



Chapter 12、“. . . the marketer’s task is the same whether applied in Dime Box, Texas, or Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.”Discuss. The only difference between domestic marketing and international marketing is that the activities take place in more than one country.Therefore, the marketing task is the same throughout the world.3、How can the increased interest in international marketing on the part of the U.S. firms be explained?Increased interest has been brought about because of changingcompetitive structures, coupled with shifts in demand characteristicsthroughout the world. The U.S. market has reached saturation levels for many products, and increasing numbers of firms are faced with surpluses which must be sold. Also, many firms find that return on investment may be higher in foreign markets than in domestic markets. Finally, more and more firms realize that tomorrow’s markets will be world markets and it isimperative that they establish world market positions early.4、Discuss the four phases of international marketing involvement.The first phase includes those domestic firms which have no foreignbusiness activity except those sales made to foreign customers who come directly to the firm. The second phase includes domestic firms which have temporary surpluses which are sold abroad. Therefore, sales are made on an availability basis with little or no intention for continuing marketrepresentation. The third phase includes the domestic firms that havepermanent productive capacity which is utilized to produce goods which are sold on a continuing basis in foreign markets. The fourth phaseincludes the international company that produces a product for the world market.5、Discuss the conditions that have led to the development of global markets.According to the Professor Levitt and others who suggest that there is a global market for goods, this phenomenon has resulted from newcommunications technology, travel and other factors which have led to the markets of the world being more aware of different products and processes.As a result of this awareness, there are segments in each market who have had similar experiences and thus have common needs. These commonneeds are described as a demand for high quality, reasonably priced,standardized products. There is a strong feeling that within each country’s market there is a growing segment that has been exposed to ideas from around the world and thus have had their tastes and perceived needsaffected. There is a strong feeling that world markets are being driventoward a converging commonality of taste and needs leading toward global markets.6、Differentiate between a global company and a multinational company.The main distinction between a global and a multinational company is thata global company assumes there are segments across countries whichhave the same needs and wants and designs a standardized, high quality, reasonably priced product for those segments and markets it as if there are no differences among the country markets. On the other hand, amultinational company operates in a number of countries and adjusts its products and marketing practices for each market. The multinationalcompany has a specific marketing plan and adapts products for eachcountry market. The philosophy for the multinational company is that there are cultural differences among countries that require specific adaptations for those markets. This is contrasted with the global company which sees the entire world, or major regions of it, as a single entity requiring nospecialized adjustments. This distinction may be more myth than fact and reflects Professor Levitt’s opinion.7、Differentiate among the three international marketing concepts.Companies can be described by one of three orientations to international marketing management:1. Domestic Market Expansion Concept2. Multi-Domestic Market Concept3. Global Marketing ConceptIt is expected that differences in the complexity and sophistication of a company’s marketing activity depend on which of these orientations guides its operations.The Domestic Market Extension Concept. The domestic company thatseeks sales extension of its domestic products into foreign marketsillustrates this orientation to international marketing. It views itsinternational operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations. The primary motive is to dispose of excess domestic production.Domestic business is its priority and foreign sales are seen as a profitable extension of domestic operations. While foreign markets may be vigorouslypursued, the orientation remains basically domestic. Its attitude toward international sales is typified by the belief that if it sells in Peoria it will sell anywhere else in the world. Minimal, if any, efforts are made to adapt the marketing mix to foreign markets. The firm’s orientation is to market to foreign customers in the same manner the company markets to domestic customers. It seeks markets where demand is similar to the home market and its domestic product will be acceptable. This Domestic Market Expansion Strategy can be very profitable. Large and small exporting companies approach international marketing from this perspective.Multi-Domestic Market Concept. Once a company recognizes the importance of differences in overseas markets and the importance of offshore business to their organization, its orientation toward international business may shift to a Multi-Domestic Market Strategy. A company guided by this concept has a strong sense that country markets are vastly different (and they may be, depending on the product) and that market success requires an almost independent program for each country. Firms with this orientation market on a country-by-country basis with separate marketing strategies for each country. Subsidiaries operate independently of one another in establishing marketing objectives and plans. The domestic market and each of the country markets have separate marketing mixes with little interaction among them. Products are adapted for each market with minimum coordination with other country markets, advertising campaigns are localized as are the pricing and distribution decisions. A company with this concept does not look for similarity among elements of the marketing mix that might respond to standardization. Rather, it aims for adaptation to local country markets. Control is typically decentralized to reflect the belief that the uniqueness of each market requires local marketing input and control.Global Marketing Concept. A company guided by this new orientation or philosophy is generally referred to as a global company, its marketing activity is global marketing, and its market coverage is the world. A company employing a Global Marketing Strategy strives for efficiencies of scale by developing a standardized product, of dependable quality, to be sold at a reasonable price to a global market (that is, the same country market set throughout the world). Important to the Global Marketing Concept is the premise that world markets are being “driven toward a converging commonalty” that seek much the same ways to satisfy their needs and desires and thus, constitute significant market segments with similar demands for the same product the world over. With this orientation a company attempts to standardize as much of the company effort as is practical on a world-wide basis. Some decisions are viewed as applicable worldwide, while others require consideration of local influences. The world as a whole is viewed as the market and the firm develops a global marketing strategy.9、Discuss the three factors necessary to achieve global awareness.The three factors necessary to achieve global awareness are: 1) objectivity;objective in assessing opportunities, evaluating potential, and responding to problems. Too often mistakes are made because companies are swept away with generalities and make investments only later to find out that their commitment or abilities were not sufficient to succeed, 2) tolerance toward cultural differences; tolerance is understanding cultural differences andaccepting and working with others whose behavior may be different from yours, 3) knowledgeable; knowledgeable about cultures, history, worldmarket potentials, and global economy and social trends is critical for aperson to be culturally aware. To be successfully in international business and globally aware, a person needs to keep abreast of the enormouschanges occurring throughout the world. The 21st century will usher ingreat change and opportunities. The knowledgeable marketer will identify those opportunities long before it becomes evident to others.10、Define and discuss the idea of global orientation.A global orientation means operating as if all the country markets in acompany’s scope of operations (including domestic market) areapproachable as a single global market and to standardize the marketing mix where culturally feasible and cost effective or to adapt the marketing mix where culturally required and cost effective. A global orientation does not mean to follow a single strategy of standardization without regard for cultural differences nor does it imply that the marketing effort must beadapted to every cultural difference. Instead, it means looking for market segments with similar demands that can be satisfied with the same product, standardizing the components of the marketing mix that can bestandardized, and, where there are significant cultural differences thatrequire parts of the marketing mix to be culturally adapted, adapting.Chapter 2:2. The Tokyo Round of GATT has emphasized the reduction of nontariff barriers. How does the Uruguay Round differ? 东京回合关贸总协定强调非关税壁垒的减少。



一、单选题,每题只有一个选项正确(共30分,每小题2分)1. The purpose of international marketing is for the ( ) benefit.A. nationalB. regionalC. company’sD. consumers2. According to Maslow’s theory, people will pursuit the ( ) need after satisfying the physiological need.A. belongingB. safetyC. esteemD. self-actualization3. Which of the following statements is not true when describing the role of and the effect of international marketing on companies?A. International markets can become a source of growth.B. International markets can simplify the process and eliminate complex business decisions.C. International markets can produce a quality of life that would not have existed.D. International markets can become a source of profit.4. Which of the following descriptions provides the best definition of the “marketing mix”?A. The way products are arranged in a retail store to maximize salesB. The way products are priced and packagedC. The way a business combines the main marketing elements to sell products that meet the needs and wants of customersD. The way a business distributes its products through retailers and wholesalers5. Goods which are bought and used by individuals and households are known as ( ).A. brandsB. consumer goodsC. retail productsD. industrial goods6. In regards to foreign direct investment, the market entry strategy that involves the most risk and the most control is ( ).A. contract manufacturingB. franchisingC. sales officeD. greenfield7. The critical point of market segmentation is the ( ) of consumer’s demand and consumption behavior.A. differentiationB. similarityC. stabilityD. development8. Market research data that explores the attitudes and opinions of customers is known as ( ).A. quantitative researchB. focus group dataC. qualitative researchD. opinion polling9. The particular market segment at which a business aims its products in known as the ( ).A. target marketB. main marketC. market leaderD. unique selling point10. For the small-medium corporations with limited resources, the appropriate strategy to enter the new market is ( ).A. concentrated marketingB. differentiated marketingC. integrated MarketingD. undifferentiated marketing11. Different strategies are suitable for different companies depending on their particular situation. This is articulated by the “EPRG Framework”. What are the four options of the EPRG Framework?A. Ethno Policies, Private Polies, Racial Policies, GeographyB. Ethnocentrism, Polycentrism, Regiocentrism, GeocentrismC. Energy, Privacy, Real-World, GiggityD. Ethnocentrism, Polycentrism, Racialism, Governmental12.The correct steps of consumer buying process are ( ).A. need recognition-information search-evaluation of alternatives-purchase decision-post purchasing behaviorB. need recognition-evaluation of alternatives-information search-purchase decision-post purchasing behaviorC. information search-evaluation of alternatives-need recognition-purchase decision-post purchasing behaviorD. purchase decision-need recognition-evaluation of alternatives-information search-post purchasing behavior13. Which of the following methods of market research is not an example of “primary research”?A. QuestionnairesB. A company’s own sales statistics and recordsC. Test marketingD. Consumer panels14. Which of the following is true with respect to the importance of culture to an international marketer?A. The successful marketer should avoid cultural influences in his marketing campaign.B. Using attractive colors for the packaging of a product is more important than ensuring cultural acceptability.C. Culture is pervasive in all marketing activities and the marketer's efforts are a part of the fabric of culture.D. Pricing and promotion of a product are free of the influence of culture.15. Which of the following is a political cause for instability in international markets?A. Varied taxing conventionsB. Differences in philosophical ideologiesC. Global focusD. Animosity toward specific countries二、多选,每题有两个或两个以上选项符合题意。



附录1章后习题参考答案与提示第1章□知识题1.1 阅读理解1)国际市场营销(International Marketing,简称国际营销,也有的称国际行销)指的是企业在跨越国境的基础上计划和实施交易,以实现满足个人和组织需要的交换的过程。


















