
混凝土中硅酸盐水泥的特性及应用一、硅酸盐水泥的概述硅酸盐水泥(Silicate cement),又称水玻璃水泥、钠玻璃水泥、硅酸盐水泥、无机胶凝材料,是一种以硅酸盐为主要成分的水泥。
二、硅酸盐水泥的特点1. 硬度高:硅酸盐水泥具有极高的硬度,是所有水泥中硬度最高的,因此在建筑中常用于制作高强度的地基、混凝土和砌体等。
2. 耐腐蚀:硅酸盐水泥具有很好的耐腐蚀性能,可以抵抗酸、碱等腐蚀物质,因此在化工、冶金等行业中应用广泛。
3. 抗渗性好:硅酸盐水泥中含有大量的硅酸盐,具有良好的抗渗性能,可以有效地防止水的渗透。
4. 抗压强度高:硅酸盐水泥的抗压强度很高,通常比普通水泥高出20%以上,因此在建筑中常用于制作各种高强度的混凝土和砌体等。
三、硅酸盐水泥的应用1. 混凝土制作:硅酸盐水泥在混凝土制作中有着广泛的应用,可以制作高强度的混凝土,因此在高层建筑、桥梁、隧道等建筑中应用较多。
2. 砌体制作:硅酸盐水泥可以制作高强度、高密度的砌体,因此在建筑墙体、隔墙等方面应用较多。
3. 防水涂料:硅酸盐水泥可以制作防水涂料,具有良好的抗渗性能,可以有效地防止水的渗透。
4. 耐酸碱砖:硅酸盐水泥可以制作耐酸碱砖,在化工、冶金等行业中应用广泛。
5. 硬化剂:硅酸盐水泥可以作为硬化剂使用,可以使混凝土、石材等材料硬化、增强强度。
1. 原料准备:硅酸盐水泥的主要原料是硅酸盐水玻璃和硬化剂。
2. 混合:将硅酸盐水玻璃和硬化剂按一定比例混合,形成硅酸盐水泥浆。

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 1 ( 2001)15 Shrinkage, Cracking and Deflection-the Serviceability of Concrete Structures R.I. GilbertProfessor and Head, School of Civil and Environmental EngineeringThe University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052Email: ******************.auABSTRACT This paper addresses the effects of shrinkage on the serviceability of concrete structures. It outlines why shrinkage is important, its major influence on the final extent of cracking and the magnitude of deflection in structures, and what to do about it in design. A model is presented for predicting the shrinkage strain in normal and high strength concrete and the time-dependent behaviour of plain concrete and reinforced concrete, with and without external restraints, is explained. Analytical procedures are described for estimating the final width and spacing of both flexural cracks and direct tension cracks and a simplified procedure is presented for including the effects of shrinkage when calculating long-term deflection. The paper also contains an overview of the considerations currently being made by the working group established by Standards Australia to revise the serviceability provisions of AS3600-1994, particularly those clauses related to shrinkage.KEYWORDSCreep; Cracking; Deflection; Reinforced concrete; Serviceability; Shrinkage.1. IntroductionFor a concrete structure to be serviceable, cracking must be controlled and deflections must not be excessive. It must also not vibrate excessively. Concrete shrinkage plays a major role in each of these aspects of the service load behaviour of concrete structures.The design for serviceability is possibility the most difficult and least well understood aspect of the design of concrete structures. Service load behaviour depends primarily on the properties of the concrete and these are often not known reliably at the design stage. Moreover, concrete behaves in a non-linear and inelastic manner at service loads. The non-linear behaviour that complicates serviceability calculations is due to cracking, tension stiffening, creep, and shrinkage. Of these, shrinkage is the most problematic. Restraint to shrinkage causes time-dependent cracking and gradually reduces the beneficial effects of tension stiffening. It results in a gradual widening of existing cracks and, in flexural members, a significant increase in deflections with time.The control of cracking in a reinforced or prestressed concrete structure is usually achieved by limiting the stress increment in the bonded reinforcement to some appropriately low value and ensuring that the bonded reinforcement is suitably distributed. Many codes of practice specify maximum steel stress increments after cracking and maximum spacing requirements for the bonded reinforcement. However, few existing code procedures, if any, account adequately for the gradual increase in existing crack widths with time, due primarily to shrinkage, or the time-dependent development of new cracks resulting from tensile stresses caused by restraint to shrinkage.For deflection control, the structural designer should select maximum deflection limits that are appropriate to the structure and its intended use. The calculated deflection (or camber) must not exceed these limits. Codes of practice give general guidance for both the selection of the maximum deflection limits and the calculation of deflection. However, the simplified procedures for calculating e J S E Internationaldeflection in most codes were developed from tests on simply-supported reinforced concrete beams and often produce grossly inaccurate predictions when applied to more complex structures. Again, the existing code procedures do not provide real guidance on how to adequately model the time-dependent effects of creep and shrinkage in deflection calculations.Serviceability failures of concrete structures involving excessive cracking and/or excessive deflection are relatively common. Numerous cases have been reported, in Australia and elsewhere, of structures that complied with code requirements but still deflected or cracked excessively. In a large majority of these failures, shrinkage of concrete is primarily responsible. Clearly, the serviceability provisions embodied in our codes do not adequately model the in-service behaviour of structures and, in particular, fail to account adequately for shrinkage.The quest for serviceable concrete structures must involve the development of more reliable design procedures. It must also involve designers giving more attention to the specification of an appropriate concrete mix, particularly with regard to the creep and shrinkage characteristics of the mix, and sound engineering input is required in the construction procedures. High performance concrete structures require the specification of high performance concrete (not necessarily high strength concrete, but concrete with relatively low shrinkage, not prone to plastic shrinkage cracking) and a high standard of construction, involving suitably long stripping times, adequate propping, effective curing procedures and rigorous on-site supervision.This paper addresses some of these problems, particularly those related to designing for the effects of shrinkage. It outlines how shrinkage affects the in-service behaviour of structures and what to do about it in design. It also provides an overview of the considerations currently being made by the working group established by Standards Australia to revise the serviceability provisions of AS3600-1994 [1], particularly those clauses related to shrinkage.2. Designing for ServiceabilityWhen designing for serviceability, the designer must ensure that the structure can perform its intended function under the day to day service loads. Deflection must not be excessive, cracks must be adequately controlled and no portion of the structure should suffer excessive vibration. Shrinkage causes time-dependent cracking, thereby reducing the stiffness of a concrete structure, and is therefore a detrimental factor in all aspects of the design for serviceability.Deflection problems that may affect the serviceability of concrete structures can be classified into three main types:(a)Where excessive deflection causes either aesthetic or functional problems.(b)Where excessive deflection results in damage to either structural or non-structural elementattached to the member.(c)Where dynamics effects due to insufficient stiffness cause discomfort to occupants.3. Effects of ShrinkageIf concrete members were free to shrink, without restraint, shrinkage of concrete would not be a major concern to structural engineers. However, this is not the case. The contraction of a concrete member is often restrained by its supports or by the adjacent structure. Bonded reinforcement also restrains shrinkage. Each of these forms of restraint involve the imposition of a gradually increasing tensile force on the concrete which may lead to time-dependent cracking (in previously uncracked regions), increases in deflection and a widening of existing cracks. Restraint to shrinkage is probably the most common cause of unsightly cracking in concrete structures. In many cases, these problemsarise because shrinkage has not been adequately considered by the structural designer and the effects of shrinkage are not adequately modelled in the design procedures specified in codes of practice for crack control and deflection calculation.The advent of shrinkage cracking depends on the degree of restraint to shrinkage, the extensibility and strength of the concrete in tension, tensile creep and the load induced tension existing in the member. Cracking can only be avoided if the gradually increasing tensile stress induced by shrinkage, and reduced by creep, is at all times less than the tensile strength of the concrete. Although the tensile strength of concrete increases with time, so too does the elastic modulus and, therefore, so too does the tensile stress induced by shrinkage. Furthermore, the relief offered by creep decreases with age. The existence of load induced tension in uncracked regions accelerates the formation of time-dependent cracking. In many cases, therefore, shrinkage cracking is inevitable. The control of such cracking requires two important steps. First, the shrinkage-induced tension and the regions where shrinkage cracks are likely to develop must be recognised by the structural designer. Second, an adequate quantity and distribution of anchored reinforcement must be included in these regions to ensure that the cracks remain fine and the structure remains serviceable.3.1 What is Shrinkage?Shrinkage of concrete is the time-dependent strain measured in an unloaded and unrestrained specimen at constant temperature. It is important from the outset to distinguish between plastic shrinkage, chemical shrinkage and drying shrinkage. Some high strength concretes are prone to plastic shrinkage, which occurs in the wet concrete, and may result in significant cracking during the setting process. This cracking occurs due to capillary tension in the pore water. Since the bond between the plastic concrete and the reinforcement has not yet developed, the steel is ineffective in controlling such cracks. This problem may be severe in the case of low water content, silica fume concrete and the use of such concrete in elements such as slabs with large exposed surfaces is not recommended.Drying shrinkage is the reduction in volume caused principally by the loss of water during the drying process. Chemical (or endogenous) shrinkage results from various chemical reactions within the cement paste and includes hydration shrinkage, which is related to the degree of hydration of the binder in a sealed specimen. Concrete shrinkage strain, which is usually considered to be the sum of the drying and chemical shrinkage components, continues to increase with time at a decreasing rate.Shrinkage is assumed to approach a final value, *sc ε, as time approaches infinity and is dependent onall the factors which affect the drying of concrete, including the relative humidity and temperature, the mix characteristics (in particular, the type and quantity of the binder, the water content and water-to-cement ratio, the ratio of fine to coarse aggregate, and the type of aggregate), and the size and shape of the member.Drying shrinkage in high strength concrete is smaller than in normal strength concrete due to the smaller quantities of free water after hydration. However, endogenous shrinkage is significantly higher.For normal strength concrete (50≤'c f MPa), AS3600 suggests that the design shrinkage (which includes both drying and endogenous shrinkage) at any time after the commencement of drying may be estimated fromb cs cs k .1εε=(1)where b cs .ε is a basic shrinkage strain which, in the absence of measurements, may be taken to be 850 x 10-6 (note that this value was increased from 700 x 10-6 in the recent Amendment 2 of the Standard); k 1 is obtained by interpolation from Figure in the Standard and depends on the time since the commencement of drying, the environment and the concrete surface area to volume ratio. A hypothetical thickness, t h = 2A / u e , is used to take this into account, where A is the cross-sectional area of the member and u e is that portion of the section perimeter exposed to the atmosphere plus half the total perimeter of any voids contained within the section.AS3600 states that the actual shrinkage strain may be within a range of plus or minus 40% of the value predicted (increased from ± 30% in Amendment 2 to AS3600-1994). In the writer’s opin ion, this range is still optimistically narrow, particularly when one considers the size of the country and the wide variation in shrinkage measured in concretes from the various geographical locations. Equation 1 does not include any of the effects related to the composition and quality of the concrete. The same value of εcs is predicted irrespective of the concrete strength, the water-cement ratio, the aggregate type and quantity, the type of admixtures, etc. In addition, the factor k 1 tends to overestimate the effect of member size and significantly underestimate the rate of shrinkage development at early ages.The method should be used only as a guide for concrete with a low water-cement ratio (<0.4) and with a well graded, good quality aggregate. Where a higher water-cement ratio is expected or when doubts exist concerning the type of aggregate to be used, the value of εcs predicted by AS3600 should be increased by at least 50%. The method in the Standard for the prediction of shrinkage strain is currently under revision and it is quite likely that significant changes will be proposed with the inclusion of high strength concretes.A proposal currently being considered by Standards Australia, and proposed by Gilbert (1998) [9], involves the total shrinkage strain, εcs , being divided into two components, endogenous shrinkage, εcse , (which is assumed to develop relatively rapidly and increases with concrete strength) and drying shrinkage, εcsd (which develops more slowly, but decreases with concrete strength). At any time t (in days) after pouring, the endogenous shrinkage is given byεcse = ε*cse (1.0 - e -0.1t ) (2) where ε*cse is the final endogenous shrinkage and may be taken as ε*cse 610)503(-⨯-'=c f , wherec f ' is in MPa. The basic drying shrinkage *csd ε is given by66*1025010)81100(--⨯≥⨯'-=c csd f ε(3) and at any time t (in days) after the commencement of drying, the drying shrinkage may be taken as*1csd csd k εε= (4)The variable 1k is given by )7/(8.08.0541h t t t k k k += (5) where h t e k and 5k is equal to 0.7 for an arid environment, 0.6 for a temperate environment and 0.5 for a tropical/coastal environment. For an interior environment, k 5 may be taken as 0.65. The value of k 1 given by Equation 5 has the same general shape as that given in Figure6.1.7.2 in AS3600, except that shrinkage develops more rapidly at early ages and the reduction in drying shrinkage with increasing values of t h is not as great.The final shrinkage at any time is therefore the sum of the endogenous shrinkage (Equation 2) and the drying shrinkage (Equation 4). For example, for specimens in an interior environment with hypothetical thicknesses t h = 100 mm and t h = 400 mm, the shrinkage strains predicted by the above model are given in Table 1. Table 1 Design shrinkage strains predicted by proposed model for an interior environment. h t c f ' *cse ε (x 10-6)*csd ε(x 10-6) Strain at 28 days (x 10-6) Strain at 10000 days (x 10-6) cse ε csd ε cs ε cse ε csd ε cs ε 100 2525 900 23 449 472 25 885 910 50100 700 94 349 443 100 690 790 75175 500 164 249 413 175 493 668 100250 300 235 150 385 250 296 546 4002525 900 23 114 137 25 543 568 50100 700 94 88 182 100 422 522 75175 500 164 63 227 175 303 478 100 250 300 235 38 273 250 182 4323.2 Shrinkage in Unrestrained and Unreinforced Concrete (Gilbert, 1988) [7]Drying shrinkage is greatest at the surfaces exposed to drying and decreases towards the interior of a concrete member. In Fig.1a , the shrinkage strains through the thickness of a plain concrete slab, drying on both the top and bottom surfaces, are shown. The slab is unloaded and unrestrained.The mean shrinkage strain, εcs in Fig. 1, is the average contraction. The non-linear strain labelled ∆εcs is that portion of the shrinkage strain that causes internal stresses to develop. These self-equilibrating stresses (called eigenstresses) produce the elastic and creep strains required to restore compatibility (ie. to ensure that plane sections remain plane). These stresses occur in all concrete structures and are tensile near the drying surfaces and compressive in the interior of the member. Because the shrinkage-induced stresses develop gradually with time, they are relieved by creep. Nevertheless, the tensile stresses near the drying surfaces often overcome the tensile strength of the immature concrete and result in surface cracking, soon after the commencement of drying. Moist curing delays the commencement of drying and may provide the concrete time to develop sufficient tensile strength to avoid unsightly surface cracking.Fig. 1 - Strain components caused by shrinkage in a plain concrete slab.The elastic plus creep strains caused by the eigenstresses are equal and opposite to ∆εcs and are shown in Fig. 1b. The total strain distribution, obtained by summing the elastic, creep and shrinkage strain components, is linear (Fig. 1c) thus satisfying compatibility. If the drying conditions are the same at both the top and bottom surfaces, the total strain is uniform over the depth of the slab and equal to the mean shrinkage strain, εcs . It is this quantity that is usually of significance in the analysis of concrete structures. If drying occurs at a different rate from the top and bottom surfaces, the total strain distribution becomes inclined and a warping of the member results.4. Control of deflectionThe control of deflections may be achieved by limiting the calculated deflection to an acceptably small value. Two alternative general approaches for deflection calculation are specified in AS3600 (1), namely ‘deflection by refined calculation’ (Clause 9.5.2 for beams and Clause 9.3.2 for slabs) and ‘deflection by simplified calculation’ (Clause 9.5.3 for beams and Clause 9.3.3 for slabs). The former is not specified in detail but allowance should be made for cracking and tension stiffening, the shrinkage and creep properties of the concrete, the expected load history and, for slabs, the two-way action of the slab. 呵呵The long-term or time-dependent behaviour of a beam or slab under sustained service loads can be determined using a variety of analytical procedures (Gilbert, 1988) [7], including the Age-Adjusted Effective Modulus Method (AEMM), described in detail by Gilbert and Mickleborough (1997) [12]. The use of the AEMM to determine the instantaneous and time-dependent deformation of the critical cross-sections in a beam or slab and then integrating the curvatures to obtain deflection, is a refined calculation method and is recommended.Using the AEMM, the strain and curvature on individual cross-sections at any time can be calculated, as can the stress in the concrete and bonded reinforcement or tendons. The routine use of the AEMM in the design of concrete structures for the serviceability limit states is strongly encouraged.5. Control of flexural crackingIn AS3600-1994, the control of flexural cracking is deemed to be satisfactory, providing the designer satisfies certain detailing requirements. These involve maximum limits on the centre-to-centre spacing of bars and on the distance from the side or soffit of the beam to the nearest longitudinal bar. These limits do not depend on the stress in the tensile steel under service loads and have been found to be unreliable when the steel stress exceeds about 240 MPa. The provisions of AS3600-1994 over-simplify the problem and do not always ensure adequate control of cracking.With the current move to higher strength reinforcing steels (characteristic strengths of 500 MPa and above), there is an urgent need to review the crack-control design rules in AS3600 for reinforced concrete beams and slabs. The existing design rules for reinforced concrete flexural elements are intended for use in the design of elements containing 400 MPa bars and are sometimes unconservative. They are unlikely to be satisfactory for members in which higher strength steels are used, where steel stresses at service loads are likely to be higher due to the reduced steel area required for strength.6. ConclusionsThe effects of shrinkage on the behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete members under sustained service loads has been discussed. In particular, the mechanisms of shrinkage warping in unsymmetrically reinforced elements and shrinkage cracking in restrained direct tension members has been described. Recent amendments to the serviceability provisions of AS3600 have beenoutlined and techniques for the control of deflection and cracking are presented. Reliable procedures for the prediction of long-term deflections and final crack widths in flexural members have also been proposed and illustrated by examples.收缩,开裂和变形–混凝土结构使用的可靠性里吉尔伯特土木及环境工程学校校长兼教授新南威尔士大学,悉尼,新南威尔士州 2052 号电子邮件:******************.au摘要本文讨论收缩对混凝土结构可靠性的影响,它概述了为什么收缩是重要的,它的主要影响,即对结构最终的开裂程度和挠度大小的影响,以及在设计中应该注意什么?有一种模型可以预测在普通混凝土、高强度混凝土、不稳定性普通混凝土和钢筋混凝土中的收缩应变,无论有没有外部约束的情况下,都可以用这种模型来解释。

