
化妆品说明书中英文化妆品说明书中英文篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译Prduct characteristics: It replenishes sufficient ater t creat a misturizing andater-lcking membrane n the skin t maintain the nrmal ater cntent f the cuticle ,banlance the PH value f the skin and keep the skin healthier. Cntaining rich fibrin extract and varirties f valued herbal essences,it strengthens the hitening functin as ell as tne the dark plexin and sften the cticle t build sparking,hite ,bright,hydrus and transparent skin. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。
prduct characteristics: Being refreshing,it slers the xidatin caused by free radicals and blcks kinds f radiatin t strengthen the resistivity f the skin. Cntaining rich fibrin extract and varieties f valued herbal essences, it strengthens the hitening funtin as ell as cncealing the dark and rugh state f the skin and marking it hite, smth and fine naturally. 活肌盈BB霜产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。

的 向前 推 进 ,整 个 语 篇逐 步 展 开 ,直 至 形成 一个 能 表 达
某一 完 整 意义 的整 体 ”( D a n e s , 1 9 7 4 : 1 1 3 ) 。 主位 推进 注 重 语篇 中信 息作 为一个 整体 而不 是句子 来组 织 。 连贯在语篇特征中起决定性因素,是一种心理现象。 主位推进对实现文本 的连贯起了重要作用 。如果主位推 进 整体 运 行平 稳 ,各句 之 间 的衔接 必 须 紧凑 、信 息流 畅 , 结 果接 受者更 容 易阅读 目的语 文本 。例 如 :
i s: r e du c e d f o r a mo r e de f i ne d a p pe a r a n c e a nd he t ov a l o f
he t f a c e i s r e i f n e d( R3 ). F r o m e v e r y a n g l e y o u r f a c e( T4 )
从语式角度分析化妆 品说 明书的英汉翻译

Provides superior wearability because of its resisance to sebum, sweat and water. Nourishes and moisturizes your skin with Pite(r), thus keeping your skin soft and dewy-moist. Smoothens skin so make-up glides on easily and stays longer.
• “谢诗如芙蓉出水,颜如错彩镂金” • 鲍照比较谢灵运的诗和颜延之的诗,谓谢 诗如“初发芙蓉,自然可爱”,颜诗则是 “列律镂锦,雕绩满眼”。 • 《诗品》:“汤惠休曰:谢诗如芙蓉出水, 颜诗如错采镂金。颜终身病之。”
旁氏隔离霜 • SPF10蕴含特效维他命E及物理性防护成份,能在 肌肤表面形成一层透气的保护膜,有效隔离脏空 气,避免污染物伤害肌肤;隔离彩妆,防止其与 肌肤直接接触。配方全年抵御紫外线对肌肤的侵 害。 – 润色配方,柔和润色,令肌肤均匀自然,即使 不上妆也拥有动人光彩。 – 性质温和,清爽不油腻,使用之后,肌肤呼吸 自如,倍感舒适。 • 旁氏隔离霜,适合各类肤质,为健康肌肤提供一 年四季的完美呵护。
英语化妆品说明书常用句型 1.Unique 3-in-1 formula promotes effective healing,soothes red, irritated skin and forms a protective barrier.(JOHNSON’S) 2.NIVEA Lip Care Strawberry provides daily protection with a fresh fruity flavor. (NIVEA) e after every bath and diaper change. 4.Keep out of reach of children. 5.It contains a lightweight formula that makes your hair shiny, while leaving it soft and manageable. (Head&Shoulders)

Product characteristics:It replenishes sufficient water to creat a moisturizing and water-locking membrane on the skin to maintain the normal water content of the cuticle ,banlance the PH value of the skin and keep the skin healthier. Containing rich fibroin extract and varirties of valued herbal essences,it strengthens the whitening function as well as tone the dark complexion and soften the coticle to build sparking,white ,bright,hydrous and transparent skin.活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。
product characteristics:Being refreshing,it slowers the oxidation caused by free radicals and blocks kinds of radiation tostrengthen the resistivity of the skin.Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences, it strengthens the whitening funtion as well as concealing the dark and rough state of the skin and marking it white, smooth and fine naturally.活肌盈BB霜产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。

目的论视觉下化妆品说明书的英汉翻译IntroductionAudience AwarenessAccuracy and ClarityAnother objective of translating cosmetic product instructions is to maintain accuracy and clarity. Cosmetic instructions often contain technical terms and specific usage guidelines. Translators must accurately convey the intended meaning of these terms in Chinese to avoid confusion or misinterpretation. Moreover, the translation should be clear and unambiguous to eliminate any potential misunderstandings. This involves choosing appropriate words and expressions that accurately reflect the original meaning.Cultural AdaptationTranslating cosmetic product instructions requires cultural adaptation to meet the needs and expectations of Chinese consumers. Cosmetic usage and preferences may vary across cultures, so it is important to translate the instructions in a way that aligns with the Chinese cultural norms and practices. This may involve adjusting the tone, style, and even the product claims to suit the preferences of the Chinese audience.Tailoring for Marketing PurposesWhile the main focus of translating cosmetic product instructions is on accuracy and clarity, translators should also consider the marketing aspect. The translation shouldeffectively convey the brand image, values, and benefits to the Chinese audience. This involves adapting the instructions to align with the marketing strategy of the brand, emphasizing the unique selling points, and highlighting the benefits of the product. The translation should be persuasive and engaging to encourage potential customers to purchase and use the product.Conclusion。

化妆品英文说明书篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译P rd uc tch ar ac te ri st ic s:I tre pl en is he ssu ff ic ie nta te rtcr ea tami st ur iz in gan dat er-l ck in gme mb ra nent hes ki ntma in ta int hen rm ala te rcn te ntf t hec ut ic le,ba nl an cet heP Hva lu efth esk ina ndk ee pth esk inh ea lt hi er.Cn ta in in gri chf ib ri nex tr ac tan dva ri rt ie sfva lu edh er ba les se nc es,i tst re ng th en sth ehi te ni ngf un ct ina sel last net hed ar kpl ex ina nds ft ent hec ti cl etbu il dsp ar ki ng,h it e,b ri gh t,hy dr usa ndt ra ns pa re nts ki n.活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。