1. Management with a geocentric orientation viewing the entire world as a potential market and striving to develop an integrated world market strategy.2. Marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.3. Product concept is such an idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality performance and features, and that the organization should therefore devote its energy to making continuous product improvement.4. The production concept is such a philosophy that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.5. The goal of differentiation principle is to create competitive advantage.6. What does global localization mean? Thinking globally and acting locally.7. EPRG Framework consists of Ethnocentric orientation, Polycentric orientation, Regiocentric Orientation, Geocentric Orientation.8. Three principles of marketing includes value principle, differentiation principle, focus principle.9. Which management philosophy holds that achieving organizational goals need to determine the needs and wants of target markets. Marketing concept, social marketing concept.10. Marketing is a social and manager process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.√对1. European union is a kind of Economic Unions.2. Two or more countries agree to abolish all internal barriers to trade among themselves, Then they establish a Free trade areas.3. Power distance index(PPDI Refers to the extent to which the less powerful member of a society accept- even expect- that power is to be distributed uniquely.4. Lower middle income countries, also known as less developed countries/LDCs.5. Expropriation is a kind of political risk.6. High income countries also known as advanced industrialized postindustrial or first world countries.7. Self -reference criterion(SRC) refers to the unconscious reference to one's own cultural values.8. Market Allocation relies on consumers to allocate resources.9. Which of the following belongs to the most of delusion of equity control?Expropriation, Confiscaction, Nationalization, Creeping expropriation.10. In a high context country lawyers is less important , a person's word is his or her bond, responsibility for organizational error is taken by highest level, people breathe on each other.11. Sovereignty refers to the spring and independent political authority of a country.12. There are three types of economic systems, namely capitalist, sociologist, and mixed.13. There are four stages of market development, namely low income countries, lower middle income countries, upper middle income countries, and high income countries.14. Culture can be explained by ways of living built up by a group of human beings which are transmitted from one generation to another.15. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a useful theory of human motivation that helps explain cultural universals.1. Segmentation is defined as the process of dividing the world market into distinct success of consumers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.2. Demographic segmentation is dividing the world based on measurable characteristics of populations, such as age, gender, income, national income, education and occupation, etc.3. Behavior segmentation focus on whether people buy or use a product, how often and how much they use it.4. Targeting is the act of evaluating and comparing the identified segments in order to select one or more of them as prospects with the highest potential.5. Differentiated global marketing entails targeting two or more distinct segments with different marketing mixes.6. Positioning is the location of a product in the mind of its customers,that is positioning is what happens in the mind of the customer.7. High-tech positioning is a kind of positioning strategy for products which are ppurchased on concrete product features; Bears already have processed or wish to acquire considerable technical Information.8. Core product consists of the core, problem solving benefits that consumers seek when they buy a product.9. Product life cycle is the cause of a product's sales and profits over its lifetime.10. Then company sells exactly the same product or service with the same advertising as used in the home country ,in some or all world market countries or segments, we say the company chooses a dual expansion strategy for global product expansion.11. Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods and services bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a single company.12. Price escalation is the increase in a product's price as transportation ,duty and distributor margins are added to the factory price.13. Distribution channel refers to an organized network of agencies and institutions which in combination perform all the activities required to link producers with users to accomplish the marketing task.14. The width of distribution channel is depending on the number of intermediaries in each level of channel.15. Promotion refers to all forms of communication used by organizations to inform ,remaind,explain, persuade, and influence the attitudes and buying behavior of customers and other persons.16. Advertising refers to any sponsored paid message placed in a mass medium.17. The goal of public relations is to build good relations with company's various publics.18. Personal selling is the interpersonal art of the promotion mix, which involves two -way ,personal communication between salespeople and individual customers-whether face to face ,by telephone,through video conferences ,or by other means.19. Sales promotion refers to any consumers or trade program of limited duration that is tangible value to a product or brand.20. The goal of sales promotion is to encourage the purchase our sale of a product or service through the short term incentives.21. ST p refers to segmentation positioning and targeting.22. Consumer products contains of convenience, shopping, specialty ,and unsought products on the basis of how they are purchased.23. Sure, when the design product. We need to consider such factors as preferences, cost, laws and regulations ,compatibility and so on.24. What are the factors influencing price setting? Pricing objectives, competitive prices, demand for the product, cost.25. Which of the following a new product pricing strategies? Market skimming pricing, Market penetration pricing.《国际技术贸易》习题2一、单项选择题1.《马德里协定》生效的时间是()2.国际合作生产的主体()。

国际市场营销 (第三版)习题答案 项目十

国际市场营销 (第三版)习题答案   项目十

1.国际市场营销计划:国际市场营销计划(International Marketing Planning) 是指

2.国际市场营销组织:国际市场营销组织(International Marketing Organization)

3.国际市场营销控制:国际市场营销控制(International Marketing Control) 是指

4.全球职能型结构:全球职能型结构是根据管理基本职能组织企业的经营活动, 将企业

1.C 2, D 3.B 4. A 5. A四、多项选择题
3. ABC
5. ABCD五、判断题



第一章1.The uncontrollable factors affecting international marketing are limited topolitical forces, economic climate, and competitive structure.答案:错2.The business activities of international marketers are not affected bycompetition in their domestic market.答案:错3.With respect to the environment in which a business operates, factors suchas competition, political and legal forces, economic climate, would all beclassified as:答案:uncontrollable elements4._____ is an unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences,and knowledge as a basis for decisions. 答案:Self-reference criterion5.Which of the following is closely related to the self-reference criterion? 答案:Ethnocentrism第二章1.Geographical location plays a part in access to答案:markets2.Which of the following arguments regarding the need for protectionism isrecognized by economists as valid?答案:Protection of an infant industry3.The Principles of The Belt and Road are including答案:The Belt and RoadInitiative is in line with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;TheInitiative is open for cooperation;The Initiative follows market operation;The Initiative is harmonious and inclusive4.Countries along the Belt and Road have their own resource advantages andtheir economies are mutually complementary.答案:对5.Climate is one of the most important factors in development is geography.答案:对第三章1.With which of the following would the phrase “Buy American” be mos tclosely associated?答案:Nationalism2.Civil or code law was derived from the _____.答案:Roman law3.The responsibility of determining if a license is required rests with the _____.答案:exporter4.Sovereignty refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to othercountries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members.答案:对5.The form of law found in the United States and England is classified as civil orcode law.答案:错第四章1.Which of the following sources of energy has a greater emphasis in NorthAmerica?答案:Oil2.Which of the following is true with respect to the dynamics of globalpopulation trends?答案:The existence of sheer numbers of people issignificant in appraising potential consumer markets.3.Which of the following commodities dominated the trade between Britainand China during the early 1800s?答案:Tea4.When marketers introduce an innovative product or idea, they act as agentsof change.答案:对5.As countries move from agricultural to industrial to services economies,birthrates increase.答案:错第五章1.Marketing research is a general noneconomic review of conditions affectingthe marketing division’s business.答案:错2.Decentering is a hybrid of _____ translation.答案:backreign markets, it is best to accept the information at face value becauseverifying information in foreign markets is extremely expensive.答案:错4.Which of the following types of samples should be used when detailed andaccurate information is not available for a sampling universe?答案:Aconvenience sample5.en Grissom has decided to use information collected by the U.S. governmentin his upcoming research project on cultural trends. This is an example ofusing a _____ data source.答案:sencondary第六章1.KFC sells Youtiao, a kind of Chinese doughnut, at its outlets in China. TheYoutiao is considered an important part of a Chinese breakfast menu. Inmarketing terms, KFC is practicing a _____ strategy.答案:localization2.Which of the following is true about strategic planning?答案:It is conductedat the highest levels of management3.Which of these aspects of international marketing is analyzed in Phase 1 ofthe international planning process?答案:Company character4.The first phase of the international planning process is to adapt themarketing mix to target markets.答案:错5.Incorrect decisions taken in Phase 2 of the international planning processlead to products inappropriate for the intended market or costly mistakes in pricing, advertising, and promotion.答案:对第七章1.Global competition has put more power in the hands of the seller.答案:错2.Consumer perceptions of a quality product often have more to do withmarket-perceived quality than performance quality.答案:对3.The decision to standardize or adapt a product is crucial in delivering quality.答案:对4.Which of the following is the most important criterion for consumers whilepurchasing products?答案:Quality5.What are the two dimensions that help in defining the quality of a product ofquality?答案:Market-perceived quality and performance quality.第八章1.The distribution process includes promotion of goods and services by sellersand resellers.答案:错2.As traditional channel structures are changing, importers and retailers arealso becoming involved in new product development.答案:对3.Channels of distribution often pose longevity problems.答案:对4.Which of the following distribution structures is also known as a traditionaldistribution structure? 答案:Import-oriented5._____ is often the approach of choice in markets with insufficient orunderdeveloped distribution systems.答案:Direct Marketing第九章1.Sales promotions are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasesand improve retailer or middlemen effectiveness and cooperation.答案:对2.Contests, sweepstakes, sponsorship of special events such as concerts aretechniques used for maintaining and improving public relations.答案:错3.Different cultures often seek the same value or benefits from the primaryfunction of a product.答案:对4.Integrated marketing communications are composed of all of the followingEXCEPT:答案:political rallying5._____ are short-term efforts directed to the consumer or retailer to achievesuch specific objectives as consumer product trial or immediate purchase.答案:Sales promotion第十章1.Setting the right price for a product can be the key to success or failure in theinternational marketplace.答案:对2.Eliminating costly functional features or lowering overall product quality canminimize price escalation.答案:对3.Deflation causes consumer prices to escalate, and consumers face ever-risingprices that eventually exclude many of them from the market.答案:错4.In general, price decisions are viewed in two ways. Which of the following isone of them? 答案:Pricing is an active instrument of accomplishingmarketing objectives.Pricing is an active instrument of accomplishingmarketing objectives.Pricing is an active instrument of accomplishingmarketing objectives.5.In _____ pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incrementalcost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets.答案:variable-cost ## 第一章6.下列哪些可能成为企业国际市场营销的政策动因?()答案:低息贷款;减税7.企业可以将国内市场已不具备优势的产品转移到国外市场,延长产品生命周期,发挥其竞争优势答案:对8.市场营销的主体具有特殊性,只能是以营利为目标的公司、企业。



国际市场营销(英)课堂测试题班级:姓名:学号:国贸专业 14 级《国际市场营销》(英)课堂测验⼀⼀、Cloze(共20分,每空2分)。

From a family firm with some 2,000 employees in 1966, the group has grown to become a public company comprising nine factories ①round 6,000 people at home and overseas. It ②f or 25% of the British ceramic tableware industry’s output and for 25% of its exports. The strength of Wedgwood’s marketing ③today is very much centered upon the breadth of its wares---in style, type and price range--- varying from the luxurious in fine bone china tableware to the ④in earthenware and oven-to-tableware. Wedgwood firmly believes that its wide choice of ⑤gives the right marketing ⑥and enable the Group to provide products that appeal to a ⑦section of the world public. Today, Wedgwood—a ⑧of Waterford Wedgwood following the merger in November 1986—comprises many famous names whose products have been ⑨in home and export markets for many years and has gained eleven Queen’s Awards to industry for export ⑩.⼆、Key concepts(共20分,每题2分)1. are concerned with love, friendship, status, and esteem---things that involve a person’s interaction with others.2. refers to how customers think about proposed or present brands in a market.3. means offering new or improved products for present markets.4. A is a homogeneous group of customers who will respond to a marketing mix in a similar way.5. occurs when a customer organization has a new need and wants a great deal of information.6. refers to that the firm contracts with an outside firm to product goods or services rather than to produce them internally.7. A is the people towhom an individual looks when forming attitudes about a particular topic.8.aim at one or more homogeneous segments and try to developa different marketing mix for each segment.9. The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called its .10. Firms that specialize in providing marketing functions other than buying and selling are known as .三.Match and Blank(共30分,每⼩题3分)Match each word in the left box with a word in the right box to form ten common marketing expressions. Some words can be used more than once. Then use these expressions to complete the sentences that follow.1. Convenience goods are those products that customers put forth very little effort in making a .2. The systems and power pants that electric utilities use to meet are made up of various technologies: plants fueled by nuclear energy, coal, natural gas, oil, hydroelectric power, solar, wind, biofuels, and other energy sources.3. Conversely, research on “ sport customers” demands solutions of how to build upon their brand knowledge, formulate or change their preferences for a product, and consequently determine how to make the sport product fits their expected value, personality,and .4. Participants were asked to consider three typical teammate, typical male athlete, and typical female athlete-across two drinking behaviors: frequency of drinking and quantity of drinking.5. At the same time, new surveys show that 90 percent of consumers trust word-of-mouth suggestions, and that some make purchases based on such guidance. ”Consumer-created content is still new enough that it’s much more influential at driving than driving purchases,” said Ms. Riley, the Jupiter analyst.6. As The Wall Street Journal notes: ”It turns out that consumers don’t necessarily want to get their home-phone, wireless, Internet, and TV service from the same company.One : comparison shopping is difficult, since you may not know how much you really are paying for each component of a bundle.”7. Windows and paint change color to harvest sunlight or reject it. But it’s one thing for scientists to talk game and another for builders and homeowners to play. Cutting home energy use means changing and industry practice.8. Continental executives said they are trying to get the message to customers that they will get more service on longer flight. But they also said that in coming weeks, they will probably create a ““ name---Continental would still be a part of it---that would be painted on the planes that fly Calite exclusively.9. Stage has a unique small market where low rents and few direct competitors result in a very attractive store model.” Small towns provide other advantages besides little competition and low rents. Advertising costs are cheaper, and labor costs are less than they are in big cities.”10. The project is a between Cuba and the Canadian mining company Sherritt.四、判断题,对的打“T“,错的打“F”(共30分,每⼩题2分)( )1. Marketing could offer many exciting and rewarding career opportunities.( )2. A production orientation means trying to get customers to buy what the firm has produced.( )3. All marketers should act in a socially responsible manner.( )4. Target marketing is limited to small and homogeneous market segments.( )5. The customer is not part of the marketing mix but should be the target of all marketing efforts.( )6. Generally the channel of distribution is short in business markets and in the marketing of services. ( )7. Customer service is a unpaid form of personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services.( )8. The high customer satisfaction means the high customer equity.( )9. The number of segments that should be formed depends more on judgment than on some scientific rule.( )10. The multiple target market approach will apply one marketing mix to two or more market segments.( )11. Positioning could help the firm build a competitive advantage.( )12. The PSSP Hierarchy of needs has close relationship with the standard of economic.( )13. It is usually economical for marketers to change consumer attitudes than to work with them.( )14. The organizations and the final consumers are all emotional in their buying decision.( )15. Most retail and wholesale buyers see themselves as purchasing agents for their target customer.。



