金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第20期:Currency conversion

Short Dialogs Task 1 Multiple Choice Scripts & AnswersDialog 1W: Why can’t I tell interest rate from exchange rate? Who can help me?M: Well, It is not as difficult as you think. There is a simple way to tell the difference. When you deposit money with a bank or borrow money froma bank, you usually earn or pay interest at the set interest rate. If you go toexchange RMB for some foreign currency, you’ll need to know the currentexchange rate of RMB to that currency. Have you got it?W: Yeah, I think I’ve got it. The interest rate is the price of local currency onthe local market and the exchange rate is the price of one currency againstanother one on the foreign exchange market.Question: When will exchange rate be used according to the man? (D)女:我怎么就区分不了利率和汇率呢? 谁能帮帮我?男:别着急。
金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第18期:Currency exchange

金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第18期:Currency exchangeNew Words新单词convert v.转换over prep.在(做).....时Phrases & Expressions短语Financial Times金融时报Accounting Association会计协会currency exchange form货币兑换表格1.Would you prefer a job in finance?你是否更喜欢有一个金融行业的工作呢?Yes, I'd like to find work as an accountant.是的,我很愿意做会计工作。
2.Would you please give me today's Financial Times?2.请你把今天的金融时报给我看一看好吗?Sure, here you are.能够,请拿去吧3.Would you like to join the Accounting Association?3.你愿意加入会计协会吗?Yes, I'd like to.是的,我愿意加入。
4.Would sometime this week be convenient for you ?4.本周内找一个时间对你方便吗?Yes, tomorrow is fine.我看明天就行。
5.Would it be possible to convert this amount into Renminbi?5.能否把这笔款子转换成人民币呢?Yes, certainly, just complete the currency exchange form.当然能够,但只能以平价兑换。
6.Would you prefer some other time?6.你是否更愿意另外再找时间呢?No, this afternoon is fine. We'll try to finish the accounts.不,今天下午我们就干吧,争取把账目结算完毕。

英语范文一Iwao Tanaka ,making his first business trip to the United States ,is talking to an American banker about the financial and monetary system of the U.S.田中岩夫第一次因公出差工到美国,他正在与美国的一位银行家谈到美国金融和货币制度。
Tanaka:What is meant by the term Federal Reserve System ?Is that the central bank of the United States?田中:什么是美国联邦储蓄系统?它是美国的中央银行吗?Banker :Technically it is not ,Mr.Tanaka,but it functions in that capacity .银行家:从法律上讲,它不是,田中先生。
The Federal Reserve System ,or the Fed as it is usually called,is the fiscal agent of the United States .美国联邦储备系统即平常称之为“联邦”的是美国财政机构。
It has authority to issure notes which are the main currency of the country ,它有权发行作为国家主要货币的纸币,to control the money supply and to supervise banks and banking practices in the country .有权控制货仙的供应量,并有权监督国内银行及银行业务活动。

Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。
I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。
I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。
We’d like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。
I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。
I think I’d like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户? I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。
I’d like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。
Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗? Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 请告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么手续。

兑换货币时常用的英语口语今天小学妹要和大家聊聊关于“货币” 的一些实用口语,虽然小伙伴们旅行前也一定做了充足的准备,但难免会有需要紧急兑换、取现等情况出现。
到时如果啥都听不懂就太尴尬了!在柜台你可能会听到这句:In what denominations do you prefer?您要什么面值的?denomination:(纸币、硬币或邮票的)面值【小扩展】了解常用外币:纸币、钞票banknote(美国多称纸币为bills ,而英国称notes),硬币coin①美国、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰等国家的钱币使用符号$,读作Dollar美国货币由 dollar (元) 和 cent (分) 组成,纸币面额有 1、2、 5、10、 20、 50 、100 元;硬币有 1 分 (a penny)、5 分 (a nickel)、10 分 (a dime) 和 25 分 (a quarter) 等。
1美元= 100美分。
比如3.5 美元就可以读作:three dollars and fifty cents或是 three dollars fifty②英国的钱币使用符号£,读作Pound英国货币由英镑 (pound) 和便士 (单数:penny;复数:pence) 组成,1 英镑= 100 便士。
↓↓↓接下来我们看看具体该如何和“货币”打交道?①整钱、零钱:当你听到下面的问题时:In what denominations do you prefer?=How would you like the denomination? 您要什么面值的?你可以说:In hundreds, please.请给我100元的。
In fives, please.请给我5元的。