护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bag。

经 验 交 流
321007 金华职业技术学院 浙江 金华 郑 丹
【摘 要】 本文浅析了化妆品说明书在 词汇,句法,语篇和修辞等方面的语言特点, 并针对其特点提出了相应的翻译策略。 【关键词】 化妆品;产品说明书;翻译 策略 较普通的翻译而言,特殊的风格、惯用 的方式,以及谨慎严密的专业性用语等都形 成了化妆品说明书翻译的鲜明特色。为了树 立完美的企业形象,提高企业的知名度和信 誉度,最大限度地给客户以信任和满意,外 贸业务人员在语言的组织中常常借助化妆品 行业中的专业性词汇和惯用句型来陈述产品 的基本要点,像成分、用法和效果等,给客 户创造安全放心可靠的感觉,发挥产品说明 书本身的价值。 一、化妆品说明书的特点 化妆品说明书的特点主要表现在词汇、 表达、语篇等方面。 1. 词汇特点 (1)专业词汇。化妆品说明书的词汇 比较专业,专用化程度很高,如:Cleansing milk—— 洗 面 奶,Lotion—— 精 华 液,Eye cream——眼霜等。 (2)长词、生僻词。化妆品属于精细化 工品,其中很多词汇都是专业性非常强的化 工词汇甚至是医疗词汇,使得说明书体现得 比较专业、 正式, 更能得到消费者的信任。 如: Oleylalcohol—— 油 醇,Butylene glycol—— 丁 二醇,Petrolatum——矿脂等。 (3)美好意境词汇。为了让化妆品更加 吸引女性的注意力,往往追求美好的意境, 这种美也在化妆品说明书上体现出来。如: Silky-smooth—— 丝 滑 柔 顺,Translucent—— 晶莹剔透,Dreamy——梦幻般的。 (4)复合词。在化妆品说明书内,复 合词也常常运用其中,不仅能节约篇幅,还 能增强文体以及语言的专业性,显得与众不 同。除此之外,复合词还能起到鼓动和刺激 消费者的作用。如:3-in-1——三合一,fullcoverage—— 全 面 的,quick-absorbing—— 超 快吸收,perspiration resistance——防汗等。 2. 句法特点 (1)非谓语结构。在化妆品说明书中, 非谓语结构的句子随处可见,不仅能提高语 言的层次感, 还可以使得句子的结构精炼。 如 : To use, squeeze a small amount of produce onto wet puff. (2)祈使句。祈使句能够让消费者在短 时间内得到有用的信息,化妆品说明书也不 例外, 让人觉得与对方有面对面交流的感觉, 拉近生产方和消费者的距离。否定祈使句是 化妆品说明书中常见的一种 , 经常出现在化 妆品说明书的保质、警告、注意事项中。如: Can not use it on whole face. (3)简单句。由于化妆品行业面对的是 大众,包括小孩和老人,很多企业在化妆品 说明书中也尽量运用简单句, 使得结构明了, 便于理解。如:NINEA Lip Care Vitamin Power with valuable vitamins gives more resistance to our lips. (4)一般现在时。一般现在时的句子成 分较为简单,人们也比较容易理解。运用一 般现在时,一方面能给人一种现实感和紧迫 感,另一方面也迎合了人们借助一般现在时 来表示客观存在的真理或永恒持久的事物这 一心理定势,让人们感觉到所消费的产品具 有客观永恒真理般的意味。如:This advanced oil-free lotion delivers dramatic anti-wrinkle and firming benefits. 3. 语篇特点 化妆品说明书最明显的语篇特点是清晰、 简单明了。从语篇层面研究化妆品说明书文 体特征主要指化妆品说明的不同部分是如何 分布的,即它们是如何分割的,即一个文本 被分成若干小节的方法,化妆品说明书更倾 向于小节。这些小节包含的信息节省了大量 的篇幅,同时也使读者快速、方便地得到他 们所要的信息。 二、化妆品说明书翻译的策略 化妆品说明书的语言表达较为简单。除 了一些专业术语外,作为特殊消费品的化妆 品在翻译的过程中需要更多地运用形容词, 而且是比较优美的词汇,给人一种像化妆品 一样美的享受, 消费者也能产生购买的欲望。 1. 内容的专业性 在翻译化妆品说明书时,我们最常见到 的问题就是专业词汇多,很难翻译。专业术 语的译法有意译法,音译法和零译法。意译 法是直接将专业术语的原语含义翻译过来 , 音 译法是将英语专业词汇翻译成其谐音字 , 零 译法就是将词汇原封不动的移进来。而化妆 品说明书的翻译可以结合上述这些方法。如: The product contains vegetable essences extracted from Aloe,Chamoile, and O油的萃取物。 2. 语义和情感的对等性 在翻译过程中,译者往往会和原文去比 较,考虑是否符合原意,也就是所谓的翻译 对等原则 , 主要包括语义的对等和情感对等。 (1)语义的对等。直译是翻译最基本的 一种方法,就是把要表达的意思表达出来按 字句翻译出来。化妆品说明书翻译中,直译 可以用来翻译在各种用法, 还有成分介绍等, 但是在翻译的同时, 也要注意其深层的含义。 如:A rich creamy mask is recommended for all skin types. It softens and smooths the appearance of lines and maintains skin look of youthful texture and one. 译文:丰润的孔状面膜适合各种肌肤, 能柔化肌肤,平抚细纹,保持年轻的肤质和 肤色。 (2)情感的对等。由于化妆品涉及到 生产者和消费者,在翻译化妆品说明书的时 候必须对这两方面的心理加以考虑。不同的 化妆品所表达的情感不同,当化妆品针对不 同的消费者的时候,其翻译也不尽相同。译 文需要和市场、消费人群有机结合起来,才 可以把意思表达得更加准确。如:Fine lines of dehydration are visibly reduced. Thirsty skin is left relieved, plumped-up, and absolutely soft. 用后肌肤缺水及时得到缓解,缺水性细 纹也明显减少,肌肤恢复柔软丰盈质地清爽 如丝般柔,用后无油腻感。 3. 翻译的美学 由于化妆品是一种美的代表,其翻译也 离不开这个 “美” 字, 主要是内容美、 形式美、 和谐美等。要使译文的内容忠实于原文的内 容美,译者首先必须正确理解原文词、词组、 句子等结构的语义。其内容的美主要来自词 汇本身,而大多数女性在购买化妆品时,也 会根据产品的介绍来选择商品。因此在翻译 过程中,必须注重美的词汇翻译。而在内容 美的基础上,形式美也不容忽视。 参考文献: [1] 罗梓丰 . 从化妆品说明书浅谈翻译标 准 [J]. 人文社科,2010,12:143. [2] 张文勋,张思 . 英汉化妆品说明书翻 译中的对等原则 [J]. 湖北经济学院学报(人 文社会科学版),2008,9:136 ~ 137. [3] 孟晶 . 浅析化妆品说明书词汇的文体 特征 [J]. 山西广播电视大学学报,2010,1: 65 ~ 66. [4] 陈颖 . 基于目的论视角下的英文化 妆 品 说 明 书 翻 译 [J]. 学 科 园 地 2010,8: 175 ~ 176.

化妆品说明书翻译化妆品说明书翻译篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译Prdu ct ch aract erist ics:Itre pleni shessuffi cient ater t cr eat a mist urizi ng an date r-lck ing m embra ne nthe s kin t main tainthe n rmalatercnten t f t he cu ticle ,ban lance thePH va lue f theskinand k eep t he sk in he althi er. C ntain ing r ich f ibrin extr act a nd va rirti es fvalue d her bal e ssenc es,it stre ngthe ns th e hit ening func tin a s ell as t ne th e dar k ple xin a nd sf ten t he ct iclet bui ldsp arkin g,hit e ,br ight,hydru s and tran spare nt sk in. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。

关键词:化妆品;说明书;汉译;方法;特点ABSTRACTWith the continuous development of the economy, the number of foreign products in the Chinese market is increasing, and foreign cosmetics are one of the most important commodities, which are welcomed by consumers.Cosmetic instruction is a kind of text that introduces the basic information of cosmetics. It is a kind of professional and practical writing style. Cosmetic instructions cover ingredients, usage, precautions, etc. When consumers use foreign cosmetics, they will first check the translation of the cosmetics instructions. Therefore, high-quality cosmetic instructions directly touch the psychology of customers and increase their interest in the product, better meet the needs of consumers.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Chinese translation of English cosmetic instructions. Starting from the language characteristics of cosmetic instructions, the characteristics of vocabulary and sentence are analyzed. Starting from the methods of Chinese translation, this paper discusses the Chinese translation problems, and seeks more effective methods to make the Chinese translation of cosmetics instructions achieve its expected effects and purposes, so that domestic consumers, especially female consumers, can better understand the products, and then improve the utilization rate and use effect of cosmetics.Key Words:cosmetics; instructions;Chinese translation;method;characteristicChapter One IntroductionThe cosmetics instructions is an important part of the cosmetics, which mainly records the relevant information of the cosmetics, which affects the use of consumers. Cosmetic instructions belong to the category of science