Chapter 18Pricing for International MarketsTrue / False Questionspanies that use pricing to achieve marketing objectives are engaged in static pricing.2.Exclusive distribution is often used to offset the effects of parallel importing.3.In variable-cost pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets.4.A company uses skimming pricing as an objective when it desires to reach a market segment that is relatively price insensitive and thus willing to pay a premium price for the value received.5.One of the export strategies that can be tried when the domestic currency is weak is to improve productivity and engage in vigorous cost reduction.Multiple Choice Questions1.Assuming that the international marketer has produced the right product, initiated the proper channel of distribution, and promoted goods and services correctly, the effort can fail badly if the international marketer fails to: (pick the best answer)A. inform the host government of all its marketing objectives.B. properly price the goods or services.C. work through union representatives.D. consider the environmental impact of its goods or services.E. deliver the product to the correct place at the correct time.2. ______________ imports develop when importers buy products from distributors in one country and sell them in another country to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer's regular distribution system.A. Black-listedB. DirectC. CircularD. Co-mingledE. Parallel3. Which of the following, because it encourages retailers to stock large assortments, often createsa favorable condition for parallel importing?A. exclusive distributionB. selective distributionC. intensive distributionD. global distributionE. dual distribution4.Another term for parallel importing is:A. the black market.B. manufacturer black-listing.C. government piracy.D. gray-market goods.E. forwarded market.5.In _____________ pricing, the philosophy is that no unit of a similar product is different from any other unit in terms of cost and that each unit must bear its full share of the total fixed and variable cost.A. full-costB. fixed-costC. variable-costD. demand-basedE. supply-basedEssay Questions1.Explain the process called parallel importing.2.What is the difference between variable-cost pricing and full-cost pricing.。



国际市场营销试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10分)1. 国际市场营销的核心是()。

A. 产品B. 价格C. 促销D. 市场调研答案:D2. 以下哪项不是国际市场细分的依据?()A. 地理位置B. 人口统计C. 心理特征D. 产品成本答案:D3. 国际市场营销中,产品生命周期理论的主要目的是()。

A. 预测产品销售B. 制定产品策略C. 计算产品成本D. 确定产品定价答案:B4. 出口营销属于国际市场营销的哪个阶段?()A. 国际市场进入B. 国际市场扩张C. 国际市场维护D. 国际市场退出5. 以下哪种支付方式不属于国际贸易常用的支付方式?()A. 信用证B. 托收C. 现金支付D. 汇票答案:C二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 国际市场营销的宏观环境包括()。

A. 经济环境B. 政治法律环境C. 社会文化环境D. 技术环境E. 竞争环境答案:ABCD2. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些因素会影响产品定价?()A. 成本B. 竞争C. 目标市场D. 营销渠道E. 促销活动答案:ABCD3. 国际市场营销中,市场进入策略包括()。

A. 出口B. 特许经营C. 直接投资D. 合资答案:ABCDE4. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些因素可能影响促销策略?()A. 目标市场文化B. 产品特性C. 竞争对手的促销活动D. 法律法规限制E. 消费者购买习惯答案:ABCDE5. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些是市场调研的主要内容?()A. 消费者行为B. 竞争对手分析C. 市场规模D. 市场趋势E. 法律法规答案:ABCDE三、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 国际市场营销与国内市场营销在策略上没有区别。

()答案:错误2. 国际市场细分可以帮助企业更有效地定位目标市场。

()答案:正确3. 国际市场营销中,产品生命周期理论不适用于新产品。

()答案:错误4. 国际市场营销中,出口营销是风险最低的市场进入方式。

()答案:正确5. 国际市场营销中,促销策略可以完全照搬国内市场。



国际营销International Marketingis the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.国际营销市场细分International marketing market segmentationEnterprises after entry into a foreign market, due to customer demand is varied in the country, businesses cannot meet all the needs of customers, and can be broken down into a number of markets, meet the needs of one or several markets.After that when the company decides to enter an overseas market, it will find that customer demand on the local market there is still a difference, need to be further subdivided into a number of markets, with a view to selecting one or several markets to target markets.文化culture(1)is the sum of the "value, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and through processes that are learned and shared by a group of people ,then transmitted from generation to generation."(2)Is the human made part of human environment-the sum total of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society营销渠道Marketing channelsMarketing (Marketing channels) refers to the product or service path along the transfer, transfer from participating product or service activities in order to make the product or service is easy to use or consumption of all organizations.销售促进销售促进(英文为:Sales Promotion,简称SP)Sales promotion (English: Sales Promotion, known as SP), also known as a marketing promotion, it is an enterprise using a variety of short-term incentives to encourage consumers and brokers to buy promotional activities, distribution of products and services.1.国内营销与国际营销区别和共同点International marketing is developed on the basis of marketing. As the different branches of marketing, international marketing and domestic marketing of existing linkages, and differentiated.(A)Link1. Based on commonality of international marketing and domestic marketing are based on the principles of economics as a theoretical basis.2. Consistency of concepts in contemporary economic activity, international marketing and domestic marketing concepts are consistent in nature, are "marketing concept" as a guiding principle, to meet consumer demand and user-centric.3. Operation is easy, in management, international marketing and domestic marketing there is often a certain amount of contact. Their business processes, international marketing is an extension of domestic marketing(B) the difference1. International marketing environment has become more complex2. Uncertainties facing the international market moreChanging trend of the market demand for our products, as well as consumer buying motives, consumer psychology, evaluation of products, it is difficult to determine. Enterprises ' difficulty in timely, accurate information about competitors ' reactions, and multinational market research more difficult. Companies are struggling to choose the more suitable advertising media and advertising tools, selection and control of international marketingchannel is more difficult to determine.3. selection of international than domestic marketing more diverse, more difficult.4. International marketing marketing harder2.文化具有哪些特点?文化具有的一些特征。

国际市场营销学课后答案chapter 1 outline

国际市场营销学课后答案chapter 1 outline

CHAPTER 1Scope, Concepts, and Drivers of International Marketing1.Please Give the overview of Chapter 12.Please describe the Levels of International Marketing Involvement3. What are the Drivers in the Business Environmen t?4. Please mention some Obstacles to Internationalization5. Please complete the following terms:a. Domestic Marketing:b. Global Marketing:c Polycentric Orientation:d Geocentric Orientation:e Regiocentric Orientation:Levels of International Marketing Involvementpanies have different degrees of commitment to international involvement; thefour levels of commitment are:a.Domestic marketing: The firm has the least commitment to internationalmarketing, with a focus solely on domestic consumers and on the home-country environment. Yet, even the local company cannot avoid the impactof the international environment on its operations: The home-countryenvironment is affected by events in the international environment and byinternational competition.b.Export marketing: The firm is indirectly or directly involved in exporting.While the firm seeks international clients, it considers the international marketto be a simple extension of the domestic market.c.International marketing: The firm has substantial focus on internationalconsumers in one or more countries. The firm has sales offices orsubsidiaries in different countries or is an active partner in alliances with localcompanies. However, the firm’s international activities ar e not coordinatedacross different countries. An international company has on of twophilosophies toward internationalization: polycentric (decentralized, nocoordination with firms in other countries) or regiocentric (with a region-widemarketing approach).d.Global marketing: The firm coordinates its marketing activities acrossdifferent countries without focusing primarily on national or regionalsegmentation. The strategy is possible due to the emergence of uniformglobal consumer segments and it entails an efficient global allocation ofcompany resources.Drivers in the Business Environment:petition: Competitive pressure from international companies will force thecompany to expand to new markets, even less profitable ones. (Example: McCannErickson advertising agency followed, until recently, its client Coca-Cola around theworld).2.Regional Economic and Political Integration: Involves lowering or eliminating barriersbetween neighboring countries and promoting trade within each regional market.Integration facilitates international trade for companies in member countries, and forcompanies from countries outside of the area.3.Technology: Media development exposes consumers worldwide to foreignprogramming. The Internet offers small and medium enterprises in both high- andlow-income countries unlimited international exposure. Technology offers a broadreach to these businesses whose advertising budget cannot cover the high cost ofinternational broadcast and print advertising.4.Improvements in the Transportation and Telecommunication Infrastructure:Improvements in telecommunications have lowered costs and allowed faster andmore efficient methods of communicating across borders. Outsourcing of customerservice to other countries has become more popular due to improvements intelecommunications. Efficient and fast travel allows for frequent interaction betweensubsidiaries in foreign countries and the headquarters. The introduction of containersin intermodal transportation and electronic communication between suppliers andcustomers greatly facilitates the transportation of physical goods.5.Economic Growth: Attributed to the emergence of a strong middle class in largemarkets. Economic growth created markets of high potential for international brands,while also opening previously closed markets.6.Transition to a Market Economy: The opening of previously closed markets inCentral and Eastern Europe and in China, and the subsequent deregulation andprivatization of former government monopolies created important new marketopportunities for international brands.7.Converging Consumer Needs: Consumers’ exposure to global brands createddemand for global products and worldwide loyalty to international brands. Theemergence of uniform consumer segments facilitates marketing strategies worldwide.Consumers, in their travels, learn of new product offerings and request them fromhome-country retailers, thus generating pull demand.Obstacles to Internationalization - Companies attempting to establish international presence are likely to encounter obstacles both from within the company and from the outside environment. Among the barriers to internationalization that companies face are the self-reference criterion, government barriers, and international competition.Domestic Marketing: Marketing that is focused solely on domestic consumers and on the home environment.Global Marketing: International marketing activities that do not have a country or a region focus and that are possibly due to the emergence of global consumer segments and efficient global allocation of company talent and resources.Polycentric Orientation: Company strategies predicated on the assumption that each country’s market in unique and should be addressed individually, with a country-specific marketing mix. Geocentric Orientation:Regiocentric Orientation: Company strategies that view world regions as distinct markets that share economic, political, and cultural traits that will respond to a region-wide marketing approach.REVIEW QUESTIONS:True/False1.True2.True3.True4.False5.FalseMultiple Choice1. C2. C3. A4. C5. B。

国际市场营销学课后答案chapter 4 outline

国际市场营销学课后答案chapter 4 outline

Chapter 4International Marketing Research: Practices and Challenges1. Please Give the overview of Chapter 42. Please describe the Scope of International Marketing Research:3. What are the steps for international marketing research4. Please mention decision support systems for global marketing:5. Please complete the following terms:a. Brand Awareness Research:b. Brand Name Generation and Testing:c. Buyer Behavior Research:d. Causal Research:e. Channel Performance and Coverage Studies:∙Scope of International Marketing Research: There are several types of international marketing research: Research of market characteristics, buyer behavior research, product research, distribution research, promotion research, and pricing research, among others. ∙International Marketing Research Process: The steps for international marketing research are: Defining the research objectives, developing research plan, deciding on information sources, determining research approach, designing the data collection instrument, deciding on the sampling plan, and collecting and interpreting the information.∙Decision Support Systems for Global Marketing: A decision support system is a coordinated collection of data, tools, and techniques, complemented by supporting software designed for the gathering of business data.Brand Awareness Research: Research investigating how consumers’ knowledge and recognition of a brand name affect their purchasing behavior.Brand Name Generation and Testing: The testing of brand names and logos, necessary when companies market their products internationally.Buyer Behavior Research: Research examining brand preferences and brand attitudes. Causal Research: Research that examines cause-and-effect relationships.Channel Performance and Coverage Studies: Studies investigating whether existing channels are appropriate for communication, if channels exist at all, or whether they are appropriate for international marketing communications.1)False2)False3)TrueMultiple Choice1) A2) B3) B4) D5) C6) B7) D。