金融英语练习答案:Lesson 1I. 1.need 2.specialization 3.double coincidence of wants 4.exchange rate 5. money6.medium of exchange7. Commodity money such as cornmodity / common standard value9. store of wealth 10.parchasing power 11.Banknotes. 12.Fiduciary money 13.redemption rate 14.Fiat money 15. legal tender 16.fiduciary money 17.paper money 18.price level 19.reserve rax 20. checkII Translation:1.Money mainly serves three functions :a medium of exchange, a standard of value and a store ofwealth.2.The greater the specialization in the division of labor increased ,the more difficult in finding goodsthat have a double coincidence of wants.3.The value of money is reflected by its purchasing power.4.Fiat money is declared legal tender by the government ,meaning that creditors must accept it aspayment for debt.5.The bearers/holders of fiduciary money may require bank to redeem for gold or other valuablecommodity.6.The fractional reserve banking system requires the banks to keep certain reserve ratio.7.The money that most countries in the world use today is fiat money.8.The wide application of fiduciary money reduces that cost of transactions.9.There were several metals which have been used as commodity money in the history, such as iron,copper, gold ,silver and so on.10.The value of fiat money lies in that people believe that it can be exchanged for commodity andservice.Lesson 2:I.1.investors 2.consumoption / saving 3.enterprises 4. savings 5.investment 6.home7.loan 8.deposit 9.uill rise 10.fallII1.The interest rate refers to the ratio of the interest amount to the proceeds deposited and loaned in agiven period.2.Interest is the price of capital; which is like the market price for general commodity .Theoretically ,itis determined by demand and supply.3.China’s interest rate has been adjusted and reformed for several times .Before 1978,the policy ofgradually rising interest rate was adopted.4.The mutual relation of all kinds of interest rate comprises the structure of interest rate. Generally ,theinterest rate of longer tenor is higher than that of shorter tenor in terms of the same kind of interest rate.5.Among various interest rate, the interest rate for deposit is lower that for loan; the interest rate offeredby commercial bank is higher than discount rate offered by the central bank.6.At present ,China’s interest rate system consists of the interest rate of bank, non-bank financialinstitution, portfolio and market.7.The discount rate offered by central bank refers to the discount rate for the instrument held by thecommercial banks. it reflects the redemption rate for the amounts of rediscount instrument.8.Due to free competition ,the demand and supply of currency borrowing and lending tend to bebalanced out through market mechanism .in this case ,the market interest rate is called equilibrium rate.9.The bond interest rate is interest rate paid by the government, banks and corporation for theaccommodation in the form of issuing, securities in domestic or foreign financial markets.10.The interest rate for corporate bond is basically determined by the bond issuing corporation itself, butthe government exercises control by setting the ceiling.Lesson 3:I.1.Firrancial intermediary 2.demard deposit /checking account 3.savings and loan associations, mutual savings bank and credit union. 4.Federal reserve system ernment securities/require that member banks hold reserves equal to some fraction of their deposits. 6.Feder Reserve Board 7.Federal Open market committee 8.reserve requirements 9.the ceiling 10. interest rate level 11.portfolios 12.outstanding loans 13.were deregulated 14.deposit insurance 15.merge with other banks 16. automatic teller machines 17.By pooling funds of many share holders 18.branches 19.The banking holding company 20.financialII1.Federal Reserve System was established in 1914,with its aim to stabilize the banking system. thepower of the Federal Reserve System was enhanced and centralized after the failures of many American banks in the Great Depression. The Arts passed in1980s authorized the Federal Reserve System with the power to regulate all the saving institutions. The main powers of Federal Reserve System were:(1)guide the transactions of open market so to control supply of money by buying and selling government securities,(2)determine the reserve requirements for saving institution (3)setting rediscount rate.2.The banking regulations in Great Depression made bank a trade that closely controlled andpredictable. But the high interest rate in 1970s disturbed the peaceful days of saving institutions. But many banks still couldn’t survive in the transive period of keen competition.Lesson 4:1.as a result of /helped to /by the time2.concerned about/at the outset3.offerd to take/in dollars/departure fromTransaction account is checking account which can write checks on deposits balance. They have three forms, the first one is “Demand Deposit”which banks don’t pay explicit interest; the second one is “ other checkable deposits”, which includes NOW(Negotiable Order of Withdrawal)accounts; the third one is Money Market Deposit accounts. Although banks can’t pay explicit interest on demand deposit, they can pay implicit interest in the form of proving free services. Different from NOW accounts, commercial banks don’t need to maintain reserves, so banks pay higher interest on the NOW accounts. At present, transaction account is the second largest debt form of the commercial banks.Lesson 5I1.as well as 2.in total assets 3.intermediate 4. title 5.an agent 6.Financial instruments 7.pay 8.as par 9.documentary letters of credit 10.prof-of –shipment documents . 11. HedgingII. Translation:Lesson 6I.1.bank 2.discount 3.buyers/sellers 4.short-term 5.borrowing/lending 6.deposits7.brokers 8.loans 9.linked 10.marketII Translation:1.The activities of money market mainly aim at keeping the liquidity of assets so that they can bechanged into cash on demand.2.On one hand, the money market meets the demand for short-term money of borrowers, one the otherhand, it finds a way out for lenders who have temporary excessive money.3.The Financial instruments of money market mainly are short-term treasury bill, commercial bill, bankacceptance, certificate of deposits, the tenors of these instruments range from one day shortest to one year longest.4.The participants of buying and selling short-term assets in the money market are individuals, businessfirms, various financial institutions, and governments. They act either as the provider of funds or as the demander of funds.5.As the intermediary of money market, various financial institutions have different functions inaffecting the demand for and supply of funds in the capital market, because their stress of importance on business if different.6.The commercial banks provide the money market mainly with short-term loans mainly with themoney obtained from deposits and other sources.7.In many countries, commercial banks are in the position of key importance in the money market,while the central bank controls commercial banks by various means so as to control money market. 8.Just as a country can’t be without a government, the money market can’t be without a central bank,whose activities in money market will affect the volume of money and interest rate at any time.9.The inter-bank market refers to the market where financial institutions solve the problem of excessiveor short of money by financing one another.10.With the development of the reform of financial system in our country, the inter-bank markets startedto develop rapidly.Lesson 7I.1.firms 2.inter rate /exchange 3. regional exchange 4.negotiable 5.exchange6.bond7.funds8.outstanding9.brokers 10.dealers.II. Translation:1.According to the situation of various countries, the issuance of government bonds adopts the methodof raising money from public, which can be divided into direct and indirect ones.2.The government bonds outstanding are not all held by individuals, but by the government units,financial institutions and the public commonly.3.The government should keep a stable increase for the issuance of securities, if the market price for thegovernment bonds often fluctuate, the investors will be reluctant to hold the government bonds.4.Corporate bonds are the certificates that the business owes to the public, it is the issuing corporationthat makes a promise to pay certain amount of money plus interest at a fixed date in future.5.The better the credit standing of a company, the longer maturity of the bond is ,but the solvency ofcorporate bonds cannot be compared with that of government, so the longest tenor of corporate bond will not be very long.pared with stock investment, the holders of corporate bonds can only have the interest income asthe fixed reward for the investment, but they can’t share the profit of the corporation like share holders.pared with stocks, corporation bonds have lower risks, but the safety can’t be compared to that ofgovernments bonds, that’s why the return ration is always higher than government bonds.8.With the rapid development of capitalist industry, shareholding corporation system becomesirresistible trend.9.The price of stocks are of substantial fluctuation, which makes investment of stocks very speculative.10.The market price of stocks is subject to the status of operation, allocation of profits, as well as to theeconomical, political social factors that make the price of stocks more volatile.Lesson 8I. 1.foreign 2.activities/lend 3.standing 4.role 5.independent 6.consortium banks7.money 8.bond 9.subsidiary 10.EurocurrencyII. Translation:1.In most countries, commercial banks all establish international department or foreign department inorder to deal in foreign exchange or to raise money for foreign trade.2.Due to the development of international banking business and the establishment of the bank’soverseas network organization, commercial banks of western countries become real multinational banks.3.The international network of the multinational bank includes branch, subsidiary, correspondent,resident representative and so on.4.The activities of the multinational bank through exclusive international network are retail deposit,money market activities, foreign trade financing, corporation loans, foreign trade business, investment business, trust business and so on .5.Because most of the clients of the multinational bank are large corporations and banks, they mainlydeal in retail deposits with few retail loans.6.The multinational banks put surplus money into money market when the demand is low, but raisemoney when demand is on rise.7.The tenor of foreign trade financing is usually