这一阅读速度相当于普通人平均阅读速度的十倍还要多(根据社会各界人士的统计,参加全脑速读记忆法训练前,普通人的阅读速度在每分钟100字至600字之间,平均为每分钟300字左右,且理解记忆仅为30% 左右)。
在现代社会中,经济的迅速发展、科技的日 新月异、交流的日益频繁、管理的逐渐规范,使 得各个部门、各个工作岗位每天都要面对大量的 文字资料。如何快速阅读完这些资料,是提高工 作效率的关键所在。
正是意识到这一点,在美国、日本、韩国的 一些大企业,往往不惜重金对员工进行快速阅读 训练。日本横滨的日商通产公司,每天抽出两个 小时对员工进行快速阅读训练,并且每月一期进 行轮训。
度都要举行 “最佳速读竞赛大会”。
韩国、美国引进快速阅读法,并组织团体,开办学校, 进行快速阅读的研究与普及。
家。早在20世纪20年代,就出版了很多关于快速阅 读法的书籍。1966年,敖德萨的两名研究人员用他 们自己制造的阅读加速器开始试验快速阅读法。 1970年,代号“量子—700号”的试验表明:经过一 定时间训练的人,阅读速度能成倍增加。此后,快速 阅读实验室、快速阅读学校在前苏联各地纷纷建立, 把快速阅读作为正式课程列入教学计划,取得了丰硕 成果。
80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00%
杂志 诗歌戏曲
全脑学习提升注意力理解力记忆力的训练方法 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021全脑学习——提升注意力、理解力、记忆力的训练方法大纲编辑:华锐一、图像记忆是提升注意力和理解力的好方法也是长期记忆的基础1.情境式观察:掌握颜色、感受、声音、空间2.提高理解力——利用自我提问,增加图像清晰度3.认识具体与抽象4.具体事物和抽象概念互相联想转换二、全脑记忆原则:图像、连结与顺序1.图像:五感在脑海中产生画面2.连结:夸张、趣味、卡通、情境3.顺序:关联法的窍门三、加强注意力与理解力的文字记忆法1.两两相连法2.故事联想法3.谐音法4.索引法5.文字记忆的五大步骤四、加强注意力与理解力的数字记忆法1.制作自己的数字标签2.数字标签的运用3.数字标签关联法五、加强注意力的人名面貌记忆法1.记住人名是人际关系的第一步2.人际图像记忆法六、适时复习是记忆的好朋友1.黄金复习定律2.白金复习定律知识点汇总概念C01:连结C02:两两相连法C03:索引法原理和观点K01:全脑学习K02:认识具体与抽象的训练K03:连结的四大要素K04:身体关联记忆法K05:环境关联法K06:两两相连的关键K07:故事联想法的三个原则K08:谐音法三个原则K09:文字记忆的五大步骤K10:人名图像记忆的四个要决K11:黄金复习定律K12:白金复习定律重要信息I01:迅速将文字中“抽象的词组”(抽象)转为“具体图像”(具象),变成了右脑记忆的重要的基础性工作I02:“谐音法”包括利用“同音同字”、“同音异字”和“音似”三个技巧I03:数字标签的设计通常是利用中文字的形、音、义把原本无意义的数字转化为图像正文一、图像记忆是提升注意力和理解力的好方法也是长期记忆的基础当你回忆起多年前往事时,它是以“图像”的方式储存在你的右脑中,就像车祸现场般——可能有尖叫声,救护车声,或者是当时正下着大雨,而事情的经过则是以线性的方式储存在你的左脑。
1、宣泄疏导求助者的情绪而缓解压力。21鳄鱼(鳄鱼泪+鳄鱼在死水里很痛 苦,要出来宣泄情绪,排解压力) 2、鼓励求助者倾诉内心痛苦并进行针对性的指导。22鸳鸯(两只分开很久的 鸳鸯,在一个开满莲花的湖面相遇他们相互倾诉内心的痛苦,并针对性的互相安 慰、指导对方) 3、探寻求助者的潜意识并使求助者领悟。23粮食山(潜意识冰山理论+我们 看到的只是粮食山一角,要想领悟庐山真面目,必须把粮食山下的潜意识一桶一 桶的提上来,才能领悟) 4、协助求助者改进认知结构,学会合理思维。24粮食馒头(小孩子觉得馒头 不好吃,好吃KFC里放入汉堡,妈妈说要改变他的认知结构,就对他说馒头是五谷 杂粮有营养,KFC里的汉堡都是垃圾食品,要学会合理的思维) 5、通过学习与训练建立积极、合理、有效的行为模式。25二胡(一群学习二 胡的小朋友挤在一个像盒子一样的教室里,有说有笑的训练指法即行为模式) 6、帮助求助者排除心理障碍,促进自然复愈与成长。26溜冰鞋(儿子刚开始 学溜冰经常摔倒受伤,于是妈妈说不要害怕,你要排除心理障碍,慢慢的你就学 会了。很快的伤口自然愈合了,儿子也成长了)
下策:走马观花地看书,对知识点囫囵吞枣、得过且过, 对考试轻视。 中策:以无法为有法,采用傻瓜式的学习方法,即通读每 章的内容,但是抓不住重点。采用这种方法的还算是认真 复习的考生,但是费时费力,效果未必好。 上策:用最少的时间、最低的投入取得最大的效果和最高 的效率。 良好的心态+有效的时间管理+科学的学习方法=逢考必过
目标是:“看得快,记得住”(1)一眼看四字(2)一眼看六字(3)一眼看八字4、记忆棒训练(训练5分)挑选N个记忆棒,随意撒落在桌面上,看一秒钟然后闭上眼睛,凭记忆回答桌面上有几个记忆棒?5、文章训练(训练35分)(1)复述题目(2)时间(3)地点(4)人物及人物之间的关系(5)本文开头(6)复述文章大概内容(7)本文结尾(8)关键词(9)关键句(10)对文章的感受与启发(11)重要动物(12)重要植物( 13) 作者快速阅读给我们带来:学习轻松愉快成绩快速提升。
全脑速读记忆术(The whole brain speedread memory operation)
全脑速读记忆术(The whole brain speedread memoryoperation)Guess reading, also known as hanging reading method, is to read a book, read the previous, first guess, and then the actual content of the post and guess the content of a reading method.How to use guessing methodWhen you read a paper, you first study the topic, guess what the argument will be, what arguments you may use, what arguments you may adopt, and then read the followingWhen reading a news, it starts with the title and thinks while reading, and then reads the lead, the background, the paragraph and the ending. Think about what the author will write, and what strengths are lacking. What do I learn from it?. After a lot of speculation, the reading efficiency is improved obviouslyReading novels can speculate the plot development, the fate of characters, and so on. Using guessing reading, the brain is in a positive state of mind, and there is a psychological desire to know whether the content of the following is consistent with the content of the conjecture. Therefore, the efficiency of the brain's selective understanding of the written language has been greatly accelerated. Sometimes, just by scanning a few words, a few sentences can grasp the main content of the article as a whole. Guessing reading helps to understand and improve the speed of reading.The steps of guessing reading1. determine the starting point of the conjecture. Guessnot out of dream, the original material is the basis of conjecture. The guess is to start with