and technology style, with the general characteristics of science and technology style. Cosmetic instructions have the dual attributes of advertising style and scientific style, and have their own unique genre style.At the same time, cosmetic instructions have the function of advertising, which is a practical style with commercial value.Cosmetic translation is not a simple translation work. It is not only necessary to ensure the accuracy of translation, but also to stimulate customers’desire to buy and achieve the purpose of product promotion. With the development of the times, there are more and more types of cosmetics, and the difficulty of translating cosmetics manuals is also increasing.Over the past few decades, more and more foreign cosmetics have entered China Chinese market and increasingly by domestic consumers, especially women Favor. In this process, the translation of English cosmetic instructions into .It is an urgent task for Chinese translators. Such as The translation of the instructions is of high quality and caters to the tastes of Chinese consumers.Then the cosmetics may have a firm foothold in the Chinese market. The cosmetic instructions themselves are advertising carriers and the link between producers and consumers. Good cosmetic instructions can stimulate consumers’desire to buy. Therefore, whether translating cosmetics instructions into English or Chinese, the characteristics of the two languages should be fully considered.Generally speaking, cosmetic instructions mainly introduce the ingredients, efficacy use the methods and precautions, production date, expiration date, manufacturer. As a platform for manufac turers to promote their products, cosmetic instructions have two main purposes: first, to provide con sumers with detailed and true product information as much as possible. Second, to attract customers to buy, to achieve the ultimate goal of selling products. That is to say, the language in the cosmetic instructions has both the function of presentation and appeal.There are many kinds of cosmetic products on the market. A correct understanding of the English cosmetic instructions will help consumers make better choices and use the products better, and help businesses better use the product instructions to promote the products.Chapter Two Language Characteristics of English Cosmetic InstructionsCosmetic instructions are a special style and have their own unique writing style. If translators can carefully study the linguistic features of cosmetic instructions, they will be more aware of what words and sentence patterns are more appropriate in a specific situation. Ji Mingyang proposed that “when translating cosmetic instructions, translators must also be familiar with the linguistic features and stylistic structure of cosmetic instructions, understand thedifferences in language expression habits between English and Chinese, and thedifferences between Chinese and Western cultures, and adopt certain translationmethods.”[1]87Therefore, it is particularly important for translators to study stylistic features at different levels of cosmetic instructions.2.1 Vocabulary CharacteristicsThe register is closely related to the choice of word, so the translator should choose the most suitable word when conveying the idea. Because the choice of words depends on the context of the text and the intended audience. In a given context, a word can be translated into its general meaning or its associative meaning. Words are the basic components of language and the use of words also reflects the difference of register. Therefore, the stylistic features of words play an important role in the use of language.Words are the basic components of language and the use of words also reflects the difference of register. Therefore, the stylistic features of words play an important role in the use of language.2.1.1 InitialismCosmetic instructions are usually printed on the outer packaging, product bottle/bottom or appendix. In view of its large amount of information and small printable space, abbreviations are frequently used.Acronym: refers to the retention of the initials of each word, which is common in professional terms. This kind of can save space, so that consumers can avoid reading Measures the professional vocabulary to make the information pass quickly, such as: SPF 30(防晒指数), UV(紫外线), MSH(促黑素细胞激素), TWEL(经皮水分流失), etc. These technical terms show the technological advantages of the product and establish the high-end image of the product, thus stimulating consumers’ curiosity and desire to buy.2.1.2 Compound WordBy two or more orders Composition of word combination, it can highlight the important information of the two words synthesised, that is, the intention of the manufacturer. The content emphasised. For example: sunblock Cream; Oil-free formula.The use of compound words is also a feature of cosmetic instructions. The use of compound words in cosmetic instructions, such as “AVON 3-in-1”, can not only save a lot of space, but also break the rules in the writing, showing the difference. Therefore, the flexible use of some compound words can play a more encouraging effect.2.1.3 AdjectiveThe instruction manual is full of common words. From the part of speech, the most commonly used is the adjective.In addition to the introduction of product ingredients, performance, characteristics and use methods, but also the role of advertising. In order to win the psychological identity of consumers, the cosmetic instructions are used to show the good quality