

TWD_MID平板电脑 固件升级教程

TWD_MID平板电脑 固件升级教程









A 系列TWD-MID便携式媒体十万个为什么?/thread-140-1-1.html。



本资料及其包含的所有内容为宇龙计算机通信科技(深圳)有限公司所有,受中国法律及适用之国际公约中有关著作权一. 升级前准备工作(按单台标准配置)二. 说明1. 升级会将手机内数据删除,升级前请注意先保存、备份用户数据,以免造成丢失;2. 升级平台为免安装版并支持多路串口下载,如有需要建议使用有源USB-HUB 提高升级稳定性。

三. 简要升级步骤1. 安装并配置好升级平台工具,选择相应的升级软件;2. 手机开机,接上数据线连接到电脑,根据提示安装端口驱动;(此端口驱动软件和之前的一些机型通用,已安装过端口驱动有正确端口显示的无需再安装)3. 设备检测到手机显示连接成功后,点击开始即进行升级操作直至成功。

4. 输入*#9527*#指令核对版本。

四. 驱动的安装配置1.启用USB 调试模式:手机设置菜单 选择‘应用程序’ 请勾选并确认‘允许USB 调试’;3.手机开机,接上数据线连接到电脑,根据电脑弹出的提示安装端口驱动;在手机关机(装电池)状态下,按住“音量上键”接上数据线连接至电脑,设备管理器中安装成功的设备驱动如下图示。


此驱动软件和之前的一些机型通用,已安装过端口驱动有正确端口显示的无需再安装);本资料及其包含的所有内容为宇龙计算机通信科技(深圳)有限公司所有,受中国法律及适用之国际公约中有关著作权五. 详细升级步骤1. 运行安装升级平台工具(以实际要求的工具为准)2. 输入升级工具管理员密码打开升级工具; Password:369 Phone:选择9120,点击Longin 打开工具。

3. 配置项目任务点击主窗口菜单栏左上角的“配置”菜单,进入“CPB 文件选择”从而配置当前下载任务;CPB 文件校验成功后点击“确定”保存选项4. 启动升级4.1. 通过数据校验后,点击“确定”按钮进入升级下载界面; 4.2. 手机装电池关机状态,按住“音量上键”的同时接上标配数据线连接电脑,连接成功后2.文件校验成功后显示PASS1.选择当前需更新的版本软件3.点击确定保存当前的选择369本资料及其包含的所有内容为宇龙计算机通信科技(深圳)有限公司所有,受中国法律及适用之国际公约中有关著作权机器进入升级模式,升级工具显示检测到连接设备: 注意:选择并确定CPB 版本后才能显示端口。








ScreenOS升级指导手册ScreenOS防火墙升级方案V1.0Juniper Networks.目录1.升级前准备 (3)1.1. 配置备份 (3)1.2. 检查两台防火墙是否同步 (5)2.升级步骤 (5)2.1. 升级备用机器OS (5)2.2. 升级主用机器OS (6)2.3. 测试 (6)6.系统回退 (6)7.TFTP设置 (6)1. 升级前准备(1)对集群里的2台防火墙都分别进行备份,将配置文件、OS 备份。


(3)升级之前需要准备好TFTP软件并且熟悉TFTP软件设置,建议使用cisco tftp。

1.1. 配置备份选择Configuration >Update > Config file > Save TO File选择配置文件保存的目录。

1.2. 检查两台防火墙是否同步防火墙配置同步检查,包括检查两台防火墙配置是否相同和两台防火墙的RTO是否同步。

在防火墙console端口执行命令:exec nsrp sync global check-sum防火墙输出有两种情况:1、Warning: configuration out of sync,说明防火墙配置或RTO不同步,需要检查配置或执行RTO同步。


2、configuration in sync (local checksum XXX == remote checksum XXX)说明防火墙配置同步。

2. 升级步骤(下面举例说明升级SSG520M/550M本SSG500M 6.3.0r17,如是单机升级,请按照步骤2.1进行升级)2.1. 升级备用机器OS(1)将OS文件解压,放到TFTP的根目录,然后运行tftp软件。




