
7. opportunity
a good chance; a favorable moment
e.g. With the help of his teacher, he got an opportunity to learn English in England.
8. communicate communication 9. medium media
1. reward & award
award: award sb. sth.
e.g. The judges awarded them equal points.
2. frustrate
frustrating: a. discouraging; disappointing
e.g. It’s frustrating to have all these great plans and no money for achieving them.
14. insight
n. the act of seeing or understanding something very clearly
e.g. The teacher had unusual insight into children’s emotions.
III. Expressions & Patterns
II. Text Study
1. How the author feels about his foreign language learning? 2. The author’s foreign language learning experiences in four stages: 1) in junior middle school 2) in senior school 3) in college 4) through online English study
新视野大学英语第二版第一册Unit 1

如:--- Only in Wuhan can you eat dry noodle here and there. 只有在武汉你才有可能随处吃到热干面。 只有在武汉你才有可能随处吃到热干面。 --- Not only did we enjoy the film, but we also had a wonderful time. 我们不仅看了电影,而且玩得很痛快。 我们不仅看了电影,而且玩得很痛快。
快速查找来自课文中对应的英文表达: 快速查找来自课文中对应的英文表达:
→ most rewarding experience
值得...( 值得...(做)的 ...
→ be well worth sth./ doing sth.
→ be at the top of the class
• • • •
CET- 4 补充 : 下列否定词或短语位于句首时, 句子要倒装。 下列否定词或短语位于句首时, 句子要倒装。 never / seldom / little / nowhere in no way 决不 under no circumstances 决不 no sooner… than 一 … 就 …
4. However, the situation was far from perfect. (Para.4) 一点都不, (be)far from: 一点都不,完全不 ) 听译--如:听译 Far from (being) angry, he's very happy. ) 他一点都不生气, 很快乐。 他一点都不生气 很快乐。 听译--听译 Her husband is far from ( being ) handsome; he is somewhat ugly. 她丈夫谈不上英俊, 有点丑。 她丈夫谈不上英俊 有点丑。