relevant materials: either the style itself, or a word, or a paragraph, or a note, etc..2. controlled reading. That is, after reading quickly, look for the parts closely related to your guess, and focus on reading.3. comparing the content of the original text with the content of the conjecture, the results of the comparison may be consistent or inconsistent, and may be consistent in some aspects. If the reader that is consistent, accurate understanding of the conjecture that do part structure expression in the role; if not, or not completely consistent, then you can think deeply in the wording of the pros and cons.Learn to read and guess is good, we can establish thecorrect consciousness of reading, to prevent fly, faultscan learn read hastily and without thinking, the essence from the book, and to improve their level of knowledge. Secondly, it can promote people to read, think, read, think and combine, and develop the habit of reading brain. Open the books after speculation is used for brain start reading, doubts, doubts, secret, are the whole process with the brain. In the end, we gain real knowledge in contrast, and exercise our creativity.Guessing reading is a way to study and analyze knowledge with creative eyes. Reading speculation, comparison, study, learn to get to the root of the problem is to improve their creativity, create something.From Lv Wuping "brain speedread memory"Reading methodSearch read from some specific content list, a fast method for rapid uptake of the information he needed. Readers tend to read with purpose and absorb the knowledge they need urgently from the reading materials.We are at work, learning, research and writing, often need to examine some of the names, place names, allusions, data more relevant information, in addition to access specific books, but also from a large number of books to find, it needs to find reading. Search read, his eyes swept the pages, with the fastest speed from the article by taking gold, and find some problems that you expect to get the details, such as a personal name, place name, something for years, or the author's argument, argument very important data and other related information.How to use reading methodIn order to grasp the general view of a book, the book should pay attention to the title and subtitle; authors and publishers and its explanation; read the introduction andpreface; browse the catalog, borrow bibliography, select the one or two main topics of the center contains chapters, read it the beginning of the one or two section and the ending section. All of this work is done in a very short time.TwoIn order to master the views of a chapter or an article, it is necessary to know what kind of book or article appears in this book or newspaper until the relationship between the reading part and other parts. Looking for paragraph sentences summarizing the passage3. lectures, lectures, writing experience, papers, summary and so on, need to find some material reference, this also needs to read.4. in order to find the information they need, and so on, also need to read. In the process of reading, we should keep the questions in mind, turn our eyes and read the materials as soon as possible, and pay attention to the use of headings and different fonts to help us search for the information we need.5. in order to find common data. If you consult the phone number of a unit or friend, you must quickly find the place where you may find it in the phone book, which also needs to be read. Look outside the train schedule, and so on, all need to read.From Lv Wuping "brain speedread memory"Skip readingWhat is skip reading?Skip is in reading, reading methods and seize the key material of reading the conscious skip some sentence ortext of no great importance. Skip is by omitting the secondary information to accelerate the reaction speed to the text of the