communicative competence 交际能力


第四章 跨文化交际能力PPT

第四章   跨文化交际能力PPT
• 这种情况在十几年后仍未好转。
• 跨文化交际能力本身是一个十分复杂的问题,各国学者对这个 问题的讨论持续了半个多世纪。如何培养这种能力更是一个仁者见 仁、智者见智的论题。
• 不论什么情况,首先要理清一些基本概念是非常必要的。例如, 什么是跨文化交际能力,如何定义跨文化交际能力,跨文化交际能 力包含什么要素,跨文化交际能力培养有哪些途径,在什么阶段应 该解决什么跨文化交际能力问题等。
• 中、西方文化差异对比不仅可以帮助我们深入了解我们自身的文化, 而且会让我们了解更多的西方文化,因此它对于促进中、西方的跨文化 交际非常有帮助。
• 同时,在具体的跨文化交际活动中,我们经常会遇到“文化定势”, 即对于某一社会群体的某种文化的一概而论,没有考虑个体差异或者是 具体交际情景。
• 因此,在跨文化交际中,我们一定要全方位考虑它们 的文化内核的结构差异、传统文化的特征差异、宗教观念 的不同及其在语言中的具体表现,从而避免再犯文化定势 的错误,这就要求人们在跨文化交际中,具备较深厚的文 化功底,深刻理解不同文化之间的差异,建立敏感的文化 差异意识。
• 文秋芳(WEN 2004:175)认为,跨文化交际能力包括交际能力和 跨文化能力两个部分,在她的跨文化交际能力图表中,交际能力与跨文 化能力共同组成跨文化交际能力。交际能力包括语言能力、语用能力和 变通能力;跨文化能力包括对于文化差异的敏感、对于文化差异的容忍 以及处理文化差异的灵活性。
• 归根到底,外语教学的最终目的是培养学生熟练地运用目的语与不 同文化背景的人们进行跨文化交际活动的能力。“学习一种外语不仅要 掌握语音、语法、词汇和习语,而且还要知道操这种语言的人如何看待 事物,如何观察世界;要了解他们如何用他们的语言来反映他们社会的 思想、习惯、行为,要懂得他们的心灵之语言,即了解他们社会的文化” (邓炎昌·刘润清:1989)。



影响英语交际能力培养的因素分析及对策许昌学院公共外语教学部;《时代文学(下半月)》2009年04期第103-104页□ 商阳摘要:本文分析影响和制约大学生英语交际能力提高的诸因素及存在的问题,提出提高大学生英语交际能力的对策,探讨如何在新形势下进行大学英语教学改革,以提高大学生英语交际能力,特别是听、说能力,使他们在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时提高综合文化素质,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。

关键词:英语交际能力;因素;对策交际能力(communicative competence)学说是交际法英语教学理论的核心。

它是由美国著名的人类学教授、社会语言学家德尔·海姆斯(Dell Hymes)1972年在其《论交际能力》一文中提出的。














municative competence typically refers to how well someone is able to communicate with others, though this can be elaborated upon and further refined in a number of ways.2. Communicative competence is important for anyone who wishes to be able to communicate clearly, especially public speakers and people learning a second language.Politicians and other public speakers often seek high levels of communicative competence to be able to effectively convey meaning and express ideas to others. People who are learning a second language also tend to focus on this type of competence to ensure they understand subtext and various aspects of communication within that language that may be subtle and complex.The idea behind communicative competence is that the ways in which people communicate can be analyzed and considered with regard to effectiveness. Someone is often considered competent, at least on a surface level, if he or she can talk to someone else in a way that is appropriate and which conveys meaning in an accurate way. This actual process, however, is often seen as being composed of three basic steps that occur in communication. Planning is a vital part of communicative competence as it demonstrates that someone is able to think about communication ahead of time and prepare for it.2.During communication, the way in which a person communicates is often considered in two elements regarding his or her communicative competence. The message that is delivered is the actual content that a person speaks, writes, or otherwise expresses in some way. Within this message, however, is the meaning that a person manages to convey. Someone may feel that his or her message expresses one idea, but the actual meaning might not necessarily match the intention of the message.Communicative competence is important for just about anyone who wishes to communicate with other people in any type of relationship. Arguments and disagreements can often be avoided if people are able to effectively express meaning in a message.3. Comment1: Communicative competence starts developing at a young age. So childhood and education is important. But it's also true that some people naturally have more skill andcompetence in this area. I think it has to do with the various areas of the brain and which areas an individual uses more heavily.For example, my brother is a very smart person but his communication skills are very poor. I don't think he will every be competent in this area. He has always been this way.Comment2: Those who want to know what excellent communicative competence means can observe lawyers. Lawyers, naturally, have to be great communicators. They have to present their ideas and information in the right ways in order to make an impact on the listener.I knew many law students in school and they were some of the best communicators I have come across. The amazing part was that they used language so well that they could convince me of one thing and then argue against it and convince me of the opposite argument in a matter of minutes. Now that's communicative competence.4Language teaching in the United States is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence: the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to accomplish communication goals. The desired outcome of the language learning process is the ability to communicate competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does。