新拌混凝土的性能中英文资料外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Properties of Fresh ConcreteFresh concrete is a mixture of water, cement, aggregate and admixture (if any). After mixing, operations such as transporting, placing, compacting and finishing of fresh concrete can all considerably affect the properties of hardened concrete. It is important that the constituent materials remain uniformly distributed within the concrete mass during the various stages of its handling and that full compaction is achieved. When either of these conditions is not satisfied the properties of the resulting hardened concrete, for example, strength and durability, are adversely affected.The characteristics of fresh concrete which affect full compaction are its consistency, mobility and compactability. In concrete practice these are often collectively known as workability. The ability of concrete to maintain its uniformity is governed by its stability, which depends on its consistency and its cohesiveness. Since the methods employed for conveying, placing and consolidatingd a concrete mix, as well as the nature of the section to be cast, may vary from job to job it follows that the corresponding workability and stability requirements will also vary. The assessment of the suitability of a fresh concrete for a particular job will alwaysto some extent remain a matter of personal judgment.In spite of its importance, the behaviour of plastic concrete often tends to be overlooked. It is recommended that students should learn to appreciate the significance of the various characteristics of concrete in its plastic state and know how these may alter during operations involved in casting a concrete structure.13.1 WorkabilityWorkability of concrete has never been precisely defined. For practical purposes it generally implies the ease with which a concrete mix can be handled from the mixer to its finally compacted shape. The three main characteristics of the property are consistency, mobility and compactability. Consistency is a measure of wetness or fluidity. Mobility defines the ease with which a mix can flow into and completely fill the formwork or mould. Compactability is the ease with which a given mix can be fully compacted, all the trapped air being removed. In this context the required workability of a mix depends not only on the characteristics and relative proportions of the constituent materials but also on (1) the methods employed for conveyance and compaction, (2) the size, shape and surface roughness of formwork or moulds and (3) the quantity and spacing of reinforcement.Another commonly accepted definition of workability is related to the amount of useful internal work necessary to produce full compaction. It should be appreciated that the necessary work again depends on the nature of the section being cast. Measurement of internal work presents many difficulties and several methods have been developed for this purpose but none gives an absolute measure of workability.The tests commonly used for measuring workability do not measure the individual characteristics (consistency, mobility and compactability) of workability. However, they do provide useful and practical guidance on the workability of a mix. Workability affects the quality of concrete and has a direct bearing on cost so that, for example, an unworkable concrete mix requires more time and labour for full compaction. It is most important that a realistic assessment is made of the workability required for given site conditions before any decision is taken regarding suitable concrete mix proportions.13.2 Measurement of WorkabilityThree tests widely used for measuring workability are the slump, compacting factorand V-B consistometer tests (figure 13.1). These are standard tests in the United Kingdom and are described in detail in BS 1881: Part 2. Their use is also recommended in CP 110: Part 1. It is important to note that there is no single relationship between the slump, compacting factor and V-B results for different concretes. In the following sections the salient features of these tests together with their merits and limitations are discussed.Slump TestThis test was developed by Chapman in the United States in 1913. A 300 mm high concrete cone, prepared under standard conditions (BS 1881: Part 2) is allowed to subside and the slump or reduction in height of the cone is taken to be a measure of workability. The apparatus is inexpensive, portable and robustd and is the simplest of all the methods employed for measuring workability. It is not surprising that, in spite of its several limitations, the slump test has retained its popularity.Figure 13.1 Apparatus for workability measurement: (a) slump cone, (b) compacting factor and(c) V-B consistometerThe test primarily measures the consistency of plastic concrete and although it is difficult to see any significant relationship between slump and workability as defined previously, it is suitable for detecting changes in workability. For example, an increase in the water content or deficiency in the proportion of fine aggregate results in an increase in slump. Although the test is suitable for quality-controlpurposes it should be remembered that it is generally considered to be unsuitable formix design since concretes requiring varying amounts of work for compaction can have similar numerical values of slump. The sensitivity and reliability of the test for detecting variation in mixes of different workabilities is largely dependent on its sensitivity to consistency. The test is not suitable for very dry or wet mixes. For very dry mixes, with zero or near-zero slump, moderate variations in workability do not result in measurable changes in slump. For wet mixes, complete collapse of the concrete produces unreliable values of slump.Figure 13.2 Three main types of slumpThe three types of slump usually observed are true slump, shear slump and collapse slump, as illustrated in figure 13.2. A true slump is observed with cohesive and rich mixes for which the slump is generally sensitive to variations in workability.A collapse slump is usually associated with very wet mixes and is generally indicative of poor quality concrete and most frequently results from segregation of its constituent materials. Shear slump occurs more often in leaner mixes than in rich ones and indicates a lack of cohesion which is generally associated with harsh mixes (low mortar content). whenever a shear slump is obtained the test should be repeated and, if persistent, this fact should be recorded together with test results, because widely different values of slump can be obtained depending on whether the slump is of true or shear form.The standard slump apparatus is only suitable for concretes in which the maximum aggregate size does not exceed 37.5 mm. It should be noted that the value of slump changes with time after mixing owing to normal hydration processes and evaporation of some of the free water, and it is desirable therefore that tests are performed within a fixed period of time.Compacting Factor TestThis test, developed in the United Kingdom by Glanville et al. (1947), measures the degree of compaction for a standard amount of work and thus offers a direct and reasonably reliable assessment of the workability of concrete as previously defined. The apparatus is a relatively simple mechanical contrivance (figure 13.1) and is fully described in BS 1881: Part 2. The test requires measurement of the weights of the partially and fully compacted concrete and the ratio of the partially compacted weight to the fully compacted weight, which is always less than 1, is known as the compacting factor. For the normal range of concretes the compacting factor lies between 0.80 and 0.92. The test is particularly useful for drier mixes for which the slump test is not satisfactory. The sensitivity of the compacting factor is reduced outside the normal range of workability and is generally unsatisfactory for compacting factors greater than 0.92.It should also be appreciated that, strictly speaking, some of the basic assumptions of the test are not correct. The work done to overcome surface friction of the measuring cylinder probably varies with the characteristics of the mix. It has been shown by Cusens (1956) that for concretes with very low workability the actual work required to obtain full compaction depends on the richness of a mix while the compacting factor remains sensibly unaffected. Thus it follows that the generally held belief that concretes with the same compacting factor require the same amount of work for full compaction cannot always be justified. One further point to note is that the procedure for placing concrete in the measuring cylinder bears no resemblance to methods commonly employed on the site. As in the slump test, the measurement of compacting factor must be made within a certain specified period. The standard apparatus is suitable for concrete with a maximum aggregate size of up to 37.5 mm. V-B Consistometer TestThis test was developed in Sweden by B a hrner (1940) (see figure 13.1). Although generally regarded as a test primarily used in research its potential is now more widely acknowledged in industry and the test is gradually being accepted. In this test (BS 1881: Part 2) the time taken to transform, by means of vibration, a standard cone of concrete to a compacted flat cylindrical mass is recorded. This is known as the V-B time, in seconds, and is stated to the nearest 0.5 s. Unlike the two previous tests, the treatment of concrete in this test is comparable to the method of compacting concrete in practice. Moreover, the test is sensitive to change inconsistency, mobility and compactability, and therefore a reasonable correlation between the test results and site assessment of workability can be expected.The test is suitable for a wide range of mixes and, unlike the slump and compacting factor tests, it is sensitive to variations in workability of very dry and also air-entrained concretes. It is also more sensitive to variation in aggregate characteristics such as shape and surface texture. The reproducibility of results is good. As for other tests its accuracy tends to decrease with increasing maximum size of aggregate; above 19.0 mm the test results become somewhat unreliable. For concretes requiring very little vibration for compaction the V-B time is only about 3 s. Such results are likely to be less reliable than for larger V-B times because of the difficulty in estimating the time of the end point (concrete in contact withd the whole of the underside of the plastic disc). At the other end of the workability range, such as with very dry mixes, the recorded V-B times are likely to be in excess of their true workability since prolonged vibration is required to remove the entrapped air bubbles under the transparent disc. To overcome this difficulty an automatic device which records the vertical settlement of the disc with respect to time can be attached to the apparatus. This recording device can also assist in eliminating human error in judging the end point. The apparatus for the V-B test is more expensive than that for the slump and compacting factor tests, requiring an electric power supply and greater experience in handling; all these factors make it more suitable for the precast concrete industry and ready-mixed concrete plants than for general site use.13.3 Factors Affecting WorkabilityVarious factors known to influence the workability of a freshly mixed concrete are shown in figure 13.3. From the following discussion it will be apparent that a change in workability associated with the constituent materials is mainly affected by water content and specific surface of cement and aggregate.Cement and WaterFigure 13.3 Factors affecting workability of fresh conreteTypical relationships between the cement-water ratio (by volume) and the volume fraction of cement for different workabilities are shown in figure 15.5. The change in workability for a given change in cement-water ratio is greater when the water content is changed than when only the cement content is changed. In general theeffect of the cement content is greater for richer mixes. Hughes (1971) has shown that similar linear relationships exist irrespective of the properties of the constituent materials.For a given mix, the workability of the concrete decreases as the fineness of the cement increases as a result of the increased specific surface, this effect being more marked in rich mixtures. It should also be noted that the finer cements improve the cohesiveness of a mix. With the exception of gypsum, the composition of cement has no apparent effect on workability. Unstable gypsum is responsible for false set, which can impair workability unless prolonged mixing or remixing of the fresh concrete is carried out. Variations in quality of water suitable for making concrete have no significant effect on workability.AdmixturesThe principal admixtures affecting improvement in the workability of concrete are water-reducing and air-entraining agents. The extent of the increase in workability is dependent on the type and amount of admixture used and the general characteristics of the fresh concrete.Workability admixtures are used to increase workability while the mix proportions are kept constant or to reduce the water content while maintaining constant workability. The former results in a slight reduction in concrete strength.Air-entraining agents are by far the most commonly used workability admixtures because they also improve both the cohesiveness of the plastic concrete and the frost resistance of the resulting hardened concrete. Two points of practical importance concerning air-entrained concrete are that for a given amount of entrained air, the increase in workability tends to be smaller for concretes containing rounded aggregates or low cement-water ratios (by volume) and, in general, the rate of increase in workability tends to decrease with increasing air content. However, as a guide it may be assumed that every 1 per cent increase in air content will increase the compacting factor by 0.01 and reduce the V-B time by 10 per cent.AggregateFor given cement, water and aggregate contents, the workability of concrete is mainly influenced by the total surface area of the aggregate. The surface area is governed by the maximum size, grading and shape of the aggregate. Workability decreases as the specific surface increases, since this requires a greater proportion of cement paste to wet the aggregate particles, thus leaving a smaller amount of paste for lubrication. It follows that, all other conditions being equal, the workability will be increased when the maximum size of aggregate increases, the aggregate particles become rounded or the overall grading becomes coarser. However, the magnitude of this change inworkability depends on the mix proportions, the effect of the aggregate being negligible for very rich mixes (aggregate-cement ratios approaching 2). The practical significance of this is that for a given workability and cement-water ratio the amount of aggregate which can be used in a mix varies depending on the shape, maximum size and grading of the aggregate, as shown in figure 13.4 and tables 13.1 and 13.2. The influence of air-entrainment (4.5 per cent) on workability is shown also in figure 13.4.TABLE 13.1Effect of maximum size of aggregate of similar grading zone on aggregate-cement ratio of concrete having water-cement ratio of 0.55 by weight, based on McIntosh(1964)Maximum aggregatesize(mm)Aggregate-cement ratio (by weight)Low workability Medium workability High workability IrregulargravelCrushed rockIrregulargravelCrushed rockIrregulargravelCrushed rock9.5 19.0 37.5 13.2Effect of aggregate grading (maximum size 19.0 mm) on aggregate-cement ratio of concrete having medium workability and water-cement ratio of 0.55 by weight, basedon McIntosh (1964)Type of aggregateAggregate-cement ratioCoarse grading Fine gradingRounded gravel Irregular gravel Crushed rock 13.4 Effect of aggregate shape on aggregate-cement ratio of concretes for different workabilities, based on Cornelius (1970)Several methods have been developed for evaluating the shape of aggregate, a subject discussed in chapter 12. Angularity factors together with grading modulus and equivalent mean diameter provide a means of considering the respective effects of shape, size and grading of aggregate (see chapter 15). Since the strength of a fully compacted concrete, for given materials and cement-water ratio, is not dependent on the ratio of coarse to fine aggregate, maximum economy can be obtained by using the coarse aggregate content producing the maximum workability for a given cement content (Hughes, 1960) (see figure 13.5). The use of optimum coarse aggregate content in concrete mix design is described in chapter 15. It should be noted that it is the volume fraction of an aggregate, rather than its weight, which is important.Figure 13.5 A typical relationship between workability and coarse aggregate content of concrete, based on Hughes (1960)The effect of surface texture on workability is shown in figure 13.6. It can be seen that aggregates with a smooth texture result in higher workabilities than aggregates with a rough texture. Absorption characteristics of aggregate also affect workability where dry or partially dry aggregates are used. In such a case workability drops, the extent of the reduction being dependent on the aggregate content and its absorption capacity.Ambient ConditionsEnvironmental factors that may cause a reduction in workability are temperature, humidity and wind velocityd. For a given concrete, changes in workability are governed by the rate of hydration of the cement and the rate of evaporation of water. Therefore both the time interval from the commencement of mixing to compaction and the conditions of exposure influence the reduction in workability. An increase in the temperature speeds up the rate at which water is used for hydration as well as its loss through evaporation. Likewise wind velocity and humidity influence the workability as they affect the rate of evaporation. It is worth remembering that in practice these factors depend on weather conditions and cannot be controlled.Figure 13.6 Effect of aggregate surface texture on aggregate-cement ratio of concretes for different workabilities, based on Cornelius (1970)TimeThe time that elapses between mixing of concrete and its final compaction depends on the general conditions of work such as the distance between the mixer and the point of placing, site procedures and general management. The associated reduction in workability is a direct result of loss of free water with time through evaporation, aggregate absorption and initial hydration of the cement. The rate of loss of workability is affected by certain characteristics of the constituent materials, for example, hydration and heat development characteristics of the cement, initial moisture content and porosity of the aggregate, as well as the ambient conditions.For a given concrete and set of ambient conditions, the rate of loss of workability with time depends on the conditions of handling. Where concrete remains undisturbed after mixing until it is placed, the loss of workability during the first hour can be substantial, the rate of loss of workability decreasing with time as illustrated by curve A in figure 13.7. On the other hand, if it is continuously agitated, as in the case of ready-mixed concrete, the loss of workability is reduced, particularly during the first hour or so (see curve B in figure 13.7). However,prolonged agitation during transportation may increase the fineness of the solidparticles through abrasion and produce a further reduction in workability. For concretes continuously agitated and undisturbed during transportation, the time intervals permitted (BS 1926) between the commencement of mixing and delivery on site are 2 hours and 1 hour respectively.For practical purposes, loss of workability assumes importance when concrete becomes so unworkable that it cannot be effectively compacted, with the result that its strength and other properties become adversely affected. Corrective measures frequently taken to ensure that concrete at the time of placing has the desired workability are either an initial increase in the water content or an increase in the water content with further mixing shortly before the concrete is discharged. When this results in a water content greater than that originally intended, some reduction in strength and durability of the hardened concrete is to be expected unless the cement content is increased accordingly. This important fact is frequently overlooked on site. It should be recalled that the loss of workability varies with the mix, the ambient conditions, the handling conditions and the delivery time. No restriction on delivery time is given in CP 110: Part 1 but the concrete must be capable of being placed and effectively compacted without the addition of further water. For detailed information on the use of ready-mixed concrete the reader is advised to consult the work of Dewar (1973).Figure 13.7 Loss of workability of concrete with time: (A) no agitation and (B)continuously agitated after mixing13.4 StabilityApart from being sufficiently workable, fresh concrete should have a composition such that its constituent materials remain uniformly distributed in the concrete during both the period between mixing and compaction and the period following compaction before the concrete stiffens. Because of differences in the particle size and specific gravities of the constituent materials there exists a natural tendency for them to separate. Concrete capable of maintaining the required uniformity is said to be stable and most cohesive mixes belong to this category. For an unstable mix the extent towhich the constituent materials will separate depends on the methods of transportation, placing and compaction. The two most common features of an unstable concrete are segregation and bleeding.SegregationWhen there is a significant tendency for the large and fine particles in a mix to become separated, segregation is said to have occurred. In general, the less cohesive the mix the greater the tendency for segregation to occur. Segregation is governed by the total specific surface of the solid particles including cement and the quantity of mortar in the mix. Harsh, extremely wet and dry mixes as well as those deficient in sand, particularly the finer particles, are prone to segregation. As far as possible, conditions conducive to segregation such as jolting of concrete during transportation, dropping from excessive heights during placing and over-vibration during compaction should be avoided.Blemishes, sand streaks, porous layers and honeycombing are a direct result of segregation. These features are not only unsightly but also adversely affect strength, durability and other properties of the hardened concrete. It is important to realize that the effects of segregation may not be indicated by the routine strength tests on control specimens since the conditions of placing and compaction of the specimens differ from those in the actual structure. There are no specific rules for suspecting possible segregation but after some experience of mixing and handling concrete it is not difficult to recognize mixes where this is likely to occur. For example, if a handful of concrete is squeezed in the hand and then released so that it lies in the palm, a cohesive concrete will be seen to retain its shape. A concrete which does not retain its shape under these conditions may well be prone to segregation and this is particularly so far wet mixes.BleedingDuring compaction and until the cement paste has hardened there is a natural tendency for the solid particles, depending on size and specific gravity, to exhibit a downward movement. Where the consistency of a mix is such that it is unable to hold all its water some of it is gradually displaced and rises to the surface, and some may also leak through the joints of the formwork. Separation of water from a mix in this manner is known as bleeding. While some of the water reaches the top surface some may become trapped under the larger particles and under the reinforcing bars. The resulting variations in the effective water content within a concrete massproduce corresponding changes in its properties. For example, the strength of the concrete immediately underneath the reinforcing bars and coarse aggregate particles may be much less than the average strength and the resistance to percolation of water in these areas is reduced. In general, the concrete strength tends to increase with depth below the top surface. The water which reaches the top surface presents the most serious practical problems. If it is not removed, the concrete at and near the top surface will be much weaker and less durable than the remainder of the concrete. This can be particularly troublesome in slabs which have a large surface area. On the other hand, removal of the surface water will unduly delay the finishing operation on the site.The risk of bleeding increases when concrete is compacted by vibration although this may be minimized by using a correctly designed mix and ensuring that the concrete is not over-vibrated. Rich mixes tend to bleed less than lean mixes. The type of cement employed is also important, the tendency for bleeding to occur decreasing as the fineness of the cement or its alkaline and tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content increases. Air-entrainment provides another very effective means of controlling bleeding in, for example, wet lean mixes where both segregation and bleeding are frequently troublesome.新拌混凝土的性能新拌混凝土为水、水泥、集料和外加剂(如果有的话)的混合物。

混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Concrete technology and developmentPortland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction of a large number and variety of structures in the world today. This is attributed mainly to low cost of materials and construction for concrete structures as well as low cost of maintenance.Therefore, it is not surprising that many advancements in concrete technology have occurred as a result of two driving forces, namely the speed of construction and the durability of concrete.During the period 1940-1970, the availability of high early strength portland cements enabled the use of high water content in concrete mixtures that were easy to handle. This approach, however, led to serious problems with durability of structures, especially those subjected to severe environmental exposures.With us lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years.Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply. It includes the correct choice of the cement and the water, and the right treatment of the aggregates. Those which are dug near by and therefore cheap, must be sized, washed free of clay or silt, and recombined in the correct proportions so as to make a cheap concrete which is workable at a low water/cement ratio, thus easily comoacted to a high density and therefore strong.It hardens with age and the process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.Abrams’law, perhaps the oldest law of concrete technology, states that the strength of a concrete varies inversely with its water cement ratio. This means that the sand content (particularly the fine sand which needs much water) must be reduced so far as possible. The fact that the sand “drinks” large quantities of water can easily be established by mixing several batches of x kg of cement with y kg of stone and the same amount of water but increasing amounts of sand. However if there is no sand the concrete will be so stiff that it will be unworkable thereforw porous and weak. The same will be true if the sand is too coarse. Therefore for each set of aggregates, the correct mix must not be changed without good reason. This applied particularly to the water content.Any drinkable and many undrinkable waters can be used for making concrete, including most clear waters from the sea or rivers. It is important that clay should be kept out of the concrete. The cement if fresh can usually be chosen on the basis of the maker’s certificates of tensile or crushing tests, but these are always made with fresh cement. Where strength is important , and the cement at the site is old, it should be tested.This stress , causing breakage,will be a tension since concretes are from 9 to 11times as strong in compression as in tension, This stress, the modulus of rupture, will be roughly double the direct tensile breaking stress obtained in a tensile testing machine,so a very rough guess at the conpressive strength can be made by multiplying the modulus of rupture by 4.5. The method can be used in combination with the strength results of machine-crushed cubes or cylinders or tensile test pieces but cannot otherwise be regarded as reliable. With these comparisons,however, it is suitable for comparing concretes on the same site made from the same aggregates and cement, with beams cast and tested in the same way.Extreme care is necessary for preparation,transport,plating and finish of concrete in construction works.It is important to note that only a bit of care and supervision make a great difference between good and bad concrete.The following factors may be kept in mind in concreting works.MixingThe mixing of ingredients shall be done in a mixer as specified in the contract.Handling and ConveyingThe handling&conveying of concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit shall be done as rapidly as practicable and without any objectionable separation or loss of ingredients.Whenever the length of haul from the mixing plant to the place of deposit is such that the concrete unduly compacts or segregates,suitable agitators shall be installed in the conveying system.Where concrete is being conveyed on chutes or on belts,the free fall or drop shall be limited to 5ft.(or 150cm.) unless otherwise permitted.The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer.Placing ConcreteNo concrete shall be placed until the place of deposit has been thoroughly inspected and approved,all reinforcement,inserts and embedded metal properly security in position and checked,and forms thoroughly wetted(expect in freezing weather)or oiled.Placing shall be continued without avoidable interruption while the section is completed or satisfactory construction joint made.Within FormsConcrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain,until the completion of the unit,a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout.Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before placing the succeeding layer.CompactingMethod. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools during and immediately after depositing.The concrete shall be worked around all reinforcement,embedded fixtures,and into the comers of the forms.Every precaution shall be taken to keep the reinforcement and embedded metal in proper position and to prevent distortion.Vibrating. Wherever practicable,concrete shall be internally vibrated within the forms,or in the mass,in order to increase the plasticity as to compact effectively to improve the surface texture and appearance,and to facilitate placing of the concrete.Vibration shall be continued the entire batch melts to a uniform appearance and the surface just starts to glisten.A minute film of cement paste shall be discernible between the concrete and the form and around the reinforcement.Over vibration causing segregation,unnecessary bleeding or formation of laitance shall be avoided.The effect spent on careful grading, mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured. Curing means keeping the concretethoroughly damp for some time, usually a week, until it has reached the desired strength. So long as concrete is kept wet it will continue to gain strength, though more slowly as it grows older.Admixtures or additives to concrete are materials arematerials which are added to it or to the cement so as to improve one or more of the properties of the concrete. The main types are:1. Accelerators of set or hardening,2. Retarders of set or hardening,3. Air-entraining agents, including frothing or foaming agents,4. Gassing agents,5. Pozzolanas, blast-furnace slag cement, pulverized coal ash,6. Inhibitors of the chemical reaction between cement and aggregate, which might cause the aggregate to expand7. Agents for damp-proofing a concrete or reducing its permeability to water,8. Workability agents, often called plasticizers,9. Grouting agents and expanding cements.Wherever possible, admixtures should be avouded, particularly those that are added on site. Small variations in the quantity added may greatly affect the concrete properties in an undesiraale way. An accelerator can often be avoided by using a rapid-hardening cement or a richer mix with ordinary cement, or for very rapid gain of strength, high-alumina cement, though this is very much more expensive, in Britain about three times as costly as ordinary Portland cement. But in twenty-four hours its strength is equal to that reached with ordinary Portland cement in thirty days.A retarder may have to be used in warm weather when a large quantity of concrete has to be cast in one piece of formwork, and it is important that the concrete cast early in the day does not set before the last concrete. This occurs with bridges when they are cast in place, and the formwork necessarily bends underthe heavy load of the wet concrete. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete and should not be used without good technical advice.A somewhat similar effect,milder than that of retarders, is obtained with low-heat cement. These may be sold by the cement maker or mixed by the civil engineering contractor. They give out less heat on setting and hardening, partly because they harden more slowly, and they are used in large casts such as gravity dams, where the concrete may take years to cool down to the temperature of the surrounding air. In countries like Britain or France, where pulverized coal is burnt in the power stations, the ash, which is very fine, has been mixed with cement to reduce its production of heat and its cost without reducing its long-term strength. Up to about 20 per cent ash by weight of the cement has been successfully used, with considerable savings in cement costs.In countries where air-entraining cement cement can be bought from the cement maker, no air-entraining agent needs to be mixed in .When air-entraining agents draw into the wet cement and concrete some 3-8 percent of air in the form of very small bubbles, they plasticize the concrete, making it more easily workable and therefore enable the water |cement ratio to be reduced. They reduce the strength of the concrete slightly but so little that in the United States their use is now standard practice in road-building where heavy frost occur. They greatly improve the frost resistance of the concrete.Pozzolane is a volcanic ash found near the Italian town of Puzzuoli, which is a natural cement. The name has been given to all natural mineral cements, as well as to the ash from coal or the slag from blast furnaces, both of which may become cementswhen ground and mixed with water. Pozzolanas of either the industrial or the mineral type are important to civil engineers because they have been added to oridinary Portland cement in proportions up to about 20 percent without loss of strength in the cement and with great savings in cement cost. Their main interest is in large dams, where they may reduce the heat given out by the cement during hardening. Some pozzolanas have been known to prevent the action between cement and certain aggregates which causes the aggregate to expand, and weaken or burst the concrete.The best way of waterproof a concrete is to reduce its permeability by careful mix design and manufacture of the concrete, with correct placing and tighr compaction in strong formwork ar a low water|cement ratio. Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous. Slow, careful curing of the concrete improves the hydration of the cement, which helps to block the capillary passages through the concrete mass. An asphalt or other waterproofing means the waterproofing of concrete by any method concerned with the quality of the concrete but not by a waterproof skin.Workability agents, water-reducing agents and plasticizers are three names for the same thing, mentioned under air-entraining agents. Their use can sometimes be avoided by adding more cement or fine sand, or even water, but of course only with great care.The rapid growth from 1945 onwards in the prestressing of concrete shows that there was a real need for this high-quality structural material. The quality must be high because the worst conditions of loading normally occur at the beginning of the life of the member, at the transfer of stress from the steel to theconcrete. Failure is therefore more likely then than later, when the concrete has become stronger and the stress in the steel has decreased because of creep in the steel and concrete, and shrinkage of the concrete. Faulty members are therefore observed and thrown out early, before they enter the structure, or at least before it The main advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete are :①The whole concrete cross-section resists load. In reinforced concrete about half the section, the cracked area below the neutral axis, does no useful work. Working deflections are smaller.②High working stresses are possible. In reinforced concrete they are not usually possible because they result in severe cracking which is always ugly and may be dangerous if it causes rusting of the steel.③Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete.The main disadvantage of prestressed concrete is that much more care is needed to make it than reinforced concrete and it is therefore more expensive, but because it is of higher quality less of it needs to be needs to be used. It can therefore happen that a solution of a structural problem may be cheaper in prestressed concrete than in reinforced concrete, and it does often happen that a solution is possible with prestressing but impossible without it.Prestressing of the concrete means that it is placed under compression before it carries any working load. This means that the section can be designed so that it takes no tension or very little under the full design load. It therefore has theoretically no cracks and in practice very few. The prestress is usually applied by tensioning the steel before the concrete in which it isembedded has hardened. After the concrete has hardened enough to take the stress from the steel to the concrete. In a bridge with abutments able to resist thrust, the prestress can be applied without steel in the concrete. It is applied by jacks forcing the bridge inwards from the abutments. This methods has the advantage that the jacking force, or prestress, can be varied during the life of the structure as required.In the ten years from 1950 to 1960 prestressed concrete ceased to be an experinmental material and engineers won confidence in its use. With this confidence came an increase in the use of precast prestressed concrete particularly for long-span floors or the decks of motorways. Whereever the quantity to be made was large enough, for example in a motorway bridge 500 m kong , provided that most of the spans could be made the same and not much longer than 18m, it became economical to usefactory-precast prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory. Most of these beams are heat-cured so as to free the forms quickly for re-use.In this period also, in the United States, precast prestressed roof beams and floor beams were used in many school buildings, occasionally 32 m long or more. Such long beams over a single span could not possibly be successful in reinforced concrete unless they were cast on site because they would have to be much deeper and much heavier than prestressed concrete beams. They would certainlly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beams. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.The most important parts of a precast prestressed concrete beam are the tendons and the concrete. The tendons, as the name implies, are the cables, rods or wires of steel which are under tension in the concrete.Before the concrete has hardened (before transfer of stress), the tendons are either unstressed (post-tensioned prestressing) or are stressed and held by abutments outside the concrete ( pre-tensioned prestressing). While the concrete is hardening it grips each tendon more and more tightly by bond along its full length. End anchorages consisting of plates or blocks are placed on the ends of the tendons of post-tensioned prestressed units, and such tendons are stressed up at the time of transfer, when the concrete has hardened sufficiently. In the other type of pretressing, with pre-tensioned tendons, the tendons are released from external abutments at the moment of transfer, and act on the concrete through bond or archorage or both, shortening it by compression, and themselves also shortening and losing some tension.Further shortening of the concrete (and therefore of the steel) takes place with time. The concrete is said to creep. This means that it shortens permanently under load and spreads the stresses more uniformly and thus more safely across its section. Steel also creeps, but rather less. The result of these two effects ( and of the concrete shrinking when it dries ) is that prestressed concrete beams are never more highly stressed than at the moment of transfer.The factory precasting of long prestressed concrete beams is likely to become more and more popular in the future, but one difficulty will be road transport. As the length of the beam increases, the lorry becomes less and less manoeuvrable untileventually the only suitable time for it to travel is in the middle of the night when traffic in the district and the route, whether the roads are straight or curved. Precasting at the site avoids these difficulties; it may be expensive, but it has often been used for large bridge beams.混凝土工艺及发展波特兰水泥混凝土在当今世界已成为建造数量繁多、种类复杂结构的首选材料。


