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文章编号:1000 677X(2010)09 0037 07体育科学



Vol.30,No.9,37 43,2010.短跑运动控制的生物力学分析

Biomechanical Analysis on Movement

Control during Sprint Running

魏书涛1,刘 宇1,傅维杰1,李 庆2,钟运健1

WEI Shu tao1,LIU Yu1,FU Wei jie1,LI Qing2,ZH ONG Yun jian1

摘 要:目的:通过建立短跑最高速阶段下肢的生物力学模型,探讨短跑运动下肢肌肉在多


使用三维红外高速摄像系统(300H z)、三维测力台(1200Hz)采集8名高水平短跑运动员



膝、髋关节处产生伸膝、屈髋力矩的外力矩(EXF),此时肌肉力矩(M US)的主要作用是对抗

地面反作用力产生的外力矩(EXF)。此时,膝、髋关节处最大MU S分别为203.40 93.60

Nm和455.24 198.72Nm;蹬伸末期,在髋关节处出现较大的由大腿加速度和髋线加速度


主要是惯性力矩引起的;摆动末期肌肉力矩(M US)与惯性力据(IN T)出现最大值,膝关节处

为249.32 38.81Nm、194.01 30.90Nm,髋关节处为650.81 101.06Nm、410.80

78.67N m。结论:支撑期,肌肉力矩(M U S)和地面反作用力产生的外力矩(EXF)是主要控



(MU S)和惯性力矩(INT)控制,其中,惯性力矩(IN T)主要由小腿的角加速度产生的,两力



Abstract:T he pur po se of this study was to analyze the movement contr ol of the low er extr emi

ty by using bio mechanical model dur ing spr int r unning and prov ide the basis for technical anal

ysis and o pt imization of spr int running.M etho ds:T hr ee dimensional v ideo g raphic and g ro und

reactio n fo rce(GRF)data wer e co llect ed fr om8outstanding male sprint runners perfo rming

spr int running at their max imum effor t.T he inter seg mental dy namics w as quant ified and the

kinemat ics,the g ro und r eact ion f orce were analyzed dur ing a r unning gait cycle of the max imal

speed phase in sprinting.R esult s:Dur ing the initial stag e o f stance phase,t he g round r eaction

for ce passes t hr ough in fr ont of knee and hip joint,pro duces a knee ex tension tor que and hip

flex io n to rque.T o co unteract the to rque of GRF,the hamstring muscle co nt racted and pr oduced

a f lex ion tor que at knee(203.40 93.60N m)and an extension t orque at hip(455.24

198.72N m).At the hip joint,T he IN T due to thig h ang ular accelerat ion and hip velocity has

contributio ns to back swing of leg dur ing later stance phase.Dur ing initial sw ing phase,T he

IN T due to leg and thig h angular acceler at ion and hip acceleration has contributio ns to back

swing o f leg.T he M U S and the IN T are the dominating tor ques and their maximal v alues wer e

249.32 38.81N m,194.01 30.90Nm at knee joint and650.81 101.06N m,410.80

78.67N m at hip joint respectiv ely dur ing later sw ing.Conclusio ns:D ur ing st ance phase,the

muscle to rques and the gr ound reactio n t orques ar e the ma in t orques that tends to counter act

each o ther for contro lling t he mo vement.T he IN T due to thig h ang ular acceleration and hip ve

locity has contr ibutio ns t o back sw ing of leg during later stance phase.D ur ing sw ing phase,

segment mo vement is co nt rolled mainly by active muscle t orques and motion dependent to rques

(due to leg angular acceleratio n),and their functions w ere o pposite and canceled out.

Key words:seg ment inter action;movement contr ol;j oint tor que;s p r int r unning

中图分类号:G804.6 文献标识码:A