M A5680T V800R011C0 0S P C102升级指导书01C L I,国内定制精品好文档,推荐学习交流SmartAX MA5680T V800R011C00SPC102升级指导书文档版本 01发布日期2013-02-28华为技术有限公司版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司2013。

















【推荐下载】华为升级指导书-实用word文档 (9页)

【推荐下载】华为升级指导书-实用word文档 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==华为升级指导书篇一:华为升级指导书(软件)_V1.31 USB升级1.1 准备工作首先请准备好设备驱动(ADB)、IDT加载工具、待升级的设备以及版本bin文件1.1.1 关机状态如果设备是关机状态,按照下图按住指定按键使设备进入加载模式:打开设备管理器确认有下图端口出现(如果上报位置设备或提示安装驱动请指定对应驱动):1.1.2 开机状态如果是开机状态,在开发人员选项中勾选“USB调试”并连接电脑,使用ADB 工具发命令:adb reboot bootloader使设备进入加载模式。

打开设备管理器确认有下图端口出现(如果上报位置设备或提示安装驱动请指定对应驱动):1.2 开始升级首先打开IDT工具,点击界面上的按钮,会弹出密码框要求输入设置密码,工具默认密码为“hisilicon”,输入密码后回车进入设置菜单,如下图:2 ○○11. 点击“Browse”按钮,在弹出的选择框内选择待升级的版本bin文件2. 点击“Bowser”按钮,选择工具目录下的Model3. 点击“OK”按钮回到IDT工具主界面设置完成后点击界面上的按钮开始升级过程。


可以在IDT工具同目录下找到“USB Map”工具,双击打开,等待出现如下界面:.此时点击“Done”按钮,可以看到IDT开始正常升级。

1.3 升级完成等待约120s后IDT工具会重新启动设备并在界面显示绿色背景PASS(Xs)字样表示升级成功。


若升级失败请在界面左侧对应USBn端口上鼠标右击,选择“Show latest log…”,将该LOG反馈给开发人员分析。

2 SD卡升级2.1 SD卡升级包目录结构SD卡升级目录结构:|--dload (目录)|-- update.app(SD卡升级包,必选)2.2 升级流程 2.2.1 注意事项1) SD卡升级之前,请备份您的用户数据。



2.设置通信设备端口和波特率 .点
Open .
5.在OutPut 下面窗口中显示“Burning flash OK!”即表示升级完成
二.程序备份方法 1. 设置通信设备端口和波特率 .点
Open . .
4. 在OutPut下面窗口中显示”dumping completes succesfully!”即表示备份完成
25L4005 25D40 25X40 25T40 25F40 程序大小选:512KB
25L8005 25D80 25X80 25T80 25F80 程序大小选:1M
25L1605 25D16 25X16 25T16 25F16 程序大小选:2M。





















目录1 升级前必读 (1)1.1 升级指导书选取说明 (1)1.2 升级方案 (1)1.3 升级前的版本要求 (1)1.4 升级影响 (2)1.4.1 升级过程对现行系统的影响 (2)1.4.2 升级注意事项 (2)2 升级前准备 (3)2.1 升级前检查表 (3)2.2 获取所需的升级软件/工具 (3)2.3 升级前环境准备 (4)3 执行升级(Web) (5)3.1 升级准备 (5)3.2 登录Web (13)3.3 升级操作 (14)4 端口配置 (20)5 验证升级结果 (22)1 升级前必读1.1 升级指导书选取说明升级前,需获得客户许可,使用PC连接客户的电源设备;在未经客户允许的情况下,禁止升级客户电源设备软件。

