
航海英语试题B. parallel of declinationC. parallel of altitudeD. vertical circleKEY: A4.What defines a great circle? 定义大圆的是什么?A. A curved line drawn on a Mercator ChartB. A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curveC.The shortest distance between any two points on the earth地球上两点之间最短的距离D. The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphereKEY: C5.Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle? 哪个助航物不是用品红色圆圈标记在海图上的?A.Aero light航空灯标B. Radar stationC. Radar transponder beaconD. RadiobeaconKEY: A6.Charted depth is the ______. 海图水深是_____A. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tideB. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom 从海图深度基准面到海底的垂直距离C. average height of water over a specified period of timeD. average height of all low waters at a placeKEY: B7. The changes in the channel’s sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart cannot be considered as a safe guide of the channel.这个海岸的航道的沙和浮标的变化是_______这个海图不能被视为这个航道的安全指南A. Frequent.B. So frequent.C. Frequent that. D.so frequent that如此频繁地.KEY: D8.While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.在港内缓速行驶时其间,没有船_______超过限速航行A. assumedB. appreciatedC. promisedD. permitted.被允许KEY: D9.The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in the admiralty charts and other publications, since they _______.航海者应该做关于他是否可以信赖现有海图或其他出版物的信息的最后的判断,因为他们________A.May always be complete and up-to-dateB.May not always be complete and up-to-date可能不是完善的或最新的数据C.May sometimes be complete and up-to-dateD.May not sometimes be complete and up-to-dateKEY: B10.All events relating to the voyage, such as ship’s position, speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______.所有有关航行的事件,如船舶的位置,速度和天气的航行资料,记录在__A.Logbook航海日志 B. Bell Book C. Oil Record Book D. Compass Error BookKEY: A11.12.[13]It's ______ that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.____,货物是被你方的工人所损坏。

1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signals答案:D 下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?A.the retro-reflective tapesB.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the anti-flashing bands答案:A 根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?A.Anti-seasickness medicineB.Immersion suitsC.axesD.lifebuoys答案:D 下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboatsD.total encloseing lifeboats答案:C 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A.in satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactored答案:C 防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.bining withbined withbining tobined to答案:B 我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。

航海学10.1 航海学基本知识[2651]______ is the distance east or west measured in degrees,minutes and seconds of arc on the equator between the prime meridian and the meridian passing through the place.A. LongitudeB. LatitudeC. HeightD. BearingKEY: A[2652]______ refers to the angle between true North and the heading line of the ship.A. True positionB. True meridianC. True courseD. True bearingKEY: C[2653]A gnomonic projection is based on a(n) ______.A. plane tangent at one pointB. cylinder tangent at the equatorC. cone tangent at one parallelD. infinite series of cones tangent at selected parallelsKEY: A[2654]A great circle track provides the maximum saving in distance on ______.A. easterly courses in high latitudesB. southerly courses in high latitudesC. westerly courses in low latitudesD. easterly courses in low latitudes that cross the equatorKEY: A[2655]A lateral system buoy displaying a quick light ______.A. should be passed close aboard on either sideB. indicates that special caution is requiredC. is used at a channel bifurcation or junctionD. is painted with red and white vertical stripesKEY: B[2656]A light characteristic of composite group flashing indicates that there is a(n) ______.A. sharp turn in the channelB. narrowing in the channel at that pointC. junction in the channelD. obstruction that must be left to portKEY: C[2657]A light having characteristics which include color variations is defined as ______.A. switchingB. alternatingC. oscillatingD. fluctuatingKEY: B[2658]A light that has a light period shorter than its dark period is described as ______.A. flashingB. pulsatingC. occultingD. alternatingKEY: A[2659]A lighted preferred-channel buoy may show a ______.A. fixed red lightB. Morse (A) white lightC. composite group-flashing lightD. yellow lightKEY: C[2660]A lighthouse can be identified by its ______.A. painted colorB. light color and phase characteristicC. type of structureD. All of the aboveKEY: D[2661]A line of position formed by sighting two charted objects in line is called a(n) ______.A. relative bearingB. range lineC. track lineD. estimated positionKEY: B[2662]A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a ______.A. gnomonic curveB. small circleC. meridianD. great circleKEY: B[2663]A mid-channel buoy,if lighted,will show a ______.A. fixed red lightB. Morse (A) white lightC. green lightD. flashing red lightKEY: B[2664]A nun buoy will ______.A. be green in colorB. have an even numberC. be left to port when entering from seawardD. be cylindrical in shapeKEY: B[2665]A parallel of latitude other than the equator is a ______.A. great circleB. loxodromic curveC. small circleD. gnomonic curveKEY: C[2666]A plane perpendicular to the polar axis will never form what line on the Earth's surface?A. Great circleB. EquatorC. Small circleD. MeridianKEY: D[2667]A plane that cuts the Earth's surface and passes through the poles will always form ______.A. the equatorB. a loxodromic curveC. a small circleD. a meridianKEY: D[2668]A plane that cuts the Earth's surface at any angle and passes through the center will always form ______.A. the equatorB. a great circleC. a small circleD. a meridianKEY: B[2669]A preferred-channel buoy may be ______.A. letteredB. sphericalC. showing a white lightD. All of the aboveKEY: A[2670]A preferred-channel buoy will show a ______.A. white light whose characteristic is Morse (A)B. group-occulting white lightC. composite group-flashing (2 + 1) white lightD. composite group-flashing (2 + 1) red or green lightKEY: D[2671]A red pillar light-buoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the green conical light-buoy close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to ______.A. a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoyB. a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoyC. either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replacedD. neither a red buoy nor a green buoy is to be replacedKEY: B[2672]A relative bearing is always measured from ______.A. true northB. magnetic northC. the vessel's beamD. the vessel's headKEY: D[2673]A rock and sand structure extending from the bank of the river toward the channel is known as a ______.A. wingdamB. towheadC. cutoffD. landwallKEY: A[2674]A SEAMARK,I.E. A BUOY,INDICATING THE NORTH,EAST,SOUTH OR WEST FROM A FIXED POINT,E.G. A WRECK is ______.A. Entrance buoyB. New buoyC. Port buoyD. Cardinal buoyKEY: D[2675]A section of the river that is narrower than usual and is often navigable from bank to bank is a ______.A. chuteB. stabilized channelC. sloughD. Cardinal buoyKEY: n[2676]A special mark (yellow buoy),if lighted,may exhibit which light rhythm?A. FlashingB. Morse AC. Equal intervalD. OccultingKEY: A[2677]A special purpose buoy shall be ______.A. lighted with a white lightB. striped black and redC. lighted with a red lightD. yellowKEY: D[2678]A spherical buoy may be ______.A. numberedB. letteredC. greenD. redKEY: B[2679]A structure,usually made of stone,or cement pilings,which extends from the bank at approximately right angles to the current is called a ______.A. dikeB. revetmentC. cutoffD. cribKEY: A[2680]A vessel is ______ when she is not at anchor,made fast to the shore,or aground.A. underwayB. making wayC. dead in the waterD. a power driven vessel.KEY: A[2681]A V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstream in a river may indicate a ______.A. submerged rock,not dangerous to navigationB. sunken wreck,not dangerous to navigationC. towed-under buoyD. All of the aboveKEY: C[2682]A white buoy with a blue band is ______.A. an isolated danger markB. a hydrographic data collection buoyC. a mooring buoyD. marking a restricted areaKEY: C[2683]A white buoy with an open-faced orange diamond on it indicates ______.A. dangerB. vessels are excluded from the areaC. the buoy is a mooring buoyD. operating restrictions are in effectKEY: A[2684]A white buoy with an orange rectangle on it displays ______.A. directionsB. dangersC. exclusion areasD. All of the aboveKEY: A[2685]A yellow buoy may exhibit a(n) ______.A. fixed red lightB. flashing lightC. white lightD. occulting lightKEY: B[2686]A yellow buoy may mark a(n) ______.A. wreckB. shoal areaC. anchorage areaD. middle groundKEY: C[2687]An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol?A. Open-faced diamondB. Diamond with a crossC. CircleD. SquareKEY: B[2688]An orange and white buoy marking a danger area will have what symbol on it?A. Open-faced diamondB. Diamond with a crossC. CircleD. SquareKEY: A[2689]An orange and white buoy marking an area where operating restrictions are in effect will be marked with which symbol?A. Open-faced diamondB. Diamond with a crossC. CircleD. RectangleKEY: C[2690]An orange and white buoy with a rectangle on it displays ______.A. directionsB. distancesC. locationsD. All of the aboveKEY: D[2691]Branford reef is ______.A. a hard sand shoal marked with a lightB. completely submerged at all stages of the tideC. surrounded by rocks awash at low water spring tidesD. a small,low,sandy islet surrounded by shoal waterKEY: B[2692]Buoys are marked with reflective material to assist in their detection by searchlight. Which statement is TRUE?A. A safe-water buoy will display red and white vertical stripes of reflective material.B. All reflective material is white because it is the most visible at night.C. A special-purpose mark will display either red or green reflective material to agree with its shape.D. A preferred-channel buoy displays either red or green reflective material to agree with the top band of color.KEY: D[2693]Buoys which mark dredging areas are painted ______.A. blackB. yellowC. greenD. redKEY: B[2694]Buoys which mark isolated dangers are painted with alternating ______.A. red and black bandsB. green and black bandsC. red and white stripesD. green and white bandsKEY: A[2695]Buoys which only mark the left or right side of the channel will never exhibit a light with which characteristic?A. FlashingB. Quick flashingC. Composite group flashingD. Equal interval (isophase)KEY: C[2696]Except for N-S courses,and E-W courses on the equator,a great circle track between two points,when compared to a rhumb line track between the same two points,will ______.A. always be nearer to the equatorB. always be nearer to the elevated poleC. be nearer to the pole in the Northern Hemisphere and nearer to the equator in the Southern HemisphereD. be nearer to the pole or the equator depending on the latitudes of the arrival and departure positionsKEY: B[2697]Fishing stake,the position of which frequently ______,exist in the area covered by this chart.A. removedB. alteredC. correctedD. convertedKEY: B[2698]From your position you observe a rotating white and green light to the north. This light is most likely ______.A. from a submarine on the surfaceB. the light at Southeast PointC. at an airportD. on a coastal patrol vesselKEY: C[2699]How is the intensity of a light expressed in the Light Lists? ______.A. Luminous rangeB. Geographic rangeC. Nominal rangeD. Meteorological rangeKEY: C[2700]How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system "A"?A. keep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel's port side when leaving.B. keep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching a port and on the vessel's starboard side when leaving.C. keep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching and leaving.D. keep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching and leaving.KEY: B10.2 地文航海[2701]Leeway is the ______.A. difference between the true course and the compass courseB. momentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedC. lateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseD. displacement of a vessel multiplied by her speedKEY: C[2702]______ is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship's course and the distance being those indicated by log.A. dead reckoningB. dead weightC. dead slow aheadD. dead slow asternKEY: A[2703]______ means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.A. Great CircleB. Position LineC. Rhumb lineD. True BearingKEY: C[2704]A bold reef is a reef ______.A. with part of it extending above the waterB. that can be detected by water turbulenceC. that drops off sharplyD. perpendicular to the currentKEY: B[2705]A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ______.A. interrupted quick flashingB. composite group flashingC. Morse (A)D. quick flashingKEY: B[2706]A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) ______.A. white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheresB. occulting green light and may be letteredC. yellow light and will be numberedD. continuous quick white light and may be numberedKEY: A[2707]A buoy with a composite group-flashing light indicates a(n) ______.A. anchorage areaB. fish net areaC. bifurcationD. dredging areaKEY: C[2708]A buoy,being a shape of cylinder and with red group flashing,shows that it is ______.A. left-side buoyB. right-side buoyC. a buoy of safetyD. a buoy of dangerKEY: A[2709]A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the ______.A. north side of the markB. west side of the markC. east side of the markD. south side of the markKEY: A[2710]A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______.A. ignores the effect of surface currentsB. is most useful when in sight of landC. must be plotted using magnetic coursesD. may be started at an assumed positionKEY: A[2711]A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______.A. must utilize magnetic coursesB. must take set and drift into accountC. should be replotted hourlyD. should be started each time the vessel's position is fixedKEY: D[2712]A fairly accurate estimation of a ship's position can be calculated by a technique known as ______.A. dead reckoningB. PilotageC. great circle sailingD. geographic navigationKEY: A[2713]A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted ______.A. redB. yellowC. with red and white vertical stripesD. with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoyKEY: A[2714]A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a ______.A. longitude lineB. latitude lineC. line of positionD. fixKEY: C[2715]A line of position is ______.A. a line connecting two charted objectsB. a line on some point of which the vessel may be presumed to be locatedC. the position of your vesselD. not used in a running fixKEY: B[2716]A position obtained by applying only your vessel's course and speed to a known position is a ______.A. dead-reckoning positionB. fixC. probable positionD. running fixKEY: A[2717]A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) ______.A. running fixB. dead-reckoning positionC. fixD. estimated positionKEY: A[2718]A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is a(n) ______.A. dead reckoning positionB. estimated positionD. None of the aboveKEY: B[2719]A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position,taken at nearly the same time,is a(n) ______.A. estimated positionB. fixC. running fixD. dead-reckoning positionKEY: B[2720]A relative bearing is always measured from ______.A. true northB. magnetic northC. the vessel's beamD. the vessel's headKEY: D[2721]A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) ______.A. running fixB. fixC. estimated positionD. assumed positionKEY: C[2722]A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of ______.A. buoys close at handB. fixed known objects on shoreC. buoys at a distanceD. All of the aboveKEY: B[2723]At the magnetic equator there is no induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron because ______.A. the lines of force cross the equator on a 0°-180°alignmentB. the quadrantal error is 0°C. there is no vertical component of the Earth's magnetic fieldD. the intercardinal headings have less than 1°errorKEY: C[2724]In plotting a running fix,how many fixed objects are needed to take your lines of position from?A. ThreeB. TwoC. OneD. NoneKEY: C[2725]Lighted white and orange buoys must show which color light?A. OrangeC. RedD. Alternating yellow and whiteKEY: B[2726]Preferred channel buoys indicate the preferred channel to transit by ______.A. odd or even numbersB. the color of their top bandC. the location of the buoy in the channel junctionD. the buoy's light rhythmsKEY: B[2727]Restricted areas at locks and dams are indicated by ______.A. flashing red lights upstream and fixed red lights downstreamB. yellow unlighted buoysC. signs and/or flashing red lightsD. red daymarks upstream and green daymarks downstreamKEY: C[2728]The luminous range of a light takes into account the ______.A. glare from background lightingB. existing visibility conditionsC. elevation of the lightD. observer's height of eyeKEY: B[2729]The maximum distance at which a light may be seen under the existing visibility conditions is called ______.A. nominal rangeB. luminous rangeC. charted rangeD. geographic rangeKEY: B[2730]The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as the maximum distance at which a light may be seen ______.A. under existing visibility conditionsB. under perfect visibilityC. with ten miles visibilityD. with fifteen miles visibilityKEY: C[2731]The period of a lighted aid to navigation refers to the ______.A. date of construction or establishmentB. length of time between flashes of the lightC. time required for the longest flash of each cycleD. time required for the light to complete each cycleKEY: D[2732]The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are ______. A. untrueB. impossibleC. suspectfulD. unimportantKEY: A[2733]The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a ______.A. small circleB. great circleC. rhumb lineD. hyperbolaKEY: B[2734]There are a number of buoys {in the vicinity}.A. nearbyB. in viewC. visibleD. far fromKEY: A[2735]There is sufficient anchorage for ______ at all time around the No.1 buoy and for smaller vessels around the No.4 buoy.A. deep laded vesselsB. deeply load vesselsC. deep loading vesselsD. deeply loaded vesselsKEY: D[2736]This is ______ where we shall anchor.A. the light-houseB. the anchorageC. the pilot stationD. the light-buoyKEY: B[2737]Two navigational hazards are located near to each other,but each is marked by an individual cardinal buoyage system. The buoys of one cardinal system may be identified from the other system by ______.A. the differing light colorsB. one system having odd numbers while the other system has even numbersC. one system using horizontal bands while the other system uses vertical stripesD. the difference in the periods of the lightKEY: D[2738]Uncharted lights,fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be ______ near the station.A. encounteredB. metC. contactedD. seenKEY: A[2739]Under the IALA - A Buoyage System,a buoy used as a port hand mark would not show whichlight characteristic?A. IsophaseB. Quick flashingC. Long flashingD. Group Flashing (2 + 1)KEY: D[2740]What describes an accurate position that is NOT based on any prior position?A. Dead-reckoning positionB. Estimated positionC. FixD. Running fixKEY: C[2741]What indicates a dual purpose buoy?A. Red buoy with a horizontal yellow bandB. Red and white vertically-striped buoy with a vertical yellow stripeC. Red and white vertically-striped buoy with a red spherical topmarkD. Green buoy with a yellow squareKEY: D[2742]What is the light characteristic of a lighted,preferred-channel buoy?A. Group flashingB. Composite group flashingC. Interrupted quick flashingD. Fixed and flashingKEY: B[2743]What is the major advantage of high altitude observations?A. Errors due to unusual parallax are eliminated.B. The same body can be used for a fix from observations separated by several minutes.C. The declination is the only information needed from the almanac.D. The semidiameter correction of the sextant altitude is eliminated.KEY: B[2744]When a buoy marks a channel bifurcation,the preferred channel is NOT indicated by ______.A. the shape of an unlighted buoyB. the light color of a lighted buoyC. the color of the topmost bandD. whether the number is odd or evenKEY: D[2745]When approaching a preferred-channel buoy,the best channel is NOT indicated by the ______.A. light characteristicB. color of the uppermost bandC. shape of an unlighted buoyD. color of the lightKEY: A[2746]When entering a channel from seaward,the numbers on buoys ______.A. are the same as their Light List numberB. are marked in 6 inch figures with retroreflective materialC. increase with the even numbers to starboardD. decrease with the odd numbers to starboardKEY: C[2747]When entering from seaward,a buoy displaying a single-flashing red light would indicate ______.A. a junction with the preferred channel to the leftB. a sharp turn in the channel to the rightC. the starboard side of the channelD. a wreck to be left on the vessel's port sideKEY: C[2748]When making landfall at night,you can determine if a light is a major light or an offshore buoy by ______.A. the intensity of the lightB. checking the period and characteristics against the Light ListC. the color,because the buoy will have only a red or a green lightD. Any of the above can be used to identify the light.KEY: B[2749]When navigating a vessel,you ______.A. can always rely on a buoy to be on stationB. can always rely on a buoy to show proper light characteristicsC. should assume a wreck buoy is directly over the wreckD. should never rely on a floating aid to maintain its exact positionKEY: D[2750]When using a buoy as an aid to navigation which of the following should be considered?A. The buoy should be considered to always be in the charted location.B. If the light is flashing,the buoy should be considered to be in the charted location.C. The buoy may not be in the charted position.D. The buoy should be considered to be in the charted position if it has been freshly painted. KEY: C10.3 天文航海[2751]Sidereal hour angle is always __________.A. measured westward from the hour circle containing the first point of AriesB. measured from the point on the celestial sphere occupied by the Sun at the vernal equinoxC. subtracted from the LHA of the star to obtain the LHA of AriesD. All of the aboveKEY: S[2752]A body can only be observed at lower transit when ______.A. the declination is the opposite name to the latitudeB. the algebraic sum of the colatitude and declination exceeds 90?C. the observer is in high latitudes above either polar circleD. the body is circumpolarKEY: D[2753]A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for ______.A. the SunB. the MoonC. VenusD. None of the aboveKEY: B[2754]A double star is a star that ______.A. has a declination equal to twice that of the SunB. comprises two stars that appear close togetherC. is twice as bright as a single starD. suddenly becomes much brighter and then fadesKEY: B[2755]A first magnitude star is ______.A. 2.5 times as bright as a second magnitude starB. 3 times as bright as a second magnitude starC. 5 times as bright as a second magnitude starD. 10 times as bright as a second magnitude starKEY: A[2756]A group of stars which appear close together and form a striking configuration such as a person or animal is a ______.A. clusterB. showerC. constellationD. galaxyKEY: C[2757]A large group of stars revolving around a center is known as a ______.A. clusterB. showerC. constellationD. galaxyKEY: D[2758]A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the reflected image of the horizon forms a continuous line with the actual image. When the sextant is rotated about the line of sight the images separate. The sextant has ______.A. error of perpendicularityB. side errorC. prismatic errorD. centering errorKEY: B[2759]A parallax correction is NOT applied to observations of the ______.A. starsB. MoonD. PlanetsKEY: A[2760]A phase correction is applied to observations of ______.A. the SunB. starsC. planetsD. All of the aboveKEY: C[2761]A phase correction may be applicable to correct the sextant altitude correction of ______.A. any starB. the SunC. third magnitude stars onlyD. some planetsKEY: D[2762]A semidiameter correction is applied to observations of ______.A. MarsB. the MoonC. JupiterD. All of the aboveKEY: B[2763]A sextant having an index error that is off the arc has a ______.A. positive correctionB. dip errorC. negative correctionD. semidiameter errorKEY: A[2764]A sidereal day is approximately how much shorter than a solar day?A. 4 minutesB. 8 minutesC. 12 minutesD. 16 minutesKEY: A[2765]A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. This difference is due to ______.A. irregularities in the daily rotational rate of the SunB. the space motion of the solar systemC. the precession of the equinoxesD. the use of different reference pointsKEY: D[2766]A star is observed at lower transit. The line of position derived from this sight is ______.A. on the prime verticalB. a latitude lineC. a longitude lineD. of no special significance[2767]A star that suddenly becomes several magnitudes brighter and then gradually fades is a ______.A. double starB. variable starC. novaD. nebulaKEY: C[2768]A variable star is one that ______.A. exhibits a change in magnitudeB. has a changing declinationC. is increasing in SHAD. is also known as a red giantKEY: A[2769]After Venus passes the point of greatest elongation east in its orbit,the first position in which the elongation will be zero is ______.A. superior conjunctionB. inferior conjunctionC. oppositionD. None of the above; the elongation will never be zeroKEY: B[2770]Altair is found in what constellation?A. HerculesB. CygnusC. AquilaD. CapricornKEY: C[2771]An amplitude of the Sun in high latitudes ______.A. is most accurate before sunriseB. is most accurate after sunsetC. should only be observed when the Sun's lower limb is above the horizonD. is most accurate when the Sun's center is observed on the visible horizonKEY: D[2772]Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for ______.A. parallax and personal errorB. inaccuracies in the reading and reference levelC. visibility and magnitudeD. All of the above are correctKEY: B[2773]As observed from the Earth,the angle between lines from the Earth to the Sun and the Earth to an inferior planet is known as ______.A. elongationB. conjunctionC. oppositionD. quadrature[2774]Because the actual center of some planets may differ from the observed center,the navigator applies a correction known as the ______.A. phase correctionB. refraction correctionC. semidiameter correctionD. augmentation correctionKEY: A[2775]Capella is found in what constellation?A. GeminiB. AurigaC. LibraD. CrabKEY: B[2776]Diurnal aberration is due to ______.A. motion of the Earth in its orbitB. rotation of the Earth on its axisC. the body's orbital motion during the time required for its light to reach the EarthD. a false horizonKEY: B[2777]During one synodic rotation,a body makes one complete turn relative to the ______.A. EarthB. SunC. starsD. vernal equinoxKEY: B[2778]Elongation becomes zero at ______.A. oppositionB. west quadratureC. apogeeD. inferior conjunctionKEY: D[2779]In general,the most effective period for observing stars and planets occurs during the darker limit of ______.A. sunsetB. civil twilightC. nautical twilightD. astronomical twilightKEY: B[2780]In low latitudes,a first quarter Moon will always rise at about ______.A. sunriseB. 1200 LMTC. sunsetD. 2400 LMT。

