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seemingly impossible Outback restaurants too much money chasing too few

fish, market-distorting fossil fuel subsidies,

What’s astounding to me is this the flooding, the fires, the drought, the intense storms boggle the mind. in milliseconds

There is a new cop on the beat.

shine a light on money laundering sanctity of contracts, brews uncertainty,

I would be remiss if I didn’t say something about it. the synergy ripped off, breaking down barriers and raising the bar,

unlock the promise of the great Asia-Pacific market,

of pushing that curve.

crushes the energy

in practice often revert to other choices, including protectionism. rebelled against corruption any religious overtones or connotations.

anarchy and terror

made in China” into “created in China”.中国制造中国创造”。


To realize the Chinese dream, we must promote the Chinese spirit. We need to boost the morale of the whole nation with the patriotism-imbued national spirit and call of the time, namely, reform and innovation. Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical work will make it thrive 空谈误国,实干兴邦China is a staunch proponent and an avid practitioner of

South-South cooperation 中国是南南合作的坚定支持者和积极实践者World economic recovery is still a slow and protracted process. Global development issues are still pronounced 当前,全球发展问题依然十分突出direct more attention 更加关注arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干旱地区rising salinity and pollution water scarcity, 缺水问题frequency of hydrological extremes 极端水文现象更为频繁rock-firm and full of vitality. 坚如磐石,历久弥新。

treat each other with sincerity交往肝胆相照讲原则、重信义stand firm on principle and act in good faith “We can give up gold, but not our friendship.”,“宁舍金子,不舍中巴友谊”。,“博弈之交不终日,饮食之交Friendship between diners lasts less than a month. Friendship based on power and influence lasts less than a year. Only friendship based on shared values lasts a lifetime.”不终月,势利之交不终年。惟道义之交,可以终身succeeding generations of Chinese and Pakistani leaders 两国几代领导人all-weather friendship 更加丰硕的成果

core Chinese value and an abiding belief 中国人文思想的精髓,是我们始终如一的信条。

healthy competition between our businesses are not a zero-sum game where one gains at the expense of the other 良性竞争不是“你失我得”的零和游戏the ten fingers are different in length十个手指各有长短it is not surprising that countries have different views. What is important is to handle the differences properly. When differences arise, one should not judge others by his own standard or impose his views on others. Instead, one should put himself in others’position and be accommodating. Conducting dialogue deepens understanding and putting oneself in others’position increases mutual trust,国家间认识上存在差异并不奇怪,如何对待差异才是关键。遇到分歧不以己度人,不强加于人,而应设身处地,推己及人。积极对话能够加深了解,换位思考能够增进互信。reform in China will yield huge dividend中国的改革会带来巨大红利国强不必霸。中国今天经济总量大了,但我们还是一个发展中国家,真正了解中国的人都不难看到这一点。即使将来中国真的强大了,我们也绝不恃强凌弱,因为中国人在近代曾深受战乱之苦,不愿看到A country is not destined to pursue hegemony as it grows in strength. Despite the large size of its economy, China remains a developing country, a point that is not lost on those who know China. Even when China indeed becomes strong and developed, it will not bully the weak. This is because we Chinese suffered so much from wars and chaos in modern history that we don’t want to see such history repeat itself to others. “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.悲剧在其他国家身上重演。己所不欲,勿施于人,

Concepts of harmony between man and nature and not to drain the pond to catch the fish 天人合一,不能涸泽而渔等理念

“pollut ion first, treatment afterwards先污染、后治理two wheels of regional and global trade arrangements will spin forward together.

两个轮子一起转” people in six Southeast Asian countries drink water from the same river ,“六国同饮一江水”。]

:“事成于睦”。“Harmony holds the key to success ,“朋友好,无价宝”。A good friend is an invaluable asset

如果你的邻居富裕起来,你也从中受益”You stand to gain if your neighbors get rich.”以和平为起点,以繁荣为目标,我们敢于梦想,我们乐于分享For peace, our goal from the very start, and prosperity to last. We dare to dream, we care to share No hassle, no friendship:“不打不成交”,‘No discord, no concord:“没有分歧就没有共识”(

‘East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall meet东方是东方,西方是西方,东西方永不携手”。

‘discard pride and prejudice and apply sense and sensibility傲慢与偏见”,培养“理智与情感”

忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”。“thous ands of pear trees suddenly turn out in full blossom overnight in the spring breeze

露从今夜白,月是故乡明”。tonight we start the season of white dew and the bright moon reminds me of my home”.

the landscape here is beyond compare after crossing so many hills”.踏遍青山人未老,风景这边独好”。
