
热机极限效率可以由卡诺关系η= 1 - (T2/T1)得出,其中T1是热源温度和T2为散热器温度。

外文参考文献译文及原文目录外文文献译文 (1)1.中国光伏发电的战略地位 (1)2.世界光伏产业现状和发展预测 (2)3.中国光伏发电市场和产业现状 (3)4.中国光复发电的市场预测和规划建议 (5)5.结论 (6)外文文献原文 (7)1.China's strategic position PV (7)2.The world's current situation and development of photovoltaic industryforecast (9)3.The Chinese PV market and industry statu s (10)4.China's PV market forecasting and planning proposals (13)5.Conclusions (15)外文文献译文1、中国光伏发电的战略地位1.1 中国的能源资源和可再生能源现状和预测;无论从世界还是从中国来看,常规能源都是很有限的,中国的一次能源储量远远低于世界的平均水平,大约只有世界总储量的10%。
根据欧洲JRC 的预测,到2030年太阳能发电将在世界电力的供应中显现其重要作用,达到10%以上,可再生能源在总能源结构中占到30%;2050 年太阳能发电将占总能耗的20%,可再生能源占到50%以上,到本世纪末太阳能发电将在能源结构中起到主导作用。
我国目前可再生能源的发展现状如下:水能:我国经济可开发的水能资源量为3.9 亿千瓦,年发电量1.7 万亿千瓦时,其中5 万千瓦及以下的小水电资源量为1.25 亿千瓦。

光伏发电逆变器毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献附录:文献翻译TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402DSP CONTROLLERSThe TMS320LF240x and TMS320LC240x devices, new members of the ‘24x family of digital signal processor (DSP) controllers, are part of the C2000 platform of fixed-point DSPs. The ‘240x devices offer the enhanced TMS320 architectural design of the ‘C2xx core CPU for low-cost, low-power, high-performance processing capabilities. Several advanced peripherals, optimized for digital motor and motion control applications, have been integrated to provide a true single chip DSP controller. While code-compatible with the existing ‘24x DSP controller devices, the ‘240x offers increased processing performance (30 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240x device summary section for device-specific features.The ‘240x family offers an array of memory sizes and different peripherals tailored to meet the specific price/performance points required by various applications. Flash-based devices of up to 32K words offer a reprogrammable solution useful for:◆Applications requiring field programmability upgrades.◆Development and initial prototyping of applications that migrate to ROM-baseddevices.Flash devices and corresponding ROM devices are fully pin-to-pin compatible. Note that flash-based devices contain a 256-word boot ROM to facilitate in-circuit programming.All ‘240x devices offer at least one event manager module which has been optimized for digital motor control and power conversion applications. Capabilities of this module include centered- and/or edge-aligned PWM generation, programmable deadband to prevent shoot-through faults, and synchronized analog-to-digital conversion. Devices with dual event managers enable multiple motor and/or converter control with a single ‗240x DSP controller.The high performance, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) has a minimum conversion time of 500 ns and offers up to 16 channels of analog input. The auto sequencing capability of the ADC allows a maximum of 16 conversions to take place in a single conversion session without any CPU overhead.A serial communications interface (SCI) is integrated on all devices to provide asynchronous communication to other devices in the system. For systems requiring additional communication interfaces; the ‘2407, ‘2406, and ‘2404 offer a 16-bit synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI). The ‘2407 and ‘2406 offer a controller area network (CAN) communications module that meets 2.0B specifications. To maximize device flexibility, functional pins are also configurable as general purpose inputs/outputs (GPIO).To streamline development time, JTAG-compliant scan-based emulation has been integrated into all devices. This provides non-intrusive real-time capabilities required to debug digital control systems. A complete suite of code generation tools from C compilers to the industry-standard Code Composerdebugger supports this family. Numerous third party developers not only offer device-level development tools, but also system-level design and development support.PERIPHERALSThe integrated peripherals of the TMS320x240x are described in the following subsections:●Two event-manager modules (EV A, EVB)●Enhanced analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module●Controller area network (CAN) module●Serial communications interface (SCI) module●Serial peripheral interface (SPI) module●PLL-based clock module●Digital I/O and shared pin functions●External memory interfaces (‘LF2407 only)●Watchdog (WD) timer moduleEvent manager modules (EV A, EVB)The event-manager modules include general-purpose (GP) timers, full-compare/PWM units, capture units, and quadrature-encoder pulse (QEP) circuits. EV A‘s and EVB‘s timers, compare units, and capture units function identically. However, timer/unit names differ for EV A and EVB. Table 1 shows the module and signal names used. Table 1 shows the features and functionality available for the event-manager modules and highlights EV A nomenclature.Event managers A and B have identical peripheral register sets with EV A starting at 7400h and EVB starting at 7500h. The paragraphs in this section describe the function of GP timers, compare units, capture units, and QEPs using EV A nomenclature. These paragraphs are applicable to EVB with regard to function—however, module/signal names would differ.Table 1. Module and Signal Names for EV A and EVBEVENT MANAGER MODULESEV AMODULESIGNALEVBMODULESIGNALGP Timers Timer 1Timer 2T1PWM/T1CMPT2PWM/T2CMPTimer 3Timer 4T3PWM/T3CMPT4PWM/T4CMPCompare Units Compare 1Compare 2Compare 3PWM1/2PWM3/4PWM5/6Compare 4Compare 5Compare 6PWM7/8PWM9/10PWM11/12Capture Units Capture 1Capture 2Capture 3CAP1CAP2CAP3Capture 4Capture 5Capture 6CAP4CAP5CAP6QEP QEP1QEP2QEP1QEP2QEP3QEP4QEP3QEP4External Inputs DirectionExternalClockTDIRATCLKINADirectionExternal ClockTDIRBTCLKINBGeneral-purpose (GP) timersThere are two GP timers: The GP timer x (x = 1 or 2 for EV A; x = 3 or 4 for EVB) includes:● A 16-bit timer, up-/down-counter, TxCNT, for reads or writes● A 16-bit timer-compare register, TxCMPR (double-buffered with shadow register), forreads or writes● A 16-bit timer-period register, TxPR (double-buffered with shadow register), forreads or writes● A 16-bit timer-control register,TxCON, for reads or writes●Selectable internal or external input clocks● A programmable prescaler for internal or external clock inputs●Control and interrupt logic, for four maskable interrupts: underflow, overflow, timercompare, and period interrupts● A selectable direction input pin (TDIR) (to count up or down when directionalup-/down-count mode is selected)The GP timers can be operated independently or synchronized with each other. The compare register associated with each GP timer can be used for compare function and PWM-waveform generation. There are three continuous modes of operations for each GP timer in up- or up/down-counting operations. Internal or external input clocks with programmable prescaler are used for each GP timer. GP timers also provide the time base for the other event-manager submodules: GP timer 1 for all the compares and PWM circuits, GP timer 2/1 for the capture units and the quadrature-pulse counting operations. Double-buffering of the period and compare registers allows programmable change of the timer (PWM) period and the compare/PWM pulse width as needed.Full-compare unitsThere are three full-compare units on each event manager. These compare units use GP timer1 as the time base and generate six outputs for compare and PWM-waveform generation using programmable deadband circuit. The state of each of the six outputs is configured independently. The compare registers of the compare units are double-buffered, allowing programmable change of the compare/PWM pulse widths as needed.Programmable deadband generatorThe deadband generator circuit includes three 8-bit counters and an 8-bit compare register. Desired deadband values (from 0 to 24 µs) can be programmed into the compare register for the outputs of the three compare units. The deadband generation can be enabled/disabled for each compare unit output individually. The deadband-generator circuit produces two outputs (with orwithout deadband zone) for each compare unit output signal. The output states of the deadband generator are configurable and changeable as needed by way of the double-buffered ACTR register.PWM waveform generationUp to eight PWM waveforms (outputs) can be generated simultaneously by each event manager: three independent pairs (six outputs) by the three full-compare units with programmable deadbands, and two independent PWMs by the GP-timer compares.PWM characteristicsCharacteristics of the PWMs are as follows:●16-bit registers●Programmable deadband for the PWM output pairs, from 0 to 24 µs●Minimum deadband width of 50 ns●Change of the PWM carrier frequency for PWM frequency wobbling as needed●Change of the PWM pulse widths within and after each PWM period as needed●External-maskable power and drive-protection interrupts●Pulse-pattern-generator circuit, for programmable generation of asymmetric,symmetric, and four-space vector PWM waveforms●Minimized CPU overhead using auto-reload of the compare and period registersCapture unitThe capture unit provides a logging function for different events or transitions. The values of the GP timer 2 counter are captured and stored in the two-level-deep FIFO stacks when selected transitions are detected on capture input pins, CAPx (x = 1, 2, or 3 for EV A; and x = 4, 5, or 6 for EVB). The capture unit consists of three capture circuits.Capture units include the following features:●One 16-bit capture control register, CAPCON (R/W)●One 16-bit capture FIFO status register, CAPFIFO (eight MSBs are read-only, eightLSBs are write-only)●Selection of GP timer 2 as the time base●Three 16-bit 2-level-deep FIFO stacks, one for each capture unit●Three Schmitt-triggered capture input pins (CAP1, CAP2, and CAP3)—one input pinper capture unit. [All inputs are synchronized with the device (CPU) clock. In order fora transition to be captured, the input must hold at its current level to meet two risingedges of the device clock. The input pins CAP1 and CAP2 can also be used as QEPinputs to the QEP circuit.]●User-specified transition (rising edge, falling edge, or both edges) detection●Three maskable interrupt flags, one for each capture unitEnhanced analog-to-digital converter (ADC) moduleA simplified functional block diagram of the ADC module is shown in Figure 1. The ADC module consists of a 10-bit ADC with a built-in sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit. Functions of the ADC module include:●10-bit ADC core with built-in S/H●Fast conversion time (S/H + Conversion) of 500 ns●16-channel, muxed inputs●Autosequencing capability provides up to 16 ―autoconversions‖ in a single session.Each conversion can be programmed to select any 1 of 16 input channels●Sequencer can be operated as two independent 8-state sequencers or as one large16-state sequencer (i.e., two cascaded 8-state sequencers)●Sixteen result registers (individually addressable) to store conversion values●Multiple triggers as sources for the start-of-conversion (SOC) sequence✧S/W – software immediate start✧EV A – Event manager A (multiple event sources within EV A)✧EVB – Event manager B (multiple event sources within EVB)✧Ext – External pin (ADCSOC)●Flexible interrupt control allows interrupt request on every end of sequence (EOS) orevery other EOS●Sequencer can operate in ―start/stop‖ mode, allowing multiple ―time-sequencedtriggers‖ to synchronize conv ersions●EV A and EVB triggers can operate independently in dual-sequencer mode●Sample-and-hold (S/H) acquisition time window has separate prescale control●Built-in calibration mode●Built-in self-test modeThe ADC module in the ‘240x has been enhanced to pro vide flexible interface to event managers A and B. The ADC interface is built around a fast, 10-bit ADC module with total conversion time of 500 ns (S/H + conversion). The ADC module has 16 channels, configurable as two independent 8-channel modules to service event managers A and B. The two independent 8-channel modules can be cascaded to form a 16-channel module. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the ‘240x ADC module.The two 8-channel modules have the capability to autosequence a series of conversions,each module has the choice of selecting any one of the respective eight channels available through an analog mux. In the cascaded mode, the autosequencer functions as a single 16-channel sequencer. On each sequencer, once the conversion is complete, the selected channel value is stored in its respective RESULT register. Autosequencing allows the system to convert the same channel multiple times, allowing the user to perform oversampling algorithms. This gives increased resolution over traditional single-sampled conversion results.Figure 2. Block Diagram of the ‘240x ADC ModuleFrom TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402数字信号处理控制器TMS320LF240x和TMS320LC240x系列芯片作为’24x系列DSP控制器的新成员,是C2000平台下的一种定点DSP芯片。
毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 光伏电力系统 中英文对照

翻译原文 (4)Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Systems (4)The Advantages of Mitsubishi Solar Panels (5)1光伏电力系统光伏电力系统利用太阳能电池吸收太阳光线,并将这种能量转化成电能。
1.1 太阳能电池的类型目前有单晶硅,多晶硅和薄膜三种基本形式的光伏组件。
有关太阳能电池发电的更多的信息,可以查询Cooler Planet’s的《太阳能电池如何工作》。
1.3 太阳能电池板与光伏建筑一体化太阳能电池板是用于捕获太阳光的平面板,他们以阵列的形式安装在建筑物顶部或者柱子上。