laden ship满载船ensign国旗propeller blade螺旋桨桨叶/轮叶、叶片Bosun水手长Carpenter木匠Beaufort scale蒲氏风级mariner's handbook海员手册revolution转数,旋转,革命innovation创新,革新,改革fishing gears捕捞设备Aldis lamp爱尔迪斯信号灯,手提式信号灯Morse code莫尔斯码veering风向顺转backing风向逆转well-found ship舾装完好船,设备完善的船舶foundered(船)沉没clockwise顺时针anti-clockwise逆时针sextant六分仪lying at anchor锚泊lying at the outer anchorage在外锚地锚泊cadet实习生,卡带hatch coaming舱口围板painter 艇首缆,系艇索self-righted自动扶正U-bolt U型螺栓hunting gear追随装置bare steerageway舵效航速twin screws双螺旋桨cargo surveyor验货师accommodation ladder居住舱舷梯,舷梯hogging中拱(用平均吃水与船中吃水比)sagging中垂(用平均吃水与船中吃水比)after range light后桅航行灯,后叠标灯Bonded Stores免税船上用品give a wide berth to宽让high sea公海dayshape号型trolling (line)曳绳钓nylon line has more strength than manila line gooseneck鹅颈管,吊杆弯头become due到期be available to do sth.be available for sth.justify in doing sth.有理由做某事Rhumb line恒向线meridian子午线,经线the prime meridian本初子午线能见度等级2nm poor(2—4km)5nm moderate(4—10km)10nm good(10—20km)30nm very good(20—50km)fathom line等深线Bulbous bow球鼻首iron ore铁矿石The Fresh Water Allowance淡水修正量,淡水吃水余量Marine Meteorology航海气象学barometer气压计block and tackle滑轮组movable block动滑轮standing block定滑轮Mediterranean moor船尾系泊法Mediterranean Sea地中海snatch block开口滑车Length overall(LOA)船舶总长Length between perpendiculars(LBP)垂线间长Moulded breadth型宽Tsunami海啸right-hand/left-hand propeller右旋/左旋螺旋桨single propeller/twin propellers单螺旋桨/双螺旋桨bow thruster/stern thruster首侧推器/尾侧推器turn inward/outward内旋/外旋leeway偏航,风压差leeward下风的,顺风的IMDG code = International Maritime Dangerous Goods code《国际海运危险货物规则》IBC code = International Bulk Code《国际散装化学品运输规则》BC code = Bulk Cargo code《固体散装货物安全操作规则》IGC code = International Gas Carrier Code《国际散装运输液化气船规则》船舶六运动:Pitching纵摇Rolling横摇Surging纵荡(船先向前动,再向后动)Swaying横荡(船先向左移动,再向右动)Yawing偏荡(船头先向左动,再向右动)Heaving垂荡bowline船首缆,单套结/死结standing rigging静索,稳索,固定支索,定索group occulting联明暗光composite group flashing混联闪光stowage factor积载因数measurement cargo容积货weight cargo重量货hygroscopic cargo吸湿性货物celestial body天体declination【天】赤纬pelorus哑罗经Nautical Almanac航海天文历stud link有档链环connecting link连接连环detachable link=Kenter link可拆链环flame screen防火网Doppler log:Bottom return 海底反射(海底混响)→speed over the groundVolume reverberation 体积混响(水声)→speed through the waterpelican hook滑钩,速脱钩conical圆锥形的hygrometer湿度表hygroscopic cargo吸湿性货物Kort nozzle rudder科氏导流管舵neutral equilibrium position随遇平衡位置(稳心等于重心,M与G重合,重力W与浮力△作用在同一垂线上);stable equilibrium稳定平衡(稳心比重心高);unstable equilibrium不稳定平衡(稳心低于重心)sea protest海事声明,海事报告solar time太阳时aneroid barometer气压测高计,无液气压计,空盒气压计microbarograph微(气)压计Arc圆弧Parabola抛物线Hyperbola双曲线Cardinal buoy方位标Psychrometer干湿计,干湿球温度计binnacle罗经柜CPR=Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation心脏复苏术blind flange = blank flange封口法兰,死法兰spectacle flange双环法兰Spring lay钢麻slight sea轻浪0.5~1.25mmoderate sea中浪1.25~2.5mrough sea大浪2.5~4.0mvery rough sea巨浪4~6mhigh sea狂狼6~9msplice拼接fid(解绳索用的)硬木钉A spark arrestor prevents sparks from getting out of an engine’s exhaust system.火花熄灭器riding pawl锚爪(锚泊)buckler (plate)锚链孔盖板chafing gear防擦装置diurnal tide全日潮semi-diurnal tide半日潮lunar day太阴日spring tide大潮neap tide小潮gusty wind阵风power weight ratio功率重量比wind vane风向标apparent wind/relative wind视风,相对风wire rope钢丝绳,钢索riveting铆接caulking捻缝,填缝,铆合加工flue gas烟道气,烟道排气,废气make a safe [forced] landing安全[强迫]降落orthographic projection等角投影,正形投影gnomonic projection心射投影,球心投影containment booms围油栏cereals谷物put forward提出anemometer风速计Rendez-vous集结地messenger导拉索,抛索,引绳Coral atoll珊瑚环礁isotherm等温线blowout(油井等)井喷Argon氩occulting light明暗灯——the period of light exceeds the period of darknessbackstay桅杆后支索,前索,后拉索vein静脉artery动脉Calibration Station校准台~ give special transmissions for the calibration of ship’s DF.(测向仪) Contaminate弄脏,污染Lack of due diligence缺乏必要的谨慎Casualty伤亡人员Centrifugal pump离心泵Reciprocating pump往复泵,活塞泵Chain sling吊货链Tumblehome内倾,舷缘内倾Camber梁拱Sheer舷弧Quayside码头区,码头边,码头前沿ullage空档,膨胀余位,液舱膨胀余位sighting port观察窗jibing使帆改变方向,使帆船顺风行驶tacking变换航向,抢风行驶,顶风转向,迎风转向reefing缩帆chart legend海图标题栏alkalies碱金属,强碱compatibility兼容性convection对流coral atolls珊瑚环礁beam width波束宽度isobar等压线date line国际日期变更线chain locker锚链舱volatile挥发性daylight savings time夏令时drift net流网fishing stake渔栅pedestal crane基座式起重机spontaneous combustion自燃frapping line止荡绳deadweight scale载重量标尺freeboard assignment核定干舷galvanize电镀,镀锌(stays需要电镀)heat exhaustion中暑Luminous range光达距离,光度视程,照明距离,光照距离Geographic range地理能见距离Nominal range额定光力射程,额定光达距离(气象能见距离为10海里时的光达距离) Isogonic line等磁偏线skip zone(电波)跳跃地带,静区blackout zone停电区域diffraction zone衍射区shadow zone盲区,阴影区BANDS————horizontal markingStripes————vertical or diagonal对角线的,斜纹的Walk back the chain倒转锚机松锚链clamp螺丝钳,夹子doldrums赤道无风带garboard strake(贴近龙骨的)龙骨翼板odd numbers奇数even numbers偶数lumber木材,木料timberlimber污水沟,污水孔lubricating oil润滑油compass rose(s)罗经花lubber's line船首基线Monsoon(南亚的)季风mooring bollards双柱系缆桩manganese bronze猛青铜optional cargo选港货seaworthiness适航性,适航能力,耐波性oil slick浮油frostbite冻伤slack water平潮solvents溶剂SMCP=Standard Marine Communication Phrases标准航海通信用语Mousing hook防脱钩Plain language明语,明码(电报)Priming of the tides occurs when the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter.注意:new moon新月,朔;full moon满月,望;first quarter上弦月;third quarter下弦月Roundline三股右旋绳reserve buoyancy储备浮力serving卷缠sweep intensity扫描线亮度PPI=Plane Position Idicator平面位置显示器specification详细说明,规格,说明书agonic line零磁偏线square knot平结The carburetor(化油器,汽化器) is placed on the engine to mix the fuel and air.The carrick bend(大绳接结) is used to join two hawsers.follow-up gear随动装置electro-hydraulic steering gear电动液压操舵装置heaving line撇缆,引缆monkey’s fist撇缆绳头结wind rose风花,风向风力图,风力玫瑰图(指明某地区风情况的图)idle time停工时间bilge well污水井remote control遥控scupper(船舷上的)排水孔radiation fog辐射雾frontal fog锋面雾advection fog平流雾steam fog蒸汽雾butted joint对接,平接lap joint搭接strap joint覆板对接,覆接thread joint螺纹接grip joint套接,插接rivet铆钉,铆接riveted construction铆接结构joggled construction啮合结构lapped construction搭接结构strapped construction覆接结构belted construction带型结构fake down盘绳(使松出时不发生绞缠)butt weld对接焊缝seam weld缝焊,线焊缝fillet weld角焊缝continuous weld连续焊接,连续焊缝LFG=Liquefied Flammable Gas液化可燃气(LPG+LNG)trough低压槽ridge高压脊quadrant象限ultrasonic testing超声波检查,超声波探伤isophase等明暗(灯光),等相线flame arrester阻火器,防焰器backfire flame arrester回火阻火器prohibit sb from doing sthexclusively专门地oil dispersant消油剂saw dust锯屑,木屑Booms围油栏ride at anchor锚泊;roadstead锚地ruptured appendix盲肠破裂cofferdam隔离舱traunatic shock创伤性休克mesh网孔SHP=Shaft Horse Power轴马力topping off平舱作业check valve止回阀,单向阀tachometer转速表exhaust pyrometer排气高温计shaft bearing轴承drift lead测走锚的铅锤water flinger隔水环shaft seal轴封sanitary卫生middle body船中平行体tack welding点焊extratropical cyclone温带气旋easterly wave东风波crest波峰trough波谷,槽frapping line止荡绳,放艇稳绳When lowering lifeboats in heavy seas, a good practice is to rig frapping lines with a lead of about 45 degrees to the boat.parbuckle screw松紧螺丝(用以收紧舱面木材货)turnbucklesoft iron sphere软铁球(磁罗经象限自差校正器)Flinders bar垂直软铁,弗林德斯铁,弗氏铁(纠正由船磁引起的自差)heeling magnet(罗经)倾斜自差校正磁铁(即纠正感应磁性,也纠正永久磁性)French bowline水手结,双套结Vis major不可抗力fatigue疲劳tagline牵线apogean tide远地点潮hawser laid正搓绳,三股索NA V AREA航行警告区(航行警告海区无线电航行警告海区,简称航行警告区)epileptic seizure癫痫发作whitecap(s)白浪花official number船舶(登记)编号matches火柴bilge keels舭龙骨The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately 12 hours.If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should use English language. Nylon line is NOT suitable for BA.towingshingsC.stopperD.mooring linesWhat is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?(A)A.AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situationB.AIS is more accurate than ARPAC.AIS is not as accurate as ARPAD.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidanceCumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n) BA.high pressure systemB.cold frontC.warm frontD.occluded frontFog is most commonly associated with a(n) AA.warm front at nightB.low pressure areaC.anticycloneck of frontal activityAll entries in Logbook, A made, must not be erased or amended.A.onceB.whetherC.whileD.justThe compass deviation changes as the vessel changes CA.geographical positionB.speedC.headingD.longitudeIt’s B that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.A.brightB.distinctC.plainD.evidentA large navigational buoy(LNB) is painted red.Aboard a survival craft, ether can be used to start the engine in cold weather.Cribbing(甲板货)垫料The American Petroleum Institute recommends that connecting links and anchor shackles be inspected using magnetic partical inspection.The command MEET HER means the helmsman should use rudder to slow the vessel’s swing. 注:MEET HER.=meet the ship用舵校正航向Magnetic dip磁倾角rudder palms舵法令Splint夹板Fillet weld角焊bench hook缝帆钩。

