沃尔沃EC210B 概述ppt课件

Volvo Construction Equipment
• 对于履带式挖掘机而言,行走时间大概占整个工作时间的十分之一。 • 一般而言,两速可以满足挖掘机的行走性能。 • 牵引力是指挖掘机行走时所产生的力,主要取决于挖掘机的行走马达。 • 这两个行走性能参数表明了挖掘机行走的机动灵活性及其行走能力。在各
Volvo Construction Equipment
• 对于挖掘力来说,挖掘力主要分为小臂挖掘力和铲斗挖掘力。 • 两个挖掘力的作用点均为铲斗的齿根(铲斗的唇边),只是动力不同,小
Volvo Construction Equipment
因此,在实际的挖掘工作中,上面定义的回转速度是不切实际的。也就是 说,需要的实际回转性能是可用回转扭矩表示的加速/减速。
Volvo Construction Equipment
总功率(gross horsepower)
• 指在没有消耗功率附件,如消音器、风扇、交流发电机及空气滤清器的情 况下,在发动机飞轮上测得的输出功率。
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment

1. 准备工作:在操作沃尔沃挖掘机之前,首先要确保设备处于正常工作状态。
2. 上车操作:操作人员应穿着符合安全要求的工作服、安全帽和安全带。
3. 挖掘操作:(1)启动油门:将油门踏板踩到底,逐渐增加发动机转速。
4. 关车操作:停车前,先将挖斗放置到安全位置,断开控制杆和油门踏板的连接。

样 的矿 产 资 源 大 省 的建 设 施 工 中 将有 更广泛 的市场 。
意 义 的 沃 尔沃 环球帆 船赛 限量版 内舒 适 雅致 的定 制头枕 和专 属 的 沃
伊顿 2 1 年销售额 0 1 达 1 0亿美 元 6
2 1 年展 望 .公 司将 季 度股 息 提 0 2
高 了 1% .即从 每股 0 3美 元 提 2 .4 高至03美元 。 8
6 4 建筑机械 2 1 上半月刊) 0 22《
伊 顿 近 日宣 布 .公 司2 1 年 0 1
挖 掘机也在 活动现场震 撼首发 。
尔沃环 球帆 船赛 ”金 属标识 ,给 限 量
沃 尔沃 环球 帆船 赛 限 量版 挖 版 挖掘机增添 了独有 的尊贵气 质 。 掘 机覆 盖 了沃 尔沃 建筑 设 备 目前 在 上
的 销 售 额 为 1 O 美 元 ,同 比增 亿 6
列轮胎 起重机通过 了T V 0 AN I S认证 . 全球得 到广泛 的认可 。
பைடு நூலகம்
此 次 斗 山推 出 具 有 矿 山之 星 ”称号 的D 35C 1 X 4L  ̄ 具有 “ 山 ] 矿 挖 王 ”美誉 的D 30 c 具 备 出 X 8L 均 众 的工 作性 能和 经 济性 的尖 端 技
备在 海南 三亚举 行 了进入 中国市场 以 了象征 表 海浪 的蓝 白相 间的 斜条 装饰
斗 山中 国 区 总裁 南 敦 斤 出席 发 布 会 并致 欢 迎 词 .指 出这 两款
来 规 模 最 大 的客 户 活 动 2 1 日 , 月 7
纹 ,富于强 烈 的动感 和 时 尚气 息 。除

续发 展 的动力和机 制。 2 0 年7 , 0 9 月 沃尔 沃建 筑设 备斥资
亚 太 运营总 裁 S Wj00是韩 国 U S k
.- 元 Z 人, 是他 一手 促成 了沃 尔沃 建筑 设备上 15f, 人 民币打 造 中国首个技 术 与客 旨在 为中国客 海 工厂 的组 建 。回顾 以往 他 深 有感 触 户中心在 上 海金桥 落成 , 更 地对 记者说 , 0 2 在这个工厂 刚成 立 户提 供 更 好 更 及 时 、 周 全 的服务 。 20 年 的 时候 , 由于市场 的不 确 定性 那 时 候 不仅 如此 0IfP s n o er o 在媒体见面会 s 亿瑞 典克 的挖 掘机 产 量非常低 我感 觉非 常非常 上说 : 沃 尔沃将陆续 投资近 3
价。 亚太 区总裁E e h r We e id b ra d d k n
先 生说 , —Βιβλιοθήκη 台不只是一 个数字. 后面 这有 很 多努力和故 事 , 中间关 系到 三代 这
的设 备, 中有很 多技术的进 步。 其 另外, 从 国产化 的角度 , 经过这—万台的历练 , 沃 尔沃 国产 化程 度不 断地 提高 , 多地 更 成为一 个本土的企业 。 当然 , 这—万台只 是 一个 开始 , 相信 第 二个 一万台会 在 非 常短 的时间内到来 。
在 中国跨 越 —万台给了沃尔沃 很大 的信 心, 随着今 年年 初 沃尔 沃控 股 的山 东临工工程机 械有 限公司的新 品挖掘机
问世 为实 施 下一 步 的发 展 规 划 , 沃尔
沃在 这第 一万台挖掘机 问世 之交 进行 了
管 理架构 调整 。
四位沃尔沃建筑设备高管 ( 左起 : u i o E e h r We e id ol e s o . S k s 、 b r ad d k 、 o P rs n 罗东) w o n f 手牵丝带开启礼物
选车就选性价比高的 12-15吨挖掘机大搜罗(系列二)

选车就选性价比高的12-15吨挖掘机大搜罗(系列二)[铁甲工程机械网原创] 12-15吨中小型挖掘机在挖掘机家族中占有重要一席,因为其上可承担“重活”,下可揽小工程的特点,被不少用户所青睐。
这次将为大家呈现的是三款性价比不错的挖掘机--沃尔沃EC140BLC prime、现代R150LC-7、斗山DH150LC-7。
沃尔沃EC140BLC prime整机工作重量:13800kg铲斗容量:0.55-0.93m³作为全球前三的沃尔沃建筑设备近年来非常重视中国市场,刚刚落幕的沃尔沃掘战达人节油挑战赛显示了沃尔沃贴近中国用户需求的心理。
原装的EC140BLC prime在用户心目中的形象是“性能可靠,耐用”。
结合多位用户的使用体验,这款EC140BLC prime工作中省油,每小时7-9升(租赁工作),但是有个缺点,没有小油门,而且沃尔沃机器对油特别“挑剔”,这也是其“贵族”称号的另一个由来,在中国如今油品质量状况下下,用户调侃道,省油下来的钱全都买好油了。