论混凝土的施工温度与结构裂缝外文翻译On the construction of concrete temperature and cracks1. the causes of the cracksCracks in concrete are a variety of reasons, mainly temperature and humidity changes, brittle and uneven concrete, as well as the structure is irrational, failure of raw materials (such as alkali-aggregate reaction), template deformation, and so on the basis of differential settlement.The concrete to harden off a large number of cement during the hydration heat, the internal temperature rising on the surface caused by tensile stress. Late in the cooling process, due to coagulation on the basis of or be bound by the old, will emerge in the concrete tensile stress. Lower temperatures in the concrete surface will be a lot of tensile stress. When the tensile stress beyond the capacity of concrete crack, the cracks will appear. A number of concrete changes in the internal humidity or changes very little slow, but possible changes in surface humidity or more dramatic changes. Such as conservation, failed to keep dry when wet, surface shrinkage deformation of concrete subject to internal constraints, but also often leads to cracks. Short-term loading at the time of ultimate tensile deformation only (0.6 ~ 1.0) × 104, the limit of long-term loading spaces when the only stretch deformation (1.2 ~ 2.0) × 104. Unevenly as a result of raw materials, water-cement ratio of instability, and transportation and pouring in the process of segregation phenomena, in the same piece of concrete in the tensile strength is uneven,there are many low tensile capacity, easy to fracture in a weak position. In reinforced concrete, the tensile stress is mainly borne by the steel, concrete is subject to compressive stress. In plain concrete or reinforced coagulation on the edge of the site if the structure of the tensile stress appears to be relying on its own concrete共12 页commitment.2. thermal stress analysisAccording to the formation of thermal stress can be divided into the following three stages:(1)early: Since the beginning of pouring concrete to cement the end of exothermic basic general about 30 days. Two characteristics of this stage, first, to release a large number of cement hydration heat, and the other is the elastic modulus of coagulation dramatic changes. Modulus of elasticity as a result of changes within this period in the formation of residual stress in the concrete.(2) medium-term: from the basic role of cement heat until the end of the stable temperature of the concrete cooling time, during this period, the temperature stress was mainly due to cooling and the outside concrete caused by temperature changes, stress and early formation of these residual stress superposition phase, during which the coagulation of the elastic modulus changed little.(3) late: concrete completely cooling period after the operation. Thermal stress is mainly caused by external temperature changes, the stress and the first two-phase superposition of residual stress.Under the thermal stress caused by the reasons can be divided into two categories:(1) self-stress: there is no constraint on the border or completely static structure, if the internal temperature distribution is nonlinear, due to structural constraints arising from their co-temperature stress. For example, the conversion layer of its relatively larger size, concrete cooling surface temperature low, the internal temperatures are high, the surface tensile stress, compressive stress appears in the middle.(2) bound by stress: the structure of all or part of the boundary bound by the outside world can not be free-form deformation caused by stress. Roof box,共12 页such as concrete and concrete barrier.Both the temperature and the concrete stress is often caused by shrinkage of the combined effect of stress.Known to be in accordance with an accurate analysis of the temperature of the thermal stress distribution, size is a more complex task. In most cases, the need to rely on model test or numerical calculation. Creep of concrete so that the temperature there is considerable stress relaxation, thermal stresscalculation, we must consider the effects of creep, is no longer calculated in detail here.3. temperature control and measures to prevent the cracksIn order to prevent cracking, reduce the thermal stress can control the conditions of temperature and to improve the binding of two aspects.Temperature control measures are as follows:(1) used to improve the aggregate gradation, dry hard concrete, mixed mixture, add air-entraining agent or plasticizer, etc. measures to reduce the amount of cement concrete;(2) mixing concrete by adding water or cooling water will be gravel and pouring concrete to reduce the temperature;(3) pouring hot days to reduce the pouring of concrete thickness, the use of pouring heat levels;(4) laid in concrete water pipes, access to cold water to cool;(5) the provisions of reasonable time, the temperature drop when the surface insulation, concrete surface in order to avoid a sharp temperature gradient;(6) Construction of long-term exposure to block the surface of the concrete pouring, or thin-walled structures, thermal insulation in the cold season to take measures;Measures to improve the constraints are:共12 页(1) a reasonable sub-block joints;(2) basis to avoid too much ups and downs;(3) reasonable arrangements for the construction process, to avoid excessive side elevation and long-term exposure;In addition, to improve the performance of concrete to improve theanti-cracking ability, to strengthen the conservation, to prevent surface drying, in particular, is to ensure the quality of concrete is very important to prevent cracks, should pay special attention to avoid cross-cracks appears to restore the integrity of its structure it is very difficult, so the construction should be to prevent the occurrence of cross-cutting the main crack.In concrete construction, in order to increase the turnover rate of the template, often require new pouring concrete as soon as possible. When the concrete temperature is higher than the temperature should be appropriate to consider time, so as to avoid the early cracks in the concrete surface. New pouring early, a lot of the surface tensile stress, a "temperature shock" phenomenon. Concrete pouring in the early heat of hydration as a result of the dissemination of the surface caused by a large tensile stress, when the surface temperature is higher than the temperature at this time to remove the template, a sharp fall in surface temperature is bound to lead to temperature gradient, so an additional one on the surface tensile stress, thermal stress superposition and hydration, coupled with the shrinkage of concrete, Tensile stress to reach the surface of great value, there is the danger oflead to cracks, but if in a timely manner after the removal of the template on the surface coverage of a light insulating material, such as foam sponge and so on, have a concrete surface to prevent excessive tensile stress, with significant results.Reinforced concrete on the large volume of thermal stress has little effect because the large volume of concrete reinforced with a very low rate. Only on 共12 页the general impact of reinforced concrete. Not too high in temperature and stress below the yield limit under the condition of the properties of steel is stable, and with the stress, time and temperature has nothing to do. Linear expansion coefficient of steel and concrete linear expansion coefficient difference between the small changes in temperature between the two with only a very small stress. Since the modulus of elasticity of steel to concrete elastic modulus of 7 ~ 15-fold, when the stress reached the tensile strength of concrete and cracking, the steel stress will not exceed 100 ~ 200kg/cm2 .. So , Want to use in reinforced concrete to prevent the emergence of small cracks is difficult. However, after the reinforced structure of the number of cracks in general has become more than a small distance, a smaller width and depth. And if the diameter of steel thin and close spacing, the crack resistance of concrete to enhance the effect of better. Concrete and reinforced concrete structure of the surface often occur cracks in thin and shallow, most of them belonging to shrinkage cracks. While this is generally shallow cracks, but itsstrength and durability of the structure is still a certain impact.In order to ensure the quality of concrete to prevent cracking and improve the durability of concrete, the proper use of admixtures is also one of the measures to reduce cracking. Such as the use of anti-cracking agent and water, in practice, its major role in concluding as follows:(1) the existence of a large number of pores in the concrete that, after evaporation of water generated by capillary capillary tension, deformation of the concrete shrinkage. Pores increased capillary diameter can reduce the surface tension, but would reduce the strength of concrete.(2) the impact of water-cement ratio is an important factor for concrete shrinkage, the use of anti-cracking agent can reduce water consumption reduced by 25% concrete.(3) the amount of cement concrete is also an important factor in shrinkage,共12 页water addition and subtraction mixed concrete cracking agent in maintaining the strength of concrete under the condition of 15 percent can reduce the amount of cement, aggregate size, by increasing the amount to supplement.(4) anti-cracking agent and water can improve the consistency of cement slurry to reduce the bleeding of concrete, reduce shrinkage deformation Shen.(5) to improve and cement bonded aggregate, and enhance theanti-cracking performance of concrete.(6) concrete bound in the contraction produced by tensile stress, when the tensile stress is greater than the tensile strength of concrete will be produced when the cracks. Water-reducing agent can be an effectiveanti-cracking of the concrete tensile strength to increase, a substantial increase in anti-cracking performance of concrete.(7) mixing-compacting concrete admixtures can, and can effectively improve the carbonation resistance of concrete to reduce the carbonation shrinkage.(8)-doped water-reducing agent after the concrete cracking retardation time due, in the effective prevention of the rapid hydration heat of cement based on cement to avoid long-term result of non-condensable increase plastic shrinkage.(9)-doped workability of concrete admixtures, and easy to find flat surfaces to form a micro-membrane to reduce evaporation and reduce drying shrinkage.Many have a retarding admixture to increase the workability and improve the function of plasticity, we in engineering practice in this area should be more contrast and research experiments than simply relying on external conditions to improve may be even more simple and economic.4. early concrete conservationPractice has proved that the common concrete cracks, the majority ofsurface cracks at different depths, mainly because of the temperature gradient caused by the cold temperature region is also vulnerable to a sharp fall in the formation共12 页of cracks. Insulation so that the concrete surface to prevent early cracking is particularly important.Thermal stress from the point of view, the insulation should meet the following requirements:(1) to prevent the concrete inside and outside the concrete surface temperature difference and gradient, to prevent surface cracks.(2) to prevent the concrete super-cold, it should be possible to make concrete the construction period of not less than the minimum temperature of concrete used for the stability of the temperature.(3) to prevent cold-old concrete in order to reduce the concrete between the old and new constraints.Early concrete conservation, the main objective is to maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions in order to achieve the effect of two aspects, on the one hand, the concrete from adverse temperature and humidity deformation invasion to prevent the harmful and drying shrinkage. On the one hand, to enable the smooth progress of cement hydration, with a view to meet the design capacity of the strength and crack resistance.Appropriate conditions of temperature and humidity are interrelated. Coagulation on the insulation often has the effect of moisture.Theoretical analysis of fresh concrete contained in the water fully meets the requirements of cement hydration and more than. However, due to evaporation and other factors often cause water loss, thereby delay or prevent the hydration of cement, concrete surface and most likely to be directly affected by such a negative impact. Concrete pouring, therefore the first few days after the critical period of conservation in the construction should pay attention to.5. concluding remarksAbove the temperature of concrete and cracks in the construction of the 共12 页relation between theory and practice of the preliminary study, although the academic community about the causes of cracks in concrete and calculation methods are different theories, but specific measures to prevent and improve the opinion it is quite uniform At the same time, the application in practice is also a relatively good effect, concrete construction and more depends on our observation, and more, when compared to multi-issue analysis, and more sum up, combined with a wide range of prevention measures, the cracks in the concrete is completely avoided.论混凝土的施工温度与结构裂缝1.裂缝的原因混凝土中产生裂缝有多种原因,主要是温度和湿度的变化,混凝土的脆性和不均匀性,以及结构不合理,原材料不合格(如碱骨料反应),模板变形,基础不均匀沉降等。

金属 的体 积大 得多 , 铁锈 体积膨 胀 , 对周 围混凝 土产 生 挤压 , 使混 凝土 胀裂 。 ( )有 的混凝 土虽 然 设 计抗 裂 强 度 高 , 由于 原 8 但
超 出混凝 土 的抗 裂 能力 时 , 就会 出现 裂缝 。 ( )混凝 土塑性 塌落 引起 的裂缝 。 2
1 大 体 积 混 凝 土 出现 裂 缝 的 原 因及 处 理 措 施
1 1 出现 裂 缝 的原 因 。
( )温 度 应 力 产 生 的 裂 缝 。混 凝 土 在 硬 化 期 间 经 1
( )当结构 的基 础 出 现不 均 匀 沉 陷 , 有 可 能产 6 就
生 裂缝 , 随着 沉 陷的进一 步 发展 , 裂缝会 进 一步扩 大 。
第4 卷 第 l l 8期 2 0 10 年 9 月 文 章 编 号 :0 1— 1 9 2 1 ) 8— 0 3— 3 10 47 (0 0 1 0 7 0
人 民 长 江
Ya g z Rie n te vr
Vo . 1 41. No. 8 1 S p., e 2 0 01
( )混凝 土加 水 拌 和后 , 泥 中 的碱 性 物质 与 骨 3 水 料 中活性 氧化 硅 等起 反应 , 出 的胶 状 碱 一硅胶 从 周 析 围介 质 中吸水膨 涨 , 体积 增大 3倍 , 而使混 凝土涨 裂 从 产生 裂缝 。
复杂 、 资大 、 投 一旦 发 生 质 量 问题 , 果 严 重 。而 目前 后 大 体积混 凝土 由于施 工 中 的各种 原 因易 产 生 裂缝 , 严 重 危害工 程质 量 , 大体 积混凝 土施 工 的技 术难 点 。 是 本文结 合 四川大 渡 河 深溪 沟 水 电站 工程 , 大体 就
收 稿 日期 :0 0— 7— 0 2 1 0 3

