
交通工程专业英语作文Traffic engineering, a discipline that focuses on the planning, design, operation, and management of transportation systems, has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. As urbanization and industrialization have accelerated, so has the complexity and diversity of transportation networks. This evolution has presented both opportunities and challenges for traffic engineers worldwide.One of the most noteworthy developments in traffic engineering is the integration of technology. The advent of smart cities and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) has allowed for more efficient and sustainable transportation management. For instance, the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in traffic management has led to real-time monitoring and optimization of traffic flow, reducing congestion and improving safety. However, this technological revolution has also introduced new challenges. With the proliferation of connected devices and sensors, the security and privacy of personal data have become paramount concerns. Trafficengineers must ensure that their systems are secure from cyber-attacks and that personal information is protected. Another challenge facing traffic engineers is the increasing demand for sustainable transportation solutions. As environmental concerns grow, there is a pressing need to develop low-carbon and green transportation options. This requires innovative thinking and a commitment to research and development, as traffic engineers strive to balance the needs of the present with those of future generations.Globalization has also played a significant role in shaping the field of traffic engineering. The increasing interconnectedness of the world's transportation networks has necessitated a more collaborative and cross-cultural approach to traffic engineering. Engineers must now consider the unique challenges and needs of diverse regions and cultures, ensuring that their solutions are not only technically feasible but also culturally sensitive.Despite these challenges, the future of traffic engineering looks bright. The convergence of technology, sustainability, and globalization offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation and growth. By harnessing thepower of data analytics, AI, and other emerging technologies, traffic engineers can create more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems that meet the needs of a rapidly changing world.**交通工程的发展与挑战:全球视角**交通工程,这一专注于交通运输系统规划、设计、运营和管理的学科,在过去的几十年里经历了显著的变革。

Building materials 建筑材料Takeoff stages 起飞阶段Inflationary problems 通货膨胀问题Transport as physical process of moving people and goods 交通作为人与货物移动的物理过程Look for alternatives to 寻找替代品A remarkably wide range of user services and technologies 相当广泛的用户服务和技术Safely readiness 安全预警Adaptive cruise control自动巡航控制系统Full automation system 完美的自动化系统Driverless vehicles 无人驾驶汽车Operational and institutional concept 运营和制度概念Charter service 特许服务Contracting party 缔约方Right-of-way 路权overlooked 被忽视An innate view of mathematical or structural elegance一个天生的数学或结构优雅的视图tangible criterion-cost 切实的成本标准carry the economic analysis to this level of detail达到经济分析这种细节If justified in aggregate terms 如果总体而言合理With the optimum allocation of resources 最优的资源分配Intertemporal 跨时期的interpersonal differences人与人间的差异Abutting 邻接的as-built capacity竣工的能力grade separations 立体交叉weaving sections 交织区段Cross slope 横向坡度moderate rainfall 中等雨量heavy rainfall 大的雨量melt and drain across 融化和排水striping and pavement marking, or by corrugated depressions 路面纹理和路面标记或波纹洼地所影响Local government 当地政府Pubic authority 公共权威Call for 要求transportation facilities 运输设备as environment favorable to 对环境有利Objectives are specific, attainable, and measurable目标是具体的、可实现的、可衡量的equal public transportation costs 平等的公共交通费用foregoing equal-transportation-cost objectiveThe preceding step of trip generation 前一步的出行生成links trip origins to destinations 连接起源至目的地Home-based trips 基于家庭的出行social-recreation 消遣娱乐routed over 路由be accommodated by 进行调和traffic-carrying capacity 运输能力Maintaining prescribed operational qualities规定的运行质量level grade 平坡度predictive adjustments 预测调整in the long term 从长远角度来看maximum flow rate 最大流率Horizontal and vertical alignments 水平线性和纵断面律性signalized intersections 信号控制交叉口Level terrain 平原地形Rolling terrain 丘陵地形Mountainous terrain 山区isolated upgrades of significant length 长上坡Passenger automobiles 客运汽车motorcycle occupant 摩托车驾驶员pickup truck 敞篷小型载货卡车van occupants 货车的持有人The trend in the death rate 死亡率的趋势safety hazards 安全隐患booby-traps 陷阱imaginative and cost effective junction designs富有想象力的有成本效益的交叉口设计a large proportion of the population 大部分的人口the foreseeable future 可预见的未来a vast array of measures 大量的措施road junctions 道路交叉口Roundabouts 环形交叉口traffic-handling capacity 交通处理能力junction layouts 交叉口布置Point road closures 道路点的封闭hard and soft landscaping 硬软式风景pedestrianized shopping streets 商业街visual cues 视觉暗示be broken down into 分为informatory signs指示标志opening or humped back bridges 曲面桥Roadworks 道路施工important places of interest 重要的名胜古迹heritage sites 遗产型景区census points 调查报告点。