航海英语考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the meaning of the term "Abeam" in navigation?A. At a right angle to the bow or sternB. Directly in front of the vesselC. At the side of the vesselD. Behind the vessel答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a type of maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. MaydayC. Pan-panD. All clear答案:D3. What does the term "Dead in the water" refer to?A. A vessel that is sinkingB. A vessel that is stationary in the waterC. A vessel that is moving at full speedD. A vessel that is turning around答案:B4. The term "Leeway" refers to:A. The angle between the direction of the wind and the direction the vessel is headingB. The distance a vessel has traveledC. The speed of the vessel through the waterD. The deviation of the vessel's course due to the wind and current答案:D5. What is the meaning of the term "Port" when used as a direction?A. Left side of the vesselB. Right side of the vesselC. Forward of the vesselD. A type of wine答案:A6. The term "Set" in navigation refers to:A. The direction of the windB. The direction of the currentC. The speed of the vesselD. The name of the vessel答案:B7. What is the meaning of "Bearing" in navigation?A. The weight of the vesselB. The direction of the vessel's movementC. The angle between the vessel's heading and a landmark or another vesselD. The distance from the vessel to a landmark or another vessel答案:C8. The term "Helm" refers to:A. The wheel used to steer the vesselB. The main mast of the vesselC. The captain of the vesselD. The bottom of the vessel答案:A9. What does the term "Tack" mean in sailing?A. To turn the vessel's bow into the windB. To turn the vessel's stern into the windC. To change the vessel's course by turning the stern through the windD. To change the vessel's course by turning the bow away from the wind答案:A10. The term "Clearing" in maritime communication refers to:A. The process of leaving a portB. The process of entering a portC. The process of cleaning the vesselD. The process of repairing the vessel答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The international maritime signal flag for the letter "A" is __________.答案:Alpha2. The term "Berth" can refer to a __________ or a sleeping accommodation on a ship.答案:parking space3. The direction from which the wind is blowing is known as the __________.答案:windward4. A vessel that is "Under tow" is being moved by __________.答案:another vessel5. The term "Freeboard" refers to the distance between the__________ and the waterline.答案:deck6. The term "Gale" is used to describe a wind of force__________ on the Beaufort scale.答案:8 or higher7. The term "Haul" in sailing means to __________ thevessel's course.答案:change8. The term "Knot" is used to measure __________.答案:speed9. The term "List" refers to a vessel's inclination to__________.答案:one side10. The term "Pilot" in navigation can refer to a person who __________ a vessel in or out of a port.答案:guides三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between "Port" and "Starboard".答案:"Port" refers to the left side of the vessel when facing the bow, while "Starboard" refers to the right side.2. What is the purpose of a "Fathometer" on a ship?答案:A fathometer is used to measure the depth of the water beneath the vessel.3. Describe the function of a "Binnacle" on a ship.答案:A binnacle。

0001. __D____ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.[7]下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图A.Admiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南B.Admiralty List of Signals 英版信号表C.Mariner's Handbook航海员手册D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告0002. ___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks.下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统(包括5种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标)。
A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136)世界大洋航路B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 英版海图图式及简写C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)IALA航海浮标系统D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100)航海员手册0003. ___A___ gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 standard and 6,000 secondary ports in the world.下列哪项出版物对全世界超过230个基准(主潮)港及6000个附潮港每日的潮高及潮时给出预报。

航海英语题库汇总答案:B(1分题)5 . At the departmentstore, you wantto know theprice of thecoat , youshould sayA. Tell me the way ,please .B. Do you know thetime ?C. How much is it ?D. Wait amoment ,please.答案: C(1分题)6.—— Mrs. Mary , I ’dlike tointroduce myChinese friendMr. Wang ,he isa new comer.——A. All right .B. Never mind .C. Please to meet you.D. I ’m wrong .答案:C(1分题)7.If a passer asked youthe way , andyou really don’tknow , what’sthe best answerA. I don’tknow .B. Oh , that ’sright .C. No , never mind .D.I ’m sorry . I ’m a stranger here myself .答案:D(1分题)8. You are now in thedepartmentstore . Youwant to buysomething.When a shopassistance saysto you“”答案: D(1 分Can I help you ? ,you should say题)A. Yes , you can . 10.Ifyou want to buy B. No , you can ’t.something . YouC. I ’m looking for ashould go to thecoat for myself.A. bank .D. It has nothing to doB. supermarket .with you .C. post office.答案:C (1 分题) D. customs.9 .’答案: B (1 分You haven t feelingwell , and you题)are seeing the 11.Take the _____blockdoctor ,you on right and then askshould tell theagain .doctorA .2A. I ’d like have aB .twolook attheC .twicehats . D .2nd’答案: D(1 分B. I m sorry .C. Could you give me题)your name?12.isD. I ’m afraid I had ait ?Fifty dollar s .bad cold.A .How manyB.How much C.How longD.How often答案: B (1 分题)13.(B)Turn _____and go ahead for about 10minutes.A.backB. roundC.againD.off答案:B(1分题)14 . Go ______aheaduntil you see a tree.A.straightB. lineC.toD.for答案:A(1分题)15.Let me_____you to the deck.A.showB. lookC.aronndD.for答案:A(1分题)16.He’ll for chief officer to meet you in a while.A.takeB. arrangeC.goD.show答案:B(1分题)17.Let’s to the saloon,shall we?A.takeB. arrangeC.goD.show答案:C(1分题)18 .—— Good morning.sir.—— ______ May I help you?A. How are you?B. Good afternoon .C. I ’m fine.D. Good morning.答案:D(1分题)19 . Do you have any flight on the morning of?A.October the secondB. October twoC. in OctoberD. July four答案: A(1分题)20.Let’s enter the transit lounge and wait departure.A.forB. withC.toD.from答案:A(1分题)第二部分:常用词汇21.船长A. officerB. engineerC captainD. bosun答案: C (1 分题)22.二副A. second officerB.captainC.chief officerD.chief engineer答案: A (1 分题)23.三副A. chief officerB. second officerC. third officerD. chief engineer答案:C(1分题)24.大副A. chief officerB. first mateC.A+BD.chief engineer答案:C(1分题)25.驾驶台A. engine roomB. deckC. cabinD. bridge答案:D(1分题)26.车钟A.courseB.telegraphC.rudderD.port答案: B(1分题)27.左舷A.portB.starboardC.courseD.rudder答案:A(1分题)28.右舷A.portB.starboardC.courseD.rudder答案: B (1 分题)29.引航员A.officerB.captainC.assistantD.pilot答案: D (1 分题)30.锚位A.anchorB.rudderC.positionD.course答案:A(1分题)31.radarA.车钟B.雷达C.港口D.灯塔答案: B(1分题)32.VHF telephoneA.测向仪B.甚高频无线电话C.天文钟D.六分仪答案: B(1分题)33.courseA.雷达B.望远镜C.航向D.锚位答案:C( 1 分题)34.navigational aidsA.助航设备B.深度指示器C.火警指示器D.操舵指示器答案:A(1分题)35.SpeedA.航向B.航线C.船位D.航速答案: D (1 分题)36.chartA.分罗经B.记录器C.海图D.倾斜仪答案:C(1分题)37.PSCA.私人物品B.港口国监督C.人身安全D.一水答案: B(1分题)38.lighthouseA.灯塔B.舷梯C.车钟D.雷达答案:A(1 分题)39.flagA.船钟B.旗帜C.物品D.证件答案: B(1分题)40.wharfA.船坞B.港口国C.码头D.仓库答案:C(1 分题)第三部分:船舶口令41.留心操舵。

