




1、QYL型回油过滤器滤芯型号:QYLX-63×*Q2、QYLX-100×*Q2、QYLX-160×*Q2、QYLX-250×*Q2、QYLX-400×*Q2(*分别代表3,5,10,20,30)2、GU-H系列⾃封式压⼒管路过滤器滤芯型号:GX-10×*、GX-25×*、GX-40×*、GX-63×*、GX-100×*、GX-160×*、GX-250x*、GX-400×*、GX-630×*(*分别代表3,5,10,20,30,40)3、ISV系列管路吸油过滤器滤芯型号:IX-40×*、IX-63×*、IX-100×*、IX-160×*、IX-250×*、IX-400×*、IX-630×*、IX-800×*、IX-1000×*(*分别代表80,100,180)4、ZU-A,QU-A,WU-A系列回油过滤器滤芯型号:TZX2-10×*、TZX2-25×*、TZX2-40×*、TZX2-63×*、TZX2-100×*、TZX2-160×*、TZX2-250×*、TZX2-400×*、TZX2-630×*、TZX2-800×*、TZX2-1000×*(*分别代表1,3,5,10,20,30)5、XU-A系列回油过滤器滤芯型号:TXX-25×* TXX-40×* TXX-63×* TXX-100×* TXX-160X* TXX-250×* TXX-400×* TXX-630×*(*分别代表30,50)6、TFB系列吸油过滤器滤芯型号:TFBX-45×*、TFBX-70×*(*分别代表10,20,30,80)7、XNL系列箱内回油过滤器滤芯型号:NLX-25×*、NLX-40×*、NLX-63×*、NLX-100×*、NLX-160×*、NLX-250×*、NLX-400×*、NLX-630×*、NLX-800×*、NLX-1000×*(*分别代表3,5,10,20,30)8、旋装式管路过滤器滤芯型号:SPX-06×10、SPX-06×25、SPX-08×10、SPX-08×25、SPX-10×10、SPX-10×25、SPAX-10×109、SRFA系列双筒微型直回式回油过滤器滤芯型号:SFAX-25×*、SFAX-40×*、SFAX-63×*、SFAX-100×*、SFAX-160×*、SFAX-250×*、SFAX-400×*、SFAX-630×*、SFAX-800×*(*分别代表1,3,5,10,20,30)10、SRFB系列双筒直回式回油过滤器滤芯型号:SFBX-25×*、SFBX-40×*、SFBX-63×*、SFBX-100×*、SFBX-160×*、SFBX-250×*、SFBX-400×*、SFBX-630×*、SFBX-800×*、SFBX-1000×*、SFBX-1300×*(*分别代表1,3,5,10,20,30)11、SRLF系列双筒回油管路过滤器滤芯型号:SFX-60×*、SFX-110×*、SFX-160×*、SFX-240×*、SFX-330×*、SFX-500×*、SFX-660×*、SFX-850×*、SFX-950×*、SFX-1300×*(*分别代表1,3,5,10,20,30,40)12、SXU-A系列双筒回油过滤器滤芯型号:STXX-25×*、STXX-40×*、STXX-63×*、STXX-100×*、STXX-160×*、STXX-250×*、STXX-400×*(*分别代表30,50)13、SGF系列双筒⾼压过滤器滤芯型号:PLFX-30×*(*分别代表3,5,10,20)14、XU-A系列回油过滤器滤芯型号:TXX-25×*、TXX-40×*、TXX-63×*、TXX-100×*、TXX-160X*、TXX-250×*、TXX-400×*、TXX-630×*(*分别代表30,50)15、RFA系列微型直回式回油过滤器滤芯型号:FAX-25×*、FAX-40×*、FAX-63×*、FAX-160×*、FAX-250×*、FAX-400×*、FAX-630×*、FAX-800×*、FAX-1000×*(*分别代表1,3,5,10,20,30)16、RFB系列直回⾃封式磁性回油过滤器滤芯型号:FBX-25×*、FBX-40×*、FBX-63×*、FBX-100×*、FBX-160×*、FBX-250×*、FBX-400×*、FBX-630×*、FBX-800×*、FBX-1000×*、FBX-1300×*(*分别代表1,3,5,10,20,30)当然,上列油滤芯型号全部都是黎明滤芯,⽽且只是部分滤芯型号,如需了解更多油滤芯型号信息,欢迎随时来电咨询。



YQXP II 型过滤器
YQXC I 型复合式在线手动清洗过滤器
注意事项 YQX 型在线式手动清洗过滤器可水平或垂直安装,安装时应注意外壳上箭头方向必须与水流方向一致。
订货须知 (1)、本公司生产的 ZJS 系列过滤器,公称压力等级为 0.6、1.0、1.6、2.5、4.0、6.3MPa,采用化工部 HG20592 标准,用户
过滤器是工业生产中不可缺少的管道设备,安装在管道上能除去流体中的固体杂质,使机器设备(包括压缩机、泵等),仪表 正常工作和运转,达到稳定工艺过程,保障安全生产的作用。另外对提高产品质量也有十分重要的意义。
本公司生产的普通过滤器具有结构紧凑、过滤能力大、压损小,适用范围广、维护方便、价格低廉等优点。 公司新近推出的智能过滤器系列产品,除具有普通过滤器的所有功能外,同时还具有提供更换、清洗滤网信息的樗和远程声光 报警功能,它的基本原理是利用流经过滤器流体入口与出口的压力差,使智能器内压差式信息发生动作,在智能器一端的红圆柱便 冒出或发生报警信息,表示滤网被阻塞需要更换或清洗。它克服了当今普通过滤器因无法及时指示滤网的阻塞程度而造成断流、烧 泵或误判滤网阻塞白白浪费入力、物力等弊端,是一种理想的更新换代产品。若将它串联地安装在泵的入口或系统管线的其它部位, 既可处长泵和其它设备的使用寿命,又能保证整个系统安全。
在线式手动清洗过滤器 产品简介
YQX 系列在线式手动清洗过滤器适用于各种供水系统、工艺管路及工业循环水系统,特别是 24 小时连续运行的不停机系统, 确保系 统的安全可靠运行,是一种简洁高效的过滤器,广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、环保、采矿、制药、食品、造纸等领域。
H 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 1020 1240 1310