short with high return, mostly denominated in thecurrency other that of the country where the bank locates.8.Corporation loans refer to the loans given to private business, state-owned business, especially to themultinational corporation.9.Foreign exchange business includes buying and selling foreign exchange and hedging conducting inforeign exchange market for the clients.10.Investment business refers to the underwriting of international securities and the distribution activities,as well as advisory service for customers and governments in the issue of securities.Lesson 9I.1.short-term 2.medium-term /long-term 3.restrictions 4.deposits 5.absence6.Euro currencies7.borrowers abroad8.entities9.deposits 10. convertibleII. Translation:1.Eurodollar refers to the deposits denominated in US dollar in various banks outside USA andEuropean branches of American banks, as well as the loans obtained by these banks.2.Off-shore money market is concentrated by Eurocurrency market , which is habitually called theEurodollar market, because the currency traded in this market is mainly Eurodollar.3.Eurobanks deal in Eurocurrency business which is strictly separated from domestic banking.4.London in the largest Eurodollar market, engaging in both deposit and loan, with huge volume oftransactions.5.Eurobank’s business usually not subject to local banking rules, such as deposit rate and maturity,therefore, banks can compete freely to attract customers.6.The interest rate for Eurodollar deposit is higher than for US domestic deposit since there is noreserve requirement for Eurodollar deposit nor premium insurance.7.The emergence of Eurodollar is due to the deficit of American balance of payments The accumulationof huge deficit and the outflow of large amount of US dollar resulted in substantial increase of Eurodollar deposits.8.The brokers or dealers of American stock Exchange often borrow Eurodollars from Eurodollarmarket.9.The Eurodollar market is a short-term wholesale market of inter bank, it functions in Europe asproviding banks with liquidity like the federal fund market in USA.10.Banks put the money in the Eurodollar market when the liquidity is excessive and borrow moneywhen the liquidity is in squeeze.Lesson 10I. Part(1)1.the creation of money 2.cooperative /voluntarily 3.external/economic reforms4.the par value system5.on demand6.stable/predictable/disadvantages7.float8.quota subscriptions 9.needy/favorable 10.buying power/importsPart(2)1.subsidize 2. internal 3.bargain 4.peg 5.payments 6.assistance/sufficient7.stabilizing/strengthening 8.repay/repayment period 9.effectively11.lower/export/governmentII. Translation:1.The fund shows great concern over the internal economic policies of its member countries.2.The Fund is a cooperative institution, overseeing/supervising and monitoring the foreign exchangepolicies its member countries.3.The exchange of currency is the center of financial connection/relation among various countries, aswell as a dispensable tool of world trade.4.Due to constant fluctuation of exchange rate for major/leading currency, the dealers of foreignexchange may gain profit or suffer loss.5.The convertibility of currencies facilitates tourism, trade and investment in a worldwide scale.6.By analyzing the wealth and economic status of each member the fund determines the quotasubscription for each member. The richer the country is, the higher quota it Subscribes.7.Since the abandonment of the par value system, the membership of the Fund has agreed to allow eachmember to choose its own method of determine an exchange value for its money.8.Man large industrial nations allow their currencies to float, other countries peg the value of theircurrency to that of a major currency of a group of currencies so that, for example, as the U.S. dollar rises in value their own currencies rise too.9.The source of finance of the Fund mainly comes from the quota subscription of its member countriesat the same time, the Fund also borrows money from member governments or their monetary authorities.10.The Fund lends money according to regulation to the member countries with a payments problem,due to their expenditure in foreign exchange exceeding income.Lesson 11I. Part(1)1.catalyst 2.equity 3. creditworthy 4.reschedule/made 5.carry6.fourfold7.share8.foreign exchange9.attained 10.indexPart(2)1.productivity 2.affiliates 3.self-sustaining 4.call up 5.quota/economic strength6.a third/raised7.politicalitary/political9.enjoined 10.indexII Translation:1.The IBRD has more than 140 member countries, which all subscribe quotas to the bank.2.The IBRD gives loans only to creditworthy borrowing countries for the project that has a high realrates of economic return.3.The IDA gives loans only to poorest countries with a annual GNP per capita lower than $795.Actually, 80% of IDA’s loans are given to the countries with annual per capita GNP lower than $410.4.The IDA gives loans only to the government of the borrowing countries, with maturity of 50 years(repayable over 50 years) with grace period of 10 years, no interest.5.In the past decade, the volume of the IBRD’s loans have increased by fourfold.6.The IBRD has helped to develop agriculture, improve education, increase the output of energy,expand industry, create better urban facilities, promote family planning, extend telecommunications network, modernize transportation systems, improve water supply and sewerage facilities, and establish medical care.7.It’s hard to say that the IBRD’s decisions on loans are not influenced by the political character of theborrowing countries.8.Some of the earliest borrowing countries of the IBRD have graduated from the reliance on the IBRD’sloans, in return they become the provider of the IBRD’s finance source.9.The IBRD and IFC jointly provide funds for many projects.10.The more quota the member country subscribes, the more votes it gains.Lesson 12I . Part(1) 1.foster 2.raise 3.subregional/regional 4.multilateral 5.cost-effective6.evaluation7.weighted8.proportional9.paid in 10.developrnental Part(2) 1.equity 2.private 3.subscriptions 4.installment 5.subscribed6.coordinate7.procurement8.absorb9.pooling 10.bidsII. Translation:1.The purpose of the ADB is to provide fund and technical assistance to its developing membercountries in the Asia-Pacific region and to promote investment and foster economic growth.2.The shortage of capital, lack of skilled labor, poor technology, limited markets and the vagaries ofnature have impeded the economic development of the developing countries.3.The Bank’s Charter provides that the capital owned by the Asia-Pacific member countries should notbe less than 60% of total equity.4.Multilateral institution plays an important role in the economic development.5.The projects for bank financing are identified after strictly evaluated.6.The ADB keeps close working relationship with the United Nations as well as all kinds of specialinstitution.7.Some member countries in Asia-Pacific region voluntarily increase their subscriptions.8.The main subscribers of the ADB have no veto. In practice, decisions are reached by process ofdiscussion rather than by voting.9.The capital structure of the ADB is crucial/vital key to its loan/financing capacity.10.The ADB is authorized to make and guarantee loans to its member countries.Lesson 13I 1. surplus 2.surplus 3.deficit 4.capital 5.demand 6.supply 7.supply/demand8.outstanding 9.demand 10.supplyII. Translation:1.Just as a country’s domestic economy should have a financial record, a country’s authority should alsohave a statistical summery for all the external economic and financial transaction of its residents.2.The content of the balance of payments concept differs in different historical stage.3.In narrow sense, the balance of payments is defined as the receipts and payments arising frominternational trade or receipt and payments in foreign exchange.4.The balance of payments is a kind of statistic statement in the given period, which reflects thetransactions of goods, services and incomers of an economy.5.The statement of balance of payments is a kind of material that statistical financial transactions in thegiven period according to the form stipulated by IMF.6.The items entering into credit includes goods and services provided from abroad and so on.7.The items entering into debit includes goods and services obtained from abroad and so on.8.Receipts and payment arising from international trade is the most important item in current account,which comprise export and import of various commodities. Generally, the export and import of commodities account for the biggest proportion in the international transactions.9.Capital account reflects the changed of a country’s foreign assets and liabilities. The financial assethere doesn’t include monetary gold and Special Drawing Rights.10.In order to alter the deficits of our country’s balance of payments, the government adopts a series ofpolicies and measures, for examples, reduce domestic basis construction, adjust the structure of exporting and importing commodity, improve the environment for foreign investment, lower the exchange rate of our currency to the main currencies in the world, and so on.Lesson 14I .1.strike 2.The exchange rate 3.bank deposits 4.coordinates5.Arbitraggeurs6.discrepancies7.depreciation8.appreciation9.foreign exchange market 10.speculatorsII. Translation:1.It’s vitally important for those who are engaged in international finance to be aware of the tender offoreign exchange market.2.As long as the foreign exchange floats, there always exist the risks of change of foreign exchange rateand interest rate.3.The arbitrageurs make profits by taking advantage rate across markets to buy low and sell high.4.The buyers and sellers come to an agreement of transaction according to the exchange rate of twocurrencies.5. A greater demand for foreign goods and services means a greater demand for foreign exchange.6.The view that the price of us dollar will fall might note be wrong.7.If more people want to exchange pound into US dollar, the change of exchange rate is favorable to USdollar, and unfavorable to pound when the demand exceeds the supply.8.If the supply of certain goods is excessive, the demand for the goods will go down/decline.9.To devaluate a country’s currency can encourage export.10.There are tow ways to express foreign exchange rate.Lesson 15I. Part (1) 1. fluctuate 2.predictable 3.Capital flows 4.manufactured 5.speed6. refinements7.open/bonds/exchange8.devaluation9.nominal10.halvePart(2) 1.devalues 2.priced 3.demand 4.expectations 5.profit 6.fund7.closed 8.reduces 9.real 10.verticalII. Translation:。