《国际市场营销学》学员作业参考答案第一单元(第1—4章)作业题参考答案一、单项选择题1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A二、简答题1.答:国际市场营销(International Marketing)简称国际营销,是指在复杂的国际市场环境中,识别和确定国外消费者和用户的需要,并通过提供能满足这些需要的商品和劳务实现企业目标的整体营销活动。


















国际市场营销课后答案international marketing plan essay question

国际市场营销课后答案international  marketing plan  essay question

Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research Essay Questions100. (p. 216) Give the traditional definition for marketing research.Marketing research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making.101. (p. 216) Discuss the differences between traditional marketing research and international marketing research. Although the research processes and methods are basically the same in traditional marketing research and international marketing research, international marketing research involves two additional complications. First, information must be communicated across cultural boundaries. Second, the environments within which the research tools are applied are often different in foreign markets.102. (p. 217) International marketers often collect forms of information not normally collected by domestic marketing researchers. Unisys Corporation gives some guidance as to what forms of information need to be collected in the international environment. List and briefly discuss each of the five types of information suggested by the Unisys Corporation model.The five types of information are: (a) economic, (b) cultural, sociological, and political climate, (c) overview of market conditions, (d) summary of the technological environment, and (e) competitive situation. See page 217 for a discussion of each of the types.103. (p. 218 and major section titles for the six) List and briefly characterize the six steps in the research process.The steps are: (a) define the research problem and establish research objectives, (b) determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives, (c) consider the costs and benefits of the research effort, (d) gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both, (e) analyze, interpret, and summarize the results, and (f) effectively communicate the results to decision makers. Summaries of the steps can be found in the major sections describing each of the six steps.104. (p. 220-223) There are four major problems with using secondary data in international marketing research. What are these four major problems? Briefly, characterize each problem.The four major problems are: (a) availability of data, (b) reliability of data, (c) comparability of data, and (d) validating secondary data. For a brief summary see each of the section titles of the four problem areas.105. (p. 223) As a practical matter, the international marketing researcher should ask four questions to effectively judge the reliability (validating secondary data) of secondary data sources. List those four questions.The four questions are: (a) Who collected the data? Would there be any reason for purposely misrepresenting the facts? (b) For what purposes were the data collected? (c) How were the data collected? (methodology) (d) Are the data internally consistent and logical in light of known data sources or market factors?106. (p. 223-225) Demonstrate the difference between quantitative and qualitative research.In quantitative research, usually a large number of respondents are asked to reply either verbally or in writing to structured questions using a specific response format or to select a response from a set of choices. Questions are designed to obtain specific responses regarding aspects of the respondents' behavior, intentions, attitudes, motives, and demographiccharacteristics. In qualitative research, if questions are asked they are almost always open-ended or in-depth, and unstructured responses that reflect the person's thoughts and feelings on the subject are sought.107. (p. 229) Discuss the differences between back translation and parallel translation in international marketing research. In back translation the questionnaire is translated from one language to another, and then a second party translates it back into the original. This process pinpoints misinterpretations and misunderstandings before they reach the public. Back translations may not always ensure an accurate translation because of commonly used idioms in both languages. Parallel translation is used to overcome this problem. In this process, more than two translators are used for the back translation; the results are compared, differences discussed, and the most appropriate translation selected.108. (p. 232) It has been suggested that there are at least seven different uses for the Internet in international research. Assume that you are a marketing director for Ty Beanie Babies and are interested in expanding your company's phenomenal growth into Asia. What are the seven uses suggested in the text and which of the seven would you propose to use to accomplish your objective?The seven uses are (a) online surveys and buyer panels, (b) online focus groups, (c) Web visitor tracking, (d) advertising measurement, (e) customer identification systems, (f) e-mail marketing lists, and (g) embedded research. The students could make a case for any or all of the above, therefore, the intent of the question is to get the students to first list and then creatively think about options. Discussion of the seven uses may be found on page 232. If the instructor would like to place additional suggestions or parameters on the question, be sure to do so before assigning the question to students.109. (p. 239, Exhibit 8.3) The text suggests four kinds of company-agency-customer relationships for managing the cultural barrier in international marketing research. Describe or characterize each of these kinds of relationships and designate which one(s) are better suited for managing the cultural barrier across the chain of communication.The four options are: Option A (company--agency--customers); Option B (company--agency--local agency--customers); Option C (company--subsidiary--agency--customers); and, Option D (company--foreign agency--customers). The text suggests that Options B and C are best for managing the cultural barrier.Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization Essay Questions101. (p. 310-312) Briefly, explain the benefits of global marketing.When large market segments can be identified, economies of scale in production and marketing can be important competitive advantages of global companies. Other benefits include: (a) a transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities, (b) ensures access to the toughest customers, and (c) diversity of markets served carries with it additional financial benefits.102. (p. 311-313) Demonstrate the differences among corporate, strategic, and tactical planning.Corporate planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the enterprise as a whole. Strategic planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals with products, capital, and research, and long- and short-term goals of the company. Tactical planning pertains to specific actions and to the allocation of resources used to implement strategic planning goals in specific markets. Tactical plans are made at the local level and address marketing and advertising questions.103. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) List and briefly characterize the four phases of the international planning process.The four phases are: (a) Phase 1--Preliminary analysis and screening (matching company/country needs); (b) Phase 2--Adapting the marketing mix to target markets; (c) Phase 3--Developing the marketing plan; and, (d) Phase 4--Implementation and control.104. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) A company has four different modes of foreign market entry from which to select. List and briefly characterize each of these modes.The modes are exporting, contractual agreements, strategic alliances, and direct foreign investment. Brief characterizations may be found on page 319 in Exhibit 11.2. More detailed descriptions of each mode may be found in the associated sections found on pages 318-330.105. (p. 32-322) Describe the two basic contractual agreements that most companies follow in their attempt to enter a foreign market.Contractual agreements generally involve the transfer of technology, processes, trademarks, or human skills. The two basic forms of contractual agreements are licensing and franchising. Licensing is associated with patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technological processes in foreign markets. It is a favorite strategy for small and medium-sized companies. Franchising involves offering a standard package of products, systems, and management services.106. (p. 323-324) What is a strategic international alliance (SIA)?A SIA is a business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective. SIAs are sought as a way to shore up weaknesses and increase competitive strengths.107. (p. 325-328) Explain the differences between a joint venture and consortia.A joint venture is differentiated from other types of strategic alliances or collaborative relationships in that a joint venture is a partnership of two or more participating companies that join forces to create a separate legal entity. Consortia are similar to joint ventures but have two distinguishing characteristics: (a) they typically involve a large number of participants and (b) they frequently operate in a country or market in which none of the participants is currently active.108. (p. 328-329) You have just been hired as a consultant by Apple Computer to advise them on how to enter the South African market. You have decided that direct foreign investment would be the best mode for Apple to follow at this point in time. Write a one-paragraph memo that outlines the benefits of direct foreign investment in a country.Companies that manufacture locally can capitalize on low-cost labor, avoid high import taxes, reduce the high cost of transportation to market, gain access to raw materials, and gain advantages by being perceived as making an investment in the market (as a way to gain entry).109. (p. 331, Exhibit 11.4) With respect to organizational structures used in international marketing, companies are usually structured around one of three alternatives. Assuming that you were a consultant for AT&T who desired to create an organization that was able to merge your organization's expertise and skills with that of Sony's cell phone division so that your new joint venture could enter the Scandinavian market, which of the organizational structure alternatives would make most sense? Comment on why the structure might be a good one to use.The three structures are product, geographic, and a matrix approach. Students could select any of the three options, however, the text suggests that the matrix form is preferable in today's market place. A matrix structure permits management to respond to the conflicts that arise between functional activity, product, and geography. Since the new venture will be a joint venture, the matrix structure might allow both of the companies to bring separate expertise to the table. Since a matrix structure encourages sharing of experience, resources, expertise, technology, and information, it seem to be a natural in this situation.Products and Services for Consumers Essay Questions107. (p. 337) Discuss the two dimensions of quality.The two dimensions of quality are market-perceived quality and performance quality. Simply, one dimension deals with how consumers believe the company, product, or service matches to expectations of quality. The other dimension, which can be measured, deals with how the product, company, or service actually performs.108. (p. 339) Describe the process called product homologation.Product homologation is used to describe the changes mandated by local product and service standards. A product may have to change in a number of ways to meet the physical or mandatory requirements of a new market.109. (p. 344-347) Everett Rogers notes that four crucial elements impact the diffusion of new ideas. What are those elements?The elements are (a) an innovation, (b) which is communicated through certain channels, (c) over time, and (d) among the members of a social system.110. (p. 350, Exhibit 12.1) Draw and correctly label the product component model shown in the text.The model is shown on page 350 (see Exhibit 12.1). Students should include the core, packaging, and support services components and the sub-parts of each for full credit.111. (p. 353-355) Consumer services are distinguished by four unique characteristics. List and characterize each of these four unique characteristics.The characteristics are (a) intangibility--services cannot be touched, (b) inseparability--the service cannot be separated from its consumption, (c) heterogeneous--it is individually produced and is thus virtually unique, and (d) perishability--once created it cannot be stored but must be consumed simultaneously with its creation.112. (p. 356-358) Consumer services face four kinds of barriers as these services are presented to the global market. What are these barriers?The barriers are (a) protectionism, (b) controls on transborder data flows, (c) protection of intellectual property, and (d) cultural requirements for adaptation.113. (p. 358-359, Exhibit 12.2) A successful brand is the most valuable resource a company has. Comment on why this is true and create an example to illustrate.Using the material on pages 358-359 and including Exhibit 12.2, students should be able to make a case for the value of a brand. To summarize, the brand name encompasses the years of advertising, good will, quality evaluation, product experience, and other beneficial attributes the market associates with the product. Students may use whatever example they wish, however, it still needs to be appropriate to the material above.114. (p. 363-364) Assuming that you were a new marketing manager for Nike and that your first task was to launch a renewed effort to gain market share in Europe, an Adidas stronghold. Describe the impact that the country-of-origin effect might have on your chances of success.The country-of-origin effect can be defined as any influence that the country of manufacture, assembly, or design has on a consumer's positive or negative perception of a product. Students could discuss stereotypes in the example, mention the difficulties that the U.S. has had with France, the general opinion of American-made products, Nike's publicity as a sweatshop broker, or how a home-based rival such as Adidas might react to Nike. If you, as an instructor, would like to set additional parameters for this question, please do so before the exam.International Marketing Channels Essay Questions101. (p. 396) Characterize a distribution process.A distribution process includes the physical handling and distribution of goods, the passage of ownership (title), and the buying and selling negotiations between producers and middlemen and between middlemen and customers.102. (p. 397) The Japanese distribution system has four distinguishing characteristics. What are these characteristics?The characteristics are (a) a structure dominated by many small middlemen dealing with many small retailers, (b) channel control by manufacturers, (c) a business philosophy shaped by a unique culture, and (d) laws that protect the foundation of the system--the small retailer.103. (p. 399) How does a manufacturer attempt to control the distribution channel?The manufacturer attempts to control the distribution channel through (a) inventory financing, (b) cumulative rebates, (c) merchandise returns, and (d) promotional support.104. (p. 404) Discuss the impact of the trend from traditional to modern channel structures.The impact of these trends will change traditional distribution and marketing systems. While retailing revolution remains in flux, new retailing and middle-men systems will be invented, and established companies will experiment, seeking ways to maintain their competitive edge. Moreover, it is becoming more dangerous to think of competitors in terms of individual companies—in international business generally, and distribution systems particularly, a networks perspective is increasingly required. That is, firms must be understood in the context of the commercial networks of which they are a part. These changes will resonate throughout the distribution chain before new concepts are established and the system stabilizes.105. (p. 408) Characterize the difference(s) between agent middlemen and merchant middlemen.The primary difference is that agent middlemen do not take title to the goods they process and the merchant middleman does. Additionally, the merchant middleman normally performs more work tasks that are often general in nature whereas the agent middleman may be more of a specialist.106. (p. 412) Steve Smith has been assigned the task of choosing a foreign market channel that would be most appropriate for his company. Assuming that his company was an automobile company and he wished to enter the Spanish market, list the four points that were identified in the text as starting places for making the channel selection decision. Be specific with your wording of the points.The points are: (a) identify specific target markets within and across countries; (b) specify marketing goals in terms of volume, market share, and profit margin requirements, (c) specify financial and personnel commitments to the development of international distribution, and (d) identify control, length of channels, terms of sale, and channel ownership.107. (p. 419-421) Channel strategy is thought to have six specific strategic goals. If you were to list these goals for a strategic planner, what would be the six specific goals that the planner should consider?The six Cs of channel strategy are: (a) cost, (b) capital, (c) control, (d) coverage, (e) character, and (f) continuity.108. (p. 396-424) Name and briefly define/describe the five basic points involved in making channel decisions.1. channel decisions - producer's choice of a distribution structure through which goods pass from producer to user. Every country market has a distribution structure through which goods pass form producer to user. This structure may have a variety of possible middlmen.2. distribution patterns - the variety of possible distribution paths and distribution channel length through which a product may pass from producer to customer.3. available alternative middlemen - the external middlemen from which specific intermediaries are selected. The middlemen become the means of building and developing the channels for international distribution.4. factors affecting choice of channels - identifying target markets, specifying marketing goals, specifying financial and personnel needs, and identifying control, length of channels, terms of sales, and channel ownership.5. locating, selecting, motivating, terminating, and controlling middlemen - the process of building international distribution requires as a first step locationg prospective middlemen. Selection involves determining which ones can perform satisfactorily. Motivating middlemen may involve financial rewards, psychological rewards, communications, company support, and corporate report. Termination is the dismissal of middlemen that have not performed up to standard. Controlling middlemen involves control of the distribution network and includes middlemen meeting standards of performance to insure that product is flowing through desired middlemen.Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising Essay Questions100. (p. 464) Describe the components of integrated marketing communications (IMC).IMC are composed of advertising, sales promotions, trade shows, personal selling, direct selling, and public relations.101. (p. 464) What are sales promotions?Sales promotions are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middleman effectiveness and cooperation.102. (p. 465) Describe the role of public relations.Creating good relationships with the popular press and other media to help companies communicate messages to their publics--customers, the general public, and government regulators--is the role of public relations.103. (p. 470-471) List the seven steps in creating an international advertising campaign.The steps are: (a) perform marketing research, (b) specify the goals of the communication, (c) develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected, (d) select effective media, (e) compose and secure a budget, (f) execute the campaign, and (g) evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified.104. (p. 476) List and describe the steps (stages) in the international communication process.The steps are (a) an information source, (b) encoding, (c) a message channel, (d) decoding, (e) receiver, (f) feedback, and (g) noise. See page 479 for details on each stage.105. (p. 486-493) Select one of the following media forms and describe the characteristics and usefulness in international advertising: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or direct mail.See pages 486-493 for summaries of each of the mass media forms mentioned. If you wish to give additional instructionsfor answering this question or set question limits, please do so before assigning the question.106. (p. 470-471) Assume that you are the communications manager for a company that is seeking to begin a communications process with buyers in a foreign market. Take the steps in the international communications process, list them, and indicate which of the steps will probably present the greatest challenge with respect to communication.The steps are: (a) perform marketing research, (b) specify the goals of the communication, (c) develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected, (d) select effective media, (e) compose and secure a budget, (f) execute the campaign, and (g) evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified. Students should build a case for what they perceive to be the most challenging step. See pages 473 for additional aid.107. (p. 491) Belinda is considering Internet advertising to support her company's international marketing campaign. She knows the Internet has some limitations as an advertising vehicle. What are the current limitations associated with Internet advertising?In many markets the Internet is limited in its penetration of households. Also, there is competition among Internet marketers for Web surfers.Pricing for International Markets Essay Questions100. (p. 529) Explain the process called parallel importing.Parallel importing occurs when importers buy products from distributors in one country and sell them in another to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer's regular distribution system. For more information and illustrations see page 531, Exhibit 18.1.101. (p. 532) What is the difference between variable-cost pricing and full-cost pricing.In variable-cost pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets. In full-cost pricing, the philosophy insists that no unit of a similar product is different from any other unit in terms of cost and that each unit must bear its full share of the total fixed and variable cost.102. (p. 544) There are two distinct views of what constitutes dumping. Explain each of these views.One approach classifies international shipments as dumped if the products are sold below their cost of production. The other approach characterizes dumping as selling goods in a foreign market below the price of the same goods in the home market.103. (p. 545-549) List and briefly characterize the four forms of countertrade.The four forms are (a) barter--the direct exchange of goods between two parties in a transaction, (b) compensation deal--involves payments in goods and cash, (c) counterpurchase--the seller agrees to sell a product at a set price to a buyer and receives payment in cash; however, a second contract stipulates that the original seller will in turn purchase a like amount of goods from the buyer (or a similar arrangement), and (d) product buy-back agreement--the seller may agree to accept partial payment in manufactured goods from the buyer or the seller can accept full payment in manufactured goods. For additional information and examples see pages 545-549.104. (p. 549) What are the benefits of transfer pricing?The benefits are (a) lowering duty costs by shipping goods into high-tariff countries at minimal transfer prices so that duty base and duty are low, (b) reducing income taxes in high-tax countries by overpricing goods transferred to units in such countries, and (c) facilitating dividend repatriation when dividend repatriation is curtailed by government policy.105. (p. 542) A reasonable price for goods in the home market may more than double in the foreign market. How does channel length and transportation costs contribute to the price increase?Channel length is determined by the number of middlemen. Middlemen may increase the price of goods to cover transportation costs and to increase their margins; there is little opportunity for a manufacturer to control retail prices in a foreign country. In addition, transportation costs also contribute to the increase in product costs. Transportation costs include insurance, packing, handling, and shipping charges. Such costs are added to the price of goods to determine the landed cost which becomes the basis of import tariffs. These costs add to the inflation of the final price of goods.106. (p. 551-553) Discuss the meaning of and nature of cartels. Are these groups beneficial or not? Create an example to illustrate your stance.A cartel exists when various companies producing similar products or services work together to control markets for the types of goods and services they produce. The cartel association may use formal agreements to set prices, establish levels of production and sales for the participating companies, allocate territories, and even redistribute profits. The economic role of cartels is debatable, but their proponents argue that they eliminate cutthroat competition and rationalize business, permitting greater technical progress and lower prices to consumers. Many do not agree with this view. See the text on pages 551-553 for additional information and examples.。