交通行业术语(中英文对照)Stop-line——停车线A congested link——阻塞路段Weighting factor——权重因子Controller——控制器Emissions Model——排气仿真the traffic pattern——交通方式Controller——信号机Amber——黄灯Start-up delay——启动延误Lost time——损失时间Off-peak——非高峰期The morning peak——早高峰Pedestrian crossing——人行横道Coordinated control systems——协调控制系统On-line——实时Two-way——双向交通Absolute Offset——绝对相位差Overlapping Phase——搭接相位Critical Phase——关键相位Change Interval——绿灯间隔时间Flow Ratio——流量比Arterial Intersection Control 干线信号协调控制Fixed-time Control——固定式信号控制Real-time Adaptive Traffic Control——实时自适应信号控制Green Ratio——绿信比Through movement——直行车流Congestion——阻塞,拥挤The percentage congestion——阻塞率The degree of saturation——饱和度The effective green time——有效绿灯时间The maximum queue value——最大排队长度Flow Profiles——车流图示Double cycling——双周期Single cycling——单周期Peak——高峰期The evening peak periods——晚高峰Siemens——西门子Pelican——人行横道Fixed time plans——固定配时方案One-way traffic——单向交通Green Ratio——绿信比Relative Offset——相对相位差Non-overlapping Phase——非搭接相位Critical Movement——关键车流Saturation Flow Rate——饱和流率Isolated Intersection Control——单点信号控制(点控)Area-wide Control——区域信号协调控制Vehicle Actuated (VA)——感应式信号控制The Minimum Green Time——最小绿灯时间Unit Extension Time——单位绿灯延长时间The Maximum Green Time——最大绿灯时间Opposing traffic——对向交通(车流)Actuation——Control——感应控制方式Pre-timed Control——定周期控制方式Remote Control——有缆线控方式Self-Inductfanse——环形线圈检测器Signal—— spacing——信号间距Though-traffic lane——直行车道Inbound——正向Outbound——反向第一章交通工程—— Traffic Engineering运输工程—— Transportation Engineering铁路交通—— Rail Transportation航空交通—— Air Transportation水上交通—— Water Transportation管道交通—— Pipeline Transportation交通系统—— Traffic System交通特性—— Traffic Characteristics人的特性—— Human Characteristics车辆特性—— Vehicular Characteristics交通流特性—— Traffic Flow Characteristics道路特性—— Roadway Characteristics交通调查—— Traffic Survey交通流理论—— Traffic Flow Theory交通管理—— Traffic Management交通环境保护——Traffic Environment Protection 交通设计—— Traffic Design交通统计学—— Traffic Statistics交通心理学—— Traffic Psychology汽车力学—— Automobile Mechanics交通经济学—— Traffic Economics汽车工程—— Automobile Engineering人类工程—— Human Engineering环境工程—— Environment Engineering自动控制—— Automatic Control应用数学—— Applied Mathematics电子计算机—— Electric puter第二章公共汽车—— Bus无轨电车—— Trolley Bus有轨电车—— Tram Car大客车—— Coach小轿车—— Sedan载货卡车—— Truck拖挂车—— Trailer平板车—— Flat-bed Truck动力特性—— Driving Force Characteristics牵引力—— Tractive Force空气阻力—— Air Resistance滚动阻力—— Rolling Resistance坡度阻力—— Grade Resistance加速阻力—— Acceleration Resistance附着力—— Adhesive Force汽车的制动力—— Braking of Motor Vehicle自行车流特性—— Bicycle flow Characteristics 驾驶员特性—— Driver Characteristics刺激—— Stimulation感觉—— Sense判断—— Judgment行动—— Action视觉—— Visual Sense听觉—— Hearing Sense嗅觉—— Sense of Smell味觉—— Sense of Touch视觉特性—— Visual Characteristics视力—— Vision视野—— Field of Vision色彩感觉—— Color Sense眩目时的视力—— Glare Vision视力恢复—— Return Time of Vision动视力—— Visual in Motion亮度—— Luminance照度—— Luminance反应特性—— Reactive Characteristics刺激信息—— Stimulant Information驾驶员疲劳与兴奋—— Driving Fating and Excitability 交通量—— Traffic Volume交通密度—— Traffic Density地点车速—— Spot Speed瞬时车速—— Instantaneous Speed时间平均车速—— Time mean Speed空间平均车速—— Space mean speed车头时距—— Time headway车头间距—— Space headway0交通流模型—— Traffic flow model自由行驶车速—— Free flow speed阻塞密度—— Jam density速度-密度曲线—— Speed-density curve流量-密度曲线—— Flow-density curve最佳密度—— Optimum concentration流量——速度曲线—— Flow-speed curve最佳速度—— Optimum speed连续流—— Uninterrupted traffic间断流—— Interrupted traffic第三章交通调查分析—— Traffic survey and analysis交通流调查—— Traffic volume survey车速调查—— Speed survey通行能力调查—— Capacity survey车辆耗油调查—— Energy Consumption Survey居民出行调查—— Trip Survey车辆出行调查—— Vehicle Trip Survey停车场调查—— Parking Area Survey交通事故调查—— Traffic Accident Survey交通噪声调查—— Traffic Noise Survey车辆废气调查—— Vehicle