法兰尼净水器各级滤芯功能说明FLN 聚丙烯熔喷滤芯(PP 棉) 过滤精度5微米1微米性能特点过滤精度高,流量大,结构均匀,纳污量大,使用寿命长;有良好的化学相容性,不含有保湿剂、抗静电剂以及粘结剂等任何有害物质,符合FDA 食品饮料的要求适用PH 值 1-13 最大压差 正向0.4Mpa 工作温度0.25Mpa ,<70℃过滤功能可截留孔径1-5微米以上的杂质,有效阻拦水中的铁锈、泥沙、虫卵、水藻等物质更换周期3-6个月FLN Polypropylene meltblown filter (PP cotton )Filtering accuracy 5 micron1 micronFeaturesHigh filtration precision, flow, uniform structure, pollutant carrying capacity, long life; has good chemical compatibility, does not contain moisturizing agents, antistatic agents, and binders and any other harmful substances, comply with FDA requirements for food and beveragePH value applicable 1-13The maximum pressuredifference Forward 0.4MpaOperating Temperature0.25Mpa ,<70℃Filtering 1-5 micron pore size can be trapped impurities, effectively blockingthe water rust, sediment, eggs, algae and other substancesDuration3-6months滤芯名称功能/参数滤芯名称功能/参数FLN 前置椰壳活性炭滤芯(Carbon )性能特点椰壳活性炭以优质椰子壳为原料,经系列生产工艺精加工而成。

Racor 900和1000系列燃油滤器 水分离器拆卸和重组指南说明书

Racor 900和1000系列燃油滤器 水分离器拆卸和重组指南说明书

This instruction kit contains all the necessary seals and o--rings when conducting a tear down and reassembling of the 900and 1000series fuel filter/water separators as these models share many of the same parts (1000model shown).The unit may be disassembled in the numerical order shown.Inspect all parts for damage and clean them in solvent or fresh diesel fuel only.Ensure all parts,o--ring glands and sealing surfaces are free of dirt or debris and coat all seals and o--rings with grease or motor oil prior to assembly.Reassembling is the reverse of these steps.Tightening specifications are noted on the illustration.The parts list below shows all serviceable items used in the assemblies and the items provided in this kit are identified with bold characters.If you require replacement parts not included with this kit,use the kit numbers provided and order from your Racor dealer.PARTS LISTItem Description Part/Kit #1T--handle kit RK118881a Nylon washer (FE,FF)110031b Rubber seal (FE,FF)110041c T--handle O--ring 113502900/1000Lid kit RK11005B 3Lid seal 1100742040(900Series)See note 12020(1000Series)See note 15Bowl fasteners (4)129176Bowl ring kit RK11037A 7See--thru bowl kit See note 18Bowl seal 110079Turbine centrifuge kit RK11026D 10Check ball seal 1102811Check ball 1102712Conical baffle kit RK11026D 13Heater option kit See note 114Heater feedthru kit RK2106714a Feedthru or plug o--ring (FG)4350615Drain assembly kit RK3048815a Drain body seal 2209915b Drain body O--ring 1134016Drain assembly kit RK1178016a Drain seal 1174616b Drain O--ring (small)1177916c Drain O--ring 1134017Bowl adapter (MA)kit 1104017a Adapter gasket 1104118Heat deflector kit (MA)RK1186819Water probe kit RK2106919a Water probe or plug O--ring 2002020Clamp bracket kit RK11815Note 1:Numerous configurations are available.Contact your dealer for your applicationrequirements.FiltrationParker Hannifin Corporation Racor DivisionPO Box 3208,3400Finch Rd.Modesto,CA 95353USA 209--521--7860/800--344--3286/racorSEAL SERVICE KIT PARTS:The items shown below are included with this kit and are shown in full scale.To ensure an efficient air--tight seal,coat all seals and o--rings with grease or motor oil prior to assembly.FUEL SYSTEM PRIMING:With the T--handle/lid removed,fill the unit with clean fuel.Replace the lid and T--handle and tighten by hand only.If applicable,refer to the equipment operator’s service manual to complete the fuel priming/bleeding procedure.Start the engine and check the installation for potential leaks.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES:A major cause of poor starting or power loss is the result of an air leak.If your unit will not prime,fails to hold a prime or if air bubbles are visible in the see--thru bowl,first check that the T--handle,drain valve and fasteners are properly tightened.Next,check all fitting connections and ensure none of the fuel lines are pinched or clogged with contaminants.If your fuel tank is equipped with an in--tank strainer,check it for potential clogging.If problems persist and the filter element is new,call your Racor dealer or Racor Technical Support for assistance at(800)344--3286.Copyright,Parker Hannifin Corporation,2000Service Kit Instructions Part No.11--1405Rev.C。



平板膜 比表面积小,处理能力低,应用范围非常有限。 卷式膜 适用于高压物料的分离,不能反洗,前处理要求严格。 管式膜 能耗大,适用于高固含物流体的分离。 中空纤维膜 装填密度大,操作压力低,通量大,可反洗。
67000 1.0/1.5 内压 38-81
80000 1.0/1.5 内压 44-81
100000 0.7/1.2 外压 30-66
耐酸碱 耐氧化 膜结构
1-13 500
1-13 500
2-10 5000
膜 材 质:

改 性 聚 砜(PS) 聚 醚 砜(PES) 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF) 67K 80K 100K UFI(O) B90、UFIB125、 UFI(O) B160 UFI(O) A200 、 UFIA225、 UFIA315S UFIA315L
膜产品类型 一、微滤
二、超滤 1.PS、PES、PVDF中空纤维超滤膜组件及装置
一、1 PP中空纤维微滤膜组件
强度高: 断丝率低,寿命长
耐酸碱: 清洗简单,通量恢复性好






