
• Dictionary Learn to use dictionaries.
• Internet
• Learn to use dictionaries.
• You must have at least one dictionary, with both Chinese and English explanations such as Oxford, Longman, student's practical essentials of NMET.
• Some electronic dictionaries may appear handier, but they may not be as reliable as those printed dictionaries by established press houses.
Learn to speak
you can speak and read in a loud voice, the
whole class will listen to you attentively and
you will be full of confidence be encouraged
to learn it well.
• Learn to use resources
• finding out how useful English is in your life. English is every where. If you have sharp eyes, sharp ears and a desire to learn, you will be surprised to discover that you are actually surrounded by rich learning resources.

步入高一,要面对更概括、更抽象、 更难于理解的课程学习,面对更激烈、 更紧张的竞争环境,面对更长的在校 时间和更远的往返路程,都要求高一 的同学要树立起一种学习意识、高考 意识,做好承受压力、经受挫折、忍 耐寂寞的心理准备。
刚进入高中,我想通过我自己的眼睛来观察你们,无论 你以前是多么优秀,也无论你过去是如何的淘气,那只是你 的过去,我愿意用我的眼光重新审视你们。我愿意用美好的 眼睛来看待你们的一切,希望在未来的岁月里,用你们的实 际行动,用你们辛勤的汗水书写属于你们自己的人生,用你 们心灵的彩笔,描绘你们自己美好的蓝图,我愿意做你们的
I believe I can fly!
• 纠正一种错误观点——高一缓冲 • 确立一种正确思维——破旧立新 • 端正一种生活态度——责任义务
而高中则是以理解和应用为主,要 求学生要有更强的分析、概括、综 合、实践的能力,要将基本概念、 原理消化吸收,变成自己的东西。
1. 重复是记忆之母! 2. 字典是最好的老师! 3. 朗读与背诵 4. 独立思考 5. 反思总结,温故知新
准备 2.笔记本(四线三格 日期)
学 习
3.口袋本 4.红笔
要 求
学 习
求 3.及时交作业
1.能自主独立地完成预习任务,做到课前心中有数。 2.能主动地完成各项学习任务,做到课后查漏补缺。 3.高质高效地抓住课堂45分钟,不仅要吸纳知识,更要提升能力。 4.能够发现别人不易察觉的学习问题,做到人无我有,人有我优。 5.能够规范有效地利用空闲时间、边角余料时间,如课前、睡前、餐厅、

Part Three
Why do we learn English?
Englishis around us.
Why do we learn English?
第一节 应用文 15分第二节 读后续写或概要写 25分
Requirements of my lessons.
课中:1. 笔记要求:用红笔/荧光笔勾画重点,课文标序,记录老师上课讲的知识点; 2. 跟读规则:老师一遍,跟读两遍; 3. 回答问题主动积极,不要怕错,没有惩罚,如果没有人举手就随机点名。如果回答体现出你没有认真听讲,抄写本单元的单词,奖励我办公室喝茶,并汇报班主任; 4. 禁止出现以下行为:睡觉,打闹,讲小话,顶撞老师,吃东西等。
3. 学习语法To learn grammar
Please follow me!And a grammar book. 不能光靠死记硬背,要系统掌握和灵活运用,通过语法专项练习加深和巩固。
4. 阅读理解
How to do:1.把每一篇阅读内容搞懂,每一个题弄清楚;2.总结其中的生词、短语,积累好句子;3.总结阅读方法和技巧。

A Time of CΒιβλιοθήκη lebration and Joy!
What Makes Chinese New Year Special?
Let’s look at different Symbols and Traditions!
Red is Everywhere
Happy Lunar New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai! (That means "Wishing you prosperity" in Mandarin!)
Family Reunions
Lunar New Year is a time for families to gather and celebrate together. Many people travel long distances to be with their loved ones, sharing special meals, exchanging gifts, and catching up on all the latest news.
Food, Glorious Food
The Lantern Festival
The celebration doesn't end on New Year's Day! It continues for fifteen days, culminating in the Lantern Festival. People release lanterns into the sky and hang them outside their homes to symbolize hope, brightness, and a bright future.
高一英语开学第一课ppt 课件

我们知道賢鏛是在生活中很重要的。比如在鼙蠻和贎鬍里,有彃燊在罅鷄那 里蘩墝,之前他们鏈鴊恆闳嘑傡彚槩滼鞷蕻賤鬡艐倏雫寬褲灣。 1. “鞷”在文中的意思? 2.这篇文章的最佳标题? 3.作者没有告诉我们什么? 4.作者为什么说“恆闳嘑傡彚槩”?
The first lesson of high school English
Good afternoon, everyone! Nice to meet all of you here! Welcome to ... Middle School!
白;拒绝无效学习(若有抄袭,办公室见) ➢ 作业迟交、缺交或者未按要求完成,需要当天补好作业再抄写单词n遍
Class requirements 课堂要求
笔记本(积累本) 听写本 错题本 英语字帖 英汉字典
Suggestions for you
Suggestions 建议
Another questions?
Introduce yourself
My name is ... I am ... years old I like .../ My hobby is ... I want to be ...
omework 作业
The first lesson of high school English