brain, is a process of thinking and reading speed synchronization.Unlike skip scanning, scanning is a page by page saccades. The skip is take to give up, jump forward. That is,omitting some of the content and retrieving only the key parts of the text. Skip is not only to improve the reading speed, also can make readers understand the content more deeply, improve the efficiency of reading. Because of the significance of the skip reading a significant jump, abandon the non essential things, captures the essence of information, new thinking process.How to use the skip1. skip reading with title, title and boldface as the main object of reading. Many books are subject to chapter headings, some of which are highlighted in boldface, and so on. Some books use the box frame before and after the article. These are the places that the author requires readers to pay attention to, often the whole book, thewhole chapter, the theme and center of the whole section. When reading, read these parts first with skip reading, and then decide whether it is necessary to book this book or intensive reading chapter2. key words jump reading. Read only the words that are relevant to a particular subject, and omit the other paragraph, sentence, word. Keywords scanning method can be used to find documents, can also be arranged to sort out the reading materials.3. handed sentence jump reading. It is the first or last sentence of each natural paragraph, or the first sentence and the last sentence. Generally speaking, in order to illustrate the main scientific works mainly to comment, the first sentence of each section is often on a word, the last sentence is a sentence, the middle is the supplement, reasoning, such as example. By using this method, the center of the whole text can be grasped quickly.4. grammatical structure jump reading. This jump reading in two ways, one way is to concentrate on structure words in the sentence as the conjunction; structure of language in the paragraph, such as "it". According to these words to explore meaningful words and sentences, so as to grasp the texture venation of the book. Another way is to focus on the central words of the various words in the sentence, and ignore the auxiliary elements such as modifiers and adjuncts.5. random jump reading. This method is mainly used forsearching data. According to the reader's interest and ideas come to pay attention to reading, this method will skip more valuable and have not missed the reader interested.Reading a book by jumpingFor example, read a book, just look at the preface, catalogue and summary, and then skip the content, do not have to read the full text. Read the chapter, just skip the title, boldface, italics and key sentences, and coherent, seize the center. Can also skip every section of the first two. Generally speaking, any reading material,At the beginning of the sentence of each paragraph islikely to be on the end of a word, as is often part of statement, we can skip the key sentences.From Lv Wuping "brain speedread memory"SkimmingWhat is skimming?Skimming is one of the fastest speeds a person can achieve. Is to grasp the basic content of reading materials, the main ideas and techniques of reading. Skimming speed should be the fastest reading speed to read books and articles. But skimming is different from ordinary reading. Common reading word for word reading will need to read all the materials, while skimming, some materials can be omitted ifnot read, feel they have grasped the main content, can put half a paragraph or a four cent sanlue to read. It can be used to read textbooks, reference books, extracurricular books and newspapers, as well as an indispensable step in intensive reading.Why skim through it?Why use skimming this way of reading? You know, books that are published this year are books that have been publishedin the last few years