第一章语言交际能力本章学习目标1. 了解语言能力的界定2. 掌握交际能力理论的研究内容及发展3. 了解Bachman的语言交际能力模式4. 明确什么是语言交际能力本章概述20世纪60年代起,语言能力与交际能力的概念及其范围逐渐广为人们接受,后者还被确立为外语教学的最终目标。










在对交际能力经过系统的研究之后,卡纳尔(Canale)与斯温(Swain)归纳出其四个组成部分:即语法能力(grammaticalcompetence)、社会语言能力(sociolinguistic competence)、策略能力(strategic competence)与话语能力(discoursecompetence)。

进入90年代,应用语言学教授Lyle·F·Bachman(1990)提出了自己的关于语言交际能力(Communicative Language Ability,CLA)的观点。



交际能力(communicative competence)是社会语言学家海姆斯于20世纪70年代针对乔姆斯基的“语言能力"(1inguistic compe—tence)这一概念的缺陷首次提出的。




“交际能力”(communicative competence)的概念可以理解为运用语言(或非语言手段)进行社会交往的能力,包括传递信息、交流思想和表达感情。




其原则基本特征可以概括为三点:其一,语言是表达意义的体系其二,语言的主要功能是交际功能, 其三,语言的主要单位不仅是语法、结构特征,还包括功能范畴。



关于交际能力的演讲交际能力(communicative competence)学说是交际法英语教学理论的核心。

它是由美国著名的人类学教授、社会语言学家德尔·海姆斯(dell hymes)1972年在其《论交际能力》一文中提出的。

















而交际是人类的特有的活动,人的性格,对事物和他人的态度, 情感状况都会极大地影响到交际的具体实施和最终的结果。




Canale & Swain--1980 语法能力,社会语言能力,语篇能力,理解篇章结构获取所载信息及表达符合逻辑关系、语句通顺的能力,根据语篇或话语所表达信息的前后关系正确理解各信息单位,并用意义连贯的手段表达语篇主题;策略能力,克服交际障碍,应付各种交际场合,在言语和非言语方面学习者用来补救交际中断或增强交际的有效性的技能,如谈话的开始,维持、结束、岔开话题等技巧。









petence & performance语言能力&语言行为Chomsky(最先提出语言能力)--1965-----------《句法理论面面观》语言能力指的是某个语言使用者有关语言规则系统的潜在知识,也称为内化语法;语言行为是指语言在具体语境中的实际应用,即:特定的语言社群中个人对语言的使用。






交际能力(communicative competence)是社会语言学家海姆斯于20世纪70年代针对乔姆斯基的“语言能力”(1inguistic compe-tence)这一概念的缺陷首次提出的。







“交际能力”(communicative competence)的概念可以理解为运用语言(或非语言手段)进行社会交往的能力,包括传递信息、交流思想和表达感情。







the selection, sequence, and arrangement of words, structures and utterances to convey an understandable spoken message.
the speaker’s pragmatic knowledge : how to express messages appropriately within the social and cultural context.
including body language, non- verbal turn- taking signals, backchannel behaviors, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and clothes.
including strategies of approximation, circumlocution, code-switching, miming, etc.
Cultivating Students' Communicatve Competence in Communicative Approach
communicative competence
communicative approach
ways to cultivate students' communicative competence
(3) the activation of the textbook content
In English communication carry out a wide range of teaching activities, such as information training,teachers do not have