and special effect of the products, in order to comply with the consumer psychology of beauty. Only when you impress consumers with beautiful words can you increase sales and market share. The choice and arrangement of words will help you achieve these goals.2.1.4 Proper NounIn the English instructions, there are a large number of terms associated with the use of cosmetics such as Essence, Primer, Blush, Highlighter, Eye cream, Cleanser, Moisturizer, Scrub. These terms indicate that the English description of cosmetics is technical.It's also a relatively unfamiliar concept to the uninitiated, as these terms are only used in cosmetics. Therefore, in order to accurately convey product information, it is inevitable to use such terms in cosmetic instructions. To some extent, the use of technical terms reflects the innovation of science and technology and highlights the characteristics of products, thus catering to consumers’pursuit of fashion and high-tech consumer psychology.2.2 Sentence CharacteristicsThe cosmetic manual is a text composed of multiple sentences, including a variety of sentence patterns. The translator should keep the complete sentence pattern when translating the cosmetics manual, so that the information to be expressed in the manual can be accurately translated. The characteristics of sentence patterns are mainly manifested in two aspects: the first aspect is that there are many declarative sentences. The declarative sentence pattern is the most basic sentence pattern in the translation of cosmetics. For example, the composition of cosmetics and the role of cosmetics are used in declarative sentences. Statements can let consumers understand the actual productinformation and increase consumers’ trust in cosmetics. Translators should use more statements in the translation process, so as to improve consumers’ satisfaction with the translation of cosmetics manuals.Cosmetic instructions belong to the category of practical science and technology style. Like other product instructions, it plays an important role in introducing the performance, function, production process, use method and other information of the product to consumers. Its purpose is to comprehensively introduce and publicize the product. It can be seen from the case study that cosmetic instructions have both generality and particularity in style. Firstly, as a type of practical science and technology style, it has the characteristics of general science and technology style, such as language specification, formal tone, pay attention to grammar and so on. At the same time, as a specification, it also has the language characteristics of general explanatory text, such as concise, clear, light and so on.2.2.1 Simple SentenceOn the one hand, the use of simple sentences can make the language of the product specification concise and clear, the hierarchy is clear. On the other hand, the use of simple sentences is easy to read and makes the reader quickly grasps the information contained in it. At the same time, they can be very easy to engage readers and arouse their interest in such products.2.2.2 Imperative SentenceImperative sentences are characterized by such that the reader is thus able to obtain the corresponding in a short time Information. At the same time, the purpose of cosmetic instructions is to persuade and accept it products, which conform to the imperative function of cosmetic instructions, that is, affect the consumer’s line for, for example: Use twice a week for best results.Keep out of reach of children.In addition, cosmetics instructions also use negative imperative sentences, intended to tell consumers or readers what they should and should not do. These negative imperatives .The sentence often appears in the cosmetics instructions of the quality, warning, attention and other matters. Case for example: Don’t leave in contact with skin for long periods of time. Can not use it on whole face.Imperative sentences are characterized by such that the reader is thus able to get the corresponding information in a short time. At the same time, the purpose of cosmetic instructions is to persuade consumers to accept the product, which is in line with the imperative function of cosmetic instructions, that is, to influence consumer behavior.2.2.3 Exclamatory SentenceExclamatory sentences are always used to express the strong tone of the speaker and the use of exclamation marks can attract consumers’attention. For instance: Love the skin you are in! It expresses the manufacturer is very confident, but also suggests that consumers quality, excellent results, trustworthy. Make consumers believe that their products are the best choice, such as: Text: Plump and moisturize skin for a smoother appearance with our hydrating serum!Translation: 用我们的保湿精华液使皮肤丰满滋润,让皮肤看起来更光滑!This sentence is paraphrased. For the Chinese, choose these words to express efficacy in purchase.Consumers read the use method and matters needing attention by exclamatory sentences,‚ feels there is a skin care specialist in the face of the face to do skin care for himself on to enhance confidence in the correct use of cosmetics in order to achieve the desired effect increases the credibility of products.Chapter Three Chinese Translation of English Cosmetic InstructionsWhen translating cosmetics instructions, the translator must also be familiar with the language features and stylistic structure of cosmetics instructions, adopt certain translation methods, pay attention to Chinese language habits, consider the