or even decades. In order to speed up reading, increase the number of reading, expand horizons, broaden horizons, improve reading efficiency, we must use this reading method. So, how do you skim through an article? In order to quickly grasp the main idea and the main points of the article, generally speaking, it should be rough when reading.How to skimThe function of skimming is to skim through the whole pagein a very short time and appreciate the outline. Skimmingis very simple, as long as the book to find a "signpost"can be. General textbooks or technical books, "road signs" by the size of the title of chapters. Readers need to look over, the effect can have a smattering of; no title of the book, read each chapter in the first section and the first sentence of each paragraph. In addition, pages can be scanned, focusing on important words, such as italics or bold words. So you can quickly see the full text and getthe full impression.Skimming program is: first read the one or two paragraph at the beginning of the fastest speed, should be word no leakage. The first paragraph of reading is to understand the full text, background, style, tone, tone and so on. In the third and fourth paragraph, you only need to read the key sentences, of course, to grasp the paragraph is careless. If you can do this, sometimes only need eyes rough sweep intact, jump out of the one or two important words and phrases can be. The ending paragraphs are often more abstract, and I'm afraid they should be read more fully. The importance of skimming is to be interested in the storyline at the fastest rate or the main idea the author wants to express.Skimming exerciseJust need training, have started slightly, reading speed is often much faster than ordinary reading speed, must be repeated until a particular target skimming practice, there are difficulties, can be repeatedly scanning the same article, this simple relationship is very effective. The ultimate goal of skimming training is 4 times faster than the initial speed.Skimming is very useful in finding data - sometimes skimming is just to find answers to a question, and then you can get the answer in your head by skimming through the material.Skimming is not always available, nor does it replaceordinary reading and intensive reading, but it is a reading skill that can be used in a variety of situations.Skimming is an important point:1. read the order to develop reading habits, according to the program and read all kinds of preface to take adifferent attitude and method, and understand the picture book from the directory, according to the need to pick out some chapters to read.2. according to the needs of work and learning, refer tothe reference books, such as the speeches of officials at various levels, scientific and technical personnel writing papers, teaching lectures, looking for reference materials and reference books,Can be skimmed according to their own needs.3. for different types of books, using different reading methods. As for the knowledge type books, the key Abstract note; to the novel, understands the main task the main idea; to the comment article, holds the important viewpoint and the material.Reading ability can only be improved through continuous training. Therefore, unremitting training, a lot of practice. Through training, you can achieve more effective and pleasant reading skills.From Lv Wuping "brain speedread memory"Scanning methodWhat is reading method?Reading method is a kind of face reading method. It requires one to look at a few lines of text, to capture the system and context of what they read, and to search for what is needed. It's an advanced way of reading. Golgi used this kind of reading method, and every page looked like a step down from top to bottom, and read a lot of amazing books. The ancients said "Yimushixing", refers to this reading method.How