航海英语沿海航区船舶二/三副单选题(每题1分,共80题)1、Charted depths________by 2 meters due to state of the winds.A、is decreasedB、decreasedC、decreasesD、are decreased参考答案:D2、The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is ________.A、on a regional basisB、on a national basisC、shown orderlyD、appeared from A to W参考答案:A3、My position has been obtained________GPS.A、withB、fromC、onD、by参考答案:D4Mariners are to ensure that charts and publications are________.A、kept correctedB、kept correctedlyC、keeping correctedD、keeping correctedly参考答案:A5、Depths of Wk. are to be inserted in the chart.A、workB、wreckC、wakeD、weak参考答案:B6、Navigational warnings are published according to________.A、the designed areaB、the designated areaC、the indicated areaD、all area over the world参考答案:B7、Periodic publications notifying changes in,or additions to,previously published navigational data is________.A、SupplementsB、Annual SummaryC、Navigational WarningsD、Notice to Mariners参考答案:D8、A、funnelsB、tunnelsC、channelsD、handles参考答案:A9、There is a drifting mine________in position 21 degrees 31 minutes North 124 degrees 20 minutes East.A、reportB、reportsC、reportedD、reporting参考答案:C10、There was not sufficinent depth of water in this area for my ship to navigate.A、muchB、highC、enoughD、great参考答案:C11、The locker will remain sealed as long as your ship is here.A、be kept sealedB、be released from being sealedC、be kept signedD、be released from being signed参考答案:A12、Please supply 200 tons of fresh water________my ship.A、withB、inC、toD、on参考答案:C13、This notice will________you of the problem.A、use to remindB、use to tellC、serve to remindD、be served to talk参考答案:C14、The port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called________.A、port of callB、port of embarkationC、port of destinationD、port of disembarkation15、For the satety of the vessel and the cargo,all________measures were adopted without hesitationA、necessary safeB、necessarily safetyC、necessitated safeD、necessary safety参考答案:D16、The second officer will take________the watch soon.A、onB、underC、offD、over参考答案:D17、A fireman's outfit carried onboard cargo vessels,must have a ________.A、canister-type gas mask(防毒面具)B、fresh air breathing apparatusC、self-contained breathing apparatusD、combustible gas(可燃气体)indicator参考答案:C18、Whose duty is it to examine and verify the vessel's classification and technical state and confition?A、Tallyman'sB、Marine surveyor'sC、Cargo surveyor'sD、Nautical inspector's参考答案:B19、According________the report,the ship hit the sharf when berthing.A、ofB、toC、forD、on参考答案:B20、Let________the real fact of the accident.A、I tell youB、me to tell youC、I to tell youD、me tell you参考答案:D21、When the ship causes oil pollution to the port,she will be________.A、finedB、leviedC、paidD、deducted22、You must________your cable to 5 shackles.A、cutB、shortC、be shortD、shorten参考答案:D23、________port anchor,one shackle in water.A、ThrowB、Heave inC、Cast offD、Let go参考答案:D24、It's no good________down by head.A、to sailB、sailsC、sailingD、sailed参考答案:A25、My ship is now________even keel.A、atB、inC、onD、of参考答案:C26、Please________all the lines fore and aft,the vessel is just in her position of the berth now.A、pay outB、make fastC、shortenD、hold on参考答案:B27、Finally,when your ship is alongside,don't forget________.A、having rat guards properly mounted on your moorings.B、to have rat guards properly mounted on your mooringsC、to have rat guards properly mounting at your mooringsD、having rat guards proper mounted on your moorings参考答案:B28、Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can________.A、take proper and effective(适当而有效)action to avoid collisionB、be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances(当时的环境)and conditionsC、neither A nor BD、both A and B参考答案:D29、In determining a safe speed________shall not be among ehose taken into account.A、the state of visibilityB、the power of the vesselC、the traffic densityD、the maneuverabilyty of the vessel参考答案:B30、In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall be among________.A、these taken into calculationB、those taking into accountC、that taken into accountD、those taken into account参考答案:D31、The effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally________.A、pastB、clearC、past or clearD、past and clear参考答案:D32、The ship is bound________SHANGHAI.A、forB、byC、atD、to参考答案:A33、I am proceeding at a slackened speed.Here SLACKENED stands for ________.A、reducedB、increasedC、normalD、half参考答案:A34、You'd better________your course to port to avoid collision.A、to alterB、alterC、alteringD、altered参考答案:B35、We shall change course to starboard and ________with the coming vessel.A、pass starboard to starboardB、pass port to portC、A is right,B is wrongD、neither A nor B is wrong参考答案:B36、Four years________my ship called at his port.A、agoB、fromC、afterD、before参考答案:A37、All vessels must avoid this area.A、enterB、crossC、steer clear ofD、sail into参考答案:C38、I am maintaining my course and speed.A、changingB、keepingC、alteringD、going参考答案:B39、From________the mariner can understand the dta of tide.A、cargo planB、tide tableC、port listD、sea pilot参考答案:B40、Tide is ________in direction ENE.A、gettingB、settingC、beingD、having参考答案:B41、They commenced loading at 1400 hours.A、startedB、finishedC、completedD、reported参考答案:A42、________will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.A、Cargo-handling expensesB、Tally moneyC、Cargo-tallying duesD、Tally fees参考答案:D43、All the copper bard(铜棒)are________different sizes.A、atB、inC、byD、from参考答案:B44、If you reduce the shortage of the cargo________50%,I'll sign.A、inB、byC、forD、with参考答案:B45、I saw the cargo surveyor________the cargo on deck just a minute ago.A、examineB、to examineC、being examinedD、examining参考答案:D46、We have two kinds of cargo on board, but________is dangerous.A、eitherB、neitherC、noneD、no参考答案:B47、Whar does the abbreviation SWL stand for?A、signal wave lettersB、ship without lightC、safe water lineD、safe working load参考答案:D48、The proper place________the sling is made up is the square of the hatch.A、whichB、whereC、whenD、how参考答案:B49、If it________fine tomorrow,we shall start loading.A、to beB、isC、will beD、has been参考答案:B50、My ship has been delayed________poor visibility.A、becauseB、in reason ofC、owing toD、for参考答案:C51、When a wind blows round clockwise,it is ________.A、VariableB、ChangingC、BackingD、Veering参考答案:D52、Windward means:A、direction to windB、direction against windC、wind directionD、variable direction参考答案:B53、What is your________tropical storm warning information?A、latestB、latelyC、lastD、nowadays参考答案:A54、The expenses for such work done by stevedores are________shipowners'________.A、for,accountB、to,paymentC、on,accountD、whth,payment参考答案:A55、During the voyage from Singapore to Shanghai my vessel________No.9904 tropical storm.A、metB、sawC、watchedD、encountered参考答案:D56、________has the ship?A、How much hatchesB、How many hatchC、How much hatchD、How many hatches参考答案:D57、________a beautiful ship it is!A、HowB、WhatC、VeryD、So参考答案:B58、On board container carriers,below-deck containers are stowed________.A、in fixed cell guidesB、under TFEUC、secured by portable lashing systemD、in block参考答案:A59、Roll-on/roll-off ships are equipped with________.A、cargo elevatorsB、conveyor beltsC、rampsD、derricks and winches for cargo handling参考答案:C60、That is a ________boat built in Hong Kong.A、ten-year-oldB、ten-years-oldC、ten-years oldD、ten year old参考答案:A61、The tweendeck type of vessel has________below the main deck.A、another deckB、two other decksC、no deckD、additional deck参考答案:A62、Our ship is more than 150 meters in________.A、heightB、breadthC、depthD、length参考答案:D63、The fog is lifted, so________the radar.A、closeB、openC、switch offD、switch on参考答案:C64、Proper use shall be made________radar eqipment.A、withB、toC、forD、of参考答案:D65、My gyro-compass error is________.A、east two degreesB、two degrees eastC、two east degreesD、two-degrees east参考答案:B66、Our agent has probably already told you the news,________?A、isn't heB、doesn't heC、hasn't heD、didn't he参考答案:C67、You are________danger.A、run inB、running intoC、run intoD、running in参考答案:B68、EASE THE STRAIN ON THE STERN LINE means________.A、Don't take in the stern lineB、Take in the stern lineC、Send out the stern lineD、Heave up the stern line参考答案:C69、________time wil the pilot be available?A、WhatB、WhenC、At whatD、At when参考答案:A70、I am ready________tow line.A、castB、to cast ofC、cast offD、to cast off参考答案:D71、I have________you on my radar.A、seenB、sightedC、watchedD、located参考答案:D72、What does the abbreviation VHF stand for?A、Vessel's Hoisting FlagB、Very High SafetyC、Vessel's Homing FrequencyD、Very High Frequency参考答案:D73、I read you________.A、goodB、gooderC、goodlyD、goodest参考答案:A74、All ships in vicinity of position 10o13'N,123o32'E keep________lookout.A、sharpB、littleC、heavyD、big参考答案:A75、The injured stevedore paid________attention to the loading instructions from the chief Officer.A、smallB、littleC、fewD、a few参考答案:B76、Is extra power available________emergency while maneuvering?A、forB、inC、duringD、to参考答案:A77、You are going to________.A、run agroundB、run groundedC、agroundD、run grounding参考答案:A78、Stop search and return to________.A、keelB、virginC、originD、base参考答案:D79、I'll go and ________the causes of the incident first.A、clear ofB、knowC、denyD、investgate参考答案:D80、I'm on fire and have dangerous cargo on board.The most emergent assistance would be________.A、life boatB、helicopterC、fire-fightingD、medicine参考答案:C。

1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations?A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operationsB. Emergency shutdown operationC. Removing booms from stowageD. All of the above起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB. Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC. Long-range radar scanningD. All of the above哪些步骤应该用来判定碰撞危险?上面所有的3.A mooring line leading 45°to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A. spring lineB. warp lineC. bow lineD. breast line一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _____A. on the downwind sideB. on the upwind sideC. inside the boatD. at the stern当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。

1. What is the main purpose of dunnage __B______.垫舱料的作用是()A.To act as ballast for light vessels 作为空船的压载水B.To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo 为货物提供通风及排水C.To secure the tarpaulins in place固定帆布D.To support weakened bulkheads 支撑强度减轻的舱壁2 The extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is __A__扑灭木材火灾最有效的灭火材料是A.Water 水B.Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳C.Foam 泡沫D.Dry chemical 干粉3. What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?什么会影响回声探测仪的精度?A.Sea bottomB.Ship's speedC.Speed of currentD.Water temperature and density答案:D4 Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?关于GPS的使用,下列哪一项是不正确的?A.GPS is the most accurate global system today.B.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defence's controlC.DGPS is more accurate than GPSD.GPS can provide a real-time position under any conditionA.GPS是今天最精确的全球系统。

航海英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "port" refers to which side of the ship?A. Left sideB. Right sideC. SternD. Bow答案:A2. What does the acronym "AIS" stand for in maritime communication?A. Automatic Identification SystemB. Advanced Information SystemC. Automatic Information SystemD. Advanced Identification System答案:A3. Which of the following is not a type of navigational buoy?A. Can buoyB. Cone buoyC. Barrel buoyD. Anchor buoy答案:D4. What is the standard speed for a ship to proceed at when entering or leaving a port?A. 5 knotsB. 10 knotsC. 15 knotsD. 20 knots答案:A5. Which of the following is not a maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. MaydayC. Pan-panD. Help答案:D6. What is the minimum safe distance a ship should maintain from a submarine when passing?A. 500 metersB. 1000 metersC. 1500 metersD. 2000 meters答案:B7. What does the term "deadweight" refer to in shipping?A. The weight of the ship without cargoB. The maximum weight the ship can carryC. The weight of the cargo onlyD. The weight of the ship with cargo答案:B8. Which of the following is not a type of maritime document?A. Bill of ladingB. Certificate of registryC. PassportD. Cargo manifest答案:C9. What is the international maritime signal flag for "I require a pilot"?A. AlphaB. BravoC. DeltaD. Echo答案:A10. What is the standard time zone for all maritime navigation?A. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)B. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)C. Eastern Standard Time (EST)D. Pacific Standard Time (PST)答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The international maritime distress frequency is _______ MHz.答案:21822. The term "freeboard" refers to the distance between the _______ and the waterline.答案:deck3. A ship's _______ is the part of the ship that extends vertically from the waterline to the deck.答案:hull4. The _______ is the officer in charge of the navigation and safety of the ship.答案:captain5. The _______ is a device used to measure the depth of water under the ship.答案:sounder6. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for medical assistance.答案:Alpha7. The _______ is the part of the ship that is used for loading and unloading cargo.答案:cargo hold8. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for a tugboat.答案:Bravo9. The _______ is the part of the ship that is used for steering.答案:rudder10. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for a pilot.答案:Delta三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the function of a radar in maritime navigation.答案:Radar is a system that uses radio waves to determinethe range, angle, or velocity of objects. It is used in maritime navigation to detect and locate other vessels, land, and obstacles, as well as to navigate in poor visibility conditions.2. Describe the importance of maintaining a proper lookout while at sea.答案:Maintaining a proper lookout is crucial for the safe navigation of a ship. It involves continuously monitoring the surrounding environment to detect any potential hazards or changes in conditions, such as other vessels, weather patterns, or navigational markers. This helps in avoiding collisions, grounding, or other maritime accidents.3. What are the responsibilities of a ship's officer in charge of navigation?答案:The officer in charge of navigation is responsible for planning the ship's route, overseeing the operation of navigational equipment, ensuring compliance with maritime regulations, monitoring weather conditions, and making decisions to ensure the safe and efficient passage of the ship.4. Explain the significance of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in global shipping.答案:The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping. It develops and maintains a comprehensive regulatory framework to ensure the safety and security of shipping, the prevention of marine pollution, and the facilitation of international maritime traffic. The IMO'swork is essential for promoting cooperation among nations, setting global standards, and addressing maritime issues that affect the entire world.。