application of vocabulary and syntax, and faithfully express the original text on the basis of the translation. Fluently and coherently present the meaning of the original text.The translation of English cosmetic instructions into Chinese is a kind of transnational cultural communication activities, whose ultimate purpose is to sell products. In order to achieve the target of commodity sales, translators can flexibly choose various appropriate translation methods in Chinese translation.3.1 Literal TranslationLiteral translation refers to the original translation of the original .The original meaning of the text sentence, maintain the original style form, including the original structure of the original sentence, sentence.In this way, the target language readers can easily and happily understand the real meaning of the original text.Literal translation is the most common, direct and simple method used in Chinese-English translation, that is, on the premise of not violating the grammatical norms of the translation, to ensure that the content and the form of the words are completely consistent and corresponding. The literal translation method is not only faithful to the content of the original text, but also faithful to the form of the original text, which can ensure the national language and cultural characteristics of the original text to the greatest extent and avoid the interference of other subjective factors.3.1.1 Literal Translation of Compound WordIn business English, the lexical meanings of the components of compound words are closely combined to form the meaning of new words with parallel structure and neat symmetry. These new words play a unique role in the expression of new ideas and new things. Most of the e-commerce English compound words are literal translation, that is, the literal translation of the meaning of the two compound morphemes into a partial combination. These compound words have strong register characteristics and purposive features, with stereotyped combination structure and communicative purposive features.Most compound words adopt a literal translation.For example: Makeup(化妆品), Lipstick(口红), Eyeliner(眼线); Some use hyphenates such as ultra-moisturizing, post-sun(晒后), oil-free(无油的), non-acnegenic(不会引起痤疮的); You can use separate words like Foam Cleanser(洗面奶), Night Repair(夜间修护露), etc.3.1.2 Literal Translation of Imperative sentenceImperative sentences are widely used in Chinese cosmetic instructions, especially in the use methods or warnings, almost every sentence. The translation is still translated into imperative sentences, for example:(1)Text: Insist on using it for two courses, and there are more changes in your facial skin.Translation: 坚持使用两个疗程, 面部皮肤会有更多改善。

Ingredients: water, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, stearyl alcohol, isopropyl palmitate, PDMS, hydrogenated polyisobutene, arbutin, sodium alginate, tocopheryl acetate, essence, allantoin, propylparaben and methylparaben.功效:祛斑、美白、嫩肤,对日晒形成的色素沉着也同样有效。
Effects: freckle removing, skin whitening and rejuvenation, similarly effective to sunburn pigmentation.使用方法:早上使用,中午洗掉;傍晚使用,睡前洗掉;职业女性白天需要化妆的,傍晚使用一次,睡前洗掉。
Usage: Please use it every morning and wash it off at noon; Please use it on very evening and washif off before bedtime; for those career women whoneed make-up at daytime, please use it once on everyevening and wash it off before bedtime.[注意事项] Cautions1、敏感性皮肤、香料过敏者,建议在使用本品前,可以在耳后皮肤涂一些,待24小时后,若无红肿、痒等过敏症状,可放心使用。
For those with sensitive skin, or fragrance-sensitive, it is highly suggested to apply some for a try to the skinbehind ears before use, and if there appears no allergysymptoms such as red or itchy skin after 24 hours, just useit safely without risks.2、使用本品期间应少饮酒,少食辛辣等刺激性食物,保持充足睡眠,避免紫外线或强光长时间照射。


EFFECT:1.OLIVE DEEP CLEANZER FOR REMOVING MAKEUPContaining the essence of olive and mild ingredients for cleansing, dissolve溶解the oil and remnant残余部分in the pores which makeup on your face,,cleanse the skin deeply.Gentle massage your face,deeply cleanse your skin,and moisture it,make your skin tender,delicate and silky.IT IS MILDY ,NOT OIL,easily clean,good results remove color which make up your face.2. OLIVE BB cream,moisture,isolate,block-flaw,whitening,nourish,repair,block-pore,foundation many effects into one,make particularity tender refresh skin.水嫩,隔离,遮瑕,修护,控油,隐形毛孔,粉底九效合一,打造细致粉嫩,清新自然的裸妆美人。
SUPPLY WATER AND NUTRIENTS INTO SKIN,let you have hydrating and whitening skin,deduct演绎natural skin.It has a thin and refresh texture,can make upflaw,polish skin color ,easily let you have crystal skin3.A´Gensn安安金纯OLIVE HYDRATING&WHITEING ISOLATION LOTION Olive essence and whitening protection factor,adjust skin color,let your skin becoming whitening.Deeply whitening,protect the skin from the external damage,let your skin have protect layer which can not see.(蕴含橄榄油精华和美白隔离成分,巧妙调整肤色,呈现自然白皙的肌肤,美白的同时,发挥出特有的隔离效果,阻隔粉尘,尼古丁等不良物质对肌肤的伤害,给肌肤一层看不见的保护层)Deeply hydrating,let your skin gained mildness nourish.深层补水,系统润泽肌肤,位肌肤提供隔离保护的同时让肌肤享受温和和滋养It has a light and softness texture ,easily absorbed by skin,not oil ,make up natural and permanence.质地轻柔薄和,容易被肌肤吸收,无油腻感觉,打造完美肤色,上妆服帖持久4.Lilium Essential Hydrating Moisturizer 百合高保湿润养水The delicate and silky toner can provide adequate nutrition and water while effectively softening the cuticle甲小皮,leaving skin soft,moist and fresh.It contains the 〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skinˊs natural water lipid membranes ,keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products better(浓稠质地,供给肌肤丰沛水分和养分,帮助保持天然水脂滋润度。