to read a book?1. browse the preface: understand the author's meaning, background and main points2. read through the catalog: to understand the author discusses what aspects of the problem and internal levels.3. read the title of the section: according to the title of the section scanning the author's main point of view, arguments4. catch the key: scan the key words in a page5. see the end: read the ending, make the judgment of the content of the book, put forward their own views.Different readings, using different scanning methods.1. read the magazine, you can read through the directory began. Choose the articles you need. Other articles make a quick scan.2. read a single article, third steps can be changed to "remember the title, author, discern the genre" is basically the same as in other articles.3. reading narratives refer to the above process, but only focus on the main characters, the main plot, and then master the main content and theme.4. reading textbooks, reference books, its focus is not much, according to statistics, one page only two to five, to hold fast, other auxiliary, illustrative content and skimmingThe role of scanningThe most remarkable feature of the scanning method is that the eyes move forward first and then vertically, and only scan the key words. It not only does not affect people's understanding, but also reads very quickly. Its advantages are: first, when people open their books, they can find names, arguments, main arguments and so on; at the same time, the content is clear; two, it solves the more and more sharp contradiction between reading more content and less time.The most important step in scanning is to determine exactly what material you're looking for. The second step is to determine what form of information will appear, and then use an important clue to get the information you want. The following instructions should be followed in the use of reading skills:1. read the questions you need to answer carefully.2. remember the answer or the type of material you need to pay attention to.3. quickly move the line of sight on the material, and catch the clue that you can find what you need here.4. stop reading when you find more than what you need.5. pay attention to these things carefully.From Lv Wuping "brain speedread memory"Browsing methodBrowsing can broaden your horizons and enrich your knowledge. Some articles don't need to be deep drilled, some books only need to know something about the content; some books only need to choose some useful information. At this time the main way is to browse the end of the month. Browsing is also the first reading, is the preparation of intensive reading, in order to read on the basis of the choice of intensive reading content. By browsing, readerscan leave are not worth reading some books, so it savestime to read the real needs of the learning materials.Four aspects of browsing reading1., examining the title (including the title) often generalizes the main content of the article, or reveals the basic argument of the article, the scope of the discussion, as long as a little pondering, you can have a preliminary understanding.2. browsing sequence, directory, abstract, problem, points, index. Order (including postscript postscript) has a preface, he ordered the. I tend to explain the author after writing purpose, writing style, etc.. It also gives a brief description of the key and difficult points in the book. He often introduces and comments on the author and his works, and extends and develops the viewpoints in the book.Preface can help readers understand the main content of the book.The catalogue is the outline of the book. From the catalog, chapter size title, readers can understand what the main issues involved in the book. The directory is not just for checking which chapter is on which page, it displays the overall outline of the