中石达系列液压过滤器滤芯图片吸油过滤器:WF系列吸油过滤器、WU系列吸油过滤器、XU系列吸油过滤器、ISV 系列管路吸油过滤器、XNJ系列箱内吸油过滤器、NJU系列箱外内积式吸油过滤器、TRF系列吸回油过滤器、TF箱外自封式吸油过滤器、TFA系列吸油过滤器、TFB系列吸油过滤器、YCX系列自封式箱侧吸油过滤器、YLX系列自封式箱上吸油过滤器、XYLQ系列吸油过滤器回油过滤器:XNL系列箱内回油过滤器、QYL系列回油过滤器、YLH系列箱上回油过滤器、RF系列直回式回油过滤器、RFA系列微型直回式回油过滤器、HU系列回油过滤器压力管路过滤器:DRLF系列大流量回油管路过滤器、DFV型自封式大流量管路过滤器、GU-H系列自封式压力管路过滤器、HYLQ系列回油管路过滤器、PLF系列压力管路过滤器、RLF系列回油管路过滤器、SP旋转式管路过滤器、XU-C系列线隙式压力管路过滤器、YPM系列压力管路过滤器、YPH 系列压力管路过滤器、PHM系列压力管路过滤器、ZU-H QU-H系列压力管路过滤器、ZU-A QU-A WU-A XU-A系列回油过滤器双筒回油过滤器:SZU-A SQU-A SWU-A SXU-A系列双筒回油过滤器、SRLF系列双筒回油管路过滤器、SRFB双筒直回式回油过滤器、SRFA双筒微型直回式回油过滤器、SMF双筒中压过滤器、SLLF双筒润滑过滤器、SGF系列双筒高压过滤器、SDRLF系列大流量双筒回油过滤器磁性过滤器:自封式磁性吸油过滤器、磁性回油过滤器、CFF系列自封式磁性吸油过滤器、CFFA系列自封式磁性吸油过滤器、ZL12-122系列自封式磁性吸油过滤器、CGQ型强磁管路过滤器、CWU型磁性过滤器、LMT 系列磁性管路过滤器、LXZS自封式磁性回油过滤器、RFB系列直回自封式磁性回油过滤器、CHL系列自封式磁性回油过滤器、CXL系列磁性吸油过滤器、GP WY系列磁性回油过滤器、Y型磁性管路过滤器阀块安装式过滤器、DF系列叠加式过滤器、DFB系列高压板式过滤器液压空气滤清器:SAF系列带锁液压空气滤清器、QUQ系列液压空气滤清器、PAF系列预压式空气滤清器、EF25-120系列液压空气过滤器、C型空气滤清器、AF-22AF35型空气滤清器GX-10×3、GX-10×5、GX-10×10、GX-10×20、GX-10×30、GX-10×40GX-25×3、GX-25×5、GX-25×10、GX-25×20、GX-25×30、GX-25×40GX-40×3、GX-40×5、GX-40×10、GX-40×20、GX-40×30、GX-40×40GX-63×3、GX-63×5、GX-63×10、GX-63×20、GX-63×30、GX-63×40GX-100×3、GX-100×5、GX-100×10、GX-100×20、GX-100×30、GX-100×40 GX-160×3、GX-160×5、GX-160×10、GX-160×20、GX-160×30、GX-160×40 GX-250×3、GX-250×5、GX-250×10、GX-250×20、GX-250×30、GX-250×40 GX-400×3、GX-400×5、GX-400×10、GX-400×20、GX-400×30、GX-400×40 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perma FUTURA
稀油和润 滑脂 (1)





XU-A25×※-P XU-A25×※BP SDRLF-A1300×※PXU-A40×※-P XU-A40×※BP SDRLF-A2600×※PXU-A63×※-P XU-A63×※BP SDRLF-A3900×※PXU-A100×※-P XU-A100×※BP SDRLF-A6500×※PXU-A160×※-P XU-A160×※BP SDRLF-A7800×※PXU-A250×※-P XU-A250×※BP SDRLF-A9100×※PXU-A400×※-P XU-A400×※BPXU-A630×※-P XU-A630×※BPSRFB(SPZU)双筒回油过滤器10~30μCWU 磁性过滤器SRFA(SLHN)双筒回油过滤器10~30μ克瑞斯过滤技术CWU-10×100B SRFA-25×※LY/C SRFB-25×※FY/CCWU-A25×60SRFA-40×※LY/C SRFB-40×※FY/CCGQ系列强磁管路过滤器SRFA-63×※LY/C SRFB-63×※FY/CCGQ-6SRFA-100×※LY/C SRFB-100×※FY/CCGQ-8SRFA-160×※LY/C SRFB-160×※FY/CCGQ-10SRFA-250×※LY/C SRFB-250×※FY/CCGQ-12SRFA-400×※LY/C SRFB-400×※FY/CCGQ-15SRFA-630×※LY/C SRFB-630×※FY/CCGQ-20SRFA-800×※LY/C SRFB-800×※FY/CCGQ-25SRFA-1000×※LY/C SRFB-1000×※FY/CCGQ-32新乡克瑞斯提供参考!!SRFB-1300×※FY/CCGQ-40SZU 双筒管路过滤器10~30μvCGQ-50SZU-A25×※PSRLF双筒回油过滤器10~30μSXU 双筒管路过滤器30~50μSZU-A40×※PSRLF-60×※F-P SXU-A25×※P SZU-A63×※PSRLF-110×※F-P SXU-A40×※P SZU-A100×※PSRLF-160×※F-P SXU-A63×※P SZU-A160×※PSRLF-240×※F-P SXU-A100×※P SZU-A250×※PSRLF-330×※F-P SXU-A160×※P SZU-A400×※PSQU-A400×※P SLLF双筒润滑过滤器80~120μSMF 双筒高压过滤器SGF双筒高压过滤器10~20μSLLF-32×※P SMF-D30×※CSGF-H30×※C SLLF-40×※P SMF-D100×※CSGF-H60×※C SLLF-50×※P C型系列空气过滤器SGF-H110×※C SLLF-65×※PSGF-H160×※C SLLF-80×※PSGF-H240×※C SLLF-100×※PSGF-H330×※C SLLF-150×※PSGF-H500×※C SLLF-200×※PSGF-H660×※C咨询0373*******XU-A25×※-P XU-A25×※BP SDRLF-A1300×※P XU-A40×※-P XU-A40×※BP SDRLF-A2600×※P XU-A63×※-P XU-A63×※BP SDRLF-A3900×※P XU-A100×※-P XU-A100×※BP SDRLF-A6500×※P XU-A160×※-P XU-A160×※BP SDRLF-A7800×※P XU-A250×※-P XU-A250×※BP SDRLF-A9100×※P XU-A400×※-P XU-A400×※BPXU-A630×※-P XU-A630×※BPCWU 磁性过滤器SRFA(SLHN)双筒回油过滤器10~30μSRFB(SPZU)双筒回油过滤器10~30μCWU-10×100B SRFA-25×※LY/C SRFB-25×※FY/CCWU-A25×60SRFA-40×※LY/C SRFB-40×※FY/CCGQ系列强磁管路过滤器SRFA-63×※LY/C SRFB-63×※FY/CCGQ-6SRFA-100×※LY/C SRFB-100×※FY/CCGQ-8SRFA-160×※LY/C SRFB-160×※FY/CCGQ-10SRFA-250×※LY/C SRFB-250×※FY/CCGQ-12SRFA-400×※LY/C SRFB-400×※FY/CCGQ-15SRFA-630×※LY/C SRFB-630×※FY/CCGQ-20SRFA-800×※LY/C SRFB-800×※FY/CCGQ-25SRFA-1000×※LY/C SRFB-1000×※FY/CCGQ-32SRFB-1300×※FY/CCGQ-40克瑞斯过滤技术提供参考!!SZU 双筒管路过滤器10~30μvCGQ-50SZU-A25×※PSRLF双筒回油过滤器10~30μSXU 双筒管路过滤器30~50μSZU-A40×※PSRLF-60×※F-P SXU-A25×※P SZU-A63×※PSRLF-110×※F-P SXU-A40×※P SZU-A100×※PSRLF-160×※F-P SXU-A63×※P SZU-A160×※PSRLF-240×※F-P SXU-A100×※P SZU-A250×※PSRLF-330×※F-P SXU-A160×※P SZU-A400×※PSQU-A400×※P SLLF双筒润滑过滤器80~120μSMF 双筒高压过滤器SGF双筒高压过滤器10~20μSLLF-32×※P SMF-D30×※CSGF-H30×※C SLLF-40×※P SMF-D100×※CSGF-H60×※C SLLF-50×※P C型系列空气过滤器SGF-H110×※C SLLF-65×※PSGF-H160×※C SLLF-80×※PSGF-H240×※C SLLF-100×※PSGF-H330×※C SLLF-150×※PSGF-H500×※C SLLF-200×※PSGF-H660×※C。