外文翻译一、原文Discuss the construction temperature andcrack of the concrete lightlyThe summary: In order to prevent the owners of the concrete work of claims, we must do a good job in the construction process in the temperature and crack control, through observation live for many years, through consulting the monograph about stress within the concrete, explain to concrete temperature reason, on-the-spot concrete control and measure, prevention of crack of temperature that crack produce.Keyword Concrete Temperature stress Crack Control1. The concrete occupies the important position in modern engineering construction. But today, the crack of the concrete is comparatively general, the cracks are nearly omnipresent in the science of bridge building. Though we take various kinds of measures in constructing, careful, but the crack still occurs now and then. Tracing it to its cause, it is one of them incompletely that our change to concrete temperature stress pays attention to. In the large volume concrete, temperature stress and temperature control are significant. This is mainly because of the reason of two respects. First of all, concrete often appear the temperature crack in not constructing, influence the globality and durability of the structure. Secondly, in the course of operating, the temperature change has remarkable influence that can't be ignored on the stress state of the structure. We meet to construct temperature crack in mainly, so only to origin cause of formation and treatment measure, concrete of crack make a discussion in constructing this text.Reason of a crackIt has many kinds of reasons to produce the crack in the concrete, it is mainly the changes of temperature and humidity, fragility and disparity of the concrete, and the structure is unreasonable, the raw materials is not up to standard (if the alkali aggregate react), the template is out of shape, the foundation does not subside etc. evenly. The cement emits a large amount of heat of hydration when the concrete is hardened, inside temperature is rising constantly, cause the stress of drawing on the surface. In the course oflowering the temperature, is it congeal foundation pay restrain to mix always later stage, will present the stress of drawing within the concrete. Reducing of temperature can surface cause heavy stress of drawing very in concrete too. When these draw the stress and go beyond resisting the ability of splitting of concrete, namely will present the crack. A lot of inside humidity ofconcrete change very light or change relatively slow, surface humidity might change heavy the violent change takes placing. Such as maintaining thoroughly, when getting wetter when not doing, contract surface there aren't deformation doing, often cause the crack too. The concrete is a kind of fragility material, tensile strength is about 1/10 of the compression strength, is it carry on one's shoulder or back limit when draw out of shape to have (0.6~1.0)×104 only, is it carry on one's shoulder or back limit location when stretch out of shape to there is(1.2~2.0)×104 to add for a long time to add a short time. Because raw materials even, water dust than unstable, transport and build phenomenon of emanating of course, its tensile strength is not even in the same concrete, a lot of resist the ability of drawing very low, it is apt to present the weak position of the crack. Among armored concrete, draw stress to undertake by reinforcing bar mainly, concrete bear stress of keeping just. Or reinforcing bar mix if edge position gone to congeal presents the stress of drawing in the structure in plain concrete must rely on the concrete oneself to bear. Require avoiding the stress of drawing or only very small stress of drawing appears of the general design. But the concrete is cooled from maximum temperature to the steady temperature of operating period in constructing, often cause sizable to draw the stress within the concrete. The temperature stress can exceed other outsides and load the stresses caused sometimes, know change law, temperature of stress for carry on reasonable structural design and construct extremely important.Analysis of 2 temperature stressesIt can be divided into following three stages according to the forming process of the temperature stress:(1)It is early: It needs generally 30 day from beginning building concrete to finishing sending out heat basically by cement. There are two characteristics at this stage, first, the cement emits a large amount of heat of hydration, second, mix and congeal the changing sharply of elastic model quantity. Because of the change of elastic model quantity, form the remaining stress in the concrete in this period.(2)Middle period: Up till the concrete is cooled until stability temperature from cement send out heat function basically when expiring, in this period, the temperature stress is mainly because the cooling of the concrete and external temperature change cause, these stresses and remnants stresses that is formed in early days are superposed, mix and congeal the elastic mould amount that goes to and does not change much during this period.(3)Later period: Operation period after the complete cooling of concrete. Temperature stress whether external temperature change causes mainly, these stresses and first two kinds of remnants stresses are changed and added.It can be divided into two kinds according to the reason why the temperature stress causes:(1)Spontaneous stress: There are not any restraints or totally static structure at the border, if inside temperature is non-linear distribution, temperature stress appearing because structure restrains from each other. For example, the body of mound of the bridge, the physical dimension is relatively large, surface temperature is low when the concrete is cooled, inside temperature is high, present the stress of drawing on the surface, present the stress of pressing in the middle.(2)Restrain the stress: All of the structure ones or it restrain external one some border, can't out of shape and stress not cause not free. Such as case beam roof concrete and guardrail concrete.These two kinds of temperature stresses draw back stresses caused to act on with the doing of concrete together frequently. It is a more complicated job to want to analyse the distribution, size of the temperature stress accurately according to known temperature. In case of great majority, need to rely on the model test or the number value to calculate. To is it make temperature stress have sizable limp to creep concrete, at the stress accounting temperature, must consider the influence that creep, calculate concretely that no longer states thinly here.Control and preventing the measure of the crack of 3 temperatureFor prevent crack, lighten temperature stress can from control temperature and is it is it set about to restrain terms from two to improve.The measure of controlling temperature is as follows:(1)Is it improve aggregate grade mix, is it do rigid concrete to spend, mix mixture to adopt, is it guide angry pharmaceutical or plastification pharmaceutical, etc. measure in order to reduce cement consumption of concrete to add;(2)Add water or the water to cool the broken stone in order to reduce the temperature of building of the concrete while mixing and shutting the concrete;(3)Reduce the thickness of building while building the concrete on hot day, utilize and build the aspect to dispel the heat;(4)Bury the water pipe underground in the concrete, enter the cold water to lower the temperature openly;(5)Stipulate rational form removal time, the temperature keeps warm the surface while lowering suddenly, in case that the rapid temperature gradient takes place in the concrete surface;(6)The concrete with medium and long-term and exposed construction buildsa piece of surface or thin wall structure, take the measure of keeping warm in cold season;The measure of improving condition of restraining is:(1)Divide and sew and divide one rationally;(2)Prevent the foundation from rising and falling too big;(3)Rational arrangement construction process, prevent the too big discrepancy in elevation and side from exposing for a long time;In addition, improve the performance of the concrete and improve and resist the ability of splitting, strengthen maintenance, prevent the surface from being done and contracted, especially guarantee the quality of the concrete is very important to preventing the crack, should pay special attention to avoiding producing and running through the crack, the globality resumed its structure after appearing is very difficult, so should rely mainly on preventing the emergence of the running through crack while constructing.In construction of concrete, for raise turnover rate of template, demand concrete form removal as soon as possible that build newly often. Should consider form removal time properly when concrete temperature is higher than the temperature, so as not to cause the superficial early crack of concrete. Building the early form removal newly, cause very large stress of drawing on the surface, the phenomenon that "temperature is assaulted" appears. Build initial stage in concrete, because heat of hydration is sent out, the surface causes sizable to draw the stress, surface temperature is also higher than temperature at this moment, remove the template at this moment, surface temperature is lowered suddenly, must cause temperature gradient, thus add and draw the stress on the surface, change and add with the heat of hydration stress, in addition, the concrete dries and contracts, the superficial stress of drawing reaches very great number value, have danger of causing the crack, but cover a light-duty heat insulator with on the surface in time after removing the template, for instance foam sponge, etc. , for prevent concrete surfacefrom produce the too big stress of drawing, have remarkable results.Add muscle influence to large volume temperature stress of concrete very light, because large volume concrete include muscle to be rate very much low. Just have influence on the general armored concrete. On terms that temperature is not very high and the stress is less than limit of surrendering, every performance of the steel is steady, and have nothing to do with stress state, time and temperature. Line bloated coefficient of steel and concrete line bloated coefficient difference very light, take place little internal stress very only between the two while changing in temperature. Because elastic mould amount of steel concrete elastic mould 7~15 of quantity, reach as interior concrete stress tensile strength and when fracturing, the stress of the reinforcing bar will not exceed 10000kg/cm2. So is it is it prevent tiny appearance difficulty very much of crack from to make use of reinforcing bar to want among concrete. But the crack in the structure generally becomes numerous, the interval is little, the width and depth are smaller after adding the muscle. And if diameter of reinforcing bar detailed and when interval dense, to improve concrete resist result of person who split better. Concrete and surface, armored concrete of structure can take place detailed and shallow crack often, among them the great majority belong to and do and draw back the crack. Though this kind of crack is generally all relatively light, it stills have certain influence on the intensity and durability of the structure.In order to guarantee concrete project quality, prevent fracturing, improve the durability of the concrete, use the admixture to reduce one of the measures that fractures correctly. Whether is it reduce water is it split pharmaceutical to defend, I summarize his main function in practice to use.(1)There is a large number of capillary in the concrete, produce capillary tension in the capillary after water is evaporated, make concrete is it contract out of shape to do. Increasing the thin aperture of hair can reduce the capillary surface tension, but will make the intensity of concrete reduce. This surface tension theory has already been confirmed in the world as far back as the sixties.(2)Water dust than influence important factor that concrete shrink, is it reduce water is it split pharmaceutical can make concrete water consumption reduce by 25% to defend to use.(3)Cement consumption important factor, concrete of person who shrink too, is it add and subtract water is it split concrete reducible 15% of the cement consumption on terms that keep the intensity of concrete of pharmaceutical to defend to mix, its volume is supplemented by increasing aggregate consumption.(4)Reduce water is it split pharmaceutical can improve consistency of grout, reduce concrete secrete ink to defend, reduce and sink and draw back deforming.(5)Improve gluing the strength of forming of the grout and aggregate, the concrete improved resists the performance of splitting.(6)Concrete is it produce stress of drawing to restrain from while shrinking, crack when drawing the stress and is greater than concrete tensile strength can produce. Reduce water is it split pharmaceutical effective concrete tensile strength of improvement very to defend, improve resisting the performance of splitting of concrete by a wide margin.(7)It can make the concrete density good to add the admixture to mix, can improve resisting carbonization of concrete effectively, reduce carbonization to shrink.(8)Is it reduce water is it split slow coagulation time proper concrete under pharmaceutical to defend, on the basis of preventing the fast water of cement from sending out heat effectively to mix, prevent the plasticity shrink that brings because the cement is not congealed for a long time from increasing.(9)Mix admixture concrete and getting easy and kind, surface easy to feel flat, form little membrane, reduce the moisture to evaporate, reduce drily and shrink. A lot of admixtures all have the functions of slow coagulation, increasing and apt, improvement plasticity, the experiment that we should carry on in this respect more in the project practice is compared with and studied, than lean against not improving terms more simple, may getting simple and more direct, economy.Early maintenance of 4 concretePractice has proved, the common crack of concrete , most is the surface crack of different depth, main reason its whether temperature gradient cause cold temperature of area lower too easy to form crack suddenly. So say the warm-keeping of the concrete is especially important to preventing the early crack of surface.From the viewpoint of temperature stress, should reach and require keeping warm following:1)Prevent concrete internal and external temperature poor and concrete surface gradient from, prevent the surface crack.2)Prevent concrete from to be ultra and cold , should is it is it make the minimum temperature is not lower than the steady temperature of concrete service time construction time in concrete to try to try one's best.3)Prevent the old concrete subcooling, in order to reduce the restraint among the old and new concrete.The early maintenance of the concrete, the main purpose lies in keeping the suitable warm and humid condition, in order to get the result of two respects, on the other hand make the concrete avoid the invasion and attack of the unfavorable and warm, humidity out of shape, the ones that prevent from harmfully are cold to contract and do to contract. On one hand make cement water function go on smoothly, is in the hope of reaching the intensity designed and resisting the ability of splitting.The suitable warm damp condition is interrelated. Mix warm-keeping measure paid to congeal often protects wet results too. Analyse, water concrete include moisture can meet demand, cement of water have enough and to spare newly theoretically. But because the reason of evaporating etc. often causes losses of the moisture, thus postpone or hinder water of the cement from, the surface concrete receives this kind of adverse effect easiestly and directly. Key period when maintained in initial a few days after so the concrete is built should pay attention to conscientiously in constructing.2. Quality control of waterproof concrete constructionCombined with experience, from formwork design, fabrication and installation, assembling reinforcement, pouring and curing of concrete and other aspects construction technology of fair-faced concrete is introduced as well as quality control measures and standards in order to reduce engineering cost to acquire satisfied economic and social benefits.The factors of influencing waterproof-concrete quality are very many. Any links does not pay attention to the water-proof concrete of field loss hinders the water function without exception jointly with degree. Engineering construction in the basement adopts secondary form board fabrication and installation, reinforced bar fabrication and bind, concrete stirring and mixing system and transport, concrete covibration beat with a stick, construction joint practice, concrete curing and dismantle model and being ready for backfill and so on aspects. These are very critical to quality method to ensure that water-proof concrete self water-proof, and the way of practicehas wan out.Method being under construction2.1 Fabrication and InstallationAccording to the concert of closely knit, demand of reason why to form board since the water-proof also concrete have made and have assembled corresponding rise is special, be to require that not leaving out thick fluid, firm closely knit block of wood deformation, water absorption Character should be small and ought to give priority to select and using bamboo slab rubber form board or the steel form.. Strict control form board room gap size, necessary exceeding 2 mms uses foam rubber or plastic to squeeze a crack in, porous form board nonutility without exception to board face Be ready for wall post at the same time rotting the prevention and cure job adopt the cement mortar pouring same, indicia in before the root segment sticking the foam rubber or plastic strip, the bottom puts on a cement mortar, concrete a concrete, first 5cm~10cm. Since water-proof, concrete structure wall thickness is mostly more infertile. Be to ensure that component geometry dimension, Chang adopt the inside and outside bolt to pull the measure meeting attention to, responds to on play receive bolt centre interpose stop water iron plate, to prevent water from forming pilotage passage along bolt leakage.2.2 Assembling reinforcementWater-proof concrete structure has demanding as follows to the reinforced bar:1)Reinforced bar should adopt twisted steel as far as possible, increases by hold wrap a force composing in reply a water ability2)Reinforced bars connect should try one's best to adopt to solder connection, stop using and being needless to bind connection to the full3)When binding a reinforced bar, the iron wire head responds to inner bending.4)Strict control reinforced bars protective layer thickness.Minimal thickness of water-proof concrete reinforced bar protective layer is not smaller than 25mms, the protective layer welcoming water surface especially inadmissibility to disappoint error. The iron wire and reinforced bar that application buries in advance within mortar piece while using mortar heel block as protective layer, are bound solid. When the cavalry puts up the fixed reinforced bar if adopt a reinforced bar, also need to increase solders water iron plate or fixation just goes ahead, to strengthen water-proof effect in the heel block. This project uses new materials nylon to have fixed there is an effect's had guarded against reinforced bar protective layer deviation piece big mass common failings.2.3 The concrete stirring and mixing makes and transportsSince the water-proof concrete requires that higher closely knit, reason why stir and mix system also need to have the fairly good homogeneity, should be ready for burning as follows almost for this purpose:1)Ensures that mixing time, mixing at every time are secondary jump intoa expect the general ejection of compact block of wood less than 2mins.2)Should use the apposition agent, the solution queen who should manufacture certain thickness from apposition agent adds the mixer inner, the dried powder or high concentration solution will add an agent extra not to adds the mixer inner directly, prevent from mixing is uneven but part concentrates, both lose the apposition agent effect, and affect concrete mass.3)Responds to the assured source of life degree having a spot test on the admeasurement concrete at the regular intervals collapsing in the process being under construction, construction is middle if Yu rains or other cause, respond to the ratio determining whose water ratio, and adjusting the composition being under construction in time when change happened in sandstone moisture content.4)Project uses the commodity concrete, has boundary have raised a concrete stirring mass and of all kinds effect apposition agent adulterating falls when amounts, the water ash having controlled a concrete strictly collapsing.5)Concretes adopt a pump to have given handicraft, effective avoiding a concrete producing the phenomenon isolating bleeding and leaving out thick fluid in the process of transportation.2.4 Matters needing attention in being under construction1)Construction school assignment soft and floury is divided. Water-proof concreting should stratify strictly being in progress, and a continuous construction is completed The front and back and high and low connect between the tier should subjugate within the cement initial setting time, For this purpose, with handling a worker dividing into several, at the same time each other, school assignment group faces or it is all right for each other, carry on the back.2)Achieve strictly fixed point determines the amounts of the components of a substance material down According to the vehicle capacities stratifying concrete altitude and the means of transport, the quantify carrying out fixed point strictly is able to go down one important ring expecting that this is to improve water-proof concreting mass.3)Concretes vibrating beat one important ring being to ensure that the concrete is closely knit, defend against to seep with a stick. Also, should adopt fixed point vibrating, handle meticulously on basis expecting that under determining the amounts of the components of a substance homogeneously in fixed point. Pay attention to high and low tier of linking up. Now that needing to prevent from miss and vibrating, not vibrating enough, being going to prevent a fault from vibrating again, Need to forbid using prying the method coming to aid to vibrate moving a reinforced bar or shaking a reinforced bar especially, such separates to making the front already concrete the reinforced bar and concrete shaking the reality part, causes serious consequences.4)Being ready for the assured source of life degree taking over thick fluid measure, and adjusting in time to collapse seriously. Average water-proof concrete structure construction, the construction joint being under construction respectively, composing namely on erecting wall sells be bottom board and vertical wall at reduced prices. Should irrigate thick a layer of 5cm~10cms surname indicia cement mortars in seam place first linking up closely knitting tier, in order to ensuring that the seam place vibrates when concrete vertical wall. Simultaneous, improve step by step with concrete an altitude, should fall off step by step with the water yield, diminish collapsing to fall degree prevent from concrete insist to be short but the cement paste is partial to much phenomenon to aggregate appearing on upper part.2.5 Dismantling model and curing of concreteThe water-proof concreting queen maintains goodness and badness working, not only affecting the intensity arriving at a concrete, moreover the impervious function affecting to the concrete. Evidence, water-proof concrete early phase dehydration or curing process lack for water, will reduce whose impervious function by a wide margin. Water-proof concrete curing responds to the block of wood less than 14ds. The water-proof concrete dismantles a model demanding to be unable to compare high, dismantle model time unsuitable untimely, respond to when dismantling a model handle meticulously, prevent an iron rod from using to pry stiffly, that the sledgehammer is knocked suddenly and forcibly pries, uses a concrete meet with destroy.2.6 Do good well at backfillWater-proof architectural backfill is a final working procedure, it be sometimes ignored, this is a very big faults in fact under the ground. When the water-proof structure job is over queen responds to the construction carrying out backfill immediately. Most important, we should take backfill seriously self mass; Secondly, backfill varia and ponding should clear up the pit bottom in the front, respond to densification with layers when backfill. Water-proof structure vicinity layer pounds true backfill, self is a reliable and economical as well water proofing drapery under the ground. In project basement engineering construction Shanghai, since organizing water proofing down to earth strictly with all above seven passes, the concrete is under construction, effect is comparatively ideal. The percolating water phenomenon does not appear.ConclusionsConstruction temperature and relation of crack in concrete the above carry on preliminary discussion of theory and practice, though the academia has different theories to origin cause of formation and computing technology of the concrete crack, but to concrete prevention and improving the measure suggestion to relatively unify, application in practice result fine too at the same time, concrete to is it observe, compare more by us to want in constructing, analyse more, summarize more after going wrong, combine many kinds of prevention and deal with the measure, the crack of the concrete can be avoided.一、翻译浅谈混凝土的施工过程中温度与裂缝控制摘要为了防止业主对混凝土工程的索要赔偿,我们就必须做好过程中的温度与裂缝控制。


"低热矿渣硅酸盐水泥"(Low Heat Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement)通常是一种水泥产品,它是由硅酸盐水泥(Portland Cement)和高炉矿渣(Blast Furnace Slag)混合而成的。
在国际上,一些可能涉及到低热矿渣硅酸盐水泥的标准组织包括ASTM International和欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)。
例如,ASTM C989是美国ASTM国际标准中涉及矿渣的一个标准,而EN 197-1是欧洲标准中关于水泥的标准。

混凝土中硅酸盐水泥的特性及应用一、硅酸盐水泥的概述硅酸盐水泥(silicate cement),是一种以硅酸盐为主要成分的水泥,也称为硅酸盐胶凝材料。
硅酸盐水泥的发明者是英国工程师约瑟夫·阿斯顿(Joseph Aspdin)。