content from the overall structure. Browse the catalog, and help determine the way to read, or read, or select, or not read.Abstract, content summary, also called content introduction. It is a concise introduction to the contents and featuresof books. It can help readers understand the content of the book and grasp the main points of the book. After browsing the abstracts, you have to look at the rest of the book to get an objective conclusion.It is a problem, the title of the article summarizes the contents of the explanation. The general is to introducethe works in the background, significance, effect, thebasic situation of the author's works, first published time and publication name, some works on the evaluation or according to some specific analysis of different readers. The solution is generally used in such a solemn Anthologyof writings, some like attention Yang later in this article, the same page text behind some problems with lines with small font show. The solution can help the readers to correctly understand and grasp the work content.The main points, some writing points, this is the summaryof each chapter, it outlines the main points of each chapter. Look at the main points, to understand theauthor's basic ideas expressed in chapters.Indexes generally appear as appendices. Browse the index to understand the names, places or problems in the book, see the author's main source of material and basis for the book, to understand the general content of the book.A few of the items to be browsed, except for the catalogue, are not necessarily available in each book. If you have them, you should browse them. By browsing these contents, you can get a general picture of the book.3. browse the text. First of all, read the beginning part, which is often the introduction of the article. The author puts forward the proposition, the argument, thesignificance and the purpose of the research, or points out the outline and method of narration in this article. Knowing these can judge the content of the latter and play an important role in understanding the full text. Secondly, read the middle part of the passage and the topic sentence in the chapter. Finally, read the closing part. The ending part is sometimes listed in the form of an ending. In this part, the author summarizes and summarizes the problems discussed in the full text, which is the conclusion of the author's argument. Read the end words should be careful, if compared with the beginning of the reading, the impression will be deeper.4., after reading, to close the book memories, form a general impression. If there is a problem worthy of further exploration, it should be caught in time, or make a card, write down, or read further.Obviously, browsing is a very important learning method. In a certain period of time to use a lot of books, but can not read them in the case, can be browsed; read their own professional and no other related books, you can browse. Browsing can broaden their horizons, increase knowledge, broaden their knowledge. If you want to have a wide range of knowledge, you must learn to browse.Browsing is a multifaceted application of skillsThe speed of browsing must be adapted to the purpose of readers. Each of the following types of browsing, reading, each requires different speeds and centers.OneTextbooks: take a glance at the textbook before the semester begins, and then skim through each chapter of the assigned reading to lay the foundation for faster and more careful reading.2. newspaper: newspaper news is written for easy browsing. News headlines are conclusions. The first one is the medicine. The subsequent paragraphs are arranged in descending order of importance. Read a newspaper, read the headlines and the first paragraph of each article, and then browse the rest of the paragraphs, as long as the interestin the place to read a bit