system dialogue of the menuC.In the about dialogueD.In the S52 presentation library(图书馆)估计答案:C正确答案: C41.How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating?A.the FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert(转变) the ENCs to SENCs automaticallyB.I must use the conversion tool(转变工具)from the menuC.I can not convert the ENCs to SENCsD.I load the new permit file using the file named ENC.PMT and then i use S52 presentation library from the system menu in the chart menu to convert the ENCs to SENCs估计答案:D正确答案:42.How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by information received via VHF broadcast?A.I can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weekly update CDB.I use the manual update functionC.I use the user chart functionD.I use the chart edit function估计答案:B(类似于第4题)正确答案:43.How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i select rather chart in the main menuB.I selet RNC in the chart legendC.I lelect raster chart from the drop down list in the status barD.I selet RNC in the chart catalogue估计答案:C正确答案: C44.Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyage?A.i can add additional records of manual positions to the voyage log adding further details to the past voyageB.I can cteate a user chart from the monitored route plan and save it to a USB memory deviceC.I can create a backup copy of the voyage plan on a USB memory deviceD.I can view and print a copy of the chart usage log(chart alert)估计答案:D正确答案: D45.What is the maximum limit of the Check Area?A.NO limitB.240min+20nm+5km+999mC.120min+10nm+3km+500mD.999min+999nm+999km+999m估计答案:B正确答案: B46.Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route Parameters?A.Gyro errorB.Safety contourC.Notes alarm timeD.Ship’s minimum speed估计答案:A正确答案: A47.Where do you offset own ship chart position on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in symbol displayB.In chart displayC.In chart menuD.In own ship functions box估计答案:D正确答案: D48.Where do you set system priority of multiple GPS connected to the FURUNO ECDIS?A.In the sensor dialogueB.In basic setting.C.In ship and route parametersD.In nav tools估计答案:A正确答案: A49.Where do you change the Targets color?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol dispalyD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案: C50.Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layers?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In chart displayD.In basic setting估计答案:C 网上选C正确答案:51.which manual update objects can be hidden from view byoperatior selecrion?A.only the manual updates special area (from the chart display dialogue)B.All manual updates objects (from the chart display dialogue)C.Only the manual updates buoys (from the chart display dialogue)D.Only the manual updates sonding (from the chart display dialogue)估计答案:B正确答案:52.how do you switch the kalman filter on or off?A.the kalman filter is always switched on when a route is put into monitor mode and switched off when theres is no route being monitoredB.The kalman filter is always on so i never have to switch it on or offC.The kalman filter is swiched on or off in the sensor menu on the position tabD.The kalman filter is switched on when steering is switched to autopilot估计答案:D正确答案:53.when the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is being updated-it isimportant that?A.the software is updated by a FURUNO service engineer(古野检修师)B.the software is updated by the captain(船长)C.the software is updated by the ship’s electrical engineer(老电)D.the software is updated by an IMO resentative(IMO 组织)估计答案:A(说明书中指出只能是人而不是单位组织,排除法) 正确答案:54.which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i can send my route plan and user chart to any RADAR for display on the RADARB.i can send my route plan and user chart to any AIS for display on the AISC.i can send my route plan and user chart to a ny GPS for display on the GPSD.i can send my route plan and user chart to a FURUNO RADAR for dispaly on the RADAR估计答案:D正确答案:55.Can you monitor a route even though it indicates an active alert when you have completed the route plan check?A.yes-the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be animpossible turn message in the WPT tabB.Yes-if i enter the service safety passwordC.NOD.IT depends on the type of alert generated(safety contour-restricted area-caution area etc)估计答案:C 或D(可能性较大)正确答案:56.how do you save your route to the HARD DISC DRIVE when is has been edited?A.i don’t.the route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changes are appliedB.I click on save or save as in the route planing toolC.I select save in the backup and restore dialogueD.I click new in the route planning tool估计答案:B正确答案:57.can you copy your manual updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A.NoB.Yes-by using the backup and restore dialogue to transfer the manual updates to a USBC.Yes-by sending the manual updates via an emailD.No-but i can transfer them to another manufacturer’s type of ECDIS估计答案:A正确答案:58.Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A.danger target logB.Engine logC.Speed logD.GPS log估计答案:A正确答案:59.Where do you change the visibility of your Circles?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In chart displayD.In chart catalogue估计答案:B正确答案: B60.How do you start the route planning tool?A.i press plan on the control unitB.I click on the route icon in the status barC.I select route plan from the menu dialogueD.I click on route in the quick access bar估计答案:D正确答案:61.where can you updated the RNCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the update function of the menuB.In the chart manager(individual update)C.In the update function of the chart catalogueD.In the update function of the chart legend估计答案:B正确答案:62.how do you modify an existing manual updates object?A.I use the ENC tab of the chart maintenance functionB.I use the mariner tab of the symbol display functionC.I cannot modify a manual update-only delete itD.I use the list tab of manual update tool function估计答案:D正确答案:63.can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in chart mode?A.yes if i open the menu dialogue firstB.Yes if i right click on the chart and select eventC.Yes if i select plan in the chart catalogueD.No估计答案:我选C(解释:chart mode 包括:PLAN{for the voyage planing mode,click the planing button followed by the route button to select a route or user chart button to selcet a user chart} 和NA VI)老大选D正确答案:64.how do you start the route planning tool?A.i press plan on the control unitB.I click on the route icon in the status barC.I select route plan from the menu dialogueD.I click on route in the quick access bar估计答案:我选D 老大选C正确答案:65.how do you record own ship’s position on the ECDIS charts when you have a range/bearing observation from your RADAR?A.i can not record own ship’s position manually on the FURUNO ECDISB.I record LOP in the record function of the event logC.I press the[TRL]&[ACQ/AC] button on the control unitD.I select[record][event log]and[user event]from the instant access bar and insert the observation in the record user event window估计答案:我选B(解释:LOP(line of position)a plotted line on which a vsl is located,determined by observation or measurement of the range or bearing to an aid to navigation or other charted element)老大选D正确答案:66.When the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is being updated-it is important that?A.the multiple GPS connected to the ECDIS are updated with the new software versionB.That it is done when the ECDIS in not being used for navigation(in port etc)C.The HUBs(解释:HUB是一个多端口的转发器,当以HUB为中心设备时,网络中某条线路产生了故障,并不影响其它线路的工作。
1 .报警号820表示什么?A. AIS损失.TT lostC .收到Navtex消息。
交叉轨道警报2 .警报号码450表示什么?号公路对WPTB是非法的。
雷达通信错误局域网适配器版本错误航向传感器不可用3 .警报号码495表示什么?锚表错误。
用户图表:文件读取错误5 .635号警报表示什么?没有官方数据,记录错误,双轴记录错误。
双轴测井误差6 .报警号640表示什么?基准不匹配。
陀螺仪误差(跟踪器飞行员)7 .031号警报表示什么?传感器适配器。
传感器适配器2 COM定时器输出。
传感器适配器3 COM超时。
传感器适配器4 COM超时8 .257号警报表示什么?航向传感器不可用Prg track:需要更高的速度Prg .轨道:使用半径控制杆。
陀螺3 COM错误9 .警报号码470表示什么?答以下内容:没有使用WGS 84 .不同的大地测量数据。
数据变更10 .您在哪里控制图表图层的设置和可见性?在图表中。
单项选择题〔目前72个,未完待续〕1.how do you get information on an ENC object(buoy-beacon-berth etc)on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I right click on the use chart function in the route planning tool.B.I click on the chart info in the instant access batC.I enter click on the object.D.I right click on the object估计答案:D正确答案:2.where can you find a list of the manual updates that have been applied to the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the chart legendB.In the manual update windowC.In the chart catalogueD.In the chart display menu估计答案:B正确答案:3.how can you see if a chart object i cteated using manual updates?A.the manual update will be larger than any other chart objectsB.It is always shown in redC.It will have a special orange markerD.There is no way i can see if a chart object is created using manual updates估计答案:C正确答案:4.How do you add navigation chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are require to do so by notices to mariners?A.i can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weekly updateB.I use the manual update functionC.I use the user chart functionD.I use the chart edit function估计答案:我估计选B 老大选D正确答案:5.how can you verity which route is being monitored?A.by clicking on the “route〞and then on “route info〞in the quick access sidebar in Plan modeB.The mame of the route will be displayed in the status barC.By clicking on “route〞and then on “route info〞 in the quick access sidebar in Navi modeD.I can not get information on the route which is being monitored估计答案:C正确答案:C6.where do you switch between multicolor and two color setting for the chart?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In basic settingD.In chart display估计答案:C 网上选 C正确答案:C7.what should you remember to set up first when planninga route?A.the setting for the voyage logB.The alarm level in the operation submenuC.The safety contour in the route planing toolD.The radar overlay估计答案:C正确答案:C8.Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in ship and route parameters?A.chart alignment 排列图B.Safety contourC.Maximum rate of turn(MAX.R.O.T)D.Safety depth估计答案:C正确答案:C9.When do you use a manual update?A.always when i have to update my chartsB.When i receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is not yet included in the official weekly updatesC.I should never use manual updatesD.When i have to update the software of the ECDIS估计答案:B正确答案:10.How do you hide(not delete) a manual update objetc?A.i select clear from the manual update menuB.I select undo last from the manual update menuC.I deselect that general type of chart object in the chart display dialogueD.I deselect the option from the symbol display dialogue 估计答案:A正确答案:11.Can you create a manual update from an AIS safety message shown on the ECDIS?A.yes-by manually creating the objectB.Yes-by letting the ECDIS creat the object antomaticallyC.Yes-either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automaticallyD.No估计答案:A正确答案:12.which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A.gyro logB.Engine logC.Ship’s logD.Details log估计答案:D正确答案:D13.How do you update your vector charts on the FURUNO ECDIS using the ENC update CD?A.i use the autoload functionB.I cteate a manual update from the information on the CDC.I creat a user chartD.I import the information using the chart details function in the chart catalogue估计答案:A正确答案:14.can you edit the user chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode?A.YesB.Only if the user chart is not linked to a route planC.Yes if the user chart contains no tidal informationD.No估计答案:D正确答案:15.Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring function?A.NoB.Yes,but i must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interfering with the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDISC.Yes,if i create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the file on a normal offrice PCD.Yes,if i select copy from monitor in the route plan menu and edit the copy.when copying is pleted i select-exchange with monitor in the plan menu估计答案:D正确答案:16.Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i can record my position manually on the ENCSB.I can set the ECDIS to automatically shoosing a safety contour based on my setting of ship’s maximum draftC.I can set ship’s maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in charts where there is not sufficient air draftD.I can send a copy of my route plan to an AIS target as a safety message估计答案:C正确答案:17.which informatin can you find in VECTOR CHART LEGEND?A.T&P noticeC.WarningD.Safety contour setting估计答案:B正确答案:B18.Where do you select the color Palette(颜色暗淡模式) used to display the charts?A.in chart legendB.In chart displayC.In quick accessor barD.In chart catalogue估计答案:C 网上选 C正确答案:C19.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.horizontal datumB.Safety depther permit numberD.License number估计答案:A正确答案:A20.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.shallow waterB.Chart nameC.Chart viewing dateD.Depth contour估计答案:B正确答案:B21.Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A.notice to marinerB.Presentation library edition numberC.Chart edition & update dateD.Safety contour setting估计答案:C正确答案:C22.How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENC?A.there is an〞ENC data available〞indication in the own ship functions boxB.there is an〞RNC data 〞indication in the own ship functions boxC.The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if i am not viewing an ENCD.There is no special indication in the own ship functions box估计答案:A 网上选 D正确答案:23.How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the Logs?A.by opening the voyage log and entering the current positionB.By right clicking on own ship icon on the use interfaceC.By press the record button on the control unitD.By using the record position event function of the event log估计答案:D正确答案:24.What is a Manual Update?A.A manual update is an update applied using the manual function in load & update chartsB.A manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from information received from pilot-a navtex message-a VHF broadcast etc.C.A manual update is an update to the charts by an official representative of the chart producerD.A manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of FURUNO ECDIS估计答案:B正确答案:25.What should you do if you have to leave your planned route during a voyage?A.switch off the FURUNO ECDIS and concentrate on the radarB.Disable the routing monitoring on the RURUNO ECDISC.Change the display of the FURUNO ECDIS to all IMO all otherD.Configue and enable the check area function to assis me in scaning the ENCS for danger to navigation and hazardous objects估计答案:D正确答案:26.Which operation can you perform (进展)on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I can record target ship’s position in the voyage log automaticallyB.I can record a position fix manually bu using just onedistance and one bearingC.I can playback my past voyage track on the chartsD.I can send my route plan and user chart and notes to FURUNO GPS for displaying the GPS估计答案:C正确答案:27.Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoring?A.nowhere-because i must never change the setting for the safety contourB.In the setting menu and i can only change the setting if i have the service passwordC.In chart alertD.In the route planing tool估计答案:C正确答案:28.Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDIS?A.blue ENC symbolsB.standard ENC symbolsC.orange ENC symbolsD.red ENC symbols正确答案:29.Which setting can be changed in Sensors?A.log stabilization modeB.Safety contour settingC.Safety depth settingD.Kalmen filter setting估计答案:A正确答案:A30.Where do you change the Ship Outlines(轮廓)?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol displayD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案:C31.Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route plan?A.yes in the ship and route parameters of menuB.In chart displayC.Yes in optimization parametersD.Yes in the route planing tool估计答案:A32.Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A.magtinec variationB.Base CD numberC.Permit expiration dateD.Safety contour setting估计答案:A正确答案:33.Where do you change the Velocity Vectors style?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol displayD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案:C34.Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDD(硬盘驱动器)?A.on the internetB.The chief officer will knowC.In the chart catalogueD.In the chart display menu估计答案:C 或 D(可能性比拟大) 网上选C正确答案:35.How do you document(记录) your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I use my paper logbook as documentationB.I use my paper logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentationC.I use the tracking function in the symbol displayD.I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts 估计答案:D正确答案:36.Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after pletion of a voyage?A.i can use the record function to record special events in the voyage logB.I can create and save a screen shot(截屏) for future referenceC.I can view and print a copy of details logD.I can connect the ECDIS to the internat and upload all documentation to an external storage估计答案:A正确答案:37.Which information can you find in the Raster ChartLegend?A.magnetic variationB.Safety contour settingC.Quality of dataD.T&P notice估计答案:A正确答案: A38.How can you reset the odometer?A.I can reset the odometer from the voyage tab of the menuB.I can reset the odometer from the sensor setting dialogueC.I can reset the odometer from the symbol display dialogueD.I can reset the odometer from the quick access sidebar 估计答案:A正确答案: A39.Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A.NoB.Yes but only if i have two ECDISC.Yes the routing planing function is independent(不相关联的) from the route monitoring functionD.Yes but i must select the safety contour for both route plan估计答案:C正确答案: C40.Where do you find information on the software version of the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the voyage logB.In the system dialogue of the menuC.In the about dialogueD.In the S52 presentation library(图书馆)估计答案:C正确答案: C41.How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating?A.the FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert(转变) the ENCs to SENCs automaticallyB.I must use the conversion tool〔转变工具〕 from the menuC.I can not convert the ENCs to SENCsD.I load the new permit file using the file named ENC.PMT and then i use S52 presentation library from the system menu in the chart menu to convert the ENCs to SENCs估计答案:D正确答案:42.How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by information received via VHF broadcast?A.I can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weekly update CDB.I use the manual update functionC.I use the user chart functionD.I use the chart edit function估计答案:B(类似于第4题)正确答案:43.How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i select rather chart in the main menuB.I selet RNC in the chart legendC.I lelect raster chart from the drop down list in the status barD.I selet RNC in the chart catalogue估计答案:C正确答案: C44.Which operation can you perform after pletion of a voyage?A.i can add additional records of manual positions to the voyage log adding further details to the past voyageB.I can cteate a user chart from the monitored route plan and save it to a USB memory deviceC.I can create a backup copy of the voyage plan on a USB memory deviceD.I can view and print a copy of the chart usage log(chart alert)估计答案:D正确答案: D45.What is the maximum limit of the Check Area?A.NO limitB.240min+20nm+5km+999mC.120min+10nm+3km+500mD.999min+999nm+999km+999m估计答案: B正确答案: B46.Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route Parameters?A.Gyro errorB.Safety contourC.Notes alarm timeD.Ship’s minimum speed估计答案:A正确答案: A47.Where do you offset own ship chart position on theFURUNO ECDIS?A.in symbol displayB.In chart displayC.In chart menuD.In own ship functions box估计答案:D正确答案: D48.Where do you set system priority of multiple GPS connected to the FURUNO ECDIS?A.In the sensor dialogueB.In basic setting.C.In ship and route parametersD.In nav tools估计答案:A正确答案: A49.Where do you change the Targets color?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol dispalyD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案: C50.Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layers?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In chart displayD.In basic setting估计答案:C 网上选 C正确答案:51.which manual update objects can be hidden from view by operatior selecrion?A.only the manual updates special area (from the chart display dialogue)B.All manual updates objects (from the chart display dialogue)C.Only the manual updates buoys (from the chart display dialogue)D.Only the manual updates sonding (from the chart display dialogue)估计答案:B正确答案:52.how do you switch the kalman filter on or off?A.the kalman filter is always switched on when a route isput into monitor mode and switched off when theres is no route being monitoredB.The kalman filter is always on so i never have to switch it on or offC.The kalman filter is swiched on or off in the sensor menu on the position tabD.The kalman filter is switched on when steering is switched to autopilot估计答案:D正确答案:53.when the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is being updated-it is important that?A.the software is updated by a FURUNO service engineer 〔古野检修师〕B.the software is updated by the captain〔船长〕C.the software is updated by the ship’s electrical engineer〔老电〕D.the software is updated by an IMO resentative〔IMO 组织〕估计答案:A(说明书中指出只能是人而不是单位组织,排除法) 正确答案:54.which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i can send my route plan and user chart to any RADAR for display on the RADARB.i can send my route plan and user chart to any AIS for display on the AISC.i can send my route plan and user chart to any GPS for display on the GPSD.i can send my route plan and user chart to a FURUNO RADAR for dispaly on the RADAR估计答案:D正确答案:55.Can you monitor a route even though it indicates an active alert when you have pleted the route plan check?A.yes-the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be an impossible turn message in the WPT tabB.Yes-if i enter the service safety passwordC.NOD.IT depends on the type of alert generated(safety contour-restricted area-caution area etc)估计答案:C 或 D(可能性较大)正确答案:56.how do you save your route to the HARD DISC DRIVE when is has been edited?A.i don’t.the route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changes are appliedB.I click on save or save as in the route planing toolC.I select save in the backup and restore dialogueD.I click new in the route planning tool估计答案:B正确答案:57.can you copy your manual updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A.NoB.Yes-by using the backup and restore dialogue to transfer the manual updates to a USBC.Yes-by sending the manual updates via an emailD.No-but i can transfer them to another manufacturer’s type of ECDIS估计答案:A正确答案:58.Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A.danger target logB.Engine logC.Speed logD.GPS log估计答案:A正确答案:59.Where do you change the visibility of your Circles?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In chart displayD.In chart catalogue估计答案:B正确答案: B60.How do you start the route planning tool?A.i press plan on the control unitB.I click on the route icon in the status barC.I select route plan from the menu dialogueD.I click on route in the quick access bar估计答案:D正确答案:61.where can you updated the RNCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the update function of the menuB.In the chart manager(individual update)C.In the update function of the chart catalogueD.In the update function of the chart legend估计答案:B正确答案:62.how do you modify an existing manual updates object?A.I use the ENC tab of the chart maintenance functionB.I use the mariner tab of the symbol display functionC.I cannot modify a manual update-only delete itD.I use the list tab of manual update tool function估计答案:D正确答案:63.can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in chart mode?A.yes if i open the menu dialogue firstB.Yes if i right click on the chart and select eventC.Yes if i select plan in the chart catalogueD.No估计答案:我选C(解释:chart mode 包括:PLAN{for the voyage planing mode,click the planing button followed by the route button to select a route or user chart button to selcet a user chart} 和NAVI)老大选 D正确答案:64.how do you start the route planning tool?A.i press plan on the control unitB.I click on the route icon in the status barC.I select route plan from the menu dialogueD.I click on route in the quick access bar估计答案:我选D 老大选 C正确答案:65.how do you record own ship’s position on the ECDIS charts when you have a range/bearing observation from your RADAR?A.i can not record own ship’s position manually on the FURUNO ECDISB.I record LOP in the record function of the event logC.I press the[TRL]&[ACQ/AC] button on the control unitD.I select[record][event log]and[user event]from the instant access bar and insert the observation in the record user event window估计答案:我选B(解释:LOP(line of position)a plotted line on which a vsl is located,determined by observation or measurement of the range or bearing to an aid to navigation or other charted element)老大选 D正确答案:66.When the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is being updated-it is important that?A.the multiple GPS connected to the ECDIS are updated with the new software versionB.That it is done when the ECDIS in not being used for navigation(in port etc)C.The HUBs(解释:HUB是一个多端口的转发器,当以HUB为中心设备时,网络中某条线路产生了故障,并不影响其它线路的工作。
A. GPS信号干扰
does the alert number 820 indicateA. AIS lostB. TT lostC. Navtex message receivedD. Cross track alarm2. What does the alert number 450 indicateA. Route: Illegal To WPTB. RADAR comm. ErrorC. LAN adapter version errorD. Heading sensor not available3. What does the alert number 495 indicateA. Anchor watch errorB. Track control stoppedC. Steering parameter errorD. Filter: Init.4. What does the alert number 380 indicateA. Route: File read errorB. User chart: File not foundC. AIS COM errorD. User chart: File read error5. What does the alert number 635 indicateA. No official dataB. Log errorC. Dual axis log (WT) errorD. Dual axis log (BT) error6. What does the alert number 640 indicateA. Datum mismatchB. Chart align: Over 30 min.C. RADAR antenna ID errorD. Gyro error (Trackpilot)7. What does the alert number 031 indicateA. Sensor adapter 1 COM timeoutB. Sensor adapter 2 COM timeoutC. Sensor adapter 3 COM timeoutD. Sensor adapter 4 COM timeout8. What does the alert number 257 indicateA. Heading sensor not availableB. Prg track: Need higher speedC. Prg track: Use radius CtrlD. Gyro 3 COM error9. What does the alert number 470 indicateA. WGS 84 not usedB. Different geodetic datumC. Sentence syntax errorD. Datum change10. Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layersA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Basic Setting11. Where do you set the Safety DepthA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart Alert12. Where do you set the Shallow ContourA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Displaydo you set the Deep ContourA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Displaydo you set the Safety ContourA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display15. Where do you set the Shallow PatternA. In Chart DisplayB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Catalogue16. Where do you control the AIOA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Chart Cataloguedo you select the color Palette used to display the chartsB. In Chart DisplayC. In Quick Access BarD. In Chart Catalogue18.Where do you switch between Multicolor and Two Color settings for the chartsA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Display19. When an ENC is outlined in Green in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. License is not available or has expired.20. When an ENC is outlined in Orange in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.21. When an ENC is outlined in Magenta in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-dateC. License is available - chart not installedD. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.22. When an ENC is outlined in Yellow in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired.23. When an ENC is outlined in Red in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired24. When an ENC is outlined in Blue in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.25. Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDDA. On the Internet.B. The Chief Officer will know.C. In the chart catalogue.D. In the Chart Display menu.26. How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENCA. There is an "ENC Data available" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.B. There is an "RNC data" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.C. The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if I am not viewing an ENC.D. There is no special indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.27. Where do you find information on Magnetic Variation in the ENCs on the FURUNO ECDISA. In Chart DisplayB In Chart CatalogueC In Chart AlertD In Chart Legend28. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart LegendA Magnetic VariationB Base CD numberC Permit expiration dateD Safety Contour setting29. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart LegendA T&&P NoticesB NameC WarningsD Safety Contour setting30. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart LegendA Notices To MarinersB Presentation Library edition numberC Chart edition && Update dateD Safety Contour setting31. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Magnetic VariationB Safety Contour settingC Quality of dataD T&&P Noticeinformation can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Horizontal datumB Safety DepthC User Permit numberD License number33.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Shallow ContourB Chart NameC Chart Viewing dateD Deep Contour34. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Edition numberB Last displayed updateC Edition dateD Update issue date35. How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDISA I select Raster chart in the Main menu.B I select RNC in the Chart Legend.C I select Raster chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select RNC in the Chart Catalogue.36. How do you switch from Raster chart to Vector chart on the FURUNO ECDISA I select ENC in the Main menu.B I select Vector chart in the Chart Legend.C I select Vector chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select Vector chart in the Chart Catalogue.do you get information on an ENC o bject (Buoy - Beacon - Berth etc.) on the FURUNO ECDISA I right click on the User Chart function in the route planning tool.B I click on the Chart Info in the Instant Access Bar.C I center click on the object.D I right click on the object.38 How d o you record Own S hip's position on the ECDIS c harts when you have a Range/Bearing observation from your RADARA I cannot record own ship's position manually on the FURUNO ECDIS.B I record LOP in the Record function of the Event Log.C I press the [CTRL] && [ACQ/ACT] button on the Control Unit.D I select [Record][Event Log] and [User Event] from the Instant Access bar and insertthe observation in the Record User Event window.<Cell>b39 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA I can record target ship's positions in the Voyage log automatically.B I can record a position fix manually by using just one distance and one bearing.C I can playback my past voyage track on the charts.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart and Notes to a FURUNO GPS for display onthe GPS.40 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA I can record my position manually on the ENCs.B I can set the ECDIS to automatically choosing a Safety Contour based on my settingof Ship's maximum draft.C I can set Ship's maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in the chartswhere there is not sufficient air draft.D I can send a copy of my Route Plan to an AIS target as a Safety Message.41Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA I can play back my ship's past track on the ECDIS.B I can record my position manually on the RNCs.C I can create Notes from my Voyage Log to document a voyage on the charts.D I can set the ECDIS to include engine log information into the Voyage logautomatically.<Cell>b<Cell>142How do you document your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDISA I use my paper Logbook as documentation.B I use my paper Logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentation.C I use the tracking function in the symbol display.D I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts.43 Which operation can you perform during a voyageA I can use the Event function to record special events in the Event Log.B I can create a User Chart from the Alert Log and save it to a USB memory device.C I can create a User Chart from the Chart Usage Log and save it to a USB memorydevice.D I can create a User Chart from the Voyage Log and save it to a USB memory device.44Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyageA I can use the Event function to record special events in the Details Log.B I can view and print a copy of the Voyage Log.C I can create a backup copy of Own Ship's past track (120 minutes max.) on a USBmemory device and keep the copy in a safe location for future reference.D I can reset the Chart Usage Log after creating a backup copy.45Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyageA I can use the Record function to record special events in the Voyage Log.B I can create and save a screen shot for future reference.C I can view and print a copy of the Details Log.D I can connect the ECDIS t o the Internet and upload all documentation to an externalstorage.46Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyageA I can add additional records of manual positions to the Voyage Log adding furtherdetail to the past Voyage.B I can create a User Chart from the monitored Route Plan and save it to a USB m emorydevice.C I can create a backup copy of the Voyage log on a USB memory device.D I can view and print a copy of the Chart Usage Log.47Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDISA Danger Targets LogB Engine LogC Speed LogD GPS Log48 Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDISA AIS LogB Engine LogC Voyage LogD RADAR Log49Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDISA Gyro LogB Engine LogC Ship's LogD Details Log50How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the LogsA By opening the Voyage Log and entering the current position.B By right clicking on own ship icon on the user interface.C By pressing the Record button on the Control Unit.D By using the record position event function of the Event Log.51What is a Manual UpdateA A Manual update is an update applied using the Manual function in Load && UpdateCharts.B A Manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from informationreceived from the Pilot - a Navtex message - a VHF broadcast etc.C A Manual update is an update applied to the charts by an official representativeof the chart producer.D A Manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of the FURUNO ECDIS. 