空气通过进气口进入后,直接吹向油面,大部分灰尘颗粒被油吸附。由于空气进入时初速度很快,会 在油盆中形成空气和油液的混合油雾,混合油雾相互碰撞吸附形成大的灰尘掉入油盆或者黏连在钢丝 滤芯上,产生二次过滤。此类型产品为更多恶劣环境下的发动机进气提供更高效率的保护。 After air enters through the intake port, it blows directly to the oil surface, and most dust particles are adsorbed by oil. Because the initial speed of air entering is very fast, the mixed oil mist of air and oil will be formed in the oil basin. The mixed oil mist collides and adsorbs with each other to form large dust falling into the oil basin or adhering to the wire filter element, resulting in secondary filtration. This type of product provides more efficient protection for engine intake in more harsh environments.
Innovation and continuous improvement are the driving force of our group: FILFUISON provides air filters, air pre-filters and oil-water separators for construction machinery, earthmoving machinery, agricultural machinery, irrigation and special machinery. Each type of filter is designed with the latest technology to meet the needs of all industrial equipment; product design is also based on differentiated technology to meet different standards for cost, size and energy consumption for different applications.



Low Pressure FiltersModel CodeSF W/HC 330 W G 25 UE 1 . 1 / 3 B0.2Filter TypeSF = In-Tank Inlet Suction Filter Element MediaW/HC = Wire Screen Size110, 240, 330, 950, 1300Operating Pressure W = suction operation Type of Connection C = SAE 12 (sizes 110)L = 2” NPT Inlet / SAE 32 Flange Outlet (size 330) E = SAE 20 (sizes 240 - 330) O = SAE 56 Flange (size 950) G = 2” NPT (size 330) P = SAE 64 Flange (size 1300)Filtration Rating (micron) 25, 74, 149 = W/HCType of Clogging Indicator (static) A, UE, UF Type NumberModification Number (latest version always supplied)Outlet Port Configuration 3 = NPT (size 330)12 = SAE Straight Thread Inlet/Outlet Connection (sizes 110 & 240 only) 16 = SAE Code 61 Flange (sizes 330-1300)Seals (omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) EPR =Ethylene Propylene (EPR)Cracking Pressure of Bypass Valve B0.2 = 3 psid (0.2 bar) (standard)Replacement Element Model Code0330 RS 25 W/HC / VSize0330, 0660, 0950, 1300Filtration Rating (micron) 25, 74, 149 = W/HC Element Media W/HCSupplementary Details (omit) = standard V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) sealsModel Codes Containing RED are non-stock items — Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availabilityClogging Indicator Model CodeVR 2 UE . X / Indicator PrefixVR = Return Filters Trip Pressure0.2 = 3 psid (0.2 bar)Type of Indicator A = no indicator, plugged port UE = Vacuum gauge UF = Vacuum switch Modification Number Supplementary Details Seals(omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM)(For additional details and options, see Clogging Indicators section.)NPT available w/AdapterLow Pressure FiltersSF 1106.30”(160mm)(96mm)(126mm)SF 2407.48”(190mm)Clearance required INLETINLETINLETSF 95013.78”18.11”Clearance required Dimensions SF 110 / 240SF 330SF 950 / 1300Mounting PatternFor complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.Low Pressure FiltersSizing InformationTotal pressure loss through the filter is as follows:Assembly ∆P = Housing ∆P + Element ∆P Housing Curve:Pressure loss through housing is as follows:Housing ∆P = Housing Curve ∆P xActual Specific Gravity0.86Adjustments must be made for viscosity & specific gravity of the fluid to be used! (see sizing section on page 19)Element K Factors∆P Elements = Elements (K) Flow Factor x Flow Rate (gpm) x Actual Viscosity (SUS) x Actual Specific Gravity(From Tables Below)141 SUS0.86All Element K Factors in psi / gpm.SF 110 HOUSING SF 240 HOUSINGMedium Pressure FiltersHydraulic Symbol ApplicationsABequipment applications.N E W!LPF SeriesInline Filters1000 psi • up to 140 gpm• Sizes 160/240/280• 2-piece designMedium Pressure FiltersModel CodeLPF BN/HC 280 G E 3 A 1 . 2 / 12 B6 Filter Type LPF Inline filterElement MediaBH/HC = Betamicron ® (High Collapse) BN/HC = Betamicron ® (Low Collapse)W/HC = Wire Screen Size35, 55, 160, 240, 280, 660Operating Pressure(omit) = 1000 psi (size 660) G = 725 psi (sizes 160, 240, 280) E = 580 psi (size 35 & 55)Type of Connection E = SAE 20J = 3/4 - 16 UNF (size 35 & 55)Filtration Rating (microns) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH/HC, BN/HC25, 74, 149 = W/HCType of ∆P Clogging IndicatorA, B/BM, BF, C, D (size 660 only includes an SAE ported indicator, consult HYDAC for details)Type Number 1 2 (sizes 160, 240, 280 only)Modification Number (latest version always supplied)Port Configuration 0 = BSPP Ports (160 - 280 = G 1 1/4”) 12 = SAE ThreadNot required for sizes 35 and 55Seals(omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM)EPR = Ethylene Propylene (EPDM)Bypass Valve (omit) = Without Bypass (BH4HC elements recommended)B3 = 43 psid bypass (optional)B6 = 87 psid bypass (standard) (sizes 160 - 660 only) B7 =102 psid bypass (standard) (sizes 35 - 55 only)SupplementarySO103H = Modification of BN4HC (Betamicron® Low Collapse) Element For Phosphate Ester Fluids SO155H = Modification of BH4HC (Betamicron® High Collapse) Element For Phosphate Ester Fluids SO150H = Anodized filter head for water based fluids (size 660 only)L24, L48, L110, L220 = Lamp for D-type clogging indicator (LXX, XX = voltage)T100 = Thermal Lockout on indicator at 100˚F (contact HYDAC for B or BM type indicators)Replacement Element Model Code0035 D 010 BN4HC / VSize0035, 0055, 0160, 0240, 0280, 0660Filtration Rating (micron) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH4HC, BN4HC 25, 74, 149 = W/HC Element MediaBH4HC, BN4HC, W/HCSupplementary Details (omit) = standard V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) sealsModel Codes Containing RED are non-stock items — Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availabilityClogging Indicator Model CodeVM 2 B . X / Indicator PrefixVM = G 1/2 3000 psi (sizes 35-280)Note: for size 660, consult HYDACTrip Pressure 2 = 29 psid (2 bar) (optional) 5 = 72 psid (5 bar)Type of Indicator A = no indicator, plugged portB/BM = Visual pop-up (auto/manual reset) BF = Visual analog C = Electric switch D = Electric switch and light Modification Number Supplementary Details Seals (omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) Light Voltage (D type indicators only) L24 = 24V L110 = 110VThermal Lockout (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) T100 = Lockout below 100°FUnderwrighters Approval (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) CRUUS = E lectrical Indicators(For additional details and options, see Clogging Indicators section.)Medium Pressure FiltersINLETmm)(2 Pl)3/8” - 24 UNF - (4 Pl)Clearance Required for Element Removal3/4-16 UNF For complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.Dimensions LPF 35 / 55LPF 660Medium Pressure Filters252015105001. (gpm)Q (l/min)10080604020LPF 160 / 240 / 280 Housing252015105001. (gpm)Q (l/min)20015010050LPF 660 Housing20.517.414.511. (gpm)Q (l/min)5.010.615.918.513.27.92.0LPF 35 / 55 HousingSizing InformationTotal pressure loss through the filter is as follows:Assembly ∆P = Housing ∆P + Element ∆P Housing Curve:Pressure loss through housing is as follows:Housing ∆P = Housing Curve ∆P xActual Specific Gravity0.86Adjustments must be made for viscosity & specific gravity of the fluid to be used! (see sizing section on page 19)Element K Factors∆P Elements = Elements (K) Flow Factor x Flow Rate (gpm) x Actual Viscosity (SUS) x Actual Specific Gravity(From Tables Below)141 SUS0.86All Element K Factors in psi / gpm.Medium Pressure FiltersHydraulic SymbolApplicationsAgriculturalAutomotiveConstructionIndustrialRailwaysSteel / HeavyIndustryFeatures• N on-welded housing design reduces stress concentrations and prevents fatigue failure.• A luminum alloy is water tolerant - anodization is not required for water based fluids (HWBF).• I nlet & outlet port options include NPT and SAE straight thread O-ring boss to allow easy installation without costly adapters.• O -ring seals are used to provide positive, reliable sealing. Choice of O-ring materials (Nitrile, Fluoroelastomer, EPDM) provides compatibility with petroleum oils, synthetic fluids, water-glycols, oil/water emulsions, and high water base fluids.• S crew-in bowl mounted below the filter head requires minimal clearance to remove the element for replacement, and contaminated fluid cannot be washed downstream when element is serviced.• D ifferential Pressure Indicators. HYDAC indicators have noexternal dynamic seal. This results in a high system reliability due to magnetic actuation, thus eliminating a potential leak point.• A poppet-type bypass valve (optional) is separate from the main flow path (except LF 60 / 110) to provide positive sealing during normal operation and fast opening during cold starts and flow surges.• F or special finishes and coatings – consult HYDAC for minimum quantities, availability and pricing.LF SeriesInline Filters1500 psi • up to 180 gpmABTechnical DetailsMounting Method 4 mounting holesPort Connection 30 60/110160/240/280 330/660SAE-8, 1/2” NPT, 1/2” BSPP SAE-12, 3/4” NPT, 3/4” BSPP SAE-20, 1 1/4” NPT, 1 1/4” BSPP SAE-24, 1 1/2” NPT, 1 1/2” BSPP Flow DirectionInlet: SideOutlet: SideConstruction Materials Head BowlCast AluminumAluminum Extrusion (sizes 30 - 330)Steel (sizes 280 & 660)Flow Capacity 30 60 110 160 240 280 330 6608 gpm (30 lpm)16 gpm (60 lpm)29 gpm (110 lpm)42 gpm (160 lpm)63 gpm (240 lpm)74 gpm (280 lpm)84 gpm (330 lpm)174 gpm (660 lpm)Housing Pressure Rating Max. Operating Pressure Proof Pressure Fatigue Pressure Burst Pressure1500 psi (100 bar)2250 psi (150 bar)1500 psi (100 bar)size 30 5510 psi (380bar)sizes 60 - 660 > 6090 psi (420 bar)Element Collapse Pressure Rating BH/HC, VBN/HC, W/HC3045 psid (210 bar)290 psid (20 bar)Fluid Temperature Range-22° to 250°F (-30° to 121°C)Fluid CompatabilityCompatible with all petroleum oils and synthetic fluids rated for use with Fluoroelastomer or Ethylene Propylene seals.Contact HYDAC for information on special housing and element constructions available for use with water glycols, oil/water emulsions, and HWBF.Indicator Trip Pressure∆P = 29 psid (2 bar) -10% (optional) ∆P = 72 psid (5 bar) -10% (standard)Bypass Valve Cracking Pressure ∆P = 43 psid (3 bar) +10% (optional) ∆P = 87 psid (6 bar) +10% (standard)Medium Pressure FiltersModel CodeLF BH/HC 30 I B 3 A 1 . 0 / 3 Filter Type LF = Inline filterElement MediaBH/HC = Betamicron ® (High Collapse) BN/HC = Betamicron ® (Low Collapse) V = Metal FiberW/HC = Wire ScreenSize30, 60, 110, 160, 240, 280, 330, 660Operating Pressure I = 1500 PSI (100 bar)Type of Connection B = SAE-8 (size 30 only)E = SAE-20 (sizes 160, 240, & 280 only) C = SAE-12 (sizes 60 & 110 only)F = SAE-24 (sizes 330 & 660 only)Filtration Rating (microns) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH/HC, BN/HC 3, 5, 10, 20 = V 25, 74, 149 = W/HC Type of ∆P Clogging Indicator A, B/BM, C, DType Number 1 = Sizes 30 to 660Modification Number (latest version always supplied)Port Configuration 0 = BSPP 3 = NPT Ports (with adapters) 12 = SAE Straight Thread O-Ring Boss Ports Seals(omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard)V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM)EPR = Ethylene Propylene (EPDM)Bypass Valve(omit) = Without Bypass (BH4HC or V elements recommended) B3 = 43PSID Bypass (optional) B6 = 87PSID Bypass (standard)Supplementary DetailsSO103H = Modification of BN4HC (Low Collapse) Element For Phosphate EstersSO150H = Head & Bowl Anodized for High Water Based Fluids (HWBF) (sizes 60 & 110 only) SO155H = Modification of BH4HC (High Collapse) Element For Phosphate EstersSO184 = G-1/2 Drain in Bowl Option For Sizes 60 - 280 (comes standard for sizes 330, 660, & 1320) W = Indicator with brass piston (for use with water based fluids)L24, L48, L110, L220 = Lamp for D-type clogging indicator (LXX, XX = voltage) T100 = Indicator Thermal Lockout, 100°F (C and D indicators only)Replacement Element Model Code0030 D 010 BN4HC / VSize0030, 0060, 0110, 0160, 0240, 0280, 0330, 0660Filtration Rating (micron) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH4HC, BN4HC 3, 5, 10, 20 = V 25, 74, 149 = W/HC Element MediaBH4HC, BN4HC, V, W/HCSupplementary Details (omit) = standard V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) sealsModel Codes Containing RED are non-stock items — Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availabilityClogging Indicator Model CodeVM 