混凝土裂缝论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述Causes and control measures of concrete cracks study the problemKeywords: Causes prevention of concrete cracksAbstract: At present, paid close attention to the problem of concrete cracks, this crack in the concrete on the basis of classification, analysis of the causes of different cracks, and proposed measures to crack prevention and treatment.1.IntroductionIs the maximum amount of concrete as a building material, widely used in industrial and civil construction, agriculture and forestry with urban construction, water conservancy works in the harbor. However, many concrete structures occurs during the construction and use of different degrees and different forms of fracture. This not only affects the appearance of the building, but also endanger the normal use of buildings and structures durability.Therefore, the cracks become people concerns. In recent years, with the ready-mixed concrete and vigorously promote the use and structure become increasingly large, complex, making the problem even more prominent.However, cracks in concrete structures is a fairly common phenomenon, large number of engineering practice and modern science on the concrete strength of micro studies show that the structures of the crack is inevitable, which is a property of the material. Therefore, the scientific treatment of cracks in the crack problem is to classify on the basis, adopt effective measures to harmful levels of crack control to the extent permitted. This concrete structure will cause cracks in common, control measures and the repair method to analyze some light.2.Classification of concrete cracks2.1 Divided by Crack According to the causes of concrete cracks, structural cracks and can be divided into two major categories of non-structural cracks.(1) Structural cracks Caused by a variety of external loads cracks, also called load cracks. It includes the external loads caused by the direct stress cracks and the structure under external loads caused by secondary stress cracks.(2) Non-structural cracks Deformation caused by the change from a variety of cracks. It includes temperature, shrinkage and swelling caused by factors such as differential settlement cracks. Such cracks in the structure when the deformation is restricted due to the stress caused. Research data from abroad and a large number of engineering practice, non-structural cracks in the works in the majority, about 80%, which led to shrinkage cracks.2.2Divided by the time the cracks(1)Cracks during construction Including plastic shrinkage cracks, settlement shrinkage cracking, drying shrinkage cracks, shrinkage cracks itself, the temperature cracks, the cracks were improper construction operations, the role of early frost, and some irregular cracks caused by cracks.(2)Use of crack during Including the expansion of steel corrosion cracks generated, salt and acid erosion type liquid medium caused by cracks, the cracks caused by freezing and thawing, alkali aggregate reaction, and cracks caused by cyclic loading cumulative damage caused by cracks.2.3Classification of fractured by cracks in the shape of the shape can be divided by:(1)Longitudinal cracks parallel to the bottom component, the distribution along tendons, mainly caused by the role of steel corrosion(2)Transverse cracks perpendicular to the bottom component mainly by the loading, temperature effects caused(3)Shear cracks due to displacement caused by vertical load or vibration(4)Diagonal cracks eight shaped or herringbone cracks, common in the wall of concrete beams, mainly due to the uneven foundation settlement, and thermal effects caused by(5)X-shaped cracks common in the framework of beams, columns and walls on the ends, due to the impact effect, or moment loads caused by earthquake(6)All kinds of irregular cracks such as repeated freezing and thawing, or fires caused by cracksIn addition, concrete mixing and transport time for long cracks due to mesh, squareappears floor slab or plate surface radial cracks appear in the cross cracks and so on.2.4 The development of the state divided by cracksAccording to fracture the movement in which the state and development trends, can be divided into the following categories:(1)Stable crack This crack does not affect the persistence of applications, including two types.One is in motion the process of self-healing of fractures could be common in a number of new water projects, this is because the crack of cement particles in the leakage of water further compounds the process, precipitate Ca (OH) 2 crystal and part of the Ca ( OH) 2 has dissolved in the water with CO2 carbonation reaction to form CaCO3 crystallization occurs, both the formation of cracks in the gel material will be glued closed, and thus stop the leakage, cracks to heal. The other is in a stable movement of the cracks, such as the periodic load generated by the cyclical expansion and closure of cracks.(2)Unstable crack This will result in instability of crack extension, affecting the sustainable use of structures, should be considered part of its expansion, to take corresponding measures.3.Causes of cracks in concrete and control measures3.1 Shrinkage cracks Shrinkage cracks are caused by the humidity, it accounts for non-structural cracks in concrete in the main part. We know that concrete is a cement as the main cementing material to natural sand, stone aggregate mixing water, after casting molding, hardens and the formation of artificial stone.In the construction, in order to ensure its workability, often adding cement hydration than water needed for 4 to 5 times more water. More of these water to free state exists, and the gradual evaporation of the hardening process, resulting in the formation of large pores inside the concrete, voids or holes, resulting in volume shrinkage of concrete. In addition, the hardening process of concrete hydration and carbonation of concrete volume will lead to shrinkage. According to the experimental determination of the ultimate shrinkage of concrete is about 0104% ~ 0106%.Shows that shrinkage is the inherent physical properties of concrete, in general, the larger water-cement ratio, the higher the concrete strength, aggregate less, the higher the temperature, surface water loss is larger, the larger the value of its contract, the more easily shrinkage cracks. According to the formation of shrinkage cracks and formation mechanism of the time, works in the common shrinkage cracksare mainly plastic shrinkage cracks, settlement shrinkage cracking and drying shrinkage cracks in three categories, in addition to their contract (chemical shrinkage) cracks and carbonation shrinkage cracks.3.1.1Plastic shrinkage cracks Plastic shrinkage cracks in concrete plastic stage, before the final set. The cause of this is concrete paste and quickly evaporating water flow to the surface, with the increase in water loss, capillary negative pressure generated by contraction of the concrete surface of the drastic volume shrinkage. Strength of concrete at a time has not yet formed, which resulted in cracking of the concrete surface.This multi-cracks in dry weather, hot and windy, the fracture shallow, intermediate width, both ends of the fine, of different lengths, and disconnected.3.1.2 Settlement shrinkage cracking Settlement shrinkage cracks in concrete pouring about half an hour after the occurrence and hardening stops. The cause of this is occurring after the slurry in the Pouring uneven sink, sinking of coarse aggregate, cement grout float, when the settlement was inhibited (such as steel or embedded parts of the block) is due to shearing and cracking of the concrete. In addition, floating in the plasma layer formed on the surface will be a result of bleeding and cracking.This multi-cracks in the concrete surface, and pass along the long direction of the reinforcement, or the stirrups the distribution width of both ends of the narrow middle, is a common early cracks, especially in the pump construction is more common.3.1.3 Drying shrinkage cracks Drying shrinkage cracks in the concrete curing only appeared after completion. Its formation was mainly due to the concrete to harden, the water evaporation caused by shrinkage of the concrete surface, when the shrinkage deformation of concrete by internal constraint, have a greater tensile stress to crack the concrete surface is pulled.Shrinkage cracks on the surface generally produces very shallow location, multi-component along the short direction of distribution, were parallel, linear, or mesh, can be severe throughout the member section.3.1.4 Self-shrinkage cracks Shrinkage cracks itself has nothing to do with the outside humidity, but because of the hydration reaction of cement clinker in the process, the reaction resultant of the average density of smaller volume shrinkage caused by system (called chemical shrinkage) due. Mainly due to hydration products of free water into a part of it39;s specific volume reduced by 1 / 4 (ie 0125cm3Pg).Therefore, the chemical shrinkage of the sizeof the reduction depends on the chemical combination of cement hydration products in the amount of water.3.1.5 Carbonation shrinkage cracking Carbonation carbonation shrinkage cracks are free ions generated by water evaporation, causing shrinkage in the slurry. Carbonation is atmospheric CO2 conditions in the water reacts with the hydration product of CaCO3, alumina, silica and water free state, this part of the volume shrinkage of concrete caused by water evaporation (known as carbonation shrinkage), and its essence is the carbonate of the cement corrosion.General alkalinity of cement hydration products and the higher the concentration of CO2 in air and moderate humidity (50%), the more prone to carbonation. Therefore, this crack propagation in alternating wet and dry environment, and dry or water saturated environment, there is not easy; and because the crack of carbide precipitation will form a gel product, stop the CO2 into, it usually only occurs on the surface.Prevention of shrinkage cracks on the above can take the following measures:(a) mixed with superplasticizer, pumping agent to minimize water consumption; construction, cutting should not be too fast, and the vibration compacting.(b) For the prevention of early shrinkage cracking, in addition to strengthening the early conservation, the final setting of concrete should be conducted before the second wiping pressure, the material can be mixed with coagulant, and the appropriate use of high early strength and good water holding capacity of ordinary Portland cement; for the prevention of shrinkage cracks, can be appropriately extended curing time, the material should use fly ash in cement and other cement or shrinkage rate of small species.(c) minimize the amount of cement, coarse aggregate content increases, and limestone as the coarse aggregate should be chosen because of its superior shrinkage cracking resistance andesite and sandstone; should strictly control the sand content of aggregate, sand ratio should not be too big, should have good aggregate grading.(d) reduce their shrinkage cracking effective way is to use a low C3A content of cement, as C3A Portland cement clinker in the greatest chemical shrinkage reduction is a C2 S 3 times, C4AF of 5 times.(e) to prevent the carbonation shrinkage cracks key is to reduce the resultant alkalinity, good for fresh concrete wet water conservation, and the use of which the concrete structure to stay as dry as other corrosive gases in the high CO2 environment to good anti-corrosionmeasures.(f) pouring concrete trowel promptly after the straw with the wet or plastic film cover, the wind should be set up wind facility construction season.3.2 Crack Crack is the concrete difference in temperature, or seasonal temperature changes and the formation of excessiveIn the concrete pouring process, the cement hydration reaction will release a lot of heat (generally 502J per gram of cement can release heat), so that the internal temperature of concrete at a certain age there temperature peak, then declined.Since the slow cooling inside the concrete surface, fast heat, will form in the temperature difference between inside and outside, for the coordination of the temperature deformation, the concrete surface will have a tensile stress (ie thermal stress), when after more than make the cracking of concrete tensile strength. Such cracks are mostly cross-cutting and deep, severely reducing the overall stiffness of the structure; usually a few months after the end of the construction. In addition, concrete curing period, if the invasion by the cold will cause cracks in the concrete surface, but the lighter, smaller and harmful. Control of temperature cracks start mainly from the lower temperature, can take the following preventive measures:(a) the materials are advised to use fly ash or cement C3A and C3 S low-low-heat cement, to minimize the amount of cement can be mixed with superplasticizer; on the concrete, can be properly mixed with stones ; in the mixing water and aggregate were mixed and ice water cooling.(b) During the construction, the construction process should be reasonable arrangements to improve the construction process, such as pouring a large volume of concrete, pipes laid in concrete or block cyclic thermal stratification placement; improve the structure of constraints, such as a long structure to be set temperature, joints or back strip, when poured on bedrock, to shop 50 ~ 100 mm sand to remove the embedded solid role.(c) in the design, calculation of thermal stress is mainly good, according to temperature stress may have taken the appropriate structural measures, such as proper temperature reinforced configuration, shared concrete temperature stress.(d) In addition, still need to strengthen the concrete curing, good surface insulation measures (such as water conservation or covering wet straw, etc.), an appropriate extension of time for form removal to the slow cooling of the concrete surface; for the concrete, control ofentry mold temperature, and for temperature tracking, control the temperature difference between inside and outside of concrete in less than 25 ℃.3.3 Subsidence cracks Subsidence cracks is all part of the building after completion caused by differential settlement occurs, mostly cross-cutting, its location and settlement in the same direction. Eight-shaped wall buildings or herringbone cracks is a typical settlement pacted backfill without treatment, formation of soft layer containing the building was in use during the ground water (rain, water, etc.) long-term immersion and other factors will cause uneven settlement of the building to crack. The foundation also works in the new construction, if not make the necessary measures (such as the set of retaining walls, diaphragm walls) to prevent soil or groundwater intrusion instability will undermine the foundations of the adjacent old building capacity, resulting in building subsidence cracking. In concrete construction, due to insufficient template rigidity, support spacing is too large, too early form removal and other factors, there will be settlement cracks.Subsidence cracks are often severely affected structures, and endanger the durability of the structure, control measures to prevent its formation are:(a) in the basic design to ensure the bearing capacity of the bearing layer of uniform strength and foundation, in the story and the different parts of the junction of old and new buildings set the settlement joint.(b) In construction, the template should have sufficient strength and rigidity, and support reliable; Also, pay attention to the construction sequence, such as after the first high-rise low-rise, after the first of the main podium.(c) Geological Survey of pre-construction work to do, as far as possible a good choice of the bearing layer, after the completion of the foundation to avoid being soaked in rainwater.3.4 Other crack In addition to these cracks, the construction process in the structure will be various forms of construction cracks; in the structure will appear during use of different types of corrosion cracks.(1) Construction of crack Construction is due to cracks in the construction of improper operation or component itself, not the stiffness of such factors.If PC project, improper tension will form a component due to strength or strength not been made insufficient cracking; template project, if the concrete form removal or bonding with the template template upgrade easily to concrete crack; hoisting project, because of lateral reinforcement component lessstiffness of poor or incorrect lifting point on factors such as cracks. The key is to prevent such cracks in strict accordance with construction specifications, such as prestressed tension must be over 75% component intensity when, brushing between the template and concrete release agent, form removal, or sliding, the first uniform loose, and then slow detachment or upgrade.(2) corrosion cracks Corrosion cracking is due to structure a long period caused by corrosive liquid environment, which includes the corrosion of concrete and its reinforcement corrosion. Such cracks are often caused by the concrete is not dense, they are usually associated with shrinkage cracks, joint action of temperature cracks, leading to crack expanding and eventually weaken the structure of durability.Control measures are mainly doing the concrete surface and reinforcing steel corrosion protection, cracks should be repaired in time. In addition, if the existing concrete aggregate base active ingredient, cement high MgO content (> 5%) or UEA expansive agent such as too much content, alkali aggregate reaction will occur, or because of the hydration reaction of MgO to produce expansion of the gel, resulting in concrete expansion cracks, formed mostly mesh or irregular cracks.Such cracks tend to occur several years after completion of the structure, because the chemical reaction is extremely slow. The key to prevention is to eliminate or reduce the concrete in the presence of such substances.4. Treatment of crack Once the cracking of concrete structures should be identified on the basis of immediately take appropriate measures. At present, the commonly used methods of surface sealing repair, pressure grouting and filling blocking method.4.1 Surface sealing Less than 012mm for the width of the micro-cracks can be polymers of cement paste, permeability of flexible sealant or waterproofing agent brushing on the crack surface, to restore its water resistance and durability. The construction method is simple, but only superficial cracks.(1) process: the surface of the bristles and wash →embedding surface defect (available epoxy cement mortar or latex) →selection of coating compound.(2) construction elements;(a) As the coating is thin and should use strong adhesive material and not aging;(b) Cracks on the activities, should be greater flexibility in material elongation;(c) Tufu uniform, not a bubble.4.2 Pressure Grouting Width and depth greater than 013mm for the larger cracks can be chemical grouting material (such as polyurethane, epoxy or cement slurry) injected by pressure grouting equipment to deep cracks in order to restore structural integrity, water resistance and durability.(1) process:cutting grooves →laid slurry seal mouth →sealing →Check →→filling →preparation of slurry sealing →grouting quality control.(2) Construction of main points:(a) grouting materials should use strong adhesive resin can be irrigated with good material, usually used epoxy resin;(b) For large crack width is greater than 2mm, cement-like material can be used for active cracks should adopt the diluted epoxy resin or polyurethane;(c) chemical grouting pressure control in the 012 ~ 014MPa, pressure control of cement grouting in the 014 ~ 018MPa, increasing the pressure does not improve the filling rate, is not conducive to filling effect;(d) after grouting, when grout without leakage when the initial setting before grouting remove mouth (boxes, tubes).4.3 Complete blocking law Width greater than 015mm for the large cracks or cracks in steel corrosion can crack the concrete digged along the "U" type or "V" groove, and then filling them with repair materials to restore the water resistance, durability or part of the restoration of structural integrity .(1) process:cutting grooves →primary treatment (decontamination of concrete, steel rust) →brushing binder (epoxy grout) →→workmanship surface repair material handling.(2) Construction of main points:(a) Filling them with materials to choose depending on the particular epoxy resin, epoxy mortar, polymer cement mortar, PVC, clay or asphalt ointment;(b) For the corrosion cracks, the first completely rust on steel, and then cover rust paint. 5.SummaryConcrete Crack is a technical problem, long plagued engineering. In recent years, with high early strength cement is widely used as commercial concrete pumping vigorously promote the construction of the concrete strength grade increase, the emergence of mass concrete, to achieve results in the crack problem, while also more prominent, and even become Concretequality focus.The present concrete shrinkage cracks are mainly caused by deformation and deformation temperature, control of these cracks in addition to the general construction in the design and construction take appropriate measures, also need researchers have developed as quickly as possible to reduce shrinkage and hydration heat of cement efficient materials, which will crack the problem reduced to minimum.混凝土裂缝成因和防治措施问题的研究探讨摘要:目前混凝土裂缝问题倍受关注,本文在对混凝土裂缝进行分类的基础上,分析了不同裂缝的形成原因,并提出了裂缝防治的措施及处理方法。

Building construction concrete crack ofprevention and processingAbstractThe crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure.Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processingForewordConcrete's ising 1 kind is anticipate by the freestone bone, cement, water and other mixture but formation of the in addition material of quality brittleness not and all material.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, defend Shen and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete be subjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the aid of instruments of macro view the crack be also the crack that the concrete often say in the engineering.Concrete building and Gou piece usually all take sewer to make of, because of crack of existence and development usually make inner part of reinforcing bar etc. material creation decay, lower reinforced concrete material of loading ability, durable and anti- Shen ability, influence building of external appearance, service life, severity will threat arrive people's life and property safety.A lot of all of crash of engineerings is because of the unsteady development of the crack with the result that.Modern age science research with a great deal of of the concrete engineering practice certificate, in the concrete engineering crack problem is ineluctable, also acceptable in certainly of the scope just need to adopt valid of measure will it endanger degree control at certain of scope inside.The reinforced concrete norm is also explicit provision:Some structure at place of dissimilarity under the condition allow existence certain the crack of width.But at under construction should as far as possible adopt a valid measure control crack creation, make the structure don't appear crack possibly or as far as possible decrease crack of amount and width, particularly want to as far as possible avoid harmful crack of emergence, insure engineering quality thus.Concrete crack creation of the reason be a lot of and have already transformed to cause of crack:Such as temperature variety, constringency, inflation, the asymmetry sink to sink etc. reason cause of crack;Have outside carry the crack that the function cause;Protected environment not appropriate the crack etc. caused with chemical effect.Want differentiation to treat in the actual engineering, work°out a problem according to the actual circumstance.In the concrete engineering the familiar crack and the prevention1.Stem Suo crack and preventionStem the Suo crack much appear after the concrete protect be over of a period of time or concrete sprinkle to build to complete behind of around a week.In the cement syrup humidity of evaporate would creation stem Suo, and this kind of constringency is can't negative.Stem Suo crack of the creation be main is because of concrete inside outside humidity evaporate degree dissimilarity butcause to transform dissimilarity of result:The concrete is subjected to exterior condition of influence, surface humidity loss lead quick, transform bigger, inner part degree of humidity variety smaller transform smaller, bigger surface stem the Suo transform to be subjected to concrete inner part control, creation more big pull should dint but creation crack.The relative humidity is more low, cement syrup body stem Suo more big, stem the Suo crack be more easy creation.Stem the Suo crack is much surface parallel lines form or the net shallow thin crack, width many between 0.05-0.2 mm, the flat surface part much see in the big physical volume concrete and follow it more in thinner beam plank short to distribute.Stem Suo crack usually the anti- Shen of influence concrete, cause the durable of the rust eclipse influence concrete of reinforcing bar, under the function of the water pressure dint would creation the water power split crack influence concrete of loading dint etc..Concrete stem the Suo be main with water ash of the concrete ratio, the dosage of the composition, cement of cement, gather to anticipate of the dosage of the property and dosage, in addition etc. relevant.Main prevention measure:While being to choose to use the constringency quantity smaller cement, general low hot water mire and powder ash from stove cement in the adoption, lower the dosage of cement.Two is a concrete of stem the Suo be subjected to water ash ratio of influence more big, water ash ratio more big, stem Suo more big, so in the concrete match the ratio the design should as far as possible control good water ash ratio of choose to use, the Chan add in the meantime accommodation of reduce water.Three is strict control concrete mix blend with under construction of match ratio, use of concrete water quantity absolute can't big in match ratio design give settle of use water quantity.Four is the earlier period which strengthen concrete to protect, and appropriate extension protect of concrete time.Winter construction want to be appropriate extension concrete heat preservation to overlay time, and Tu2 Shua protect to protect.Five is a constitution the accommodation is in the concrete structure of the constringency sew.2.The Su constringency crack and preventionSu constringency is the concrete is before condense, surface because of lose water quicker but creation of constringency.The Su constringency crack is general at dry heat or strong wind the weather appear, crack's much presenting in the center breadth, both ends be in the centerthin and the length be different, with each other not coherent appearance.Shorter crack general long 20-30 cm, the longer crack can reach to a 2-3 m, breadth 1-5 mm.It creation of main reason is:The concrete is eventually almost having no strength or strength before the Ning very small, perhaps concrete just eventually Ning but strength very hour, be subjected to heat or compare strong wind dint of influence, the concrete surface lose water to lead quick, result in in the capillary creation bigger negative press but make a concrete physical volume sharply constringency, but at this time the strength of concrete again can't resist its constringency, therefore creation cracked.The influence concrete Su constringency open the main factor of crack to have water ash ratio, concrete of condense time, environment temperature, wind velocity, relative humidity...etc..Main prevention measure:One is choose to use stem the Suo value smaller higher Huo sour salt of the earlier period strength or common the Huo sour brine mire.Two is strict the control water ash ratio, the Chan add to efficiently reduce water to increment the collapse of concrete fall a degree and with easy, decrease cement and water of dosage.Three is to sprinkle before building concrete, water basic level and template even to soak through.Four is in time to overlay the perhaps damp grass mat of the plastics thin film, hemp slice etc., keep concrete eventually before the Ning surface is moist, perhaps spray to protect etc. to carry on protect in the concrete surface.Five is in the heat and strongwind the weather to want to establish to hide sun and block breeze facilities, protect in time.3.Sink to sink crack and preventionThe creation which sink to sink crack is because of the structure foundation soil quality not and evenly, loose soft or return to fill soil dishonest or soak in water but result in the asymmetry sink to decline with the result that;Perhaps because of template just degree shortage, the template propped up to once be apart from big or prop up bottom loose move etc. to cause, especially at winter, the template prop up at jelly soil up, jelly the soil turn jelly empress creation asymmetry to sink to decline and cause concrete structure creation crack.This kind crack many is deep enter or pierce through sex crack, it alignment have something to do with sinking to sink a circumstance, general follow with ground perpendicular or present 30 °s-45 ° Cape direction development, bigger sink to sink crack, usually have certain of wrong, crack width usually with sink to decline quantity direct proportion relation.Crack width under the influence of temperature variety smaller.The foundation after transform stability sink to sink crack also basic tend in stability.Main prevention measure:One is rightness loose soft soil, return to fill soil foundation a construction at the upper part structure front should carry on necessity of Hang solid with reinforce.Two is the strength that assurance template is enough and just degree, and prop up firm, and make the foundation be subjected to dint even.Three is keep concrete from sprinkle infusing the foundation in the process is soak by water.Four is time that template tore down to can't be too early, and want to notice to dismantle a mold order of sequence.Five is at jelly soil top take to establish template to notice to adopt certain of prevention measure.4.Temperature crack and preventionTemperature crack much the occurrence is in big surface or difference in temperature variety of the physical volume concrete compare the earth area of the concrete structure.Concrete after sprinkling to build, in the hardening the process, cement water turn a creation a great deal of of water turn hot, .(be the cement dosage is in the 350-550 kg/m 3, each sign square the rice concrete will release a calories of 17500-27500 kJ and make concrete internal thus the temperature rise to reach to 70 ℃or so even higher)Because the physical volume of concrete be more big, a great deal of of water turn hot accumulate at the concrete inner part but not easy send forth, cause inner part the temperature hoick, but the concrete surface spread hot more quick, so formation inside outside of bigger difference in temperature, the bigger difference in temperature result in inner part and exterior hot the degree of the bulge cold Suo dissimilarity, make concrete surface creation certain of pull should dint.When pull should dint exceed the anti- of concrete pull strength extreme limit, concrete surface meeting creation crack, this kind of crack much occurrence after the concrete under construction period.In the concrete of under construction be difference in temperature variety more big, perhaps is a concrete to be subjected to assault of cold wave etc., will cause concrete surface the temperature sharply descend, but creation constringency, surface constringency of the concrete be subjected to inner part concrete of control, creation very big of pull should dint but creation crack, this kind of crack usually just in more shallow scope of the concrete surface creation.The alignment of the temperature crack usually none settle regulation, big area structure the crack often maneuver interleave;The size bigger structure of the beam plank length, the crack run parallel with short side more;Thorough with pierce through sex of temperature crack general and short side direction parallelism or close parallelism, crack along long side cent the segment appear, in the center more airtight.Crack width the size be different, be subjected to temperature variety influence more obvious, winter compare breadth, summer more narrow.The concrete temperature crack thatthe heat inflation cause is usually in the center the thick both ends be thin, but cold Suo crack of thick thin variety not too obvious.The emergence of the this kind crack will cause the rust eclipse of reinforcing bar, the carbonization of concrete, the anti- jelly which lower concrete melt, anti- tired and anti- Shen ability etc..Main prevention measure:One is as far as possible choose to use low hot or medium hot water mire, like mineral residue cement, powder ash from stove cement...etc..Two is a decrease cement dosage, cement dosage as far as possible the control is in the 450 kg/m 3 following.Three is to lower water ash ratio, water ash of the general concrete ratio control below 0.6.Four is improvement the bone anticipate class to go together with, the Chan add powder ash from stove or efficiently reduce water etc. to come to reduce cement dosage and lower water to turn hot.Five is an improvement concrete of mix blend to process a craft, lower sprinkle of concrete to build temperature.Six is the in addition that the Chan add a have of fixed amount to reduce water and increase Su, slow Ning etc. function in the concrete, improvement the concrete mix to match a thing of mobility, protect water, lower water to turn hot, postpone hot Feng of emergence time.Seven is the heat season sprinkle to build can the adoption take to establish to hide sun plank etc. assistance measure control concrete of Wen Sheng, lower to sprinkle temperature of build the concrete.Eight is the temperature of big physical volume concrete should the dint relate to structure size, concrete structure size more big, temperature should dint more big, so want reasonable arrangement construction work preface, layering, cent the piece sprinkle to build, for the convenience of in spread hot, let up control.Nine is at great inner part constitution of the physical volume concrete cool off piping, cold water perhaps cold air cool off, let up concrete of inside outside difference in temperature.Ten is the supervision which strengthen concrete temperature, adopt to cool off in time, protection measure.11 is to reserve temperature constringency to sew.12 is to let up to control, sprinkle proper before building concrete in the Ji rock and old concrete top build a 5 mm or so sand mat a layer or usage asphalt etc. material Tu2 Shua.13 is to strengthen concrete to protect, the concrete after sprinkle build use moist grass Lian in time, hemp slice's etc. overlay, and attention sprinkle water to protect, appropriate extension protect time, assurance the concrete surface be slow-moving cool off.At the cold season, concrete surface should constitution heat preservation measure, in order to prevent cold wave assault.14 is the allocation be a little amount in the concrete of reinforcing bar perhaps add fiber material concrete of temperature crack control at certain of scope inside.5.Crack and prevention that the chemical reaction causeAlkali bone's anticipating the crack that reaction crack and reinforcing bar rust eclipse cause is the most familiar in the reinforced concrete structure of because of chemical reaction but cause of crack.The concrete blend a future reunion creation some alkalescence ion, these ion with some activity the bone anticipate creation chemical reaction and absorb surroundings environment in of water but the physical volume enlarge, make concrete crisp loose, inflation open crack.In this kind of crack general emergence concrete structure usage period, once appear very difficult remediable, so should at under construction adopt valid the measure carry on prevention.Main of prevention measure:While being to choose to anticipate with the alkali activity small freestone bone.Two is the in addition which choose to use low lye mire with low alkali or have no alkali.Three is the Chan which choose to use accommodation with anticipate to repress an alkali bone to anticipate reaction. Because the concrete sprinkle to build, flap Dao bad perhaps is a reinforcing bar protection layer thinner, the harmful material get into concrete to make reinforcing bar creation rust eclipse, thereinforcing bar physical volume of the rust eclipse inflation, cause concrete bulge crack, the crack of this kind type much is a crack lengthways, follow the position of reinforcing bar ually of prevent measure from have:One is assurance reinforcing bar protection the thickness of the layer.Two is a concrete class to go together with to want good.Three is a concrete to sprinkle to note and flap Dao airtight solid.Four is a reinforcing bar surface layer Tu2 Shua antisepsis coating. Crack processingThe emergence of the crack not only would influence structure of whole with just degree, return will cause the rust eclipse of reinforcing bar, acceleration concrete of carbonization, lower durable and anti- of concrete tired, anti- Shen ability.Therefore according to the property of crack and concrete circumstance we want differentiation to treat, in time processing, with assurance building of safety usage.The repair measure of the concrete crack is main to have the following some method:Surface repair method, infuse syrup, the Qian sew method, the structure reinforce a method, concrete displacement method, electricity chemistry protection method and imitate to living from heal method.Surface repair the method be a kind of simple, familiar of repair method, it main be applicable to stability and to structure loading the ability don't have the surface crack of influence and deep enter crack of processing.The processing measure that is usually is a surface in crack daubery cement syrup, the wreath oxygen gum mire or at concrete surface Tu2 Shua paint, asphalt etc. antisepsis material, at protection of in the meantime for keeping concrete from continue under the influence of various function to open crack, usually can adoption the surface in crack glue to stick glass fiber cloth etc. measure.1, infuse syrup, the Qian sew methodInfuse a syrup method main the concrete crack been applicable to have influence or have already defend Shen request to the structure whole of repair, it is make use of pressure equipments gum knot the material press into the crack of concrete, gum knot the material harden behind and concrete formation one be whole, thus reinforce of purpose.The in common use gum knot material has the cement the syrup, epoxy, A Ji C Xi sour ester and gather ammonia ester to equalize to learn material. The Qian sew a method is that the crack be a kind of most in common use method in, it usually is follow the crack dig slot, the Qian fill Su in the slot or rigid water material with attain closing crack of purpose.The in common use Su material has PVC gum mire, plastics ointment, the D Ji rubber etc.;In common use rigid water material is the polymer cement sand syrup.2, the structure reinforce a methodWhen the crack influence arrive concrete structure of function, will consideration adopt to reinforce a method to carry on processing to the concrete structure.The structure reinforce medium in common use main have the following a few method:The piece of enlargement concrete structure in every aspect accumulate, outside the Cape department of the Gou piece pack type steel, adoption prepare should the dint method reinforce, glue to stick steel plate to reinforce, increase to establish fulcrum to reinforce and jet the concrete compensation reinforce.3, concrete displacement methodConcrete displacement method is processing severity damage concrete of a kind of valid method, this method be first will damage of the concrete pick and get rid of, then again displacement go into new of concrete or other material.The in common use displacement material have:Common concrete or the cement sand syrup, polymer or change sex polymer concrete or sand syrup.4, the electricity chemistry protection methodThe electricity chemistry antisepsis is to make use of infliction electric field in lie the quality of electricity chemical effect, change concrete or reinforced concrete the environment appearance of the place, the bluntness turn reinforcing bar to attain the purpose of antisepsis.Cathode protection method, chlorine salt's withdrawing a method, alkalescence to recover a method is a chemistry protection method in three kinds of in common use but valid method.The advantage of this kind of method is a protection method under the influence of environment factor smaller, apply reinforcing bar, concrete of long-term antisepsis, since can used for crack structure already can also used for new set up structure.5, imitate to living from legal moreImitate to living from heal the method be a kind of new crack treatment, its mimicry living creature organization secrete a certain material towards suffering wound part auto, but make the wound part heal of function, join some and special composition(such as contain to glue knot of the liquid Xin fiber or capsule) in the concrete of the tradition the composition, at concrete inner part formation the intelligence type imitate to living from heal nerve network system, be the concrete appear crack secrete a parts of liquid Xin fiber can make the crack re- heal.ConclusionThe crack is widespread in the concrete structure existence of a kind of phenomenon, it of emergence not only will lower the anti- Shen of building ability, influence building of usage function, and will cause the rust eclipse of reinforcing bar, the carbonization of concrete, lower the durable of material, influence building of loading ability, so want to carry on to the concrete crack earnest research, differentiation treat, adoption reasonable of the method carry on processing, and at under construction adopt various valid of prevention measure to prevention crack of emergence and development, assurance building and Gou piece safety, stability work.From《CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING》建筑施工混凝土裂缝的预防与处理混凝土的裂缝问题是一个普遍存在而又难于解决的工程实际问题,本文对混凝土工程中常见的一些裂缝问题进行了探讨分析,并针对具体情况提出了一些预防、处理措施。