Emission Survey平均日交通量—— Average Daily Traffic(ADT)周平均日交通量—— Week Average Daily Traffic月平均日交通量—— Month Average Daily Traffic年平均日交通量—— Annual Average Daily Traffic高峰小时交通量—— Peak hour Volume年最大小时交通量——Highest Annual Hourly Volume年第30位最高小时交通量——Thirtieth Highest Annual Hourly Volume高峰小时比率—— Peak Ratio时间变化—— Time Variation空间变化—— Spatial Variation样本选择—— Selection Sample样本大小—— Size of Sample自由度—— Freedom车速分布—— Speed Distribution组中值—— Mid-Class Mark累计频率—— Cumulative Frequency频率分布直方图——Frequency Distribution Histogram85%位车速—— 85% Percentile Speed限制车速—— Regulation Speed服务水平—— Level of Service牌照对号法—— License Number Matching Method跟车测速—— Car Following Method浮动车测速法——Moving Observer Speed Method通行能力调查—— Capacity Studies饱和流量—— Saturation Flow第四章泊松分布—— Poisson Distribution交通特性的统计分布—— Statistical Distribution of TrafficCharacteristics驾驶员处理信息的特性Driver Information Processing Characteristics跟车理论—— Car Following Theory交通流模拟—— Simulation of Traffic Flow间隔分布—— Interval Distribution二项分布—— Binomial Distribution拟合—— Fitting移位负指数分布—— Shifted Exponential Distribution排队论—— Queuing Theory运筹学—— Operations Research加速骚扰—— Acceleration Noise停车波—— Stopping Wave起动波—— Starting Wave第五章城市交通规划—— Urban Traffic Planning土地利用—— Land-Use可达性—— Accessibility起讫点调查—— Origin –Destination Survey出行端点—— Trip End期望线—— Desire Line主流倾向线—— Major Directional Desire Line调查区境界线—— Cordon Line分隔查核线—— Screen Line样本量—— Sample Size出行发生—— Trip Generation出行产生—— Trip Production出行吸引—— Trip Attraction发生率法—— Generation Rate Method回归发生模型—— Regression Generation Model类型发生模型—— Category Generation Model出行分布—— Trip Distribution现在型式法—— Present Pattern Method重力模型法—— Gravity Model Method行程时间模型—— Travel Time Model相互影响模型—— Interactive Model分布系数模型—— Distribution Factor Model交通方式划分—— Model Split , Mode Choice转移曲线—— Diversion Curve交通量分配—— Traffic Assignment最短路径分配(全有全无)Shortest Path Assignment(All-or-Nothing)多路线概率分配 Probabilistic Multi-Route Assignment线权—— Link Weight点权—— Point Weight费用——效益分析—— Cost –benefit Analysis现值法—— Present Value Method第六章交通安全—— Traffic Safety交通事故—— Traffic Accident交通死亡事故率—— Traffic Fatal-Accident Rate交通法规—— Traffic Law多发事故地点—— High accident Location交通条例—— Traffic Regulation交通监视—— Traffic Surveillance事故报告—— Accident Report冲撞形式—— Collision Manner财产损失—— Property Damage事故档案—— Accident File事故报表—— Accident Inventory固定目标—— Fixed Object事故率—— Accident Ratelxy事故数法——Accident Number Method质量控制法——Quality Control Method人行横道——Pedestrian Crosswalk行人过街道信号——Pedestrian Crossing Beacon人行天桥——Passenger Foot-Bridge人行地道——Passenger Subway栅栏——Gate立体交叉——Underpass(Overpass)标线——Marking无信号控制交叉口——Uncontrolled Intersection让路标志——Yield Sign停车标志——Stop Sign渠化交通——Channelization traffic 单向交通——One-Way 禁止转弯——No Turn Regulation 禁止进入——No-Entry 禁止超车——Prohibitory Overtaking 禁止停车——Prohibitory Parking 禁止通行——Road Closed 安全带——Life Belt第七章交通控制与管理——Traffic Control and Management 交通信号——Traffic Signal 单点定时信号——Isolated Pre-timed Signal 信号相位——Signal Phase 周期长度——Cycle Length 绿信比——Split 优先控制——Priority Control 延误——Delay 流量比——Flow Ratio 有效绿灯时间——Effective Green Time 损失时间——Loss Time 绿灯间隔时间——Intergreen Interval 信号配时——Signal Timing (or Signal Setting) 交通感应信号——Traffic Actuated Signal 城市交通控制系统——Urban Traffic Control System 联动控制——Coordinated Control 区域控制——Area Control 时差—— Offset同时联动控制——Simultaneous Coordinated Control交变联动控制—— Alternate Coordinated Control绿波带——Green Wave连续通行联动控制—— Progressive Coordinated Control中心控制器—— Master Controller局部控制器—— Local——Controller实时—— Real Time联机—— On-line脱机—— Off-line爬山法——Hill-Climbing“小型高效”区域控制系统——pact Urban Traffic Control System 道路控制系统—— Corridor Control System交通仿真—— Traffic Simulation时间扫描法—— Time Scanning事件扫描法—— Event Scanning。