2 B . X / Indicator PrefixVM = G 1/2 3000 psi Trip Pressure 2 = 29 psid (2 bar) (optional) 5 = 72 psid (5 bar)Type of Indicator A = no indicator, plugged portB/BM = Visual pop-up (auto/manual reset) C = Electric switch D = Electric switch and light Modification Number Supplementary Details Seals (omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) Light Voltage (D type indicators only) L24 = 24V L110 = 110VThermal Lockout (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) T100 = Lockout below 100°FUnderwrighters Approval (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) CRUUS = E lectrical Indicators(For additional details and options, see Clogging Indicators section.)Medium Pressure FiltersFor complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.Dimensions LF 30 - 660(4 Places)Clearance Requiredfor Element Removal9630121086420140.680.410.1300.961234.0222.6811.34045.36Flow in gpmFlow in l/min 0.680.410.130.9694.556.718.9Flow in l/min 0.680.410.1300.96189113.437.8264.6Flow in l/min 0.680.410.1300.96340.2113.40567Flow in l/min Flow in gpmP i n p s i dFlow in gpm Flow in gpmP i n p s i dLF 30 Housing 25201015501210864201430LF 60 / 110 Housing 60402050301001210864201470LF 160 / 240 / 280 Housing 120906030012108642014150LF 330 / 660 HousingSizing InformationTotal pressure loss through the filter is as follows:Assembly ∆P = Housing ∆P + Element ∆P Housing Curve:Pressure loss through housing is as follows:Housing ∆P = Housing Curve ∆P xActual Specific Gravity0.86Adjustments must be made for viscosity & specific gravity of the fluid to be used! (see sizing section on page 19)Element K Factors∆P Elements = Elements (K) Flow Factor x Flow Rate (gpm) x Actual Viscosity (SUS) x Actual Specific Gravity(From Tables Below)141 SUS0.86All Element K Factors in psi / gpm.Hydraulic SymbolApplicationsAgricultural Automotive Construction IndustrialRailwaysPower GenerationSteel / HeavyIndustryFeatures• T he FMND filter consists of a ductile iron filter head with built-in change-over valve and three different lengths of screw-in filter bowls. • T he FMND filter can be supplied with or without bypass valve, but includes vent and drain screws, and also a connection for a differential pressure clogging indicator. • P ressure equalization requirement is achieved by raising the change-over lever prior to switching it to the relevant filter side.• F atigue pressure rating = maximum allowable working pressure rating.FMND SeriesInline Duplex Filters3000 psi • up to 100 gpmTechnical DetailsMounting Method 4 mounting holes Port Connection SAE-24Flow DirectionInlet: SideOutlet: SideConstruction Materials Head BowlDuctile iron SteelFlow Capacity 16025040042 gpm (160 lpm)66 gpm (250 lpm)100 gpm (400 lpm)Housing Pressure Rating Max. Operating Pressure Proof Pressure Fatigue Pressure Burst Pressure 3000 psi (207 bar)4500 psi (315 bar)3000 psi (210 bar) @ 1 million cycles 10,650 psi (735 bar)Element Collapse Pressure RatingBH/HCBN/HC, W/HC3045 psid (210 bar)290 psid (20 bar)Fluid Temperature Range -22° to 250°F (-30° to 121°C)Fluid CompatabilityCompatible with all petroleum oils and synthetic fluids rated for use with Fluoroelastomer or Ethylene Propylene seals. Contact HYDAC for information on special housing and element constructions available for use with water glycols, oil/water emulsions, and HWBF.Indicator Trip Pressure∆P = 29 psid (2 bar) -10% (optional)∆P = 72 psid (5 bar) -10% (standard)Bypass Valve Cracking Pressure ∆P = 102 psid (7 bar) +10%Model CodeFMND BH/HC 250 L D F 10 A 1 . X / 12 - V - Filter Type FMND =Inline Duplex FilterElement MediaBH/HC = Betamicron ® (High Collapse) BN/HC = Betamicron ® (Low Collapse)W/HC = Wire Screen Size160, 250, 400Operating Pressure L = 3000 psi (210 bar)Type of Changeover D = segment valve Type and Size of Port F = SAE-24 (1 1/2”) K = SAE DN 38 Flange Filtration Rating (micron) 3, 6, 10, 25 = BH/HC, BN/HC 25, 50, 100, 200 = W/HCType of ∆P Clogging Indicator A, B/BM, C, D Type Code 1Modification Number (the latest version is always supplied)Port Configuration(omit) = SAE DN Flange 12 = SAE straight thread inlet/outlet connections Seals V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) (standard)Bypass Valve(omit) = no bypass (optional) B7 = 102 psid (standard)Supplementary DetailsL24, L48, L110, L220 = Lamp for D-type clogging indicator (LXX, XX = voltage) W = Indicators with brass piston (for use with high water based fluids HWBF)Replacement Element Model Code0160 DN 010 BN/HC / Size0160, 0250, 0400Type DNFiltration Rating (micron) 3, 6, 10, 25 = BH/HC, BN/HC 25, 50, 100, 200 = W/HC Element MediaBH/HC, BN/HC, W/HCSupplementary Details (omit) = standard V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) sealsModel Codes Containing RED are non-stock items — Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availabilityClogging Indicator Model CodeVM 2 B . X / Indicator PrefixVM = G 1/2 3000 psi Trip Pressure 2 = 29 psid (2 bar) (optional) 5 = 72 psid (5 bar)Type of Indicator A = no indicator, plugged portB/BM = Visual pop-up (auto/manual reset) C = Electric switch D = Electric switch and light Modification Number Supplementary Details Seals (omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) Light Voltage (D type indicators only) L24 = 24V L110 = 110VThermal Lockout (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) T100 = Lockout below 100°FUnderwrighters Approval (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) CRUUS = E lectrical Indicators(For additional details and options, see Clogging Indicators section.)Dimensionsvent “clean side”Clearance Requiredfor Element RemovalFor complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.Sizing InformationTotal pressure loss through the filter is as follows: Assembly ∆P = Housing ∆P + Element ∆P Housing Curve:Pressure loss through housing is as follows:Housing ∆P = Housing Curve ∆P x Actual Specific Gravity0.86Adjustments must be made for viscosity & specific gravity of the fluid to be used! (see sizing section on page 19)Element K Factors∆P Elements = Elements (K) Flow Factor x Flow Rate (gpm) x Actual Viscosity (SUS) x Actual Specific Gravity(From Tables Below) 141 SUS 0.86All Element K Factors in psi / gpm.。