光伏发电介绍英文作文英文:As we all know, photovoltaic power generation, also known as solar power generation, is a method of generating electricity by converting solar energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic materials. The most common photovoltaic materials are solar cells, which are made of semiconductor materials such as silicon. When sunlight hits the solar cells, it excites the electrons in the material, creating an electric current that can be captured and used as electricity.One of the great things about photovoltaic power generation is its sustainability. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to pollution, solar energy is abundant and renewable. This means that we can continue to harness the power of the sun for electricity without depleting natural resources or harming the environment. In fact, many countries and regions are investing heavily insolar power as a clean and sustainable energy source.Another benefit of photovoltaic power generation is its versatility. Solar panels can be installed on a wide rangeof surfaces, from rooftops to open fields, making it a flexible option for generating electricity. In addition, solar panels can be used in both grid-connected and off-grid systems, providing power to remote areas that may not have access to traditional electricity sources.In my own experience, I have seen the impact of photovoltaic power generation firsthand. In my hometown, many households have installed solar panels on their roofsto generate electricity for their own use. This has notonly reduced their reliance on traditional power sources, but also saved them money on electricity bills. Furthermore, I have visited solar farms where vast fields of solarpanels are used to generate large amounts of electricityfor the local community. It's amazing to see how the powerof the sun can be harnessed to provide clean andsustainable energy for so many people.Overall, photovoltaic power generation is a promising and environmentally friendly method of generating electricity. With ongoing advancements in technology and increasing awareness of the importance of renewable energy, I believe that solar power will play an increasingly significant role in meeting our energy needs in the future.中文:众所周知,光伏发电,也被称为太阳能发电,是一种利用光伏材料将太阳能转换为电能的发电方法。

中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging and Protecting IC in Photovoltaic System1.IntroductionSolar energy as an inexhaustible, inexhaustible source of energy more and more attention. Solar power has become popular in many countries and regions, solar lighting has also been put into use in many cities in China. As a key part of the solar lighting, battery charging and protection is particularly important. Sealed maintenance-free lead-acid battery has a sealed, leak-free, pollution-free, maintenance-free, low-cost, reliable power supply during the entire life of the battery voltage is stable and no maintenance, the need for uninterrupted for the various types of has wide application in power electronic equipment, and portable instrumentation. Appropriate float voltage, in normal use (to prevent over-discharge, overcharge, over-current), maintenance-free lead-acid battery float life of up to 12 ~ 16 years float voltage deviation of 5% shorten the life of 1/2. Thus, the charge has a major impact on this type of battery life. Photovoltaic, battery does not need regular maintenance, the correct charge and reasonable protection, can effectively extend battery life. Charging and protection IC is the separation of the occupied area and the peripheral circuit complexity. Currently, the market has not yet real, charged with the protection function is integrated on a single chip. For this problem, design a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC is very necessary.2.System design and considerationsThe system mainly includes two parts: the battery charger module and the protection module. Of great significance for the battery as standby power use of the occasion, It can ensure that the external power supply to the battery-powered, but also in the battery overcharge, over-current and an external power supply is disconnected the battery is to put the state to provide protection, the charge and protection rolled into one to make the circuit to simplify and reduce valuable product waste of resources. Figure 1 is a specific application of this Ic in the photovoltaic powergeneration system, but also the source of this design.Figure1 Photovoltaic circuit system block diagramMaintenance-free lead-acid battery life is usually the cycle life and float life factors affecting the life of the battery charge rate, discharge rate, and float voltage. Some manufacturers said that if the overcharge protection circuit, the charging rate can be achieved even more than 2C (C is the rated capacity of the battery), battery manufacturers recommend charging rate of C/20 ~ C/3. Battery voltage and temperature, the temperature is increased by 1 °C, single cell battery voltage drops 4 mV , negative temperature coefficient of -4 mV / ° C means that the battery float voltage. Ordinary charger for the best working condition at 25 °C; charge less than the ambient temperature of 0 °C; at 45 °C may shorten the battery life due to severe overcharge. To make the battery to extend the working life, have a certain understanding and analysis of the working status of the battery, in order to achieve the purpose of protection of the battery. Battery, there are four states: normal state, over-current state over the state of charge, over discharge state. However, due to the impact of the different discharge current over-capacity and lifetime of the battery is not the same, so the battery over discharge current detection should be treated separately. When the battery is charging the state a long time, would severely reduce the capacity of the battery and shorten battery life. When the battery is the time of discharge status exceeds the allotted time, the battery, the battery voltage is too low may not be able to recharge, making the battery life is lower.Based on the above, the charge on the life of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries have a significant impact, while the battery is always in good working condition, battery protection circuit must be able to detect the normal working condition of the battery and make the action the battery can never normal working state back to normal operation, in order to achieve the protection of the battery.3.Units modular design3.1The charging module Chip, charging module block diagram shown in Figure 2. The circuitry includes solar battery array Charge controller controller Discharge controller DC load accumulatorcurrent limiting, current sensing comparator, reference voltage source, under-voltage detection circuit, voltage sampling circuit and logic control circuit.Figure2 Charging module block diagramThe module contains a stand-alone limiting amplifier and voltage control circuit, it can control off-chip drive, 20 ~30 mA, provided by the drive output current can directly drive an external series of adjustment tube, so as to adjust the charger output voltage and current . V oltage and current detection comparator detects the battery charge status, and control the state of the input signal of the logic circuit. When the battery voltage or current is too low, the charge to start the comparator control the charging. Appliances into the trickle charge state when the cut-off of the drive, the comparator can output about 20 mA into the trickle charge current. Thus, when the battery short-circuit or reverse, the charger can only charge a small current, to avoid damage to the battery charging current is too large. This module constitutes a charging circuit charging process is divided into two charging status: high-current constant-current charge state, high-voltage charge status and low-voltage constant voltage floating state. The charging process from the constant current charging status, the constant charging current of the charger output in this state. And the charger continuously monitors the voltage across the battery pack, the battery power has been restored to 70% to 90% of the released capacity when the battery voltage reaches the switching voltage to charge conversion voltage Vsam charger moves to the state of charge. In this state, the charger output voltage is increased to overcharge pressure driverV oltage amplifierV oltage sampling comparatorStart amplifier State level control Charging indicator Logical module Undervoltage detection circuit R- powerCurrent sampling comparator Limiting amplifier Power indicatorV oc is due to the charger output voltage remains constant, so the charging current is a continuous decline. Current down to charge and suspend the current Ioct, the battery capacity has reached 100% of rated capacity, the charger output voltage drops to a lower float voltage VF.3.2 Protection ModuleChip block diagram of the internal protection circuit shown in Figure 3. The circuit includes control logic circuit, sampling circuit, overcharge detection circuit, over-discharge detection comparator, overcurrent detection comparator, load short-circuit detection circuit, level-shifting circuit and reference circuit (BGR).Figure3 Block diagram of battery protectionThis module constitutes a protection circuit shown in Figure 4. Under the chip supply voltage within the normal scope of work, and the VM pin voltage at the overcurrent detection voltage, the battery is in normal operation, the charge and discharge control of the chip high power end of the CO and DO are level, when the chip is in normal working mode. Larger when the battery discharge current will cause voltage rise of the VM pin at the VM pin voltage at above the current detection voltage Viov, then the battery is the current status, if this state to maintain the tiov overcurrent delay time, the chip ban on battery discharge, then the charge to control the end of CO is high, the discharge control side DO is low, the chip is in the current mode, general in order to play on the battery safer and more reasonable protection, the chip will battery over-discharge current to take over the discharge current delay time protection. The general rule is that the over-discharge current is larger, over the Sampling circuitOver discharge detection comparator Control logic circuitLevel conversion circuit Overcharge detection comparator Over-current detection comparator2 Over-current detection comparator1Over-current detection circuitLoad short detection circuitshorter the discharge current delay time. Above Overcharge detection voltage, the chip supply voltage (Vdd> Vcu), the battery is in overcharge state, this state is to maintain the corresponding overcharge delay time tcu chip will be prohibited from charging the battery, then discharge control end DO is high, and charging control terminal CO is low, the chip is in charging mode. When the supply voltage of the chip under the overdischarge detection voltage (Vdd <Vdl,), then the battery is discharged state, this state remains the overdischarge delay time tdl chip will be prohibited to discharge the battery at this time The charge control side CO is high, while the discharge control terminal DO is low, the chip is in discharge mode.ProtectionmoduleFigure4 Protection circuit application schematic diagram4.Circuit DesignTwo charge protection module structure diagram, the circuit can be divided into four parts: the power detection circuit (under-voltage detection circuit), part of the bias circuit (sampling circuit, the reference circuit and bias circuit), the comparator (including the overcharge detection /overdischarge detection comparator, over-current detection and load short-circuit detection circuit) and the logic control part.This paper describes the under-voltage detection circuit (Figure 5), and gives the bandgap reference circuit (Figure 6).Figure5 Under-voltage detection circuitFigure6 A reference power supply circuit diagramBattery charging, voltage stability is particularly important, undervoltage, overvoltage protection is essential, therefore integrated overvoltage, undervoltage protection circuit inside the chip, to improve power supply reliability and security. And protection circuit design should be simple, practical, here designed a CMOS process, the undervoltage protection circuit, this simple circuit structure, process and easy to implement and can be used as high-voltage power integrated circuits and other power protection circuit.Undervoltage protection circuit schematic shown in Figure 5, a total of five components: the bias circuit, reference voltage, the voltage divider circuit, differential amplifier, the output circuit. The circuit supply voltage is 10V; the M0, M1, M2, R0 is the offset portion of the circuit to provide bias to the post-stage circuit, the resistance, Ro, determine the circuit's operating point, the M0, M1, M2 form a current mirror; R1 M14 is the feedback loop of the undervoltage signal; the rest of the M3, M4 and M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, composed of four amplification comparator; M15, DO, a reference voltage, the comparator input with the inverting Biasing circuit Reference circuit Bleeder circuit difference amplifier Output circuitAmplifierAmplifierinput is fixed (V+), partial pressure of the resistance R1, R2, R3, the input to the inverting input of the comparator, when the normal working of the power supply voltage, the inverting terminal of the voltage detection is lost to the inverting terminal voltage of the comparator is greater than V+. Comparator output is low, M14 cutoff, feedback circuit does not work; undervoltage occurs, the voltage divider of R1, R2, R3, reaction is more sensitive, lost to the inverting input voltage is less than V when the resistor divider, the comparator the output voltage is high, this signal will be M14 open, the voltage across R into M at both ends of the saturation voltage close to 0V, thereby further driving down the R1> R2, the partial pressure of the output voltage, the formation of the undervoltage positive feedback. Output, undervoltage lockout, and plays a protective role.5. Simulation results and analysisThe design of the circuit in CSMC 0.6 μm in digital CMOS process simulation and analysis of the circuit. In the overall simulation of the circuit, the main observation is that the protection module on the battery charge and discharge process by monitoring Vdd potential and Vm potential leaving chip CO side and DO-side changes accordingly. The simulation waveform diagram shown in Figure 7, the overall protection module with the battery voltage changes from the usual mode conversion into overcharge mode, and then return to normal working mode, and then into the discharge mode, and finally back to normal working mode. As the design in the early stages of the various parameters to be optimized, but to provide a preliminary simulation results.Figure7 Overvoltage and under-voltage protection circuit simulation waveform6.ConclusionDesigned a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC. This design not only can reduce the product, they can reduce the peripheral circuit components. The circuit uses the low-power design. This project is underway to design optimization stage, a complete simulation can not meet the requirements, but also need to optimize the design of each module circuit.光伏系统中蓄电池的充电保护IC电路设计1.引言太阳能作为一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源越来越受到重视。

根据IncCo nd算法开发的一种新方法。
对于远程、远离电网的地方,它往往是比用输电线路[1] 提供一个独立的电力来源拥有可行性。
在这些电网中,在混合动力系统结合模块的基础上,可再生能源发电以柴油为动力的备用发电机已考虑ERED等效为一个可行的选择[2, 3]。
为了取代柴油备用发电机,独立的混合动力系统经常采用结合可再生能源来源的TARY 型材,如风力和光伏发电,合适的存储设备,如电池。
多晶硅太阳能电池 毕业论文文献翻译 中英文对照