• 直译法
• 如:COVERGIRL 封面 女郎 • 直观的表现出产品内涵: 像封面上光彩照人的女 模特那样魅力四射,易 于被消费者引发联想
• 音义合璧法
• 如:宝洁旗下洗发水 品牌REJOICE,单词 的意思为“高兴”, 而汉语商标名称为 “飘柔”,体现了其 产品特征:飘逸、柔 软
• 保留原文商标不 变,直接引入到 中国
• 音译法
• 如:美国化妆品Maybelline,中文译 为“美宝莲”,“美”暗示其功能, “莲”暗示其效果,既取其音,又取 其义,且发音响亮,寓意美好。同样, LANCOME兰蔻,Ardor雅黛, VICHY薇姿,AVON雅芳,Arche雅 倩,OLAY玉兰油等诸多译名采用了 “芳”、“黛”、诗、兰、姿等汉字, 迎合了广大女性的消费观念,这无疑 会给商家带来较好的收益。
Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和用) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性)
• Moisturizing Color Gloss protects and softens chapped lips. • Contains the antioxidants of Vitamin C&E. Helps delay aging and maintain healthy lips. • Gives natural and lovely colors with a glossy shine. • Apply directly on lips or uses with other color lip balm. • 时尚淡彩着哩配方, 保湿滋润, 全面修护。 • 蕴涵丰富维他命C、E。有效保护双唇健康, 抗衡氧化, 延 缓老化。 • 增添双唇如珍珠般的淡淡色彩, 自然亮丽。 • 可单独使用或与不同口红搭配, 创出喜爱色调

EFFECT:1.OLIVE DEEP CLEANZER FOR REMOVING MAKEUPContaining the essence of olive and mild ingredients for cleansing, dissolve the oil and remnant in the pores which makeup on your face, cleanse the skin deeply.Gentle massage your face, deeply cleanse your skin, and moisture it, make your skin tender, delicate and silky.IT IS MILDY,NOT OIL, easily clean, good results remove color which make up your face.2.OLIVE BB CREAMOLIVE BB CREAM moisture, isolate, block-flaw, whitening, nourish, repair, block-pore, foundation many effects into one, make particularity tender refresh skin.SUPPLY WATER AND NUTRIENTS INTO SKIN, let you have hydrating and whitening skin, deduct natural skin.It has a thin and refresh texture, can make up flaw, polish skin color, easily let you have crystal skin3.A’Gensn OLIVE HYDRATING&WHITEING ISOLATION LOTIONOlive essence and whitening protection factor, adjust skin color, let your skin becoming whitening. Deeply whitening, protect the skin from the external damage, let your skin have protect layer which cannot see.Deeply hydrating, let your skin gained mild nourish.It has a light and softness texture, easily absorbed by skin, not oil, make up natural and permanence.4. Lilium Essential Hydrating MoisturizerThe delicate and silky toner can provide adequate nutrition and water while effectively softening the cuticle, leaving skin soft, moist and fresh. It contains the 〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skin’s natural water lipid membranes, keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products better5. Lilium Essential Hydrating TonerThe refreshing and absorbable toner can improve the skin surface water content, leaving skin plump &moist. It contains the〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skinˊs natural water lipid membranes, keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products better.6.Lipid Sun-Bock CreamProvide the skin with double protection, reducing the damage of UV A&UVB to the skin and preventing the skin from sunburn, suntan and the occurrence of fine veins; moisturize and nature the skin thoroughly, so that it would become soft, smooth and delicate, regaining its natural beauty and whiteness.7.Lipid cleanserThe smooth and delicate cleanser, with a PH value similar with skin, can gently dissolve the extra oil and dirt, and be rinsed easily. It contains natural moisturizing ingredients, which can keep skin moist, strengthen the skin´s natural water lipid membranes, leaving skin soft and comfortable.8.Olive Essence Oil Moisture Face CleanserWith mild texture, rich in plant essential oil and herbal essence, it gives you more moisture and care. The elegant plant scent and flower flavor delight your mood so that you will feel like enjoy soul SPA, leaving you full of charm and attractive luster9.Water Code Cleansing CreamWith mild properties and delicate foam, this cream deeply cleanses skin, clears pores and leaves the skin refreshed &clean.The moisturizing ingredient of marine plants make the skin moisturized and tension-free after facial cleansing.Enriched with durvilaea potato-rum essence and multiple mineral microelements, this cream regulates moisture-oil balance, makes the skin feel refreshed &soft and gives a healthy, energetic&bright appearance after use.10.SPRINGCROCUS WHITENING HTDRATING FACIAL MASKSpringCrocus essence and vitamin C&E, deeply whitening and hydrating skin, improve dim skin, let it more whitening, light and tender.Facial mask package, stick your face tightly, help essence easily adsorb, particularity care your skin.Hydrating and nourish skin, skin become more tender and whitening.11.Lipid Moisturizing EmulsionThe refreshing lotion can penetrate deeply to continuously provide water and nutrition, leaving skin moisturized and fresh. It contains the〝moisture element〞from lily which help repair the damaged keratinocytes cells effectively, strengthen the skin´s natural water lipid membranes, and lock the moisture and doubling the moisturizing effects.12.ALGAE HYDRAFACIAL WASHDelicate and slightly foamy Algae Hydra Facial Wash could clean the dirt in veins & pores without taking away the necessary moisture, prevent the occurrence of stained skin after cleansing and make the skin silky, watery &radiant.13.HAMAMELIS OIL-CONTROL&WHITENING MILKIt balances grease secretion , shrink the expanded pores, constantly replenish and store plenty of herbal moisture for skin, making the skin balanced, tender, smooth, watery and refreshingly oil-free.14.HAMAMEIS OIL-CONTROL&WHITENING LOTIONIt contains herbal oil-control factors which penetrate into skin, balance grease secretion, deep-cleanse skin and shrink pores. The herbal moisturizing factors can reach the bottom of skin and replenish moisture, and realize balanced skin. Make skin lucid, clear and oil-free. Long-term use will regulate skin quality and make it refreshing and tender.15.RICE Ceramide MOISTURE CREAMFunction:Super hydrating cream goes on softly and leaves the skin feeling replenished with deep moistureFormulated with Power Rice Complex, Ceramide, this cream delivers lavish moisture and intense hydration to quench the thirst of dry and severely dry skin.Power rice Complex is a potent moisturizing complex of natural rice extracts and rice bran oil.Using methods:For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes.Keep out of reach of children. 