52How do you delete a specific object added using the Manual Update functionA I select Clear in the Manual Update window.B I use the Delete function in the File Export tool.C I right click on the object and use the Manual Update window to delete it.D I set the View Until date for the Manual Update two months back in time.53How do you modify an existing Manual Update objectA I use the ENC tab of the Chart Maintenance function.B I use the Mariner tab of the Symbol Display function.C I cannot modify a Manual Update - only delete it.D I use the List tab of Manual Update tool function.54How can you see if a chart object is created using Manual UpdatesA The Manual Update will be larger than any other chart objects.B It is always shown in red.C It will have a special orange marker.D There is no way I can see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates.55Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDISA Blue ENC symbolsB Standard ENC symbolsC Orange ENC symbolsD Red ENC symbols56 Where can Manual Updates be displayedA Only on ENCsB Only on RNCsC Only on Vector chartsD On all types of charts in the ECDIS57 Where can you find a list of the Manual Updates that have been applied to the FurunoECDISA In the Chart LegendB In the Manual Update WindowC In the Chart CatalogueD In the Chart Display menu58How do you hide (not delete) a Manual Update objectA I select Clear from the Manual Updates menu.B I select Undo Last from the Manual Updates menu.C I deselect that general type of chart object in the Chart Display dialogue.D I deselect the option from the Symbol Display dialogue.59Which Manual Update objects can be hidden from view by operator selectionA Only the Manual Updates Special Areas (from the Chart Display dialogue)B All manual Updates objects(from the Chart Display dialogue)C Only the Manual Updates Buoys (from the Chart Display dialogue)D Only the Manual Updates Soundings (from the Chart Display dialogue)60 Can you create a Manual Update from an AIS Safety Message shown on the ECDISA Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No61Can you create a Manual Update from a Navtex Message shown on the ECDISA Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No62Where do you change the visibility of your Monitored routeA In Chart LegendB In Symbol DisplayC In Chart DisplayD In Chart Catalogue63Where can you update the ENCsA In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)B In the Update function of the Chart DisplayC In the Update function of the System SettingsD In the Update function of the Chart Legend64Where can you update the RNCs on the Furuno ECDISA In the Update function of the MenuB In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)C In the Update function of the Chart CatalogueD In the Update function of the Chart Legend65How do you update your vector charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the ENC Update CDA I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I create a User Chart.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue.66How are regular T&Ps updated on the ECDISA T&&Ps must always be created as Manual Updates.B I create a Manual Update containing the T&&Ps using the Manual function in theLoad && Update function of the Chart Menu.C Most T&&Ps a re included in the weekly update CD a nd these are updated automaticallytogether with the other updates on the CD.D I cannot update T&&Ps on the FURUNO ECDIS.67How do you update your raster charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the RNC Update CDA I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I cannot update the raster charts using an RNC update CD.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue.68How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updatingA The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs automatically.B I must use the conversion tool from the Menu.C I cannot convert ENCs into SENCs.D I load the new Permit file using the file named and then I use the S52 PresentationLibrary from the System menu in the Chart Menu to convert the ENCs into SENCs.69What is the recommended loading sequence when you receive new charts - updates andpermitsA There is no recommended sequence.B #1:Base CDs #2:Update CD #3:PermitC #1:Permit #2:Update CD #3:Base CDsD #1:Permit #2:Base CDs #3:Update CD70How do you select which User Chart to monitorA By linking it to the monitored Route Plan in the route planning tool.B By clicking Display - User Chart in the Quick Access Bar.D By left clicking on the chart area.71Where can you enter informative notes on Pilot data (VHF channels etc.) to be usedduring monitoring in the FURUNO ECDISA In the Voyage LogB In the Pilot DataC In the User Event functionD In the User Chart72How do you enter informative notes in the User ChartA I select Note as an option for the Area Line or Circle where the information shouldbe displayed.B I select Note as an option for the Tidal Label or Clearing Line where the informationshould be displayed.C I select User Chart from the Main menu and then I select Plan and enter the noteto be displayed.D I left click on Route in the Quick Access Bar and then I select Monitor.73How do you change the User Chart being used for monitoringA I move the monitored route plan to planning mode and edit the Linked User Chartsetting.B I select a different user chart from the Menu to monitor.C I select User Chart from the Planning sidebar and then I select Monitor for thedesired user chart.D I left click on User Chart in the Status Bar and then I select Plan.74Can you move your User Chart from one FURUNO ECDIS to anotherA NoB Yes but only by using the harmonization process.C Yes by using the Export/Import tool in the Settings function of the Status Bar.D Yes but only to an ECDIS with the exact same software version number.75Which printing option is available for the User ChartA Tidal ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report76Which printing option is available for the User ChartA Full reportB Line ReportC System reportD Detailed report77Which printing option is available for the User ChartA Full reportB System reportC Clearing Line ReportD Detailed report78Which printing option is available for the User ChartA Full reportB System reportC Detailed reportD Area Report79 Which printing option is available for the User ChartA Circle ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report80Which printing option is available for the User ChartA Label ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report81Where can you display your planned or monitored User Chart on the FURUNO ECDISA Only on official chartsB On all chartsC Only on vector chartsD Only on raster charts82How can you verify which User Chart is being monitoredA The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the top right corner of the ECDISscreen.B The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the Information Sidebar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inPlan mode.D By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inNavi mode.83What is the name of category of charts generated by the user to draw up contingency areas - No Go areas - clearing lines etc.A Private ChartB Pilot DataC User ChartD Non HO Chart84How do you open the User Chart planning toolA I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Planmode.B I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Navimode.C I Select Manual Update from the Menu in Charts mode.D I left click on User Chart in the Information sidebar - then I select Plan.85Can you edit the User Chart when the ECDIS is in Navi modeA YesB Only if the User Chart is not linked to a route plan.C Yes if the User Chart contains no Tidal information.D No86What is a Point in the User ChartA A point is used to create a Manual Update from a chart object.B A point is used to denote/highlight the position of a chart object with the UserChart.C A point is the end of a User Chart.D A point is used to connect the User Chart with a route plan.87 Can you copy your Manual Updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to anotherA NoB >Yes - by using the Backup and Restore dialogue to transfer the Manual Updatesto a USB.C Yes - by sending the Manual updates via an email.D No - but I can transfer them to another manufacturer's type of ECDIS.88 When do you use a Manual UpdateA Always when I have to update my charts.B When I receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is notyet included in the official weekly updates.C I should never use Manual Updates.D >When I have to update the software of the ECDIS.89 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are requiredto do so by Notices To MarinersA I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.90 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are requiredto do so by a Navtex messageA I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.91 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are requiredto do so by information received via VHF broadcastA I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.92 How can you verify which route is being monitoredA The name of the route will be displayed on my own ship vector.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Route Information box.C By right clicking on own ship icon.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.93 How can you verify which route is being monitoredA By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inPlan mode.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Status Bar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inNavi mode.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.94 Can y ou monitor a route even though it indicates an active Alert when you have completed the Route Plan CheckA Yes - the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be an Impossible Turnmessage in the WPT tab.B Yes - if I enter the Service Safety Password.C NoD I t depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety Contour - Restricted Area - CautionArea etc.).95 What should you remember to set up before planning a routeA The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenu.C The Conning Display in Installation Parameters.D The Chart Viewing Dates96 What should you remember to set up first when planning a routeA The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenuC The Safety Contour in the route planning toolD The Radar overlay97 How do you save your route to the Hard Disc Drive when it has been editedA I don't. The route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changesare applied.B I click on Save or Save As in the Route Planning tool.C I select Save in the Backup and Restore dialogue.D I click New in the Route Planning tool.98 How do you start the route planning toolA I press Plan on the Control Unit.B I click on the Route icon in the Status bar.C I select Route Plan from the Menu dialogue.D I click on Route in the Quick Access bar.99 Can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in Chart modeA Yes if I open the Menu dialogue first.B Yes if I right click on the chart and select Event.C Yes if I select Plan in the Chart Catalogue.D No100 Where do you set up the Safety Contour used for planning your routeA On the Parameters tab of the Route Planning tool.B In Chart DisplayC In Chart Alert settingsD In Own Ship settings101 Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route planA Yes in the Ship and Route parameters of the Menu.B Yes in Chart Display.C Yes in Optimization parameters.D Yes in the route planning tool.102 Can you plan a route while you monitor another routeA NoB Yes but only if I have two ECDIS.C Yes the route planning function is independent from the route monitoring function.D Yes but I must select the same Safety Contour for both route plans.103 Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring functionA NoB Yes but I must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interferingwith the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDIS.C Yes if I create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the fileon a normal office PC.D Yes if I select Copy from monitor in the Route plan menu and edit the copy. Whencopying is completed I select-Exchange with monitor in the Route Plan menu.104 Which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDISA I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any RADAR for display on the RADAR.B I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any AIS for display on the AIS.C I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any GPS for display on the GPS.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to a FURUNO RADAR for display on the RADAR. 105 Where can you change the setting of the Safety Contour which is used during planningof a routeA Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu a nd I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart AlertD In the route planning tool.106 Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoringA Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu a nd I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart Alert.D In the route planning tool.107 Where do you control the Safety Contour displayed on the Charts on the FURUNO ECDISA In Chart AlertB In the route planning tool - on the Alerts tabC In Chart DisplayD No where - it is set up automatically108 What is Kalman filter in the FURUNO ECDISA The Kalman Filter is a noise filter which improves the precision of the charts.B The Kalman filter is a filter which reduces the time it takes for the ECDIS tostart up.C The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the status and validityof the navigation sensor inputs.D The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the connection to theRADAR GPS and AIS.109 Which of these settings generate an alarm from the Chart Alert settingA Shallow ContourB Safety DepthC Safety ContourD Deep Contour110 Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route ParametersA Gyro ErrorB Safety ContourC Notes alarm timesD Ship's minimum speed111 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route ParametersA Chart alignmentB Safety ContourC Maximum rate of turnD Safety depth112 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route ParametersA Position offsetB Safety ContourC Alarm volumeD Ship's maximum speed113 Where do you set up the chart watch sector to scan the ENCs for problems along ownship's heading lineA In Chart Display settings。
FURUNO 电子海图 完整题库
1.What does the alert number 820 indicate?A. AIS lostB. TT lostC. Navtex message receivedD. Cross track alarm2. What does the alert number 450 indicate?A. Route: Illegal To WPTB. RADAR comm. ErrorC. LAN adapter version errorD. Heading sensor not available3. What does the alert number 495 indicate?A. Anchor watch errorB. Track control stoppedC. Steering parameter errorD. Filter: Init.4. What does the alert number 380 indicate?A. Route: File read errorB. User chart: File not foundC. AIS COM errorD. User chart: File read error5. What does the alert number 635 indicate?A. No official dataB. Log errorC. Dual axis log (WT) errorD. Dual axis log (BT) error6. What does the alert number 640 indicate?A. Datum mismatchB. Chart align: Over 30 min.C. RADAR antenna ID errorD. Gyro error (Trackpilot)7. What does the alert number 031 indicate?A. Sensor adapter 1 COM timeoutB. Sensor adapter 2 COM timeoutC. Sensor adapter 3 COM timeoutD. Sensor adapter 4 COM timeout8. What does the alert number 257 indicate?A. Heading sensor not availableB. Prg track: Need higher speedC. Prg track: Use radius CtrlD. Gyro 3 COM error9. What does the alert number 470 indicate?A. WGS 84 not usedB. Different geodetic datumC. Sentence syntax error—D. Datum change10. Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layers?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Basic Setting11. Where do you set the Safety Depth?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display12. Where do you set the Shallow Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display13.Where do you set the Deep Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display14.Where do you set the Safety Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display15. Where do you set the Shallow Pattern?A. In Chart DisplayB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Catalogue16. Where do you control the AIO?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Chart Catalogue17.Where do you select the color Palette used to display the charts?A. In Chart LegendB. In Chart DisplayC. In Quick Access BarD. In Chart Catalogue18.Where do you switch between Multicolor and Two Color settings for the charts?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol Display—C. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Display19. When an ENC is outlined in Green in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. License is not available or has expired.20. When an ENC is outlined in Orange in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.21. When an ENC is outlined in Magenta in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-dateC. License is available - chart not installedD. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.22. When an ENC is outlined in Yellow in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired.23. When an ENC is outlined in Red in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired24. When an ENC is outlined in Blue in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.25. Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDD?A. On the Internet.B. The Chief Officer will know.C. In the chart catalogue.D. In the Chart Display menu.26. How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENC?A. There is an "ENC Data available" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.B. There is an "RNC data" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.C. The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if I am not viewing an ENC.D. There is no special indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.27. Where do you find information on Magnetic Variation in the ENCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A. In Chart Display—B In Chart CatalogueC In Chart AlertD In Chart Legend28. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A Magnetic VariationB Base CD numberC Permit expiration dateD Safety Contour setting29. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A T&&P NoticesB NameC WarningsD Safety Contour setting30. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A Notices To MarinersB Presentation Library edition numberC Chart edition && Update dateD Safety Contour setting31. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Magnetic VariationB Safety Contour settingC Quality of dataD T&&P Notice32.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Horizontal datumB Safety DepthC User Permit numberD License number33.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Shallow ContourB Chart NameC Chart Viewing dateD Deep Contour34. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Edition numberB Last displayed updateC Edition dateD Update issue date35. How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I select Raster chart in the Main menu.B I select RNC in the Chart Legend.C I select Raster chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select RNC in the Chart Catalogue.36. How do you switch from Raster chart to Vector chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?—A I select ENC in the Main menu.B I select Vector chart in the Chart Legend.C I select Vector chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select Vector chart in the Chart Catalogue.37.How do you get information on an ENC object (Buoy - Beacon - Berth etc.) on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I right click on the User Chart function in the route planning tool.B I click on the Chart Info in the Instant Access Bar.C I center click on the object.D I right click on the object.38 How do you record Own Ship's position on the ECDIS charts when you have a Range/Bearing observation from your RADAR?A I cannot record own ship's position manually on the FURUNO ECDIS.B I record LOP in the Record function of the Event Log.C I press the [CTRL] && [ACQ/ACT] button on the Control Unit.D I select [Record][Event Log] and [User Event] from the Instant Access bar and insertthe observation in the Record User Event window.<Cell>b39 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can record target ship's positions in the Voyage log automatically.B I can record a position fix manually by using just one distance and one bearing.C I can playback my past voyage track on the charts.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart and Notes to a FURUNO GPS for display onthe GPS.40 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can record my position manually on the ENCs.B I can set the ECDIS to automatically choosing a Safety Contour based on my settingof Ship's maximum draft.C I can set Ship's maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in the chartswhere there is not sufficient air draft.D I can send a copy of my Route Plan to an AIS target as a Safety Message.41Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can play back my ship's past track on the ECDIS.B I can record my position manually on the RNCs.C I can create Notes from my Voyage Log to document a voyage on the charts.D I can set the ECDIS to include engine log information into the Voyage logautomatically.<Cell>b<Cell>142How do you document your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I use my paper Logbook as documentation.B I use my paper Logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentation.C I use the tracking function in the symbol display.D I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts.—43 Which operation can you perform during a voyage?A I can use the Event function to record special events in the Event Log.B I can create a User Chart from the Alert Log and save it to a USB memory device.C I can create a User Chart from the Chart Usage Log and save it to a USB memorydevice.D I can create a User Chart from the Voyage Log and save it to a USB memory device.44Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A I can use the Event function to record special events in the Details Log.B I can view and print a copy of the Voyage Log.C I can create a backup copy of Own Ship's past track (120 minutes max.) on a USBmemory device and keep the copy in a safe location for future reference.D I can reset the Chart Usage Log after creating a backup copy.45Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A I can use the Record function to record special events in the Voyage Log.B I can create and save a screen shot for future reference.C I can view and print a copy of the Details Log.D I can connect the ECDIS to the Internet and upload all documentation to an externalstorage.46Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyage?A I can add additional records of manual positions to the Voyage Log adding furtherdetail to the past Voyage.B I can create a User Chart from the monitored Route Plan and save it to a USB memorydevice.C I can create a backup copy of the Voyage log on a USB memory device.D I can view and print a copy of the Chart Usage Log.47Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A Danger Targets LogB Engine LogC Speed LogD GPS Log48 Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A AIS LogB Engine LogC Voyage LogD RADAR Log49Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A Gyro LogB Engine LogC Ship's LogD Details Log50How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the Logs?A By opening the Voyage Log and entering the current position.B By right clicking on own ship icon on the user interface.C By pressing the Record button on the Control Unit.—D By using the record position event function of the Event Log.51What is a Manual Update?A A Manual update is an update applied using the Manual function in Load && UpdateCharts.B A Manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from informationreceived from the Pilot - a Navtex message - a VHF broadcast etc.C A Manual update is an update applied to the charts by an official representativeof the chart producer.D A Manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of the FURUNO ECDIS.52How do you delete a specific object added using the Manual Update function?A I select Clear in the Manual Update window.B I use the Delete function in the File Export tool.C I right click on the object and use the Manual Update window to delete it.D I set the View Until date for the Manual Update two months back in time.53How do you modify an existing Manual Update object?A I use the ENC tab of the Chart Maintenance function.B I use the Mariner tab of the Symbol Display function.C I cannot modify a Manual Update - only delete it.D I use the List tab of Manual Update tool function.54How can you see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates?A The Manual Update will be larger than any other chart objects.B It is always shown in red.C It will have a special orange marker.D There is no way I can see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates.55Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDIS?A Blue ENC symbolsB Standard ENC symbolsC Orange ENC symbolsD Red ENC symbols56 Where can Manual Updates be displayed?A Only on ENCsB Only on RNCsC Only on Vector chartsD On all types of charts in the ECDIS57 Where can you find a list of the Manual Updates that have been applied to the Furuno ECDIS?A In the Chart LegendB In the Manual Update WindowC In the Chart CatalogueD In the Chart Display menu58How do you hide (not delete) a Manual Update object?A I select Clear from the Manual Updates menu.B I select Undo Last from the Manual Updates menu.C I deselect that general type of chart object in the Chart Display dialogue.—D I deselect the option from the Symbol Display dialogue.59Which Manual Update objects can be hidden from view by operator selection?A Only the Manual Updates Special Areas (from the Chart Display dialogue)B All manual Updates objects(from the Chart Display dialogue)C Only the Manual Updates Buoys (from the Chart Display dialogue)D Only the Manual Updates Soundings (from the Chart Display dialogue)60 Can you create a Manual Update from an AIS Safety Message shown on the ECDIS?A Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No61Can you create a Manual Update from a Navtex Message shown on the ECDIS?A Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No62Where do you change the visibility of your Monitored route?A In Chart LegendB In Symbol DisplayC In Chart DisplayD In Chart Catalogue63Where can you update the ENCs?A In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)B In the Update function of the Chart DisplayC In the Update function of the System SettingsD In the Update function of the Chart Legend64Where can you update the RNCs on the Furuno ECDIS?A In the Update function of the MenuB In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)C In the Update function of the Chart CatalogueD In the Update function of the Chart Legend65How do you update your vector charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the ENC Update CD?A I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I create a User Chart.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue.66How are regular T&Ps updated on the ECDIS?A T&&Ps must always be created as Manual Updates.B I create a Manual Update containing the T&&Ps using the Manual function in theLoad && Update function of the Chart Menu.C Most T&&Ps are included in the weekly update CD and these are updated automaticallytogether with the other updates on the CD.D I cannot update T&&Ps on the FURUNO ECDIS.67How do you update your raster charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the RNC Update CD?—A I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I cannot update the raster charts using an RNC update CD.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue.68How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating?A The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs automatically.B I must use the conversion tool from the Menu.C I cannot convert ENCs into SENCs.D I load the new Permit file using the file named ENC.PMT and then I use the S52Presentation Library from the System menu in the Chart Menu to convert the ENCsinto SENCs.69What is the recommended loading sequence when you receive new charts - updates and permits?A There is no recommended sequence.B #1:Base CDs #2:Update CD #3:PermitC #1:Permit #2:Update CD #3:Base CDsD #1:Permit #2:Base CDs #3:Update CD70How do you select which User Chart to monitor?A By linking it to the monitored Route Plan in the route planning tool.B By clicking Display - User Chart in the Quick Access Bar.D By left clicking on the chart area.71Where can you enter informative notes on Pilot data (VHF channels etc.) to be used during monitoring in the FURUNO ECDIS?A In the Voyage LogB In the Pilot DataC In the User Event functionD In the User Chart72How do you enter informative notes in the User Chart?A I select Note as an option for the Area Line or Circle where the information shouldbe displayed.B I select Note as an option for the Tidal Label or Clearing Line where the informationshould be displayed.C I select User Chart from the Main menu and then I select Plan and enter the noteto be displayed.D I left click on Route in the Quick Access Bar and then I select Monitor.73How do you change the User Chart being used for monitoring?A I move the monitored route plan to planning mode and edit the Linked User Chartsetting.B I select a different user chart from the Menu to monitor.C I select User Chart from the Planning sidebar and then I select Monitor for thedesired user chart.D I left click on User Chart in the Status Bar and then I select Plan.74Can you move your User Chart from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A No—B Yes but only by using the harmonization process.C Yes by using the Export/Import tool in the Settings function of the Status Bar.D Yes but only to an ECDIS with the exact same software version number.75Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Tidal ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report76Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB Line ReportC System reportD Detailed report77Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB System reportC Clearing Line ReportD Detailed report78Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB System reportC Detailed reportD Area Report79 Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Circle ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report80Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Label ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report81Where can you display your planned or monitored User Chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A Only on official chartsB On all chartsC Only on vector chartsD Only on raster charts82How can you verify which User Chart is being monitored?A The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the top right corner of the ECDISscreen.B The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the Information Sidebar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inPlan mode.—D By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inNavi mode.83What is the name of category of charts generated by the user to draw up contingencyareas - No Go areas - clearing lines etc.?A Private ChartB Pilot DataC User ChartD Non HO Chart84How do you open the User Chart planning tool?A I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Planmode.B I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Navimode.C I Select Manual Update from the Menu in Charts mode.D I left click on User Chart in the Information sidebar - then I select Plan.85Can you edit the User Chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode?A YesB Only if the User Chart is not linked to a route plan.C Yes if the User Chart contains no Tidal information.D No86What is a Point in the User Chart?A A point is used to create a Manual Update from a chart object.B A point is used to denote/highlight the position of a chart object with the UserChart.C A point is the end of a User Chart.D A point is used to connect the User Chart with a route plan.87 Can you copy your Manual Updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A NoB >Yes - by using the Backup and Restore dialogue to transfer the Manual Updatesto a USB.C Yes - by sending the Manual updates via an email.D No - but I can transfer them to another manufacturer's type of ECDIS.88 When do you use a Manual Update?A Always when I have to update my charts.B When I receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is notyet included in the official weekly updates.C I should never use Manual Updates.D >When I have to update the software of the ECDIS.89 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are requiredto do so by Notices To Mariners?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.—D I use the Chart Edit function.90 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are requiredto do so by a Navtex message?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.91 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are requiredto do so by information received via VHF broadcast?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.92 How can you verify which route is being monitored?A The name of the route will be displayed on my own ship vector.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Route Information box.C By right clicking on own ship icon.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.93 How can you verify which route is being monitored?A By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inPlan mode.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Status Bar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inNavi mode.