II. Listening Skills: Listening for Names1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you?David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses.Doris: I’ll see what we can do. What’s your name, please?David: My name’s David Brown.Doris: Your first name again?David: David. D-A-V-I-D.2. Nancy: Excuse me. I want to make sure if I am registered for the new semester of English withDr. Lang.Doris: Just a minute and I’ll check for you. What’s your name, please?Nancy: Nancy Leigh.Doris: Is “Lee” your last name?Nancy: No, it’s Leigh. L-E-I-G-H. But “Lee” would be easier to spell, wouldn’t it?3. Doris: I’m sorry. But if you need a loan, you’ll have to go to the Financial Aid Office beforeyou can register.Nancy: Them who should I see there?Doris: Well, Mrs. Vicky Klein can help you. As a matter of fact, anybody there is very nice. Nancy: Oh, thank you. What is her name again?Doris: Vicky Klein. V-I-C-K-Y, K-L-E-I-N.4. Doris: OK, to complete this form I need your name in full, please.Laura: Laura Tish Hill.Doris: Tish? That’s an unusual middle name. Would you mind spelling that for me?Laura: Sure. T-I-S-H. I was named after my mother.5. Doris: Well, you need to complete the form for your parking pass. Your name, please? Anthony: Anthony McDonald.Doris: Are you “Mc” or “Mac”?Anthony: “Mc”. My family was from Scotland.Doris: OK, Anthony. I’ll have your parking pass ready in a minute.III. Listening InTask 1: EnrollingGood morning, everyone. I’d like to welcome you to City University. I’m Betty Russell and I work in the International Students’ Office. I have some important information for you. First, you must enroll by August 28th. Pick up your ID card at our office. Then, you’ll need to pick up a library card so that you can borrow books from the library. Show them your ID card in the library and they will do it for you. You may be thinking about the sports facilities at our school. There’s no charge for student use, but of course you’ll have to show your ID card. Concerningthe medical assistance, the University has its own health center, and all services are free for enrolled students.Task 2: Living on CampusM: Hi, Lisa. How’s life on campus?W: Hi, John. Oh, not so bad. Pretty good in fact.M: Is that what do you think? I mean, do you like living on campus?W: Ye ah, I enjoy living here because there’s so many people around and it’s easy to make friends.What about you? Have you ever lived in a dorm before?M: No, this is the first time.W: I think you’ll find it quite convenient. The library, labs, sports center a nd other facilities are right on campus.M: That’s true. The atmosphere here is different from the outside. But I guess living in town has its advantages too, like being close to the shopping center. Y ou know, our university is so far from downtown.W: But the commuting to classes…I mean, you would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then going home would be so much time.M: Yeah, but the food here…it seems it’s the same thing in the cafeteria every day.W: Well, I think the food here is OK, and if you want a change, you can eat out once in a while. M: True.1.She thinks it’s easy to make friends.2.It’s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities.3.It’s near the shopping center.4.They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot oftime to get home.5.It seems all the same every day.Task 3:Which comes first, day or night?There was a student who wanted very much to gain admission to a study course. He was smart enough to get through the written test and appear for the personal interview. Since the boy answered all the questions correctly, the interviewer decided to corner him. "Tell me your choice," said the interviewer to the boy. "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult. Which option would you prefer? Think before you make up your mind." The boy thought for a while and said, "My choice is one really difficult question." "Well, you have made your own choice!" said the interviewer. "Tell me: Which comes first, day or night?" The boy was jolted first but he thought for a while and said, "It's the day, sir." "Why?" asked the interviewer. He was smiling. "Sorry, sir, but you promised me that you would only ask me one difficult question!" Admission to the course was thus secured.V. Let’s Talk: School is really hecticMichael: Hi! I saw you yesterday with John. We room together. I’m Michael.Jane: Oh, hi, Mike. How are you doing?Michael: I’m okay, but school has been really hectic since I came. I haven’t even had a chance to breathe!Jane: I know. It’s especially crazy when you’re a freshman. Hey, what’s your major? Michael: Travel and tourism.Jane: Well, what do you plan to do after you graduate?Michael: Uh… I really haven’t decided. I think I’d like to work for a travel agency in this area.What about you?Jane: Well, when I first started college, I majored in physics, but later I realized I might havea hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to computer science. Findinga job in the IT industry shouldn’t be as difficult.Michael: Have you got a part-time job to support yourself through school?Jane: Well, I’m on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.Michael: Wow, lucky you!Jane: Yeah. How about you? Are you paying for school yourself?Michael: Sort of. I work weekends at a travel agency.Jane: A travel agency? That seems like a perfect experience for you! What do you do there? Michael: I’m a tour guide. I show tour groups around the city.Jane: Wow, your English must be pretty good then.Michael: Actually, they’re all Chinese tourists. That’s why I got the job!VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: University LifeUniversity life is a new and different experience for me. First of all, living at the university gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. My parents aren’t around to say, “No, you’re not going out tonight.” I decide everything for myself. Being around lots of friendly people is another aspect I like about university life. On my first day, when I arrived on campus, I was a bit confused about where I was going. An upperclassman noticed me and asked, “Are you a new student?” When he found out I was looking for my dorm, he said, “Oh, just follow me; that’s where I’m going.” Now, I can really say that I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are so many friendly people around to talk with. Finally, I love having Fridays off; I would not be able to deal with five days of classes in a row. How did I do it in high school? I love sleeping in on Fridays. I guess I’m sort of a party animal, but it seems like I go out every Thursday night. It also seems like I don’t get home until early the next day! My head hits the pillow and I don’t move until Friday afternoon.Task 2: Listening EffectivelyThough it is 50% of everyday communication, listening, it seems, is the least taught. Listening ismore than just hearing: it requires understanding. In an educational setting, listening effectively is critical. Effective listening results in doing the right assignment, doing the assignment correctly, and taking notes effectively. Doing these activities well results in learning and, most of the time, good grades. In a professional setting, listening is also critical. When you receive an oral message, your response must be correct. If you fail to listen to customers or clients, you may lose their business, and your job! In a personal setting, listening effectively deepens your relationships. When we listen to someone, we say “You are important” wit hout ever speaking a word. When we fail to listen, not only do we not receive the message, but we send the message that we are just plain dumb.Unit testPart IQuestioin 1M:Hello, there. We've met at the registration office yesterday. If I remember clearly, you are Betsy Adams. You have the same first name as my little sister.W:Yes, I am. I'm so glad to meet you again.Q: What is the man's sister's first name?Questioin 2W:Hey, guys. Here is a letter for Bergkamp. "B-e-r-g-k-a-m-p". Any idea whose letter it is? M:It's mine. "Bergkamp" is my pen name.Q: What is the man's pen name?Questioin 3M:Hello, this is Tony Scott in the Lost and Found Office. What can I do for you?W:Hello. I'm a student in the PE department and I'm calling to check whether someone's found my ID card. My name is Tobey Hayden.Q: What is the woman's full name?Questioin 4W:I've registered for an optional course in French. The teacher gave me a French name "Yvonne". "Y-v-o-n-n-e".M:Wow, It sounds great. You're more international now.Q: What is the woman's French name?Questioin 5M:I heard that there are Chinese twin brothers in our university. Have you met them before?W:You mean the elder Raymond Lee and the younger Allan Lee? To tell you the truth, Allan Lee is in our class. He's a very kind person.Q: What is the elder brother's first name?Part IIW:Hello, John. How do you like your college life? Is everything all right?M:It couldn't be better.W:Oh, really? Tell me something about it.M:Well. It really makes me excited to meet so many friends here.W:So you must have made lots of good friends. Then how's your study?M:I love my major! It's quite interesting and the professors are all great. What about you? W:I'm just fine.Part IIIM:Well, hello! Long time no see!W:Uh, yeah.M:You look great, Helen.W:Oh, thank you, Ned, but I'm Tracy. You're looking good, too.M:Thanks. Oh, and my name is Ben.W:I'm sorry. Are you still working at that... that company?M:Yep, I'm still at the same company. How about you?W:Oh, I'm still a nurse.M:That's great. That's really great. I don't know any nurses.。