钢筋混凝土中英文资料翻译1 外文翻译1.1 Reinforced ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement ,water ,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel),air, and often other admixtures. The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork, then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cement/water mix, resulting in hardened concrete. The finished product has high compressive strength, and low resistance to tension, such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength. Consequently, tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete element.It is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design. The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved. This is possible because concrete can easily be given any desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixture of the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned, the finished product becomes strong, durable, and, in combination with the reinforcing bars, adaptable for use as main members of anystructural system.The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast: that is, whether it is a column, a bean, a wall, a slab, a foundation. a mass columns, or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete. For beams, columns, and walls, the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them, and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials. In foundations, the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in. in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete. Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type, as the case requires, unless it is placed by pumping. It must be kept in mind, however, that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concrete.Hydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F. It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place. If drying is too rapid, surface cracking takes place. This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydration.It is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element, such as geometrical width, depth, area of reinforcement, steel strain, concrete strain, steel stress, and so on. Consequently, trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice of concrete sections, with assumptions based on conditions at site, availability of the constituent materials, particular demands of the owners, architectural and headroom requirements, the applicable codes, and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite, in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structures.A trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system. The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load. Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section, the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analyses.The trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design. Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen. The availability of handbooks, charts, and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient, compact, and speedy instructionalmethod compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design.1.2 EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branch of civil engineering, this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast. In 1935 most of the methods now in use for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist. Most earth was moved by narrow rail track, now relatively rare, and the main methods of excavation, with face shovel, backacter, or dragline or grab, though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods. To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines. Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators, loaders and transport is obtainable from the makers.Earthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high ( cuts ), and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low ( fills). Toreduce earthwork costs, the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill. This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness. From the available maps ahd levels, the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork. On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layout,but the drawing lffice work will not have been lost. It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest time.The cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine. This is not always possible, but when it canbe done it is ideal, being both quick and cheap. Draglines, bulldozers and face shovels an do this. The largest radius is obtained with the dragline,and the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer, though only over short distances.The disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself, it cannot dig with force into compacted material, it cannot dig on steep slopws, and its dumping and digging are not accurate.Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines, having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines. They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline.Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful, but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovel.Rubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel. They can dig the material deeply ( but only below themselves ) to a fairly flat surface, carry it hundreds of meters if need be, then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping. For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor ( wheeled or tracked ) on the digging site, to push each scraper as it returns to dig. As soon as the scraper is full,the pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraper.Bowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machines;many makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity, which carry 10 m ³ heaped. The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m ³ struck capacity ( 25 m ³ heaped )and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powers.Dumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials. Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels, and the container tips forwards on most types, though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied. The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about 0.5 m ³, and the largest standard types are of about 4.5 m ³. Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m ³and the articulated type of about 0.5 m ³. The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered .dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load. Dump trucks are heavy, strengthened tipping lorries, the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him, so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks.1.3 Safety of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures. The “ safety factor ”, which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used, can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions. This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability ( risk ) of failure of the structure.Failure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also as unserviceability or, according to a more precise. Common definition. As the reaching of a “limit state ” which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designedfor. There are two categories of limit state :(1)Ultimate limit sate, which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity. Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure; failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism; failure by fatigue; elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure; and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads, to fire and to explosions.(2)Service limit states, which are functions of the use and durability of the structure. Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability; early or excessive cracks; large vibrations; and corrosion.Computational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into:(1)Deterministic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters.(2)Probabilistic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as random parameters.Alternatively, with respect to the different use of factors of safety, computational methods can be separated into:(1)Allowable stress method, in which the stresses computed under maximum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors.(2)Limit states method, in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its maximum strength. This strength, as determined by rational analysis, shall not be less than that required to support a factored load equal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ( ultimate state ).The stresses corresponding to working ( service ) conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values ( service limit state ) . From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods, we can obtain some useful computational methods. Generally, two combinations prevail:(1)deterministic methods, which make use of allowable stresses.(2)Probabilistic methods, which make use of limit states.The main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that, at least in theory, it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety, which are then combined to define the safety factor. probabilistic approaches depend upon :(1) Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions offabrication and erection ( scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure );(2) Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure ( faults and imperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure );(3) Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure;(4)Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used ( deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses ).Furthermore, probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors, such as :(1) Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage by its failure;(2)Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure;(3)Possibility and/or likelihood of repairing the structure;(4) Predicted life of the structure.All these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as:(1) Initial cost of the construction;(2) Amortization funds for the duration of the construction;(3) Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction;(4) Adverse impact on society;(5) Moral and psychological views.The definition of all these parameters, for a given safety factor, allows construction at the optimum cost. However, the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account. For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses, of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials, and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known. Furthermore, it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material, on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure. These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways. The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads, without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion. The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifying assumptions ( semi-probabilistic methods ) 。

抗裂混凝土配方及规格一、前言抗裂混凝土(Crack-resistant concrete)是指在混凝土中加入特定的材料,以提高混凝土的抗裂性能。
2.配合比:抗裂混凝土的配合比应符合GB 50080-2016《混凝土配合比设计规范》的相关要求。
5.收缩:抗裂混凝土的收缩应符合GB/T 50082-2009《混凝土收缩性能试验方法标准》的相关要求。
6.裂缝宽度:抗裂混凝土的裂缝宽度应符合GB/T 50367-2006《混凝土结构裂缝宽度控制规范》的相关要求。