1.2 升级方案设备的so库协议包可以通过Web方式进行加载升级。

1.3 升级前的版本要求表1-1升级前的版本要求当前系统的软件版本,可以通过Web进行查看,查看方法请参考5 验证升级结果。

1.4 升级影响1.4.1 升级过程对现行系统的影响对业务的影响在升级完软件时,监控模块会重新启动,约3分钟。

对网管系统的影响无1.4.2 升级注意事项升级过程中,如果出现升级失败等异常情况,不能断电复位,应按照指导中的异常处理情况操作,或联系本地TAC。

2 升级前准备2.1 升级前检查表表2-1升级前检查表“耗时”依不同环境(包括现场数据量、服务器性能等原因)会存在一定差异。


2.2 获取所需的升级软件/工具文件列表表2-2待下载的文件列表下载方法步骤 1进入网站主页,单击“中文”或者“English ”选择合适的语言。

步骤 2单击“登录”,输入用户名、密码登录。


步骤 3选择“技术支持> 产品软件> 网络能源> 通信能源> 站点电源> 能源其他> SMU”,根据实际需要下载相应版本的软件包,如下图所示。

ZEISS CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software 升级指南说明书

ZEISS CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software 升级指南说明书

How do I upgrade my CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software?ZEISS Quick Help: CIRRUS ™HD-OCTFigure 3Figure 2Figure 1Figure 4Figure 5Prior to ordering and upgrading CIRRUS ™ HD-OCT Review Software, refer to the document Appendix: Installing CIRRUS HD-OCT ReviewSoftware to ensure compatibility between your computer operating system, the CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software and the CIRRUS Instrument.Software Media PackageTo upgrade your already configured and running CIRRUS HD-OCT ReviewSoftware, you must first order and receive the CIRRUS HD-OCT Software Media Package , which contains two USB drives with everything you need to complete your software upgrade. The USB drives will be labeled SW [Software] and UD [User Document] (Figure 1). Software UpgradeInsert the SW drive into any open USB port on your exam lane review station computer, click on the Windows Explorer folder icon located in the menu bar (Figure 2), and then click Computer on the far left (Figure 3). In the next window, you will see the CIRRUS drive listed with the software version number; double click the icon (Figure 4), and then double click the setup.exe icon (Figure 5) to begin installation of your CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software upgrade.When the Welcome Screen appears, click Next (Figure 6), accept the terms of the agreement and click Next.If you are NOT using FORUM® Data Management software from ZEISS:Select CIRRUS Review – Instrument Mode. When the installation is complete, click Finish (Figure 7). Yourcomputer will automatically reboot. No further action is required if you are upgrading your software from aversion that was already configured and running.Figure 6Figure 7If you ARE using FORUM® Data Management software from ZEISS:Select CIRRUS Review – Local Mode / FORUM Archive and click Next (Figure 8). Click Next again on the following screen without making any selections. The box "Remote Desktop Services will be used" should be left unchecked (Figure 9). Consult your local IT professional if you wish to install your CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software forRemote desktop services use.Figure 8Figure 9Page 2 of 3S E R .8991 P r i n t e d i n t h e U S A C Z -V /2017T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h i s r e f e r e n c e g u i d e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f t h e p r o d u c t i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t y o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d a s a r e s u l t o f o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . C I R R U S a n d F O R U M a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c . o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e Z E I S S G r o u p i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . © 2017 C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c . A l l c o p y r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–5207745 Jena Germany/med Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568USA/medRefer to the CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual Instructions for Use for safe and effective operation of the instrument.Database Installation DirectoryYou will be prompted with an option to change the installation directory of the CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software database location (Figure 10). Unless you wish to make a change, leave the directory as-is and click Next .Note : The database installation directory screen will not appear in a Non-Forum install. If you would like to change the location of the installation directory, first consult your IT professional. The directory can be moved to a different local drive location but must remain on the local computer.When the upgrade installation is complete, click Finish (Figure 11). Your computer will automatically reboot. No further action is required after the reboot if you are upgrading your software from a version thatwas already configured and running.Figure 10Page 3 of 3Figure 11。

APad_TCC8902_C 山寨平板电脑刷机教程(不拆机

APad_TCC8902_C 山寨平板电脑刷机教程(不拆机

APad_TCC8902_C 山寨平板电脑刷机教程(不拆机)[APad刷机]MyMid发表于2010-7-21 19:47 Wednesday此前为大家介绍过TCC8902的刷机方法,通常要拆机将主板PCBA开关拨至烧录位置,才能USB连接电脑进行刷机操作。