【篇⼀】英语开学第⼀课教案:⾼⼀ ⼀、⾃我介绍(Introduce myself 3′) Hello everybody, Well,nice talking with you here. I'm your English teacher, next year we will learn together, with the progress. I have worked for 1 years since I graduated from the university . Being a teacher is tired but excited . Having taught for this year, I think I am experienced in teaching field . I have a strong sense of duty and humor.Actually , I always think that English is so wonderful a language that we should not only regard it as a subject,but also look on it with great interest.Hope you can enjoy your way in English.I will be happy to be your company. ⼆、学习⽅法介绍( 20′) * 学习英语⽆捷径, 。
* 对于⾼中英语学习者我特别推荐英语简易读物,读的材料要浅易,故事性要强,读的速度尽可能快⼀些,读的越多越好。
* 说英语⼀不要怕犯错误,⼆不要怕别⼈笑话。

the most important thing of learning English
Have a high mark in the College Entrance Examination (高考)。
Have a better future
Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点
Large vocabulary long sentence long passage
English Study
---- some advice for
every student
一。 培养学会几个习惯 1.Learn to use dictionaries and Internet
2.Learn to take notes.
481 479 478 460 501
Self-introduction 自我介绍
My name is Du Ya-bin. You can call me Ms Du .I like English, because English is a beautiful and useful language and I can use it to communicate with foreigners. I’m an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope you’ll like me and enjoy my class.
My name is... I like / enjoy… I’m a … I hope / want / think…
easygoing adj. 随和的


• 今天我背单词了吗? Did I recite words today? • 今天我朗读(课文)了吗? Did I read aloud
today? today?
• 今天我复习了吗? Did I go over the lesson • 今天我完成作业了吗? Did I finish the
homework today? lesson today?
• Attitude is everything
态度决定一切 • Success comes from good habits 成功源自好习惯
Good habits for learning Senior English 高中英语学习的良好习惯
1.Listen more 听: 多听课本配套录音(可从我这copy); 多听英文歌曲, 多看英文电影 说: 2. Read more 充分利用早读时间, 可读单词,课文, 读: 双语报,课外英文读物 3. Write more 写: 除作文以外,最好能坚持每周一篇 英语周记, 每天英文日记更好
• 今天我预习了吗? Did I prepare for tomorrow’s
• 今天我阅读了吗? Did I do some reading today?
• 今天我听录音了吗? Did I listen to the tape
I don’t care whether you have learnt English well or not but I do care whether you will learn English hard or not from now on. Since you are not a junior student any longer, you may find English in your text become more difficult than before, so I advise all of you to pay more attention to it.
my first lesson高一开学第一课优质课件

2. My Reading Record
Name of the passage Brief Introduction (at least 40 words) Comments (at least 40 words)
Enjoyable expressions
Words & phrases
Requirements & Suggestions For Senior 1 students
Page 1
Senior Grade One
What we will learn
2002 2004
Teenage experiences Unit 1 School life Unit 2 Growing pains Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good
• 什么是教育, 简单一句话, 就是要培养良 好的习惯。
叶圣陶 1894—1988
Custom makes all things easy.
习惯是行为的自动化 好的学习习惯使人终生受益 能否考入一流大学全在于是否养成良好的 学习习惯 习惯养成是要督促的,是需要环境气氛的 习惯培养需要毅力
的课堂练习 良好的听写心理素质 反应敏捷 有助于培养听写技巧和策略
5) Copybook
书写好坏可以反映一个人的素质 提高书写水平有利于培养严谨仔细的习惯 书写流畅是学习的重要基础
培养手感 书面表达字体漂亮一俊遮百丑
6) My Calendar Sentences
Dictionaries are our best teachers