国际市场营销Chapter 1Multiple choices D D D A C C B D E D B1. What will WTO bring to Chinese firm in international marketing?China successfully participating in the WTO offers both challenges and opportunities to Chinese companies.China officially joined the WTO on 10th November 2001. WTO is one of the most influential international governmental bodies to affect marketing. WTO and the World Court are set up to help to solve international trade disputes, and they also help the member countries to gain fair treatment in international trades. Since China is a member country of the organization, China can also enjoy low trade tariffs and seek equal treatment among association members, which would, of course, give companies more chances to expand their international markets.2 The differences between domestic marketing and international marketing. International marketing is more complex than domestic marketing in a number of ways. 1. Different environments, 2. Different applications of marketing principles, concepts and techniques 3. Different relations between enterprises and government.3 what are the functions of marketing?Contact: The seeking out of prospective consumers and it may be based on a variety of determinants. Improper handling of the initial contact can keep a company out of the marketplace indefinitely. Merchandising: Merchandising is the process of bringing the right product to the right place at the right time in the right quantity at the right place. Pricing: The price of a product is often the determining factor when a purchase is made and is always a key to profit. Promotion: Promotion is used to support marketing efforts: paid advertising, personal selling, public relations, and supplemental efforts. Distribution:The process of putting the consumer and the product together. Human resources: Internal marketing that occurs within a company between employers and employees is a reflection in the ability to market externally to the public. It’s essential that sellers understand, communicat e with, and value buyers.4.There are many reasons for that, environment, Competition, legal restraints, government controls, weather, fickle consumers, and any number of otheruncontrollable elements can, and frequently do, affectChapter 3Multiple choices C A C E A B D A B BThe Global economy has experienced the following changesa) Capital movements rather than trade have become the driving force of the globaleconomy.b) Production has become "uncoupled" from employment.c) Primary products have become uncoupled from the industrial economy.d) The world economy is in control.Reasonsa) World trade is some US$ 3 trillion, whereas the London Eurodollar market - aloneis some US$ 75 billion per annum and foreign exchange transactions were US$35 billion per annum. Interest and exchange rate - gains are often more lucrative than investment in goods and services manufacturing.b) Employment is in decline while manufacturing either grows or remains static.Sectors are becoming more productive, with injections of capital equipment and new technologies.c) Commodity prices may collapse but industrial economies can be unaffected.d) World trade is recognized as vital to economies as domestic growth slows downand opportunities overseas grow. Growth achievable in international trade is often ata greater rate than domestically and the returns higher.Chapter 4 Multiple choices A D D B D A A C B C1. Important to have a regulatory framework for the following reasons.a) Framework states the political, social and legal ground rules for doing businessbetween and within countries.b) The framework gives:i) the basis for all production, exchange and distribution activitiesii) gives rise to expectations and assurances about the actions of others andiii) gives order and stability to the means of doing business.The most important rules are these:a) Defining, allocating and enforcing property rights.b) Establishing rules and conventions defining allowable and non allowable forms ofcooperation and coordination (standards, rules of conduct, fair trading etc).1 / 82. Tariff barriers/duties (terms of access)a) Tariffs - single column, two column, preferential.b) Duties - ad valorem, specific, alternative, compound, anti-dumping.c) Import charges - variable, temporary, compensatory.Non tariff barriersa) Quota and trade controls.b) Discriminatory Government and private procurement policies.c) Restrictive customs procedures.d) Selective monetary control and discriminatory exchange rate policies.e) Restrictive administrative and technical regulations.Chapter 5Multiple choices C E B D D D B E C C1. Main elements of culture -"Definition of culture" - The integrated total sum of learned behavioral traits that are manifest and shared by members of society.Elements are - language, social norms, religion, ethics, socio economics, mores, traditions, societal regulations, nationalism, aesthetics, material culture, attitudes, values, social organization. (Discuss each in turn with students).2. Main approaches to culturea) Anthropological - relevance to interpretation of ways of doing business e.g. Japan versus USA.b) Marlow’s hierarchy of needs - relevance to product type, sophistication and pricec) Self reference criterion - relevance in the standardization versus adoption concepts of marketing strategy.d) Diffusion theory - relevance to rates of adoption of innovations and of new products.e) High and low context - relevance to the degree of necessity to have explicitly verbal or written communications e.g. contracts.f) Perception - relevance to sensitivity in operation of the marketing mix variables e.g. advertisingChapter 6 Multiple choices A D A C C E C C C E1. Distinguish between primary and secondary data. When should each type beused?Answer: Primary data is data collected through observation, survey or controlled experiment for the first time during a marketing research study. Marketers rely on primary data when up-to-date, specifically targeted information is essential; when they have sufficient time to conduct the analysis; and when the good or service playsa major role in the company's total marketing strategy to warrant the expense of datacollection.Secondary data refers to previously collected data from internal and external sources.Internal data include sales records, product performance, sales force activities and marketing costs. External data are obtained from local, provincial (state) and federal governments and private sources. The reasons for using secondary data include the relative low cost, the easy availability and the limited time taken by searching for it.2. What contributions can each make to the marketing research function?Answer: A marketing information system (MIS) is a planned, computer-based system designed to provide managers with a continuous flow of information relevant to their specific decision areas. An MIS permits a continuous, systematic study of any deviation from marketing goals, and allows management to adjust actions as conditions change. A marketing decision-support system (MDSS) consists of computer software that helps users obtain and use information to make marketing decisions. An MDSS is the portion of an MIS that enables marketers to explore the state of the market and do market forecasting and simulations that illustrate what might happen if various components of the marketing strategy were changed. Data mining consists of a program that searches customer information stored in data warehouses for connections. Organizations are using data mining to enhance decisions about customer preferences, sales trends, and marketing programs.Chapter 7Multiple choices E B A D A A C C E D1. List and discuss the requirements for effective segmentation.Answer: If a market segment is large, but not homogeneous enough, it becomes difficult to develop a marketing mix that would effectively fit all customers in this segment. In this case some customers may become dissatisfied and lured away by2 / 8competitors who offer a better tailored marketing mix. If market segments are properly defined most customers should be addressed with a marketing mix that can satisfy their needs well. Very well satisfied customers are more loyal. On the other hand breaking markets down into too many segments and addressing each of them with a separate marketing mix is costly. This is why it is very important to define segments in such a way that they would be large enough to be profitable, and, on the other hand, homogeneous enough to be satisfied with the same marketing mix. Chapter 8 Multiple choices C B B D D A C E E D1. Different methods of foreign market entry.These are either "direct", "indirect" or "cooperative” based.2.The advantages and disadvantages of barter, counter-trade, and export processing zones as market entry strategies.1) Export processing zones -Advantages:· host country obtains know-how,· capital, technology, employment opportunities;· foreign exchange earnings;· "reputation", "internationalization".Disadvantages:· short term investments,· capital movements,· employment movements,· transaction costs and benefits,· not part of economy so alienisation,· labor laws may be different,· bureaucracy creation.2) Barter-Advantages:· simple to administer,· no currency,· commodity based valuation or currency based valuation.Disadvantages:· risk of non delivery,· poor quality,· technological obsolescence,· unfulfilled quantities,· risk of commodity price rise thus losing out on an increased valuation,· depressed valuation,· marketability of products.3) Counter trade -Advantages:· method of obtaining sales by seller and getting a slice of the order,· method of breaking into a "closed" market.Disadvantages:· not covered by GATT,· so dumping may occur,· variety differences,· difficult to set price and service quality,· inconsistency of delivery and specification,· difficult to revert to currency trading.Chapter 11Multiple choices A B D B C B D C C C1. What is a product? What are the features of products?A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use orconsumption and that might satisfy a want or need. It refers to both tangible and intangible products. When talking about product, one needs to consider its characteristics. They are 1) primary functional purpose, 2) secondary purpose, 3) durability and quality, 4) method of operation, and 5) maintenance.2. How to classify products traditionally and internationally?Product may be classified according to a variety of criteria. Traditionally, classification of products is based on users, hence the consumer goods and industrial goods.Consumer products include Convenience products, Shopping products, Specialty products, Unsought products, Industrial products include Materials and parts, Capital3 / 8items, Supplies and services. Another traditional method of classifying products ishow long a product may exist. Thus, there are durable, consumable, or disposable goods. In recent years, with the fast speed of globalize economy, a product with international profit potential is more likely to gain attentions than that with local potentials. Therefore, some researchers further classified products according to their marketing potentials, ie. Local products and international products3. What is a product life cycle? Give a brief description of the separate stages. Products have a limited market life. Typically there are 4 stages for the development of a new product: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline.Introduction stage is a period of slow sales growth as the product is introduced in the market. This stage starts when the new product is first launched. Introduction takes time, and sales growth is apt to be slow. Innovators will buy product in this stage. In growth stage, sales will start climbing quickly. It’s a period of rapid market acceptance, and substantial profit improvement. The innovators will continue to buy, and early adopters will start to follow their lead, especially if they hear favorable word of mouth. They will introduce new product features, and the market will expand. Maturity stage is a period of a slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers. This maturity stage normally lasts longer than the previous stage, and it poses strong challenges to marketing management. Most products are in the maturity stage of the life cycle. In the decline stage, because the demands are less, technology advances, consumer tastes shift, or competition increases, sales show a downward drift and profits erode. Some firms withdraw from the market. As for those remaining companies, they may cut the promotion budget and reduce their prices further.4. Describe the process of designing and developing a new product.Product design is the process of designing a product’s style and function: creating a product that is attractive, easy, safe, and inexpensive to use and services, and simple and economical to produce and distribute.Eight major steps are necessary for the new product development process. They are idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, test marketing, commercialization.5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of branding? Why are peoplewilling to pay more for branded product than unbranded products?Some companies such as Toyota, McDonald’s, Shell Oil, and Sony have established international brand names. Branding brings both advantages and disadvantages.On a positive note, companies with well established brand can be recognized pretty soon by new markets. If the target markets have no preconceived notion about what the company represents, products of the companies can be very easily accepted by the consumers in those new markets.But famous brands of big companies sometimes are rejected for local protest. They are also blamed for some serious social and environmental problems. The fact of the international market is many companies are not equipped with highly accepted brands. These companies have even bigger problems. They have to spend extra time and money to persuade the local government, their distributors and consumers. In a foreign market, more effort would be taken to overcome problems of language and cultural differences.People are willing to buy products with well established brand because of the brand equity. Brand equity is defined as the added value a brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided. In another word, it is the value of a brand, based on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships. The most valuable brands have a brand equity that is considered an important company asset. It is very important to establish the brand equity of product.Chapter 12Multiple choices C A B D A C C C D C1. What is price? Describe factors that influence price of a product.Price is the value of what a consumer exchanges in return for products. It may take the form of monetary exchange, bartered services, or other goods.Pricing is driven by three major forces. They are costs, demands and competition.Costs are very important factors that set the floor for the price that the company can charge. Whereas costs set the lower limit of prices, the market and demand set the upper limit. Competition forces companies to offer special prices to attract customers.4 / 82. What are the objectives of pricing a product?Profitability objectives involve profit levels and target-return.. V olume objectives include sales maximization and market-share goals, which are specified as a percentage of certain markets. Some prices are set to beat competition by beating the pricing leader's prices hence, the meeting competition objectives.3. What are the pricing strategies in pricing a product?Market skimming price charges the highest price possible over those buyers who most desire the product will pay. In market penetration pricing, a relatively low initial price is established for a new product. Market holding pricing is a strategy intended to hold market share. There are basically two types of cost plus pricing: the historical accounting cost method and the estimated future cost method. While costs are important they should be looked at alongside the prices of competitive products in the target markets, hence competitive pricing. Marketers of raw commodity traded on the international market subject to world prices have no alternative but to take the going price - a price governed by competition, especially on the supply side. They accept market pricing strategy. Pricing strategy also involves psychological pricing and product life cycle pricing. Psycholog ical pricing considers how consumers’ perceptions and beliefs affect their price evaluations. Product life cycle pricing strategies recognize that products and product categories generally go through a cycle, including introduction, growth, maturity and decline.4. Explain the increasing importance of value –based pricing and contrast it with cost-based pricing.Explain the increasing importance of value-based pricing and contrast it with cost-based pricing.To compete effectively, marketers may be the lowest cost producer. Sometimes the companies set their price low to gain market share and preventing competitors from entering the market. They must be willing and able to change the price frequently by responding quickly and aggressively. However, competitors can also respond quickly. Customers adopt brand switching to use the lowest priced brand. Sellers move along the demand curve by raising and lowering prices. Price sensitivity varies among market segments and across different products. Marketersneed t o know buyers’ acceptable range of prices and sensitivity towards price changes and set their price according to different segments.Cost plus pricing includes direct and indirect costs or assumptions of production volume which will be a principal factor determining costs, but it has the disadvantage of ignoring demand and competitive position in the target market which now plays a very important role.5. What are the international pricing strategies?Extension (standardized pricing) is to set the same global price no matter where the target market is. It is a very simple method but does not respond to market sensitivity. Few firms use these methods to price their products in the international trade.Adaptation (differential pricing) is to set different prices in different markets. The only control is setting transfer prices within the corporate system. It prevents problems of arbitrage when the disparities in local market prices exceed the transportation and duty costs separating markets.Invention is to a mix of extension and adaptation strategy. This takes cognizance of any unique market factors like costs, competition, income levels and local marketing strategy. In addition, it recognizes the fact that headquarters price coordination is necessary in dealing with international accounts and arbitrage and it systematically seeks to embrace national experience.6. What is transfer pricing? What are the attitudes of government to transferpricing?When a company decentralizes, organizing itself into separate profit centers, it is necessary to transfer components or finished products between units. Transfer pricing is used to motivate profit center managers, provide divisional flexibility and also further corporate profit goals. Across national boundaries the system becomes complicated by taxes, joint ventures, attitudes of governments and so on.Many governments see transfer pricing as a tax evasion policy and have, in recent years, looked more closely at company returns. Rates of duty encourage the size of the transfer price: the higher the duty rate the more desirable a lower transfer price.A low income tax creates a pressure to raise the transfer price to locate income in the5 / 8low tax setting. Harmonization of tax rates worldwide may make the intricacies of transfer pricing obsolete. Government controls, like cash deposits on importers, give an incentive to minimize the price of the imported item. Profit transfer rules may apply which restrict the amount of profit transferred out of the country. Although many multinational companies practice transfer pricing, they have various attitudes towards it. Many companies regard it as a means of encouraging and measuring corporate efficiency. Others emphasize the opportunities for financial gain or market manipulation.7. How do international trade finance? What are the most commonly used payments of international trade?Drafts covering exports, Sales against cost advances, Sales on a consignment basis, collection arrangement, Letters of credit, letter of credit is of most common use. Chapter 13 Multiple choices C C B A D C A B A D1. What is distribution? What are channels? What are the functions of channels?Distribution is the process that goods are distributed from the manufacturer to the end user. Different companies may adopt different distribution services according to their marketing objectives and strategies. Some companies have their own means of distribution, some companies deal directly with the most important customers, but many companies rely on other companies to perform distribution services for them. Channel members should have interdependency.There are eight main functions for distribution channels. Information collecting: gathering and distributing marketing research. Promotion: developing and communicating offers. Contact: communicating with prospective buyers. Matching: fitting the offer to the buyer's needs. Negotiation: reaching agreement on price and terms. Physical distribution: transporting and storing the goods. Financing: getting and using funds to cover the costs of channel work. Risk taking: assuming the risks the channel work.2. What are the different types of channels?Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels involved. Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in bringing theproduct and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because the producer and the final consumer both perform some work, they are part of every channel. We use the number of intermediary levels to indicate the length of a channel.Generally there are customer marketing channels and business marketing channels each has their own characters and features.3. How are channels structured?There are Vertical marketing system (VMS) which is a distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system. One channel member owns the others, has contracts with them, or has so much power that they all cooperate. Horizontal structure which means two or more companies at one level combine their marketing efforts to open new marketing opportunities. By combination, companies enjoy greater capital, improved production abilities and extended marketing resources and accomplish more than just one single company may do. and Hybrid marketing structure which refers to the situation that single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments.Retailers, catalogs, and sales force form a typical example for the hybrid marketing structure.4. Why are intermediaries used in marketing?The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scale of operation, intermediaries usually offer the firm more than it can achieve on its own. From the economic system's point of view, the role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by producers into the assortments5 wanted by consumers.5. Tell briefly the intermediaries in both domestic and international marketing.An agent or broker brings together buyers and sellers but does not take ownership of the products being traded. A wholesaler is a business that buys large quantities of an item and resells them to retailers. Wholesalers do not usually sell directly to final users of a product. A retailer is a store or other business that sells directly to the final user. Retailers are located at shopping malls, open markets, small shops, or large retail stores. Retailers attract the attention of potential customers through product6 / 8selection, convenience, product quality, sales staff assistance, and special services. Retailers are in the form of many different kinds of stores. Convenience stores usually locate near other shopping or near the homes of potential customers. Prices may be higher since smaller quantities of convenience or necessary items are carried by these stores. General merchandise retailers offer a larger variety of product types and offer more service than convenience stores. Supermarkets, department store, discount stores, warehouse club stores, and outlet stores are part of the general merchandise retailers. Specialty stores cater to one particular area such as shoes, furniture, clothing, flowers, etc. Direct sellers include mail order, telephone contacts, and door-to-door marketing. Electronic retailers are common on home-shopping TV. International trade may include intermediaries different from domestic companies. An export management company (EMC) provides complete distribution services for businesses that desire to sell in foreign markets. Export trading companies (ETC) are full-service global distribution intermediaries. An ETC buys and sells products; conducts market research; and packages, ships, and distributes goods abroad. Freight forwarders ship goods to customers in other countries. Like a travel agent for cargo, these companies get an exporter's merchandise to the required destination.A customs broker is an intermediary that specializes in moving goods through the customs process which involves inspection of imported products and payment of duties.Packaging is an important part of the marketing process, especially for international trade. When preparing for international shipping, an item should be packaged to avoid breakage, maintain the lowest possible weight and volume provide moisture-proof surroundings, and minimize theft. Shipments going by land or sea require strong containers.6. What is logistics system? How a company deals with its logistic distribution? Briefly describe it.Physical distribution refers to the physical requirements necessary to move a product from producer to end-user; it can also be called a logistics system. The major logistics functions include order processing, warehousing, inventory management, and transportation.7. What are the documents that would be prepared for internationaldistribution?Shipped items must be accompanied by shipping and billing documents, with copies going to various departments. These documents may include: 1.) A bill of lading is a contract between the exporter and the transporter. This form describes the weight, number, and value of goods along with the names and addresses of the seller and buyer. 2.) Certificate of origin documents the country in which the goods being shipped were produced. 3.) Export declaration is required by the U.S.Department of Commerce for shipments with a value of more than $500. This form lists the information on the bill of lading along with the name of the carrier and exporting vessel. And 4.) Destination control statement verifies the country to which goods are being shipped. This document notifies the carrier and all other handlers that the shipment may only go to certain destinationsChapter 14Multiple choices B C A D B A D C B D A D B1. What is promotion? What is promotion mix?Promotion is one of the major elements of the marketing mix of the business.Promotion is a form of persuasive communication, or getting others to do what marketers want them to do.The combination of different forms of promotion is called the promotional mix.2. What are the differences among informative, persuasive, and reminderadvertising? In what circumstances might a company use each?Informative advertising is the advertising used to inform consumers about a new product or feature and to build primary demand. An informative advertising is telling the market about a new product, suggesting new uses for a product, informing the market of a price change, explaining how the products works, describing available services, correcting false impressions, reducing buyers’ fears and building a company image. Persuasive advertising is to build selective demand for a particular brand (later growth and early maturity stages). It is the advertising used to build selective demand for a brand by persuading consumers that it offers the best quality for their money. Persuasive advertising is about building brand preference, encouraging switching to the bran d, changing buyers’ perception of product attributes, persuading buyers to purchase now and persuading buyers to receive a sales call.7 / 8。