(图片点击放大100%显示)1、准备工作注意:刷机前将平板电脑充足电或外接电源;固件升级会格式化内置NAND闪存,请做好重要数据的备份!!软件下载:tcc8902烧录软件(包含驱动)固件下载:tcc8902_c_update_2.1_20100703.rar (包含.img和.rom 两个文件)产品未上市,暂不提供下载!下载后请校验MD5码,保证固件100%正确,防止出错。

2、安装驱动双击“VTC Driver Installer v5.00 for 2000_XP.EXE”安装USB驱动程序,当电脑弹出对话框时,请点击“继续continue”确保成功安装。



机器启动后,屏幕出现如下提示:“if you want to update ,please release power button .”请按照提示,松开电源键和屏幕,此时屏幕会出现如下提示:“If you want to update ,please touch powerbutton.”请按照提示,用手按住电源键并保持一会,直到屏幕出现以下提示:“FWDN Start”此时,可以松开电源键。

4、配置刷机软件打开升级软件“FWDN V7”进行配置,点击按钮“...”浏览,再点击“Add File”添加,分别将“lk.rom”和“tcc8900_mtd.img”添加至文件列表中。

Compaq Presario桌面电脑产品升级与维修指南说明书

Compaq Presario桌面电脑产品升级与维修指南说明书

Compaq Presario Desktop Products upgrading and servicing the pcThe information in this document is subject to change without notice.Hewlett-Packard® Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.HP shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.HP assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by HP.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of HP.Hewlett-Packard CompanyP.O. Box 4010Cupertino, CA 95015-4010USA© 2001-2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All rights reserved.Hewlett-Packard is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company in the United States of America and other countries/regions.This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporationand other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorised by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorised by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. Apparatus Claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603, 4,577,216, 4,819,098, and 4,907,093 licensed for limited viewing uses only.Other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders.HP supports lawful use of technology and does not endorse or encourage the use of our products for purposes other than those permitted by national copyright law.table of contentsupgrading and servicing the pc (1)preparing the pc (1)removing or upgrading a drive (3)locating drive positions (3)removing a drive (3)replacing or adding a drive (5)upgrading or replacing memory (7)removing a memory module (7)replacing or adding a memory module (8)removing or installing an expansion card (9)reassembling the pc (10)upgrading and servicing the pc iiiiv upgrading and servicing the pcupgrading and servicing the pc 1upgrading and servicing the pcThis guide describes procedures for accessing the internal parts of the PC and installing components.NOTE: The procedures for the S0000 and 8000 seriesmodels are the same except where noted.8000 series model and S0000 series modelpreparing the pcBefore you upgrade any component in your PC, you need to prepare the PC so that you can safely handle it and the components.CAUTION: Static electricity can damage the electronic components of the PC or optional equipment. Ensure that you are discharged of static electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object.1 Remove any diskette or optical disc (CD or DVD) from the PC.2 Click the Start button, and then click T urn Off Computer . Click T urn Off to turn the PC off.3 Disconnect the modem/telephone cable, if present.4 Disconnect the power cable from the electrical outlet (1) and then from the PC (2).disconnecting the power cableWARNING: To reduce the risk ofpersonal injury from electrical shock and hot surfaces, disconnect the power cable from the wall outlet, and allow the internal system components to cool before touching.5 Disconnect all external devices connected to the PC.2 upgrading and servicing the pc6 Lay the PC on its side with the access panel (the side with the pull grip) facing up.7 Remove the access panel by loosening the screw(s) (1) that secure the access panel to the PC chassis. Slide the access panel back (2) about 1 inch (2.5 cm), and then lift it up and off the unit.removing the pc access panel on the S0000 series modelWARNING: Beware of sharp edgesinside the chassis.removing the pc access panel on the 8000 series8 Remove the front bezel by following the appropriate method for your PC model.