8个位 置可 调, 适应 不同 体型 操作 手
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
• 标准配置LC车架 • Volvo电控直喷柴油发动机 • 标准配置了斗杆、动臂、回转优先系统 • 标准配置了斗杆、动臂保持阀 • 回转摆动防止阀 • 标准配置了多路阀备用阀(破碎锤等) • 标准配置了自动加油机 • 三套控制电脑 • 自动恒温驶室空调 • 钢板布式硬度达到400的高耐磨岩石铲斗 • 标准配置了所有辅助阀 • 众多优化设计(集中润滑、快速换油、防滑板)
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment

有一 个 × 形 的铸钢底盘 这种底盘可 以 ,
优化载荷分配 使作业 时设备更 加牢靠
同时延长使 用寿命。 高质量 接头与百分
之 百 防水 的电接头 配 合使 用 (用于 防止
电路 短 路 ) . 液压 接头配 有O 形 密封 圈
(用 以防止 液压 压 力过高时泄 漏) 。 由于 扩大 了驾驶 室 四 周的玻璃 面
积 ,
框架采 用了小立 柱设计 .
以及 对后部
空 间进 行了压 缩 .
整个驾驶 室的视 野得
到 了极 大 改善。
当控制 台升 起 后 .
内部所 有控制 系统都处于 锁定状 态 以防
止操作员在进入 或离开 驾驶 室时发生事
故 。 铲 刀 油缸有相当高的安全 值 . 它可 以 防止 铲刀 意外抬起 。
这使 得 操作员可 以对 各主 要功 能实现 更
为精确 的控制 从 而 确保 作业 的速 度和 ,
精确性。 V b Iv o E C 6 0 C 还 可 以对旋转和
偏转动 作进 行同步控制。 这就使操 作员
能在 更 加 符合人机 工 程 学与 自然要 求的
环 境下进行更快更 精确的操作。
Vo Iv o E C 6 0 C 的一 个 突出特 性
至 怠速状 态 : 当操作人 员操作任 何 控制
器 时发动机都会立 刻恢复到先前设定 的
速度 .
这样便 提 高了设 备 的运 转效率 。
该 系统还 提 高 了设备 的燃油经 济 性 延 、
长 了发 动 机 的使 用 寿命 同 时也 减 少了 .
与许 多较 大 的挖掘机类似 E C 6 0 C .
沃 尔沃新款 E C 6 0 C 小型挖掘机将投入广泛应用

检查所有涡轮增压器的进气和排气接接口,以确保它们已 拧紧,并处于正确的位置。
涡轮增压器在极高的温度下运行,因此,在维修时要格外 小心。
• 通过以下两种方式确保润滑和冷却:
– 启动发动机后不要立即加速。
– 在关闭发动机前要让其低怠速运转几分钟。
如果含硫量达 5%(或更高),则需每隔 125 小时排放一次发动机 油以获得最长的发动机使用寿命。
对目前的高压燃油系统来说,柴油清洁度满足 EPA 规定至关重要。
Volvo Excavators 2019-09-21
发动机,变速箱, 轴和液压油
发动机油 发动机油 液压油 齿轮油 齿轮油 制动闸油 变速箱油 润滑脂
6. 小臂油缸活塞杆末端销轴(1 个点) 12. 铲斗和活塞杆的连接销轴(2 个点)
当 2 个人一起工作时,操作员应该遵循维护工人的标志。 要检查履带张紧力,必须将履带抬离地面。 测量时须非常小心,以免机器落下或移动。 检测 1 使用大臂和小臂将履带抬起。这时,慢慢地操作操纵杆。 2 测量(L)履带架底面和履带板上表面之间的间隙。 •根据土壤的特性,调整履带的松弛度。根据土壤特性确定的 标准履带松弛度。