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.94 Can you monitor a route even though it indicates an active Alert when you have completedthe Route Plan Check?A Yes - the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be an Impossible Turnmessage in the WPT tab.B Yes - if I enter the Service Safety Password.C NoD It depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety Contour - Restricted Area - CautionArea etc.).95 What should you remember to set up before planning a route?A The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenu.C The Conning Display in Installation Parameters.D The Chart Viewing Dates96 What should you remember to set up first when planning a route?A The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenuC The Safety Contour in the route planning tool—D The Radar overlay97 How do you save your route to the Hard Disc Drive when it has been edited?A I don't. The route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changesare applied.B I click on Save or Save As in the Route Planning tool.C I select Save in the Backup and Restore dialogue.D I click New in the Route Planning tool.98 How do you start the route planning tool?A I press Plan on the Control Unit.B I click on the Route icon in the Status bar.C I select Route Plan from the Menu dialogue.D I click on Route in the Quick Access bar.99 Can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in Chart mode?A Yes if I open the Menu dialogue first.B Yes if I right click on the chart and select Event.C Yes if I select Plan in the Chart Catalogue.D No100 Where do you set up the Safety Contour used for planning your route?A On the Parameters tab of the Route Planning tool.B In Chart DisplayC In Chart Alert settingsD In Own Ship settings101 Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route plan?A Yes in the Ship and Route parameters of the Menu.B Yes in Chart Display.C Yes in Optimization parameters.D Yes in the route planning tool.102 Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A NoB Yes but only if I have two ECDIS.C Yes the route planning function is independent from the route monitoring function.D Yes but I must select the same Safety Contour for both route plans.103 Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring function?A NoB Yes but I must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interferingwith the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDIS.C Yes if I create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the fileon a normal office PC.D Yes if I select Copy from monitor in the Route plan menu and edit the copy. Whencopying is completed I select-Exchange with monitor in the Route Plan menu.104 Which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any RADAR for display on the RADAR.B I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any AIS for display on the AIS.C I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any GPS for display on the GPS.—D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to a FURUNO RADAR for display on the RADAR.105 Where can you change the setting of the Safety Contour which is used during planningof a route?A Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart AlertD In the route planning tool.106 Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoring?A Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart Alert.D In the route planning tool.107 Where do you control the Safety Contour displayed on the Charts on the FURUNO ECDIS?A In Chart AlertB In the route planning tool - on the Alerts tabC In Chart DisplayD No where - it is set up automatically108 What is Kalman filter in the FURUNO ECDIS?A The Kalman Filter is a noise filter which improves the precision of the charts.B The Kalman filter is a filter which reduces the time it takes for the ECDIS tostart up.C The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the status and validityof the navigation sensor inputs.D The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the connection to theRADAR GPS and AIS.109 Which of these settings generate an alarm from the Chart Alert setting?A Shallow ContourB Safety DepthC Safety ContourD Deep Contour110 Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route Parameters?A Gyro ErrorB Safety ContourC Notes alarm timesD Ship's minimum speed111 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route Parameters?A Chart alignmentB Safety ContourC Maximum rate of turnD Safety depth112 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route Parameters?A Position offsetB Safety ContourC Alarm volume。
1.What does the alert number 820 indicate?A. AIS lostB. TT lostC. Navtex message receivedD. Cross track alarm2. What does the alert number 450 indicate?A. Route: Illegal To WPTB. RADAR comm. ErrorC. LAN adapter version errorD. Heading sensor not available3. What does the alert number 495 indicate?A. Anchor watch errorB. Track control stoppedC. Steering parameter errorD. Filter: Init.4. What does the alert number 380 indicate?A. Route: File read errorB. User chart: File not foundC. AIS COM errorD. User chart: File read error5. What does the alert number 635 indicate?A. No official dataB. Log errorC. Dual axis log (WT) errorD. Dual axis log (BT) error6. What does the alert number 640 indicate?A. Datum mismatchB. Chart align: Over 30 min.C. RADAR antenna ID errorD. Gyro error (Trackpilot)7. What does the alert number 031 indicate?A. Sensor adapter 1 COM timeoutB. Sensor adapter 2 COM timeoutC. Sensor adapter 3 COM timeoutD. Sensor adapter 4 COM timeout8. What does the alert number 257 indicate?A. Heading sensor not availableB. Prg track: Need higher speedC. Prg track: Use radius CtrlD. Gyro 3 COM error9. What does the alert number 470 indicate?A. WGS 84 not usedB. Different geodetic datumC. Sentence syntax errorD. Datum change10. Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layers?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Basic Setting11. Where do you set the Safety Depth?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display12. Where do you set the Shallow Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display13.Where do you set the Deep Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display14.Where do you set the Safety Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display15. Where do you set the Shallow Pattern?A. In Chart DisplayB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Catalogue16. Where do you control the AIO?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Chart Catalogue17.Where do you select the color Palette used to display the charts?A. In Chart LegendB. In Chart DisplayC. In Quick Access BarD. In Chart Catalogue18.Where do you switch between Multicolor and Two Color settings for the charts?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Display19. When an ENC is outlined in Green in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. License is not available or has expired.20. When an ENC is outlined in Orange in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.21. When an ENC is outlined in Magenta in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-dateC. License is available - chart not installedD. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.22. When an ENC is outlined in Yellow in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired.23. When an ENC is outlined in Red in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired24. When an ENC is outlined in Blue in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.25. Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDD?A. On the Internet.B. The Chief Officer will know.C. In the chart catalogue.D. In the Chart Display menu.26. How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENC?A. There is an "ENC Data available" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.B. There is an "RNC data" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.C. The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if I am not viewing an ENC.D. There is no special indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.27. Where do you find information on Magnetic Variation in the ENCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A. In Chart DisplayB In Chart CatalogueC In Chart AlertD In Chart Legend28. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A Magnetic VariationB Base CD numberC Permit expiration dateD Safety Contour setting29. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A T&&P NoticesB NameC WarningsD Safety Contour setting30. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A Notices To MarinersB Presentation Library edition numberC Chart edition && Update dateD Safety Contour setting31. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Magnetic VariationB Safety Contour settingC Quality of dataD T&&P Notice32.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Horizontal datumB Safety DepthC User Permit numberD License number33.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Shallow ContourB Chart NameC Chart Viewing dateD Deep Contour34. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Edition numberB Last displayed updateC Edition dateD Update issue date35. How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I select Raster chart in the Main menu.B I select RNC in the Chart Legend.C I select Raster chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select RNC in the Chart Catalogue.36. How do you switch from Raster chart to Vector chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I select ENC in the Main menu.B I select Vector chart in the Chart Legend.C I select Vector chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select Vector chart in the Chart Catalogue.37.How do you get information on an ENC object (Buoy - Beacon - Berth etc.) on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I right click on the User Chart function in the route planning tool.B I click on the Chart Info in the Instant Access Bar.C I center click on the object.D I right click on the object.38 How do you record Own Ship's position on the ECDIS charts when you have a Range/Bearing observation from your RADAR?A I cannot record own ship's position manually on the FURUNO ECDIS.B I record LOP in the Record function of the Event Log.C I press the [CTRL] && [ACQ/ACT] button on the Control Unit.D I select [Record][Event Log] and [User Event] from the Instant Access bar and insertthe observation in the Record User Event window.<Cell>b39 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can record target ship's positions in the Voyage log automatically.B I can record a position fix manually by using just one distance and one bearing.C I can playback my past voyage track on the charts.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart and Notes to a FURUNO GPS for display onthe GPS.40 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can record my position manually on the ENCs.B I can set the ECDIS to automatically choosing a Safety Contour based on my settingof Ship's maximum draft.C I can set Ship's maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in the chartswhere there is not sufficient air draft.D I can send a copy of my Route Plan to an AIS target as a Safety Message.41Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can play back my ship's past track on the ECDIS.B I can record my position manually on the RNCs.C I can create Notes from my Voyage Log to document a voyage on the charts.D I can set the ECDIS to include engine log information into the Voyage logautomatically.<Cell>b<Cell>142How do you document your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I use my paper Logbook as documentation.B I use my paper Logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentation.C I use the tracking function in the symbol display.D I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts.43 Which operation can you perform during a voyage?A I can use the Event function to record special events in the Event Log.B I can create a User Chart from the Alert Log and save it to a USB memory device.C I can create a User Chart from the Chart Usage Log and save it to a USB memorydevice.D I can create a User Chart from the Voyage Log and save it to a USB memory device. 44Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A I can use the Event function to record special events in the Details Log.B I can view and print a copy of the Voyage Log.C I can create a backup copy of Own Ship's past track (120 minutes max.) on a USBmemory device and keep the copy in a safe location for future reference.D I can reset the Chart Usage Log after creating a backup copy.45Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A I can use the Record function to record special events in the Voyage Log.B I can create and save a screen shot for future reference.C I can view and print a copy of the Details Log.D I can connect the ECDIS to the Internet and upload all documentation to an externalstorage.46Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyage?A I can add additional records of manual positions to the Voyage Log adding furtherdetail to the past Voyage.B I can create a User Chart from the monitored Route Plan and save it to a USB memorydevice.C I can create a backup copy of the Voyage log on a USB memory device.D I can view and print a copy of the Chart Usage Log.47Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A Danger Targets LogB Engine LogC Speed LogD GPS Log48 Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A AIS LogB Engine LogC Voyage LogD RADAR Log49Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A Gyro LogB Engine LogC Ship's LogD Details Log50How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the Logs?A By opening the Voyage Log and entering the current position.B By right clicking on own ship icon on the user interface.C By pressing the Record button on the Control Unit.D By using the record position event function of the Event Log.51What is a Manual Update?A A Manual update is an update applied using the Manual function in Load && UpdateCharts.B A Manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from informationreceived from the Pilot - a Navtex message - a VHF broadcast etc.C A Manual update is an update applied to the charts by an official representativeof the chart producer.D A Manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of the FURUNO ECDIS. 52How do you delete a specific object added using the Manual Update function?A I select Clear in the Manual Update window.B I use the Delete function in the File Export tool.C I right click on the object and use the Manual Update window to delete it.D I set the View Until date for the Manual Update two months back in time.53How do you modify an existing Manual Update object?A I use the ENC tab of the Chart Maintenance function.B I use the Mariner tab of the Symbol Display function.C I cannot modify a Manual Update - only delete it.D I use the List tab of Manual Update tool function.54How can you see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates?A The Manual Update will be larger than any other chart objects.B It is always shown in red.C It will have a special orange marker.D There is no way I can see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates.55Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDIS?A Blue ENC symbolsB Standard ENC symbolsC Orange ENC symbolsD Red ENC symbols56 Where can Manual Updates be displayed?A Only on ENCsB Only on RNCsC Only on Vector chartsD On all types of charts in the ECDIS57 Where can you find a list of the Manual Updates that have been applied to the Furuno ECDIS?A In the Chart LegendB In the Manual Update WindowC In the Chart CatalogueD In the Chart Display menu58How do you hide (not delete) a Manual Update object?A I select Clear from the Manual Updates menu.B I select Undo Last from the Manual Updates menu.C I deselect that general type of chart object in the Chart Display dialogue.D I deselect the option from the Symbol Display dialogue.59Which Manual Update objects can be hidden from view by operator selection?A Only the Manual Updates Special Areas (from the Chart Display dialogue)B All manual Updates objects(from the Chart Display dialogue)C Only the Manual Updates Buoys (from the Chart Display dialogue)D Only the Manual Updates Soundings (from the Chart Display dialogue)60 Can you create a Manual Update from an AIS Safety Message shown on the ECDIS?A Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No61Can you create a Manual Update from a Navtex Message shown on the ECDIS?A Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No62Where do you change the visibility of your Monitored route?A In Chart LegendB In Symbol DisplayC In Chart DisplayD In Chart Catalogue63Where can you update the ENCs?A In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)B In the Update function of the Chart DisplayC In the Update function of the System SettingsD In the Update function of the Chart Legend64Where can you update the RNCs on the Furuno ECDIS?A In the Update function of the MenuB In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)C In the Update function of the Chart CatalogueD In the Update function of the Chart Legend65How do you update your vector charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the ENC Update CD?A I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I create a User Chart.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue. 66How are regular T&Ps updated on the ECDIS?A T&&Ps must always be created as Manual Updates.B I create a Manual Update containing the T&&Ps using the Manual function in theLoad && Update function of the Chart Menu.C Most T&&Ps are included in the weekly update CD and these are updated automaticallytogether with the other updates on the CD.D I cannot update T&&Ps on the FURUNO ECDIS.67How do you update your raster charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the RNC Update CD?A I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I cannot update the raster charts using an RNC update CD.