• To remove the front bezel from the S0000 seriesmodel, gently pry the top section (1) of the bezel away from the chassis. On the inside of the front bezel, press the centre two tabs (not the bottom tabs) to release the bezel, and then pull it from the chassis (2).removing the front bezel from theS0000 series• To remove the front bezel from the 8000 series,push up on the two release tabs (1), and then rotate the front bezel away from the chassis to release it (2).removing the front bezel from the8000 seriesupgrading and servicing the pc 3removing orupgrading a driveDepending on your PC configuration, you may have up to four of the following storage drives in your PC:• CD-ROM or CD-RW drive• DVD-ROM or DVD+RW/+R drive • Hard disk drive • Diskette drive• 7-In-1 memory card reader (select models only)You need a screwdriver to replace any of the drives.CAUTION: Back up your personal files on the hard disk drive to an external storage device, such as a CD, before removing the hard disk drive. Failure to do so will result in data loss. Afterreplacing the hard disk drive, you need to run System Recovery using the recovery discs to load the factory-installed files. See “using application recovery and system recovery” for details.locating drive positionsdrive positions on the S0000/8000 series (S0000 shown)1 Optical drive, may be a CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, or DVD+RW/+R drive2 Second optical drive, may be a DVD-ROM, DVD+RW/+R, CD-ROM, CD-RW drive, or 7-In-1 memory card reader (select models only)3 Diskette (floppy) drive4 Hard disk driveremoving a drive1 Locate the drive you want to remove.2 Complete the procedure described in “preparing the pc” on page 1.3 Disconnect the power cable (1) and data cable (2) from the back of the drive you want to remove, as indicated in the following illustrations. Use a gentle rocking motion. Some units may have a sound cable. If so, disconnect the sound cable (3).disconnecting the optical drive cablesreader cable4 upgrading and servicing the pcdisconnecting the diskette (floppy) drive cablesdisconnecting the hard disk drive cables4 Release the drive from the chassis by following the method appropriate for your PC model:• To release a drive from the chassis of the S0000series, lift the release tab (1) on the latch drive bracket of the drive you want to remove, and then slide the drive from its drive bay (2). (The latch drive bracket secures the drives in their respective positions in the chassis.)removing a drive from the S0000 series• To release an optical drive or diskette drivefrom the chassis of the 8000 series, slide the drive lock mechanism (1) to unlock the drive in the drive bay and pull the drive out of the drive bay (2).removing an optical or diskette drive from the 8000 series• To release a hard disk drive from the chassis ofthe 8000 series, slide the drive lock mechanism (1) to unlock the drive in the drive bay, remove the metal drive shield (2) by pressing and lifting the two tabs on one side of the shield, and then pull the drive out of the drive bay (3).upgrading and servicing the pc 5142removing a hard disk drive from the 8000 series5 For both the S0000 and 8000 series, if you are replacing the old drive with a new drive, remove the four screws (4) (two on each side) from the old drive. You need these screws to install the new drive.NOTE: If you have the S0000 series, and youremoved a 7-In-1 memory card reader, continue to step 7; otherwise, you are finished with the task of removing a drive from the chassis.If you have the 8000 series, and you removed a hard disk drive, a 7-In-1 memory card reader or an optical drive, you are also finished with thistask. If you have the 8000 series, and you removed a diskette drive, continue to step 6.6 For an 8000 series diskette drive, squeeze inward on both sides of the bracket brace, and lift the brace up and out (1). Remove the two sets of screws (2) (left and right sides) that secure the drive to the drive adapter. Lift the diskette drive out of the drive adapter (3) by sliding the drive back and then up. Ensure that the guide screws (4) (left and right sides) are left in the drive adapter. You are finished with the task of removing the drive.removing a diskette drive from the drive adapter on the 8000 series7 For the S0000 series 7-In-1 memory card reader, remove the reader from the drive bay adapter if the adapter is not included with your replacement reader. Remove the two screws (left and rightsides) that secure the reader to the adapter. Lift the reader out of the adapter by sliding the readerback and then up. You are finished with the task ofremoving the reader.removing a 7-In-1 memory card reader from the drive bay adapter on the S0000 seriesreplacing or adding a driveThe steps to replace or add a drive are the same for both the S0000 and 8000 series, except when you are replacing a diskette drive on the 8000 series, or the 7-In-1 memory card reader on the S0000 series.6 upgrading and servicing the pcIf you are replacing a diskette drive on the 8000 series, before starting step 1 in the followinginstructions, you need to fit the diskette drive in a diskette drive adapter as described in “reassembling the diskette adapter” on page 7.If you are replacing a 7-In-1 memory card reader, before starting step 1 in the following instructions, reassemble the reader in the drive bay adapter as described in step 7 of “removing a drive” on page 3. If you are replacing or adding any other drive, begin with step 1 in the following instructions.to replace or add a drive1 Insert four guide screws into the sides of the drive (two on each side). The screws help guide the drive into its proper position in the bay.