Urban Rail TransitAbstract: With the acceleration of urbanization and motorization,traffic congestion is rapidly becoming one of the important problems that constraint the development of urban city. On the basis of the current situation of urban transport systems, the paper aims at explaining the characteristics of rail transportation and discussing the great advantages that it has brought to urban construction on the aspects of environmental protection, efficiency, safety and so on .Keywords:Rail Transportation Metro Light Rail Sustainable DevelopmentThe development of modern urban transport has promoted large improvement of social productivity to meet the growing consumer demand for transport, and to boost the city's prosperity to mankind,thus has brought great wealth。
But road congestion,accidents, air and noise pollution,energy shortages and other issues come accordingly。
俞同华版_交通工程专业英语文章翻译Unit1-8 16 21 22 23讲课教案

Unit 1The Evolution of Transport 交通运输业的发展交通运输的发展一直密切联系在一起的人类发展的整个地球的历史。

Choice of modeThe choice of mode for long distance travel is heavily dependent on the sensitivity of the traveler with respect to time and cost.By and large,business travel is time sensitive,vacation travel is price sensitive,and travel for personal reasons may be either time sensitive or cost sensitive,or both. 长距离旅行方式的选择在很大程度上取决于旅行者对时间和价格反应的灵敏程度。
The basic attributes of each mode are schedule, speed, cost, service offered,and perceptions regarding the service offered.每种方式的特性取决于所提供服务的时间速度、价格、服务质量和给人们的感受。
Schedule and speed prescribe the ability of the mode to serve passengers at the times they want and the speed they require; for example, a same-day round trip from Chicago to New York can be accomplished by air only.时间性和速度性要求旅客所采用的运输方式能提供给乘客想要的速度和时间。

翻译:设计目标,公交优先的措施典型的公交优先措施可分为4种类型:busways ~、公共交通(2_)交通和停车场管理措施Qtraffi c信号控制~汽车站的改进。
(三)交通信号控制交通信号控制包括:@信号的言论@Selective车辆被动公交优先detection-active公交优先队列中“@ @重叠阶段安置、交通和公共汽车Presignals计量@推进区域。