%By identifying communication in relation to culture,this paper attempts to give a clear account of four kinds of competence involved in intercultural communication by comparing and analyzing.The conclusions are:linguistic competence that neglects the communicative function of language is a component of communicative competence.Intercultural communi-cation competence breakthrough the cultural limitation of communicative competence,while intercultural competence is a comprehensive competence with richer connotation and higher de-mands compared with intercultural communication competence.【期刊名称】《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】5页(P62-65,89)【关键词】语言能力;交际能力;跨文化交际能力;跨文化能力【作者】沈菲菲【作者单位】金陵科技学院外国语学院,江苏南京 211169【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H08美国文化人类学家霍尔(Edward T. Hall)在其1959年出版的著作《无声的语言》(The Silent Language) 中首次提出了“跨文化交际”(intercultural communication)的概念,他同时综合了文化与交际的一些关键和基本问题,指出了不同文化对人际间距离、时间等的感知不同,由此产生了对异文化的误解[1]。



2018年04期总第392期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS关于Hymes对交流能力定义的分析与见解文/何礼交流能力很难进行准确定义。




在本文的研究中,笔者将重点研究Dell Hymes对于这一概念的定义和理解。

交流能力概念产生的社会政治背景在1965年,美国民权运动(the Civil Rights Movement)空前发展。

时任美国总统约翰逊提出了“向贫困宣战”(War on Poverty)的计划。

在此情况下,美国的启智计划(Head Start)正式开始实施。



在语言教学方面,大多数语言学家认为,不标准的方言(nonstandard dialect)是语言层面教育失败的重要原因。

1965年秋,the federal Office of Education主办了一个小型邀请会。


在这个会议的基础上,1966年6月,在Ferkauf Graduate School of Education,一个名为“Research Planning Conference on Language Development among Disadvantaged Children”的会议正式召开。

在本次会议上,Hymes首次公开提出了交流能力(Communicative Competence)这一理论。

Hymes对交流能力的定义尽管和C ho msk y在知识的研究方向上比较一致,但是Hymes却和Chomsky在交际民族学对语言能力产生的影响方面存在很大的分歧。


