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A: (1)_____________________________?

B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.

A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had a good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?

B: (2)___________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. So I didn’t watch the match.

A: (3)___________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening. B: (4)_____________________________?

A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember:(5) _________________________.

2. 对话填空,每空一词,词的第一个字母已经给出。

A: Hi, Mary. You look so h____(1).___!

B: Thank you. I often drink m___(2).____.

A: How o___(3).___ do you drink milk?

B: I drink milk almost every d___(4)._____.

A: Do you l___(5).___ it?

B: Yes, I like it very m___(6).___.

A: W___(7).___ do you like it so much?

B: My mother says it’s g___(8).___ for my health. And I also t____(9).___ so.


Jack: Look at yourself, Tom. You are too fat. You are not fit. (1)

Tom: What food should I eat then?

Jack: You should stop eating sweets. (2)

Tom: (3) I like them very much.

Jack: No, you can't. (4)

Tom: OK. I will try to do so.

1. 根据所给情景完成下列


A: Good afternoon, Mrs.

Brown. What can I do


B: Good afternoon, Doctor.

I'm not (2)________ well. A: What's the (3)________with you?

B: My head hurts.

A: Do you have a (4)________?

B: No. My temperature seems to be (5)____(6)___.

A: Open your (7)________and say "Ah".

B: Ah!

A: You'd better stay in (8)________for a day (9)________two. And take this medicine twice a day.

B: (10)________.


(Doctor :D Patient :P)

D: W (1) the mater?

P:I have a cold, cough! Cough! I have a terrible c (2) ,

ouch! M (3) head ,Oh, my god, help me!

D:T (4) it easy. Let me exam. Open your mouth, Ah-----ok, good,

take your fever,please.Oh,38.9℃.You have a f (5) .You have a bad cold. P: Is it terrible?

D: Maybe. You should t (6) some medicine and go to bed for a good rest. I hope you feel w (7) soon.

P: It's very kind of you, doctor. Thanks a lot.

D: My pleasure.


1. 补全对话,选择适当的句子完成对话。

A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation?

B: (1) . I’m leaving on Friday. How about you?

A: I’m going to sports camp.

B: Oh , cool! (2) .

A: On the eleventh.

B: (3) .

A: What about you, Tom?