• When replacing a drive on the S0000 and 8000 series, place the screws, that you removed from the old drive, into the new drive.• When adding a second hard disk drive on the8000 series, use the four extra guide screws that are attached to the chassis under the front bezel. 2 Slide the drive into the drive bay (1), making sure to align the guide screws with the guide slots,until it snaps into place.sliding the drive into the drive bay on the S0000/8000 (S0000 shown)3 Reconnect the power and data cables to your drive as indicated in the following illustrations.cable on the S0000 seriesreconnecting the diskette drive cablesreconnecting the hard disk drive cablesreconnecting the optical drive cablesNOTE: An optical drive for the 8000 series mayinclude a sound cable. Connect this cable also.4 Complete the procedure described in“reassembling the pc” on page 10.5 Turn on the PC.reassembling the diskette adapterTo replace or add a new diskette (floppy) drive on the 8000 series, you need to reassemble the adapter around the diskette drive. (The S0000 series does not need an adapter.)1 Lower the diskette drive into the adapter (1).Ensure that the holes are aligned, and replace the screws (2) that secure the diskette drive to theadapter.2 Press inward on each side of the bracket brace (3),and lower the bracket until it snaps into place over the diskette drive. Ensure that the guide screws (4) are installed in the adapter.3 Return to “replacing or adding a drive” on page 5,and begin with step 1.replacing the diskette drive adapter onthe 8000 seriesupgrading or replacing memoryYour PC comes with random access memory (RAM), which temporarily stores data and instructions on your PC. You can install memory expansion modules in the memory expansion slots in the PC. The procedures for upgrading or replacing these modules are the same for the S0000 and 8000 series. removing a memory moduleCAUTION: When handling a memorymodule, be careful not to touch any ofthe contacts. Doing so may damage themodule.1 Complete the procedure described in “preparingthe pc” on page 1, but do not remove the frontbezel.2 Locate the memory module inside your PC. Seethe following illustration for the location of thememory modules (1), memory slots (2), andrelease latches (3) on the system board.upgrading and servicing the pc 78 upgrading and servicing the pclocating the memory moduleNOTE: The location and number of memorymodules may vary slightly by model.3 Open both latches of the memory module socket (1) found at each end of the memory module. Lift the memory module (2) from the memory slot.removing a memory modulereplacing or adding a memory moduleUpgrade the memory in your PC with memory of the same type and speed as the memory originally installed in your PC.CAUTION: When handling a memory module, be careful not to touch any of the contacts. Doing so may damage the module.1 Open both latches of the memory module socket (1).opening the latches on the memory module socket• If you are replacing a memory module, put thenew memory module in the same memory slot from which the old memory was removed. • If you are adding a memory module, install thenew module into the socket nearest the preinstalled module, and install additional modules in the next available sockets.2 The memory module can be installed in only one way. Match the notch on the module (1) with the tab on the memory socket. Push the modulecarefully and firmly into the slot, ensuring that the latches (2) on both ends snap into place.installing a memory moduleupgrading and servicing the pc 93 Complete the procedure described in “reassembling the pc” on page 10.NOTE: If a blank screen is displayed after replacingor adding a memory module, the memory is installed incorrectly or it is the wrong type of memory. Remove and reinstall the memory module.removing or installing an expansion cardAn expansion card is a circuit board that fits into a PC expansion slot. Your PC contains severalexpansion slots that can be used to add components to your PC. Component configurations vary by model.Expansion cards you can replace or add to your PC include:• Modem• Network Interface Card (NIC) • Graphics Card • Sound Card• FireWire (IEEE 1394) Auxiliary CardA Phillips screwdriver is needed to remove, replace or add an expansion card.to remove an expansion card1 Complete the procedure described in “preparing the pc” on page 1, but do not remove the front bezel.