linguistic competence and communicatiove competence语言能力和交际能力

linguistic competence and communicatiove competence语言能力和交际能力

From Linguistic Competence toCommunicative CompetenceIntroductionLinguistic competence and communicative competence are closely related and distinguished with each other. Communicative competence contains the linguistic competence, and linguistic competence is the basis of the communicative competence. The communicative competence without linguistic competence is completely impossible in practice; the linguistic competence is a pile of rules without practical application. Thus the primary goal of the foreign language teaching should be cultivating the linguistic competence in order to achieve the ultimate goal of cultivating the communicative competence of the language learners.Linguistic CompetenceLinguistic competence, which is put forward by Noam Chomsky (1928), refers to the knowledge of a language system. It is a language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules. To acquire this competence is to obtain the ability of recognizing and producing acceptable grammatical sentences in language. But this competence is an idealization, it is the knowledge of the “ideal speaker-listener operating with a completely homogeneous speech community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatical irrelevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shift of attention and interest and errors in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance” (Hymes, 1972). It is necessary but not far from sufficient for a language user to communicate with others successfully in a speech community.Communicative competenceIt is an obvious fact that any foreign language teaching/learning program is aimed to make its learners competent enough to use the target language for effective communication. In the early 70s, the term “communicative competence” was coined by Dell Hymes (1972), a sociolinguist who was believed that the linguistic competence is too limited. Then the communicative competence is “th e aspect of ourcompetence that enables us to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings interpersonally with specific context (Brown, 2002).” Michael Canale and Merrill Swain (1980) suggested that four different subcategories, grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence, strategic competence, make up the construct of communicative competence. The first two competences reflect the use of linguistic system itself. It is suggested that the communicative competence encompasses the linguistic competence.The relationship between the two competencesThe communicative competence theory suggests that a good mastery of grammar is far enough to make an appropriate language use in a real social context, and the language learners should not only stay in the stage of linguistic competence, but also need to struggle for the development of communicative competence. A good example is the sentence “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.” This sentence is grammatically possible, and idiomatically feasible, but semantically either inappropriate or absurd, and practically rarely, if not never, used in a real language interaction situation (Brumfit, 2000).So are these two competences incompatible? Brumfit gives us a diagram to show the logical relationship between the two competences.Diagram 1:CC: communicative competenceLC: linguistic competenceThe diagram implies that some areas of linguistic competence are essentially irrelevant to the communicative, but in general, linguistic competence is the part of the communicative competence. Thus we can know that, teaching the linguistic competence will necessarily leave a large area of the communicative competence untouched. The mastery of the linguistic competence is sure to enable a speaker to produce grammatical sentences, but can not sure to enable the speaker to have theability to communicate successfully in that language, but in the opposite, if one possess the communicative competence, it is certain that he or she has a well understanding of the linguistic aspect, and fulfill the task of communication. The most efficient communicator in a foreign language is not always the person who is best at manipulating its structure. It is often the person who is most skilled at processing the complete situation involving himself and his hearer, taking account of what knowledge is already shared between them, and selecting items which will communicate his message effectively(Littlewood,1981). Take the sentence of “Would you be so kind to give me a sandwich and a yogurt, please?”This sentence is grammatically correct and can show the speaker’s good command of linguistic ability. But if this sentence is uttered by a guest, and it is intended to speak to the waitress, then it is inappropriate and show the communicative incompetence of the language learners. For the language learners, they should possess the ability to use acceptable forms and avoid offensive ones, but not only the repertory of linguistic knowledge. Thus language learners should try their best to use limited linguistic knowledge for communicating effectively and economically.ConclusionResearchers have long bene asking the answers to questions like “which competence is sufficient for language learners to communicate effectively?” After the review of the pertinent literature, it is safe to reach the conclusion that, the linguistic competence is the basic of the communicative competence. It is not to say that, linguistic competence is enough for language learners, because the communicative competence is water without a source if it is deprived of linguistic competence.The linguistic competence and the communicative competence are two different concepts, however, without the linguistic competence; the communicative competence will be deprived of solid foundation. The two competences are inextricably linked. Linguistic competence contains the understanding and acquisition of the language knowledge, and reflects the language communication rules. It is the major component of the communicative competence, because no communicative activities contain without the certain language forms. What’s more, the linguisticknowledge is the criteria of the communicative competence.The foreign language teaching must be concerned with one thing, that is, the foreign language teaching occurs not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. This reality is intricate and the linguistic knowledge is woefully inadequate to guarantee the success of the language communication. Thus the aim of the foreign language teaching is to ensure the students to master the communicative competence based on the training of the linguistic knowledge.References[1] Brown, H. D. Principles of language learning and teaching. Beijing: ForeignLanguage Teaching and Research Press, 2002[2] Brumfit, C. J., &Johnson, K., (Eds) . The communicative approach to languageteaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979[3] Hymes, D., On communicative competence. In: Pride, J. B., Holmes, J. (Eds.),Sociolinguistics: Selected Readings. Penguin, Middlesex, 1972, pp.269-293. [4] Larsen Freeman D,MIchael H. An Introduction to Second Language AcuisitionResearch Chapter 6 [M]. Longman, 2006.[5] Littlewood, W. what is communicative ability, communicative language teaching,1981, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press[6] Nunan, D. (1992). Research methods in language learning. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.[7] Paulston, C. B. (1974). Linguistic and communicative competence. TESOLQuarterly, 8(4), 347-367.[8] Savignon, S. J. (2002). Communicative language teaching: Linguistic theory andclassroom practice. In S. J. Savignon (Ed.). Interpreting communicative language teaching (pp. 1-27). New Haven & London: Yale University Press。