第42卷第9期2023年9月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.42㊀No.9September,2023低热硅酸盐水泥高温强度特性及其机理研究沈㊀鑫,王㊀敏,黄㊀文,张坤悦,郭随华,文寨军(中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司,北京㊀100024)摘要:低热硅酸盐水泥具有高温下强度稳定增长的特性,本文以硅酸盐水泥和低热硅酸盐水泥互为对比,研究了在水泥砂浆成型之后直接进行热养护(50~80ħ)和标准养护1d 后再进行热养护两种情况下的强度发展和水泥浆体的物相组成㊁孔隙发展㊁微观形貌特征㊂结果表明:高温条件下水泥强度损伤行为源于水化后期的微结构劣化,但这一行为与水化初期受热密切相关,低热硅酸盐水泥在高温下较低的水化速率使其水化产物更均匀㊁密实,浆体的孔结构不随温度的升高以及受热方式的改变出现明显劣化,因此其强度在高温下仍能保持稳定增长;硅酸盐水泥后期由高温引发的钙矾石分解并没有直接导致强度倒缩,但水化初期过高的水化速率使水泥浆体出现更多的孔洞和缺陷,加速了后期由高温引起的单硫型水化硫铝酸钙(AFm)㊁Ca(OH)2析出与生长,且诱发浆体孔隙率增大㊂关键词:低热硅酸盐水泥;养护温度;水化产物;孔结构;微观形貌中图分类号:TQ172.1㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2023)09-3100-09Strength Characteristics and Mechanism of Low-Heat Portland Cement at High TemperatureSHEN Xin ,WANG Min ,HUANG Wen ,ZHANG Kunyue ,GUO Suihua ,WEN Zhaijun (China Building Materials Academy Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100024,China)Abstract :Low-heat Portland cement has the characteristic of stable strength growth at high temperature.In this paper,the strength development of mortar and phase composition,pore development and micromorphology of cement paste under thermal curing (50~80ħ)after forming and thermal curing after standard curing for 1d were studied by comparing Portland cement and low-heat Portland cement.The results show that the cement strength collapses under high temperature conditions due to the microstructure deterioration in the later stage of hydration,but this behavior is closely related to the heat in the early stage of hydration.The slow hydration rate of low-heat Portland cement at high temperature makes the hydration products uniform and dense,and the pore structure of paste does not deteriorate with the increase of temperature and the change of heating way.Therefore,its strength can maintain a steady increase at high temperature.The decomposition of ettringite caused by high temperature in the later stage of Portland cement does not directly lead to strength collapse,but the quickly hydration rate of Portland cement in the early stage leads to more holes and defects in the cement paste,accelerates the precipitation and growth of AFm and Ca(OH)2caused by high temperature in the later stage,and induces the increase of porosity.Key words :low-heat Portland cement;curing temperature;hydration product;pore structure;micromorphology收稿日期:2023-05-08;修订日期:2023-07-03基金项目:中国建材集团攻关专项资助(2021HX0708)作者简介:沈㊀鑫(1998 ),男,硕士研究生㊂主要从特种水泥方面的研究㊂E-mail:599292237@通信作者:郭随华,博士,教授级高级工程师㊂E-mail:sh_guo@0㊀引㊀言环境温度是水泥水化过程的重要参数,对水泥水化进程㊁物相及微结构演变㊁物理性能等都有显著影响㊂对于硅酸盐水泥,养护温度过高会导致水泥后期性能产生劣化,如后期强度倒缩,耐久性能下降等[1]㊂已有大量学者对此现象展开了探究,揭示了高温劣化水泥性能的主要原因:1)养护温度过高导致孔隙结构劣化[2];2)钙矾石(AFt)等物相超过60ħ后分解[3];3)水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)凝胶在高温下结合水减少导致密第9期沈㊀鑫等:低热硅酸盐水泥高温强度特性及其机理研究3101㊀度增大[4];4)随着温度升高,C-S-H凝胶聚合度增加,微结构纤维化等[5]㊂针对上述问题,引入辅助性胶凝材料可以一定程度上缓解水泥的性能劣化㊂谭克锋等[6]研究发现,硅灰㊁粉煤灰㊁矿渣都可以一定程度上消除高温负效应,其中硅灰掺入后效果最明显㊂Niu等[7]通过粉煤灰㊁矿粉等混合材的掺入减少了高地热隧道环境下喷射混凝土的强度倒缩㊂彭波[8]通过延长蒸汽养护前的静停时间,缓解了混凝土后期的性能劣化㊂此外,在水泥品种选择方面,王晶等[9]发现,低热水泥在38~70ħ的高温下能够实现强度稳定增长,这为解决高温环境下混凝土性能劣化提供了新思路[10]㊂Shirani等[11]对此现象进行了研究,认为硅酸二钙(C2S)后期的持续水化是抵消水泥浆体结构劣化的主要原因㊂考虑到低热硅酸盐水泥与硅酸盐水泥水化产物种类并无明显区别,上文提到的微结构劣化在低热硅酸盐水泥浆体中仍可能存在,而有研究证实水泥水化初期受热导致的负面影响是不可忽略的[12],因此猜测低热硅酸盐水泥在高温下强度稳定增长的特性可能与其早期较低的水化速率相关㊂本文对比了低热硅酸盐水泥和硅酸盐水泥在成型之后直接进行热养护和标准养护1d后再进行热养护两种养护方式下的强度发展和微结构演变,进一步探讨了低热硅酸盐水泥在高温下能够保证强度稳定增长的原因㊂1㊀实㊀验1.1㊀原材料水泥采用P㊃LH型低热硅酸盐水泥(下文简称低热水泥,简写为LH)和P㊃Ⅰ型硅酸盐水泥(下文简称硅酸盐水泥,简写为PC),两种水泥的主要矿物组成及技术指标分别如表1㊁表2所示㊂表1㊀水泥的主要矿物组成Table1㊀Main mineral composition of cementCement Mineral composition(mass fraction)/%C3S C2S C3A C4AF Total LH33.9841.99 1.7614.6592.39PC58.6118.67 6.4511.0494.77表2㊀水泥的技术指标Table2㊀Technical indexes of cementCement Specific surface/(m2㊃kg-1)Setting time/min Compressive strength/MPa Flexural strength/MPaInitial Final7d28d7d28dDensity/(g㊃cm-3)LH330185249 4.87.921.048.2 3.19 PC360105168 6.67.835.252.3 3.111.2㊀试验方法采用‘水泥胶砂强度检验方法(ISO法)“(GB/T17671 2021)制备水泥砂浆,用两种不同的养护方式分别在50㊁60㊁70㊁80ħ下进行养护,并测试力学性能㊂具体养护方式如下:方式A:用此种养护方法代表水泥成型之后直接进行热养护的情况㊂水泥砂浆成型后连带模具一同放入对应温度的蒸汽养护箱中进行蒸汽养护,1d后拆模,将砂浆试件放入对应温度的水浴养护箱中水浴养护至测试龄期㊂微观测试用的水泥净浆按0.4水灰比拌和后采用密封模具成型,并带模放入对应温度的水浴养护箱中养护,1d后拆模,随后继续在对应温度水浴养护㊂方式B:用此种养护方法代表水泥标准养护1d后再进行热养护的情况㊂水泥砂浆成型后标准养护1d 后拆模,将砂浆试件放入对应温度的水浴养护箱中水浴养护至测试龄期㊂微观测试用的水泥净浆按0.4水灰比拌和后在4cmˑ4cmˑ4cm的模具中成型,标准养护1d后拆模,随后在对应温度水浴养护㊂两种养护方式的流程示意图如图1所示㊂对每组试件进行编号,编号中PC代表硅酸盐水泥,LH代表低热水泥,数字50㊁60㊁70㊁80代表养护温度值,A㊁B代表不同养护方式,3d㊁7d㊁28d㊁56d代表养护龄期㊂3102㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷图1㊀两种养护方式的流程示意图Fig.1㊀Flow diagrams of two curing methods1.3㊀微观测试方法微观测试对象是与砂浆养护方式相对应的水泥净浆㊂将各龄期净浆试件破碎为小块后采用乙醇浸泡1d,更换乙醇,继续浸泡至少7d终止水化,进行微观测试前,取出试样置于真空干燥箱干燥48h㊂测试方法及参数如下:①X射线衍射(XRD)分析将干燥后的水泥净浆试样研磨并过45μm筛,采用Rigaku Ultima IV型号的仪器X射线衍射仪进行测试,测试参数:Cu靶,2θ角范围5ʎ~60ʎ,扫描速度5(ʎ)/min㊂②同步热(TG-DSC)分析将干燥后的水泥净浆试样研磨并过45μm筛,采用NETZSCH STA449F5型号的同步热分析仪进行测试,测试参数:气氛为氮气,升温范围50~1000ħ,加热速率10ħ/min㊂③压汞测试(MIP)采用Micromeritics AutoPore V9620型号的压汞仪进行孔结构分析㊂测试所用水泥净浆试样采用切割法制成1cmˑ1cmˑ1cm的立方体,避免破碎时产生新的裂缝㊂④扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析采用HITACHI S-4800型号的扫描电子显微镜对终止水化并干燥的水泥净浆试样进行测试,并结合EDS 谱区分不同水化产物㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀抗压强度成型之后直接进行热养护时,低热水泥砂浆和硅酸盐水泥砂浆抗压强度发展如图2所示㊂硅酸盐水泥砂浆龄期达到28d时,抗压强度在温度超过60ħ后小幅降低,70㊁80ħ养护温度下28d抗压强度较50ħ分别降低2.4%㊁3.2%;而当龄期达到56d时,抗压强度随温度降低的趋势则更加明显,60㊁70㊁80ħ养护温度下56d抗压强度较50ħ分别降低2.3%㊁6.4%㊁8.4%;而当温度超过60ħ后,28d龄期至56d龄期抗压强度出现明显倒缩,这一现象和前人[7,9]的研究结果吻合㊂低热水泥砂浆则并未出现强度倒缩现象, 3~28d抗压强度均随温度升高而提高,当龄期达到56d时,抗压强度则基本不随温度的升高而变化㊂相较于硅酸盐水泥砂浆,低热水泥砂浆在各温度下的7㊁28㊁56d抗压强度均更高㊂80ħ㊁56d龄期时,低热水泥砂浆抗压强度较硅酸盐水泥砂浆高34.4%㊂标准养护1d后再进行热养护时,低热水泥砂浆和硅酸盐水泥砂浆抗压强度发展如图3所示㊂两种砂浆抗压强度在1~28d均表现出了较为良好的增长趋势,硅酸盐水泥砂浆并未出现养护方式A中出现的强度倒缩现象㊂两种水泥砂浆龄期相同时,抗压强度随养护温度增加而提升;温度相同时,抗压强度同样随龄期增加而增加㊂当龄期达到56d时,抗压强度几乎不随温度增加而增长,说明水泥已经达到了较高的水化程度㊂相较于硅酸盐水泥砂浆,低热水泥砂浆在各温度下的7㊁28㊁56d抗压强度均更高㊂80ħ㊁56d龄期时,低热水泥砂浆抗压强度较硅酸盐水泥砂浆高20.2%㊂2.2㊀物相分析图4为两种水泥净浆56d龄期时,80㊁50ħ养护温度下的XRD谱㊂对于长龄期的水泥浆体而言,低热水泥和硅酸盐水泥水化产物组成区别不大,在XRD谱中特征峰较为明显的物相为Ca(OH)2和未水化的第9期沈㊀鑫等:低热硅酸盐水泥高温强度特性及其机理研究3103㊀C 2S㊁硅酸三钙(C 3S)㊂图2㊀成型之后直接进行热养护的水泥砂浆抗压强度发展Fig.2㊀Development of compressive strength of cement mortar under thermal curing afterforming 图3㊀标准养护1d 后再进行热养护的水泥砂浆抗压强度发展Fig.3㊀Development of compressive strength of cement mortar under thermal curing after standard curing for 1d图4㊀低热水泥净浆与硅酸盐水泥净浆50㊁80ħ高温养护56d 后的XRD 谱Fig.4㊀XRD patterns of low-heat Portland cement paste and Portland cement paste curing at 50,80ħfor 56d 图5㊀硅酸盐水泥净浆和低热水泥净浆80ħ养护56d 后的TG-DSC 曲线Fig.5㊀TG-DSC curves of Portland cement paste and low-heat Portland cement paste curing at 80ħfor 56d 当温度为50ħ时,均能在两种水泥XRD 谱的9.1ʎ附近看到略微突出的钙矾石特征峰,而在80ħ的试样中则未出现此特征峰,说明钙矾石在高温下发生了分解,一部分转化为了单硫型水化硫铝酸钙(AFm)㊂但这并非直接导致硅酸盐水泥强度下降的主要原因,因为经过标准养护1d 后80ħ水浴养护的硅酸盐水泥砂浆(PC80B56d)钙矾石分解后强度并未出现明显倒缩现象㊂此外,在34.1ʎ处的Ca(OH)2特征峰左右都能看到突出的小峰,如图4中的局部放大图所示㊂低热水泥在33.8ʎ处的铁相(C 4AF)特征峰比硅酸盐水泥更明显,硅酸盐水泥在34.3ʎ处的C 3S 特征峰比低热水泥更明显㊂这一现象符合两种水泥的矿物特点,低热水泥中的铁相含量较多且在高温下水化较慢,因此在长龄期试样中被清晰地发现,同时更少的C 3S 能在高温环境中基本水化完全㊂如图4(b)所示,成型之后直接进行热养护的硅酸盐水泥Ca(OH)2特征峰峰值要比标准养护1d 后再进行热养护的试样高,说明二者Ca(OH)2含量可能存在差异㊂图5为硅酸盐水泥净浆和低热水泥净浆经两种方3104㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷式80ħ养护56d后的TG-DSC曲线,四条曲线均未在100~150ħ出现钙矾石的失重峰,与XRD结果相吻合㊂如表3所示,计算了四组试样的结合水含量,由于龄期较长㊁养护温度较高,各试样结合水含量较高且数值接近㊂根据DSC曲线可以判定Ca(OH)2分解的起始与终止温度,从而计算出Ca(OH)2的含量,同时由于制样过程样品的碳化难以避免,部分Ca(OH)2被碳化,因此需要计算CaCO3的失重对Ca(OH)2含量进行修正㊂两组低热水泥试样中Ca(OH)2含量基本相当,且比硅酸盐水泥低,说明低热水泥浆体中Ca(OH)2含量与水化初期是否受热关系不大㊂成型之后直接进行热养护的硅酸盐水泥浆体Ca(OH)2含量则比标准养护1d后再进行热养护的试样高12.9%,说明水化初期受热导致了Ca(OH)2含量增加,这是硅酸盐水泥强度倒缩的原因之一㊂表3㊀每100g水泥净浆中Ca(OH)2及结合水的质量Table3㊀Mass of Ca(OH)2and bound water per100g cement pasteSample Mass/gBound water Ca(OH)2CaCO3Total Ca(OH)2 LH80A56d19.058.88 1.409.92LH80B56d18.928.60 1.649.81PC80A56d19.4816.09 1.2115.71PC80B56d19.2314.11 1.1913.912.3㊀孔结构分析采用压汞法分析了50㊁80ħ时,两种水泥在A㊁B两种养护方式下7㊁56d龄期的孔结构㊂养护温度为50ħ时,低热水泥净浆孔径分布和孔隙累积曲线如图6所示㊂由于养护温度较高,水化速率高,7d时水泥浆体已经较为密实,因此孔径分布主要集中在100nm以内,且随着龄期的增长孔隙进一步细化,7d时成型之后直接进行热养护和标准养护1d后再进行热养护的试样最可几孔径均为40nm,56d时均为32nm㊂低热水泥孔隙率随龄期增长而减小,相同龄期的试样孔隙率相当,不随养护方式变化而变化㊂图6㊀50ħ时低热水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线Fig.6㊀Curves of pore size distribution and cumulative pore volume of low-heat Portland cement paste curing at50ħ养护温度为80ħ时,低热水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线如图7所示㊂与50ħ时类似,80ħ时低热水泥孔径分布同样较为集中,最可几孔径且同样集中在32nm附近,说明低热水泥热养护龄期达到7d 后,最可几孔径几乎不再细化且受养护温度影响不明显㊂低热水泥孔隙率随龄期增长而减小,相同龄期的试样孔隙率相当,不随水化初期受热情况而变化㊂养护温度为50ħ时,硅酸盐水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线如图8所示㊂7d时成型之后直接进行热养护和标准养护1d后再进行热养护的试样最可几孔径分别为32㊁40nm,56d时均为32nm㊂相比于低热水泥,硅酸盐水泥孔径分布更分散,普遍分布于20~100nm,因此推测硅酸盐水泥水化产物均匀程度不如低热水泥㊂孔隙率方面,标准养护1d后再进行热养护的试样随龄期增长孔隙进一步细化,而成型之后直接进行热养护的试样则未出现明显的孔隙率下降㊂说明水化初期50ħ的温度已经对水泥浆体造成了一定负面影响㊂第9期沈㊀鑫等:低热硅酸盐水泥高温强度特性及其机理研究3105㊀图7㊀80ħ时低热水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线Fig.7㊀Curves of pore size distribution and cumulative pore volume of low-heat Portland cement paste curing at 80ħ图8㊀50ħ时硅酸盐水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线Fig.8㊀Curves of pore size distribution and cumulative pore volume of Portland cement paste curing at 50ħ养护温度为80ħ时,硅酸盐水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线如图9所示㊂相比于50ħ时,80ħ时硅酸盐水泥孔隙分布更为集中,这是水化程度更高导致的结果㊂较为意外的是,标准养护1d 后在80ħ高温热养护的硅酸盐水泥试样的孔隙得到了明显细化,且孔隙率明显降低,甚至低于低热水泥㊂而成型之后直接进行热养护的试样则在7d 至56d 的时间段出现了孔结构的劣化,孔隙率随着龄期的增长异常增大,证实了水化初期受热放大了高温对孔结构的劣化㊂图9㊀80ħ时硅酸盐水泥净浆孔径分布与孔隙累积曲线Fig.9㊀Curves of pore size distribution and cumulative pore volume of Portland cement paste curing at 80ħ3106㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷统计了各试样的孔隙率,并按照吴中伟院士等[13]对水泥有害程度的划分方式统计了孔径分布,结果如图10所示㊂整体来看,高温养护条件下水泥水化程度较高,水化产物能够充分生长,因此长龄期试样孔隙主要以 少害孔 和 无害孔 为主㊂图10㊀低热水泥净浆与硅酸盐水泥净浆孔径分布及孔隙率Fig.10㊀Pore size distribution and porosity of low-heat Portland cement paste and Portland cement paste 低热水泥孔隙率随龄期增长而降低,且受温度的影响不明显,这与强度稳定增长的现象相匹配㊂硅酸盐水泥在成型之后直接进行热养护的方式下,7d 至56d 孔隙率明显上升,说明水化初期受热会放大水泥的劣化行为,而提前标准养护1d 后再进行热养护,则未出现明显孔隙劣化,说明高温导致水泥强度倒缩的原因集中在水化初期㊂在水化产物组成相近的情况下,这种劣化是由水化产物分布不均导致的,这也是硅酸盐水泥在成型之后直接进行热养护时出现强度倒缩㊁长龄期试件强度随温度升高而下降的原因之一[14]㊂同龄期情况下,低热水泥孔隙率往往略大于硅酸盐水泥且有害孔略多,但强度却明显更高,这并不矛盾,低热水泥Ca(OH)2更少㊁C-S-H 凝胶更多使得浆体理论强度更高[14]㊂2.4㊀微观形貌分析根据前文物相与孔结构分析的推断,水化初期受热是硅酸盐水泥后期发生强度倒缩的主要原因,但由于两种水泥水化速率相差较大,较早龄期水化产物微观形貌差异的成因主要源自水化程度的差异,劣化损伤现象难以对比,因此将56d 的水化产物微观形貌(见图11)作为观测对象,通过对比不同养护方式的长龄期试样,推测水化初期受热对水泥造成的损伤㊂由图11(a)可以看出,即使受到高温影响,低热水泥水化产物仍然保持密实㊁均匀,孔洞较少㊂尽管XRD 结果中显示受高温影响钙矾石分解为AFm 相,但在扫描电子显微镜中很难找到对应的AFm,这是因为低热水泥矿物组成中铝酸三钙(C 3A)较少,同时较为密实的结构也不利于为AFm 提供空间结晶成形㊂图11(b)中的层状结构为Ca(OH)2,即使在高温养护下,低热水泥的Ca(OH)2仍然呈较为规则的叠层生长且与C-S-H 结合较为紧密㊂标准养护1d 后再进行热养护的试样水化产物同样保持较为密实的状态,如图11(c)㊁(d)所示㊂在硅酸盐水泥中,即使56d 龄期的试样水化程度较高,但仍能看到大量孔洞并观察到尺寸超过50μm 且形貌粗大的Ca(OH)2,如图11(e)所示;部分Ca(OH)2尺寸甚至接近100μm,且生长取向不规则,如图11(f)所示㊂这些体积大㊁生长不规则的Ca(OH)2一方面本身会影响水泥浆体结构致密性,导致强度下降,另一面证实了早期过高的水化速率导致水化产物粗糙并存在较多孔隙,为结晶相提供了生长空间,这也是物相分析结果中成型之后直接进行热养护的硅酸盐水泥浆体Ca(OH)2更多的原因㊂另外,如图11(g)所示,硅酸盐水泥试样中有大量富集片状AFm 的孔洞,再一次佐证了更粗糙的水化产物为结晶相提供生长空间的猜测,且这样的孔洞并非个例,而是能在低倍数下看到的普遍现象,如图11(h)所示㊂第9期沈㊀鑫等:低热硅酸盐水泥高温强度特性及其机理研究3107㊀图11㊀水泥净浆的微观形貌Fig.11㊀Microstructure of cement paste 3㊀结㊀论相比于高温环境引起的水泥水化产物微结构变化,水化初期受热导致的水化产物分布不均对水泥强度发展的影响更为直接,且会加剧后期高温作用对水泥的负面影响;低热水泥更低的水化速率能更好地抵抗水化初期受热带来的损伤,从而使强度稳定发展㊂这一结论得到了宏观㊁微观试验结果的共同支持㊂1)成型之后直接进行热养护的情况下,低热水泥能保持稳定的强度增长,而硅酸盐水泥则在温度大于60ħ时56d 强度较28d 出现倒缩,且28㊁56d 强度随温度升高而下降;标准养护1d 后再进行热养护的情况下,两种水泥均能保证强度较为稳定的发展㊂2)无论水化初期是否受热,低热水泥在高温环境下的孔隙率都会随龄期增长而减小,且孔径分布较硅酸盐水泥更加集中;硅酸盐水泥成型之后直接进行热养护会导致孔隙率在7d 至56d 龄期增大,标准养护1d 后再进行热养护则不会出现该问题㊂3)标准养护1d 后再进行热养护的方式下,钙矾石的分解和强度损伤行为没有明显关联㊂4)即使成型之后直接进行热养护,低热水泥浆体微观形貌仍然分布均匀且密实,且未出现Ca(OH)2含量增多或形貌异常;而硅酸盐水泥浆体则因成型之后直接进行热养护导致Ca(OH)2含量比标准养护1d 再进行热养护时更多,且Ca(OH)2结晶体积大,排列无序,并伴随有大量片状AFm 集中生成㊂3108㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷参考文献[1]㊀TAYLOR H F W.Cement chemistry[M].London:Thomas Telford Publishing,1997.[2]㊀BAHAFID S,GHABEZLOO S,FAURE P,et al.Effect of the hydration temperature on the pore structure of cement paste:experimentalinvestigation and micromechanical modelling[J].Cement and Concrete Research,2018,111:1-14.[3]㊀LOTHENBACH B,WINNEFELD F,ALDER C,et al.Effect of temperature on the pore solution,microstructure and hydration products ofPortland cement pastes[J].Cement and Concrete Research,2007,37(4):483-491.[4]㊀GAJEWICZ-JAROMIN A M,MCDONALD P J,MULLER A C A,et al.Influence of curing temperature on cement paste microstructure measuredby1H NMR relaxometry[J].Cement and Concrete Research,2019,122:147-156.[5]㊀GALLUCCI E,ZHANG X,SCRIVENER K L.Effect of temperature on the microstructure of calcium silicate hydrate(C-S-H)[J].Cement andConcrete Research,2013,53:185-195.[6]㊀谭克锋,刘㊀涛.早期高温养护对混凝土抗压强度的影响[J].建筑材料学报,2006,9(4):473-476.TAN K F,LIU 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外文翻译Anti-Crack Performance of Low-HeatPortland Cement ConcreteAbstract: The properties of low-heat Portland cement concrete(LHC) were studied in detail. The experimental results show that the LHC concrete has characteristics of a higher physical mechanical behavior, deformation and durability. Compared with moderate-heat Portland cement(MHC), the average hydration heat of LHC concrete is reduced by about 17.5%. Under same mixing proportion, the adiabatic temperature rise of LHC concrete was reduced by 2 ℃-3℃,and the limits tension of LHC concrete was increased by 10×10-6-15×10-6than that of MHC. Moreover, it is indicated that LHC concrete has a better anti-crack behavior than MHC concrete. Key words: low-heat portland cement; mass concrete; high crack resistance; moderate-heat portland cement1 IntroductionThe investigation on crack of mass concrete is a hot problem to which attention has been paid for a long time. The cracks of the concrete are formed by multi-factors, but they are mainly caused by thermal displacements in mass concrete[1-3]. So the key technology on mass concrete is how to reduce thermal displacements and enhance the crack resistance of concrete.As well known, the hydration heat of bonding materials is the main reason that results in the temperature difference between outside and inside of mass concrete[4,5]. In order to reduce the inner temperature of hydroelectric concrete, several methods have been proposed in mix proportion design. These include using moderate-heat portland cement (MHC), reducing the content of cement, and increasing the Portland cement (OPC), MHC has advantages such as low heat of hydration, high growth rate of long-term strength, etc[6,7]. So it is more reasonable to use MHC in application of mass concrete.Low-heat portland cement (LHC), namely highbelite cement is currently attracting a great deal of interest worldwide. This is largely due to its lower energy consumption and CO2 emission in manufacture than conventional Portland cements.LHC has a lot of noticeable properties, such as low heat of hydration excellent durability, etc, so the further study continues to be important[8-10]. The long-term strength of C2S can approach to or even exceed that of C3S[11]. In addition, C2S has a series of characteristics superior to C3S. These include the low content of CaO, low hydration heat, good toughness, compact hydration products, excellent resistances to chemical corrosion, little dry shrinkage, etc[12,13].For hydroelectric concrete , the design requirements have some characteristics, such as long design age, low design strength, low hydration temperature rise, and low temperature gradient[14]. All these requirements agree with the characteristics of LHC. Furthermore, LHC has a high hydration activity at later ages, the effect of which can improve the inner micro-crack. Based on above-mentioned analyses, the properties of low-heat Portland cement concrete were studied in detail in this paper. Compared with the moderate-heat Portland cement (MHC) concrete, the anti-crack behavior of LHC concrete was analyzed.2 ExperimentalMHC was produced in Gezhouba Holding Company Cement Plant, China; and LHC was produced in Hunan Shimen Special Cement Co. Ltd., China. The chemical compositions and mineral compositions of cement are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively, and the physical and mechanical properties of cement are listed in Table 3.In spite of a little difference in chemical compositions, there is an obvious dissimilarity between the mineral component of LHC and that of MHC because of the different burning schedule. The C3S (Alite) content of MHC is higher than that of LHC, and the C2S (Belite) content of LHC is higher than that of MHC. Alite is formed at temperatures of about 1 450 ℃, while Belite is formed at around 1 200 ℃. Therefore, LHC can be manufactured at lower kiln temperatures than MHC. And the amount of energy theoretically required to manufacture LHC is lower than that of MHC.Belite hydrates comparatively slowly, and the early compressive strengths of pastes, mortars, and concretes containing LHC are generally lower as a result. The long-term strength and durability of concrete made from LHC can potentially exceed those of MHC. The results from Table 3 show that the early strength of LHC pastes is lower than that of MHC pastes, and that the strength growth rate of LHC is higher than that of MHC.The hydration heat of bonding materials was tested. Class I fly ash of bonding materials came from Shandong Zhouxian Power Plant, China. The experimental results shown in Table 4 indicate that the hydration heat of LHC is much lower than that of MHC. The 1-day, 3-day and 7-day hydration heat of LHC without fly ash is 143 kJ/kg, 205 kJ/kg, 227 kJ/kg, respectively. The 1-day, 3-day and 7-day hydration heat of MHC without fly ash is 179 kJ/kg, 239 kJ/kg, 278 kJ/kg, respectively. Compared with MHC, the average hydration heat of LHC concrete is reduced by about 17.5%. Obviously, low hydration is of advantage to abate the pressure to temperature control, and to reduce the crack probability due to the temperature gradients. The adiabatic temperature of LHC concrete and MHC concrete was tested. As a result, the adiabatic temperature rise of LHC concrete is lower than that of MHC concrete and the different value ranges from 2 ℃to 3 ℃in general.After adding fly ash, all specimens show a lower hydration heat, and it decreases with increasing fly ash content. For MHC with 30% fly ash, the 1 d, 3 d, 7d accumulative hydration heat is reduced by 14.5%, 20.5%, 21.9%, respectively; and for LHC with 30% fly ash, the 1 d, 3 d, 7 d accumulative hydration heat is reduced by 21.7%, 26.3%, 23.3%, respectively. Obviously, the effect of fly ash on the hydration heat of LHC is more than that of MHC. It is well known that the fly ash activation could be activated by Ca(OH)2. LHC has a lower content of C3S and a higher content of C2S than MHC, so the Ca(OH)2, namely the exciter content in hydration products of LHC pastes is lower. Decreasing the hydration activation of fly ash reduces the hydration heat of bonding materials.3 Results and DiscussionIn this experiment, ZB-1A type retarding superplasticizer and DH9 air-entraining agent were used. The dosage of ZB-1 was 0.7% by the weight of the blending, and the dosage of DH9 was adjusted to give an air-containing of 4.5% to 6.0%. The parameters that affected the dosage included the composition and the fineness of thecement used, and whether the fly ash was used. Four gradations of aggregate were used, 120 mm-80 mm: 80 mm-40 mm: 40 mm-20 mm: 20 mm-5 mm=30:30:20:20.The term water-to-cementitious was used instead of water-to-cement, and the water-to-cementitious ratio was maintained at 0.50 for all the blending. The slump of concrete was maintained at about 40 mm, and the air content was maintained at about 5.0% in the experimental. After being demoulded, all the specimens were in a standard curing chamber. The mix proportion parameter of concrete is listed in Table 5.3.1 Physical and mechanical propertiesThe physical and mechanical properties include strength, elastic modulus, limits tension, and so on. The results of strength shown in Table 6 indicate the early strength (7 d curing ages) of LHC (odd samples) concrete increases slowly. The ratio between 7 d compressive strength and 28 d compressive strength of LHC concrete is about 0.4, while for MHC concrete the ratio is about 0.6. Compared with MHC concrete, the growth rate of strength of LHC concrete becomes faster after 7 d curing ages. The compressive strength for 28 d, 90 d, 180 d curing ages of LHC concrete containing 20% of fly ash is 30.2 MPa, 43.8 MPa, 48.5 MPa, respectively, while that of MHC concrete containing 20% of fly ash is 28.3 MPa, 35.6 MPa, 39.8 MPa, respectively. The content of C2S in LHC is higher than that in MHC, which results in the above-mentioned difference.Table 6 shows that the strength growth rate of concrete made with fly ash blended cements is higher than that of blank specimens; the more the dosage of fly ash, the higher the growth rate. Fly ash has a glassy nature, which can react with Ca(OH)2. Since Ca(OH)2 is a hydration product of cement, the reaction between fly ash and Ca(OH)2, called “secondary hydration”, will happen at latish ages. The magnitude of Ca(OH)2 is affected by some factors, such as the water-to-cementitious,the dosage of cement.The elastic modulus and the limits tension of concrete are given in Table 7. Under same mixing proportion, the elastic modulus of LHC concrete is approximately equal to that of MHC; the 28-day limits tension of LHC concrete is increased by 10×10-6 to 15 ×10-6 than that of MHC, and the 90-day limits tension of LHC concrete is increased by 12×10-6 than that of MHC concrete. The above results show that the use of LHC improves the limits tension of concrete. Increasing the limits tension of concrete will be benefit to the crack resistance of concrete.3.2 Deformation characteristicsDeformation characteristics of concrete include drying shrinkage, autogenous deformation, creep, etc. The drying shrinkage of concrete is shown in Fig.1. The drying shrinkage increases with age. At early ages a up to 90 days, all the LHCconcrete specimens show a lower drying shrinkage; and it decreases with increasing the fly ash content. When containing 30% of fly ash, the drying shrinkage of LHC concrete is 363 ×10-6 at 90 days, while for MHC concrete the value is 408×10-6. As a result, the volume stability of LHC concrete is better than that of MHC concrete in drying environment.Experiment results of autogenous deformation of concrete are given in Fig.2. There is an obvious difference between the development of autogenous deformation of LHC concrete and that of MHC concrete. The autogenous deformation of LHC concrete has an expansive tendency. At early ages up to 14 days, the autogenous deformation of pure LHC samples increases with age, and the 14-day value reaches a peak of 20×10-6. The autogenous deformation of pure LHC samples decreases with age at 14 days to 90 days, and the 90-day value is 10×10-6. After adding 30% of fly ash, the autogenous deformation of LHC concrete increases with age, and the 90-day value is 61×10-6. The autogenous deformation of MHC concrete has a tendency to shrink, especially without fly ash.3.3. DurabilityThe durability of concrete is evaluated by antipenetrability grade and frost-resistant level. Under the pressure of 1.2 MPa, the permeability height of pure LHC samples is 3.1 cm, while that of pure MHC samples is 2.0 cm. The test dataindicate that the LHC concrete has an excellent performance in anti-penetrability, as well as MHC concrete. The permeability of concrete increases somewhat with addition of fly ash. At the end of the 250 freezing and thawing cycling, there is a little difference in both mass and resonant frequency. Both LHC concrete and MHC concrete show an excellent frost-resistant behavior. The results of this work confirm that LHC concrete systems have an adequate anti-penetrability and frost-resistance to adapting design requirement.3.4 Analysis of crack resistanceIn order to control the crack phenomena, it is important to accurately evaluate the anti-crack behavior.As well known, concrete is a kind of typical brittle materials, and its brittleness is associated with the anti-crack behavior[15]. The brittleness is measured by the ratio of tension strength to compressive strength. With the increase of the ratio, concrete has a less brittleness, better crack resistance and toughness. It is indicated from the experiment results shown in Table 6 that the ratio of LHC concrete at all stages of hydration is higher than that of MHC concrete, which shows that LHC concrete has a better anti-crack behavior.In the crack control and design of hydroelectric mass concrete, the original evaluation of crack resistance behavior of concrete is using the utmost tensile strength which is shown in the following expression of Eq.1.σ=εP E (1)where, εP is the limits tension of concrete, and E is the elastic modulus of tension, which is assumed to be equal to the elastic modulus of compression[16].It is indicated from the calculation results shown in Table 8 that the utmost tensile strength of LHC concrete at all stages of hydration is higher than that of MHC cncrete.The research on materials crack resistance which is the basis for esign, construction and the choice of raw materials, has been popular in today’s world. Through a great deal of research, it is widely thought that concrete with a better crack resistance has a higher tension strength and limits tension, lower elastic odulus and adiabatic temperature rise and better volume stability[17,18].Based on above-mentioned results, the LHC concrete has a higher tension strength and limits tension, lower elastic modulus and adiabatic temperature rise, and lower drying shrinkage than MHC concrete. Compared with MHC concrete, the autogenous deformation of LHC concrete has an expansive tendency. Although the early strength of LHC concrete is lower than that of MHC concrete, its later strength has approached to or even exceed that of MHC concrete.4 Conclusionsa) The early compressive strength (7 d curing ages) of LHC is lower, but its later strength (28 d, 90 d curing ages) has approached to or even exceed that of MHC.b) Compared with MHC, the average hydration heat of LHC concrete is reduced by about 17.5%.c) Under the same mixing proportion, the elastic modulus of LHC concrete is approximately equal to that of MHC, and the limits tension of LHC concrete is increased by 10×10-6-15×10-6 than that of MHC.d) The drying shrinkage of LHC concrete is obviously smaller than that of MHC concrete, and the autogenous deformation of LHC concrete has a tendency to expand.e ) The LHC concrete has a better anti-penetrability and frost resistance, as well as the MHC concrete.f) At all stages of hydration, the anti-crack strength of LHC concrete is higher than that of MHC concrete, and the former has a higher ratio of tension strength to compressive strength.References[1] C X Yu, Z Kong. Research on the Causes of Cracks in Mass Concrete and Control Measures [J]. Low Temperature Architecture Technology (China), 2005 (5): 112-113 [2] A A Almusallam, M Maslehuddin. Effect of Mix Proportions on Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete in Hot Environments[J].Construction and Building Materials, 1998 (12): 353-358[3] Xu Jing’an, An Zhiwen. Countermeasure of Temperature Crack of Mass Concrete[J]. Journal of Hebie Institute of Architectural Engineering, 2005,23(3):36-40[4] Peng Weibing, Ren Aizhu. Effects and Evaluation on Cracking of Concrete Incorporating Supplementary Cementitious Materials[J]. Concrete (China), 2005 (6): 50-64[5] Xiao Reimin, Zhang Xiong. Effect of Binder on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete [J].China Concrete and Cement Products, 2002 (5): 11-13[6] Ye Qing, Chen Xin. Research on the Expansive Mechanism of Moderate Heat Portland Cement with Slight Expansion [J].Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2000, 128 (4):335-347[7] Shi Xun. Application of Slight Expansion Cement on Concrete of Stage II Works of the Three Gorges Project [J]. Cement (China). 2002 (5): 12-14[8] Nagaokas, Mizukosui M. Property of Concrete Using Beliterich Cement and Ternary Blended Cement [J]. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 1994, 43 (491): 488-492[9] Ge Juncai. Technology Progress of Cement and Concrete [M]. Beijing: China Building Material Industry Press , 1993:275-276[10] Metha P K. Investigation on Energy-saving Cement[J]. World Cement Technology, 1980, 1(3): 166-177[11] Taylor. Cement Chemistry[M]. London: Academic Press, 1990:142-152[12] Sui Tongba, Liu Kezhong. A Study on Properties of High Belite Cement [J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 1999, 127 (4): 488-492[13] Yang Nanru, Zhong Baixi. Study on Active -C2S[C]. Symposium onCement,1983:180-185[14] Yang Huanquan, Li Wenwei. Research and Application of Hydroelectric Concrete[M]. Beijing, China Water Power Press,2004:393-394[15] E Ringot, A Bascoul. About the Analysis of Micro-cracking in Concrete[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2001 (23):261-266[16] Li Guangwei. Assessment for Anti-Crack Performance of Concrete [J]. Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources (China), 2001, 21 (2): 33-36[17] Liu Shuhua, Fang Kunhe. Summarization of Norm of Crack Resistance of Concrete[J]. Highway (China), 2004 (4): e[J] 105-107低热硅酸盐水泥混凝土的抗裂性能摘要:低热硅酸盐水泥混凝土(LHC)的特性详细地被研究。