沃尔沃挖掘机型号大全1、EC140B Prime性能参数(0.5-0.93m³)EC140B Prime 性能参数发动机Volvo D4D额定功率转速35 r/s (2 100 r/min) ISO 9249/SAE J1349 net 69 kW (94 metric hp) 挖掘力87.3 kN铲斗容积0.55 - 0.93 m3最大挖掘距离8.8 m最大挖掘深度 6.0 m底盘处的举升能力 3.9 t举升距离/高度 6.0 / 1.5 m运行重量13.4 - 15.6 t2、EC200B Prime挖机(0.8-0.9m³)3、EC210B 性能参数(0.75-1.55m³)EC210B 性能参数发动机Volvo D6D额定功率. r/s (r/min) 32 (1 900) ...ISO 9249/DIN 6271. kW (hp) 107 (143)铲斗容积. m30.75 – 1.55 最大挖掘距离. m 9.9底盘处的举升能力. t 6.6 – 7.1 举升距离/高度. m 6.0 / 1.5运行重量. t 20.9 – 22.3 挖掘力 SAE. kN 130.4挖掘力 ISO. kN 147.14、EC210B Prime 性能参数(0.92m³)EC210B Prime 性能参数发动机Volvo D6E额定功率转速30 r/s (1 800 r/min) ISO 9249/SAE J1349 net 110 kW (150 metric hp) 挖掘力130.4 kN铲斗容积0.92 m3最大挖掘距离9.9 m最大挖掘深度 6.7 m底盘处的举升能力7.0 t举升距离/高度 6.0 / 1.5 m运行重量20.4-23.7 t5、EC290B 性能参数(0.9-2.1m³)EC290B 性能参数发动机Volvo D7D 额定功率. r/s (r/min) 32 (1 900) ...ISO 9249/DIN 6271. kW (hp) 143 (192) 铲斗容积. m30.95-2.1 最大挖掘距离. m 10.7最大挖掘深度. m 7.3底盘处的举升能力. t 10.8举升距离/高度. m 6.0 / 1.5 运行重量. t 28.5-30.0 挖掘力 SAE. kN 172.6挖掘力 ISO. kN 198.46、EC360B 性能参数(1.35-3.0m³)EC360B 性能参数发动机Volvo D12D 额定功率. r/s (r/min) 28 (1 700) ISO 9249/DIN 6271. kW (hp) 184 (247) 铲斗容积. m3 1.35–3.0 最大挖掘距离. m 11.2最大挖掘深度. m 7.5底盘处的举升能力. t 11.0 – 11.3 最高处的举升能力. m 7.5 / 1.5 运行重量. t 37.5 – 39.2 挖掘力 SAE. kN 209挖掘力 ISO. kN 2367、EC360B Prime 性能参数(1.61-1.84m3)EC360B Prime 性能参数发动机Volvo D12D额定功率转速28 r/s (1 700 r/min) ISO 9249/SAE J1349 net 184 kW (250 metric hp) 挖掘力209 kN铲斗容积 1.61-1.84 m3最大挖掘距离11.1 m最大挖掘深度7.5 m底盘处的举升能力11.3 t举升距离/高度7.5 / 1.5 m运行重量36.5-38.7 t8、EC460B 性能参数(1.8-3.73 m3)EC460B 性能参数发动机Volvo D12D 额定功率. r/s (r/min) 30 (1 800) ISO 9249/DIN 6271. kW (hp) 235 (316)铲斗容积. m3 1.8–3.73最大挖掘距离. m 12.0最大挖掘深度. m 7.7底盘处的举升能力. t 13.8最高处的举升能力. m 7.5 / 1.5运行重量. t 45.1 – 46.6 挖掘力 SAE. kN 244.2挖掘力 ISO. kN 276.59、EC460B Prime 性能参数EC460B Prime 性能参数发动机Volvo D12D额定功率转速30 r/s (1 800 r/min) ISO 9249/SAE J1349 net 235 kW (320 metric hp) 挖掘力244.2 kN铲斗容积 2.1-2.6 m3最大挖掘距离12.0 m最大挖掘深度7.7 m底盘处的举升能力13.8 t举升距离/高度7.5 / 1.5 m运行重量44.3-47.9 t10、EC700B 性能参数(2.48–6.6m3)EC700B 性能参数发动机Volvo D16E EAE3额定功率. r/s (r/min) 30 r/s (1 800 r/min) 铲斗容积. m3 2.48–6.6m3最大挖掘距离. m 11.5 m最大挖掘深度. m 7.3 m底盘处的举升能力. t 20.0 t举升距离/高度. m 7.5 / 1.5 m运行重量. t 68.3 – 70.6 t。

目录第一章、沃尔沃EC210B挖掘机的基本结构 (3)1.1 沃尔沃EC210B挖掘机的基本组成 (3)1.2 沃尔沃EC210B挖掘机特点 (4)第二章、沃尔沃EC210B挖掘机的重要组成的介绍 (5)2.1 发动机 (5)2.2 液压泵 (5)2.3 行走系统 (6)2.4 工作装置 (7)2.5 液压系统 (8)2.6 回转装置 (9)2.7 电子/电控系统 (10)2.8 驾驶室及内部结构 (10)结束语 (27)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)摘要挖掘机作为工程机械的主力机种,被广泛应用于各种各样的施工作业中由于挖掘机的工作条件恶劣,要求实现的动作复杂,于是它对质量提出了很高的要求,其基本结构也是工程机械中最为复杂的。

产品线 基本特性
特性 (示例)
竞争 优势
客户 获益
可靠性和长使用 寿命
低燃耗 操作员环境 可维修性
基本特性 高生产率
完美匹配的部件 - 沃尔沃发动机 - 优化的液压机构 - 先进的控制系统
可靠性和长使用 寿命
基本特性 高生产率
完美匹配的组 件
优势 循环时间更快
• 完美匹配 • 沃尔沃发动机, • 优化的液压机构 • 先进的控制系统
• 打造出大功率、高速度的挖掘设备,加快了循环时间,提高了生产率
可靠性和长使 用寿命
可靠性和长 使用寿命
挖掘设备 结构和行走部分 发动机系统 过滤质量高
挖掘机- 产品综述
• 土建 / 大型施工建设 • 采掘 • 木料处理 • 回收 / 垃圾管理
土建 /大型施工建设
回收 /垃圾管理
• 以客户为导向的销售概述 • 产品基本特性
- 高生产率 - 可靠性和长使用寿命 - 通用性
• 总结
• 产品基本特性:
- 低燃耗 - 可维修性 - 操作员环境

沃尔沃推出Volvo EC60C型挖掘术

客户需要动力更足和性能更强 的
设 备 以满足 目前多种作业 的要 求 , 沃
尔 沃 的EC6 0 C便是 一 个 可 靠 的解决 方
案。 它拥 有 业 界 领 先 的挖 掘 力和 掘 起
kN 的举升力 , 两 者结合后 大 大 提高
了 它在 紧 密、 坚 硬 或冰 冻 的地 面 ( 材
i 五巨匝 P r o d u c t O v e r v ie w 产 品大观
沃 尔 沃 推 出V o lv o E C 6 0 C 型 挖 掘 机
刁 丽 萍 沃 尔沃 建筑 设 备 ( 中国 ) 有限 公 司
附属 装置 支 架和 新 的 带有运 输 用 吊钩 的沃 尔沃铲斗。 沃 尔沃 附属 装置 支架 的设计 可 使设备与各种 附件实现 快速 对接 ( 包括将铲 斗在 正 面 状态 下 与设 备 实现联接 ) 。 采 用 高强 度钢材制造 的插销让 设备 能产生强 大的掘起力 , 并 且 在 无 需 维护 的状态 下 工 作 , 同时 也 保证 了安 装与卸下 铲斗时 的安 全。 新 的沃 尔沃铲斗运 输 吊钩 可 以让 操作 员 安 全 无 忧地 用 1 个 铲 斗一 次运 送 另 外3 个铲 斗。 操作 员 无 需离开 驾驶 室 便可 以完成整个运 输过程 。
料 ) 上 进行挖 掘作业 的速度和 效率。
为 了 对新增 动力加 以充 分 利 用 ,
V o lv o E C 6 0 C 配 备 了液压 协调 装
置 ( 无 论设备装载量 或运 行速度如
何 ) , 该 装置 能让 操作员 对各主 要功