一、交易类1. 合同:(1)劳动合同:labor contract(2)销售合同:sales contract(3)政府合同:government contract(4)保密协议:secrecy agreement2. 股票(1)股票市场:stock market(2)股票交易:stock trade(3)股票价格:stock price(4)股票指数:stock index(5)股票投资:stock investment3. 期货(1)期货交易:futures trading(2)期货市场:futures market(3)期货合约:futures contract (4)期货价格:futures price(5)期货保证金:futures margin二、银行类1. 银行账户(1)储蓄账户:savings account (2)支票账户:checking account (3)存款账户:deposit account (4)借记卡账户:debit card account (5)信用卡账户:credit card account 2. 贷款类(1)住房贷款:mortgage loan(2)汽车贷款:car loan(3)个人贷款:personal loan(4)商业贷款:business loan(5)抵押贷款:secured loan3. 银行产品(1)定期存款:time deposit(2)货币市场账户:money market account (3)保险:insurance(4)外汇:foreign exchange(5)信用卡:credit card三、保险类1. 保险类型(1)健康保险:health insurance(2)人寿保险:life insurance(3)财产险:property insurance(4)车险:car insurance(5)商业保险:business insurance2. 保险条款(1)投保人:policyholder (2)被保险人:insured(3)受益人:beneficiary (4)保险金额:policy amount (5)保险费:premium四、投资类1. 投资产品(1)股票:stocks(2)债券:bonds(3)基金:funds(4)期货:futures(5)商品:commodities2. 投资策略(1)多头买入:long position (2)空头卖出:short position (3)止损:stop loss(4)加仓:add to position(5)减仓:reduce position以上只是金融行业英语口语表达的冰山一角,金融行业的专业术语和行业概念非常丰富,需要根据具体情况进行学习和掌握。