• To remove an expansion card from the S0000series, continue to step 2. • To remove an expansion card from the 8000series, skip to step 3.2 On the S0000 series, on the rear of the PC, remove the expansion bracket covering the expansion slots by removing the screw from the bracket cover (1), and then remove the expansion bracket cover (2).removing the screw and expansion bracket cover on the S0000 series3 Inside the PC on either the S0000 or 8000 series, locate the expansion slots on the system board.• If you have the 8000 series, continue to step 4. • If you have the S0000 series, skip to step 5.4 On the 8000 series, remove the screw that secures the expansion card to the chassis.5 Remove the expansion card from either an S0000 or 8000 series by holding the card at each end, and carefully rocking it back and forth until theconnectors pull free from the socket. Be sure not to scrape the card against the other components.removing an expansion card on the S0000/8000 (S0000 shown)6 If you are not replacing the old expansion card with a new expansion card, reinstall the expansion slot cover to close the open slot. Insert the metal slot cover into the opened slot, and screw a screw into the top of the cover to secure it in place.10 upgrading and servicing the pcto install an expansion card1 If you are replacing or adding a new expansion card, in either the S0000 or 8000 series, align the edge of the expansion card with the slot on the chassis and gently, but firmly, press the cardstraight down into the expansion slot. The whole connector should be seated properly in the expansion slot.replacing or adding an expansion card on the S0000/8000 (S0000 shown)• If you have an 8000 series, continue to step 2. • If you have an S0000 series, skip to step 3.2 For the 8000 series, secure the expansion card to the chassis with the slot cover screw.3 For both the S0000 and 8000 series, if you have replaced an expansion card, store the old card in the anti-static packaging that contained your new card.• If you have an S0000 series, continue to step 4. • If you have an 8000 series, skip to step 5.4 For the S0000 series, replace the expansion cover bracket (1) and screw (2).replacing the expansion bracket cover on the S0000 series5 For both the S0000 and 8000 series, complete the procedure described in “reassembling the pc” on page 10.reassembling the pc1 Replace the front bezel by following the method appropriate for your PC model.• To replace the front bezel on the S0000 series,position the chassis in the upright position. At an angle, align the top of the front bezel with the top slots of the chassis (1) so that the front bezel hooks onto the chassis, and then press the bottom end of the bezel to the chassis until it snaps into place (2).replacing the front bezel on the S0000 seriesupgrading and servicing the pc 11• To replace the front bezel on the 8000 series, laythe chassis on the side with the open side up. Place the front bezel in the correct position. Ensure the slots (2) are aligned correctly, and rotate the bezel toward the chassis (1) until it snaps into place.replacing the front bezel on the 8000 series2 For either the S0000 or 8000 series, place the side access panel in the proper position on the chassis and slide it into place (1). Ensure that the hole for the thumbscrew(s) align with the hole in the chassis (2), and replace the thumbscrew(s).replacing the side access panel on the S0000seriesreplacing the side access panel on the 8000 series3 Reconnect the power cable (1) to the PC, and plug the cable into an electrical outlet (2).reconnecting the power cable on the S0000/8000 (S0000 shown)4 Reconnect the modem/telephone cable, if present.5 Reconnect all peripheral devices to the PC.WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, or damage to the equipment, do not plug telecommunications or telephone connectors into the network interface card (NIC) (sometimes labelled as an Ethernet connector).6 Turn on the PC by pressing the On button.Printed in。