交际能力的英语说法1:communicative ability交际能力的英语说法2:communicative competence交际能力的相关短语:语言交际能力communicative competence ; communicative language ability ; language communicative competence 交际能力理论communicative competence ; the theory of capacity for communication ; communicative competence theory 培养交际能力Cultivation of communicative competence ; develop interpersonal skills ; Develop communicative competence言语交际能力speech communication ability ; the ability of language communication ; ability in speech communication 外语交际能力foreign language communicative ability ; foreign language communicative competence ; communicative competence of foreign language提高交际能力improve communicative competence ; improving the communicative ability ; enhancing the intercommunication ability互动交际能力interactive communication ability ; interactive communicative competence英语会话交际能力 english communicative competence互动交际能力培养interactive communicative competencefostering交际能力的英语例句:1. He has the faculty for making friends.他有交际能力.2. He is very sociable and makes friends easily.他交际能力强,很容易交到朋友.3. I am good with people and have excellent communication skills.我很受人欢迎并且有很出色的交际能力.4. Writing ability is an essential part of the learner's communicative competence.写作能力是学习者外语交际能力的重要组成部分.5. Drama also boosts the communication skills of students with special needs.戏剧也能够提高有特殊教育需要的学生的交际能力.6. Cross - cultural awareness raising aimed at enhancing the students ability to cross - cultural communication.养跨文化意识的目的是提高学生的跨文化交际能力.7. Having good communication skill and negotiation high ability of expression.有较强的交际能力和优秀的表达能力,反应灵敏,能独立开发客户.8. It affects thinking, feeling, language, and the ability relate to others.它影响思维, 感觉, 语言和交际能力.9. I am also quite competent in oral communication in English.英语交际能力也相当强.10. Excellent interpersonal skills and capability to manage different function.有良好的交际能力及管理不同职能部门的能力.11. Have strong capability in communication, familiar with English reading and speaking.有很强的交际能力, 较好的英语阅读和口语.12. And I gained valuable skills in teamwork and communication.同时我也学会了团体合作技巧,交际能力也得到锻炼.13. Sociolinguistics thinks that grammar is a necessary part of communicative competence.社会语言学家认为语法是交际能力的必要组成部分.14. The social development and progress would demand more from the future professionals.社会发展和进步对未来人才的口语交际能力提出了更高的要求.15. This ability is needed by the modem talents.交际能力的培养是造就现代化英语人才的需要.。


三、跨文化交际能 力
跨 文化交 际指的是来 自不 同文 化背景 的人们 之 间 的交 流 和 沟 通 。跨 文 化 交 际能 力 f I n t e r c u l t u r a l C o m mv m i c a t i v e C o m p e t e n c e )的概 念 形 成 于 上 个 世 纪6 0年代末 、7 0年 代初 ,尽 管不 同研究 领域 的学 者从不同角度 ,如传播学、 语 言教学等 ,对跨文化 交际能力 的组 成要素提 出了 自己 的看法 ,被学 术界 广泛 地认 可 的跨 文化 交 际 能力 三 大 构 成要 素是 知 识 、意识和技 能 。跨文 化交际 能力 中的知识指 的是 交 际主体 进 行 有效 、得体 的交 流 沟 通 所需 要 的信 息 。比如 ,了解交际对 象所在 国家 的社 会活 动 的流 程知识或 了解交 际对 象所在 国家 的主要 社会层 次 划 分 ;了解对 某一重 大实践谈判 方 的立 场 和观点 。一 个成功的跨文化交际者不单单要 了解有关交际对 象 、交际规 则 、交际情 境等 信息 , 还 要在 此基 础 上 知道其他 文化成员对 交 际的预期 。如果 缺乏 相应 的 知识 ,交际者就 可能会无 意识地违 反交 际规则 ,甚 至失礼 。 由于相应 知识 的缺乏 ,也就 不能 及时地 更 正 自己的错误 。因此 ,一定 的交 际知识 对 于跨 文化 交 际是 十分必要 的。
2 0 1 5年 第 1 l 期



2018年04期总第392期语言文化研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUS关于Hymes对交流能力定义的分析与见解文/何礼交流能力很难进行准确定义。




在本文的研究中,笔者将重点研究Dell Hymes对于这一概念的定义和理解。

交流能力概念产生的社会政治背景在1965年,美国民权运动(the Civil Rights Movement)空前发展。

时任美国总统约翰逊提出了“向贫困宣战”(War on Poverty)的计划。

在此情况下,美国的启智计划(Head Start)正式开始实施。



在语言教学方面,大多数语言学家认为,不标准的方言(nonstandard dialect)是语言层面教育失败的重要原因。

1965年秋,the federal Office of Education主办了一个小型邀请会。


在这个会议的基础上,1966年6月,在Ferkauf Graduate School of Education,一个名为“Research Planning Conference on Language Development among Disadvantaged Children”的会议正式召开。