交通工程专业英语英译汉With the rapid development of transportation engineering, the demand for English-to-Chinese translation in this field has been increasing. This article aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of translating traffic engineering terminology and texts from English to Chinese.**Challenges in Translating Traffic Engineering Terminology**Traffic engineering, being a highly specialized field, possesses a unique vocabulary that often requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages. For instance, terms such as "traffic flow," "intersection design," and "traffic control systems" must be translated accurately to convey their specific meanings within the context of traffic engineering. Additionally, the use of technical jargon and abbreviations adds further complexity to the translation process.Moreover, cultural differences can pose challenges in translating traffic engineering terms. Concepts that arefamiliar in one culture may not have direct equivalents in another, requiring translators to find creative solutions that maintain the original meaning while adapting to the target culture's context.**Opportunities in Translating Traffic Engineering Texts**Despite the challenges, there are also numerous opportunities in translating traffic engineering texts. Firstly, with the globalization of the transportation industry, there is a growing need for cross-cultural communication. This creates opportunities for translators who are proficient in both English and Chinese to bridge the language gap and facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge.Secondly, the advancement of technology has brought about new translation tools and platforms that greatly improve translation efficiency and quality. These tools, such as machine translation and online dictionaries, provide translators with convenient resources to lookup unfamiliar terms and phrases, enabling them to work more efficiently and accurately.Lastly, the increasing demand for traffic engineering expertise in China presents an opportunity for translators to specialize in this field. By specializing in traffic engineering translation, translators can build a reputation and expertise in this area, opening up more translation opportunities and potentially higher compensation.**Conclusion**In conclusion, while translating traffic engineering terminology and texts from English to Chinese can be challenging, it also offers numerous opportunities for translators. By overcoming the linguistic and cultural barriers, translators can play a crucial role in promoting the development of the transportation industry both domestically and internationally.**交通工程专业英语英译汉的挑战与机遇**随着交通工程的快速发展,该领域的英汉翻译需求不断增加。

Unit1The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth's history.Transport's early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex。
At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展。

Unit 1 The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth’s history.Transport’s early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展。

交通工程专业英语作文English: As a transportation engineering major, I have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to design, plan, and manage transportation systems to ensure the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. My coursework has equipped me with a deep understanding of traffic flow theory, transportation modeling, urban planning, and sustainable transportation infrastructure. I have also had the opportunity to work on various practical projects, such as traffic impact assessments, transit system design, and highway safety analysis, which have enhanced my problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. Through internships and research projects, I have gained valuable real-world experience in applying engineering principles to address transportation challenges and improve the overall mobility of communities. I am confident in my ability to contribute to the future of transportation engineering by implementing innovative solutions that prioritize safety, sustainability, and effectiveness.中文翻译: 作为交通工程专业的学生,我已经获得了设计、规划和管理交通系统的必要知识和技能,以确保人员和货物的安全高效移动。