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMEMEETING THE FUTURE’S DEMANDS WITH THE TECHNOLOGY OF TOMORROWThe philosop hy of Volvo is characterizedby Quality, Safety and Environmental Care.While these common values are peoplecentered, they also create great demandson the products that Volvo CE produces.In order to lead the industry in quality,safety and care for the environment, theequipment Volvo CE designs and manu-factures must be at the leading edge oftechnological development.This brochure examines the workof a team of industrial designersin their quest to design theVolvo Construction Equip-ment excavator of the 2020s.With the corporate values at thecore of the design philosophy,the end result – the SfinX exca-vator — is a symbol not only ofVolvo’s ad vanced technological thin- king, but also of where the company wants to go in its search for product excel- lence and customer intimacy.2THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMESfinX: guardian of the futureThe SfinX project was the brainchild of Volvo CE’s Prod uct Portfolio andAdvanced Engineering department. Working closely with Swedish industrial design house, “Prospective Design” and Volvo Group’s Technology Centre, the team talked to operators about what features they would like to see on new machines. In addition, the designers also looked outside of the construction industry to search for emergent technologies that could have applications suitable to construction equipment. The automotive and aerospace sectors provided rich pickings, as did laboratories and universities.The excavator was chosen as the subject of the research, as this is themost competitive sector of the construction equipment market, and also the most popular piece. The SfinX team was not taking the easy option.While still recognizable as an excavator,almost every component has been radicallyaltered. The engine is no longer diesel but asmall fuel cell, which produces electric energy –but emits only heat and water vapor. This freesup space in the superstructure and allows theengin e to perform as an ‘active counterweight’,which moves in and out to compensate for theforces on the boom. Hydraulics have been largely replaced and there has been extensive use of new materials – not all of which are available todayand will need ‘inventing’. In fact, some of the technology may never come to fruition –while other aspects (e.g. GPS are available today. “We had to guess sometimes, ” says Hans Zachau, chief designer on the SfinX project. “But that’s the whole idea – to imagine possible outcomes. We learned not to be scaredof new technology and radical concepts and have had the courage to include them in the SfinX.”Hungry to digThe final design of the excavator is a mixture between space ageand primordial, like a prehistoric moon buggy.The animalistic look isintentional; SfinX should be efficient, lean and hungry to dig. Purposeful anda little mean looking. But it’s still a Volvo machine and therefore must reflectthe core values of Quality, Safety and Environmental Care. It has the familiaroutline of an excavator but the design updates current concepts of boom,cab, tracks and superstructure in an innovative way. The familiar Volvo logoand color scheme tie the design back to the current machines. The reduceduse of hydraulics helps to achieve a cleaner looking, more attractive design.The excavator was chosen as the subject of the research.THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME3Power packThe future machines will no longer use diesel engines. The designers toyed with the idea of using gas turbines (effectivelyjet engines but settled on the idea of fuel cells. Fuel cells convert a fuel’s energy into usable electricity and heat – withoutcombustion.Because hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce electricity, it is the optimal fuel to use, as its o nly emissions arewater vapor and heat. They are like batteries that don’t run down as long as you keep feeding them hydrogen. The hydrogenis stored in liquid form at very low temperatures (circa. -45°C.Fuel cells are currently in the development stage (although the automotive industry has working prototypes under eva-luation but it has been calculated that to power an excavator, a fuel cell the size of two normal suitcases would be needed.This frees up a lot of space on the superstructure where the diesel engine would normally sit – hence the machine’s abilityto have such a large cutaway section. The engine acts as the machine counter weight, which moves all the time to com-pensate for the forces on the boom. By moving it towards the centre of the excavator, it could be made small fortransport,moving it right out would give maximum stability. (Zero swing or large swing.Increasingly onerous emission legislations are also likely to speed up the move to hydrogen cells – a most environmen-tally friendly power system.4THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMEFluid thinkingor electric ideas?The introduction of electricity could also do awaywith hydraulics. All systems that are currentlyhydraulic could be converted to electric motors.Notice how hydraulic cylinders have been re-moved as much as possible and hydraulic pipingabandoned. This would obviate the need to cir-culate oil all over the machine. Hydraulics is anold technology but it still has some life yet. Volvobelieves that gradually hydraulic cylinders maybe phased out and replaced by electric motorssited at the pivot points of the stick & boom.Boom boonThe central concept was to make a light boom – because everything inweight on the boom is lost in capacity for lifting or digging. The see-through lattice allows visibility through the boom, aiding safety byreducing the operator’s blind spot caused by solidmetal booms. Whilecurrent steels would struggle to cope with the large forces imposed onthe boom, the designer are expecting a new generation of high strengthsteels to be available