16.THE RICE Ceramide lasting tonerFunction:Moisturizing toner with Power Rice Complex feels like a moisture essenceFormulated with super moisturizing components including Power Rice Complex, Ceramide , this moisture essence-like toner provides hours of hydration.Power rice Complex is a potent moisturizing complex of natural rice extracts and rice bran oil.Using methods:Use AM and PM after cleansing. Dispense a small amount to the palm or soak a cotton-pad and gently sweep outwards staring at the center of the face.17.THE RICE Ceramide lasting moisturizerFunction:Non-sticky, super replenishing moisturizer for immediate and long-lasting hydrationFormulated with super moisturizing components including Power Rice Complex, Ceramide , this readily-absorbed moisturizer feels soft on skin and leaves no stickiness behind .Replenishes skin with lasting moisture throughout the day.Power rice Complex is a potent moisturizing complex of natural rice extracts and rice bran oil.Using methods:apply AM and PM after toner using gentle patting motion18.WATERY SUN-BLOCK GELEffectively block and absorb UV A&UVB, protect the skin from sunburn, suntan and aging; replenish the moisture and nutrition lost when the skin is exposed to the sun, and make it watery and white.19.TEA TREE AROMATIC SERIESFusion tea tree essence oil, seaweed essence ingredients pure formula, not only can quickly into skin inhibit excessive grease secretion, significantly shrink pores, more can prevent sudden acne formation and deterioration.20.SEMEN GINKGO Aromatic SeriesThe semen ginkgo aromatic complex can soothe and balance the water and oil, bring about dual brightening and whitening power, and make skin glow the crystaland white.NEIGE Pore Tightening EssenceFunction:Pore tightening essence that tightens and refines pores-Tightens enlarged and drooped pores with cooling texture when applied-Keeps your skin look smooth and clean by quick absorbing without stickiness elastically tightening pores, and controlling excessive sebumA pore-tea peptide ingredient tightens enlarged pores and contracts the skin around pores by functioning to recover bone growth proteins and elastic proteins that prop up skin cells and pore barrier.Sebum control ingredients (phytosphingosine)and silica control sebum generation and secretion and absorb excess sebum to purify your pores.Using methods:Apply appropriate amount after using emulsion in the morning and evening. 22.Charmzone DeAGE RED-ADDITION Control CreamRed wine balls cleanse the skin with a massaging effectRed wine balls cleanse the skin:As you massage the red wine balls into your skin,they remove skin wastes and unwanted residue.The red wine ingredient also sooths and comforts the skin white supplying resilience.NEIGE Pore Clearing EssenceFunction:Essence that refines dead cells, removes impurities in pores and cares troubles Refines clogged pores with dead cells around and unevenly discolored pores due to oxidized sebumLactobacillus and niacinamide help to remove dead cells around clogged pores and accelerated turnover of skin cells to smooth down rough skin texture.It also removes impurities accumulated in the pores to prevent creation of troubles, black heads, white heads and enlarged pores.Excels pore tightening effects when used before Pore Tightening Essence by clearly caring the inside and outside of the poresUsing methods:Apply over the concerned pore area or troubled areas with cotton bud after emulsion in the morning and evening .When using hands, thoroughly cleanse your hands before use.NEIGE Pore Minimizing PackFunction:Fast drying wash-off clay pack that tightens poresThis clay pack gently spreads on skin with a cooling action, quickly dries to tighten up pores, and removed with a little bit of water. It is formulated to prevent blackheads.Mineral-tox(TM)(White Clay and Morocco Clay(Ghassoul))purifies skin,absorbs excess sebum, and eliminates dead skin cells to smoothen skin surface. Using methods:Sooth skin with toner and apply a nicked-sized amount over your face, avoiding the areas. Cover your entire face with an opaque layer.When the pack dries after 3-5minutes, rinse off with water and soothe skin with toner.You may use this product on the entire face, but it can also be used on problematic areas with excess sebum secretion.Use it 1-2minutes a week, but you may adjust the frequency according to your skin condition.NEIGE Blackhead Melting GelFunction:Melting gel that gently removes blackheads and deal skin cellsThe gel contains keratinase enzymes that effectively melt blackhead s and dead skin cells. Thus it helps purify your pores by gently removing blackheads.The silicone brush opens up your pores that are clogged by dead skin cells and excessive sebum, and smooths your rough skin surface keeping it soft. It prevents further development of blackheads.the synergy