Urban Rail TransitAbstract: With the acceleration of urbanization and motorization, traffic congestion is rapidly becoming one of the important problems that constraint the development of urban city. On the basis of the current situation of urban transport systems, the paper aims at explaining the characteristics of rail transportation and discussing the great advantages that it has brought to urban construction on the aspects of environmental protection, efficiency, safety and so on .Keywords: Rail Transportation Metro Light Rail Sustainable DevelopmentThe development of modern urban transport has promoted large improvement of social productivity to meet the growing consumer demand for transport, and to boost the city's prosperity to mankind, thus has brought great wealth. But road congestion, accidents, air and noise pollution, energy shortages and other issues come accordingly. Because of modern urban travel and population mobility, it’s a widespread phenomenon that passenger flow is highly concentrated and the flow direction is roughly the same at the peak time of the day. However, only rely on vehicles has been difficult to adapt to the modern transport passenger transport needs, especially the rapid rise in large cities and some medium-sized city.The experience of the Metropolitan Transportation development abroad also proved that it’s impossible to solve urban traffic problems fundamentally rely solely on road traffic . our high density urban residential population and limited road space resources, decided that China should give priority to developing the urban rail transit system which is " the least road space resource occupating, the lowest energy consumption and pollution per capita ". focusing on development of rapid rail transit as the backbone of a new system of urban public transport network is imperative.First, The Characteristics Of Urban Rail TransitUrban rapid rail transit system (subway, light rail) is a multi, multi-disciplinary in a complex system. the development experience of many major cities in the world Over the past century tells us that only adoptting rapid rail transit system as the backbone of public transport network can we effectively address urban transport problems.1. Urban Rail Transit Provides A Way Of High-Capacity Transport Services Urban rail transit provides intensive use of resources, environmental protection and comfortable, safe and efficient way of high-capacity transport services, which has nointerference with other modes of transport of the city. With strong transport capacity, higher service levels, significant resources to environmental benefits, it is the fundamental way to solve the problem of large urban transport and sustainable development.2. Rail Transport Intensive Mode Of TransportRail Transport not only provides efficient and quality bus travel service , but also is a intensive modes of transport, saving energy and land resources. Cities to speed up the process of motorization, the simple method of wide road by car can not solve the urban traffic problem, The potential use of bus lane capacity is limited, individual dispersion of traffic on the inefficient use of land resources is obvious, and the ground transportation supply which the central business district land resources can provide is gradually depleted. Use and develop valuable resources of underground space to provide new transport supply, to ease the tension in the ground space resources and to support the sustainable development of cities.3. Urban Rail Transit Is A Huge Complex System Of Comprehensive(1)Large building scale , a city rail transit network generally have hundreds of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers.(2) High technically demand , involving almost to the modern civil engineering, mechanical and electrical equipment works with high-tech fields.(3) Great project investment , the cost is 3-4 billion per kilometer.(4) Long construction period, in-line construction period is 4-5 years, whilenetwork-building generally needs 30-50 years.(5) Many participating units, there are hundreds of ones.(6) Mass information.Construction and operation generate amount of information, during which the dealing work is very heavy.(7)Complex system . We have to consider the relationship among rail transit and other modes of transportation and urban development, among rail transit network layout, construction sequence and the sharing of resources, among the rail transit project planning, construction, operation, and the use of resources and so on.Second, Rapid Rail Transit And Other Transportation ComparativeAdvantageAt present, Chinese cities are growing traffic demand, and economic growth and rising incomes will serve the future needs of urban transportation fueling a stimulus, leading to environmental pollution, land degradation and increasing consumption, and urban traffic congestion.Social and economic development needs of the city safe, efficient, clean and economical urban transportation systems; improved quality of life of urban residents need safe, convenient, comfortable, fast and cheap public transport services; needed to improve the urban environment is conducive to environmental improvementtransport policy. Therefore, urban transport and urban development goals to be social and economic development goals in harmony.Rail transit-based transportation system when compared with competing models have greater technical advantages: a large volume, efficient land use, lower energy consumption per km and environmental pollution. The environment is of great concern in modern society problem, due to urban rail transit generally use electric traction, and large capacity, centralized transportation side. Therefore, one for each passenger transported pollution generated significantly lower than other modes of transport.In addition, the role of rail transport axes to guide the development of urban form changes, contribute to the aggregation of business benefits. It is the big city and its inevitable choice for sustainable transportation.Third, Rail Transit Systems And Transportation Advantages Compared (1) to improve the urban environment. By substitution of public mass transit commuter electric cars become popular tools of choice, due to the reduction in the city center and buses running on the number of cars, will largely reduce the urban vehicle exhaust emissions, improve air quality. overseas research shows that rail traffic units of carbon dioxide emissions by only 10% of cars and buses 25%;(2) greatly ease the traffic congestion. Rail transit or a large volume of transport, many foreign cities bear the passenger rail passenger traffic accounted for all - a half or even 80% or more. Metro-way transport capacity per hour 3 to 6 million passengers, light rail is 2 to 2.5 million passengers, while the public electric cars for the 2000 to 5000 people.(3) Improved Traffic Safety, Rail Traffic Safety Than Cars And Buses In TheSafe Out Of A Number Of Times;(4) To Facilitate Efficient Rail Transportation System, Will Improve People'sMobility And Flexibility;(5) the improvement of transport accessibility along the urban land prices is bound to improve along the property and the value of real estate development;(6) promote urban renewal along the rail and the new city development. As for the long-distance rail commuter issues and low-cost tools to provide fast, therefore, urban residents will spread along the rail line to the suburbs;(7) Rail Transit System Construction, Operation And Maintenance, Will StimulateDomestic Demand And Create New Jobs;(8) axis in the development of rail transport contribute to the aggregation effect of trade, so that changes in urban form, reduce the allocation of resources more rational direction, help to promote the industrial structure and consumption structure upgraded.In short, by rail and common way to travel several other comparative analysis, we found that relative to the rapid rail transit buses, private cars, bicycles and other public transportation, has the large volume, low pollution, low noise , low power, high speed, low cost, small footprint, comfortable, all-weather and other unique advantage over other modes of transport can not be replaced. in the big cities, especially mega-cities we should build a rail transit as the backbone of the integrated and comprehensive urban transport system in order to solve the city's traffic congestion problems for ensuring the sustainable development of the city.Fourth, Rail Transit System To A City Or Region BenefitsBecause rail transit system efficiency and punctuality, comfort, passengers will be more willing to take, and to attract original passenger cars and bicycles and pedestrians, thereby improving passenger traffic. In particular, if the passengers of private cars for travel, will be to alleviate traffic the pressure caused by the environment such as noise, emissions and land use, roads, improve road safety, without prejudice to the case of movement of the center will help reduce traffic pressure.Develop rail transit, for enhancing the urban structure to address the urban development in the face of the economic and social conflicts, and achieve sustainable development strategy, has a special significance.。