that could make this a design possibility.Independent thinkingThe adoption of four tracks is to make them more wheel-like. Whendriving on rough ground traditional tracks ‘tiptoe’ and the contact areais quite small. Four tracks have a much higher contact area with theground, aided by independent suspension to each track, suspendedvia a swing arm from a central pivot. Each track has a separatewheel motor, which can brake, accelerate and allow thetrack to steer the excavator. On traditional tracks you either brakeor accelerate, left or right. Tracks will also use a non-metal rubber-like material that can cope with high abrasion surfaces. The four trackscan be moved to form a traditional two track appearance to distributethe weight better when on soft ground. This system (also poweredby electric motors can be used to extend the tracks outwards forincreased stability while working –or inwards under the superstructurefor transportation.THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME5The engine acts as themachine counter weight,which moves all the time to compensate forthe forces on the boom.Drive-By-Wire Another area where aerospace is developing new technologies of interest to the SfinX team is ‘fly-by-wire’. This is where there is no physical link (solid cables, mechanical links or hydraulic piping between the driver controls and the components they operate. Instead commands are sent ‘wirelessly’ to sensors on the components or via electric wires. In construction machinery this would enable the eradication of hydraulic or mechanical controls and the replacement with electronic and electrical controls. These systems, like on aircraft, would have multiple ‘redundancy’ on critical systems, such as brakes and steering, whereby a secondary back-up system would not only ensure constant performance, but also enhance safety. The coming generation ofexcavators, graders and wheel loaders is likely to feature some form of driveby-wire. It has potential applications in braking, steering and moving the boom. Legislation will also play a part in determining when drive-by-wire becomes a reality. Are customers demanding drive-by-wire? Customers are demanding soft levers and easy to use controls – and drive-by-wire allows this to happen. Drive-by-wire also eliminates the need for hydraulic oil to be piped into the cab – which can get very hot (thereby heating up the cab. Houston: we have a solution Satellite technology is already available and will become much more popular in the future. Volvo CE is working on GPS (Global Positioning System based telematic capabilities for its future pro- The SfinX excavator hovers on an electro-magnetic field. GPS information can help to notify the operator how the blade should be placed. duct range. ‘Geo-fencing’ can make sure that a machine doesn’t leave a predetermined area – sounding an alarm and incapacitating the machine if necessary. Also data such as hours worked, temperature, fuel consumption and productivity information can all be captured. This not only helps prepare service pro- grams, but also highlights machine misuse/abuse and enables equipment owners to calculate lifetime ownership costs. Real time fleet management is now a reality. GPS also has operational advantages. For example, in excavators or graders, GPS information can help to notify the operator how the bucket or blade should be placed so that only the precise amount of material is removed. Therefore there is no wasted effort and productivity is correspondingly improved. 6 TH E SHAPE OF TH INGS TO COMEMaterial evidence As shown in SfinX, metal will increasingly be replaced as a component material by composites. This is because they are resistant to the environment and can be relatively easily repaired (they are also generally lighter; can be molded into more interesting shapes. Plastics, meanwhile, are lower cost, can be painted to a higher specification and –in line with Volvo’s core values – environmentally friendly plastics are becoming available, helping manufacturers meet their targets for recyclability. Force field The juncture between the undercarriage and superstructure would eschew the current arrangement of a large roller bearing. Instead the SfinX excavator hovers on anelectro-magnetic field. The advantages of this are that there would be zero friction and better control of the speed and torque turning of the superstructure. Operator environment The cab on the SfinX excavator is cantilevered to improve all round visibility. But it can also tilt the cab, move it away from the machine to improve visibility (as some waste handling machines already do – or be left on the ground entirely. This latter attribute is for the remote control of the machine, such as where the operator cannot safely work on the machine (such as close to high radioactivity or if the machine is working underwater. In the morning the cab comes down to meet the operator, it then opens the door and says ‘hello, how are you today?’! Having a detachable cab necessitates having cameras on the excavator to be able to monitor progress from the remote cab. Screens inside the cab will have a good view of the work area. It is not inconceivable that operators of the future will have to wear fighter pilot-type helmets with virtual reality projections onto the screen. The aerospace industry is leading the way here. TH E SHAPE OF TH INGS TO COM E 7The road to reality? Is this how the future will look? Of course, not all glances into the future have proven correct. Even if SfinX is not exactly how Volvo’s excavators look in the 2020s, if only a small number of its ideas come to fruition, then the project will have proven to be a success. The SfinX concept is a statement of Volvo CE’s intention to be at the forefront of technological development – producing machines that are not only highly productive but also people and environment friendly. 21 1 669 2739 - HQR 2004.07 - English Printed in Belgium。