在本次会议上,Hymes首次公开提出了交流能力(Communicative Competence)这一理论。

Hymes对交流能力的定义尽管和C ho msk y在知识的研究方向上比较一致,但是Hymes却和Chomsky在交际民族学对语言能力产生的影响方面存在很大的分歧。














其中使用最为广泛,并为多数学者所接受的提法有:intercultural competence,intercultural communication competence,和intercultural communicative competence三种。



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linguistic competence innately-derived power in the Garden of Eden intuition and linguistic knowledge of an abstract, isolated, ideal speaker-hearer internal to linguistic structure language form linguistic performance eating the apple thrusting the perfect speaker-hearer into a fallen world real speech of interlocutors in a social world external to linguistic structure language function & use
1பைடு நூலகம்
2. Components of communicative competence. A) Canale & Swain (1980) • 1. Linguistic competence – the knowledge of the language code (grammatical rules, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, etc.); • 2. Sociolinguistic competence – the mastery of the socio-cultural code of language use (appropriate application of vocabulary, register, politeness, and style in a given situation);
In line 8, the word "trepidation" could best be replaced by Anxiety /restrain / intimidation / self-denial
1) When did Mary _____ college? graduate graduate from graduating graduating from 2.) The American Good Samaritan Charity Organisation has established a shelter for the homeless next to your house. This has met with the disapproval of the neighbourhood. Since you are the most proficient speaker of English in the neighbourhood, you have been selected to write a letter of complaint of approximately 150-200 words to the head of the charity organisation in which you outline the situation and ask for immediate action.
The father of communicative competence – Dell Hymes
Communicative competence also involves knowing what to say to whom in what circumstances and how to say it. (Hymes)
Communication strategies - Definitions
1. devices used to compensate for lack of L2 knowledge: "CSs are potentially conscious plans for solving what to an individual presents itself as a problem in reaching a particular communicative goal" (Faerch & Kasper, 1983, p. 23). 2. meaning negotiation mechanisms: "CS relate to a mutual attempt of interlocutors to agree on a meaning in situations where requisite meaning structures do not seem to be shared" (Tarone, 1980, p. 420). 3. general problem-solving mechanisms in L2 communication: "every potentially intentional attempt to cope with any language related problems of which the speaker is aware during the course of communication" (Dörnyei & Scott, 1997, p. 179).
Communicative competence and language teaching
• Traditional language teaching: grammatical competence • Modern language teaching: the whole of communicative competence • Neglected area: strategic competence
Read the following paragraph and answer the question at the bottom:
The leading causes of amnesia are either physical or psychological. In antergrade amnesia, the subject is unable to recall the events that occur after a shock or an injury to the brain; however, past memories will not be lost. In retrograde amnesia, the patient is capable of recalling events that occur after the trauma; interestingly enough, information stored before the shock, is lost and cannot be retrieved. In paraamnesia, established memories are contorted. In psychogenic fugue, the subject may venture into a new lifestyle, trying to .repress memories which lead to trepidation.The eventshappening during psychogenic fugue are non retrievable. Nonetheless, the experiences that happened before the onset can be recovered. Among the most popular treatments for psychologically related amnesia are psychotherapy, the use of drugs, and hypnosis.
grammaticality as a criterion
acceptability as a criterion
The communicative competence of a native speaker (Hulstijn, 2006)
Core competence – Hulstijn, 2006
Communicative competence
There are rules of language use without which the rules of grammar are useless. (Widdowson, 1978)
Overview of the lecture
• What is communicative competence • Components of communicative competence • Communicative competence and language teaching • Communication strategies: Definitions, characteristics, taxonomies, teachability
B) Bachman (1990)
B) Bachman (1990)
I. Language competence
I.1. Organizational competence A. Grammatical competence B. Textual competence I.2 Pragmatic competence A. Illocutionary (functional competence) – knowledge of functions e.g. ideational, manipulative, heuristic, imaginative B. Sociolinguistic competence – dialects, varieties, register, cultural references etc. 2. Strategic competence: It helps determine communicative goals, assess one's resources to communicate one's message, plan communication and execute the communicative intention. 3. Psycho-physiological mechanisms: neurological and psychological processes involved in producing and understanding language (e.g. auditory, visual and neuromuscular skills).