交通运输工程一级学科英文Transportation Engineering is a multifaceted field that encompasses the design, construction, and management of transportation systems. As a first-level discipline, it plays a crucial role in shaping the infrastructure that facilitates the movement of people and goods across various modes of transportation. This discipline's scope extends beyond the traditional boundaries of road and highway engineering, encompassing a diverse range of specialized areas.At the core of transportation engineering lies the fundamental principles of civil engineering, which provide the foundation for the planning, design, and implementation of transportation networks. These networks include highways, railways, airports, seaports, and other modes of transportation, each with its unique set of challenges and considerations.One of the primary objectives of transportation engineering is to create efficient and sustainable transportation systems that meet the evolving needs of society. This involves the integration of various factors, such as traffic flow analysis, pavement engineering, bridge design, and transportation planning. Transportation engineers work closely with urban planners, policymakers, and other stakeholders todevelop comprehensive solutions that address the complex issues associated with transportation infrastructure.The design of transportation infrastructure requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles of engineering mechanics, materials science, and environmental considerations. Transportation engineers must consider factors such as vehicle dynamics, load-bearing capacities, and the impact of environmental conditions on the performance and longevity of transportation systems. This knowledge is essential in the selection of appropriate materials, the design of structural components, and the implementation of maintenance strategies.In addition to the technical aspects of transportation engineering, the discipline also encompasses the study of transportation economics, policy, and management. Transportation engineers must consider the financial and economic implications of their decisions, as well as the regulatory and policy frameworks that govern the development and operation of transportation systems. This knowledge is crucial in the assessment of project feasibility, the allocation of resources, and the development of strategies to optimize the performance of transportation networks.The field of transportation engineering is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and the changing needs of society.The integration of emerging technologies, such as intelligent transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, and alternative energy sources, has significantly impacted the way transportation infrastructure is designed and managed. Transportation engineers must stay abreast of these developments and continuously adapt their practices to meet the demands of the modern world.One of the key challenges facing transportation engineering is the need to address the environmental and sustainability concerns associated with transportation systems. Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation, and transportation engineers are tasked with developing solutions that minimize the ecological footprint of transportation infrastructure. This includes the incorporation of sustainable design principles, the promotion of multimodal transportation options, and the implementation of innovative technologies to reduce the environmental impact of transportation systems.In the context of higher education, transportation engineering is recognized as a first-level discipline, reflecting its importance and the breadth of its scope. Students pursuing this field of study will encounter a diverse curriculum that covers topics such as traffic engineering, pavement design, transportation planning, and transportation system management. Through a combination ofclassroom instruction, hands-on laboratory work, and field experiences, students develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective transportation engineers.Upon graduation, transportation engineers may find employment in a variety of settings, including government agencies, consulting firms, construction companies, and research organizations. They may be involved in the planning, design, construction, and management of transportation infrastructure, as well as the development of innovative solutions to address the evolving needs of the transportation sector.In conclusion, transportation engineering is a dynamic and multifaceted discipline that plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of the transportation systems that underpin modern society. By integrating technical expertise, economic considerations, and environmental stewardship, transportation engineers work to create efficient, sustainable, and equitable transportation solutions that support the growth and prosperity of communities around the world.。

The Evolution of Transport 交通运输业的发展The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth’s history.交通运输的发展一直与的人类发展的整个地球的历史密切联系在一起。
Transport’s early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.运输的早期功能是为了满足食物供给和搬运建筑材料的基本需求。
But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. 但是随着部落的产生甚至最后国家的形成,运输在社会和经济起到的功能越来越复杂。
At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.起初有需要调动个人,家族,家庭和动物以保护他们来反抗并逃避自然灾害和部族侵略的危险,从而寻找最好的地方定居。
As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.随着种族部落的形成和地理界线的逐步确定,开发新区域、开采新资源、发展社区间的贸易以及捍卫领地,这些都日益需要交通的发展。

Unit1The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth's history.Transport’s early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展。

Unit1The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth’s history.Transport’s early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展.运输署早期功能是满足基本需要搬运粮食供应和建材等领域。

Unit1The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth’s history.Transport’s early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex。
At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展。