1、沃尔沃EC700B履带式挖掘机EC700B 性能参数发动机Volvo D16E EAE3 Rated output at, r/s (r/min) 30 (1 800)...ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 316 (424)铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 2,48-6,6 (3,24-8,63) Lifting capacity alongundercarriage*, t (lb)20,0 (44 092)Lifting capacity at reach/stickheight*, m (ft)7.5 / 1.5 (25' / 5') Reach*, m (ft) 11,5 (37' 7")Digging depth*, m (ft) 7,3 (23' 9") Breakout force* SAE, kN (lb) 374,0 (84 079)运行重量, t (lb)68,3-70,6 (150574-155 645)2、沃尔沃EC55B Pro挖掘机EC55B Pro 性能参数发动机Volvo D3.1总宽1920 mm最大伸展幅度5,98/6,32 m挖掘深度4,00/4,36 m卸载高度4,09/4,32 m挖掘力37,8 kN掘起力27,8 kN工作重量5500 kg最大总功率 SAE J1995 52 hp3、沃尔沃EC460B履带式挖掘机EC460B 性能参数发动机Volvo D12C EAE2 额定功率在转速为转/秒(转/分)32 (1,900) ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 228 (306) 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 1.8-3.78 (2.4-4.8) 行走部分举升力, t (lb) 7.5/1.5 (24.6/4.9) 挖掘范围, m (ft) 12.5 (41) 挖掘深度, m (ft) (ft) 8.3 破断力 SAE, kN 244.2运行重量, t (lb) 44.5-47.9 (98,105-105,600) 举升能力, m (ft) 7.5/1.5 (24.6/4.9)4、沃尔沃EC360B履带式挖掘机EC360B 性能参数发动机Volvo D10B EA2 额定输出功率,转速为转/秒 (r/min) 28 (1,700) ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 1.35-3.0 (1.8-3.9) 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 0.8-1.6 (1.0-2.0) 举升能力,沿行走部分, t (lb) 7.0/1.5 (23.0-4.9) 挖掘范围, m (ft) 11.2 (36.7) 挖掘深度, m (ft) 7.5 (24.6) 破断力 SAE, kN 209工作重量, t (lb)36.3-38.4 (80,027-84,657)举升能力,挖掘范围/保持高度为, m (ft) 7.0/1.5 (23.0-4.9) 5、沃尔沃EC290B履带式挖掘机EC290B 性能参数发动机Volvo D7D EAE2额定功率在转速为, r/s (r/min) 32 (1,900)ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 143 (192)铲斗容量, m3 (yd3) 1.0-2.1 (1.3-2.8)举升能力,相对地面高度*, t (lb) 10.8 (23,440)举升能力, m (ft) 6.0 / 1.5 (20 / 0.4)挖掘范围*, m (ft) 10.7 (35.1)挖掘深度*, m (ft) 7.3 (24.0)破断力* SAE, kN (lb) 172.6 (38,810)LC:运行重量, t (lb) 28.2-29.9 (62,180-65,930)LR:运行重量, t(lb) 31.66、沃尔沃EC240B履带式挖掘机EC240B (LC, NLC) 性能参数发动机Volvo D7D EBE2 额定功率在转速为, r/s (r/min) 33 (2,000)ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 125 (168)LC: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 1.1-2.0 (1.4-2.6)NLC: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 1.1-1.8 (1.4-2.4)LC: 举升能力,相对于地面高度*, t (lb) 9.1 (20,062)NLC: 举升能力,相对于地面高度*, t (lb) 8.9 (19,621)举升能力, m (ft) 6.0 / 1.5 (20 / 0.4)挖掘范围*, m (ft) 10.3 (33.8) 挖掘深度*, m (ft) 7.0 (22.1) 破断力* SAE, kN (lb) 156.9 (35,280)LC: 运行重量, t (lb)24.2-25.8 (53,360-56,820)NLC: 运行重量, t (lb)24.8-25.7 (54,675-56,659)7、沃尔沃EC210B履带式挖掘机EC210B (LC, NLC, LR) 性能参数发动机Volvo D6D EAE2 额定功率在转速为, r/s (r/min) 35 (1,900) ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 107 (143)LC: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3)0.8-1.6(1.0-2.0)NLC: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 0.8-1.4 (1.0-1.8) LR: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 0.5 (0.7) LC: 举升能力,相对地面高度*, t (lb) 7.1 (15,653) NLC: 举升能力,相对地面高度*, t (lb) 6.6 (145,505) LR: 举升能力,相对地面高度*, t (lb) 3.0 (6,410) 举升能力(在小臂末端,无铲斗)**, m (ft) 6.0 / 1.5 (20 / 5)LR: 举升能力(在小臂末端,无铲斗), m (ft) 10.5 / 1.5 (35 /5)挖掘半径* **, m (ft) 9.9 (32.5 LR: 挖掘半径*, m (ft) 15.8 (51.1) 挖掘深度* **, m (ft) 6.7 (22.1) LR: 挖掘深度*, m (ft) 12.1 (39.8) LR: 破断力* SAE, kN (lb) 68.6 (15,430)NLC: 运行重量, t (lb)20.9-21.8 (46,076-48,061)LR: 运行重量, t (lb)) 23.2 (51,200)8、沃尔沃EC140B履带式挖掘机EC140B (LC, LCM) specifications 发动机Volvo D4D EAE1 额定功率在转速为 r/s (r/min) 35 (2,100) ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp) 69 (93)LC: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3)0.6-1.0 (0.8-1.3)LCM: 铲斗容积, m3 (yd3) 0.7-1.1 (0.9-1.4)LC: 举升能力 , t (lb) 3.5 (7,600) LCM: 行走部分举升能力, t (lb) 3.8 (8,377) 举升能力,在小臂末端,无铲斗*,m (ft) 6.0 / 1.5 (20 / 0.4) 工作半径*, m (ft) 8.3 (27.4) 8.3 (27.4) 破断力* SAE, kN (lb) 87.3 (19,620)LC: 运行重量, t (lb)13.4-15.2 (29,529-33,450)LCM: 运行重量, t (lb)14.6-15.6 (32,187-34,392)挖掘深度*, m (ft) 5.5 (18.2)9、沃尔沃EW50小型挖掘机EW50性能参数运行重量(带驾驶舱), kg (lb) 5,190 (11,442) 铲斗挖掘力, daN (lb) 3,654 (8,215) 挖斗撕断力, daN (lb) 2,733 (6,144) 挖掘深度* 小臂/大臂,m(ft) 3.1/3.5(10.3/11.6) 离地距离*,小臂/大臂,m(ft) 5.5/5.9(18/19.3) 倾倒高度*,离地距离,m(ft) 4.0/4.2(13.1/13.8) 总宽度, m (ft) 2.3 (7.5) 大臂补偿角度左/右70 / 60 发动机Perkins diesel 发动机净功率(ISO9249), kW (hp) 33.7 (45.8)10、沃尔沃EC55小型挖掘机EC55specifications 运行重量(带驾驶舱), kg (lb) 4,910 (10,825) 铲斗挖掘力, daN (lb) 4,070 (9,150) 挖斗撕断力, daN (lb) 2,730 (6,137) 挖掘深度*, m (ft) 4 (13.1) 离地距离*, m (ft) 6.0 (19.6) 倾倒高度*, m (ft) 4.1 (13.4) 总宽度, m (ft) 2.0 (6.2) 大臂补偿角度左/右80 / 50 发动机Yanmar 4TNE94-SM diesel 发动机净功率(ISO9249), kW (hp) 38 (52)11、沃尔沃EC45小型挖掘机EC45性能参数运行重量(带驾驶舱罩),kg(lb) 4,113(9,067) 运行重量(带驾驶舱), kg (lb) 4,250(9,370) 铲斗挖掘力, daN (lb) 3,240(7,284)挖斗撕断力, daN (lb) 2,480(5,575) 挖掘深度*,小臂/大臂,m(ft) 3.5/3.8(11.5/12.5) 离地距离*, 小臂/大臂,m(ft) 5.3/5.6(17.3/18.3) 倾倒高度*, 小臂/大臂, m (ft) 3.6/3.8(11.9/12.5) 总宽度, m(ft) 1.8(6.1) 大臂补偿角度左/右80/60 发动机Mitsubishi K4N diesel 发动机净功率(ISO9249),kW(hp) 27.2(37)12、沃尔沃EC35小型挖掘机EC35specifications 运行重量(带驾驶舱罩),kg(lb) 3,422(7,544) 运行重量(带驾驶舱), kg (lb) 3,540(7,804) 铲斗挖掘力, daN (lb) 2,920(6,564) 挖斗撕断力, daN (lb) 2,190(4,923) 挖掘深度*, 小臂/大臂,m (ft) 3.4/3.7(11.2/12.2) 离地距离*,小臂/大臂,m (ft) , 5.1/5.4(16.8/17.8) 倾倒高度*,小臂/大臂,m (ft) , 3.5/3.7(11.6/12.2) 总宽度, m (ft) 1.6(5.4) 大臂补偿角度左/右80/60 发动机Mitsubishi S4L2 diesel 发动机净功率(ISO9249),kW(hp) 21.6(29.3)。