英文翻译Polycrystalline silicon solar cellsAs we all know, solar energy has many advantages, photovoltaic power generation will provide the main energy of mankind, but at present it, to make solar power a large market, is the general consumer acceptance, increased solar cell efficiency and reduce production costs should be our overriding goal, from the current development of the international solar cell can see the trend of its silicon, polycrystalline silicon, ribbon silicon, thin film materials (including trend of its silicon, polycrystalline silicon, ribbon silicon, thin film materials (including microcrystalline silicon thin films, compound-based thin film and dye film).From industrial development, it has been the focus of the direction of single crystal to polycrystalline, mainly due to;(1)the beginning and end of solar cell materials can supply less and less;(2)in terms of the solar cell, a square substrate is more cost-effective, by direct coagulation casting method and obtained direct access to a square polysilicon materials;(3)of polysilicon production technology continue to make progress, casting furnace automatic production cycle of each (50 hours) can produce over 200 kg ingots, grain size to achieve centimeter level;(4)in recent years as research and development of silicon technology quickly, in which technology has been applied to the production of polycrystalline silicon cells, such as selective etching the emitter, back surface field, corrosion suede , surface and bulk passivation, thin metal gate electrode, using screen-printing technology enables the gate electrode width down to 50 microns to 15 microns high, rapid thermal annealing technology for polysilicon production process can significantly shorten the time, single time of thermal process can be completed within a minute using this technology in the 100 square centimeters of silicon chip to make the cell conversion efficiency of over 14%. It was reported in 50 to 60 micron silicon substrate produced more than 16% cell efficiency.Mechanical groove, screen printing technology in polycrystalline on the efficiency of more than 17%, no mechanical groove in the same area on the efficiency of 16%, with buried gate structure, mechanical groove 130 on a square centimeter of polycrystalline cell efficiency of 15.8%.The following two aspects of the polysilicon to discuss battery technology.Laboratory efficient battery technology Laboratory techniques often do not consider the cost of battery production and mass production can only achieve maximum efficiency of the method and means to provide specific materials and processes that can achieve the limit.1.On the absorption of lightFor the optical absorption is mainly:(1)reduce the surface reflection;(2)Change the path of light in the cell body;(3)using the back reflection.For silicon, anisotropic chemical etching method applied in (100) surfaceproduced textured pyramid-shaped, lower surface light reflection. But silicon crystal to deviate from the (100) surface, using the above methods can not make even the suede, the current use of the following methods:(1)laser grooveGroove with a laser method can be produced in the polysilicon surface, inverted pyramid structure, in 500~900nm wavelength range, reflectance was 4 to 6%, with double-layer antireflection coating surface produced considerable. In the (100) reflection of silicon chemical production rate of 11% of the flock. Produced by laser textured surface than in the smooth double-layer antireflection coating film (ZnS/MgF2) short circuit current to increase by about 4%, mainly long-wave light (wavelength greater than 800nm) the reasons for slanting into the battery. Laser production of suede problems in etching, surface damage caused by the introduction of a number of impurities at the same time, through chemical treatment to remove surface damage layer. Solar cells made by this method are usually higher short circuit current, open circuit voltage is not high, mainly due to cell surface area increased, the recombination current increase.(2)Chemical grooveApplication of mask (Si3N4or SiO2) isotropic corrosion, etching solutions for acid etching solutions, but also for the higher concentration of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide solution, the method can not create the kind formed by anisotropic etching cone-like structure. According to reports, the approach down the face of the formation of micron spectral range 700 to 1030 significantly reduced reflex. But the mask layer will be formed at higher temperatures, causing decreased performance polysilicon materials, especially for lower quality polycrystalline materials, reduce the minority carrier lifetime. Application of the technology made of polysilicon in cell conversion efficiency of 16.4%. Mask layer screen printing method can also be formed.(3)reactive ion corrosion (RIE)This method is a non-mask etching process, the formation of suede particularly low reflectivity in the spectral range 450 to 1000 micron reflectivity can be less than 2%. Only from the optical point of view, is an ideal method, but problem is serious silicon surface damage, the battery open circuit voltage and fill factor decreased.(4)produced antireflection filmFor efficient solar cells, the most common and most effective way is to double-layer antireflection coatings deposited ZnS/MgF2, its optimal thickness depends on the thickness of the oxide layer below the surface characteristics and battery, for example, the surface is smooth or textured surface,anti-reflection technology has evaporated Ta2O5, PECVD deposition Si3N3 so. ZnO conductive film can be used as anti-reflective material.2.MetallizationIn the efficient production of the battery, the metal electrode to the battery design parameters such as surface doping concentration, PN junction depth, the metal material to match. General area of small laboratory cell (area less than 4cm2), so they need small metal gate line (less than 10 microns), the general approach to lithography,electron beam evaporation, rge-scale production of industrial plating process is also used, but the combination of evaporation and lithography, do not belong to low-cost technology.3.PN junction formation technology(1)emitter formation and phosphorus getteringFor efficient solar cells, emitter diffusion formation of choice commonly used in the formation of heavy metal impurities in the region below the electrode in the spread between the electrodes to achieve light levels, the shallow emitter diffusion is increased concentration of cell response to blue light, and also allows silicon surface easily passivated. Two-step diffusion method diffusion process, diffusion process and increase corrosion buried diffusion process. Currently used selection proliferation, 15 × 15 cell conversion efficiency of 16.4%, n + +, n + sheet resistance of the surface region were 20Ω and 80Ω.For Mc-Si materials, expansion of phosphorus gettering effect on the battery has been widely studied, a longer period of phosphorus gettering process (usually 3 to 4 hours), make some of Mc-Si of the minority carrier diffusion length increase of two orders of magnitude.(2)the formation of back surface field and aluminum getteringIn Mc-Si cell, the back p + p junction by the formation of uniform diffusion of aluminum or boron, boron source is generally BN, BBr, APCVD SiO2: B2O8 such as evaporation or diffusion of aluminum screen printing of aluminum, 800 degrees completed sintering , on the role of aluminum gettering carried out extensive research, and in different phosphorus diffusion gettering, aluminum gettering at a relatively low temperature. Physical defects which also involved the dissolution and deposition of impurities, while in higher temperatures, the deposition of impurities easily dissolve into the silicon, on the Mc-Si have a negative impact. Far, to the regional background field has been applied to silicon solar cell technology, but in the polysilicon, the application of aluminum or the back surface field structure.(3)Double Mc-Si cellsMc-Si double the battery positive side for the conventional structure, on the back for the N + and P + cross-cutting structure, so that generated a positive light, but in the back of the photo birth rate near the back electrode can be effectively absorbed. Back electrode as an effective complement to the positive electrode, also planted as an independent flow of sub-collector on the back of the light and the scattered light to be effective, it was reported in the AM1.5 conditions, the conversion efficiency of over 19%.360毕业设计网4.Surface and bulk passivationFor Mc-Si, due to higher grain boundary exist, point defects (vacancies, interstitial atoms, metal impurities, oxygen and nitrogen and their compounds) and in vivo defect on the surface passivation is particularly important, in addition to the previously mentioned The gettering, the passivation process has a number of ways, by thermal oxidation to silicon dangling bonds saturated is a relatively common method, make Si-SiO2interface recombination velocity greatly decreased, the passivation effect depends on the launching area surfaceconcentration, the interface state density and the electron and hole cross sections were floating. Annealed in hydrogen atmosphere can passivation effect is more obvious. Nitride deposited by PECVD the recent positive is very effective because the process of film has the effect of hydrogenation. The process can also be applied to large scale production. Application of Remote PECVD Si3N4 surface recombination velocity is less than can 20cm / s.多晶硅太阳能电池众所周知,利用太阳能有许多优点,光伏发电将为人类提供主要的能源,但目前来讲,要使太阳能发电具有较大的市场,被广大的消费者接受,提高太阳电池的光电转换效率,降低生产成本应该是我们追求的最大目标,从目前国际太阳电池的发展过程可以看出其发展趋势为单晶硅、多晶硅、带状硅、薄膜材料(包括微晶硅基薄膜、化合物基薄膜及染料薄膜)。