effects of the melting gel and silicone brush promote the turner of skin cells, and prevent the enlargement of pores around your nose.Using methods:After washing your face at night, pump appropriate amount of melting gel and apply it to the area with blackheads. Massage the area thoroughly with a circular motion.Wait about 20 seconds for blackheads to melt, and then rinse the gel off throughly with lukewarm water.Repeated application will be repaired for severe blackheads ,and the gel can be applied to other area with excessive sebum, including forehead and cheeks. Recommended use is 3-4 times a week, which can be altered depending on your skin condition.NEIGE Blackhead Pore Strips27.Functions:Pore Strips that throughly absorb blackheads and excessive sebumIt is a nose pack keeps your pores clean by powerfully absorbing deep-rooted blackheadsUsing methods:After using the melting gel ,leave some moisture on your nose. Lightly press the strip´s adhesive side against the center of your damp nose. (Do not apply water directly to the strip because the water melts the content of the strip and extends drying time)Wait about 10-15 minutes until the strip is completely dried before pulling the strip off slowly from both edges.Apply some toner.Recommended use is 1-2 times a week,which can be altered depending on your skin conditions.27. Charmzone DeAGE RED-ASSITION Eye Cream. It contains kenaf extracts that have excellent absorption effects making it very effective in removing blackheads SSITION Eye CreamCRD-2 and natural ingredients provide the skin around the eyes with resilience Natural ingredients renew and fortify the skin around the eyes: Marronnier extracts renew the skin around the eyes making it look younger and healthier.CRD-2 ingredients increase the skin´s resilience around the eyes: Red wine, tomato, pomegranate and mulberry ingredients in CRD-2 makes the delicate, tired skin around the eyes more resilient.Natural ingredients make the skin around the eyes younger and healthier: Vegetable ingredients such as Bambusa Arundinacea Stem and Aspalanthus Linearis Leaf extracts strengthen the skin´s self -protection function maintaining skin health.Hydrating effect moisture the skin around the eyes: Hydrates and softens the moisture-lacked delicate skin around the eyes.Using methods:Spread a suitable amount of Charmzone Deage RED-ADDITION Eye Cream around the eyes28.Charmzone DeAGE RED-ASSITION Make-up BaseFunctions:Evens skin tone,freshens color make-upColor make-up looks natural and fresh:Evens and clarifies skin tone and allows for easy make-up application providing a fresh, natural look.Hydrating function keeps the skin moist after applying color make-up: Ulmus Davidiana extracts hydrate the skin creating a moisture enriched harmony between your skin and color make-upAdd nutrients make your skin healthier;CRD-2anf other natural ingredients make skin damaged by excessive color make-up and the external environment fresh and healthy.Using methods:After your basic skin care, spread a suitable amount of Charmzone DeAGE RED-ASSITION Make-up Base over your entire face and pat gently.NEIGE WHITE PLUS RENEW ROAM CLENSERFunctions:Soft and skin-friendly amino-base cleansing foam removes impurities and dead cells without irritation.Silymarin for suppressing melanin synthesis improves pigmentation and brightens the skin that is dulled by external aggressions from the cleansing step.Salicylic acid softly breaks down dead cells revealing clean, brightened skin. Using methods:Pump once or twice onto the palm and softly massage rich foam onto a wet face. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Avoid eye and lip area.NEIGE WHTE PLUS RENEW DAILY PROTECTION CREAM SPF36++ Function:Bead Tree extracts for preventing darkening by external aggressions and Silymarin for suppressing melanin synthesis protect the skin from external aggressionand restores the brightness of skin.SPF36++protects skin from harmful UV rays preventing Melanin formation due to sun exposure, thus enhancing whitening effect during the daytime.Using methods:In the daytime, after using essence, take an appropriate amount and lightly apply it in the order of cheeks, forehead, nose, lip area, and neck from the inside to outside. Lightly cover the face with palms for better absorption. Avoid eye area.。

科技视界Science&Technology VisionScience&Technology Vision科技视界作者简介:赵哲(1972—),男,汉族,天津人,天津滨海职业学院,讲师,研究方向为翻译理论与实践。
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1 功能翻译理论
2 翻译实例说明
Non-stop action for non-stop results!
In many fields,the most efficient way to provide lasting and powerful results is through persistent action. The same is true to for your skin!
Based on 30 years experience in leading edge Retinol-Matrix complex. Exclusive ingredients interact at all skin levels for instantly visible and lasting results:instantly and lastingly lifted,firmed,recontoured,your face recovers its naturally smooth,even features and refreshed,younger appearance.
说明在中间还有一句感叹句:“The same is true to for your skin!”很遗憾,这两句话中文都没有翻译出来。
另外,在说明中,英文原文使用简单句利于消费者快速了解产品信息,用正面、优美的词汇来吸引消费者如“provide lasting and powerful results”及“instantly and lastingly lifted,firmed,”等,并大量使用并列,如:“lasting and powerful”,“instantly and lastingly”,and “features and refreshed,younger appearance”等来加强语气,用文字产生美感,让消费者能产生联想的意象,促使消费者购买产品以达到臆想的效果。
文章中还用了“Based on 30 years experie nce in leading edge Retinol-Matrix complex.”这句话来增强产品的可信度来坚定消费者购买的信心,这种情况在例二中也能见到如开头有一句话“It bears a formula that hasn’t been changed for over 30 years.”这是中文翻译成英文时应当模仿的。