低热矿渣水泥 (P·SLH)
1.水化热低 低热微膨胀水泥 2.微膨胀性 (LHEC) 3.抗硫酸盐性 4.弯曲强度高
1.四川宝珠寺水电站 2.万家寨水电站
线膨胀率: 1d≥0.05% 7d≥0.1.% 28d≥0.60%
以适当成分的硅酸盐水泥熟料加入粉煤灰 和适量的石膏,经磨细制成的具有低水化热的 水硬性胶凝材料。简称低热粉煤灰水泥。 低热粉煤灰水泥也是通过参加混合材来达 到降低水化热的目的。适用于大坝等大体积混 凝土的内部使用,是一种性能较好,成本低, 又可大量利用工业废弃物的水泥。
水化热 kj/kg /kg) (kj/kg)
C3S ≤ 55% C3A ≤ 6% ≤ 6% C2A CaO ≤ 1% ≤ 1% MgO
比表 面积 (m²/k g) )
251 中热水泥 (GB200—2003) 低热水泥 230 (GB200—2003) 低热矿渣水泥 197 (GB200—2003) 低热微膨胀水泥 185 (GB2938—2008)
低水化热 高强度 生产节能
以适当成分的硅酸盐水泥熟料,加人适量石 膏,磨细制成的具有中等水化热的水硬性胶凝材 料,简称中热水泥。代号P·MH。 中热水泥主要适用于大坝溢流面的面层和水 位变动区等具有较高耐磨性和抗冻性的工程。
以适当成分的硅酸盐水泥熟料,加入适量石 膏,磨细制成的具有低水化热的水硬性胶凝材料, 简称低热水泥,代号P·LH。 低热硅酸盐水泥亦称高贝利特水泥。适用于 高性能混凝土,高强高性能混凝土,水工大体积 混凝土的制备。

相比于普通的硅酸盐水泥,低热硅酸盐水泥(Low-heat Portland Cemen)具有早期水化热低,后期强度发展好的特点,在海洋工程建设具有广阔的应用前景。
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外文翻译Anti-Crack Performance of Low-HeatPortland Cement ConcreteAbstract: The properties of low-heat Portland cement concrete(LHC) were studied in detail. The experimental results show that the LHC concrete has characteristics of a higher physical mechanical behavior, deformation and durability. Compared with moderate-heat Portland cement(MHC), the average hydration heat of LHC concrete is reduced by about 17.5%. Under same mixing proportion, the adiabatic temperature rise of LHC concrete was reduced by 2 ℃-3℃,and the limits tension of LHC concrete was increased by 10×10-6-15×10-6than that of MHC. Moreover, it is indicated that LHC concrete has a better anti-crack behavior than MHC concrete. Key words: low-heat portland cement; mass concrete; high crack resistance; moderate-heat portland cement1 IntroductionThe investigation on crack of mass concrete is a hot problem to which attention has been paid for a long time. The cracks of the concrete are formed by multi-factors, but they are mainly caused by thermal displacements in mass concrete[1-3]. So the key technology on mass concrete is how to reduce thermal displacements and enhance the crack resistance of concrete.As well known, the hydration heat of bonding materials is the main reason that results in the temperature difference between outside and inside of mass concrete[4,5]. In order to reduce the inner temperature of hydroelectric concrete, several methods have been proposed in mix proportion design. These include using moderate-heat portland cement (MHC), reducing the content of cement, and increasing the Portland cement (OPC), MHC has advantages such as low heat of hydration, high growth rate of long-term strength, etc[6,7]. So it is more reasonable to use MHC in application of mass concrete.Low-heat portland cement (LHC), namely highbelite cement is currently attracting a great deal of interest worldwide. This is largely due to its lower energy consumption and CO2 emission in manufacture than conventional Portland cements.LHC has a lot of noticeable properties, such as low heat of hydration excellent durability,etc, so the further study continues to be important[8-10]. The long-term strength of C2S can approach to or even exceed that of C3S[11]. In addition, C2S has a series of characteristics superior to C3S. These include the low content of CaO, low hydration heat, good toughness, compact hydration products, excellent resistances to chemical corrosion, little dry shrinkage, etc[12,13].For hydroelectric concrete , the design requirements have some characteristics, such as long design age, low design strength, low hydration temperature rise, and low temperature gradient[14]. All these requirements agree with the characteristics of LHC. Furthermore, LHC has a high hydration activity at later ages, the effect of which can improve the inner micro-crack. Based on above-mentioned analyses, the properties of low-heat Portland cement concrete were studied in detail in this paper. Compared with the moderate-heat Portland cement (MHC) concrete, the anti-crack behavior of LHC concrete was analyzed.2 ExperimentalMHC was produced in Gezhouba Holding Company Cement Plant, China; and LHC was produced in Hunan Shimen Special Cement Co. Ltd., China. The chemical compositions and mineral compositions of cement are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively, and the physical and mechanical properties of cement are listed in Table 3.In spite of a little difference in chemical compositions, there is an obvious dissimilarity between the mineral component of LHC and that of MHC because of the different burning schedule. The C3S (Alite) content of MHC is higher than that of LHC, and the C2S (Belite) content of LHC is higher than that of MHC. Alite is formed at temperatures of about 1 450 ℃, while Belite is formed at around 1 200 ℃. Therefore, LHC can be manufactured at lower kiln temperatures than MHC. And the amount of energy theoretically required to manufacture LHC is lower than that of MHC.Belite hydrates comparatively slowly, and the early compressive strengths of pastes, mortars, and concretes containing LHC are generally lower as a result. The long-term strength and durability of concrete made from LHC can potentially exceed those of MHC. The results from Table 3 show that the early strength of LHC pastes is lower than that of MHC pastes, and that the strength growth rate of LHC is higher than that of MHC.The hydration heat of bonding materials was tested. Class I fly ash of bonding materials came from Shandong Zhouxian Power Plant, China. The experimental results shown in Table 4 indicate that the hydration heat of LHC is much lower than that of MHC. The 1-day, 3-day and 7-day hydration heat of LHC without fly ash is 143 kJ/kg, 205 kJ/kg, 227 kJ/kg, respectively. The 1-day, 3-day and 7-day hydration heat of MHC without fly ash is 179 kJ/kg, 239 kJ/kg, 278 kJ/kg, respectively. Compared with MHC, the average hydration heat of LHC concrete is reduced by about 17.5%. Obviously, low hydration is of advantage to abate the pressure to temperature control, and to reduce the crack probability due to the temperature gradients. The adiabatic temperature of LHC concrete and MHC concrete was tested. As a result, the adiabatic temperature rise of LHC concrete is lower than that of MHC concrete and the different value ranges from 2 ℃to 3 ℃in general.After adding fly ash, all specimens show a lower hydration heat, and it decreases with increasing fly ash content. For MHC with 30% fly ash, the 1 d, 3 d, 7d accumulative hydration heat is reduced by 14.5%, 20.5%, 21.9%, respectively; and for LHC with 30% fly ash, the 1 d, 3 d, 7 d accumulative hydration heat is reduced by 21.7%, 26.3%, 23.3%, respectively. Obviously, the effect of fly ash on the hydration heat of LHC is more than that of MHC. It is well known that the fly ash activation could be activated by Ca(OH)2. LHC has a lower content of C3S and a higher content of C2S than MHC, so the Ca(OH)2, namely the exciter content in hydration products of LHC pastes is lower. Decreasing the hydration activation of fly ash reduces the hydration heat of bonding materials.3 Results and DiscussionIn this experiment, ZB-1A type retarding superplasticizer and DH9 air-entraining agent were used. The dosage of ZB-1 was 0.7% by the weight of the blending, and the dosage of DH9 was adjusted to give an air-containing of 4.5% to 6.0%. The parameters that affected the dosage included the composition and the fineness of thecement used, and whether the fly ash was used. Four gradations of aggregate were used,120 mm-80 mm: 80 mm-40 mm: 40 mm-20 mm: 20 mm-5 mm=30:30:20:20.The term water-to-cementitious was used instead of water-to-cement, and the water-to-cementitious ratio was maintained at 0.50 for all the blending. The slump of concrete was maintained at about 40 mm, and the air content was maintained at about 5.0% in the experimental. After being demoulded, all the specimens were in a standard curing chamber. The mix proportion parameter of concrete is listed in Table 5.3.1 Physical and mechanical propertiesThe physical and mechanical properties include strength, elastic modulus, limits tension, and so on. The results of strength shown in Table 6 indicate the early strength (7 d curing ages) of LHC (odd samples) concrete increases slowly. The ratio between 7 d compressive strength and 28 d compressive strength of LHC concrete is about 0.4, while for MHC concrete the ratio is about 0.6. Compared with MHC concrete, the growth rate of strength of LHC concrete becomes faster after 7 d curing ages. The compressive strength for 28 d, 90 d, 180 d curing ages of LHC concrete containing 20% of fly ash is 30.2 MPa, 43.8 MPa, 48.5 MPa, respectively, while that of MHC concrete containing 20% of fly ash is 28.3 MPa, 35.6 MPa, 39.8 MPa, respectively. The content of C2S in LHC is higher than that in MHC, which results in the above-mentioned difference.Table 6 shows that the strength growth rate of concrete made with fly ash blended cements is higher than that of blank specimens; the more the dosage of fly ash, the higher the growth rate. Fly ash has a glassy nature, which can react with Ca(OH)2. Since Ca(OH)2 is a hydration product of cement, the reaction between fly ash and Ca(OH)2, called “secondary hydration”, will happen at latish ages. The magnitude of Ca(OH)2 is affected by some factors, such as the water-to-cementitious, the dosage of cement.The elastic modulus and the limits tension of concrete are given in Table 7. Under same mixing proportion, the elastic modulus of LHC concrete is approximately equal to that of MHC; the 28-day limits tension of LHC concrete is increased by 10×10-6 to 15 ×10-6 than that of MHC, and the 90-day limits tension of LHC concrete is increased by 12×10-6 than that of MHC concrete. The above results show that the use of LHC improves the limits tension of concrete. Increasing the limits tension of concrete will be benefit to the crack resistance of concrete.3.2 Deformation characteristicsDeformation characteristics of concrete include drying shrinkage, autogenous deformation, creep, etc. The drying shrinkage of concrete is shown in Fig.1. The drying shrinkage increases with age. At early ages a up to 90 days, all the LHC concrete specimens show a lower drying shrinkage; and it decreases with increasingthe fly ash content. When containing 30% of fly ash, the drying shrinkage of LHC concrete is 363 ×10-6 at 90 days, while for MHC concrete the value is 408×10-6. As a result, the volume stability of LHC concrete is better than that of MHC concrete in drying environment.Experiment results of autogenous deformation of concrete are given in Fig.2. There is an obvious difference between the development of autogenous deformation of LHC concrete and that of MHC concrete. The autogenous deformation of LHC concrete has an expansive tendency. At early ages up to 14 days, the autogenous deformation of pure LHC samples increases with age, and the 14-day value reaches a peak of 20×10-6. The autogenous deformation of pure LHC samples decreases with age at 14 days to 90 days, and the 90-day value is 10×10-6. After adding 30% of fly ash, the autogenous deformation of LHC concrete increases with age, and the 90-day value is 61×10-6. The autogenous deformation of MHC concrete has a tendency to shrink, especially without fly ash.3.3. DurabilityThe durability of concrete is evaluated by antipenetrability grade and frost-resistant level. Under the pressure of 1.2 MPa, the permeability height of pure LHC samples is 3.1 cm, while that of pure MHC samples is 2.0 cm. The test data indicate that the LHC concrete has an excellent performance in anti-penetrability, as well as MHC concrete. The permeability of concrete increases somewhat with addition of fly ash. At the end of the 250 freezing and thawing cycling, there is a little difference in both mass and resonant frequency. Both LHC concrete and MHC concrete show an excellent frost-resistant behavior. The results of this work confirmthat LHC concrete systems have an adequate anti-penetrability and frost-resistance to adapting design requirement.3.4 Analysis of crack resistanceIn order to control the crack phenomena, it is important to accurately evaluate the anti-crack behavior.As well known, concrete is a kind of typical brittle materials, and its brittleness is associated with the anti-crack behavior[15]. The brittleness is measured by the ratio of tension strength to compressive strength. With the increase of the ratio, concrete has a less brittleness, better crack resistance and toughness. It is indicated from the experiment results shown in Table 6 that the ratio of LHC concrete at all stages of hydration is higher than that of MHC concrete, which shows that LHC concrete has a better anti-crack behavior.In the crack control and design of hydroelectric mass concrete, the original evaluation of crack resistance behavior of concrete is using the utmost tensile strength which is shown in the following expression of Eq.1.σ=εP E (1)where, εP is the limits tension of concrete, and E is the elastic modulus of tension, which is assumed to be equal to the elastic modulus of compression[16].It is indicated from the calculation results shown in Table 8 that the utmost tensile strength of LHC concrete at all stages of hydration is higher than that of MHC cncrete.The research on materials crack resistance which is the basis for esign, constr uction and the choice of raw materials, has been popular in today’s world. Through a great deal of research, it is widely thought that concrete with a better crack resistance has a higher tension strength and limits tension, lower elastic odulus and adiabatic temperature rise and better volume stability[17,18].Based on above-mentioned results, the LHC concrete has a higher tension strength and limits tension, lower elastic modulus and adiabatic temperature rise, and lower drying shrinkage than MHC concrete. Compared with MHC concrete, the autogenous deformation of LHC concrete has an expansive tendency. Although the early strength of LHC concrete is lower than that of MHC concrete, its later strength has approached to or even exceed that of MHC concrete.4 Conclusionsa) The early compressive strength (7 d curing ages) of LHC is lower, but its later strength (28 d, 90 d curing ages) has approached to or even exceed that of MHC.b) Compared with MHC, the average hydration heat of LHC concrete is reduced by about 17.5%.c) Under the same mixing proportion, the elastic modulus of LHC concrete is approximately equal to that of MHC, and the limits tension of LHC concrete is increased by 10×10-6-15×10-6 than that of MHC.d) The drying shrinkage of LHC concrete is obviously smaller than that of MHC concrete, and the autogenous deformation of LHC concrete has a tendency to expand.e ) The LHC concrete has a better anti-penetrability and frost resistance, as well as the MHC concrete.f) At all stages of hydration, the anti-crack strength of LHC concrete is higher than that of MHC concrete, and the former has a higher ratio of tension strength to compressive strength.References[1] C X Yu, Z Kong. Research on the Causes of Cracks in Mass Concrete and Control Measures [J]. Low Temperature Architecture Technology (China), 2005 (5): 112-113 [2] A A Almusallam, M Maslehuddin. Effect of Mix Proportions on Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete in Hot Environments[J].Construction and Building Materials, 1998 (12): 353-358[3] Xu Jing’an, An Zhiwen. Countermeasure of Temperature Crack of Mass Concrete[J]. Journal of Hebie Institute of Architectural Engineering, 2005,23(3):36-40[4] Peng Weibing, Ren Aizhu. Effects and Evaluation on Cracking of Concrete Incorporating Supplementary Cementitious Materials[J]. Concrete (China), 2005 (6): 50-64[5] Xiao Reimin, Zhang Xiong. Effect of Binder on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete [J].China Concrete and Cement Products, 2002 (5): 11-13[6] Ye Qing, Chen Xin. Research on the Expansive Mechanism of Moderate Heat Portland Cement with Slight Expansion [J].Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2000, 128 (4):335-347[7] Shi Xun. Application of Slight Expansion Cement on Concrete of Stage II Works of the Three Gorges Project [J]. Cement (China). 2002 (5): 12-14[8] Nagaokas, Mizukosui M. Property of Concrete Using Beliterich Cement and Ternary Blended Cement [J]. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 1994, 43 (491): 488-492[9] Ge Juncai. Technology Progress of Cement and Concrete [M]. Beijing: China Building Material Industry Press , 1993:275-276[10] Metha P K. Investigation on Energy-saving Cement[J]. World Cement Technology, 1980, 1(3): 166-177[11] Taylor. Cement Chemistry[M]. London: Academic Press, 1990:142-152[12] Sui Tongba, Liu Kezhong. A Study on Properties of High Belite Cement [J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 1999, 127 (4): 488-492[13] Yang Nanru, Zhong Baixi. Study on Active -C2S[C]. Symposium on Cement,1983:180-185[14] Yang Huanquan, Li Wenwei. Research and Application of Hydroelectric Concrete[M]. Beijing, China Water Power Press,2004:393-394[15] E Ringot, A Bascoul. About the Analysis of Micro-cracking in Concrete[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2001 (23):261-266[16] Li Guangwei. Assessment for Anti-Crack Performance of Concrete [J]. Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources (China), 2001, 21 (2): 33-36[17] Liu Shuhua, Fang Kunhe. Summarization of Norm of Crack Resistance of Concrete[J]. Highway (China), 2004 (4): e[J] 105-107低热硅酸盐水泥混凝土的抗裂性能摘要:低热硅酸盐水泥混凝土(LHC)的特性详细地被研究。