more carefully.3. novel: it is practical to browse a novel, especially when you take it as a course, not as a pastime. If you choose a novel, you can skim through it, look at the story, find the plot, look for the background, find the characters, and come to conclusions. You can even benefit from browsing second times and third times. Once again, in order to meditate and conceive, once again for evaluation and criticism.Problems should be paid attention to during browsing.1. choose different ways of reading according to different contents. Books, articles have important secondary points, general works can be browsed, only for the wonderful fragments of intensive reading; important works, should generally be intensive reading, but some of them can browse. Visually different content and need to be flexible2. browsing, the speed should be moderate. If you don'thave a certain speed, you can't read a wide range ofcontent in a short time. But on the other hand, if a fly, the pursuit of speed, but the result of fuzzy impression. Therefore, neither too slow nor too fast.3. browsing, not so careless, casual look. Also, you should use your head, read and read, and make your memory active. Browsing, more things, more opportunities to repeat, many will naturally become their own inventory, but do notignore the initiative, consciously leave traces of memory.4., in addition to diligent brain, browsing should also be diligent in writing. Save some information for a rainy day.In short, intensive reading is certainly hard work,browsing can not be ignored, do not be careless.From Lv Wuping "brain speedread memory"。
(完整word)全脑记忆力 1范文
记忆技术(全脑王)0002 记忆技术(全脑王)0002::110数字编码大比拼超脑力王茂华(旧)郭玉峰柏麦思右脑飞行新思维叶瑞财记忆力训练网陈光面包圈鸡蛋甜甜圈甜甜圈1 大树树树铅笔铅笔粉笔衣鱼2 鸭子鸭子鸭子耳朵鸭子鹅鹅3米老鼠耳朵耳朵山耳朵海马山虾山4吉普车红旗红旗帆船帆船帆船蟹5白手套钩子钩子屋棒球手套手套舞猪6刘德华勺子勺子柳樱桃烟斗牛鹿7手枪斧头拐杖拐杖超商拐杖漆鸡8眼镜溜冰鞋葫芦眼镜葫芦沙漏马9猫猫猫酒猫蝌蚪酒狗酒、球00录音带望远镜望远镜白步蛇眼镜望远镜铃铛01人妖灵药灵异鬼魂树棍灵异02脚踏车铃儿铃儿圣诞铃鸭子麟儿03闹钟(铃声)元宝(领赏)闹钟(铃声)闹钟耳朵弹簧灵山04大玉米(零食)麻花(零食)零食零食红旗零食05炼乳鹦鹉莲雾手铐钩子手套莲雾06骰子路标(领路)斗牛斗牛勺子烟斗饮尿07情报员令旗情报员手提箱拐杖镰刀零零七08篱笆泥巴篱笆篱笆葫芦淋巴09菱角菱角菱角菱角球拍灵柩10保龄球棒球棒球十字架十字架十字架蛇棒球衣领11筷子筷子筷子筷子筷子筷子雨衣筷子筷子12时钟太阳婴儿时钟时钟日历婴儿一打13巫婆巫婆医生雨伞巫婆医生雨伞医生雨伞雨伞14医师戒指钥匙医师玫瑰花石狮钥匙椅子15月饼圆月圆月鹦鹉狼人鹦鹉鹦鹉鹦鹉尼姑鹦鹉16石榴玫瑰玫瑰石榴柳树石榴杨柳衣钮野柳17拐杖雨仪器仪器拐杖玉器玉器荔枝玉玺仪器18身份证彩票人民币(要发)尾巴罗汉腰包篱笆尾巴19狗高尔夫球药酒救护车老鹰药酒一脚泥鳅衣架救护20鹅蛋香烟二石鹅蛋鹅蛋香烟耳环恶邻21听诊器鳄鱼报纸鳄鱼鳄鱼鳄鱼鳄鱼鳄鱼阿姨一半22饭团双胞胎饿鹅双人枕协力车双胞胎鸳鸯粪便23戒指乔丹乔丹骆驼耳环乔丹和尚和尚阿桑24高跟鞋手表鹅卵石粮食小孩子闹钟盒子猴子耳屎25二胡二胡二胡二胡二胡二胡二胡二胡二胡26溜冰鞋二流子吉他(二流子)溜冰鞋溜冰鞋河流河流河流27狮子王耳机耳机恶妻恶妻耳机耳机耳机耳机28玫瑰花恶霸恶霸恶霸恶霸喇叭恶霸荷花、河马哑巴29瘦子阿胶阿胶恶狗恶犬阿胶二舅鹅脚阿胶二舅30孙悟空三菱轿车三菱轿车山石跑车三轮车森林山洞三菱31冰淇淋鲨鱼山芋冰淇淋冰淇淋鲨鱼鲨鱼鲨鱼鳝鱼32汉堡扇儿扇儿嫦娥嫦娥扇儿扇儿仙鹤山河33马桶伞钻石(闪闪)搧扇扇子星星闪闪仙丹星星34手机三点式泳衣绅士沙士便当(膳食)沙子绅士山狮扇子35香烟珊瑚珊瑚珊瑚珊瑚珊瑚珊瑚珊瑚松鼠珊瑚36哨子山鹿山鹿山鹿山鹿山鹿山鹿山路、香炉沙漏37山鸡山鸡山鸡山鸡山鸡山区山鸡山鸡相机山鸡38鸟粪女人口红(女人)山胞山胞伤疤沙发阿花39辣椒三角尺三角尺三脚裤比萨胃药三角三脚架香蕉饭团40司令司令司令树林蚵仔煎司令司令士林41死鱼司仪话筒(司仪)死鱼死鱼蜥蜴石椅睡衣雪梨司仪42撞球柿儿柿儿食饵食饵食饵柿儿雪耳、死鹅苏俄43湿衫石山石山湿伞湿伞石山石山石山水仙、雪山池上44香蕉石狮石狮石狮感冒胶囊蛇狮子石狮斯斯45报纸师父师傅石虎四物丸师傅师父水壶水母食物46饲料石榴石榴饲料饲料四楼石榴卒仔47司机司机方向盘(司机)司机司机司机司机司机树枝石器48丝瓜石板石板骰子骰子丝瓜石板雪花骰子49咖啡毛泽东天安门石臼石臼死囚死囚雪球水饺蛇名50酸柠檬武林盟主大刀(武林)舞林高手武林秘笈无领衣服五环武林51鱼卵子工人安全帽(工人)乌鱼子乌鱼子舞衣舞衣狐狸劳工52吾儿窝儿斧儿我儿扑克鼓儿孤儿木耳、猪耳扑克53舞衫五行山武僧午餐舞衫火山舞扇牡丹乌纱乐园54武士刀青年武士(刀)武士武士刀舞狮护士巫师武士55海螺火车火车火车声海螺老虎五虎木屋古墓火车56洗发水蜗牛蜗牛洗发精洗发精蜗牛蜗牛头发57大炮(武器)手枪武器武器斧头雾气武器母鸡乌鸡、火机武器58孤儿院尾巴尾巴我爸孤儿院尾巴苦瓜火把、尾巴乌龟59穷光蛋棺材五角(星)棺材棺材五角星五角五角星大厦60榴莲榴莲榴莲榴莲榴莲榴莲榴莲榴莲61牛医儿童儿童牛医牛医生轮椅纽约轮椅老鹰老鹰62牛耳炉儿炉儿牛耳牛耳朵牛儿驴儿牛耳牛耳63硫酸流沙刘三(姐)硫酸硫酸硫酸硫酸流沙箩筐硫酸64螺丝起子螺丝柳丝螺丝螺丝螺丝律师螺丝、老鼠news65尿壶锣鼓锣鼓尿壶尿壶老屋绿屋老虎锣鼓算盘66溜溜球两只蝌蚪两只蝌蚪溜溜球溜溜球琉璃(瓦)蝌蚪绿豆yoyo67油漆绿旗油漆绿漆油漆油漆楼梯楼梯绿旗、流星怪人68喇叭喇叭喇叭喇叭喇叭犁耙喇叭萝卜刘邦69太极八卦漏斗牛角面包牛角面包牛角牛角辣椒牛角、鹿角琉球70麒麟麒麟(冰)淇淋麒麟麒麟啤酒麒麟冰淇淋麒麟麒麟71弃婴奇异果奇异(果)奇异果奇异果棋艺奇异果洗衣机蜻蜓、蜥蜴奇异果72企鹅企鹅企鹅企鹅企鹅妻儿企鹅企鹅73旗杆花旗参花旗参旗杆旗杆花旗参纸扇鸡蛋旗山74骑士骑士骑士骑士骑士骑士骑士鸡翅、橙子骑士75骑虎舞女舞女弃物汽油骑虎骑虎积木蜘蛛积木76飞机(气流)气流气流气流飞机汽油犀牛骑楼77卢沟桥双锄或喜鹊桥巧克力巧克力机器人机器七喜猩猩可可78青发(青蛙)青蛙青蛙青蛙青蛙旗袍西瓜青蛙钱包79气球气球气球气球气球气球气球气球气球80巴黎铁塔巴黎铁塔巴黎铁塔巴黎铁塔巴黎铁塔芭蕾百灵鸟花环巴黎81针筒(白衣)军人白蚁白衣天使白衣护士军人白蚁蚂蚁白蚁白蚁82白鹅靶儿靶儿白鹅白鹅拔河靶儿百合、白鸽百合83爬山背包烟花花生爬山爬山背包爬山爬山花生疤伤84巴士巴士巴士巴士巴士巴士巴士巴士85宝物(元宝)白虎白虎宝物宝物宝物白虎白兔白虎、蝙蝠白虎86芭蕾八路军白兔芭乐芭乐八路八路军菠萝芭乐87白旗白棋白棋白旗白旗白旗白旗白旗白棋、白痴白痴88爸爸爸爸爸爸汽车爸爸爸爸。