有关金融的英语口语对话有关金融英语口语对话(一)H:Today it is an honourforme to be invited here and we willhe a free talk about theInternational netary System.霍:今天我很荣幸地被邀到这里来谈谈有关国际货币制度.Could youask someuestions, please请你们来提一些问题好吗S1:We he been reading a great deal r**ntly about exnge rate fluctuations,学1:最近,我读了大量有关外汇汇率浮动,clean and dirty floats and so on, but I am not uite sure what the International netarySystem is.不受限制的和受限制的汇率浮动等等,但是对于什么是国际货币制度,我还不十分清楚.H:Well,thetermInternational netary System ac tually refersto a series of agreementsang themajorgovernmentsand their central banks to bring order andstability to theinternational exnge markets.霍:噢,国际货币制度这一术语实际上是为了维护国际外汇市场的秩序和稳定,一些影响较大的府和**银行之间所签定的一系列协定。
Thestimrtant,signed in 1944, is called the Bretton Woods Agreemen最为重要的一个协定是1944年签定的布雷顿森林协Then it established the World Bank and the Internationalnetary Fund。

以下是⽆忧考整理的《⾦融英语⼝语对话:public money》,希望⼤家喜欢! New Words新单词 buck n. 元 greenback n. 美钞 dough n. (美俚)钱 assistant n. 售货员 change n. 找头,零钱 sovereign adj. 独⽴⾃主的uncountable adj. 不可数的 mare n. 母马,牝驴 Phrases & Expressions 短语 public money 公款 tax money 税款 A:Now let's talk about paper money. A:现在我们来谈谈纸币吧。
B:Yes, paper money can be folded into a wallet. Every country produces its own. B:好,纸币可以折叠放进钱包。
A:Another term for paper money is 'note' or'banknote', we say a five-yuan note, A:纸币的另⼀种叫法是钞票,我们⼀般讲⼀张五元的钞票, a twenty-cent note. In American English, 'bill' is another term. ⼀张两⾓的钞票。
美国俚语中叫钞票的词更多, In American slang you may hear 'a hundred dollar bill' or 'a buck' as 'ten bucks' or 'greenback' or 'long green(folding green)' or 'folding money'. 我们到听到⼀百元美钞,⼀元,⼗元,以及greenback ,long green(folding green ),folding money等钞票的各种说法。