航海英语500题库[001] A stabilogauge is a calculator used to ____①Measure GM. ②Measure initial stability.A.①only B. ②onlyC. Both ①and ②D. Neither ①and ②[002]A towing vessel pushing a barge ahead and rigidly connected in a composite unit shall show the light of _____A. a vessel towing by pushing aheadB. a power-driven vessel, not towingC. a barge being pushed aheadD. either answer A or answer B[003]If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, I, e, A, B, C and D consecutively, the cargo for ____must generally be loaded first.A. Port AB. Port BC. Port CD. Port D[004]In determining a safe speed_____ shall be taken into your consideration.A. the state of wind ,sea and currentB. the traffic densityC. the presence of the background light at nightD. A+B+C[005] ADVISE YOU MAKE COURSE 036 means that you should________.A. alter your course of 036B. keep your present course of 036C. charge your course to 036D. change your course by 036[006]A bad separation makes the cargo ____ at its destination.A. easier to dischargeB. more difficult to dischargeC. easer to loadD. more difficult to load[007]A man aboard a vessel, signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side, is indicating____.A . danger, stay away B. all is clear, it is safe to passC. the vessel is anchoredD. a distress signal[008]A vessel which is fishing is required to show sidelights and a stern-light only when ______A. anchoredB. underwayC. dead in the waterD. underway and making way[009]A vessel will NOT show sidelights when_______A. underway but not making wayB. making way ,not under commandC. not under command, not making wayD. trolling underway[010]A weather map is a synoptic data because it_______A. summarizes a great deal of informationB. can be interpreted accuratelyC . appears dailyD. is prepared by the Weather Bureau[011]Admiralty Charts are published in ______A. U.S.AB. ChinaC.U.KD. Japan[012]All the expenses are _____the ship’s account.A. ofB. forC. toD. at[013]At sea, we can use __to fix the ship’s position.A. VHFB. Steering GearC. Rudder IndicatorD. Loran[014] It is very kind ______ you to help us.A. Of.B. For.C. To.D. At.[015] My ship ______ that port next month.A. calls atB. has called atC. call atD. will call at[016] Speed must regulated ______ no damage is done to the wharf.A. In order.B. So as.C. So that.D. Such that[017]The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in _____A. all ports of the issuing countryB. all ports of the worldC. all ports other than a issuing countryD. all ports of ship’s arrival[018]The ship is equipped with {DF}A. discharging facilitiesB. direction finderC. log indicatorD. a kind of radar[019]The ship’s draught forward is same as her draught aft. This condition is named as_____A. even keelB. even trimC. even draughtD. even float [020]同上[021]The vessel ahead ____you is stopped.A. beforeB. fromC. ofD. away[022]We have finished _____and are ready for sailing.A. loadB. loadingC. will loadD. to load[023]What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? ______A. signal wave lettersB. ship without lightC. safe water lineD. safe working load[024]What weather forecast can do is to give a statement of expected condition in_______A. every areaB. a certain areaC. some areasD. many areas[025]When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel must_____A. abandon shipB. assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionC. hold course and speedD. sound a distress signal[026]You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must _____A. stop your enginesB. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistleC. sound the danger signalD. slow to bare steerageway[027]Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend.You should _____A. back your enginesB. stop your engines and driftC. answer with one prolonged blastD. sound the danger signal[028]Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can____A. take proper and effective action to avoid collisionB. be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.C. neither A and BD. both A nor B[029]Forward station, single up forward ______ head line and spring.A. inB. onC. toD. by[030]The though cargo in No.4 hatch square stands ____the way.A. atB. inC. onD. by[031]What is the position of vessel ____distress?A. onB. atC. inD. by[032]A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to_____A. proceed through an inappropriate traffic laneB. engaged in fishing in the separation zoneC. cross a traffic laneD. enter the separation zone, even in an emergency[033]All of the following are distress signal EXPECT________A. the continuous sounding of any fog signal apparatusB. giving five or more short and rapid blasts of the whistleC. firing a gun at interval of about a minuteD. a barrel with burning oil in it, on deck[034]Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of ____8-9 are expected.A. wind SpeedB. Air ForceC. wind VelocityD. Beaufort Force[035]Goods stowed in containers _____without notice.A. shall be carried on deckB. shall be carried under deckC. may be carried on or under deckD. may not be carried on or under deck[036]In order to obtain early warning of risk of collision, proper use of radar equipment is necessary, including_____A. long-range scanningB. radar plottingC. equivalent systematic observation of detected objectD. all A, B and C[037]MAYDAY is to be used to announce______A. a distress messageB. an urgency messageC. a safety messageD. a massage of SMCP[038]My Captain is trying to ____ the pilot station before the ebb tide.A. steamB. proceedC. approachD. reach [039]The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate_____ as far as possible.A variationB. compass errorC. deviationD. earth’s magnetic force[040]The tweendecker has _____below the main deck.A. another deckB. two other deckC. no deckD. additional deck[041]The well preparation of stowage plan will______A. increase the ship’s officers’ knowledgeB. extend the ship’s officers’ knowledgeC. improve the ship’s cargo-handling equipmentD. raise the working efficiency[042] A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall ______.A. Take action to permit safe overtaking.B. Sound the appropriate signal.C. Slacken her speed.D. Increase her speed.[043] A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when ______.A. She is at anchor.B. She is made fast to shoreC. She is aground.D. Her anchor ceases to hold.[044] A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel of fairway shall keep as near to the ______ limit of the channel or fairway, which lies on her_______ side as, is safe and practicable.A. Inner, port.B. Inner, starboard.C. Outer, port.D. Outer, starboard.[045] A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded ______ to comply with this Rule when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.A. remains fully obligedB. has no obligationC. is not necessarilyD. is exempted.[046] Every vessel shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course when hearing apparently ______ the fog signal of another vessel.A. Afterward of her beam.B. F orward of her beam.C. A beam on port.D. Abeam on starboard.[047] Forecastle deck is located in the ship’s ______.A. Bow stem.B. Stern.C. Portside.D. Starboard side.[048] If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,______.A. decrease speedB. increase speedC. turn to port for a vessel on her own port sideD. turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side[049] In determining if risk of collision exists,if there is any doubt,such risk shall be deemed to ______.A. existB. existsC. existingD. to be existed.[050] The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is ______.A. fairway sideB. open sea sideC. lee sideD. roadstead side[051] The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by ______.A. IBC code.B. BC code.C. IMDC code.D. IGC code.[052] There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range.A. reflectB. shownC. detectedD. defected.[053] Traffic separation schemes may be ______ by the organization for the purpose of these rules.A. Adopted.B. A dapted.C. A djusted.D. Admitted.[054] Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one ______ from the other.A. can be observed visuallyB. can be observed by radarC. can be located on the radarD. can be heard.[055] We've changed our ______ not to start loading this evening.A. heartB. heartsC. mindD. minds[056] When you doubt the existence of risk of collision, ______A. Such risk shall be deemed to exist.B. S uch risk shall not deem to exist.C. Y ou needn’t take any action to avoid collision with any vessel.D. You should accelerate your speed ahead.[057] Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other ______.A. Shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed.B. Shall not keep her course and speedC. Shall keep her course but change her speed.D. Shall keep her course and speed.[058] While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.A. assumedB. appreciatedC. promisedD. permitted.[059] A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates ______.A. the vessel is in distressB. the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargoC. it is safe to passD. the vessel is anchored[060] A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.A. turning maneuverB. course settingC. position fixingD. regulating speed[061] A vessel is being propelled both by sail and by engines. Under the rules, the vessel is ______.A. A special circumstance vessel.B. N ot covered under any category.C. A sailing vessel.D. A power-driven vessel.[062] A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?______.A. A vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrowchannel since it is safe and practicable.B. A vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channelas long as it is safe and practicable.C. A vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe andpracticable.D. A vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to thedegree in which it is safe and practicable.[063] A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when she can see at night ______.A. only the sternlight of the vesselB. a sidelight and one masthead light of the vesselC. only a sidelight of the vesselD. any lights except the masthead lights of the vessel[064] A vessel shall not ______.A. enter the traffic separation zone in an emergency.B. cross a traffic lane.C. engage in fishing in the separation zone.D. proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane.[065] A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leaving a traffic lane at the ______ of the lane.A. Ended.B. Terminative.C. Termination.D. Side.[066] ]A vessel when joining or leaving from the side of a traffic separation scheme shall do so at as ______ to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.A. small an angleB. large an angleC. either small or large an angleD. neither small nor large an angle.[067]Advise you _____engines.A. stopB. to stop C . stopping D. stopped[068] All the holds which are to take cereals in bags must be so cleaned that they meet the requirements of the ______.A. Local agent.B. Cargo surveyor.C. Accident investigator.D. General average adjuster. [069] All the rubber bales were separated ______.A. By grade.B. By a grade.C. By the grade.D. By the grades.[070] As to the torn bags, I’ll tell the shipper to ______ them up.A. Resew.B. Rejoin.C. Re-nail.D. Re-solder.[071] Because of ______, no separation is needed for the cargoes destined for New York.A. Their different packing.B. Their same nature.C. Their different destinations.D. Their different nature.[072] Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with ______ of the ship.A. the call sign and nameB. the official number and nameC. the port of registry and nameD. the port of registry and official number[073] Fire is under control,and ______.A. lifeboat is no longer neededB. lifeboat is needed badlyC. lifeboat is needed not moreD. lifeboat is urgently needed[074] Freight rates are mostly charged ______.A. By the weight (tons) of cargo.B. By the capacity (tons) of vessel.C. By DW of the vessel.D. By the draft of the vessel. [075] I will wait for Utopia ______ before getting underway.A. clearB. to clearC. clearingD. cleared[076] If it ______ fine tomorrow,we shall start unloading.A. to beB. isC. will beD. has been[077] If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of ______ is used?A. pilot ladderB. rope ladderC. rod ladderD. accommodation ladder[078] If the weights are moved away from the amidships section, ______ will happen on board.A. Hogging.B. Sagging.C. Stiff.D. Tender.[079] If there is sufficient sea room,alteration of ______ may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.A. speed and courseB. speed aloneC. course aloneD. speed or course.[080] If you had started loading earlier, you ______ loading now.A. Would finish.B. Will have finished.C. Would have finished.D. Will be finish.[081] In a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should normally ______.A. Take action to cross ahead of the other vesselB. T ake action to pass astern of the other vessel.C. M aintain course and speed.D. Change course and increase speed.[082] In a crossing situation,the stand-on vessel should normally ______.A. take action to cross ahead of the other vesselB. take action to pass astern of the other vesselC. maintain course and speedD. change course and increase speed[083] In determining a safe speed ________ shall not be among those taken into account.A. The characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment.B. A ny constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use.C. T he effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference.D. The safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore.[084] In determining safe speed, all of the following must be taken into account except the ______.A. Maximum horsepower of your vessel.B. P resence of background lights at night.C. D raft of your vessel.D. Manoeuvrability of your vessel.[085] It is dangerous to ______ in present position.A. Remain.B. Remaining.C. Be remaining.D. Be remained.[086] It was demanded that the injured crewmembers ______ at once.A. was treatedB. would be treatedC. being treatedD. be treated[087] It’s ______ to stow optional cargo in the lower hold. You’d better give it block stowage in the tweendecks, and then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai, or Dalian or Tianjin.A. Possible.B. Impossible.C. Proper.D. Improper. [088] It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.A. to allow port Authorities to boardB. allowing port Authorities to boardC. to allow port Authorities boardingD. allowing port Authorities to be boarded[089] It’s going to rain. Don’t forget ______ the hatches.A. Close.B. Closing.C. To close.D. Closed.[090] It’s requested that all ships are ______ the rules f or preventing collision at sea.A. To conform to.B. To draw up.C. To comply with.D. To determine[091] My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique. What does the sentence my vessel is healthy mean? It means ______.A. My ship has been maintained.B. M y ship has been painted.C. A ll my crewmembers have been vaccinated.D. All my crewmembers have no quarantinable diseases.[092]No assumptions______ on the basis of scanty information,especially scanty radar information.A. should not be madeB. are not to be takenC. should be takenD. shall be made.[093] None of the ship’s papers ______.A. Has expired.B. Has been expired.C. Has expiring.D. Be expired.[094] Nothing in these rules shall _______ any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any precaution, which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman, or by the special circumstances of the case.A. Exonerate.B. Exhaust.C. Exercise.D. Examine.[095] On my last voyage it ______ at the discharging port that some watches were pilfered.A. Happens.B. Has happened.C. Happened.D. Had happened.[096] On open waters,a power-driven vessel shall keep out of the way of a ______.A. vessel on her port side that is crossing her courseB. vessel that is overtaking herC. seaplane on the waterD. sailing vessel[097] Our ship ______ at the anchorage the day before yesterday.A. Arrives.B. Has arrived.C. Arrived.D. Will arrived.[098] Our ship ______ with many modern navigational instruments.A. Equipped.B. Is equipped.C. Equips.D. Has equipped.[099] Our ship is slow in going astern, Please ______.A. Be careful.B. Be kind enough.C. Be nice.D. Be looked after.[100] Please ______for my vessel.A. Make a lee.B. Take a lee.C. Get a lee.D. Have a lee.[101] Please have the damage to the gangway ______.A. Repair.B. To repair.C. Repairing.D. Repaired. [102] Port of registry refers to the port where ______.A. The ship has been named.B. The ship has been built.C. The ship has been signed.D. The ship has beenregistered.[103] Power-driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except ______.A. in a crossing situationB. when they are making more speed than the power-driven vesselC. when the sailing vessel is overtakingD. on the Inland Waters of the United States[104] Shall we ______ wait at the roadstead till there is a free berth for us?A. mustB. ought toC. have toD. never[105] Ships are always ______ on water and they are easy to rust.A. floatB. floatingC. floatsD. floated[106] Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port, all discharging outlets are blocked.A. Blockaded.B. Opened.C. Closed.D. Enclosed.[107] Should that kind of weather ______,the two ships would touch each other.A. persistB. persistsC. to persistD. persisted[108] Take tug’s towing line to ______.A. Captain.B. Capstan.C. Capital.D. Carpenter.[109] The bill of lading is described as ______ if the ship owners agree that the cargoes were received on board in good condition.A. Clean.B. Dirty.C. Foul.D. Claused.[110] The check under ship owner’s organization made at the loading port is to avoid accepting cargo ______ upon receipt.A. In sufficient packing.B. In weak condition.C. In correct number.D. In good order.[111] The contents ______ to be short.A. Seem.B. Are seeming.C. Are seemed.D. Have been seemed.[112] The damaged derrick ______ now.A. has repairedB. is being repairedC. is repairedD. will be repaired[113]同上[114] The giving-way vessel has a same meaning of _______.A. Stand-on vessel.B. Privileged vessel.C. Burdened vessel.D. Hampered vessel.[115] The government of PR China ______ that the above-mentioned ship complies with the provisions of the regulations annexed to the Convention referred to above as regardsradiotelegraphy and radar.A. certifiesB. confirmsC. containsD. construes[116] The lights required by the rules must be shown ______.A. From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility.B. A t all times.C. O nly from sunset to sunrise.D. Whenever a lookout is posted.[117] The loading operation in hatch No.2.4.5 suspended and labors went ashore.A. Went dead.B. Discontinued for long period.C. Went ahead.D. Completed.[118] The locker will remain sealed as long as your ship is here.A. Be kept sealed.B. Be released from being sealed.C. Be kept signed.D. Be released from being signed. [119] The meaning of ebb tide is that ______.A. tide is falling from high water to low waterB. tide is rising from low water to high waterC. tide is reaching to a highest levelD. tide is reaching to a lowest level[120] The morning newspaper was ______ by the agent.A. Directed.B. Discharged.C. Derived.D. Delivered.[121] The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by ______.A. Experience from practice.B. Various types of cargoes.D. Different type of ships. D. Personal abilities.[122] The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white.A. furnishedB. paintedC. preparedD. written[123] The pilot station ______ close west of the end of the breakwater.A. Is stayed.B. Is situated.C. Is placed.D. Is located. [124] The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______.A. Traffic Separation SchemesB. Recommended tracksC. Precautionary areasD. Inshore traffic zones[125] The rules state that vessels may depart from the rules when ______.A. There are other vessels in the vicinity.B. Operating in a traffic separation scheme.C. Engaged in a situation involving more than two vessels.D. Necessary to avoid immediate danger.[126] The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after ______.A. The cargo is loading.B. The cargo is discharged.C. The cargo is on board.D. The cargo is damaged.[127] The shipp ers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after the cargo ______ isloaded.A. Related.B. Concerned.C. Relevant.D. Connected.[128] The term power-driven vessel means ______ in these Rules.A. any sailing vessel with propelling machineryB. any vessel propelled by machineryC. any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propellingD. any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in use.[129] The term restricted visibility as used in the Rules refers ______.A. only to fogB. only to visibility of less than half a mileC. to any condition where visibility is restrictedD. to visibility where you cannot see shore[130] The two vessels underway may collide with ______, if they don’t take immediate measures.A. One to another.B. One the other.C. Each the other.D. Each other.[131] The vessel ______ there yesterday.A. Ground.B. Grounded.C. Grounding.D. Has grounded.[132] The VTS has been designed to aid in ______.A. the prevention of collisionB. the promotion of the traffic flowC. the complying of port regulationD. the development of navigational technique.[133] There is not ______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse.A. ampleB. sufficientC. enormousD. incredible[134] They commenced loading at 1400 hours.A. Started.B. Finished.C. Completed.D. Reported. [135] Under International Rules ______.A. all vessels must carry an after range light.B. vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light.C. vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lights.D. vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise.[136] Vessel shall normally join or leave a traffic lane ______ of the lane.A. from right sideB. from left sideC. at the terminationD. from either side.[137] Vessels must not exceed a speed of 8 knots in this area.A. Sail at.B. Expect.C. Proceed at.D. Steam over.[138] Vessel's provisions refer to ______ of the vessel.A. fuel oilB. vegetables and foodC. spare parts on boardD. ballast water[139] What form should the master hand over to the customs officer at the port of arrival?A. Last port clearance.B. Declaration of crew’s baggage’s.C. Maritime declaration of health.D. List of bounded stores.[140] What speed can the ship make ______?A. At full speed of the propeller.B. At full load of the propeller.C. At maximum horsepower of the propeller.D. At maximum revolution of the propeller.[141] When the changing of a VHF channel/frequency is accepted, say ______.A. I am going to change to VHF channel.B. I am certainly going to change to VHF channel.C. Changing to VHF channel.D. VHF channel has been changed.[142] When there is not a chief officer on board, ______ should keep and write up the sh ip’s logbook.A. The assistance officer.B. The captain.C. The officer on duty.D. The third officer.[143] Which one of following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision?A. Each shall keep her course and speed.B. Each shall alter her course to starboard.C. Each shall pass on the portside to the other.D. Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle.[144] Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?A. Both vessels.B. Neither vessel.C. The vessel on portside.D. The vessel on starboard side.[145] Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?A. Both vessels.B. Neither vessel.C. The stand-on vessel.D. The giving-way vessel.[146] Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?A. Vessel engaged in fishing.B. Vessel not making way.C. Vessel sailing.D. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.[147] ]Which vessel,when anchored at night,is NOT required to show anchor lights? ______.A. A power-driven vesselB. A vessel engaged on pilotage dutyC. A vessel dredgingD. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver[148] While ______, they met with storm weather.A. At sea.B. The ship was at sea.C. She was at sea.D. They were at sea.。