沃尔沃210挖掘机口碑摘要:I.引言- 介绍沃尔沃210 挖掘机的背景和口碑II.沃尔沃210 挖掘机的产品特点- 高效节能- 优良的性能和舒适的操作体验- 安全可靠III.用户对沃尔沃210 挖掘机的评价- 操作简便,方便维护- 性能稳定,工作效率高- 售后服务好,用户满意度高IV.沃尔沃210 挖掘机的适用场景- 土木工程- 基础设施建设- 矿山开采V.结论- 总结沃尔沃210 挖掘机的口碑和市场表现正文:沃尔沃210 挖掘机是一款备受用户好评的挖掘机产品。
作为一款中小型挖掘机,沃尔沃210 挖掘机具有高效节能的特点。
沃尔沃210 挖掘机的性能也相当优良。
此外,沃尔沃210 挖掘机还非常注重安全性,配备了多种安全装置,确保了用户在使用过程中的安全。
在用户对沃尔沃210 挖掘机的评价方面,大家普遍认为这款挖掘机操作简便,方便维护。
沃尔沃210 挖掘机适用于各种场景,尤其适用于土木工程、基础设施建设和矿山开采等领域。
凭借其优良的性能和口碑,沃尔沃210 挖掘机已经成为众多施工单位的首选设备。
总之,沃尔沃210 挖掘机凭借其高效节能、优良的性能和舒适的操作体验,以及安全可靠的特点,在市场上获得了良好的口碑。
此外,沃尔沃210 挖掘机还具有出色的售后服务。
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THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMEMEETING THE FUTURE’S DEMANDS WITH THE TECHNOLOGY OF TOMORROWThe p hilosop hy of Volvo is characterizedby Quality, Safety and Environmental Care.While these common values are peoplecentered, they also create great demandson the products that Volvo CE produces.In order to lead the industry in quality,safety and care for the environment, theequipment Volvo CE designs and manu-factures must be at the leading edge oftechnological development.This brochure examines the workof a team of industrial designersin their quest to design theVolvo Construction Equip-ment excavator of the 2020s.With the corporate values at thecore of the design philosophy,the end result – the SfinX exca-vator — is a symbol not only ofVolvo’s advanced technological thin-king, but also of where the companywants to go in its search for product excel-lence and customer intimacy.2THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMESfinX: guardian of the futureThe SfinX project was the brainchild of Volvo CE’s Product Portfolio andAdvanced Engineering department. Working closely with Swedish industrialdesign house, “Prospective Design” and Volvo Group’s T echnology Centre, theteam talked to operators about what features they would like to see on newmachines. In addition, the designers also looked outside of the constructionindustry to search for emergent technologies that could have applicationssuitable to construction equipment. The automotive and aerospace sectorsprovided rich pickings, as did laboratories and universities.The excavator was chosen as the subject of the research, as this is themost competitive sector of the construction equipment market, and also themost popular piece. The SfinX team was not taking the easy option.While still recognizable as an excavator,almost every component has been radicallyaltered. The engine is no longer diesel but asmall fuel cell, which produces electric energy –but emits only heat and water vapor. This freesup space in the superstructure and allows theengine to perform as an ‘active counterweight’,which moves in and out to compensate for theforces on the boom. Hydraulics have been largely replaced and there hasbeen extensive use of new materials – not all of which are available todayand will need ‘inventing’. In fact, some of the technology may never come tofruition – while other aspects (e.g. GPS) are available today. “We had to guesssometimes,” says Hans Zachau, chief designer on the SfinX project. “But that’sthe whole idea – to imagine possible outcomes. We learned not to be scaredof new technology and radical concepts and have had the courage to includethem in the SfinX.”Hungry to digThe final design of the excavator is a mixture between space ageand primordial, like a prehistoric moon buggy.The animalistic look isintentional; SfinX should be efficient, lean and hungry to dig. Purposeful anda little mean looking. But it’s still a Volvo machine and therefore must reflectthe core values of Quality, Safety and Environmental Care. It has the familiaroutline of an excavator but the design updates current concepts of boom,cab, tracks and superstructure in an innovative way. The familiar Volvo logoand color scheme tie the design back to the current machines. The reduceduse of hydraulics helps to achieve a cleaner looking, more attractive design.The excavator was chosen as the subject of the research.THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME 3Power packThe future machines will no longer use diesel engines. The designers toyed with the idea of using gas turbines (effectively jet engines) but settled on the idea of fuel cells. Fuel cells convert a fuel’s energy into usable electricity and heat – without combustion. Because hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce electricity, it is the optimal fuel to use, as its only emissions are water vapor and heat. They are like batteries that don’t run down as long as you keep feeding them hydrogen. The hydrogen is stored in liquid form at very low temperatures (circa. -45°C).Fuel cells are currently in the development stage (although the automotive industry has working prototypes under eva-luation) but it has been calculated that to power an excavator, a fuel cell the size of two normal suitcases would be needed. This frees up a lot of space on the superstructure where the diesel engine would normally sit – hence the machine’s ability to have such a large cutaway section. The engine acts as the machine counter weight, which moves all the time to com-pensate for the forces on the boom. By moving it towards the centre of the excavator, it could be made small for transport, moving it right out would give maximum stability. (Zero swing or large swing.)Increasingly onerous emission legislations are also likely to speed up the move to hydrogen cells – a most environmen-tally friendly power system.4THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMEFluid thinkingor electric ideas?The introduction of electricity could also do awaywith hydraulics. All systems that are currentlyhydraulic could be converted to electric motors.Notice how hydraulic cylinders have been re-moved as much as possible and hydraulic pipingabandoned. This would obviate the need to cir-culate oil all over the machine. Hydraulics is anold technology but it still has some life yet. Volvobelieves that gradually hydraulic cylinders maybe phased out and replaced by electric motorssited at the pivot points of the stick & boom.Boom boonThe central concept was to make a light boom – because everything in weight on the boom is lost in capacity for lifting or digging. The see-through lattice allows visibility