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue. 68How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating?A The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs automatically.B I must use the conversion tool from the Menu.C I cannot convert ENCs into SENCs.D I load the new Permit file using the file named ENC.PMT and then I use the S52Presentation Library from the System menu in the Chart Menu to convert the ENCsinto SENCs.69What is the recommended loading sequence when you receive new charts - updates and permits?A There is no recommended sequence.B #1:Base CDs #2:Update CD #3:PermitC #1:Permit #2:Update CD #3:Base CDsD #1:Permit #2:Base CDs #3:Update CD70How do you select which User Chart to monitor?A By linking it to the monitored Route Plan in the route planning tool.B By clicking Display - User Chart in the Quick Access Bar.D By left clicking on the chart area.71Where can you enter informative notes on Pilot data (VHF channels etc.) to be used during monitoring in the FURUNO ECDIS?A In the Voyage LogB In the Pilot DataC In the User Event functionD In the User Chart72How do you enter informative notes in the User Chart?A I select Note as an option for the Area Line or Circle where the information shouldbe displayed.B I select Note as an option for the Tidal Label or Clearing Line where the informationshould be displayed.C I select User Chart from the Main menu and then I select Plan and enter the noteto be displayed.D I left click on Route in the Quick Access Bar and then I select Monitor.73How do you change the User Chart being used for monitoring?A I move the monitored route plan to planning mode and edit the Linked User Chartsetting.B I select a different user chart from the Menu to monitor.C I select User Chart from the Planning sidebar and then I select Monitor for thedesired user chart.D I left click on User Chart in the Status Bar and then I select Plan.74Can you move your User Chart from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A NoB Yes but only by using the harmonization process.C Yes by using the Export/Import tool in the Settings function of the Status Bar.D Yes but only to an ECDIS with the exact same software version number.75Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Tidal ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report76Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB Line ReportC System reportD Detailed report77Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB System reportC Clearing Line ReportD Detailed report78Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB System reportC Detailed reportD Area Report79 Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Circle ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report80Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Label ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report81Where can you display your planned or monitored User Chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A Only on official chartsB On all chartsC Only on vector chartsD Only on raster charts82How can you verify which User Chart is being monitored?A The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the top right corner of the ECDISscreen.B The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the Information Sidebar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inPlan mode.D By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inNavi mode.83What is the name of category of charts generated by the user to draw up contingency areas - No Go areas - clearing lines etc.?A Private ChartB Pilot DataC User ChartD Non HO Chart84How do you open the User Chart planning tool?A I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Planmode.B I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Navimode.C I Select Manual Update from the Menu in Charts mode.D I left click on User Chart in the Information sidebar - then I select Plan.85Can you edit the User Chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode?A YesB Only if the User Chart is not linked to a route plan.C Yes if the User Chart contains no Tidal information.D No86What is a Point in the User Chart?A A point is used to create a Manual Update from a chart object.B A point is used to denote/highlight the position of a chart object with the UserChart.C A point is the end of a User Chart.D A point is used to connect the User Chart with a route plan.87 Can you copy your Manual Updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A NoB >Yes - by using the Backup and Restore dialogue to transfer the Manual Updatesto a USB.C Yes - by sending the Manual updates via an email.D No - but I can transfer them to another manufacturer's type of ECDIS.88 When do you use a Manual Update?A Always when I have to update my charts.B When I receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is notyet included in the official weekly updates.C I should never use Manual Updates.D >When I have to update the software of the ECDIS.89 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by Notices To Mariners?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.90 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by a Navtex message?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.91 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by information received via VHF broadcast?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.92 How can you verify which route is being monitored?A The name of the route will be displayed on my own ship vector.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Route Information box.C By right clicking on own ship icon.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.93 How can you verify which route is being monitored?A By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inPlan mode.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Status Bar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inNavi mode.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.94 Can you monitor a route even though it indicates an active Alert when you have completed the Route Plan Check?A Yes - the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be an Impossible Turnmessage in the WPT tab.B Yes - if I enter the Service Safety Password.C NoD It depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety Contour - Restricted Area - CautionArea etc.).95 What should you remember to set up before planning a route?A The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenu.C The Conning Display in Installation Parameters.D The Chart Viewing Dates96 What should you remember to set up first when planning a route?A The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenuC The Safety Contour in the route planning toolD The Radar overlay97 How do you save your route to the Hard Disc Drive when it has been edited?A I don't. The route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changesare applied.B I click on Save or Save As in the Route Planning tool.C I select Save in the Backup and Restore dialogue.D I click New in the Route Planning tool.98 How do you start the route planning tool?A I press Plan on the Control Unit.B I click on the Route icon in the Status bar.C I select Route Plan from the Menu dialogue.D I click on Route in the Quick Access bar.99 Can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in Chart mode?A Yes if I open the Menu dialogue first.B Yes if I right click on the chart and select Event.C Yes if I select Plan in the Chart Catalogue.D No100 Where do you set up the Safety Contour used for planning your route?A On the Parameters tab of the Route Planning tool.B In Chart DisplayC In Chart Alert settingsD In Own Ship settings101 Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route plan?A Yes in the Ship and Route parameters of the Menu.B Yes in Chart Display.C Yes in Optimization parameters.D Yes in the route planning tool.102 Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A NoB Yes but only if I have two ECDIS.C Yes the route planning function is independent from the route monitoring function.D Yes but I must select the same Safety Contour for both route plans.103 Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring function?A NoB Yes but I must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interferingwith the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDIS.C Yes if I create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the fileon a normal office PC.D Yes if I select Copy from monitor in the Route plan menu and edit the copy. Whencopying is completed I select-Exchange with monitor in the Route Plan menu. 104 Which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any RADAR for display on the RADAR.B I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any AIS for display on the AIS.C I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any GPS for display on the GPS.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to a FURUNO RADAR for display on the RADAR.105 Where can you change the setting of the Safety Contour which is used during planning of a route?A Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart AlertD In the route planning tool.106 Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoring?A Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart Alert.D In the route planning tool.107 Where do you control the Safety Contour displayed on the Charts on the FURUNO ECDIS?A In Chart AlertB In the route planning tool - on the Alerts tabC In Chart DisplayD No where - it is set up automatically108 What is Kalman filter in the FURUNO ECDIS?A The Kalman Filter is a noise filter which improves the precision of the charts.B The Kalman filter is a filter which reduces the time it takes for the ECDIS tostart up.C The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the status and validityof the navigation sensor inputs.D The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the connection to theRADAR GPS and AIS.109 Which of these settings generate an alarm from the Chart Alert setting?A Shallow ContourB Safety DepthC Safety ContourD Deep Contour110 Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route Parameters?A Gyro ErrorB Safety ContourC Notes alarm timesD Ship's minimum speed111 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route Parameters?A Chart alignmentB Safety ContourC Maximum rate of turnD Safety depth112 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route Parameters?A Position offsetB Safety ContourC Alarm volumeD Ship's maximum speed。
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C. GPS接收器
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FURUNO 电子海图 完整题库
1.What does the alert number 820 indicate?A. AIS lostB. TT lostC. Navtex message receivedD. Cross track alarm2. What does the alert number 450 indicate?A. Route: Illegal To WPTB. RADAR comm. ErrorC. LAN adapter version errorD. Heading sensor not available3. What does the alert number 495 indicate?A. Anchor watch errorB. Track control stoppedC. Steering parameter errorD. Filter: Init.4. What does the alert number 380 indicate?A. Route: File read errorB. User chart: File not foundC. AIS COM errorD. User chart: File read error5. What does the alert number 635 indicate?A. No official dataB. Log errorC. Dual axis log (WT) errorD. Dual axis log (BT) error6. What does the alert number 640 indicate?A. Datum mismatchB. Chart align: Over 30 min.C. RADAR antenna ID errorD. Gyro error (Trackpilot)7. What does the alert number 031 indicate?A. Sensor adapter 1 COM timeoutB. Sensor adapter 2 COM timeoutC. Sensor adapter 3 COM timeoutD. Sensor adapter 4 COM timeout8. What does the alert number 257 indicate?A. Heading sensor not availableB. Prg track: Need higher speedC. Prg track: Use radius CtrlD. Gyro 3 COM error9. What does the alert number 470 indicate?A. WGS 84 not usedB. Different geodetic datumC. Sentence syntax errorD. Datum change10. Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layers?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Basic Setting11. Where do you set the Safety Depth?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display12. Where do you set the Shallow Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display13.Where do you set the Deep Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display14.Where do you set the Safety Contour?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display15. Where do you set the Shallow Pattern?A. In Chart DisplayB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Catalogue16. Where do you control the AIO?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Chart Catalogue17.Where do you select the color Palette used to display the charts?A. In Chart LegendB. In Chart DisplayC. In Quick Access BarD. In Chart Catalogue18.Where do you switch between Multicolor and Two Color settings for the charts?A. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Display19. When an ENC is outlined in Green in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. License is not available or has expired.20. When an ENC is outlined in Orange in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.21. When an ENC is outlined in Magenta in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-dateC. License is available - chart not installedD. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.22. When an ENC is outlined in Yellow in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired.23. When an ENC is outlined in Red in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has expired24. When an ENC is outlined in Blue in the Chart Catalogue - it means?A. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.25. Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDD?A. On the Internet.B. The Chief Officer will know.C. In the chart catalogue.D. In the Chart Display menu.26. How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENC?A. There is an "ENC Data available" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.B. There is an "RNC data" indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.C. The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if I am not viewing an ENC.D. There is no special indication in the Own Ship Functions Box.27. Where do you find information on Magnetic Variation in the ENCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A. In Chart DisplayB In Chart CatalogueC In Chart AlertD In Chart Legend28. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A Magnetic VariationB Base CD numberC Permit expiration dateD Safety Contour setting29. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A T&&P NoticesB NameC WarningsD Safety Contour setting30. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A Notices To MarinersB Presentation Library edition numberC Chart edition && Update dateD Safety Contour setting31. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Magnetic VariationB Safety Contour settingC Quality of dataD T&&P Notice32.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Horizontal datumB Safety DepthC User Permit numberD License number33.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Shallow ContourB Chart NameC Chart Viewing dateD Deep Contour34. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A Edition numberB Last displayed updateC Edition dateD Update issue date35. How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I select Raster chart in the Main menu.B I select RNC in the Chart Legend.C I select Raster chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select RNC in the Chart Catalogue.36. How do you switch from Raster chart to Vector chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I select ENC in the Main menu.B I select Vector chart in the Chart Legend.C I select Vector chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select Vector chart in the Chart Catalogue.37.How do you get information on an ENC object (Buoy - Beacon - Berth etc.) on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I right click on the User Chart function in the route planning tool.B I click on the Chart Info in the Instant Access Bar.C I center click on the object.D I right click on the object.38 How do you record Own Ship's position on the ECDIS charts when you have a Range/Bearing observation from your RADAR?A I cannot record own ship's position manually on the FURUNO ECDIS.B I record LOP in the Record function of the Event Log.C I press the [CTRL] && [ACQ/ACT] button on the Control Unit.D I select [Record][Event Log] and [User Event] from the Instant Access bar and insertthe observation in the Record User Event window.<Cell>b39 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can record target ship's positions in the Voyage log automatically.B I can record a position fix manually by using just one distance and one bearing.C I can playback my past voyage track on the charts.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart and Notes to a FURUNO GPS for display onthe GPS.40 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can record my position manually on the ENCs.B I can set the ECDIS to automatically choosing a Safety Contour based on my settingof Ship's maximum draft.C I can set Ship's maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in the chartswhere there is not sufficient air draft.D I can send a copy of my Route Plan to an AIS target as a Safety Message.41Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can play back my ship's past track on the ECDIS.B I can record my position manually on the RNCs.C I can create Notes from my Voyage Log to document a voyage on the charts.D I can set the ECDIS to include engine log information into the Voyage logautomatically.