航海英语综合试题三一、词汇1.晚上B A afternoon B morning C evening2.YesterdayA A 昨天B 今天C 明天3.十月B A september B november C october4.Wendesday B A 星期一B 星期三C 星期五5.Thinner C A 清漆B 凡力水C 稀释剂6.防腐漆A A . anti-fouling paint B anti-corrosive paint C non-slip paint7.探照灯C A .falsh light B. anchor light C. searching light8.拖把A A. mop B. glove C. broom9.信号灯C A searching light B flash light C signal light10. chief engineer B A 轮机长B 大管轮C 大副11.黑色C A white B red C black12. 刮刀B A spanner B scraper C chart13. 10:05 C A five to eleven B ten past five C five past ten14. winterC A 春天B 秋天C 冬天15.美元B A RMB B dollar C yen16. hour B A 分钟B 小时C 秒17. Ordinary eaman B A 一水B 二水C 水手长18.韩国B A Japan B korea C America19 . Rat guard A A 防鼠挡B 导轨C 灭鼠20.宾馆B A resturant B hotel C office21. spring A A 倒缆B 头缆C 撇缆22.Wire rope A A 钢丝绳B 吊货钢丝C卡拉母23.Identity cards A A 身份证B 证件C 海员证24.Inflammable cargo A A 易燃货B 易爆货C 危险货25.Floating crane C A 岸吊B 起重机C 浮吊26.Life-boat B A 救生筏B 救生艇C 救生圈27.沥青 C A paint B cement wash C bitumen28. Asia C A 欧洲B 美洲C 亚洲29.木材B A coal B timber C cotton30. 卸口 B A slack B shackle C derrick二、专业31.This is a __B___(杂货船) 。

0001 Your vessel is underway when ①the anchor is dragging. ②the anchor is used in docking.A. ①only.B. ②only.C. Either ①or ②.D. Neither ①nor ②.当①拖锚②靠泊用锚时你船在航。
C0002 Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should ______.A. Back your engines.—倒车B. Stop your engines and drift.—停车漂流C. Answer with one prolonged blast.(规则要求)D. Sound the danger signal.—鸣放危险声号你船正在接近一个湾头。
C0003 Your vessel has anchored in a channel known to have strong tidal currents. To check your position you take a round of bearings, one of which is a range in line. One hour later the bearing on the lights in range opens up. This indicates ①The ship is swinging. ②The ship is dragging her anchor.A. ①only.B. ②only.C. Either ①or ②.D. Neither ①nor ②.你船在水道中锚泊并知道有强的潮流。

航海英语烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnel烟囱B.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galley厨房D.The satellite antenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroom食堂C.The galleyD.The satellite antenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchor 锚C.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动.6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship movesmore easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。

[63] A “figure eight”knot is used to ______.A. be a stopperB. shorten a lineC. join lines of equal sizeD. keep a line from passing through a sheaveKEY: D八字结通常用于一条绳穿过滑车。
[64] A “Mediterranean moor”should be used when ______.A. anchoring in the MediterraneanB. docking stern to a berthC. docking bow to a berthD. anchoring in a strong currentKEY: B地中海系泊应该被用,当尾部靠泊时。
[65]A band or collar on top end of a boom to which the topping lift, midships guy, and outboard guys are secured, is called the ______.A. collar bandB. guy bandC. pad eye collarD. spider bandKEY: D在钓竿顶端的箍或凸缘,千斤索、中稳索、边稳索系固处,被称为桅箍。
[66] A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a ______.A. high pressure systemB. low pressure systemC. high dew pointD. low dew pointKEY: B气压计显示气压下降,表示低气压临近。
[67] A block and tackle is rove to advantage. This means that the ______.A. blocks have been overhauledB. hauling parts of two tackles are attachedC. hauling part leads through the movable blockD. hauling part leads through the standing blockKEY: C滑轮组有利于移动,这意思是动力端穿过动滑轮。