Unit1The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth’s history.Transport’s early funct ion was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展。
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交通工程专业英语翻译The_Evolution_of_Transport The Evolution of Transport 交通运输业的发展The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development ofhumankind throughout the earth’s history(交通运输的发展一直与的人类发展的整个地球的历史密切联系在一起。
Transport’s early function was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies andbuilding materials(运输的早期功能是为了满足食物供给和搬运建筑材料的基本需求。
But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finallynations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. 但是随着部落的产生甚至最后国家的形成,运输在社会和经济起到的功能越来越复杂。
At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribalaggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle(起初有需要调动个人,家族,家庭和动物以保护他们来反抗并逃避自然灾害和部族侵略的危险,从而寻找最好的地方定居。
As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense(随着种族部落的形成和地理界线的逐步确定,开发新区域、开采新资源、发展社区间的贸易以及捍卫领地,这些都日益需要交通的发展。
When the first nations came into being,transport played a majorrole in establishingnational integrity(当第一个国家应运而生,在建立全国的完整性方面,交通运输扮演着重要角色。
After basic societal needs had generally been attended to,local communities could increasingly devote their efforts to enhancing their economic,cultural,and technological development through trade links with other peoples and regions(基本的社会需求一般都得到满足后,当地社区可以越来越多地贡献自己的努力,用来加强他们的经济,文化和科技发展,通过贸易来联系其他国家的人民。
Again,transport provided the mobility required for such intertribal, international,and finally intercontinental cultural exchange andtrade(而且交通提供了诸如部落间、国际间乃至于洲际间便利的贸易和文化交流。
During all of this gradual development toward an organized human society,represented today through the international family of nations,transport as physical process of moving people and goods,thus promoting such development,continuously underwent technological andorganizational changes(在向有组织的人类社会的演变过程中,这种组织在今天是通过由各国组成的国际化大家庭表现出来的,交通作为人与货物移动的物理过程,也促进了这种发展,不断地经历着技术与组织方面的改变。
Such changes were induced by several factors and circumstances(这些变化是由多种因素和情况引起的。
In fact,today’s transport in its various forms and organizational arrangements remainshighly subject to changes in response to societal requirements and preferences(事实上,今天的运输在它的各种形态和组织安排上仍然高度受到在社会需求和偏好回应的改变所支配。
Clearly,the first and foremost criterion to be satisfied by transport was efficiency(显然,首先也是最重要的标准是运输效率。
For centuries,and particularly during the takeoff stages of local economics,societyrequired reliable,fast,and low cost transport(几个世纪以来,特别是在地方经济起飞阶段,社会需要可靠、快速和低成本的运输。
The search for appropriate technologies was relativelyunconstrained(为寻找相对不受限制的合适技术。
There were times in human history when the demand for reliable and fast transport was especially pronounced,and quick solutions were required for nationalself-defense. 在人类历史上,可靠和快速运输的需求尤其明显,这是提供国家自卫所需的快速解决办法。
During such periods of local and international conflict, human ingenuity devised new transport technologies which often proved to be the decisive element for survival, and sometimes victory. 在当地和国际冲突的时期内,人类的聪明才智制定出新的运输技术,往往被证明是为逃生有时也为胜利的决定性因素。
Subsequently refined and developed, such new technologies made it possible to better meet increasing transport demand, thus improving both economic progress and完善和发展,这种新技术使人们有可能更好地满足日益增human welfare.随后的加的运输需求,从而改善经济的发展和人类福利。
The need for better strategic mobility induced efforts to improvesea and land transport. 为更好的战略机动诱导努力提高海上和陆地运输的需要。
This resulted in bigger and faster ships and more reliable andsturdy land vehicles. 这导致了更大、更快的船和更可靠、坚固的陆地车辆。
Eventually, self-propulsion was introduced, exemplified by steamboats, the railways, and then the automobile. 最后,自我推进介绍,使得汽船、铁路,然后是汽车均得以例证。
Research and development in the transport field finally became an organized undertaking with specific goals and objectives. 运输领域的研究和发展终于成为一个具体的目标和有组织目标的承诺。
As the result of the consequent concentration of talent and expertise, more and more sophisticated transport technologies evolved, such as the aircraft and, most recently, rocket propulsion.随之而来的是人才和专业知识的集中,越来越复杂的运输技术在进化,如飞机和最新的火箭推进器。
The gradual evolution of increasingly sophisticated means oftransport is manifes ted by today’s transport systems, which include air, surface, and water transport. 日益复杂的运输手段逐渐发展成今天的运输系统,其中包括空中、路面和水上运输。
Special industry needs have led to the development of transport modes that have rather limited applications, such as pipelines, cables, and belts. 特殊行业的需求,引起了相当有限的应用的运输模式的发展,如管道,电缆和传送带。