文献翻译英文原文:Solar electrical energy generationAlong with economical development, society's progress, the people to the energy proposed that more and more high request, seeks for the new energy to become the urgent topic which the current humanity faces. The existing energy mainly has 3 kinds, namely thermal power, water and electricity and nuclear power.The thermal power needs to burn fossil fuels and so on bunker coal, petroleum. On the one hand the fossil fuel reserves limited, the fever are less, is facing the danger which dries up. It is estimated that the world oil resource will have 30 years then to dry up again. On the other hand the combustion fuel will discharge CO2 and the sulfur oxide compound, will therefore cause the greenhouse effect and the acid rain, will worsen the terrestrial environment.The water and electricity must submerge the massive lands, has the possibility to cause the ecological environment to destroy, moreover large reservoir, once collapses, the consequence will be inconceivable. Moreover, country's hydro-electric resources are also limited, moreover must receive the season influence.The nuclear power in the normal condition no doubt is clean, but has the nuclear leakage accidentally, the consequence is similarly fearful. The former Soviet Union Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station accident, has caused 9,000,000 people to receive the varying degree harm, moreover this influence has not terminated.These force the people to seek for the new energy. The new energy must simultaneously meet two conditions: First, the implication rich will not dry up; Second, is safe, is clean, will not threaten the humanity and the destruction environment. At present found the new energy mainly had two kinds:first, solar energy; second, fuel cell. Moreover, the wind power generation may also be the auxiliary new energy. And, the most ideal new energy is greatly positive energy.1. The solar electrical energy generation is the most ideal new energyShines is huge on Earth's solar energy, about 40 minutes shine on Earth's solar energy, then sufficiently supplies global humanity one year energy the expense. It can be said that the solar energy is true inexhaustible, the inexhaustible energy. Moreover the solar electrical energy generation is absolutely clean, does not have the environmental damage. Therefore the solar electrical energy generation is honored asis the ideal energy.Obtains the electric power from the solar energy, must carry on the electro-optical transformation through the greatly positive battery to realize. It completely was formerly different with other power source electricity generation principle, has the following characteristic: ①Non-depletion danger; ②Clean (does not have environmental damage) absolutely; ③It is not distributed the resources the region the limit; ④But is using electricity place nearby generates electricity; ⑤The energy quality is high; ⑥The user easy to accept from the sentiment; ⑦The gain energy expenditure's time is short. The deficiency is:①The illumination energy distribution density is small, namely must take the huge area; ②Obtains the energy with four seasons, the day and nights and cloudy clear and so on meteorological conditions concerns. But generally speaking, the flaw does not cover the fine jade, takes the new energy, the solar energy has the enormous merit, therefore receives various countries the value.Must enable the solar electrical energy generation to achieve the practical level truly; first, must raise the solar energy electro-optic conversion efficiency and reduce its cost; second, must realize the solar electrical energy generation with present's electrical network networking.At present, solar panels mainly has the mono-crystalline silicon, the polycrystalline silicon, the amorphous state silicon three kinds. The mono-crystalline silicon solar cell conversion efficiency is highest, has reached above 20%, but the price is also the most expensive. The amorphous state silicon solar cell conversion efficiency is lowest, but the price is the cheapest, from now on most will be hopeful uses in generally generating electricity will be this kind of battery. Once its big area module electro-optic conversion efficiency achieves 10%, each watt generating set price falls to 1-2 US dollars, then sufficiently compete with present's electricity generation way. It is estimated that at the end of this century it may achieve this level.Certainly, in the special use and the laboratory uses the solar cell efficiency must be much higher, if the US Boeing develops by the gallium arsenic semiconductor with the positive electricity place which too the stibium gallium semiconductor overlaps becomes, the electro-optic conversion efficiency may reach 36%, has caught up with the coal-burning electricity generation efficiency quickly. But because it is too expensive, at present can only be restricted on the satellite uses.2. Solar electrical energy generation applicationAlthough solar electrical energy generation day and nights, clear and rain, season influence, but may carry on scattered, therefore it is suitable for various each household minute to carry on the electricity generation severally, moreover must join in the power supply network, causes each family when the electric power is wealthy may sold it to the Electricity company, when the insufficiency be possible from the Electricity company to buy up. Realizes this point’s technology not to be difficult to solve, the key lies in must have the corresponding legal safeguard. Now the US, Japan and so on developed country has made the corresponding law, guaranteed that carries on the solar electrical energy generation the family benefit, encourages the family to carry on the solar electrical energy generation.Japan has realized the solar electrical energy generation system the same electricity company electrical network's networking in April, 1992, had some families to start to install the solar electrical energy generation equipment. The Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry started from 1994 take individual housing as an object, implemented to purchases the solar electrical energy generation equipment's expense to subsidize 2/3 systems. Requests the first year had 1000 households families, when 2000 to have 70,000 households families to install the solar electrical energy generation equipment.According to the Japanese Department concerned estimates in the Japanese 21,000,000 households individual housing, if has 80% to install the solar electrical energy generation equipment, then may satisfy 14% which the national total power needs, if units and so on factory and office building also carry on the solar electrical energy generation with the room, then the solar electrical energy generation will occupy the national electric power 30%-40%. The current hindrance solar electrical energy generation popular most primary factor is the expense is expensive In order to satisfy the general family power requirement 3 kilowatt generating system, needs 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 Japanese Yen, has not included the installment wages. The concerned expert believed that when must fall at least to 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 Japanese Yen, the solar electrical energy generation only then can popularize truly. The key to reduce the expense lie in the solar cell to raise the conversion efficiency and to reduce the cost.Some time ago, the US Texas Instruments Company and SCE Corporation announced that they develop one kind of new solar cell, each unit is the diameter less than 1 millimeter bead, they distribute regularly densely and numerously on the softaluminum foil, looks like many silkworm eggs to cling on the paper is the same. Then distributes in about 50 square centimeters area has 1,700 such units. This kind of new battery's characteristic is, although the conversion efficiency has 8%-10%, but the price is cheap. Moreover aluminum foil bottom bush soft solid, may look like the cloth to fold equally at will, and durable, hangs in toward the sun place then may generate electricity, is convenient. It is said that uses this kind of new solar cell, so long as each watt power capacity equipment 1.5 to 2 US dollars, moreover each round of once electricity's expense might also fall to 14 cents about, definitely may compete with the ordinary power plant. Each family hangs this kind of battery on the roof, the wall toward the sun, every year may obtain 1,000-2,000 degrees electric powers.3. Solar electrical energy generation prospectThe solar electrical energy generation has a more exciting plan. First, Japan proposes creates the century plan. Prepares the desert and the sea area carries on the electricity generation using the ground, and through superconducting cable whole world solar power station connection unification electrical network in order to global. According to reckoning, to 2000, in 2050, in 2100, even if all uses the solar electrical energy generation supplies the whole world energy, the occupying land area is also 651,100 square kilometer, 1,867,900 square kilometer, 8,291,900 square kilometers. 8,291,900 square kilometers only occupy the complete sea area 2.3% or the complete desert area 51.4%, even is the Sahara area 91.5%. Therefore this plan has the possibility to realize.Another one is the space electricity generation plan. As early as in 1980 the NASA and Department of Energy proposed that in the spatial construction solar power station tentative plan, prepares on the synchronous orbit to put one long 10 kilometers, to extend 5 kilometer big plates, above covers entirely the solar cell, like this then may provide 5,000,000 kilowatts electric powers. But this needs to solve to the ground wireless electric transmission question. Already proposed with the micro wave beam, the laser beam and so on each kind of plan. At present although has realized the short distance, the short time, the low power microwave wireless electric transmission with the mockup, but to true practical also has the long distance.Along with our country technology's development, in 2006, China had three enterprises to enter global first ten, symbolizes that China will become one of global new energy science and technology central, in the world the solar energy light bends down widespread application, what caused present to be deficient was raw materialsupply and the price rise, we needed dissemination of technology at the same time, to use the new technology, with the aim of reducing the cost large scale, was this new energy long-term development provides the driving force!The solar energy use mainly divides into several aspects: The family with the small solar energy power plant, the large-scale incorporation power plant, the building integration light bends down the glass curtain wall, the solar energy street light, the scenery supplementary street light, the scenery supplementary power supply system and so on, now main application way for construction integration and scenery supplementary system.The world present had the nearly 200 companies to produce the solar cell, but produces the plants mainly hand in the Japanese business.Recent years the South Korean Tri-star, LG expressed the positive participation's desire, China two sides across the Taiwan Strait are similarly very warm-hearted. It is reported that our country Taiwan in 2008 crystallizes the silicon solar cell productivity to reach 2.2GW, later will expand by every year 1GW productivity in the past and started to produce the thin film solar cell, this year will strengthen vigorously, Taiwan anticipated that “the solar cell great nation” emulated to Europe. in 2010 various countries and the area have above 1GW the productive plan solar cell manufacturer to have Japanese Sharp, German Q-Cells, Scho~Solar, turns 5 prestige RWE Solar, Chinese Suntech Power and so on 5 companies, above other 7 500MW productivity company.Recent years the world solar cell market advanced triumphantly, an excellence, but the rare financial storm brought the economic crisis, was similarly presses in solar cell market on dark clouds, the Major enterprise like Germany Q-Cells achievement declined accordingly, because pre-year the world too positive electricity market also the demand will be this year worn out, the petroleum price dropped, but the competitive power counter-promotion and so on disadvantage factor lowered But at the same time, the people also see the US. After the Obama comes on stage, soon applies the Green New Deal policy, may have 150,000,000,000 US dollar subsidy funds including the among them green energy program, Japan will also carry out the subsidy system to continue to popularize solar cell's application4. Solar cell electricity generation principle:The solar cell is pair of light has the response and can transform the energy of light the electric power the component. Many kinds of materials can produce the lightto bend down the effect, for example: Mono-crystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, gallium arsenic, selenium indium copper and so on. Their electricity generation principle basic same, presently take crystal as example description light electricity generation process. The P crystalline silicon may result in the N silicon after the doping phosphorus, forms the P-N knot.When light illumination solar cell surface, part of photons by silicon material absorption; The photon energy transfer has given the silicon atom, caused the electron to occur more moved, becomes the free electron to tie the both sides in P-N to gather has formed the potential difference, when exterior key-on, under this voltage's function, will have the electric current to wind through the exterior electric circuit to have certain output. This process's essence is: The photon energy transforms the electrical energy the process.5. Crystalline silicon solar cell's manufacture process:The silicon is on our star preserves one of most abundant quantity materials. Had discovered after the 19th century scientists crystalline silicon semiconductor characteristic, it changed all nearly, even humanity's thought. 20 century's ends, in our life everywhere obviously “silicon” the f orm and the function, the crystalline silicon solar cell is in the recent 15 years forms the industrial production to be quickest. The production process may divide into five steps approximately: a、depuration process.b、pulls good process.c、slice process.d、system battery process.e、and the seal process.6. Solar cell's application:In the 1960s, the scientists already applied the solar cells in the spatial technology-communication satellite power supply, on the century's end, in the human self-introspection's process, bends down unceasingly regarding the light generates electricity this kind so clean and the direct energy form already even more kind, not only in the spatial application, but also gives full play in the numerous domains.For example: The solar energy garden lamp, the solar electrical energy generation household with the system, the stockaded village power supply's independent system, the light bends down the water pump (potable water or irrigation), the correspondence power source, the petroleum oil pipeline cathodic protection, the fiber optic cable communications pumping station power source, in the seawater desalination system, the cities the guidepost, the highway guidepost and so on. Europe and America and so on advanced countries bend down the electricitygeneration the light to merge the city to use electricity the system and the remote border district nature village power supply system integrate the development direction. The solar cell and the building system's union already formed the industrial production tendency.参考译文:太阳能发电随着经济的发展、社会的进步,人们对能源提出越来越高的要求,寻找新能源成为当前人类面临的迫切课题。

文献信息:文献标题:A New Controller Scheme for Photovoltaics Power Generation Systems(光伏发电系统的一种新的控制方案)国外作者:Tamer T.N.Khatib,Azah Mohamed,Nowshad Amin文献出处:《European Journal of Scientific Research》,2009,Vol.33 No.3, pp515-524字数统计:英文1337单词,7006字符;中文2149汉字外文文献:A New Controller Scheme for Photovoltaics PowerGeneration SystemsAbstract:This paper presents a new controller scheme for photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems. The proposed PV controller scheme controls both the boost converter and the battery charger by using a microcontroller in order to extract maximum power from the PV array and control the charging process of the battery. The objective of the paper is to present a cost effective boost converter design and an improved maximum power point tracking algorithm for the PV system. A MATLAB based simulation model of the proposed standalone PV system has been developed to evaluate the feasibility of the system in ensuring maximum power point operation.1.IntroductionRecently, the installation of PV generation systems is rapidly growing due to concerns related to environment, global warming, energy security, technology improvements and decreasing costs. PV generation system is considered as a clean and environmentally-friendly source of energy. The main applications of PV systems are in either standalone or grid connected configurations. Standalone PV generationsystems are attractive as indispensable electricity source for remote areas. However, PV generation systems have two major problems which are related to low conversion efficiency of about 9 to 12 % especially in low irradiation conditions and the amount of electric power generated by PV arrays varies continuously with weather conditions. Therefore, many research works are done to increase the efficiency of the energy produced from the PV arrays.The solar cell V-I characteristics is nonlinear and varies with irradiation and temperature. But there is a unique point on the V-I and P-V curves, called as the maximum power point (MPP), at which at this point the PV system is said to operate with maximum efficiency and produces its maximum power output. The location of the MPP is not known but can be traced by either through calculation models or search algorithms. Thus, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques are needed to maintain the PV array’s operating point at its MPP. Many MPPT techniques have been proposed in the literature in which the techniques vary in many aspects, including simplicity, convergence speed, hardware implementation and range of effectiveness. However, the most widely used MPPT technique is the perturbation and observation (P&O) method. This paper presents a simple MPPT algorithm which can be easily implemented and adopted for low cost PV applications. The objective of this paper is to design a novel PV controller scheme with improved MPPT method.The proposed standalone PV controller implementation takes into account mathematical model of each component as well as actual component specification. The dc–dc or boost converter is the front-end component connected between the PV array and the load. The conventional boost converter may cause serious reverse recovery problem and increase the rating of all devices. As a result, the conversion efficiency is degraded and the electromagnetic interference problem becomes severe under this situation. To increase the conversion efficiency, many modified step-up converter topologies have been investigated by several researchers. V oltage clamped techniques have been incorporated in the converter design to overcome the severe reverse-recovery problem of the output diodes. In this paper, focus is also given in the boost converter design. Another important component in the standalone PV systemsis the charge controller which is used to save the battery from possible damage due to over-charging and over-discharging. Studies showed that the life time of a battery can be degraded without using a charge controller.The proposed new controller scheme for the standalone PV system controls both the boost converter and the charge controller in two control steps. The first step is to control the boost converter so as to extract the maximum power point of the PV modules. Here, a high step-up converter is considered for the purpose of stepping up the PV voltage and consequently reducing the number of series-connected PV modules and to maintain a constant dc bus voltage. A microcontroller is used for data acquisition that gets PV module operating current and voltage and is also used to program the MPPT algorithm. The controller adopts the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique to increase the duty cycle of the generated pulses as the PV voltage decreases so as to obtain a stable output voltage and current close to the maximum power point. The second control step is to control the charge controller for the purpose of protecting the batteries. By controlling the charging current using the PWM technique and controlling the battery voltage during charging, voltages higher than the gassing voltage can be avoided.2.Design of the Proposed Photovoltaic SystemMost of the standalone PV systems operate in one mode only such that the PV system charges the battery which in turns supply power to the load. In this mode of operation, the life cycle time of the battery may be reduced due to continuous charging and discharging of the battery. The proposed standalone PV system as shown in terms of a block diagram in Figure 1 is designed to operate in two modes: PV system supplies power directly to loads and when the radiation goes down and the produced energy is not enough, the PV system will charge the battery which in turns supply power to the load. To manage these modes of operation, a controller is connected to the boost converter by observing the PV output power.3.MethodologyFor the purpose of estimating the mathematical models developed for the proposed standalone PV system, simulations were carried in terms of the MATLAB codes. Each PV module considered in the simulation has a rating of 80 Watt at 1000 W/m2, 21.2 V open circuit voltage, 5A short circuit current. The PV module is connected to a block of batteries with of sizing 60 Ah, 48 V.4.Results and DiscussionThe simulation results of the standalone PV system using a simple MPPT algorithm and an improved boost converter design are described in this section. Simulations were carried out for the PV system operating above 30o C ambient temperature and under different values of irradiation. Figure 9 shows the PV array I-V characteristic curve at various irradiation values. From the figure, it is observed that the PV current increase linearly as the irradiation value is increased. However, the PV voltage increases in logarithmic pattern as the irradiation increases. Figure 10 shows the PV array I-V characteristic curve at various temperature values. It is noted from the figure that, the PV voltage decreases as the ambient temperature is increased.Figure 4 compares the PV array P-V characteristics obtained from using the proposed MPPT algorithm and the classical MPPT P&O algorithm. From this figure, it can be seen that by using the proposed MPPT algorithm, the operating point of PV array is much closer to the MPP compared to the using the classical P&O algorithm.In addition, the proposed boost converter is able to give a stable output voltage as shown in Figure 5. In terms of PV array current, it can be seen from Figure 6 that the PV current is closer to the MPP current when using the improved MPPT algorithm. Thus, the track operating point is improved by using the proposed MPPT algorithm. In terms of efficiency of the standalone PV system which is calculated by dividing the load power with the maximum power of PV array, it is noted that the efficiency of the system is better with the proposed MPPT algorithm as compared to using the classical P&O algorithm as shown in Figure 7.5.ConclusionThis paper has presented an efficient standalone PV controller by incorporating an improved boost converter design and a new controller scheme which incorporates both a simple MPPT algorithm and a battery charging algorithm. The simulation results show that the PV controller using the simple MPPT algorithm has provided more power and better efficiency (91%) than the classical P&O algorithm. In addition, the proposed boost converter design gives a better converter efficiency of about 93%. Such a PV controller design can provide efficient and stable power supply for remote mobile applications.中文译文:光伏发电系统的一种新的控制方案摘要:本文提出了一种新的光伏(PV)发电系统控制器方案。