航海英语500题库[001] A stabilogauge is a calculator used to ____①Measure GM. ②Measure initial stability.A.①only B.②onlyC. Both ①and ②D. Neither ①and ②[002]A towing vessel pushing a barge ahead and rigidly connected in a composite unit shall show the light of _____A. a vessel towing by pushing aheadB.a power-driven vessel, not towingC.a barge being pushed aheadD. either answer A or answer B[003]If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, I, e, A, B, C and D consecutively, the cargo for ____must generally be loaded first.A. Port AB. Port BC. Port CD. Port D[004]In determining a safe speed_____ shall be taken into your consideration.A. the state of wind ,sea and currentB. the traffic densityC. the presence of the background light at nightD. A+B+C[005] ADVISE YOU MAKE COURSE 036 means that you should________.A. alter your course of 036B. keep your present course of 036C. charge your course to 036D. change your course by 036[006]A bad separation makes the cargo ____ at its destination.A. easier to dischargeB. more difficult to dischargeC. easer to loadD. more difficult to load[007]A man aboard a vessel, signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side, is indicating____.A .danger, stay away B. all is clear, it is safe to passC. the vessel is anchoredD. a distress signal[008]A vessel which is fishing is required to show sidelights and a stern-light only when ______A. anchoredB. underwayC. dead in the waterD. underway and making way[009]A vessel will NOT show sidelights when_______A. underway but not making wayB. making way ,not under commandC. not under command, not making wayD. trolling underway[010]A weather map is a synoptic data because it_______A.summarizes a great deal of informationB. can be interpreted accuratelyC .appears dailyD. is prepared by the Weather Bureau[011]Admiralty Charts are published in ______A. U.S.AB. ChinaC.U.KD. Japan- 1 -[012]All the expenses are _____the ship’s account.A. ofB. forC. toD. at[013]At sea, we can use __to fix the ship’s position.A.VHFB.Steering GearC. Rudder IndicatorD. Loran[014] It is very kind ______ you to help us.A. Of.B. For.C. To.D. At.[015] My ship ______ that port next month.A. calls atB. has called atC. call atD. will call at[016] Speed must regulated ______ no damage is done to the wharf.A. In order.B. So as.C. So that.D. Such that[017]The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in _____A. all ports of the issuing countryB. all ports of the worldC. all ports other than a issuing countryD. all ports of ship’s arrival[018]The ship is equipped with {DF}A. discharging facilitiesB. direction finderC. log indicatorD. a kind of radar[019]The ship’s draught forward is same as her draught aft. This condition is named as_____A. even keelB. even trimC. even draughtD. even float[020]同上[021]The vessel ahead ____you is stopped.A. beforeB. fromC. ofD. away[022]We have finished _____and are ready for sailing.A. loadB. loadingC. will loadD. to load[023]What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? ______A. signal wave lettersB. ship without lightC. safe water lineD. safe working load[024]What weather forecast can do is to give a statement of expected condition in_______A. every areaB. a certain areaC. some areasD. many areas[025]When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel must_____A. abandon shipB. assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionC. hold course and speedD. sound a distress signal[026]You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must _____A. stop your enginesB. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistleC. sound the danger signalD. slow to bare steerageway[027]Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend.You should _____A. back your enginesB. stop your engines and driftC. answer with one prolonged blastD. sound the danger signal[028]Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can____A. take proper and effective action to avoid collisionB. be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.C. neither A and BD. both A nor B[029]Forward station, single up forward ______ head line and spring.A. inB. onC. toD. by[030]The though cargo in No.4 hatch square stands ____the way.A. atB. inC. onD. by[031]What is the position of vessel ____distress?A. onB. atC. inD. by[032]A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to_____A. proceed through an inappropriate traffic laneB. engaged in fishing in the separation zoneC. cross a traffic laneD. enter the separation zone, even in an emergency[033]All of the following are distress signal EXPECT________A. the continuous sounding of any fog signal apparatusB. giving five or more short and rapid blasts of the whistleC. firing a gun at interval of about a minuteD. a barrel with burning oil in it, on deck[034]Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of ____8-9 are expected.A. wind SpeedB. Air ForceC. wind VelocityD. Beaufort Force[035]Goods stowed in containers _____without notice.A. shall be carried on deckB. shall be carried under deckC. may be carried on or under deckD. may not be carried on or under deck[036]In order to obtain early warning of risk of collision, proper use of radar equipment is necessary, including_____A. long-range scanningB. radar plottingC. equivalent systematic observation of detected objectD. all A, B and C[037]MAYDAY is to be used to announce______A. a distress messageB. an urgency messageC. a safety messageD. a massage of SMCP[038]My Captain is trying to ____ the pilot station before the ebb tide.A. steamB. proceedC. approachD. reach [039]The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate_____ as far as possible.A variationB. compass errorC. deviationD. earth’s magnetic force- 3 -[040]The tweendecker has _____below the main deck.A. another deckB. two other deckC. no deckD. additional deck[041]The well preparation of stowage plan will______A. increase the ship’s officers’knowledgeB. extend the ship’s officers’ knowledgeC. improve the ship’s cargo-handling equipmentD. raise the working efficiency[042] A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall ______.A. Take action to permit safe overtaking.B. Sound the appropriate signal.C. Slacken her speed.D. Increase her speed.[043]A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when ______.A. She is at anchor.B. She is made fast to shoreC. She is aground.D. Her anchor ceases to hold.[044] A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel of fairway shall keep as near to the ______ limit of the channel or fairway, which lies on her_______ side as, is safe and practicable.A. Inner, port.B. Inner, starboard.C. Outer, port.D. Outer, starboard.[045] A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded ______ to comply with this Rule when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.A. remains fully obligedB. has no obligationC. is not necessarilyD. is exempted.[046] Every vessel shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course when hearing apparently ______ the fog signal of another vessel.A. Afterward of her beam.B. F orward of her beam.C. A beam on port.D. Abeam on starboard.[047] Forecastle deck is located in the ship’s ______.A. Bow stem.B. Stern.C. Portside.D. Starboard side.[048] If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,______.A. decrease speedB. increase speedC. turn to port for a vessel on her own port sideD. turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side[049] In determining if risk of collision exists,if there is any doubt,such risk shall be deemed to ______.A. existB. existsC. existingD. to be existed.[050] The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is ______.A. fairway sideB. open sea sideC. lee sideD. roadstead side[051] The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by ______.A. IBC code.B. BC code.C. IMDC code.D. IGC code.[052] There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range.A. reflectB. shownC. detectedD. defected.[053] Traffic separation schemes may be ______ by the organization for the purpose of these rules.A. Adopted.B. A dapted.C. A djusted.D. Admitted.[054] Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one ______ from the other.A. can be observed visuallyB. can be observed by radarC. can be located on the radarD. can be heard.[055] We've changed our ______ not to start loading this evening.A. heartB. heartsC. mindD. minds[056] When you doubt the existence of risk of collision, ______A. Such risk shall be deemed to exist.B. S uch risk shall not deem to exist.C. Y ou needn’t take any action to avoid collision with any vessel.D. You should accelerate your speed ahead.[057] Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other ______.A. Shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed.B. Shall not keep her course and speedC. Shall keep her course but change her speed.D. Shall keep her course and speed.[058] While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.A. assumedB. appreciatedC. promisedD. permitted.- 5 -[059] A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates ______.A. the vessel is in distressB. the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargoC. it is safe to passD. the vessel is anchored[060] A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.A. turning maneuverB. course settingC. position fixingD. regulating speed[061] A vessel is being propelled both by sail and by engines. Under the rules, the vessel is ______.A. A special circumstance vessel.B. N ot covered under any category.C. A sailing vessel.D. A power-driven vessel.[062] A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?______.A. A vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrowchannel since it is safe and practicable.B. A vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channelas long as it is safe and practicable.C. A vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe andpracticable.D. A vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to thedegree in which it is safe and practicable.[063] A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when she can see at night ______.A. only the sternlight of the vesselB. a sidelight and one masthead light of the vesselC. only a sidelight of the vesselD. any lights except the masthead lights of the vessel[064] A vessel shall not ______.A. enter the traffic separation zone in an emergency.B. cross a traffic lane.C. engage in fishing in the separation zone.D. proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane.[065] A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leaving a traffic lane at the ______ of the lane.A. Ended.B. Terminative.C. Termination.D. Side.[066] ]A vessel when joining or leaving from the side of a traffic separation scheme shall do so at as ______ to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.A. small an angleB. large an angleC. either small or large an angleD. neither small nor large an angle.[067]Advise you _____engines.A. stopB. to stopC. stoppingD. stopped[068] All the holds which are to take cereals in bags must be so cleaned that they meet the requirements of the ______.A. Local agent.B. Cargo surveyor.C. Accident investigator.D. General average adjuster. [069] All the rubber bales were separated ______.A. By grade.B. By a grade.C. By the grade.D. By the grades.[070] As to the torn bags, I’ll tell the shipper to ______ them up.A. Resew.B. Rejoin.C. Re-nail.D. Re-solder.[071] Because of ______, no separation is needed for the cargoes destined for New York.A. Their different packing.B. Their same nature.C. Their different destinations.D. Their different nature.[072] Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with ______ of the ship.A. the call sign and nameB. the official number and nameC. the port of registry and nameD. the port of registry and official number[073] Fire is under control,and ______.A. lifeboat is no longer neededB. lifeboat is needed badlyC. lifeboat is needed not moreD. lifeboat is urgently needed[074] Freight rates are mostly charged ______.A. By the weight (tons) of cargo.B. By the capacity (tons) of vessel.C. By DW of the vessel.D. By the draft of the vessel. [075] I will wait for Utopia ______ before getting underway.A. clearB. to clearC. clearingD. cleared[076] If it ______ fine tomorrow,we shall start unloading.A. to beB. isC. will beD. has been[077] If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of ______ is used?A. pilot ladderB. rope ladderC. rod ladderD. accommodation ladder[078] If the weights are moved away from the amidships section, ______ will happen on board.A. Hogging.B. Sagging.C. Stiff.D. Tender.[079] If there is sufficient sea room,alteration of ______ may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.- 7 -A. speed and courseB. speed aloneC. course aloneD. speed or course.[080] If you had started loading earlier, you ______ loading now.A. Would finish.B. Will have finished.C. Would have finished.D. Will be finish.[081] In a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should normally ______.A. Take action to cross ahead of the other vesselB. T ake action to pass astern of the other vessel.C. M aintain course and speed.D. Change course and increase speed.[082] In a crossing situation,the stand-on vessel should normally ______.A. take action to cross ahead of the other vesselB. take action to pass astern of the other vesselC. maintain course and speedD. change course and increase speed[083] In determining a safe speed ________ shall not be among those taken into account.A. The characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment.B. A ny constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use.C. T he effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference.D. The safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore.[084] In determining safe speed, all of the following must be taken into account except the ______.A. Maximum horsepower of your vessel.B. P resence of background lights at night.C. D raft of your vessel.D. Manoeuvrability of your vessel.[085] It is dangerous to ______ in present position.A. Remain.B. Remaining.C. Be remaining.D. Be remained.[086] It was demanded that the injured crewmembers ______ at once.A. was treatedB. would be treatedC. being treatedD. be treated[087] It’s ______ to stow optional cargo in the lower hold. You’d better give it block stowage in the tweendecks, and then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai, or Dalian or Tianjin.A. Possible.B. Impossible.C. Proper.D. Improper. [088] It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.A. to allow port Authorities to boardB. allowing port Authorities to boardC. to allow port Authorities boardingD. allowing port Authorities to be boarded[089] It’s going to rain. Don’t forget ______ the hatches.A. Close.B. Closing.C. To close.D. Closed.[090] It’s requ ested that all ships are ______ the rules for preventing collision at sea.A. To conform to.B. To draw up.C. To comply with.D. To determine[091] My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique. What does the sentence my vessel is healthy mean? It means ______.A. My ship has been maintained.B. M y ship has been painted.C. A ll my crewmembers have been vaccinated.D. All my crewmembers have no quarantinable diseases.[092]No assumptions______ on the basis of scanty information,especially scanty radar information.A. should not be madeB. are not to be takenC. should be takenD. shall be made.[093] None of the ship’s papers ______.A. Has expired.B. Has been expired.C. Has expiring.D. Be expired.[094] Nothing in these rules shall _______ any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any precaution, which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman, or by the special circumstances of the case.A. Exonerate.B. Exhaust.C. Exercise.D. Examine.[095] On my last voyage it ______ at the discharging port that some watches were pilfered.A. Happens.B. Has happened.C. Happened.D. Had happened.[096] On open waters,a power-driven vessel shall keep out of the way of a ______.A. vessel on her port side that is crossing her courseB. vessel that is overtaking herC. seaplane on the waterD. sailing vessel[097] Our ship ______ at the anchorage the day before yesterday.A. Arrives.B. Has arrived.C. Arrived.D. Will arrived.[098] Our ship ______ with many modern navigational instruments.A. Equipped.B. Is equipped.C. Equips.D. Has equipped.[099] Our ship is slow in going astern, Please ______.A. Be careful.B. Be kind enough.C. Be nice.D. Be looked after.[100] Please ______for my vessel.A. Make a lee.B. Take a lee.C. Get a lee.D. Have a lee.[101] Please have the damage to the gangway ______.A. Repair.B. To repair.C. Repairing.D. Repaired. [102] Port of registry refers to the port where ______.A. The ship has been named.B. The ship has been built.C. The ship has been signed.D. The ship has been- 9 -registered.[103] Power-driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except ______.A. in a crossing situationB. when they are making more speed than the power-driven vesselC. when the sailing vessel is overtakingD. on the Inland Waters of the United States[104] Shall we ______ wait at the roadstead till there is a free berth for us?A. mustB. ought toC. have toD. never[105] Ships are always ______ on water and they are easy to rust.A. floatB. floatingC. floatsD. floated[106] Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port, all d ischarging outlets are blocked.A. Blockaded.B. Opened.C. Closed.D. Enclosed.[107] Should that kind of weather ______,the two ships would touch each other.A. persistB. persistsC. to persistD. persisted[108] Take tug’s towing line to ______.A. Captain.B. Capstan.C. Capital.D. Carpenter.[109] The bill of lading is described as ______ if the ship owners agree that the cargoes were received on board in good condition.A. Clean.B. Dirty.C. Foul.D. Claused.[110] The check under ship owner’s organization made at the loading port is to avoid accepting cargo ______ upon receipt.A. In sufficient packing.B. In weak condition.C. In correct number.D. In good order.[111] The contents ______ to be short.A. Seem.B. Are seeming.C. Are seemed.D. Have been seemed.[112] The damaged derrick ______ now.A. has repairedB. is being repairedC. is repairedD. will be repaired[113]同上[114] The giving-way vessel has a same meaning of _______.A. Stand-on vessel.B. Privileged vessel.C. Burdened vessel.D. Hampered vessel.[115] The government of PR China ______ that the above-mentioned ship complies with the provisions of the regulations annexed to the Convention referred to above as regardsradiotelegraphy and radar.A. certifiesB. confirmsC. containsD. construes[116] The lights required by the rules must be shown ______.A. From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility.B. A t all times.C. O nly from sunset to sunrise.D. Whenever a lookout is posted.[117] The loading operation in hatch suspended and labors went ashore.A. Went dead.B. Discontinued for long period.C. Went ahead.D. Completed.[118] The locker will remain sealed as long as your ship is here.A. Be kept sealed.B. Be released from being sealed.C. Be kept signed.D. Be released from being signed. [119] The meaning of ebb tide is that ______.A. tide is falling from high water to low waterB. tide is rising from low water to high waterC. tide is reaching to a highest levelD. tide is reaching to a lowest level[120] The morning newspaper was ______ by the agent.A. Directed.B. Discharged.C. Derived.D. Delivered.[121] The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by ______.A. Experience from practice.B. Various types of cargoes.D. Different type of ships. D. Personal abilities.[122] The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white.A. furnishedB. paintedC. preparedD. written[123] The pilot station ______ close west of the end of the breakwater.A. Is stayed.B. Is situated.C. Is placed.D. Is located. [124] The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______.A. Traffic Separation SchemesB. Recommended tracksC. Precautionary areasD. Inshore traffic zones[125] The rules state that vessels may depart from the rules when ______.A. There are other vessels in the vicinity.B. Operating in a traffic separation scheme.C. Engaged in a situation involving more than two vessels.D. Necessary to avoid immediate danger.[126] The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after ______.A. The cargo is loading.B. The cargo is discharged.C. The cargo is on board.D. The cargo is damaged.[127] The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after the cargo ______ is- 11 -loaded.A. Related.B. Concerned.C. Relevant.D. Connected.[128] The term power-driven vessel means ______ in these Rules.A. any sailing vessel with propelling machineryB. any vessel propelled by machineryC. any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propellingD. any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in use.[129] The term restricted visibility as used in the Rules refers ______.A. only to fogB. only to visibility of less than half a mileC. to any condition where visibility is restrictedD. to visibility where you cannot see shore[130] The two vessels underway may c ollide with ______, if they don’t take immediate measures.A. One to another.B. One the other.C. Each the other.D. Each other.[131] The vessel ______ there yesterday.A. Ground.B. Grounded.C. Grounding.D. Has grounded.[132] The VTS has been designed to aid in ______.A. the prevention of collisionB. the promotion of the traffic flowC. the complying of port regulationD. the development of navigational technique.[133] There is not ______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse.A. ampleB. sufficientC. enormousD. incredible[134] They commenced loading at 1400 hours.A. Started.B. Finished.C. Completed.D. Reported. [135] Under International Rules ______.A. all vessels must carry an after range light.B. vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light.C. vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lights.D. vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise.[136] Vessel shall normally join or leave a traffic lane ______ of the lane.A. from right sideB. from left sideC. at the terminationD. from either side.[137] Vessels must not exceed a speed of 8 knots in this area.A. Sail at.B. Expect.C. Proceed at.D. Steam over.[138] Vessel's provisions refer to ______ of the vessel.A. fuel oilB. vegetables and foodC. spare parts on boardD. ballast water[139] What form should the master hand over to the customs officer at the port of arrival?A. Last port clearance.B. Declaration of crew’s baggage’s.C. Maritime declaration of health.D. List of bounded stores.[140] What speed can the ship make ______?A. At full speed of the propeller.B. At full load of the propeller.C. At maximum horsepower of the propeller.D. At maximum revolution of the propeller.[141] When the changing of a VHF channel/frequency is accepted, say ______.A. I am going to change to VHF channel.B. I am certainly going to change to VHF channel.C. Changing to VHF channel.D. VHF channel has been changed.[142] When there is not a chief officer on board, ______ should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.A. The assistance officer.B. The captain.C. The officer on duty.D. The third officer.[143] Which one of following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision?A. Each shall keep her course and speed.B. Each shall alter her course to starboard.C. Each shall pass on the portside to the other.D. Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle.[144] Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?A. Both vessels.B. Neither vessel.C. The vessel on portside.D. The vessel on starboard side.[145] Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?A. Both vessels.B. Neither vessel.C. The stand-on vessel.D. The giving-way vessel.[146] Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?A. Vessel engaged in fishing.B. Vessel not making way.C. Vessel sailing.D. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.[147] ]Which vessel,when anchored at night,is NOT required to show anchor lights? ______.A. A power-driven vesselB. A vessel engaged on pilotage dutyC. A vessel dredgingD. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver[148] While ______, they met with storm weather.A. At sea.B. The ship was at sea.C. She was at sea.D. They were at sea.- 13 -。