2. Frustrate:
vt. 1. cause sb. to have feelings of disappointment 使沮丧,使灰心 2. cause the failure of sth. 使受挫折
e.g.: The lack of evidence in this case is frustrating the police. 1. 警方因缺乏证据而感到很伤脑筋。 e.g.: The bad weather frustrated our hopes of going out. 2. 坏天气使我们打消了外出的念头。
10. participate in: take part in 参与,参加
e.g.: We are expected to
participate actively in English
In high school she
participated in several sports.
Pre-reading activities
While-reading activities
Practice works
Other demands
Lead-in, Listening to tape, Words and clause
Text comprehension, Language points,
8. keep up with: 跟上,不落后
e.g.: The small child had to run in order to keep up with his big brother.
9. Come across: meet with偶然遇上

4. Spitting on the ground is not only ______ but also harmful to others’ health.
A) blasting B) banging C) grabbing D) disgusting (-A-e:xtLre4m4el)y unpleasant
Upset: adj. worried; anxious; physically ill
His stomach feels upset. He has an upset stomach. You may take this medicine with food if stomach upset occurs. (n.) Something has upset my stomach for two weeks. (v.)
Reading Skills: Distinguishing Between Facts & Opinions
Concept Opinions are statements of belief, judgment or feeling.
Wednesday is the longest day of the week.
T bheetrwfaeveonrSitaenM mdyuasaiinncd, dihdreeersaspeasr,emntaskoev-uepr
and other minor things.
• [P.1]
conflict between S. and father
Companies should allow their employees to dress however they wish.