一切论文免费Introduction1.1 Photovoltaic Energy Conversion1.2 solar Cells and Solar Energy Conversion1.3 solar Cell ApplicationsReferences1.1PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY CONVERSIONPhotovoltaic energy conversion is the direct production of electrical energy in the form of current and voltage from electromagnetic (i.e., light,including infrared, visible. and ultraviolet) energy. The basic four steps needed for photovoltaic energy conversion are:1. a light absorption process which causes a transition in a material(the absorber) from ground state to an excited state,2.the conversion of the excited state into (at least) a free negativeand free positive-charge carriers pair, and3. discriminating transport mechanism, which causes the resultingfree negative-charge carriers to move in one direction (to a con-tact that we will call the cathode) and the resulting free positive-charge carriers to move in another direction (to a contact that wewill call the anode).The energetic photogenerated negative-charge carriers arriving, at the cathode result in electrons which travel through an external path (an electric circuit). While traveling this path, they lose their energy doing something useful at an electrical "load," and finally they return to the anode of the cell. At the anode, every one of the returning electrons completes the fourth step of photovoltaic energy conversion, which is closing the circle by4. combining with an arriving positive-charge carrier, thereby returning theabsorber to the ground state.In some materials, the excited state may be a photogenerated free electron-free hole pair. In such a situation, step 1 and step 2 coalesce. In some materials, the excited state may be an exciton, In which case steps 1 and 2 are distinct.A study of the various man-made photovoltaic devices that carry out these four steps is the subject of this text. Our main interest is photovoltaic devices that can efficiently convert the energy in sunlight into usable electrical energy. Such devices are termed solar cells or solar photovoltaic devices. Photovoltaic devices can be designed to be effective for electromagnetic spectra other than sunlight. For example, devices can be designed to convert radiated heat (infrared light) into usable electrical energy. These are termed thermal photovoltaic devices. There are also devices which directly convert light into chemical energy. In these, the photogenerated excited state isused to drive chemical reactions rather than to drive electrons through an electric circuit. One example is the class of devices used for photolysis. While our emphasis is on solar cells for producing electrical energy, photolysis is briefly discussed later in the book .1.2 SOLAR CELLS AND SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSIONThe energy supply for a solar cell is photons coming from the sun .This input is distributed ,in ways that depend on variables like latitude, time of day, and atmospheric conditions ,over different wavelengths .the various distributions that are possible called solar spectra. The product of this light energy input, in the case of a solar cell, is usable electrical energy in the form of current and voltage. Some common "standard" energy supplies from the sun, which are available at or on the earth, are plot- ted against wavelength (λ) in W/㎡/nm spectra in Figure 1.l A. An alternative photons/㎡-s/nm spectrum is seen in Figure 1.1B.The spectra in Figure 1.1A give the power impinging per area(㎡)in a band of wavelengths 1 nm wide (the bandwitdth ∆λ)centered on each wavelength λ. In this figure, the AM0 spectrum is based on ASTM standard E 490FIGURE 1.1 Solar energy spectra.(a): Data expressed in watts per ㎡per nm bandwidth for()d hc λλλλΦ⎰AMO (from Ref .1 with permission) and for AM l.5G , and AW1.5D spectra(from Ref.2, with permission).(b): The AM l.5G data expressed in terms of impinging photons per second per cm² per 20 nm bandwidth.and is used for satellite applications. The AM1.5G spectrum, based on ASTM standard G173, is for terrestrial applications and includes direct and diffuse light .It integrates to 1000 W/㎡.the AM1.5D spectrum,also based on G173 ,is for terrestrial applications but includes direct light only. It integrates to 888 W/㎡. The spectrum in Figure 1.l B has been obtained from the AM1.5G spectrum of Figure 1.l A by converting power to photons per second per cm2 and by using a bandwidth of 20nm. Photon spectra Φ(λ), exemplified by that in Figure 1.l B, are more convenient for solar cell assessments, because optimally one photon translates into one free electron-free hole pair via steps 1 and 2 of the four steps needed for photovoltaic energy conversion.Standard spectra are needed in solar cell research, development, and marketing because the actual spectrum impinging on a cell in operation can vary due to weather, season, time of day, and location. Having standard spectra allows the experimental solar cell performance of one device to be compared to that of other devices and to be judged fairly, since the cens can be exposed to the same agreed-upon spectrum. The comparisons can be done even in the laboratory since standard distributions can be duplicated using solar simulators.The total power Pin per area impinging on a cell for a given photon spectrum Φ。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系:电气工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化专业姓名:刘哲瑄外文出处:University of Technology, Mauritius University of Mauritius B SeetanahAJ Khadaroo学号: 2011316020526 :附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
附件1:外文资料翻译译文太阳能发电技术——光伏发电系统控制器1 太阳能充放电控制器现状1.1太阳能光伏发电太阳能作为新能源有着巨大的优势,所以世界各国都在努力研发新技术进行获取比较成熟的是太阳能光伏发电技术。

Photovoltaic System Design1 IntroductionAfter PV workers unremitting efforts, solar cell production technology constantly improve, and increasingly widely used in various fields. Posts and telecommunications in particular, the telecommunications industry in recent years because of the rapid development of communication power requirements have become more sophisticated, so stable and reliable power Solar energy is widely used in communications. And how the various regions of solar radiation conditions, to the design of both economic and reliable photovoltaic power system, which is one of the many experts and scholars study the long-standing issue, but there are many excellent research results, for the development of China's photovoltaic laid a solid foundation. The author of the study at the design methodology of experts found that the design has only considered the self-maintenance of battery time (that is, the longest consecutive rainy days), without taking into account the loss of electric batteries as soon as possible after the recovery time (ie, two sets of the longest continuous rain days, the shortest interval between the days). This problem particularly in the southern China region should pay great attention to the southern region because of our rainy day is long too, and for the convenience of independent photovoltaic power system, because there is no other emergency backup power protection, so this problem should be included in the design considered together.In this paper, an integrated design method of the previous advantages, combinedwith the author over the years actually engaged in the design of photovoltaic power systems experience, the introduction of two sets of the longest consecutive rainy days, the shortest interval between the number of days as the basis for the design of one, and comprehensive consideration of the the impact of solar radiation conditions of the factors that made solar cells, the formula for calculating battery capacity, and related design methods.2 Many factors affect the designSun solar cells on the ground square on the radiation of light spectrum, light intensity by the thickness of the atmosphere (ie air quality), geographic location, the location of the climate and weather, terrain and surface features such as the impact of its energy in one day, January and a year of great change, or even years between the total annual amount of radiation There were also large differences.Square solar photoelectric conversion efficiency, by the battery itself, temperature, sunlight intensity and battery voltage fluctuations, which is three in one day will change, so square photovoltaic solar cell conversion efficiency is also variable.Battery is charging in the float state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature.Solar energy battery charge and discharge controller made by the electronic components manufacturer, it is also necessary energy, while the use of components ofperformance, quality, etc. is also related to the size of energy consumption, thus affecting the efficiency of charge.Load of electricity, but also as determined by uses, such as communications relay stations, unmanned weather stations and so on, have a fixed power equipment. Some equipment such as a lighthouse, beacon lights, civilian power consumption such as lighting and equipment power consumption are often changing.Therefore, the solar power system design, the need to consider many factors and complex. Characteristics are: the data used in most previous statistical data, the statistical data measurement and data selection are important.Designers of the mission are: In the solar cell matrix under the conditions of the environment (that is, the scene of the geographical location, solar radiation, climate, weather, terrain and surface features, etc.), the design of solar cell and battery power system matrix is We should pay attention to economic efficiency, but also to ensure system reliability.Location of a particular energy of solar radiation data to meteorological information provided the basis for the design of solar cells used phalanx. These meteorological data required to check the accumulation of several years or even decades on average.Various regions on the Earth by sunlight and radiation changes in the cycle for the day, 24h. In a square area of solar cells also have the power output 24h of the cyclical changes in its laws and sun radiation in the region, the changes of the same.However, changes in weather will affect the square of the generating capacity. If you have a few days consecutive rain days, almost square on the power generation should not rely on batteries to power, and battery depth of discharge and then need to be added as soon as possible good. Most designers in order to weather the sun to provide a daily total of radiation energy or the annual average sunshine hours as the design of the main data. Each year because of a regional data is not the same as for the sake of reliability should be taken within the last decade of the minimum data. Under the load of electricity consumption, in sunshine and no sunshine when battery power is required. Weather provided by solar power or the total amount of radiation the total sunshine hours on the battery capacity of the size of the decision is indispensable data.Phalanx of the solar cell, the load should include all power system devices (except for use but also have a battery and electrical circuits, controllers, etc.) consumption. Matrix components of the output power and the number of series-parallel, and series are required in order to obtain the operating voltage, in parallel are necessary in order to obtain the current work, an appropriate number of components through which the composition of series-parallel connection of solar cells required phalanx.3 Designed capacity of batteriesSolar cell power supply system is the battery energy storage devices. And solar cell batteries are usually square matching job at Floating state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Its load capacity than the powerrequired is much greater. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature. And solar cells in order to match the job requirements of long life battery and easy maintenance.(1)Battery SelectionAnd be able to support the use of solar cells, many different types of batteries, widely used at present have lead-acid maintenance-free batteries, ordinary lead-acid batteries and alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries of three. Domestic use are mainly maintenance-free lead-acid batteries, because of its inherent "free"maintenance of properties and less polluting to the environment characteristics, it is suitable for the performance of reliable power systems solar power, especially in unattended workstations. Ordinary lead-acid batteries require regular maintenance because of its larger environmental pollution, so the main suitable for the maintenance of the ability or have the use of low-grade occasions. Although alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries have better low-temperature, over-charge, take-off performance, but because of their higher prices, only applies to more special occasions.(2)Calculation of battery capacityBattery capacity to ensure continuous power supply is very important. At one year, the month of matrix generation has very different. Phalanx at the generating capacity can not meet the electricity needs of the month, to rely on battery power give supplement; electricity required in more than month, are relying on batteries to storeexcess energy.Phalanx so inadequate generating capacity and surplus value, is to determine the basis for one of the battery capacity. Similarly, the continuous overcast and rainy days during the load of electricity must also be obtained from the battery. Therefore, the power consumption during this period to determine the battery capacity is also one of the factors.光伏系统设计1引言通过光伏工作者们坚持不懈旳努力,太阳能电池旳生产技术不停得到提高,并且日益广泛地应用于各个领域。