• English has been used everywhere in our daily life
第三章节பைடு நூலகம்
The differences 高中和初中英语
The differences
• 同学之间的竞争氛围甚至超过了初三。自己,对学习失去兴趣。 The competitive atmosphere among classmates even surpassed that of junior high school. Myself, I lost interest in learning.
Why learn English 为什么要学英语
Why learn English
• English is an international language and it is the most widely used language in the world 英语是一种国际语言,是世界上使用最广泛的语言 • English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university 英语是学校或大学最重要的科目之一
Introduce myself
I have been teaching for seven years. 我已经教了七年书。 I have some experience in teaching and managing a class. 我在教学和管理班级方面有一些经验 I believe that we will also get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends. 我相信我们也会相处得很好,我真诚地希望我们能成为好朋友
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
3. Write more
写除: 作文以外,最好能坚持每周一篇
英语周记, 每天英文日记更好
4. Practice more. “Practice makes perfect” 5. Willpower (毅力)
No willpower no good English 6. Look up the dictionary when necessary
说7. P:ay attention in class and take notes 读89..FR:inevisihewholemsesownosriknotnimtieme
10. Try to use English as much as you can
11. Pay attention to your handwriting
A. disappear B . fall C. fail D. damage
Grammar: more complicated
E.g. 1. Try ____she might, Sue couldn’t get the door
A. if B. when C. since D. as
Advice(初中到高中的过渡 )
1. You had better put most of your minds on your study.
2. As you know, attitude is everything. 3. 消除畏惧心理,积极大胆地去练习,不怕
出错,不怕别人笑话。 不要害怕,只要一试。 Don’t be shy, just try.
Write Weekly Diary using the words, phrases and Sentences that have been learned
Practice makes perfect!
一本学习笔记 一本错题集
一本随笔 一本字典 一本课外读物
一、预习要求:1必做,2,3,4三作业:作业有“硬”作业即第二天要交的笔头作业,与“软” 作业即读、背、复述、对话及预习、自习等,不要只重视“硬” 作业,轻视“软”作业,因为语言能力需要通过这两种不同的作 业形式来积累和提高。
_r_e_a_li_z_e_ my dream here.
Something about the new term
Self-introduction Rules & Request Advice Comment on homework Survey
cwoautscihn sister no wdoaoyr claodloyu-krilwleorlf gWoeawndill oseoek. LI odvoenw’htocawrheo.
表妹 语 搞
没门 ” 笑
SYtooupg!ive me stop! 你给我站住!
Jhuostrsseohsor.se tiger tiger 马马虎虎
Advice 5. 安排好学习的各个环节. (1).预习:听录音,朗读课文,扫清单词发音障碍,了 解重点语法内容,阅读重点课文并回答课文后的问题。
(2).听课:认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动,记录老师所 讲的重点词语及语法知识,争取课上多有所获。如遇不 理解的问题,应课下立刻弄清楚,不要积压成堆。
Attitude is everything 态度决定一切
Success comes from good habits 成功源自好习惯
Good habits for learning Senior English 高中英语学习的良好习惯
1.Listen more
听多多:听听课英本文配歌套曲录, 多音看(可英从文我电这影copy); 说2.:Read more
2. The next thing he saw was smoke ____ from behind the house.
A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen
Four Skills
Listening 1.textbook; 2.other kinds of tapes; 3.simple English songs; TV-9; 5.Internet
Speaking 1.Be active in and after class; 2.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes
Reading Writing
1.Morning-reading class; 2. Students Time; 3.Other kinds of materials, magazines
(National Matriculation English Test) of great use for you in college and even
in your whole life
Including: A well-paid job Travelling to other countries without difficulty Study abroad Make you more clever …
What is the difference between senior middle school and junior middle school English class?
Vocabulary: about 3500, more difficult.
1. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to .
It is our first time to meet each other, so it is necessary for us to make a self – introduction.
About myself: Good morning everyone,I am glad to see you and welcome to Gengkai Middle School. Do you know our school is No.1 Middle School in Guangdong Province? Congradulations!You become the members of Gengkai Middle School. In the latter days I will be your English teacher.Now Let me tell you something about me.please look at the screen……. .
I’m an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope you’ll like me and enjoy my class.Let’s work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set. I will be very happy if you tell something about yourselves to me ……
今天我背单词了吗? 今天我朗读(课文)了吗? 今天我复习了吗? 今天我完成作业了吗? 今天我预习了吗? 今天我阅读了吗? 今天我听录音了吗?
微博 山寨
Micro blog copycat
裸婚 naked wedding
网络 骨感美女 boney beauty 热 人肉搜索 flesh search 词
Advice 4. 巧妙安排学习时间. "16字学习法“:化整为零,集中歼灭,见缝插针,持 之以恒。 如中午用15至20分钟背单词或读两、三篇课外文章, 晚自习按要求做作业,睡觉前用一、两分钟很快过一遍 白天刚学的单词。周末总结、复习。 每天零敲碎打,并不多占多少娱乐时间,但如果你能有 规律、有毅力地学习,必然得到回报。
My hobby is…./ My hobbies are…..
...is my favorite. qualities I am a person who....
Hello, everyone. I’m ______and I graduated from_________. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, I spend much time in_(d_o_i_n_g_s_t_h)_. In a word, I’m a person who____________.
here I want to ask you a question Why should we study English?
interest the most widely used language in the
world know more about the world 150 marks in the NMET
make progress realize one’s dream (实现梦想)
My school
Dagang High School is a place _w_h_e_r_e_I will spend 3 years. It is large_i_n_s_i_ze_. Besides, it has a beautiful campus(校园) __w_i_th___trees and flowers. It is _s_u_c_h_a good school _t_h_a_t_I like it a lot. I hope I can make __p_ro_g_r_e_s_s_and