<Cell>b<Cell>142How do you document your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDIS?A I use my paper Logbook as documentation.B I use my paper Logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentation.C I use the tracking function in the symbol display.D I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts.43 Which operation can you perform during a voyage?A I can use the Event function to record special events in the Event Log.B I can create a User Chart from the Alert Log and save it to a USB memory device.C I can create a User Chart from the Chart Usage Log and save it to a USB memorydevice.D I can create a User Chart from the Voyage Log and save it to a USB memory device. 44Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A I can use the Event function to record special events in the Details Log.B I can view and print a copy of the Voyage Log.C I can create a backup copy of Own Ship's past track (120 minutes max.) on a USBmemory device and keep the copy in a safe location for future reference.D I can reset the Chart Usage Log after creating a backup copy.45Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A I can use the Record function to record special events in the Voyage Log.B I can create and save a screen shot for future reference.C I can view and print a copy of the Details Log.D I can connect the ECDIS to the Internet and upload all documentation to an externalstorage.46Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyage?A I can add additional records of manual positions to the Voyage Log adding furtherdetail to the past Voyage.B I can create a User Chart from the monitored Route Plan and save it to a USB memorydevice.C I can create a backup copy of the Voyage log on a USB memory device.D I can view and print a copy of the Chart Usage Log.47Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A Danger Targets LogB Engine LogC Speed LogD GPS Log48 Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A AIS LogB Engine LogC Voyage LogD RADAR Log49Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A Gyro LogB Engine LogC Ship's LogD Details Log50How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the Logs?A By opening the Voyage Log and entering the current position.B By right clicking on own ship icon on the user interface.C By pressing the Record button on the Control Unit.D By using the record position event function of the Event Log.51What is a Manual Update?A A Manual update is an update applied using the Manual function in Load && UpdateCharts.B A Manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from informationreceived from the Pilot - a Navtex message - a VHF broadcast etc.C A Manual update is an update applied to the charts by an official representativeof the chart producer.D A Manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of the FURUNO ECDIS. 52How do you delete a specific object added using the Manual Update function?A I select Clear in the Manual Update window.B I use the Delete function in the File Export tool.C I right click on the object and use the Manual Update window to delete it.D I set the View Until date for the Manual Update two months back in time.53How do you modify an existing Manual Update object?A I use the ENC tab of the Chart Maintenance function.B I use the Mariner tab of the Symbol Display function.C I cannot modify a Manual Update - only delete it.D I use the List tab of Manual Update tool function.54How can you see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates?A The Manual Update will be larger than any other chart objects.B It is always shown in red.C It will have a special orange marker.D There is no way I can see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates.55Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDIS?A Blue ENC symbolsB Standard ENC symbolsC Orange ENC symbolsD Red ENC symbols56 Where can Manual Updates be displayed?A Only on ENCsB Only on RNCsC Only on Vector chartsD On all types of charts in the ECDIS57 Where can you find a list of the Manual Updates that have been applied to the Furuno ECDIS?A In the Chart LegendB In the Manual Update WindowC In the Chart CatalogueD In the Chart Display menu58How do you hide (not delete) a Manual Update object?A I select Clear from the Manual Updates menu.B I select Undo Last from the Manual Updates menu.C I deselect that general type of chart object in the Chart Display dialogue.D I deselect the option from the Symbol Display dialogue.59Which Manual Update objects can be hidden from view by operator selection?A Only the Manual Updates Special Areas (from the Chart Display dialogue)B All manual Updates objects(from the Chart Display dialogue)C Only the Manual Updates Buoys (from the Chart Display dialogue)D Only the Manual Updates Soundings (from the Chart Display dialogue)60 Can you create a Manual Update from an AIS Safety Message shown on the ECDIS?A Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No61Can you create a Manual Update from a Navtex Message shown on the ECDIS?A Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No62Where do you change the visibility of your Monitored route?A In Chart LegendB In Symbol DisplayC In Chart DisplayD In Chart Catalogue63Where can you update the ENCs?A In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)B In the Update function of the Chart DisplayC In the Update function of the System SettingsD In the Update function of the Chart Legend64Where can you update the RNCs on the Furuno ECDIS?A In the Update function of the MenuB In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)C In the Update function of the Chart CatalogueD In the Update function of the Chart Legend65How do you update your vector charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the ENC Update CD?A I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I create a User Chart.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue. 66How are regular T&Ps updated on the ECDIS?A T&&Ps must always be created as Manual Updates.B I create a Manual Update containing the T&&Ps using the Manual function in theLoad && Update function of the Chart Menu.C Most T&&Ps are included in the weekly update CD and these are updated automaticallytogether with the other updates on the CD.D I cannot update T&&Ps on the FURUNO ECDIS.67How do you update your raster charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the RNC Update CD?A I use the AutoLoad function.B I create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I cannot update the raster charts using an RNC update CD.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue. 68How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating?A The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs automatically.B I must use the conversion tool from the Menu.C I cannot convert ENCs into SENCs.D I load the new Permit file using the file named ENC.PMT and then I use the S52Presentation Library from the System menu in the Chart Menu to convert the ENCsinto SENCs.69What is the recommended loading sequence when you receive new charts - updates and permits?A There is no recommended sequence.B #1:Base CDs #2:Update CD #3:PermitC #1:Permit #2:Update CD #3:Base CDsD #1:Permit #2:Base CDs #3:Update CD70How do you select which User Chart to monitor?A By linking it to the monitored Route Plan in the route planning tool.B By clicking Display - User Chart in the Quick Access Bar.D By left clicking on the chart area.71Where can you enter informative notes on Pilot data (VHF channels etc.) to be used during monitoring in the FURUNO ECDIS?A In the Voyage LogB In the Pilot DataC In the User Event functionD In the User Chart72How do you enter informative notes in the User Chart?A I select Note as an option for the Area Line or Circle where the information shouldbe displayed.B I select Note as an option for the Tidal Label or Clearing Line where the informationshould be displayed.C I select User Chart from the Main menu and then I select Plan and enter the noteto be displayed.D I left click on Route in the Quick Access Bar and then I select Monitor.73How do you change the User Chart being used for monitoring?A I move the monitored route plan to planning mode and edit the Linked User Chartsetting.B I select a different user chart from the Menu to monitor.C I select User Chart from the Planning sidebar and then I select Monitor for thedesired user chart.D I left click on User Chart in the Status Bar and then I select Plan.74Can you move your User Chart from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A NoB Yes but only by using the harmonization process.C Yes by using the Export/Import tool in the Settings function of the Status Bar.D Yes but only to an ECDIS with the exact same software version number.75Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Tidal ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report76Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB Line ReportC System reportD Detailed report77Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB System reportC Clearing Line ReportD Detailed report78Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Full reportB System reportC Detailed reportD Area Report79 Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Circle ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report80Which printing option is available for the User Chart?A Label ReportB Full reportC System reportD Detailed report81Where can you display your planned or monitored User Chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A Only on official chartsB On all chartsC Only on vector chartsD Only on raster charts82How can you verify which User Chart is being monitored?A The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the top right corner of the ECDISscreen.B The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the Information Sidebar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inPlan mode.D By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Bar when inNavi mode.83What is the name of category of charts generated by the user to draw up contingency areas - No Go areas - clearing lines etc.?A Private ChartB Pilot DataC User ChartD Non HO Chart84How do you open the User Chart planning tool?A I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Planmode.B I select "Planning" and then "User Chart" in the Quick Access bar when in Navimode.C I Select Manual Update from the Menu in Charts mode.D I left click on User Chart in the Information sidebar - then I select Plan.85Can you edit the User Chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode?A YesB Only if the User Chart is not linked to a route plan.C Yes if the User Chart contains no Tidal information.D No86What is a Point in the User Chart?A A point is used to create a Manual Update from a chart object.B A point is used to denote/highlight the position of a chart object with the UserChart.C A point is the end of a User Chart.D A point is used to connect the User Chart with a route plan.87 Can you copy your Manual Updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A NoB >Yes - by using the Backup and Restore dialogue to transfer the Manual Updatesto a USB.C Yes - by sending the Manual updates via an email.D No - but I can transfer them to another manufacturer's type of ECDIS.88 When do you use a Manual Update?A Always when I have to update my charts.B When I receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is notyet included in the official weekly updates.C I should never use Manual Updates.D >When I have to update the software of the ECDIS.89 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by Notices To Mariners?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.90 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by a Navtex message?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.91 How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by information received via VHF broadcast?A I cannot add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weeklyupdate CDs.B I use the Manual Updates function.C I use the User Chart function.D I use the Chart Edit function.92 How can you verify which route is being monitored?A The name of the route will be displayed on my own ship vector.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Route Information box.C By right clicking on own ship icon.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.93 How can you verify which route is being monitored?A By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inPlan mode.B The name of the route will be displayed in the Status Bar.C By clicking on "Route" and then on "Route Info" in the Quick Access Sidebar inNavi mode.D I cannot get information on the route which is being monitored.94 Can you monitor a route even though it indicates an active Alert when you have completed the Route Plan Check?A Yes - the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be an Impossible Turnmessage in the WPT tab.B Yes - if I enter the Service Safety Password.C NoD It depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety Contour - Restricted Area - CautionArea etc.).95 What should you remember to set up before planning a route?A The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenu.C The Conning Display in Installation Parameters.D The Chart Viewing Dates96 What should you remember to set up first when planning a route?A The settings for the Voyage LogB The Alarm Level in the Operation submenuC The Safety Contour in the route planning toolD The Radar overlay97 How do you save your route to the Hard Disc Drive when it has been edited?A I don't. The route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changesare applied.B I click on Save or Save As in the Route Planning tool.C I select Save in the Backup and Restore dialogue.D I click New in the Route Planning tool.98 How do you start the route planning tool?A I press Plan on the Control Unit.B I click on the Route icon in the Status bar.C I select Route Plan from the Menu dialogue.D I click on Route in the Quick Access bar.99 Can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in Chart mode?A Yes if I open the Menu dialogue first.B Yes if I right click on the chart and select Event.C Yes if I select Plan in the Chart Catalogue.D No100 Where do you set up the Safety Contour used for planning your route?A On the Parameters tab of the Route Planning tool.B In Chart DisplayC In Chart Alert settingsD In Own Ship settings101 Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route plan?A Yes in the Ship and Route parameters of the Menu.B Yes in Chart Display.C Yes in Optimization parameters.D Yes in the route planning tool.102 Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A NoB Yes but only if I have two ECDIS.C Yes the route planning function is independent from the route monitoring function.D Yes but I must select the same Safety Contour for both route plans.103 Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring function?A NoB Yes but I must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interferingwith the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDIS.C Yes if I create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the fileon a normal office PC.D Yes if I select Copy from monitor in the Route plan menu and edit the copy. Whencopying is completed I select-Exchange with monitor in the Route Plan menu. 104 Which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDIS?A I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any RADAR for display on the RADAR.B I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any AIS for display on the AIS.C I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to any GPS for display on the GPS.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart to a FURUNO RADAR for display on the RADAR. 105 Where can you change the setting of the Safety Contour which is used during planning of a route?A Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart AlertD In the route planning tool.106 Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoring?A Nowhere - because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.B In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service password.C In Chart Alert.D In the route planning tool.107 Where do you control the Safety Contour displayed on the Charts on the FURUNO ECDIS?A In Chart AlertB In the route planning tool - on the Alerts tabC In Chart DisplayD No where - it is set up automatically108 What is Kalman filter in the FURUNO ECDIS?A The Kalman Filter is a noise filter which improves the precision of the charts.B The Kalman filter is a filter which reduces the time it takes for the ECDIS tostart up.C The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the status and validityof the navigation sensor inputs.D The Kalman Filter is a filter which continuously monitors the connection to theRADAR GPS and AIS.109 Which of these settings generate an alarm from the Chart Alert setting?A Shallow ContourB Safety DepthC Safety ContourD Deep Contour110 Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route Parameters?A Gyro ErrorB Safety ContourC Notes alarm timesD Ship's minimum speed111 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route Parameters?A Chart alignmentB Safety ContourC Maximum rate of turnD Safety depth112 Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in Ship and Route Parameters?A Position offsetB Safety ContourC Alarm volume。
C. GPS接收器