The Basics of Solar Power for Producing Electricity Using solar power to produce electricity is not the same as using solar to produce heat. Solar thermal principles are applied to produce hot fluids or air. Photovoltaic principles are used to produce electricity. A solar panel is made of the natural element, silicon, which becomes charged electrically when subjected to sun light.Solar panels are directed at solar south in the northern hemisphere and solar north in the southern hemisphere (these are slightly different than magnetic compass north-south directions) at an angle dictated by the geographic location and latitude of where they are to be installed. Typically, the angle of the solar array is set within a range of between site-latitude-plus 15 degrees and site-latitude-minus 15 degrees, depending on whether a slight winter or summer bias is desirable in the system. Many solar arrays are placed at an angle equal to the site latitude with no bias for seasonal periods.The intensity of the Sun's radiation changes with the hour of the day, time of the year and weather conditions. To be able to make calculations in planning a system, the total amount of solar radiation energy is expressed in hours of full sunlight perm, or Peak Sun Hours. This term, Peak Sun Hours, represents the average amount of sun available per day throughout the year.It is presumed that at "peak sun", 1000 W/m of power reaches the surface of the earth. One hour of full sun provides 1000 Wh perm = 1 kWh/m - representing the solar energy received in one hour on a cloudless summer day on a one-square meter surface directed towards the sun. To put this in some other perspective, the United States Department of Energy indicates the amount of solar energy that hits the surface of the earth every +/- hour is greater than the total amount of energy that the entire human population requires in a year. Another perspective is that roughly 100 square miles of solar panels placed in the southwestern . could power the country.The daily average of Peak Sun Hours, based on either full year statistics, or average worst month of the year statistics, for example, is used for calculation purposes in the design of the system. To see the average Peak Sun Hours for your area in the United States, Choose the area closest to your location for a good indication of your average Peak Sun Hours.For a view of global solar isolation values (peak sun-hours) use this link: , then, you can use [back] or [previous] on your browser to return right here if you want to.So it can be concluded that the power of a system varies, depending on the intended geographical location. Folks in the northeastern . will need more solar panels in their system to produce the same overall power as those living in Arizona. We can advise you on this if you have any doubts about your area.The four primary components for producing electricity using solar power, which provides common 120 volt AC power for daily use are: Solar panels, charge controller, battery and inverter. Solar panels charge the battery, and the charge regulator insures proper charging of the battery. The battery provides DC voltage to the inverter, and the inverter converts the DC voltage to normal AC voltage. If 240 volts AC is needed, then either a transformer is added or two identical inverters are series-stacked to produce the 240 volts.The output of a solar panel is usually stated in watts, and the wattage is determined by multiplying the rated voltage by the rated amperage. The formula for wattage is VOLTS times AMPS equals WATTS. So for example, a 12 volt 60 watt solar panel measuring about 20 ×44 inches has a rated voltage of and a rated amperage.V × A = Wvolts times amps equals 60 wattsIf an average of 6 hours of peak sun per day is available in an area, then the above solar panel can produce an average 360 watt hours of power per day; 60w times 6 hrs= 360 watt-hours. Since the intensity of sunlight contacting the solar panel varies throughout the day, we use the term "peak sun hours" as a method to smooth out the variations into a daily average. Early morning and late-in-the-day sunlight produces less power than the mid-day sun. Naturally, cloudy days will produce less power than bright sunny days as well. When planning a system your geographical area is rated in average peak sun hours per day based on yearly sun data. Average peak sun hours for various geographical areas is listed in the above section.Solar panels can be wired in series or in parallel to increase voltage or amperage respectively, and they can be wired both in series and in parallel to increase both volts and amps. Series wiring refers to connecting the positive terminal of one panel to the negative terminal of another. The resulting outer positive and negative terminals will produce voltage the sum of the two panels, but the amperage stays the same as one panel. So two 12 volt/ amp panels wired in series produces 24 volts at amps. Four of these wired in series would produce 48 volts at amps. Parallel wiring refers to connecting positive terminals to positive terminals and negative to negative. Theresult is that voltage stays the same, but amperage becomes the sum of the number of panels. So two 12 volt/ amp panels wired in parallel would produce 12 volts at 7 amps. Four panels would produce 12 volts at 14 amps.A charge controller monitors the battery's state-of-charge to insure that when the battery needs charge-current it gets it, and also insures the battery isn't over-charged. Connecting a solar panel to a battery without a regulator seriously risks damaging the battery and potentially causing a safety concern.Charge controllers (or often called charge regulator) are rated based on the amount of amperage they can process from a solar array. If a controller is rated at 20 amps it means that you can connect up to 20 amps of solar panel output current to this one controller. The most advanced charge controllers utilize a charging principal referred to as Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) - which insures the most efficient battery charging and extends the life of the battery. Even more advanced controllers also include Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) which maximizes the amount of current going into the battery from the solar array by lowering the panel's output voltage, which increases the charging amps to the battery - because if a panel can produce 60 watts with volts and amps, then if the voltage is lowered to say 14 volts then the amperage increases to (14v ×amps = 60 watts) resulting in a 19% increase in charging amps for this example.Many charge controllers also offer Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) and Battery Temperature Compensation (BTC) as an optional feature. The LVD feature permits connecting loads to the LVD terminals which are then voltage sensitive. If the battery voltage drops too far the loads are disconnected - preventing potential damage to both the battery and the loads. BTC adjusts the charge rate based on the temperature of the battery since batteries are sensitive to temperature variations above and below about 75F degrees.The Deep Cycle batteries used are designed to be discharged and then re-charged hundreds or thousands of times. These batteries are rated in Amp Hours (ah) - usually at 20 hours and 100 hours. Simply stated, amp hours refers to the amount of current - in amps - which can be supplied by the battery over the period of hours. For example, a 350ah battery could supply continuous amps over 20 hours or 35 continuous amps for 10 hours. To quickly express the total watts potentially available in a 6 volt 360ah battery; 360ah times the nominal 6 volts equals 2160 watts or (kilowatt-hours). Like solar panels, batteries are wired in series and/or parallel to increase voltage to the desired level and increase amp hours.The battery should have sufficient amp hour capacity to supply needed power during the longest expected period "no sun" or extremely cloudy conditions. A lead-acid battery should be sized at least 20% larger than this amount. If there is a source of back-up power, such as a standby generator along with a battery charger, the battery bank does not have to be sized for worst case weather conditions.The size of the battery bank required will depend on the storage capacity required, the maximum discharge rate, the maximum charge rate, and the minimum temperature at which the batteries will be used. During planning, all of these factors are looked at, and the one requiring the largest capacity will dictate the battery size.One of the biggest mistakes made by those just starting out does not understand the relationship between amps and amp-hour requirements of 120 volt AC items versus the effects on their DC low voltage batteries. For example, say you have a 24 volt nominal system and an inverter powering a load of 3 amps, 120VAC, which has a duty cycle of 4 hours per day. You would have a 12 amp hour load (3A × 4 hrs=12 ah). However, in order to determine the true drain on your batteries you have to divide your nominal battery voltage (24v) into the voltage of the load (120v), which is 5, and then multiply this times your 120vac amp hours (5 × 12 ah). So in this case the calculation would be 60 amp hours drained from your batteries - not the 12 ah. Another simple way is to take the total watt-hours of your 120VAC device and divide by nominal system voltage. Using the above example; 3 amps × 120 volts × 4 hours = 1440 watt-hours divided by 24 DC volts = 60 amp hours.Lead-acid batteries are the most common in PV systems because their initial cost is lower and because they are readily available nearly everywhere in the world. There are many different sizes and designs of lead-acid batteries, but the most important designation is that they are deep cycle batteries. Lead-acid batteries are available in both wet-cell (requires maintenance) and sealed no-maintenance versions. AGM and Gel-cell deep-cycle batteries are also popular because they are maintenance free and they last a lot longer.太阳能发电的基础太阳能发电板由天然成分的硅制成,受太阳光控制的电池板。

1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了太阳能热利用中一部分关于天文与辐射的术语。
2 引用标准GB 3102.6 光及有关电磁辐射的量和单位GB 4270 热工图形符号与文字代号3 天文3.1 天球celestial sphere为研究天体的位置和运动而辅设的一个半径为无限长的假想球体。
3.2 天轴celestial axis天球的自转轴。
3.3 天极celestial pole天轴与天球相交的两个交点的统称。
3.4 北天极celestial north pole北半天球上的天极。
3.5 南天极celestial south pole南半天球上的天极。
3.6 天顶zenith观测点铅垂线向上延长与天球相交的交点。
3.7 天底nadir观测点铅垂线向下延长与天球相交的交点。
3.8 天赤道celestial equator通过天球中心并垂直于天轴的平面与天球相交的大圆。
3.9 天球子午圈celestial meridian天球上通过天顶和天极的大圆。
同义词天球子午线3.10 时圈hour circle天球上通过两天极的任一大圆。
同义词赤经圈right ascension circle3.11 地平面horizontal plane地球表面观测点以铅垂线为法线的切平面。
3.12 地平圈horizontal circle通过天球中心并垂直于天顶-天底连线的平面与天球相交的大圆。
同义词地平线horizon3.13 地平经圈vertical circle天球上通过天顶和天底的任一大圆。
3.14 角距离angular distance天球大圆上任意两点所对应的圆心角。
3.15 天球坐标系celestial coordinate system为确定天体在天球上的投影位置和运动而引入的球面坐标系。