Listen to the text:
2. Junior middle school
Junior middle school refers to the stage in the Chinese education system which follows primary school and includes years six through nine in the school time sequence. Normally, students are 12 or 13 years of age when they begin the sixth or transition year of junior middle school. In the American system, junior middle school most closely approximates middle school or junior high school in which the beginning or ending years of this period may vary slightly from region to region. The beginning age is about the same as that of junior middle school students in China.
freshman大一新生 sophomore大二学生 junior大三年级学生 senior大学四年级学生
2. While-reading Activity
1). New Words and Phrases
1. Reward –联系记忆:rewarding 形 容词 值得的,有奖励的

Words in use
resource emerge yield
pose assume confidence inherit comprehensive
7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural __re_s_o_u_r_c_es__ and a very big population.
2. It is so difficult to __e_x_p_l_o_re___ the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.
3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex __em__e_rg_e_d___ from the water; we were quite scared. .
New Horizon College English Book I (Third Edition)
Key to Unit One
Section A Toward a bright future for all
Section B What we wish
Section A
3. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more __r_e_si_s_ta_n_t__ to earthqua. kes.

Section A Learning a Foreign Language
Prereading Activities
Main Idea and Devices
Structure and Detailed Study
Pre-reading Activities
➢ understand what others say. ➢remember so many words. ➢understand the grammar. ➢read quickly. ➢speak in public.
Main idea of the text
Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.
down…shouted…lose my eagerness / desire
to say anything in English
Specific statements:
3) My experience at college(Para. 4):
far from perfect…very large class and better
or senior middle school? 4. Do you have any trouble learning English?
If any, what is it? Tip.s..
1. When and where did you begin to learn English? Tips: —I began to learn English... years ago.

The Parents’ Thoughts Towards Sandy Music:
Father’s thoughts _____________ awful, tuneless, _____________ offensive; makes _____________ my blood boil; __________ negative
Active Expressions Focus Study
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions
I. Active Expressions
1. Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff?
Mother’s thoughts Different music _______________ appeals to different _______________ generations; I don’t _______________ think her music is so _______________ terrible. _______________
Parents: It was disgusting.
Text Study—Understanding
Having breakfast while standing by the sink.
Parents: It wasn’t healthy to eat standing up.
Text Study—Understanding
“I’ll brush my teeth when I’m done.”

Finally, his hard work was rewarded.
❖ n. [C, U] something as a return for good and valuable doings
❖ a) As a reward for passing the exams, she got a new bike from her parents.
❖ Cultural notes
❖ In China, a junior middle school refers to a stage of education after primary or elementary school, and a senior middle school refers to a stage of education after junior middle school and before college or university.
❖ 不同年级大学生的名称: ❖ freshman大一新生 ❖ sophomore大二学生 ❖ junior大三年级学生 ❖ senior大学四年级学生
❖ adj. 1) helpful and encouraging in achieving sth.
❖ a) If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive attitude.
❖ vt. 1) cause someone to have feelings of

kind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/ cold/always angry when I...
4. Do you have any trouble learning English? Tips: — I always feel it difficult to... — It’s not easy for me to
3) 3) However, that state didn’t last long. When I went to college. (Para. 4)
4) 4) That was the situation until a couple of years later, when ...participated in the virtual classroom. (Para. 5)
Specific statements:
5) Conclusion (Para. 8): a most trying experience, but one that I
would not trade for anything…teach me the value of hard work…give me insights into another culture…my mind …opened to new ways of seeing things…the most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language …communicate with many more people than before…one of my favorite activities…bridge the gap between my culture and theirs
新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册 Unit 1 课件(Section A +Section B )

n 报答,奖赏,报酬,酬金
e.g.银行推行新的奖励制度鼓励员工更加努力工作。 The bank developed a new system of rewards to encourage the clerks to work harder.
• rewarding adj 值得做的,有意义的 e.g. 她发现这个经历使她受益匪浅。 She found the experience very rewarding. 2. experience n [c]经历; [u] 经验 3. frustrate v. ① 使沮丧,使灰心 e.g.考试不及格使他十分沮丧。 Failing to pass the exam frustrated him greatly. ②使受挫折 e.g. 他的态度破坏了我们的计划。 His attitude frustrated our plan. 形容词:frustrating 令人感到沮丧的 frustrated (人)沮丧的,受挫的 名词:frustration 沮丧,灰心,挫折
23. now that 既然,由于 e.g. 既然你已接到婚礼的邀请,你最好准时去。 Now that you are invited to participate in the wedding ceremony, you’d better go on time. 24. reach out to 接触,联系 e.g. 由于互联网的使用,我们可以通过电子邮件来和朋友联系。 With the introduction of the Internet, we can reach out to our friends by email. 25. bridge the gap 弥合鸿沟 e.g. 学习外语有助于缩小不同文化间的差异。 Learning a foreign language helps us bridge the gap two different cultures.
新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册 U01 A ppt (修改)