Chapter 13Products and Services for BusinessesTrue / False Questionspared to practices in product markets, protectionism is much less prevalent in international services markets.2.The most rapidly growing sector of U.S. international trade today consists of business services--accounting, advertising, banking, consulting, et cetera.3.For managers selling capital equipment and big-ticket industrial services, understanding the concept of derived demand is absolutely fundamental to their success.4.One of the ways that an industrial firm can manage against the inherent volatility of the industrial sector is to maintain broad product lines.5.With respect to Rostow's five-stage model of economic development, in Stage 1 (the traditional society), the most important industrial demand is associated with labor.Multiple Choice Questions1. Services are an important element for U.S. exports. The main product U.S. businesses export is:A. agricultural productsB. technologyC. toysD. home appliancesE. automotive vehicles2.Natalie is a new international sales rep for an industrial supply company. She will learn that the inherent nature of industrial good and the sameness in motive and behavior among business customers create a market where product and marketing mix __________________ are commonplace.A. celebrity statusB. generic brand namesC. standardizationD. simplificationE. regulations3. Which of the following statements regarding standardization versus adaptation in the industrial market is most correct?A. the exact same situation occurs in marketing industrial goods as in marketing consumer goodsB. there is more standardization in industrial goods because there is more similarity in marketing these goods to businesses in the international marketplaceC. there is more adaptation in industrial goods than in consumer goodsD. the industrial goods market demands adaptationE. the industrial goods market vary across cultural groups4. Along with industrial goods, the most rapidly growing sector of U.S. international trade today consists of:A. industrial products.B. consumer products.C. computer products.D. business services.E. governmental services.5.Many reasons for marketing consumer products and services abroad match with those for marketing industrial goods abroad. However, there is one important additional reason for marketing industrial goods abroad that does not apply to the consumer market. What is that reason?A. to avoid inflationary pressures domesticallyB. to make as much profit as possibleC. dampening the natural volatility of industrial marketsD. to meet foreign competitors in their home marketsE. to set up situations where strategic alliance opportunities might be realizedEssay Questions1. Describe the two basic factors that account for greater market similarities among industrial goods customers than among consumer goods customers.2.Three factors seem to affect the demand in international industrial markets differently than in consumer markets. What are these factors?。