(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文翻译英文原文Historical Review of Solar EnergySolar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from H together into a helium the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and continue to the space radiation energy, which is solar energy. This solar nuclear fusion reaction inside the can to maintain the hundreds of millions of first time. Solar radiation to space launch 3.8x10 ^ 23kW power of the radiation, of which 20 billionth of the Earths atmosphere to reach. Solar energy reaching the Earths atmosphere, 30% of the atmosphere reflectance, 23% of atmospheric absorption, and the rest to reach the Earths surface.Its power of 80 trillion kW, that is to say a second exposure to the suns energy on Earth is equivalent to five million tons of coal combustion heat release. The average per square meter in the atmosphere outside the area of energy per minute to receiveabout 1367w. A broad sense of the solar energy on earth many sources, such as w ind energy, chemical energy, potential energy of water and so on. The narrow sense is limited to solar radiation of solar light thermal, photovoltaic and photochemical conversion of the directly.At this stage, the worlds solar energy is still the focus of the study of solar energy power plant, but the diversification of the use of the condenser, and the introduction of flat-plate collector and a low boiling point working fluid, the device gradually expanded up to maximum output power 73.64kW, Objective To compare the clear and practical, cost remains high. The construction of a typical device are as follows: 1901, California built a solar-powered pumping devices, the use of truncated cone condenser power: 7.36kW; 1902 ~ 1908 years, built in the United States five sets of double-cycle solar-powered engines, the use of flat-panel collector and a low boiling point working fluid; in 1913,Human use of solar energy has a long history. China more than 2000 years ago, back in the Warring States period, one will find that the use of four steel mirror to focus sunlight ignition; use of solar energy to dry agricultural products. The development of modern, solar energy has become increasingly widespread use, it includes the use of solar energy solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and solar energy use, such as the photochemical use. The use of solar photochemical reaction, a passive use (photo-thermal conversion) and the photoelectric conversion in two ways. A new solar power and renewable sources of energy use.Silicon photovoltaic cells mainly in the absorption of solar light energy emitted by silicon photocell is mainly extracted from the sand by the development of Bell Labs. Solar energy is the internal or the surface of the sun sunspot continuous process of nuclear fusion reactions produce energy. Earths orbit on the average solar radiation intensity for the 1367w / ㎡. Circumference of the Earths equator to 40000km, and thus calculated the Earths energy can be obtained 173000TW. At sea level standard for peak intensity 1kw/m2, a point on the Earths surface 24h of the annual average radiation intensity 0.20kw / ㎡, which is equivalent to have 102000TW energy Human dependence on these energy to survive, including all other forms of renewable energy (except for geothermal energy resources), although the total amount of solar energy resources is the human equivalent of the energy used by ten thousand times, but low energy density of solar energy, and it vary from place to place, from time to time change, the development and utilization of solar energy which is facing a major problem. These features will make solar energy in the integrated energy systemof the role of subject to certain restrictions.The use of solar cells, through the photoelectric conversion to solar energy conversion is included in electricity, the use of solar water heaters, the use of solar heat hot water and use water for power generation, using solar energy for desalination. Now, the use of solar energy is not very popular, the use of solar power costs are h igh there, the problem of low conversion efficiency, but for satellite solar cells to provide energy has been applied.Although the Earths atmosphere solar radiation to the total energy only 22 billionths of a radiation energy, it has been as high as 173,000 TW, that is to say a second exposure to the suns energy on Earth is equivalent to five million tons of coal. Earth wind energy, hydropower, ocean thermal energy, wave energy and tidal energy as well as some comes from the sun; even in the face of the earths fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) that is fundamentally Since ancient times the storage of solar energy down, so by including a broad range of solar energy is very large, he narrow sense is limited to solar radiation of solar light thermal, photovoltaic and photochemical conversion of the directly.Solar energy is the first time, but also renewable energy. It is rich in resources, can use free of charge, and without transportation, without any pollution to the environment. For mankind to create a new life, so that social and human energy into a era of reducing pollution.Solar cells have to respond to a light and convert solar energy to power the device. Photovoltaic effect can produce many kinds of materials, such as: single crystal silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium selenium. They are basically the same principle of power generation is now crystal as an example to describe the process of light generation. P-type crystalline silicon available after phosphorus-doped N-type silicon, the formation of P-N junction.When the surface of solar light, the silicon material to be part of photon absorption; photon energy transfer to the silicon atom, electronic transitions have taken place, as a free-electron concentration in the PN junction formed on both sides of the potential difference, when the external circuit connected when the effects of the voltage, there will be a current flowing through the external circuit have a certain amount of output power. The substance of this process are: photon energy into electrical energy conversion process.Si is our planets abundance of storage materials. Since the 19th century,scientists discovered the properties of crystalline silicon semiconductor, it almo st changed everything, even human thought, end of the 20th century. Our lives can be seen everywhere, silicon figure and role of crystalline silicon solar cells is the formation of the past 15 years the fastest growing industry. Production process can be divided into five steps: a, purification process b, the process of pulling rod c, slicing the process of d, the process of system battery e, the course package.Solar photovoltaicIs a component of photovoltaic panels in the sun exposure will generate direct current power generation devices, from virtually all semiconductor materials (eg silicon) are made of thin photovoltaic cells composed of solid. Because there is no part of activity, and would thus be a long time operation would not lead to any loss. Simple photovoltaic cells for watches and computers to provide energy, and more complex PV systems to provide lighting for the housing and power supply. Photovoltaic panels can be made into components of different shapes, and components can be connected to generate more power. In recent years, the surface of the roof and building will be the use of photovoltaic panels components,Even be used as windows, skylights or sheltered part of devices, which are often called photovoltaic facilities with PV systems in buildings.Solar thermalModern technology solar thermal polymerization sunlight and use its energy produced hot water, steam and electricity. In addition to the use of appropriate technology to collect solar energy, the building can also make use of the su ns light and heat energy is added in the design of appropriate equipment, such as large windows or use of the south can absorb and slowly release the sun heat the building materials .According to records, human use of solar energy has more than 3,000 years of history. To solar energy as an energy and power use, only 300 years of history. The real solar as the near future to add much-needed energy, the basis of the future energy mix is the latest thing. Since the 20th century, 70s, solar technology has made rapid advances, solar energy use with each passing day. Solar energy utilization in modern history from the French engineers in 1615 in the Solomon and Germany Cox invented the worlds first solar-powered engines run. The invention is a use of solar energy heating the air to the expansion and pumping machines acting.In 1615 ~ 1900, between the developed world and more than one solar power plant and a number of other solar energy devices. Almost all of these power plantscollect the sun means the use of condenser, engine power is not, the working fluid is water vapor, which is very expensive, not practical value, the majority of individual studies for manufacturing solar enthusiasts. 100 years of the 20th century, the history of the development of solar energy technology in general can be divided into seven stages.1. The First Stage (1900---1920)In this stage, the research focus of solar energy in the world were still on the solar-powered device which variable photospot method were applied and flat plate heat collector and low boiling point actuating medium were started to use; the capacity of the device was gradually expanded with the max. output power of 73.46kW; device was utilized with the definite end-use and in higher cost.The typical built device included: one set of solar energy pumping device constructed in California of U.S in 1901 which employed truncation taper photospot with the power of 7.36kW; 5 sets of twin-circulated solar-powered engine built in U.S in 1902 to 1908 which employed the flat plate heat collector and low boiling point actuating medium; 1 set of solar energy pump comprised of 5 parabolic mirror in a length of 62.5m, width of 4m built in Cairo of Egypt in which the total light collecting area could reach 1250m2.2. The Second Stage (1920-1965)For these 20 years, the research of solar energy was implementing on the poor stage, which the mandate to participate in the development and the research projects had been widely declined due to the mass utilization of fossil fuels and the second world war (1935---1945) while the s olar energy couldn’t satisfy the urgent demand upon the energy. Therefore, the research and development of solar energy was due to be gradually deserted.3. The Third Stage (1945-1965)For these 20 years after the Second World War, some foresight person has noticed that the petroleum and natural gas resources had been rapidly decreased and called for attention on these issues in order to gradually promote the recovery and development of the solar energy research. Solar energy institutes were setup and academic exchanges and exhibitions were held which raised the research upsurge again on solar energy.In this period, great progress was achieved in the research of solar energy, in particular: the foundation theory of selective paints proposed in the First International Solar Thermal Academic Conference in 1955, which black nickel had been developedas the practical selective paints, contributing to development of high-effective heat collector; the practical silicon solar cells developed by Bell Lab in U.S in 1954 which laid the foundation for large scale utilization of photovoltaic generation.Furthermore, there were still other significant results, including:a. One set of 50kW solar stove was built by French National Research Center in 1952;b. The worldwide prototype ammonia-water absorbing air conditioning system heated by flat plate heat collector with the capacity of 5 tons was built in Florida of U.S in 1960;c. An engine equipped with silicon window was invented in 1961.In this stage, research on foundation theory and foundation material of solar energy was reinforced and academic breakthrough, i.e. selective paints and silicon solar cells were achieved. The flat plate had been well developed and ripe in technologies. Progress had been achieved in the research of solar energy absorbing air conditioners and a batch of pilot solar room was established. Preliminary research was conducted on the engine and tower type solar-powered generation technologies.4. The Fourth Stage (1965---1973)In the stage, the research work on solar energy was standstill due to the reason that the utilization technologies of solar energy had entered into the growing stage which was no ripe in process, heavy in investment and lower in effect. Thus it cannot compete with conventional energy, which resulted in the absence of attention and support from the public, enterprise and government.5. The Fifth Stage (1973---1980)After petroleum played a leading role in the worldwide energy structure, it has been a key factor to control the economic and determine the fatal, development and declining of a country. After the explosion of Middle East War at Oc., 1973, OPEC employed the method of declining the production and increasing the price to support the struggle and safeguard the national benefits which resulted in heavy economic attack for those countries that relied on importing large amount of inexpensive petroleum from the region of Middle East. Thus, some people in the western countries were frightened to call that the energy or petroleum crisis had been launched in the world. This crisis made people realized that the existing energy structure should be completely changed and transition to the future energy structure should be speed up.From that on, many countries, especially the industrialized countries turned their attention towards the support on the research and development of solar energy andother renewable energy technologies. The upsurge of developing and utilizing solar energy had been raised again in the world. In 1973, U.S drew up a government scale sunlight power generation program which the research budget for solar energy were increased in a large amount, and solar energy development bank was to established to facilitate the solar energy products to be commercialized. In 1974, Japan published the sunlight program made by the government, among which the solar energy development projects included solar room, industrial-use solar energy system, solar thermal generation, solar cells production system, scattered and large scale photovoltaic generation system. In order to implement this program, the government of Japan input large amount of manpower, material resources and financial resources.The upsurge on the utilization of solar energy raised in 1970s in the world also impacted on China. Some foresight technicians started to devote to the solar energy industry one after another and positively proposed to the relative department of the government and published books and periodicals to introduce the international trends on the utilization of solar energy. Solar stove was popularized and utilized in countryside; solar water heater was launched in the city; solar cells used in space have started to be applied in the ground. In 1975, the first national solar energy utilization working exchanges conference held in An yang, Henan Province further promoted the development of solar energy industry in China. After this meeting, the solar energy research and promotion had been brought into the government program and awarded support of specialized fund and material. In some universities and institutes, solar energy task team and research departments were established one after another. Solar energy research institutes were also launched in some places. At that time, an upsurge on utilization of solar energy was emerging in China.During this period, research and development of solar energy entered into an unprecedented well-developed stage with the following characteristics:a. Each country enhanced planning on solar energy research. Many countries worked out short term and long-term sunlight program. The utilization of solar energy had been a governmental action with intensive support. The international cooperation was very active which some developing countries had started to participate in the utilization of solar energy.b. The research field was expanding; research work was developed day by day and significant results achieved, for example, CPC, vacuum heat collecting pipe, non-crystal silicon solar cells, water-photolyzed hydrogen production and solar energy thermal power generation.c. The solar energy development program worked out by each country existed the problems that the requirement was too high and urgent and insufficient expectation on difficulty in implementation. They have thought to replace the mineral energy in the short time and to utilize the solar energy in large scale. For example, U.S has once scheduled to build a small size solar energy demonstration satellite power station in 1985 and one set of 5 million kW space solar energy power station in 1995. In fact, this program has been adjusted in later, and the space solar energy power station has not yet been realized.d. Products such as solar water heater and solar cells were started to commercialize. The solar energy sector has been preliminarily established with a small scale and ineffective economic effects.6. The Sixth Stage (1980-1992)The upsurge on utilization of solar energy emerged in 1970s was fallen into a stage of being developed in a low and slow step in 1980s. Many countries in the world declined the research budget for solar energy in successive in a large amount, in particular the U.S.The main reasons resulted in this situation were that the international oil price was corrected in a large range while solar energy product cost was still remaining as before which may be of no competitive capability; no any significant breakthrough on solar energy technologies to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost which led to break down people’s confidence to develop solar energy; increased development on nuclear power which may restrain on a certain degree on the development of solar energy.Influenced on the turndown of solar energy in the worldwide in 1980s, research work in China also declined in a certain degree. Due to the reason that the utilization of solar energy was heavy in investment, ineffective in results, difficult in energy storage and large in land covering, solar energy should be considered as the future energy. Some person even proposed that the technology could be introduced after it would be developed successfully. Only few people supported such viewpoint, but it was very harmful which will result in unfavorable influence on the development of solar energy industry.During this period, although the research budget has been mitigated in a large amount, the research work remained uninterruptedly, among which some projects achieved progress which facilitated people to investigate seriously on the program and goads worked out before and to adjust the research focus so that to strive for greatachievement by less input.7. The Seventh Stage (1992---Until Now)Excessive burning of fossil fuel led to worldwide environmental pollution and ecological destruction, which has been threatened the substance and development of human beings. Under such circumstance, UN held the international environment and development conference in Brazil in 1992. On this meeting, a series of importan t document were published including the Environment and Development Manifesto,Agenda of 21st century and UN Framework Pact on Climate Changing in which the environment and development were brought into the integrated framework, and sustainable model was established. After this conference, each country enhanced the development of clean energy technologies, and developed the solar energy in line with the environmental protection so as to make the utilization of solar energy be well developed.After this conference, Chinese government also turned their attention towards the environment and development and pointed out 10 pieces of tactic and measure definitely to develop and popularize the clean energy including solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy, tidal energy and biomass energy in accordance with the reality; worked out Agenda of 21st century in China and further focused the solar energy projects. In 1995, the State Planning, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the State Ministry of Science and Technology worked out the Outline for Development of New and Renewable Energy from 1996 to 2010, which definitely pointed out the goads, objectives and relative tactic and measure towards the development of new and renewable energy from 1996 to 2010 in China. The publishing and implementation of the document further promoted the development of solar energy industry in China.In 1996, UN held the worldwide solar energy summit conference in Zimbabwe. The Solar Energy and Sustainable Development Manifesto was published after the meeting. Important document, i.e.Worldwide Solar Energy 10-Year Action and Program (1996---2005), International Solar Energy Pact, Worldwide Solar Energy Strategic Planning were discussed during the meeting. This meeting further showed eac h country’s commitment to developing the solar energy. Worldwide joint action was required to extensively utilize the solar energy.After 1992, the worldwide utilization of solar energy has entered into a developing stage with the characteristic that:a. The utilization of solar energy can be consistent to the sustainable development and environment protection, and can be carried out jointly to realize thedevelopment strategy in the world;b. Definite development goals with focus projects and effective measure, which will be favorable to overcome the shortage to ensure the long-term development of solar energy industry;c. In the course of expanding the research of solar energy, attention was paid to convert the academic results into production, develop solar energy industry, speed up the progress to be commercialized, expand the utilization field and scale and increase the economic benefits;d. Active international cooperation in the field of solar energy with expanding scale and obvious effect.In view of the review, the development of solar energy in the 20th century was not so smooth. Generally speaking, low tide period was happened after every high tide period. The low tide period lasted for nearly 45 years. The development of solar energy differed with that of coal, petroleum and nuclear energy in understanding and development period, which could be demonstrated that it was very difficulty to develop the solar energy and it cannot be realized to large scale utilize in the short term. On the other hand, it was showed that the utilization of solar energy was also affected by the supply of mineral energy, politics and war. However, in a word, the solar energy has achieved greatly in academic results in 20th century than in any other century.英文翻译太阳能利用史太阳能一般指太阳光的辐射能量。

传统的充电和保护IC 是分立的,占用而积大并且外围电路复杂。
电池的电压与温度有关,温度每升高1℃,单格电池电压下降4 mV,也就是说电池的浮充电压有负的温度系数-4 mV/℃。