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单选题(目前72个,未完待续)1.how do you get information on an ENC object(buoy-beacon-berth etc)on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I right click on the use chart function in the route planning tool.B.I click on the chart info in the instant access batC.I enter click on the object.D.I right click on the object估计答案:D正确答案:2.where can you find a list of the manual updates that have been applied to the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the chart legendB.In the manual update windowC.In the chart catalogueD.In the chart display menu估计答案:B正确答案:3.how can you see if a chart object i cteated using manual updates?A.the manual update will be larger than any other chart objectsB.It is always shown in redC.It will have a special orange markerD.There is no way i can see if a chart object is created using manual updates估计答案:C正确答案:4.How do you add navigation chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are require to do so by notices to mariners?A.i can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they are included in the weekly updateB.I use the manual update functionC.I use the user chart functionD.I use the chart edit function估计答案:我估计选B 老大选D正确答案:5.how can you verity which route is being monitored?A.by clicking on the “route”and then on “route info”in the quickaccess sidebar in Plan modeB.The mame of the route will be displayed in the status barC.By clicking on “route”and then on “route info” in the quick access sidebar in Navi modeD.I can not get information on the route which is being monitored 估计答案:C正确答案:C6.where do you switch between multicolor and two color setting for the chart?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In basic settingD.In chart display估计答案:C 网上选C正确答案:C7.what should you remember to set up first when planning a route?A.the setting for the voyage logB.The alarm level in the operation submenuC.The safety contour in the route planing toolD.The radar overlay估计答案:C正确答案:C8.Which ECDIS setting is adjusted in ship and route parameters?A.chart alignment 排列图B.Safety contourC.Maximum rate of turn(MAX.R.O.T)D.Safety depth估计答案:C正确答案:C9.When do you use a manual update?A.always when i have to update my chartsB.When i receive information which must be displayed on my ECDIS and this is not yet included in the official weekly updatesC.I should never use manual updatesD.When i have to update the software of the ECDIS估计答案:B正确答案:10.How do you hide(not delete) a manual update objetc?A.i select clear from the manual update menuB.I select undo last from the manual update menuC.I deselect that general type of chart object in the chart display dialogueD.I deselect the option from the symbol display dialogue估计答案:A正确答案:11.Can you create a manual update from an AIS safety message shown on the ECDIS?A.yes-by manually creating the objectB.Yes-by letting the ECDIS creat the object antomaticallyC.Yes-either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automaticallyD.No估计答案:A正确答案:12.which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A.gyro logB.Engine logC.Ship’s logD.Details log估计答案:D正确答案:D13.How do you update your vector charts on the FURUNO ECDIS using the ENC update CD?A.i use the autoload functionB.I cteate a manual update from the information on the CDC.I creat a user chartD.I import the information using the chart details function in the chart catalogue估计答案:A正确答案:14.can you edit the user chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode?A.YesB.Only if the user chart is not linked to a route planC.Yes if the user chart contains no tidal informationD.No估计答案:D正确答案:15.Can you edit a route without removing it from the route monitoring function?A.NoB.Yes,but i must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interfering with the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDISC.Yes,if i create a copy of the route plan in ANTS format on a USB and edit the file on a normal offrice PCD.Yes,if i select copy from monitor in the route plan menu and edit the copy.when copying is completed i select-exchange with monitor in the plan menu估计答案:D正确答案:16.Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i can record my position manually on the ENCSB.I can set the ECDIS to automatically shoosing a safety contour based on my setting of ship’s maximum draftC.I can set ship’s maximum height to enable chart alerts from areas in charts where there is not sufficient air draftD.I can send a copy of my route plan to an AIS target as a safety message估计答案:C正确答案:17.which informatin can you find in VECTOR CHART LEGEND?A.T&P noticeC.WarningD.Safety contour setting估计答案:B正确答案:B18.Where do you select the color Palette(颜色暗淡模式)used to display the charts?A.in chart legendB.In chart displayC.In quick accessor barD.In chart catalogue估计答案:C 网上选C正确答案:C19.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.horizontal datumB.Safety depther permit numberD.License number估计答案:A正确答案:A20.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.shallow waterB.Chart nameC.Chart viewing dateD.Depth contour估计答案:B正确答案:B21.Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A.notice to marinerB.Presentation library edition numberC.Chart edition & update dateD.Safety contour setting估计答案:C正确答案:C22.How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENC?A.there is an”ENC data available”indication in the own ship functions boxB.there is an”RNC data ”indication in the own ship functions boxC.The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if i am not viewing an ENCD.There is no special indication in the own ship functions box估计答案:A 网上选D正确答案:23.How do you manually record Own Ship's current position in the Logs?A.by opening the voyage log and entering the current positionB.By right clicking on own ship icon on the use interfaceC.By press the record button on the control unitD.By using the record position event function of the event log估计答案:D正确答案:24.What is a Manual Update?A.A manual update is an update applied using the manual function in load & update chartsB.A manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from information received from pilot-a navtex message-a VHF broadcast etc.C.A manual update is an update to the charts by an official representative of the chart producerD.A manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of FURUNO ECDIS估计答案:B正确答案:25.What should you do if you have to leave your planned route during a voyage?A.switch off the FURUNO ECDIS and concentrate on the radarB.Disable the routing monitoring on the RURUNO ECDISC.Change the display of the FURUNO ECDIS to all IMO all otherD.Configue and enable the check area function to assis me in scaning the ENCS for danger to navigation and hazardous objects估计答案:D正确答案:26.Which operation can you perform(进行)on the FURUNOECDIS?A.I can record target ship’s position in the voyage log automaticallyB.I can record a position fix manually bu using just one distance and one bearingC.I can playback my past voyage track on the chartsD.I can send my route plan and user chart and notes to FURUNO GPS for displaying the GPS估计答案:C正确答案:27.Where can you change the settings for the Safety Contour used for monitoring?A.nowhere-because i must never change the setting for the safety contourB.In the setting menu and i can only change the setting if i have the service passwordC.In chart alertD.In the route planing tool估计答案:C正确答案:28.Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDIS?A.blue ENC symbolsB.standard ENC symbolsC.orange ENC symbolsD.red ENC symbols估计答案:C正确答案:29.Which setting can be changed in Sensors?A.log stabilization modeB.Safety contour settingC.Safety depth settingD.Kalmen filter setting估计答案:A正确答案:A30.Where do you change the Ship Outlines(轮廓)?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol displayD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案:C31.Can you set the overall maximum speed for a route plan?A.yes in the ship and route parameters of menuB.In chart displayC.Yes in optimization parametersD.Yes in the route planing tool估计答案:A正确答案:A32.Which information can you find in the Vector Chart Legend?A.magtinec variationB.Base CD numberC.Permit expiration dateD.Safety contour setting估计答案:A正确答案:33.Where do you change the Velocity Vectors style?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol displayD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案:C34.Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDD(硬盘驱动器)?A.on the internetB.The chief officer will knowC.In the chart catalogueD.In the chart display menu估计答案:C 或D(可能性比较大) 网上选C正确答案:35.How do you document(记录) your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.I use my paper logbook as documentationB.I use my paper logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentationC.I use the tracking function in the symbol displayD.I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts估计答案:D正确答案:36.Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyage?A.i can use the record function to record special events in the voyage logB.I can create and save a screen shot(截屏) for future referenceC.I can view and print a copy of details logD.I can connect the ECDIS to the internat and upload all documentation to an external storage估计答案:A正确答案:37.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart Legend?A.magnetic variationB.Safety contour settingC.Quality of dataD.T&P notice估计答案:A正确答案: A38.How can you reset the odometer?A.I can reset the odometer from the voyage tab of the menuB.I can reset the odometer from the sensor setting dialogueC.I can reset the odometer from the symbol display dialogueD.I can reset the odometer from the quick access sidebar估计答案:A正确答案: A39.Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A.NoB.Yes but only if i have two ECDISC.Yes the routing planing function is independent(不相关联的) from the route monitoring functionD.Yes but i must select the safety contour for both route plan估计答案:C正确答案: C40.Where do you find information on the software version of the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the voyage logB.In the system dialogue of the menuC.In the about dialogueD.In the S52 presentation library(图书馆)估计答案:C正确答案: C41.How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating?A.the FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert(转变) the ENCs to SENCs automaticallyB.I must use the conversion tool(转变工具)from the menuC.I can not convert the ENCs to SENCsD.I load the new permit file using the file named ENC.PMT and then i use S52 presentation library from the system menu in the chart menu to convert the ENCs to SENCs估计答案:D正确答案:42.How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDIS when you are required to do so by information received via VHF broadcast?A.I can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS unless they areincluded in the weekly update CDB.I use the manual update functionC.I use the user chart functionD.I use the chart edit function估计答案:B(类似于第4题)正确答案:43.How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i select rather chart in the main menuB.I selet RNC in the chart legendC.I lelect raster chart from the drop down list in the status barD.I selet RNC in the chart catalogue估计答案:C正确答案: C44.Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyage?A.i can add additional records of manual positions to the voyage log adding further details to the past voyageB.I can cteate a user chart from the monitored route plan and save it to a USB memory deviceC.I can create a backup copy of the voyage plan on a USB memory deviceD.I can view and print a copy of the chart usage log(chart alert)估计答案:D正确答案: D45.What is the maximum limit of the Check Area?A.NO limitB.240min+20nm+5km+999mC.120min+10nm+3km+500mD.999min+999nm+999km+999m估计答案:B正确答案: B46.Which ECDIS setting is activated in Ship and Route Parameters?A.Gyro errorB.Safety contourC.Notes alarm timeD.Ship’s minimum speed估计答案:A正确答案: A47.Where do you offset own ship chart position on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in symbol displayB.In chart displayC.In chart menuD.In own ship functions box估计答案:D正确答案: D48.Where do you set system priority of multiple GPS connected to the FURUNO ECDIS?A.In the sensor dialogueB.In basic setting.C.In ship and route parametersD.In nav tools估计答案:A正确答案: A49.Where do you change the Targets color?A.in the quick access barB.In chart displayC.In symbol dispalyD.In the status bar估计答案:C正确答案: C50.Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layers?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In chart displayD.In basic setting估计答案:C 网上选C正确答案:51.which manual update objects can be hidden from view by operatior selecrion?A.only the manual updates special area (from the chart display dialogue)B.All manual updates objects (from the chart display dialogue)C.Only the manual updates buoys (from the chart display dialogue)D.Only the manual updates sonding (from the chart display dialogue)估计答案:B正确答案:52.how do you switch the kalman filter on or off?A.the kalman filter is always switched on when a route is put into monitor mode and switched off when theres is no route being monitoredB.The kalman filter is always on so i never have to switch it on or offC.The kalman filter is swiched on or off in the sensor menu on theposition tabD.The kalman filter is switched on when steering is switched to autopilot估计答案:D正确答案:53.when the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is being updated-it is important that?A.the software is updated by a FURUNO service engineer(古野检修师)B.the software is updated by the captain(船长)C.the software is updated by the ship’s electrical engineer(老电)D.the software is updated by an IMO resentative(IMO 组织)估计答案:A(说明书中指出只能是人而不是单位组织,排除法) 正确答案:54.which operation can you perform with the FURUNO ECDIS?A.i can send my route plan and user chart to any RADAR for display on the RADARB.i can send my route plan and user chart to any AIS for display on the AISC.i can send my route plan and user chart to a ny GPS for display on the GPSD.i can send my route plan and user chart to a FURUNO RADARfor dispaly on the RADAR估计答案:D正确答案:55.Can you monitor a route even though it indicates an active alert when you have completed the route plan check?A.yes-the only thing preventing me from monitoring would be an impossible turn message in the WPT tabB.Yes-if i enter the service safety passwordC.NOD.IT depends on the type of alert generated(safety contour-restricted area-caution area etc)估计答案:C 或D(可能性较大)正确答案:56.how do you save your route to the HARD DISC DRIVE when is has been edited?A.i don’t.the route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whenever changes are appliedB.I click on save or save as in the route planing toolC.I select save in the backup and restore dialogueD.I click new in the route planning tool估计答案:B正确答案:57.can you copy your manual updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to another?A.NoB.Yes-by using the backup and restore dialogue to transfer the manual updates to a USBC.Yes-by sending the manual updates via an emailD.No-but i can transfer them to another manufacturer’s type of ECDIS估计答案:A正确答案:58.Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDIS?A.danger target logB.Engine logC.Speed logD.GPS log估计答案:A正确答案:59.Where do you change the visibility of your Circles?A.in chart legendB.In symbol displayC.In chart displayD.In chart catalogue估计答案:B正确答案: B60.How do you start the route planning tool?A.i press plan on the control unitB.I click on the route icon in the status barC.I select route plan from the menu dialogueD.I click on route in the quick access bar估计答案:D正确答案:61.where can you updated the RNCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A.in the update function of the menuB.In the chart manager(individual update)C.In the update function of the chart catalogueD.In the update function of the chart legend估计答案:B正确答案:62.how do you modify an existing manual updates object?A.I use the ENC tab of the chart maintenance functionB.I use the mariner tab of the symbol display functionC.I cannot modify a manual update-only delete itD.I use the list tab of manual update tool function估计答案:D正确答案:63.can you open the route planning tool when the ECDIS is in chart mode?A.yes if i open the menu dialogue firstB.Yes if i right click on the chart and select eventC.Yes if i select plan in the chart catalogueD.No估计答案:我选C(解释:chart mode 包括:PLAN{for the voyage planing mode,click the planing button followed by the route button to select a route or user chart button to selcet a user chart} 和NA VI)老大选D正确答案:64.how do you start the route planning tool?A.i press plan on the control unitB.I click on the route icon in the status barC.I select route plan from the menu dialogueD.I click on route in the quick access bar估计答案:我选D 老大选C正确答案:65.how do you record own ship’s position on the ECDIS charts when you have a range/bearing observation from your RADAR?A.i can not record own ship’s position manually on the FURUNO ECDISB.I record LOP in the record function of the event logC.I press the[TRL]&[ACQ/AC] button on the control unitD.I select[record][event log]and[user event]from the instant access bar and insert the observation in the record user event window估计答案:我选B(解释:LOP(line of position)a plotted line on which a vsl is located,determined by observation or measurement of the range or bearing to an aid to navigation or other charted element)老大选D正确答案:66.When the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is being updated-it is important that?A.the multiple GPS connected to the ECDIS are updated with the new software versionB.That it is done when the ECDIS in not being used for navigation(in port etc)C.The HUBs(解释:HUB是一个多端口的转发器,当以HUB为中心设备时,网络中某条线路产生了故障,并不影响其它线路的工作。