Chapter 13Products and Services for BusinessesTrue / False Questionspared to practices in product markets, protectionism is much less prevalent in international services markets.2.The most rapidly growing sector of U.S. international trade today consists of business services--accounting, advertising, banking, consulting, et cetera.3.For managers selling capital equipment and big-ticket industrial services, understanding the concept of derived demand is absolutely fundamental to their success.4.One of the ways that an industrial firm can manage against the inherent volatility of the industrial sector is to maintain broad product lines.5.With respect to Rostow's five-stage model of economic development, in Stage 1 (the traditional society), the most important industrial demand is associated with labor.Multiple Choice Questions1. Services are an important element for U.S. exports. The main product U.S. businesses export is:A. agricultural productsB. technologyC. toysD. home appliancesE. automotive vehicles2.Natalie is a new international sales rep for an industrial supply company. She will learn that the inherent nature of industrial good and the sameness in motive and behavior among business customers create a market where product and marketing mix __________________ are commonplace.A. celebrity statusB. generic brand namesC. standardizationD. simplificationE. regulations3. Which of the following statements regarding standardization versus adaptation in the industrial market is most correct?A. the exact same situation occurs in marketing industrial goods as in marketing consumer goodsB. there is more standardization in industrial goods because there is more similarity in marketing these goods to businesses in the international marketplaceC. there is more adaptation in industrial goods than in consumer goodsD. the industrial goods market demands adaptationE. the industrial goods market vary across cultural groups4. Along with industrial goods, the most rapidly growing sector of U.S. international trade today consists of:A. industrial products.B. consumer products.C. computer products.D. business services.E. governmental services.5.Many reasons for marketing consumer products and services abroad match with those for marketing industrial goods abroad. However, there is one important additional reason for marketing industrial goods abroad that does not apply to the consumer market. What is that reason?A. to avoid inflationary pressures domesticallyB. to make as much profit as possibleC. dampening the natural volatility of industrial marketsD. to meet foreign competitors in their home marketsE. to set up situations where strategic alliance opportunities might be realizedEssay Questions1. Describe the two basic factors that account for greater market similarities among industrial goods customers than among consumer goods customers.2.Three factors seem to affect the demand in international industrial markets differently than in consumer markets. What are these factors?。