Millicup-FLEX 可重复使用的液体过滤器说明书

Millicup-FLEX 可重复使用的液体过滤器说明书

Millicup™-FLEX Disposable Filtration UnitUser GuideIntroductionThe Millicup™-FLEX nonsterile vacuum-driven filtration unit is designed to combine the convenience of disposable filtration with the flexibility and compatibility of traditional vacuum filtration glassware. With solvent-resistant, modular components, the Millicup™-FLEX filtration unit offers a safe and efficient means for filtering a variety of aqueous and organic solutions, allowing the user to filter directly into GL45 vacuum-rated filtration bottles with their choice of 47 mm disc membranes (sold separately).The ready-to-assemble, clampless design of the Millicup™-FLEX filtration system eliminates the need forcleaning prior to filtration — saving time and ultimately reducing the risk of sample contamination. Following filtration, the 250 mL funnel and membrane support collar easily disconnect to enable direct access to the membrane.All three components of the Millicup™-FLEX unit are fully recyclable, minimizing your environmental impact. Before placing the unit in your lab’s mixed plastic or single-stream recycling, you must remove the membrane and rinse any residual solids from the funnel.Millicup™-FLEX disposable filtration unit kits are available in two versions:• MCFLX4702 - Millicup™-FLEX 47 mm Disposable Filtration Cup, Semi-reusable• MCFLX4710 - Millicup™-FLEX 47 mm Disposable Filtration Cup, Single UseSnap-on FunnelTube Adapter(sold separately)The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Millicup™-FLEX Disposable Filtration Unit 2Quick Assembly Instructions1. Connect the threaded membrane support collar to thevacuum rated GL45 receiver bottle by carefully screwing in a clockwise manner until fully tightened, ensuring the gasket remains properly placed.2. Using smooth-tip forceps, arrange a 47 mm membranedisc onto the support collar .3. Without disturbing the filter , center the flange of the funnelon top of the membrane support base and gently press down until you hear a firm “click”.4. Attach one of the included tube adapters to the integratedvacuum port, connecting one end of the vacuum tubing to the system and the other end to the vacuum source.5. Pour sample into funnel and apply vacuum until filtration iscomplete, rinsing the funnel (if required) while the vacuum is on.6. Turn off the vacuum and remove tubing. If removal ofmembrane is desirec, gently lift up on the funnel for access.7. Remove the collar by screwing in a counter-clockwisemanner until loosened. If desired, place the GL45 cap onto the receiver bottle for storage.8. Dispose or recycle the filtration unit appropriately.Usage Guidelines• The Millicup™-FLEX disposable filtration units are compatible with most commonly used 47 mm cut disc filters, including Isopore™, Durapore ®, Omnipore™, Mitex™, Express™ PLUS PES, and MF-Millipore ™ Mixed Cellulose Ester membranes.•When using a new membrane type with this system, be sure that the funnel-to-collar connection has fully “clicked” into place to ensure an effective seal around the membrane.Chemical CompatibilityMillicup™-FLEX disposable filtration units are compatible with most aqueous and organic solutions, including methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, and acetonitrile. For full chemical compatibility, please go to /milliporecompatibility .SpecificationsMaterialsHousing: Polypropylene HousingFunnel capacity: 250 mL maximumConnections: Funnel inlet/GL45 Bottle Thread Color: TransparentMembrane Size: Fits most 47 mm cut disc filters (Membranes sold separately)Sterility: Non-SterileK Figure 2.Ordering InformationThis section contains catalogue numbers for Millicup™-FLEX filter units. You can purchase these products on-line at/products.Description Qty/Pk Product Number Millicup™-FLEX 47 mm disposable filter cup, Semi-reusable10 funnels, 2 collars, 2 adapters MCFLX4702 Millicup™-FLEX 47 mm disposable filter cup, Single Use10 funnels, 10 collars, 10 adapters MCFLX4710Visit /milliporefiltration for a complete list of cut disc membranes.Good Manufacturing PracticesThis product was manufactured in a Merck facility which adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices standards. Special emphasis has been placed on cleanliness and environmental control conditions.ISO 9001 Quality StandardThis product was manufactured in a Merck facility whose Quality Management System is approved by an accredited registering body to ISO 9001 Quality System Standard.NoticeWe provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve our customers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose.Technical AssistanceVisit the tech service page on our web site at /techservice.Contact InformationFor the location of the office nearest you, go to /offices.Standard WarrantyThe applicable warranty for the products listed in this publication may be found at/terms (‘Conditions of Sale”).The vibrant M, Millipore, Isopore, Durapore, Omnipore, Mitex, Express PLUS PES,MF-Millipore and Millicup are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germanyor its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.©2019 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.PR05503, Rev. 02/19。