常用的金融英语口语对话带翻译提高英语口语能力,是学习金融英语的一个重点环节,下面店铺为大家带来常用的金融英语口语对话,欢迎大家学习!常用金融英语口语对话篇一T:We are happy to have Mr. David Long here with us today.教:今天我们很高兴地请到了英国某商业银行的大卫.朗先生。
Mr. Long is from a merchant bank in Britain. He will be talking about the organization of hisbank.朗先生给大家介绍一下他所在银行的组织体系。
L:I feel honoured to be talking with you today. I'd like to begin with your questions.朗:我今天非常荣幸地与大家在一起聚谈聚谈。
S:Where is your bank located?学:请问贵银行位于什么地方?L:In London, the capital of Britain.朗:伦敦,英国的首都。
S:Could you give us a brief overview of your bank's history?学:您能给我们讲讲贵银行的历史概况吗?L:Yes, of course. We were established as long ago as 1869.朗:当然行啦!我们的银行早在1869年就有了。
Now, it is being operated as one of the major merchant banks in the City.现在它是伦敦几家最重要的商业银行之一了。
S:How is your bank organized?学:请问贵行是如何组成的呢?L:Well, that is really a big question.朗:啊,这可是一个很大的问题呀!S:Let me put it in this way. How many divisions are there inyour bank?学:我就这么问吧。
金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第20期-Currency conversion

金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第20期:Currency conversion导读:本文金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第20期:Currency conversion,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。
New Words新单词passport n.护照philosophy n.哲学personal adj.个人的,私人的data n.数据bankbook n.银行存折Phrases & Expressions短语come round再来currency conversion rate现金兑换率1.May I join you?1.我可以参加吗?Certainly, welcome.当然可以,欢迎你来。
2.May I come round tomorrow morning?2.明天上午我可以来吗?Yes, please do.行,请来吧!3.May I leave this copy with you?3.我把这份副本留给你行吗?Yes, you may.可以,把副本给我吧。
4.May I see your passport please?4.请你把护照给我看看好吗?Certainly, here you are.当然可以,请看吧。
5.May we all attend the philosophy lecture?5.我们大家都可以去参加哲学讲座吗?Yes, the lecture is by a famous professor. Don't miss the chance to listen to her.可以去,这是由一位知名教授讲的,不要错过这次机会。
6.May I ask a question about this foreign currency bill?6.我可以问一个关于这张外币支票的问题吗?Of course, please.当然可以,请问吧!7.May I copy the list of foreign curency conversion rate? 7.我可以抄录一下外币现金的兑换率吗?Not necessary. I'll give you a duplicate copy.没有必,我给你一份复印件。