the positive method eagerly answer questions It doesn’t take long to… be offered an opportunity to… study… through online course the virtual classroom make embarrassing mistakes cry out of frustration feel intimidated by…
新视野 句 型 提 炼
原 句 译 文
逆 译 练 习
I eagerly answered all the questions, never worrying much about making mistakes.
新视野 句 型 提 炼
sb. is eager/desires/longs to do sth.
When he began to share a desk with a pretty girl, he was eager/longs/desires to make a good impression on her.
English Equivalents of Chinese
短 语 应 用
意 群 提 示
stay at the same level/fall behind
If we stay at the same level, we'll falling behind.
新视野 - 短 语 应 用
have access to get 用/接触 access to gain give
新视野英语教程第二版第一册unit one

学院教案首页本次授课的课题:Unit one Going to college本次授课的课型:讲授型授课场地:普通教室本次授课教学目标:1.Identify the main idea of the text A and analyze somedifficult sentences and some language points;2.Understand and write registration form;3. In Grammar, students will be able to practice Verb tenses本次授课教学设计:(重点:内容的组织与安排、教学方法手段、教学资源运用)1.教学过程设计(按时间顺序安排的小单元,每小单元教与学活动安排、时间)Period 1 – 2 Listening & speakingPeriod 3 – 4 Reading Through: Text A –How to be Cool at CollegePeriod 5 Practical Writing and Grammar ReviewTask-based Approach ;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach;2.教学重点(本次课重点是什么,如何突出重点)V ocabularies of A and B level;Phrases and sentence structure3.教学难点(本次课难点是什么,如何突出难点)Verb tenses (1);Registration Form本次授课教学资源:(本次课的主要参考书、教具、挂图、网络资源等)Multi-media Video PPT Picture Blackboard本次授课课后作业:Page7.Working with Expressions; Please read Text B after class.本次授课的小结:(本次课教、学两方面完成情况分析,如有问题,改进思考)Understanding of Text A:Teaching Procedure:Period 1 – 2Listening & speakingTesting Your EarsTask1---Task 2----Task 3Key words and phrases in listening and speaking:goal, education, opportunity, likely, be true of, let sb. down, make up, to… extentOpening Your MouthExpressions for showing likes and dislikes:e.g.My name is… ./ It’s a pleasure to meet you. / I’d like you to meet … / I’d li keyou to know …/ I’m a new student in … college. / What’s your first name? / What doyou do?/Where are you from? /It’s been nice talking to you. / Nice talking to you. /introduce … toTalking Together:Task 1—Task 2—Task 3 aims to build the students’ abilities in listening and speaking.Homework: P7.Task 4Period 3 – 4Reading Through: Text A –How to be Cool at CollegeI.Leading-In (10’)(PPT导入)Ask some Ss to give an oral presentation about introduction; telling the reasons why they want to be college Ss ,the purpose for entering college and the differences between middle school and college.II.Skimming and Scanning ( 5 – 8’ )Main Idea of Text A:Going to college for the first time is an exciting moment in your life. At college, everything is new and you will be on yourself. As a college student, you should use your time wisely to learn as much as possible and work hard to get the very best out of the opportunities, enjoy meeting new people and prepare you for a bright future.Read the Text A fast and then tell the main idea of each part.Structure of Text APart I (Para. 1): Going to college is lucky. So you should set goals for yourself.Part II (Para.2-4): The teacher gives some suggestions and advices on education at college.Part III (Para.5): As a college student, you should be determined to learn more.III. Detailed study of Text A (20’)Sentences:1.How to Be Cool at College(p)How to make yourself very good and impressive to others at collegecool: a. very good; impressive; fashionable; trendy (spoken) 绝妙的You look really ~ in that new dress. 你穿那件衣服很帅。