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二、判断题Chapter one1. A marketing exchange cannot take place unless each party in the exchange has something that the other party values. T2.The owners of the Plane Rubber and Tire Company are pleased with their low unit costs and high production volumes. Salespeople are unnecessary because buyers are always waiting for new tires to come off the assembly line. Plane currently has a production orientation. T3.The president of Hoppity Flea Collars docs not find it necessary to conduct much marketing research because the telephone selling campaign has been such a successful marketing strategy. Hoppity has a marketing orientation. F4.Having a sales orientation is the same as having a market orientation since both have the ultimate goal of satisfying customer needs. F5.You are about to start manufacturing and selling ferret food. You have met with your board of directors and you all discussed the benefits and sacrifices regarding the purchase of your food. Knowing the ratio of benefits to sacrifices allows you to specify how much customer value you will achieve. F6.The marketing mix variables are product. place, promotion, and price. T7.Conceptually, international marketing differs from domestic marketing only by virtue of the fact that the marketer must operate in more than one nation. TChapter three1. Soft currencies can readily be exchanged for other currencies. while hard currencies are not so easily exchanged.F2. Foreign licensing grants foreign marketers the right to use a domestic company's trademark, patent, or process ina specified geographic area. T3. A multinational corporation is a firm that has entered the international marketplace by exporting its products to aforeign market. F4. Though the first multinational corporations were US based, today it is as likely for a multinational to be Japanese,German, or British as to be American. T5. If it is believed that tastes are sufficiently homogeneous in different parts of the world to allow a standardmarketing strategy everywhere, then a global marketing strategy is appropriate. T6. Use of a straight extension marketing strategy usually results in economies of scale in production and marketing.T7. In a countertrade, goods and services from one country are exchanged for goods and services from anotherinstead of for cash. T8. Some marketing exchanges are still characterized by transaction-based marketing, such as residential realestate sales. T9. Traditionally, manufacturers have focused their energies on making products and then promoting those productsto customers in hopes of selling enough of those products to cover costs and earn a profit. T10. Often, the desirability of partnering in the business market is based upon the fact that each firm brings to thepartnership something that the other needs but cannot provide. TChapter four1. US firms operating in the international marketplace are clearly affected by a legal environment including US laws,international laws, and laws of the host country. T2. Government regulations that tax or otherwise set limits on the number of goods and services by foreignproducers are known as trade barriers. F3. A free trade area extends a customs union by seeking to reconcile all government regulations affecting trade.F4. Trade officials are in full agreement as to the direction the WTO should follow in pursuing its major policyinitiatives. F5. Foreign licensing can build revenues without the capital outlay required for establishment of manufacturingfacilities in a foreign country. T6. The trend toward increased foreign ownership of assets in the United States will probably decline because of theincreased hostility toward and government regulation of foreign- owned businesses operating in the United States. F7. Income left over after an individual pays taxes and purchases the basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter iscalled disposable income. F8. A comprehensive spending pattern shows the percentages of annual family expenditures allotted to generalclasses of goods and services. T9. Import tariffs are the means by which a government controls the in-flow of foreign goods across its borders.T10. Although WTO is a global institutional proponent of free trade, it is not without critics. TChapter five1. Culture is learned behavior passed on from generation to generation, but it is not difficult for the inexperienced oruntrained outsider to fathom. F2. Equality, disadvantaged members of society, safety and health, education and general welfare, pollution aresocial responsibility issues related to community relations. F3. All marketing employees are responsible for setting the ethical tone for the entire marketing organization. F4. Green marketing refers to the development, pricing, promotion and distribution of products that do not harm theenvironment. T5. Water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, safety and health are social responsibility issues related to theenvironment, or green marketing. F6. The vital, critical skill of the global marketer is perception, or the ability to see what is so in a culture. T7. Gestures, carriage, proximity of speakers, eye contact, and smiling all play key roles in a culture's use oflanguage. T8. Every country and culture has a history that will greatly affect both the market and the marketer. T9. Being enthusiastic about a product and having a personal attachment to it are two similar things. F10. Although the hospitality and tourism industries are slightly affected by religious holidays, marketers withproducts related to those industries need to be highly sensitive to this issue. FChapter six1.Early marketing research was fairly sophisticated because statistical techniques were sufficiently refined toproduce high levels of accuracy in research findings. F2.In the event that a new competitor were to enter a market in which you were involved. one question marketingresearch might help answer for you would be “ What must w e do to differentiate our company from our competitor?”T3. A hypothesis is a statement about the relationship among variables that carries clear implications for testing therelationship. It sets the stage for more in-depth research by clarifying what researchers need to test. T4.Trade associations represent an excellent source of private data for particular industries. T5.Sampling is the process of selecting survey respondents or other research participants. Trmation related to global markets is not readily available to American firms seeking to enter foreign markets.The Department of Commerce has only recently begun to collect data to assist firms in this area. F7.Telephone interviews are a suitable method of collecting primary marketing research data all over the worldbecause the telephone is now the universal appliance found in every home. F8.An MIS is a planned, computer-based system designed to provide managers with a continual flow of informationrelevant to specific decision areas. T9.An MIS gathers data only from inside the organization and processes it to product relevant marketing information.Fputers have automated the buying process at large retailers, opening new channels for gathering marketinginformation. TChapter seven1. The target market for a product is the specific segment of consumers most likely to purchase a particular product.T2. The division of the total market into smaller, relatively homogeneous groups is called market selectivity. F3. The number and size of the market segments chosen by a firm must not exceed its marketing capabilities.T4. Marketers must identity segments sufficiently small enough to capture in their entirely and effectively promote toas an exclusive source of some needed product. F5. Marketers are often able to identify totally homogeneous markets segments;there are seldom majordifferences among the members of a target market group. F6. The information, analysis, and forecasts accumulated through the entire market segmentation decision processallow management to assess the potential for achieving company goals and to justify committing resources to develop one or more segments. T7. Using differentiated marketing, Culture's Edge can market a wide range of trips exploring ethnic, cultural, andlifestyle-based issues that together appeal to the majority of vacation travelers, yet sell them in such a way as to appeal to individual parts of that market. T8. Colorado River White Water Raft Tours may take your breath away, but they don't take American Express! Thisrepresents an attempt by Visa Card to position itself with to one of its competitors. T9. The firm's segmentation strategy may change as its product progresses through the stages of the life cycle.During the early stages, undifferentiated marketing might effectively support the firm's attempt to develop initial demand for the product. T10. Marketers can create a competitive positioning map from information solicited from competitors or from publicdatabases that track consumer attitudes, opinions, and interests. FChapter eight1. The principal disadvantage of licensing is that it can be a very limited form of participation. T2. Exporting is the most traditional and well-established form of operating internationally. T3. Licensing, joint ventures and importing are points and tools for global market entry and expansion. F4. Large-scale direct expansion may be less expensive and a major commitment of managerial time and energy isunnecessary. F5. Management contracting includes the sharing of risk and the ability to combine different value chain strengths.F6. One of the advantages of joint venture is better control of sales activities compared with other forms ofparticipation in foreign markets. F7. Licensing is an alternative entry and expansion strategy with considerable appeal. T8. Direct exporting lakes place through sales by foreign distributors, sales agents, and overseas subsidiaries. T9. As export merchants, they are essentially acting as domestic wholesalers operating in foreign markets throughtheir own sales agents or salesforce. T10. International trading companies tend to be large-scale manufacturers and merchants and they are involved inwholesale and retail distribution. TChapter nine1. The final step in the marketing control process is to compare actual performance and standards. F2. In a period of recovery, the best marketing strategy for Electrolux would he characterized by flexibility. F3. In the beer industry, a few large brewers supply the majority of the market. The brewing industry is an example ofthe competitive structure : Monopolistic Competition. F4. Post Office Parcel Services firms would most likely have a monopoly for its competitive environment. F5. Essex Office Products has decided to use a particular competitive tool that it feels will have a major impact. Itsconsultant, Dr. Bell, contends that this particular approach is the one most easily copied by the firm's competitors.The tool in question is: market segmentation. F6. A small hardware store whose only competitor is a huge discount store would be least likely to use thecompetitive tool distribution. F7. Customer value analysis refers to analysis conducted to determine what benefits target customers value and howthey rate the relative value of various competitors’ offers. T8. Some basic competitive positioning strategies that companies can follow are:overall cost leadership,differentiation, and focus. T9. While trying to expand total market size, the leading firm must constantly protect its current business againstcompetitors’ attacks. T10. Competitor-centered company is a company whose moves are mainly based on competitors’actions andreactions; it spends most of its lime Cracking compelilors1 moves and market shares and trying to find strategies to counter them. TChapter ten1. Ford Motor Company’s marketing strategy in Europe reflects a company that saw Europe as distinctlyfragmented into narrow markets within their specific nation states. F2. The United States can be considered as a good example for regional economic integration. T3. Regional economic integration is the political and economic agreement among countries that give preference tomember countries to that agreement. T4. Global strategic partnerships will become less important in the Asia-Pacific regions. F5. The WTO allows a departure from its policy to grant the same favorable trade conditions to all WTO members inthe case of regional trade agreements ( RTAs ). T6. The goal of a free-trade area ( FTA ) is to abolish work permits among its members. F7. Collaborative agreements can be used to refer to linkages between companies to pursue a common goal. T8. Custom unions levy a common external tariff on goods being imported from nonmembers. T9. Changes in the political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological environments are leading to new strategiesin global competition. T10. Trade creation allows consumers access to more goods at lower prices and is considered a major benefit ofregional economic integration. TChapter eleven1. A company's research and development process is the only way for them to develop new products. F2. The step-by-step new product development process explained in the text has been used by so many companiesover so many years that it is almost failure-proof today. F3. The first full-scale working product from a concept is called a “prototype. “T4. When a product has been in the maturity stage of the product life cycle for a period of time, marketing managershave pretty well lost any control of the product to the competitive vagaries that characterize that stage. F 5. Brand equity is the added value a given brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided.F6. The marketing objective for a product in the introduction stage of the product life cycle (PLC ) is to promoteconsumer awareness and gain trial. T7. The goal of VCR manufacturers’advertisement is to maintain brand loyalty and market share; the productcategory is in the introduction stage of its product life cycle. F8. Products that are used directly in the production of a final product but are not easily identifiable are categorized ascomponent parts. T9. Machines and tools used in a production process but not as part of final products are classified as componentparts. F10. Routinely purchased items that do not become part of the final physical product and are treated like expenseitems rather than capital goods are classified as supplies and services. F11. A desirable feature for a brand name is it can be used as the general name for all products in the category.FChapter twelve1. Pricing and price competition is the number-one problem facing most marketing executives. T2. External environmental factors have the greatest effect on pricing decisions. F3. “ Forward buying” means that w holesalers stock up on far more merchandise than they can sell duringmanufacturers’ price promotions, and then resell to customers at higher prices after the promotion is over. T4. A firm’s total cost is made up of two components: direct costs and variable costs. F5. “Optional product pricing” is adding services to the base product to differentiate it from competitors and justifyhigher prices and margins. F6. The fact that prices are usually higher ( often substantially higher ) in foreign markets is called price escalation.T7. The Robinson-Patman Act seeks to prevent unfair price discrimination by ensuring that all members at a givenlevel in the channel of distribution are offered the same terms by the seller. TChapter thirteen1. A wholesaler is a marketing intermediary that takes title to the goods it sells and then distributes those goods toretailers, other distributors, and sometimes consumers. T2. A generalization that is usually true of marketing channel length is: The more standardized the product. theshorter the channel. F3. When Coca-Cola and Nestle formed a joint venture to market ready-to-drink coffee and tea worldwide, theyformed a horizontal marketing system. T4. The use of two or more marketing channels to reach the same target market is referred to as dual channeling.F5. Forcing a dealer to take the full line of products in order to get a strong brand is illegal. F6. Once a firm has defined its channel objectives, it should identify its channel alternatives, i. e. the types andnumber of intermediaries and the functions that each intermediary should perform. T7. Third party logistics basically means that firms outsource logistical tasks to independent providers who may adoptone or all of the functions required to get clients’products to market. T8. A direct-marketing channel consists of a manufacturer selling directly to the final customer. T9. Intensive is the type of distribution where there is the use of more than a few but less than all of the intermediarieswho are willing to carry a particular product. F10. When retailers develop private brands to compete with producers’ brands, the type of marketing channel conflictis vertical. TChapter fourteen1. A company's integrated marketing communications mix also goes by the name of promotional mix. T2. Contests, free samples, and coupons are examples of personal selling. F3. Non-personal communication channels carry messages without personal contact or feedback. T4. ACD Corporation sells technical products and its customers are concentrated in a small geographic area. Thecompany will use advertising the most. F5. Companies that use the affordable method base their promotion budget on a certain percentage of current orforecasted sales and / or a percentage of the sales price. F6. Mast larger companies combine push and pull strategies to move their products from the manufacturer to the finalconsumer. T7. When Gin Toy advertises a toy on Saturday-morning television and tells children to ask for the product at theirfavorite toy store, it is implementing a pull strategy in its promotion mix. T8. While the promotion mix is the company's primary communication process, the entire marketing mix must becoordinated for the greatest communication impact. T9. If a push policy is employed in promoting a product, the firm promotes only to the next institution down themarketing channel. T10. A television commercial demonstrating the versatility of the Mercedes sports utility vehicle would best beclassified as product advertising. T11. The main disadvantage with the percentage-of-sales method of setting advertising budgets is that it reversescause and effect. T12. An evaluation of media impact will help determine the media types to be used. T13. Marketers have found much success using standardized ads in their global advertising. FChapter sixteen1. The Matrix organizational structure uses teams whose members report to two or more managers. T2. Small and medium-sized firms most commonly use matrix organizational structure. F3. The process of creating an organization’s structure is called organizing. T4. A marketing control process provides feedback on how well a marketing strategy is working in the marketplace.T5. With regard to “marketing organization”, firms that focus their attention on developing a coordinated marketingmix for each brand are examples of matrix organizations. F6. The hard task of selecting an overall company strategy for long-run survival and growth is called marketingcontrol. F7. The marketing audit is a comprehensive, periodic examination of a company's environment, objectives,strategies, and activities to determine problem areas and opportunities. T8. A marketing audit is a control device used primarily by large corporations to study past performance. F9. Gabble’s Granola has set up a committee to formally study its current status and capabilities and its futureexpectations. Gabble's Granola is conducting a marketing audit. F10. A marketing audit should evaluate a company's whole marketing program on a regular basis. T11. A planning manager from corporate headquarters finds that his eastern region has no effective method ofallocating resources or evaluating goals and performance of the marketing organization. He suggests that the region should prepare a marketing audit. T12. A marketing audit should be conducted by the person who is most familiar with each of the firm's marketing plans.F13. A marketing audit should help determine if the company's marketing objectives are reasonable. TChapter seventeen1. E-marketing is a generic term used to describe all marketing channels facilitated by the Web. T2. One reason so many companies and government agencies are interested in the development of extensiveelectronic commerce is because of its potential to shift or eliminate costs. T3. Electronic commerce has become collaborative commerce. T4. China still takes the lead of the e-commerce both in technology and practices. F5. In the 1990s, the Chinese government enacted *'golden bridge”, "gold card" and "golden gate” projects topromote e-commerce. F6. Traditional marketing, from a communications standpoint, is primarily a one-way medium. TChapter eighteen1. Direct marketing involves one-way connections aimed at consumers. F2. Direct marketing is convenient, easy, and private. T3. Direct marketing is poor in building customer relationships. F4. Internet marketing has the advantage of reducing costs. T5. Direct marketing sales have grown at about 4% annually. F6. A customer mailing list and a customer database are the same. F7. Companies use their databases to identify prospects. T8. Telemarketing is the major direct marketing communication tool. T9. Direct mail marketing involves only selling catalogs to customers. F10. Three new forms of direct mail are fax, e-mail, and voice mail. T。