金融英语口语:如何汇报你的工作进度1. Hows the project going项目进展得怎么样2. Great! Were way ahead of schedule.非常好!我们要提前完工了。
3. Were right on target.我们正按计划进行。
4. Well, frankly, were running a little behind.坦白地说,我们有点落后了。
5. Folks, were behind the eight-ballin meeting our sales target. Lets speed things up.兄弟们,我们都快完不成销售目标了。
6. Its 70% done.已经完成70%了。
7. Itll be pleted on time.会按时完成的。
8. Were halfway there.我们已经完成一半了。
9. Have the milestones been identified for the new project新项目的关键活动都已经确定了吗10. What delivery date are we looking at什么时候交货11. There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is ne_t Fridays close of business.不能再推迟了,最后期限是下周五下班的时候。
12. Were approaching the critical point for success or failure of this project.:几个描述经济情况的句子How can we make the economy more vibrant我们怎样才能使经济更有活力Inflation leads to more unemployment.通货膨胀导致更多人失业.Inflation hurts the poor more than the rich.通货膨胀伤害的是穷人而不是富人.They havent done anything to stimulate new jobs.他们没有做过任何能刺激新的就业机会的事情.What about inflation如果出现通货膨胀怎么办We need more jobs.我们需要更多的就业机会.Were headed for a recession.我们正走向衰退.The trade deficit is getting larger. 贸易赤字越来越大:Trade FinanceNew Words新单词multinational adj.跨国的subsidiary adj.附属的irrevocable adj.不可撤销的confirm v.确认,使有效circumstances n.情况,环境confront v.面对Phrases E_pressionsclearing bank清算银行documentary collection跟单托收D:Hi, Roy. How are your things going马:嗨,罗伊,近来一切都好吗R:Fine. Everything is going smoothly.R:好,挺好。

精心收集了关于金融方面的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!Customer: Good morning, sir. I am from Japan. My English is poor. Can you help me?顾客:你好,先生。
我的英语不太好,你能帮忙吗?Clerk: It is my pleasure, but I think it would be better for you to tell me what you want to do.职员:很高兴为您效劳,但我想您最好告诉我您想要干什么。
Customer: Oh, I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange memo.顾客:啊,我想兑换些钱,但不知道怎样填写兑换水单。
Clerk: Would you care to give me your passport and write your name on the paper?职员:您能把您的护照给我,并把您的名字写在这张纸上吗?Customer: There you are. My name is Tanaka.顾客:给你护照和姓名,我叫田中。
Clerk: Good. I will fill out the exchange memo for you now. Why do not you take a seat over there for a moment?职员:好,我现在就为您填写这张兑换水单。
您请在那里坐一会行吗?Customer: I would like to. Thanks.顾客:好的,谢谢。

金融英语口语对话:兑换货币Please tell me how much you want to change.请告诉我你要换多少。
How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen?你要把多少汇款换成日圆?What kind of currency do you want?要哪种货币?What's it you wish to change?你有什么要换的?What kind of currency do you want to change?要换哪种货币?In what denominations?要什么面值的?Please tell me what note you want.请告诉我要什么钞票。
Will seven tens be all right?7张10元的能够吗?Is it in traveler's cheques?换旅行支票吗?I'd like to know how I shall give it to you.我想知道如何付钱给你。
How would you like it?你要什么面额的?Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗?Can you change me some money, please?能否请你给我兑换一些钱?Here it is, some French francs, Swiss francs, American dollars and a few Dutch guilders.这些就是:一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美元和一些荷兰盾。
Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four-pound notes and four ten-shilling notes, and the rest in small change?请你给我7张5镑纸币,4张1镑纸币,4张10先令纸币,剩下的要零票。