through the boom, aiding safety by reducing the operator’s blind spot caused by solid metal booms. While current steels would struggle to cope with the large forces imposed on the boom, the designer are expecting a new generation of high strengthsteels to be available that could make this a design possibility.Independent thinkingThe adoption of four tracks is to make them more wheel-like. When driving on rough ground traditional tracks ‘tiptoe’ and the contact area is quite small. Four tracks have a much higher contact area with the ground, aided by independent suspension to each track, suspended via a swing arm from a central pivot. Each track has a separate wheel motor, which can brake, accelerate and allow the track to steer the excavator . On traditional tracks you either brake or accelerate, left or right. Tracks will also use a non-metal rubber-like material that can cope with high abrasion surfaces. The four tracks can be moved to form a traditional two track appearance to distribute the weight better when on soft ground. This system (also powered by electric motors) can be used to extend the tracks outwards for increased stability while working –or inwards under the superstructure for transportation.THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME 5The engine acts as themachine counter weight,which moves all the timeto compensate forthe forces on the boom.6THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COMEThe SfinX excavator hovers on an electro-magnetic field.Drive-By-WireAnother area where aerospace is developing new technologies of interest to the SfinX team is ‘fly-by-wire’. This is where there is no physical link (solid cables, mechanical links or hydraulic piping) between the driver controls and the components they operate. Instead commands are sent ‘wirelessly’ to sensors on the components or via electric wires. In construction machinery this would enable the eradication of hydraulic or mechanical controls and the replacement with electronic and electrical controls. These systems, like on aircraft, would have multiple ‘redundancy’ on critical systems, such as brakes and steering,whereby a secondary back-up system would not only ensure constant perfor-mance, but also enhance safety. The coming generation of excavators,graders and wheel loaders is likely to feature some form of drive-by-wire.It has potential applications in braking, steering and moving the boom.Legislation will also play a part in determining when drive-by-wire becomes a reality.Are customers demanding drive-by-wire? Customers are demanding soft levers and easy to use controls – and drive-by-wire allows this to happen.Drive-by-wire also eliminates the need for hydraulic oil to be piped into the cab – which can get very hot (thereby heating up the cab).Houston: we have a solution Satellite technology is already available and will become much more popular in the future. Volvo CE is working on GPS (Global Positioning System) basedtelematic capabilities for its future pro-duct range. ‘Geo-fencing’ can make sure that a machine doesn’t leave a prede-termined area – sounding an alarm and incapacitating the machine if necessary.Also data such as hours worked, tem-perature, fuel consumption and produc-tivity information can all be captured.This not only helps prepare service pro-grams, but also highlights machine misuse/abuse and enables equipment owners to calculate lifetime ownership costs. Real time fleet management is now a reality. GPS also has operational advantages. For example, in excavators or graders, GPS information can help to notify the operator how the bucket or blade should be placed so that only the precise amount of material is remo-ved. Therefore there is no wasted effort and productivity is correspondingly improved.GPS informationcan help to notifythe operatorhow the bladeshould be placed.Material evidenceAs shown in SfinX, metal will increasingly be replaced as a component material by compo-sites. This is because they are resistant to the environment and can be relatively easily repai-red (they are also generally lighter; can be molded into more interesting shapes). Plastics, meanwhile, are lower cost, can be painted to a higher specification and –in line with Volvo’s core values –environmentally friendly plastics are becoming available, helping manufacturers meet their targets for recyclability.Force fieldThe juncture between the undercarriage and superstructure would eschew the current arrangement of a large roller bearing. Instead the SfinX exca-vator hovers on an electro-magnetic field. The advantages of this are that there would be zero friction and better control of the speed and torque turning of the superstructure.Operator environmentThe cab on the SfinX excavator is cantilevered to improve all round visibility. But it can also tilt the cab, move it away from the machine to improve visi-bility (as some waste handling machines already do) – or be left on the ground entirely. This latter attribute is for the remote control of the machine, such as where the operator cannot safely work on the machine (such as close to high radioactivity or if the machine is working underwater). In the morning the cab comes down to meet the operator, it then opens the door and says ‘hello, how are you today?’! Having a detachable cab necessitates having cameras on the excavator to be able to monitor progress from the remote cab. Screens inside the cab will have a good view of the work area. It is not inconceivable that operators of the future will have to wear fighter p ilot-typ e helmets with virtual reality p rojections onto the screen.The aerospace industry is leading the way here.THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME7The road to reality?Is this how the future will look?Of course, not all glances into the future have proven correct. Even if SfinX is not exactlyhow Volvo’s excavators look in the 2020s, if only a small number of its ideas come tofruition, then the project will have proven to be a success. The SfinX concept is a statementof Volvo CE’s intention to be at the forefront of technological development – producingmachines that are not only highly productive but also people and environment friendly.21 1 669 2739 - HQR 2004.07 - EnglishPrinted in Belgium。