rewarding adj.
satisfying and worthwhile Teaching is not very financially rewarding. 教书不会 有很高的报酬 Planning ahead can make your experience less difficult and more rewarding. 提前计划可以使你经历较少的困难,收获更多。 Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.
Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort
worth 的用法 worth,worthy,worthwhile都为adj. 意为"值得"。 1. worth: be worth + n. 当名词为金钱时,表示"…… 值得……" be worth doing sth. "……某事值得被做" The question is not worth discussing again and again. 2. worthy:be worthy of +n. 当名词为抽象名词时表示"……值得……" be worthy to be done "某事值得被做" The question is not worthy to be discussed again and again. (the question is worthy of being discussed again and again.) 3. worthwhile: It is worthwhile doing sth It is worthwhile to do sth. worthwhile 也可分开写,中间可加one’s
新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版) Unit 1 课件

charge v.向...收(费);要(价);支付
e.g.How much money do you charge for washing a car? e.g.We charge 200RMB a night for a single room.
free of charge 免费 sb be in charge of...
e.g. The house is in beautiful A . A. surroundings B. surrounding C. environments D. circumstances
surroundings, environment, circumstances比较: surroundings以复数形式出现,指周围的、具 体的事物,物质性的东西; environment不用复数,是环境的总称,指特 定的,能对人的发展产生影响的自然环境或 生活的环境条件; circumstances常为复数形式,强调动作或事物 发生的情况或情形。
be worthy of
worth 值…的;价值…的; 价值 be (well) worth +具体钱数/sth./doing sth. The matter is worth consideration/considering. worthy 值得...的;值得尊敬的 Sth. is worthy of + n. /being done / to be done The matter is worthy of consideration/being/to be considered. worthwhile 值得做的;值得出力的 be worthwhile doing/ to do sth.
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3. How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school? Tips:
Specific statements:
1)My experience in junior middle school
(Para. 2):
2) a kind and patient teacher who praised all
of the students … positive method…eage my eagerness / desire
to say anything in English
Specific statements:
3) My experience at college(Para. 4):
Devices for developing it
Main idea of each paragraph
Home Main idea of each paragraph
1 general experience of learning a foreign language: _d_i_ff_ic_u_lt____yet _re_w__a_rd_i_n_g___
—I have learned English for...
—My experience with English began in... when...
➢ 2. Do you enjoy learning English? Why? Tips:
—No, I don’t enjoy it because it is useless/too difficult. —Yes, I enjoy it very much. It can help me
—My English teacher in... was
kind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/ cold/always angry when I...
4. Do you have any trouble learning English? Tips: — I always feel it difficult to... — It’s not easy for me to
4. Do you have any trouble learning English? If any, what is it?
1. When and where did you begin to learn English? Tips: —I began to learn English... years ago.
Your Experience of Learning English
1. When and where did you begin to learn English?
2. Do you enjoy learning English? Why?
3. How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school?
Unit 1
Section A Learning a Foreign Language
Prereading Activities
Main Idea and Devices
Structure and Detailed Study
Pre-reading Activities
➢ understand what others say. ➢remember so many words. ➢understand the grammar. ➢read quickly. ➢speak in public.
Main idea of the text
Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.
2 experience in _j_u_n_io_r_m__id_d_l_e_s_c_h_o_o_l____
3 experience in _s_e_n_io_r__m_id_d_l_e_s_c_h_o_o_l____
4 experience at _c_o_l_le_g_e______ 5-7 experiences about _o_n_lin_e__le_a_r_n_in_g____
8 benefits of learning a foreign language
Deduction Organization(演绎法): Back (从‘general’ 到‘specific’)
General statement (Topic):
Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.
answered questions, at the top of my class
2)My experience in senior middle school
(Para. 3):
3)an (impatient) teacher…punished those
who made mistakes…shaking it up and