在银行兑换外币的英语对话Customer: Good morning. I'd like to exchange some foreign currency, please.Teller: Good morning! Of course, I'd be happy to help you with that. What currency would you like to exchange today?Customer: I need to exchange US dollars to euros, please.Teller: No problem at all. Do you have any specific amount in mind, or would you like to exchange a set amount?Customer: I'm planning to exchange about 500 US dollars.Teller: Alright. Let's see the current exchange rate for you. (Checking the rate) The current rate is 1 USD to 0.85 EUR. So, for 500 USD, you would receive 425 EUR. Does that sound okay to you?Customer: Yes, that's fine. I'll go ahead with that.Teller: Great. Could I see your identification, please? We require a valid ID for currency exchange transactions.Customer: Sure, here's my passport.Teller: Thank you. I just need to make a copy of this for our records. (Making a copy) There you go. Now, please fillout this exchange form with your details, and I'll processyour transaction.Customer: (Filling out the form) Okay, I've filled it out. Here you are.Teller: Thank you. Let me just double-check the information. (Checking the form) Everything looks good.Please initial here and sign at the bottom.Customer: (Signing the form) There you go.Teller: Excellent. It will take just a moment to countout your euros. (Counting the money) Here is your 425 EUR. Please count it to make sure it's correct.Customer: (Counting the money) Yes, that's correct. Thank you.Teller: You're welcome! Do you need any smaller denominations, or is that fine as it is?Customer: No, that's perfect. Thank you very much foryour help.Teller: It was my pleasure. If you have any morequestions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Havea great day!Customer: Thank you, you too. Goodbye!Teller: Goodbye!。
最新 金融专业英语词汇大全汇总表(带音标下载版)

金融专业英语词汇大全汇总表(带音标下载版)(共2346个) 2019.21.meanwhile[ˈmiːnwaɪl] adv. 同时,其间; n. 其间,其时【单词助记】相同意思:in the meantime,at the same time2.xerox[ˈzɪrɑːks] v. 复印【单词助记】 xe"影印xerox"成了ox———by Arthur3.preface[ˈprefəs] n. 序言,前言,开端【单词助记】【记】pre前,face脸-书前面的脸-序言4.tackle[ˈtækl] v. 处理,对付,(足球等比赛中)阻截; n. 滑车,用具,阻截【单词助记】我用{滑车等装备}把它 [带走]tack "了"le,因为我能{处理}这事情plete[kəmˈpliːt] adj. 完整的,完成的; v. 完成,使齐全【单词助记】 plet,ple,plen,pli=full,fill,表示"满,填满"。
complete a 完全的(com 全部+plete 满→全满→完全的)6.worthwhile[ˌwɜːrθˈwaɪl] adj. 值得(花时间、精力)的,有意义的【单词助记】 worthwhile 有价值的那一会儿=值得花时间的7.talent[ˈtælənt] n. 才能,天赋【单词助记】【音】太能的;天才就是太能的人8.sympathy[ˈsɪmpəθi] n. 同情,同感【单词助记】谁怕谁——不和你斗,我不是怕你,我是同情你9.mean[miːn] n. 平均值,方法; v. 意味着; adj. 下贱的,卑鄙的,平均的,吝啬的【单词助记】 mean;连串记忆"平均"意味着""卑鄙"10.woollen[ˈwʊlən] adj. 羊毛(制)的,羊毛的【单词助记】「谐音」我冷。
需要羊毛衫11.synthesis[ˈsɪnθəsɪs] n. 合成【单词助记】 thesis,thet=setting,表示"放置"。

金融英语口语听力大全(MP3+双语字幕)第18期:帐户规章与条例Account Rules and Regulations帐户规章与条例Leah Jacobs has just opened a savings account at theFirst National Bank.She is asking a clerk about the meaning of the rules and regulations printed on her passbook.利厄·雅各布斯刚刚在第一国民银行开立了一个储蓄帐户,她正在向一个职员询问相关印在存折上的各项规章与条例的含义。
Do you mean that I have to give you notice before I can make a withdrawal?您是说,在我取款之前,得事先给您一个通知吗?Clerk:Yes,Mrs.Jacobs,it technically means that .All banks may technically require prenotification before they must honour withdrawal requests on savings or other interest bearing accounts.职员:是的,雅各布斯夫人。
J:How much notice must I give ?雅各布斯:我需要提前多少时间通知银行?C:Our bank ,like many others,may require seven day's notice .But in actual practice we honour your request without requiring notification .职员:象很多其他银行一样,我们银行可能要求7天前通知。
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Currency conversion
New Words
passport n.
philosophy n.
personal adj.
data n.
bankbook n.
Phrases & Expressions
come round
currency conversion rate
1.May I join you?
Certainly, welcome.
2.May I come round tomorrow morning?
Yes, please do.
3.May I leave this copy with you?
Yes, you may.
4.May I see your passport please?
Certainly, here you are.
5.May we all attend the philosophy lecture?
Yes, the lecture is by a famous professor. Don't miss the chance to listen to her.
6.May I ask a question about this foreign currency bill?
Of course, please.
7.May I copy the list of foreign curency conversion rate?
Not necessary. I'll give you a duplicate copy.
8.May I help you?
Yes. There seems to be something wrong with this computer.有,看来这台计算机可能有毛病。
9.May we have all your personal data please?
Yes, of course.
10.May I have a look at your bankbook?
Yes, here you are. Is there anything wrong?