光伏发电技术中英文资料外文翻译文献Research Article 1: Title of the ArticleAbstractResearch Article 2: Title of the ArticleAbstractThis research article focuses on the environmental impact of PV technology. It explains how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity and highlights the role of PV systems in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The article discusses the benefits and challenges associated with PV technology, including its dependence on sunlight, land requirements, and recyclability of materials. It also examines the life cycle assessment (LCA) of PV systems to evaluate their overall environmental performance. The research concludes by suggesting strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of PV technology, suchas improving panel efficiency and implementing responsible recycling practices.Research Article 3: Title of the ArticleAbstractThis article explores the economic aspects of PV technology. It analyzes the cost of installing and maintaining PV systems, including considerations for equipment, installation, and operation. The research discusses various financial incentives, such as government subsidies and tax credits, that promote the adoption of PV technology. It also highlights the economic benefits of PV systems, including job creation and energy independence. The article concludes by discussing the future potential of PV technology in reducing energy costs and stimulating economic growth.Research Article 4: Title of the ArticleAbstractThe focus of this research article is on the technical advancements in PV technology. It discusses the development of new materials and manufacturing processes to improve the efficiency and reliability of solar panels. The article explores the integration of PV systems with smart grid technology and how it enables better management of electricity generation and consumption. It also highlights the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing PV system performance. The research concludes by suggesting future research directions in PV technology, such as exploring nanomaterials and enhancing the intelligence of PV systems.Conclusion总结这份文献收录了关于光伏发电技术的各个方面的研究,涵盖了与环境影响、经济考量和技术进展相关的主题。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系:电气工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化专业姓名:刘哲瑄外文出处:University of Technology, Mauritius University of Mauritius B SeetanahAJ Khadaroo学号: 2011316020526 :附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
附件1:外文资料翻译译文太阳能发电技术——光伏发电系统控制器1 太阳能充放电控制器现状1.1太阳能光伏发电太阳能作为新能源有着巨大的优势,所以世界各国都在努力研发新技术进行获取比较成熟的是太阳能光伏发电技术。
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电池的电压与温度有关,温度每升高1℃,单格电池电压下降4 mV,也就是说电池的浮充电压有负的温度系数-4 mV/℃。
该模块内含有独立的限流放大器和电压控制电路,它可以控制芯片外驱动器,驱动器提供的输出电流为20~30 mA,可直接驱动外部串联的调整管,从而调整充电器的输出电压与电流。
电器进入涓流充电状态,当驱动器截止时,该比较器还能输出20 mA左右,进入涓流充电电流。
同时充电器连续监控电池组的两端电压,当电池电压达到转换电压过充转换电压V sam时,电池的电量己恢复到放出容量的70%~90%,充电器转入过充电状态。
在此状态下,充电器输出电压升高到过充电压V oc,由于充电器输出电压保持恒定不变,所以充电电流连续下降。
当电流下降到过充中止电流I oct时,电池的容量己达到额定容量的100%,充电器输出电压下降到较低的浮充电压V F。
而当电池放电电流变大,会引起VM管脚处的电压上升,若VM管脚处的电压在过电流检测电压V iov之上,则此时电池处于过电流状态,如果这种状态保持相应的过电流延时时间t iov,芯片禁止电池放电,这时充电控制端CO为高电平,而放电控制端DO为低电平,芯片处于过电流模式,一般为了对电池起到更加安全合理的保护,芯片会对电池的不同过放电电流采取不同的过放电电流延时时间保护。
当芯片的供电电压在过充电检测电压之上(V dd>V cu)时,则电池处于过充电状态,如果这种状态保持相应的过充电延时时间t cu芯片将禁止电池充电,此时放电控制端DO为高电平,而充电控制端CO为低电平,芯片处于过充电模式。
当芯片的供电电压在过放电检测电压之下(V dd<V dl),则此时电池处于过放电状态,如果这种状态保持相应的过放电延时时间t dl,芯片将禁止电池放电,此时充电控制端CO为高电平,而放电控制端DO为低电平,芯片处于过放电模式。
文中主要介绍欠压检测电路设计(图5) ,并给出带隙基准电路(图6) 。
5.仿真模拟结果与分析本设计电路采用CSMC 0.6 μm数字CMOS工艺对电路进行仿真分析。
在对电路做整体仿真时,主要观察的是保护模块对电池的充放电过程是否通过监测V dd电位和V m电位而使芯片的CO端和DO端发生相应的变化。
英语原文Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging and Protecting IC in Photovoltaic System1.IntroductionSolar energy as an inexhaustible, inexhaustible source of energy more and more attention. Solar power has become popular in many countries and regions, solar lighting has also been put into use in many cities in China. As a key part of the solar lighting, battery charging and protection is particularly important. Sealed maintenance-free lead-acid battery has a sealed, leak-free, pollution-free, maintenance-free, low-cost, reliable power supply during the entire life of the battery voltage is stable and no maintenance, the need for uninterrupted for the various types of has wide application in power electronic equipment, and portable instrumentation. Appropriate float voltage, in normal use (to prevent over-discharge, overcharge, over-current), maintenance-free lead-acid battery float life of up to 12 ~ 16 years float voltage deviation of 5% shorten the life of 1/2. Thus, the charge has a major impact on this type of battery life. Photovoltaic, battery does not need regular maintenance, the correct charge and reasonable protection, can effectively extend battery life. Charging and protection IC is the separation of the occupied area and the peripheral circuit complexity. Currently, the market has not yet real, charged with the protection function is integrated on a singlechip. For this problem, design a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC is very necessary.2.System design and considerationsThe system mainly includes two parts: the battery charger module and the protection module. Of great significance for the battery as standby power use of the occasion, It can ensure that the external power supply to the battery-powered, but also in the battery overcharge, over-current and an external power supply is disconnected the battery is to put the state to provide protection, the charge and protection rolled into one to make the circuit to simplify and reduce valuable product waste of resources. Figure 1 is a specific application of this Ic in the photovoltaic power generation system, but also the source of this design.Maintenance-free lead-acid battery life is usually the cycle life and float life factors affecting the life of the battery charge rate, discharge rate, and float voltage. Some manufacturers said that if the overcharge protection circuit, the charging rate can be achieved even more than 2C (C is the rated capacity of the battery), battery manufacturers recommend charging rate of C/20 ~ C/3. Battery voltage and temperature, the temperature is increased by 1 °C, single cell battery voltage drops 4 mV, negative temperature coefficient of -4 mV / °C means that the battery float voltage. Ordinary charger for the bestworking condition at 25 °C; charge less than the ambient temperature of 0 °C; at 45 °C may shorten the battery life due to severe overcharge. To make the battery to extend the working life, have a certain understanding and analysis of the working status of the battery, in order to achieve the purpose of protection of the battery. Battery, there are four states: normal state, over-current state over the state of charge, over discharge state. However, due to the impact of the different discharge current over-capacity and lifetime of the battery is not the same, so the battery over discharge current detection should be treated separately. When the battery is charging the state a long time, would severely reduce the capacity of the battery and shorten battery life. When the battery is the time of discharge status exceeds the allotted time, the battery, the battery voltage is too low may not be able to recharge, making the battery life is lower.Based on the above, the charge on the life of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries have a significant impact, while the battery is always in good working condition, battery protection circuit must be able to detect the normal working condition of the battery and make the action the battery can never normal working state back to normal operation, in order to achieve the protection of the battery.3.Units modular design3.1The charging moduleChip, charging module block diagram shown in Figure 2. The circuitry includes current limiting, current sensing comparator, reference voltage source, under-voltage detection circuit, voltage sampling circuit and logic control circuit.The module contains a stand-alone limiting amplifier and voltage control circuit, it can control off-chip drive, 20 ~30 mA, provided by the drive output current can directly drive an external series of adjustment tube, so as to adjust the charger output voltage and current . Voltage and current detection comparator detects the battery charge status, and control the state of the input signal of the logic circuit. When the battery voltage or current is too low, the charge to start the comparator control the charging. Appliances into the trickle charge state when the cut-off of the drive, the comparator can output about 20 mA into the trickle charge current. Thus, when the battery short-circuit or reverse, the charger can only charge a small current, to avoid damage to the battery charging current is too large. This module constitutes a charging circuit charging process is divided into two charging status: high-current constant-current charge state, high-voltage charge status and low-voltage constant voltage floating state. The charging process from the constant current charging status, the constant charging current of the charger output in this state. And the charger continuously monitors the voltage across the battery pack, the battery power has been restoredto 70% to 90% of the released capacity when the battery voltage reaches the switching voltage to charge conversion voltage V sam charger moves to the state of charge. In this state, the charger output voltage is increased to overcharge pressure V oc is due to the charger output voltage remains constant, so the charging current is a continuous decline. Current down to charge and suspend the current Ioct, the battery capacity has reached 100% of rated capacity, the charger output voltage drops to a lower float voltage V F.3.2 Protection ModuleChip block diagram of the internal protection circuit shown in Figure 3. The circuit includes control logic circuit, sampling circuit, overcharge detection circuit, over-discharge detection comparator, overcurrent detection comparator, load short-circuit detection circuit, level-shifting circuit and reference circuit (BGR).This module constitutes a protection circuit shown in Figure 4. Under the chip supply voltage within the normal scope of work, and the VM pin voltage at the overcurrent detection voltage, the battery is in normal operation, the charge and discharge control of the chip high power end of the CO and DO are level, when the chip is in normal working mode. Larger when the battery discharge current will cause voltage rise of the VM pin at the VM pin voltage at above the current detection voltage V iov, then the battery is the current status, if this state to maintain the tiovovercurrent delay time, the chip ban on battery discharge, then the charge to control the end of CO is high, the discharge control side DO is low, the chip is in the current mode, general in order to play on the battery safer and more reasonable protection, the chip will battery over-discharge current to take over the discharge current delay time protection. The general rule is that the over-discharge current is larger, over the shorter the discharge current delay time. Above Overcharge detection voltage, the chip supply voltage (V dd> V cu), the battery is in overcharge state, this state is to maintain the corresponding overcharge delay time tcu chip will be prohibited from charging the battery, then discharge control end DO is high, and charging control terminal CO is low, the chip is in charging mode. When the supply voltage of the chip under the overdischarge detection voltage (V dd <V dl,), then the battery is discharged state, this state remains the overdischarge delay time tdl chip will be prohibited to discharge the battery at this time The charge control side CO is high, while the discharge control terminal DO is low, the chip is in discharge mode.4.Circuit DesignTwo charge protection module structure diagram, the circuit can be divided into four parts: the power detection circuit (under-voltage detection circuit), part of the bias circuit (sampling circuit, the reference circuit and bias circuit), the comparator (including the overchargedetection /overdischarge detection comparator, over-current detection and load short-circuit detection circuit) and the logic control part.This paper describes the under-voltage detection circuit (Figure 5), and gives the bandgap reference circuit (Figure 6).Battery charging, voltage stability is particularly important, undervoltage, overvoltage protection is essential, therefore integrated overvoltage, undervoltage protection circuit inside the chip, to improve power supply reliability and security. And protection circuit design should be simple, practical, here designed a CMOS process, the undervoltage protection circuit, this simple circuit structure, process and easy to implement and can be used as high-voltage power integrated circuits and other power protection circuit.Undervoltage protection circuit schematic shown in Figure 5, a total of five components: the bias circuit, reference voltage, the voltage divider circuit, differential amplifier, the output circuit. The circuit supply voltage is 10V; the M0, M1, M2, R0 is the offset portion of the circuit to provide bias to the post-stage circuit, the resistance, Ro, determine the circuit's operating point, the M0, M1, M2 form a current mirror; R1 M14 is the feedback loop of the undervoltage signal; the rest of the M3, M4 and M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, composed of four amplification comparator; M15, DO, a reference voltage, the comparator input with the inverting input is fixed (V+), partial pressure of theresistance R1, R2, R3, the input to the inverting input of the comparator, when the normal working of the power supply voltage, the inverting terminal of the voltage detection is lost to the inverting terminal voltage of the comparator is greater than V+. Comparator output is low, M14 cutoff, feedback circuit does not work; undervoltage occurs, the voltage divider of R1, R2, R3, reaction is more sensitive, lost to the inverting input voltage is less than V when the resistor divider, the comparator the output voltage is high, this signal will be M14 open, the voltage across R into M at both ends of the saturation voltage close to 0V, thereby further driving down the R1> R2, the partial pressure of the output voltage, the formation of the undervoltage positive feedback. Output, undervoltage lockout, and plays a protective role.5. Simulation results and analysisThe design of the circuit in CSMC 0.6 μm in digital CMOS process simulation and analysis of the circuit. In the overall simulation of the circuit, the main observation is that the protection module on the battery charge and discharge process by monitoring V dd potential and V m potential leaving chip CO side and DO-side changes accordingly. The simulation waveform diagram shown in Figure 7, the overall protection module with the battery voltage changes from the usual mode conversion into overcharge mode, and then return to normal working mode, and then into the discharge mode, and finally back to normalworking mode. As the design in the early stages of the various parameters to be optimized, but to provide a preliminary simulation results.6.ConclusionDesigned a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC. This design not only can reduce the product, they can reduce the peripheral circuit components. The circuit uses the low-power design. This project is underway to design optimization stage, a complete simulation can not meet the requirements, but also need to optimize the design of each module circuit.THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。