8A12 软件升级说明

8A12 软件升级说明







用这种方式进行升级时, OSD会提示系统自动关机,此时不能对电视进行操作,请等待电视自动重启,重启后才进入真正的升级阶段,此时屏幕会显示齿轮和升级进度。






同时,u盘最好是4G 以下无分区的U盘,u盘必须插在靠近SD卡槽的USB端口中,且USB端口中不得插入其它设备。


Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE PC 固件升级指南说明书

Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE PC 固件升级指南说明书

1. IntroductionFujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE is a new data and device protection solution. It enables the data on a notebook PC's hard disk drive (HDD) to be remotely deleted or to lock the PC even when the power is off. This provides robust protection against information leaks in the event that a notebook PC is lost or stolen. Please visit Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE Website to learn more about this new technology.In order to enjoy Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE service, user device must be ready in both hardware and firmware. This guide will show you how to upgrade device firmware for CLEARSURE-ready.2. Supported ModelsThe information in this article applies to:∙Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734/E744/E754 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)∙Fujitsu LIFEBOOK S904 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)∙Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T904 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)∙Fujitsu Stylistic Q704 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)For hardware requirement details, please visit Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE Website.3. Firmware Upgrade ProcedureThere are two critical firmware that user device MUST meet the requirements.1, EM8805/EM7305 WWAN module with firmware version or later2, Motherboard EC firmware version 1372 or laterUpdating EM8805/EM7305 WWAN module firmware1, Please plug-in AC adapter to your system3, Please decompress the downloaded ZIP file 4, Please close the AirCard Watcher 5, Please execute setup.exe6, Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade - It may take about 10 minutes to complete the upgrade.- Please don't power-off the system until the upgrade is completed.- Please don't make any RF ON/OFF or any WWAN connection until the upgrade is completed.Note: 1, How to identify the WWAN moduleClick “Menu ”Select “About …”Select “Device - Hardware ”WWAN ModuleUpdating Motherboard EC firmware1, Please plug-in AC adapter to your system4, Please decompress the downloaded ZIP file5, Based on your device, please open either “vPro_System” or “non-vPro_System” folder.(if applicable)6, Based on your Operating System, please open either “For_32bit_OS” or “For_64bit_OS” folder 7, Please execute FjFirmUpdU.exe8, Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade4. Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE Service CenterIf you have any enquiry, please contact Fujitsu Service Center for assistance.。



软件会自动检测缺少的驱动或运行库进行安装,请全默认全点下一步即可打开Phone Flash Tool
选择左侧第2个图标类别Custom flash 如下:
点选中部右侧按键Load file
目标指向软件目录\Firmware下的flash_sign.xml 完成后如图
3,按住音量+键后USB线连接电脑(不建议使用机箱前置接口,不建议使用USB3.0接口) 4,等待10秒首次安装驱动时间,完成驱动安装后会有刷机开始按键出现
点击Start to flash 开始刷机
进度条完成后查看X85屏显BOOT模式下最后一行显示为FLASH complete



2.用五向键选择e项Eboot 更新,按五向键确认键
3. 按确认键后,进入以下界面
6. 手机屏幕出现以下界面.即Eboot.nb0升级成功.
2.用五向键选择a项format 更新,按五向键确认键
3. 按确认键后,进入以下界面
5. 手机屏幕出现以下界面.即format升级成功.
3. 按确认键后,再从PC端选择ipl文件
4. 点击浏览选择ipl文件后,点击开始升级
5. 手机屏幕出现以下界面, 即ipl升级成功.
3.点击浏览,选择要升级系统版本(例如:chs××××.880 文件后,点击开始升级)
5.按reset 重启手机系统升级完成。







1. 需求分析:在进行升级之前,首先需要对当前的产品进行全面的需求分析。



2. 功能改进:基于需求分析的结果,您可以开始考虑对产品进行功能改进。


这里有一些具体的方法:- 新功能添加:根据用户需求和市场趋势,可以添加新的功能模块。


- 功能性能改进:如果有一些现有功能的性能不佳,您可以考虑通过优化代码或增加硬件资源来提高性能。


- 用户界面改进:优化用户界面能够提高产品的易用性和用户体验。


3. 技术改进:除了功能改进,您还可以考虑技术层面的升级。


- 硬件升级:如果产品需要更高的计算能力或存储容量,您可以考虑升级硬件。


- 软件升级:产品的软件部分也需要不断升级以提供更好的性能和用户体验。


- 安全性改进:在升级产品时,不要忽视安全性方面的考虑。


4. 用户体验改进:产品的用户体验对用户的忠诚度和满意度至关重要。


这可以包括以下几个方面:- 界面设计:通过优化界面布局、颜色搭配和字体大小,可以改善用户界面的可读性和美观度。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。




4.1:用USB 线把MID 和电脑联机
4.2:在平板电脑后壳按一下复位键“RESET ”,然后马上按住主页键不放 如图所示:
5:打开升级工具,点“start ”开始升级