我们为什么会忘记 记忆的疾病和障碍 当记忆欺骗我们或者记忆丧失
记忆术简史 记忆规则 记忆术在学习中的应用
第一章伴随一 生的记忆
第二章找到影 响记忆的因素
第三章评估你 的记忆能力
第四章提高你 的记忆力
5 第五章追求有
益于记忆的生 活方式
最初几年的记忆 在学校的记忆 专业领域的记忆 退休后的记忆 集体记忆
拥有良好的记忆力、平衡的心态,具有敏锐的判断力、良好的知识储备,这些重要的素质并不能通过IQ测试 来评估
大脑由140亿个脑细胞组成,每个脑细胞可生长出2万个树枝状的树突用来传递信息。人脑“计算机”的功能 远远超过世界上最强大的计算机。人脑可储存50亿本书的信息,相当于世界上藏书最多的美国国会图书馆藏书 (1000万册)的500倍。
你并不是电脑 注意力问题 年龄和记忆 身体与健康因素 药物影响记忆 食物和记忆 情绪和记忆 性别和记忆 压力和记忆
我们是如何了解记忆的 评估你的记忆能力
提高你的内部主观记忆 提高你的外部客观记忆
呵护你的大脑 健康的睡眠 减少酒精摄入量
第一章超级记 忆技巧
第二章不同对 象的专项记忆 术
重复和机械学习 联想记忆法 联系法 图像记忆法 细节观察法 外部暗示法 感官记忆法 数字记忆法 虚构故事法
马冬梅马冬什么?哦,马冬梅什么冬梅?哦,马冬梅马什么梅?哦,马冬梅好了,我记住了孙红雷!。 从记忆基本相关知识到讲解提高记忆力的方法和实践技巧,都写的细致权门。 科学的角度分析记忆的形成和分类,技巧运用等,是一本科普类的书籍。 核心的内容讲的太少了,最后花了大量的篇幅出了很多智力题,和记忆术完全无关。 适用性挺高,书中记忆方法很适合懒人(本人)提高记忆[呲牙],建议需要改善记忆的童鞋认真阅读3-5遍 哦[强][强]。 讲述了较为丰富的记忆方法,不论什么时候都需要记忆,同时和记忆方法相结合,效果会变得更好。 读了这本书之后深有感触,写的非常好,对记忆力的培养起到了里程碑的作用,使我懂得了拥有一个好的记 忆可能会改变人生。 良好的记忆是获取成功的基石之一,也是许多人登上事业顶峰不可或缺的重要因素。
超级记忆术完全版超级记忆术完全版(2011-05-16 08:50:57)今天一些朋友和我说,在网上看到了我的超级记忆术,说觉得这样一篇一篇的不够方便他们看和下载,让我整理一下,弄个全的发上去,可真够懒的她们!但我答应了,能够方便大家学习,这也是我的价值啊!我喜欢爱学习的朋友!今天我就把超级记忆术整理一下,发了上来,喜欢的朋友可以下载去看!方便大家!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 第一节—超级记忆术之奇像连锁记忆法这是整个超级记忆术的基础,单此一项,就足以成倍的开发你的想象力、注意力、创造力和记忆力,为什么这么说呢?让我们先来了解一下她是如何工作的:一、定义:奇像连锁也叫连锁奇像,就是将资料转化成图像,像连锁一样,一个接一个的链接起来,所有资料都会因为这种两两相连的方法,顺序不乱准确无误的记录下来。
三、关键:110个数字编码,这是关键,全部编码我会在明天公布!今天就让我们一起来体验一下如何在3分钟内记住60位无规律数字的吧!下面是60位无规律的数字,先不要往下看,只看到这数字为止,3分钟时间,看看你能记住多少,我们来测验一下:14 15 92 65 3589 79 32 38 4626 43 38 32 7950 28 84 19 7169 39 93 75 1058 20 97 49 44效果如何?如果你不懂记忆方法,那么你能完全准确的记住20位左右,包括顺序,你已经是非常了不起了!接着往下看!这是30组词语,同样的3分钟看你能记住多少?•钥匙鹦鹉球儿牛屋珊瑚•八角气球扇儿妇女石榴•按钮火山妇女扇儿气球•宝剑恶霸巴士药酒奇异•牛角三角旧伞气雾衣领•尾巴香烟香港狮狗石狮同样的,能记住10组以上的就非常厉害了,下面让我们用超级记忆术来试一试,按照规则,我们把文字钥匙和鹦鹉,鹦鹉和球儿两两相连,看看能得到一个什么样的图像呢?举个例子:我们可以这么想——你站在城市的中央,一把巨大的黄铜钥匙矗立在你的面前,高丛入云,上面蹲着一只巨大的花鹦鹉,鹦鹉的怀里抱着一只带耐克标志的蓝色足球!怎么样是不是很奇特,想象到这幅图像没有,其余的词语你自己来想一下吧!千万记住顺序问题!千万记住!全部想象完毕再继续往下看!如果你已经想象完毕了,将整幅图像在大脑中过一遍吧!完全记得是吧?好了,拿纸笔来,试一试记住了多少组词语?全记住了吧?!其实这些词语依次对应的是上面每两位数字的编码,看一看,如何对应的?这里运用了谐音、联想等方法,其实每一个编码表一定不会完全适应每一个人,但如果你开始学习,请跟着我来,去找编码是很麻烦的!好了,如果你记住了每组数字对应的编码,那么试着去记忆一下上面的数字吧!只要练习一到两个小时,你就可以运用自如的!明天,后天或者更长时间以后,你仍然可以倒背如流!当然,没有任何一个编码表能够完全适用于每一个人,但是在能够熟练运用此方法前,建议还是将这些熟练记忆,之后可以根据自己的喜好去更改!只有这样才能在你的热情没有消退之前获得较好的效果!找编码是很费时间的!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~0——汤圆 1——树 2——兔子 3——手铐4——帆船 5——手套 6——手枪 7——拐杖8——雪人 9——口哨 01——棒球 02——玲儿03——灵山 04——零食 05——礼物 06——羚牛07——令旗 08——泥巴 09——灵柩 10——衣领11——筷子 12——鱼儿 13——医生 14——钥匙15——鹦鹉 16——衣纽 17——仪器 18——腰包19——药酒 20——香烟 21——鳄鱼 22——双胞胎23——球鞋 24——钟表 25——二胡 26——按钮27——暗器 28——恶霸 29——阿胶 30——三轮车31——鳝鱼 32——扇儿 33——闪电 34——三丝35——珊瑚 36——三鹿 37——三七 38——妇女39——内裤 40——司令 41——石椅 42——柿儿43——火山 44——石狮 45——食物 46——石榴47——司机 48——丝瓜 49——狮狗 50——宝剑51——舞衣 52——鼓儿 53——乌纱 54——巫师55——火车 56——蜗牛 57——武器 58——尾巴59——五星 60——榴莲 61——红领巾 62——牛耳63——硫酸 64——牛屎 65——牛屋 66——溜溜球67——油漆 68——喇叭 69——牛角 70——麒麟71——奇异果72——企鹅 73——气扇 74——骑士75——气雾剂76——汽油 77——卢沟桥 78——青蛙79——气球 80——巴黎 81——白蚁 82——白鹅83——白衫 84——巴士 85——宝物 86——白鹭87——白旗 88——爸爸 89——八角 90——酒瓶91——救生衣92——球儿 93——旧伞 94——首饰95——酒壶 96——旧炉 97——香港 98——酒杯99——救护车00——眼镜第三节—如何记忆数字编码朋友们:如果你们已经看到了《超级记忆术编码大全》,恭喜你,你已经进入了超级记忆的殿堂,但仅仅是打开了这扇大门而已,我们下面要做的是什么呢?迈一只腿进来——熟练的记忆这110位编码!感到有些困难是吧?其实,困难是正常的,打地基是最慢的,就像盖楼一样!但再难还是有一定方法的,今天我就将记忆编码的方法告诉大家,让朋友们可以更快、更轻松的记住她们:第一,用心。
6.1 串连记忆法将所记忆的几项内容根据其各自的特征和相互联系串起来记忆。
6.2 化简记忆法是将较繁杂的内容化成简单的内容来记。
如2641329 可用谐音记作:“二流子一天三两酒”8、目录记忆法目录是全书的线索,记住它,复习时就能看清全书的脉络,做到心中有数。
1. 把记忆的材料与自己体验过的事物联系起来,记忆效果会更好。
2. 要想将所有的教材都记起来是不可能的,因此我们需要找出重点或难点,并做上标记,以便增进专注力。
3. 记忆历史年号、大串的数字是比较困难的,若用谐音记忆法,不但有趣,效果也好。
4. 将要记得内容编成口诀,对记忆很有帮助。
5. 记忆的方法有很多,不同的人需要找到适合自己的记忆方法,根据不同的内容也同样需要采取不同的记忆方法。
01灵芝02铃铛03灵山大佛04零食05动物06露珠07气球08篱笆09舅舅10狮子11筷子12医院13医生14钥匙15鹦鹉16石榴17玉器18尾巴19药酒20耳环21阿姨22鸳鸯23乔丹24暗室25二胡26河流27耳机28恶霸29大狗30山洞31妖怪32扇子33仙丹34 绅士35珊瑚36山鹿37山鸡38沙发39喝酒40司令41睡衣42刺客43石山44石狮45师傅46饲料47司机48扫把49石油50五环
01灵芝02铃铛03灵山大佛04零食05动物06露珠07气球08篱笆09舅舅10狮子11筷子12医院13医生14钥匙15鹦鹉16石榴17玉器18尾巴19药酒20耳环21阿姨22鸳鸯23乔丹24暗室25二胡26河流27耳机28恶霸29大狗30山洞31妖怪32扇子33仙丹34 绅士35珊瑚36山鹿37山鸡38沙发39喝酒40司令41睡衣42刺客43石山44石狮45师傅