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B = BSP thread N = NPT thread S = SAE thread F = SAE flange 3000 psi PORT SIZE 03 = 3/8" 04 = 1/2" 06 = 3/4" 08 = 1"
H3 D1 H4
Tank mounting pattern

45 °
45 °
FRA 51 - 52 - 53 - 5D
D4 D4 D2 D2 P P
Tank mounting pattern
30 °
30 °
B N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X
N = NBR Nitrile F = FKM Fluoroelastomer
FA = fiber 5 m(c) >1.000 FB = fiber 7 m(c) >1.000 FC = fiber 12 m(c) >1.000 FD = fiber 21 m(c) >1.000 CC = cellulose 10 m >2 CD = cellulose 25 m >2 ME = wire mesh 60 m CLOGGING INDICATOR 01=1/8" port, plugged 30 = press. gauge, rear connection 32 = press. gauge, bottom connection P1 = SPDT, press. switch ACCESSORIES W = without P = with filling plug X ACCESSORIES X = no other accessory available
FRA11 FRA21 FRA31 FRA32 FRA33 FRA41 FRA42 FRA51 FRA52 FRA53 FRA5D 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” - 3/4” 3/4” - 1” 3/4” - 1” 1”- 1”1/4 - 1”1/2 1”- 1”1/4 - 1”1/2 1”1/4 - 1”1/2 - 2” - 2”1/2 1”1/4 - 1”1/2 - 2” - 2”1/2 2” - 2”1/2 2” - 2”1/2
6,5 6,5 9 9 9 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5
40 50 67 67 67 95 95 115 115 115 115
59 80 102 150 234 248 265 178 240 285 300
16 20 25 25 30 50 30 50 50 50 50
FA FA FA FA FA = fiber 5 m(c) FB FB FB FB FB = fiber 7 m(c) FC FC FC FC FC = fiber 12 m(c) FD FD FD FD FD = fiber 21 m(c) CC CC CC CC CC = cellulose 10 m CD CD CD CD CD = cellulose 25 m ME ME ME ME ME = wiremesh60 m 01 30 32 P1 W P X 01 30 32 P1 W P X 01 30 32 P1 W P X 01 with FKM seals, the first digit 30 of the indicator code is a letter 32 (please see page 184 - 185). P1 W P X
B BYPASS VALVE B = 170 kPa (1,7 bar) SEALS
10 = 1"1/4 (F10 not available) 12 = 1"1/2 (** F12 available for FRA4+ only) 16 = 2"(F16 not available) 20 = 2"1/2 (F20 only)
FRA 11 - 21 - 31 - 32 - 33
D4 D2 D4 D2
Tank mounting pattern
FRA 41 - 42
D4 D4 D2 D2
X N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X
B N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X
B N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X
B N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X
30 20 10 0
100 150
350 400 450 l/min
550 600 650
700 750
N.B. All the curves have been obtained with mineral oil having a kinematic viscosity 30 cSt and specific gravity 0,9 kg/dm3; for fluids with different features, please consider the factors described in the first part of this catalogue. All the curves are obtained from test done at the UFI HYDRAULIC DIVISION Laboratory, according to the specification ISO 3968:2005. In case of discrepancy, please check the contamination level, viscosity and features of the fluid in use.
90 120 150 190 270 289 306 250 315 355 370
0,30 0,45 0,80 0,95 1,10 2,10 2,30 3,10 3,60 4,10 4,30
TYPE F = FILTER COMPLETE B = FILTER HOUSING FAMILY, NOMINAL SIZE & LENGTH PORT TYPE F B 11 B N 03 F B 21 B N S 04 F B 31 B N S 04 06 F B 32 B N S 06 08 F B 33 B N S 06 08 F B 41 B N S 08 10 (**) B N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X F B 42 B N S F B 51 B N S F F B 52 B N S F F B 53 B N S F F B
08 10 10 (**) 12 16 20 B N F FA FB FC FD CC CD ME 01 30 32 P1 W P X B N F
10 12 16 20 B N F
16 20 B N F
16 20 (*) special mounting pattern, B N F
pls ask for relevant information
12 22 28 28 28 35 35 55 55 55 55
33 33 47 47 47 56 56 69 69 69 69
9 9 10 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 13
1/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2”
FILTER HOUSING PRESSURE DROP (mainly depending on the port size)
Δp (bar) Δp (kPa)
3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1”1/4 1”1/2 2”
0,3 0,2 0,1
min max D2 D2
50 67 89 89 89 126 126 174 174 174 174 50 68 90 90 90 131 131 180 180 180 180
12 24 28 28 40 40 40 50 63,5 63,5 63,5
80 90 115 115 115 175 175 220 220 220 220
800 750 650 600 550 500
[l/min] 1,5 < v < 4 m/s Recommended range