航海英语老题库3867题答案及注释第一章答案及注释1. C. 只有当锚抛下并且已抓牢时,才认为船舶在锚泊中。
2. C.3. C. take a round of bearing,测一组方位;a range line,成一线的一组;one hour laterthe bearing on the lights in range opens up,1小时后,成一线的那组灯标的方位错开了;swing,偏荡;dragging anchor,走锚;dredging anchor,拖锚。
4. B. speed up,加速。
5. A.译为:你的解释听起来有道理。
6. B. you’d better 后接动词原形。
7. C. instantly,立即;at once,立即。
8. B. in advance,提前。
9. C. tell lies,说谎。
10.D.11.D. so long as,只要。
12.A. rely on,依靠。
13.C.14.B.15.D.16.B. get sb. to do sth., 说服某人做某事。
17.C. join,加入;take part in,参加。
18.D.19.C.20.A.21.C. seaspeak,海上用语;port control,港口调度。
22.B.23.C. look for,寻找。
24.A.25.C. range lights,桅灯。
26.D. assume,假设;promise,妥协;appreciate,赞同;permit, 同意,允许。
27.C.28.B.29.D,30.D.31.A.32.B.33.D.34.B.35.C.36.B.37.C.38.B.40.A.41.D.42.B.43.D.44.B. 在雾中,二机动船均无直航的权利。
45.A. 对遇中,二船不可均保向保速。
46.C. traffic separation schemes,通航分隔制。
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驾驶英语标准化题库第一部分:日常用语C 1.When a foreigner meets you for the first timeand says “How do you do ?”to you ,you shouldsay .A. How are you ?B. Fine , thank you . And you ?C. How do you do ?D. Glad to see you .B 2.If you lost your way to the port, you shouldask someone“Excuse me,?”A. I ‘d like a cup of tea .B. could you tell me the way to the portC. what’s the timeD. is it May 4thD3.——Nice to meet you.——.A. How do you do?B. Who are you ?C. How are you ?D. Nice to meet you,too.答案:D (1分题)4.Somebody does you a favor , you should sayA. Here you are .B. Thanks a lot .C. That’s all right .D. That’s right .答案:B (1分题)5.At the department store, you want to know the price of the coat , you should sayA. Tell me the way , please .B. Do you know the time ?C. How much is it ?D. Wait a moment ,please.答案:C (1分题)6.——Mrs. Mary , I’d like to introduce my Chinese friend Mr. Wang ,he is a newcomer.——A. All right .C. Please to meet you.D. I’m wrong .答案:C (1分题)7.If a passer asked you the way , and you really don’t know , what’s the best answerA. I don’t know .B. Oh , tha t’s right .C. No , never mind .D. I’m sorry . I’m a stranger here myself .答案:D (1分题)8.You are now in the department store . You want to buy something . When a shopassistance says to you“ Can I help you ? ” , you should sayA. Yes , you can .B. No , you can’t.C. I’m looking for a coat for myself.D. It has nothing to do with you .答案:C (1分题)9.You haven’t feeling well , and you are seeing the doctor ,you should tell the doctorA. I’d like have a look at the hats .B. I’m sorry .C. Could you give me your name?D. I’m afraid I had a bad cold.答案:D (1分题)10.If you want to buy something . You should go to theA. bank .B. supermarket .C. post office.D. customs.答案:B (1分题)11.Take the _____block on right and then ask again.A.2B.twoC.twiceD.2nd答案:D (1分题)12.is it ? Fifty dollar s.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How often13.(B)Turn _____and go ahead for about 10 minutes.A.backB.roundC.againD.off答案:B (1分题)14.Go ______ahead until you see a tree.A.straightB.lineC.toD.for答案:A (1分题)15.Let me_____you to the deck.A.showB.lookC.aronndD.for答案:A (1分题)16.He’ll for chief officer to meet you in a while.A.takeB.arrangeC.goD.show答案:B (1分题)17.Let’s to the saloon,shall we?A.takeB.arrangeC.goD.show答案:C (1分题)18.——Good morning.sir.——______ May I help you?A. How are you?B. Good afternoon .C. I’m fine.D. Good morning.答案:D (1分题)19.Do you have any flight on the morning of ?A. October the secondB. October twoC. in OctoberD. July four 20.Let’s enter the transit lounge and wait departure.A.forB.withC.toD.from答案:A (1分题)第二部分:常用词汇21.船长A. officerB. engineerC captainD. bosun答案:C (1分题)22.二副A. second officerB. captainC. chief officerD. chief engineer答案:A (1分题)23.三副A. chief officerB. second officerC. third officerD. chief engineer答案:C (1分题)24.大副A. chief officerB. first mateC. A+BD. chief engineer答案:C (1分题)25.驾驶台A. engine roomB. deckC. cabinD. bridge答案:D (1分题)26.车钟A. courseC. rudderD. port答案:B (1分题)27.左舷A. portB. starboardC. courseD. rudder答案:A (1分题)28.右舷A. portB. starboardC. courseD. rudder答案:B (1分题)29.引航员A. officerB. captainC. assistantD. pilot答案:D (1分题)30.锚位A. anchorB. rudderC. positionD. course答案:A (1分题)31.radarA. 车钟B. 雷达C. 港口D. 灯塔答案:B (1分题)32.VHF telephoneA. 测向仪B. 甚高频无线电话C. 天文钟D. 六分仪答案:B (1分题)33.courseA. 雷达B. 望远镜C. 航向D. 锚位答案:C (1分题)A. 助航设备B. 深度指示器C. 火警指示器D. 操舵指示器答案:A (1分题)35.SpeedA. 航向B. 航线C. 船位D. 航速答案:D (1分题)36.chartA. 分罗经B. 记录器C. 海图D. 倾斜仪答案:C (1分题)37.PSCA. 私人物品B. 港口国监督C. 人身安全D. 一水答案:B (1分题)38.lighthouseA. 灯塔B. 舷梯C. 车钟D. 雷达答案:A (1分题)39.flagA. 船钟B. 旗帜C. 物品D. 证件答案:B (1分题)40.wharfA. 船坞B. 港口国C. 码头D. 仓库答案:C (1分题)第三部分:船舶口令41.留心操舵。
A.Mind the wheel.C.Mind the helm.D.A+C.答案:D (3分题)42.舵不灵。
A.No steering.B.No steerage.C.No answer .D.A+B+C.答案:D (3分题)43.勿偏左。
A.Nothing to port.B.Nothing to starboard.C.No steering.D.No steerage.答案: A (3分题)44.航向复原。
A.Course again!B.Wheel again!C.Port again!D.Starboard again!答案:A (3分题)45.多少转?A. How many revolutions?B. How much fresh water?C. How many pumps?D. How much sea water?答案:A (3分题)46.尾推停车。
A. Stem thrust stop.B. Stem thrust start.C. Bow thrust stop.D. Bow thrust start.答案:A (3分题)47.压舵!A. Full astern!B. Mind the helm!C. Meet her!D. Wheel again!答案:C (3分题)48.回到l0!A. Ease to ten!B. Port ten!C. Starboard ten!D. Hard-a- port!答案:A (3分题)A. Port a bit fast .B. Starboard a bit fast .C. Starboard a bit sluggish.D. Port a bit sluggish.答案:D (3分题)50.后退二!A. Half astern!B. All starboard!C. Full astern!D. Half astern!答案:D (3分题)51.“Port a little sluggish”means .A. that the port rudder answers good .B. that the port rudder answers slow.C. that both rudders answer slow .D. that the port rudder answers quickly.答案:B (3分题)52.——“___ ___”——“Two degrees on starboard.”A. What rudder?B. What course?C. What speed?D. What position?答案:A (3分题)53.Duty officer and ______ keep navigational watches on the bridge at sea.A. captainB. chief engineerC. duty sailorD. duty engineer答案:C (3分题)54.——Port five!——Reply:Port five!——Report:______!A. Wheel port five!B. Port engine five!C. Engine port five!D. Five wheel port!答案:A (3分题)55.——Hard-a-port!——Reply:Hard-a-port!——Report:______!A. Hard-a-port !B. Wheel hard-a-port !C. Engine hard-a-port !答案:B (3分题)56.——Midships!——Reply:Midships!——Report:A. Wheel’s midships !B. Wheel’s ahead !C. Port’s midships !D. Wheel is hard-a-port !答案:A (3分题)57.——Starboard 10 !——______!A. Port 10!B. Starboard ten!C. Port five!D. Starboard twenty!答案:B (3分题)58.——How does she answer?——____ __A. All right .B. Very slow/No answer .C. A+B .D. You are right .答案:C (3分题)59.——Are you on your course?——Reply:!A. Yes, wheel hard-a-portB. Yes,right on the courseC. Yes, stand by engineD. Yes, that’s right答案:B (3分题)60.——Starboard twenty!——Reply:Starboard twenty!——Report:______A. Wheel is hard-a – port !B. Wheel is starboard twenty !C. Rudder is hard-a – port !D. Speed is starboard twenty !答案:B (3分题)61.——What rudder?——A. Port fifteen.B. Course 175 degrees.C. Speed 20 knots.D. Position 45°50’N.答案:A (3分题)——______A. Yes, sir.B. You’re right.C. That’s all right.D. You’re welcome.答案:A (3分题)63.______ both anchors.A. DragB. DredgeC. WeighD. Lie答案:C (3分题)64.We _________ let go port anchor.A. are going toB. is going toC. were going toD. was going to答案:A (3分题)65.Mooring lines both ______were let go.A. for and aftB. from and aftC. fore and aftD. all and aft答案:C (3分题)66._______ shackles in water?A. ManyB. MuchC. How manyD. How much答案:C (3分题)67.We ______to let go starboard anchor.A. is goingB. be goingC. goingD. are going答案:D (3分题)68.——Stand by engine!——Reply:Stand by engine!——Report:A. Engine stand by!B. Ring off the engine!C. Finish with engine!D. Stop engine!答案:A (3分题)69.——Ring off engine!——ReportA. Engine stand by!B. Engine rung off!C. Finish with engine!D. Stop engine!答案:B (3分题)70.——What’s your aft draft?——My aft draft is .A. 3.7metersB. 120 rpmC. 200 nautical milesD. 300 tons答案:A (3分题)71.——What’s your speed?——My speed isA. 175 degrees.B. five knots.C. 1530 hours local time.D. 3.7 meters.答案:B (3分题)72.Your name and ______sign.A. callB. callingC. calledD. calling at答案:A (3分题)73.——______!——Engine stopped!A. Stop engineB. Finish herC. Let goD. Warm up engine答案:A (3分题)74.A is very much like an ordinary telephone.A. VHF setB. WhistleC. HornD. Gong答案:A (3分题)75.——Dead slow ahead!——Reply:.——Report:Engine dead slow ahead.A. Half slow aheadB. Half slow asternD. Dead slow astern答案:C (3分题)76.What course are you ?A. goingB. movingC. ringingD. steering答案:D (3分题)77.The pilot needs the ship to go forward very slowly.The order should be .A. Half slow aheadB. Dead slow aheadC. Full aheadD. Slow ahead答案:B (3分题)78.All our steer the ship well.A. quartermastersB. sailorsC. motormenD. officers答案:A (3分题)79.Third Mate,we’ll enter the harbor,you should ring“”now.A. Stand byB. Warm upC. StopD. Ring off答案:A (3分题)80.Stand engine!A. offB. byC. withD. over答案:B (3分题)81.The pilot ______ the ship at 0600 hours.A. boardedB. leftC. pilotedD. loaded答案:A (3分题)82.What_____ your registry port, over.A. areB. isC. wereD. was83.You must ______ pilot at waiting anchorage.A. wait forB. waitC. be waitedD. be waited for答案:A (3分题)84.______ port anchor,one shackle in water.A. ThrowB. Heave inC. Cast offD. Let go答案:D (3分题)85.My ETA ______ Cheng Shan Tou lighthouse is 0900 hours local time.A. ofB. inC. onD. at答案:D (3分题)86.On which side ______ I rig the pilot ladder?A. willB. canC. shallD. may答案:C (3分题)87.Their task is to (驾驶)the ship safety.A. driveB. operateC. officeD. operator答案:B (3分题)88.When _______ the pilot embark?A. willB. shallC. doD. is答案:A (3分题)89.M/V Minghua ,______ is your course and speed?A. whenB. whichC. thatD. what答案:D (3分题)90.Stand by VHF CH16.B. onC. inD. at答案:B (3分题)91.Keep the vessel to the (中间)of the channel.A. aheadB. middleC. portD. starboard答案:B (3分题)92.Full speed ahead!A. 前进三!B. 前进一!C. 后退一!D. 后退三!答案:A (3分题)93.Nothing to port!A. 别进港!B. 勿偏左!C. 勿偏右!D. 勿靠近!答案:B (3分题)94.I’m changing my course to starboard!A. 我正在向左转向!B. 我正在加速!C. 我正在减速!D. 我正在向右转向!答案:D (3分题)95.All starboard!A. 左满舵!B. 操舵!C. 右满舵!D. 备车!答案:C (3分题)96.What’ your ETA?A. 你船预计到达时间是多少?B. 你船航速是多少?C. 你船航向是多少?D. 你船的船员人数是多少?答案:A (3分题)97.Starboard ten.A. 左舵10 。